#[ and of course I MISSED NNOITRA ]
despairforme · 1 year
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Wakes up. Chooses violence. Against himself - by knocking his head on the doorframe. Why is this his life.
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pin-k-ink · 13 days
COVET ⋆✦⋆ grimmjow jaegerjaquez ft. nnoitra gilga
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synopsis ➸ grimmjow’s been secretly in love with you for ages. when you show up upset after a rough night with your new boyfriend, he’s ready to prove that not all affection has to hurt
tags ➸ friends to lovers, angst, hurt/comfort, dub-con (from nnoitra… kinda), degradation (also from nnoitra), he is mean, dirty talk, asphyxiation, cheating(?), choking, mentions of bruises, body worship, pet names, nipple play, teasing, unprotected sex, praise kink, begging
wc ➸ 6.4k
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Grimmjow tried his best to keep his expression neutral as you twisted this way and that in front of the vanity mirror, fussing with your hair. But it was getting harder by the second to mask the muscle twitching in his jaw or the way his fingers dug restlessly into the mattress beneath him.
You looked goddamn incredible as always - face flushed with excitement, those big eyes shining, glossy lips parted slightly as you scrutinized your reflection. The sight of you so dolled up and radiating pure joy over some asshole coming to sweep you off your feet again made Grimmjow's chest constrict painfully.
He hated it. Hated watching you put so much effort into chasing after these douchebags who couldn't possibly appreciate you properly. Not like he—
No. Grimmjow cut that dangerous line of thought off before it could fester into something uglier. You were his best friend, his whole world, and he refused to become that cliché "nice guy" who secretly resented you over unrequited feelings. Better to suffer in silence than risk poisoning what you had with bitter jealousy.
Still...the thought of Nnoitra's wandering hands all over you, his smug grin as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear, made Grimmjow's stomach churn acidically. That prick didn't deserve to even look at someone as radiant and full of life as you, let alone take you out and try to charm his way past your clothes later.
"You about ready yet?" he found himself rumbling, partly to distract from his darkening thoughts. "Or did you wanna powerbomb your hair with a few more hours of fussing before your date rolls around?"
You shot him an exasperated look over one shoulder, rolling those big expressive eyes in his direction. "I want to look nice, okay? Is that a crime now in the kingdom of Grimm?"
He snorted at that, trying for an indifferent shrug and missing by a mile as you continued fidgeting with your appearance. Goddammit, you were so fucking beautiful when you got like this - all adorably insecure and earnest in your desires without realizing how breathtaking you looked already.
How many times had Grimmjow stood frozen on that same damn mattress over the years, watching as you attempted painstaking ritual after ritual in pursuit of some unattainable standard of perfection? Each time you'd twist and fuss, utterly oblivious to how every tiny adjustment made his mouth go dry and insides twist with the effort of staying silent.
Of course, you had no idea just how devastating your presence and effortless allure was to him these days. No clue that your best friend had been fighting an increasingly losing battle to keep things platonic despite the fact that you made his heart race and palms sweat like some lovestruck idiot.
"Hope this douche at least remembers to open doors and pull out chairs for you tonight," Grimmjow heard himself muttering, unable to help firing off another sardonic aside in hopes of grounding himself. "God forbid you have to waste breath reminding him how to be a basic respectful dipshit after so many dates."
You paused in the middle of smoothing an errant strand of silky hair, brow creasing in that adorable little wrinkle he loved so much. For a brief, dizzying moment Grimmjow wondered if you'd somehow developed telepathy and sussed out the bitter envy churning through his gut.
Then your bemused voice cut through the stifling tension knotting his shoulders as you replied:
"Someone sounds awfully salty for a guy who swore up and down he wasn't gonna give me any grief over Nnoitra."
Grimmjow winced inwardly at the piercing insight, tamping down the instinctive urge to look properly chastened. Sure, he'd promised to stay out of your dating choices this time around - go so far as supporting you even - but how the hell could he when you kept bringing home these undeserving pricks one after another?!
A bitter chuckle nearly escaped his chest at the thought. Like he had any room to judge your romantic entanglements when he was the biggest philandering asshole of all. Always leaving a trail of broken hearts and bruised egos in his wake wherever he went because none of those casual flings could ever truly satisfy the deep, gnawing ache in his core.
At the end of every sweaty, tangled night spent chasing fleeting pleasures, Grimmjow inevitably found his lust-hazed vision seeking out some glimmer of your essence reflected in whichever warm body writhed and gasped beneath his ravenous attentions. Maybe it was the way their hair splayed across the pillows in thick waves, so reminiscent of when you lounged about lazily on weekends snuggled up watching dumb movies. Or perhaps the smattering of freckles dotting their shoulder blades reminded him of the sun-kissed constellations spanning your back and shoulders from summers spent outside together.
No matter how petty or delusional it felt each time he found himself pathetically projecting pieces of you onto another nameless conquest, Grimmjow couldn't seem to stop himself from instinctively searching for those fleeting echoes. Because in those hoarded fragments, as superficial and masochistic as they may have been, he could almost pretend his restless, traitorous heart was finally sated for once.
Almost convince himself that the plush curves and silken skin bared so wantonly beneath him belonged to the one woman who simultaneously gave his life meaning while robbing him of all peace entirely.
Once or twice he'd even slipped so deeply into those maddening delusions that your name had spilled from his lips in a shuddering groan against heated flesh. Only to be jolted brutally back to harsh reality by the stricken revulsion twisting their expressions - punctuated by the harsh sting of an open palm leaving his cheek smarting in shameful reprisal.
So yeah...maybe Grimmjow had zero ground for casting aspersions on your romantic choices when he'd sunken to such utterly pathetic lows in his own debased pursuit of any scrap or temporary solace available. All because doing the right thing and simply letting you go to find happiness felt more agonizing than sacrificing what little soul and dignity he had left clutching at pale imitations.
Before he could wrangle the impulse into some sardonic retort designed to deflect, your thoughtful gaze shifted back to drinking in his sprawled form with that same unconscious appreciation. Grimmjow instinctively straightened under the intensity of your stare, electricity prickling down his nape and shoulders at the weight behind those warm, guileless eyes...
Then you beamed at him - just a soft, radiant smile that lit up your whole face - and Grimmjow felt his heart stutter in his chest all over again like it did every damn time you looked at him like that. Like he was the only person in the world who mattered in that suspended breath.
"You know you'll always be my best friend, right Grimm?" you said simply, voice brimming with sincere affection that robbed him of air entirely.
He blinked dumbly, mesmerized by the ethereal glow of pure sunshine radiating from your expression as you regarded him with that same open, vulnerable adoration he'd never quite grown accustomed to after all these years. Grimmjow felt himself leaning towards your orbit helplessly despite his best intentions, like a man dying of thirst finally stumbling upon an oasis after ages adrift.
"No matter who comes and goes, you're the one constant I can count on," you continued softly, ducking your chin a little with a tiny self-conscious tuck of hair behind your ear. "My truest partner in everything, y'know?"
Grimmjow's throat bobbed convulsively as he fought to swallow past the lump swelling there. God, how did you always manage to disarm him so completely with just a few hushed syllables and those big, earnest eyes of yours? He opened his mouth, desperate to return the sentiment somehow though any actual words failed him utterly in the wake of your sincerity bowling him over once more.
Then your smile widened into that brilliant, achingly familiar grin he'd somehow fallen deeper in love with every year you two spent practically glued at the hip. You rose from the vanity in one graceful, effortless movement and drifted over to plop down on the mattress beside him - movements radiating that wholesome, utterly pure aura of joy he cherished like a sacred flame amidst the world's cruelties.
Before Grimmjow could properly recalibrate his restraints, you leaned over to loop one slender arm around his shoulders and press the gentlest kiss against his cheek in a sweet, platonic embrace. His entire body went rigid, every muscle taut as his jaw clenched to stifle the growl threatening to rumble free as the ghost of your warm breath and plush lips seared themselves into his senses.
"Love you to the moon and back, you big grump," you whispered against the heated line of his jaw, completely oblivious to the smoldering inferno blazing behind his hooded stare now. "Even when you're being a stubborn jerk about me dating again."
The urge to turn and capture those honeyed words straight from your glistening mouth in a soulfire of a kiss nearly overpowered Grimmjow's faculties entirely. He could already envision the rapturous slide of claiming your velvet lips and sipping down those blissful sighs escaping around each searing caress.
Only the sudden, jarring chime of your phone vibrating across the nightstand jolted him back from that delirious precipice at last. You pulled away with a start, glancing towards the caller ID in clear dismay at the intrusion.
Then your expression shifted, lips curving into a bright, anticipatory grin as you registered who the incoming call was from. "Oh! That must be Nnoitra letting me know he's here!"
You bounced up from the mattress with a renewed burst of youthful energy, all but vibrating with poorly contained excitement. Grimmjow watched through his lashes as you hurried back over to the vanity, straightening your outfit and running deft fingers through your hair one final time.
"Don't wait up, okay?" you tossed over your shoulder with a wink that twisted the blade in his heart effortlessly. "Could be a late one depending how charming Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome is feeling tonight!"
A hollow chuckle punched past Grimmjow's defenses before he could bite it back. "When isn't that jackass on his A-game trying to sweep you off your feet?" he rasped out with far more bitterness than he'd intended.
You simply giggled at his sarcasm, utterly missing the jagged undercurrent fueling it as you whirled back towards him with that megawatt smile of yours.
"You know me, sucker for a pretty face and silver tongue, Grimm," you sighed dramatically, hands fluttering up to cradle your radiant features. "Just pray one day I learn some taste to go with this weak willpower!"
With that final teasing remark, you strode over and pressed another sweet, painfully chaste peck against his cheek that nearly unmade Grimmjow entirely.
"Love you, grump!" you murmured, breath fanning over his already flushed skin in deliciously intimate waves. "Don't wait up, but do lock up behind me if I'm not back before morning? You're the best, bye!"
Before he could unstick his tongue from the roof of his mouth, you bounded from the bedroom and out through the front hall in a whirlwind of perfumed vibrancy. Grimmjow remained upright on your bed, back rigid and fists clenched against his thighs so hard the knuckles strained white as bleached bone. The thunderous cadence of blood roared in his ears until finally...the front door clicked shut behind your whirlwind exit.
Then, and only then, did Grimmjow allow his forehead to sag forward into his upturned palms with a groan torn from the deepest hollows of his soul.
"Fuck..." he rasped out around the bitter ashes of loss coating his tongue once more. "Love you too...so goddamn much it hurts just to keep breathing without you here..."
He stayed that way for several suspended eternities until the furious pounding of his pulse ebbed enough for higher cognitive functions to trickle back hazily. But even as Grimmjow finally slumped backwards onto the rumpled bedding you'd occupied so recently, consuming your lingering warmth and scent like a dying man's oxygen, he knew the desolate ache hollowing out his core would persist until your inevitable return once more.
Just like it always did whenever you drifted from his side to chase empty dreams with these superficial pricks unworthy of so much as basking in your radiant light. But Grimmjow would stay, would continue craving and pining after you in aching silence rather than risk shattering your bond entirely.
Better to watch you pursue wholehearted fulfillment despite the endless, gnawing torment scoring fresh wounds into his battered soul with each breathless farewell. At least this way...he could still bask in your light and cherish the scraps of intimacy you allowed him rather than lose you completely to the howling void.
So he waited...and endured...and loved you with every faltering fragment of his shattered being until the next rapturous reunion finally granted him fleeting solace in your orbit once more.
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The ride back to Nnoitra's place passed in a heated blur of wandering hands and heated make-out sessions whenever they hit a red light. You thrilled at the shiver of delicious anticipation lacing through your veins as his calloused palms roamed over your exposed thighs and up under your skirt teasingly.
A giddy thrill raced through your veins as Nnoitra's car pulled up to his place - a sleek, luxurious apartment building that practically oozed opulence. You'd had such an incredible night together filled with romantic candlelight, sumptuous food, and that dark undercurrent of heated tension you lived for.
Things were still relatively new between you both, having only progressed to intense bouts of heavy petting and dry-humping in the backseat of Nnoitra's car after dates so far. But tonight, after weeks of building tension, you sensed a shift in his usual aggressive yet restrained approach to pursuing you physically.
All the subtle hints radiated off him in smoldering waves from the moment he opened your door and pulled you flush against his powerful frame. The ravenous way his mouth never left your skin for longer than a few scorching inhales. How those large, rough fingers dug into the supple flesh of your hips and ass with undisguised possessiveness.
"Fuck you look so goddamn gorgeous tonight, babydoll," Nnoitra growled against the fevered hollow of your throat between molten kisses. "Been drivin' me crazy thinkin' about strippin' you outta that little number all evening..."
You shivered at his words, the blatant masculine lust saturating them sending heat zinging through your core deliciously. As he guided you backwards into his apartment with that same single-minded focus, you couldn't quite stifle the giddy thrill of anticipation mounting higher still.
This was it - the moment you'd been breathlessly awaiting ever since your first flirtatious exchange with Nnoitra and the undeniable spark of chemistry igniting between you. The night everything finally reached its crescendo and you both surrendered to the ravenous passion simmering for weeks on end. You were practically vibrating with pent-up need and arousal by the time the backs of your thighs hit the mattress and sent you toppling backwards into the rumpled bedding.
Nnoitra loomed above you like a conquering force of nature given human form - eyes glittering with unveiled hunger and those full lips curled in a predatory smirk you couldn't tear your stare away from despite your thundering pulse.
"Ready for the main event, princess?" he rumbled out in a tone dripping with dark promise that made your thighs clench involuntarily.
"God yes..." you breathed out in a throaty rasp, hands already tugging at the collar of his fitted shirt impatiently. "You have no idea how bad I've wanted—"
But the rest of your breathy declaration trailed off in a choked gasp as Nnoitra abruptly seized both your wrists in a bruising grip and pinned them over your head in one forceful sweeping motion. You struggled on instinct for one heart-pounding second before registering the white-hot heat of pure, undisguised possession blazing in his heavy-lidded stare.
"Not tonight you don't," he hissed out in a tone laced with something that set off warning bells in your hind-brain instantly. "Tonight that greedy fucking mouth and the rest of your hot little body are mine to do with as I please..."
You frowned, opening your mouth to protest the hostile phrasing dancing along your instinctive aversion, only for Nnoitra to silence you roughly with a bruising crush of his demanding lips. His free hand wasted no time delving between your trembling forms, shoving past your flimsy panties and underwear to grip your sex in a vicious squeeze that punched the breath from your lungs in a strangled keen.
"That's right, slut," he growled against your parted, gasping mouth as rough fingertips parted your folds with uncompromising insistence. "Make all the sweet little noises you want while I get that worthless pussy nice and sloppy for what's coming..."
The cruel, dehumanizing words landed like a physical blow, igniting a fresh blaze of panicked adrenaline that made you thrash against his restraining bulk in a desperate bid for space. But Nnoitra only chuckled darkly in evident relish, baring down with his full, unyielding weight in wordless reprimand while his calloused knuckles continued their ruthless ministrations between your thighs...
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You barely registered the salt tracks of tears streaming down your face as you slowly extricated your quivering form out from beneath Nnoitra's dead weight on the mattress. You slid free of the tangled sheets and quickly pried open the drawer beside the bed to yank on the first clothes you could find despite your raw, aching skin howling in protest.
Hot tears stung your eyes as you allowed Nnoitra's parting sneers and contemptuous dismissal to rattle around your numb psyche. Stupid slut...pathetic cocktease with no follow-through...wasted his goddamn time like every other desperate whore...
Your entire body thrummed with secondhand humiliation and regret. How could you have been so blind, so utterly naive to think this vulgar, domineering man might harbor even the slightest consideration or care for your boundaries?
No...you knew better, deep down. Perhaps not the full, ugly extent of Nnoitra's penchant for degradation and savagery, but enough to sense the ugliness lurking beneath his veneers all the same. All this time you'd simply chosen willful blindness in hopes some idealized version of him might take root if only you persisted hard enough.
Only once you were fully redressed and upright again - legs trembling violently yet somehow still holding your weight - did you chance a furtive look back over your shoulder at the sprawled silhouette of your boyfriend.
He was utterly unconscious in the aftermath of his merciless savagery, the slow rise and fall of his chest barely perceptible in the dim light creeping through the blinds. You couldn't discern if the wet trails bisecting his sculpted features had been your tears or his own sweat dripping down, nor did you particularly care at this point. All that remained was the hollow ache throbbing through every inch of your ravaged body and psyche pulsing in a dull cadence.
"Shouldn't have pushed me so hard, you cheap-ass cumslut," Nnoitra's mumbled slur reached you from the darkness, chilling you anew. "Now look...totally fucking blew my load and wasted it because your needy ass couldn't relax and take your medicine like a good girl..."
Any further cruel taunts dissolved into thick, whistling snores as he succumbed to the heavy pull of slumber anew. You simply stood there amid the settling ashes of your last remaining illusions and shattered boundaries, struggling to cling to the final fraying threads holding you together at all.
Then Grimmjow's face swam into focus behind your eyelids - that rakish grin and those penetratingly sincere azure irises that shimmered with so much fierce loyalty and adoration whenever he beheld you. It was like a lighthouse piercing through the fog of your unraveling despair and guiding you back towards salvation at last.
Without further hesitation, you turned on your heel and fled from the blood-tinged battlefield of Nnoitra's apartment with the few remaining dignity-preserving scraps you had energy to salvage. Away from the desolate, mocking silence now suffocating the eerie stillness in your wake.
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Grimmjow barely registered the muted drone of the TV flickering before him, gaze glazed and thoughts adrift as he idly channel surfed. Some old movie rerun flickered across the screen but he couldn't muster enough focus to follow the plot if his life depended on it. His mind was too preoccupied wondering just what fresh hell you might be enduring at that very moment with Nnoitra...
The sudden jarring trill of the doorbell made him jolt upright, frown creasing his features as he glanced towards the entryway in confusion. Grimmjow definitely wasn't expecting company this late. Unless...
His pulse kicked up a traitor's cadence as he rose and padded towards the front door, something like grim anticipation weighing in his gut. Sure enough, one sweeping glance through the peephole revealed your familiar silhouette hunched on the front steps in the dim glow of the porch light.
Steeling himself for whatever emotional turbulence awaited, Grimmjow undid the locks and tugged the door open carefully. The sight that greeted him stole what little breath remained, bitter resignation curdling through his veins like acid.
"Hey Grimm..." you rasped out in a voice utterly devoid of your usual sunshine and warmth.
Then you lifted your bowed head just enough to reveal the fresh bruising purpling along your throat, the swollen split in your lower lip, and more incriminating evidence scattered across your ravaged features...and something inside Grimmjow simply cracked irreparably.
"[Y/N]..." he croaked out numbly, body moving on horrified instinct to surge forward and gather your trembling form against his chest in a crushing embrace. "What did that son of a bitch do to you..."
At his impassioned whisper, the dam finally broke and you dissolved into wretched, hiccuping sobs against his heaving chest. Grimmjow could only clutch you tighter, teeth grinding in sheer impotent fury as the warm trails of your anguish streaked over his skin in scorching brands far worse than any physical wound.
That worthless pile of shit Nnoitra had HURT you - harmed you in ways that made Grimmjow's most merciless nightmares seem trite by comparison. His eyes squeezed shut as you continued keening into the hollow of his throat wordlessly, entire frame practically vibrating with the force of your raw devastation laid finally bare.
Grimmjow had witnessed you mourn other breakups over the years, yes. But never in such undiluted, soul-searing fashion as this. It was as if the very essence of your brilliant spark - that endless fount of effortless joy and resilience he'd cherished for so long - had finally been scoured out through unimaginable torment until only the bitter, haunted ashes remained in its wake.
A snarl began building in his chest, low and guttural until it threatened to burst free in an incandescent blaze. Every simmering thread of restraint Grimmjow had worn like shackles holding back the urges to simply seize and ravage you as he so desperately craved came apart like smoke dissolving on the wind. The need to find Nnoitra and utterly annihilate him down to his very core suddenly blazed with the intensity of a dying star finally going supernova in one apocalyptic conflagration.
But just as Grimmjow began turning towards hunting his prey down no matter the consequences, your quavering rasp reached his ears and paralyzed him in his tracks.
"Don't..." you whispered in a broken cadence against his thundering pulse, hands feebly clutching his shirt with the last vapors of strength. "Please Grimm...I just want to be done...to stop hurting for a while and just...rest here with you..."
And just like that, all the smoldering bloodlust and wrath simply evaporated, leaving Grimmjow feeling utterly deflated as he turned back to gather you closer. You wound enfeebled arms around his midsection, clinging to his hulking frame with unconcealed desperation as he simply swayed in place, murmuring wordless reassurance against your disheveled hair.
How many times had he wished to declare his love in that heated silence, to reveal the aching depths of devotion roiling in his chest for years? Too many to ever recount as the seconds stretched into eternities under the leaden weight of your private anguish exsanguinating against him...
But somehow, in that suspended purgatory, Grimmjow also felt the stirrings of hope threatening to bloom impossibly through the bitter soil of his longstanding resignation. As if your hollowed vulnerability offered an oasis out of the howling void you'd both been trapped in since the beginning...
He pulled back just enough for your bleary, bloodshot eyes to find his, one hand tenderly cupping the curve of your jaw where the first telltale bruise blossomed. Grimmjow studied your ravaged features with something approaching reverence despite the wounds etched there.
To think your radiance had finally broken and started to cool towards ashen despondence...the reality sliced deeper than any physical torment. Yet also revealed an untold strength residing in those battered depths that threatened to rob Grimmjow of his composure entirely in a different way. He thumbed over your split lower lip with trembling care, utterly transfixed by every hitched breath shuddering through your lungs.
Unable to resist the swirling undertow any longer, Grimmjow surged forward and captured your parted lips in a searing, infinitely tender glide. The contact was barely there at first - a mere whisper of reverence and restrained longing scorching his senses. But then you whimpered softly against his mouth, and like a drowning man gulping life-giving air, Grimmjow deepened the kiss with a rumbling groan.
You both seemed frozen for one suspended eternity, bodies locked in a molten clinch as his tongue traced the plush seam of your lips in unspoken entreaty. When you finally parted them with a shuddering sigh, Grimmjow felt something primal and ravenous unfurl in his gut with blinding intensity.
He cradled the nape of your neck with infinite care, angling your faces impossibly closer as his tongue delved past your lips to explore every slick, velvet crevice with aching leisure. Each sweep of his velvet muscle elicited the most blissful, broken little sounds punching free from your core that stoked the banked embers in Grimmjow's own into an insatiable blaze.
"Sweet girl..." he murmured against your swollen mouth between heated, indulgent kisses. "Let me take care of you properly this time..."
You keened softly in response, hands scrabbling up the firm musculature of his back and shoulders as if seeking purchase against the tidal wave of sensation threatening to bowl you both under entirely. Grimmjow could only growl in dark approval, trailing open-mouthed worship down the slender column of your throat while gathering you against his powerful frame.
With a leonine heave, he surged to his feet and carried you through the living room without breaking his sensual cadence. Your thighs parted instinctively to bracket his hips like a lifeline, shaky gasps ghosting over his fevered skin with each lush undulation of your tangled forms.
"That's it..." Grimmjow husked out in a rumbling purr laced with sinful promise. "Stay right here with me, let me show you how good it feels to be handled right..."
By the time he lowered you reverently onto the rumpled sheets and covered your pliant body with his own, the weight of unrequited yearning and hunger etched in every etched ridge and hollow had reached a fever pitch. Yet despite the unmistakable claiming energy thrumming through each vein and sinew, Grimmjow retained an unhurried, almost meditative pace as he worked to rid you of your clothes.
Hands roamed and mapped every lush curve and quivering hollow, thumbs skating over feverish skin with aching tenderness even as he blazed a path of devouring kisses along the slopes of your breasts. You arched into him helplessly, lost to the sublime rapture of touch and being so thoroughly adored by someone who saw your radiant essence unveiled before anything else.
Your legs fell open wider as Grimmjow settled firmly between your splayed thighs, the firm swell of his cock straining his boxers against your molten core. Your hips canted upwards to grind against the welcome friction, hands scrabbling up and down the flexing contours of his muscled torso with unrestrained wantonness.
"God, so fucking perfect for me, babygirl," Grimmjow groaned against the valley between your breasts, one hand delving lower to cup your soaked sex and thumb your swollen clit. "Never gonna let anyone mistreat you or take this precious pussy for granted again, sweetheart..."
Then his face dipped lower still, and all coherent thought fled your mind as his full, pouty lips closed over one aching nipple and began suckling in earnest. You whimpered and squirmed beneath him, the wet heat of his mouth and teasing scrape of his teeth driving you wild.
Grimmjow merely growled around the pert, glistening bud and switched to its neglected twin, alternating between long, slow laps and gentle nips. His calloused fingers continued their torturous dance around your dripping slit, sliding over your folds and circling your swollen clit in unhurried, dizzying spirals.
The air grew thick with your combined panting breaths and the sinful, slick sounds of his relentless ministrations. All the while, the insistent throb of his rigid shaft grinding against you in steady rhythm built the pressure of unbridled need higher and higher still until you were sure you'd be swallowed by the rising tide entirely.
"Please...Grimmjow, please I can't take it anymore!" you sobbed, hands fisting in his tousled cerulean locks and yanking. "I need you inside me, want you to fuck me and make it better, please..."
At your breathless, broken entreaty, Grimmjow's head reared up from your flushed chest with an almost feral snarl. The blistering heat radiating from his piercing cerulean gaze was enough to scald you to the bone, igniting the molten embers simmering through your veins anew.
"Fuck, I want to, baby…so goddamn much," he bit out, teeth gritted as he loomed over you with one forearm braced on the headboard. "But you've had enough rough treatment for a lifetime. Gonna be real sweet and thorough when I make you mine at last, gorgeous."
He dipped his head low and sealed his mouth over yours in another soul-searing kiss, tongues tangling and breath mingling. You felt the blunt, silky head of his cock nudging your drenched folds aside and gliding through your folds to graze your sensitive bundle of nerves. Then the fat, velvety tip began prodding at your entrance, and you were certain the delicious pressure might very well undo you before you'd even felt him sink fully inside you.
"Gonna take it real slow, babygirl, so just breathe for me, yeah?" he husked against your parted lips.
Grimmjow punctuated his gravelly command with a shallow roll of his hips, the thick, bulbous crown stretching your tender walls with agonizing tenderness. Your inner muscles clenched instinctively, the initial burn of intrusion giving way to the delicious fullness that promised so much more to come.
"Yes, fuck yes Grimmjow, keep going, don't stop..."
The raw, pleading notes of your voice only served to spur him on, and he buried his face in the crook of your shoulder with a hoarse curse. The powerful flex and coil of his sinewy form above you as he sank deeper inside you inch by aching inch was an utter thing of beauty.
Every twitch and clench of your walls drew out a different sound from his lips - a ragged gasp or breathy groan, or something more akin to a guttural snarl. The overwhelming intensity was unlike anything you'd ever experienced, and yet felt like the culmination of all the shared yearning and desire built up for so long.
When the rigid girth finally bottomed out, your legs hooked instinctively around his waist and you let out a keening cry, overwhelmed by the delicious pressure throbbing within. Grimmjow merely let out a shudder exhale, lips brushing your sweat-slicked brow and jaw.
"Fuck, you feel like pure heaven around my cock, princess," he groaned, teeth grazing the shell of your ear as his hips began a slow, deep thrust. "So goddamn good, never wanna leave this sweet pussy now that I've had a taste..."
His words sent a fresh thrill zipping down your spine, and your back arched up to meet the sinuous roll of his body in a languid counterpoint. Your fingers carded through the coarse azure strands tumbling around his handsome features, the sheer intensity of his adoring gaze searing into your soul and sending shivers through your writhing frame.
Grimmjow pressed impassioned kisses along the line of your jaw and collarbone, all the while murmuring soft words of praise and endearment. His tempo was a measured, unhurried glide that kept building the pressure within you to an excruciating fever pitch.
The heady friction of his velvet length massaging your inner walls in the most sinful way soon had you babbling incoherently. His name fell from your lips in broken, reverent litany as if invoking a sacred prayer - the only truth that mattered in that moment.
"H-Harder, Grimm...please..." you gasped, the coil in your belly drawing tighter and tighter with each exquisite slide.
"Uh-uh, babygirl, not this time," he rumbled back, one hand skimming over the smooth plane of your torso to cradle the crest of your hip with unflinching tenderness. "Wanna show you how good it feels when someone loves you like they're meant to..."
With those gravelly words, Grimmjow's pace slowed further still until each thrust was a languid, almost agonizing pull out followed by a torturous press in. His lips closed over yours in a drugging kiss, tongues gliding in unhurried, sinful caresses that only stoked the inferno of your mutual desire into an inextinguishable conflagration.
You keened helplessly, utterly at his mercy in the best possible way. With his strong, broad body braced above you and his unyielding cock filling you completely, the rest of the world fell away to insignificance. It was as if you'd finally found the home and shelter you'd sought so desperately in that shared, silent space - in the warmth of his arms and the searing heat of his touch.
Grimmjow broke the kiss suddenly, a deep shudder coursing through his powerful frame as he buried his face in the hollow of your throat with a ragged, drawn-out groan. You could feel the telltale flutter of his swollen member against your tender inner walls and knew his own release was near.
"Fuck, I-I'm close, sweet girl..."
His strained voice seemed to drag you out of the haze of ecstasy you'd been swept away on, and the sight of him above you nearly undid you completely.
His cerulean locks tumbled around his fevered expression in disheveled tendrils, eyes blazing with pure adoration and devotion and the strain of unyielding restraint holding back his climax. His arms quivered on either side of you, muscles rippling and bunching as he fought to maintain his torturous pace and draw out the bliss for just a little longer.
You wound your legs tighter around his lean waist, angling your hips up and letting out a high, breathless gasp as he sank impossibly deeper inside you. Grimmjow cursed darkly, teeth grazing the column of your throat and hands fisting the sheets until his knuckles blanched.
"I-I love you, [Y/N]...fuck, I love you so much," he groaned, voice cracking at the end and betraying the depth of his emotion. "Please say it back, let me hear it at least once, please..."
Your heart stuttered at his impassioned, whispered plea. The raw, naked longing etched on his features threatened to overwhelm you entirely. But in the end, there was no doubt left in your mind about what you needed to do, and no fear at the idea of exposing the tender, fragile parts of yourself in turn.
"I love you too, Grimmjow," you whispered back, hands reaching up to tenderly cup his cheeks and bring his feverish, desperate gaze back to yours. "You're the only one I've ever loved like this, and the only one I want, I promise."
And just like that, the leonine man above you seemed to collapse with a shuddering exhale, burying his face in the valley between your breasts as his powerful body went taut as a bowstring. A few more deep, hard thrusts and the pressure within you snapped, sending you both hurtling over the edge into blissful oblivion.
Your back arched off the mattress, eyes squeezing shut and mouth falling open on a choked sob as the first waves of pleasure crashed through your frame. Grimmjow's answering snarl and ragged exhale signaled his own release, the molten heat of his essence flooding your core and filling every inch of your quivering channel with his seed.
He continued rocking into you as you both rode out the last echoes of release, hips twitching and muscles shuddering with the aftershocks. Your legs fell bonelessly to the bed, thighs quivering and chest heaving as he rolled off you at last, his spent cock slipping free from your quivering sex with a lewd squelch.
He gathered you against him, one powerful arm looping around your waist to pull you flush against his firm, sinewy torso. The other stroked and smoothed over the sweat-slicked strands of hair clinging to your temples and forehead, fingers trailing tenderly over your features and pressing a reverent kiss to your parted lips.
"[Y/N]...my precious girl, don't know how I'll ever let you go," Grimmjow mumbled against your temple, nuzzling his cheek against the crown of your head. "You deserve so much better than what I have to offer, but I'm still not letting you leave. Never."
A fresh swell of emotion threatened to break loose, but this time, it was not borne of heartache or despair. You turned your face up to his, pressing a chaste kiss to his sculpted jaw and reveling in the possessive squeeze of his arms around you.
"Then I'm not going anywhere, Grimmjow."
He let out a satisfied rumble and nosed along the slope of your throat and jaw, pressing lazy kisses wherever he could reach. The soothing motion lulled you into a pleasant, boneless haze, the rhythmic rise and fall of his broad chest lulling you deeper into the depths of slumber.
The last thing you heard before slipping away was the soft, reverent whisper breathed against the crown of your head.
"Love you, [Y/N]...more than I ever thought was possible."
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Okay let's say that the Espada have been in a relationship with reader for a long time and of course the family of the reader has understood that they're in a relationship and are pestering them to meet their partner. How would the Espada feel if reader's family are almost immediately welcoming them into the family and are very sweet and accepting? I'm seriously tired of the trope where the family is judging and unaccepting, plus my whole family are a bunch of weirdos (in a nice way) and no matter who I bring as a partner as long as I'm happy they're all like "now you're part of the family" 😂, thank you for all the amazing content!!
Anon, do you mean to tell me you could bring an Arrancar to dinner, and they'll be ok with it? Damn, some have all the luck!
Starrk is weary of not fucking it up. Moving slower than he usually does, putting things away with utmost care as he helps around your kitchen before you serve dinner. Your parents love him! He's handsome and seems to know how to take care of you. Sure, the attire is weird, but they don't judge!
At first, they're a bit nervous about the literal shark teeth around her face. However, Harribel's solemn attitude and sweet demeanor while looking at you make your family melt as they realize how much you mean to her. Sure she slayed a cup that burnt your hand, but hey, that just means she'll protect you, right?
Ulquiorra: It was awkward at first, yet despite Ulquiorra's icy attitude, your family noticed he had strong feelings for you. Even if he hadn't realized it. And it's just that Ulquiorra's attitude is like: 'I don't care about y/n, but if anything happens to them, I'll kill everyone in the room and then myself' Your parents think he's hilarious.
Oh, Nnoitra craved to see your face when your parents yelled at you that you brought a monster into their homes. Instead, he found they were missing as many screws as you. It was beyond uncomfortable for him, feeling so welcomed. Yet, as undeserving as he stood, Nnoitra was surprised to find he was bearing this for your sake.
Grimmjow: You begged him to behave, and as Grimmjow owed you one, Grimmjow did his best to meet his word. However, destructive by nature as he was, it wasn't long before he picked a fight with your drunk cousin. When he finally blasted him over a table, your whole fam cheered. "It was about time somebody put that bicthy boy in his place!" one of your grannies said, and Grmmjow cackled. Your family was actually not that bad.
Szayel: In his research, one's partner is supposed to make a memorable first impression, so that was his initial intention. However, hollow technology and human food did not always go together, and the robot he built explored over the table.
But that wasn't what troubled Szayel. It was the realization that he cared about what your family could think about him. Luckily for him, everyone cheered the failure and told him that only by making mistakes once progress. Kind of insulting coming from a human, still- it made him feel warm inside. Yeah, they were indeed related to you.
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yarugawitch · 1 year
hii! prompt wise i feel like nnoitra is concerned a lot with what he's "supposed" to be and he's overly cautious of how others view him (as weak or strong) so how do you think a carefree bold s/o would have an effect on him? someone who doesnt care about traditional roles, lets others be however they want to be, doesnt let others label and box them or the people around them? i feel like it would be a good influence even if he outright sneers them at first
Nnoitra/Reader: Headcanons for a bolder S/O
a great ask!! there are a lot of thoughts on the way i see nnoitra to add a little bit of context so i hope this doesn't read like a fucking character essay 🙈
>Masterpost | >Request Info
A love interest like this can be very poisonous for his own self-image at first. I think you have to be either very distant or cautious at least while he's trying to asses you or else he's likely to view you as a danger to his own peace which should be avoided or eliminated. But the thing is that that's the kind of person who'd work the best with him. Personally, I think to Nnoitra labeling and dividing people, over-simplifying some things and maintaining an image is something of a coping mechanism to keep his mind off things like the horrors of arrancar existence and his own insecurities. I mean... being purposefully ignorant is very fitting for someone missing an eye not because he somehow lost it in battle but because he was made this way. So people who also label him as either an idol like Tesla or a tyrant like everybody else and see him as nothing beyond these titles mean nothing to him. They might as well be grains of sand beneath his heel. And even though he's usually too self-absorbed and consumed with his own thoughts, wishes and fears to see others as they are Nnoitra actually hates people who are shallow with him. Ironically enough you have to fight or at least challenge him even when it comes to emotions and feelings in order for Gilga to acknowledge you
All that said I believe that once he's done spitting venom at you he'd find himself very entertained with any other conversations you share. This would help him slowly but surely open up even if it's hard sometimes. Painful even. Someone who doesn't see speaking about just anything as a weakness or unnecessary nonsense and constantly shows it will surely make him more talkative. I love thinking back to that one scene where he asked Ichigo about his name and promised to try to remember it, only to say "I already forgot your name sorry" like one chapter later. And because of it, I'm convinced Nnoitra is actually very fucking funny sometimes. So seeing someone almost rolling on the ground laughing without being scared of looking stupid would make him fall in love even more
Nnoitra is a troubled and miserable man... which doesn't take away the fact that he's also a terrible person but nonetheless he can't help but feel both intimidated and enamored with someone who sees his personality attractive without taking his strength, rank and number of battles he's won into account. No strong/weak talk. Just him. Being the man he is he'd probably think it's some sick joke or weird obsession with just plain bad people at first because of course it has to be this, can't have faith in you people, but once he gets his shit rocked because the s/o doesn't take no shit from anybody he'd start to feel something. To him being seen through his tough armor and still being taken seriously even after you realize what he's actually like is oh so very scary but also so thrilling and intimate he could die
Despite Tesla's dedication to Nnoitra and Nnoitra alone, I think this guy can be easily enamored by someone like this, too. Seeing Tesla all giddy and puppy-eyed with anyone beside him is a huge sign something is going on for Nnoitra. It means he's not just imagining things. And well, Gilga can run away and ignore everything all he wants but getting jealous is the biggest reality check he can get because this man's ego is a tad too big to let it slide
He won't take any of this without fighting back of course. At first, he'd try to do something about the person who makes him feel too much when he's not ready for it. And later on, he'd try to best you. Even though he'd start to open up I'm sure Nnoitra's not the one to let himself be on the receiving end all the time even if it's as small as taking him seriously 😭 At least because it's embarrassing. So as to not be outdone he'd try to be more genuine, more present. Of course, given his personality, height and the amount of arms he can possess, being physically affectionate is much easier for him. You can't do anything with him being bigger in general so it makes him feel more confident and imposing while he's trying to win the "who swoons first" game lol
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cinghialefedele · 8 months
( Nnoitra comes to Tesla in a dream, maybe that's just how much he misses his master? ) - The touch isn't soft. It was never soft. Maybe he never knew how to touch anyone softly. Nnoitra grabs Tesla's shoulders with his sharp fingers, threatening to tear through his uniform. Or maybe through his skin - or maybe make him wake up. "Why didn't ya listen?!" He asks him. Is that anger? It probably is, because Nnoitra never knew how to express sadness, even with the tons of it he always carried. "I told ya 'ta run away! I told ya!" He lets go of him just as quickly as he grabbed him. It's not as if it would've made a difference if Tesla had listened to him. Of course not. Fighting for his life while his Fraccion was bleeding out on the ground before him hadn't impacted Nnoitra's battle at all. "If only ya'd listened 'ta me, I---" What was he going to say? He never gets to finish the sentence. Tesla never gets to hear it. Because it's time to wake up.
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Tesla jolts awake, an arm outstretched as he sits upright in the bed, panting, shuddering in a cold sweat as he looks around in a panic.
Empty bed. Empty room. Empty palace. As usual.
Maybe he expected it to be different, this time. Expected to wake up to his Master shaking him awake, berating him for sleeping in his room, in his bed, on his pillows. The dream is similar to others he's had, but it never hurts any less to come back to reality.
His hands move to rest over his own shoulders. He swears he can feel the ghost of his strong grip still, bruising force leaving marks on Tesla's body. He knows it's in his head.
His sigh is too loud in the silent room, and he stares down at his hands as they fall uselessly into his lap. Useless. Helpless. Worthless Fracción, without his Espada.
If I had only listened...what would you have done? Would something have changed? Could we have lived to fight another day? Could we have at least died together?
No answer comes. It never does, in his dreams, nor his waking consciousness.
His vision blurs as he stares at the scar along his right hand. He really could only ever cry for Nnoitra.
"I'm sorry, Sir... I'm so sorry... I'm sorry..."
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imaginingbleach · 3 months
im a little selfish for the bleach ask one, but can i know 1-22 😭😭
Bleach Ask Meme
Oh my goodness gracious that's a lot LOL.
1. Who are your top three favorite characters and why? (It can be arrancars, espada, humans, soul reapers, zanpakuto spirits, souls, visoreds, fullbringers, and of course I can’t forget the quincies)
It's my answer and I'm breaking the rules! >:0
Top 3 of each:
Arrancars: Nel, that little doggy, Ulquiorra (since he didn't make the espada list)
Espada: Grimmjow, Halibel, Nnoitra
Humans: Orihime, Tatsuki, Riruka (and Ichigo's teacher for being so chill)
Soul Reapers: Ichigo, Sosuke, Rukia
Zanpakuto Spirits: Zangetsu :>
Souls: Kukaku.
Visoreds: Shinji :>
Fullbringers: Riruka
Quincies: Masaki, Bazz B?, Meninas?
2. Who is/are your least favorite character(s) and why?
Central 46. (or Yammy lol)
3. Favorite minor character?
Answered here!
4. Favorite zanpakuto?
My OC's--- LOL sorry; I'd have to say Sode no Shirayuki. So pwetty.
5. Favorite shikai?
Katen Kyōkotsu
6. Favorite bankai?
Sakashima Yokoshima Happōfusagari / Tensa Zangetsu / Hakka no Togame
7. Favorite kido? (It can be bakudo, hado, or kaido)
Bakudo: Tanma Otoshi
Purely for this gif (linked to the wiki where I found it):
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Hado: Sōren Sōkatsui
8. Favorite squad?
Have a soft spot for 5 & 10. :)
9. Favorite captain?
Shinji Hirako 💙
10. Favorite lieutenant?
Renji Abarai / Nanao Ise
11. What’s your favorite opening theme from the series?
Answered Here!
12. What’s your favorite ending theme from the series?
Answered Here!
13. Favorite manga panel?
Oh jeez, I don't know since there's so much I haven't read o_o
14. Most heart-wrenching death?
Senna still gets me 😭
I'm not sure otherwise.
15. Favorite arc and why?
As far as I know the arrancar arc. Let's be real, it gives me Shinji 😭
16. Favorite movie and why?
Answered Here!
17. Favorite piece of merch that you own?
I've had to move so much I don't have any Bleach merch anymore ;^;
18. Do you have any tattoos?
Not Bleach related, but I've got... several >~> All cat related.
I've got "Luna" with her birth year and d.o.d. with a little pawprint, Izaya next to Luna in a similar way with a little cat resting with a halo, on my other arm I have Sprinkle with a sleeping kitty, Wedge with a kitty tilting it's head;;; on my left shoulder I have five paw prints that are "inverted". They're filled in black with letter cut outs. S, A, R, J, and a star symbol. They're a little memorial for Sampson, Akasha, Ravina, Jasmine, and Star.
Izaya and Luna are memorials as well, Sprinkle and Wedge are just because they're my babies. :3
19. If you’re a fic writer, who do you write for?
Answered Here!
20. If you are an artist, do you have a favorite character to draw?
I don't draw much, so definitely no Bleach characters I've drawn ;^;
21. If you could be in the Bleach universe would you be a soul reaper, visored, human, quincy, espada or arrancar?
Weird question, idk. I would say soul reaper but my health/knowing my luck... uh probably end up being a plain human.
22. Free space to ask whatever you want that I missed or talk about something that isn’t mentioned!
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arrancxr · 3 years
I tried looking in the tags so I’m sorry if you talked about this before…what dynamics are the hollows?
I just linked the Espada one, Grimmjow's Fraccion are here, Barragan's group is here, and Loly, Menoly, and Tesla are here~ :3 I'll answer this one for the assorted Arrancar I'm still missing
. . .
Nelliel — Alpha: And she's ready and willing to rub it in Nnoitra's face that he's an awful one! She takes an Alpha's "duty" to look after others pretty seriously, even if this tends to manifest as somewhat controlling behavior. Her "softness" is weird for a Hollow.
Apacci — Beta: She has something of a problem with aggression/overcompensating, and it's largely because she wants to be more like Halibel. Still gets the fluttery feelings when Halibel is all protective over her, though, and she's not as tough as she acts.
Mila Rose — Beta: Calmer than Apacci, but shares some of the same tendency to try to seem more like her protector... and still enjoy feeling protected sometimes. However, she's a lot more stable overall than the other two in her group, even if she's incredibly stubborn.
Sung-Sun — Omega: Despite doing everything possible to appear as aloof and prickly as possible, it's a lot easier for her to slip into a follower role than try to act tough. Sticks close to Halibel (and more subtly, the other two), and enjoys it more than she'll admit.
Luppi — Omega: He'll use it to its absolute full advantage, too. The classic possessiveness, demanding nature, and manipulative tendencies associated with Omegas show up in full with him, and he thrives off tricking people into underestimating or babying him.
Cirucci — Alpha: With all of the controlling, aggressive tendencies and a distinct lack of the usual caretaking instincts. It takes a lot to make her soften up, but when the instincts do hit, they take over. Hates feeling clingy toward people, since it makes her vulnerable.
Cien — Omega: Just like Szayel, of course, and he hates it even more! His dynamic makes him feel weak, so he tries to use every advantage it has to make himself feel more secure. And it doesn't do a thing to make him less aggressive or temperamental.
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littleeyesofpallas · 3 years
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I was going to do these at random but then i got it in my head to stage these as an alternative first round of fights like in the manga, even though we really didn't get to see most of those play out...
To start i feel like the most obvious match up that we missed out on would've been Zaraki fighting Driscoll: For one Zaraki works around the bankai theft by not having one, and his whole made for battle/blood knight character type plays directly with The Overkill. Kind of like in his fight with Nnoitra, it'd make for a great emphasis on what Zaraki's actual strengths are; not that he simply fights and kills people, but that his supposed infinite potential comes from being pushed to his limits and learning to adapt and overcome new opponents. By contrast Overkill only gives Driscoll more power based on killcount, even if the people he slaughters are weak and he doesn't learn anything from fighting them.
So, the fight could start with the two of them both hacking their way through waves of faceless low rank goons to draw a parallel, but in the fight itself Zaraki's emphasis would be on drawing on meaningful fighting experience even with no bankai, while Driscoll would rely on a stolen bankai and a superficial killcount. There could be a fun moment where in a fit of desperation Driscoll tries to boost his power by squeezing in extra kills, targeting more weaklings, and lashes out at Yachiru, but she deflects his attack all on her own, he's shocked and confused, and in the moment of hesitation Zaraki lands the finishing blow.
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Much less thematic, but I feel like Bambietta, with The Explode, would've made for a better counter measure to Byakuya's Senbonzakura. She could've opened the fight with her projectiles and Byakuya would got through his usual routine of fighting at a distance and being dodgy and precise with his blocks and counters, until suddenly he'd realize there were less petals than before, and Bambi could explain how every time he "blocked" her Explode projectiles they turned some of his thousands of blades into bombs and blew up. And she'd taunt him about how many blades does he have left and how long can he keep up defending himself while sacrificing his petals. He'd smugly use his bankai to summon up its crazy number of petals and ask if her explosions can keep up with so many petals, but then we'd get the reveal and she'd seal it away. Then Byakuya would have the moment of stark realization where he has zero petals to fight with. And then he'd get blown to hell and back before ending up in basically the same situation he was in with As Nodt in the actual manga shoved into the back of a bloody crater.
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Similarly I don't think there's too much thematic resonance in this match up but I like some of the kind of obtuse dynamic they could have. it's never properly addressed, but we do know that Candice is technically one of the newer Sternritter, as she's said to have less control over her Vollstandig when hers is involuntarily prompted. Giving her lightning theme I like the idea that maybe she's something of a prodigy herself. Obviously not as young as Hitsugaya, proportionally speaking, but a fast learner and someone who rocketed up the ranks of the Wandenreich as a genius technician of Quincy skills. Hitsugaya could have a little back and forth about what it means to be a genius, and the difference between instantaneous intuition and carefully practiced talent. It would prompt his bankai and how real power comes from sober self reflection and not self aggrandizement, but then she'd take advantage of his weather gathering, like he used with Tier, and use it to amplify her lightning, get one good hit in, Hitsugaya would brush it off and ready a counter attack, and she'd seal his bankai.
Also room for some kind of banter with Rangiku, I'm sure. Probably with her calling Rangiku old and starting a whole cliche back and forth over that.
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Meninas deserved more love, and screen time, and a real fight to herself. I feel like the best way to really illustrate her schift as The Power would've been to have her, and not the early unrevealed PePe, be the one to fight Jidanbou. Not that the gate guardians even make much sense being involved when the Quincy didn't invade through the four gates, but still... I'd love to see little Mini just arm wrestle Jidanbou and/or the other gigantic gate guardians into submission effortlessly. Have Komamura show up with his bankai as the one thing even bigger than the gate guardians. And then Mini steals it, instead of Bambietta, and gets into a raw strength beatdown with Komamura himself as the biggest of the captains.
I'm still mad she never hulked out properly. We only ever got the one panel of her with a buff arm going after Liltotto when she got lovestruck. Unrelated to this iteration of alternate fights, but it also would've been neat to see her fight Kira; he'd try and utilize his shikai the usual way, but Meninas would just get bulkier the heavier Wabisuke made her to carry the additional weight. And then Kira would end up baffled and terrified in the shadow of a fully hulked out Meninas.
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Maybe a little too obvious, but I feel like a proper wushu fight between Sui-Feng and Cang Du was stolen from us. It also would've been a perfect set up for the bankai theft because Sui-Feng could go full assassin but immediately run into the problem that if Cang Du's Iron skin can't be pierced, then she can't leave any marks to hit twice. So obviously that makes her only option the bankai, and he can swipe it from there. I feel like unlike most of the other captains Sui-Feng would get to have a cool moment where she still fights Cang Du to a standstill even without her bankai, but then of course he just sinks back into the shadows at the end of the first raid.
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This one feels like a stretch, but for all the weirdness of PePe and the creative choices that went into him, I liked the little bit of his explanation of his powers where it wasn't just a romantic or erotic kind of Love that his power controlled, but that he compared it to the instinctive need to protect an innocent baby. And with Jizo being the patron deity of dead children, it would have been really cool to see him have some thematic play with Mayuri. I know it's not how his powers worked in canon, but I actually would've really liked if his power wasn't as directly focused on himself. So that he could provoke people to act on their strong desires to the detriment of logic, but without a lot of direct control over it. So he'd hit Mayuri, and Mayuri would shrug it off because he doesn't care about anyone and then without warning Nemu would be put in danger in the course of the fight and Mayuri would be compelled to protect her. And he wouldn't know what happened as he threw himself in the way of an attack. Then like everyone else he'd pull bankai and PePe could steal it, so that weird creepy cupid man could have a giant creepy baby. but more importantly Mayuri could quietly and furiously ruminate on his feelings during the interim training arc
I know Mayuri didn't actually lose his bankai with the rest during the first attack in the manga, but it felt like he should have since his was part of that batch of SS arc bankai we saw earliest and got kind of accustomed to throughout the rest of the Arrancar arc. (more so than Sui-Feng's at least) Actually in regards to that same sentiment, I feel like renji should have lost his bankai too, even though his ostensibly posed less of a threat than some of the more well honed captains'. It's a shame that so many of the lieutenants just kinda got lost in the background of this arc. It would've been really cool to see the gotei compensate the loss of their bankai by doing more tagteams and group fights
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m34gs · 3 years
*pops up out of the hole I've dug myself in bc GrimmIchi with sunglasses and a Hawaii shirt on*
Hiiiii!!! It's me bugging you again!! (Raid doesn't work either, others have tried lol)
GrimmIchi Western Au??
Are they rival ranchers? Or maybe one/both of them are outlaws? How do they meet? Is it hate or love at first sight? Close to a town or a couples days on horseback away? Nearest doctor if one of them gets injured? How do the other characters play into this Au? What would the conflict be??
*Lowers my baseball bat when I see it is you, my friend, and not, in fact, a whack-a-mole*
You are welcome to pop in here as often as you like, friend!! Especially when you bring such lovely ideas to the table. This will be a long response, so you know the drill. Under the cut she gooooooes!
So from the way your ask is worded, I am getting a strong wild-west sense. And I love it!
So, I think Ichigo is a rancher. His father is the physician in the nearest town, but Ichigo wanted to start his own life. So he saved up, did errands around the town and odd-jobs for anyone who needed it to earn enough coin, and then he purchased some property and got himself some cattle. He has a few horses (necessary for work and also the fastest way for him to get to town if he needs to). But he can't manage all those cattle on his own entirely and keep a house. So he often has one of his sisters stay with him, sometimes both. Karin loves helping with ranch chores. Yuzu likes to help with indoor chores. He often has them come over when they need a break from town or when their father is travelling or going to be away. He is the only doctor for a large area, so sometimes he travels out to other towns. They save all their non-emergent issues for him and he addresses them all at once.
Urahara I would put not so much as a doctor...but a pharmacist perhaps. He and his husband Tessai. Their children, Jinta and Ururu, help out around the shop, though Jinta has been known to come and give Ichigo a hand on the ranch now and again. (Their parents are friends)
Renji is a hired hand on the ranch. At first, he applies for the job because he is broke as hell and Ichigo is handsome, and let's face it Renji is not blind. He knows how to appreciate the fineness of Ichigo's body. But nothing comes of it, the romantic feelings he has quickly fizzle, and soon he's feeling more like Ichigo is the found family he always wanted instead. He was an orphan, living off of pennies.
Grimmjow is definitely an outlaw. Runs with some bandits. They wanna steal cattle and resell. And they are notorious. I think for this they could keep the title of Espada for their little gang. He is one of the loose cannons, though. Never know what he's going to do. Him, and his little sister, Nel. Nel and Grimm have been on their own from the beginning, and they only ever looked out for each other.
Until one night, they go after the Kurosaki ranch. And as they are stealing the cattle, Renji and Ichigo are chasing after them...and Nel falls from her horse. (or was she pushed...by Nnoitra?) Ichigo, even though they're enemies, won't let someone just get trampled in front of him. So he slows and he helps her up, and by that point the other Espada have left, and Grimmjow isn't aware his sister is missing yet...
Ichigo helps Nel to the ranch house. She's slightly injured, so they summon Isshin (not with any ritual though, they just send Renji to wake him up and bring him to the ranch). He comes and treats her.
Grimmjow is distraught over his sister being in the hands of the rancher. He is certain she's scared, certain they're being cruel to her. So of course the second he can, he rushes in, guns blazing, ready to kill and ready to save her. Only to find Nel giggling and hugging Ichigo and waving hello to her older brother.
After that...well, it's a steep learning curve but Grimmjow and Nel start to trust other people, get on the good side of Ichigo, and now they're friends. And Ichigo won't deny there is attraction to the tough-looking outlaw. And Grimmjow will stubbornly pretend he still hates him and is only there because of Nel and the fact that the head of the Espada will try to kill them when they find out Nel is now friends with Ichigo.
I think in this AU Orihime owns a bed and breakfast...where Uryu and Chad are the chefs. She inherited it from her brother when he passed away. But her cooking was so bad she almost had to close. Then Uryu and Chad showed up, an ultimate cooking duo, and she didn't have to close, she just switched to more of a hostess/bartender role. It's the favourite place in town for everyone to eat now, and Ichigo definitely treats Nel and Grimmjow to the food there.
Kenpachi is the sheriff. Strong, not concerned with politics at all, and very eager to fight anyone who disturbs the peace. Ikkaku is a member of law enforcement as well. And he's in love with the tailor; Yumichika, who makes the best dresses in the town. Nel definitely begs her brother for one, and he grumbles but then he starts helping out on the ranch and doing errands for the physician and pharmacist to make enough money to afford one. Ichigo may or may not secretly let slip to Yumichika about how they aren't well off and how much Nel admires the dresses and get them a discount, but that never gets around to Grimmjow (Ichigo and Yumichika are buddies and they totally have drinking nights where Yumichika just rants about how handsome Ikkaku is).
Some of the regulars at the bar (Hisagi, Izuru, Shinji) play instruments. They often play at Orihime's, which brings in more customers, and they get coins dropped in a little jar for them when the customers enjoy the music (they almost always love the music and the jar is never empty). Ichigo definitely drags Grimmjow out of his seat to dance when his favourite songs are played. And Grimmjow enjoys this, despite himself.
So those are my thoughts! What about you? What sort of things would you add? Any other characters? What happens with the stolen cattle? Do they ever get it back? Are the rest of the Espada caught? Do Grimmjow and Nel get pardoned for their past crimes or does the past catch up to them? How long does it take Ichigo and Grimmjow to fully realize they are in love? How do they confess to one another?
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mixelation · 3 years
are you still doing the character ask meme? can I have Tsunade or Nnoitra, askee's choice. (If you have to flip a coin, heads is nnoitra)
fuck it, i just did all of akatsuki, why not both
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: God, I love that Tsunade is just a fucking train wreck of a person. Shonen ladies of course can have deeply tragic backstories, but they're rarely allowed to collapse into absolute disasters the way Tsunade did.
worst quality:  I think she crawled out of being a fucking mess a little TOO quickly and neatly but I guess she did get Naruto'd pretty hard. I'm also very annoyed that she's one of the most commonly tagged characters on AO3 but she's a background character in like 99% of those fics. Makes finding Tsunade content very frustrating lmao
ship them with:  Dan ._. Also there's a lot of VERY pretty Tsunade/Orochimaru art.... although I feel like in practice this would be at best a series of hook ups Tsunade regrets every time. He knows how to make her feel good, okay??
brotp them with:  Fic where Tsunade and Orochimaru are forced to team up to solve some sort of weird medical problem, WHEN AND WHERE
needs to stay away from: Alcohol and casinos :')
misc. thoughts: Here's a non-exhaustive list of fics I want. A-hem. Missing-nin!Tsunade. Akatsuki!Tsunade. Tsunade and Konan bumping into each other for some reason. Tsunade-Sakura mentor fic. Tsunade-Orochimaru semi-reluctant team-up fic. Thank you
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
best quality: I don't know what the fuck is going on with his outfit but I love it. The parachute pants. The curly toed high-heeled boots. The boob window. The spoon. Literally who dressed this man
worst quality:  Why would you do that to Orihime :(
ship them with:  Sigh... Tesla.
brotp them with:  wait can we get another Szayel-Nnoitra team up lmao
needs to stay away from: All of womankind
misc. thoughts: Okay, so Nnoitra's entire concept is kind of rad? The mantis motiff. The fucking sword. The missing eye and multiple arms. The fact that he's like seven feet tall and made of pure hate and violence. I wish fans did more with him than.... make him a vague and largely ineffectual threat against whatever woman happens to be trapped in Las Noches
.....but maybe this is just a product of the types of Bleach fics I read. hmmm
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despairforme · 10 months
Do you like the colour of the sky?
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BLUE was the first colour that came to mind. Of course he knew that the sky could have pretty much any colour, but --- yeah. He thought of blue, and then a second later, inevitably, he thought of Grimmjow. The vibrant, sharp blue of his eyes, contrasting to his blonde eyelashes. His hair that he'd seen in so many shades, varying on how long it had been since Grimmjow dyed it. Nnoitra would always think of HIM when he thought about the sky. Sometimes he'd just look up at the sky and - bam - he was flooded by memories of him.
He missed him.
Missed him just as much now as he had in the beginning. Maybe even more right now, since the holiday season was approaching. The worst time of the year to be alone.
❝ Yeah. ❞ Nnoitra answered, almost quietly, like he was admitting defeat. ❝ I like 'da colour 'a 'da sky. ❞
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mysterylover123 · 4 years
Mysterylover watches Bleach episodes 195-196: “RUKIBRO IS BACK!”
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1. Nel’s fight continues! And it’s transformation time baby. Though we then transition to the annoying sidekick fight (Nel’s sidekicks, not Renji and Uryu) and make lots of censorship jokes.
2. Nel’s back to baby again? WHA? WTF?! So...huh? Hime breaks free but sadly it looks like even she won’t be able to  help here. What. 
3. So now the other guy’s just stomping on Ichi and crushing his bones. Yikes. Well I mean, he’s a shonen protagonist...getting all the bones in his body crushed is basically just a Tuesday. But still. 
4. And of course the annoying pink dude Renji and Uryu are fighting isn’t down. Time will end, the world will die, the universe implode, and Renji and Uryu will still be stuck fighting this loser. 
5. FINALLY WE CUT BACK TO RUKIA. OMG DAMN I’VE MISSED YOU RUKIA. PLEASE DON’T DIE. OMG they really are hitting home how screwed all our MCs are right now. Since there’s like a billion episodes/chapters left I assume they’ll be fine. 
6. Orihime appears to have decided that having complex dialogue is for losers and repeating the MC’s name over and over again is now the extent of her faculties. Please do something else soon Hime. (Tho Ichigo isn’t much better, as yelling her name is about all he’s said this episode other than “ARGH”)
7. Kenpachi is here? Huh. Safe to say I did not see that one coming. I thought the Soul Reaper society wasn’t participating in this fight. Guess they changed their minds.
8. Ok so now Nnoitra is fighting Kenpachi. I really hope this fight doesn’t take long. I don’t really care much about either of these characters. They’re both OK enough but they’re side characters.
9. Ichigo asks the important questions and we learn that Ura is responsible for this. 
10. OOH but Pink hair is here too and I love her so that’s something. And RUKIBRO!!!! OH HELL YES I’VE BEEN MISSING THIS GUY. 
11. And Two badass ladies, Unahana and Isane, are here to save Chad. EXCELLENT. This is getting good. Please compensate me for robbing Nel of her fight, badass ladies.
12. Pink hair starts beating up Ichigo more; what’s with Ichi and getting beaten up by ladies today. Hime finally adds more words to her repertoire and reprimands Pink Hair. Thank god she’s capable of speech again
13. RUKIBRO is here to save Rukia of course. Yay! Please hurry man. Meanwhile Hime and Ichi are in some trouble it looks
14.  Our various fights continue to rampage while all our MCs are down for the count. I’ll be honest, even though it would probably mean defeat for the heroes, I really hope Ulqui and Grimmjow come back into play soon. They’re just so much more interesting and I’d much rather see RukiBro and co fighting them.
15. OH SHIT IT LOOKS LIKE RUKIBRO’S BEEN STABBED. He really seems like the type of character who’s gonna die some day (I try to avoid spoilers but I’ve seen hints that he may either die or be taken out of commission so I’m worried for him.
16. Yes I know RukiBro has a real name (Byakuya). I just prefer my nickname for him. Also he’s fine and remembering Yoruichi. NOICE. 
17. Well at least they made it outta this batch of episodes ok. Sure that’ll last
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godkilller · 4 years
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how does gin feel about the espada individually and as a collective?
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unprompted ask    //    thank you !
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          out of character.  Gin knows the Espada, as a whole, were created and enhanced using the Hogyoku under Aizen’s control. SO THE ENTIRE CONCEPT OF THE ESPADA GIVES GIN A SOUR FEELING. The Hogyoku, which houses Rangiku’s stolen soul piece, has given life to these abomnation-esque pawns for Aizen to manipulate and use. It’s yet another violation, in Gin’s eyes, of his lover’s stolen power. No matter these Arrancar’s individuality, their personalities and powers and inclination to humor Gin and / or keep him company and socialize, there’s that underlying knowledge that they were birthed using her.
          Gin views the Espada, therefore, as extensions of Aizen. Subordinates, the same as those Shinigami that did his whims out in the Rukongai; they’re given the illusion of autonomy via Aizen’s casual plucking of their strings, and that’s that. Some are more important than others, either by the ranking on their skins or by their demeanor; Ulquiorra is one of the prized soldiers, despite being ranked Fourth, because Aizen prefers him. Gin, in some ways regrettably and against his best efforts, also tends to prefer the more rational and calm ones that Aizen too treasures. Ulquiorra, Starrk, and Harribel are at the top of Gin’s list... but he diverts this by teasing and pretending to prefer detestable and arrogant ones, like Luppi, and otherwise appear to gravitate towards his facade’s kin.
          Gin doesn’t hide his dislike for Nnoitra, and Barragan is unapproachable to begin with due to his own bitterness in being a subordinate to Aizen’s whims. Not likely to enjoy the company of Aizen’s co-commander, then. Yammy isn’t too approachable either, unless he’s being granted permission to wreck a place or person. Aaroniero creeps Gin out, downright, so he’s never spoken to them when alone. Grimmjow’s a loose cannon and Tousen’s already got him handled, so Gin sees no reason to interact. Zommari’s blind loyalty to Aizen and deep disdain towards Shinigami kind of throws a wrench into things, despite him being such a calm and contemplative Espada in comparison to the rowdier ones. Szayelaporro piqued Gin’s interest only briefly; he wanted to betray Aizen, but his intent was too blatantly obvious and his method of doing such was unfortunately ineffective. Unapproachable, ultimately, due to his knack for experimentation reminding Gin too heavily of Mayuri. Gin misses Nel, but also abhors the fact that she’s turned into a drooling screeching child. Even though she can be endearing and has the right idea in mind by aligning swiftly with Ichigo and company, he has a headache.
          Gin understands Harribel’s creed, but in relating to her openly it’d reveal his sentimentality, his connections, his own belief in sacrifice and love. So Gin avoids her less she seeks him out, and in that case he’ll merely smile and sway and do what he does best, till she likely tires of his games and questions prying into her own psyche ... and she dumps some water on him, or something else comical and dismissive. Starrk is typically napping, and knows that Gin can see into his bond with Lilynette the way a predator picks the weakest link instinctively, and therefore likely doesn’t trust Gin near. It’s been deliberately shown that child-like Arrancar tend to distrust Gin due to the murkiness of his intent. Starrk would pick up on that, and they’d both keep their respective distances. Only fair.
          Ulquiorra is the most interesting to Gin, watching the way he wades through humanity and evolves with that subsequent exposure. Ulquiorra doesn’t grow wary of Gin, he’s curious, he engages on his own. So it’s intriguing for Gin, especially if Ulquiorra ever ventures to ask Gin about the finer mannerisms of human emotion, since we know Gin’s excellent with psychoanalyzing people... it’d present him an opportunity to give a blunt rundown, GIN CAN GET POETIC ABOUT FEELINGS, a love-hate relationship in how he regards them, especially connections and the heart / love, within his canon character poems. So he could very well share these insights with Ulquiorra, with of course the joking add-on of ‘but I don’t have emotions so I wouldn’t know that for sure’ coupled with Gin’s classic grin.
          No matter how friendly Gin gets with these creations, he never gets too close. THEY’RE ALL LOYAL TO AIZEN, in one way or another, and if they’re not loyal to Aizen then they’re generally a loose cannon and too chaotic or stupid to interest Gin in the first place; see Nnoitra. Maybe in another life Gin could find himself caring more for some of the Espada, these unique creations and their individual personalities and powerful abilities. IT’S ALL INTERESTING ENOUGH, but Gin’s time in Las Noches isn’t spent wandering the halls in aimless search of a friend. No, he’s shadowing Aizen’s every move. Sleeping when he sleeps  ( or not )  and eating when he eats. Gin has only a set amount of time to try and kill Aizen before Karakura Town’s attacked and absorbed for the raid upon the Soul King’s palace. He can’t become distracted, he can’t miss his opening. Gin knows Aizen will only offer it once, and then never again.
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flcwerborne-a · 4 years
when she pulls away, she gives nnoitra a once-over, her smile still plain as day on her face and bright as the sun. he hasn’t changed much. appearance-wise, at least. tall, imposing, and still a tad scary, but no longer does her voice shake or tremble when she speaks and her stutter is almost totally gone, really only making a reappearance when she was afraid or overly excited. and she is excited! very much so, but thankfully her stutter doesn’t come back. oh, it really is so good to see him. does he believe she genuinely missed him? melody sure hopes so. after... after the ordeal with ny herlighed, it was hard to live here and feel safe and secure, even with maren around. so she moved away with her and ariel. moving away did mean leaving the few friends she had behind (as well as her beloved flower shop) but a new start had felt better than she anticipated and the little fairy promised herself she would visit her friends when she was all settled in and better. hopefully they hadn’t forgotten about her. it seems nnoitra hasn’t. she’s so happy he didn’t! did he worry? she practically up and disappeared without a word; had he wondered where she went? if she was okay? oh, he probably had better things to worry about at the time, melody won’t (nor would she ever) hold it against him if he didn’t worry. she wonders if he has questions. ah... she can’t help but dread the questions.
—two years? her eyes widen just slightly. it didn’t feel right, it felt longer. she recounts things in her head and... yeah. about two years have passed by.    “ i suppose it has been some time. “    melody responds softly, her smile becoming sheepish, even apologetic.    “ but it isn’t too late for two friends to catch up and rekindle their friendship, right? “    she hopes not. two years wasn’t too much, she thinks, and it’s not as though he forgot her. if melody recalls correctly, he really enjoyed her cooking and hanging out with her cats whenever he would drop by.
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“ well, then, if you’re hungry we can definitely get a bite to eat! like i said, it’d be my treat. “    hopefully she can remember where her favorite diner was, if it’s still there.    “ don’t worry, don’t worry, i’ll tell you. “    melody hopes he doesn’t ask about every detail or why she moved, unsure if she has it in her to talk about it all without stuttering or breaking down. she really doesn’t want to cry in front of nnoitra and he probably doesn’t want to see that. perhaps she can just be vague? or maybe she’s worrying over nothing.    “ ready to go? that is, if you have some free time, of course! “
@despairforme​    /    cont. from here.
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cinghialefedele · 1 year
Do you ever wish you still had your other eye?
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Calm, tesla removes his eyepatch, then his glove, running fingers over the scarred eyelid of his empty eye socket, remaining eye closing as he recalls a vivid memory. His hair was a bit longer, then. He wasn't as skilled in battle, and took a risk while underestimating his opponent. He'd been too high on adrenaline to realize what had happened in the flurry of blades and hands and claws, his Master calling his attention to his bleeding eye.
He acted fast, perhaps one of the first few instances of true care he'd been shown by the stronger Arrancar, no matter how rough and hastily he had handled him.
A sharp, quick back and forth commenced between them. It was surprisingly kind of him, in retrospect.
The eye was destroyed, really, a small but deep enough cut. It would hurt soon. A lot. There was no guarantee it would even heal correctly. Even then they knew by now that Tesla wouldn't regain his sight.
Did he want to keep a busted eye?
Of course not.
Thin, strong fingers reacted quickly to his answer, just as dull pain began to set in, digging in and pulling the eye from the socket. More blood. Tesla thinks he was too shocked to scream, or maybe he was too shocked to hear himself scream, but it hurt a lot more than the injury itself did.
He remembers opening his remaining eye to see his liege observing the eye in his red fingers, licking the bloodied orb, meeting Tesla's gaze, and promptly swallowing it whole with a wide grin.
A part of him, eternally connected to Nnoitra...
"...No. I don't miss it."
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biskael · 2 years
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❝  Darum geht es nicht, Bruder, und das weißt du.    ❞ It was not about what Tesla could bring to them. Nor was it about how he could benefit them. Something deeper in her wanted to ... protect  this stupid, boorish Arrancar with all she had. Use her rank as a shield. Of course, Nnoitra would surely be happy to see him, and perhaps that could earn her favor but ... Tesla, as it would seem, was lost without his master. Bereft. Her lips form a frown as he’s referred to lesser swine, her fingers knitted before her chest. 
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❝  It would just mean a lot to me if you let me keep an eye on him, Herr Opie. He’s a man of conviction and strong loyalty. He simply misses Herr Nnoitra .. If maybe we let them see one another ... I know he’s not Espada, but please don’t harm Tesla-Chan. I like him. He can work alongside me, if I’m patient. I know he can.  ❞
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@zombiigrl / continued from here .
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SHE LIKED THAT LITTLE PIG ? ... that wasn't exactly a surprise , knowing gigi . always one to get latched onto easily , until their bones would weave entwined . their flesh , sutured onto hers . of such affections , the hunter knew little . but , quilge always felt compelled to handle her with far more delicacy than any other . the girl was deserving of kindness amidst all of the cruelty . and his hands were a torturer's , stained and well-worn by blood . it was the least he could do , really .
" go ahead , gigichen . he's yours . " a click of his tongue . " he isn't my quarry , and i wouldn't wish him to be . "
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bound by a monster , driven by devotion . certainly one of the more interesting arrancar he'd brought back . but of his history , he could care less for . surely , it meant much to nnoitra . and that was of whatever weight it held unto him . so he would not harm him , as promised . no mutilations , nor torment .
he gives gigi's nose a gentle , playful tap . " viel spaß , schwesterlein . "
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