#[ gotta put a///iden back
sentofight · 1 year
ooc. also i like to make ocs (or even add canon muses) for my friends to interact. if u have an idea we can make a magical creature out of it aaaaaaaaaaahahaha!!!!!
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sumire-bride · 2 years
I really recommend you read all the Dark Fate routes, it's the best game in the saga by far and has the perfect amount of angst and romance, (plus Yui is a great MC in all the routes). By the way, how is Sumire's relationship with Karlheinz and Richter? Does Richter want her for himself as well? 💀💀💀
(( I do plan to! I'm just currently in the mist of MB atm :p (NO CUZ SHUU'S ROUTE MADE ME WANT TO PEEL MY FACE OFF, I can't stop thinking bout that god damn flower shop boy😞) Reiji deadass though, I want to smack him. SMACK HIM, I'm really just excited to get to the Mukami's routes. But I am very excited to get to DF! AGAIN WATCH ME RANT OFF- ))
(( Richter... Richter.. Richter. Defo didn't like him until @fruit-of-infidelity @sakamaki-richter had me OBSESSED with that man now with all that Richter content HOW DARE YOU??🙄🖐Jkjkjk BUT, Richter doesn't want Sumire herself just wants her to awaken as Cordelia ))
(( I think for those that read this fanfic Richter came off rather.. Cold?? Weird??? Like for the most part in HDB he's like "Cordelia" "Cordelia..." CORDELIA" He is quite touchy with her a bit too touchy with her, very sad man bro, in dark fate I'm aware he kinda becomes a bit.. Delusional, trying to kill s boys Karl thinking Yui is Cordelia yada yada ))
(( HOWEVER, Richter already kinda gets Sumire and Cordelia mixed up all the time anyway but in DF it gets worse where it.is.all.the.time (I mean she's already compared physically wise to Cordelia but whatever-) LIKE BRO GIVES HER IDENITY ISSUES 😭 and legit she screeches when she see's him. Because again Sumire is HIGHLY claustrophobic and him touching her has her feeling nasty. ))
(( Richter is normally like "you should feel lucky you were gifted such a heart", insults her a little bit to- ACTUALLY the two in DF fight with each other, like she sucker punches this man and they both have a little brawl with each other (I'm actually gonna admit this scene is very funny dare I say peek comedy) ))
(( All I gotta say is.. He gives her bad identity issues and defo doesn't help with her claustrophobia and some other minor things- ))
(( As for Karl, they don't meet till AT LEAST FOR SUMIRE'S MEMORIES till MB in dream states they kinda have conversations and such about "Adam and Eve" and some other crap ))
(( Idk really know how to explain their relationship very well tbh☠️ They meet and talk through dreams, and I think I mentioned this in Sumire's bio that she's haunted by Cordelia's ghost/memories (reliving her death in a dream to). So Sumire does talk to him (as Cordelia) in dreams, she has this feeling she already knows him from somewhere but can't put her togue on it ))
(( She views him as cruel, demon that has a angle appearance, back on that instinct thing, she feels the very strong urge to to kill him but protect him at the same time. ))
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redschillzone · 4 years
First Kiss Headcanons (Star Wars)
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(Gif found here!)
Warnings: None
A/N: Decided to work on some first kiss headcanons as well! Enjoy. :)
Iden Tag List: @allfiguredout​ @dversstark​
Prequels/Clone Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Your first kiss with Obi-Wan happened when he had visited your apartment in Coruscant after a rather rough Jedi council meeting. You were letting him vent to you as you both sat on the couch, listening to him go on and on about something, you couldn’t recall what but your eyes were on his lips the whole time. “Obi-wan.” You called his name to which he glanced at you, an eyebrow raised before you went ahead and pressed your lips to his; The kiss was short, but it was sweet and you managed to get your point across as you pulled away, a blush on both your faces but you had noticed how much more relaxed Obi-wan looked. “Can you kiss me again, my love..? I’d love to feel your lips on mine again.” He asked you and all you could do was giggle and kiss him once more.
Anakin Skywalker
Your first kiss with Anakin happened after a rough dogfight with a few Vulture droids; He had been pulling rather dangerous stunts and as you watched him do each one, you could feel your heart tightening with each one. You needed to remind him that there was someone waiting for him. “Anakin!” You had called out as you made your way across the hangar to him. He looked over at you, eyebrow raised and was about to speak but you grabbed him by the shoulders and brought him down to your height before you crashed your lips against his; It was a passionate kiss and you were blushing a dark red throughout the kiss. He had gladly returned it but was quick to pull away, making sure nobody else saw before he spoke up. “We gotta be more careful when we do that but.. Fuck can you do that again?” He asked and you all but rolled your eyes. “I’ll kiss you again if you promise not to pull sure reckless stunts.” You offered and he grinned before he nodded. “Fair enough.”
Ahsoka Tano
Your first kiss with Ahsoka happened while you two were cuddling in bed, just talking about your days. You were listening to her talk, watching her with a smile on your face as she continued to talk to you about some stunt Flyguy pulled during training and you just couldn’t help yourself as you leaned forward to gently press you lips against hers; She froze on the spot but eventually relaxed and kissed back, putting her hands on your cheeks. When you both pulled away, she looked at you with so much love in her eyes and a smile on her face. “How long have you wanted to do that one?” She had asked you and you just blushed and hid your face in her neck before mumbling. “A long, long time.”
Captain Rex
Your first kiss with Rex happened when he returned from a long recon mission with General Skywalker and Kenobi. You couldn’t help yourself as you all but ran to him, jumping into his arms as he chuckled and held you close to him; You allowed him the time to take his helmet off and before he could ask you how you were doing you crashed your lips to his, a dark blush crossing his features before he kissed you back. You just giggled once you pulled away, watching the Captain clear his throat. “I- Um- Wow.” Was all he could say and you couldn’t help but laugh as you brought him in for another kiss, his brothers all wolf whistling and cheering for the two of you.
Original Trilogy/Battlefront 2
Luke Skywalker
Your first kiss with Luke would happen right after his return from blowing up the first Death Star. The moment you saw his X-wing land in the hangar you all but ran over with Han and Leia behind you and once his feet touched the ground, he ripped the helmet from his head and pulled you in for a hug before he crashed his lips against yours, his eyes shut tightly as a dark blush spread across your face; You had returned the rather heated kiss. You two weren’t going to pull away anytime soon so Han cleared his throat, which caused you both to pull away and blush as he patted Luke’s shoulder. You couldn’t help but grin as you watched him before you spoke. “Fuck- Kiss me again, Luke.” You told him and he laughed before kissing you once more.
Leia Organa
Your first kiss with Leia would be after the Battle of Endor. You couldn’t believe it, that the Republic had won and as you looked towards where Leia rested, her arm bandaged up, you couldn’t help yourself as you kneeled beside her and grinned. “We did it.. We won.” You had told her, watching as she gave you a smile and nodded before she leaned forward, putting her hand on your cheek before she pressed her lips to yours in a slow, passionate kiss. You had turned red as you felt her lips against yours but you allowed yourself to kiss back before you pulled away, a grin on your face as she laughed lightly; The kiss was well worth the wait.
Han Solo
Your first kiss with Han would be after a very close get away after you both had smuggled some weapons. He would be laughing in the pilot seat beside you in the cockpit of the Falcon, you laughing as well before you began to relax, glancing at him and noticed how he had also calmed down but had his eyes trained on you. You couldn’t help but bite your lip before you spoke up. “That was uh- That was close.” You had told him and he had nodded in agreement. “Can I do something?” He asked you and you blinked but nodded and it was then he placed his hand on your cheek and brought you over to him, allowing his lips to press against yours in the sweetest kiss you could have ever imagined. You all but melted into it and returned the kiss. To say the least, your first kiss also happened to be your first time.
Iden Versio
Your first kiss with Iden would happen on one of her off days. You two would be resting in her room, the two of you just talking about the upcoming missions for the Inferno Squadron before you just got the sudden urge to kiss her and you took it; Pressing your lips to hers as she talked mid-sentence but froze as she your lips on hers. She was ready to push you away but slowly began to melt into the kiss and returned it. When you pulled away, you couldn’t help but sheepishly speak up. “Sorry.. I uh- I should have warned you or something but just.. I wanted to do that for awhile.” You admitted, blushing darkly as she laughed before she spoke up. “Good, because so did I. Now come here, I want another.”
Your first kiss with Rey would happen during training. You were a Jedi yourself so you would help her by testing her skills against yours and once you had her pinned on this particular training day, she stared up at you with wide eyes before she pressed her lips against yours in a sweet and fast kiss. You were frozen to the spot as she pulled away. “I um- I didn’t mean that- I mean I did but I just-” She was quickly explaining to you and you just laughed before you kissed her again. She had returned the kiss and once you two pulled away you spoke up. “Next time you want a kiss, just ask, huh~?” You teased her as she all but whined below you and asked you for another kiss shyly, which you gladly gave her.
Your first kiss with Finn would happen after the Battle of Crait. You all but ran into his arms once you spotted him on the Falcon and he held you close before you pulled away, taking his face into your hands before you crashed your lips against his in a rushed, sloppy kiss; One he gladly returned. You were scared he wouldn’t make it back to you after everything that happened but alas, here he was in front of you. He was the first one to pull away, moving his own hands to your face as he gently smiled at you. “It’s okay, I’m here.. Can um.. Can you kiss me again though, just to make sure it’s not a dream?” He told you and you laughed as you kissed him once more.
Poe Dameron
Your first kiss with Poe would be after he returned to D’Qar after being captured from the First Order. You had heard he was back and in the medical ward so there you ran and once you ran in, you spotted the curly haired pilot at the edge of his medical cot, looking at you with wide eyes. “(Y/N).” He would call out to you and you could feel the tears rising as you ran over to him, crashing your lips against his busted lip in a sloppy kiss; You didn’t care how it felt because Poe was alive and he was back with you. He had returned the sloppy kiss and kept you close to him, his arms around your waist. It was a mess of a first kiss, but you didn’t care.
Kylo Ren
Your first kiss with Kylo would happen after the events on Starkiller base. You were waiting for him in his room on the Supremacy and once you heard the doors open, you quickly looked up and tensed as you noticed the black bandaging over his injury where a scar would most definitely form. He made his way over to you, fell to his knees between your legs and quickly brought you in for a kiss; One that was heated but filled with passion. You could feel the tears running down your face as you returned the kiss, placing your hands gently on his cheeks. You thought you had lost him to that scavenger but he was okay and he was alive, he was with you again and as you both pulled away for breath, you just stared into his eyes and understood what he wanted; With that, you brought him in for another kiss.
The Mandalorian
Din Djarin/Mando
Your first kiss with Din would be after the events on Nevaroo. You had helped him escape along with his Creed brothers but you had joined along to not only protect him but the Child as well and as you sat in his bunk, watching as the Child slept peacefully he had walked over and gently pressed his helmet against your forehead; You knew what this meant, it was the way Mandalorians showed love, showed how they kissed. You gave a small smile before you pressed your own forehead against his helmet, allowing your eyes to shut so you could cherish the moment. As much as you craved to feel his lips against yours, you knew how the Creed went and you knew how dedicated he was to it so you would follow his Creed and enjoy every moment of this Mandalorian kiss.
Cara Dune
Your first kiss with Cara would be after the events on Sorgan. As you settled in for the night she came in to check on you, make sure you weren’t injured and as you informed her that you were fine and just tired, she had pressed her lips to yours in a short, chaste kiss. You couldn’t help but blush as she smiled and placed her hand on your cheek, giving a small nod. “I’m glad you’re okay..” She spoke and you nodded once more before you squeaked out. “Can um- Can I have another good-night kiss..?” You questioned and she laughed but gladly gave into you.
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rocketcowboyblu · 4 years
Hi! Hello it’s me again (PArdon me lmao)
Since I posted about the Lion king idea of presenting finn, Thought why not give an idea of the entire movie if yall wanna idk write it? Cause I cant write at all. Ignore the spelling and grammar errors Im trying my best. ANYWAY uh have fun reading this mess of an R.D? (Rough Draft)
Alright, its like 10 years or so after the prime invasion. The BFF Squad finished restoring magic to the universe and found out where Adora and Catra hail from, (Magicat hidden kingdom on ethiera, and adora on eternia etc.)   Catra finds out shes magically pregnant and tells adora, adora is like “Holy shit were gonna be moms” SO like the dummy she is goes to glimmer and asks her permission to present her when the kit’s born. (cause its presumably from magicat culture idk u decide) Glimmer agrees and puts it on her to do lists cause yknow queen shit. 
Months later, Finns Born. Swift wind like the annoying loyal steed he is, goes to inform the other princesses of the presentation. (Insert the Circle of life Music) 
The princesses show up along with a bunch of other people cause It’s She-ra’s Heir/Kid. Anyway magicat queen comes and takes Finn and goes to present them (the balcony idk what part of brightmoon looks safe!?) presume the thrusting of them over a balcony. 
Scorpia and Bow are holding each other crying over how cute finn is, Catra and adora are looking at finn feeling so proud and shit, Glimmer is just holding her head staring at these idiots wondering why she even let them live there.
Behind the scenes, Catra had been helping glimmer with advising and taking over the actual royal advisors job. The R.A aint happy that her job is being taken by a war criminal and fraternizing with Etheria’s Hero. SO With some rogue clones they build a plan to get rid of finn and catra.
Finn’s growing up and needs to learn the difference between play and work, the advisor tells finn that and suggests  adora help them out. so Adora takes Finn out to the whispering woods to teach them about self defense and magic bonding with the planet. 
DT strolls up cause their now Brightmoons babysitter (Much to their Utter Delight) and tells adora that theres some trouble in the LightZone (Frightzone) about clones. Finn wants to come but adora says no cause its dangerous, So DT offers to take finn cause they were gonna round up the Runestone kiddos for a playdate. 
DT and Finn pick up the kids and they get into trouble. Finn has a whole inner monologue about cant wait to be a Hero or something to make adora let them come with em. Cue the Ditching of DT and the Runestone Kids find themselves lost in the whispering woods.
Rogue Clones find them and give chase with laser blasters. Catra finds DT tied up and explains the kids tricked DT and they hear laser fire. So they go and save the kids. 
NOW catra’s a lil pissed and impressed cause Finn manged to trick DT but also left their sights. Catra gives a speech about how much trouble finns in but also quite impressed with their work and tells them that, they’ll show them how to really trick somebody (aka pranks) 
Later that night the advisor and the rogue clones finally finish the plan to get rid of catra and finn. 
A WEEK LATER. Spoiler alert its finn Bday (Oh god here comes the angst)
The R.A suggests a Royal family picnic. Glimmer, Micah, Bow, Glimbow kid, catra, adora, and finn go to the whispering woods cause theres a nice clearing the advisor has “Suggested.”
a mile or so away rogue clones had been herding up the wild beasts of the woods. (Yknow those hog creatures) 
Catra and adora actually have a gift for finn but want it to be a suprise so they ask the advisor what to do, Advisor tells them that theyll take finn to a spot near the picnic and they can give them the gift there.
Advisor puts finn in a spot and then signals the clones.
The ground shakes, the trees start moving, BAM OUT comes running thousands of magic hogs. RUN
Finns on all fours running for their life, their panting and see a spot which they presume will keep them safe. It’s not safe at all. 
Finn bolts into a canyon, and sees a high top rock that SURE LOOKS STABLE. They climb up it.
Back at the picnic advisor runs back to the crew, and tells them what happened, Catra goes haywire and starts bolting towards the canyon, Adora tells bow and glimmer to get help and grab the advisor and head towards finn.
Catra reaches the canyon first, she spots finn on the rock, Jumping down she goes running along in the herd til grabbing finn, Adora and the advisor are watching from the top, Catra is carrying finn and puts them on a platform of the canyon. Catra gets impaled by a running hogs horn, She goes down into the herd.
“CATRAAA!” Adora cries and jumps down into the herd as She-ra to save catra. Finn looks on in horror trying to spot adora and catra. Boom out jumps adora  going up the slide, struggling to carry catras limp body.
Finn goes to climb their way out of the canyon.
Adora is holding catra tightly and is still climbing til she sees the Advisor looking down on them. “Here! Grab onto catra!” The advisor smiles sinisterly. “I’m Afraid I can’t do that adora..” Adora looks at them in confusion. “Goodbye my oldest enemy” The advisors eyes flash green. Adora’s eyes go wide. BAM a burst of magic hits adora causing her to fall with catra.
Finn screams in the distant.
The herd leaves. Its quiet. dust is still kicked up.
Finn looks at their parents bodies on the ground. Limp.
“M-mom’s?” They called out. Knees buckling they go to catra shaking her “Please you gotta get up...”
“What have you done...” The advisor voice tells them.
Finn looks them at in fear “I didn-” “Insolent child! Look at what have you done! You’ve robbed etheria of their greatest heros!” Finns ears fold back, tears flooding their face.
“Get out of here. If you ever show your face here again I’ll have the palace guards kill you” a bright ball of magic formed in the advisors hand.
Finn bolts. the advisor chuckles darkly, for it was only the beginning of a new era.  
Bow and glimmer teleport to area. they spot their friends.
Glimmer shakes catra “Horde scum DONT YOU DARE-” Catra bolts up gasping and then groans in pain “well.. there goes one of my 9 lives.”  catra looks around and sees adora. And now shes screaming at glimmer to heal her. 
The advisor looks ready to run. Glimmer heals adora and adora stirs going “W-what happened?” catra fills her in (catra doesnt know about the advisor she was unconsious.) And they cant find finn. so now its depresso expresso time cause adora cant remeber what happened and where finn is. 
Alrighty alrighty. So finn gets lost in the crimson and find Lonnie and the horde kids. (they dont know its catra or adoras kid cause they burnt that bridge) they adopt em for protection and help with digging in the crimson waste mines for gems and whatever else. And finn dyes their hair blond and shaves it to hide their idenity in fear of the advisor.
8 or so years past. Finns like 17 and the horde kids r old LOL
Scorfumas kid stumbles upon finn and they go into conversation about what the hell happened. Finn tells em about how they killed their parents and how they werent allowed near brightmoon cause the advisor would kill them. Scorfumas kid then has to explain that the advisor was now running brightmoon into the ground using their grief to an advantage. Btw kyles singing can u feel the love cause he do be misintruptioning shit. fuckin kyle XD (Lonnie is gonna kill this fool)
LATER FINN LOOKS AT THE WOODS AND OUT COMES YA GURL RAZZLE DAZZLE! Madam razz goes into her time loops and yknow the deal, she goes “Catra is that you dearie?” Finns like “YOU KNOW MY MOM?!” anyway razz leads them to the abandoned fort of grayskull yack yack yeack. Razz tells them that evil comes from power, not from heart, remember who you are type of shit.
Finn finally decides to go home.
Back at brightmoon everythings horrible. its the works yknow? DT got stuck in the “Prison” cause of how they were sus of the advisor.
Just gonna shorten it cause this is so LONG. Finn shows up, catradora are in shock. advisor turns out is the leftover of PRIME so then finn and him fight. Finn wins and here comes one of the newest heros to etheria. GG end of AU LOL
Sorry I dont know what I just wrote. but yeah theres the gist of the idea if yall wanna steal and try to write this shitpost? idk lol thanks for coming to this ted talk
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the-genesis-caveat · 3 years
can u write something fluffy with a game/movie night or sometehing like that :]
oHO :D
iden, rupee, dapper, and petals play mario kart on the wii because i said so
(for this little ficlet, petals uses flo/flower/flowerself and bone/bones pronouns; iden uses tech/techs pronouns, and rupee and dapper use he/him pronouns)
"This is stupid."
"Aw, don't say that."
"This game is absurd."
"A minute ago you said it was the best thing ever."
"A minute ago, I wasn't in twelfth place."
Just as flo spoke, three cars whizzed past the finish line, and the triumphant little tune played to signal the end of the race. Petals jumped to bone's feet, chucking the Wii controller on the ground. "FUCK."
Dapper cackled gleefully as his second-place ranking showed on screen- along with Rupee in first, Iden in third, and Petals dead last.
"You cut me off," Iden said with a scowl, ignoring Petals' tantrum as tech glared at Rupee.
"Aww, don't be like that. It's just a video game."
"Says the bastard who's gotten first place the last three games."
"...Best four out of five?"
"Hold on now." Dapper switched seats, plopping down between Rupee and Iden- the two avians having to quickly move their wings out of the way. "You two aren't the only ones playing. If we're betting, I want in."
"Never said it was a bet," Iden clarified. "But it is a competition- that's kind of the point."
"Well it's not really a fair competition if Rupee gets to choose every track we race on." Dapper grabbed for the Player 1 controller.
Rupee leaned away, holding the controller in the air. "Woah woah woah- game night was my idea, I get to be Player 1!"
"Dapper, chill. Rupee, he has a point." Iden stood. "I might have a solution, though. We could use a random number generator to pick the track for us-" As soon as tech said it, Rupee and Dapper groaned. "-or, or! A different person picks the track each round. That seems fair, right?"
"Sounds good to me." While the three had been chatting, Petals had calmed down and retrieved flo's controller, and now perched on the arm of the couch. "Who goes first?"
Iden thought for a moment. "Hmm... you can go first. Since you got last place. That's how it works in golf anyway. From there, it'll go next lowest- me- then second, then first. So Petals, me, Dapper, then Rupee."
Rupee sighed loudly. "Alright, I guess that's what I get for being the best. What track do you want, Pet?"
"Mushroom Gorge."
"Nice." Rupee skipped past the previous race's scores and selected the track. The four settled into their spots on the couch, focused on the sectioned-off TV screen. Iden briefly wondered if tech should've added a few more screens to the setup- but before tech could ponder further, the race began.
It went... about as well as the previous races had. But Petals seemed to be having a bit more fun now that bone had been allowed to choose one of the tracks. Flo managed to knock Rupee off of a mushroom, setting him back, and cheered as flo sped across the finish line, stealing first place. Iden got second and Dapper scored third, with Rupee barely managing seventh.
"Damn." Rupee shook his head with a grin. "You're brutal, Pet."
"You know it. Alright, what track next?" Flo was grinning as well when bone turned to Iden.
"Oh, you know it's gotta be Coconut Mall."
Rupee laughed, having already selected the track. "You are so predictable."
"What can I say? It's a classic."
The race began, Dapper cursing loudly as he fumbled the speed boost and the other three sped ahead. Iden navigated the course with practiced ease, leaving behind a frustrated Petals at the escalators and fighting Rupee for a powerup. Three laps seemed to go by in a flash, and Iden managed to steal first place at the last second. Rupee was right on tech's tail at second. Petals and Dapper were nearly neck-and-neck, getting third and fourth respectively.
"Niiiiice. Alright, your turn to choose, Dapper." Rupee waved the controller.
Dapper bounced in his seat. "Bowser's Castle! The N64 one."
"Ah yes, the superior castle."
Select, start, begin! It was a bit harder of a track, especially compared to Mushroom Gorge and Coconut Mall, but they all had a decent amount of time put into the game (though most of them would deny it if asked). They all managed to keep decent places, cursing at CPUs any time they were bumped off the track, exchanging banter and throwing shells and ink. In the end, none of them scored first, but Dapper claimed second. Iden managed fourth with Rupee in fifth, and Petals scraped in at seventh.
"Rippp. That one's hard." Petals didn't sound nearly as annoyed as before- flo was having more fun now that things were semi-fair.
Rupee's smile turned menacing. "Not as hard as the next one's gonna be."
Iden paled. "Oh no."
Dapper shook his head frantically. "Please, Rupee, not..."
Rupee stood, flaring his wings out. "Our next race will be... RAINBOW ROAD!!"
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my-creative-hell · 5 years
Valentines (Teen au)
“Dad?” Grave pushes the door to Iden’s room open gently, her skin glowing slightly, though she keeps her voice quiet.
“Morning sweetheart.” Iden smiles as he turns over in the bed, stirring from his sleep happily.
“Do you know what day it is?” Grave questions, smiling as she sits next to Iden on the bed, feeling excited.
“Hm… let me see. Might it be valentines?” Iden sits up in his bed as he smiles knowingly, hugging Grave gently.
“Maybe…” Grave admits, returning the hug happily as her mind runs off with many thoughts about how the day would go.
“Excited?” Iden laughs as he see’s his daughters mind go into a world of her own, his voice low and joyful.
“Yes!!!” Grave exclaims, glowing more as she hides her face, her mind racing as Iden laughs louder.
“Oh! I forgot to mention, auntie Hannah brought over some small cakes for you to give to the girls.” Iden explains, carrying Grave gently as he gets off of his bed.
“Yay!!!” Grave wiggles excitedly as Iden carries her down the stairs carefully, Misty running around downstairs.
“What are you gonna do with the girls?” Iden questions, smiling softly as he holds Grave.
“I-I… I dunno, I’ve never gotten this far!” Grave explains, trying to think of ideas as Iden puts her down gently.
“Well… what do they like?” Iden questions, wanting to help Grave out as Misty pads quietly into the room, searching for his breakfast.
“Oh, Rose likes space! Like… a lot.” Grave thinks her options over, coming up with a simple plan for the day.
“Well, that’s somewhere to start.” Iden notes, smiling as he watches Grave think of more ideas.
“Hmmmmm…” Grave tries to think more, her brain pulling a blank as she places her head in her hands.
“Can’t think of Scarlet?” Iden questions, smiling as he watches Grave struggle silently.
“Yeah, I dunno what she likes!” Grave frowns, feeling slightly disheartened by this realisation.
“Well, I think I know one thing.” Iden tries to raise her spirits, gently poking Grave’s nose as he speaks.
“What is it?” Grave questions, buzzing happily as she smiles, making Iden laugh at her excitement.
“Well, she seems to really like sweet things, especially red velvet cake, which is what Hannah made for her.” Iden explains calmly.
“Aaa!” Grave hides her face as she glows even more, her scream happy and quiet as she does.
“You’re gonna have a fun time with them.” Iden smiles, gently patting Grave on the back as she hides her face.
“I sure hope so!” Grave blushes slightly as she thinks about it, making Iden laugh as he squeezes her gently.
“I’m sure you will!” He exclaims happily. “Oh, Hannah asked for you to pop into the bakery before you go to theirs and get them, said she got some things to help you.” Iden explains.
“Rad!!!” Grave squeaks softly, buzzing happily as she looks up at Iden, her mind racing with thoughts.
“Why don’t you get dressed and go catch her, I’m sure she’ll let you nab a muffin for breakfast.” Iden smiles as he speaks.
“Okay!” Grave presses a happy kiss to Iden’s cheek as she runs upstairs to her room to get changed, Iden smiling as he brew some coffee, Misty jumping around the kitchen.
“Um…” Grave stands in front of her closet, looking at her clothes as she thinks, unsure if she should attempt to be fancy or wear something she would normally wear on any other day.
It only takes a few moments for Grave to make her decision, putting on a large dad shirt before wandering downstairs again.
“How do I look?” Grave questions, feeling excited as she talks to Iden, who is holding his coffee gingerly in his hands.
“You look great!” Iden smiles as Misty adds a quiet bark of agreement, his tail wagging happily.
“Thank you!” Grave smiles, wiggling happily as she squeaks, making Iden laugh quietly.
“You’re welcome kiddo. Now, best be off to the bakery before it gets too late.” He reminds her gently.
“Right!” Grave gives Iden a quick kiss as she runs out the door, clipping through it instead of actually opening it, making Iden smile as he pets Misty.
Grave walks, glowing as she speeds into the town, feeling happy as she spots the bakery owned by her aunt, walking inside.
“Hi!!!” Grave enters the shop cheerily, Hannah smiling as she comes out of the back with a fresh tray of cakes.
“Hey kiddo.” She returns the greeting warmly, setting down the tray as she speaks.
“It’s Valentines Day!” Grave exclaims, fiddling with her hands excitedly, unsure of what else to say.
“It is… I’m gonna assume your dad sent you to get the stuff?” Hannah questions, laughing quietly at Grave’s excitement.
“Mhm!” Grave nods, her skin glowing, making Hannah laugh more as she leans behind the counter, grabbing something.
“Alright, I got you a few things pertaining to each of their likes… sound good?” Hannah explains, smiling.
“Sounds great!” Grave confirms, squeaking quietly as she waits, buzzing loudly as she tries to remain still.
“Okay… so I got some space pyjamas for Rose, as well as some glow in the dark sticky stars for her room and a plush. Scarlet was harder, specially since she’s been sick…”  Hannah explains, bringing out a bag of wrapped presents.
“Oh no… I hope she gets better soon.” Grave takes the presents gratefully, frowning slightly at the news.
“But, I did manage to find out she apparently has a love for anything fluffy… so, I got her a fluffy hoodie and a blanket and socks and I put some medicine in there for her.” Hannah smiles warmly.
“Soft things for a cool person!!!” Grave smiles brightly, bouncing in excitement as she speaks, too happy to think about anything else.
“Ya eaten anythin yet hun?” Hannah questions, leaning against the counter as she smiles.
“Um… no, I don’t think so!” Grave thinks for a moment before answering, her smile large and happy, making Hannah snort in amusement.
“Well, I’ve got some blueberry muffins that just came out of the oven, you can have one of them.” She offers, handing Grave a package of muffins to go with her presents. “Also, these are the muffins for you and the girls, got their favourite flavours in there.” Hannah explains quietly.
Grave squeaks, too happy to even speak as she wiggles contently, making Hannah laugh.
“Alright kiddo, careful or ya might explode.” She cautions jokingly, handing Grave a blueberry muffin to eat.
“I don’t wanna explode! I can’t talk to Rose and Scarlet if I’m an explosion.” Grave giggles as she takes the muffin gladly.
“Exactly.” Hannah smiles. “So you better eat up and go get them, cause I’m sure they’re excited to see you.” She explains calmly.
“I think I’ll eat while I go.” Grave explains, smiling. “Bye bye, Auntie!” Grave smiles as she leaves the bakery, biting into her muffin.
“See ya kiddo!” Hannah waves as she watches her leave, returning to her work for the day.
Grave finishes her muffin quickly, feeling excited as she skips down the streets towards Rose’s home.
Grave arrives at Rose’s home quickly, her knocking on the door soft and quiet despite the swelling excitement inside of her.
“Hey hon.” Rose’s aunt, Robin opens the door, smiling warmly as she see’s Grave standing outside.
“Hi, its Valentines Day!!!!” Grave exclaims, too happy to think of any other words as she speaks.
“It is. Rose it just getting ready, come inside.” Robin explains, opening the door more for Grave.
“How are you?” Grave wiggles happily as she enters the house, playing with her hands as Robin pats her gently on the head.
“I’m doing well, as I hope you are.” She returns the sentiment, smiling warmly as she leads Grave inside, closing the door behind them.
“I’m doing great!!! I feel very excited and I can’t stay still!!!!” Grave explains, wiggling happily as Robin laughs softly.
“Well that’s only natural when you get to spend the entire day with people you love… do you know what you’re doing?” She questions.
“Yes, I know exactly what I’m doing!” Grave nods, playing with her hands more as Robin smiles.
“I know Rose has been looking forward to seeing you.” She explains softly, her expression warm and kind.
“S-She has?” Grave blushes, looking down at her feet at this information as Robin bites back a laugh.
“Of course she has!” She explains, Rose coming down the stairs as she speaks, wearing an appropriately themed red dress.
“H-Hi Rose…” Grave greets Rose quietly, her face flushing as red as her dress as she looks at her.
“Hi!” Rose encases Grave in a happy hug, kissing her gently as she wraps around her, feeling warm and content.
“Y-You look beautiful…” Grave giggles quietly, returning the kiss as she looks at Rose, in awe.
“Thank you, you look amazing too!” Rose blushes at the compliment, smiling down at Grave.
“Not as good as you, I-I’m just wearing a dad shirt!” Grave protests, playing with her hands.
“But its you! So I love it.” Rose explains, smiling as she grabs her coat, sliding it on effortlessly.
“That’s so cheesy… I love it!” Grave giggles, her face flushing more, red as Rose stands next to her.
“Shall we be off?” Rose laughs quietly, smiling as Robin waves to them both silently.
“We shall!” Grave holds Rose’s hand as she waves to Robin, both of them leaving Rose’s home, walking towards Scarlet’s house together.
“I have a surprise for both of you, but you’ve gotta wait.” Grave explains, glowing happily as she giggles.
“Oh! Sounds interesting!” Rose smiles as she walks with Grave, feeling excited as they move.
“It i s!” Grave agrees, her heart fit to burst with how much happiness it contains as she hears Rose giggle.
“Shame Scarlet’s not feeling well… but we get to smother her in love!” Rose smiles, squeezing Grave’s hand gently.
“Yes!!! She deserves all the love!” Grave squeaks, a large smile on her face as she looks up at Rose.
“Especially since she’s been ill.” Rose explains, smiling softly. “I don’t know if she’ll be allowed out, so maybe we should spend the day with her in her room?” She offers her idea quietly.
“Yes, that’s a great idea!!!” Grave nods, agreeing as she glows, feeling excited to see both of her girlfriends together.
“I think we’re close!!” Rose giggles as she spots Scarlet’s home, her face lighting up happily.
“Good!!!” Grave gasps softly, pulling on Rose’s hand gently as she begins to walk faster, making Rose laugh.
“Yay! This is gonna be fun!” Rose smiles as they approach the large house, Grave knocking clearly on the front door, wiggling in excitement as she waits for someone to answer.
“Well hello girls!” Scarlet’s dad answers the door, smiling brightly as she see’s the two of them.
“Hi!!! I-It’s Valent-…oh wait, you know that already.” Grave cuts herself off, giggling as she grins happily.
“Scarlet’s made me very aware, I assure you. Here to see her?” Scarlet’s dad laughs heartily, looking down at Grave.
“Yes!!!” Grave nods excitedly, tapping her feet against the floor as she wiggles, unable to contain herself.
“She’s still getting over that flu, so I’m not sure if she’s awake yet, but you’re welcome to go and see her in her room.” Scarlet’s dad smiles kindly, letting Grave and Rose inside the house, closing the door behind them.
Grave flaps her hands, too excited for words as she walks up the stairs, Rose giggling quietly behind her as she follows along, both of them arriving at Scarlet’s closed bedroom door.
Grave knocks on the door softly, despite every urge in her body demanding she kick the door down in excitement. Scarlet doesn’t answer to the knocking, the room beyond the door silent and still.
“Should we open the door?” Grave questions, thinking over their options as she asks Rose.
“If she’s still asleep she won’t wake up otherwise…” Rose explains, smiling softly as she looks at Grave.
“True… and she might be spooked if she wakes up and we’re just in her room.” Grave explains, nodding as she giggles.
“We’ll just have to wake her up gently.” Rose offers, patting Grave’s shoulder gently as she smiles.
“Good idea!” Grave smiles happily as she wiggles, opening the door quietly, revealing Scarlet still asleep curled up in her large bed. Her face is flushed slightly with heat, though most of her symptoms seem to have died down now.
“You wanna wake her up or…? Should we do it together?” Grave questions, glowing more as she sees Scarlet, her voice hushed.
“Together I think.” Rose smiles as she looks at Grave, her expression soft and gentle. Grave holds her hand happily, gently poking Scarlet.
“Welp, that didn’t work.” Grave jokes, making Rose giggle quietly as she drags her down to sit on Scarlet’s bed beside her, carefully shaking Scarlet.
“Wake up, there’s dogs outside!” Grave coaxes, poking Scarlet gently as she sits on the bed. Scarlet turns in her bed, facing them as she begins to stir from her sleep.
“Its time to be gay, stop sleeping.” Grave encourages her, gently poking her nose as Scarlet wakes up more.
“Hi…” Scarlet’s voice is quiet and small as she speaks, smiling softly as she rubs at her eyes.
“Hi!!!” Grave squeaks, managing to keep her voice quiet despite her building excitement.
“Glad to see you feeling a bit better.” Rose comments, smiling gently as she watches Scarlet.
“Oh! I-I have some medicine for you, my auntie got it.” Grave explains, thinking her words over.
“That’s so sweet…” Scarlet smiles, gently pushing herself up into a sitting position in her bed.
“Have!!!” Grave pulls out the medicine, handing it to Scarlet as she smiles kindly, making Scarlet giggle. She reads the label as Rose pulls herself under the covers, moving Grave to sandwich Scarlet between them.
“Mmm… you can’t escape now. You’ve been trapped in l o v e!” Grave presses a soft kiss to Scarlet’s forehead.
“I’m too sick to protest…” She conceded, giggling as she takes a dose of the medicine, snuggling into the bed.
“That’s good! …Ish.” Grave laughs quietly. “But love and medicine will make you all better and then we can screm!”
“That sounds nice.” Scarlet smiles as Rose squishes her slightly, making her feel safe and comfortable.
Grave kisses both of them happily, getting quiet for a moment before gasping, remembering the presents. She buzzes as she reaches for the bag to pull them out.
“Should we find a gay movie to watch?” Rose questions, laughing softly as she hugs Scarlet.
“Yes!!! The gayer the better!” Grave exclaims, pulling out the presents and giving them to Rose and Scarlet. “T-These are for you two, by the way…” She explains, keeping quiet.
“Really?” Rose’s face lights up in excitement as she looks to Grave, her eyes wide.
“O-Of course!” Grave blushes as she looks at Rose, looking away as Rose smiles sweetly.
“This is so cool!” Rose unwraps her presents as Scarlet puts on a movie for the three of them, grinning happily.
“I-I’m glad you like it…” Grave blushes more as she hides her face, though it doesn’t stop Rose from attacking her with kisses as Scarlet open her gifts. A small pause follows her opening the presents before she proceeds to put on the fluffy socks and hoodie, wrapping herself up in the plush blanket happily.
“We’ve got a blanket burrito gorl!!!” Grave exclaims, giggling as she returns the kisses softly, glowing with joy.
“Thank you.” Scarlet smiles as she snuggles into her new fluffy clothing, feeling warm and protected.
“You’re welcome!” Grave smiles as she hands Rose the container of muffins. “A-Also these…” She explains as Rose hugs her.
“Aw, your Aunt put all our favourite flavours in here. Grave, there’s one for you too!” Rose smiles as she looks at the cakes.
“Really?” Grave glows softly as she watches Rose unpack the cakes for each of them.
“Blueberry like you love!” Rose nods, smiling as she hands Grave her muffin gently.
“Yay!!!” Grave squeaks happily, starting to eat her muffin in joy as Rose smiles, her and Scarlet eating their own quietly.
“Guess what?” Grave questions, glowing as she speaks to the two of them, feeling happy.
“What?” Scarlet wiggles as she bites into her muffin, looking at Grave questioningly as she waits for the answer.
“I love you!!!” Grave exclaims, covering the both of them in affectionate kisses, making Scarlet blush red.
“We love you too!” Rose giggles as she watches Scarlet hide in her blanket, too flustered to speak.
“Aaaaa!!!” Grave glows more as she hides her face, making Rose smiles as she litters it with kisses anyway, Scarlet leaning against Grave’s shoulder gently.
“I’m gonna d i e!” Grave blushes more as she giggles, making Rose smile as she sits back.
“Don’t die.” Scarlet urges quietly, nuzzling into Grave softly as she speaks, warm and comfortable.
“But you’re too c u t e and I’m allergic to that! Its surprising I didn’t die when I first saw you two!!” Grave protests, buzzing softly.
“Aw, well we’re glad you didn’t. Why don’t we calm down and watch the movie, yeah?” Rose giggles quietly as she looks at Grave.
“Yes please.” Grave nods, pulling both of them into a warm hug as she watches; Scarlet humming happily as Rose strokes her fingers through her hair.
Grave melts into the touch, hiding her face in Rose as she giggles, giving Grave gentle head strokes as well as they sit.
“I’m gonna turn into mush!” Grave cautions, her heart warm and fuzzy feeling as she sits.
“I can’t kiss mush!” Rose protests, smiling down at Grave as she scoots closer to them both.
“Okay f i n e, I wont be mush…” Grave concedes, littering Rose’s face in kisses as she giggles, hugging Grave and Scarlet gently.
Grave presses some soft kisses to Scarlet’s face as she closes her eyes, basking in the warmth as Rose smiles, stroking their hair softly as Grave starts to feel sleepy.
“I think the meds you gave her might have had a drowsy effect…” Rose snickers, referencing Scarlet quietly.
“Maybe! But sleeping is good. You can sleeb away bad things.” Grave explains, smiling as she opens her eyes, able to see Scarlet leaning against her shoulder, all but asleep.
“So cute…” Grave giggles quietly, gently poking Scarlet’s nose as she keeps her voice quiet as Rose smiles, littering her face with small kisses.
“Mmmnot here.” Grave returns the kisses as she hides her face, making Rose smile more as she hugs them both.
“But you are.” Rose argues quietly, letting Scarlet fall asleep comfortably between them.
“But what if… I’m not?” Grave presses, trying not to giggle as she speaks, making Rose laugh quietly.
“But you are, and I’m happy for that.” Rose explains, her voice soft and sweet as honey.
“You’re so mushy!” Grave giggles as she comes out of hiding, making Rose smile as she presses a gentle kiss to her face.
“That’s g a y.” Grave gasps quietly as she giggles, making Rose laugh as she gently strokes through her hair.
Grave blushes as she closes her eyes, Rose feeling warm and calm as Scarlet leans against her, fully asleep now.
Grave starts to feel sleepy as she presses their foreheads together, Rose humming a soft melody for her as she too falls asleep, Rose shortly following as they hold each other securely.
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x0401x · 6 years
Animate Times Interview with Jin
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An interview about Jin’s third album after five and a half years – in this album, there is nothing but “people cannot live alone” as the theme.
The third album of the artist Jin-san, “Mekakucity Reload”, hit the shelves on November 7th 2018. The latest album was announced about five years and six months after the release of the second album, “Mekakucity Records”, so it gathered a great amount of expectations and attention from the fans.
We have carried out an interview with Jin-san! We asked him about the feelings he has put into each composition, about what to pay mind to when listening to the songs, and about episodes that ensued during the recordings. This has turned into a interview in which Jin-san’s peculiar sense and thoughts, as well as his strong emotions towards his fans, can be felt.
Translations Index >>
Approaching Jin-san’s void of five and a half years.
――A period of five years and six months passed between the release of the second album “Mekakucity Records” and third album “Mekakucity Reload”.
Jin-san (henceforth “Jin”): To begin with, Kagerou Project were songs that I made for people fretting over friendships. When delivering my works to these people, I had this feeling that I didn’t want to create compositions while I was at a loss, you see. I didn’t want to lie to the fans.
――What exactly does your “not wanting to lie” mean?
Jin: For example, I don’t want to make songs that go, “It’s fun to be alive!” when I’m actually thinking that I don’t want to do anything. I believe talking and laughing with people in the times when I don’t feel like saying anything or seeing anyone is the same as lying.
From that point onward, I thought of displaying the righteousness that I have in mind and did my best to try writing the novels. Lately, I’m also in this flow of meeting people that I want to make music with, getting enthusiasm from them and tackling my song compositions.
――Meaning that, rather than obsessing over a new shape, you wanted to do what you hadn’t been able to?
Jin: That’s right. The models I used to make in elementary school look completely different from the ones I make now, but it’s almost like there was no change at all to what I’m doing. In the past, I got dismissed when I talked about what I wanted to do, like, “But this is that kind of thing”, and the frustration from it might have been what created this album.
What I thought while making this album was, “Serves you right; I could do it after all!” (laughs). I’m confident that I became capable of creating works that are even more powered-up than the previous ones.
――Jin-san, what was the biggest reason for your motivation to rise?
Jin: It’s gotta be my encounters with people. Meeting people that had me going, “What would happen if I made something together with them?” was a big deal.
――I think that “relationships between one person and another” is included in Kagerou Project’s themes, but this album was something born from these relationships, wasn’t it?
Jin: There’s relationships between people in it too, but this album has nothing other than “people can’t live alone” as theme. Its appearance is complex, but I think it’s essentially a simple theme. I believed that, if I were honest with myself, I’d be able to make something positive. I think it’s a good theme, if I do say so myself (laughs).
The feelings comprised in the word “reload”.
――Please tell us the concept of this album.
Jin: There’s a composition called “Shissou Word” that I uploaded prior to the sale of the album, and within the song, I sing that “it’s strange how normal things are so difficult”.
Things that I feel to be extremely hard are like breathing to certain people, and they will ask me, “Why can’t you do normal things?”. Understanding the difference in values from being asked something like this was an experience that came across as very difficult.
I also uploaded a song called “Additional Memory” too, and it sings, “I didn’t want to become friends (with you)”. When the protagonist of it must part ways with a certain person, she resents it, like, “I should have done that one thing; why didn’t I say it back then?”
Themes like these are included in all of the songs, and they’re connected to the theme “involvement with people”. There might not have been this kind of concreteness residing in them at first, though.
――Either way, you had the feeling that you wanted to make music lately, right?
Jin: It’s not like I declared, “This time, I want to make an album that will have involvement with people as the theme!” and made it just like that. It feels like, when I actually tried making it, I realized the idenity of something burning within me. When I turn around and look back, I feel that thinking of wanting to make these songs was thanks to my meetings with many people.
――Please tell us the meaning behind the title “Mekakucity Reload”.
Jin: As expected, it would be too shallow a reason if I said that... the word was simply cool (laughs). The word “reload” means “to charge one more time” and “to redo”. There were lots of things left undone in the previous album, so this time, I wanted to make something that definitely wouldn’t leave behind any lingering attachments.
The title “Mekakucity Reload” is close to a revenge of my creative viewpoint. There’s also the fact that I’d wanted to face my highly fervorous pieces once again and make this into a work in which I was fighting my past self.
I want each person to think of what meaning the word “reload” carries from the values, world-building and story of this work.
――Jin-san, to you, this album turned out as a work for kids and teens, didn’t it?
Jin: That’s right. It’s really a work packed with heat, and to me, these compositions make one think that they’re really meaningful, so I’d like people to prepare themselves when listening to them.
He wants to aim for the depiction of “something like the fourth grade of elementary school” instead of second year of middle school.
――What kind of relationship does this album have with “Kagerou Project”?
Jin: I think that the newest philosophies that I didn’t manage to portray in the other stories have been inserted into it in a raw way. My manner of depiction has also changed in comparison to before, so I think the accuracy and strength of my music has stood out as well.
I wonder if I was able to express with great fervor the hidden feelings of each Kagerou Project character through this. In particular, we have the theme of “future” this time as well, and the characters are gradually growing into adults.
――It’s been five and a half years since the last album, after all.
Jin: As a story, it was a tale about children who fought in the summer, but I’m in this trend of starting to contemplate positive themes such as “the future”, and that’s also linked to quitting being a child. As they grow up, it almost feels like they cease to be the main characters of the story.
When I uploaded the songs, I had the impression that they resonated very vividly with the fans. Seeing those reactions, I was relieved that this album turned out as the driving content of Kagerou Project.
――If the characters end up becoming adults, will they lose the “chuunibyou-ish” coolness that they’ve had until now?
Jin: I’m often told that my songs are chuunibyou-like, but I actually want to be told that they’re “like fourth grade of elementary school” (laughs). I don’t want them to be thought of as the second year of middle school, but as something younger.
My use of a chuunibyou-ish portrayal is a metaphor in a way, because when I try to picture the aspects of becoming an adult, it turns out feeling like the second year of middle school no matter what.
The sense of children becoming adults and of youth coming to an end has properly resonated with the fans. I think that the emotional of someone turning into adult gains empathy in deep portions.
――I see. I’m looking forward to how Kagerou Project will develop from now on.
Jin: I think that, as the fans also become adults, their way of reading and interpreting the lyrics gradually changes. Growing into an adult means that there’s a possibility of new people coming along, and from now on, I’m thinking of continuing Kagerou Project as a story of children too.
I believe that, through the appearances of new characters, the viewpoint of Kagerou Project will become one that I hadn’t been able to depict until now.
His song-making does not deliberately tell everything, leaving room for imagination.
――What kind of song is the lead song “Additional Memory”?
Jin: I’d wanted to write about passionate sentiments in a way that would vividly pierce through people. This is also one of the things I hadn’t been able to portray in my past works.
――The production of the piano performance and the sounds strummed by the electric guitar approaching each other in alternation was impresive.
Jin: I myself had the feeling that I managed to apply my ideas to this production smoothly. Comparing to before, rather than saying I earned a new technique, I worried with all my might about how I’d express my sound. I made Additional Memory by prodding into a vivid form of expression nore thoroughly than in the past. Even if I compare it to all my compositions of until now, this was the one that took most time to create.
Also, the one who shows up in this song is the character named Ayano, and I was able to depict in it her inner thoughts, which I hadn’t managed to describe with any of the other Kagerou Project lyrics up to this point.
――What does that mean?
Jin: Until now, if I wanted to talk about ten things, I’d say ten things. But, in this song, in order to convey ten things, I only talked of about six. However, I think that the passionate sentiments comprehended in the song are being transmitted to the fans.
I was thinking that the piercing feelings and regret, as well as the moratorium swirling throughout the environment that surrounds the protagonist, looked intense. I want to expose six things instead of talking about ten, and let people imagine the other four.
――Was it not difficult to make a song without saying everything?
Jin: It’s difficult and takes time, and I also needed a period to cool myself down for it. Amongst the albums, I have the feeling I made a song that thrusts in a great amount of regret and moratoriums. It’s also a song that pictures an aspect of the story that I hadn’t been able to write about until now, so I think it’s easy to sympathize with the emotions in it.
His desire not to betray the fans was what led the album to completion.
――There’s an original manga with a story written by you, Jin-san, in this album’s Limited Edition A, right?
Jin: It’s a story in which the character named Kokonose Haruka goes around asking his companions, “What are friends?”. The mangaka Saiyuki-sensei is in charge of the art, and I consider this person to be one of the important friends that I met in these last five years. Meeting him became one of the triggers for me to think that I wanted to make this album.
That’s why, if you ask me why the special edition comes with a manga, I’d say it’s largely because I’d wanted to create something together with him. I wonder if my and Saiyuki-sensei’s portrayal managed to turn into a work that will shake everyone’s hearts. It’s a must-read content.
――The Limited Edition B has accoustic versions of four songs played and sung by you, but what songs are these?
Jin: They’re Shissou Word, Lost Day Hour, Remind Blue and Wasurete Shimatta Natsu no Owari ni. Of course, there’s the fact that they match my own voice and synergy, but I think these four songs feel good to listen to when I sing to my accompainments.
――How was singing them yourself?
Jin: It was my first time singing to while playing, and even as I myself listened to the finished songs, I couldn’t find the right answer. If you ask me why I sang them then, it’s because I’ve met people whom I believe I can entrust my songs to. I was happy that they would ask me, “Isn’t it fine to deliver it like that?”, so I have the feeling that, as I thought, my connections with people were a big deal in this.
――The second season of the TV anime Mekakucity Actors was announced back in 2016, so how will this album work with it from now on?
Jin: Just like with the music, I have this thinking that I don’t want to do things half-assedly. I also met people that made me think, “I want to do it with this team”, so I hope the fans can wait with high expectations.
Also, from now on, I believe I’ll be able to convey new things to everyone through manga and novels for Kagerou Project. It looks like I’m coming up with stuff leisurely since I took a few years’ time, but I’m surprisingly producing them in a hurry (laughs).
I took this time in order to make it into a good work, and I think I’ll be able to release works in a quicker span next time. I’d be happy if you could look forward to them.
――Meaning that, for the fans, it was worth the wait.
Jin: I think children are fighting right now. In this album is my desire for it to be a trigger so that these kids will carry the feeling of never giving up. I’ll be happy if this work can make the people who listen to it smile.
I took a long while until I was able to release a work that I could proceed with by not lying to myself. I want you to have faith in this album and listen to it.
――Thank you very much.
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bedbellyandbeyond · 6 years
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APID After Dark
(Story Post; Bonus Art at End)
“I'm heading out now,” the nurse said as she peeked into Reid's office. Reid looked up from his notes and then checked his watch. “Is it that time already? Alright, have a safe trip home.” She nodded. “Take your medication, please.” “Right... Thank you for reminding me.” “Do it now while I'm watching.” Reid sighed and got up, going over to his sink. He opened the cupboard, took out his pill organiser and took the pills in the appropriate date with a cup of water. The nurse went over and looked at his organiser. “You missed the last two days.” “What can I say?” Reid shrugged sheepishly. “I'm a busy man...” “When was the last time you took your testosterone?” “Um...”
The nurse looked at his calendar and flipped through the months. “You haven't taken it in six months!” “Aoife, it's no reason to be alarmed,” Reid said. “I stopped taking it for my research.” Aoife opened her mouth to protest but just shut it and pointed at Reid before leaving. Reid chuckled and gathered up a satchel to go down and check on Nathan post transformation. He was always excited for this part of his night. The night before, Nathan had been tranquillised so he could do a physical examination of his pregnancy in that form, but tonight he didn’t need anything medical for him. Reid just wanted to check in on his behaviour. When he got to Nathan’s room, he could hear scratching at the door. He walked past and down to the camera room where a guard was sitting with the channel open on Nathan’s room. “He’s awfully restless,” Reid commented, seeing the image of the wolf digging at the gap under the door. “Yeah, he’s been at it since coming to…” the guard said. “Don’t know what’s into him.” “Well, I have some treats and things he seemed to respond to last time,” Reid said, pulling out a bag of dog biscuits from his satchel. “Sounds like you're trying to train him,” The guard sighed. “Next thing you'll pull out of that bag is a shock collar and a clicker.” “Oh, no way,” Reid said. “Me? Put a shock collar? On a black man?” “Fair...” The guard shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t even think it's right to put such a thing on a dog.” “No, no... I'm just going to see how he's doing. Take a few notes.” “Yeah. Be careful.” “I will. Where's the door guard?” “Simmons went to the washroom.” “Ah.” Reid left the camera room and went down the hall to Nathan’s room. Simmons caught up with him outside the door and crossed her arms. “Are you here to make him stop scratching?” Simmons asked. “Sounds like he's gonna break something at some point.” “It's definitely very peculiar behaviour,” Reid said. “Maybe he's too pent up in the small space. Needs a good run or something.” “So am I supposed to babysit you again? Make sure you don't get bit?” “I brought welding gloves this time so if he bites me, we’re good,” Reid said, taking the gloves out of his bag. Simmons took the gloves from him. “Thanks.” Reid rolled his eyes and pulled out a second set of gloves. “You thought I didn’t think of your protection, lassie?” “If you really did, you wouldn’t do this at all,” Simmons commented. “And don’t call me ‘lassie’.” “Aye. Sorry,” Reid said. “Ready?” “Probably more than you,” she said, patting her tranquilliser gun at her hip. “That shouldn’t be necessary,” Reid said. “I'm not taking chances,” Simmons said. “That is a wolf in there. A wild animal. Twice the size it should be, not to mention.” “That’s a person you’re talking about,” Reid said. “And you want to feed him dog treats.” “…Well, yes. He's a good boy.” “I don’t think you realise how ridiculous you are.” “I don’t believe in ridiculous.” “He’s at the door,” Simmons said. “Ready to come out. How will you get in without him escaping?” “As I said, he’s a person,” Reid said. “And he’s here of his own will so it’s not really a matter of escape, is it?” Simmons shrugged. Reid smiled and opened the door a crack. Immediately, a wolf muzzle pushed through the gap and growled at them. Reid held the door firm, not letting him past. “Nathan, no. Away from the door,” Reid commanded. “We're coming inside.” Nathan continued his struggle, pushing a paw through trying to get traction to pull himself through. “Maybe we need him to familiarise himself with us,” Reid said. “Grab a treat, let him sniff it, then toss it in.” Simmons grumbled and pulled off one of the gloves so she could take a treat from Reid's bag. She took her time to place it in her gloved hand, put the other glove back on securely and then hold it out for the wolf to sniff. Nathan wasn't having it. He huffed once and the treat went flying off her hand. “He's more worked up than I thought,” Reid reviewed, placing his fists on his hips. “What's going on? Is there something up tonight?” “Well... Is it true he's knocked up with that bear guy?” Simmons asked, not bothering to pick up the dog treat. “Yeah, why?” “Bear dude ships out tonight,” Simmons said. “They're probably loading him up in the van right now.” Nathan started whining and pushing harder against the door. Reid sighed and rubbed under his chin. “Oh, Nathan... This is puppy love, isn't it? You betray your feelings at night.” “That or he wants to get out and kill him,” Simmons considered. “Doesn't sound like they like each other.” “You haven't been in a room with both of them,” Reid said. “So much sexual tension. Though they'd both deny it.” “Sounds like you write fanfiction,” Simmons huffed. “Can't see hate as just hate.” Reid shrugged and went back to the situation at hand. He tried pushing back on Nathan's nose. Nathan snapped at Reid's hand, startling the scientist enough for him to let go of the door. Immediately, it flew open and Nathan was running down the hall. “No! Nathan! Get back here!” Reid said, running after him. “Simmons!” The guard groaned and ran after them. The wolf blew past security straight to the elevators. He skidded a bit, seeming to realise that his plan was flawed, but then he turned and pushed through the doors and up the stairwell. “Why are those doors even open?” Reid yelled exasperated. “Fire safety,” Simmons stated. Reid panted a moment then pushed the elevator button. “He must be headed to the shipping docks...” “That's my bet,” Simmons said, hand pressed to her tranquilliser gun. The elevator came and they got on. He pressed the floor and then waited anxiously. “Why can't this thing go faster?” Reid asked, impatiently. “It can. You just got to set it to chase mode.” “Really?!” “No.” Simmons sighed. “This is already one of the fastest elevators in North America.” “Don't get me excited like that...” “Doesn't take much to get you excited, I hear. Just gotta say ghost.” Reid crossed his arms. “Really, is that all anyone thinks of me around here? I'm still a person with feelings. My eccentricities aren't my whole iden—” “We're here,” Simmons said as the doors opened. Nathan was too late. When the elevator doors opened to the loading docks, the large garage doors were closed and the sound of a truck driving off could be heard. The wolf, was scratching again, this time at the bottom of the garage doors, whining and huffing. Reid started to approach but it startled the wolf, and he growled at the doctor, his fur bristling. Simmons put her hand to her tranquilliser gun but Reid threw his arm out to stop her. “If he feels threatened, he’ll attack,” Reid said. “That’s the point of the tranqs,” Simmons said. “Just relax and he’ll relax too,” Reid said, keeping his attention on his patient. “Nathan. Now calm down. You know us.” The wolf seemed to take that as a sign that the doctor wasn’t going to bother him, so he went back to scratching. “You poor laddie… Kent’s gone,” Reid said. “You need to stop. Love or hate, you can’t go after him.” Nathan stopped scratching but started pacing up and down the length of the door, padding at it to feel for weaknesses and whining. “Going after him wouldn’t do you any good,” Reid called to him, starting to approach him again. “You could get hurt. We wouldn’t want that. Especially in your current condition. Think of your wee ones.” Nathan paced a couple more times but it was clear he was giving up and he finally stopped. Lying down, he rested his head on his forelegs and whined louder. Reid managed to get close enough that if he tried, he could reach out and touch him. He held back though and just crouched down beside the big wolfman. “Nathan, I’m sorry. But we should head back in. Besides, the floors real dirty out here. The pigeons come in and poop everywhere…” The wolf huffed, not moving an inch. “Or… I could sit here with you for a bit,” Reid said, squatting down. “I can do that. You can tell me about how your class was today.” He received a wicked side eye from the wolf and Reid chuckled. “You really can understand me, can’t you? That was classic Nathan Cassidy in that glare.” He turned back to Simmons. “You can head back. I’m good from here.” “With all due respect, your sitting on the floor with a wolf,” Simmons said. “I’m gonna stay right here.” “Suit yourself.” Reid sat with Nathan, observing him, taking a couple notes on his phone. He didn’t get a lot of chances to be this near to him while he was conscious in this form. It was hard at first to really see him as Nathan, it felt like they were just with an animal. But things he reacted to gave some indication that the wolf shared some of Nathan's memories, though it didn’t write any. After fighting the temptation for as long as he could, Reid reached out to try and pet the wolf. Nathan's ears flipped up but he didn't move. Reid pet gently at his neck. He started to think of what an accomplishment it was to get this close. But then he remembered that Dax had been so bold as to lure the wolf into his home and slept in the same small apartment with him. Although Nathan had still been injured then... After some time, Nathan finally got up and started padding back to towards the elevator and stairs. Simmons froze up when he passed her but didn’t draw her gun. Reid followed him and called for the elevator. “You want us to ride the elevator with him?” Simmons asked. “A small contained space with a wolf?” “You have your tranquillisers,” Reid said. “Besides, a man drove across town with the same wolf in his car. I think a little elevator ride will be fine.” The doors opened and Reid offered a biscuit to the wolf to tempt him onto the lift with them. He took it gladly and ate it in one go like barely a tic tac on a tongue. When the doors closed, he seemed anxious and paced around the little box but it wasn't long until the doors opened again on the deportee floor Nathan was staying on. An Eclulo mother was in the hall walking with her child, likely trying to get them to tire out for bed. As soon as the toddler eyed the wolf, they opened their arms wide and started toddling towards him. The mother didn’t seem phased as the wolfman laid down in front of the child and let it approach. “Reid, do something!” Simmons said, drawing her tranquilliser gun. Reid shook his head and put him arm out. “He's not only pregnant but also a teacher. He wouldn’t dare harm a child.” The baby came right up to Nathan and started touching his hackles and ears, giggling. He rested his head on the ground, letting the child play as it wanted with him. After a bit, the child seemed to get tired and wrapped it's arms around his neck to snuggle him. “That's precious,” Reid said. The mother came over finally and picked up the drowsy babe and brought them back into their room. Reid went over and opened the door to Nathan's room, hoping he didn’t protest. To his luck, Nathan got up and went inside. They followed him in and closed the door behind them. “Can't believe that mom just let her kid go right up to him,” Simmons said. “The Eclulo have a strong belief in instinct. The mother likely believed that if Nathan was dangerous, her child would have had the instinct not to mess with him,” Reid stated. “Fascinating to watch though.” Nathan slinked over to the bed and laid down. Reid sighed watching him. “Has he been fed yet tonight?” “Tried once, he didn’t take it,” Simmons said. “Well, now that he’s not distracted, do you mind?” Reid asked. Simmons sighed. “Feels like a waste of good steak always feeding this guy through the night...” “Would you rather the steak or your arm?” Reid asked. Simmons just left to go get the meat. Reid stayed with Nathan a little longer taking notes. He could tell the wolf was upset and when Simmons came back with a T-bone steak he didn’t even hazard a sniff it's way. Figuring it'd just be best to leave him alone, Reid said good night and headed back to his lab.
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(Aoife = “EE-fa”)
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chatnoirishott · 6 years
In your Dreams
"Pound it!" Ladybug and chatnoir said in unison after defeating yet another akuma.
Lady bug was looking, from the rooftop they were standing on, in awe at the beautiful city of lights, she sat down, dangling her feet off the edge of the roof, chatnoir sat beside her, their legs just barely touching.
Ladybug was about to get up to go, but chatnoir said " happy anniversary bugaboo"
"W-what??" She sputtered back in surprise, "anniversary??" She questioned aloud.
"Yea, it's been a whole year since we first got the miraculouses, it feels like just yesterday I first met you an-" he stopped himself from finishing that sentence, not wanting to ruin the moment by saying: it feels like yesterday I just met you, and fell in love with you, and her saying they have to be strictly business. "And what?" She asked. "Oh nothing to worry about bugaboo" he replied smugly. "Oh come on tell me!" She asked playfully. Chat didnt reply, he just looked at the stars, ladybug however, was looking into his eyes, the reflection of the stars bounced beautifully. Than chat looked at her, and to his surprise he saw her staring at him, but when he looked she quickly turned away, and turned red.
He was about to say some pun about stars, when he felt something on his shoulder, he turned and saw Ladybug, lieing her head upon his shoulder, drifting off to sleep, he laid his head on hers, and softly began to purr, and slowly, himself, beginning to drift off to sleep also. Soon they were delightfully dreaming.
Ladybug saw herself in a black situation, everything around her was black, she was thinking about how she would rather be at the park, when all the sudden, the blackness turned into the park. "Oh good, I'm dreaming" she said happily. " wait, I was on the rooftop with chat, so I fell asleep next to him!" This is horrible!" She exclaimed right before she heard a thud, it came from behind the bench, she started swinging her yo-yo in a protective way, walking eerily twords the bench, when chat popped out from the bench. "Hello m'lady" and what are you doing in my dreams tonight?" He asked. "How did you know I was real, and not a figment in your imagination?" She asked. "Oh well if I was dreaming about you, I dont think it would be where you try to beat me up with your yo-yo" he said as he wiggled his eyebrows. She just rolled her eyes. "Chat be serious, we have to wake up!"
"Okay okay" he exclaimed. "Let's just create something scary, and that would wake at least one of us up, but hey, remember last week when I tried to kiss you? And you said " in your dreams"? Well technically we are in my dreams now" he said as he put himself a centimeters from her face. " oh his soft pink lips looked so delectable" she thought, as she strated blushing.she than pushed him aside. "We need to focus and get back to work" she said as she turned away as to not let him see her blushing face.
All the sudden she was back into reality, not dreaming, her head laying on chats shoulder, and his head laying on her head.
The sun had risen, and she knee she should get going to school soon, but them just sitting there, and his purring, was so cute, she couldn't help but blush and want to stay there forever.
"Hello bugaboo, I see you stayed instead of leaving" he said as he waggled his eyebrows. She hated it when he did that becuase it was so cute. She had to go before he did somthing else cute that would make her blush even more.
"Oh whatever kitty, it's time to go anyway, I'll see you later. Bug out" and within a blink she was gone.
Marinette was walking to school talking into her bag, and was learning some wierd information.
Marinette: why was chat acctually in my dream?
Tikki: well..the ladybug and cat miraculouses are part of a whole, and they always had a bond, but since it's been a year, the miraculouses have a stronger bond, so now you and chat will end up in eachothers dream...in or out of costume..anytime you both are asleep.
She had to stop mid sentence as to not draw attention to herself, their was a huge crowd around Alya and Marinette was curious as to why. She squeezed through the crowd and asked her bestie what was with the whole crowd of people. " well guess who got an awsome picture of Paris's newest love birds?" Alya excitedly exclaimed as she held up her phone to show a picture on the ladyblog. The picture was of her and chatnoir cuddling in their sleep. " I had to climb a fire escape to get up to the roof to snag this awsome picture, and the second I got it I just had to post it, it already has 1 million views!" Alya excitedly exclaimed. Marinette than saw Adrein happily looking at the picture, he looked so happy. She felt so embarrassed that her crush was looking at her snuggling with another guy. She turned so red, and finally the bell rang and everybody rushed into class, everybody was still talking about Ladybug and Chatnoir, as she was sitting in her seat she heard everybodys conversations, people coming up with ship names, and theories. She felt so embarrassed.
Throughout the rest of the day, she kept hearing all the talk about the ladybug and chatnoir cuddle pic.
In science she finally got some quiet and no talking about the picture, becuase there was a test when she finished the test she turned it in on the teachers desk, and sat back down, she checked the clock and saw she still had about a half hour of class left, she dicided to take advantage of the quiet and just lay her head down. "I'm just gonna lay my head down...rest my eyes....not fall aslee-" before she could finish the thought. She wound up in the same black dreamland as last night...only instead of at the park, she was below a bridge, and above it she heard a familiar voice saying " she loves me, she loves me not. She loves me" and she saw little red rose petals falling into the water, she thought it was chat but she knew he wasnt in costume..she could see a hand throwing the petals, not a black glove like she was used to. She hesitated before saying " chat?" . "M'lady?" He replied questioningly. "Well yes, and no" she replied. "It is me, but I'm not transformed". "Yea, my kwami told me that might happen" she sat down on the ground below the bridge." Well since I ended up here after you, that means it's your dream, so what are you doing? " "well right now I'm supposed to be in class but I fell asleep" he chuckled. Avoiding the unspoken question of what was with the Rose petals. " hey I know what would make you more comfortable" he said as he dropped a red and black spotted mask to her. "I have mine on so no worries" he said as all the sudden instead of a bridge they were on the same rooftop as before." Sorry" he said, his face turning red " It just does whatever my mind is thinking about."
Ladybug sat down next to where chat was sitting." Did you see the picture ? She asked. " how could I not? It was all over the ladyblog. But i gotta give Alya some credit, she climbed all the way up there shes really dedicated" "yep, that's Alya for ya" she laughed.
After a bit of silence " hey uh, I know your probobly really embarrassed about that photo and stuff but..I just wanted you to know I dont regret it..and I...i-
Before chat could finish his sentence Marinette was awakened by Alya, nino however was to late and the teacher saw him sleeping, she tapped him and shes jolted up saying " I LOVE YOU" before he noticed he wasnt in a dream anymore. The whole class, exsept adriens 3 friends, started laughing, even chloe. Adrien was so embarrassed he just ran out of the class room and into the Locker room. Plagg came outa his pocket "well kid, that was a distaster" plagg said. "Tell me about it" Adrien exclaimed. "I can never show my face around here ever again!"
"I-would miss your face if you didnt come here anymore" squeaked a little voice. "I mean uh I would miss ur hot face! I mean I uh. UGH." Now she was so embarrassed that she just ran out of the locker room before Adrien could turn around.
Now he was embarrassed and confused, he didnt really know what to do, so he ran. Not as Adrien. But as Chat Noir. He hopped onto the rooftops, he didnt know where he was going, he just was going with his gut. Than he was right on the rooftop where Alya took the photo, and to his surprise he wasnt the only one there,
"Hello bugaboo, why are you here? Dont u have school or somthing? "
"Yes, but no. I dont wanna go back right now, but don't you have school? "
"I'm to embarrassed to go back" he said as he rubbed his neck.
"Wanna talk about it?" She asked.
"Not really. its really embarrassing"
Well I had a pretty embarrassing day too kitty"
She sat down and patted for him to sit next to her. As he sat down he was breathing more sharply than usual. She got this feeling that she wanted to kiss him, but to keep that from happening, she started to talk and look into the sky, instead of at his lips.
"I think I did terrible on my test today," she said.
"Yea. I had a science test today, right after I turned it in I fell asleep. She laughed.
That got chatnoir thinking...he had a science test today..could it be...no..it cant possibly be...could it?
While chat aas lost in his thoughts he hadn't noticed ladybug staring at him, she remembered when they first met, how she didnt have feelings for him, and how the feelings she had for him grew and grew. She always tried to keep it professional, but it gets harder and harder.
Chat looked at her, and saw her staring at him..he got a strong desire to kiss her..but he knew they shouldn't..but he wanted to.
It seemed like forever that they were staring at each other, until they heard a school bell ring, and children coming out of the school.
"I guess we should go now, dont want people getting anymore pictures" she said.
They both got up and lept into diffrent directions, unknowingly they both went into the same alley, hid on opiset sides of the dumpsters and de-transformed,than Adrien and Marinette suprisingly bumped into each other, and they noth turned red, like a tomato.
Than out of no where Alya and Nino came, carrying marinette and adriens school bags,
"So this is where you guys went off to" alya sumggly said.
Marinette turned another shade of red, after herbestfriends words.
Alya and Marinette walked one way, nino and Adrien walked the other way, heading home.
That night , marinette was excited and scared to go to bed. She didnt want to go to sleep before chat and be having a weird dream about Adrien, that would be weird. But than again she didmt want to impose on one of chats dreams again. She didnt know what to do, so she laid in bed and drifted off to sleep.
She was in the black surrounding again, she saw a blonde. Facing opiset to her, she didnt know if he knew she was there. She than went up behind him and gave him a backwards hug. She surprisedr him becuase he gave a little "ah" as she wrapped her arms around him. He than turned around and hugged her properly. They just held onto each other. Not talking.
Than chat asked "may i?"
She knew what he was talking about...she wanted to, too. So she replied " in your dreams" as he lifted her chin, with their eyes closed, they kissed, after all the desired times they wanted to, they were finally doing it, than Marinette said "I'm ready"
"Ready?" He asked
She looked upward, at his emerald green eyes, peering down at her baby bell blue eyes.
"Marinette" "adrien" they both gasps
They started to giggle.
"I cant believe how stupid we are"
"How blind are we?"
They went into another tight hug
Than Marinette awoke, hearing her alarm. She was sad. But than she rememberd that she would see Adrien at school. Than she quickly got ready and was already out the door.
"Wow. Look who actually showed up on time to school" teased alya.
"Well there's a good reason I came early today" marinette said as she locked eyes with Adrien
"Oh I dont like that look in her eyes" alya suspiciously said to Nino
Than adrein came up to marinette with one of chats stupid smiles and wrapped his arms around her and they embraced in a kiss.
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klkimberlykl9000 · 4 years
I don’t know..we not together..I have nothing to do with any celebrity nodding especially black. I’m not supporting it..it’s banned.. I’m just enjoy my family and I’m a Mother peter a Father we got this.. you don’t do that..I know better.. I know what values I will instill you know I’m in heaven..I’m Well with God.. they don’t need that they got two parents that know God.. and I know not to teach our children of this world.. that’s okay we not looking at tv.. like that I got some other things I want them to do away from the tv cause you not go brain wash our children cause you not right you was right until you cross the line.. figure it out what you did It’s not go prosper.. I’m not go worry I’m moving forward with parenting you don’t gotta look at that all the time.. I got other activities I want them to do so you won’t bother them with your hidden intentions... can you 🛑 cause I’m speak and don’t think I am not looking to see if you trying to disrespect this mother move on.. this not your place you out of order. It’s our job to protect our children from manipulation.. I’m not go be quiet on that good..don’t touch our children I will hope you wouldn’t do that taking you have kids and will feel the same way if some perv messing with your child..in all ways.. protect them from that lier stunt and you better stop coming at me the way you coming at me I don’t know your issue but you bout to get locked up.. do I need to tell you that.. this is my life back up off me and gone on.. cause no one is looking at you over here. Leave me alone.. I’m only go say that once you will be place with them blacks if you don’t stop now stop insulting me with your fake assumptions rolling my eyes you trying to change me I’m curse you. Move. That’s not Kim idenity that’s her identity and if you don’t stop we go have serious issues.. no Thank you. I’ll pass.. cause you rude.. insulting me to think I wanna or gotta alter Kim to impress your dirty ass I don’t bow down to no one. Better get off skin.. now you don’t change what is already there.. only person I need to impress is my Father.. God you no one I gotta impress.. and this the convo shouldn’t even be here you the devil be gone.. walking off. Tried it to the max I ain’t with that.. that’s not even my identity to even be explaining my character to you bye. Learn a good lession with ya racist ass.. better gone somewhere with that curse and I’m not go support you two no. You not together only reason why is because that girl.. I’m so tired of this lil girl hurry up and grow up and gone on.. people kids.. I can’t stand ya. Ya parents evil and you are too you just using them to get famous shut up.. I don’t even care what we get just want our seeds and be quiet..i don’t ever wanna be a sex enemy you fucking to prove something.. what you trying to prove what you want that you arrogant bitch.. you wealthy who cares.. I don’t care I’m not impress it’s just dust.. to me. Go on.. move on.. i have put a request to God make sure this manipulating seed don’t do this again to our kids I want you all not to be with our kids.. or their friends.. don’t talk to my kids friends nothing.. that will not happen again.. believe it. I’m praying as well it’s approved.. oh no wait to have our children to see your bad intentions play off..not having it. I have always wanted kids always.. and I will be severely honored for that.. this two face think she doing something you ought to know how God feel about mothers who want kids.. they are not forsaken.. Thank you. You not better you not bigger you not doing anything. When my season come I will have I say whatever to that. Non believers you go stop disrespecting God I’m bout sick of you. I don’t wanna hear that. Don’t come near me since you a non believer okay bye then 👋🏻 I have no problems cutting that off. Non God come first you don’t like it then get out my face. Don’t care what you doing.
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March 14th, 2017
it’s what you did to her decided to be the voice of reason to an unreasonable girl, someone in pain and unable to surface above the sea of subconscious scars decided to let her have it say, ‘right, well your sorrows are too much for me you told me how your mother made your childhood a living hell and I’ve taken that and computed you just need more figures dropping out you could use a little less affection you could do with one more person calling you a failure the criticism’s gotta dissolve the self-critical idenities’ and it wasn’t your first time when she said his manipulation was hurting and she was lost trying to swallow the blame pill ‘grateful I didn’t rape you’ You went ahead and let her know her trauma was too much for you and she was as good as alone for the uphill battle that followed all that mattered to you was that she had turned her back on God therein lay her issues; you prayed hard enough, you cried long enough for some saviour to put her out of her misery the fact He didn’t answer, was testament enough that she didn’t matter any longer, and it was time to focus on your doting husband who found a way to make it a thousand times harder, driving in the harlot at street corners notion, letting her know you were missing a spark and maybe her experience would hold up his sad excuse for a marriage to you, you and your upstanding beliefs and misunderstandings of a girl that knew damn well she was being selfish tried hard to let you know your picture perfect childhood did not at all equip you for the abuse that minutes, hours, and years shrilly slathered all over her, so that she scrubbed skin deep and still came out a sinner your God never saved her, and she was that temptress, not flesh and blood disaster she was the downfall of that man that kept books with titles like ‘how to tell everyone you love they’re going to hell’ and shouted ‘stop, stop! your arguments are too valid!’ when she told him his God was a delusion that stopped great people, like yourself, from ever seeing past the tip of their self-important noses she was the monster, when he left her in a pool of her own blood her self worth clutched tightly in whitened knuckles the cigarettes hidden, because men enjoy a smoke, and women should be faithful there was nothing that could have prepared you for the fact that your ill-chosen ‘just get over it’s made sure she only got sicker you marched on further she spiralled down deeper at the cusp of the catastrophe she pulled up, started breathing faster looked around, after years in captivity and while she didn’t make it then a year later, the awakening hit like a silent storm of calm enrapture and what did you send then? why, a letter detailing a goodbye to a selfish, good-for-nothing, imposter, who’d stolen your friend how could you support her any longer? ungrateful, non-status quo scum crying about her captors all she needed was God and He had told you, drop her Oh it was fated, that like a phoenix, she had risen from her ashes only to hear your sordid excuses as to why you’d given in I mean she wasn’t responding to the cut-out Bible banter you must have better things to do, than support the ex-Christian psycho I mean you were quite sure she did it all to hurt you her trauma was an inconvenience her pitiful state a pitfall, you’d made sure to stick around for her laughter only to ditch her in her macabre nightmares
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darkobssessions · 8 years
March 14th, 2017
it’s what you did to her decided to be the voice of reason to an unreasonable girl, someone in pain and unable to surface above the sea of subconscious scars decided to let her have it say, ‘right, well your sorrows  are too much for me you told me how your mother made your childhood a living hell and I’ve taken that and computed you just need more figures dropping out you could use a little less affection you could do with one more person calling you a failure the criticism’s gotta dissolve  the self-critical idenities’ and it wasn’t your first time when she said his manipulation was hurting and she was lost trying to swallow the blame pill ‘grateful I didn’t rape you’ You went ahead and let her know her trauma was too much for you and she was as good as alone  for the uphill battle that followed all that mattered to you was that she had turned my back on God therein lay her issues; you prayed hard enough, you cried long enough for some saviour to put her out of her misery the fact He didn’t answer, was testament enough that she didn’t matter any longer, and it was time to focus on your doting husband who found a way to make it a thousand times harder, driving in the harlot at street corners notion, letting her know you were missing a spark and maybe her experience  would hold up his sad excuse for a marriage to you, you and your upstanding beliefs and misunderstandings of a girl that knew damn well she was being selfish tried hard to let you know your picture perfect childhood did not at all equip you for the abuse that minutes, hours, and years shrilly slathered all over her, so that she scrubbed skin deep and still came out a sinner your God never saved her, and she was that temptress, not flesh and blood disaster she was the downfall of that man that kept books with titles like ‘how to tell everyone you love they’re going to hell’ and shouted ‘stop, stop! your arguments are too valid!’ when she told him his God was a delusion that stopped great people, like yourself, from ever seeing past the tip of their self-important noses she was the monster, when he left her in a pool of her own blood her self worth clutched tightly in whitened knuckles the cigarettes hidden, because men enjoy a smoke, and women should be faithful there was nothing that could have prepared you for the fact that your ill-chosen ‘just get over it’s made sure she only got sicker you marched on further she spiralled down deeper at the cusp of the catastrophe she pulled up, started breathing faster looked around, after years in captivity and while she didn’t make it then a year later, the awakening hit like a silent storm of calm enrapture and what did you send then? why, a letter detailing a goodbye to a selfish, good-for-nothing, imposter, who’d stolen your friend how could you support her any longer? ungrateful, non-status quo scum crying about her captors all she needed was God and He had told you, drop her Oh it was fated, that like a phoenix, she had risen from her ashes only to hear your sordid excuses as to why you’d given in I mean she wasn’t responding  to the cut-out Bible banter you must have better things to do, than support the ex-Christian psycho I mean you were quite sure she did it all to hurt you her trauma was an inconvenience her pitiful state a pitfall, you’d made sure to stick around for her laughter only to ditch her in her macabre nightmares
0 notes
my-creative-hell · 5 years
Humanity (Zombie au)
The town is silent as Grave wanders through it, abandoned long ago as corpses roam the streets, groaning as their feet shuffle and scrape against the jagged broken ground. It was impossible to count an exact number for how many there were in this town, but it was enough that if Grave made one wrong move, she was as good as dead.
Grave creeps around the town as silently as she can, avoiding all the damaged and burnt up cars as she takes it slow, careful of the damaged and crumbling roads as she passes by the decaying homes long forgotten by the rest of humanity as she evades the corpses, which wander around sniffing for food.
Grave tries not to glow as she moves, feeling her heart beating in her chest in fear as she attempts to take larger steps. Soil slips beneath her feet, some stone being dislodged and crackling slightly, the small sound enough to alert a closer corpse to a presence different to their own.
Grave pauses for a second, her blood becoming ice in her veins as she watches the alerted corpse, beginning to run as it lets out a scream, alerting the rest of the horde as they begin to move after Grave.
Her brain screaming in her head, Grave continues to run, too panicked to think as she glows softly, corpses all around her now able to smell her as she begin to alert and approach.
As she runs, a crevice in the concrete latches onto one of her feet, Grave falling down hard, hitting the ground with an audible thud, her head coming into contact with the cold stone. Her panic too high to think about getting up, Grave panics as she bleeds, the corpses moving quicker towards her at the smell of fresh blood, her heartbeat pounding in her ears.
Grave curls in on herself, her body trembling as her mind goes blank in panic, a distorted scream cutting through the air like a knife from behind the large horde as they approach Grave, sniffing the air for her scent.
Grave’s ball becomes tighter as she shakes, buzzing loudly as another scream slices the air, sounding louder as the faint sound of footsteps direct themselves at Grave, going fast as if someone was running to her.
Grave continues to shake, tremors flowing through her as tears stream down her face, every muscle in her body riddled with pain in her panic as the footsteps get closer, running until they’re right beside Grave, the horde still closing in.
Grave bites her fingers, her teeth ripping through the flesh in an instant, beads of blood trickling down her skin as it glows in fear. A small noise comes from above her as cold hands touch her, carefully pulling up onto a larger person, holding her tightly.
The tremors passing through Grave get stronger as she panics more, her teeth sinking deeper into the flesh on her fingers as a low growling noise rings in the air as the horde approaches. The person carrying Grave begins to move forward, corpses moving out of their way as they progress with her.
Grave closes her eyes, trying to calm herself down as everything in her body screams, the person carrying her moving through the horde of corpses as if parting the sea, beginning to run once they leave the crowd of corpses.
Grave feels her loss of blood as the person runs, her heart pounding in her ears as corpses yell behind them, the person remaining silent as they run away with Grave.
Her blood loss and panic begin to catch up with her, Grave ceasing her biting as she begins to get sleepy, the person seemingly running towards an old abandoned hospital as they adjust their grip on Grave to be more secure.
Grave’s heart beat slows as she gets sleepier, finding it harder and harder to keep her eyes open as the person slows their steps, getting closer to the hospital building, checking Grave’s pulse gently with cold fingers.
Grave’s pulse thrums under their fingers, present and clear as she drifts off, no longer able to keep her consciousness as the person sighs, walking her to the abandoned hospital.
 A surface lies under Grave as she comes to, supporting her back and legs as she shifts, able to recognise it as a hospital bed beneath her.
Grave makes a soft noise, too sleepy and confused to feel afraid as a small groaning noise sounds off outside the room, quiet and muffled as Grave hears it.
Grave curls into herself, not liking that noise as her panic rises, shifting sounds coming from outside the room as footsteps walk inside quietly, someone entering the room.
Grave begins to shake as she glows softly, a quiet shushing noise ringing out as cold hands gently touch her shoulders. Some of Grave’s fear vanishes, replaced with confusion at the soft touch as her shaking slows.
“S-Safe…” The persons voice clearly hasn’t been used in a while, broken and scratchy, barely above a whisper in volume as the cold hands move away.
Grave feels more confusion than fear as she hears the voice, uncurling herself as she opens her eyes to look. The voice belongs to a corpse, though they seem different. They look alert and aware of the world around them, humanity emanating from them despite their grey skin covered in scars and wounds, and their tired grey eyes.
“Hi…” Grave feels confused as she speaks, reaching out to gently hold one of the corpses hands, no longer feeling afraid of it, but feeling calm.
“H-H-Hello…” The broken voice of the corpse responds as it waves, watching Grave with curious eyes.
“…What’s your name?” Grave questions, a small smile appearing on her face as she speaks, her voice hushed.
“I-Iden…” The corpse explains, mouth twisting into a ting smile of its own as it answers Grave.
“I’m… I’m Grave!” Grave glows softly as she smiles, the corpse she now knows as Iden smiling gently.
“Y-You hurt…” It explains in a quiet tone, its cold hand gently pulling out of Grave’s hold as it speaks.
“Oh yeah…” Grave frowns at the realisation. “That’s fine though, nothing too bad.” She insists quietly.
“F-F-Fix…” Iden insists, shaking his head as he slowly moves away, finding some clean bandages and cleaning solution. Grave curls up as she waits, making herself comfortable.
“H-Hands…” Iden drags a chair over quietly, sitting down as he lays out his equipment carefully.
“Here ya go.” Grave gives him her hands, his own cold ones gently taking them as he cleans the blood off of her skin carefully, Grave squeaking quietly at the ice-cold skin as she buzzes. The wounds are cleaned gently, Iden wrapping them in clean bandages expertly, very skilled in this area for reasons Grave can’t fathom.
“You’re good at this…” Grave mumbles, surprised by Iden’s skills as she watches him wrap her fingers delicately. He pauses for a moment, reaching into one of his pockets and handing Grave something.
“W-Was a r-r-resident…” He explains, Grave able to see that the object is an ID, showcasing a very alive looking Iden.
“Oh…” Grave looks at the ID, a small amount of concern flowing through her as she wiggles.
“O-O-Okay?” Iden questions, finishing wrapping Grave’s fingers in clean bandage, his touch soft and gentle.
“Thank you!!!” Grave smiles as she looks at her neatly bandaged fingers, wiggling them around gently.
“H-Hit your head…” Iden continues, his small smile shifting into a concerned frown as he looks at Grave.
“Oh… forgot about that.” Grave giggles, but its full of sadness and worry. “Is it bad?” She questions, Iden gently turning her head.
“S-Slight i-i-injury… n-not too bad.” Iden observes the wound on the back of her head carefully, making sure to be thorough.
“That’s good…” Grave smiles, fiddling with her hands gently as Iden leans back in his chair.
“F-Follow with e-e-eyes…” He explains, holding up an old pen that most certainly no longer works.
Grave nods, focusing on the pen as Iden moves it slowly, following it carefully with her eyes. Grave buzzes as she focuses on the pen, the sound soft and quiet.
“S-Seems good…” Iden smiles as he puts the pen down, giving Grave a small thumbs up.
“Yay!” Grave giggles happily, smiling as she taps her feet, Iden putting away his equipment carefully.
“A-Age?” He questions, his movements slightly inhibited in comparison to a normal human, but far more fluid than a normal corpse.
“I’m 13…” Grave thinks about her answer as she curls herself back into a ball on the bed.
“C-Child…” Iden mumbles, looking sad as he sits back in his chair. “Sorry for s-scare.” He apologises quietly, frowning.
“Oh, I’m not scared! I just like being in a ball sometimes…” Grave explains, coming out of her ball as she smiles.
“With h-horde… had t-to get you out…” Iden explains, shaking his head slowly as he speaks.
“Oh… that’s not your fault tho. Also thank you for saving me.” Grave’s voice is quiet as she speaks.
“C-Couldn’t watch them e-e-eat you.” Iden reasons, a gentle smile on his face as he looks at Grave.
“What are you? You don’t have to answer if you don’t wanna…” Grave questions, her voice quiet as she fiddles with her fingers, Iden watching her silently for a moment.
“I-I-I got bitten… I t-turned, but not f-fully… n-not alive… b-but not dead either…” He explains, gently taking one of Grave’s hands into his own cold ones.
“Oh…” Grave feels saddened by the explanation. “At least you know what you are.” She offers, giggling quietly.
“W-What will you d-do now?” Iden questions, a soft and genuine smile adorning his face.
“I dunno!” Grave shrugs, a small frown knitting between her eyebrows as she explains to Iden.
“Y-Y-You are a-alone?” Iden questions, frowning gently as he listens to Grave’s answer.
“Yeah, it sucks.” Grave smiles slightly as she speaks. “But I manage.” She continues, reassuring Iden.
“N-Not very fair…” Iden reasons, looking sad for Grave as he speaks, his voice low and full of emotion.
“I know, but not everything is fair.” Grave shrugs, indifferent. “You gotta deal with bullshit sometimes.” She explains.
“D-D-Don’t have to anymore… I-I can help.” Iden offers, gently holding Grave’s face between his cold hands.
“A-Are you sure?” Grave questions, glowing slightly from the gentle touch, a smile forming on her face.
“C-Can keep s-safe.” Iden explains, nodding softly as he too smiles, wide and genuine.
“Thank you!!!” Grave encases Iden in a hug, a large smile on her face as she wraps her arms around him.
“W-Welcome…” Iden returns the hug gently, laughing quietly as he holds Grave close to him. Grave glows happily, unable to speak as Iden gives her  a gentle bear hug. “K-Keep safe.” He reassures softly.
“N-No more hurt.” Iden continues as Grave squeaks quietly, closing her eyes as she sinks into the hug. Grave begins to feel slightly sleepy as she hugs Iden, humming happily as Iden strokes her hair gently. Grave makes a small noise as she gets sleepier, alerting Iden. “S-S-Sleepy?” Iden’s question is soft and quiet.
Grave nods, finding it hard to form words and sentences as she gets sleepier, trying to stay awake.
“Y-You want b-b-bed?” Iden questions, smiling softly as he holds Grave gently in his arms.
“Yes please…” Grave smiles as she nods, her voice quiet as Iden returns the nod gently, laying Grave down in the bed as he pulls the covers up around her, tucking her in. Grave yawns, squeaking quietly as she falls asleep, feeling comfortable.
 Its light outside when Grave opens her eyes, the next day dawning on them as Grave lies down, the room empty around her, though she can hear Iden quietly pacing outside.
Grave frowns, not wanting to leave the bed, though she wants Iden with her. She buzzes, hoping the noise will alert Iden and get him to come to her.
“Y-Y-Yes?” Iden pokes his head into the room, a concerned expression pulling at the features of his face.
Grave smiles as she see’s Iden, looking sleepy as she makes a low noise, wanting him closer. Iden obliges, coming into the room to sit beside Grave, tapping his feet against the floor.
“Mmm… hi.” Grave wiggles in the bed slightly, feeling happy as she speaks to Iden, her voice soft.
“H-H-Hi…” Iden gives Grave a small smile as he watches her, sitting close by the bed in his chair.
“How… how are you?” Grave questions, glowing softly as she looks at Iden, feeling happy.
“W-W-Worried.” Iden admit, frowning as he looks down, his eyebrows knitting together.
“May… may I ask why?” Concern floods through Grave as she begins to wake up more.
“H-Humans outs-side…” Iden explains, pointing to one of the windows as Grave begins to hear small noises outside the building.
“Oh… what should we do?” Grave thinks, sitting up in her bed so she can see, her face twisting into a frown.
“Sounds like an a-argument…” Iden notes, standing from his chair slightly as yelling noises come from outside.
“Ah… how lovely.” Grave flinches at the noise, sarcasm dripping off of her tongue as Iden smiles, standing up and walking to the window as he signals for Grave to stay where she is. Grave plays with her fingers nervously as she waits.
“S-S-Shit.” Iden backs up quickly from the window as a gunshot rings out, loud and clear, close to the building.
“Fuck…” Grave covers her ears at the noise, her eardrums hurting from the volume and intensity.
“T-They shot a human…” Iden peeks through the window again, his voice strained and worried.
“Oh no…” Grave frowns more, beginning to glow with concern as Iden watches out the window for a moment, moving aside after a minute. Grave curls in on herself, feeling bad for the human outside.
“Still a-alive…” Iden mumbles the words, quiet as he watches the window, keeping an eye on the world around them.
“Really?” Grave gasps softly as Iden nods, watching out the window as he answers her.
“N-Not for long when the h-h-horde gets there…” He comments, his voice concerned as he thinks on what to do.
“Let’s go get them then!” Grave exclaims, standing up as she keeps her voice low, feeling fear and excitement swirling inside of her.
“Y-You grab them, I-I’ll watch for corpses…” Iden explains his plan, nodding as he moves away from the window.
Grave smiles, running out of the building as Iden follows her, making her way to the injured person, who lies on the floor turned away from her as she approaches.
“H-Hey…” Grave buzzes as she approaches the person, unsure if she should touch them or not. The person doesn’t respond, seemingly teetering on the edge of consciousness as Grave gets to them, a mark visible on one of their arms.
“I-I got them…” Grave’s voice is quiet as she picks the girl up, an obvious bullet wound in her shoulder as she carefully inspects the mark, finding a corpse bite.
“A-Are they o-o-okay?” Iden questions, moving over to Grave as he watches for the horde.
“I mean, other than the bullet wound in their shoulder and the bite mark on their arm, I’d say they’re fine.” Grave frowns, attempting some humour in the situation to make it feel better.
“B-B-Bite?” Iden questions, moving over to Grave, gently beginning to pull her back towards the building.
“Yeah…” Grave admits, feeling more and more concerned as Iden leads her inside the building again.
“N-Need to know how o-old…” Iden explains, barricading the door once again as he frowns, worried.
“They might be close to my age… I dunno though.” Grave explains, glowing as concern floods through her.
“B-Bite… need to know how old b-bite…” Iden shakes his head, clarifying his question carefully now.
“O h.” Grave thinks, examining the bite carefully to come up with an answer. “It’s definitely younger than a day, that’s for sure.” She explains.
“N-Not good… b-bite equals d-d-dead…” Iden sighs as he leads Grave into the room, looking conflicted.
“Oh n o.” Grave frowns more as she feels her heart swell in worry, unsure of what to do.
“T-Two options, w-w-we give up on her, o-or we wait it out…” Iden explains, motioning for Grave to put the girl on the bed for him.
“We could wait it out… giving up on her seems like a kinda dick move.” Grave offers, laying the girl on the bed carefully as she looks at the ground beneath her.
“T-Then we shall wait.” Iden nods, smiling as he sits down next to the girl, needing to get to her bullet wound.
“Yay!” Grave sits down on the floor as she watches Iden, smiling as she keeps her voice quiet. Iden carefully turns the girls shoulder, checking for an exit wound from the bullet.
“S-Shit…” He curses quietly, unable to find a second wound, coming to the conclusion that the bullet is still inside.
“Shit?” Grave questions, feeling confused and concerned by Iden’s reaction as he turns away from the girl.
“B-Bullets still i-inside… need to d-dig it out.” He explains, frowning as he huffs quietly. “N-Need to sedate to make s-sure she’ll be okay.” He continues.
“Okay, cool, r a d. where’s the sleepy time shit?” Grave questions, feeling panicked as she taps her feet nervously.
“I’ll g-get. S-S-Stay with her, and get her u-up. Need her awake so we k-know it works.” Iden explains, thinking for a moment before he stands.
Grave nods as Iden leaves the room, gently wiggling the girl to wake her up, not wanting to hurt her. The girl winces as she stirs, her eyes opening slightly as Grave shakes her.
“H-Hi…” Grave backs up slightly, giving the girl space, keeping her voice hushed and quiet.
“Who…” The girl sits up on the bed, wincing as she pulls her shoulder slightly. “Wha…?” She questions, feeling confused and slightly panicked.
“Yeah… so um…” Grave thinks for a moment about what to say. “You’re gonna get sedated, but you need to be awake so we know it works.” Grave explains, keeping her voice soft.
“Sedated? I-I-I…” The girl panics slightly, her body shaking as she watches Grave, not sure about anything that’s happening.
“Y-You’re getting a bullet taken out of you, so um… yeah. Sedated.” Grave explains, thinking. “I-Is touch okay for you right now?” She questions quietly.
“I-I got bit…” The girl admits, holding her shoulder tightly as she bites her lip, afraid and ashamed.
“You did… sorry.” Grave frowns, looking away for a moment as the realisation dawns on the girl.
“You should have left me to die…” Tears well in the girl’s eyes, her voice breaking slightly as she speaks, making Grave frown. Grave wraps her in a gentle hug, unsure of what she could say as the girl clings to her gently, Iden walking back into the room quietly behind her.
Grave waves to Iden, pulling back to plant a gentle kiss on the girls forehead, hoping to calm her down slightly.
“Corpse?” The girl looks confused and slightly scared as she see’s Iden, her eyes wide.
“Yeah, he’s cool though. He saved me from a horde cuz my brain was too scared to do anything right…” Grave explains quietly, though the girl doesn’t seem convinced, flinching as Iden moves closer with the syringe.
Grave holds the girl gently, softly humming as Iden walks over, allowing him to quickly inject the anaesthetic into the girl’s neck. She flinches as it is administered, a quiet and slightly panicked yelp leaving her mouth.
“Sorry…” Grave apologises, the girl clinging onto her gently as Iden begins to prepare his equipment to extract the bullet.
“This is… this is fun, aint it?” Grave questions, humming as she fiddles with her fingers nervously. A small noise comes from the girl as her body relaxes, going limp as she leans into Grave.
“Yay…” Grave closes her eyes, sighing softly and quietly as she holds the girl gently, turning to Iden.
“Lay her d-down for me…” Iden smiles, bringing the needed equipment over on a trolley table. Grave lays the girl down carefully, making sure not to jostle her injury as she does.
“It done.” Grave confirms, sitting down on the floor as Iden pats her head gently, approaching the girl silently.
“How long do you think this is gonna take?” Grave questions, looking up at Iden as he begins working.
“Not t-too long. Just have to extract the b-bullet and close the w-wound…” Iden explains, smiling gently as he begins cutting a small incision to open the wound further.
“That’s good!” Grave smiles, curling herself into a ball as she speaks. Iden nods in agreement as he opens the wound up more, grabbing his forceps as he gets access to the bullet, seamlessly removing it.
“Yay, the bitch boi bullet is gone!” Grave claps quietly, keeping her voice low as Iden laughs.
“N-Now just stitches left…” He explains, threading his suture needle, starting off stitching inside the wound, before moving outside to seal the entire thing.
Grave buzzes quietly, biting her fingers gently as Iden closes the wound entirely, cleaning it gently as he checks the girls temperature carefully.
“How is she?” Grave questions, her voice slightly muffled due to her hands as she speaks.
“She’ll survive the w-wound.” Iden explains, smiling as he turns around, facing Grave now.
“Good!!!” Grave bites down slightly harder on her fingers, feeling happier now as Iden packs away.
“N-Now we just need to hope she wont t-turn…” Iden comments quietly as he puts away the scalpel and needle.
“Is there anything we could do to like… make her not turn? Or is it just a hope thing?” Grave questions, smiling as she takes her fingers out of her mouth.
“H-Hard to know… l-l-let’s just keep an eye on her.” He thinks through his answer, unsure of the possibilities.
“…But I have to keep my eyeballs i n s i d e of my body.” Grave jokes, making Iden snort.
“I-I’m going to draw the horde away from this area, just m-make sure she’s okay.” Iden explains.
“I will!” Grave exclaims, smiling as she sits up and watches the girl, Iden nodding. He leaves them both behind, closing the door securely behind him as he goes to work. Grave watches the unconscious girl, who is slightly paler and thinner than she should be.
“Oh dear…” Grave frowns softly, though she doesn’t do anything immediately, despite her building concern as the girl’s hand twitches gently, small tremors going through her body.
Grave frowns more, not knowing what’s wrong as she glows softly. The girl frowns slightly, turning her head in her sedation as she trembles.
Grave thinks for a moment before getting up, gently poking the girl in hopes of waking her and figuring out what’s wrong. The girl’s skin is cold as Grave touches it, her touch stirring the girl slightly.
Grave frowns more at the temperature of the girls skin, poking her gently again in the hopes of waking her up. The girl’s eyes open as she stirs, though they’re glazed over and distant, the anaesthetic still affecting her, making her groggy.
“You’re cold and pale… what do you need?” Grave questions, thinking over her words as she speaks.
“Mmmm…” The girl tries to process what she’s hearing, her brain behind as she shivers, trying to keep herself awake.
Grave carefully pulls the girl in for a hug to give her some warmth, her touch gentle and calm. She leans into Grave, feeling weak and tired as she attempts to focus.
“Um…” Grave thinks for a moment, an idea popping into her head. “I’m gonna look for some food, but I need to carry you cuz I don’t want you to be alone… okay?” Grave explains, the girl watching her for a moment before curling into her, nodding slowly.
Grave smiles as she gently picks the girl up, holding onto her as she begins to scour the room for food. The girl leans into her as Grave moves around, kneeling down as she spots some food and water inside a cupboard at the bottom of the room.
“Food!” Grave smiles happily as she grabs what she can, moving to gently place the girl back on the bed, being careful. She brings the food and water over as she girl rubs at her eyes, the anaesthetic still in her system as she tries to stay alert.
“Here.” Grave sits down beside the bed, taking off her hoodie and handing it to the girl, who takes it carefully, a small smile gracing her face as she puts it on.
Grave squeaks quietly as she watches, feeling happy as she fiddles with her fingers now. The girl watches her as she lies down, reaching one of her hands to interlace it with Grave’s gently, Grave squeezing her hand as she smiles.
“…Who are you?” The girl closes her eyes as she questions Grave, her expression confused.
“I’m… Grave. Who are you?” Grave returns the question, keeping her voice quiet and calm.
“S-Scarlet…” The girl thinks about her answer for a moment, turning to lie on her side as she speaks to Grave.
“That’s rad…” Grave smiles as she looks down at the floor, Scarlet wincing as the medicine begins to wear off. “Hey um… if you don’t mind me asking… how long has it been since you ate something?” Grave questions, frowning in concern as she looks at Scarlet.
“…Five? Five days?” Scarlet thinks, huddling into Grave’s hoodie as she settles on her answer.
“Eat!!!! Now!!!! Please!” Grave sounds concerned as she speaks, pushing food closer to Scarlet, who looks nervous as she takes some, coughing gently as she nibbles on it.
“You okay?” Grave feels concern spike inside her as she watches Scarlet, her voice soft.
“J-Just the infection…” Scarlet explains, shaking her head slowly as she coughs, her body spasming.
“Oh… sorry.” Grave frowns, curling herself into a ball as she sits, feeling sad for Scarlet’s situation.
“Not your fault, could have happened to anyone.” Scarlet reasons, smiling gently as she touches Grave’s face with one of her hands, her thumb stroking circles onto her cheek.
“I know its n-not my fault, but I’m still sorry it happened to you…” Grave explains quietly, her cheeks blushing at Scarlet’s soft touch.
“Who knows, maybe I won’t die.” Scarlet frowns gently, trying to eat a bit more as she speaks.
“I hope not, you’re really cool…” Grave fiddles with her fingers gently as she speaks, her voice hushed.
“Thanks, I think you’re cool too.” Scarlet’s face blushes at the compliment, her eyes watching Grave contently.
“We’re two cool bois!!!” Grave smiles, giggling softly as she watches Scarlet eat.
“Guess I’m lucky they missed the shot.” Scarlet muses, laughing quietly as she manages to finish something, keeping it down.
“Who did it? I-If you don’t mind me asking.” Grave thinks as she asks the question, her voice quiet.
“Someone from my group… his names Joseph.” Scarlet explains, closing her eyes as she sighs softly.
“He sounds like a bitch.” Grave notes, frowning as she thinks about it, the curse word slipping out.
“I got bit, its what happens.” Scarlet reasons, a quiet laugh escaping her lips as she listens to Grave.
“Still shitty though.” Grave smiles, beginning to eat her own food laid out in front of her.
“That’s the world today.” Scarlet shrugs, opening her eyes to look at Grave as she smiles.
“And it sucks!” Grave laughs, her cheeks glowing out of happiness as Scarlet giggles, the door opening as Iden comes back into the building.
“Hello!” Grave waves as she eats her food, turning to face Iden for a moment before looking back to Scarlet.
“H-Hello, how is she?” Iden smiles as he walks inside, carrying some things in his arms.
“Good! And eating!!!!” Grave explains, looking at the objects curiously. “What are those?” She questions.
“F-F-Found some more food…” Iden explains, putting them away in the cupboards to keep.
“Good! Now we only need b o n e s.” Grave smiles as she fiddles with her hands, saying all the random words that pop into her mind, making Iden laugh as he approaches Scarlet, carefully placing a thermometer in her mouth.
“…Do you think Mario can read?” Grave questions, sinking to sit on the floor as she watches Iden. He looks down at her, confused as Scarlet snorts, shaking her head in answer as the thermometer reads her temperature.
“I mean, there’s no evidence that he can read… except Hotel Mario, but that doesn’t really count.” Grave explains, Iden laughing as Scarlet tries not to spit out the thermometer.
“I bet Luigi can read…” Grave continues, fiddling with her hands. “Mario’s all like ‘What can you even do? I’m the more popular brother!’ And Luigi is like ‘I can fucking r e a d, you dumbass.’ Cuz he’s actually smart.” Grave rambles, making Iden laugh as he carefully sits Scarlet up, taking the thermometer out of her mouth.
“I bet Mario cant spell his own name!” Grave continues, smiling as she looks at Iden and Scarlet. “What is it at?” She questions, looking at the thermometer.
“I-Its about 103… so we need to t-t-try and keep it stable.” Iden explains, not wanting the fever to get to a higher number as he helps Scarlet stay sitting up.
“Cool! That’s kinda good-ish.” Grave giggles, her brain thinking of a lot of things as Iden works.
“You alright k-kiddo?” Iden questions, handing Scarlet bottled water as he grabs a syringe, quickly and expertly injecting her with medicine as he urges her to drink.
“I’m fine, just thonkin.” Grave looks at Iden as she explains, nodding. But it doesn’t seem to convince him.
“You look d-down.” Iden presses lightly, shaking his head as he holds the opened bottle for Scarlet, helping her drink from it carefully.
“I’m just thinking about my mom…” Grave explains, shrugging nonchalantly as she answers.
“N-Not a good mom?” Iden questions, frowning as Scarlet finishes her bottle of water, leaning into him gently.
“Yeah, she was a fucking crusty asshole.” Grave confirms, her language harsh. “But I miss her for some reason…” She explains.
“If it makes you feel a-any better, you have u-u-us.” Iden reassures, carefully letting Scarlet go as he hugs Grave.
“Thank you…” Grave feels surprised as she hugs Iden back, a large smile on her face as she is picked up quickly, Iden carefully placing her on the bed beside Scarlet, who is wearing a genuine smile on her face.
Grave giggles quietly, gently poking Scarlet’s nose as Scarlet grins, Iden pushing her down carefully, getting her to lie down in the bed. Grave lays down with her, glowing happily as she does.
“M-Make sure she gets some rest.” Iden reminds her, smiling gently as he gives Scarlet a soft pat.
“I will!” Grave smiles as she cuddles Scarlet carefully, feeling content as Iden pulls the covers up over them.
“G-Going to look for some meds for her, I wont be long.” Iden explains, his voice calm.
“Stay safe please!” Grave exclaims, closing her eyes as she speaks, Iden laughing as he leaves the building, closing it up behind him to keep them safe.
Grave wiggles as she lays in the bed, feeling so happy she doesn’t know what to do with it, Scarlet smiling as she closes her eyes, her medication making her feel tired.
“You sleepy?” Grave keeps her voice low and quiet as she speaks, not wanting to disturb Scarlet.
“He gave me something, it’s helping a lot…” Scarlet explains, nodding slowly as her voice begins to slur slightly.
“That’s good! You need rest and stuffs.” Grave explains, giggling as she closes her own eyes. Scarlet smiles, snuggling into the covers as she gets closer to Grave, seeking warmth.
Grave blushes at the closeness, her head filling with a million thoughts as she smiles, Scarlet too tired to even know what she’s done.
Grave carefully reaches out one of her hands, stroking it gently through Scarlet’s hair, Scarlet falling asleep immediately, curling into Grave as she squeaks, feeling happy as she too falls asleep beside Scarlet.
 The next day rolls around as Grave wakes, the bed feeling empty beside her as she comes to.
“Scarlet?” Grave frowns slightly, her voice hushed and groggy as she listens, able to hear the sound of ragged breathing coming from the floor beside the bed.
“Fuck.” Grave tries to look, but her grogginess prevents her from moving much as Scarlet coughs quietly. Grave finally finds the energy to move, feeling too concerned not to. she hums quietly as she peers over the bed.
She is greeted by the sight of a very flushed Scarlet lying on the floor, shaking as she coughs and trembles, Grave unsure if she is awake or not.
Grave panics now, getting off of the bed and attempting to wake Scarlet by gently shaking her. Scarlet barely stirs at the shaking, her skin hot to the touch.
Grave tries to think, attempting to find something cold in the room that can be used to lower Scarlet’s temperature, looking back to see that Scarlet doesn’t look good as she lies on the floor.
Grave glows in her panic, buzzing loudly, though she ignores it, prioritising Scarlet’s condition. Grave’s brain screams loudly in her ears, too panicked for her to think as Scarlet shakes on the floor, her cheeks red and her face looking exhausted.
“Iden!” Grave takes a deep breath as she steadies herself, running out of the room to find Iden, locating him in a room down the hall.
“You o-okay?” Iden jumps at the sudden noise, turning to look at Grave as she enters the room.
“I am, but Scarlet isn’t.” Grave explains, playing with her fingers as she tries to keep control of her mind. Iden frowns, walking back into the room with Grave.
“Fevers s-spiking…” He explains, kneeling down next to Scarlet, gently touching her forehead.
“Cool, th-that’s awesome.” Grave lies, trying to keep calm as Iden thinks over the situation, grabbing a rag and handing it to her.
“Cover this in water please.” Iden gets up off of his knees, grabbing another injection for Scarlet.
“Got it.” Grave does as she is told, covering the rag in water, making it damp and cold. Iden takes the rag, placing it on Scarlet’s forehead as he gives her another injection.
“The good news is if s-she hasn’t turned now… she wont.” Iden explains, sighing gently as he watches Scarlet.
“Yay…” Grave cracks a small smile at that knowledge, her brain still panicked as she keeps her voice quiet.
“She’ll be okay.” Iden reassures her quietly, gently patting Grave’s arm as he keeps the rag pressed to Scarlet’s forehead.
“That’s good…” Grave smiles more as she calms down, her brain able to think of nicer thoughts now.
“She must’ve tried to get up and f-fainted…” Iden explains, smiling gently as he looks up at Grave.
“On no…” A frown passes over Grave’s face for a moment, gone as soon as it arrived. “At least she’s okay now.” She commends, Iden nodding as Scarlet begins to shift, frowning softly.
Grave sits down near Scarlet, keeping quiet despite the building excitement inside of her. Scarlet’s eyes flutter open after a moment, her expression groggy and confused as Iden continues to press the damp rag to her forehead.
A large smile graces Grave’s face, and she opens her mouth to say something, though she closes it almost immediately, unsure of what to say in this situation.
Iden pushes Scarlet gently, keeping her lying down as he presses the rag to her forehead, Scarlet looking more confused as she comes to.
“Hey…” Grave keeps her voice quiet as she speaks, feeling excited and happy as Scarlet wakes up.
“What happened?…” Scarlet’s groggy eyes watch Grave as she lies down, her brain feeling cloudy.
“You passed out…” Grave explains, fiddling with her hands as nerves rush into her.
“Oh…” Scarlet sighs quietly, frowning as Iden helps her sit up, keeping the rag pressed to her forehead.
“At least you’re kinda better now, right?” Grave smiles gently as Scarlet sits up, Iden keeping a hand to her forehead.
“Well I’m not dead.” Scarlet agrees, smiling as she reaches out a hand, holding one of Grave’s gently.
“Good! You’re too darn rad to die.” Grave blushes as she smiles, feeling happy as it grows larger.
“That means a lot coming from you.” Scarlet notes, quiet laughter coming from her as she speaks.
Grave’s face flushes red as she attempts to hide it, Scarlet giggling as she slides on the floor, getting closer to Grave and resting her head on her shoulder. Grave squeaks at the touch, shutting her eyes as her brain goes into overdrive.
“I think I like you a lot…” Scarlet admits, holding Grave’s hand gently as she starts to feel better.
“Y-You do?” Grave questions, looking at Scarlet with a confused expression, her voice quiet in disbelief.
“I-I really do.” Scarlet nods, her cheeks red with a soft blush as she confirms, a small smile on her face.
“I-I… I like you too…” Grave explains, looking away as a large smile forms on her face, her heart fluttering.
“That’s good…” Scarlet grins gently, closing her eyes as she calms down and relaxes.
Grave moves on a whim, pressing a gentle kiss to Scarlet’s lips, Scarlet squealing quietly in surprise. Her face flushes more as she hides it in Grave’s shoulder.
“Aaa stop being cute!” Grave giggles as she looks at Scarlet, her cheeks flushed in emotion.
“Cant, still sick.” Scarlet argues, smiling as she hugs Grave, her touch soft and comforting.
“Mmm okay f i n e.” Grave relents, smiling as she gives Scarlet another gentle kiss. Scarlet smiles, feeling content as Iden wraps them both in a blanket, warm and comfortable.
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my-creative-hell · 4 years
Swapped (Body Swap au)
Curled up on the floor, Iden sits down inside Grave’s body as she watches him from within his own, a frown etched onto his face as she used it.
“You okay?” Grave questions, though Iden’s voice comes out, creating a strange sensation as she hears it back.
“I’m fine, just didn’t expect the pain… and the sight.” Iden explains, nodding as he attempts to adjust to the distorted vision and dull pain of Grave’s body.
“Oh…” Grave pulls a sad face as she watches Iden curl up. “I forgot to mention that… sorry.” She apologises, so used to the pain in her own body that it barely came as an afterthought to her before it wasn’t there anymore.
“Its fine… nothing I can’t handle.” Iden tries to reassure her, laughing shakily as he tries to calm down.
“Hugs?” Sitting down beside him on the floor, Grave opens her now large arms in a silent offer.
Nodding, Iden leans in Grave with his now smaller body, Grave wrapping him in a large hug as she gently kisses his forehead, a small smile appearing on Iden’s face as he hides in her for comfort.
“So uh… isn’t it nice to see colours normally? And like… everyday?” Grave speaks softly, looking around the room, using Iden’s eyes to see all the colours her own distorted vision had stopped her from seeing.
“I guess so.” Iden agrees, nodding slowly. “Just kinda normal for me… or it was.” He corrects himself.
“That’s nice…” Grave smiles as she points to one of her own orb creations inside the lab. “That’s b l u e!!!” She exclaims.
“It is blue, I think.” Iden agrees, giggling at her excitement as he watches her look around the room.
“It is! It’s a very nice blue, too!” Grave continues, feeling excited. “I like it!” She exclaims softly.
“I’m glad… something good comes outta this.” Iden explains, smiling as he leans into Grave gently.
“Now that I realise it, most if the shit that I’ve made aren’t the colours I thought they were!” Grave explains, thinking out loud as she wiggles happily.
“That makes sense.” Iden agrees, experiencing Grave’s vision firsthand, allowing him to understand as someone knocks on the door to the lab.
“Should… should I get it or you?” Grave questions quietly, looking down at Iden as he thinks.
“To be honest I don’t know if I can stand right now.” Iden admits, his body trembling slightly.
“Oh…” Frowning, Grave gets up off the floor and opens the door a crack. “Hello?” She calls out softly, leaning into Iden’s voice.
“Its me. Why are you blocking your face with the door?” Hannah’s voice answers, clear and stern as she speaks.
“I don’t have a face.” Grave counters, trying not to laugh as Hannah snorts in amusement.
“Mhm. Can I come in and see my brother please?” She questions, unphased by Grave’s use of Iden’s voice as she pokes her gently.
“Mmmno, he’s not here.” Grave lies, though Hannah doesn’t seem convinces, smiling softly.
“Grave I know what happened so I know he needs some help.” Hannah explains, able to sense the swap in bodies as she speaks.
“Hi…” Opening the door, Grave looks down at the ground as Hannah walks inside, looking at her.
“Hey hun. How you doing?” She questions, seemingly unphased by the swap as she pats her shoulder gently.
“I can see colours and my fingers don’t hurt!!!!” Grave explains, smiling softly as she raises her head to look down at Hannah.
“Well that’s good to hear.” Hannah comments quietly, smiling. “How’s he been?” She continues, looking to Iden.
“Uh… not good. He’s not having a fun time. At all.” Grave explains, frowning softly as her voice grows sadder.
“I know, he’s got a lot going on and a lot of new pain, but he’ll be alright.” Hannah reassures Grave gently, stroking her head in a comforting manner.
“You sure?” Grave questions, frowning more as concern swells inside of her for Iden, Hannah nodding as she closes the door behind her.
“He doesn’t like pain, doesn’t do great with it, but I’m going to stick around to help him deal with it so don’t worry.” Hannah explains softly.
“O-Okay…” Grave agrees, trying to smile as she watches her, though it still looks nervous and unsure.
“It’ll be fine. I just recommend we don’t tell the others until we can fix this.” Hannah reassures her, wrapping her in a gentle hug.
“Yay…” Grave returns the hug, feeling slightly worried, though she pushes it aside, putting faith in Hannah.
“We’ll get it sorted, why don’t you work on your projects while I deal with Iden. Or you can sit with us if you want.” Hannah offers, pressing their foreheads together softly.
“I-I’m gonna… I’ll make a thing.” Grave decides, smiling as she thinks over some ideas.
“We’re here if you need us.” Hannah reminds her, smiling as she sits down with Iden quietly.
Thinking through her plans, Grave opens cabinets inside her lab, pulling out the correct materials and equipment as Hannah pulls Iden into a hug, trying to soothe his shaking.
Grabbing some black paint, Grave smiles as she is actually able to see it, though she still feels slightly bad as Hannah manoeuvres Iden into a better hug, holding him like a child as she rubs his back soothingly.
Working fast, Grave begins making some small robots as Hannah watches, half of her attention on Grave and half on Iden as he clings onto her, hiding his face in her shoulder.
As she works, Grave cuts her finger slightly, though she doesn’t notice, too absorbed in what she is doing. But Hannah does notice, sighing softly as she smiles, knowing a small cut wont be an issue for Iden’s body.
It doesn’t take more than a few minutes for Grave to finish a few of the robots, some more small cuts on her hands as Hannah watches, stroking Iden’s hair as he dozes comfortably in her lap, Grave’s body exhausted.
Grave organises the robots as she paints them black, mumbling softly as Hannah watches her, smiling gently.
Grave grabs some more paint, feeling confused and excited at all the new colours as she paints more, Hannah shifting Iden carefully to be more comfortable as he sleeps.
“Aaaa.” Grave screams softly, the sound positive as she finishes painting, putting it down as Hannah laughs quietly, hugging Iden close to her.
Putting her head down onto the table, Grave taps her fingers absently against the surface as she debates what to make next, Hannah frowning as she holds Iden, able to feel him shaking again.
Frowning, Grave stops tapping her fingers as she looks to Iden, feeling concern rise inside her again. Whining quietly, Iden latches onto Hannah, hiding his face more.
Watching Iden, Grave feels concerned, if she could currently glow, she could be but Iden whines again, the soft glow instead emitting from his own body.
“Oh no…” Grave mumbles quietly, wanting to hold Iden but unsure if she should as Hannah shushes him softly, hugging him gently as he trembles.
Hiding her hands to prevent herself from biting Iden’s fingers, Grave curls herself into a ball, unsure of what to do as Hannah motions for her to come closer, keeping Iden hugged close to her.
Graved moves over to them, wrapping them both in a hug as Hannah holds them gently, feeling Iden relax slightly in their hold.
Smiling softly, Grave moves her hand to stroke it through Iden’s hair, feeling him lean into the soothing touch as she hums softly, kissing his forehead.
Iden hums in response, relaxing into Grave as she squeezes him gently, her feet tapping against the floor as Iden shifts in their hold, stirring slightly.
Smiling, Grave tries to stop her feet from tapping against the floor as Iden opens his eyes slightly, looking groggy and disoriented.
Poking his nose gently, Grave hides as Iden wakes up more, pulling her into a gentle hug in response.
Returning the hug, Grave warms up as Iden hums contently, snuggling into her and Hannah for comfort.
“Um… i-is it okay if I ask you something?” Grave questions, her voice quiet as Iden nods, leaning into Hannah tiredly.
“What did you dream about?” Grave continues, fiddling with her fingers nervously as Iden thinks.
“Well… you were with Leena and you were upset… something happened? And Leena got hurt?” Iden attempts to explain.
“Oh…” Grave frowns, feeling guilty as Iden hides his face back in Hannah, feeling exhausted.
“Well… its done now, so we needn’t worry.” Hannah reassures them both, smiling gently as she watches Grave.
“That’s true…” Grave agrees quietly, smiling as she wiggles in Hannah’s grip, receiving a gentle pat on the head as Hannah holds onto the still exhausted Iden. “This was fun, wasn’t it?” Grave continues, the sarcasm dripping off of her voice.
“Mhm, fun and exhausting.” Hannah comments, laughing as she gently strokes Grave’s head.
“Absolutely a m a z i n g, 11/10.” Grave concludes, leaning into the soothing touch as Hannah snorts.
“Think Iden’s had enough of being awake.” Hannah notes quietly, touching her forehead to Grave’s.
“That’s good, I think. Sleep is nice!” Grave exclaims, giggling softly as Hannah pulls her in for a gentle hug.
“I might have him spend the night in my room with me and Leena in case of any more… disturbances. You okay to spend the night with Jake to keep the illusion?” Hannah questions, voice soft and quiet.
“Uh… yeah!” Grave reassures her, smiling as she hugs Hannah back, earning a soft kiss on her forehead as Hannah stands, holding Iden’s sleeping form close to her.
“Hm… would it be suspicious id I wore one of my hoodies or nah?” Grave questions, fiddling with her hands as she stands up.
“Iden has some seriously oversized hoodies of his own I’m sure you can wear.” Hannah explains, smiling.
“Really?” Grave questions, looking excited and surprised as she bounces in place on the ground.
“Yup! I’m gonna take this one back so he can sleep but I’m sure Jake will come find you soon so I’d go get a hoodie now.” Hannah explains, laughing softly.
“Fff u c k y e a h.” Grave comments, stopping herself as she attempts to clip through the door as normal. “Gotta open doors now…” She remembers.
“Yup, that’s one thing Iden cannot do.” Hannah agrees, snorting in amusement as she opens the door for them.
“I mean, not being able to clip isn’t so bad when you can see shit like a normal sober person.” Grave explains walking out of the lab.
“That’s true.” Hannah agrees, patting Grave’s shoulder gently. “I’ll see you later hun.” She continues, a soft smile toying on her face.
“Bye bye!” Grave keeps her voice quiet as she waves, walking away quickly to grab a hoodie to wear as Hannah laughs, moving Iden to her room so he can sleep in peace.
“This is fuckin f u n and cool and stuff.” Mumbling to herself nervously, Grave keeps walking, her pace increasing as she scans the house, unable to see Jake anywhere near.
Not liking the looming silence around her, Grave starts to run quietly as Leena joins Hannah in her room.
“That’s not fun…” Grave comments, frowning softly as she looks around, wanting to see someone as she hears Jake’s voice coming from a room in the house, talking to someone.
Smiling, Grave follows the sound of Jake’s voice, able to see him sitting in the living room, talking to someone quietly over the phone.
“Jake?” Grave’s voice is quiet as she speaks, not wanting to disturb Jake as she fiddles with her hands nervously. Flinching, Jake hangs up the phone.
“Its you…” Sighing, he relaxes slightly at the sight of Iden’ body, unaware of the switch as he speaks.
“Yeah… is something wrong?” Grave questions, keeping up the facade as Jake sighs softly, reaching for her hand.
“Can we just… can we go in our room. I don’t want anyone else around.” Jake explains quietly.
“Y-Yeah…” Taking his hand gently, Grave leads Jake to the room as he follows her quietly, something clearly pressing on his mind.
“Right…” Getting to the door of the room, Grave remembers she has to manually open it, doing so carefully as Jake wanders inside, sitting down on the large bed in the room.
Sitting beside him, Grave fiddles with her hands in concern as she smiles down at Jake, watching him bring his knees up to his chest quietly.
“My dad was on the phone…” He admits, looking up at what he knows to be Iden as he speaks, his voice shaky.
“Oh…” Frowning, Grave absorbs this as anger rises inside of her towards Jake’s father, hearing him sniff as he leans into her.
“I tried to tell him to go away but he wouldn’t… I don’t know how much more I can deal with.” Jake admits softly, voice sad and tired.
“Nothings gonna happen, I promise.” Grace explains, holding Jake gently in her arms as she strokes his hair, able to feel him relax as he turns into the hug more for comfort. Kissing his forehead gently, Grave smiles as she holds him.
“Thanks for listening to me.” Jake mumbles, humming as his voice gets muffles by Grave’s chest.
“You’re welcome!” Grave exclaims, smiling as she continues to stroke Jake’s hair gently, feeling him smile as he hugs her back.
“I love you.” Grave speaks softly, kissing Jake’s forehead softly as she hugs him close.
“I love you too, don’t know where I’d be without you.” Jake comments, kissing Grave gently.
“Aaa.” Grave screams quietly as a wider smile forms on her face, a blush coming with it as Jake giggles, pushing her down on the bed to use as a pillow.
Lying down, Grave pokes Jake’s nose gently as she heats him up, hearing him squeak quietly as he grows tired.
Humming a soft melody, Grave continues to stroke Jake’s hair as he sighs happily, sleepier by the moment. Kissing him gently, Grave feels Jake smile as he curls up more.
She continues to stroke his hair gently, feeling sleepy as Jake nuzzles into her, falling asleep silently as she smiles, following closely behind him.
 The room still dark around her as she stirs, Grave notices small noises coming from the other side of the bed, making her frown as she sounds her confusion softly.
As she wakes more, she can feel that Jake is no longer beside her in the bed, soft noises coming from the other side as she frowns more, starting to move slowly over.
“Jake?” She questions, her voice groggy and soft, able to see now that Jake is turned away form her in the bed, sniffling noises coming from his curled up form.
Sounding her concern quietly, Grave reaches out in the bed, gently tapping Jake in an attempt to grab his attention. But Jake whines at the contact, curling into himself more as he trembles.
Feeling concern bubble inside of her, Grave latches onto Jake, shaking him gently in an effort to wake him up. Jake groans as he is shaken, stirring out of sleep slightly from the movement.
Grave persists, shaking him gently as her concern grows, wanting to hug him and make everything better as Jake gasps quietly, flinching as he is pulled out of his sleep, still shaking.
“Sorry…” Apologising quietly, Grave moves away from Jake slightly, her concern radiating off of her as she keeps her voice low. Jake turns on the bed to look at her as tears well in his eyes, streaking down his face as he reaches his hands out in a request to be held.
Frowning, Grave wraps Jake into a gentle hug, holding off of saying anything yet as he sniffles, curling into her as his shaking begins to calm down.
Squeezing him gently, Grave moves to stroke his hair gently, feeling him lean into the touch as his shaking lessens.
“Mmmm…” Jake relaxes as he curls himself into the touch, feeling comforted. Smiling, Grave kisses him gently as Jake leans into her, sniffing some tears away as he calms more and more.
Humming, Grave continues to stroke his hair as she taps her feet against the bed, feeling him relax into her as he stops shaking, feeling calm and safe in the embrace.
“Can I um… can I ask you something?” Grave requests softly, thinking her words through as she keeps her voice quiet and soft, Jake nodding in response as he burrows into her.
“Uh… what happened?” Grave questions gently, her voice dropping quieter as her concern floods to the surface.
“My dad was there…” Jake explains, frowning as he thinks through his dream carefully.
“Oh… I’m sorry.” Apologising, Grave frowns as she voices her concern softly, looking down at Jake.
“Not your fault… its only cause he scared me on the call.” Jake explains, hiding out of view.
“I know its not… but that still sucks.” Grave continues, stroking Jake’s hair gently as he hums, relaxing into her.
“…You aren’t Iden, are you?” He questions softly, voice muffled as he leans into Grave.
“What?” Grave frowns, pretending to be confused as Jake’s words cut into her, surprising her.
“Grave?” Jake presses, sighing softly as he hugs her gently in his arms, seemingly unconvinced by her lie.
“Nooo…” Grave continues to lie, scoffing as nerves run through her, rampant and panicked.
“Iden doesn’t tap his feet…” Jake frowns, peeking out from his hiding spot to look at Grave knowingly.
“Yeah… sorry.” Sighing, Grave looks away from Jake, feeling guilty as he thinks it over.
“Its okay.” Jake admits, poking her nose gently as a small smile spreads on his face as he watches her.
“I can see colours normally!!!” Grave exclaims softly, giggling as she hides her face from view.
“That’s good.” Jake comments, snuggling into here as he smiles, feeling better and content as she hugs him.
“I always thought your hair was a very dark blue…” Grave explains, her feet tapping against the bed as she pokes Jake’s nose.
“Nope! Its black.” Jake corrects, smiling as he hugs Grave gently, feeling warm and comfortable.
“I can see that now!!! Its very nice!” Grave exclaims, voice soft as she returns the hug, smiling.
“That’s good…” Jake mumbles softly, a small yawn escaping him as he curls himself into a ball.
“You get to see like this everyday…” Grave ponders out loud, feeling Jake nod in agreement as she closes her eyes, humming quietly. Feeling safe and content, the two of them fall asleep quickly again, curled up with one another silently.
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my-creative-hell · 5 years
Fans (Band au)
“Hi, the names Asshole BitchBoi and you sent me some shit!” Grave throws a box onto her couch as she flops onto the floor. “Oh dear, this video is probably going to get demonetised.” Grave laughs as she sits up again.
“God she’s so ridiculous, I love this kid.” Jake laughs as he watches the video, his curled hair currently being tamed by a hairstylist as the group prepares for their show.
“I gotta fuckin… hold on.” Grave moves out of frame of the camera, grabbing a box cutter and a shoe. She tapes her microphone to the shoe as she opens the first box, sighing. “Why do your guys keep sending me d i a p e r s.” Grave giggles as she looks inside the box.
“What the fuck?” Hannah leans over from her seat, her makeup artist groaning quietly as she laughs at the video before leaning back, silently apologising as her makeup gets put on again.
“Oh boy, can’t wait to shit my pants at the next board meeting! It’ll be the most eventful part of my day!” Grave lays the diapers over her lap before throwing them away again, grabbing another package to open.
“I will never understand how she comes up with these lines so quickly…” Leena giggles as she listens to the video, sitting still as her hair is styled for her.
“Snack guy!!!” The mask Grave wears flashes happily as she dumps the contents of the box onto the table, looking at it. “I… I read ‘Cookie Sticks’ as ‘Coochie Sticks’ and I was about to be really concerned.” Grave giggles. “But thank you for the cookie sticks and like… 16 pounds of chocolate. Ya really spoiling me, Snack guy.”
“That is a lot of snacks.” Iden notes as he moves to stand behind Jake, his hair styled already, watching as Grave opens the next box, her mask flashing again, looking slightly angry.
“Aaa it’s filled with g l i t t e r. like, I love glitter but I hate that it gets everywhere.” Grave removes a tiny note from the box, reading it aloud. “Eat a bag of dicks… how nice of you.” Grave jokes, pulling out a censored packet of sweets. “Ah yes, and you’ve provided the dicks for me to eat! Thank you, may you have light dysentery this Christmas.” Grave jokes.
“What a generous gift, only a light disease.” Hannah snorts as her makeup gets finished, laughing quietly.
“Also, I forgot to mention that I got a new mic and camera! Now you can shittier things at higher quality.” Grave’s mask winks as she opens another package, laying the items out in front of her.
“How kind of her.” Jake snickers as he gets up, his hair finally behaving and styled properly.
“We got a mirror, toy phone, five Canadian dollars, a… gun??? And-” Grave picks up the items on the table, recounting each of them. She pulls out a large teddy bear, holding it gently. “Somft boi. I’ll call you um… Donut. Donut!”
“Donut is adorable.” Leena comments happily as her hair gets finished, the stylist moving away. “We’re on soon!” She exclaims excitedly.
“I think I might just sleep like this once I’m done with the video.” Grave lays on top of Donut happily, the video cutting to nighttime. “So I actually fell asleep during the video… and I’ll open the rest of the packages tomorrow!” Grave laughs as she speaks.
“Jeez.” Iden laughs as he watches, dragging Jake out of his chair gently. “On in 2! So be ready everyone.” He calls out to the rest of the group, who all nod as they make final preparations for going on stage.
“Snack guy, you sent me more stuff!” Grave opens another package in the video, sounding excited, dumping a lot of gummy bears on the table. “I’ll live off candy for ten whole years!” She exclaims, Iden laughing as he hears them being announced.
“On in thirty! Come on, gotta go out there!” Jake turns his phone off, stopping the video as they leave the room to stand backstage before going on.
 Grave stands outside the large stadium riddled with security, holding a small blue orb in her hand as she waits for the right moment. It was a well-known fact that the group didn’t do meet and greets often and this stadium didn’t allow them, meaning backstage wouldn’t be as guarded.
“Here goes nothing.” Grave smiles as she tosses the orb, no sound being made as her mask flashes, blinding her for a moment before she’s able to see that she’s inside the dressing room.
The inside of the dressing room is tidy and clean, Hannah’s jacket hanging on her chair in front of her mirror. It’s the closest to the TV inside the room, which is broadcasting the show live. Grave smiles, sitting on the floor beside the chair happily as she watches the TV.
The group is on stage already, Hannah in the middle of performing a song Grave has remixed from them before, Leena providing the backing vocals while Iden plays guitar and Jake the drums.
Grave glows happily as she watches them, Hannah spinning with Leena as she sings the song perfectly, smiling joyfully as the song finishes, switching to get her violin quickly as Iden takes the mic.
Grave glows more as Iden begins singing, Leena and Jake backing now as Hannah pays her violin behind them, the song more soft and slow as they perform. Grave tries to control her glow as she watches, not wanting to glow too much.
Leena’s song comes next, the rest of the group on backing instruments as she sings, her voice warm and soft as she dances on the stage slowly while singing.
Grave tries and fails to control her glow, buzzing gently as she focuses on the TV, Leena belting out a large note, smiling as she holds it perfectly. Grave closes her eyes, playing with her fingers to calm her down and prevent her from glowing too much, almost lighting up the entire room.
Leena’s song finishes happily as Jake takes centre stage, jumping on the stage as he sings a more upbeat song, Grave recognising the altered backing track, sounding similar to the remix she herself had made of the song. That makes her glow more, the entire stadium lighting up for half a second, making Jake falter slightly on one of his notes in confusion.
But they manage to finish the show, thanking the crowd once Jake’s song finishes before they are brought off stage by the crew. Grave panics slightly as they leave the stage, her body glowing negatively.
“The fuck? You aren’t supposed to be in here!” A security guard opens the door to the changing room, his expression angry as he stares at Grave incredulously.
“I-I know, and that’s why…” Grave slowly gets up off of the floor. “I am going… to leave.” She tries to sound calm as she speaks.
“I don’t think so. You cant just sneak back here and expect to get out again. I don’t know what you were doing back here.” The security guard blocks the door, grabbing Grave’s arm roughly.
“That’s… that’s reasonable.” Grave sounds calm despite the fear running through her, trying to figure out what she should do in this situation.
“Come with me now and maybe the police will go a little easier on you.” The guard pulls her out of the room, frightening Grave.
She operates on instinct, landing a solid hit into the guards face with her prosthetic arm, running away as fast as she can. She rounds a corner, running straight into Hannah as she walks with a stage crew member, knocking her flat onto the ground, a loud thud ringing out.
“What is going on? Why are you back here?!” The stage person questions, looking angry as Hannah sits on the floor for a moment, processing the situation as Grave backs away, her brain screaming at her as the inside of her mask flashes a painful red.
“I-I-” Grave’s voice is quiet as she tries to speak, her mask flashing red in panic as her eyes begin to sting. Hannah frowns from the floor, signalling the stage person to back off as she gets up. She gets off of the floor, stepping closer to Grave.
“D-Didn’t m-mean to-” Grave stammers as she backs away from Hannah, her brain unable to think of anything as she worries about getting hurt. Hannah frowns more, gently grabbing Grave’s hand as she pulls her away from everyone else, leading her into a smaller lounge room, closing the door behind them.
“S-Sorry.” Grave shakes now as she speaks, glowing in fear as she looks at Hannah in front of her.
“Hey, hey its alright. Calm down…” Hannah’s voice is soft and calm, quiet as she soothes Grave gently, her expression softening.
“B-B-But you got… h-hurt?” Grave feels confused as she calms slightly, continuing to shake as she looks at Hannah.
“I’m fine. Not hurt. Everything’s okay.” Hannah reassures Grave, holding her shoulders gently to ground her.
“O-Okay…” Grave’s glowing goes down as she feels calmer, still slightly worried as she tries to feel calmer.
“See? Everything’s okay… nothings gonna happen to you.” Hannah smiles gently as she reassures Grave more. Grave nods, her mask flashing happily as she taps her feet gently against the floor, calming down.
“What were you doing back here kiddo?” Hannah questions, holding Grave gently by the shoulders as she speaks.
“I-I was watching the show on the TV… I was gonna leave once the show was over.” Grave explains quietly, feeling slightly nervous.
“The TV in our dressing room?” Hannah frowns slightly as she thinks about it. “How’d you get in there?” She questions.
“I uh…” Grave feels slightly more nervous as she explains more. “I-I… teleported there…” She mumbles quietly.
“You teleported into our dressing room to watch the show?” Hannah clarifies, looking slightly confused.
“Y-Yeah…” Grave feels scared again, her screen slowly turning red as she speaks quietly, getting more worried.
“You okay? Grave?” Hannah questions, squinting as she senses the bad aura coming off of Grave as her screen flashes.
“I’m fine…” Grave lies, nodding in an attempt to convince Hannah, though it doesn’t seem to work.
“Clearly you aren’t hun.” Hannah moves her hands, holding Grave’s face gently. “Look at me, okay?” She questions, her expression concerned.
“M-Mhm…” Grave tries her best to look, though the bright flashing inside her mask hurts her eyes too much, blinding her slightly.
“You can’t see me can you?” Hannah questions, all too aware of what is happening as she watches the girl in front of her.
“N-No…” Grave shakes her head, close to crying as she admits it to Hannah, her voice hushed.
“You wanna take the mask off for a second? You can put it back on…” Hannah offers, pulling Grave gently, sitting her down on one of the couches beside her. Grave obliges, removing the mask from her face to reveal a worried expression to Hannah, her hands shaking.
“There we are… can you see me now?” Hannah questions as she looks at Grave’s face, her expression gentle.
“Y-Yeah.” Grave nods, feeling worried and afraid of what was going to happen to her as she speaks.
“Okay just look at me kiddo. Everything’s okay. Just breathe.” Hannah instructs Grave calmly, her voice soft and soothing. Grave obeys her, breathing shakily as she starts to feel better again.
“Everything’s fine. What got you so stressed?” Hannah questions, watching Grave as she calms down.
“I-I… I thought my answers to your questions were stupid a-and I thought you were gonna get mad at me for them.” Grave explains quietly.
“I’m not mad. No ones mad… except maybe my bodyguard. What did he say to you?” Hannah holds Grave’s face gently as she asks the question.
“H-He said to come with him now and the police might go easier on me…” Grave explains, looking worried.
“Okay well that’s not happening so don’t worry…” Hannah reassures her softly, her smile warm.
“I punched him in the nose…” Grave admits, looking down as she thinks, speaking quietly.
“Well then we will deal with that.” Hannah’s smile is gentle as she speaks. “Its alright.” She reassures Grave softly. Grave closes her eyes, her eyes hurting as she smiles, glowing happily as Hannah holds her face softly.
“Do you wanna hug?” Hannah offers, wanting to calm her down more as he holds her face gently. Grave freezes slightly, surprised by the offer.
“Y-Yeah.” Grave admits. Hannah quickly obliges, pulling Grave into a warm hug, enveloping her softly.
“You feelin a bit better kiddo?” Her voice is soft and soothing as she questions Grave quietly. Grave only nods, close to crying as she hugs Hannah back. “We’re gonna get this all sorted out, you aren’t in trouble.” Hannah reassures her gently from the hug.
“O-Okay…” Grave has some tears in her eyes as she answers, Hannah squeezing her gently in the hug.
“You’re alright.” Hannah raises a hand, gently stroking Grave’s head in a comforting manner as she holds her. Grave cries quietly as she is held, feeling happy as she receives a comforting touch she hasn’t been able to have in years.
“Hey, you’re okay.” Hannah leans back slightly, wiping some of the tears off of Grave’s face as she speaks, pressing their foreheads together gently.
“H-Haven’t done this in a while…” Grave explains, smiling as she cries gently at the comforting touch.
“Well that’s okay…” Hannah squeezes Grave lightly into another hug. “You can do it now. We don’t have to go anywhere yet.” She reassures softly.
“T-Thank you…” Grave smiles as tears slip down her cheeks gently, so happy she doesn’t know what to do with herself.
“Its okay…” Hannah resumes her soft stroking motion on Grave’s hair, her voice soothing and calm. Grave shakes as she calms down, starting to get used to the soft touch. Hannah hums gently as Grave’s glow gets duller, starting to feel sleepy.
“I have a question…” Grave’s voice is soft as she speaks, quiet as it gets harder to stay awake.
“What’s your question kiddo?” Hannah questions gently, holding Grave in her arms softly.
“How’d you know my name?” Grave asks quietly, feeling confused as to how Hannah knew who she was.
“I know a lot of things about a lot of people.” Hannah answers, humming her answer quietly.
“Oh… that’s cool.” Grave feels happy as she responds quietly, embracing the hug from Hannah.
“Its very cool.” Hannah agrees, smiling as she gently holds Grave in her comforting hug.
“You’re very cool…” Grave buzzes lightly as she speaks, feeling happy and calm now.
“Well thank you.” Hannah squeezes Grave gently in the hug. “We think you’re very cool too.” She returns the compliment.
“You do?” Grave squeaks out softly, feeling surprised as she grows more sleepy, Hannah’s warmth seeping into her.
“Course we do hun. You’re a very cool kid.” Hannah explains softly as she hugs Grave.
“T-Thanks.” Grave smiles happily as she struggles to stay awake, her entire body wanting to fall asleep.
“You okay kiddo?” Hannah catches on, questioning her softly as she holds her carefully.
“Mhm, just sleepy…” Grave explains, nodding as she tries to keep her eyes open, though it isn’t working.
“Well that’s okay. You wanna take a nap here? I’ll stay with you.” Hannah offers gently.
“Yeah, I-I’d like that…” Grave nods, smiling as Hannah gently pulls her into her lap to hold her better.
“There we go…” Hannah’s voice is hushed and soft as she strokes Grave’s hair in a comforting manner. Grave glows slightly before she falls asleep, feeling comfortable and calm.
 Grave comes to a while later, able to tell she is alone a she lies on a bed, tucked in gently. Too sleepy to feel confusion, Grave only feels comfortable as she reaches up, checking to see if her mask was still there. Her mask covers her face, placed back in the correct position, making Grave smile as she opens her eyes, able to hear noise coming from outside the room.
“Mmm…” Grave stares at the closed door to the room, wanting to know what the noise is without getting out of the comfortable bed. The noises continues, sounding soft at first.
“Hello?” Grave feels confused as she wakes up more, aware of what is going on around her as she see’s the other beds in a bunk bed formation around her.
Some more noise sounds off now, muffled yelling and screaming noises coming from outside the presumed tour bus Grave was inside.
This concerns Grave, making her get out of the bed as she shakes lightly, feeling scared as the noise gets louder, the sound of a door opening and closing going off near Grave.
Grave gets more scared, readying herself in case she needs to fight as some voices come from outside the room, the door being pushed open by someone.
Grave glows in fear as she watches the door, backing up as she shakes intensely, surprising Hannah as she comes into the room, making her flinch as she closes the door behind her, coming inside quickly.
“Hey, its alright. Just me…” Hannah reassure gently as she enters the room, looking at Grave.
“A-Are you okay? I-I heard screaming…” Grave explains, worrying only about Hannah as she speaks, wanting to know what happened.
“I’m fine. Everything’s fine. Its just a crowd, its all okay.” Hannah’s voice is hushed as she comforts Grave, getting closer to her.
“O-Oh. Okay…” Grave latches onto Hannah, hugging her gently in her worry, glowing as she starts to feel a bit better.
“Shhhh, its okay. I’m fine. Everyone’s okay.” Hannah returns the hug, squeezing Grave gently.
“That’s good…” Grave squeaks lightly as she is squeezed, feeling better as she smiles.
“You really needed that sleep huh hun?” Hannah smiles as she leans back, holding Grave’s face gently in her hands, making Grave blush at the contact.
“I think so, haven’t slept since Friday.” Grave glows, not entirely sure of the last time she had actually slept.
“It’s definitely been longer than Friday kiddo.” Hannah holds her face as she leans out of the hug. “It’s been a very long time.” She corrects her softly.
“How long?” Grave questions, feeling confused as she looks at Hannah, still not quite used to being touched.
“Mmm about two days actually.” Hannah explains, laughing quietly. “We actually just finished another show, hence all the screaming fans…” She continues.
“Oh! …I don’t like screaming. It scares me.” Grave explains, smiling as she wiggles gently.
“I don’t much love it either.” Hannah smiles as she reassures Grave. “But they’ll stop soon once security escorts them away from the bus.” She explains calmly.
“That’s good.” Grave smiles, feeling happy as she glows. “What time is it?” She questions, already aware of the answer.
“Its… around 11? So yeah, its kinda late but none of us sleep properly on the road, so…” Hannah shrugs as she explains.
“You guys sleep?” Grave questions, sounding and looking confused as she asks, making Hannah smile.
“Of course we sleep.” Hannah laughs. “Not much, but we do.” She explains, smiling happily.
“Oh! That’s not good.” Grave wiggles happily. “Where’s everyone else anyways?” She questions.
“They’re at the front of the bus if you want to come and meet them.” Hannah explains, smiling gently.
“I-I’d like that.” Grave smiles as she wiggles happily. Hannah smiles, gently grabbing Grave’s hand as she leads her through the door to the front of the bus, where the rest of the group is chatting quietly amongst themselves.
“Hello…” Grave’s mask flashes happily as she greets them quietly. Leena stops her conversation, smiling as she jumps up from her seat.
“Hello sweetheart! How you feelin?” Leena’s voice is sweet as she wraps Grave in a big warm hug.
“I-I’m good! What about you?” Grave returns the hug out of surprise as she blushes slightly, still getting used to touch.
“I’m doin great! Leena smiles happily. “We just finished a show, so I’m feelin very happy, plus our makeup artist should be here soon to help us take it all off.” She giggles as she explains. Grave glows happily, squeaking quietly as she is hugged, Iden smiling as Leena gently lets her go.
“Welcome back to the land of the living kiddo.” His voice is warm as he greets her, smiling genuinely.
“Mmmnot kid.” Grave giggles as she argues quietly, making Iden grin as she speaks.
“You’re younger than us, therefore you’re a kid.” Jake reasons, smiling as he talks to Grave.
“Not how it w o r k s. I am an adult boi!” Grave fakes anger as she looks at Jake, failing to be convincing.
“How it works here.” Jake explains, laughing. “And you’re here right now.” He reasons, smiling mischievously.
“Or am I?” Grave questions, glowing happily as she talks to the group, her skin lighting up.
“Well Hannah said you might be staying. Of course if you wanna.” Jake smiles as he reveals the offer to Grave.
“A-Are you sure I wont like… bother you or anything?” Grave feels surprised and confused by the offer.
“You know we all know who you are, right? We’ve seen the remixes, and they are awesome! You couldn’t bother us if you tried.” Jake laughs.
“T-Thank you…” Grave glows, feeling so happy that her mask flashes red as she blushes.
“But of course its only if you wanna stay here… if you’ve got things you need to do we totally get it.” Hannah explains, smiling as she gently holds Grave’s shoulder.
“Let me check my schedule…” Grave messes with her mask, pretending to look. “Yep, it’s all filled with nothing. I-I can stay.” Grave smiles.
“Well welcome aboard kiddo.” Hannah laughs, patting Grave’s shoulder gently. “I’m sure you’ll get along with everyone great, especially our makeup artist, she’s a real sweetheart.” She explains. Grave glows happily, lighting up the entire bus for a second as she giggles.
“Ah, sorry.” She apologises, Hannah laughing as someone knocks on the door to the bus.
“Speaking of makeup artist, you ready to meet her?” Hannah questions, smiling happily.
“Mhm!” Grave smiles excitedly as she taps her feet against the floor, her fingers wiggling as Hannah nods, opening the door. A tall girl steps inside, her warm skin adorned with freckles and a scar running across her nose, no makeup currently present on her face. Her curly hair is messily pulled off of her face as she walks into the bus quietly.
“Hi!” Grave’s mask flashes red in happiness as she watches the girl step onto the bus. She see’s Grave, her face lighting up with a bright smile.
“Hi good to see you up and about!” She smiles happily. “I’m Rose!” She explains as she closes the door behind her.
“I-I’m Grave!” Grave smiles as she glows softly, feeling happy as Rose comes into the bus, sitting down in front of Leena with her makeup remover.
“Its nice to meet you Grave!” Rose smiles as she gently begins wiping the makeup off of Leena’s face. “By the way, the manager said she wanted to talk to you guys once I’m done.” Rose explains, referencing the venue’s manager as she speaks.
“Grave, you alright if Rose hangs with you for a bit when we’re gone?” Hannah questions as she nods to Rose’s explanation.
“Yeah, I’m cool with it!” Grave plays with her fingers as she speaks, on autopilot as she stands.
Rose removes their makeup in a speedy fashion, clearly used to doing it as she backs off once Hannah is done, moving to sit closer to Grave.
“Okay, we’ll be back as soon as we can be, alright? Just stay inside the bus.” Hannah waves as the group walk outside, being escorted by security to make their meeting, the door shutting behind them. Grave smiles, wiggling as she glows, unsure of what to do or say as she looks at Rose.
“Hey, would you mind if I had a small nap in here? I haven’t slept in a while, and I’m about to pass out.” Rose jokes, laughing gently.
“I don’t mind!” Grave wiggles as she smiles, feeling happy. Rose returns the smile, lying down on the couch as she grabs a large blanket, cocooning herself inside of it.
Grave glows softly as Rose falls asleep, her face peaceful and relaxed from within her blanket cocoon. Grave lies down on the floor, messing with her mask for fun as she lets Rose sleep. As she works, she can hear some faint noises coming from outside the bus.
Grave continues to work on her mask, though she feels confused. The noise seems to get closer to the bus, sounding like quite a few people as Grave listens to it.
Grave gets closer to the door, feeling slightly scared as the noise gets closer, sounding like screaming as it approaches the bus more, loud and excited.
This scares Grave more, making her cover her ears as she frowns, her skin glowing negatively. The screaming gets closer; the crowd close to the bus as they yell loudly.
Grave shakes as bad thoughts enter her mind, making her slowly bang her head against the door as she tries to distract herself from the screaming outside, which gets louder and louder. The sound of Grave banging her head stirs Rose slightly, making her frown in her sleep.
Grave bites her fingers, her brain screaming too much to think straight as she glows brightly, buzzing as she panics, removing her mask to hide her face with her hair instead. Rose opens her eyes half way as she wakes up slightly.
“…What?” Rose looks confused, frowning as she hears the screaming coming from outside, waking her up more.
“S-Screaming.” Grave explains, trying not too look panicked as she looks at Rose, continuing to bit her fingers. Rose frowns as she wakes up fully, pulling the blanket off of her as she gets off of the couch.
“Stay in here, okay? I’ll be back in a minute.” Rose explains as she goes to the door of the bus.
“O-Okay.” Grave bites her fingers a little bit harder as Rose quickly slips out of the bus, the door closing behind her. The sound of screaming outside gets louder as she gets out there, more excited.
Grave bites her fingers harder, not noticing as blood comes out, her teeth breaking through the skin as her mask blinks red beside her on the floor. Some different yelling sounds out, seemingly coming from security as Grave can hear Rose as well outside.
Grave bleeds more as the door to the bus opens, the sounds of yelling getting louder for a moment before it closes, someone coming inside. Some hands cover grave’s ears as she panics, blocking out the noise.
Grave tenses at the sensation, her fingers bleeding heavily, though she can’t taste it as she panics, feeling scared.
“Just me. Its just me.” Rose coos softly as she carefully pulls her blanket back over, wrapping Grave in it as she carefully scoops her up. Grave is carried to the back of the bus, Rose sitting on a bed with her to get her away from the noise.
Grave shakes as Rose sits with her, shutting her eyes tightly as she tries to stop her brain from screaming. Rose shushes her gently, grabbing some bandages from a drawer.
“Its okay… its all over now.” Rose reassures Grave gently, wrapping the wounds on her fingers carefully to stop them from bleeding.
“S-Sorry…” Grave feels slightly calmer, though she continues to shake, speaking quietly.
“Hey, its okay. I know you don’t like screaming, Hannah told me…” Rose smiles gently as she finishes bandaging Grave’s fingers. “Security is making them leave.” She reassures, the screaming outside getting slightly quieter.
“G-Good…” Grave shakes less as she calms down more, her voice hushed as Rose flashes her a gentle smile.
“They’ll be gone soon…” She reassures as the screaming gets quieter. Her voice is soft as she holds Grave gently, her seated on Rose’s lap comfortably.
“Thank you…” Grave hides in Rose as she speaks, feeling calmer as she almost whispers her words.
“Its okay… just breathe and everything will be fine.” Rose hugs Grave gently as she reassures her, her voice soft and calm. Grave breathes to calm herself down, feeling slightly happier now that Rose is hugging her.
“There we go…” Rose coos gently, squeezing Grave gently as she holds her in her arms. Grave squeaks softly, sounding small and cute. “You feeling better?” Rose smiles as she hugs Grave gently.
“Mhm… thank you.” Grave nods, focusing on the touch, feeling nice as she hugs Rose.
“That’s okay…” Rose rubs Grave’s back gently as she speaks, the movement rhythmic and soft.
“Sorry that they woke you up… that was very rude of them.” Grave closes her eyes as she speaks.
“Its fine, better than you being scared alone…” Rose pulls Grave closer, her hand moving from Grave’s back to her head, stroking the hair in a soothing manner.
Grave melts, purring happily as Rose strokes her hair softly, enjoying the touch as Rose smiles gently, pulling the blanket around Grave more, and providing more warmth to her.
“Mmm… trynna make me blush, aren’t you?” Grave blushes as she speaks, feeling warm and comfortable as Rose laughs, moving onto the bed more.
“Not trying to, but I’m not disappointed if that’s the result.” She explains as she holds Grave.
“Good thing you cant see my face, its probably disgustingly red.” Grave giggles as she blushes more.
“I think your face is cute.” Rose argues quietly, pulling Grave back in the hug so she can place gentle kisses on her cheeks to prove her point. Grave squeaks, glowing more as Rose giggles.
“Sorry, but I couldn’t help it!” She justifies, laughing quietly. Grave retaliates, pressing a soft kiss onto Rose’s lips. Rose freezes, looking surprised as she flushes red, closing her eyes and covering her face as she lets go of Grave.
Grave giggles mischievously as Rose flops onto the bed, shaking slightly as she hides her face from Grave.
“Are you okay? I-I’m sorry…” Grave gets concerned at Rose’s shaking, but Rose shakes her head.
“I-I’m fine… just d-didn’t expect that…” She laughs. “Ow…” She groans slightly as she stops laughing.
“What’s hurting?” Grave questions, feeling confused and concerned as she looks down at Rose.
“Its nothing bad… I just managed to get hit in the jaw by one of those shits.” Rose explains, huffing as she puts her arms over her face.
“I will make them eat their own shoes.” Grave promises, feeling angry with the person who did this as Rose laughs.
“Its fine… coulda been much worse.” Rose reasons, smiling as she uncovers her face. “Doesn’t help my tiredness though.” She snorts.
“Go back to sleep then!” Grave exclaims, covering Rose in blankets as she speaks. “Sleep for three days, you deserve it.” Grave reasons as Rose laughs.
“You wanna join me?” She questions, shifting to lie down properly in the bed as she talks.
“Y-Yeah!” Grave blushes at the offer, laying down next to Rose as she too gets covered in blankets. Rose closes her eyes as she lays with Grave, falling asleep quickly, her face peaceful and calm. Grave smiles warmly, leaning forward to press her forehead against Rose’s as she falls asleep in her own time, listening to Rose’s rhythmic breathing beside her.
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my-creative-hell · 5 years
Sick (Actor au)
It wasn’t often that Grave and the rest of the large group would find enough time to do small things, let alone have full days to themselves to relax and not have to worry about work. But finally, all the filming was done, the new season written and being planned, and they had time to breath and do as they pleased for a while, like a well-earned holiday.
For Grave, this means spending full days inside her lab working on whatever was taking her fancy at that particular time. Normally she would be interrupted by any number of things, Hannah checking in to make sure she’d eaten, Jake curious about what she was doing or Jerry running in to ask where something was. But today, nothing seemed to interrupt her as she worked, leaving her in peace as she finishes her latest creation, stepping outside the lab to go and see the others, the clock reading around two in the afternoon as she wanders the halls.
Stepping into the kitchen, it seemed as if Hannah, Leena, Iden and Jake were on a different floor, or had maybe gone out to complete odd bits of work for the show. But for some reason, they had all decided to live together, along with the stunt double actors, meaning there was never no one in the house. To prove that point, Shaun sits at the counter in the kitchen, playing absentmindedly on his phone as Amelia attempts to make herself cereal without making a mess, Jerry cooking an actual meal for them in the kitchen, keeping an eye on them both simultaneously.
“Hi!” Grave keeps her voice quiet as she speaks, her hands covered in small pieces of dried paint and small scars from working in the lab as she waves at them happily.
“Hiya Grave!” Amelia grins brightly as she spills some milk on the counter, Shaun waving as he stares at his phone. Jerry turns from his cooking momentarily to flash Grave a smile before waving at Amelia to remind her to put the milk away, making her look sheepish as she cleans the spillage up.
“Where is the Rose gorl?” Grave enquires, wiggling her fingers happily as she watches Amelia scrunch her face in thought, nose wrinkling.
“I haven’t seen her at all today… maybe she’s still in her room?” Shaun offers his small amount of knowledge, looking up from his phone, rolling his eyes at the mess Amelia has made.
“Oh!” A small sliver of concern works its way through Grave at that knowledge, prompting her to leave the kitchen to find Rose. “Bye bye, hecc bois.” Grave smiles as she leaves the kitchen, Shaun getting up to help Amelia clean up her mess.
“Bye Grave!” Amelia waves as Shaun begins to assist her as Grave leaves, walking down the hallway to Rose’s room. As she reaches the outside of her room, there’s no noise coming from it, silence hanging in the air loosely around the door as Grave stands in front of it momentarily, listening.
Grave gently knocks on the door as quiet as possible, waiting patently for Rose to answer. It takes a moment before her voice can be heard by Grave through the door.
“…Hello?” Her voice sounds quiet even behind the door as she answers, clearly not speaking very loudly, the sound barely carrying over to Grave.
“Hi, Rose. It me.” Grave smiles as she keeps her own voice quiet, wanting to see her girlfriend after spending a whole day alone in the lab, where she would normally be interrupted by Rose wanting attention.
“Hi Grave, you can come in, it’s not locked…” Rose explains, her voice quiet as she allows Grave inside.
“Yay!” Grave feels happiness building inside her as she gently opens the door to the room. “I here!” She exclaims happily as she enters, Rose currently buried underneath a pile of sheets, though a hand emerges to wave at Grave.
“Hey! You’re here!” Rose’s slightly muffled voice comes from the sheets, sounding slightly happier now Grave was in the room. Grave approaches the pile of sheets, holding the expose hand in her own.
“Gay!” Grave jokes, making Rose laugh from underneath all the layers on top of her.
“I would hope so, otherwise you are dating the wrong person.” Rose returns the joke cheerily; staying hidden in her bed as Grave carefully lays her head down on Rose.
“Mmmm. You’re warm.” Grave comments as she leans on Rose, heat seeping into her from the bundle of sheets.
“I would hope so, I have like four blankets on…” Rose laughs as she pokes her face out from the pile, looking at Grave.
“I see you!” Grave plants a small kiss on Rose’s face, making her giggle as she comes out of the covers more, though she remains lying down.
“I have been spotted.” She smiles as she rubs at her face, closing her eyes for a moment as she does.
“Yes, and I’m gonna attack you!” Grave smiles as she plasters Rose’s face with kisses, Rose laughing as she squirms.
“Aaaa nooooo!” She giggles, smiling at Grave as she stops. “What have you been up to, anyway?” She changes the subject, looking interested.
“I was makin shit in my lab! What about you?” Grave watches as Rose scrunches her face in thought.
“Mmmm, what’s the time?” Rose looks up at Grave inquisitively as she tries to answer the question.
“Its 2PM exactly!” Grave smiles happily as Rose looks at her, sinking down into her covers more.
“I haven’t done anything… I’ve been in bed all day…” Rose admits, keeping her explanation vague and to the point.
“…You haven’t eaten anything, have you?” Grave questions softly, a slight bit of concern creeping in as she speaks.
“…No?” Rose smiles sheepishly. “I haven’t felt hungry or… right, I guess? So I’ve just stayed here, and I didn’t realise it was so late.” She explains as best she can, trying not to worry Grave.
“Mmmm you still need to eat tho. I can get you something?” Grave offers calmly, a smile resting on her face.
“I guess I can probably stomach something light…” Rose concedes, smiling warmly. “Think its just some annoying twenty four hour thing, I’ll probably be fine tomorrow.” She laughs gently as she watches Grave from the bed.
“I hope so!” Grave wiggles happily, though some concern lingers over her, making her hope Rose would be right.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine.” She reassures Grave, smiling. “But I am not getting out of this bed, so if you want attention, you gotta join me!” She giggles quietly.
“Warm time, babey!” Grave jumps into the bed, pulling herself in next to Rose, the covers now over both of them.
“Yay warm time!” Rose snuggles closer to Grave to sap her heat. “I’m still super tired…” She admits as she focuses on the warm presence beside her.
“Aaaa you wanna sleeb first and then have smol food or sleeb after food?” Grave questions as she turns to look at Rose.
“If I sleep I am not getting up again…” Rose explains, laughing gently as she looks at Grave with calm eyes.
“True. What would you like?” Grave asks in a soft voice, watching Rose as she thinks it over.
“Ummmm, I really don’t mind what I eat…” Rose confesses, trying to keep herself focused on Grave and her words.
“Mmmm… soup! What soup boi do you want?” Grave asks, wiggling gently in the bed as Rose considers it.
“I like chicken soup…” She smiles gently as she looks at Grave, feeling relaxed and calm.
“Liquid chicken it is!” Grave wiggles out of the covers, walking out of Rose’s room to head to the kitchen, Rose watching her leave as she snuggles back under the covers, trying her best to stay awake till she comes back.
“Liquid chicken!” Grave comes back into the room with a hot bowl of soup in her hand, Rose half awake as she lies in her bed.
“Thank you…” She fights against the comfortable warmth, smiling at Grave in appreciation.
“You’re welcome!” Grave carefully sets the soup on the nightstand, smiling as Rose sits up in her bed, daintily beginning to eat her soup as she motions for Grave to join her in the bed again, missing her warm presence beside her.
“Best gooorl.” Grave sits down next to her, her voice quiet and soft as Rose finishes her soup quickly, leaning against Grave when she’s done.
“You’re so cheesy…” Rose smiles gently as she envelops herself in the warmth provided by Grave.
“Mmm true, but I gotsa be!!! Its cute.” Grave giggles as Rose smiles back at her, eyes closing slightly.
“It is very cute…” Rose admits happily, her warm smile never leaving her face as she leans into Grave.
“I think you’re cuter tho.” Grave blushes slightly as she looks down at Rose, her voice quiet as Rose giggles.
“Nooo… don’t call me cute when I’m too tired to retaliate, that’s cheating…” Despite her attempts to sound stern, Rose’s smiling face give her true emotions away.
“But its true! You are very cute and I love you.” Grave explains, a smile on her face as she looks down at Rose.
“I love you too…” Rose returns the sentiment as she struggles to stay awake, feeling sleepy as Grave’s warmth seeps into her.
“You sleeby?” Grave places a gentle kiss on Rose’s face as she speaks, able to feel the slight flush in her skin.
“Mhmmmm…” Rose smiles at the kiss as she nods gently, trying and failing to keep her eyes open.
“Go sleeb!!!” Grave gently pushes Rose down into the bed so she lies down. “Sleeby time.” Rose whines gently as she’s pushed down, reaching out for Grave to join her.
“Okay, okay!” Grave giggles slightly at the image as she lies down, allowing Rose to snuggle into her for warmth, her eyes closing properly as she relaxes.
“My sleeby gorl.” Grave affectionately litters Rose’s face with kisses as she hugs her, Rose almost asleep as she enveloped in warmth and happiness.
As they sit together, Rose eventually slips into sleep, Grave following behind her, falling into a peaceful and calm sleep, wrapped in a warm embrace.
 Light shines into Rose’s room the next morning, stirring Grave from her sleep. As she looks around silently, she is able to see Rose still quietly sleeping beside her, curled up slightly in the covers. The clock reads nine, a time they would normally be up by so they could get as much done as possible
“Wake up!” Grave gently wiggles Rose to stir her, keeping her voice soft as she takes a moment before opening her eyes.
“Mmmm, what?” Rose looks at Grave with slightly tired eyes as she starts to wake up more.
“We gotta wake up, I think.” Grave explains as Rose starts to shift in the bed, bringing her hands up to rub gently at her eyes.
“Whats the time?” She questions as she brings her hands back down, yawning quietly.
“Its nine.” Grave clarifies, though she keeps her voice quiet as Rose huffs gently in response.
“Mmmmmm fine…” Rose attempts to make her voice sound annoyed, but the blooming smile on her face shows Grave otherwise. Slowly, Grave rolls off of the bed, landing on the floor.
“Am floor boi.” Grave smiles as Rose laughs quietly, looking down at her with a happy expression.
“Well, does floor boi wanna help me up?” She questions, cocking an eyebrow at Grave.
“Of course!” Grave pulls herself off of the floor, linking hands with Rose to pull her up gently. As Rose stands up, something changes, her head suddenly feeling as if she is underwater as ringing enters her ears loudly, drowning out all other noise. Her legs feel weak and tired and her chest feels tight, making it hard to breath as her vision goes in and out of focus, her skin feeling as if it was on fire as she tries to ground herself and understand what’s happening.
“You okay, Rose?” Grave looks at her in slight concern as Rose looks away from her, unable to make out what was being said, as her mind turns fuzzy, her legs following suit and giving out, making Rose fall down towards the floor.
Grave reacts quickly, managing to catch Rose before she hits the floor, concern flooding through her as she fails to come up with anything to say. Rose gently clings onto Grave as she struggles to comprehend what is going on, her skin flushed and hot.
Attempting to keep herself clam despite the rising panic inside of her, Grave gently places her healing kisses onto Rose, though for some reason the usually perfect treatment is having no effect. Rose’s mind begins to come back into itself as Grave tries to help her, allowing her to look at Grave with tired eyes as she slowly understands the situation.
Grave panics at the lack of effect, leading her to plant more soft kisses on Rose, which continue to have no effect as Rose looks more and more confused, her face flushed and tired as she watches Grave.
Her brain screaming at her in panic, Grave gently places Rose back onto the bed as she starts to look worried for Grave, ignoring her own state as she can sense the panic coming off of her.
“I-I-I’m okay…” Rose lies, trying to calm Grave down as she starts to feel worse, every muscle starting to ache and burn as she lies down, keeping her eyes focused on Grave.
“I’d love to believe that…” Grave cracks a small smile despite her worry as she looks down at Rose.
“I-I don’t know what happened…” Rose admits, frowning as everything in her body starts to feel worse. “My body just… gave up.” She looks at Grave, trying to stay calm as she struggles to think properly.
“Oh no…” Grave’s panic only rises as she looks at Rose, who reaches out, holding her hands gently.
“Hey, it’ll be okay…” Rose tries to reassure her softly, a small smile on her face, though it doesn’t touch it the same way as normal “It’ll get better eventually…” Rose continues, wanting Grave to calm down.
“… I hope so.” Grave mimics the smile, though the worry remains as Rose shivers gently, skin suddenly feeling cold despite its flush.
“Ugh, cold and tired… love it…” Rose tries to joke, laughing quietly, though her flushed and tired face shows how she truly feels. Grave gently climbs back in the bed to provide more warmth as Rose pulls the covers back over her.
“Is this any better?” Grave’s voice is gentle and quiet as she speaks, Rose smiling softly as her eyes close momentarily.
“Feels warmer at least…” She opens her eyes to look at Grave as she leans forward, pressing a soft kiss onto Rose’s lips.
“That’s good.” Grave speaks as quietly as she can, Rose smiling gently again as her eyes close out of tiredness.
“Mmmm…” Rose relaxes slightly as Grave wiggles carefully, still concerned, though some happiness bleeds through it as Rose falls asleep quickly beside her, whatever illness she currently had making her tired. The room is silent for a while as she sleeps, Grave lying beside her as a small noise sounds out from outside the house.
Grave frowns slightly, carefully getting out of bed , making sure Rose doesn’t wake up as she heads to the window of the room. A hooded figure resides outside, their face hidden from Grave as they silently raise a hand, beckoning for her to join them outside the house.
Grave groans quietly, wanting to stay with Rose and make sure she’s okay, though she needs to know what’s going on. She opens the window in front of her silently, climbing outside and dropping down flawlessly to talk to the hooded figure. But they seem to have other ideas, walking away from the house into the woods behind it for Grave to follow them, walking far enough into the woods that the house is no longer visible to either of them.
“So um… why did you bring me out here at 9 AM and looking like you’re about to kill somebody and feed it to a cryptid?” Grave questions, leaning against a tree as she watches the hooded figure in confusion. A sigh escapes the figure as the hoodie is pulled off of them and tied around their waste, revealing Siryn to Grave, one of the group’s biggest enemies. Her and her small group of bastards were a constant annoyance in the group’s life, constantly trying to ruin everything and hurt them. Grave’s small amount of surprise doesn’t register on her face as she looks at her, taking it in.
“Cool. Did you come here to fight me about something stupid or fight me about something that makes sense for once?” Grave questions, her voice emotionless as Siryn sighs quietly, rolling her eyes.
“I didn’t actually come here to fight at all…” Siryn explains, her voice equally dull. For once it looked like she might be telling the truth, instead of her usual get up, she is in casual clothing, jeans and a shirt with her hoodie tied at the waste, long brown hair tied up in a messy bun. Grave sighs happily at this news.
“Oh thank god. What did you come here for anyways?” She questions, Siryn crossing her arms gently as she leans against her own tree nonchalantly.
“I know what’s going on with Rose. She isn’t well, right? And your healing abilities aren’t working.” She explains, looking Grave in the eyes as she speaks, face neutral and unmoving.
“Oh really? Never noticed.” Grave’s sarcasm rolls off of her tongue, Siryn frowning as she struggles to not get annoyed by her as Grave fiddles with her hands.
“My point is, I know what’s going on.” Siryn attempts to clarify, trying to keep herself levelheaded and remain as polite as possible, despite it being so against her nature.
“Please tell me.” A small amount of excitement enters Grave at the prospect of getting this fixed, Siryn sighing gently.
“Well, it seems my ‘team mates’ found a way to cancel out your abilities, and slip sickness inducing drugs into one of your girlfriends drinks…” Siryn explains, looking away from Grave as she speaks.
“H m m m.” Grave’s blood involuntarily boils in anger, not believing all of what Siryn says, though she doesn’t show it on her face as she debates beating her right here and now, Siryn groaning slightly.
“Look, I know you probably don’t believe me, and frankly, I’m struggling to care right now. I just thought I’d mention it.” Siryn begins to get frustrated, her quick temper working against her as she talks, making her words harsh.
“I didn’t need to know that, but what I d o need to know is how to get my powers back so I can heal my girlfriend.” Grave explains, her only goal to get this fixed, Siryn looking away from her.
“You’re gonna have to find the team, they did it, its probably in the base somewhere…” She explains, a frown playing at her face.
“Cool, rad. Dunno why you said it like I know where the base is.” Grave groans loudly.
“I’m afraid that’s where the shitting part comes in. To get in there, you’re gonna have to trust me and let me take you there…” Siryn explains, looking at Grave with cold eyes, not looking forward to anything that was coming. Grave remains silent for a few seconds as she thinks it over.
“Alright. Sounds kinda sketchy but I’ll take it.” She agrees, Siryn watching her.
“Good, cause you’re kind of out of options if you want Rose to be okay.” Siryn shrugs, indifferent as she speaks to Grave.
“Okay, so are you gonna take me there oooorrr…?” Grave questions, losing her patience as she talks to Siryn, who spins on the heel of her foot, walking further into the woods as she gestures for Grave to follow.
“My car is this way…” She explains, her voice deadpan as she walks away, not checking to see if Grave follows.
“Oh, we’re doin cars. I loved that movie.” Grave jokes as she follows Siryn, walking fast to catch up with her as she nods silently, trying to remain calm as she walks to her car.
Grave walks with her silently, not bothering to open the car door when they get to it, opting instead to clip through the car into her seat, Siryn rolling her eyes as she opens the door, unphased as she gets inside. The car hums quietly to life as she turns the key, buckling herself in.
Grave waits patiently, wiggling slightly as Siryn gets ready, trying to not be annoyed by her, though every action was annoying to her. She huffs as she starts driving away form the woods, heading in the direction of the base.
Grave spaces out as she drives, not wanting to think about anything as Siryn tensely drives the car, hands gripping the wheel firmly as a million thoughts race through her mind, trying to figure it all out before they get to the base.
Grave leans down, putting her head on the front board of the car as her brain screams at her, Siryn looking over at her for a moment.
“Whats goin on?” She attempts to be nice, unused to it, unsure of what to say or do, especially since it was unlikely she was being believed, Grave shrugging.
“Just a little bit sleepy. What’s goin on with you?” Grave smiles, though Siryn doesn’t look convinced.
“You don’t gotta pretend to give a shit how I’m doin.” Siryn shrugs as she drives, keeping her eyes straight. “I’m aware the second this is fixed you’ll go back to beating the shit out of me, I’ve accepted it.” She speaks bluntly, Grave giggling.
“Nah, I actually care. I’m not gonna beat the shit outta you without a good reason either so… maybe I wont rearrange your guts if you don’t give me a reason to…” Grave explains, Siryn laughing, though its empty and without humour.
“You say that like I’ve not given plenty of reasons…” She trails off, never looking at Grave as she drives.
“I can like… give you a chance to not do that.” Grave offers, her voice hushed as she proposes her kind offer, the slightest hint of a smile on Siryn’s face.
“You don’t think it’s too late for me? Aren’t I a bit of a lost cause by now?” Siryn questions, her voice neutral despite the raging war of feelings inside of her.
“Nope, its not too late at all. Just because you’re an asshole doesn’t mean I’m not willing to give you a chance.” Grave explains, smiling sweetly. Siryn hides her own smile by turning her head away.
“You know, I guess I unknowingly used today as my chance to get away from this shit… guess that might have been a good idea, huh?” Siryn’s voice sounds slightly lighter as she speaks.
“Very good!” Grave wiggles happily in her seat as Siryn becomes more alert, looking ahead.
“Okay, we should be there in a minute or so. Just, be careful, keep your heads down and let me deal with this, okay? Last thing I want is a huge confrontation.” Siryn explains, looking at Grave briefly.
“Sounds good.” Grave keeps her voice quiet as her excitement builds, Siryn pulling the car over to park it at the side of the road.
“The base is down there, but we’re gonna go in on foot, don’t need the noise.” Siryn explains as she gets out of the car.
Grave clips through her own door, her feet making no noise as she follows Siryn, who enters an abandoned building at the end of the road, making her way down a flight of stairs, footsteps quiet and alert.
Grave follows her, no more wiggling or smiling, her serious face on as Siryn reaches a door at the bottom of the stairs, pressing her ear to it to check for noises, opening it silently once she decides its safe. Grave is quickly ushered through, Siryn leading her effortlessly through all the abandoned passages no one used within the base, only stopping once they reach a door.
“If I’m right, it should be through that door…” She explains, her voice slightly lower than a whisper.
“Thanks.” Grave whispers back, clipping through the door as Siryn rolls her eyes, opening the door to let herself in, silently scanning the room with her eyes.
“From what little they told me, it sounded like it was a small machine that was interrupting your abilities…” Siryn explains, looking around for such a machine.
“Ah, machines! I love those.” Grave smiles as she looks around, Siryn moving around the room quietly, keeping an eye out for the others.
“I know, shouldn’t be hard to find it…” She comments as she searches, keeping her voice low.
“This is f u n.” Grave fiddles with her fingers as the sarcastic comment comes out, making Siryn snort as she searches.
“I know, right… oh, I think that might be it…” She stops, pointing to a small but strange looking box sitting on one of the shelves.
“Hopefully.” Grave begins to go over to the box, though she stops. “This kinda feels like a trap…” She speaks quietly, the door to the room bursting open as the other two team members enter.
“Hiya Grave…” Inferno snarls, mouth pulled into an agitating grin as she waves to Grave.
“Hi! How are ya, Shitburn?” Grave waves at Inferno, a large smile plastered on her face.
“I’m great!” She smiles happily at Grave. “Did you really think Siryn was gonna help you fix your stupid little girlfriend?” She leans forward slightly as she speaks.
“I don friggin know!” Grave shrugs as Siryn walks over to her teammates, not speaking as she does.
“Well that turned out to be a mistake didn’t it?” Riptide smiles as Siryn joins them. “Cause now you’re a little fucked.” She explains, a grin present on her face.
“I am?” Grave pretends to be shocked, her sarcasm thick. “Oh wow!” She exclaims, Riptide rolling her eyes in response.
“Cute, real cute. But the reality is that maybe you’ll be fine, but Rose… not so much.” She grins as she speaks, watching Grave.
“Mhm, yes. How long is this talk gonna go for?” Grave questions, feeling tired and over this situation as she speaks.
“Well this talk can end if you just allow us to restrain you.” Inferno smiles. “Can’t have you running around after all.” She explains, trying not to get annoyed as Siryn stands silently beside them.
“Uh… sure, I guess.” Grave holds her hands out as Inferno comes closer to her, applying chains to both of her hands as well as her neck, limiting the amount of movement she is capable off. The chains seem to be applying a chemical, only increasing Grave’s tiredness as she stands there.
“So uh… you gonna play with my insides and kill me or do some other shit?” She questions as Inferno starts walking with her, leading her somewhere as the others follow behind them.
“Killing is too boring. Well, killing you at least. That’s what Rose is for.” She explains, a horrible smile etched into her skin. “Human bodies can only take poison for so long.”
“Cool, so you’re gonna kill my girlfriend for some…” Grave looks around her as she walks, thinking. “Dumb reason. Torture, right?” She enquires, looking at Inferno, Riptide shrugging behind them.
“Testing more so. Wanna see how well it works.” She smiles as she walks faster, catching up to them. “She seemed like a good candidate. Sides, needed some way to get you out of that house.” She continues, Grave no longer paying attention to them as she walks, spacing out.
She is walked into a room, being sat down by Inferno as the dosage on her chains is increased to pacify her, Inferno leading Riptide and Siryn outside to talk to them.
Grave ignores them, giving in and going to sleep for a while, wanting to be rid of the world around her. she doesn’t wake up for a while, only being stirred by some faint noises coming from outside the room as Grave closes her eyes again, not wanting to be here, only wanting to sleep and forget the world.
Some more noises sound out, though they are far away sounding as Grave squeezes her eyes closed, managing to slip back into sleep as she listens to them.
The next time she opens her eyes, she notices that she is no longer in the chair, instead lying down on the floor of the woods, alone currently. She doesn’t move, not wanting to put up with this, feeling tired of existing as she lies still.
The sound of a twig snapping as someone walks over it comes from behind Grave as someone approaches her.
“Can you please go away?” Grave questions politely, despite feeling tired and frustrated.
“Fraid not. Not right now at least.” Siryn explains as she sits in front of Grave, her hoodie back on and covering her face from view.
“Yeah no, seriously dude. Fuck off, I’m tired of your shit.” Grave keeps her tone level despite the exhaustion she feels inside of her.
“Nice way to talk to the person that got you out of that shithole… and took your chains off.” Siryn scoffs as she turns away from Grave, watching the woods.
“Ah, funny.” Grave doesn’t believe a single word coming from her mouth as she wishes for sleep to engulf her.
“Yup, cause I’ve always been one for jokes.” Siryn sighs, rubbing her hands over her face. “How’s the anaesthesia wearing off?” She questions, Grave shrugging.
“It’s leaving, I guess.” She answers, Siryn huffing as she listens to her, resisting the urge to get frustrated.
“Grave, the last thing I need right now is for you to get an attitude with me, please.” She explains as she sits quietly in front of her.
“Dude, can I be a little bit of a bitch every once in a while? Just a little bit?” Grave resists her urge to curl into a ball as she speaks.
“But why with me? I helped, didn’t I?” Siryn doesn’t look at Grave as she speaks, keeping her voice low and quiet.
“You did a bunch of other terrible shit, too. Also I’m very tired. Mentally, physically and emotionally, so I might be a bit of an asshole.” Grave sighs gently. “Sorry.” She apologises.
“Its fine… didn’t really expect you to trust me anyway.” Siryn laughs quietly. “Kinda fucked that small bit of trust up anyway.”
“Anyway, what are you gonna do now?” Grave questions, sounding annoyed, though a small amount of fear creeps into her.
“Well, considering how things went at the base…” Siryn sighs. “What do you think I’m gonna do?” She questions, not turning to look at Grave.
“Honestly dude, I don’t fuckin know anymore. You could be a decent fucking person and help me or trick me again, kill my girlfriend in front of me and film me breaking down.” Grave’s voice is calm as she speaks, Siryn snorting in response.
“Part of me wishes I wanted to be a shitty person. and the rest… well…” Siryn stands up. “Is telling me we should get out of here.” She explains.
“Alright, magic boi, what tricks have you got for me today?” Grave questions as she groans, holding her hand out, Siryn pulling her up.
“None unfortunately, just a whole lotta stubbornness.” She explains, looking away from Grave.
“Yaaaay.” Grave leans against a tree, sighing. “I’m so fuckin tired, man.” She huffs, Siryn pausing.
“I can always carry you, I have been for the past hour anyway, so…” She shrugs as she explains. ”No.” Grave pushes herself off of the tree and starts walking, limping slightly due to her tiredness as she does.
“Fair enough…” Siryn sighs as she continues walking, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her hoodie, hunching over. “I’m sorry by the way…” she apologises quietly.
“Uh… its fine.” Grave hardly listens to her, sounding unsure as she responds to her.
“You don’t sound convinced.” Siryn points out, groaning. “This is all so fucked…” She mumbles, Grave flopping onto the ground, beginning to crawl normally on her hands and knees.
“Okay, do you wanna stop for a while? Clearly you have no interest in walking.” Siryn points out as she stops walking, looking down at Grave, who just keeps crawling.
“You know we don’t have a car now right?” Siryn starts walking again. “Crawling will only slow us down.” She explains as she adjusts her hoodie, pausing for a moment as Grave clicks her bones in her arms and legs, adjusting her body into an inhuman position as she crawls faster, her bones sounding terrible. Siryn looks down at her, feeling done with this situation as she sits down on the forest floor.
“Fuck…” She mutters quietly, her head in her hands, Grave turning around mid crawl.
“What is it? Am I going the wrong way?” Grave asks as she looks at Siryn, who doesn’t bother looking up.
“Probably not, don’t really know. Had to get out of the base pretty fast once they found out I destroyed the machine…” Siryn explains, covering her face with her hands.
“Oh…” Grave stops her abnormal crawling, laying down next to Siryn as she sits.
“Yeah, had to just grab you and get out as fast as I could… kinda worked, I mean, you’re okay, right?” Siryn doesn’t look at Grave as she questions her.
“Uh… yeah. You can say that. What about you?” Grave’s voice is quiet and soft as she deflects the question to Siryn, who doesn’t answer straight away.
“Well, when you mess with someone that can throw fire at your face…” She pulls her hands away from her face, revealing a burn covering half of her skin. “You tend to get fire thrown at your face.” She smiles slightly as she speaks.
“Oh no…” Slight concern enters Grave as she looks at the burn, Siryn seemingly unphased.
“Its fine… kinda deserved that for makin you think I was gonna let Rose die…” Siryn frowns gently. “Which we still need to get back to prevent…” She mutters as Grave sits up, frowning as she gently plants a kiss on Siryn’s face, watching as the burn fades away, healing perfectly.
“Thanks… come on, we should go and see if we can find the house… already messed up enough shit for one day…” Siryn sighs as Grave grabs her hand gently, recognising the way as she begins to walk, pulling her along, Siryn allowing herself to be pulled.
“You know you can leave me behind, right? I’ll figure something out.” She offers, watching Grave.
“Hmm…” Grave pretends to think for a moment. “No.” She keeps going, a firm grip on Siryn’s hand as she pulls her along.
“…Why?” Siryn’s voice is quiet as she asks the question, Grave shrugging in response.
“I dunno, I feel like I should give you one more chance…” She explains, Siryn snorting.
“Ha…” She remains quiet. “Cause that worked so well last time…” She reminds Grave, voice sounding sad.
Grave sighs, turning on her heel as she encases Siryn in a soft hug. She freezes for a moment, unsure of the contact, shaky as she accepts the hug, uneven on her feet as Grave squeezes her gently. Siryn calms down quickly, leaning out of the hug and giving Grave a smile.
“Lets go fix this shit.” Siryn looks more confident and determined as she smiles, Grave returning the smile.
“Fuck yeah.” Grave leaves the hug, grabbing Siryn’s hand again as she walks, Siryn happier now as she walks, the house coming into view after a little while, making Grave excited.
“Yaaaaay.” A small amount of happiness flows through Grave as she see’s the house, walking faster, Siryn letting go when they get to the outside of the house.
“You go deal with Rose, I’m gonna wait out here… avoid the panic of anyone seeing me.” She explains, smiling.
“Okay.” Grave returns the smile. “Bye bye!” Grave exclaims, Siryn waving as she sits down, Grave clipping through the window into the room.
Rose is still asleep in her bed as Grave enters the room, looking paler and more sick, making Grave worried. She carefully checks her pulse, fearing the worst, though a pulse thrums against her fingers, Rose’s chest rising and falling as she takes shallow breaths.
Grave feels better as she see’s this, leaning down to press a soft kiss to Rose’s face, watching as the colour comes back into face quickly, her eyes opening slightly.
“Hi…” Grave contains her excitement, remaining quiet and calm, her voice hushed as Rose opens her eyes more.
“…Hey.” Rose smiles as she looks at Grave, her eyes warm as she looks well again, watching her intently.
“You feelin better?” Grave questions, a small squeak escaping her lips as she looks down at Rose, who sits up, rubbing at her eyes lightly.
“I think so… I don’t feel like death anymore.” She explains, smiling sweetly at Grave as she sits.
“That’s good!” Grave exclaims happily, giving Rose a kiss which is happily returned.
“Its very good…” Rose sounds happy as she speaks. “Where did you go by the way?” She questions softly.
“Lab room! I had to find out how to make you better.” Grave lies, deciding Rose wouldn’t like the entire truth.
“Well I’m just glad you figured it out…” Rose smiles gently, deciding not to press the matter as she gives Grave a soft kiss.
“So am I…” Grave blushes slightly as she smiles, Rose touching her cheeks lightly.
“Are you okay? You look tired…” Rose notices as she gently holds Grave’s face in her hands, frowning slightly.
“I’m fine, I just slept a little short is all.” Grave blushes more as she explains, feeling happy.
“You sure?” Rose runs her fingers over Grave’s cheeks lightly, stroking them softly.
“Y-Yeah…” Grave smiles, stuttering slightly as she blushes at Rose’s soft contact, Rose smiling.
“As long as you’re okay.” She speaks softly as she looks at Grave with warm eyes, Grave sighing happily.
“God, you’re so cheesy.” She giggles, Rose laughing quietly as she looks at Grave.
“I have earned my right!” She exclaims, trying to sound indignant as she laughs.
“My cheesy gooorl.” Grave sounds happy as she speaks, melting slightly under Rose’s touch.
“Yes, all yours.” Rose agrees, gently touching their heads together as she speaks, smiling.
“Aaaa I love you so much.” Grave blushes more and more as she looks at Rose, who has a soft blush scattered over her freckled face.
“I love you too.” Rose speaks softly, her face soft as she watches Grave, taking everything in.
“Gaaaay.” Grave gently boops her nose with her fingers, smiling as Rose laughs again.
“You said it first.” Rose clarifies as she giggles, both of them content as they sit with one another, not worrying about the rest of the world as they keep each other company, both recovering from the events that had happened together.
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