#[ SNAP: beatriz ]
mmollymercury · 2 years
💎 & 🎥 would love to know your answers :)
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💎 - trivia/fun facts abt hyperfixation
How the crew spent 5 years making the film, talking to therapist in order to get everything right. And just all the details that come from colombian culture, that are everywhere in the film: how Mira points with her lips, Camilo snaps his fingers in excitement, the hand movements when angry- everything!
The fact that John Leguizamo was drunk when he recorded Bruno singing😭😭😭
Pepa's VA and Félix's VA's heights are reversed compared to their characters.
How Stephanie Beatriz was in labour when she recorded "waiting on a miracle"
Also, Stephanie was originally going to be Luisa but once they saw how she was irl they changed her role to Mira🦋
Of course, who would I be if I didn’t mention Bruno and Sid? Headcanon that he used Sid's voice to entertain the kids when they were younger💞
Isabela's power was originally growing potatoes!
Pepa's cigarettes in the concept art.
Antonio's animals have canonical names. Example: the toucan is called Pico. Theory: Pico flew into Brunos tower, looking for Mirabel, then chose to stay a little longer to keep an eye her, because of Antonio, Mirabel and Antonio have a close bound so maybe he asked for her, then, maybe the rats heard from Pico that she was in Bruno’s room and followed her, I don't see why they'd have needed to go in there before that.
Agustín's clothes show how he came from a wealthy family. He was an outsider in the Encanto. So that, combined with his clumsiness, probably didn't do him any favours in really impressing Abuela. No wonder it took Alma a bit to jive with him completely but you can tell she does now, example: how she looks to him and asks him to play music to liven up the room again. She could've easily asked Félix, he's a happy, infectious personality but the chose Agustín, that shows that she trusts him. Said it before and I’ll say it again: imo, her opinion of him changed when she found out he had a talent for playing piano.
In concept stages, Félix and Agustín were going to get powers once they joined the family.
Félix has always been on good terms with Alma so, he was instantly accepted and approved when he and Pepa fell in love.
Félix's and Agustín's natal families are still alive and live in Encanto!
Agustín was born on father's day💘
Isabela was born on August 7th, which is the day two colombian celebrations take place: the Battle of Boyacá and the Medellín Flower Festival.
Félix means "Happy" in Latin. And it really suits him 💓💓
Bruno could've been named Oscar yeah- but he could've also been named Emo
How there was a deliberate effort for the lead character to not have a comical sidekick. I love that, when the toucan flew into the tower with Mira, I was disappointed that he'd be her funny animal sidekick, when he flew away I was so happy!! And so relieved that the movie said: no, Mirabel and her family can carry this themselves.
In 2018 the crew took an extensive trip to Colombia to make everything accurate!
A 'madrigal' is a musical term and is used when people sing on top of eachother, which is what happens in 'We don't talk about Bruno'.
Most of the VAs are colombian-born/colombian-descent actors
Dolores clapping with her fingertips because of her hearing.
Alma has a speaking voice actor and a singing voice actor I would've never known tf!
📽 - fav scenes
Favourite scenes(I'm just writing as they come to my head so these will be out of order lol)
Waiting on a miracle
This part specifically:
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Always gives me goosebumps and when I was able to see Encanto in cinemas, it was just even more amazing AAHHH😭💖
The beginning vs the end/Alma's romanticised version of how the miracle was born and what actually happened:
Bruno’s reveal + him almost falling over after he jumped over the gorge.
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What she actually looked like is just so powerful it's amazing. Her face, how she collapses- my HEART.
And of course this part too:
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No words, just perfection.
Then directly after that: 'he sent me you' has brought me so close to tears so many times I can't even describe-😭
And the music as the light slowly gets brighter as Mirabel tells Alma how important she is to the family. The hug and how Mira smiles and holds on like she's been waiting for this her whole life- AND THEN ALL THE BUTTERFLIES-
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How the butterflies all fly to the gap in the mountains, showing how this is a good thing and walls are literally being broken and people are finally talking to eachother-
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Absolute goosebumps in 'what else can I do', when Isa hugs Mira and then they skydive through the air, whip and nae nae around one of those spinny wind things; then land in a pile of flowers.
Directly followed by the fight that is so real and amazing it's criminal.
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Honestly I could be here all day so this is a SEVERELY SHORTENED LIST but I think the scene that genuinely hits me the most is this part in all of you:
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Isabela finally giving Mirabel love and support- and how amazing this must feel for Mira, it makes mY eyes SWEAT. "We see how brave you've been" just has so much POWER behind it, imagine finally being validated after being pushed down and ignored like- yes! I have been brave! I do burn bright! OMFG😭
The call back to Antonio's ceremony & Mirabel’s all in one- I CAN'T. Imagine how out of this world and amazed Mira felt when she put the doorknob in and then EVERYTHING GLOWED. like that literally makes my heart ache,,,,
And just the whole family in general doing this for her I CANT DESCRIBE IT, ITS BEAUTIFUL, ITS PERFECT, IT GIVES ME LIFE.
"I see, me. All of me."
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 years
a trip downstairs
1.3k, G, Diana/Zatanna, Pre-Relationship fluff
Diana needs Zatanna's help identifying an artifact. This is not the first time she's called on for Zatanna's help in this matter. However, the tiny favors pile up and have Zatanna wondering what Diana's end goal is. Especially since she knows Diana doesn't need her help for many of the missions she handles.
Is Zatanna being used as a mysical encylopedia, or is there something else going on?
Pridewrites Day 5 - using both occult and cryptid.
           Zatanna hadn’t glanced up from the tome she casually flicked through after hearing the large, oak double doors of the Justice League Dark sanctum creak open. All day it acted like a turnstile. Detective Chimp ambled in with one bottle of midnight black scotch tucked under arm he brought from his bar, Oblivion. Nelson Kent and Khalid floating by, with their capes fluttering behind them, discussing the intricacies of spell craft in that special way they do; being mentor and mentee, uncle and nephew, former and current Doctor Fate. Even John burst onto the scene in a fog of smoke; staying for only a few minutes before leaving in the same manner he arrived, muttering about antique wardrobes and blustering docents. Each new entrant left Zatanna be, and she returned the nicety. She figured whoever it was would do the same.
           She was wrong.
           A hand set itself on the page she recognized as not her own. Zatanna’s gaze trailed off the glyphs and traveled up the tanned, slender fingers. She skimmed the silver bracelets and continued forward, following the curves and ridges of her biceps until finally meeting her bemused stare and quirked lips.
           Diana leaned her hip against the desk. “Zatanna.”
           “Diana. What bring you down here?”
           “I have a favor to ask.” Diana removed her hand from Zatanna’s tome and began digging inside a sack that sat at her feet Zatanna hadn’t noticed was there. Zatanna tempered her disappointment as Diana revealed a stone statue with miniature cracks along the joints that were chiseled over the years by the heavy hand of time. “Can you discern the type of creature this statue was carved to resemble?”
           Zatanna closed her work, letting Diana place the statue down. She didn’t take it from the Amazon. It looked heavier than she could carry and confirmed this as she began her inspection. It required greater strength than Zatanna had, but also patience to not snap it with brutal application.
           She rubbed a gentle thumb along the figure’s chest. “This is excellent stone craft. Where did you find it?”
           “On the outskirts of a shrine nestled in the Amazon.”
           “Was it a shrine within the Esquecida territory?”
           “No, it was far from Akahim and any of the other outposts.” Diana chuckled, flicking the cheek of the statue. “Besides, if it were – would I not have gone there instead of bothering you with such a simple task?”
           “You’re never a bother, Diana.” Zatanna ignored the curling warmth bubbling beneath the surface of her skin, mouthing the words for a glamour that hid how rosy her cheeks grew. She hoped Diana didn’t notice. She was too afraid to check, and instead focused on her examination.
           Most of its distinguishing features had been worn down over time. Its expressionless face with distinguished brow stared straight ahead. Fists were connected to hips as if the carver forgot to separate them. A noticeable penis still hung between its legs, telling Zatanna that whoever this statue was of they were most likely male. Beyond that, though, the only other features that stood out to her were the fins jutting from the forearms and backs of thighs, as well as a noticeable dimple cratered atop the head Zatanna suspected to be intentional.
           She had an idea what this statue honored. Reading the inscription at the bottom, in an ancient language she’s seen half-a-dozen times in books much like the one Diana interrupted her reading, confirmed what she thought.
           “What were you doing down there anyhow?”
           “Beatriz DeCosta – Fire – she called for some help with a rash of disappearances amongst her former colleagues in Rio.”
           “Beautiful women kidnapped?”
           “It would seem.”
           “Surprised this isn’t international news, then.”
           Diana sighed, slumping forward further and pushing her hair to one side so it didn’t hide her face from Zatanna. The curve of Diana’s exposed neck, free of the lush, curtaining tresses, caused Zatanna’s spell to falter under the increased strain of heat.
           She maintained the illusion.
           “Batman and I tracked the kidnappers to the very shrine this statue came from, but that’s where the trail went cold. He couldn’t find any of the usual markers of transportation, both standard and advanced; his assumptions turned to magic. We both figured you might be able to help.”
           “Of course…” Doubt wrestled within Zatanna’s chest, a feeling she hated associating with the Amazon Princess. It would not bow. In fact, at this moment, it clamored with an intense fury. Worse, Zatanna agreed with its rantings. That there was an odd bent to Diana’s logic she couldn’t explain.
           Unfortunately, Diana noticed this unease. “Can you not divine the creature?”
           “What? Oh, no.” Zatanna straightened in her seat, steepling her fingers under chin. “It’s an Encantado. Evil Amazonian dolphins that can shapeshift and kidnap girls.”
           “Then what troubles you?”
           “That you had to come to me at all for this.”
           Diana frowned, the pleasant bow of her lips turning down. “If I really did come at a bad time, you could’ve said –“
           Zatanna cut her off with a raised hand. “I meant what I said, about it not being a bother. But Diana… you didn’t need my help with this.”
           “How so?”
           “I’m sure the Esquecida have more first-hand experience with the Encantado, seeing as they share the same waters. Even if it weren’t Encantado committing these kidnappings, their expertise in South American folklore and creatures is vastly superior to my general knowledge of global magical beings. And, speaking of knowledge Diana, if I had to say one person who knows more about myths and legends than me… is you.” Zatanna dragged her finger across the indented letters along the statues base. “You’ve also read languages far older than this, translating them perfectly.”
           It’s not usual someone catches her, Diana, in the midst of an act. Less so for someone to call her out. Zatanna did both. Now she waits to hear Diana’s reasoning for her actions, hoping it wasn’t what her gut feared.
           Diana mulled over her words before speaking. She stared at the statue as she began. “I just wanted to have a reason to see you.”
           Oh. “You wanted to… see me?”
           She chuckled, turning from the statue to pin Zatanna with an apprehensive gaze, highlighted by ruddy cheeks that would match Zatanna’s if not for her spell. “It’s a poor excuse, yes, but with everything that has happened as of late… me, stepping away from Justice League Dark to tend to other matters… we don’t see each other much, lately. I missed you.”
           “Well, I…” Zatanna was better than this. She spoke backwards, on stage, with thousands of eyes watching her every move and ten different spotlights burning her alive night after night. Why was this so hard. “I miss you, too.”
           “You do?”
           “Of course.” Her words were like sunlight on a closed flower blossom, Diana opening up and her color brightening. It triggered a similar response in her. That doubt was smothered in the many, unfolding petals. “You know… you don’t have to invent excuses to see me. This place isn’t off-limits for only matters of the occult, like I’m sure upstairs isn’t filled with talk about world-shattering crises.”
           “It isn’t, but…” Diana glanced about the space, “sometimes it feels wrong, to talk about other matters here.”
           “Then we could always meet elsewhere.”
           Diana perked. “You want to go out?”
           She heard the spell fizzle, and Zatanna fully knew her beet-red face gave her true nervousness away. Zatanna hemmed and hawed while trying to rephrase Diana’s question in a way that didn’t give herself false hope. “We can hang… go get lunch, or dinner. Take a walk at a park, or even go out dancing –“
           “Great,” Diana grabbed the statue, stuffing it back inside the bag she brought it in and swinging it over her shoulder. “First, let me deal with the Encantado issue, then we can plan our date. I’ll be back soon!”
           She flew from the room, leaving Zatanna to deal with her astonishment alone.
           “…What just happened?”
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queenretcon · 3 years
WAIT -- I haven't read most of the 90s stuff yet, but I thought Fire DID come out? Maybe I'm misinterpreting or taking this panel out of context though, I'm not really sure where or when it's from:
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Perhaps your power is already starting to have an effect!!!!!
I almost want to leave you with this (beautiful, wonderful, preferable) misconception, but since you asked
Bea essentially pauses at her open closet door just long enough to be shoved back in. Shoved back in by canon GuyBea. Comics is a nightmare hellscape from which we will never escape.
Summary of this arc under the cut!
I try to avoid taking about this run, despite how important a lot of this canon is both to Bea as a character and to me as a person, because it was written by Gerard Jones who went to prison on CSAM charges. This run is out of print (hopefully forever) along with Jones other numerous contributions to JLI. That’s important context I want to let people know about upfront.
I think if this story arc happened now, it would actually be understood as a coming out arc—just one with a homophobic ending. But this happened in the 90s, and Bea is chained to the male gaze in this era (so obviously her attraction to men can’t be questioned or tainted), so it didn’t have a lasting impact on the way the character was written going forward.
The basic plot is that Sigrid Nansen (the original Icemaiden) becomes active as a hero again shortly after Tora dies. Bea hears about this and drops everything to find her, hoping it will be Tora. For a good part of this arc, Bea is essentially using Sigrid as a replacement for Tora; she’s fucked up by grief and here is this person it’s so easy to pretend is a second chance at protecting Tora. She gets kind of controlling towards Sigrid, but she acknowledges this and apologizes. The narrative holds her accountable while being sympathetic to what she’s going through. Sigrid is bisexual, and pretty much immediately goes ‘ohhhh you were in love with Tora, but you don’t know that’ and she sets to work trying to help Bea deal with her grief and come to terms with her sexuality.
Beas says some really fucking gay shit in this run. I’m just going to paste this page from Justice League America #107 in its entirety because oh my fucking god.
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For the record, Sigrid is less ‘single white female’ than this panel implies. Here she’s essentially ‘giving Bea what she wants’ in the hopes Bea will realize she doesn’t actually want a relationship with a facsimile of Tora. And she does! Bea snaps back to the yell-y bitch I love so dearly. It’s clearly a pivotal moment, and the set-up for more. Aaaaand then the plot line drops off suddenly. Bea and Sigrid are around, frequently together, but no more is discussed, until the second to last issue! Where the books approaches that other plotline Bea’s involved in: fucking & deciding to date Guy Gardner in Warrior. Gross.
I firmly believe this was intended as a coming out arc for Bea, and I suspect the intention was for Sigrid and her to be together by the end. Instead, as frequently happens in comics, another book derailed the plot. The wrap-up of Sigrid (& Nuklon)’s plot(s) reference the fact they . . . both still think she’s into girls. I also still think she’s into girls. This is because she's into girls.
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But Sigrid & Bea’s last conversation focuses on how Sigrid wants Bea to be happy, Bea has been given closure, blah blah, platitudes to set the stage for Sigrid to run off with her suddenly introduced female love interest, and Bea can go fuck a man who has always repulsed her!
I can’t find the issue source for the image you sent—which is driving me insane—but I do believe it’s from this run (it’s by the series artist). If someone else has a source, especially if it’s not from this run and there’s more content with then I haven’t gotten to, please let me know.
But, anyways, Beatriz da Costa’s attracted to girls; she’s just not allowed to say it.
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doodleimprovement · 2 years
AHIT Victorian AU :: Act 2 :: Rumor Has it..
At last - the Finale!
Enjoy some wholesome goodness... for now :)c
Everyone was whispering
Harriet kept looking around suspiciously at the different employees that were muttering almost incoherently to each other. It was starting to drive her mad - it had been going on all day!
“What do you think is going on?” Harriet asked Morgan, the two of them carrying linens to the closet after being dried. 
“Beats me!” 
Hattie sighed “ugh, its weird” 
“It is. You think there’s like, a party happening?” 
“Wouldn’t we know already?” 
Morgan shrugged. 
The girls continued their chores as the day went on, and the whispering continued. 
Hattie grumbled in response for the next hour. 
“Why are all the adults WHISPERING?!” The girl snapped at her sister, who startled slightly 
“Uh, I think they’re excited about something?” 
“But what?!”*
“Well I saw Lord Lukas whispering with Lord Markus, maybe they know?” 
“Hmm… We should ask!” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Of course!” 
Harriet didn’t wait for Beatriz to say much more, pulling her along and down the hallway towards the lord’s study. 
“LORD LUKAS!!!” She called out, her tone unafraid of her boss
“Ah, there she is” She heard Lord Markus amusedly comment. 
“Markus, please” 
The girls entered the study. Where the men were standing back by the large windows. 
“What’s everybody whisperin’ about??” Hattie stomped her foot “No one’ll tell me!” 
“Oooh, so it has become a rumor” Markus nodded. 
“What’s become a rumor?” Beatriz tilted her head. 
“My paperwork, it seems” Lukas answered “I only just got everything finalized, but there is one more piece that I need to have signed.” 
“Well why’s everyone whisperin’ about it then?” Harriet asked, “I gotta know!” 
“How have your reading lessons been going?” 
Hattie was taken aback by the seeming change in topic 
“Uh, good? Bow and I can read books if we work together” 
Beatriz nodded in agreement. 
“Then… “ The lord of the manor took a paper off of his desk “Give it a read for yourself.”
Harriet gave him a skeptical look, but took the paper, and held it up between her and Beatriz. 
“Cer-tif-ic-ate of Con-sent” She sounded out 
There were a lot of long words, and legal-ese that stated what consent was.
Markus’ brow was raised as they continued to read, getting to the end. 
“And with this doc-u-ment” Hattie read, “I agree to join the Aru-” 
“Arelius” Beatriz corrected
“Arelius… family” Harriet stared down at it with wide eyes. Beatriz was grinning. 
“Arelius family? Like, your family?” 
“Our family” Lukas nodded, lowering himself onto one knee to make eye contact. “If you’d like” 
Beatriz was grinning from ear to ear, eager “Can we??” 
Lukas nodded 
Harriet meanwhile, had a strange, unreadable expression. 
“... Really?” She voiced, meekly. 
Lukas offered his hand to her, and she took it 
“You are the one that said I would make a good father, Harriet” He reminded her “Perhaps we can skip pretense and legalize that.” 
“... Really?” 
“Harriet” He got her to look at him “You and I both know that I have a hard time with my emotions-” 
“-But that’s not your fault” 
“That's not the point” he sighed “I am trying, with actions, to show you what I have a hard time expressing with my words. You and Beatriz bring me happiness. I wish to bring you into the family. Formally.” he repeated “Would you like that?” 
The girl looked like she was about to cry, and he wondered, briefly, if he had been too presumptuous; if she hadn’t meant it; if-
“Ye-he-hessss” She reached over and practically tackled him “Y-es please!!” 
The smile that overcame Lukas’ face was a level of joy Markus had not seen in quite a long time.
Beatriz got in on the hug as well, and his brother seemed to glow with paternal affection.
Marcus made sure to give them a minute before he said anything. 
“Okay!” he clapped. “Let's get this paperwork done! I want to be called “Uncle” within this lifetime, brother!” 
Lukas let out a light laugh, and the hug was separated, grabbing his inkwell pen, motioning for the girls to approach his desk. 
The children were sat up on his chair, and he walked them through writing their names carefully, and when it was signed, he mentioned he fully intended on framing it. 
Harriet whined a bit at the embarrassing display, but Markus couldn’t help but feel excited for the future. 
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Hii, I'm Beatriz, 21 and I'm new here!! am looking for new friends and maybe something else? studying to be a scientist but in my spare time i'm an artist. If u love Scorpions, Aerosmith, Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chili Peppers or Arctic Monkeys, send me a message :)
Snap: beatrice_maia
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/beatrice_maia?si=3a653fe34faa4ee9
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One, Two Punch
Pairing: Ben Miller x Reader, kinda. Flirtationship more than a relationship Rating: Somewhere between T and M? Summary: After knowing Ben for barely two months, you’re invited to attend one of his fights. Length: ~2k words Warnings: Swearing, mentions of alcohol, vague descriptions of legally sanctioned violence, vague mentions of masturbation. Taglist:  @firefeatherx @goldenhour-goldenboy @mandoplease @mylifeliterally @phoenixhalliwell @havenforafrazzledmind @living-reminder @beatriz-silva-00 @pascalz @worldominatorx @givemethatgold @agirllovespancakes @lilacyennefer @dignityneeded @veuliee @briskywalker @the-bird-suit @mapache-lector @skylyknightly (let me know if you want to be +/-) Note: For the anon from yesterday. If you see this, I love you and if you want me to keep posting old fics, please let me know.
The day you’re invited to watch one of Ben Miller’s fights, it feels like a rite of passage.
The boys go quiet when he drops the question. So quiet, in fact, you wonder if you mistook the invitation for a marriage proposal. Suddenly extremely interested in their respective drinks, they sneak glances in your direction in the moments following. Ben’s eyes, clear and bright and… have they always been that blue? They root you to the spot, pinning you without him needing to lift a finger.
“Sure,” you say, shrugging off the odd looks and your own uncertainty. “Sounds fun.”
The fight isn’t for another three weeks, but Will practically has to drag Ben out of the bar by the collar whilst claiming that prep starts now. Once the door is soundly closed behind the Millers, Santiago and Frankie take turns explaining that Ben has never invited anyone to his fights. Well, not for a while, at least. They run you through what you’re sure is an abbreviated version of their last experience with this.
Long story short: he invited one of his previous flings to a fight, she left before the match ended with nothing more than a text letting him know that she didn’t think it would work, and they never heard from her again.
You swipe a finger down the glass–it’s started sweating condensation since they started talking. You rub the moisture between your fingertips, then take a sip, welcoming the burn as the tequila warms its way down your throat. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Because it’s a big deal,” Santiago says. “A big fucking deal.”
You get it, they’re more than friends to Ben. They’re his teammates, the people he trusts more than anyone in the world to watch his back. You suppose that’s precisely what they’re doing, now. You suspect that if you were to bail out like the previous girl did, they wouldn’t let you off so easy.
Not that you would. It’s just… a lot to take in.
“I get it,” you say with a smile. “I break his heart, you break my neck, right?”
Frankie lifts his glass in a toast. “I knew you were a fast learner.”
The following Tuesday evening finds you knocking on Ben’s door for your usual burger run. It’s probably too early to call it a tradition, but you’re relationship with Ben, thus far, is comprised primarily of spontaneous adventures such as this. Every Tuesday for the past three weeks you’ve gotten together to eat greasy foods and talk and laugh together. So it’s worth a shot, right?
Except when Will opens the door.
“Hey, Y/N,” he says cordially, if not a bit bewildered.
“Y/N!” you hear Ben’s unmistakable voice call from further within. “Come in!”
Will steps aside, vacating enough space for you to pass. You step over the threshold, your eyes immediately landing on the small dining table to your right. And the… grain bowl he’s eating?
“I see you’ve already got dinner taken care of,” you note with a small laugh. You’re more entertained by the sight than you are upset by the fact that burger night will have to wait.
Ben’s face falls, and his fork clatters to the table. “Shit,” he scrambles to pull his phone from his pocket. “Shit.” He unlocks it, hits a few buttons, then slides it back into his jeans.
A few seconds later, your own phone’s screen lights up with an unread text. You open it and read:
have 2 take a rain check on burgers 2nite. wills got me on this ‘clean eating’ diet before the fight.
You hold up the phone for him to see, “Got it.”
Ben says a bit sheepishly, “Forgot to send it. Selective memory. Sorry.”
As much as you want to be sad that your night out has been postponed, you’re more touched by the fact that of all the things on his mind, that was one of them.
“He needs to get into work mode,” Will fills the silence as Ben shovels a heap of quinoa and chicken into his mouth and makes a show of gagging on it. “Gotta keep him focused on eating better and training.”
You think about the pack of beers you’d bought and stored in your fridge. “I take it that means no alcohol, either.”
“Nope,” the brothers answer in unison–Ben with notably more disdain than Will.
“I was winning fights before you put me on this diet, you know,” Ben grumbles around his food.
“Doesn’t mean you still shouldn’t be taking care of yourself when your putting that much wear and tear on your body.” Will points at his younger brother. “Eat.”
“You’re worse than mom.”
Ben groans and heaps some more food into his mouth. “I’m not worried,” he says half to himself.
You see it then. In his eyes, he’s focused and somewhere that isn’t quite here. You look at the hard lines around his mouth and suddenly wish you could take your thumb and run it across his lower lip, card your fingers through the unruly hair he dutifully keeps under the protection of his hat. One look at his face, and you know his mind has wandered somewhere similar.
Want, need, desire, call it what you will. All that and more churns in your gut.
Will clears his throat, pulling you two back from where you teeter on the edge of the gutter and back to the present. “We’ll worry about it when it’s time to worry about it. There’s nothing we can do right now except prepare. It’ll turn out how it turns out. And if Ben does what he’s supposed to, it’ll turn out well.”
“Win that fight, Benjamin,” you tease, turning back towards the door. “And we’ll get those burgers.”
You feel his eyes burning into your back long after the door shuts behind you.
You don’t feel ashamed of the moment you and Ben shared. That nagging in your chest is a far cry from shame. You’d outgrown that long ago. The look you’d shared, the thoughts you had and knew he had were mild in comparison to what you knew you wanted.
You knew the look in his eyes, that unspoken promise for something more–something you completely, unabashedly craved–and your carefully placed tethers would fray and fray and fray until there was nothing to hold you back. He didn’t need distractions right now, you wanted to respect that.
That didn’t make it any less miserable.
It only takes three days before it grows so unbearable that you take matters into your own hands.
Overheated and nearly frantic, you toss and turn in bed that night until your tank top and short clink and chafe against your slightly sweaty body. You try counting the minutes until sleep takes you. But minutes turn to hours with no sign of relief.
Need crawls over you, slithering under your skin. It doesn’t take much to imagine his face, that it’s his hands on your skin, inside–
But that release only leaves you hollow–unsatisfied.
You make a point to keep your distance for the remainder of that week. Until the day of the fight, actually. By then, the tether is pulled so tight that you fear it might snap at one wrong move.
Later, you remind yourself. That unfinished business will come later.
The air is thick with the mingled scents of liquor, body odor, and several variants of cheap cologne. And it’s so hot. People move around you in groups, and the floor beneath your feet is sticky from some spilled drink that hadn’t been properly cleaned. The heavy beat of a rock song slam against your chest, and as you look around you think you see more tattoos than skin, more leather than jeans, and more filled cups than empty hands.
You’re not scared. Far from it, actually. The energy of the crowd feeds your own, the music heightening your excitement as you follow Frankie and Santiago through the crowd and squeeze yourselves into an open spot right in front of the cage. One of them, you can’t tell who, shoves a drink into your hand and tells you its on them.
You hold the beverage, but don’t partake as the referee begins to announce the next fighter. The first thing you see is a flash of red shorts.
Perhaps it’s for show, watching Ben make his way from the door to the cage, swaying his shoulders with each step, his eyes locked on it and nothing else as heavy metal blasts around you. You don’t exist to him. Not right now. Regardless, heat pools in your stomach. 
He takes is sweet time peeling off his shirt and stretching his shoulders. He turns away from you so Will can help him into his gloves, allowing you a full view of that gloriously muscled back. You admire each line of muscle, each movement he makes as he turns and enters the ring. To hell with all the people around you. You want that. You want that over you, under you, all around you. You could touch him everywhere at once and it still wouldn’t be enough to satisfy you–
His eyes find you in the crowd, and he winks.
If it was socially acceptable to swoon, you might have.
Maybe you did, anyway.
The fight itself doesn’t last long. At one point you set your untouched drink down, then promptly kick it over when you leap to your feet to cheer.
Even then, you can’t help but clinch every time someone lands a hit, skin reddening and bruising, breathing labored and shallow until a hand is being lifted in the air in victory. It’s Ben’s.
You wait outside the lockers with the guys. Santiago is weaving a tale from his days in Brazil that you’re only half paying attention to. You remain standing off to the side, sipping a lukewarm water, watching.
It takes a while for Ben to come out. The blood has been cleaned from his face and, remarkably, the only lasting mark is a purple-blue bruise above his cheekbone. But he’s grinning ear to ear, and he pulls first Santiago, then Frankie into a bear of a hug. You see his face over their shoulders, how hie eyes still veritably glow with the same energy you’d seen in the ring.
You push yourself from the wall you’re leaning against, and step up to them. Ben’s eyes meet yours as if by gravitational pull.
You’d felt drawn to him since the day you’d met. But this is like meeting him for the first time. A dim hallway. The crowd slowly draining out from the gymnasium. You, holding a cup of piss-poor excuse for water, and him.
The boys quietly let Ben know that they’ll catch up with him later, and melt into the meandering crowd.
The shift in his expression makes it achingly clear what Ben wants. His gaze lingers, now. His shoulders seem broader as he steps towards you, his gym bag over one shoulder, his other arm extended for you. 
“Let’s go.” His voice is different in the aftermath of the fight. You can see the adrenaline still pumping in the way his eyes lock on you.
You find your way to his body, and let him guide you outside. His hand sneaks around your waist and under your shirt, his fingers digging into the skin above your hipbone. He guides your steps with a fierceness, and as soon as you make it back to his car, his hand wanders lower, lower.
He tosses his bag into his car, refusing to let you go. Another swift motion has you pinned between the heat of his body and the side of the car.
He’s in front of you, caging you in, his fingers lingering at the waistband of your leggings, his shirt damp from the shower he just took, hair dangling over his forehead. You clamp your hands down on his biceps, digging your fingers into skin and muscle and him.
You barely have time to register it all before his lips crash into yours, and the empire of your longing comes crashing down.
Yes, you could stand to be with this for a little longer.
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Flower cards inspired KitTy Fan Fic - Chapter 2
To celebrate the release of Ty’s flower card, I decided to write a KitTy Fan Fic inspired by both Kit and Ty’s latest flower cards. Surprise, surprise, I call it “Am I forgotten?” I hope you’ll enjoy it!
If you prefer reading it on AO3, Link is here. AO3 Link - Am I forgotten?
Here is Chapter 2 “Meet Tiberius Nero Blackthorn”
Tiberius was exhausted. He had fallen asleep typing his weekly report, his forehead resting on the keyboard, until Irene had woken him up with a chastising groan. He had crawled into bed and slipped under the blanket, shivering, until Irene had curled up against him, providing him with an extra layer of warmth.
Irene was not the only one to scold him. Both Livvy and Anush kept telling him that he worked too hard, that he ought to take a break. Leave others to handle some of his missions. But Ty knew he could not leave it to anyone else. He didn’t trust anyone else to be ready to go above and beyond to uncover the secrets of the First Heir’s powers. He didn’t trust anyone else with these secrets.
He knew he was being reckless sometimes, risking his life to tackle any threat to the descendant of the First Heir’s safety. Ty didn’t mind. Ty didn’t matter. All that mattered was him.
Except, he was not always alone. Most of the time, he asked Anush to stay safely at the Scholomance to draft the reports, so that he could read and amend them afterwards. Sometimes though, he needed Anush to come with him. And those times, he was not only risking his own life, but his friend’s as well. And this mission in New York was one of them.
“You knew the damage it might do. You only thought of yourself,” said a voice in his head. His voice.
There it was. This was exactly what Ty was. Selfish.
He also remembered the words that had followed this statement, repeating over and over in his head, like a broken record.
“i wish I’d never known you.“ Tears started to prick the back of Ty’s eyes.
He reached for his headphones and stopped mid-motion. Anush would not mind, he was used to it. But Simon… Simon was nice enough to show them around the Institute and it would be rude to him. He grabbed his pendant instead, stroking the heron shape that was now so familiar that he could draw it with his eyes closed.
Ty was only half listening to Simon. He already knew the New York Institute’s layout, like a three-dimensional map stored in his mind, and the tour was for Anush’s sake.
“This is the place where you learn how to channel and use the Force,” said Simon, as he stopped in front of a door. Seeing the blank expression on Anush’s face, he translated. “The Institute’s training room.”
He opened the door and, his eyes widening in surprise, turned to look at Ty and Anush. “I wish Isabelle were here. Only she could grasp the full effect of the reference I just made.”
He sighed wistfully, then opened the door wider, letting them through.
Ty stepped inside… and froze.
Although he was standing with his back to Ty, although he had grown both in size and width, although his muscles had developed to the point of being bulky, there was no mistaking who he was. In the way that he held himself. In the way that his blond waves followed each of his movements. Kit was standing in the middle of the training room, wearing a blindfold, and facing the Institute’s trainer, Beatriz Mendoza. Each of them was wielding a staff. Ty was distantly aware that there were other observers in the room, probably young Shadowhunters training at the New York Institute, but all his attention was focused on Kit.
Ty was brought back to the moment he had met Kit for the first time, in the shady cellar of Johnny Rook’s house. The day he had met this untrained, ordinary mundane – or so he thought – who hadn’t betrayed a flicker of fear although he had a knife pointed against his throat. He had held himself with pride, his eyes glittering with defiance, and Ty had thought, How brave.
He had looked into Kit's blue eyes and something had… clicked. He had recognized him as the piece he was missing. The piece he had always known he was missing, but had no idea where to find.
And he had to admit, he had looked into Kit's blue eyes and, for the first time in his life, had liked what he saw. It was a feeling that was new to him, and that he needed to explore, but it was certainly there.
Through all his bravado, Kit had looked like a wounded animal. A wild wounded animal who needed tending and, most of all, a purpose. All this untamed energy, all this raw force, all this trapped potential needed to be released and to be nurtured.
As Ty gazed at the figure in motion before him, he realized there was nothing fragile about him now. He looked like the ultimate predator.
Kit had the stature of a lion, but his movements were graceful and as fluid as a snake’s.
Kit slowly turned, each of his well defined muscles flexing in synchrony, as he mirrored every move that Beatriz made. It was as if he could see right through the dark cloth that blindfolded him.
Beatriz lunged at him with her staff, and he parried the blow. She swung the stick towards Kit’s stomach, and he arched backwards, his shirt lifting to reveal a pack of perfectly shaped abs.
She stumbled with the momentum but quickly recovered and wheeled her staff at him, aiming again at the center of his body… This time, Kit jumped. And what a jump. Higher than Ty had seen anyone jump. Higher than he thought any human could possibly jump. Kit laughed, the sound echoing in the room that had fallen silent in awe.
Beatriz came at him again. He executed an elegant backflip, landing gracefully on his feet, and spread his arms as if to ask “is this the best you can do?” Cheers broke into the silence.
Through Kit’s relaxed demeanor, Ty could see that his skin was glistening with a sheen of perspiration and that beads of sweat were rolling down his forehead, his neck and his muscular arms, everywhere his skin was not covered by his tank top. Blond curls were plastered to his forehead.
Ty licked his lips. It was chaos inside his chest, his heart playing to the erratic beat of Igor Stravinsky’s Dance of the Young, from The Rite of Spring.
All the blood in his body appeared to have rushed towards the center of his body… A very central part of his anatomy. Still, some blood must have found a way to his cheeks because they were burning.
He swallowed hard.
What the hell was happening to him?
Ty knew he had to get out of here. Fast.
A loud bang resonated across the room as Kit knocked Beatriz down with a single, well-aimed blow. Ty startled and snapped out of his daze. He clutched his heron-shaped pendant, in a mechanical gesture.
Anush chuckled. “I guess you’ll have to pick someone your own size,” he said, as he moved towards Beatriz to help her up.
She ignored his outstretched hand and scrambled up her feet, gazing at him defiantly.
“By all means. I think I have had enough bruises for today. Go ahead. He’s all yours.”
Anush remained unfazed. He smiled at her. “Oh, I am definitely not a better fighter. I was not talking about me.”
He turned to Ty. Oh no, thought Ty.
“Meet Tiberius Nero Blackthorn.”
It all seemed to be happening in slow motion. The room fell silent again and Kit, who was standing with his back to them, froze.
He turned slowly, lifting his free hand to his face, and when he was finally facing them, removed his blindfold. The room dissolved and all Ty could see were blue eyes widened in shock, piercing straight through him.
Tagging (if you’re still interested of course) @naerysthelonesome @nenyx @arangiajoan @adoravel-fenomeno @blindbandit1515 @cherilyn-rose @yozinha-z @serotyunin @eutonyinwhisper @chlo-tk @shadowfae1878 @mikeslibrary  @georgiaherondale  @heloisacosta23   @babydraco04    @ace-ephalopod @nicotheangel17 @thechangeling  @frozenwater28 @babydraco04  @lavender-scented-rat @anxiousnerd300 @justanothermultifandomgirl @darkkitai @mferraz @drmindduct @that-dreamer-girl-m @kitty-appreciation-week
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Here is my 75th anniversary Barbie wearing a custom made outfit made by the ultra talented Beatriz from mydollydolls on Etsy !! The clothes are so well made and finished with tiny metal snaps and zippers.
Here is two outfits, one is perfect for lounging in her dream house, and the second is a travelling outfit !
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They come well packaged and made with care and love. 💗💖💗💖💗
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kayleigh-83 · 3 years
Sims Flashback Challenge
Rules: There isn’t any rules, just snap a photo of two sims, one recent  and one of the oldest you can find and post it! Tag it   #simsflashbackchallenge and @lovelysimies​ so I can see your progress!
@deedee-sims​ tagged me in this one! I'm also a little confused by the rules, so I just picked the oldest screenshot I could find (it technically has more than two Sims but oh well) and then a recent one!
First I found this one from all the way back in 2010! These were my Sims Leah & Dylan Flynn, and their daughter Cassandra as a baby. They were some of my favourite Sims to play.
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Next, here is Beatriz & Michael Silva. I picked them because their current house is actually a recreation of a house Leah & Dylan lived in (not the one in the picture above, a house they moved to later).
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Being lazy and tagging anyone who wants to do this! :p
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lcvelymxnifest · 2 years
A Beatriz Rosero self para Part 2 Ft; Miguel Carvalho and Liam
Tws: Injury, hospital, fire mention, nightmares
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Bea sighed, looking at the clock hanging on the wall across from her bed. Seven minutes, seven long minutes had been all that passed since the last time she looked yet it had felt like a whole hour. It was crazy how slow time passed when they had literally nothing to do but be miserable in a hospital bed, yet even with the lies she had been telling to anyone who asked, she wouldn’t change what had happened. Well, except maybe leaving Liam alone for even a moment. After that though, she wouldn’t change the fact that she ran into that house to save him. Bea in the middle of the night had a slightly different opinion though.
They’d started the first night she actually tried sleeping. It didn’t matter what she did before falling asleep; thinking of things that made her happy, watching something joyful on tv, even having people to talk to beforehand, nothing kept them from coming. The first night, she tried sleeping through them, hoping that each new time she’d fall asleep that maybe they would stay away. The second night she tried positive thinking, only to fall asleep once with a nightmare and not sleep again the rest of the night. There was a point during day three she had thought about having someone stay with her, but didn’t want to be a burden.
It was day four now, her rib still ached and the doctor had informed her it would be possibly another week before she was able to leave. While she tried to stay alert and chipper while the doctor was in the room, the mood changed quickly once they were gone. “Great, another whole week of sleepless nights.” She had grumbled. Maybe being home wasn’t going to help, but with nightmares in the past; Dixie had always been the one to help her and she was hoping that being home with her would help. If the poor thing wasn’t mad at her for leaving her for however long she’d end up stuck in here.
Now she was alone though, but that was partially her fault. She’d requested no visitors for a few hours so that she could hopefully get some kind of rest during the day. Snapping the other day had only made her feel worse about the situation and with how tired she was, she knew her mood would only get worse. Unfortunately, two hours had passed since putting in her request and she hadn’t even been able to shut her eyes for more than a few seconds. Apparently that last hour wasn’t going to be honored as well ‘cause someone had decided they were going to show up regardless.
“Hey, Bea,” Miguel said as he stepped into the doorway of the room. “I requested no visitors, Miguel.” She mumbled, but made sure it was loud enough to hear, her gaze turning to the window once he had come in. “I know, I know and I’m sorry, but this is an important one. I promise.” His voice sounded genuine and it’s not like Bea had any reason not to trust him. Sighing, she turned to look at the doorway and when she saw who was standing there with him, her breath caught in her throat. “Liam.”
“Hi miss Bea,” the young boy greeted, a simple smile on his face, his colorful stuffed lobster tucked under his arm. He looked up at Miguel and it seemed like they were having a silent conversation, to which Miguel nodded. Liam’s smile grew and he went over to Bea’s bed, standing beside it. “His parents are in the waiting room. Said Liam wanted to talk to you himself,” Miguel informed her. “I’m so glad you’re okay. How are you feeling?” Liam asked, his smile fading a bit to show worry on his face.
“Uh, feeling better everyday,” she lied, immediately feeling guilty for lying to him, but she didn’t want him to be upset. “What about you? How are your arms doing?” She asked him. She’d been worried about him when she woke up, but figured she could get an update once she got out of the hospital. “They still kind of hurt at times, but the medicine helps a lot. I think my moms said it’s the same stuff you were gonna use on them.” His smile then completely faded. “Liam, what’s wrong?” The boy's gaze shifted away from her. “I’m sorry, miss Bea. For running into the house and not letting you help, I should have listened to you.”
Bea’s own smile completely disappeared for a second, but as she reached out with her good arm and took Liam’s hand, she gave him a reassuring smile. “Hey, you have nothing to apologize for, okay, kiddo? If I would have known you were an escape artist, I would have kept a better eye on you,” she joked lightly, which thankfully got a smile from Liam. He squeezed her hand gently. “Thank you for saving me,” he began before quickly holding up his stuffed lobster. “Pebbles says thank you too. He says you’re his hero.” He eyed the stuffed lobster, covering where ears would probably be and leaning closer to Bea. “But what he doesn’t know is you’re actually my hero.”
Bea’s smile grew to a more genuine one now. “Anytime Liam, I’d save both of you in a heartbeat anytime.” Liam’s expression changed again and he quickly shook his head. “No! Don’t ever do it again,” Bea could see tears form in his eyes. “I was so worried you weren’t going to come back out of the fire, you were taking more than sixty seconds. I was so scared.” He sniffled. “Hey, don’t cry, buddy. Remember what I told you about the firefighters when you told me Pebbles was still inside?” Liam was quiet for a moment, but he nodded, speaking quietly. “They can do anything.”
“They sure can, even save the crazy ones like me,” Bea replied, “and Pebbles. They did save him as well after all.” Bea insisted, looking behind Liam to give Miguel a small smile. Liam lifted Pebbles up to look at the stuffed animal, his smile returning to his lips. “Oh!” Liam turned, running back over to Miguel. “Mister Miguel, do you still have the bag?” Miguel smiled down at Liam, pulling a bag from behind his back that Bea hadn’t noticed before. “Here you go.” Liam’s face lit up as he took the bag from Miguel, turning back to return to Bea, but stopped in place. He turned back to Miguel once more. “Thank you Mister Miguel, for saving Miss Bea. Could you tell your friend that I said thank you too?”
Bea was pretty sure she caught a small look of surprise on Miguel’s face, but his smile never disappeared. “Of course, I’ll let him know and you are very welcome. I told you that lousy fire wouldn’t take them down.” Liam’s face was brighter than ever now, a grin across his lips as he turned and brought the bag back over to Bea. “I asked my parents if I could get you a gift, for helping me.” Liam said, gently sitting the bag beside her on the bed. “Oh, Liam, you didn’t have to do that.” “I wanted to though, you’re my hero remember?” Liam shared a look with Pebbles again, giving the stuffed lobster a sheepish grin. “Our hero.”
Bea was pretty sure if this lasted any longer, she might actually start crying. This time wouldn’t be because of the pain either. “They’re not the same color,” Liam began, tilting the bag towards Bea so she could bring the gift out. What she pulled out was an almost identical stuffed lobster to Pebbles, except instead of being shades of blues, greens, and yellows like the other, the new lobster had just vibrant shades of purples and blues. “But I hope you still like him. He’ll be great company and can make you feel better.”
Okay, Bea could feel the tears slowly filling her eyes now. They pressed their lips together to try and stop themselves from actually crying in front of anyone. “Liam, I love him,” she promised, looking at the young boy. “Thank you.” Liam started bouncing on his feet in excitement. “Really? I’m so glad you like him, now he and Pebbles can be brothers! Or maybe cousins.” Bea laughed softly, ignoring the pain she received from doing so. This was worth it. “Ooh, ooh. What are you going to name him?” “Hmm,” Bea hummed out, looking over the lobster in her hands. “How about Liam? I think that’s pretty fitting.” While Bea expected Liam to be ecstatic about the idea, he shook his head. “No! Liam is a lame name for a lobster.” He insisted.
“What? Oh come on, Liam the Lobster. I think it sounds great.” Bea insisted, holding the lobster up as much as she could to add effect. “No,” he whined. “Pick another name.” Bea chuckled softly. “Okay, okay,” she looked at the lobster again, thinking over it before asking. “How about Bubbles?” “Bubbles?” Liam asked, tilting his head a bit. “What? You don’t like it?” They asked. “No, no. I think it’s perfect! Pebbles and Bubbles.” He grinned. “Sounds like a perfect duo, doesn’t it?” She agreed.
Miguel, who Bea hadn’t even noticed stepped out of the room, came back in. “Hey, Liam, buddy. I think your parents are ready to go.” Liam looked over at Miguel. “Already?” He pouted. “But I just got here!” Bea smiled weakly, nudging Liam’s arm to gain his attention back. “Go on, I’m sure it’s something important. As long as they don’t care you can come back and visit again later, okay?” Liam hesitated for a moment before his smile returned and he nodded. “Okay! I’ll definitely be back, so will Pebbles!” He promised. “I can’t wait, and Bubbles will be waiting for his bestie to return.”
Liam grinned before running back over to Miguel, taking his hand after tucking Pebbles back under his arm. As they walked out, Liam looked back, waving goodbye to Bea. Smiling, they waved back before dropping her arm with a soft sigh once they were gone. “That kid is so sweet,” she mumbled, looking at her new stuffed lobster. Tucking the lobster in between her side and her arm, she looked back at the clock. Time still ticked on as slow as ever, but now maybe she wasn’t too miserable. She did have a new friend after all.
Later that night, after all of her visitors had come and gone, Bea found themself drifting off to sleep with that new friend tucked right under her arm and for the first night since waking up in that hospital, they had a peaceful dreamless night.
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tawaifeddiediaz · 5 years
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Side note: she looks AMAZING 😭👏🏼
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Meet Home and Away's newest and sexiest star Luke Arnold
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Those abs! Luke (pictured) is set to make waves in Summer Bay. When it comes to exuding sheer, megawatt sex appeal in front of a camera, Australian actor and author Luke Arnold has got it going on.
The 36-year-old star, who’s set to join the cast of Home and Away for a guest stint soon, amped up the heat at WHO’s Sexiest photoshoot – but was far too modest to agree with the general consensus of those in the studio that his image will burn up these pages.
You’re a natural at this. Are you comfortable in front of the camera?
I am, but I’m not completely new to this shoot. I think I was last here in 2014, just before I played Michael Hutchence in Never Tear Us Apart.
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Luke (pictured) played rock legend Michael Hutchence in Never Tear Us Apart.
What does sexy mean to you?
Authenticity, I think, is very sexy. I think it’s authenticity in how you carry yourself, how you treat other people and what you put out into the world – that’s hot.
When do you feel at your sexiest?
I don’t think you can describe it as a physical thing. I think you feel hot when you’re surrounded by great company, when you know you’re with people who know you and who you can trust implicitly.
That to me affects how I feel about myself in all areas than anything else. Getting dressed up in a suit isn’t sexy to me, I just feel like I’m in costume.
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Those abs! Luke (pictured) is set to make waves in Summer Bay.
Luke - who's longest-running role is Long John Silver in Black Sails; a prequel to Robert Lous Stevenson's novel Treasure Island - has been spotted filming at Palm Beach many times over the past few months. His character, who goes by the name of Levi, will act as a new love interest for Summer Bay regular Jasmine Delaney who is played by former Bachelorette Sam Frost.
The on-camera couple were snapped enjoying a steamy kiss and a Champagne picnic overlooking the water back in September.
In 2018, Luke starred in Heather Graham’s Half Magic alongside Molly Shannon and Stephanie Beatriz. He's also a successful writer, releasing his debut novel, The Last Smile in Sunder City, earlier this year.
For more, pick up the latest issue of WHO. On sale now!
Credits: Who Magazine AU
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schibi12 · 4 years
Review/Reaction for "Let's Get Dangerous!"
Sorry for posting this a bit late i tried to post these a day before the new episode but this being an hour long episode and i got a really busy week it took its time to write but know its here so enjoy!
This post is gonna be long, longer than my usual posts, not only because it’s a 1 hour special but im gonna be fangirling real hard even though i haven’t watched OG Darkwing Duck so take this as a biased or unbiased review, but still this episode was amazing, everthing was so on point the story, characters, animation, music, action, comedy, etc., everything was great so Let’s Do This!! And LET’S GET DANGEROUS!!!!
Spoilers!! Read at your own Risk!!
Love that intro of Launchpad narrating their entrance to St. Canard, Dewey and LP accidentally revealing Darkwing's identity to Huey and Louie and Scrooge forgetting to turn off the laptop on his video call with Bradford and Darkwing failing to glide like Batman everything was great and then we get the titlecard no theme song oh it was perfect.
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I like Taurus Bulba's introduction like we already know he is a villain but i like that he is this friendly and knowledgeable to Scrooge and the kids which can be seen as kind or a bit stalkerish once they reveal his true intentions.
I love Darkwing's hideout, all the gadgets, the super computer every little detail i love it,and that Fenton helped him and that Drake is oblivious to Gizmoduck real identity is just funny.
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I love W.A.N.D.A. her sarcastic tone and i especially love that she is voice by Jameela Jamil who also voices Gandra Dee, but i like that she kept her accent.
Of course there is no crime in St. Canard they got the best mayor, and im glad that Owlson finally got a job where she is respected.
Ooh Huey is getting is suspicious of the RAMROD and of Bulba and ew Haggis sounds kinda nasty not gonna lie.
No crime kind of an awkward situation but at least Darkwing had the decency to finish the job for them. Ooh we get to see Gosalyn damn she can hold her own, oh my gosh i think we all have the same thought that the first triplet to be arrested would be Louie, and of course Scrooge doesn't remember Darkwing at all. Interesting Bulba is on DW side but not for long. Damn Huey that hat is like Mary Poppins bag.
They made a set for Dewey Dew Night, these pics of DW and i need that cookbook in real life.
And Gosalyn i love her design, personality everything and Stephanie Beatriz did an amazing job voicing her she had big shoes to fill and in my haven't watched OG Darkwing Duck opinion i think she is a worthy sucessor and a big plus that she is Latina and i love the reference to her original design
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And honestly i thought that Dewey was gonna be the last of the kids that she would form a friendship with, so i was genuinely surprised when they teamed up and i loved that they related with the whole mystery of a missing family member a nice callback to the 1st season, and i love that Dewey is trying to make a catchphrase for her.
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Of course DW is gonna help her but i do like that Launchpad is the one who encourages him to help Gosalyn, nice shot of all them driving DW motorcycle but where is Dewey in the motorcycle WHERE??? Huey knows he knows Bulba and tell a parent or caretaker how to educate their children, Did Darkwing just dislocated his jaw ouch! and nice hiding spots guys, that’s a really big and heavy book.
Taurus what a good liar and yeah some nice teamwork from Dewey and Gos!!! And that’s a lot of papers and plans for one machine oooh this episodes ties up with the whole missing mysteries plot wasn’t expecting that and wait so that means any Disney Media is an alternate dimension/universe so maybe DT17 is a universe where Mickey Mouse doesn’t exist ok crazy theory aside i like the explanation they have for the RAMROD and the whole dimensional stuff.
Caught in a lie Taurus Bulba!! What a jerk he just hit a child what is wrong with you (well he is a villain so why am i surprised). Good Guy Launchpad helping as always. Some more good teamwork with DW and Gos! Oh my the Fearsome are Fearsome indeed and what an entrance! 
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So like i have said many times i haven’t seen OG Darkwing Duck so i have no reference to compare or critique but as their own version i really liked it their design. personality and etc., everything was good with these 4.
Come on DW you already breaking down and you haven’t even fought anyone. Aw Fenton/Gizmoduck has his own kind of Iron Man Hud and geez so rude DW. Hey Bonkers another Disney Afternoon show i haven’t seen (im gonna get my Disney Fan Club Card revoked after this post). And aw Launchpad is making another Adventuring Family and Oh my Ducks!! LP is the uncle he has a lot to live up to.
Oh so he is a part of FOWL i was kinda suprised not gonna lie, oh Bulba gone rough and kinda crazy, and the kids with Bradford what an odd team up and of course Louie can pick locks,The chase scene with the Quackerbot and Liquidator and DW and Co. was great, was that a Sonic reference? and that scene with Bushroot was suspenseful and  creepy as heck! That saxophone solo was hilarious. Duck boys getting suspicious especially Huey.
Did LP broke the 4th wall?!?! Aw what a funny and wholesome moment with Gos and LP.
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Aw is DW is doing the best he can for Gos, aw what a sweet tender moment im not crying your crying LP is crying. LP made pancakes what an uncle and ouch DW can take a beating.
What a reference to OG Ducktales this was really unexpected and hilarious!! And i really like Dewey’s sarcastic tone at Bradford. Holy cow the boys know about FOWL and they are in ther classic design Oh bother!
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What a plan LP kind of dumb but it worked. And what a nice message of LP about what it means to be a hero wise words my dudes. And what a fight it was amazing great references, action-packed, clever and funny it was beautiful. Oh those references to OG Ducktales good stuff. 
Aw poor Gosalyn having to make the ultimate decision the animation, music and voice acting were great and you really feel for her and i gotta be honest i cried in this scene.
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Oh snap!! Scrooge knows about FOWL now!! The tables have turned for this season!
And aw they formed a nice found family and Launchpad is an honorary member of team uncle!
Amazing episode everything was so good this is the perfect pilot for a Darkwing Duck Reboot, Disney if you don’t do it you’re crazy.
This episode was greatly balanced i liked that it wasn’t all Darkwing Duck but it also followed Scrooge and the boys and it all perfectly meshed together with the whole FOWL plot line which i wasn’t expecting at all but it was an awesome surprise and i honestly don’t know what to expect for future episodes or the season finale.
Overall a perfectly made episode funny, clever, action-packed, great character interactions and great introduction to Darkwing Duck universe for peeps who haven't seen the OG like me and others.
I give this episode 5 out of 5 ducks.
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doodleimprovement · 4 years
A Hat in Time - Victorian AU
This idea has been jumping around in my head for literally weeks. 
Its a Victorian AU inspired by works like Jane Eyre and other Capital “R” romantic novels from the time period. 
Please feel free to ask questions! I’m having lots of fun with this. 
I’m also not sure what to call this AU - suggestions are appreciated 
There is going to be a LOT of information below the line, read at your own risk! 
On the north side of Subcon forest, there is a small village and, just outside of it, is a prestigious manor owned by the Arelius family. The manor is over 100 years old, and has many nooks, crannies, and secrets. 
Basic Plot: 
While living and working at Subcon manor, ever adventurous Harriet Timms finds a secret staircase leading down to a secret room where a man was chained to the wall. Not knowing anything about him or the manor, she begins to befriend the man - who she calls “Snatcher” after he takes her food that he was willing to share. Meeting him starts a domino effect that will reveal the dark secret of the Manor - and perhaps put the poor girl in more danger than she realizes
Main Characters: 
Harriet Timms
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An 8 year old Orphan who was “given” to the Subcon Manor after being deemed “unadoptable” by the orphanage where she lived due to her rambunctious personality. She does cleaning and other menial chores along with Mu, and while being pretty high energy, does manage to win people over with her bright smile and surprising kindness. In this AU, her “Hat” is a thick, satin ribbon that she ties into her hair every day and decorates with pins. 
Lady Vanessa Arelius
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The lady of the manor who runs it while her husband is “away” on a world trip (he has been gone for 3 years at this point), she has an undercurrent of menace to her, and has a very, very short temper. She seems nice at first, but being on the other end of that short temper will teach you quickly to listen to her. She can and will gaslight you, yell at you, and then the next minute will apologize. She’s clearly hiding many secrets. 
Lord Lukas Arelius
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After a simple misunderstanding, Vanessa locked him down in a hidden room of the manor to “teach him a lesson”. She visits him every day and tries to get him to admit his wrong doing, but the years of isolation have made him bitter and nihilistic - claiming that he would rather die down there. He has not seen anyone but Vanessa in years, and isn’t too keen on naive little visitors... at least at first
Morgan Uldenreich 
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Or “Mu”, for short. She’s 11, and has worked at the Manor since she was 7 years old for similar reasons to Harriet. She hates going into town whenever the “Mafia” is coming through - and she connects them to the scars on her face, which garnered her the mean nickname of “mustache girl”. She seems deathly afraid of Vanessa, but also clearly craves validation and approval from the lady of the house
Cecilia Carlile
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Or CiCi, and she is more often known, is the head cook of the manor, and also manages the children that live and work there. She’s pretty headstrong and will butt into your situation if she thinks she can help. She’s fiercely protective of the  children in her care and has been known to snap - even at her employer. Why she hasn’t been fired isn’t much of a mystery. She’s perhaps the best cook in the whole of northern England
Markus Arelius
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Lukas’ twin brother who lives in a larger city about a days trip from Subcon - he runs the family law office. He dearly misses his brother and - while suspecting that Vanessa is not telling him the truth- tries to trust the woman whens he tells him that Lukas sends his regards. He only meets Harriet once during a visit to the manor for business purposes, but their conversations lead Harriet towards the final confrontation with Vanessa - kind of. 
Side Characters (references to come!): 
Damien Jacob Graves (DJ Graves) 
A formerly traveling musician, he currently works at the Canary theater as the head musician under the owner and director (See below). He’s pretty laid back, and loves taking the shit out of this man who can’t fire him because he’s the only person willing to work with him. He’s one of the few men left that knows how to play a hurdygurdy - a surprisingly useful skill 
Richard “Conductor” Connors 
The owner of the Canary Theater (called “the dead bird”  by locals - who find his plays to be rather dark and violent even for theater at the time), Richard is a retired train operator who lives out his crazy stories on the stage. Despite his very prickly exterior, he is a devoted family man who spends almost all of his free time with his daughter and her children. He finds an appreciation for Harriet’s energy and is in some ways her first friend in Subcon 
Delilah Munchen 
The local florist in Subcon. She is somehow able to make both the natural flowers of Subcon look beautiful, and grows extremely rare flowers in her small greenhouse. She also makes decorative dried flower pins in her spare time, and gifts some to Harriet to decorate the ribbon she wears in her hair. 
Beatriz “Bow” Santiago
A girl who Harriet befriended back at the Orphanage. They were practically sisters, and Harriet promised her that she’d come back one day and they’d both run away. She’s holding Harriet to that promise - gifting Harriet with the ribbon she wears.
The Mafia
A gang that wanders around Subcon forest. Before Lukas "left”, he’d managed to chase them away, but they’ve been making a comeback in the village since he disappeared. They cause nothing but trouble and no one likes them
“The Dwellers” 
A group of people that live on the edge of the village, are known for superstitious beliefs and prophetic sayings
What the citizens of Subcon proudly call themselves - this includes the other employees who work in the manor 
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You Wouldn’t Last A Day
Pairing || Ben Miller x Reader Rating || Explicit Warning || Smoot smoot smoot, mild power struggle i really should have written more bottom!ben what the fuck was i THINKING Word Count || ~3.2k Summary || In which you and Ben can’t be trusted to have a competition to save your damn lives. Taglist ||  @firefeatherx @goldenhour-goldenboy @mandoplease @mylifeliterally @phoenixhalliwell @havenforafrazzledmind @living-reminder @beatriz-silva-00 @pascalz @worldominatorx @givemethatgold @agirllovespancakes @lilacyennefer @dignityneeded @veuliee @briskywalker @the-bird-suit @mapache-lector @skylyknightly (let me know if you want to be added/removed)
You slap your hand flat against the window of the passenger door so hard your palm stings. “Open the damn door, Miller!”
Inside the car, your boyfriend laughs so hard you can hear it through the closed doors. You’ve been at it for over two minutes now. And in the middle of the grocery store parking lot, no less. Ben raced into the car as soon as you finished loading the trunk, got in, then locked the doors and fired up the engine before you had the chance to allow yourself in.
What followed was a duel of trying to open the door when he unlocked it, only to have him immediately lock it once more. At one point, the bastard would start backing out, without you in the car, then stop and laugh some more at his own humor. And the entire time, he’s giving you that shit-eating grin he just knows will push your buttons in just the right way.
You wish you can say this is the first time it’s happened.
Other pedestrians, other cars, are passing by. And you can just feel in the air that they’re working to keep their eyes pointed at anything but you and Ben and this debacle you’ve found yourself in. Hand resting on the door handle, you tilt your head back as if to ask whatever god is out there…
You feel your arm move with the motion of the car as it starts backing up again, only to jerk to another halt. Ben’s uproarious laughter is driving you close to a very, very thin line. You look down at him, eyes hardening into steel, and relish in the flash of uncertainty that crosses his face.
“You know what!” you shout. This time, those within earshot can’t help but turn their heads. “If you don’t let me in, right now, you’re not having sex with me for a week!”
You don’t even have the presence of mind to be embarrassed about saying it. Instead, all the anger goes into your head because Ben is still laughing when he unlocks the door for long enough to let you in.
“You bitch!” you hear yourself yelling, slapping and punching at his arm as you throw yourself into the front seat. “You scheming, conniving little bastard!!”
Ben’s full blown guffaw has lowered to a chuckle as he fends you off. Gripping both your wrists, he yanks you close and gives you that damned half-smirk that seems to strip you bare without him having to say a word.
“Sweetheart,” he says in a low growl. “You and I both know I ain’t little.”
His voice his low enough, his expression concupiscent enough, that it sparks electricity through you. You find yourself regretting making the threat in the first place. But you can’t back out, now. You can’t let him win this. Not with that smug smile on his face.
“Besides–” Ben lets your wrists go and you right yourself in your seat. “Both you and I also know you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off of me for forty-eight hours.”
You huff, buckling your seat belt as he backs out of the parking stall. “Is that a challenge?”
His smile falters, and you know this is a battle you might be able to win.
You don’t just make it through a week.
You make it through two.
You’re out with the guys at the end of the first week. And you can tell Ben is itching to get home, but trying not to make it too obvious. He has his hand on the small of your back, between your jacket and your shirt, rubbing small circles into the material.
The moment he starts moving lower, your hand leaves your drink in favor of snapping back to grab his wrist, halting the movement. Unfortunately, it’s not subtle enough, because the others take notice. Everything pauses for half a moment, and you sweep your eyes across the four of them, silently daring any of them to make an unsavory joke.
Then, with a chorus quiet coughs and clearing throats, the conversation resumes where it left off. You see frustration flash behind Ben’s eyes, and you give him a dangerous smile.
By the time two weeks is up, you’re honestly amazed he hasn’t come begging for you on his knees yet. He’s trying to fight back, but there are just some things Ben Miller can’t help. 
You’d also be lying if you said the deprivation wasn’t affecting you, too. Each brush of his hand sends a line of fire snaking up your arm. When you stand close enough to feel his warmth, your heart beats a staccato rhythm and you can’t quite control your breathing. And you’re desperate to remind yourself of how it feels when you kiss him.
Ben is laying on top of the covers in bed when you decide enough is enough. His arms are thrown up over his eyes as you step up to the foot of the bed, near his bare feet. You’re dressed in one of his baggy sweatshirts. No bottoms.
He must have heard you approach, because he grunts a greeting.
“Doing okay?” you ask.
He exhales loudly, not lowering his arms.
You offer a sympathetic hum, and then go silent, closing your eyes and allowing him to wallow in some more self pity. Fuck, he smells good. The light from your lamps warms the air. You feel blessedly heavy, and wonder if you might just fall asleep instead.
Ben abruptly curses and lowers his arms to his sides, eyes still glued to the ceiling. You open your eyes and look at him. He’s not just looking. He’s glaring at the ceiling.
You wait quietly.
He works his jaw, then slowly lifts his head to look at you at the same moment you lift one, then both knees to the mattress, and sit near his knees. At his hips, his shirt is ridden up, and the strip of skin there brings you back to full awareness. You delicately rest both hands on his right thigh, as though you’re bracing yourself to stand. Instead, you run your hands over the denim, the muscle underneath. Then you throw your leg over and straddle his shins, you back to him. He lets you, and your pulse quickens.
You wrap both hands around one of his ankles. His powerful legs stiffen.
“You don’t–” his voice is shockingly hoarse.
You reach back and slap his thigh. “Lay still.”
You slap his other thigh. “Shush!”
Ben, to your massive surprise, obeys.
You start at his heel, massaging the hard-worked muscles and tendons. Behind you, he releases a breath. You’re able to work your own tension the harder you press. You sigh as you work the undersides of his feet around his ankles. It feels great to get the jitters out.
You move up to his shins and calves, taking on the challenge to handle muscles bigger than your hands. Ben remains silent as you turn yourself around and massage his thighs with all the strength you have. You’re tired, but you’ve got jitters of your own. It takes a few minutes, but you will his muscles into something like pliancy.
Your hands slow, eyes flickering to his belt buckle. You think about waiting, but at this point, it’s no use. You reach up and grasp it.
Ben inhales.
You smile as he shifts, the entire length of him tensing. You lay one hand on the warm, exposed skin of his stomach and press down in a silent order. He clears his throat, and goes still.
You work his belt loose. It clinks as it releases, exposing the button. Heat floods you, and it feels so, so good. You lean down and press your lips to the warm skin and fine hairs right above the waistband.
Ben chokes and his legs jerk. Keeping your mouth on him, your eyes snap up and see his arms bent into a pseudo-boxer pose, fists half clenched by his shoulders as he lifts his head to watch. There’s not much blue left in his eyes to catch the light. His pupils are huge.
Your eyes meet, and one of his hands slowly uncurls and reaches for you. You consider for a second, and then let your fingers play near his navel. “You’re not going anywhere,” you whisper. “I’ve got you right where I want you.”
He makes a strangled sound. You grin and straighten.
After everything, you wanted so badly to take your time with this. but the helpless noise he makes sends your heart into a gallop. You pop the button and place your hands on either side of the pleasant bulge under the zipper. Leaning your weight into him makes Ben pliant, legs loosening apart.
“Good.” You pull the zipper down and expose the black cotton radiating heat. You smile. Ben is a furnace, especially when aroused, and that’s one of your favorite things about him. You take your time to pull his pants off completely. As you straddle his thighs, you know he can see a flash of your panties. The curse he lets out fills you with fluttering excitement.
Next, you pull off your sweatshirt. You’re not wearing anything underneath it.
Ben pulls a hand through his hair, appearing to fully enjoy the view he has. “Son of a bitch.”
You scoot back so your on his calves, place your hands, on either side of his hips, and lower yourself down, low enough that your breasts settle on either side of his erection. “You okay?”
He shudders from head to toe. “Y-Yeah.”
“Like the view?”
His voice is quiet and rough, “Yeah.”
Smiling, you press a bit lower, using your hands to push your breasts tightly around the stretched cotton. You feel his heartbeat pulsing against you. As you breathe down on him throw your nose, his hips lift in the tiniest, pleading twitch.
You grasp his boxers and pull, drawing them down around his thighs and then, what the hell, move to pull them off entirely.
You turn on your knees, blood roaring through you as you survey his utterly naked lower body.
“I… like my view, too,” you manage. You read his next movements, so you quickly lean down and nuzzle between his thighs.
“Oh, shit. Shit shit–” whispers Ben as you work your way up. His entire body tenses. “Shit shit shit!”
He breaks off into fast, clipped breathing as you nuzzle his balls and give what you can reach a lick. You watch his chest rise and fall. He’s gaping straight up, now.
Nothing like two weeks of stressed out celibacy to make a guy responsive.
And he isn’t the only one tightly strung. Your entire body is flushed, and you’re already wet. You trail a hand between your own legs to stroke yourself. 
You start with little licks on his shaft, and Ben groans. Please, you gently mouth him, focusing on the underside of his head. He twitches and flinches under your ministrations, breathing harder and harder. “God, baby–I can’t. G-god–” He starts squirming beneath you.
He lifts his head, locks eyes with you and then his gaze twitches to the hand between our legs. He lets out a loud groan.
You are fully aware that he can buck you off in an instant. But he instead lays under you, and begs with his long-lashed eyes. “Come on,” he urges. “Let me out.”
The look his gives you is searing. “Wanna kiss you. Gonna get inside you and give you a taste of your own medicine.”
Maintaining eye contact, you take the head of his cock into your mouth.
His eyes widen, choking in a breath when you rub him with your tongue. “Shiiiiit.” His head falls back. You hum and give a long, hard suck that makes Ben hold his breath and clench everything. You then pull off and pepper kisses over and around him, showering affection on every inch of skin you can.
“Come on,” his voice croaks. “Just let me up.”
You rest your head just under the head of his cock. “Dunno. I like you trapped like this.”
“I want up.”
“You’re already up.” You give a crooked grin, slide him into your mouth again, and suck. His face reddens, and you see him grit his teeth. You mercilessly tease with your tongue. He keens, then, his breath rushing from him.
You trail one finger up and down the shaft, brushing his balls on purpose. His hips squirm again. You slowly wrap your fingers around him and squeeze, sucking before you start to pump.
His powerful body shivers beneath you.
And then he twists, unseating you so quickly you have to think fast to avoid hurting him. He rotates himself, and you get a flash of his clenched jaw as he snatches your wrists and yanks you down on top of him-0
Just so he can wrap an arm around your shoulders and roll you over, padding your back with his arm. You land on the mattress with him between your legs, your wrists pinned above your head, and his cock hard and wet against your stomach.
“You,” Ben pants, “are a bad girl.”
Before you can respond, he’s kissing you. Hard. Delicious heat floods you and you whimper into his mouth, dissolving into trembles under his formidable lips, teeth, and tongue. You barely have time to try to respond before he squeezes your breast, his thumb flicking over your nipple again, again, again. You keen and curl your hips against his cock. But he’s already moving on, leaving you tingling as he grabs the inside of your right thigh, digging his fingers into the soft flesh and pushing it open so he can grab your entire pussy and squeeze.
You can’t formulate a single thought, and he makes it worse by releasing your mouth and latching it onto the most sensitive part of your neck, tongue and teeth taking over while he pants against your skin. He is surging against you in a thrusting rhythm you can’t follow. You’re trembling so hard, but you cry out his name every time he rocks forward.
You squeak as he rubs you hard and fast in a circular motion, smearing your wetness over his fingers and palm. Then he slaps against you lightly and starts and up-down up-down motion to match the surging of his own hips. His fingers press down against your clit and opening. You choke on his name and he keeps going, unrelenting and firm, forcing your hips to move with him. You fight his grip on your wrists, which just makes him tighten it.
The trembling spreads to your legs. “Ben–” your voice is a mere quaver. “B–Ben please–”
He presses his stubbled cheek to yours and breathes into your ear, “That’s better,” and he slides two fingers into you, burying them in your wet heat.
You arch from the sheer, relieved pleasure of Ben Miller’s fingers inside you, whimpering when he kisses you again. He holds you there for what seems like forever, tongue on yours, hand firm on your wrists, fingers teasing and stroking while his thumb rubs over your mound, centimeters away from your clit.
You feel your eyes watering beneath your eyelids. Have you ever been this aroused?
You desperately break the kiss. “P-please, Ben. Come on.”
He growls and squeezes your wrists before releasing them, shifting his hips down. You wrap your arms around him, trying to pull him flush against you. But he doesn’t let you, staying up on one elbow. He pulls his fingers out of you and you squirm against him, trying to get his cock to your opening. He twists free and rears up. You bite back a protesting cry.
He reaches over you and yanks open the drawer on the nightstand, removing a condom. He bares his teeth and rips the wrapper, quickly and precisely rolling it down his cock. One hand guides himself to you as he finally lowers onto you once more.
You cup his determined, beloved face in your hands. He shuts his eyes, brow wrinkling. “Shit, baby,” he sighs. “Can’t handle it when you look at me like that.”
And then he thrusts into you with a single surge of his hips. It knocks the breath from your chest. You arch with a gasp, and he surrenders to you, stomach to stomach, chest to chest, extending his muscled arms above your head. His tired, blazing eyes are inches from yours as you wrap your arms around his shoulders. And then he starts to move.
He gives one, two easy thrusts… and then you have to hold on tight as he pistons his hips hard and fast. You can’t help the sounds you’re making as your toes curl and everything inside tightens. 
Ben is relentless, pressing you down and pushing so deep inside, the root of his cock mashes your tingling clit and wrenches desperate sounds from you. He buries his face in your neck, his hot breath flooding your ear as he thrusts with practiced precision right where you can’t stand it. You’re digging your fingers into his shoulders and then–
Shit– your eyes go wide as climax races straight through you. Shit!
Under normal circumstances, Ben would pull back and slow down. but tonight, he just moves faster, and you feel every muscle go rock hard. His breathing shallows, his hips stutter. He grunts, and your world keels sideways.
Everything erupts.
You shriek through clenched teeth, and your hips jerk as Ben curses and shudders, pulsing in you. You’re locked together, ablaze, helpless against the pleasure. Ben’s ragged panting stretches it out–out–out–
Until you’re dissolving. Hot, slick, and sated.
He gradually loosens his grip on you as his breathing slows and deepens. You nuzzle Ben dizzily, realizing you’re already half asleep. When he gently pulls out, you wake up enough to renew your grip around his shoulders.
He gives a raw chuckle, running his fingers over your ribs, tickling the skin. You twitch and moan disapprovingly, but he tickles your harder, crooning over your disgruntled giggles.
Mercilessly, he stops.
“Really?” you sigh as he cradles you against his chest. “How do you have the energy to do this?”
“Because…” he yawns and you wrap your arms around his neck. “’Cause I’m awesome.”
You touch his clenched jaw, looking at his bright blue eyes.
“Thank you.”
His eyes crinkle at the corners. “Anytime, sweetheart. Anytime.”
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To never being parted (Kitty Fan Fic) - Part 2 Chap 1 - I meant what I said
This is the sequel to my flower cards inspired Kitty Fan Fic “Am I Forgotten?”
It gets pretty wild and I am way too shy to tagg anyone on this but don’t hesitate if you want me too. 
AO3 Link here.
“Ty- Ty, can I touch you... here?”
“Of course, you can. Kit, I told you…”
“Yes, I remember. I can touch you anywhere I want to. You don’t mind if it’s me.”
“Actually, you can touch me anywhere you want to. But what I want is for you to touch me everywhere.”
Kit startled.
“Yep. Back to Earth. Sorry, I was in Heaven.”
Jace lifted a golden eyebrow.
They were in the middle of the Institute’s training room and had been doing experiments with Kit’s wings for the past two hours. Staying focused had not been an easy task. Pictures of the moments Kit had spent with Ty on the Institute’s roof the previous evening kept springing to mind, at the most unexpected moments.
What happens on the Institute’s roof stays on the Institute’s roof, Kit reminded himself.
He was now on top of one of the rafters, wings unfolded, and he was supposed to… What was it again?
“I am on it,” Kit said. “As soon as you remind me what it is I am supposed to do.”
Jace sighed.
“I think we can call it a day. I have other things to do. It is my birthday after all.”
Kit folded his wings and executed a front flip, landing gracefully on the floor.
“Not using your wings?” Jace smiled.
“Where would be the fun in that?”
“Spoken like a true Herondale. So, they don’t hurt you anymore? Not even a bit?” Jace asked as they were heading out of the training room.
“No. I guess it only hurts the first time.”
“That is true of other things.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure, you don’t. So, what are your plans before you join the best party of the year tonight?”
“Shower. I’ll probably head to the library afterwards.”
“Doing some research? I believe the Centurions have been spending most of their afternoon there.”
“Really? Didn’t know that.”
“Sure, you didn’t.”
When Kit arrived at the Institute’s library, he spared a moment to stand in the doorway to observe Ty at his leisure.
Ty was bent over a book, his headphones on. His hair slanted across his face and his long eyelashes created a dark curtain over his gray eyes. His long, calloused fingers were caressing the page of the book he was reading, and Kit remembered with a blush how they had felt on his bare skin.  
Ty picked a pen and wrote a few lines in a black leather-bound book. He paused, and brought the pen to his lips, staring at the page thoughtfully, his head cocked to the side. Slowly, unconsciously, he traced the shape of his lower lip with the tip of the pen. Kit watched intently as Ty slipped the pen into his mouth and started nibbling.
Holy shit. Scratch the angel wings. Kit wanted to be a pen.
He was brought back to the moments he had shared with Ty the previous night on the New York Institute’s roof.
They had spent hours kissing and touching, as if they needed to make up for all the time lost, until the chill of the night air had chased them inside. He had felt like he could never get enough of Ty’s caresses, his flesh reacting to each touch as if it was the first, each graze of Ty's fingers leaving goosebumps in its wake. Ty kept whispering words they both liked, his lips brushing over Kit’s skin, as they traced the scars and Marks all over Kit's body. Words Kit strained to hear through the pounding of his heart inside his ribcage like a church bell echoing in his ears. Kit had come inside his pants, but had barely noticed as his body was in a constant state of euphoria. He had felt like he was flying, as if the butterflies fluttering around his stomach were lifting him.
“So, you can fly?” Kit snapped out of his reverie as Anush came to stand before him, a wide grin on his face, one of his arms secured in a cast. “Isn’t that any man’s dream? And you have wings. Actual wings. How cool is that ?”
“It’s pretty cool,” Kit answered. His dream was to be a pen. What could you do?
“So, Beatriz and I are heading out to shop for a last minute birthday gift. Do you want to come with us?”
“Nah, I am good.”
“Ok, see you later then.”
As Anush moved out of the way, Kit noticed that Ty had not moved his gaze from the book he was reading.
Kit felt a pang of disappointment, but tried to ignore it as he went to hunt for a book. After all, he needed an excuse to be in the library.
As Kit scanned the bookshelves, he noticed a large leather-bound book, with golden inscriptions on it, on one of the top shelves. He couldn’t make out the words but he knew from his lessons with Tessa and Jem that it was an ancient language. He tiptoed to grab the book but it was beyond his reach. It was at this moment that he felt a long body pressed against his back and froze.
“Allow me,” said a low clear voice, that sent an electric current down Kit’s stomach. Long delicate fingers seized the book and handed it to Kit.
With the item in hand, Kit turned slowly to face Ty. It was not an easy task, seeing how close Ty was to him.
Kit cleared his throat. “You do know I have wings, right? I could use them to reach higher places than you do.”
“Let’s make a deal. Sometimes, you take care of me.” Ty said, cocking his head to one side. ”Sometimes, I take care of you.” He cocked his head to the other side.  
“So who’s turn is it?” Kit’s voice was quavery. “Mine?”
“Oh, no. You saved my life yesterday. I just fetched a book you could have gotten anyway. It’s still mine.”
Ty leaned further against Kit, their bodies now fitting like two puzzle pieces.
As close as he was, there was no way Ty would not notice the hardness that had started growing against Kit’s stomach.
Ty’s gray eyes widened and his breath hitched as he acknowledged Kit’s arousal. Kit turned his face away, blushing. He didn’t dare to meet Ty’s eyes.
“Kit,” Ty said after a moment. He sounded breathless. “Do you... want me?”
Kit closed his eyes and swallowed hard.
“So fucking much it hurts.”
Kit felt Ty’s lips press against his ear, his breath tickling his skin, as he whispered. “So, what are you going to do about it?”
Kit opened his eyes and slowly turned to face Ty. Ty’s gaze was ablaze and the pupils had swallowed up all the gray in his eyes, which were now pitch black.
Kit brought one finger against Ty’s temple then moved it down his delicate jawline. Ty closed his eyes.
“I have dreamt about this so many times,” Kit said. He started describing every move his finger made, emboldened by the sound of Ty’s heavy breathing. “Touching your face. Caressing your cheeks. Tracing the circle around your eyes, the shape of your lips…”
“Kit,” Ty interrupted in a deep low voice, opening his eyes. “Why don’t you stop talking about it and just... do me ?”
Kit gasped. “You mean do it ?”
Ty spoke slowly, enunciating every word. “I meant what I said.”
Freaking hell.
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