#[ jeremy ;; mickey ]
thirstyvampyr · 5 months
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What you and I have makes me free
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local-meme-lord · 3 months
My favorite genre of image: Annoyed Mickey
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gallavich1234 · 4 months
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Mickey , Lip, Fiona
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wrinkly-fucking-qtip · 4 months
It's a SIN Shameless did not give us more conflicting JAW and Noel scenes together. A CARDINAL SIN. What a complete waste of a duo. Fav Mickey scene will always be the one at the Alibi where they're discussing the start of gentrification. Two powerhouses and you can cut the tension with a knife in that scene. Lip claims to be Southside but enjoys uptown life at college, and Mickey remains an underdog in the hood. I fucking love that exchange so much.
Not to mention the car ride back from picking up Ian at the station, so good.
And idc if their fight in s11 is toxic blah blah whatever RAH just enjoy JAW and Noel bouncing off each other in heated arguments. Fucking love that scene. The way Mickey ATE that hook? Face of steel.
I need a film with just Noel and JAW, PLEASE.
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mickeym4ndy · 3 months
I know it’s been said before but Jeremy and Noel are fact two of the best actors on the show. So many of Lip’s and Mickey’s scenes are amazing simply because of their acting.
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7x10mickey · 2 years
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romidoes · 4 months
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old sketches
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gmzriver · 1 year
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Jeremy Allen White as Lip Gallagher in “Shameless” icons.
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soulc-hilde · 4 months
Ch. 01 - Jekyll and Hyde
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Pairing: Lip Gallagher x Black! OFC
Warning(s): Follows the FX tv show, Shameless, viewer discretion be advised. Depictions of grooming as well as non-consensual acts being mentioned, depictions and ideations of suicide, depictions of drug and alcohol abuse, racial and homophobic slurs, mentions of CPS/CYS and foster care, depictions and mentions of consensual sexual acts, depictions of violence (gun and maybe gang), depictions of mental health, depictions of inherited addiction, and so much fucking more.
Synopsis: All Lip Gallagher ever had was family and despite the praise over his intellect, the health and wellbeing of his people were far more important than him furthering his education. Lecroy was a young girl destined to face abandonment until the Gallagher clan came through. Using her own skillset and connects to build a better life for those she loves, she ties Lip and his family to her hip.
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"Lecroy, please be careful after school, your father and I won't be home by the time your let out," the Murphy matriarch, Carly, practically begs as she hustles around the house.
On the staircase / coat closet, an exhausted teenage girl sits just nodding away with soft hums. Her mind struggled to decide if it wanted to fall victim to her urge to sleep or appease the anxiety of her mother. Her head was stuffed between the deep brown painted bars of the railing, weirdly finding the cold touch to be comfortable.
Not noticing a thing, Carly continues muttering about. "If you can, just stay over at the Gallaghers and if not, either come straight home or to the shop." She'd state from inside kitchen, speed racing to brew herself some coffee.
"I'll be working the night the shift as well, Monique called off at the last minute and we need the money, so please... I don't wanna hear it," she huffs, finally reaching the door.
Her arms were accessorized with a large tote bag, stuffed with a steel travel cup, a pair of crocs to shift into, and her lunches for both shifts while the other arm carried her Louis Vuitton purse. She was dressed in black and gold scrubs with a black hair wrap and black converse.
Carly -- short for Carleen II -- was a beautiful woman who reached around the average height of 5'4" with a thick, curvy figure. Her brown skin shined gracefully, her face free of all blemishes and wrinkles. She inherited the round yet sharp features dotted with freckles from her father's side of the family. Her naturally red hair, lined with white streaks was styled in box braids and tied into a top bun.
As beautiful and rare as she was, her daughter followed. Lecroy inherited most of her visible genes from her mother whereas everything else was inherited from her father. She had dark brown skin and a round face, dotted with freckles and paired with onyx colored eyes. Her red hair was brighter than her mother's and so thick, it seemed as if it defied gravity.
Unlike either of her parents, though, she was a bit on the short side. She's reached 5'2" when she was 10 and started her period at the same time, poor girl hasn't grown an inch since. She carried a set of broad shoulders that made her father jealous along with short arms and small pudgy hands.
Turning around, Carly's face drops at Lecroy's unfathomable positioning. She sighs, "really? Okay, I'll see you soon, my love."
Leaning over, she pecks the girl's forehead before gently shifting her head to lay on the carpet covered stairs. Quietly, she walks out of the door, locking it behind her. Laying there for a few more minutes, she slowly stands with a groan.
"I gotta grab Gallagher," she sighs. "Fine, fine." Shuffling upstairs with the occasional groan, she shuts the blacked out door to her bedroom and music begins to blare from her stereo.
Rushing from the toilet to the shower, she brushed her teeth, oiled her scalp and combed her hair after unwrapping it, and storm back into her room. Dressed in black cargo pants, a black cropped tank paired with a black hooded jean jacket, and black Jordan 1s, she snatches her satchel off the floor.
Heading for the door, she locks it behind her and points her key in the direction of her used Jeep Patriot. Hopping inside, she pulls from in front of her house with 'Drug In Me Is You' blaring from the radio. Pulling outside the Gallagher's house, she jumps out and rushes through the door.
"Yo," she calls out into the madness. "What's up, asshats?" Seeing Liam babbling away and making grabby hands at her, Lecroy leans down and places an array of pecks across his small face.
"And good morning, my sunshine," she coos causing the baby boy to laugh. Quickly wrapping an arm around Debbie's shoulder, she lays a peck on the crown of her head.
Fiona bustles about, decorating the table with milk and cereal, doing the best she could to prepare her siblings for school. "Mornin', LeLe," she greets the younger teen. "Sup, Croy," Carl greets her with a soft punch to the thigh.
"Sup, beanhead," she greets back, gently smacking the back of his head. Taking her seat beside Lip, the curly haired boy gives a fleeting glance her way before doing a double take.
A smile draws across his face as he leans over, pecking her dimpled cheek. "Hey, peaches," he nearly mumbles. She smiles, "mornin', blue."
In front of them, Fiona lays a reused cardboard candy box and what looked like a bill. "Electric," she states. "Yeah," Lip nods, adding money to it. Before he could pass it on, Lecroy mindlessly drops a thick roll of money down.
The older male of the family pauses, looking back at her. "What... what was that?" He asks, still trying to process the amount of money she tossed in. She shrugs, her attention being taken by Liam, "just some spending money I had saved from work."
"No," he shakes his head, "no, no, no. Take it back, you don't have to give us your money." She simply nods, "I know I don't but I want to."
Lip drops the tray in front of her, "take the damn money, Croy." Rolling her eyes, she nods, "fine." She picks up the tray and gently sets it in front of Ian, "electric," she gently states.
Sitting back with a scoff, Lip side eyes her. In return, she sends a smug smirk his way. She mouths, "suck it," flicking her fingers from under her chin.
Putting in his portion, Ian sends it to Carl, who sends it to Debbie. Ian pulls out a slip of paper, laying it on the table. "I need dad's signature for a field trip," he says.
The younger auburn haired girl nods, forging their drunk of a father's name. Lip looks over, nodding, "Deb, that's getting really good." Fiona looks over at the group, "who's got the phone?"
Lip goes to grab it from his pocket, "I got it." She raises a brow, "any minutes left?" He tosses it her way, "uh, fourteen." She catches it with both hands, kneeling in front of the damaged washer.
"Hey, I need something for show-and-tell," Debbie mentions. Lecroy nods, "I got you, honey." The copper haired teen bends down, pulling out a vintage Irish Barbie doll that was still packed inside of its pristine packaging.
Her eyes widen, "whoa. I can't take this." Lip looks over, nodding frantically, "you're damn right, you can't." Lecroy ignores him, "yes, you can."
Setting the box into her arms, she pats the girl's chubby hands, "it was a gift from my great-grandparents to my mom. Just keep it safe and talk about how it's an resemblance of your family heritage."
"How much are we short?" Fiona's voice cuts over, grabbing the box. Debbie sits the doll in her lap, counting the money. "Uh," she pauses, "we're like forty dollars over."
The elder woman spins around, nearly giving herself whiplash. "Over or short forty dollars?" She asks, stress gripping at her eyes. Debbie repeats herself, "forty dollars over."
Fiona's jaw bounces, stuttering over her thoughts, "uh, how? Carl, did you finally add money to the bin? I said work for the money, not put us in more debt."
Lecroy grins, raising a hand that carried the colorful spoon that fed Liam. "That was me, actually. I had some extra spending money from work."
"Oh, uh, Lecroy," Fiona huffs, the feeling of pity firing through her bones. "You didn't have to do that, it's your money to spend." The teen nods, "and I chose to spend it on you guys. End of discussion."
Setting Liam's food splattered dishes in the sink, she doses them with soap before refilling his sippy cup. The lot begins to scold Carl over his lack of adding to the bills as Fiona forces the washer shut. She takes Liam from his high chair, thankfully grabbing the sippy cup from Lecroy's hands.
"I'm covering for Candi tonight," she starts. Immediately, Lip and Ian chime in. "Extra kraut on mine," he requests and Ian follows with a simple: "Cheese on mine."
Ignoring their orders, she looks desperately at her siblings, "somebody's gotta take Liam." Quickly, the kids scatter with excuses. "I got a calculus test," Lip jolts from his seat.
"I'm working after school," Ian shakes his head. Lecroy shakes her head, "Ian, Lip, take my keys and unlock the car. I'll meet you there. I can drop Liam off at my Nana's and pick him up on my way to work."
Fiona sighs, her baggy eyes nearly tearing, "thank you, LeLe. You don't have to do this, you and your family don't have to do any of what you've already done for us."
Carrying the babbling boy, the teen simply shrugs with a smile, "the Irish look after each other." Shuffling to the Jeep, Carl and Debbie rush down the sidewalk to the bus stop while Ian and Lip wrestle for the passenger seat.
"Hey, losers, keep playing and Liam will be sitting up front," she settles the cooing boy in, double checking his straps until she was sure that they were secured.
As she slides into the driver seat, Lip takes the front seat while Ian sits in the back with a groan. Turning the radio on, she pulls off down the road. After dropping off the baby Gallagher to her grandmother and the trio scoring a hot meal for lunch, they officially send off to school.
"So, what's the plan after school?" Ian asks. Lecroy shrugs, "you got work, Lip has a prostitute to please, and I have a couple of overlapping shifts. So--"
Lip grunts, "Karen's not a prostitute." She ignores him, continuing on, "so we won't be up to much later." Pulling into her assigned stall, she shuts the SUV off. "Out losers," she waves them off.
Taking their time, Ian glares at the back of his brother's head. Lip raises an eyebrow at him, "what're you looking at?" He jumps out of the Jeep, tossing his bag on his back.
"You're fucking it up, man," Ian scoffs. He follows with his own bag, slamming the door closed. "What the hell are you talking about? I'm not fucking shit up." The redhead simply shakes his head, "I don't talk to idiots."
Lip and Lecroy, the Terror Twins... Jekyll and Hyde, since kindergarten those two have been attached at the hip. The partnership grew after a couple of kids were grabbing at the boy's curls and calling him names over colored blocks.
Irritated with the interruption to her reading time, the young girl huffed and snatched one of the kids away by their hair. "Hush," she solely stated, glaring at the children. She picked the Gallagher kid by the collar of his shirt in one hand and a few of the colored blocks in the other, dragging him to where she originally sat with her book.
Letting him go, she plops down and points beside her. "Sit," she states and opens her book once again. Lip slowly nods, "okay." A few moments of silence goes by before he speaks again. "I'm Lip," he introduced himself.
"I know," the girl nods, her eyes darting across the old tainted yellow pages. "Lecroy. Murphy."
The next day, the Murphy child walks into the Gallagher household in hopes of running into either Lip or Ian. The teen dawned a navy blue jumpsuit paired with her black Jordans. The top of the suit was unzipped and its sleeves were tied around her waist to reveal the black cropped tank underneath.
"Hey, Fi," she greets the elder Gallagher. The tall woman gives her a quick smile, "hey, hun. Lip's not here." She nods, "I figured getting his teeth pulled wouldn't stop him being out."
She shakes her head, "regardless, I just wanted to drop off his work from today." Fiona takes it, gratefully, "appreciate it. You headin' home?"
Lecroy shakes her head, "no. I gotta a detail job at the shop. I may or may not see you guys later tonight." As she heads to the door, it bursts with Ian sprinting inside as Lip limps behind him.
Both women watch in shock, "what happened?!" Lip winces, "old lady. Train." Ian and Lecroy take place on either side of him, helping to the steps.
"You two, take him upstairs. I'll call V and Mrs. Murphy," Fiona orders, dialling Veronica. Setting him onto Carl's bed, Fiona walks in behind them and takes a seat at the end where his foot lays.
"Really?" She questions, rhetorically, "an old lady on the train?" Ian begins spewing an excuse, "oh, yeah, the doors were closing on her walker. Lip barely got his foot in, in time to stop--"
Lip barks a yell, "Jesus, Fiona!" She mumbles to herself, eyebrows scrunched, "I can't remember whether that's good or bad." Lecroy tilts her head in thought, "I'd say a mix of both. He can feel the pain, so it's nothing too severe, but it may be broken or fractured."
"Most likely you jumped the turnstiles again and he twisted it trying to outrun the transit cops," Fiona glares at the two. Veronica and Carly walk through the door. "No, always elevate extremities!"
Carly shakes her head, "let me take your spot for a second, Fiona, sweetie." She nods, switching spots. "You okay, honey?" Carly asks. He nods, "yeah. Just, please, don't touch it."
"I won't put too much pressure on it, but I do need to at least get an idea on what we're workin' with," she explains, softly. Her small hands carefully glide over rough, nearly swollen foot.
Fiona's gaze focuses on Lip's foot. "Should we get it x-rayed?" She asks. Carly shakes her head, "absolutely not. You'll be stuck in that shit forever all for what? Sub-metatarsal hematoma? Tell us something we don't know."
She looks over to Veronica, "grab some ice, ibuprofen, freeze spray, and ace bandages." The woman nods, heading out when Ian calls out: "I'll go help." Just as the two head out, a knock echoes from the front door.
Like cockroaches, Lip and Ian begin to scatter with panic. "Shit!" Lip curses, "I'm not here. I'm not here." He shuffles into the back corner, arms wrapping around Lecroy's thighs using them to hide behind.
"You don't know us, Fiona!" Ian yells at the older girl, sliding underneath the next. She glares over at the two, "what have you done?" As she goes to answer the door, Ian leaves with Veronica to grab the supplies.
Returning with everything, Carly wraps Lip's foot and helps him walk down the stairs with Veronica's help. "Got it? Ice will help with the swelling, but only for so long. A great alternative will be heat and advil will help as well. Keep your weight off of it."
As they reach the kitchen, their eyes fall onto the brand new washer that was in the process of being hooked up while everyone else gathers around, watching. "Oh? What do we have here?" The older red head raises an eyebrow.
"I thought you were broke," Veronica chimes in. Ian smiles, "that's what I said." Fiona smiles, jittering in her stance, leaping towards a bouquet of roses, "these were in the washer."
V steps forward, reading the note that stuck out of the roses. "Steve?" She reads, face scrunched with confusion before it quickly shifts into realization. "No," she gasps.
Fiona cheeses, nodding, "yeah. Uh-huh." Wanting to confirm her thoughts, V asks, "who's Steve?" Fiona's eyebrows raise, "the other night." V's jaw drops, "no!" The taller woman nods, "I know."
Later that day, Ian and Lecroy sat on his bed while everyone else was downstairs, chatting and getting ready to eat. "Ian, what's going on?" She asks, chewing on some gushers. "You and Lip did something, more like Lip did something and dragged you into his shit."
"He knows, Le," he sighs. "He knows that I'm gay and wanted to test it by having Karen Jackson blow me. However, her dad ended up catching us and chasing us out the house."
Her eyebrows scrunch, pissed, "he did what-- Did you tell him that it's something that you are sure of, thanks to the CIA-proof folder you created?" The boy shrugs, "somewhat? Besides, you know Lip, once he gets an idea, he goes for it till the end."
"Unfortunately," she sighs. "I think he hates me," he whispers. Lecroy scoffs, "Lip does not hate you and he never could. If anything, he's just being an asshole right now. You two will get through this."
He raises a brow, "how are you so sure about that?" Lecroy smiles, "you're his right hand man. That boy would be lost without you." He hugs her, tightly, "thank you, Le. We don't appreciate you enough."
"You do," she smiles, "you always do."
The next day, Lecroy was at the shop once again. Dressed in a greased stained white tank, blue jeans, and a pair of Timbs. Her body glistens with sweat as she lifts materials at least twice her weight and three times her size.
Appearing in the garage entrance, Lip shifts from one foot to another awkwardly with a bag of tools in his hand. He silently watches her, blue eyes study every muscle that shifts under her bronze skin as she lifts tires and cranks cars off the floor. It wasn't said often, but Lecroy is a beautiful girl with a mighty heart.
She has the looks, the personality, the body, the intelligence, but not many of the neighborhood male percentile were really open minded to treating women with respect, especially a girl whose name echoed across the Southside with respect. Girls like the Murphy women didn't deserve to waste their lives in this slum, instead, they work themselves into the grave just trying to surv ive.
"Hey, Murphy," he greets her. She looks over from the gallons of old oil pouring from the vehicle. She smiles, "Gallagher, what's up, baby?" He shrugs, "nothing much. Just finished helping Karen fix their window, I'm about to head for Kash's to return the tools."
He continues, stepping deeper into the garage. "I was thinking you, me, and Ian could hang out after we pick him up from work." Lecroy nods, wiping her hands off, "yeah, for sure. Thankfully, I'm not the only one working tonight, so I can go."
He follows her back to the locker room. She looks over her shoulder, yelling, "Marquel, finish Duncan's Bronco. I'm'a' head out." She grabs a khaki colored oversized button up and tosses it over her shoulders before grabbing her keys.
"Let's go," she calls, the two making their way to her Jeep. Parallel parking outside the store, they hop out and rush for the front door. Knocking and pounding their fists, "yo, Kash," they try to shout through the door.
Lecroy nudges her head to the side, "let's go 'round back." Thankfully, the back door for the trash was unlocked. The duo steps inside the empty store. "Yo, Kash!" Lip yells again.
Walking down the main aisle, their heads stretch down lane to another in hopes either Ian or Kash would appear. They could hear some rustling near the door, so they walk further down when Kash's voice abruptly breaks the silence.
"Alright," he says, "you stack the butter. I'll do the snacks." He sounded slightly out of breath. He turns, feigning a double take at the duo. "Oh, Jesus Christ, Lip, Lecroy."
Lip nods, "yeah, sorry. Sorry, Kash, I just.. I just wanted to say thanks for the tools." Kash smiles, "anytime, as long as I get them back." His eyes bounce to Lecroy, who gave him a deadpan.
"Uh, what's up, Lecroy? How's the family?" He asks. She shrugs, "workin', hustlin'... together, happily." As she speaks, she sends a quick glance to Lip before disappearing down an aisle.
With a raised eyebrow, Lip shrugs her behavior off, looking back between the two. Noticing that Ian hasn't said much yet, he looks over, eyeing him down. Noticing the mix match of shoes on their feet, his eyes bounce between the two. "You must be joking," he states.
"You're fucking him?" He points at the store owner. Both of them pause, watching for his reaction. As he drops the bag of tools, ready to storm off, a family size box of Twinkies slam into Kash's forehead.
"What the--" Kash swears, only to be cut off when an off-putting roar escapes from the teen. "You raggedy bitch," she continues to toss an arsenal of snacks at the man.
Both Gallaghers step back, their jaws dropping at the assault. Kash trips over the food, sliding on his back. Charging forward, she picks up one of the mini shelves at the end of an aisle and begins to slam it on his torso repeatedly. Kash scream, pleading for her to stop.
"Should... should we help?" Ian stutters. Lip shakes his head, "I think it's best that we don't interrupt." With a final umph, she slams the shelf down, "I hope Allah turns your ass into the animal you are or else I'm'a' kill you, Inshallah."
With that, she storms out, leaving a smirking Lip and a frightened Ian behind alongside a whimpering Kash. Lip runs, following after her.
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Yeah, so I did a little fixer upper. The original plot I had going got lost on me, so I did a little fixing in hopes that Lecroy's development and intro is solid. To be honest, I like this form so much better.
Taglist: @slytherinroyalty16 @v1rgorl
Series Masterlist
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ian-galager · 6 months
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found this on Pinterest
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thegirlwhocan-t · 1 year
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Shanola and Noel posted these pictures on Instagram 🥹
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thirstyvampyr · 5 months
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"thick and thin, good times, bad, sickness, health, all that shit." Mickey, 5x12
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local-meme-lord · 4 months
Mice gang
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I think about this short often, ngl
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They're just silly Mick
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gallavich1234 · 3 months
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anonynaomi · 21 days
can someone help settle a debate between me (who hasn’t watched shameless) and my friend (who has watched shameless)
are Mickey and Ian from Shameless toxic or the best relationship dynamic?
I think they’re toxic but I’ve been told I don’t know/understand their relationship arc (true) and so I’ll agree and back down if the majority thinks so too.
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fitzsimp · 1 year
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