#[ but I wanna slowly work on a revamping ]
mlssworld · 2 years
🐑 🍦 updates below.
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avianyuh · 10 days
Boring | Min Yoongi
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Chapter Two
Summary:The next morning, you're back in the office and your friend wants details. You expect that things will go back to normal between you and Yoongi, after all, nothing really happened...
Chapters; [one] [two]
“I can't believe he made you stay at the office until 11 o'clock at night! I was so worried when you never left the building, I waited for you but you weren’t answering your phone.”, Gina, one of your two work friends probed as you recited your night to her in the break room the next morning. You stirred your coffee with one of those disposable sticks to make sure the cream and sugar get dissolved. Gina had noticed that you hadn't left when everyone else did. “How in the world did you spend that long around that guy? He's so quiet and, don't hate me for saying this but…he's boring.”, you found the sentiment outdated knowing what you know now. You walked out of the break room and back towards your cubicle. You glanced towards his office, but you couldn't see inside since the blinds were still shut. You weren't sure if his meeting with Mr.Smith and his people had started yet, or if Yoongi had even arrived at the office. You hoped that everything went well and Yoongi was able to keep his cool since there were quite a few times last night where you both got a little worked up at the sheer audacity the other party had to spring such a huge revamp of the file on you so last minute. At the end of your night with Yoongi, he was still feeling friendly. He had thanked you for staying and he even apologized for the things he had said, specifically threatening to make your job nonexistent by giving you no work assignments. But just like on the couch when you were eating, as you gathered your coat, bag and computer, there was…a moment between the two of you. You were heading for the door, but Yoongi seemed like he was trying to be a gentleman, so he leaned you to open the door. And, he got so close to your face, so when you turned to look at him, your lips were virtually touching.
You had looked up at him, but he was looking down at you. And just like how you were staring at his lips very briefly earlier that evening, now he was doing the same. His eyes darted from your lips, back to your own eyes. And you thought for a minute you had gone crazy because dare you say, his eyes looked inviting? You weren't sure what to think of it but after a few seconds he seemed to snap himself out of whatever he was trying to do and backed away, clearing his throat and murmuring a very awkward, quiet Good Night. You did the same as you tried to play it cool and walk towards the elevator slowly, but deep inside you wanted to make a run for it. Not necessarily because you wanted to leave him, but because you weren't aware of how much more sexual tension you could continue to stir between the two of you before someone did something stupid that no employer should ever do with his employee.
However, you weren't going to mention the way you ended your night to Gina. Mainly because nothing technically happened, so really…there was nothing of importance to mention. “Listen Gina, I know we constantly joke that he has no soul, but I spent 6 hours locked in his office with him alone, and I actually had a good time. He's kinda funny if you get him to relax and sit down and talk with you.” Gina raised her eyebrow at you as she pursed her lips.
“You're excusing working unpaid overtime because he cracked a few jokes? What do you wanna date him or something?” she questioned, looking at you like you had grown two heads.
“Um, I was paid for the overtime and no I don't want to date him. What's wrong with giving someone a compliment? All I meant is that he's not as bad as we thought…which is a good thing because that means our opinions of him were wrong.” you looked at Gina, and noticed that she was rolling her eyes. “I feel a lot better knowing that he's not ALL about work, he actually has a life too like the rest of us.” Gina rolled her eyes at you before putting her hands on your shoulders.
“Girl you’re whipped for that man. I see you all the time giving him those lovey dovey eyes. But to the rest of us, he either completely ignores you unless he has to ask you something, or he gives you those glares if he sees you away from your desk.” You had heard those stories before from others. I guess he wasn’t found of the office chatter. But in your experience, he never bothered with you until yesterday, Gina claims he gave her one of his signature glares once and ever since she’s had a vendetta against him.
You shook your head at her as you approached your cubicle. “I think it’s because he has really intense eyes”, you giggled as Gina scoffed.
“Shut up. See, that’s something a person who’s whipped would say.” You settled down in your chair as you and Gina said your goodbyes until you’d see each other again at lunch. . You fully expected that Yoongi would go back to the way he had always treated you. And by that you meant that he wouldn't bother with you at all anymore. A part of you was sad to think about that because you truly did feel like you got to know him a little better. And you'd be lying if you didn't admit that you were intrigued by him. But on the other hand, the less delusional side if you knew it was all strictly business and that he was most likely only being nice to you to get more productive work out of you. And all the eye-lip contact could have been something you had imagined in a state of sleep deprivation mixed with your infatuation with your ridiculously attractive, mysterious boss. Who knows what was going on in his head. But you had to tell yourself that it was probably a one time occurrence and you had to move on. Well, that was until he came waltzing out of the elevator. Dressed just as fine as usual in one of his suits. He carried his briefcase with him and nodded as he heard the many Hellos being sent his way from all of the staff as he walked past their desks. And then, as if everything was going in slow motion, he glanced over at you and gave a subtle, close lipped smile in your direction. The eye contact felt intense and it felt like your body was sitting on pins and needles. The way he made you feel so jumpy, he did a better job of waking you up than any cup of coffee could. The interaction was at most three seconds, but that was more than enough for you to think that you had left an impression on him as well. The day went by fast. Thursdays were just as boring as Wednesdays considering you still had another full day until your leisurely weekend. You were packing up your things as Gina and your other office friend Hana waited for you.
“Hurry up Y/N”, Hana exclaimed, she was cranky because of her poor choice to wear new shoes that weren’t broken into to work. “My feet feel like they’re being stabbed!”, you laughed as you shoved your laptop into your bag, throwing it over your shoulder and turning to face your friends.
“Calm down, I’m ready.”, As the three of you walked toward the elevator, amongst the quiet side conversations about your afterwork plans, all of you turned around upon hearing someone clear their throat. And there he was. Min Yoongi stood a few feet away in the middle of the office aisle with his arms crossed.
“Sorry to interrupt ladies, but if I could borrow Y/N for a second.”, he asked, his voice low, his eyes on you the whole time.
“Oh-”, before you could reply, Gina cut you off.
“With no disrespect Sir, she gave you six hours of her time after work yesterday, I think the least you could do is let her go home at a normal time today…” Gina snapped and you nudged her arm, a silent back off. You looked at her and silently pleaded with your eyes for her to ease up and not make you look bad in front of him. The last thing you wanted was for Yoongi to think that you were bad mouthing him to your coworkers.
“No, it has nothing to do with staying after, but I would like to point out if Ms. Y/L/N hadn’t already explained, it was last minute for the both of us and Y/N was paid for all overtime.” Before Gina could respond and get all of you fired, you intervened.
“I did explain that, she’s just tired”, you let out a nervous laugh, “Listen, I’m sure this won’t take long, just wait for me outside, okay?”, you asked them as Hana dragged Gina towards the elevator. Once the doors were closed, you turned back to Yoongi. “I’m so sorry about that. She told me that she waited for a half an hour yesterday but I never came down so I think she’s holding a grudge from yesterday. “, you tried to explain as he waved you off.
“Don’t worry about it. I just wanted to say thank you again, I was in and out of meetings all day which is why I didn’t come by sooner.”, You found it heart warming that he wanted to thank you again. You hoped in the back of your mind that this was his attempt at small talk again, but you weren’t sure.
“You don’t need to say thank you again, you were very kind and patient last night, plus you ordered food and everything. Honestly, I was just going to go home and watch TV anyways, it gave me something different to do for a night.”, you explained, noticing that your response seemed to put a smile on his face.
“So was I, that's always my after work routine.”, he responded. You averted your eyes, as his gaze felt like he was burning a hole into you.
“Well, if you need any more help, I’m available”, you said shyly as you started to back up towards the elevator.
“Noted”, he responded. He waved at you again before turning back around and walking back towards his office. But before you could press the button to close the doors, you heard him start talking again, “I have an assignment to give tomorrow morning, I’m coming in early tomorrow so come by when you get here.” You nodded at him and with that, he was out of your sight. And now you were really looking forward to tomorrow.
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tainted-liquor · 1 year
'Are We Still Friends⋆⭒˚。⋆
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E42!Miles Morales x BlackFem!Reader: Ingredients: Salt, tears, and a lil bit of sugar (angst n fluff) TWs: N-word usage, swearing, you need a hug frfr W/C:780 A/N: Inspired by Tyler, the Creator's song
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It had been almost a year since you had spoken to Miles. You seemed as thick as thieves and even had a little blossoming romance between you two. But the day his father died is the day the Miles you came to love died as well. He stopped talking to everyone, he stopped laughing, he stopped smiling, shit he even stopped showing up to school at some point. For 3 months you tried to get a hold of him, ask him what was wrong, anything! You just wanted some clarification as to where your friend went.
But unfortunately for you, life ain't fucking fair. So he faded into the background of your life, slowly and painfully. A year seemed to pass by overnight, and like that you had...'moved on'. You found new friends, took up new hobbies, went through a mental help revamp, and changed your aesthetic up a bit. A part of you had even managed to convince yourself his thumbprint on your life was a fever dream from long long ago. But nothing could have EVER prepared you to be forced into close proximity again when it came to your AP environmental science class when your teacher partnered you up with...oh no.
He threw you a brief glance, with not even a fraction of the warmth and joy he used to look at you with. You felt your heart crackle a bit as you took a long, deep sigh. You'd come this far and you weren't about to pry the scab off just because he gave you a look. You mentally prepared yourself when you saw him get up from his chair and head towards your desk, opening your computer and distracting yourself with Google slide presets and how to make the layout look pretty. He sat himself down in front of you, not saying a word as he opened up his computer and immediately got to work in pure, awkward, silence.
You popped your AirPods in your ears, turning up the volume a little bit to hear "Are We Still Friends?" By Tyler, the Creator hitting your eardrum. You chuckle quietly at the irony, rolling your eyes as you barely mumble the lyrics above a whisper. You watched through your peripheral as Miles's eyes darted over to you for a moment, seemingly reading your body language as you pulled one of the coils in your two afro puffs. He sighed as quietly as humanly possible, leaning back in his chair and looking up at the ceiling with that same nonchalant and slightly irritated expression. You watched as he closed out of the Google Slide, got up, and left.
He waltzed out of the classroom door silently, not even bothering to spare you a second glance as he closed the door behind him. You rolled your eyes as you finished up your portion of the slides before heading out of the classroom in the direction of the library. You didn't know Miles was there really, so when you walked in and saw him there you were immediately taken aback. He looked in your direction before nodding upwards, and beckoning for you to come here with his hand. You narrowed your eyes, sighing and making your way over to the table he was sitting at.
You sat across from him, face stoic and irritated as he stared right back at you. "So what, now we talking again?" You spat as you tilted your head to the side. "Alright, don't start with all that bul-" He began before you forcibly cut him off. "Fuck you mean 'don't start' with my bullshit, nigga? You ghosted me for a YEAR. Like, are we still friends?" You barked, face contorted in a look of rage and hatred. Miles sighed for what felt like forever, before looking back at you. "Look, I know. N I'm sorry. I never meant to shut you out like that...One day turned into a month and I started getting scared that you wouldn't wanna talk to me no more...so I just ran from it before it could catch up to me."
You gave him a sharp glare as you thought about what you wanted to respond with carefully. You took a deep breath before finally replying. "I really don't wanna end shit with you on a bad note, so I'm fine with talking to you again. Plus you still got some of my shit over at your house I need back" I huff as I dap him up. "Ard bet. Just swing by later, you know where I'm at." He shrugs with a tiny smirk.
"Bet, I'll see you later then. Don't ghost me this time!"
"Shut up."
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iwanthermidnightz · 7 months
Don’t wanna get too crazy here but with Karlie buying W and i-D… do you think she wants to be the next Anna Wintour? I don’t mean she wants to outright replace her once she retires but maybe she wants to follow a similar career trajectory?
I don’t think she wants to be Anna Wintour, though she respects her and there are a few similarities. Anna has been editor-in-chief of US Vogue since 1988, and is the chief content officer of Condé Nast.
Karlie is more of an investor and entrepreneur, and geared more to the business side of things but has a unique position and perspective given her career in fashion and actually working with these publications. That position offers priceless connections, insight, and experience in a fast changing industry. Her positive professional reputation amongst designers, photographers, editors, writers, makeup artists, investors etc is a big plus.
Whether Karlie decides to be part of the artistic direction of a publication, or the business side or something in between, its something she is very capable of doing and a great next step for her. She’s been quietly working towards this behind the scenes for a while now anyways.
Also, she has very much been ahead of the trends in digital and sustainable fashion technology. She’s been talking about it for years now and it’s slowly moving on that front, but she knows it’s coming which is a great thing to be able to get ahead of, and an important quality to have.
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Honestly Karlie realized the importance of social media early on has and used it to promote her interests on a personal level. Also, she realized early on she had a curiosity for learning things outside of modeling and has pursued those interests with passion. (I feel that, given the vast amount of interests I have and need to learn something new constantly).
And as a model, she understands the power magazines have in fashion. I know a lot of publications are moving away from print and going digital for costs, and to be eco-friendly, but I think there’s still a market for physical copies, it just needs to be revamped for a comeback. Like vinyls.
So to answer your question, no I don’t think wants to be Anna Wintour… I think there’s big difference in their focuses, but yes I can see her have a similar trajectory but with a wider field of view.
Karlie is part of the next generation of publishing and all that it entails. She has a vision and a passion for so many different things and one thing publishing does is combine a lot of those things into one. So it’s a smart move for her and something I think she will be very good at and dive deeper into in the future. If she didn’t think she could turn something around I don’t think she’d invest. And there’s a personal connection there for her that is special.
When you hear her talk about these things, whether it’s the intricacies of the fashion world, or when it comes to business, or advocacy, she always has the facts and statistics on hand. I believe she’s being the change she wants to see, and taking a seat at a table where she (and other women) deserve to be 🤍
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sylvies-chen · 1 year
after seeing a tweet about season 2 coming out I thought now would be a good time start The Bear to fulfill my need to have seen every single show in existence! I’ve only seen the first 5 episodes so far but here are my thoughts:
it seems everyone in this show except marcus (he’s just in the corner perfecting his lil donuts!! leave him in peace!!) teeters so beautifully on being absolutely detestable. some *cough cough richie cough cough* do venture into unlikeable territory but then when they do, the writers bring in a scene that instantly gives them an extra layer and shifts you towards empathy. it’s a really delicate balance but so far it’s working for me!
this is, at its core, a show about how to go about taking pieces of something broken and turning them into something better and beautiful, revamping it without discarding its true nature— and this is true in both the inwards sense, relating to carmy’s (and sugar’s and richie’s) grief and mental health in learning how to move on from a tragic loss but not forget your past pain, and then in the outwards sense as well regarding to the restaurant and the Chicago community, how to make a successful restaurant without forgetting the people they serve, how to not be a gunslingin’ dive but also not a gentrifying posh joint.
speaking of that internal turmoil though, I’m absolutely lovinggggg the bear motif and it fits perfectly with this idea! it’s like carmy has so much bottled up inside him, both good and bad, like his passion to change the restaurant mikey left him but also his pain and grief and sorrow, and him trying to let the bear out of the cage and slowly tame it or control it in his dreams is very reminiscent of someone trying to get a hold on their own psyche. but it’s like. no dude. you gotta let it all out, let it go wild! both the pain and the ambition! it will let you be more loving, be healed, and be a better leader! gosh, it’s so so good.
JON BERNTHAL IS IN THIS?? Oh wait I think I vaguely remember @levijeanqueen watching this show just to see Jon Bernthal on her screen. sky babe this is me formally saying that I should have followed in your footsteps sooner omg I love this
richie gives me whiplash because he starts crying about his kid and I wanna give him a hug and tell him he’s a good dad but then he yells at syd and I get filled with rage and then he calls the cops on the mobsters when someone else solves the problem he couldn’t because he can’t stand not being needed and then anti-hero by taylor swift starts playing in my head because it’s him hi he’s the problem and what do you mean he accidentally drugged children with xanex i-
sydney is my GIRL y’all!! she has such a passionate, eager spirit about her that she can’t hold in and yet she also lacks confidence in a lot of ways and like. she is me!! I am her!! I kin this woman so hard. (that’s actually my first time using that word I hope I did it right lol). I’m so obsessed with everything she does, I can’t wait to see her grow and evolve as a chef, and to gain more confidence! also I need to learn more about her backstory right tf now like what was that catering business?? what’s her family like??
I don’t know where people are shipwise with this show?? it’s not a show that offers a lot of substantial material on that front but shipping is so much more fun when you have zero expectations and can kind of just go with the flow and take your own creative liberties so I like having fun with it. anyways I definitely feel a certain vibe with carmy and sydney but also marcus is so outwardly sweet to her when no one else is so I’m not mad about that either.
I think carmy and syd are like… two side of the same coin? they’re not the most alike but they’re not polar opposites either, they’re very much foils of each other and they each are the parts of the other that the other wishes they were. like sydney very openly wants to be skilled like carmy (she’s skilled on her own ways though might I add) and be a fearless chef and innovator, and carmy I think less-openly wishes he was like sydney: new, fresh, eager, not beaten down by the verbal degradation of high-end culinary culture, hopeful about the world and creative. I really like that sort of connection between two characters, it kind of alludes to a deeper idea that this bond was meant to be in a way? their chemistry is fucking fire too like wow
but then there’s marcus and sydney, which I think is cute because marcus has that sort of fun experimental eager green energy that sydney has and that many others (like tina and richie) have discarded or snuffed out, so I think he could be like a nice bright spot for sydney. idk. I need to know like a million more things about her character as well, she deserves all the screentime in the world. but in the meantime I’m just chilling, enjoying the little itty bitty crumbs that let me have my fun lol
anyways I’m sorry if that was too long for you lovely folks but I hope it was a worthy interruption to your regularly scheduled tumblr scrolling because I really love this show and I can’t wait to finish these last two episodes before moving on to this new season!!
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dxwnfxll · 5 months
Finally reworked Dr Amar (future design eventually)
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So here’s his info
- Dr Amars amulet is merged with their body, there is no way to remove it unless the whole body is destroyed (in which case the amulet will be placed on someone else and that body will slowly turn into the Amars body)
- Dr Amar is genderfluid going by any pronouns
- She is Jewish (which comes from the mothers side) and indigenous (native American)
- they have one canon child named Luci who works under the MTF, obviously i also ship them with my scp researcher oc but that doesn’t affect anyone wanting to ship their oc or other characters with him
- Dr Amar still have their siblings (T.J, Mikell and Claire) and the siblings are all still victims of abuse under Adam (eves a good mom though)
- of course the bad shit that was in his story before is no longer in this revamp, there is no ‘Bright cult’ or a bear related to the family.
- wanna also say that with @dani-fox revamp of TJ Serra argent is not in our revamp since her story is… yeah. Instead she’s been replaced with Luci aka Jacks kid.
A lot of stuff is still the same as the original story, Jack was still attacked by Abel (but not killed) the siblings all have a bad relationship with each other. (Minus TJ with Jack). We are still working on this revamp so changes will come and go and we’re open to any ideas from the community! I will eventually have Eve, Claire and Mikell designs drawn soon along with the new characters that i’ve added
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sublieu · 1 year
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synopsis: "You're such a pretty doll, so cute and fragile, is it bad that I wanna be the only person who's allowed to see you like this? Wanna be so possessive over who gets to see your beautiful naked form? Please say it's not bad"
references: ⚉ ⚆ ⚇
word count: 700 words
author's note: finally revamped the cringey thing
cont. warning: Toy usage, wlw, bondage, praise, dirty talk, squirting, ooc! Mei, no plot
mutuals/friends: @zuzuthesnake @chimemori
𝐌𝐲 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠┆"All creations/edits belong to ©𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐮 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ;𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝"┆Do not retranslate, republish or copy this work without permission
𝙉𝙤𝙬 𝙇𝙤𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜...𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙞𝙩...
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"Y/n" she coos, her manicured nails would trail between your breasts and close to your abdomen as she sits ontop of you, her eyes seamlessly glowing in the dark as she praises your gentle form; Tied to her headboard as her vibrator makes a mess of your pussy.
"So pretty.. I should've done this to you sooner n/n" She giggles and kisses your cheek, her hands groped your fleshy mounds before she sucks on one, pressing her knee at your clit as you whine in bliss, having been your first time trying something so... eccentric.
Your skin feels like its on fire from her tender touch, praises coming from her mouth smooth as butter as she trails kisses all the way to your pussy, running her finger through your slit to taste your juices before wrapping you legs around her shoulders as she sucks on your clit, moaning for the taste as she kisses your sensitive thighs.
"You look absolutely gorgeous n/n, as if the great Buddha himself sent you down here for me~" she moans and spreads your lips with her fingers before kissing your clit, stroking of her pre-lubed strapon as she kneels on her bed, slapping the tip against your sensitive nub before gently pushing it in as you feel it stretching your walls for it to fit. "Do you want to stay at toys or should we continue?"
She asks for confirmation, her enamored eyes and body movement begs you to say no, to keep going till you can't go to work the next day. And you comply, nodding a yes as she lifts your legs and place them over her shoulders for support, feeling it go deeper inside before she thrusts slowly.
Her eyes were staring into yours before she shares a tender kiss with you, wanting to savor this moment for as long as you deem fit, the slow sensual R&B would play quietly in the background, not wanting to be a nuisance to your passionate display of tender affection.
"You're so pretty doll~ My pretty play thing, so cute and fragile"
She curses under her breath and picks up pace, her hair slowly turning into a mess the longer and harsher her thrusts became, the vibrator inside her made her all the more rutty and sensitive, slowing down to savor it longer before either one of you climaxed.
She hopes you both climax together, making her oh so sweet towards you when you beg her to let you cum, feeling the butterflies in your stomach grew more intense, your vision starts to blur from black and dark, multicolored spots; "Does my pretty angel wanna cum? Wanna make a mess on my cock as I fuck you good angel?"
She teases and rubs your clit even more, making your legs quiver against her shoulders as tears start to fall from your eyes, "Oh please don't cry angel~ I haven't made a good mess of you just yet" She pleads as she kisses away your tears. Her eyes rolling to the back of her head when the vibrator starts to pulse faster and stronger. Making her thrust more aggressively as a means to get you to the same high as hers.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum~ You wanna cum for me don't you angel?" she whispers, the lewd, wet squelches of her rough and sloppy fucking told you that she was gonna cum soon, whimpering a yes as she kisses you a final time, pressing her ribbed strapon so deep inside you believed that she was trying to fuck you cervix, her nails dug into your flesh as she climaxed, moaning your name like a chant as you squirt on her cock. Passing out from such an intense orgasm that it took you hours before you even woke back up; Seeing that you've been cleaned and food left on the nightstand beside you as you feel someone snuggle up close to you.
Recognizing that it was her, you sat up and took some painkillers and drank some water left on your table before going back under the covers and cuddle closer to her, sighing in content as you fell baxk to sleep in her arms
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©𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐮 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ;𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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kirchefuchs · 1 year
Yoo Ceres!! Since the last ask, I've been thinking more about your AU (or perhaps headcanon? idk) where The Narrator was given false memories of having created The Stanley Parable. Of course, as per usual, I went "well, s__t. time to f__k around and find out, I suppose" (/p)
(also is using swear words allowed in asks? genuine question btw)
SO! here are some questions that I carefully handpicked out of the chaos that is my brain <3
(also!! u don't have to answer all of them, okay? just label the questions u answered through their assigned letters. you can choose questions to answer so dw :D)
a) Not sure if this was answered already, but who gave The Narrator all those fake memories?
- Did they just appear one day?
- Did he accidentally give the memories to himself?
- Did the actual Developers decide to give it to him for the Ultra Deluxe revamp?
- Does this have anything to do with Stanley? Perhaps the Timekeeper?
b) What's the Timekeeper's main role in your AU/headcanon?
- What do they do?
- Did they exist before in the Original version of the game?
- If so, do they remember the original game? How different are the two versions of Timekeeper personality and/or programming-wise (Original vs Ultra Deluxe)?
c) What about Stanley?
- Does he remember anything related to the original version of the game?
- Is he aware of The Narrator's false memories? If he is, has he done anything in relation to the information? How did he found out, if he did?
- If he remembers the loops/resets in your AU, has he ever noticed how inconsistent the information given by The Narrator is? Has he ever tried to question/call him out for it? If he did, how did the scene play out? Did the Timekeeper have to step in?
d) Does The Narrator remember any resets/loops?
- If yes, how so? As in, does he 100% remember them or are certain parts of each ending cut out or jumbled up in his memories?
- If he doesn't, then do certain keywords give him a sense of deja vu? Does every reset/loop slowly start to fade away, as if the previous ending were just a dream (would also explain the Confusion Ending)? What about muscle memory? Does forgetting the different endings do anything to affect his instincts and/or reflexes? If yes, how so? Explain it as thoroughly as you wanna; I'd love to read your answer/s!
e) Do you have any additional information that you've [always] wanted to share about your AU/headcanon?
- Anything about The Narrator that you never had the chance to share?
- What about Stanley?
- Anything interesting about the Timekeeper?
- Or perhaps a secret 4th option? Do tell!! I absolutely love the lore of your Narrator/Pollux, and I really wanna try to provide some of my headcanons/thoughts, if you don't mind :D
Toodles! Hope you have a fantastic day! <33 /p Sorry if these questions are a bit much, haha–
— 🅰️non || 05/14/2023
Sweetie you have no idea how long I've been waiting to talk about my headcanons/lore/au/whatever you wanna call it, so I am so glad you asked!!!! 👀👀👀
(Swear words are fine, I'm not a huge stickler on them, but I prefer to keep them a minimum to none thing. I totally get it if you wanna use them, especially for comedic effect)
And! Bold of you to assume I don't wanna answer all your questions and more!!!! I am vibrating in excitement!!!! Okay, since this is going to be so long I'm putting it all under the cut.
A) I talked about this a little bit before, but I can try to explain it a little more clearly here.
There were 2 instances of false memories that the Narrator had. The first happened on its own in the Demo. The Developers/Research Team/Jim and his people who were working on the simulation had no idea what caused the Narrator to develop those fake memories. Their best guess the Narrator’s mind was trying to fill in the void and create a reason to explain why he didn't like The Stanley Parable anymore, just feeling that way wasn't enough for the AI, he needed a reason so his coding created a reason. That being fake memories.
Obviously, this is bad for the team's experiment here, so Jim wiped the Narrator’s memory and he gave the Narrator the new memories before putting him into the main game/simulation (the second instance of fake memories). Making the Narrator think he created the Parable and everything inside it, in order to help ease the transition between the Demo and The Stanley Parable.
As for if this has anything to do with Stanley, no, since him and Mariella are basically just test subjects trying to help Narry and Curie develop personhood (thats the point of the Parable in my au. Jim and his team are trying to create artificial life) from within the Parable. TK? Yes. They were on Jim's team before they got trapped inside the Parable so they had a hand in the Demo and the 2013 Parable, so thusly were involved in the Narrator's fake memories fiasco.
B) I just mentioned this but TK used to be a member on Jim's team. They were one of the developers of the Parable. No they didn’t enter the Parable until Ultra Deluxe, but due to literally helping make the game they know more about the game than just about anyone else in the Parable (except for one, but I'll talk about that later).
Before we get into how TK got trapped inside the Parable it is important to me personally that I inform you that TK and Jim are very in love and were in a lovely queer platonic relationship before everything went to crap with Ultra Deluxe.
Anyways, how TK got stuck. Well after the team created Ultra Deluxe (they made it to help keep Stanley from going crazy and also just to update some things a bit) but a bit before they moved the two humans and two AIs into it they wanted to see if they could make it so they could control and keep tabs on the Parable from within the simulation. TK volunteered themself to test out the new feature and it worked out great for a while! For a while. Things went south when a tragedy befell the rest of the team while TK was inside the Parable. Since there was then no one to take them out of the game they kinda became trapped inside the coding void of the game.
So TK, since they are within the code of the game, they can manipulate the Parable in specific aspects. Though with how the feature was supposed to work, they can't talk directly to the other 4 in the Parable. They can only communicate to the rest them as text on the various computer screens in the Parable. When they show up on a screen it kinda looks like one of those command prompt windows. But for the most part they kinda act as a silent observer, waiting for Stanley and the Narrator to trigger the true Escape Pod Ending and free them all from the simulation.
C) Yes, I do believe Stanley remembers everything. Well as much as he can, he's still a human and will forget a couple things. Though, his mind has probably blocked out most of what happened in the 2011 version of the game, it was not a fun version.
Does Stanley know about the false memories? Kinda? Not really? It's weird. He's a test subject so he was only ever told what was strictly necessary, so he doesn't know a whole lot about what's going on. Guy is just trying to annoy the Narrator into becoming a person.
Yes he does remember resets. Yes he noticed all the inconsistencies in the Narrator's dialogue, so he takes the dialogue in the game with a grain of salt. The moments when the Narrator speaks without the script he is much more inclined to listen to and believe, though he can tell something's up. After all, he knows the Narrator is an AI.
I'm sure Stanley has tried to bring up the inconsistencies but the Narrator just becomes very defensive and deflects any questions with something along the lines of "You know I'm just reading a script, it's all part of the story Stanley."
Eventually Stanley and the Narrator do confront TK about the nature of the Parable and Narry's memories, and they deliver. It kinda shatters Narry's entire worldview in the process, but they do find out how to escape the Parable so it balances out I guess.
D) I honestly haven't thought about this a whole ton, but I imagine he remembers most of most of the resets. Its really hard to tell sometimes because some of his dialogue sounds too genuine to just be scripted but maybe Narry is just that good at his job. Who knows?
Maybe early on his memory was infallible and he remembered every reset in perfect detail, but as time went on and he grew and developed to be more and more human-like his memory changed too. Maybe as time goes on his own memory starts acting like a human memory would and he forgets little aspects of some endings. I don't know, I'm just speculating, throwing darts at the board to see what sticks.
I genuinely belive he doesn't remember the Skip Button ending though. Like, he probably remembered having gone to the memory zone but he doesn't remember the Steam reviews. I haven't quite figured out why he doesn't remember, but I know he doesn't remember it. Perhaps since it messes with the Parables timeline so much the game just wipes his memory of it for the sake of maintaining itself. Maybe TK wipes his memory of it each time. Idk.
I wish I could give more solid answers on this one, but I will have to think about it more. :/
E) Oh boy do I?!?!?!?!
Okay, for the Narrator, I guess I just really like talking about this eye thing cuz it's really cool. Basically the short of it is in the original 2011 version of the game he had use of both his eyes (his right eye is green his left eye grey) but after he began to gain a personality and emotions some of his coding got all tangled together and his left eye became permanently closed and started to bleed whenever he got overwhelmed with emotion. Trying to "fix" the eye thing, while being able to open his left eye and stop the bleeding, it would also make him unable to feel most emotions and he'd lose a lot of memories in the process. This is the basis of the angst fanfic I'm writing :)))
Stanley? He'll he's just your average guy isn't he? The main things of note for my Stanley would probably be that he's Irish and speaks with a heavy accent (he's selectively mute, so he can talk when he feels like it), also he knows both BSL and ISL. The Narrator only knows BSL though so Stanley uses it more often, but sometimes he will use ISL just to annoy Narry or when he really wants to say something but doesn't want the Narrator to know what he's saying (like professing his undying love for Narry pre-relationship).
Okay Timekeeper time! As I said before TK was on the development team for the Parable with Jim but got trapped inside the Parable after an accident occurred to the rest of the team while they were inside. I explained a lot already about TK, so i kinda wanna talk some more about Jim and his involvement with everything.
Jim basically acts as the player most of the time (sometimes TK would fill in that role as well) but also he's the creator of the Parable. This is why the name button says his name. Anyways, Jim made the Parable to see if he could create artificial life, so he put two AIs (Narry and Curie) into a simulation with two humans (Stanley and Mariella). Stan and Mari are basically in a sort of stasis pod or whatever while their consciousness are put into the game and they can control their avatars (kinda like the movie Avatar if I remember correctly how that worked). So time passes and stuff happens, new versions of the game are made, eventually we make it to Untra Deluxe. They've been doing TSPUD for a while, everything's going great, and then while TK is checking some things from within the game and Jim is monitoring while the rest of the team is on lunch break or smth, Jim hears an alarm for a toxin leak. Unfortunately for him, there is no way for him to get out in time so he does the only thing he can think of to not die. He puts himself into the Parable.
This plan wasn't the wisest, but it was the only option. In the rush he just transfers his conscious into the first avatar he finds. This turns out to be the Adventure Line™ because it was at the top of the list (alphabetical order and all). So without anyone to release the now 4 humans and 2 AI stuck within the Parable, all they can do is wait for Stanley and the Narrator to trigger the true Escape Pod Ending which would release them all and put both AI into their own bodies in the real world.
I'm thinking the whole getting bodies for Narry and Curie to inhabit thing will be similar to how Vision was created in the Marvel movies. Basically 3d printing humans. The "3d printers" are set to kick into life when the true Escape Pod Ending is triggered, and they print out two bodies based on DNA gathered previously and construction files and stuff so they will look similar to their in-game models, but still human. Is this more complicated than just making them robots? Yes. Do I care? No. They are humans now.
Anyways, you'd think TK and Jim would try to speed up this process right? Well they sure would love to, but Jim is an effing line and cannot talk, and TK can only communicate if someone happens to be looking at a computer screen and they're able to get a message through. So it's a lot harder than they might like. The poor guys just gotta bide their time till they can actually get Stanley and Narry's attention long enough to tell them how to free everyone.
So yeah, this was definitely my longest post. There is a lot to say about my headcanons my gosh. Um, yeah. But if you have any thoughts, more questions, or what have you, feel free to share. I am open for suggestions to help flesh everything out a bit more. So ye :)
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cerberuscaeli · 3 months
Hii everyone!
As you may have seen, I've been slowly revamping this blog and I have some reasons as to why.
1. I have lost interest in Genshin a lot. I don't feel the enjoyment of playing it anymore, I don't enjoy grinding and while I used to be an Archon Quest player. I haven't touched the new one at all. I've been missing out on a lot of events. I even lost interest in ly favorite characters. Genshin isn't just it for me anymore. Yes, I do still cosplay some Genshin characters but it isn't that often. (Con's aren't closely to my town. It's always a roadtrip to get one, but I have a lot of cons on my list I wanna go too.)
2. I've been busy with irl. Focussing on finishing my education, doing my internship in health care wich isn't easy. Lot's of work and how health care for seniors is in Belgium is horrible but the Gouverment doesn't fix it. It's energy draining but I'm doing it with my heart, rven though I know my loan won't be great when I'll finish my studies and would fully work in health care. But I love it and that's all that matters, right?
3. I haven't been able to write anything in so long. I haven't continued any of my series and I won't continue them either. I'll might even delete them or put them on private. Who knows, maybe if I ever roll back into Genshin I might (re)publish them again. But it's an "if" and to say it in Max Verstappen his words: "I mean, it's always if, if, right? If my mum had balls, she would be my dad."
4. I've been more and more into the Resident Evil fandom (never left in the first place. Ya girl is even gonna cosplay Ada Wong and in the future as Leon too.) And ypu may have noticed that by the way I've been reblogging a lot of Resident Evil (fan)art. (+ slowly progressing in Resi Ev 4R lmaoo) it's also an interest a few friends of my are into as well. Me and my friend are going to do a duo Resi Ev cosplay. (Mother Miranda and Karl Heisenberg. We both are putting the cosplays together ourselves.) So, if I do end up writing again, you can bet it'll be Resident Evil centered. (Literally didn't spend hours in making RE characters into the Sims 4.))
5. What about my blog? I'll still keep the name but it will be more centered around Resident Evil and will be straying away from Genshin. It's the Ebg's that helped me realize how much interest I lost in the game. The first EBG, I was heavily active, the 2nd one I had to push myself so hard to participate that it was so mentally draining for me. Forcing yourself to do things you are no longer interested in is really demotivated. (+ bunch of mental health issues as well.)
Anyways, I'll be privating/deleting all my Genshin works. Thank you all so much for the support on each of my fics. Wether it was by liking, reblogging or commenting on it. I appreciate all of it a lot. ❤️
Thank you all for everything! ❤️
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goodmorningdove · 9 months
ooh also tell me more about the dautri aima and their, like, life cycle and stuff!
So the dautri aima are an evolved from of the kosei aima. Aima in this context basically means universe eater and kosei in this context means friend. (though in actuality aima is spanish for soul and kosei was something that got abbreviated but i forgor) all aima eat universes, specifically the soul parts.
anyway dautri aima are named after the people of the universe that the first one came from (dautri means twothree and its bcz there are two sects but all their names have three letters) Dautri aima specialize in extracting souls from living universes, and once they gather enough energy they kinda mitosis. excpet its not an even split its like a lil rain drop. that droplet dautri aima will burrow itself into a living universe and slowly drain its life. once they have absorbed enough soul energy they will have absorbed so much that the universe no longer has enough soul energy to hold itself together and will tear apart, and the dautri aima will search other universes for food. Hailey was less that 24 hours away from this point went Chalia entered hailey's subspace and then posessed hailey. this was only possible because chalia's soul was like 99% hatred and hailey was like "AUGGHGH NEED TO EAT EVERYTHING" so instead of only part of Chalia's soul heading towards Hailey, the whole thing did. All Dautri aima specialize in one emotion. Technically it can be any emotion, but it's usually a negative emotion as it's easier to sow fear or hate or depression than it is to sow happiness. Fun fact! Fear is the most common Dautri Aima speciality!
Much like how Impurrnity is just a cat, Dautri Aima (and kosei aima) are more like crows. they are very smart, and you can train them if you try. But like also they literally do not understand morals and just want food. And entertainment. But mostly food. Dautri also cannot die via old age. They can only die when eaten (by impurrnity or another dautri aima but a dautri aima can only eat a dautri aima of the same speciality). Sometimes a Dautri Aima will revert to its larval form and burrow into a universe when food is scarce and it is starving, but usually they just dip in and out of universes, staying in the subspace and influncing their preferred emotion to form over others (by nudging things like a ghost would)(100% of true ghost hautings are dautri aima btw)
if you wanna posses a dautri aima you either gotta do what chalia did or do this whole ceremony with a subspace entity present or a false god present (most gods are false because true gods are just. kosei aima.) (kosei aima recently got a revamp on how they work let me know if u wanna hear that at any point)
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anders-hawke · 2 years
"and all things plot... i have a lot that i could say but i won’t LOL"
I'd love to hear your thoughts one day (if you're comfortable saying them)
It’s not that I’m scared to say it or anything, it’s that my thoughts are very critical and I don’t wanna bum people out by shouting it from the rooftops, lol. And it’s hard to say it all because there’s just...so much. Like, so much that I’m very slowly writing a revamp of the episode in script format. There’s no other way to fully articulate what I’d change and what I’d change it to and what I’d get rid of and what I’d add. (And then some that are just a reward for me to keep going lol.) But what the hell. I’ll give it a shot. It’ll be good to get it all out.
I don’t think any of it is Gillian’s fault, per se. Like, you’re in a writers room—it’s usually collaborative. And when all those people working on the show agreed to make her idea into an episode, that means that it’s supposed to be part of the collaborative process of making a TV show. There’s just a...je ne sais quois to the episode (the same one that I see in “Never Again” but somehow even worse) that my gut is telling me means that people working on the show (once again) viewed it as not worthy of the same level of effort as the others.
I don’t believe that’s an outlandish thing to think, especially considering that one interview that circulated on our dashes a week or two ago where Gillian said that FOX couldn’t very well say no because they barely had women writing/directing any episodes. So they had to do it. And at first glance, it seems like the script didn’t get enough passes around the critique table, but that’s not it. There was just a lot cut, and we can see that. Well, I see it. And that’s not fair. It’s fucking misogynistic. None of the other episodes look like that! Why this one? Like “Never Again,” I don’t think it’s a coincidence that “All Things” was treated like this. Maybe that was Gillian’s choice, I don’t know. (Whoever’s responsible, you did a goof.)
But I don’t know. I don’t really have proof of all that. It’s a gut feeling. But it’s the same gut that was right about Scully sitting in a room of old men as a young woman in the pilot being an integral part of the show’s thesis, and it was right that something was missing from the scene back at Ed’s apartment after the tattoo scene (they fucked on the floor—where’s that raw desire in the final product???). And I don’t wanna sell myself short. Anyways, into the thick of it:
1. Scully & Daniel’s Relationship
So, apparently it wasn’t Gillian’s intention to imply that they were actually sexual. Scrap that idea. Like we assume in the episode, they were sleeping together. It adds weight to the tension throughout the episode and to the characters’ interactions. But, we’re not even going to pretend that Daniel is a real choice. Not one bit. Not as a point of MSR supremacy but because of the maturity gap between him and Scully when they were together. He was in his 40s, she was in her 20s. Not appropriate at all. She’s not devoid of responsibility, of course, but when you have power over someone like Daniel did, you also bear the responsibility of turning down any advances. (I assume it was Scully who really started it based on her behavior in “Never Again,” even if Daniel wasn’t as firm as he should’ve been when they were getting closer.)
And I don’t like that Scully genuinely seems to believe that she could choose Daniel. Why did she leave him? Did they break up? Or did she finish school and they went their separate ways since he was still with his wife? Gotta answer those questions, and I much prefer Scully realizing that she’s a complete asshole for dating a married guy and that if Daniel’s willing to cheat, how can she trust him? Especially if we make it so she ran in the same circles as Daniel’s daughter Maggie.
2. Scully’s Issue
I still don’t really understand what Scully wants. Like, I do because I’m fixated on TXF and I know her character, but I think it can be shown better than her ignoring Mulder while he’s explaining why they’re going gallivanting off to England. It seems like she’s just tired of feeling like Mulder’s not committed to her and to their relationship, and it’s bringing up those old feelings from “Never Again,” but then it suddenly escalates to her thinking that maybe she should just get back together with Daniel. Like, WOAH, slow down, we’ve just met this dude!
I don’t think the X-file part came out right, either. It just...doesn’t feel right that she believes for Daniel and then all Mulder says is something to the effect of “crazy week, huh?” if I’m remembering correctly. It just ain’t right. It’s one of the things that I can’t quite pin down. But honestly, I’d just get rid of this through-line. I think Scully believing is tackled in the other episodes of the show and it won’t adversely affect the episode with its absence. Scully can still work through her side of the rough patch she and Mulder are going through without it.
3. Scully & Maggie’s Relationship
This is what needs to be elaborated on instead of the X-file. I think I’ve said this before but not every episode actually needed an X-file, and this was one of them. (Also “Irresistible,” Never Again,” and “Orison.”) Instead of weird things happening (although the woman in grey/Mulder in grey thing should totally stay lol), we need to learn more about Scully and Maggie’s relationship. It comes back to that idea of Scully realizing she was an asshole for sleeping with Daniel, and now she has to deal with the fact that Maggie feels obligated to care for her father but she feels no obligations towards Scully, so she’s taking out a lot of anger on her—some of it rightful.
Scully being the catalyst for Maggie’s life being turned upside down is such a tense, compelling piece of the puzzle! Especially if Maggie was the friend of a friend and so Scully heard about some of the effects of her relationship with Daniel on his home life and how it was tearing the family apart. The guilt of that mistake, and it driving her to making the impulsive decision to join the FBI. Yes, to make a difference in the world, that, too. But the initial consideration? The boost needed to send her resume and application?
Sigh... I have a version of the episode that lives in my head that I much prefer over the actual thing, although I do have a soft spot for the end. I adore that softness. And when I change that scene, I want to keep that. And just...make it mean even more.
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kawaii-10105 · 8 months
Its my city now ive been thinking about oc dynamics for the other brothers. I decided toto recycle some old fandom ocs from my preteen years bc its both funny and thematically appropriate.
The only new ones are like wendy and suzi. Suzi is sorta not new but so completely revamped and wasn’t ever really developed anyways.
I have to figure out like actual names for two bc they’ve only gone by nicknames. I also thought it would be fun to have more cartoonish/surreal characters instead of just regular people.
Kitti (nickname)- when i made her, she originally was a Boy Scout and kinda based off of spongebob. Now ive changed her to like a big sister like character except she really ISN’T. She’s the younger sister of twins, neither the brain or muscle behind their duo. She’s sweet, dense, and a stickler for order. She’s a mycologist and likes to hang out in the woods. She is dating oso im still working on their dynamic but theyre definitely childhood friends who find each other again in adulthood oso confuses her for her twin sister and is like: whoa, so you decided to become a girl!! Thats so cool can i see ur boobs since we’re old friends?? She meets oso thru totty who shes friends with bc theyre both girls.
Wendy - basically a small, loud little henchman or hypeman. She’s so so small in height and so round. She looks like a shark, has very pointy teeth, beady lil teeth, and is very scary except her voice is really adorable. She is karamatsu’s biggest fucking fan, and hyped him up as much as he does to the point where sometimes he’s embarrassed. I think she’s weird and funny bc she has a rich inner world completely detached from him that she never tells him about except for concerning bits and pieces. So far theyre my favorite bc i drew her telling kara when hes not there she goes to nurtitionland and hangs out with talking carrots. Kara absolutely adores her and tries to explain her appeal constantly but everyone side eyes him.
Sindri - I haven’t really figured it out yet bc Sindri was an oc i used to really adore. I remember having like a really lavish and dramatic backstory for him that was super serious but i kinda don’t wanna do all of that anymore but dont wanna erase all of it either. Slowly rebuilding him. I ship him w choro tho
Esaias- another recycled but kinda loved oc. He was like one of my least favorites but I had developed him a loooot. Almost all of his original characterization and background are the same, so he grew up in a paramilitary Christian cult ran by his step father and mother that only consisted of his immediate family. His childhood sucked but you wouldn’t know it bc he was the blacksheep, and thoroughly ignored but a lot of the family politics bc hes considered the illegitimate eldest. He’s actually really normal and nice and in Japan for grad school and to train under Fighting Yowai. He makes Ichi really nervous bc he’s like a normie or something but he also is really strange. They have a really funny dynamic to me but eventually hes kinda like a security blanket ichi carries and he is there basically like “damn bitch you live like this? Thats so cool can you teach me?”
Suzi - she didn’t have a very thick background, I made her when I was like literally 12 and didn’t like her very much to the point where her entire narrative was that i killed off her sister. Which is funny bc i love her now and so I killed her off too. She’s a ghost! Like a sadako/okiku type of ghost. Looks very scary and only jyushi can see her and at first he’s terrified of her but it’s really actually lighthearted and silly. His brothers are all weirded out by jyushi’s new imaginary friend but they are a loveydovey couple even tho shes dead and he aint.
And then tottys still mine
Oh i forgot nom (another nickname)
I ship her with nyaa. She’s a tsundere who is obsessed with looking cool, she’s the older twin sister of kitti and she is the biggest softie ever. Literally the brain and the brawn, she’s in love w nyaa and is a crybaby. She’s really moody too, friends with ichi and kara. She wants to be goth and alt so bad but shes just shein. The tallest of my ocs. She can only handle the responsibility of taking care of Kitti, so she cant cook or clean (kitti must) but she does everything else. She’s a drop out fashion student, and a cringefail girl. The only one who can make kitti, who comes across as a big sister character be a whiny baby. I ship her with nyaa bc i think itd be funny
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ennaku-sirri-da · 1 year
Hey man Yknow what I’m actually kinda curious about what the basic plot of Roseverse is ngl. I mean from what I’ve seen habit is a big ol Grumpus muppet kinda fellow(BASED AS HELL BTW) soo ermmm, lore. Plz? *Looks at you with big ol eyes*
Okay I was gonna reply to this with a whole comic but it's taking a wHILE and I don't wanna keep you waiting THAT long so. Here's an answer in text for now!!
Roseverse didnt start out as an AU. It was a bunch of loose ideas all the way back in late 2021 for an idea I was struck with like when that Greek dude with the bathtub and the gold cried EUREKA! Except, you know, instead of making a huge scientific discovery I just made a bunch of nerd shit instead. Which is SOOO Haiderrrr /lh /affectionate
The idea was " What if Habit and Kamal were childhood friends"? ( Plaintext: What if Habit and Kamal were childhood friends? ) And so I worked off that basic premise. I took Habits diary pages, analysed them, and drew and thought out what he'd be going through and looked like at the time, with Kamal as well to mutually play off of each other. I did this ALL with my very good friend @prrusten 's help, hell we didn't even mean to make something so big, we were just talking and having fun and hitting it off!
But yeah. Here we are...Almost 3 years later! And now it's become a whole AU called Roseverse, after its Flower Kid sona/insert, Rose T. Flower. But it's not actually about him HwjjskHAKSJSJ--and its branched out beyond just Habismal though TBH Gillis is still the MOST underdeveloped character in the whole thing LOL I'll think of ideas for you one day someday muscleman. It's changed a lot too. There was a phase with Mad Scientist Kamal and everything. I don't think I'll ever post everything aha! But I will surely share content while I can.
Infact one of the changes is Habit's design...! You've seen some ofthe newer refs as opposed to Grumpus looking Habit, he looks more like a marionette. I still dearly love the old design...but messy stuff just happened and I feel immensely wrong using it again for newer art now. So I needed a specific revamp to indicate change for me. I don't really wanna get into every detail but I'll make a appropriate post about it one day or like update my pinned when I'm ready and know.
Here's a little drawing for you in the meantime Sharko! An old one but I think it still carries the spirit of the whole thing:
Tumblr media
[ ID: Simple styled and digital colored art of Dr Habit and Kamal Bora from Smile For Me. It is in mostly dulled purple and pink tones. Habits hair gives a burst of rose and pink against the other tones.
He is closing his eyes and has caught Kamal in a hug from behind, leaning into his head. He looks worried. Kamal looks back at him, visibly tired, but there is a spark in his eye. Here his hair is long and falling down.
Whitish-purple text reads ‘’We’re in this together.’’ Then more transparent, ‘’Not Alone’’ and finally in bold clear text, ‘’Dont forget.’’ end ID]
And a song I more newly associate with Roseverse vibes...
[Thumbnail ID: A screencap from the anime Clannad. A man kneels on the ground to tightly clutch a little girl who hugs back. The background is sheer white snow. End ID]
[ VD: The music sounds melancholic, with twinkling noises throughout, and a slowly played track with echoing ambience. End VD ]
Morning edit: Aw Sharko.. I'm sorry this happened right after I told you about it but I've decided Roseverse will be shutting down and I shall post no further content of it for the time being. I will still continue like, using this blog for S4M stuff and make fanart in the Canon style sometime later but yeah man... :") (teary smile emote)
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lil-smolpubby · 10 months
Revamping my sendak/Lotor fankid, Anthie on the more ballerina side of things. I think about em a lot despite not having posted about em. Still keeping w the whole kidnapped in a mess and kept on an earth orphanage for mixed species w another galra orphan who grew to be their best friend.
So less lolita and more vintage ballet aesthetics for them and maybe when those chemise dresses were popular in the 18th century
As well as I think w own hcs on galra culture that ballet would both fit in well w their values of strength as well as surface wise contrast. Mainly due to just how much work and hardship goes into ballet as a dance as well as the harsh world behind it, but as well of the contrast of grace it holds in the art and surface view of how ballet is seen
I mainlf hc that whole galra culture has its own arts and such it values, that during the reign of Zarkon that there was little value emphasized on traditional and previously valued art due to his fixation on conquering. So under Lotor’s reign the values are just starting to come back slowly.
Anthie in general I wanna emphasize they have a big fixation on being seen as graceful and delicate. They do have strength due to starting ballet at a young age, though they with accepting that they are strong due to a lotta preconceptions of galra pushed upon them on others during growing up before they were reunited with both parents. It’s something they have a difficult time accepting due to not wanting to be pushed into some sorta role.
They’re very prideful in their art, though they try to be realistic about the harshness of it to others.
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sugusshi · 2 years
After months of silence, zee, has finally risen from the dead... yet again aha..ha...ha... (๑•́ㅿ•̀๑)
Apologies for disappearing like that but my mental health wasn't doing the best and so much shit was going on irl. But I'm doing better mentally even if life is still hectic asf. Oh well!
I've finally installed and logged back into tumblr after a good minute oops-
I've mostly been focusing on writing some self-indulgent stories while I was gone (which I only share in certain places) and playing my favorite video games when distressing oop. Aka if you wanna play dead by daylight., splatoon or genshin, hmu and we can play hehe
I'm gonna try to be active here again but no promise that I'll be super active. I really do miss everyone here and reading everyone's amazing work ;^;
I'll most likely be only active during my days off or such, but I will slowly be trying to get back into the groove of things here!
AS FOR THE COLLAB EVENT: SOBS I AM SO SORRY. I left when it was all happening and I feel so bad. I will reblog all the works done for it and cherish it greatly. I will most likely be revamping it sometime later when I'm in a better place and more active. So sorry again ): Your work deserves all the recognition and support and I want to be able to properly do that in the future.
Updates for my current series and any future works will still be super sporadic, so that's just a heads up. I'm slow with creating things sorry adfjdn
So I'm excited to be back and can't wait to check everyone's work again! ♡
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drustvar · 2 years
my braincells are slowly massing together again to the point i almost wanna work on the storyline / rewrite projects esp Muriel. idk what it is about him that fall and winter sets in and i go hmmmm big boy time : ) maybe i'll compile and post a list of some of the big revamps i have in mind.
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