#[ hey! that's not me talking! (ooc) ]
blackkatdraws2 · 2 months
Quick note to people who use my art / characters!!
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How to Properly Use My Content!
Get my permission first! [Ask in my comments or DMs]
Credit me!
That's it lol
I don't mind that much but I would appreciate it if people asked me first. I don't have a problem with people using my art for profile pictures, chat bots [NOT NSFW], reposting on social medias I'm not in, Discord emojis, etc.
Let's just be reasonable, yeah? (^∀^●)ノシ
What Not to Do!
Don't use my art to sell!
Don't use my characters for anything NSFW!
If you're reposting my art, don't tell people it's yours! Don't impersonate me either!
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If you're not using my content to sell it and make money, pass it off as yours, or impersonate me then I'm good with almost anything as long as you credit me.
What do you do if you see somebody:
Selling my art? - REPORT THEM! These people absolutely do not have my permission! They take other artists' art as well, it's not just me!
Reposting my art without credit? - Tell them to give me credit! If they delete your comment / claim that it's theirs, report them! If they comply then leave them be.
Pretending to be me in social medias that aren't Youtube, Tiktok, Tumblr, and Twitter? - Report them!! Don't impersonate me.
Using my art / characters in ChararacterAI, etc.? - As long as it's not an NSFW bot and it has credits, leave them be. - If you see an NSFW bot of my characters, report it!
Alright, Have fun guys. ✌️
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mfw orym, guy with a missing dad who fucking despises him to the point he refuses to remember his first name and notably cares deeply or is overprotective for the vast swath of his surviving all-female family members starts talking about how "important the relationships between fathers and sons" are
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relaxxattack · 4 months
i love reading the homestuck update and just genuinely having no fucking clue whats going on. thats so classic homestuck
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dxsole · 4 months
am i going crazy or did tumblr change their text font in some way.....something is off..........i am typing this and the letters are NOT correct, they have been changed in some way and i will get to the bottom of this
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aferinbyname · 2 months
Of course, yeah. I- um, my friend would be happy to tell you about- about herself. What do you- what do you want to know?
well of couse i need this friend of yours name and maybe a conch number?
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statiicstag · 3 months
[ i see a lot of people give alastor fawn spots on his shoulders / his booty & i think I'm gonna steal that for my interpretation tbh ]
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tidemoonchild · 2 months
>> Shout out to all the people who followed me and didn't treated me just like another number afterwards... I just unfollowed 7 blogs who have been following me for months now but never answered to anything I send them...
I mean I get that we can't write with anyone but at least tell me what's going on. I'm not here to waste my time to push your numbers higher or something like that. <<
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hotelbitches · 8 months
also! if i take a while to reply to things, please be forgiving! i have 23 drafts and 25 asks currently. that's not even mentioning the things i have going on discord, too. i am a sloooooow writer when i'm not fixated on a specific character. and i have other shit going on, too. i may seem like i reply to some things really fast, but that's not the reality for everything i am capable of.
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misteria247 · 2 years
Ya know 12 Donnie's little wizard outfit, the Gandalf inspired cosplay from the Mazes and Mutants episode?
What if he had that outfit-
But with the all naturals???
I'm so sorry-
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kaminarikokyu · 1 month
dynamic + ship call
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enypneon · 9 months
the emperor is WHOOOOAHSHDHA????
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watchlivvy · 1 year
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known to all as liv morgan, professional wrestler for wwe.
known to some as just gionna 'g' daddio, quirky little witchy woman.
29, june 8th 1994.
farm owner, animal lover, horror enthusiast, foodie.
crafty bish, shoplivemore.
her fans mean the world to her, right behind her family and friends ofc.
single, pansexual.
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open to all sorts of plots and connections, just hmu! check under the cut for wanted connections and such.
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exes: (playing her as currently a tad fucked up from a recent breakup, but she has a handful of exes in general and not keeping any canon ones in this portrayal) fwb: (only accepting one or two of these, past/present/future) one night stands: (only accepting one or two of these) best friends: (keeping riot squad in this, but accepting others) frienemies: (with reason, without reason - just bring the angst) sworn enemies: (idk might be fun??) friends: (self explanatory)
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hurricanepd · 5 months
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A furry is someone who thinks anthropomorphic animals are cool, has a fursona, interacts with the furry community, and labels themself a furry. A fursona is an anthropomorphic animal character that represents you. You can have one or multiple.
A blue wolf/dog is the most common choice for fursonas.
Do you know the animals at Fazbear’s. They’re examples of what a furry character would look like.
Fursonas aren’t limited to animals with fur, you could choose a reptile or aquatic creature.
You’re a cop, yes? You would be a hagfish
Oh that… that makes sense. A little off but I get it now.
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ravarui · 8 months
//No work for me today, cause I slipped on ice while walking the doggo. The one responsible for it under the cut
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If you’re so high and mighty how much do you know about France?
France’s capital is Paris. Located in Western Europe, it is best know for it’s global influence during war. It became a larger influence during the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, and assisted in finding the Alliance’s military command in the 1950s. However, the people withdrew from established tactics a decade later and kept control of their own forces. Eventually, in the early 2000s, France rejoined military command. Its most popular monuments are the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre.
His eyes rotate back and forth, shining through slits.
As I said: do not compare me to my children.
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extravagantliar · 2 days
show up on my day off to say that varric would hum after midnight under his breath whenever he can
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