#[ day 0 ]
didilovesdick · 1 month
Day 0 - breeding / full gif;) on twitter
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sbnkalny · 13 days
Step 2: regret everything.
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thetcrmented · 28 days
location: the pond, the woodrow estate
date: saturday 2 september, 2005
carmen knew she was avoiding everyone. as more of the wards had descended upon woodrow house, she had retreated. this was not her usual way. in the past when they had come to visit the house - when she had still called it home - she had always made an effort to spend time with her fellow wards, since those moments were few and far between. but there was not an energy of reunion hanging over the house. there was a spectre of death and an unshakeable air of grief that had started to feel suffocating.
so she had escaped outside, hoping for a moment of peace, before she had to field more questions she didn't have answers to. but she got the sense she wasn't alone before she heard the footsteps behind her, approaching the edge of the pond where she was sitting, feet dangling in the water, her shoes abandoned beside her.
"sorry i was just getting some fresh air," she said, raising her hand to shield her eyes from the sun, unsure why she was apologising. but saying sorry felt like the only thing that felt natural at the moment.
"i'll come inside soon."
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caspermelosodos · 1 month
Okay I am obsessed. I just saw all the deleted scenes with Disney's Wish and reading up on all the original concepts. I even have an art book. Holy hell I want to make this into a Fanfic!
No wait, better yet a Youtube series!
First a fanfic to get the story down and then Youtube! I'm going to make it read like a story book kinda like how in the first Disney princess films it opened with a story book!
Since I don't want to be an animator just make the story. It's going to read like a long form animatic that I'll draw by hand. So that will take a bit of time to get it done in time to make my own film of sorts.
If other people want to join you can! I just want to write the story between the lines we have been missing in Wish
It's going to be as close to the original product as I can get it, I don't think it's going to be perfect nor do I think can can compete with any of the creatives
This is not me shitting on the movie in fact I love the movie in its self. I bought it with the extended material as well as the art book.
Nor do I want to write my own version of Wish, I just want to use the scraps they left on the cutting room floor. I want to take these characters not down the yellow brick road but the red.
Of course I’ll be tweaking a few things, making Starboy nonbinary for instance, but otherwise I just can’t help but imagine what could have been.
So Welcome to Day One of making that happen!
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javiar · 5 months
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vectorworm · 1 month
Hello I'm alive and I'm tit-less!!!
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moonfromearth · 8 months
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- 10 students entered the Berkley Building that fateful Sunday night. Only two of them would ever leave.
At exactly 11:02 p.m. the building's power was cut. The doors were locked. All access to the outside world was off limits as a deadly game began...
thank you @windbrook for the awesome challenge!
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crynwr-drwg · 6 months
Starting today, I'm going to try and get sober again. Finally want to kick this damn stuff
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sophia-codes · 7 months
100 days of code - day ?
TUESDAY - NOV 21, 2023 - STREAK DAY 0 🔥
Well, I screwed up.
I've been skipping some days, and I think it's not the goal of the challenge. The challenge aims to code and post 100 consecutive days, and I had failed.
But don’t worry, every mistake is an opportunity to try again.
So I'll reset the counter, also I think I'll start calling these post "coding diary" or something like. Furthermore, I'll be adding a streak counter, that I'll reset again if I skip a day. I was feeling guilty about not resetting the counter.
Routine fixing
This past week, I was rethinking and reorganizing my routine and habits, now with more realistic goals, also I set aside time to do some things that I always wanted to do, but they weren't in my routine, so they would never be done.
Also, I set apart time to writing these posts. Until now, I didn't have a schedule for writing. What happened ? Well, often I procrastinated all day and only went to write at dawn. And It didn't take too long for me to get tired of this routine. So I had to do something.
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I take one of the notion's templates to keep track of my habits, I kinda don't like the style, but it's simple and fulfill its purpose. I also have some Ideas for creating my own habit tracker, with my necessities, so I'll try soon.
These past days I didn't study much. I read a bunch of articles, and It was kinda boring. I also did some leetcode challenges. I think I should focus more on the actual code instead of reading too much, maybe I was getting stuck in tutorial hell.
I'm also planning to make some more detailed post, not just daily logs, about some programming concepts or something like this. But I don't want to overload myself, so I don't promise anything.
That's it, I feel like I have more to say, but I don't want to go on for too long. Today I'll be posting the day 1.
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khrushchov · 3 months
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elenadoeslife · 9 months
The first day of my diet went smoothly, right up until around 10:30PM- that's when I got the munchies.
I ate a whole container of snack tomatoes, but it didn't take away the craving for crisps. It's a habit. When I'm reading late at night, I often have a snack.
On the bright side: there's no more snacks in the house to tempt me now! 😂
I also ordered two more flavours of protein powder. They should get delivered sometime today.
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sbnkalny · 1 year
K2 spice hotbox to end world hunger
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thetcrmented · 28 days
location: carmen's old room, woodrow house
date: saturday september 3, 2005
after the kitchen, carmen's next port of call was her old room. it felt odd to call it that, even in her mind. pushing open the mahogany door was an action that felt so intimately familiar, she was surprised by the unfamiliar sight she was met with. she had cleared out most of her belongings two weeks ago, but then she had only taken what would fit in her car, leaving behind the odds and ends that she could do without. the effect was a haphazard room; the wardrobe doors flung open, the bed unmade, the only thing left intact the trinkets and souvenirs that lined the shelves, mostly mementoes from her travels over the past decade. she had known she would come back to collect the rest of her things, she just didn't think it would be under these circumstances.
she contemplated sorting through the rest of her belongings, anything to occupy herself and stop the treacherous thoughts that threatened to undo her. but she was interrupted by a knock at the door. she wondered briefly if it was mickey, whom she left in the kitchen. or mrs. tristan, who had been elusive thus far. but she opened the door to find someone she didn't expect. she hadn't seen reuben sharpe in years.
"hello?" she said, the surprise evident in her voice. she liked reuben, and they had always got on well, but she wouldn't have expected he would be the second person she'd see that day.
he looked different to the last time she'd seen him, which was to be expected. but it wasn't so much the way he looked, it was in the way he held himself now, like he had properly settled into his body, like he belonged to himself.
"it's good to see you. w-when did you get in?" she asked, recovering slightly, but not quite.
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cherryvovolcano · 3 months
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First cg vs last cg
Ok it's been a couple of weeks now (I think?) and I can talk about this even if it's a little bit far-fetched.
I was going to complain about harry's style because it was something that had already been seen on planet Pi, however I thought about it more and drew some conclusions.
Let's start, I noticed the color opposites between his hair and eyes:
Gray/silver - gold
Blue - red (pink...?)
Pretty straightforward except for the hair as I thought there was no opposite for that color until I thought of minerals.
As for his cg itself, it is quite noticeable. In the first cg we notice that he isn't looking at the camera, his gaze is empty and we can't even see him well (I personally thought he' be younger for this cg) with an empty background that shows how he lived before, alone and with few things around him, while in his last cg, we notice that he's happy, cheerful, the atmosphere is homey where his new house is, he's with a true and gentle smile, grateful even. He's looking directly at MC, he's looking at you.
To me this is a beautiful display of his maturity and the way he now lives, freely, happy, with the person he loves most and living quietly even if it was not cheritz's intention.
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mona-hug-warrior · 1 year
Hello everyone, my name is Mona, and this is my introduction:
I'm mainly a self-taught artist who possesses different art styles because apparently, one art style isn't enough for my passion for art. For this blog, I'll be drawing every day in different art styles, depending on my mood or preferences, but of course, I can repeat the art style if I'll want to and the pieces don't have to be extra detailed. The point of this journey will be for me to have fun, share my creativity, and even improve with the time that's being spent on all the art, so basically I'm gonna try to break my perfectionist side for small details. I'll be also sharing my artwork on Twitter, which I do not wish to recreate so click HERE for my first Twitter account. Future plans like commissions, F&Q, etc. will be decided later on.
Welcome, and may the journey begin :3
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yax77 · 1 year
Me había declarado culpable. Mis cargos eran haber asumido que nuestras conversaciones nocturnas y nuestras tardes riéndo te habían hecho tan feliz como a mí, que al igual que a mi sentías que el mundo paraba cuando estaba entre tus brazos. Confieso que incluso ahora esos bellos recuerdos me hacen llorar. Me sentencie a aceptar que fuí solo yo la que sintió algo especial, que no tenías que corresponderme y no era tu culpa. Me resigne a vivir de tus sobras; si tenía suerte, después de hablarme de ella te despedirías con un abrazo y usaría como excusa el día de tu cumpleaños para decirte mirándote a los ojos "te quiero". Viví tras las rejas. Pero entonces confesaste ser mi cómplice, que el sentir fue mutuo. Mi herida comenzo a sangrar. Podía seguir porque no eras culpable, arruinaste mi plan. Ahora te has vuelto el culpable de todas mis inseguridades, de todos los fantasmas en mi celda. Mi nueva confesión es que por un momento me emocione; y fui muy feliz. Pero sólo soy otro de tus crímenes ¿Por qué no lo dijiste antes? ¿Por qué vi como te esforzaste por otras y conmigo no hiciste nada? ¿Por miedo a perder la amistad? Cobarde, eres un cobarde, te quiero tanto pero ¿de qué sirve? si nunca me escogiste. Te diste por vencido antes de intentarlo, lo terminaste antes de siquiera dejarlo empezar. Y me pregunto ¿Por qué no me escogiste? ¿Por qué yo no? Y te pregunto ¿desearías haberte esforzando más? Porque yo desearía que lo hubieras hecho. Pero no quisiste, no me quisiste como yo te quise, como yo te quiero. Tal vez simplemente jamás seré suficiente para ti.
Aunque lo sé, me gusta pensar que cuando te alejas y mi toque parece que te quema, es porque aún huyes de esos sentimientos. Que cuando escuchas la frase "perdón que no te supe amar" en esa canción, piensas en mí. Y cuando buscas a la persona correcta, me buscas en ella. Sabes que soy yo ¿Por qué no lo sabes?.
Y si pensabas que aceptar tu culpabilidad te haría libre, me niego. Te condeno, a vivir extrañandome estando a tu lado, sabiendo que nunca podremos ser.
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