#[ about :: c137 Rick ]
sorry for still not being over this second long shot after 7 months (holy shit, unmortricken was 7 months ago) but it's literally the gayest shit i've ever seen like c'mon COME ON BRO
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they were going in for a punch at the same time but quite literally became stuck together because they got too close. their arms weren't even opened up or anything, their cybernetics tore through skin and sleeves to get tangled up in each other. the way this only happens because they're both ricks. they get their wires crossed because they're too similar. so similar their own bodies can't tell the difference, automatically trying to attach them like they're each other's lost limb.
i think i hauve covid
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miami-lolz · 10 months
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This fucking show is gonna kill me brb gonna go sob uncontrollably
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sobselpop · 8 months
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I’m afraid that if I jumped into a hole, you wouldn’t even bother jumping in after me ! You’d just stand there and watch !
+Schrödinger’s cats bonus
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sorrelpaws · 1 year
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no offense but i genuinely fear that their potential dynamic will go severely underutilized
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fandomwe1rd0 · 7 months
Just finished rewatching fear no Mort. Crying. Vomiting. Sobbing. Morty's greatest fear is that Rick doesn't care about him, when Rick cares so so so so so much. I would even go as far as to say he cares about Morty more than anyone else. He could've just walked away if he didn't care about Morty. But he stayed and immediately sounded happy when Morty was shown to be fine. He even tried to hug Morty back...but Morty was terrified that if Rick hugged him back he would still be in the hole...
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The fact that Rick didn't jump into the hole when Morty told him not to, even if he could've seen Diane again. The way he has a picture of Morty in his wallet, the fact that it's well worn out, the fact that it's in the front pocket, the fact he walked away looking so proud of his grandson...he immediately disproved what Morty was scared of and Morty didn't even see it. I...I cry
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starshapedspider · 7 months
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young and dumb t4t diane and rick i think abt you daily
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lon3rlife · 3 months
My personal Rick Sanchez headcanons
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He has a really bad sensitivity to temperature. If it’s too hot he’ll complain that he’s sweating, but if it’s too cold he’s complaining that he’s freezing. He’s very overprotective about the thermostat and has taken extreme measures to make sure no one touches it.
Whenever he’s watching movies with the family he yells at the characters like they can hear him whenever they make a dumb decision. He despises horror movies and cheesy romcoms because of people being so blatantly stupid.
Sleeping and eating has always been a problem for him because he gets so focused on things anything else just feels like an unnecessary distraction.
He has an extraordinary long term memory (obviously) and can remember very complex formulas and algorithms, but when it comes to basic things like why he walked into a room, what he was talking about 30 seconds ago, or where he left something he will forget.
He’s extremely sarcastic, but when it comes down to someone else making a sarcastic remark he cannot decipher if they’re being serious or not (autism)
He also has issues with textures. He gets very overwhelmed if he’s wearing something too tight or too itchy. Also if he’s eating something and the texture is off it goes straight to the trash.
He has small tics that he doesn’t even realize until someone points it out. He’ll grind his teeth, scrunch his nose, and clear his throat consistently. They get worse when he’s stressed about something.
He gets extremely competitive when playing video games with Morty and Summer and if they beat him he will not stop until he wins. (Morty and Summer end up letting him win so he shuts up)
He has a bunch of random talents and hobbies that he’s really good at, but he ended up dropping them because he got bored of them.
He taught himself everything. He hates being told what to do and despises the education system, he was always so interested in science but school just wasn’t fulfilling for him. So he spent years and years learning everything he possibly could, and because of not following in the school system is how he became so smart.
Also he has a “if you want something done right you have to do it alone” mentality which has always made working in groups difficult.
He constantly needs to be doing something. It doesn’t matter what it is he needs to be doing something because he can’t stand to be doing nothing.
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arolock · 5 months
Is Prime's arc really over?
I mean, he's dead alright, no doubt in that, and tbh I sort of hope that he will not be brought back to life. But. BUT.
This is a long ass rant. If you open it, it's on you.
Even in the last confrontation between Prime and C-137 we didn't really get any solid confirmations of Prime and C-137 origin story. We know they've met, we know Prime showed C-137 "infinity" (in his own words) and killed C-137's family, which resulted into C-137 trying to hunt him down, but except those facts confirmed and explained in s6ep1, s7ep3, s7ep5, nothing else was. Not the real meaning of their conversation in the garage, not even the fact of this garage meet-up being the first time they've met, and also not the meaning of Prime's words that he misses it when there were only two of them.
Both Mortys seem to buy everything Evil Morty extracted from C-137's memories (Evil Morty is confident in his tech and Prime Morty is just like that lol), but can we really trust that those memories are intact? What if, just like with Federation, Rick kept main points of events, but changed the details or timeline, that can potentially flip the meaning or change the tone of said events?
The most confusing part in relation to the timeline for me is Prime's slips during his rants: "I do miss when it was just us. The only two Rick's who actually invented portal travel", especially combined with "I showed you infinity".
It makes sense in two possible situations: if Prime showed C-137 the portal tech ("showed you infinity"), offered it, was rejected, left, killed his family and then was actively fucking with C-137 during the first hunt (which can explain the "miss when it was just us" line) OR if Prime showed him the portal tech, C-137, being inspired, also invented the portal travel, and then he and Prime were on friendly terms for some time after that, travelling together or each on their own with random meet-ups, until Prime offered him something else, which C-137 declined. Then everything else followed.
And honestly? IMO, first option doesn't line up. We never saw clones or decoys of Prime during C-137's first hunt in the crybaby backstory, no mocking images of Diane, nothing that could possibly indicate that Prime was actively playing with him. We also see other Ricks owning portal technology during young C-137's run, so there already weren't "just two of us", only in the very beginning maybe. Prime obviously watched C-137 to keep track on him and his whereabouts and shenanigans, but we don't see him making any moves himself, interacting with C-137 in any way. So what's there to miss at all?
Let's look at the second option. What's really interesting about it is how Prime's words "I showed you infinity" can be interpreted in two ways that are not mutually exclusive - as in showing interdimensional travel or showing something entirely else, possibly even bigger. Like something that was supposed to create "Infinite Rick, a GOD", which was mentioned in the 'falce' memory in 03x01 together with another interesting line: "Once we give you this technology, you become the smartest man in the universe". Since we know that Rick uses his own memories to fool people, it's entirely possible that these lines are real, they sound real, like something Prime could say. But.
But how simply owning a technology makes you the smartest man in the universe? The answer is - it doesn't. You just own it. You don't become smarter because you get your hands on a sci-fi tech, unless it alters your own mind/brain to make you smarter, and portal travel doesn't work like that.
This is just a theory based on the altered memory of Rick C-137, but what if Rick Prime wasn't just giving out portal tech, but was actively doing almost the same thing Evil Morty have done - absorbing every possible knowledge of every Rick he encountered, maybe connecting them in some kind of a web instead of killing them, so he could cover his presence not using a Morty, but creating virtual clones of himself everywhere in all those Ricks? Maybe that's what he was tempting C-137 with - infinite knowledge of infinite Rick. Unite every single one of them, make them bigger than the universe, make them THE GOD in every sense possible.
Only that it can cost you everything. Cost you your humanity. Change you ultimately, make you so much above any other being, that it will eventually sound lonely. So Rick C-137 declined.
It's just a random ass theory. But how does it sound?
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666lola666 · 2 months
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this sentence is sour and resentful. you can hear he's playing it cool and wants to announce that he's better than Rick b u t there's a hint of resentfulness.
they had something, he hates Rick for rejecting him and destroying it.
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so, about rick sanchez…………………
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x-216 doodle page
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rick and morty x-216 are from @thesoftboiledegg's fics!!
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mortysmith · 8 months
no offense but feeling bad for evil rick is kind of missing the point
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gummidon · 9 months
Doodle dump
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thelabcoat · 2 months
This image has me in a choke hold icl
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fandomwe1rd0 · 6 months
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vatoffakeacid · 1 year
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(Click for better quality lol)
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