#[ i will just let cater say whatever on the dashboard until then ]
espritdediamant · 2 years
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[ ...𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚕… 𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚕… 𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚕… ]
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Wah—there's nothing in here that says all lab classes are cancelled from now on. I totally manifested for that and everything...
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On the subject of the culture of technology addiction…
(Skip to the green text for a list of coping mechanisms)
It’s not taken as seriously as it should be, because plenty of people view too much screen time — especially on one’s cell phone — as being an issue that plagues mostly adolescents. That is not entirely accurate. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 44% of American 18-49 year-olds are online “almost constantly.” (Source) And that’s just a study about spending time online; it doesn’t count the time we spend watching television, playing offline video games, or listening to the radio or music.
Even if you manage to control how much time you spend on your devices, you’re still experiencing second-hand screen time from somewhere. Have you ever turned your back on the television hanging from the ceiling in a restaurant, either because you didn’t like the programming, or you simply didn’t want to watch TV during dinner? How many times have you driven past billboards on the freeway, meant to catch your eye with vibrant, moving pictures of cannabis, fast food, and accident lawyers? How many babies waddle into your workplace with a tablet in their little hands, loudly playing YouTube Kids videos for everyone to hear? I remember when I was about four, being pushed around in a shopping cart shaped like a car that had a little screen in the “dashboard” that played exclusively VeggieTales. I never watched it; but the other little kids sitting at my level in the local Farmer Jack’s certainly did.
Sometimes I find I just can’t get away from technology. Television companies (in the US) used to play the national anthem before signing off for the night — no longer. Everything is awake all the time. Information and entertainment especially catered to YOU is at your fingertips 24/7. What a hell of a drug, eh?
Now, being someone who is CURRENTLY in the throes of a tech binge, rubbing red eyes with burst capillaries, and depressed from sleep deprivation… I am a hot, hot mess. If you’re desperate like me, maybe you’ve tried screen time apps to help manage your phone use. Well… this is about how well it’s been going for the five months I’ve had it:
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[Text ID: Circular screen time counter with a daily limit of three hours reading four hours and fifty-nine minutes at 1:08 PM. End Text ID.]
After a month of actually trying, I learned to ignore the notifications telling me to get off my phone because it’s 11:00 PM. My brain no longer registers them, because I’ve rationalized (very irrationally) that there are no real consequences to ignoring the notifications. Like, what’s OffScreen gonna do; sue me?
So, if you need to be held accountable like me, you may find it helpful to announce on social media that you’re taking a tech break for a specific amount of time (say, a week) and turn your “let people know you’re online” indicator ON.
Also, if you’re worried about being bored during your tech break: here is a list of things you can do instead of going on your phone, watching TV, gaming, etc. (I should really follow my own advice):
[Coping mechanisms start here]
Draw the weirdest piece of furniture in your house as a cute anime girl
Pick out a giant book; get some treats (candy, special tea, whatever); you’re only allowed a treat if you’re reading; you’re only allowed to go online recreationally until after you’ve finished the book
Play mindlessly with fidget toys (or study the movement intensely and take detailed notes on it, as if you’re studying an animal species)
Compose a melody on an instrument (No composition experience required; hit notes and write down the combinations that sound good so you’ll remember them. Mess with chords.)
Find some old schoolwork from when you were in high school (if you have a pile lying around somewhere) and see if you can still do it as an adult
Write an ode to the object immediately to your left
Do some yoga poses
Walk in a nature preserve or park. Find a long log and walk on it. 10/10 very healing
Give your children and/or pets some attention. Stop ignoring them. Bastard. /hj
Feed squirrels walnuts and pecans
Put a bird feeder in your yard, get a chair, and watch the local birds go at it (research hummingbird feeders though; certain types are very bad for the hummingbirds)
Draw with sidewalk chalk on your cement
Play ping-pong with the wall
Shoot baskets
Climb a tree (be safe please)
Go to a playground after hours (or off-season), get a big stick, and start hitting the metal poles with the stick to see what kind of tones you can produce
Antique shop-hopping
Find an outdoor event in your area and support local artisans and buskers
Learn to play the kalimba, recorder, harmonica, spoons, jaw harp, or other inexpensive instrument; only go online after you’ve mastered one song (three songs, if you’re musically-apt)
Trace your hand on a piece of paper and zentangle it
Sing songs
Prune and water your plants
Do ten push-ups (or another quick physical activity you think you’re able to do)
Go outside and look for rocks on the ground
Go into that weird store you’ve always seen but never visited
Read a newspaper
Bust out that old digital camera from 1998 and start shooting things
Another bad habit I have is only waking up in the mornings after using my phone for a disgustingly long amount of time. I still need to find a workaround for that… I may try to get a loud alarm clock and a small box with a lock on it, put the alarm clock in the box before bed, lock it, and put the key on the opposite side of the room. So I’ll have to get up, find the key undo the lock in order to shut off the alarm. That way, I’ll be able to wake up without using my phone (hopefully). If I try it, I’ll let you all know how it goes!
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elvendara · 7 years
What happens to werecat yoosung and werecat mc?? Let me have more!! Bliss is a very good villan
@blissfullyintoxicated is this you? I think this is you! Anyway, here you go “ANON” hehe, sorry to keep you waiting.
Yoosungran around the building. It appeared to be a renovated church. It was large,the grounds encompassing two acres of land. The garden in the back wasstunning, he’d found some catnip and had been distracted for a few minutesbefore he came to his senses and lopped around the rest of the garden beforeheading back to where Saeran waited in the car.
Saeranopened the door and Yoosung jumped into the back seat. He reverted and quicklydressed.
“Well?”Saeran asked, eyebrows arched.
“Everythingseems normal. I didn’t see anything out of place.” Yoosung reported.
“Whattook you so long then?” Saeran watched him throught the rearview mirror and sawthe flush that crossed his face. He turned around and pinned him with his gaze.“Yoosung?” he asked the blonde, who’d ducked his head using the pretext ofhaving some difficulty with his shoes.
“Uh,I ran across some catnip.” He admitted. Saeran chortled and turned back,reaching for the communications device Saeyoung had set up.
“Therewas one thing.” Yoosung scooted between the front seats, an arm on each seat.Saeran lowered the device, listening. “There was a strange smell. Something I’venever smelled before, I don’t’ know what it is. Maybe you or Saeyoung can makeit out. It led into the outside cellar. Whatever it was, it had my hackles up.”
Saerannarrowed his eyes, thinking, then contacted Saeyoung, letting him know whatYoosung had discovered. He didn’t wait for a response, Saeyoung and MC wereinside the building, being shown around by the curator. There were two tapsthat came through the communication device in his ear, it meant that Saeyounghad heard.
“Nowwhat?” Yoosung asked, absently twirling Saeran’s hair as he watched thebuilding out the window. They were parked on a hill about two miles away.Saeran picked up the bincoculors and scanned the area once more. There was verylittle activity, the church being several miles from the nearest town. He hadto admit, it would be an interesting site for the party. But he was beginningto understand Saeyoung’s uneasiness, there was something wrong, he just couldn’tput his finger on it. Yoosung yanked on his hair absently. He turned to regardhis mate. He still stared at the church, his eyes narrowed, head cocked alittle to the left. His lips were parted and he could see a little bit ofcatnip stuck to his teeth. He didn’t say anything, only smiled and examined hisprofile. He leaned his head back into his hand as he continued to swirl hishair through his fingers.
“Iknow what we can do to pass the time.” Saeran grinned. Yoosung turned towardsSaeran, confusion colouring his face before it cleared in understanding. He layback into the seat as Saeran scuttled through the small opening and fell on topof Yoosung. He giggled as he wrapped his arms around Saeran’s shoulders. Saeranworried his tongue over the piece of catnip until it sprang free. He didn’tlike the taste and spit it out, Yoosung blushed and laughed.
Saeyounghad already picked up on the smell and realized what it was. Yoosung had justconfirmed it. He squeezed MC’s elbow and she raised her eyebrows but saidnothing. The tall skinny man walked them through the main part of the church,they had removed the pews and it looked as if they could fit a good number oftables inside. The stained glass windows were the crowning element of thevenue, MC actually thought they might have the party this time during the dayinstead of the evening to take advantage of the sun and the light that wouldpaint the floors through the windows.
Thedais held a single altar, the cross that would normally adorn the back wall,gone.
“Thisway to the kitchen.” The man crooned. His long pointy nose he kept upturned andlooked down on them. He had glared at Saeyoung when they had arrived. He hadnot been expecting him to be with her. It was strange and MC had to admit thatSaeyoung may have been right. The kitchen was state of the art, the catererswould have no problems executing a fabulous buffet from it. MC opened hernotebook and wrote down the dimensions and the number of stoves, ovens, andcounters. The freezer was plenty big for what they would need. There was also agallery that could be emptied out to display and auction what remained of V’sphotographs. She furiously wrote in her notebook as she asked questions. Thewiring had to be up to date for what they had planned, they would be usingquite a bit of power. He assured her that it was adequately wired. She made apoint to let him know that she would have to have her own electrician come inand take a look. He didn’t blink, only nodded, agreeing to her every request. Itmade her nervous, it was never this easy to get what she wanted, there wasinevitably quite a bit of back and forth and compromise.
Saeyounghad been relatively quiet the entire time and she could see that he wasattempting to commit everything to memory, sights, sounds, and smell, to analyzelater. Finishing the tour in the gardens outside, an excellent area to placethe bar and a small string orchestra, they thanked the man and walked backtowards the car.
“Saeran?”Saeyoung clicked his communicatins device on.
“Saeran?”MC slowed and looked at Saeyoung, he shrugged.
“Saeren!?”He yelled as loudly as he dared. Suddenly a very breathy Saeran came on thecom.
MCand Saeyoung exchanged a look and rolled their eyes, trying not to snicker.
“We’redone, we’ll meet you at the house.” He informed him.
“Oh,yeah, meet you there.” His breathing was more normal, but still harsh.
“Whatdid you think Arnold?” Blissful asked, her arms crossed, long red nails tappingagainst her upper arm.
“Theyseemed very on guard. They will not be easy to fool. Somehow, they are alreadyon high alert. Especially the werewolf.” He assessed.
Hernail began to tap against her bottom lip, now a deep shade of purple, almostblack. “It was probably Jumin’s doing. I will have to be more direct with whathe can and cannot do. I cannot allow him to ruin this.” She hissed, her eyesglaring. “Bring him in! And check in on the teams that are watching their home.They may be on their guard about this venue, but, they have no idea that the dangeris closer than they think.” She snickered, her grin lopsided and cruel.
MCand Yoosung had spent the entire morning running errands for the upcomingparty. They had just finished lunch and reluctantly headed back to the car tohead to the storage unit to inventory V’s photography and separate them intodifferent categories. As soon as MC closed the door the locks engaged. She staredat it, as did Yoosung, then the car started on its own, she hadn’t even put thekey in. The wheel began to turn and she tried to stop it, hitting the brakes,with no effect. Yoosung yanked on the door handle, slamming his shoulderagainst it. when that didn’t work, he slammed his elbow against the window, butonly resulted in hurting himself.
“What’sgoing on?” he squeaked.
“Idon’t know, I can’t stop it!”
“Youdon’t think it’s Saeyoung do you?”
“What?No, even he wouldn’t do this! Would he?” she turned to Yoosung with a  questioning look. He only shrugged. It didn’tfeel like a practical joke though.
MCgrabbed her phone from her purse and tried to turn it on, only to find that thebattery was dead. She’d just used it, there was no way it had drained thatfast.
“Yoosung,your phone!” he yanked it out of his back pocket and stared at it blankly. “Isit dead?” she asked. He numbly nodded. Meanwhile the car kept going on its own,navigating the streets easily. MC tried to get the attention of a passingcruiser, to no avail, they didn’t even look her way. She tried to open the window,the sunroof, she climbed into the backseat and tried to get into the trunk byfolding down the seats. She reached for the glow in the dark hook that was acommon feature these days. She pulled on it but nothing happened. She slammedher fists against the trunk and screamed in frustration.
She scuttledback to the driver’s seat.
“Nogood?” Yoosung asked, already knowing the answer. “What do we do?”
“Sitback and relax lovely Beta’s, enjoy the ride, you’ll get your answers soon enough.”A woman’s voice purred through the speakers. Yoosung and MC exchanged afrightened glance.
“Whothe fuck are you?”  MC shouted, slammingthe dashboard.
Yoosungtried to keep his breathing even, his head began to swim.
Therewas a melodic laughter coming through the speakers but no more information wasforthcoming.
“MC,maybe we ca…” MC shook her head aggressively, her lips in a thin white line. Shepointed to the radio and then to her ear. Yoosung understood that they weremost assureadly being listened to, maybe even watched. He knew from Saeyoungthat cameras now came as small as a pin head. He inspected the interior of thecar, but if anyone had placed a camera in it, he didn’t see it. He saw that MCwas doing the same, they looked at each other and both shrugged. Frustrated, MCshoved back into her seat and crossed her arms. She wondered idly if Saeyounghad placed a tracking device on her. Right now, she would be glad to have hadhim that paranoid.
Yoosung’spalms were sweating and he rubbed them against his jeans. He was thinking ofSaeran. Whatever this was, he was afraid he might never see Saeran again.
Afterabout twenty minutes they turned into an empty barn in the middle of nowhere. Shehad been paying attention as to the direction they were headed. If they wereable to escape, they could transform and head back into town. But they couldnot let whoever these people were know they were werecats. She reached out tograsp Yoosung’s hand, he gripped it tight. The car stopped in the center of thebarn and they waited to see who would come out, but there appeared to be no onearound. There was nowhere to hide within the barn, MC glanced out the windshieldto see if there was a loft, but it was completely open. She was terriblyconfused.
Then thecar began to sink. Her heart leapt into her throat and Yoosung let out a loudsqueal, they clutched each other, no longer trying to stay calm. Both utterlyfrightened. Yoosung’s body shivered and he felt MC trembling beneath his touchas well.
Theireyes were large and scanned through the windows, it was dark, only a little bitof light filtering in above them. Finally they settled and huge doors openedinto a large manmade cavern, the car glided out of the giant elevator and cameto a stop, turning itself off, the locks disengaged and the doors opened. MCand Yoosung stayed put. There were sconces attached to pillars and lit the areafairly well, however, there were plenty of dark areas. A woman dressed in a blackform fitting catsuit with a ruffled half skirt gliding behind her, stepped from between two pillars. Her bootswere bright red, the heels at least 6 inches. She wore black gloves that reachedto her forearms. Her hair was braided in a complicated Viking configuration.She was stunning, and terrifying. She grinned and beckoned them with herfinger. MC swallowed and squared her shoulders, whatever this was, they hadvery little options. Stay alive, survive. She repeated the mantra in her head. Ifthey were alive, there was hope.
They disengagedfrom each other and slowly exited the car, moving to the front to stand infront of the woman. There were shadowy figures behind the lights but theirfocus was right in front of them.
She steppedcloser to them and MC reached for Yoosung. They laced their fingers together,standing shoulder to shoulder, both defiant.
She scannedthem up and down, a look of disappointment on her face. She turned her back onthem, “Take them.” she ordered. The shadows detached themselves from thedarkness and descended on them. they were pulled apart, kicking and screaming. Theytried to fight back but there were too many of them and they were incrediblystrong. MC kicked and bit, someone smashed her face with their elbow and calledher a cunt. She stomped on that one’s toes and spit in his face, bloodsplattering all over it. He grinned and licked it off with enjoyment. She wasslammed against a pillar and quickly tied to it. She flung herself back andforth but she was held good and tight. Yoosung was tied to the pillar next toher. When she turned to face him, she saw that he was sporting a black eye aswell, but one of the men who’d attacked him had a nice chunk of his cheekmissing. He punched Yoosung and spit on his face. Yoosung’s head lolled a bitwhile his eyes stopped spinning around in his head.
MClaughed, her head resting against the cold stone of the pillar. The womanstepped up to her, brown eyes narrowed. She grasped her chin painfully, MC’slaughter cut off instantly. Her upper lip snarled at her in disgust. She pushedher head away roughly and wiped her fingers on her pants.
“Who areyou? What do you want with us?” she asked, eyes narrowed, jaw set.
“Itisn’t you I want. But your Alphas.” Yoosung spit blood out of his mouth andglared at the woman.
Shepaid him no mind, turning her back on them again and walking towards a pillar oppositethem. She turned back to them, crossing her arm and sticking her hip out. “IWILL have your Alphas wrapped around my little finger. And they will dowhatever I command.”
“Fuckyou! They won’t bow down to anyone!” MC spat.
She laughedand MC and Yoosung noticed her lengthening canines. She was a vampire. What dida vampire want with the twins?
“Oh,I think they will do everything I tell them to do. Don’t you agree my pet?” sheasked over her shoulder. Another shadow detached from the darkness and revealeditself to be Jumin. His eyes were downcast, his fists at his sides. The womandrew a sharp line with her nail across his cheek drawing blood, Jumin didn’teven flinch. It closed just as quickly as soon as she let up on the pressure. Shelicked the blood off his cheek.
“Jumin?”Yoosung cried.
“I’msorry. I have no choice. I…I tried…” the woman slapped him across the cheek.
“Yes!He tried to warn you! Tsk tsk tsk.” She waggled her finger at him, sashaying infront of him.
Shefaced the Betas once more, looking from one to the other, settling on MC. She pointedher dagger nail, “Her, I don’t like her, but she’s feisty and would make awonderful vampire! If she struggles, kill her.”
Jumin’shead snapped up, his grey eyes widening. “What?” he breathed.
“Turnher!” she demanded.
“Blissful,please, don’t make me do that.” he pleaded.
“It’seither that, or kill her, your choice, now, do it!” her voice held power andJumin was walking towards MC before he even registered the movement. His handcame up and clasped her around the throat, pinning her head to the pillar, heused his thumb to lift her chin and expose her jugular.
“Jumin!Stop!” Yoosung struggled against the ropes, but they were too tight. He couldtransform into a cat but what good would that do? He might be able to escape,but what about MC? And did he really want to let these vampires know he was awerecat?
“I…Ican’t Yoosung…I’m…sorry MC…” his arm trembled. He struggled to stop himself,but Blissful’s command was too strong. His head lowered slowly, MC whimpering,her eyes wide and frightened. “Jumin.” She gasped. “Please.” Her voice was lowand raspy. His head lowered and Blissful laughed. He could smell her blood, hisbloodlust had been relatively low considering he was a newly turned vampire.Blissful had been impressed by his control, but she shouldn’t have been. He’dlived his life in control of all his emotions. His lips scraped across herneck. He could see the artery pulsing, her heart beating fiercely. He would notdo this, he could not do this. His fangs dropped and his jaw extended. He bitdown on flesh in a quick strike.
Yoosungscreamed, tears running down his face, his feet and head striking against thepillar in agitation.
Juminsmeared blood across MC’s neck and pulled away from her. He dropped his handfrom her throat and covered it with his sleeve. They stared at each other forseveral seconds, MC’s lips trembling, her knees so weak they couldn’t hold herup any more. Her body was pressed to the pillar by the rope alone.
“Juminwhy?” Yoosung cried shaking his head. Jumin spared him a short glance before heturned away and walked back into the darkness.
Blissfulclapped her hands and doubled over with laughter. She wiped crimson tears fromher eyes and gasped for breath. “Keep an eye on them, make sure she is takencare of when she turns.” She turned on her heel and her heels clacked acrossthe stone floor. MC’s face was a mask of fear.
Supernatural RFA
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siliconwebx · 6 years
When is it Worth It to Buy Premium WordPress Plugins? (Explained)
We are often asked by users when is it worth investing in premium WordPress plugins? One of main reasons why WordPress is the popular website builder in the world is because it gives you access to thousands of free and paid plugins (also known as premium WordPress plugins). In this article, we will explain when is it worth buying premium or paid WordPress plugins.
What are Premium WordPress Plugins?
Premium plugins are paid version of WordPress plugins that come with additional features, priority support, documentation, and regular updates.
You can learn more about WordPress plugins by reading our beginner’s guide on what are WordPress plugins and how do they work.
WordPress has become the most popular blogging platform in the world because it has a healthy ecosystem of both free and paid plugins. At the time of writing this article, there are more than 55,000 free plugins available in WordPress.org directory. You can use these free plugins to access various features without paying anyone.
Often beginners wonder how does WordPress make money if the plugins are free. Well, WordPress does not own all these plugins.
Since WordPress is open-source, majority of these free plugins are written by third-party developers who want to give back to the WordPress community and build a brand for themselves, so they can get more client-work.
But the issue is that like any other software, WordPress plugins also need to be properly maintained and updated. Although the individual developer is not required to offer support, most of them go above and beyond to help users and even add new features as requested.
As you can imagine, all these things take a lot of time and resources. Plugin authors are often unable to give free plugins proper attention as they grow and get a larger user base.
For some plugin developers, it becomes difficult to take time out of their work and personal life to maintain a free product over a long period.
This is where premium WordPress plugins come in.
For a small licensing fee, you get access to dedicated support, guaranteed updates, and premium features. The license fee provides plugin authors steady income, so they can improve the product and dedicate more time to growing their WordPress plugin business.
On the other hand, it gives you, the customer, a more refined product with reliable support and updates.
That being said, let’s talk about when you should consider buying premium WordPress plugins.
Are Premium WordPress Plugins Worth the Money?
If you have read our guide on controlling the cost of a WordPress website, then you would know that we are not a fan of unnecessary spending.
We believe that most beginners can control their costs by using free WordPress plugins whenever they can. There are free versions for many of the the best WordPress plugins on the market. Following are just a few examples of great premium WordPress plugins offering free or lite versions.
WPForms Lite is the best free contact form plugin.
MonsterInsights Lite – The free version helps you easy install Google Analytics in WordPress.
Yoast SEO – The best free WordPress SEO plugin.
WooCommerce – WordPress ecommerce plugin to start an online store.
SeedProd – The best a coming soon page and maintenance mode plugin.
However as your website or business grow, you will want access to more features, priority support, and reliable plugins that you can count on for regular updates.
To help you decide, we have added the top reasons that justify investing in a premium WordPress plugin.
1. Solutions Specific WordPress Plugins
There are some WordPress plugin categories that cater to very specific solutions. For example, building a membership website or selling online courses are hard work.
Free plugins alone cannot do justice to these complex solutions. Even if you find a free plugin for the job, you will likely have to purchase paid addons to support their business.
If you are building a website that requires a very specific / advanced functionality, then you will be better off with a premium WordPress plugin.
2. Advanced Features
While there are free plugins for most basic tasks, you will only find advanced features in paid plugins. That’s mainly because building and maintaining advanced features take a lot of resources.
For example, while WPForms Lite is the most beginner-friendly WordPress contact form plugin, the pro version of WPForms comes with advanced features like user registration form, surveys and polls, payment forms, etc.
3. Dedicated Support from Plugin Developers
Support is not guaranteed with free WordPress plugins because free plugin authors are not required to offer support. If you are new to WordPress with no programming skills, then support becomes crucial for you. Premium WordPress plugins give you faster email responses for your support questions.
4. Extensive Documentation and Tutorials
Premium and paid WordPress plugins provide extensive documentation to help you get started without even contacting support. Many premium WordPress plugins have docs or resources sections where you can find guides, tutorials, and video instructions. These resources help you use the plugin without waiting for someone to help you out.
5. Regular and Frequent Updates
Free WordPress plugins are sometimes abandoned by their developers. This leaves your website open to security vulnerabilities and bugs. Sometimes you might not even realize that a plugin has been abandoned until you see your site behaving strangely after updating WordPress.
Premium WordPress plugins give you regular updates to address bugs, glitches, and most importantly any security issues. You don’t have to do anything as those updates would automatically appear in your WordPress dashboard, and you can install them with just a few clicks. See our guide on how to properly update WordPress plugins for detailed instructions.
6. New Features and Enhancements
Free WordPress plugins usually don’t have an incentive to enhance and improve something that is already working for many websites.
On the other hand, paid WordPress plugins are businesses with competition. In order to stay on top, they continuously work on their products by adding new features and improving existing features. Depending on your license terms, you will get access to those features right away.
7. Supporting The WordPress Ecosystem
Premium WordPress plugin companies are small businesses. By purchasing a license, you help them build a sustainable business that provides for their families and even creates new jobs all over the world.
Your small payment helps those developers create killer products for other small businesses like yours and improve the WordPress ecosystem (See: Most influential companies in WordPress).
Frequently Asked Questions about Premium Plugins
We have answered a lot of questions about premium WordPress plugins via email. To help you find the answer quickly, we have compiled the list of the most frequently asked questions.
1. Should I only use all premium plugins on my website?
No, there is no need to only use paid WordPress plugins on your website. You should only buy premium plugins when you actually need them. There are a lot of great free plugins that have no premium alternative or are much better than their paid alternatives.
2. How do I find premium WordPress plugins?
Premium WordPress plugins are not sold on the official WordPress.org website. You can buy them from their own websites. Now the problem is that all those websites are scattered, so how do you know which plugin is good?
This is where WPBeginner can help. We are the largest WordPress resource site on the internet. We regularly write how-to’s about different free and premium WordPress plugins. We do the research for you by actually testing the plugin and breaking down their features with pros and cons.
Following are just a few plugin showcases that you’ll find on WPBeginner (they contain both free and paid WordPress plugins).
Best contact form plugins for WordPress
Best WordPress SEO plugins and tools
Best WordPress security plugins
Best WordPress backup plugins
Best free WooCommerce plugins
Best WordPress caching plugins
Best WordPress membership plugins
Best WordPress LMS plugins
Best WordPress drag & drop page builder plugins
Best WordPress plugins for small business
Need more recommendations? Just type in your keyword in Google and add wpbeginner.com at the end of your search term.
Another way to find great premium WordPress plugins is by upgrading to the paid plans of a free plugin that you already love and use.
3. Are all premium WordPress plugins good?
No, not all of them are great. In fact, some paid plugins can be quite terrible. That’s why you need to carefully evaluate them before making the purchase. Find out who are the people behind the plugin, what kind of reputation they have, what other people are saying about the plugin on the internet.
Whatever you do, DO NOT buy a paid plugin from an unofficial source like Fiverr. Always buy the plugins from the official author website to make sure that you’re buying the secure version of the plugin.
4. Do I need to keep paying premium WordPress plugins every year?
Once you purchase a WordPress plugin, you can keep using it for as long as you want. Premium WordPress plugins come with different licensing terms. The most common licensing term is for 1 year of updates and support. If you are on a yearly license plan, then your plugin will continue to work, but you will not get updates and support after your license is expired.
If you like the plugin you are using, then you should definitely renew your license when it expires.
We hope this article helped you learn when you should buy premium WordPress plugins. You may also want to see our guide on free vs premium WordPress themes for a similar discussion regarding WordPress themes.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
The post When is it Worth It to Buy Premium WordPress Plugins? (Explained) appeared first on WPBeginner.
😉SiliconWebX | 🌐WPBeginner
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