#[i know wars is right now rubbing her hands: for me? vibe
sentofight · 1 year
ooc. also i like to make ocs (or even add canon muses) for my friends to interact. if u have an idea we can make a magical creature out of it aaaaaaaaaaahahaha!!!!!
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lazyjellyfish300 · 6 months
DD part 5
Fem Reader x Miguel O'Hara who is your Uber Driver
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Synopsis- fem reader drinks too much and the bartender calls a random Uber for her which happens to be Miguel O'Hara himself. Her friends suck and ditch her. There's a lot of tension on the ride home...
Chapters: Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3 1, Part 3 2 , Part 4
T/W: 18+ only, minors DNI, some sexual fantasizing/arousal/tension, danger, insecurity, blood, cleaning wounds, age gap (reader 26, Miguel 34), inspired by the original comic
Aladdin and Jasmine vibes! I can show you the world... 😏😏🌎 Or Edward Cullen coded! (Hold on tight spider monkey 🕷️)this one took me forever to finally sit down and do. Hope you enjoy 🖤 thanks as always for the support 🖤
You looked like you had seen a ghost as you just stared at Miguel on your doorstep, mouth agape, clutching your blanket like you were clutching pearls.
The corner of Miguel's lip twitched up a little bit when he saw your messy bun and blanket cape hanging off your shoulders.
"Can I come in? I'll explain everything..."
"What the hell happened to you, Miguel?"
Your eyes rake over him with worry as he steps inside your small apartment, the view of his wounds becoming more evident.
"You look like you've been in war or something..."
Miguel makes a tiny scoff at that.
"Not quite, but it's a long story..."
Your eyebrows raise.
"You didn't answer my calls or texts."
"I know, and I'm so so sorry."
"Your eyes..." You narrow your eyes as you look up into his new crimson irises, feeling the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
"Who are you? My Miguel has brown eyes..." you back up and gasp when you hit the wall.
Miguel keeps stepping closer to you but moves his hands in the surrender position. His eyes start to plead once more.
"Baby, it's me....it's still Miguel, something happened to me at work. It's a long story but, I had an accident with one of the gene altering machines and it changed a few things about me. But it's still me baby. I'm still your boyfriend and if you let me, I'll explain everything..."
Your eyes widen with horror when you notice sharp talons protruding from his fingertips and the two more prominent canines in the front of his mouth as he speaks.
You loosen the tension in your body a little bit, but can't shake the unsettling feeling lingering in your chest at this new version of himself standing before you.
"I'm scared, Miguel."
Miguel whispers, "You don't need to be, I'm still me, I'm-"
He catches a glimpse of himself in your hallway mirror. He pauses and looks at himself, examining his talons, fangs, and noticing his crimson eye color for the first time. His jaw tenses, eyes closed, trying to fight back the tears of frustration he can feel starting to gather behind his eyelids.
You feel a rush of guilt at your reaction at first and go to touch his shoulder, but you notice a large cut on his right arm that's started to ooze a little bit.
You jump into caretaker mode. "Just go sit on the couch, let me see if I have something for that."
Miguel gave you a feeble nod and sauntered into the living room, plopping himself on the couch, rubbing his face with the heel of his palm. The beaded sweat on his brow mixing with some of the wetness from his eyes.
He was still shirtless and seemingly unphased by the fact that the laceration on his right arm had started to bleed a little more. His mind was racing, trying to wrap itself around these seemingly small, yet drastic changes in his appearance.
He was still extremely handsome. But he wasn't expecting his eye color to change. That part bothered him the most. It was the trait he got from his mother, and the part of him he shared with his brother and his daughter. Now, he felt strange, alien. It felt so personal, almost like now he was occupying the body of someone else. He quietly swore revenge on the bastards that did this to him: Tyler Stone and Aaron Delgado.
He zoned out while sitting on your couch, as though at any time he was expecting to be ripped out of this trance, awoken from this nightmare he seemed to find himself in.
You dart to your bathroom and dig underneath your sink. Makeup products, shampoo bottles, hygiene products, hair scrunchies, and old random medications being tossed aside on the floor in your frantic search. Then you finally find your first aid kit.
You place the kit on your coffee table and help Miguel wash off the cuts on his arms with some water, dabbing the excess blood away with gauze pads and applying some Neosporin and fresh bandages on top.
He watched your face as you worked and took care of him, how your eyes narrowed in concentration, and how you held your breath as you dabbed at his open wounds, trying your best not to hurt him.
He couldn't help but feel a rush of affection for you. He had braced himself for you possibly cussing him out and turning him away, still upset with him for ignoring your calls and texts and leaving you stranded on what was supposed to be a meaningful second date that you had put so much thought into. But, here you were cleaning him up, being so patient with him and concerned with his well-being.
While you helped patch him up, he told you everything. He explained the superhuman project that Tyler put him in charge of and how the young test subject died under his watch and how she haunted his dreams. He realized that he couldn't continue and tried to hand in his resignation, but then Tyler and Aaron pulled the ultimate betrayal and tried to kill him in the process. He described his newfound powers to you, your eyes growing wider and wider at the incredulousness of the whole story. You felt like you were looking down at yourself as if you were in a movie.
These things don't happen...
But, you listened earnestly, eager to show Miguel that despite him letting you down, you were willing to hear him out and do whatever you could to help him. But, the situation seemed to become more and more precarious than you originally thought as he recounted it to you.
You sat in silence for a few moments after he told you everything, trying to let the information sink in and digest it fully. A sick feeling appeared in your stomach when you realized,
"Am I in danger, Miguel? Do you think your boss would come after me for being your girlfriend?"
Miguel took a deep breath. "That's the part I don't know for sure. The news reported that I was dead, but I know Tyler. He's not foolish. He's smart and he doesn't do things half assed or leave business unfinished. He'll more than likely try and come after you or me, or anyone we know. That's why I need to try and convince my brother Gabriel to take Gabi and my mother out of state. I would've gone there first, but I couldn't live with myself if they hurt Gabi. This will only be just for a few days until I can make sure they're off my back."
He envelopes your hands in his.
"And in the meantime, I'll stay with you as long as I need to make sure you're safe. I know by me being here I put you in harm's way. But I won't let them harm you. Not as long as I'm breathing.." he wipes a tear that escaped the corner of your eye, his heart wrenching at the fact that he put you in this situation himself.
You can't speak right away, so you simply nod slowly, the seriousness of the situation settling in your stomach and flooding it with dread. "If you say so. I know when you broke your last promise to me, that you didn't break it on purpose... But I can't help but feel like I'm gonna lose you. What if something happens to you or me?" your lip trembles.
Miguel's gaze saddens and he squeezes your hands, scooting closer so both of his knees are touching yours.
"I'm not going to let it happen. I'll stay with you all night and all week if I need to." He presses a kiss into your forehead with a small smile. "Why don't we have a redo of our movie night I missed?"
He earns a small smile from you in response, and after holding him for a few moments, you let him change into a spare hoodie and sweatpants your brother left behind when he visited a few months back. He borrowed your phone and called Conchata and Gabe, pacing in your kitchen. You were able to catch some of Conchata's distressed voice on the other line, half scolding and half crying.
"You had me worried sick! I turn on the news and I see your bloody shirt plastered on the front of the TV! My son is trying to put me in the crazy house, ay dios mio...."
You felt your heart break a little bit when you heard the small voice of Gabi on the other line, sobbing because she missed her papa and wanted him to come home, and Miguel's gentle parenting side come through as he spoke to her in a soft soothing voice.
"I know, Bumblebee...some stuff came up at work and Papa needs to take care of it. Just for a little longer. And then I'll come home as soon as I can, I promise. Abuela and Tio have a fun trip planned for you. Can you be good for them and take care of them until Papa gets home?"
A small tearful yes came from the other line and Miguel felt a lump in his throat.
"I love you to the stars, mija."
He spoke to Gabe last and calmly instructed him to take his family out of state, anywhere as long as it was far away until he could be sure Tyler and law enforcement weren't still on his trail and targeting anyone he knew.
"Alright bro...I'll see what I can do...but bro, mom's freaking out. Don't ever do that shit to me again. I thought I was gonna have to take her to the hospital, she's been driving me up the wall. And Gabi... Gabi's a mess, man. I was thinking we'd go..."
"Don't tell me where you're going," Miguel hissed. "I don't know who might be listening to our conversation. Just get out as soon as you can, please."
"Bro, it's literally 9 pm..."
Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose. "Just get my emergency credit card from Gabi's backpack and pay for the whole thing. I'll take care of it."
"Say no more, I'll take them tonight."
Miguel rolled his eyes a little bit but sighed with gratitude. "I owe you big time."
"Yeah, yeah, thank me later. Just don't get killed and don't get reported missing or dead on the news again, kay?"
After Gabe hung up, he told Gabi they were going to take her on a surprise trip to Boston to try and get her excited and ease her mind about being away from her dad for so long.
Gabi perked up a little bit, wiping her tears as she eagerly went to pack her bag up with her favorite squishmallows. Conchata started to cuss again, but quieted down when Gabriel mentioned he'd give her a spa day in Boston, courtesy of Miguel's Platinum American Express.
Miguel set your phone down on the counter with a sigh and came over to you, taking you in his arms and you leaning against his broad chest once more, letting all tension in your body go.
"You okay?" Miguel kisses your forehead.
You don't say a word but nod into his chest, and he gives a small chuckle.
"Do you wanna go on an adventure?" He asks in a soft voice.
You pull your head away for a moment and look up at him with an arched brow. "What do you mean?"
"I wanna show you the city. But not in the way you'd think." He smiles at you, excited. "You're gonna see what it's like to be me. Show you a bit of what it's like to swing from buildings and see everything from a bird's eye view."
You scoff a bit and it turns into a laugh. "You're not serious."
"I am." He takes your hands in his, rubbing the back of them with his thumbs. "Do you trust me?"
Your smile fades slowly as you gaze into his eyes. There's not a shred of dishonesty in them.
"Yes, I do." You say softly.
He pulls you in and plants another kiss on your forehead. "You'll want to wear something warm. It gets breezy."
You raise your eyebrows but take his advice and go into your room and change into his black hoodie from the first night you met. When you come back out, he beams at you.
"You kept it! It looks so much better on you..." Miguel feels a rush of desire at the sight of you wearing his clothes and hopes the lust doesn't become too obvious as he looks you up and down.
Your face heats up. "Thank you..."
"Of course," he says quietly, taking you by the hand.
You two go outside onto your small patio and he looks down at you with a smile.
"You ready? You're gonna have to hold on tight."
Your teeth chatter a little bit from the wind chill and you nod, standing on your tiptoes, locking your arms around his neck.
Miguel smirks a little bit. "You'll have to get closer than that."
In one fluid motion, he bends down, grabbing the back of your thighs and picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist.
You gasp as you become eye level with him, straddling him with your legs and arms. The heat and tension between you two suddenly being dialed up ten notches.
Miguel goes breathless for a moment, staring at your lips. His mouth opens slightly and he tightens his grip on your thighs, wanting to just take you right then and there. He swallows after a moment and clears his throat, desperately trying to refocus his mind on the city below him to stifle his emerging hard on.
"Just hold on tight, let me know if you want me to stop." He says gently to you.
You let out a high pitched screech which stalls in your throat as he shoots a red web onto the top of the neighboring building behind you and suddenly the cold air is assaulting your face, rendering you speechless as the city below you zips past at a dizzying pace and Miguel lands on top of the target, jolting you slightly and you scrambling to retighten your grip around his body.
Miguel looks down at you and giggles. "You doing alright, amor? The first one is the scariest."
You pant, out of breath, your eyes darting around you, your brain struggling to register the unbelievable event that just took place. The smog of the city hung in a thick layer along the cityscape, just barely masking the faint light of the waxing gibbous moon.
The night lights and obnoxious billboards of Brooklyn are suddenly at your level as you marvel at the bird's eye view, the hum of traffic, faint yells from disgruntled citizens, and distant sirens vibrating in the distance, a soft stream of snowflakes begin to fall from the grey clouds above.
"It's... incredible." Your breath hangs in the air from the cold. "What is that shooting from your arm?" You look at him in disbelief.
"They're webs." Miguel smiles. "My DNA was spliced with a spider, and so now I've inherited spider-like abilities, including webbing."
You smile and shake your head, in awe of him as his handsome face looks back at yours.
"This...doesn't feel real."
Miguel smiles and leans in, whispering in your ear. "But it is. Better hold on tight again."
You squinch your eyes shut and brace yourself and suddenly you're being catapulted, again and again as you swing from building to building, the outline of the Manhattan borough across the south end of the East River coming closer and closer into view.
Finally, you two stop at the top of the J Condominium, a tall skyscraper just at the river's edge, the view of Manhattan directly across the fridgid dark water dividing the two boroughs. Miguel gently lets you down, and your jaw falls open as you walk a little closer to the end of the building.
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**photo taken by Chris Stevens-Yu retrieved from Google, the view from the top of the J Condominium building in Brooklyn, imagine covered with a thin layer of snow in December**
"Careful!" Miguel's arm reached out, a red web attaching itself to the back of your hoodie, yanking you sharply backwards and flipping you around, knocking the wind out of you as you collide into his chest.
Miguel barely budges, his muscular frame unphased as you gasp and wheeze for a moment.
"Sorry, amor. You need to watch your footing," he teases, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
After you catch your breath, you sigh, looking up at him a little miffed. "That hurt."
The corner of Miguel's mouth raises a little, still looking down at you. "Sorry."
"I hate you." you whisper sarcastically, slowly finding yourself growing weak as he doesn't break his gaze from you.
"That's too bad," he mutters.
He can't hold back anymore and takes your face in his hands, pressing his soft lips tenderly against yours. Electricity sparks and and kissing this man is suddenly the only thing you want to do for the rest of your life. All you know is the way he slowly begins opening his mouth against yours, scooping your lips in between his, you're melting.
You inhale sharply and run your fingers through the back of his hair. He mumbles your name into your mouth and holds you tight against his body as his hands make their way all across your back, squeezing your ass, feeling you and touching you as though the warmth from your body is responsible for the oxygen being drained from his lungs as he kisses you ardently.
And so, you shared your first kiss with Miguel against the New York City skyline. Two souls meshing into one as the world around you ceased to exist. The concept of time crumbling away as you felt yourself sinking into him deeper and deeper. The flames between you two fanning into a wildfire, setting your hearts ablaze, and your lives alight as you knew it. You wanted to burn this moment into your memory for as long as you could.
He moans softly and pulls away for air for a moment, keeping one hand on the small of your back, and one on the side of your neck, his minty breath tickling your nose.
"I'm in love with you..." he whispers gently, pressing his forehead against yours. His crimson eyes silently pleading with you that the only words to leave your mouth next are the reciprocation of his love.
But, as soon as those tender words hit your eardrums, a surge of bliss flows through your whole body as though you've never been so sure of something in your whole life.
"I'm in love with you too..." you whisper, your palms caressing his face.
He breathes a sigh of relief.
"I'm the happiest man alive right now..." his eyes coat with a thin layer of tears, and he catches your lips against his once more.
Your mind can only think of one thing as you continue to kiss him passionately into the night. You're hopelessly in love with Miguel O'Hara, and this is only the beginning.
That same night, miles away.
A black, unmarked suburban lays in quiet, menacing wait in the shadows across the street from your apartment complex, a tall, burly man with curly brown hair in the driver's seat.
Tyler Stone is seated in the passenger side and takes a long drag from his cigar, his face still splotched purple from his beating. He scowls at Aaron in the backseat seated next to another brawny accomplice, and rips the pair of binoculars out of his hands with Aaron whimpering quietly in response.
"They're not even home, you goddamn idiot." Tyler growled.
Aaron gives a small groan. "How much longer, boss?"
Tyler exhales, a dark cloud of smoke hot boxing the inside of the dark vehicle.
"As soon as he leaves the little broad by herself. "
Part 6
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impishjesters · 7 months
Denture Daddy
CW// implied unspecific sexual relationships, dom/sub talk, use of the word "daddy" and "mommy" in a non-parental form, mentioned hate sex note(s): basically the reader and Jibba (my TADC oc) playing a dumb game of who seems like a dom or sub to pass the time. Jibba can be seen as a bit of a "whore" but he wears it proudly. Rhett (who's mentioned) is another of my TADC ocs. A/N: This whole thing happened all because I wanted to say "denture daddy". I don't expect anyone to give a shit about this. But at the end of the day as long as my friend and I enjoy it, that's all that matters.
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Conversations with Jibba was like a game of Russian roulette. You never knew what direction or topic would come up.
Sometimes the conversations were casual, asking how you were doing or if anything fun had happened. But then you’d get conversations about a tiered ranking of who was considered good in bed, only to get whiplash by a simple conversation on whether you were a dog or cat person.
It was a wild ride, to say the least, which is how you got roped into a conversation about your fellow circus captives and whether they fell into dom or sub-category—for shits and giggles that is.
“‘m just sayin’, ya look at Jax ‘n think he’s got this whole sadistic face to ‘im and it turns out he’s just as touch starved as he looks,” Jibba stated.
Right, they were sleeping together—something about hate fucking because of their prank war or some shit. Neither of them was very subtle about their pranks or their “hate sex” because if that was hate sex you hated to see what tamed sex was like.
Bunch of emotionally constipated idiots.
Jibba jabbed you with his elbow playfully, getting your attention back on him. “Thoughts on Kinger?”
“Definitely not a dom, in fact, it feels wrong to think about him even having sex.” You shuddered. Kinger felt too much like your dad, and thinking of your parent’s boinking was enough to make you wanna bleach your eyes.
He shrugged and crossed his arms before leaning his chest against your back. “Yea’ it’s like watchin’ ya gramparents be romantic an mushy.”
“Ugh,” you gagged, “why’d you have to make it worse? I was thinking of my dad at least.”
“Oo, you thinkin’ bout ya dad playing twista? Naughty, naughty.” he teased, shooting you a playful smirk.
You elbowed him hard, basking in the pained noise that left him. “You know damn well what I meant.”
Jibba groaned and rubbed his side, you had a mean right elbow. “Yea’ yeah, alright so what ‘bout Rhett?”
“Eye Daddy? Oh, yeah. Total dom, but like not like in that rough way—”
“—but in like a total control way? Oh yeah, ya don’t know how hard I’ve been tryin’ to crack that nut—metaphorically and literally.” Jibba scoffed and used your head as an armrest, staring out at the others doing one of Caine’s dumb lil games.
“Are you just making rounds to everyone?” You didn’t shame Jibba for his sex escapades, if anything good on him for finding some way to tame Jax’s awful behaviour.
“Only the hot ones.” You looked up at him despite his arm on your head and he sent you a wink. “I’ll get to ya in no time, less ya wanna jump the list then we can go find somewhere right now.”
“Yeah, not right now.” As entertaining as the thought was, you were quite relaxed just hanging out with the ridiculous man. Though it would be a tempting endeavor at a later time. “So, Ragatha?”
“Mm,” Jibba leaned back, taking most of his weight off of you but kept his arm in place. “She gives like, soft mommy vibes.” he waved his hand in a so-so gesture. “Though I feel like she has a lot of parental experiences if she’s been havin’ ta live with Jax for god knows how long.” He paused, eyes squinting in Ragatha’s direction. “I’d let her give me a good stern talk’ ta.”
“I’ll give you a stern talkin’ ta, if you don’t calm yourself.”
“Babe, this whole conversation is about who’s a dom and who’s not, how do ya expect me to keep calm?” he joked. You raised your arm again with a silent threat to elbow him and he swallowed. “Yeah, okay, calming down.”
The two of you fell silent, staring over at the anxious woman who was struggling to get out of Jax’s reach.
“Anxious chihuahua.” Both of you stated at the same time.
Jibba laughed that awful eerie death rattle of his. Did a toy like him really exist? God that was horrifying, who buys that for children? You knew he could control it but why did he have to do it now of all times?
He caught you staring and grinned. “Somethin’ wrong?”
Right, this is Jibba we’re talking about, he knows it’s creepy and did it intentionally. Bastard.
“No,” you rolled your eyes and looked back to Pomni. “She’s too anxious, poor woman probably has a hard time holding someone’s hand let alone sex. Though I’d rather not think about her sex life… feels wrong.”
“Oh, and thinkin’ ‘bout mine ain’t?”
You gave him a deadpan stare as to say ‘Really, that’s what you wanna ask?’. He cleared his throat and mumbled a little ‘touche’ before looking back at the others.
“Oo, I know a good one,” he snickered. “Caine.”
“Caine?” Well, at least he wasn’t asking you about Bubble.
For whatever unknown reason, at the mention of his name Caine appeared a few feet from the two of you with a loud pop. “Diiiid somebody say Caine?”
Jibba shook his head, seemed even with a lack of ears the loud pop affected him. You shook your own head, rubbing an ear. “Uh, not directly.”
Caine cocked his head in confusion, clearly not understanding you were simply talking about him—not trying to summon him. “I see. Well, while I’m here. Why aren’t you two participating?” he asked, waggling his fingers in the direction of the others.
“We’re playin’ our own game,” Jibba answered, giving you a playful nudge.
“Oh?” Caine floated closer, eyeing the lanky doll.
“Yea’, the game of dom or sub.”
Caine cocked his head again. “I don’t understand.”
Jibba snickered and you couldn’t help but cover up your own laugh with a grunt. “What he mean’s is—”
“Oh no, he’s like one of those tops with golden retriever vibes that when ya call ‘em daddy like yer sayin’ ‘good boy’ they get excited.” He covers his face, a genuine laugh instead of that death rattle laugh.
The look of confusion never leaves Caine’s face but you can’t help but join Jibba in his laughter, because he’s not wrong. You could say a lot of insulting or weird things to Caine, but if you use that dog tone with him he’ll take just about anything as a compliment or praise.
“Oh no,” you mumbled, he’d be so fun to fuck with. “He’s not a dom…” you snicker, “but I’d still call him daddy.”
“Denture Daddy!” Jibba bursts out, nearly knocking himself and you off your perch.
The two of you laugh so loud it catches the attention of the others across the way. You wave your hand at Ragatha’s confused expression and further try to prevent the two of you from falling.
“I hate to intrude on this moment of merriment but,” Caine clears his throat, looking between the two of you with confused concern. “You two do know I’m not your father, yes?”
Jibba lets out a scream that turns everyone’s attention back onto you two, only to follow with nearly scream-level laughter from the man. You can’t really blame him though because you haven’t stopped laughing either, especially not long enough to try and explain to Caine that the two of you weren’t calling him father.
You give Caine what one could only describe as some form of yes as an answer before telling him he can go between cries and Caine leaves hesitantly. Your sides are starting to ache from so much laughing, meanwhile, Jibba has his face buried into his hands and is leaning into your shoulder like you’d be able to stop his laughter and tears.
He’s taking this a lot funnier than you but man, “denture daddy” is gonna always be in the back of your mind when you look at Caine from now on.
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smartycvnt · 1 year
A Modern Day Aphrodite
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Title: A Modern Day Aphrodite Pairing: Alexa Bliss x Reader Summary: Alexa has a little fun with Y/n backstage. R WC: 481
"You look like you're having fun." Y/n shot Alexa a glare from where she was standing with at least five people surrounding her. Hunter had insisted on signing Y/n back with her original gimmick, the one that Vince had vetoed because he thought it was too extravagant to waste on a nobody. Since then, Y/n had travelled all over the world on the indies and leaned less into the Greek Goddess vibes and more into that of a modern day gladiator. "Oh, are those gold flakes? The crowd is going to love you."
"Be nice or I'll bite the head off of that stupid doll of yours," Y/n threatened. Alexa rolled her eyes as she got up from the crate she had been sitting on to stand closer to Y/n. The makeup people finished up with the gold dust and flakes that they had been applying to her face and removed the protective cape covering her gear. Alexa would have liked to pretend that seeing Y/n's body like that after so long didn't affect her, but she wasn't that good of a liar. Y/n had been in good shape before, but the woman had added even more muscle to look more like a literal goddess.
"Wow, and they haven't even oiled you up yet," Alexa huffed. Y/n rolled her eyes and tried to turn away to hide her blush, but it didn't work. "You look like you were carved from marble, it's ridiculous."
"Thanks," Y/n mumbled awkwardly. She rubbed the back of her neck as she stared up at the ceiling. Her logic had been that Alexa couldn't see up that high, so she wouldn't notice.
"Come on, you can't walk around looking like this and act like that. Embrace it, take the attention and use it to make yourself feel more powerful. Think of yourself less like that gritty fighter you were before and more like a goddess of love and war. All the great wars used to be fought for love, right?"
"I guess you're right," Y/n said as she stood up a little straighter. Alexa was glad to see Y/n's confidence easily restored, but she still wanted to toy with the woman a little bit more. Once everybody cleared out from around Y/n, Alexa walked over and placed her hands on Y/n's hips as she stared up at the woman. "Are you here to worship at my alter or something?"
"Come on now, we both know that you're the one who ends up on their knees at night. Maybe if yours aren't too sore after your re-debut, you can eat me like ambrosia," Alexa suggested. Y/n's throat went dry and her eyes went wide as she realized what Alexa was saying. "For now, go show them why they should bow at your feet baby."
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atcarpenter · 14 days
Can You Still Stand What I’ve Become?
Amber confessing to being the killer. Kind of tamber, but like sad tamber with more of an exes breaking up (again) vibe (sorry)
It was immediately obvious something was wrong when Amber came into Tara’s hospital room and sat down by the bed. Instead of saying hello, Tara simply took her hand and asked, “What’s wrong? Did something happen to you?”
“I have to tell you something,” Amber said in lieu of an answer.
Tara rubbed her thumb along the back of Amber’s hand. “What is it?” The gesture almost made Amber want to go back on her decision to tell her and pray that, somehow, Tara would never find out. 
“It’s, uh – Fuck ...” She thought through all the ways she had come up with to start the conversation, but now that she was here, they all felt wrong to her. Eventually, she just looked up into Tara’s eyes and said, “I’m the killer.”
“What?” Tara laughed.
“I stabbed you.”
Tara’s smile faltered the longer she watched Amber, waiting for any sign that she was messing with her, but it didn’t come. 
“What?” Tara repeated, without laughing this time around.
“I cut your side. I stabbed you right here,” – she ran her finger along the exact spot which sent waves of nausea through Tara – “then I broke your leg, and I watched you bleed and –”
“Stop.” Horror started to creep onto her face. “No.” Tara’s voice was firm. “No. There is no wa–”
“You gave me this.” Amber pulled her jacket aside and the collar of her shirt down to reveal a dark bruise below her collar bone. Tara pulled her hand out of Amber’s. Amber wanted to swallow the lump in her throat, failing visibly. “I still remember every single one of your screams.”
“What the fuck.” Tara felt the sudden prickling of tears in her eyes. Tooth and nail, she fought the truth dripping from the girl’s teeth, but it didn’t matter how hard she tried. She couldn’t change her actions just by wishing it to be a lie. When she felt that the silent war with her own thoughts was futile, she asked, “If you did stab me, then why tell me now? Why tell me at all? Why not just kill me? I’m right here. I can’t run. You could kill me right now.”
“I never wanted to kill you. That was never the idea. I’m telling you now because I – It wasn’t just me. My, uh – My new boyfriend is in on it too,” – Tara felt pained at hearing that she had a new boyfriend – “and now he wants to kill you next.” Something inside Tara shattered. “I tried to talk him out of it, but – he wants to see you dead so bad because he’s jealous that I’m still –“ She cut off. “I never meant for you to get hurt this bad, and now he wants to kill you. He realised that I’m still stupidly in love with you, and wanting to talk him out of it only made him more jealous. I’m so sorry. So, now I’m here to tell you that you have to stay away from Richie.”
Tara gave her the most dumbfounded look. “Sam’s boyfriend?!”
“That was all fake, to get her back here.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore why.”
“Yes, of course it does!”
Amber glanced at her hand that Tara had previously been holding. “I wanted to hurt the people who hurt you, and I had to hurt you to get Sam back into town.”
“Why …? Why Sam?”
Her features hardened, and Amber said, “To give her what she deserved for what she did to you. She had it coming.”
“What she deserved? What the fuck did she do wrong? She didn’t fucking deserve this shit!” she spat.
Amber glanced up at her. “Hey. I was there. I saw how much it fucking hurt you when she left. I see how much that still fucks you up, and I see how much your fucking mom keeps hurting you and walking all over you like you’re a carpet.”
“Wow, thanks,” Tara scoffed.
“Hey, Tara, listen. Listen to what I'm saying.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I hear you, all right. You’re doing this all to protect me. Right? That's what this is all about. You’re some knight in shining armour, saving me from every monster in the world. I get it.”
“That Vince guy? I didn’t know who he was until Liv fucking told me that he worked with you. You told me that he fucking molested you when you worked that summer.”
“Okay, that's taken way out of context.”
“No, it isn't. He groped you at work. He tried to get you to 'take a trip in his new car'. We both know where the fuck that would have went.”
“Yeah, but it didn't.”
“But he would have. And he did that all summer long. Fuck, if you’d told me sooner, I'd have killed him then.”
“Fuck, Tara, you were sixteen, and he was like who knows how old. Urgh, killing him felt so good. That he was related to the killings a few years back was pure coincidence, but it was a nice cover. I guess in this town everyone is related to them somehow.”
“And what about Wes, huh? What did he do. He was good. What was so wrong about him?”
“The way he looked at you. I just couldn't stand it. Tara, you’re mine. No one else's. And he was the sheriff's kid. If he hadn't been, I would not have killed him, but it – That gave me the excuse I wanted to kill him for wanting you just as much as I do. 
“What the fuck. He was my friend.”
“He was mine too.” Tara scoffed. “But I had to use him to get to the sheriff, and even without her, he would have been the only one who was a real threat to me. He was the only one with a brain in his city apart from you ... and Sam now that she's back. It didn't feel good to kill him ... but it felt good that he would never lay eyes on you again. That I would never have to watch him look at you too long again. That his eyes would never linger on all the places that would kill me if he ever got to touch them. That there would never be a chance that you would someday realise just how in love that puppy was with you and you would end up with him. I was in fear of that every moment since I broke up with you, and it killed me.”
“He never male-gazed me.” 
“Yeah, and that was the problem." She looked at Tara hard. "Because that meant that he had an actual chance with you. He was so good that he was actually competition. The rest were just gross, but he ... he was good enough for you. And that – It broke me that he was better for you than I could ever be.”
“Two weeks ago ... I would have told you that no one could ever be better than you – and then you went and killed everyone I ever loved or tried to. You would have killed Sam too, wouldn’t you have? And my mom.”
“Yeah, I would have killed Sam too. I didn’t expect her to come through for you the way she did. I really thought she didn’t give two shits about you, but now I see that she's everything I would have liked to be for you, only more composed ... Jury's still out on your mom though.”
“You fucking stabbed me – in the guts, you fucking bitch, I could have died!”
“I never meant to kill you. I didn't even mean to hurt you that bad. I just – It was ... my first time," – she cringed at how that sounded – "and it was you. I was scared and high on adrenaline, and I was not thinking clearly anymore by the time I actually had my arm around your neck. I just acted on impulse. I didn't mean to stab you in any organs. I didn’t have the control anymore to stab you only where it is safe. I didn’t mean to break your leg either. I just wanted to slow you down.”
“I'm going to be sick.”
“Fuck you. And then the hospital –”
“I didn’t hurt you in the hospital.”
“You didn’t hurt me in the hospital, my ass! I tore open all of my stitches and wheeled like a fucking wounded rabbit through that entire floor, trying to get away from you. Do you know how much that hurt? And my leg? That fucking hurt, and you were going to fucking kill me.”
“I wouldn’t have hurt you.”
“Yeah, right.”
“I wouldn’t have. I promise.”
“Fuck you. I’m so glad you broke up with me. If you weren’t the killer, I’d hope he got you next.” Amber reached out a hand. “Don't fucking touch me.” Uncertainly, she put her hand back in her own lap.
“I don't regret what I did. I only regret hurting you. And maybe Wes, a little bit. And now you know. Now you know everything. Now you only have to decide where that leaves us.”
“Us? Where that leaves us? Amber, you stupid – There is no us. There will never be an us. You don't understand how fucked up you are. The only way I will ever be close to okay again is if I will never have to see your face ever again.”
Amber nodded. “Okay.” She stood up and leaned down to Tara. Tara flinched away but tried to stay as still as she could, not wanting to show her any fear. Amber held the side of her head and pressed a soft kiss to Tara's temple.
"I love you," she said like she had probably a hundred times, meaning it each time. 
"I hate you."
Then, Amber turned and left, leaving a suffocating silence in her wake that was only interrupted by Tara’s shallow breathing, growing more erratic by the second.
Not long after, Sam entered with a confused look on her face,
“What the fuck was that about? She looked like she was ready to cry?”
“God, I hope so.”
“Did something happen?”
“Richie is the killer. If he wants to kill me, I'll be right here.” She turned her back to Sam, curling in on herself and wincing at the pain that the motion brought. She ignored everything Sam said or asked. When Sam finally left, she let her tears flow.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Chasing Fires - Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek: Chapter Eighteen
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Tagging: @justmeandanoverdrive​   @cosmic-psychickitty​   @shay-o-fiction​   @k-k0129​   @brianbabygirlzvonecek​   @ikbenplant​   @ortega29​     @crazy4chickennuggets​   @neapolitantoebeans​ 
Brian Zvonecek has spent most of his adult life fighting fires, now it’s time to chase one.
Follows on from Million Reasons but is a stand alone fic.
Tagging   @orileyfiction for all her help and support! Also @me-ladie​ for being the wonderful person she is and betaing.
- Chapter One
- Chapter Two
- Chapter Three
- Chaper Four
- Chapter Five
- Chapter Six
- Chapter Seven
- Chapter Eight
- Chapter Nine
- Chapter Ten
- Chapter Eleven
- Chapter Twelve
- Chapter Thirteen
- Chapter Fourteen
- Chapter Fifteen
- Chapter Sixteen
- Chapter Seventeen
“Let’s welcome Kenny Rixton to Intelligence. He’s been assigned over from the Gang Unit. He and I used to work together over there. He’s taking over Ruzek’s position.”
Voight’s words resounded through Kat’s head as she stirred her tea with a spoon methodically. Her brain was in overload as she tried to comprehend this newest turn of events. She couldn’t get a read on Kenny; he’d barely looked her in the face since the crime scene. He instead situated himself at Adam’s old desk and then headed out with Voight to shake down some of his gang contacts in the hope of getting a lead. Where did she even start with this? 
“Tell me what you know, Rixton.” 
Al appeared beside her with a stealth only he possessed. Her hand jerked, spilling tea over the sides of her mug. 
“Jesus Christ Al,” she said, her heart beating a mile a minute. He was the only person who had ever got the jump on her. When they played war games for training, he was always the one that came out on top. Al was already handing her a piece of kitchen roll so she could clean up the mess that she had made. “How do you always manage to do that?”
Al shrugged.
There was silence between the two of them for a moment. Al’s back resting against the work surface as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Rixton,” he prompted.
“What about him?” Kat asked, tossing the paper towel into the trash.
“You had a thing.”
Kat’s head snapped towards him.
“Body language,” Al said, gesturing towards her.
“Does anyone else…”
“Antonio,” Al responded in that quiet tone of his, rubbing the back of his neck with his palm. “But he’s got other things on his mind.”
Kat slid into a seat at the small table that occupied the room. Al followed suit, sitting across from her, his hands clasped.
“There’s not much to tell. I worked with him on a few cases when I was with Narcotics, good cop, solid guy.” She told him, wrapping her hands around her mug.
“How’d it end?” Al asked, leaning forward on his elbows. 
“Amicably,” Kat said, taking a sip of her tea.
Al looked at her pointedly. 
“That’s not the vibe either of you are putting out,” Al informed her. “Someone always gets hurt.”
Kat sighed before raising her eyes to the ceiling. This was not a conversation she imagined herself having. The whole day had turned to hell after she had left the duck pond. She wished she’d called in sick and spent the day in bed with Brian, fingers in those dark curls of his as he fucked the thoughts right out her head.
“He did,” Kat said, looking into the depths of her mug. 
This wasn’t a place she wanted to return to, she knew she had been unfair back then. Feral, wild, out of control.
She remembered the night it ended vividly. 
Kenny propped up against the wooden headboard, sheets pooling around his naked hips, that silver Saint Michael pendant glinting in the light from the lamp. He’d been watching her get dressed, she’d been trying to find her shirt when he’d asked her to stay. 
The look in his eyes…
She knew he’d fallen in love with her. Had known for months but she was selfish, craving connection with someone who actually gave a shit about her, instead of one-night stands that left her raw and empty. 
The difference was when they were together, she fucked, and he made love. It was in his touch, the way he said her name, the aftercare. 
“I want you to stop doing this, I want you to stop leaving.” He had said, his gaze fixed on her. 
“You know I can’t…”
“I don’t understand why.”
That was the closest she had ever come to telling someone about her work with IAB. The words had been on her lips but then she remembered the indictments were coming down, she would be called to testify. Her role in the disintegration of the Narcotics Unit would come out and as much as she didn’t give a shit about herself, she gave a shit about him, about how his association with her would taint him.
He was already slipping out of the sheets before she registered the action. He was clad in black boxer shorts that clung to his muscular form, that white scar that she had kissed disappearing under the band of the underwear. His hands came to rest on her shoulders, gentle and tender as he looked into her eyes. “Listen to me, I know that you’re scared, that you’re not used to someone caring,” he said softly. “But I care, and I want to hold you while you go to sleep. I want to kiss away those nightmares that you have. I want to give this a real shot…”
Kat held up her hand, cutting him off. 
“Kenny, I can’t…” Her voice sounded cold even to her own ears. “I don’t feel that way for you. I like you, I like the sex; but I don’t want the feelings, I don’t need them.”
She watched the words strike him and she felt fucking awful. He took each one like a blow and she could see a part of him fracturing behind those blue eyes of his. Her chest ached, her heart wrenching because if she was going to fall in love it would be with him, this wonderful man who only wanted the best for her. She knew that wheel would turn when he found out the truth about who she really was. He wouldn’t understand, no one did, and no one could. When she scorched the earth beneath Scagnetti’s feet and watched his empire burn, she’d have plenty of time to figure shit out. Now she simply didn’t have the capacity because that darkness ate her up inside, that rage stealing away every single part of her, there was no room for softness. She had to see this through. 
“I can’t do this anymore, Kat,” Kenny told her as he sat down upon the edge of the bed and ran a hand through his hair. “I can’t fuck you and pretend I don’t have feelings, it’s not healthy for either one of us.”
“I guess this is it then,” She said, snatching up her jacket from the floor where Kenny had peeled it off of her. “I’ll see you around, Kenny.”
She’d been out the door before he’d been able to get another word in, stepping out into the snow and letting it absorb her entirely. He hadn’t called and she hadn’t texted. She went to a different bar after that, stayed out of his way because it wasn’t fair to him and honestly she wasn’t sure she’d be able to stay away if she ran into him again. He’d been a shelter from all the grief that had been tearing her up inside.
“How long were the two of you together?” Al asked, his voice drawing her back to the present.
“Six months, I think.” Kat said, trying to pinpoint the exact timings. “To be honest some of that time is kinda hazy, I wasn’t in a great place.” “This before or after Scagnetti?”
“Before the indictments came down.” Kat responded, her thumb trailing up along the side of the white mug.
Al cleared his throat before nodding. 
“I get it.” He told her, folding his arms over his chest and leaning back in his chair. “When you’re in that deep, sometimes you need something to hold onto, something to remind you of who you are, that good things exist amongst all the darkness.”
Kat wished she could say she was surprised at his words, but she wasn’t. She’d met his daughter Michelle, heard rumours about how she was conceived when Al was undercover and married to Meredith. How he’d imploded his marriage last year so that he could be there when she needed him.
“I was heading for a big fall,” Kat told him. “When Narcotics came down, I was going with it and it wouldn’t have been fair to drag him into that.”
“Do you have any idea why he’s here?” Al asked her.
Kat shook her head. “I thought you’d have more of an idea being Voight’s right-hand man and all.” 
“Hank’s holding his cards close to his chest,” Al informed her, adjusting his flat cap. “The two of you need to clear the air. We can’t have this weird tension in the unit, we’re a team and we need to function as one. Take him out for a drink.”
“Al, it’s really not that simple…”
“Come on kid, you’re better than this,” he interrupted. “You’re not the same person you were back then, and he needs to see that.”
Kat sighed as Al rose to his feet, signalling the end of the conversation 
“Trust me. You’ll feel a lot better.”
“I doubt it,” Kat grumbled into her tea.
Love Brian? Get added to his tag list!
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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brekkie-e · 11 months
Horizon Asks
Thanks for the tag @maybirdie I salute you
1. Ride or die ship (your otp): Ereloy. Duh. Not even a question. Brain rot of the most severe nature.
2. Most annoying ship: I stand by the sentiment that we all need to stop with the shipping war drama in this fandom. So before I say anything more, I don’t find any of your ships annoying. I’m putting these down as “scroll past them” ships because they don’t suit my personal taste. Kotaloy and Kotallo/Talanah. His inclusion in these might come off like it’s something against him which is ironic cause he’s actually one of my favorite characters? I think the weak point of them for me is that they both feel like hot jock/hot jock, and apparently I cannot appreciate a ship that doesn’t in some capacity adhere to opposite’s attract. But I can see why it works for other people and if it makes you happy, I support it.
3. Second favorite ship: Abadund/Morlund, and for whatever reason Ourea/Sylens. I love imagining Sylens’ ears absolutely burning while he eavesdrops on her conversation with Aloy about what she had thought of him.
4. Favorite platonic relationship: I am OBSESSED with the dynamic between Kotallo and Alva. Obsessed I say. They are precious to me.
5. Underrated ship: It isn’t a ship, it’s a half built dingy that I am assembling myself but lost the instructions for. Talanah/Ivvira. In a very “enemies to lovers” scenario where Ivvira keeps finding this arrogant Carja traipsing through her lands and tries to kill her, but Talanah keeps defeating her and it’s driving her up a wall.
6. Overrated ship: Honestly I don’t really have opinions about other ships??? Like if it isn’t Ereloy or one of the other’s I’ve listed then genuinely it’s just sitting there, and I don’t care about it. Now if they were to make one end game, and it feels like I’m blindsided by it? Maybe I’ll have an opinion. But atm not so much. Just let me sit in my corner with my ships in peace.
7. One thing I would change in canon: Seconding the “one?” Vibes. There are a lot of nit picky things I would like to alter about how they handled Erend in Forbidden West, but ultimately he did play a good role in some of my favorite scenes. So I think if it came down to choosing the one thing I would change, it’s hands down Varl’s death. It felt like a lot of character development wasted and it’s frustrating to know that we won’t get to see the relationships he was developing grow any deeper. I think if you have to rely on character death to create an interesting story or to traumatize your characters, then youre not being creative.
8. Something canon did right:
9. A thing I’m proud of creating for the fandom:
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My darlings.
10. A character who is perfect to me: I guess Alva’s already taken so…… hmm. I love Joruf’s vibes ngl. The man is so tired, and I just adore how he and the other vanguard treat Aloy like she’s one of the gang. The energy of Aloy showing up in the Daunt and Joruf acting like his coworker came in mid-shift to help him with a disaster was top tier.
11. The character I relate to most and why: I had to really think about this. I think I’m going with Zo? Mom friend to the core, but also known to cause problems of my own when the need arises. Like’s plant’s and nature and has a creative side. Values her community, but also criticizes the faults she sees in it.
12. Characters I hate the most: I mean the obvious, Faro sucks ass. But boy howdy did the Ceo give me the creeps too. Also I have a complicated relationship with Avad. Like the dude has done incredible stuff for his people, and I think he’s a great guy. But his blunders with Aloy (which i think are more an issue with how his interest in her was written than with the fact he’s interested period) and his dreams of handing off responsibility to his little brother rub me the wrong way. But it’s complicated, I can appreciate him.
13: Something I’ve learned from the fandom: To focus on what makes me happy, and stay in that lane. I think fandom is best enjoyed when you know what you want out of it, so you cater your online experience to that. Mary Kondo your blog. Block tags that don’t work for you. It doesn’t need to be because you absolutely hate something and the people involved. It just ensures that the content you see is catered to what sparks joy for YOU. If youre only dedicating so much time in a day to being online, don’t you want it to be time spent engaging with stuff that makes you happy?
14. Three tags I see out on ao3: hurt/comfort and slow burn? I don’t seek out enough tags lol
15: A song I strongly associate with my otp/favorite pairing: Bloodsport by Raleigh Ritchie, NFWMB by Hozier, Giant by Rag’nBone Man and Saviour by George Ezra. This question made me so happy. I am actually working on an Erend playlist rn that has a bit of an Ereloy spin on it. Oh also She’s Always a Woman by Billie Joel. Still a gem.
Tagging: I think everyone I know in the fandom has already been tagged?? But if that is untrue and you see this, please feel free to jump on board and consider yourself tagged by me!
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5 Sides of Human
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{Part Twenty-One}
Genre: Mixed
WC: ~5.4k
CW: Illusion to past trauma, Diavolo being pushy and kind of a creep, Storm has a stutter but I am not depicting it with written word consistently, prolly lots of typos lol, spoilers for season 1&2, I'm skipping over/changing some things I didn't like in the main story so it will be a bit different from canon!
Series Masterlist
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©️ artwork commissioned by @vivi8bit ©️  
“So why are you having to do all this now?” Vivi grumbled, annoyed that Storm had been digging into her and Satan’s time that should have been reserved for play-time with the cats in the HOL garden, but was now spent reading boring history books about the Devildom. 
Storm sighed, rubbing her temples. “Lord Diavolo and Lucifer are sort of...forcing me to. They think that I’m smart enough to have my training wheels taken off and do the normal exams that the other demons do, but all of this seems so complicated...” 
“This isn’t really giving you a lot of time to prepare.” Heart gave her a sympathetic glance. “Aren’t the exams in like...4 days?” 
“Yeah, that’s kind of shady of Dracula to do.” Vivi shrugged, trying not to show how annoyed she was at how stressed Diavolo had made Storm. “But you’re a book nerd, right? This should be easy for you.”
“But there’s so much here that I’ve never learned, and from classes I haven’t even taken. I just...don’t know if I’m as smart as they think I am...” Storm bit her lip, petting Malice’s belly a bit rougher than before to try to calm her anxiety. He squirmed between her legs, and flopped his head backward into her thigh, whining softly. 
Satan shook his head, dispelling any of her thoughts of being inadequate. “And even if you get some of the questions wrong, so what? They know you showed up half way through the semester and don’t have some of the information to fill the gaps.  I don’t think they’re expecting you to get 100% on the test, let alone any sort of A-level grade.” 
“But...” She sighs again, smoothing over her face in her hands. “This just makes me feel like they’re setting me up for failure. Why even bother if they don’t expect me to do well?” 
Heart mimicked Satan’s movement. “Storm, you won’t fail. You’re smarter than everyone in this damn house. Besides, we’re studying for a similar version of the exam, so we can help you too!” 
“Yeah, seriously!” Fern added, smiling and bumping their shoulder into hers. “Give yourself some credit. I almost got 0% 100 on my first exam and Lucifer didn’t even think that was possible for someone who showed up to all the classes, haha!” 
Storm gave a small smile that quickly fell back into a worried frown. The other 4 humans looked between each other with uncertainty. Simeon looked to Satan with concern, unsure of how to proceed. Satan sighed, flipping open the practice exam book that Lucifer loaned to him,
“Let’s try a little quiz to see what you know.” Satan sifted through the pages, trying to find a challenging, but not impossible, question. “Let’s see...This animal of myth is one of the most influential in Devildom history, and is known for it’s symbolism of rebirth and rejuvenation. It became widely used after the celestial war, when numerous changes occurred in Devildom politics as Lord Diavolo inherited the throne. What is it?” 
Storm paused, thinking for a minute. She had an answer right away, but was second guessing if the answer that came to mind was actually correct. “It’s...A three legged crow, right?” 
Satan nodded. “Mhm. Correct.” 
“Very good, Storm.” Simeon beamed at her, hoping that she would see that she knew more than she thought she did with this practice. 
“How the fuck did you know that?” Fern asked, completely befuddled as to how she got the answer right. 
“Well...You kinda see it everywhere if you pay attention.” Storm shrugged. “The stickers on our phone have them in there, and the logo on the back is of one too. Plus there’s lots of merchandise you can by that has the human world “good vibes” trope with the crows on it, so...I guess it was mostly just luck that I paid attention?” 
Vivi shook her head. “I mean that may be true, but I feel like Mammon probably wouldn’t know the answer to that question and he’s been here for how long now?” 
Satan snorted. “He does pay very little attention to his surroundings. How he hasn’t somehow walked into a sink hole by this point is kind of a miracle.” 
“That’s a nice way to say that he’s an absolute dunce.” Sarah cackled, nearly falling over laughing. 
“Hey, guys...come on now.” Storm looked around at the others who were laughing, finding it sad that they so easily insulted Mammon’s intelligence. He maybe wasn’t a genius when it came to a lot of things, but he was smart in his own right- especially when it came to math. There were numerous times when she was trying to figure out currency exchange rates to purchase something from the human world and he had helped her immensely with that, plus all of the extra work he did helping her budget for the play. The mental math he was able to fire off so quickly when they were calculating costs was very impressive, and she was saddened to see that the other exchange students really just saw him as a useless buffoon.  
Satan cleared his throat after finally getting his laughs out. “Okay, okay. Next question...” He thumbed through a few pages before stopping, tracing his finger down to a good question. “Okay. Next one. When the Devildom was created, it did not look like how it does today. What did it look like?” 
Storm furrowed her brows. “It was covered in a huge forest right? Like, trees so thick you couldn’t see the sky beneath their canopy?” 
“Absolutely, yes.” Simeon smiled widely. “Two correct answers in a row!” 
They went through a few more questions, each harder than the last, but Storm was able to rattle off correct answers to every single one. Simeon and Satan praised her for her knowledge, trying to convince her that she is smarter than she thinks she is. 
Storm shook her head, seemingly not believing either of them. “You’re asking me easy questions on purpose, Satan. There’s no way that’s what the exams are like given how you guys talk about them!” 
Before Satan could reply, the doors to the library suddenly opened, causing everyone’s attention to be pivoted. Lucifer stood with his arms crossed in the doorway, shifting his gaze amongst the individuals in the circle around the coffee table.  
“Storm, I need you to come with me.” Lucifer pretended not to notice the scowls amongst them at his request. “Now.” 
Storm swallowed, glancing to Simeon briefly. He gave a weak smile in response, indicating he had no idea what Lucifer needed from her so urgently. 
“Come on, gramps.” Fern rolled their eyes. “Can’t you see we’re busy here?”
“Yeah, if you’re gonna make Storm do this stupid hard exam, give her time to study!” Sarah pouted, trying to hide that she was only mad because she hadn’t gotten to spend more time with Storm yet. 
Lucifer scowled. “I didn’t ask for your commentary. I agree that she should have time to study, but she will have to make time for it later. Diavolo has requested her audience at the Castle, and it is non-negotiable.” 
Storm sighed, giving Malice’s ears a gentle squeeze before standing and walking toward Lucifer. She picked at her arms anxiously, refusing to meet his eyes. He had been distant the past few days, not really going out of his way to make sure Storm had what she needed for the exams since the night of the Bloody Moon. She was starting to grow even more concerned with the hot-and-cold shifting in his attitude toward her. One minute she seemed to believe he was completely infatuated with her, and the next it seemed like he could care less if she existed. That alone made her anxious as is, but the increasing texts from Diavolo requesting her to accompany him to dinner or come to the castle to spend time with him was making it so much worse. 
��Storm...” Lucifer murmured, leaning down and gently pulling her wrist away to stop the picking.  He felt bad at how anxious Diavolo’s behavior was making her, but he wasn’t sure how to address it. He was even more annoyed with the plethora of tasks he had been giving Lucifer to pull him away from spending time with Storm, seemingly to increase his chances of spending time alone with her. Storm seemed to be able to dodge them every time somehow, up until Diavolo realizing that the approach he was trying wasn’t working. “You may bring Malice along with you, if you wish. Diavolo didn’t explicitly express that he wasn’t welcome.”
Storm’s face lifted in relief. She was grateful that Lucifer was accommodating to her needs. “Thank goodness.” 
Lucifer smiled briefly as Storm called to the dog, causing Fern to whine in displeasure at the fluffy dog being pulled away from their hands. They walked together down the hall to the foyer, and Lucifer helped her into her coat and held the door for her. They walked together toward the castle in relative silence. Both had their thoughts passing quickly through their brain, trying to figure out what to say to the other. Usually, the silence between them would be tension free, and they would each find significant comfort in each other’s silent company. But the unease over where the other’s feelings lie and how to communicate to the other how they felt without saying it out loud took up the usually comfortable space instead. 
Malice trotted close to Storm’s side, occasionally glancing up at Lucifer. The dog appeared to not mind Lucifer as much as his other brothers (with the obvious exception of Beelzebub), but was still wary around him. Malice noticed the back-and-forth mood shifts that happened with Storm when she was around him, and had a hard time pinning down his intentions. Whether or not he was a threat, the dog couldn’t be quite sure. But he did appear to care for and prevent other harm from inflicting upon Storm, and he made an effort to be peaceful with him- so that much indicated that he should be safe.  
As they approached the gate to the castle, Storm found her heartbeat increasing more with each step. It wasn’t until they were greeted by Barbatos though that Storm’s anxiety made her stomach begin turning in knots. Barbatos eyed her carefully as she entered the castle, and it’s not like she couldn’t tell that he was analyzing her every movement. Malice circled her in the foyer as she stripped off her coat, glaring intensely at Barbatos as he did so. This demon was more of an obvious threat, so he had to have his awareness up around the butler- even if his exterior was calm and collected. 
“The young master awaits you in the garden.” Barbatos smiled coldly, before dropping his gaze down to Malice. “Though, I don’t believe he included the dog in his invitation.” 
Malice grumbled lightly, pressing himself firmly against Storm’s legs. 
Storm swallowed, gripping Malice’s leash so tightly that her knuckles turned pure white. “I...uh...I need him with me though.” 
Barbatos chuckled, but it seemed to hold less amusement than it normally would. “Miss Storm, you survived an entire year in the devildom previously without your pet. Perhaps the way you mean to convey your words is that you merely want him at your side.”
Storm swallowed, cursing herself for feeling tears well up behind her eyes. Before she could stammer out a reply, Lucifer stepped in front of her. 
“Barbatos, I was the one who informed her she could bring him along.” Lucifer narrowed his eyes. “Storm has made us aware from the beginning that this animal is no mere pet. He acts in service to her, and aids in her difficulties with anxiety.” 
He paused, glancing back at Storm to ensure this disclosure was okay. She smiled gratefully at him. Lucifer nodded, giving a small smile in response before continuing: 
“I would appreciate you not questioning Storm when it comes to her own needs. I can corroborate the fact that the dog does aid in the ways she says he does, and she has been getting on much better here with his presence.” 
His voice was terse, which Storm found unusual for the way that he and Barbatos usually conversed. She glanced between the two of them as they stared each other down for a moment. Finally, Barbatos spoke, his voice was smooth, but there was an odd twinge of irritation behind his tone.
“Regardless of the circumstances surrounding it, I am sure the young master will still allow his audience, as he has done nothing but talk me to death about his excitement for having Miss Storm here for dinner...Though a proper notice- or rather, request to have the dog present would be something to consider in the future.” 
Without another word, Barbatos turned on his heel and briskly paced toward the north hallway, beckoning them to follow. 
Storm sighed in relief as she followed behind, now walking extremely close to Lucifer’s side. Malice walked on the other, sandwiching her between the two to keep her feeling secure. Both glared at the back of Barbatos’ head as they walked trying to determine why he was so eager to paint Storm as an antagonist. 
“Ahh Storm!” Diavolo’s voice boomed through the garden as she approached, causing her to wince. “I’m glad you could finally make it! And you’ve brought Malice. How wonderful!” 
Storm smiled nervously, offering a curtsey in response. “Thank you for the invitation, my Lord.” 
Lucifer smirked, finding it hard not to find her strict adherence to etiquette charming. No matter how many times she witnessed his brothers completely disregard his teachings, she still presented to the Demon lord as oddly formal, and he appreciated the seriousness in which she took his position- even in circumstances that didn’t necessarily require it. 
Diavolo let out a hearty laugh at Storm’s greeting. “No need for formalities, my dear. Come! Sit!” 
Storm laughed nervously, finding the use of a pet name a bit uncomfortable. She obliged though, taking a seat across from Diavolo at the garden tea table. Laid out on the table was a small plate of hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies and Linzer tarts, accompanied by black tea. Lucifer sat in the space between them and eyed the tarts suspiciously, recognizing them as one of Storm’s favorite sweets. 
“How are your studies coming?” Diavolo folded his hands on the table, leaning forward eagerly.   “The exam is coming up soon! I surly hope you are feeling prepared?”
Storm nodded, beginning to pick at the skin on her arms. “I-it’s going okay, I think. I was studying with Satan and the other exchange students before this, and they seem to feel pretty confident in me.” 
“As they should. You’re intelligence is impressive, Storm.” Diavolo’s lids fell slightly as he looked her up and down. “We are lucky to have such a model exchange student leading the way for the next cohort.” 
“Uh...thank you...” Storm swallowed, digging her long nails deeper into her skin. “I don’t know if I’m really all that worthy of all that praise though.” 
“Nonsense!” Diavolo laughed. “You truly are too humble for your own good, Storm. It’s hard not find it endearing.” 
Malice shoved his way underneath the table, plopping himself between Storm’s legs. He grumbled when he saw Lucifer reach a hand over toward her, though ceased when he noticed it was to stop her from picking at her skin. 
“Lord Diavolo and I wouldn’t have done this if we didn’t think you were capable.” Lucifer eyed Storm from his peripherals, noticing her posture start to relax after placing his hand over hers. “There’s no need to be so hard on yourself.” 
Storm nodded in response, but remained quiet. Diavolo shifted his gaze between her and Lucifer for a moment, noticing how she seemed to relax with his intervention and touch. He cleared his throat, swallowing down the jealousy he felt at Lucifer’s effect on her, and how unresponsive she seemed to his attempts at flirting. 
“I had Barbatos make us some delectable treats for our meeting.” Diavolo gestured to the plate in the center of the table. “Please, help yourselves!” 
Storm tilted her head, recognizing the jam-filled cookies scattered about the tray. “Are these-” 
“Linzer cookies!” Diavolo interrupted excitedly, taking one off the tray and holding it out to her. “I know you are fond of them, and honestly I have grown to enjoy them after you baked some for the new-years event during the last exchange program.” 
Storm took the cookie with a nervous smile. “Thanks...yeah, they are pretty good.” 
She nibbled the cookie slowly as Diavolo talked, nodding along but finding herself drifting in and out of the conversation as he went on about future plans for the exchange program. She found her mind wandering to the exams, and her anxiety about failing the test. Lucifer watched her out of the corner of his eye, noticing the same vacant expression present in Mammon during council meetings. 
“-And that’s why the angels have been proving more difficult to rekindle with. Anyways though, I want to hear more about you, Storm.” 
Storm jolted her mind back to the present. “Huh?” 
Diavolo laughed. “I want to know more about you. Lucifer and his brothers have gotten to know you so well- and I feel like I’ve missed out...Even the new exchange students seem to be getting to know you more than I or Barbatos has.” 
Storm stole a glance to where Barbatos stood. Her eyes met his briefly before she shot her gaze back down to the table, not liking the way he was sizing her up. “W-what do you want to know?” 
“Hmm...” Diavolo thought for a moment, bouncing a tea spoon in his fingers. “Well, for starters, I’ve only had a small glimpse into what life was like for you in the human world.” 
Storm nodded, swallowing hard. “Well...Life wasn’t that great for me up there- I suppose I’ll just leave it at that.”  
Diavolo cocked his head. “What do you mean by that?” 
“I...I’d rather not talk about it.” Storm tensed, gripping the hem of her tunic in her fingers tightly. 
“Surely it can’t be that bad.” Diavolo chuckled, but his playful smile fell when he noticed Lucifer’s pointed glare and Storm’s closed body language. “...can it?”
“Perhaps we can talk about something other than Storm’s past.” Lucifer lifted his eyebrows, signaling for Diavolo to drop the topic.
“Very well then...what did you do while you were away from us? I’m sure given all the shenanigans you got into here with the brothers you must have some fascinating stories from the human world, hmm?”
“I didn’t do much...for the most part, I just went back to work and spent time with Malice. I don’t really have a very exciting life.” Storm shrugged, refusing to meet his hopeful eyes. “I’m sorry to disappoint you.” 
Diavolo blinked a few times, trying to figure out how to respond. Before he could open his mouth though, his phone began to ring loudly from his pocket. He gave an apologetic smile before answering the call, his tone growing increasingly serious with each moment that passed. As he hung up the phone he stood, giving another apologetic smile to the pair before him. 
“My apologies for having to cut this tea date short, but I do hope we can come together again soon. I am needed elsewhere now, so please, take what cookies are left to bring to the house of lamentation.” 
Lucifer and Storm shared a worried glance before standing to leave. As they began to walk away, Diavolo snatched her by the wrist and gently pulled her backwards out of earshot from Lucifer. Her eyes widened as he leaned down to her ear, obviously not wanting Lucifer to overhear their conversation. 
“I do hope next time you come by yourself. I would like to spend some time together- just the two of us.” Diavolo smiled warmly, lifting Storm’s wrist and placing a kiss on the inside of her palm. “I look forward to it.” 
Storm nodded anxiously, immediately pacing away when Diavolo dropped her hand. He watched, sighing wistfully as she exited the gardens by Lucifer’s side. Barbatos approached with a look reminiscent of a scowl on his face, clearly unamused. 
“Young Master, given the circumstances, you should not be inviting Miss Storm for tea. It would be more more appropriate for you to be interrogating her.” Barbatos’ voice was a cold hiss, snapping Diavolo out of his lust-filled daze. 
“Oh, come off it, Barbatos.” Diavolo shook his head. “Even if she is responsible for all of these things happening, I doubt that she has any knowledge of it. Storm hardly seems like the type to even harm a mere insect. Perhaps Solomon’s newest insights can lead us to a better conclusion.” 
Barbatos sighed. “And what if his findings lead to the same conclusion? You mustn’t grow attached if we may need to-” 
“Enough.” Diavolo’s voice became firm and deep, the tone indicating his seriousness. “I understand you want to be cautious, but you need to trust me on this, Barbatos.” 
The butler sighed. “Very well. But please do keep my sentiments in mind. Time is of the essence and we have limited amounts of it before something must be done.” 
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“What the...Can someone please explain to me what the hell is going on here?!” Lucifer yelled, causing all the individuals in the kitchen to grow deathly silent. He and Storm had only walked 5 feet past the threshold to the HOL before hearing an explosion from the kitchen. The 5 individuals scattered about the kitchen groaned as Storm and Lucifer appeared through the smoke to see the entire room had been painted in a mixture of potato skins and mash. 
“W-well...Ya’ see...” Mammon stammered, quickly trying to clean himself of the numerous potato skins covering his body.
“We were only trying to help...” Sarah muttered nervously from where she sat on the floor, trying to rub the mash out of her eyes
Fern groaned, rubbing the spot on their head from where they had hit the ground. Storm nearly shrieked, rushing over to help them to their feet. They tried to regain their balance, as Lucifer repeated his question more harshly, tapping his foot and awaiting an answer. 
“Solomon and I are competing to see who’s a better cook.” Fern shook their right leg out, and a ton of potato mash slid out from their pant leg. “I was trying to soften potatoes in the microwave cuz it’s faster, and I need mash potatoes for the sheepy pie and-”
“Shepard's pie.” Belphie corrected. His voice seemingly came from nowhere, but Storm was able to catch sight of the toe of his boot from under the center island, though it was hard to tell given the amount of potato mash that covered the kitchen. 
“Whatever!” Fern threw up their arms in exasperation, now pacing the floor. 
“Fern apparently didn’t poke any holes in them and set the microwave way too high.” Sarah sighed, smacking the side of her head to get potato out of her ear. “And they decided to fill it to the brim instead of doing a couple at a time.” 
“Well I don’t know!” Fern yelled, crossing their arms. “I asked y’all for help and you weren’t giving very much of it!” 
“Why...are there so many?” Storm glanced around the kitchen, seeing two full sacks of potatoes behind the counter that were half her size in addition to the mash covering the kitchen. “You said you’re making a shepherds pie, right? You only need like, 2 or 3 single potatoes for 1 batch.” 
“We figured they may have to make a few attempts.” Sarah shrugged. “But they also insisted on getting extra.” 
“I also wanted extra.” Beel added from the corner behind her, seemingly unscathed by most of the mash. He smiled warmly at Storm when her and Lucifer turned their attention to him, happily engulfing a raw potato.
Fern shook their head. “If I don’t learn how to make this thing I’ll lose a bet and-” 
“Is that so?” Lucifer narrowed his eyes and snapped his attention toward Mammon. “A bet, hm?” 
“It wasn’t my idea!” Mammon nearly yelled, pointing toward Sarah. “She came up with it! I swear!” 
Sarah fanned her lashes at Lucifer as he turned his attention to her. “Oh, Wittle old me? I wouldn’t dweam of doing something so tewible! You know its wrong to tell fibs, Mammy!” 
“I told ya not t’ call me that!” Mammon snapped. “And it was yer idea ya little-”
“ENOUGH!” Lucifer’s breath was heavy as he tried to hold back his anger. “I don’t care who is responsible. If this kitchen isn’t cleaned up in the next 5 minutes, all of you are going to hanging from the ceiling for the next 5 centuries. Now get on it!” 
He turned on his heel, the squelching of potato underneath his foot falls fading as he exited the kitchen and made his way toward his office. Storm sighed, hating to see Lucifer in such a frazzled state. Brushing off the mash from the stove, she turned back to Fern. 
“Get me a deep skillet, Fern.” She ordered firmly, causing them to blink in confusion. 
“You said you need to know how to make a shepherds pie, right? Well, I’m on dinner duty. I’ll show you how.” Storm shrugged. “Besides, we need to find use for these potatoes now.”
Fern’s eyes lit up in excitement, happily following Storm’s directions and rummaging through the cupboard for the right pans. She turned to Mammon and Sarah, who had begun arguing about whose idea the bet was, narrowing her eyes. 
“You two: do you want to hang from the ceiling like Lucifer said?” Storm gestured to the kitchen around her. “I am not cooking in this mess. Now get cleaning.” 
Mammon and Sarah shared a nervous glance before scrambling around the kitchen, searching for any means that would help them clean the potatoes quickly. 
“Beel, would you mind helping me get some other ingredients down from the pantry? You’re welcome to help yourself to an entire bag of those potatoes if you do.” Storm smiled warmly at him as he eagerly obliged, rushing over to her side and beginning to pick out various herbs and spices that she typically used while cooking down from the tall cabinet. “And Belphie?” 
Belphie groaned. “What?” 
“Would you mind quizzing me on potions while I cook? I don’t want to lose study time. Satan has a study guide, go get it from him.” 
He peaked his head out from the side, a look of confusion on his face. “Wait, really?” 
She turned to him, cocking an eyebrow. “Do I look like I’m joking?” 
Belphie shrugged, sliding out from under the island and in a hurried pace, fled the kitchen to retrieve the item she needed. 
Storm rolled up her sleeves and tied her hair into a tight bun before turning back to Fern. “Alright. Lets do this.”
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The exam day arrived and went by relatively smoothly. Despite Storm’s nerves, she was able to complete the exams with relative ease. It wasn’t until the end of the day when the scores were posted that her anxiety really began to manifest, resulting in Fern and Mammon practically dragging her down the hallway to see her exam scores on the bulletin board.
“I don’t want to look at my scores in front of everyone guys.” Storm whined, desperately trying to pull herself free from their hold. 
“C’mon, Storm!” Mammon pleaded. “We already looked at ‘em, and we want ya to see how well ya did!” 
“Seriously!” Fern’s step took on a bit of a bounce to keep up with Mammon’s long strides. “You’re gonna get blown backwards after seeing it!” 
They stopped just outside the crowd that had amassed around the bulletin board. Amongst the sea of demons who whispered amongst themselves was Beel, Belphie, Solomon, Levi, and Heart, who had been awaiting their arrival. They waved them over, managing to get the crowd of demons to open a path for them to come through to the front. Storm squeezed her eyes shut as they pulled her forward, not liking that she had already heard her name numerous times from the demons in the crowd. 
“Storm, I can’t believe it!” Heart giddily squealed, giving her a tight hug. “I wonder what Diavolo is gonna say!” 
Storm sighed, peaking her eyes open slowly to look at the spreadsheet of scores. Her eyes sifted down the list of names, her heart pounding in hear ears. Her gaze finally stopped on her name, and slowly panned to the number collum parallel to it. Her breath caught in her throat and her eyes widened as her brain fully processed the bold “500″ on the page. 
“What?” She gasped out, finally managing to pull her hands free and make her way closer to the board. “That...that can’t be possible, right?” 
“Congrats, Henry!” Levi called from behind her. “We should celebrate!” 
“Yeah, even Satan hasn’t ever managed to get a perfect score on the global exams.” Belphie added. “I think we should do something special.” 
“No, no...” Storm shook her head turning back to them. “I mean, this has to be fake, right? There’s no way I could get a perfect score.” 
“We reviewed it 5 times over, Storm.” Diavolo’s voice from her side startled her, causing her to yelp and flinch away. She hadn’t even heard them approach, let alone seen them. The prince clasped a hand to her shoulder, squeezing a bit roughly. He had a wide smile on his face, clearly pleased with the results of the exam. “We are all amazed by your ability!” 
Lucifer gave a weak, apologetic smile as she turned to face where he and Diavolo now stood. “You did very well. Good job.” 
Storm blushed, rubbing her arm anxiously. “Thank you...but what does this mean now?” 
“That is something we are still trying to decide!” Diavolo beamed. “But we will keep you informed. Only good things are to come from this!” 
“Between your intelligence and magical affinity, I’m definitely becoming more curious about you myself.” Solomon added from behind her, a sly smile playing on his lips. “You may actually surpass me in your abilities.” 
Storm shrugged. “I dunno, I highly doubt that, Sol.” 
“Regardless, I agree with Belphegor.” Diavolo smiled warmly. “I believe a celebration is in order. Lucifer, bring your brothers to the castle later this evening. We will have something special planned!” 
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“How did you manage to screw it up this bad, Fern?” Sarah grimaced after spitting her spoonful of shepherds pie into the napkin. “Didn’t Storm show you exactly how to make it?” 
“Oh, You had help?” Solomon let out a chuckle, crossing his arms. “I believe that was against the rules wasn’t it?” 
Mammon let out a groan from across the table. “Clearly it don’t matter that they had help.” 
“Solomon’s isn’t any better, guys. Don’t get your hopes up.” Heart shuddered, pushing his plate away from him as far as he could. 
“Blech. Can confirm.” Belphie shook his head. “Seriously, the two of you are hopeless.” 
“So who wins?!” Fern pouted, looking between the four individuals at the table. “One of them has to be better!” 
“I actually had a really fun time making it.” Solomon smiled, pointing to the skillet he had brought with him from purgatory hall. “I wanted to make sure to save some for Storm, since we’re celebrating her tonight after all!” 
“Oh no you don’t!” Vivi growled from behind him, snatching the pan off the table and chucking it against the wall. “Seriously, are you trying to kill her!?” 
“What do you mean?” Solomon blinked in confusion, causing Vivi to let out a long, exasperated sigh.
“You really are clueless, aren’t you?” Vivi shook their head, turning and going back to trying to rig a trap in the doorway for Lucifer to walk into. Solomon shrugged, turning and entering the kitchen to try his hand at something else for Storm’s gift. 
“Okay but WHO WON!?” Fern asked louder. The individuals at the table groaned in response, their stomachs clearly turning from both meals that were presented to them. 
“Honestly I think it’s a tie.” Belphie shook his head. “They’re both pretty bad.” 
“Aw, so no one gets punished?” Sarah pouted, crossing her arms. “No fair!” 
“Why don’t you make both of them the losers?” Vivi called back over her shoulder, fumbling with the metal wire. “That way they both get humiliated and Dracula gets shit on twice as much.” 
“Good idea!” Sarah smiled evilly. “We’re doing that!” 
Fern and Belphie groaned, giving each other an uneasy glance. Sarah stood and skipped gleefully over to the side of the table where Fern and Belphie were, hooking them both under each arm. 
“I can’t wait to see how this plays out, hehe.” 
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nirikeehan · 1 year
Pravin & Thalia, dramatic situations prompts: "A character angling themselves in front of another character when things get tense or uncomfortable, stepping between them and harm’s way"
HI THIS has possessed me and is now part one of something to be continued at a later date. Stay tuned.
For @dadrunkwriting
WC: 1759
CW: Introduction of an OC from Thalia's past with super bad creeper vibes.
The Hinterlands were ablaze with autumn color. Thalia sat on her provided wooden bench and admired the hues: burnt oranges, vivid yellows, reds as bright as flame. The afternoon air was crisp but the sun warm, the sky an aching blue. The fair weather, it seemed, was her only respite. The procession to see her spread straight out of Redcliffe’s town square and curled around a corner. 
With a nod, she allowed the Inquisition soldiers serving as her security detail to admit the next petitioner into the shade of her pavilion. It was a woman, not much older than Thalia herself, wearing dark braids and a homespun dress. In her arms, to Thalia’s dismay, she held a swaddled, squalling infant. 
“Praise the Herald!” The woman threw herself prostrate on her knees, so that Thalia was forced to look over the edge of the long wooden table where she sat. The woman held up the crying babe, mucus streaming from its nose. “Please, bless my child.” 
Thalia hesitated only a heartbeat. She raised her left hand, flashing the gash in her palm that spilled emerald light, and waved it over the child. By luck — or perhaps the anchor’s glow did have a soothing effect — it calmed. 
“Your babe is already blessed,” Thalia said with a soft smile. 
The woman climbed to her feet, equally dazzled. “Thank you, my lady. That was incredible. Thank you so much.” 
The mother retreated, and in the procession’s lull, Thalia’s cousin Pravin slunk out from behind a tent pole holding up the pavilion. 
“Nicely done,” he murmured. 
“That’s not the first snotty baby that’s been shoved in my face.” Thalia sighed, resisting the urge to rub an eye. The afternoon felt every bit as long as the line gathered to see her. “Usually waving the anchor around is enough to convince the small folk I don’t need to kiss them.”
“The best for everyone involved,” Pravin adjusted the ostrich feather in his wide-brimmed cavalier hat. Today he’d donned a doublet and half-cape of deep navy blue slashed with royal purple. “I’ve heard tell the miasma of sickness is spread more easily in close contact, especially with children.” 
Thalia smirked. “I’d rather not face Corypheus while battling a chill, thank you.”
Pravin peered at her with his sharp green eyes. “Are you tired? I can tell the guards to turn the remainder away for the evening.”
“It’s all right.” With the Inquisition’s fame spread far and wide, these sort of audiences had become both more important and more taxing. It seemed these days she couldn’t go ten feet without a crowd of people wanting to meet the Inquisitor and ask for her favor, blessing, or air any amount of petty grievances. “We’ve an hour or so before sunset; I can make it until then.” 
“If you insist.” Pravin leaned forward, picking a bit of pollen off the collar of her dress. “In that case, I think I ought to go check on your boyfriend.” 
Thalia snorted. “Don’t call him that.” 
“No? What shall I call him, then? Your paramour? Beau?” Pravin smirked and struck a dramatic pose. “Your lover—?”
“I think ‘Commander of the Inquisition’ will suffice,” Thalia cut in, her face burning. 
Pravin let out a hearty laugh. “You two can’t keep it a secret forever, you know. The puppy eyes he gives you in our war council meetings are already so obvious. And now Arl Teagan has asked him to give a speech tonight — in your honor. Do you really think his Wicked Grace face is that good?”
“I thought he turned that offer down,” Thalia said, bemused. Cullen hated giving speeches that weren’t meant to boost battlefield morale among his soldiers; he found them overlong, self-important and trite — his exact words.
Pravin’s grin widened. “I… might have persuaded him otherwise.”
“Because it’s good public relations,” Pravin insisted. “And perhaps because I got Varric to write it for him and agreed to coach him on his delivery. Trust me, when he hits lines like ‘our beloved Herald,’ he is not subtle.”
Thalia let out an exasperated laugh. “I knew I shouldn’t have told you about us.” 
“I’d’ve figured it out. Just like everyone else will,” Pravin said with amusement. “I’m just saying. Think of making a public announcement. Get ahead of it.” He buffed his nails against the lapel of his doublet. “Now, dear cousin, I’ll bid you adieu so that you may get back to your Inquisitorial duties.” 
Thalia shook her head as Pravin strolled out the back exit of the pavilion out amidst milling townsfolk and Inquisition retainers. Sighing, she straightened her posture and lifted her chin. There was a line of people waiting, after all. “You may send the next in.” 
An hour later, her pavilion closed to the public, Thalia slipped into the gathering twilight. Redcliffe’s town square bustled around her. The lamp lighters were out, and as she stood amidst the cobblestones, she could see the fading sunset reflected on the placid surface of Lake Calenhad. The warmth of the day had given way to the pleasant chill of an autumn night. Fireflies dotted the sky, and, higher up, so did the first dusting of stars. Thalia closed her eyes and inhaled the cool air, heady with the scent of cookfires. Redcliffe was hosting a feast for the Inquisition’s retinue, and all too soon she could be called to another pavilion, greeted by Arl Teagan, and seated at a high table for another round of diplomatic mingling. 
“Thalia?” said a man’s deep, silken voice, at once strange and unsettlingly familiar. “Thalia Trevelyan?”
She opened her eyes. A tall figure loomed before her, bathed in shadow. A lingering petitioner, probably, though the way he hunched, as if used to being unable to fit through doorways, set her on edge. She’d left her mage staff in her room at the Gull and Lantern, deemed too threatening to carry while meeting the common people. She clenched her left hand, feeling the anchor’s reassuring spark. “Yes? May I help you?” 
“It is you.” The man slunk forward, face obscured by his hooded cloak. His voice brimmed with elated mirth. “My, you’ve grown.”
Thalia’s stomach clenched. “Who are you? Forgive me, I don’t recall—”
He glided into the street light. The world tilted slowly. Intense blue eyes, crooked nose, concave cheeks, limp hair falling across his forehead — he was older now, but she’d know him anywhere. She’d stared into this face for hours, once. 
“Knight-Templar Algernon,” she breathed. 
“I’ve dispensed with the title, unfortunately.” He lifted his shoulders in an exaggerated shrug. “War — what’s it good for? Never should have left our little slice of paradise, methinks.” He cocked his head, smile wide and ghoulish. “Do you ever miss it? The Circle Tower?” 
“No,” Thalia said sharply, drawing back. “I don’t.” 
Algernon laughed. “Not surprising, I suppose. Dissolving the Circles and all that. Couldn’t comprehend it would ever come to that, let alone at the hands of one of mine.” He stretched out an arm to brush bony fingers against the dark ink beneath her right eye. His voice went hushed. “How could I have known my work would one day adorn the Herald of Andraste?”
 “Hey.” In a flash of purple cape and ostrich feather, Pravin threw himself between Thalia and Algernon. “Hands off the Inquisitor, buddy.” 
The former Templar snatched back his palm. Light-headed, Thalia dug her nails into the puffed sleeve of Pravin’s doublet. 
“Forgive me, ser, forgive me.” Algernon raised his arms as if in surrender. “We go way back, she and I.”
Pravin clucked his tongue. “What a coincidence, as do I. I’m her cousin. Who the hell are you?” 
The remaining glee drained from Algernon’s face. He swayed in his raggedy cloak, eyes darting. Without another word, he whirled and stormed off into the night. 
“Asshole.” Pravin turned to Thalia, brow furrowing in concern. “Are you all right?” 
“I— yes.” She leaned against the lantern-post, the fuzzy light above gathering moths, and tried to breathe deeply. He’s alive. He’s still out there. He… remembers. She shuddered.
“Are you sure?” Pravin asked, skeptical. 
“I just need a moment.” Thalia sat on the low stone wall that separated the town square from a manicured garden, pressing her palms against her thighs. Her dress pooled out around her, whisper-soft aquamarine samite threaded with cloth-of-gold. Not for the first time, she felt as if all of this were a farce — that only people like Algernon knew who she truly was. 
Pravin watched her with a troubled expression. As he opened his mouth, her security detail rounded the corner of her pavilion. “Is everything okay?” one of them asked, breathless. “We thought we heard a commotion.”
“No, everything is not okay.” Pravin jabbed a finger in Algernon’s general direction. “While you two were slacking off, the Inquisitor was accosted by a vagabond. You can rest assured I will be reporting this incident to the Commander—”
 “Pravin,” Thalia said. “It’s all right. I came out here by myself for some fresh air. It’s my fault.” 
“Like Andraste’s tit it is,” Pravin retorted. “They have one job, and that’s to keep you safe.”
“I’m fine. Look, see?” She lifted her chin and forced herself to smile. 
 Pravin rocked back on the heels of his expensive shoes and let out a slow breath. “If you insist. But all of us are escorting you back to the Gull and Lantern — right now.” 
Thalia didn’t protest; she stood and followed her cousin and guard detail. Soon they stood in the busy common room of the Gull and Lantern. The soft light and warm, cheery atmosphere reassured her. A minstrel tuned her lute over the din of those eating, drinking and carousing, and launched into a jaunty ballad. 
In the wide, bright space, Thalia felt less like Algernon might again leap from the darkness at any moment. She sank into a chair at an empty table and put her face in her hands. It had been years since she’d been able to feel the imprint of her tattoo on her skin, but her fingers found the curves and spiky lines regardless. She traced it from the bridge of her nose, around her eye, to her temple. She rubbed the opposite eye, where the ink bisected her eyebrow. 
Pravin sat beside her, folding his hands on the tabletop. He’d worn lacy, ruffled sleeves — dressing to impress the Arl tonight, it seemed. 
“So,” he said, voice low and gentle, “are you going to tell me what that was all about?” 
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againstacecilia · 2 years
Inner Circle
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader, Modern AU (one shot)
Word Count: 3.7k
Rating: Explicit, 18+ ONLY
Excerpt: "This is really nice," you manage to say, "the whisky, I mean." Heat floods your cheeks. Din turns his body to look at you, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "Just the whisky?'"
Warnings: Cursing, alcohol, smut, unprotected sex (please practice safer sex thank youuu), p in v, fingering, restraint, friends to lovers, emotional.
Summary: Helping Din close down Peli's bar means you and he are totally alone, and there's some history heating up the winter night.
A/N: This is a modern!AU so nothing Star Wars-y other than the characters. (Also, I know the GIF isn't Pedro Pascal as Din Djarin but it fits the ~vibe~ of the story more lol. Credit to u/Awkward_Emu12345 on r/Pedro_Pascal.) This was inspired by a weird dream don't come after me for dreaming about Din we all have our faults. I hope you enjoy, Happy Valentine's Day. 💖🥰😍😘💐
It was cold.
Everyone had left, save for the two of you, all of them too tired or too drunk to keep being social when they knew it was a tough walk home. But it had never been hard for you to be around Din. It had never been difficult to spend time doing anything, or nothing, with him. The easy silence around you was... Comforting.
"Now you two know you're always welcome, but I'm dog tired and about ready to fall asleep on the bar. Can I trust one of you to remember to lock up?" Peli rubbed a hand over her face as she talked, towel still draped over her shoulder. Running a bar looked good on her, and you and Din spent more than a few nights helping her close up after busy days.
Din spoke up, "We're fine, I'll bring the keys by in the morning."
"Don't go drinking all the good booze, I need that for the paying customers." She shouts over her shoulder as she heads out the door. You laugh softly into your drink, knowing pretty positively it wasn't well whisky in your glass.
"Paying customers," you mumble to Din as he sits back down, having locked the door and turned the front lights off to keep stragglers from wandering in, "I'm always trying to pay her and she only really takes my money about half the time. And even then the change she gives me back is more than it should be."
"Sounds like you've made it into her inner circle," Din chuckles, "We're a small group, welcome aboard." He clinks his glass to yours and takes a long sip, leveling a stare in your direction. "How come you didn't leave with everyone else?"
"Not tired. And I wanted some peace before the hell that is my week this week."
"Ah." He gets quiet, waiting for you to guide the conversation where you need it to go. Always a man of few words, Din had never been one to press issues. It took you awhile to understand his silence was holding space rather than disinterest. But you really did just want to stay for some peace and quiet, so you lean your head against the booth behind you and close your eyes. After a minute, you feel his gaze on you again and open your eyes.
"Everything okay?" you ask.
He shrugs as his response and gets up, heading to the bar. "Need topped off?"
"I could use a new drink," you slip out of your seat and follow him to the bar. Sitting in front of it, you slide your glass over the gleaming oak. "Barkeep's choice."
He grabs two short glasses, scooping ice into them and setting them down. "Be right back," he says before heading to Peli's office. You take the opportunity to let your eyes wander over the bar. Peli bought it at some foreclosure auction, always wanting to fix things up, and had decided another dive bar was what your little town needed. The bar itself was the best thing in the building, shining in the dim light. You had all pitched in to help her build it. It was the focal point of the whole place, almost having its own gravitational pull and always filling up before the tables and booths scattered around the room. Buzzing neon signs dotted the walls, tin tacker beer signs scattered in between.
After hearing some rummaging in the back office, Din comes sauntering back, opening an ancient looking bottle and pouring the amber liquid into your glasses.
"Where'd this come from?" you ask as he stoppers the bottle and hands you your glass. The whiskey smells like sweet wood, with a hint of spice that tickles your nose. A sip unveils notes of almond and cinnamon, with a hint of dried fruit. "Did you break into Peli's stash?"
A small grin, mischief dancing in his deep brown eyes. "Maybe. She doesn't drink it nearly enough. It deserves to be enjoyed."
You couldn't bring yourself to give him grief about the stolen liquor when it tasted so damn good.
You just laugh as you take your drink and make your way back to the booth. Sliding into your seat, you find yourself eyeing the way Din walks back to you. Unhurried, in control. Even in the dim light of the half closed bar you can see the confidence rippling off him. He slides his jacket off and drapes it off the back of the booth. To your surprise, he meets your gaze...
And slides into the bench next to you. Not in his usual seat directly across you.
Your heart rate picks up a bit, sparks in your blood as you try to act casual. There's nothing inherently strange about him sitting next to you, but he has the entire bar full of seats to choose from and he chose the one closest to you...
"This is really nice," you manage to say, "the whisky, I mean." Heat floods your cheeks.
Din turns his body to look at you, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "Just the whisky?"
You weren't sure how he suddenly seemed so much closer to you. How had you never noticed how broad he was?
"Maybe," you breathe, the scent of him filling your mind. He smells like evergreens and laughter, like a winter morning at sunrise.
Din sets his drink down and angles his body to face you entirely. His arm lazily drapes along the back of the booth, and he props his head on his fist. "Thought for a thought?"
A little game you played with your friends when you could tell they were thinking about things they needed to talk about. A gentle coaxing, a reminder that they could always speak their minds. Apparently, he picked up on enough of your mannerisms to use your own tricks on you, somehow knowing how fast your mind and heart are suddenly racing.
With a little glare to let him know you know what he's doing, you shift to look at him. "I'm thinking you're awfully lucid for someone who's been drinking all night."
Another low chuckle, "It isn't my fault no one noticed I was drinking slower than the rest of them." He takes a slow sip, never breaking eye contact.
"Fair enough. Your turn."
He's quiet for a minute, just looking at you. The intensity of his stare makes you feel bare in a way that has nothing to do with the clothes on your body, his eyes even darker than usual. "I'm thinking," he says in a voice that rumbles through your bones, "about the last time we closed down the bar without Peli."
It had been a few weeks ago, before winter had taken over and the nights were still warm. Peli got a call that a friend needed help with car trouble in the next town over and she asked the two of you to take care of closing. You agreed, knowing it would be easier with the two of you, and managed to wrangle the drunks out before locking the door and turning off the front lights. For an hour, you and Din had worked in a comfortable silence, efficiently getting the bar ready for the next day. At the end you had grabbed two shot glasses, filled them up with something fruity, and handed one to him with a grin. "To Peli's backups," you toasted. You had sat at the bar with him for a while, talking and drinking from some bottle you'd pay Peli back for later. Leaning closer together on your bar stools with each drink, until you were both whispering secrets and truths to each other. It wasn't until his eyes were lined with silver and you were wiping tears from his cheeks that you realized how small the distance between the two of you was. Without thinking, you had leaned over and kissed him. Soft, intending to be comforting, until you started to pull away and he reached up to wrap his fingers in your hair and felt the need behind the kiss. It turned deeper, wilder, until you were laying on top of him on the bar, everything becoming lips and teeth and tongues. You had been lost in each other until the ancient ice machine had suddenly turned on, waking you and Din from the heated stupor. You had pulled away, eyes glazed, hand reaching up to touch your lips. He cleared his throat, helped you off the bar, and the two of you put yourselves back together before leaving the walking home in silence. He walked you to your door, placed a kiss on the top of your head, and left without a word. The days following had been a little awkward, but you both had silently agreed it had been a drunken adventure and nothing more.
"Do you think of that night often?" You ask, desperately trying to sound smooth and coy. You barely managed. Din noticed.
"I think about it every day."
It's your turn to be quiet, heart thundering in your chest as you will you hand to not shake while you bring your glass to your lips. You'd thought about that night too, most days it was your go-to daydream to claw your way through work, passing the time remembering the look in his eyes as he spilled his guts to you and the urge to fix what he was dealing with; to heal the hurt shining uninhibited in his face. Remembering the feeling of his hands in your hair and on your hips, strong but tender, never hurried or rushed...
You set your glass down and turn to look at him again. You can see the memory behind his eyes as surely as it thunders through you, emboldening you to say, "I'm thinking that I haven't stopped thinking about you since the day we met."
Din stills, you can't even tell if he's breathing. His depthless, chocolate eyes glimmer with an emotion you can't quite read as you hold his gaze. You're not sure you're breathing either, both of you waiting for the other to speak.
Without warning, Din closes the space between you and kisses you. It isn't soft or gentle, it's burning and passionate and takes your breath away as you kiss him back. His hands begin to move, one resting high up on your thigh while the other one weaves through your hair to cup the back of your head. You send your hands up his chest and over his shoulders, savoring the muscles just below his t-shirt. You cross your wrists behind his neck, resting your forearms on his shoulders and pulling yourself closer to him. His tongue tentatively parts your lips and you open for him, sending your tongue to explore his mouth. He moans softly, the sound filling every corner of you with need. You push the table back with one hand and use the other to steady yourself and you straddle him in the booth. He pulls away with a sharp inhale.
You immediately freeze, worried you've gone too far or misread what he wanted. "I... I'm sorry," you stammer as you turn your head and start to slide off of him and out of the booth. But he stops you, one hand on your waist and the other reaching up to hold your chin between his thumb and curved pointer finger. He turns your head back and locks his eyes to yours.
"You have nothing to be sorry for," he says to you, "I just..." You've never seen him at a loss for words. Never seen him grasping for control. He takes a steadying breath and continues, "I just want to make sure that this is what you want."
Stunned, you reach up and hold the hand on your chin with both of yours. You've never heard his voice filled with such... Fear. He's worried that you don't want this. Want him. Never breaking eye contact you take his hand and kiss each finger before placing one hand on his cheek. "I want you, Din. I want as much of you as you want of me. I'll climb off you right now and go back to just being part of Peli's inner circle with you if that's what you want, but I want you. In whatever way you see fit."
For a few heartbeats, he just looks at you. Searches your face for whatever sign he needs to assure him that this, that you, are real. His face breaks out into the most beautiful smile you've ever seen, every glimmer for you, before he says, "You want as much of me as I want of you?" Mischief dances once again in those eyes. "What if I said I wanted all of you?"
Your smile turns feral as the meaning behind the words heats you to your core. Without another word you take his hand and place it against your chest, arching into his touch as he removes his hand from yours and cups your breast, his eyes widening as he realizes that you aren't wearing a bra. You lean in again to kiss him, catching his bottom lip in your teeth and nipping it as he brings his hand from your hip to mirror the other working your breast. The sensation has you slowly rotating your hips, grinding where your legs meet his lap.
A shudder goes through him and, as if a leash has been snapped, he growls into your mouth and moves his hands to grip your hips, grinding you against him in a way that sends sparks through you. You feel the warmth of one hand disappear, only to feel him bring it down sharp and precise on your ass a second later. The noise that slips out of you is a mix of surprise and pleasure that only makes Din more wild. In a fluid motion he lifts you off his lap, and stands you on the floor next to the booth. Before you register the change he's standing with you and pushing you toward the wall. One more swift motion has both your wrists in his left hand and pinned above your head on the wall you're now flat against. Being totally in his control makes you wild with need, kissing everywhere you can reach as he puts a knee between your legs and reaches down with his free hand.
"Din," you breathe as he nudges your sweater away from your neck, teeth finding that tender spot where your neck meets your shoulder. He growls at his name on your lips, biting down then sweeping his tongue over the small hurt. Kissing and nipping at your neck, he works the button of your jeans as you grind against his thigh, desperate for friction.
He makes quick work of the button and zipper on your pants before removing his knee and sliding his hand along the top of your panties, tracing and teasing a shiver of anticipation out of you. There's no give in his grip on your wrists as you squirm; you're sure if you aren't able to get your hands somewhere on him and soon, you're going to go mad.
"Is there something you'd like?" he whispers in your ear, a smile clear in his voice.
"I want to touch you," you're nearly panting with need at this point, "Please."
"Mmm..." A non-committal answer as he reaches around to grab your ass, hand massaging into the muscle. "I guess since you asked so nicely..." Both hands are on yours now, gently bringing your arms back down from above your head and massaging from your shoulders to your wrists as blood flows back into your hands. As soon as you have control of them again, you send your hands skimming and searching all over his torso and lower. His belt buckle snags and you tear away from his mouth for long enough to look down and finagle his belt open before you're back, all passion and fire where your lips meet his.
As you're getting his button undone he fully reaches into your underwear and slips his fingers between your legs. "Fuck..." he growls into your mouth, "You're already so wet..." Before you can think of a witty response, he slides a finger further back and into you in one fluid motion.
Your legs buckle at the sensation, your core going molten as his finger slides back out and up to circle that bundle of nerves between your thighs. "Oh god, Din..." The moan out of your mouth is filthy, but you're too far gone to be embarrassed.
"How would you like to continue?" he asks as he pulls away to look at you. His eyes are nearly black, shining like obsidian seeing you flushed with need. His fingers idly trace slow circles around your clit, bringing you near the edge but never over it.
"I want all of you," you say, voice husky from the heaving breaths raking through you. You reach for his pants and finish undoing them, letting them slide down while you reach into his underwear and run your palm along him. Holy shit... The length of him is enough to set your mouth salivating.
He instinctually shifts his hips against your hand, and you start pumping his cock while he moans into your neck, his kisses stopping for a second before starting again with a new fervor. You use your free hand to wiggle your jeans and underwear to the floor, kicking off your shoes and stepping out of your bottoms. He wraps his arm around your waist and lifts you up, pinning you higher on the wall as your legs wrap around his hips.
You angle yourself so the head of his cock lays just at your entrance, hot and pounding in anticipation. He looks up at you, winks, and lifts the sweater away from your breast before taking your peaked nipple into his mouth and working magic with his tongue right as he starts to enter you.
Din takes his time fully entering you, agonizingly slow. Just the size of him almost puts you into release, his mouth still kissing and sucking on your nipple while his other hand grabs your ass and starts moving your hips around him. You cry out as he begins to remove himself, and then sets back into you over and over again, faster with each new pass.
You tangle your hands in his hair and pull him away from your breast, desperate for the feel of his lips on yours. Holding him there, you kiss him wildly and send your tongue along his teeth, only coming up for air when your lungs demand it. He kisses you back just as intensely, his thrusts now starting to shake the wall behind you. Various signs and plaques from shuffleboard and dart tournaments rattle around on their nails, threatening to fall from their spots, but neither of you care too much about dusty old decorations.
You pull away from that full mouth and lean fully against the wall. "Harder," you nearly beg, the full length of him filling you so completely and in a way you've never experienced before. "Oh God, Din, harder." Release has becoming a shimmering veil, almost within reach. Din pulls a hand away from where both are guiding your body onto his to smack your ass again, and you hiss at the perfect combination of pain and pleasure before his hand is back and he ratchets his rhythm up a notch.
"Fuck... You feel better than I dreamed," he says, putting his head on your shoulder. You're seconds away from climax, the sensation building along your spine as he pounds into you. Din looks up one more time to meet your eyes and, with all the confidence and command you've come to know and care for about him, he says three words:
"Come for me."
And just like that, you're cumming harder than you ever have in your life. You moan out his name as wave after wave of shimmering climax wash over you, his release coming a second later. He stills inside you, fully to the hilt as you feel his cock pulse in time with your own inner walls.
He rests his head between your breasts as you both are still and gasping for air. You stay like this for a few heartbeats, that comfortable silence filling the air once again. You kiss the top of his head, and he removes himself from you before you untwine your legs from behind him and place your feet on the ground.
After a night of fire and passion you aren't expecting the gentle way Din looks at you, a million things happening behind his eyes. You reach up to run your fingers through his hair and he leans into your touch, closing his eyes and savoring the contact. "Are you okay?" you ask quietly.
His eyes open again and pierce through your soul. "I never let myself believe this could happen," he replies, almost whispers, like he might scare you off. "I never let myself hope you'd feel the same way."
You bring your hand down to his cheek, brushing along the stubble peppering his jaw. You take a moment to really look at him, to memorize the crinkles at the corners of his eyes and the slope of his nose; to trace the lines of his lips with feather-light fingers. You bring your gaze back to his and let your feelings show clearly though that connection. "Why do you think I started coming to this dive bar in the first place? It definitely wasn't for the vibe." You chuckle softly and gesture to him. "It was you, Din. It's always been you."
He takes your hands in his and kisses them. You both take a moment to re-dress and head back to your booth. Sliding in next to each other, he reaches an arm around your shoulders to bring you in closer as you wrap your arms around his waist and lean your head on his chest. After a moment, he lifts your head up to kiss you again. "It's always been you too," is all he says as his lips meet yours and you lose yourself in each other all over again.
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userlando · 3 years
I dunno if you do requests, but if you did a possessive/jealous Tom Hardy (or Eddie, or Alfie.... I dunno, they all give off the vibe) I would I've you like my soul or something......,........
oh god, inspiration strikes again..
Alfie wasn’t a soft man, both physically and mentally. He didn’t grow up in the warmest household and his mother, bless her heart, did everything to raise her boys to be great men when their father failed in that department.
Not to say that she’d failed, considering where Alfie had ended up, but it provided him with enough resources and money to take care of her the way she’d struggled to put food on the table and provide for him and his siblings during his childhood.
Alfie wasn’t soft when he’d done unspeakable things during the war, and he certainly wasn’t soft when he’d taken his place as the king of London. His hard exterior and the amount of blood on his hands was enough for people to fear him. And that’s all he would ever ask for. Because fear was respect, and Alfie would pry out anyone’s teeth with pliers if anyone dared to show him anything else.
Alfie wasn’t soft, but that’s the word he’d describe himself feeling when he heard you laugh for the first time. It had been five years but he remembered it so vividly that it still - to this day - made his hands shake in a way he’d never admit out loud. God forbid someone would hear him spew soppy shit that only you found endearing and romantic.
It was a rainy afternoon and Alfie was craving an evening at the pub after a long day at the distillery. A drink was all he’d come for, but then he’d heard you laugh and his ears had immediately perked at the sound.
It wasn’t difficult for him to locate where that sound came from. Because as he suspected, your face was just as radiating as your laugh and it sounded silly, but he knew from the moment he laid eyes on you, that he had to have you.
You were tough at first, your boundaries and lack of interest unlike any other woman’s he’d usually pick up. The way you seemed so unattainable only seemed to pull unwanted male attention, but the more he tried to pursue you, the more word got around. You were his woman, and only his. It infuriated you at first because you were no one else’s but yours, though Alfie knew you’d secretly loved it. Even though you refused to admit it even years later when the topic arose in conversation.
So, Alfie wasn’t soft. But he was soft for you, and he was soft for your laugh. Which was why his ears - much like that day at the pub - perked when he heard your giggle echo in the distillery. A frown immediately cast over his face as he placed his pen down on the surface of his desk.
He glanced around in confusion at first, wondering who the fuck you were speaking to that made you giggle like that. And his stomach churned when he thought of all the greasy men who were working under the roof of his distillery, who’d been instructed to not speak to you if not absolutely necessary. Everybody knew this. No one was foolish enough to risk losing their ball sack to a rusty shank.
Or so, that’s what Alfie thought.
The chair squeaked in protest as he rose from it, rough hands flat on the table to heave himself up as he grunted in annoyance. Annoyance because someone was clearly not doing their job, and annoyance because you knew better than to prance around at the distillery when there was work to be done. And chances are, you looked absolutely gorgeous doing it.
Alfie’s suspicions were correct, he realised, as he walked down the creaky stairs to the base floor. He found you a few yards away, legs that he loved so much clad in stockings he knew he’d be ripping off later. You had the same green dress on he’d seen you dress in before he left for work that morning.
He would’ve stood there and appreciated the way your dress flared where your back met your bottom, or the way you’d prettily pinned your hair back just far enough to reveal your neck. The very same neck he’d buried his face into the night before and just this morning.
Alfie couldn’t appreciate it though, mostly because of the two dimwits standing in front of you, greased up faces smiling as they spoke to you. As if Alfie paid them to slack off. Fucking idiots.
As Alfie moved closer, he could hear your soft voice ask ‘How’s Claire doing? What a strong woman she is for birthing your lovely twins!’ It admittedly made Alfie soften for a second, because of course you’d take interest in everyone’s life and show genuine concern. That was the major difference between you two. Where Alfie lacked, you made up for.
“Right, last time I checked, I paid you fucking idiots to do your jobs,” Alfie startled the two men as he approached, voice booming as usual. “So, tell me what you’re bloody standing around here for.”
You turned around with ease, having been with him long enough to not bat an eyelash at his vulgar words and flaring anger. His face was scrunched up in an expression that would make any sensible man and woman in London cower in fear, and you placed a hand on his meaty arm in a poor effort to calm him down. And to silently tell him to shut up and behave.
“Alfie.” You greeted him like he wasn’t shooting daggers at the two men who now looked like they wanted nothing more than to bolt. You couldn’t blame them. “Hi sweetheart. I was just talking to Christopher and William here about their families. Did you know Will had twins?”
Alfie only managed a grunt because why did you know their names? And Will?
He didn’t know if he wanted to drag the bastard into his office by his cock and beat his face into three different shades or to toss them out on their sorry arses. He knew the first option would send him into the doghouse for God knows how long, and the other option would cause more problems between the two of you than he dared to think about.
“Two girls.” The one he assumed was named William said, albeit a little shakily. The man next to him elbowed him and they both went quiet.
“Right, I must’ve missed the part where I fucking asked.” Alfie was livid, and there were so many factors playing into that reason.
These animals who worked under him knew to never lay their eyes on you, nevertheless talk to you. And he wanted to be angry at how good you looked, at the audacity to walk into the distillery when he knew he disliked you hanging around here during office hours.
Mostly, he wanted to spank your stubborn arse black and blue.
“Alfie, why don’t we go to your office, hm?” You asked softly, feeling the way he was shaking as you squeezed his bicep gently.
He knew what it was though. Your way of telling him to simmer down and behave.
You didn’t wait for him to answer, turning on your pretty polished heels to walk around and past him toward his office. He didn’t miss the way your legs wobbled, and he knew you were well aware of what you were to expect once the fragile door of the office closed behind the two of you. Alfie knew that the wobble of your legs derived from excitement and not from fear. You could scowl and reprimand him all you wanted, but you both knew that you loved his possessiveness at the end of the day.
He watched you walk away, his anger simmering down just a wee bit before he turned his head to the two men standing in front of him. He sucked his teeth, smacked his lips and contemplated beating them with his cane before thinking twice of it.
“What the fuck are you two still doing ‘ere?” His roar was enough to have them scatter like mice.
Alfie huffed and turned around, following in your footsteps to his office where you were waiting.
“How many times have I told you, right, to not fuckin’ walk in here when I’m working, woman?” He walked in and closed the door behind him.
He struggled to contain his anger when he saw you sitting on his desk, legs crossed over each other and his eyes immediately went to the sliver of skin where the hem of your dress had ridden up on your thigh. Alfie’s first instinct was to march up and grab the delicate skin until you squirmed, but he stopped himself.
He gripped his cane tighter in his right hand and rubbed his forehead with the other one. “You’re fuckin’ impossible.”
You frowned. “I can’t help it if you’re possessive, Alf. That’s your problem, not mine.”
“You know how these men are.” He gritted out, gesturing behind him to the distillery. “You cannot be this dim.”
“Alfie Solomons, I know you didn’t just call me dim.” You said and Alfie paused at the tone of your voice.
You sounded annoyed but he could detect the hurt in your voice and it was enough for him to let out a grumbling sigh, stepping up to the desk where you sat. He silently admired the frown lines on your pretty face and prayed that he hadn’t shoved his foot in his mouth.
Alfie got his answer when you parted your legs enough for him to step between them, and he struggled to breathe properly when you circled them around his behind to pull him closer.
“You’re my girl, yeah?” He muttered, bringing a hand up to cradle your cheek.
“Woman.” You protested softly, welcoming the touch as his silent apology.
You watched as his eyes appraised you and held back from preening when he grunted in appreciation and what you knew were hunger as his eyes trailed your body before landing on your face.
“And what a fucking woman you are.” He said lowly, using his hand on your cheek to pull you in for a kiss.
The clatter of the cane falling to the floor didn’t deter you as he let go of it in order to grab you by the waist, pulling you in closer as he deepened the kiss. You moaned into his mouth, not caring if anyone heard you. Alfie pinched the top of your arse in retaliation and you squealed.
“Alfie!” You sounded scandalised but the enormous smile on your lipstick smeared lips said otherwise.
Alfie admired his artwork with a smug smile, knowing that his mouth probably looked a mess too.
“Don’t Alfie me, woman.” He pressed an open mouthed kiss to your lips that tasted a lot like a promise. “This is just a preview of what I’ll be doing to you tonight.”
* * * * *
Welp, that turned sexual. But hello! Hi! Surprise, here’s me answering to an ask five hundred years later. I was in a writing mood so.. hope you enjoy x
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yaneyanedaze · 3 years
Our Goddess In Love and War
Yandere! Royal! Pillarmen x Reader
Summary: Reader-Darling is a girl that lives in a village close to the kingdom ruled by the three kings: Esidisi, Whamuu and Kars. She doesn’t see what everyone else sees in them, and keeps away, but one day, she’ll catch their eyes, and they won’t ever leave her.
Warnings: smut later on in this chapter, yandere behavior, obsession, possessiveness, death, mentions of torture, jealously, Kars puts his foot down with disrespectful maids, reader-chan tries to leave because of threats.
A/n: I apologize for how long this took, But i’m glad to be back writing my big series! I hope you guys enjoy this long awaited chapter update!
(Unrelated but i was listening to Montero by Lil Nas X while writing this, and It was giving me Mad Kars vibes lol but I’m gonna put my playlist for this story at the bottom)
I sighed and plopped down onto my comfy bed and slipped out of the dress and heels, I didn’t care about my hair, I’d just get up and wash in the morning. I snuggled into my pillow, at first I didn’t want to do any of this, but now I can’t help but feel  some type of attraction to the male. I mean he’s going to officially be my husband in a few days, but I still couldn’t shake this feeling that something was wrong..
….And something bad was gonna happen….
(First Pov)
I was nervous.
I was dressed in a wonderful purple dress, a slit along the side, matching golden heels on my feet. Several maids were running around my room, preparing everything for me. My hair was styled and had many pieces of golden jewelry dangling off my body, I smiled at myself in the mirror. 
“I can’t believe this is happening…” 
A few giggles were heard around me, one maid with blonde hair and baby blue eyes smiled at me. Her name is Liza, she was the maid in charge of making sure that I was perfect for events like this. She was the only other person in charge of my dress besides Stella. Liza speaks up as she places the finishing touches on me,
“Oh Believe it My Queen, We can tell how much his majesty loves you, so we are happy!” She says, giving me a twirl as the other maids clapped. I nod smiling along with the women before a rapid knock was heard at the door. All of us turned towards the door and let out a sigh as it was only Stella at the door. Stella gives a sheepish smile as she walks in.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but his majesty is asking for his Queen.” She says. Liza and the other maids nod, picking up the end of my dress, I began walking out the door with the girls following close behind me.
As we walked down the hallways, they were decorated with (f/c) flowers, gold and various other precious metals aligned the hall we walked down. I could hear the hustle and bustle of the people outside, nervousness creeping right back up on me. I took a deep breath as two guards opened the door revealing me to the outside world. 
Many cheers were heard, so many people were screaming and yelling. I winced at the bright light, a deep chuckle came from behind me, arms wrapping around my waist. I tensed up a bit, only earning a laugh. “My love there is no need to be afraid, it is just me..” 
I sigh and relax a bit, Kars felt strangely warm and comfortable, i felt his hands move down to my hips as he moves us both forward.
We stood on top of the stairs, both of us waving to the crowd, I giggle at some of the kids that I met in the village yelling to me and holding up signs that said. ‘We are best friends with the Queen’. Kars stepped away from me slightly, and I let out a soft whine before I knew it, I blushed, quite embarrassed but Kars just chuckled again.
“Save your whines for tonight my love, Because I’ll have you saying and thinking nothing but my name.” He whispered in my ear before stepping away to get the crown.
My face went completely red as I tried to regain my composure, I walked down the stairs to greet some of the townspeople. Smiling as a group of kids handed me a pretty bouquet of flowers, “Why thank you all.”
 “Your welcome Miss (y/n)!”  “Will we be able to visit you in the castle?” “Is the king nice?” “Are you gonna have kids of your own?” I laughed at the many questions they asked before getting taken away and scolded lightly by their parents.
“(y/n)!!” “Oh my baby you look wonderful!”
I looked up and had a half smile, My mother and sister walked up to me, both of them with tears in their eyes. I rolled my eyes but took both of them into my arms, allowing some tears down my face. Though I still held some anger towards my mom for just giving me up, but I couldn’t help myself, I was glad to have her in my arms.
“My love, Please come up here, It is time.”
I stand up and turn to walk back up, seeing Kars with the same beautiful crown that I saw when I first arrives, the jewel dangling beautifully from it. A smile graced my lips as I stood right infront Kars, I felt a feeling of Joy in my body, the fear that I had when I first came was slowly going away. Kars returned the look as he turned to face the crowd.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, We are gathered here today to celebrate the arrival of my Beautiful, Wonderful and Lovely Queen.” Kars started, I nod along, watching his every movement, He was beautiful, an absolute masterpiece. I still wondered what he would want with a half baked potato like me. I was pulled out of my trance by a weight on my head, realizing he had placed the crown on top of my head. He looked down at me with a look that I’ve never seen before on him, Care, Love, like he genuinely loved me. He then turned back to the crowd pulling me close to him.
“I do hope that you all will continue to watch over us, and grow alongside us.” He spoke before placing a hand underneath my chin. He lifts it slightly before leaning down to capture my lips in a soft, loving kiss, I was shocked, but only for a bit. I soon wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in to deepen the kiss. This must’ve surprised him because he pulled away slightly and whispered. “Oh you little minx~ Just wait until we get behind closed doors..” He placed another quick kiss on my lips before backing away and waving to the cheering crowd. He placed a hand on my lower back as I raised my hand to wave as well, seeing many of the crowd was moved to tears.
I guess seeing one of their own go from literally rags to riches is enough to get anyone crying.
Kars led me back inside, humming to himself softly, his hand firmly placed on my hip. “Kars..may I ask a question?” I ask, making the male let out a soft laugh. “My love, You just did.. But go ahead” He teased, making me puff out my cheeks in tiny annoyance. I sighed and went ahead with asking my question. “Um..Is it okay if my Mom and Sister come and live with us?”
Kars stopped walking, I thought it was because of what I said, but sighed with relief when he was just opening his room, well our room door. He ushered me inside and closed the door behind him. “Of course they can, My Darling…” He started, locking the door, pulling it to make sure it was secured. “But that’s not what I’m worried about right now.” He purrs, a sultry undertone in his voice. I could feel another blush coming on, I went to sit on the bed and just flopped on my back. I let out a groan of satisfaction as to how soft his bed was, making Kars let out a low growl, one that sent shivers down my spine.
“You do not know how hard it was for me to not take you where we stood.”
I let out a squeak as the male was now on top of me, I didn’t notice that he had moved from his place by the door. He placed his face in the crook of my neck as he kept me pinned down, strong hands holding mine against the bed. He let out another low growl as he continued. “It took everything in me to not take you in front of the crowd, Letting them all know that you belong to me now.” He finished, placing kisses on the side of my neck. I could only let out a sigh of content as his kisses moved lower. I watched as he hovered over my chest, which was still covered by the fabric of the dress. He sat up and smirked, I looked at him confused before in one movement he ripped the dress. Going up from the slit until it reached my chest, he then removed the torn fabric from my body, chuckling at my reaction to the coldness of the room.
“I’ll buy you another one, my love, but right now, I need you more than ever.” He said, he then lifted my legs up onto his shoulder, earning another noise of shock from me. He let out another groan of annoyance before ripping my panties from my body. I shuddered at the new cold, but before I could comment, I let out a loud moan. Kars smirked before giving another long teasing lick “Don’t worry about me tonight. It’s all about you Darling, but after tonight, I will not hold back.” He says before he started to tongue fuck me. A completely new feeling that already having me seeing stars and it did not help that Kars was unrelenting either.
He pulled back a bit licking the slick that was left on his lips off before rubbing two fingers against my folds. He looked at me as if asking for permission, and when I gave him a soft nod he smirked once more, slowly pushing two of his fingers into me. He groaned at the sounds that I was making, he picked up the pace quickly, barely giving me anytime to adjust.
“K-kars..” I moaned out, my hands gripping the smooth silk sheets below me. He hummed in response, glancing back over to me. “Hmm? What is it, my love?” He asked teasingly as he increased the speed of his digits, I squirmed underneath him as I struggled to find the words to say. “D-don’t..” I managed to moan, feeling a knot building up, I was close and he seemed to know it. “Say it my love, I know you are enjoying this so much, the way you are clenching around just my fingers. It makes me wonder how you’ll take my cock~” My body automatically reacted to his teasing words, my hips bucking against his fingers, his pace brutal now. “D-don’t hold back..” I couldn’t even believe what I was saying just now. I’ve only had sex once before and it was clumsly to say the least, so for me to practically beg the King not to hold back was surprising.
He must’ve been surprised too because began chuckling before full on laughing, he removed his fingers causing me to let out a whine. 
“My Darling woman, are you sure?” He asked as he stood up off of the bed. I nodded, my head cloudy, still whining from feeling empty. Kars quietly removed his bottoms, kicking them somewhere off to the side of the room, he pull me by my legs to the end of the bed.
I looked at his face, and a different expression was there. Lust. Eyes clouded over as he looked over my body. He teasingly pressed himself up against my folds and I gasped. Looking down this man was probably 9.5 inches with about a 1.5 girth, ‘How in the hell is that supposed to fit in me?!’ I thought.
Kars chuckled at the expression on my face. “I know, i know my love, I’m going to take my time so you can get adjusted.” He says, slowly guiding himself inside me. Just from his head, I already felt like he wouldn’t fit, but as he slowly inched more and more inside, he stretched me out wonderfully. Once he was fully inside of me, he gave a slow experimental thrust, pulling almost all the way out before snapping his hips back. I cried out in pain and pleasure, he set a slow pace, everytime, he snapped his hips in just the right way to hit that spot. The pain was fading fast, and I wanted more than this slow pace he had.
“Kars..Please just fuck me…”
My words must’ve made him snap, soon after those words left my lips he began thrusting at a more violent and fast pace, making me cry out in pleasure. His name was falling off my lips like a mantra, He was hitting just the right spot everytime. I managed to look up at him, his eyes were half open, jaw locked as he let some groans and grunts. One thrust had me seeing stars, I did not care how loud i was being at this point and I’m pretty sure any servant that walked by could hear.
One of Kars hands slowly snaked its was up to my neck and gave it a slight squeeze. “Tell me who’s fucking you this good, Tell me darling.” He growled out. I moaned out his name loud, practically screaming it at this point. He smirked “Louder. I want them to know who you belong to (y/n)”
“You Kars!”
I cried out feeling that familiar knot unraveling, I could feel myself clenching around his cock, making him curse and growl.
 “That’s it..That’s it..You’re mine, No one else's..”
 He moans out, feeling his thrust start to get sloppy until that came to a complete halt and he was spilling his seed into me. He stayed in place until he finished before slowly pulling out. He moved to lay beside me and pull me into his chest. I turned to give him a kiss but he just held me in place. “Shh..My Love, You’re tired..Let's just rest, Tomorrow you can relax all day and I’ll have someone come check in on you.” He mumbled, running his hand through my hair, I hummed in response, feeling sleep starting to creep up on me.
“I love you Kars..” I mutter, feeling my eyes getting heavy, I hear him chuckle and place a kiss on my forehead. 
“I love you too My Darling~...”
When I awoke,it was still dark outside.
I was dressed in a nightgown and Kars was gone, I yawned softly and got up out of bed. I nearly fell because the feeling in my legs was barely there, I blushed remembering the activities. I slowly made my way to the door only to have someone else open the door. 
“Ah Good Hello Stell-”
“Don’t you Hello me you whore.”
I was taken back by her words and angry expression. “Excuse me?” I was confused. She let out a yell of frustration. “It’s your fault! You are the reason I am not Queen! A common bitch like you!” She barked. I was hurt, I thought of Stella as a nice woman, but now she’s showing a totally different side of herself. I moved to push past her and head out the door but her words made me stop.
“Hell You’re just gonna be like the other girl before you!”
I stopped and turned to face her. “Say what?” She laughed at me before crossing her arms. “You thought you were picked out because they thought you were interesting? No, It’s because you look like Kar’s previous wife. He killed her. He only wants someone who is powerful enough to use the stone thats on the crown.” She saunters her way over to my crown and holds it in her hands. “You’re just going to be another dead body.”
I stood horrified, Mom told me that the previous Queen had died of illness, not that she was killed by Kars. “No..No He wouldn’t do that to me. He loves me.” Stella lets out another loud laugh before looking at me with a deadpan look. “He told me that too. He told me he loves me and that I’m special. I was going to be queen if it wasn’t for you.” She growled, marching forward, “So why don’t you do me a favor and run away. Run far from here..So that My King, no my Husband would have to dirty his hand with more blood” She said.
 I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and I ran out of the room, hearing her evil cackles from the room.
I went up to several maids and butlers to ask where Kars and the other kings were, but even they would not talk to me. I could feel even more tears run down my face as I ran through the halls, I burst open a door feeling the coldness of the outside and run down the stairs.
 At the bottom of the stairs stood Kars himself talking to a guard. I turned to take another way around the castle, an exit that I saw earlier when I first arrived. It was cold,I was freezing, but I couldn’t not bring myself to look Kars in the face anymore. What if I was just another body? What if he’ll ditch me and get another woman? Hell, if Stella said was true, was he just using me?
So many thoughts were running through my head, I didn’t even notice that I had bumped into someone. “I’m s-sorry..”
“My Queen, what are you doing out?” It was Esidisi, I gasped and began crying even more as I dropped to my knees. “He doesn’t love me Esi! He..He is..Just using me..” I cried out, my cries loud and echoing off the outside walls. Multiple footsteps could be heard running up to us.”My Darling?” I hear Kars call out, I continue to cry, I should have known that royalty like him wouldn’t love a commoner like me. I might as well give up the crown and just go home.
I could feel someone pick me up and hold me bridal style in their arms. “Esidisi. What is she doing out here?” “I don’t know, She ran into me crying about how you do not truly love her and you are using her.” I heard Kars suck in breath and hold me even tighter. “Who said this to you?” He asked me. I shook my head and kept crying, he shushed me and carried me back inside.
He holds me in his arms continuously telling me how much he loved me and to not listen to those rumors. When he entered the main ballroom where most maids were cleaning. “Excuse me. Who in the world told my Queen that I don’t love her?” he barked. I wiped my eyes, watching as each and everyone of the servants who gave me the cold shoulder. Kars sucked his teeth before moving to carry me like i was a child so he could have a free hand. He gripped one maid by her hair, making her let out an ear piercing scream. “I said tell me.”
“AH One of the Head maids your majesty!! She started spreading rumors, but Stella tried to stop her but she kept going.” I rolled my eyes knowing this fully to be a lie. Kars threw her across the room with his brute strength. “Oh you’ll receive a proper punishment soon. But now I have to deal with my Queen.” He said coldly, moving back to holding me with two arms. I lay my head comfortable on Kars shoulder, my cheeks stained with tears as I ended up falling back asleep in his arms.
“My Queen, don’t you worry..I will find out who did this to you..who lied on my name and made you feel unworthy of my love.”
To say he was pissed was an understatement. Kars had laid (y/n) back in their shared bed, he then charged in the servant quarters scaring all of them.
Those servants wished that they would have spoken up, or comforted the queen in that moment, they suffered severe beatings, threats and some of them were even sent to the dungeon. 
All while Stella Listened and laughed.
“One step closer...Just one step closer.”
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 
My playlist for this entire story is 
Montero By Lil Nas X
Alejandro and Bad Romance by Lady Gaga
Streets By Doja Cat
Paparazzi: Kim Dracula
What songs does this story make you think of?
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spxllcxstxr · 3 years
Wouldn’t It Be Nice • R.L
Tumblr media
(Gif not mine)
Request: maybe a blurb where the reader is dating Remus and one day, they randomly decide to miss classes and go on a date instead. maybe a walk, so it’s super simple but they talk about their life - their future and that makes it romantic. basically a fluff. lkshda I don’t know I just want him to hold my hand and kiss my forehead. Love your writing! — anon and hii, you asked for more remus requests and as a remus simp i just had to comply. i'd love to see more one shots that show both sides of remus: the softy, cuddly boy and the sassy, snarky comments king. so maybe have a moment where he's being cute with the reader and the immediate other they're sassing each other off and that's just how their relationship works :) — @moonysimpp
Summary: You skip a class and plan a wedding
Warnings: brief weed mention, skipping class, a little suggestiveness?, talks about marriage, no mention of Voldy/the war
Word Count: 1.4k
A.N: At first, I wasn’t going to combine these two requests...but I made Remus both snarky and soft so I thought why not? I hope that’s ok with the two of you, I feel like it just worked out well this way. As always, let me know what you think and love you all ❤️
Title: The Beach Boys - Wouldn’t it be Nice (I just got this vibe immediately after reading the request)
“Have I gone completely mental, or is the Remus John Lupin actually asking me to skive off History of Magic?”
Remus stands across from you, leaning his shoulder against a stone pillar, red and gold tie prim and proper, hands buried deep in the pockets of his slacks. His eyes lazily roll at your theatrical gasp.
“And in our N.E.W.T. year!” You continue, dramatically clutching your chest. “What a naughty boy you are, Lupin. Can’t believe Minnie ever made you a Prefect!”
He raises an eyebrow at you, the right one, with the white jagged scar cutting it in half like a bolt of lightning.
“Are you done yet, love?” He casually asks, amused by your antics.
“Am I done?” You repeat, shocked. “My bad influence of a boyfriend is trying to get me to play truant!”
He snorts at your claim knowing full well you and Sirius skipped Herbology yesterday to get high behind Hagrid’s hut. No one was a bad influence on you except yourself, and everybody knew it.
“C’mon, Lily’ll take notes for us.” Remus takes a hand out of his pocket and rubs the back of his neck. The very simple and casual action has your heart fluttering.
“Oh, yeah.” The red head beside you scoffs. “‘Lily’ll take notes for us.’” She mocks in a lower voice to imitate Remus’. “Y’know, as Head Girl, I should be taking points away from you, Remus.”
“That’s rich comin’ from you, Lily.” Remus chuckles, reluctantly dragging his body away from the wall and closer to the two of you. He brings his index finger to the bottom of his chin, pretending to be deep in thought. “Who was it again that let you off when you and James got caught in the Prefect’s bathroom—“
Your friend’s face gets drenched in deep red embarrassment. Her eyes grow as wide as dinner plates. “We agreed to never speak of that, Remus.” Lily’s voice is deadly serious as she interrupts his thought.
Everybody in the entire castle and their pets knew all about how Remus walked in on something happening between James and Lily in the Prefect’s bathroom in December, but nobody except the three of them knew the exact story. It was considered major drama in the castle and even after months, people are still whispering about it.
He smirks at her bright and flustered face before turning his triumphant gaze onto you.
“So, you joinin’ me, love?” Remus asks, his hand outstretched towards you.
You always had trouble saying no to Remus Lupin.
“Hm, spend time with my boyfriend or be put to sleep by Binns’ awful monotone lecture? What a hard choice.” You snark before immediately grabbing at his hand and interlacing your fingers.
“Thought so, love.” Remus cockily voices, still smirking.
Remus’ lips briefly connect to your hairline in a kiss before he starts pulling you outside.
You barely have enough time to call out a goodbye to your friend before you’re scampering to keep up with Remus and his extremely long legs.
The air is cool against your skin, when you first step out onto the grounds. It’s crisp and clear and it beats sticking around in the musty castle. Students with all different colored robes dart around you, trying to make it to their classes in time.
“So what do you have planned for us on this fine day, Rem?” You ask, sauntering down the green rolling hills, occasionally purposefully bumping into his shoulder.
“Ah, I don’t have anything planned exactly.” He admits, thumb stroking your hand as the two of you pass Hagrid’s hut. “Just wanted to be with you. And not go to class, of course.”
“Wanted to get me alone, hm?” You tease, swatting lightly at his shoulder.
You can practically hear his eyes roll around in his sockets, something he does frequently since he has to deal with both you and his four other best friends. You don’t think there’s been a day since first year when his eyes haven’t made their rounds.
“You’re positively obnoxious, y’know that?”
You’re stepping over the plants and underbrush making up the tree line of the Forbidden Forest, trying not to get your foot submerged in mud.
“Yeah, but you love me.” You tell him, trying to balance on a fallen tree branch.
“Eh...” Remus shrugs, watching you maneuver around a twisting vine.
You narrow your eyes and stick your tongue out at him as a response.
He takes you to the spot Kettleburn usually lets his Hippogriffs roam around between lessons, a large clearing with some boulders and tree stumps to sit on.
The Forbidden Forest is beautiful in the soft May sunlight.
The leaves are lush and green, alive with various creatures noisily chatting away with each other. You hear the faint trampling and pounding of hooves off in the distance. Sweet scents of spring flowers drift through the breeze, relaxing your tense muscles.
The Forbidden Forest is even more beautiful when you’re supposed to be listening to the ghostly form of Professor Binns drone on and on about the Gargoyle Strike of 1911 in a stuffy old classroom.
Your back leans up against the rough bark of the nearest tree. It digs into your back and probably dirties your robes but you find that you don’t mind at all.
Eyelids flutter shut and you inhale the cool air deeply to ease your mind. The rustle of leaves from the gentle breeze and the chirping of surrounding creatures fills you with a sense of comfort.
Slowly, you open your eyes to see Remus sitting on a large dark boulder, gazing at you intently.
“Do you think Dumbledore would let us get married here?” You ask dreamily, observing the pale yellow sunlight filtering through the leaves.
Even from this distance, you can tell Remus’ body goes rigid.
“M-married?” He sputters meekly. “Is this a proposal? Are you proposing to me right now?”
Remus jumps from his seat, robes billowing behind him as he anxiously strides towards your spot.
“Do you want it to be a proposal?” You cock your head to the side.
“No!” He shouts, eyes wide. “I mean—fuck!” Remus continues to sputter, ears glowing pink.
You laugh at his fluster. “Relax, Remus, I know what you meant.”
“Oh thank Godric.” Remus huffs out a laugh before pressing his own back to the tree next to yours. “Just give me a few years and I’ll buy you a ring, love.”
“Well now I’m just excited.” You giggle, admiring how he’s carefully turning his head to survey the clearing.
The pale jagged lines of his scars dully glimmer in the rays of sunshine that make their way through the treetops. It’s almost angelic.
“It would be nice to get married here, wouldn’t it?” You hear him murmur, more to himself, you suspect.
“Just how many wizards you reckon been married in the Forbidden Forest?” You chuckle. “Darling, I think we’re obligated to be the first.”
Remus shakes his head fondly at the notion. His head lulls back to face you, eyebrow raised.
“Oi, you don’t need to convince me. Dumbledore’s the one you ought to ask.”
“Ah, he’s a softy.” You wave away his thought. “We’ll be fine.”
Remus raises his arms like he was presenting the wild and untamed forest behind him. “I don’t know love, it is called the Forbidden Forest.”
You shrug. “Well maybe they’ll rename it.”
“Oh yeah? To what?” Remus snorts, running a hand through his sandy curls.
You smile, making a grand gesture with your arms. “The Forbidden Unless You’re Remus and (Y/n) Lupin Forest.”
“Y’know what?” Remus smirks, kicking off of the tree. “I like the name change.”
“Oh yeah?” You raise an eyebrow as he ambled closer to your position.
“I particularly enjoy the (Y/n) Lupin part.” He places his hands on either side of your head, foreheads almost touching.
You hum in response, eyes gazing into his own honey brown ones. His eyes flick down to your lips before pressing his own to the top of your forehead.
Warmth spreads from where his lips connect with your skin, a smile instinctively growing across your face.
“Remus and (Y/n) Lupin.” He muses as he pulls away.
“Now that I think about it...” Your index finger taps against your lips in thought. “(Y/n) and Remus Lupin rolls off the tongue a bit better.”
“Whatever you say, love.” He happily sighs.
All Character Taglist: @aspiringsloth20 @amourtentiaa @cherie-draco
Remus Lupin Taglist: @lunalovecroft
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harrystylescherry · 2 years
💳💥💳💥💳💥 i would like to see more pls
(but only what your comfortable with)
a taste...
He laughed and started unloading the bags. He arranged everything nicely, despite them not having any napkins or plates. He ripped the bread into even pieces, but paused when he got to the cheese. 
“Jos, do you mind?” He motioned to her phone which was tucked in her lap and she tapped the flashlight back on. 
Out of his pocket came a pocket knife, and Josie felt her whole body tense. She wasn’t afraid of him—if she was, she wouldn’t have gone and he didn’t have that vibe. That being said, knives outside of a kitchen didn’t feel right to her. She had never been around very outdoorsy people and her brothers barely knew their way around a butter knife. 
He quickly set to cutting the cheeses into smaller pieces, while she watched in silence. He traded the knife for the corkscrew and popped open one of the bottles. 
“There.” He said and handed it to her. 
When she took it, her eyes flickered down to the pocket knife that was still in his hand. 
“It was my grandfather’s.” He put the corkscrew away and flipped it over. On the other side of the handle, the initials T.C were engraved into the metal. “Theodore Church. He fought in the war. The second one. But he’s gone now. He passed away a year ago.”
Josie swallowed hard. “I’m sorry.”
“He was great.” Ben rubbed the initials with his thumb. “He lived in the countryside and used to make these big adventures out of camping in his garden. He loved to play pretend. He took me to my first audition, actually. I was twelve and it was Peter Pan.” His smile was wide, but sad. “He was great.”
She couldn’t look at him. She couldn’t see the acceptance. She wasn’t ready. “He sounds wonderful.”
“He was.”
She knew that she was supposed to offer up part of herself then, to divulge some vulnerability that would connect them. 
Josie took a swig from the bottle. 
“Do you use it often? The knife.” She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. 
He cleared his throat, sensing the change in the conversation's tone. “Yeah, more than you’d think, actually. Comes in handy during times like these.”
“Oh, so you have ‘times like these’ often?” 
“No, no,” he smiled and looked down. “I just mean…impromptu adventures, you know?”
“Yeah,” she said even though she didn’t. Josie’s last adventure had been two years ago and even then, she was an exchange student so her experience was pretty meticulously planned. It needed to be, since she still had deadlines and classes to attend. The only thing close to being impromptu was her trip to Nice. It only lasted three nights and she wasn’t supposed to be there alone, but it ended up that way. It ended up meaning more to her than she imagined and after she got over the slight panic of being there alone, she was able to really enjoy herself. 
And now she was back, and the feelings she felt the last time were there but they no longer fit her. That’s the only way she could describe it. She recognized them and tried to feel them again, but too much had changed. The person this place had turned her into years ago didn’t exist anymore. She was waiting again for something new, and she was starting to worry that it wouldn’t come. 
She passed him the bottle and he took a sip. 
“So, London.” She swiped a piece of baguette through the small mound of goat cheese and popped it in her mouth. 
“London.” He repeated. When he didn’t continue, Josie motioned for him to elaborate while she chewed her mouthful. “It’s nice.”
“And yet, you left.”
“I didn’t leave London. I left what was in London. I’ve always loved the city. I’d been dreaming about living there since secondary school. I thought I’d live in the West End–and work there, obviously. Even though that didn’t happen, I still walk through every weekend. I go to the shops on the high street and Borough Market–for a local it’s embarrassing how much I’m there. And I don’t mind the rain, actually. It makes everything smell good.”
He wasn’t looking at her anymore, but picking at a thread on his jeans. Josie could picture it all: the old buildings and windy streets, the fog that greeted her every morning on campus. The way he talked about it made her chest ache. 
“Whatever it was, it was that bad that you were willing to leave a place you clearly love?”
“We’re both running, remember?”
“Yeah, but you know why I’m running. I know nothing about you.”
‘Which makes sense since we’re basically strangers.” After he pulled the bottle from his lips, Josie swiped it. 
She knew he was kidding, thanks to his smirk, but she wasn’t laughing.
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thatsgay-writes · 3 years
Angella x Daughter!Reader Part 2
The walk out of the woods was a little awkward to say the least. The group that had surrounded you still seemed a little uneasy by your presence. Well all of them except for two girls named Perfuma and Scorpia... Weird names. "Where are you from?" The blonde asks as she puts together some flowers. "Umm, Oakridge." The other one, Scorpia, looked at you with wide and curious eyes. "Where's that at? What's it like?" "Hell." You answer without thinking, that's just what you've always thought of the place. "What's hell?" You feel yourself physically facepalm as you remembered that hell wasn't a universally known thing. "Nothing, don't worry about it." You try and look forwards, hoping to get Angella's attention to get you out of the conversation but she is too busy speaking to Glimmer. Which you understand.
You hear flapping from above and watch as a horse lands in front of the group. "I told you all not to leave without me! I was in the middle of a conversation. Oh Spirits! Queen Angella!" The white horse said. Said!? "Holy shit! Do all horses talk on this planet?" You accidentally blurt out, completely shocked. Angella looks back at you with a hand covering her mouth to hide her laughter at your completely dumbfounded face. "No, Swift Wind, here is the only one that can." You walk up slowly to the horse, Swift Wind. "Can I touch it?" You ask, still completely gobsmacked. "I am not an it. But yes you can pet me." "This is so cool." You whisper as you pet his wings, missing how Angella stares at you with a motherly look, while Glimmer glares at you for taking her mother's attention away from her.
"Ok, mom, I have a big surprise for you." Glimmer tells her mom as the group finally reaches the castle. On the whole walk there, you had managed to befriend everyone except for Glimmer. You even got along with the scary cat girl and the emo mermaid. "That would be great Glimmer, but I want to rest. Teleporting across worlds is not as easy as it sounds. I also need to get y/n set up in a room." Angella responds, causing Glimmer to roll her eyes at your name. "Trust me, you'll want to see this." Glimmer reiterates as she pulls her mom farther away from the group and into the castle.
You got the vibe that Glimmer didn't like you much and you didn't want to follow her, "So what do you guys do for fun around here?"
"Micah?" Angella says as Glimmer finally stops pulling her. There, in the war room, looking at something on the table was her "dead" husband. "My eyes must be deceiving me." Angella says as she rubs here eyes, thinking he'll be gone when she reopens them. "You... I..." Angella doesn't know what to say. She had been dreaming of seeing him again for years. Always planning what she was going to say, how she was going to apologize for sending him to fight. "Hey Angie..." The former king says as he gets closer to his wife, never thinking he would see her again after Glimmer told him what happened. Angella tosses any sense of formality aside and pulled her husband in for a long hug. "How... When... Why..." She sobs out as he rubs her back in hopes of calming her down. "Shh... It's okay. We have much to talk about.
After spending a few minutes attempting to catch up with her family, Angella remembered that she still hadn't show you to your room. "Oh dear... Come with me, I want you to meet the person who helped me out those two years I was gone." Angella says as she grabs Micah and Glimmer's hands. "If I know her, she'll probably be on the training grounds." She mumbles off handedly. And she was correct, the sound of grunts and hits could be heard from down the hall as you and Adora battled it out. Adora wasn't in her She-ra form of course. The royal family walked in right as you slid between Adora's legs and kicked her in the back, causing her to fall. "I win." You say with a smirk as you help Adora up. "Y/n." "Yeah, mom?" You respond to Angella, missing the way everyone looked at you in shock, Glimmer glaring at you. "I would like you to meet my husband, Micah." You hold out your hand in greeting and receive a hug in return. "Ok, big guy, I don't really do touching." You tell Micah as you awkwardly pat his back and let out a sigh of relief when he lets go of you. "Sorry but I just wanted to thank you for helping out Angella while she was stuck on your world." "It's fine, the least I could do."
It had been a few weeks since Angella and you arrived in Etheria and things were going well. Angella got to see how fast Glimmer had grown into a good Queen and play catch up with her and Micah. You were fitting in pretty good as well. You managed to befriend each of the princesses, plus Bow and Sea Hawk, and learned as much as you could about Etheria. The only thing you were having problems with was getting to know Glimmer. You figured that since Angella was important to the both of you, you would have something in common to get a friendship started. But Glimmer seemed absolutely opposed to that. She didn't even seem to want you hanging out with her friends, mainly Bow, Adora, and Catra. Every time you would ask to hang out with one of them, Glimmer would teleport in and claim to need them for the most random reasons.
"Glimmer?" You knock on the door to the princess's bedroom, finally wanting to know why the other girl detested you so much. "Come in!" She shouts and you enter the room slowly and close the door behind you. "Oh, it's you." She rolls her eyes and you get angry. You had been nothing but nice to everyone since you arrived and Glimmer had no reason to seemingly hate you this much. "What is your problem?" You ask and Glimmer can detect the anger in your voice. "What problem, I don't have a problem."
"You clearly have a problem with me. I have been nothing but nice since I arrived and have managed to befriend everyone here. But you have been nothing but rude and ruin any hang out plans I have with everyone almost all the time. What did I do wrong?" You ask, hoping Glimmer would finally give you an answer. "I have no clue what you are talking about. I have done nothing of the sort." You stare at Glimmer completely gobsmacked, how could she be acting so dumb. "Stop bull shitting me! The way your mother talked about you made you seem like a kind and good hearted person, but all I see now is how much of a bitch you are!" You yell at her, completely done with her playing stupid act. "How dare you talk to your queen like that!" Glimmer yells, getting equally as angry as you are. "You are not my queen!" "Ahh!" Glimmer yells as she rushes at you. You block, expecting a hit to be sent your way, but instead you feel Glimmer grab you and teleport you somewhere.
You had no clue where you were. Glimmer had teleported you in the most random place and the only places you had ever been was Bright Moon castle and the forest when you were being led to Bright Moon. You were getting scared now, it was starting to get dark and you still had no clue where you were. You hoped someone had noticed your absence and people were looking for you because you had no clue how to get back to the castle. "Crap..." You mumbled as you passed by a rock, you think you passed by almost 10 minutes ago. You sit down on the rock and feel eyes get watery. "Freaking Glimmer, freaking teleportation powers, freaking Etheria. You grumble angrily. "I should have just stayed home." You cried. You didn't usually cry but you hadn't ate anything since breakfast, you didn't know where you were, you were getting cold as you were only wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers. "Okay, one more time." You say to yourself as you get up and pick a direction to head in.
It was pitch black when you finally see any sort of human activity. You get closer to the lights and see a few people walking around. "Umm, excuse me." You say to the person closest to you. "Where am I?" The man gives you a kind smile, "Your in Plumeria." You let out a sigh of relief, "That's great, do you know where I can find Perfuma." "She should be in the town center, just up ahead." "Great, thank you."
"Perfuma!" You yelled excitedly when you see her and Scorpia sitting on a bench. "Y/n!" They both yell, glad you were okay. "Where have you been, we were all worried sick!" Perfuma exclaims as Scorpia wraps you into a big hug. "I don't know! Glimmer teleported me somewhere and just left me!" Perfuma gives you a confused look. "Glimmer teleported and left you somewhere?" She asks as she looks you over, making sure you weren't injured. "Yeah... I'm so hungry." You say hoping to break the seriousness of the conversation. "Let's get you some food and we will take you back to Bright Moon tomorrow." Perfuma plans as she wraps you in a hug and leads you towards food.
"Y/n!" Angella yells in relief when you, Perfuma, and Scorpia arrive in Bright Moon. Angella and Micah both hug you, relieved that you were back. "Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?" Angella asks as she checks over. "Maybe you should ask Glimmer what happened?" Perfuma butted in, angrily, her arms crossed over her chest. Scorpia sported a similar look. Angella looked at her daughter in confusion, whatever Glimmer had done must have been bad if it caused Perfuma and Scorpia to be mad at her. "Well... I... She started it!" Glimmer yelled, trying to pin everything on you. "All I did was ask why Glimmer didn't like me and was always rude to me. I'll admit the conversation did get a little out of hand but then she teleported me to the middle of nowhere and left." You revealed and watched as Angella sent Glimmer a disappointed look. "Glimmer go to your room." She said sternly. "But mom I-" "No head to your room, we will be talking soon." Angella said as she leads you into the castle.
You hadn't seen Glimmer in a few days since you returned. She even skipped a few dinners but you didn't ask where she was. You had been chilling in your room when you heard a knock on your door. "Come in!" You yell as you roll over, hoping it was Perfuma and Scorpia but were surprised when Glimmer walked through the door. You sat up straight as she entered. "Can I help you?" You ask, your voice hard. "I... I want to apologize for my actions earlier this week. I should have never teleported you out of the castle. I also want to apologize for my actions since you've arrived. I was just jealous of how close you and my mom are. And I guess adding that to the fact that I missed her for so long, I kind of felt replaced. I never should have taken it out on you though." Glimmer spilled as she stood awkwardly at the door, trying to convey how sincere she was through her eyes.
"Well, thank you for the apology. I can accept the apology right now but I don't think I can fully forgive you yet. I was so scared when you just left me. I've never been on another planet and have barely explored this one, so it was a pretty bad experience. Also, about your mom, I'm not trying to steal her or anything. It's just... On my world, I was all alone. My parents have been dead for almost 3 years and I was stuck living in this run down, crappy apartment by myself. When you mom appeared out of nowhere and we got use to each other, it was the first time in a while that I had felt any sort of love. Calling her mom and referring to her as my mother happened naturally. But I can stop calling her that if it makes you feel better."
Glimmer lets out a sigh, now feeling even more shitty than she did before. "No, you can keep calling her mom. If I had gotten to know you more and know your story more. I would have been a lot more understanding of the whole situation." Glimmer says, getting cut off by a knock on the door. Before either of you could respond, Scorpia barged through the door while Perfuma tried to hold her back. "I am so sorry... I told her to wait until you said something." Perfuma said apologetically as she noticed the serious tension in the room that Scorpia had broken. "it's fine. I was just leaving anyways." Glimmer said giving all three of you a small smile as she moves to leave. "I do hope we can be friends one day y/n... Maybe even sisters." She adds on as she leaves. "Me too."
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
Could I request a song drabble for Todoroki with the song “off the table” by Ariana Grande & The Weeknd? Or whatever character you see fit? Thank you!! ❤️
Yes absolutely!!
I’m a sucker for second chances and this song is such a good vibe. Sorry it took so long but here it finally is!
The yell of your name is the only warning you get before Mina is careening into you at full speed, wrapping you into a tight hug. You can’t help but laugh at your friend’s enthusiasm as you regain your balance and then reciprocate, squeezing her tightly. “It’s been ages bestie,” she whines and it only makes you laugh harder. “It’s been a couple weeks at most and only because you were away on a mission,” you point. “A couple weeks too long! Where’s Kaibara?” she asks, pulling back from the hug to look for your boyfriend only to see you wince instead. “He, uh, couldn’t make it,” you mumble as you move to head into the restaurant you and Mina are meeting up with old classmates at. “What do you mean he couldn’t make it?” she presses. “We broke up shortly after you left,” you finally admit with a sigh just as you both step inside.
Mina’s scandalized gasp draws attention from some of the others nearby as you start to navigate towards the room your group had reserved for the night. “Please don’t do that?” you groan. “What happened?” she asks. “We just weren’t working out,” you sigh with a shrug. Kaibara was a sweetheart and you’d wanted really, really badly to be happy with him but you just weren’t. You say you don’t know why even though there’s a quiet voice in the back of your mind whispering that it’s because he isn’t Him. “I should probably warn you about something then,” Mina admits sheepishly as you finally arrive right outside the room but she blocks you from entering. “What is it?”
“Todoroki’s here…”
“I’m sorry! I thought you’d be bringing a boyfriend so I didn’t think it mattered!”
Mina gives you her best apologetic puppy dog eyes as you groan. You haven’t seen Shoto since your break up over a year ago now, very much intentionally. It’s hard enough seeing him everywhere on the news when you know your heart still beats for him, no matter how many guys you’ve dated since in an attempt to forget about him. You’ve got half a mind to turn around and leave the restaurant right then but suddenly the door behind Mina is sliding open to reveal an already tipsy and very excited Uraraka who squeals your name and pushes past Mina to latch onto you. Of course this alerts the rest of the room’s occupants: Midoriya, Kirishima, Kaminari, and of course the very man you’d been avoiding all this time.
The greetings are somewhat chaotic but you use that to your advantage to avoid having to face Shoto. It doesn’t escape his notice, because of course it doesn’t, but he respects that you clearly don’t want to talk to him and other than the fact his piercing gaze rarely strays from you, he leaves you alone. As the evening continues the drinks start flowing and while you reach a comfortable buzz, your other friends are starting to get drunk and rowdy. Eventually their shenanigans get to be too much and so you sit back and watch with a fond chuckle without participating yourself. It’s not long until Todoroki settles next to you and although you still briefly tense on reflex, there’s just enough alcohol in your system to stop you from moving away. “How are you doing?” he asks in that same deep gravel you’ve missed.
“I’m pretty good,” you shrug, but you can feel his heterochromatic stare boring into the side of your face.
“No you’re not.”
It’s not accusatory, it’s just matter of fact and as you finally turn your eyes to meet his you know he’s looking for a real answer.
“My boyfriend and I just broke up,” you find yourself admitting.
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Don’t be. It was doomed from the start.”
“Why do you say that?”
“He’s not you.”
The words have slipped out before you can stop them, the drink in your veins loosening your tongue. You should take it back but instead you find yourself finally airing out the concern you’ve had for the past year.
“I don’t know, I just think if it’s not you then love might just…. be off the table for me yknow?” you finally admit.
“So I guess that means love’s completely off the table for me huh?” you chuckle mirthlessly as you take a sip from your drink but Shoto’s gaze doesn’t waver.
“What if it wasn’t?” he asks.
“What if love weren’t completely off the table.”
“What are you saying?”
Shoto’s gaze finally slides away from yours as he thinks over his next words carefully. The slight clenching of his jaw and the tightening of his grip around his own drink are the only indications of his nerves. When his eyes finally meet yours again there’s a fire—a determination—there that had been missing for most of your relationship.
“You were right,” he finally says.
“I’m not following,” you admit.
“When we broke up you said I was too stoic, too cold most of the time and you were right. I only ever got passionate with you when we were fighting and I was toxic. And then we broke up and I was toxic to someone else, but I never got your words out of my head. So I started talking to a therapist and I’ve been trying very hard to get better. So what if love weren’t completely off the table? For either of us?”
You search his eyes for a hint of doubt or regret or even just to see if they’re overly hazy from drinking but if not for the faint flush of his cheeks you’d think he’s stone cold sober. Your heart races in your chest as you war with yourself. But then he lifts one hand up towards your cheek, hesitating right before he actually makes contact, a quiet “May I?” slipping from his lips and you find yourself nodding. He cups your cheek like you’re something precious, his thumb gently rubbing along your cheekbone and you melt into his touch almost instinctively. It feels right in a way you haven’t felt in a long time.
So you lean in and seal your lips to his.
You always have loved second chances.
General Taglist: @ahtsuwu @oikawaandkuroostan @oliviasslut @black-rose-29
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