#[ nnoitra be gentle ]
deivorous · 1 year
@despairforme replied: TUGS
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OwO how do the espada feel about their s/o wanting to give them belly rubs? What about if s/o asks for them back?
Hmm cute!
This has been in my inbox for about a year. I'm so sorry!
Starrk has been by your side long enough to understand that when you express a desire to give him something, it will undoubtedly bring him comfort, so when you ask if you can rub his belly, he gives in pretty easily. You, in turn, take pleasure in the sweet expression of relaxation on his face, as well as the gentle sound of his purring, which grows lighter as he drifts into slumber.
She's somewhat tense about the matter. Engaging in these human-like activities feels peculiar in many ways, yet Harribel has discovered that your gestures can be rather enjoyable if she loosens up enough. What makes her more nervous in this situation is having to reciprocate the caress. It feels unnatural for her, and yet, something within the prospect of making you feel good fills her in a way that is not unpleasant at all.
Ulquiorra has no idea how you managed to convince him to do something like this… again. But that's far from mattering right now. Despite his tensed posture – to the point of being almost rigid – it's evident that he's not entirely displeased, which is something. Although it's more than strange to allow a caress in such a vulnerable place, after a couple of minutes, Ulquiorra can't help but feel that his defenses are gradually loosening. This is peculiar, but he doesn't despise it as much as he strives to pretend.
You can hardly inflict any harm, and Nnoitra is aware of it. However, despite his consciousness registering it, his instincts never seem to fully catch the message.
This 'belly rub' thing has him feeling like something wants to crawl out from under his skin, so he mostly waits until you're done, wondering why you invest these affections in someone like him. Your tenderness, in his opinion, is misspent. Nonetheless, once your warmth penetrates his skin, it's too late to pull away
He knows better than to refuse. You would get progressively more annoying asking for it; he knows that. So, Grimmjow just scoffs and indulges. At first, a part of him is unable to simply surrender to the tender touch, too used to the idea that there's always a trap behind anything that doesn't harm. However, after a while, a strange sensation tingles in his lower belly, and it's surprisingly far from unpleasant.
When you ask him to do it back, he looks at you stunned. Are you stupid? It's fine if you want to lay your hands on him. But, in return? Grimmjow doesn't know if the peculiar warmth at the base of his neck is because he's furious that you're so careless or because something about reciprocating the action feels strangely good.
It could be an interesting experiment. Szayel agrees only for the sake of data recovery. However, lying in the softness of a warm place, where your scent and his intertwine in such a way that becomes alarmingly soothing, is reason enough for him to find it difficult to pull away, despite the multiple warnings deep within his head. You can repeat the experiment as many times as you want; he truly has no issue with it.
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Hi Nero and/or Scorpio! May I ask for either of your thoughts on some of the slightly more unpopular bleach characters (nnoitra, muramasa, akon, kenpachi and shinji) and cuddling please?
Ok, I had a lot of fun writing this! Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
He LOVES cuddles. But getting the time to enjoy them with you is a rare thing indeed. More often than not, the only time the two of you get to spend enough time together, for cuddles to be a thing, is when the two of you have finished working for the day... and being a high-ranking member of squad 12, that doesn't happen as often, or for as long, as either of you would like. When you do get the chance to cuddle, it's more than likely that he is asleep almost as soon as his head touches the pillow. That said, though, he always ensures that the two of you are snuggled close to each other and comfortable first.
Surprisingly, this big brute gives the best cuddles. He is always warm, and even though he may not show it often, he knows how to be gentle. And when the two of you are alone, he is nothing but gentle; he'll wrap his arms around you carefully but tight enough so you feel safe and protected. He loves to have you lay on him while the two of you sleep, whether that be just resting your head on his chest or lying completely on top of him, it brings him comfort and helps him to relax after a long day. Usually, he will absentmindedly run his fingertips over your shoulder or back as the two of you drift off to sleep, something that he finds just as soothing as you do.
Especially at the start, he's mistrusting when you want to cuddle with him. Why would you want to? What is your goal here? He has trust issues, unsurprisingly, so it will take a lot of patience on your part before he's willing to let you near him in that sense. When he does, you both quickly realise just how touch starved he is: he will all but melt into your arms, snuggling as close as is physically possible and refuses to let go of you. He loves it when you rub his back during cuddles and will return the favour by idly tracing imaginary patterns over your own with his long nails.
Cuddles are something that you will have to initiate. Initially, he will act like he hates it and will likely laugh and mock you for even suggesting it... but eventually, he will cave and allow you to hold onto him, just so long as you don't get in his way. He will still claim that it is a major inconvenience, however, and complain nonstop about it... until he's asleep, that is. Then his arms will subconsciously snake their way around you and pull you closer to his chest, his chin resting on top of your head.
There is no way that cuddles between the two of you won't result in a tangled mess of limbs. He is somewhat clingy and loves to be close to you. He doesn't mind being the big or little spoon, though when he is the one holding you, he feels like he can protect you more easily. He loves to lay by your side, his arms around your waist and his legs tangled with your own. He will nuzzle and kiss your neck in his sleep, so be warned!
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arrancxr · 10 months
54 for Nnoitora x Dom!Reader ? 🌸
54. “Oh, baby, you’re drooling everywhere.”
To anyone with a shred of self-preservation in their skull, Nnoitra’s mouth might as well be a weapon. You know what Hollows do; why the threat of being consumed is one of the few shared things that unsettles any of them. And yet, you’ve put your fingers between his jaws like it’s nothing.
Somehow, he’s the fool who’s letting it happen. 
It started with just your warm hands cupping his jaw, exploring the harsh angles of his face while staring, enraptured, like you want to memorize every detail. That part stayed suspended at a normal level of weird and uncomfortable, though, and the heat of your palms was distracting enough that Nnoitra decided not to fight it quite yet. 
But that just led to two of your fingers gently pushing into his mouth while he was too startled to pull away or snap at you for trying it at all. 
You press down on his tongue, not quite gently, right on top of the black 5 seared into it. Though Nnoitra is making a conscious effort not to physically react, a muscle still disobediently spasms in his jaw. 
It’s weird— it should be weird, at least, but when those fingers shift to hook against his lower teeth, openly flaunting the baseless faith that he won’t bite down, any remaining spark of will to protest this fizzles out. The wandering touch doesn’t quite feel good, but the inescapable, ever-present awareness that you trust him enough to have his mouth on such fragile bones makes every moment of contact twice as intense. 
While your fingers are still exploring his mouth, your other hand goes right back to its former place on his jaw. Nnoitra nearly flinches at the contact, right before he hits the appalling realization that he’d been too focused on the sensations in his mouth to notice when you moved. 
A reflexive attempt to swallow, disrupted by the forced-open angle of his mouth, only makes his tongue press against your skin. 
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re drooling everywhere,” you say, sounding fond in the way that always makes him feel cornered and furious. But despite the instinct to lash out in response, Nnoitra still doesn’t try to argue. 
He doesn’t have to find anything to say while his mouth is occupied, at least. That’s a good enough excuse for putting up with this. You don’t hold even his most pathetic moments against him. If anything, you’ll probably just be delighted that he allowed you to touch him at all. Though he hates how soft that line of thought makes him feel... whatever. 
When he half-unconsciously leans into the palm you have on his jaw, you reward it by caressing the unshielded skin with a light, gentle touch that sends shivering chills all the way down his spine. Disgustingly affectionate as it may be, the taste of your skin is a sufficient distraction, for now.
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my0vershareworld · 1 year
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Pairing: Espadas (excluding yammy and barragan) x GN!Human reader
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons.
CW: None
Requested by anon: Headcanons fir the espadas when it comes to cuddling excluding Barragan and yammy please 😋‼️
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Coyote Starrk
actually loves cuddling with you
will always accept cuddles specifically in bed. he think is more comfy for the both of you that way
he easily fall asleep if you just hold him so close like something so precious
loves being close to you like this and knowing you're asleep with him as the both of you are holding each other with deep care
Tier Harribel
she's so gentle with you like you're a vase
will hold you close and love to kiss your forehead and hair
she adores you even more when you're sleeping with her..it just makes her feel like she gave you security
and she's going to continue giving it to you
absolutely adores you and think you're cute when you're sleeping
Ulquiorra Cifer
doesn't understand
don't do well with cuddles
when you wrap your arms around him he go limp
doesn't know how to cuddle you properly and will mostly stay as a little spoon
Nnoitra Gilga
why are you touching him
get away from him
will kick you off the bed at first a few times because..instinct
like fuck yeah he trust you and all but he wanted a sleep without distraction
he barely even sleeps anyways
get very annoyed when you cuddle with him
later on will get used to it and allow it
he just need time to get used to a lot of stuff
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
bro. what is you on
absolute animalistic
he, at first take it as a challenge (he feel a little too weird being cuddled like this from behind by you) and turn around to hug you so hard you can barely breath
not long after he'll let go
if you try and touch him he'll slap your hand away
he's a cat. he have moodswings and he won't like touchy if he ain't in the mood to be touched
Zommari Rureaux
doesn't understand the whole cuddle thing
but he still accept it and just don't ask question
he like being touched by you it just..he don't understand the whole cuddle thing
loves being held and kiss by you when he's asleep
will fucking wake up and kiss you back
Szayelaporro Granz
at first doesn't understand a thing
take it as an experiment and learn from you
later on he'll do what you did with him himself
after he think is a good idea if he just started to move his hands everywhere while you're asleep
absolute pervert.
Aaroniero Arruruerie
why just..why
he got so startled at first when you suddenly put your arms around him
will jump off from the bed terrified
one voice will start sobbing while the others is yelling at you
rather sleep on the floor the whole time
just tell him he'll be safe with you and you won't hurt him
and let him get used to you
he might be a little startled but he won't jump out the bed anymore
instead he'll become tense because..
yes you won't hurt him
but what if he hurt you. just accidentally
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smol-yet-stupid · 2 years
I just wanted to rant about Orihime
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I absolutely HATE the way she was treated in Hueco Mundo, especially for such a sweet and caring girl like her. She was kidnapped against her will, with Ulquiorra making the sick decision to threaten her with the lives of the people she loves, called a traitor for literally being blackmailed, she was physically abused by Loly and Menoly so badly TWICE, with loly punching her in the face, leaving her face disfigured (And there was even BLOOD coming out of her mouth!), for no reason, yet she still healed her abusers out of kindness and Loly and Menoly threatened to tear out her eye and fingernails OVER SOMEONE ORIHIME DIDN'T EVEN LIKE, she was completely psychologically broken by Ulquiorra when he KILLED the man she LOVED just to torture her more, which she even blamed HERSELF for, threatened to rip open her skull and chest and threatened to force feed her and give her intravenous therapy, Nnoitra suggested that he could... you know... and was such a complete vile and disgusting creep to her, calling her his "pet", (Ulquiorra was very hypocritical regarding this, because he called out Nnoitra, yet he himself still was very willing to psychologically torture Orihime) Grimmjow strangled her twice, dragged her around in chains, manhandled her and only wanted Orihime to heal Ichigo so he could hurt him again, and called her names that I don't want to mention. It physically pains me to see someone as kind and gentle as her suffer so much... Aizen and the Arrancars are complete sadistic monsters and they make me sick that they'd do this to poor Orihime. And Aizen didn't even want her powers at all, it was just to distract the strongest fighters while he took over Karakura, so all the trauma she went through was all for NOTHING.
Yet people hate her because of stupid shipping wars. I definitely don't ship UlquiHime (which people ship just to get her out of the way of IchiRuki) because he was manipulative and psychologically tormented her to past breaking point. They're shipping her with her LITERAL MENTAL ABUSER whom she has never even met or even had a single thought about until the fight with Yammy and when he kidnapped her. (And even after that, the only memory she had of Ulquiorra after the Hueco Mundo Arc was when he murdered Ichigo) A gentle girl like her deserves someone who doesn't abuse and torment her so much all the time. People say that she cared more about Ulquiorra than she did Ichigo, but that is definitely not the case, hence all the, "Kurosaki-kuns". (Y'all really want her to stay in HM forever?! With those awful Arrancar monsters and Aizen?!)
People also think that Orihime is far too obsessed with Ichigo, yet with IchiRuki, Ichigo CANNOT FUNCTION without his true love Rukia? He doesn't care about protecting people who aren't Rukia? And all these Yanderes, like Loly, Jaguara (Wolf's Rain), Shiro (Deadman Wonderland) and ESPECIALLY Yuno Gasai (Mirai Nikki) get away with literally harming or MURDERING anyone who even so much as looks at their love interest, or even their love interest themselves because it's 'cute?' They're the ones who are too obsessed if they're going to resort to such extreme lengths for their love interest, or out of jealousy towards their love interest. They're literally saying that a normal, sweet, kind girl is WORSE than these psychos. Orihime was just experiencing a normal crush, which developed into GENUINE LOVE for Ichigo, while these yanderes are complete psychos regarding their love interests, which Orihime is not. Excuse me, Yanderes, resorting to killing for love is not cute in the slightest. Orihime would never murder anyone over Ichigo. She even felt bad for being jealous of Rukia because Orihime LOVES Rukia as a friend and thinks she's amazing. Orihime was even happy for Rukia when she got married to Renji, and cried tears of joy for her (And no, it's not because Orihime finally could have Ichigo all to herself). Not to mention her love for Ichigo was what broke her out of Tsukishima's brainwashing.
And she's even been VILLAINISED too, just because she's in the way of IchiRuki (Which is NOT OK because of the huge age gap, and that Ichigo would have to die in order to be with Rukia, which would be devastating for Orihime because she wants to keep him alive and safe). But that doesn't mean I don't love Rukia, nor do I think that she's in the way of IchiHime. I definitely support RenRuki, which makes way more sense than IchiRuki. Side note, I also don't understand all the bashing that Renji gets, he's still a nice guy. Rukia was very supportive of Orihime and understood her captivity situation, and she's so funny 😄 People have said that Orihime healed more enemies than friends, but Orihime is many things, and a villain is NOT one of them. She healed Loly and Menoly because she just can't stand people getting hurt, no matter who they are, and she only healed Grimmjow's arm because Aizen told her to. And the haters ignore that she always heals her friends ALL THE TIME. That does not mean Orihime is a villain. I mean, Aughra (The Dark Crystal) paid her respects to SkekMal the Hunter, a violent, malevolent beast, even calling him the most 'beautiful' of the Skeksis, but does that make her a villain? No way. She still sacrificed her life/essence in place of Brea, Seladon and Maudra Fara. Kenshiro (Fist of the North Star) made a grave for his friend Shin, who literally tortured Ken by scarring his body and tormented and enslaved innocent people to build an entire city for Yuria, Ken's fiancee, who Shin had kidnapped. Does that make Ken a villain? No way. People claim Orihime is a villain, yet they let the ACTUAL villains get away with what they did to her just because they're attractive. Yes, Orihime healed her enemies, but she also NEVER ATTACKED HER FRIENDS.
Also, Orihime has been called selfish and manipulative, among other things. But here's the thing: She's NOT. She's far from all that. The reason she slapped Ulquiorra, which she had every right to do, was because he taunted her that Chad was supposedly dead, and he was dissing her friends by saying they were stupid and reckless to charge straight into Hueco Mundo. Ulq KNOWS that Orihime cares for her friends, so he deliberately used her love for her friends to kidnap her, manipulate her and completely psychologically break her. Orihime even literally begged to be let out of her cell to go and help Rukia, one of her BEST FRIENDS. When she was restrained by Nnoitra, she didn't care that she was being held back in a really creepy manner by one of the most vile Arrancars in existence. She really cared about Ichigo's and Nel's safety. She even shielded Uryu from Ulquiorra while completely breaking down, tried to help Yachiru, and even tried to heal Zaraki after the Nnoitra fight before getting rekidnapped. Victim blaming or what? (And also someone said that just because Orihime doesn't get a job at a clinic helping people means she FAKING her kindness? It's all an act? Like WHAT?! She can only get a job at a clinic because if not it means her kindness is an act?! She can still have other jobs AND still heal people all the while!!!! I'm not saying that helping people is wrong or bad, because it's not. I'm saying that just because she doesn't work at a clinic doesn't mean she doesn't like helping people!!!)
And there's also the whole Damsel in distress thing. That wasn't Orihime's fault. Aizen and Ulquiorra forced her into that position by threatening the lives of her friends. What else could she do? Not to mention her escorts were horribly killed right in front of her just to prove Ulquiorra's point. Even then, Orihime told THEM to run, because she valued their lives more than her own. Orihime didn't plan her own kidnapping, abuse and trauma, Aizen did. He was the one basically making her submit due to his spiritual pressure. If someone more mentally hardened was kidnapped, and was the type of person to kill their captors and escape from captivity instantly, they get so much praise, but if it's a sweet, pacifistic person like Orihime, who doesn't like to even WOUND people, and only had to comply with their captors because the people they love would have been killed, and having been traumatised to the point of breaking down in tears, they get the blame just for, "being a Damsel/Dude in distress"... like WHAT?!
And then there was her screaming to Ichigo for help. She was completely psychologically broken and traumatised by seeing the man she loved practically dead, so much so, that she couldn't do anything but cry because she loved Ichigo so much, and didn't want him to get hurt. She's left in pain and horror and guilt, yet it's ULQUIORRA who is really to blame here, not her. Captivity and abuse, especially someone as gentle as her, does that to you. He was the one who killed Ichigo and MOCKED her love for him while doing that just to break her even more, and Ulquiorra left behind his Reiatsu on Ichigo, which was too strong for Orihime to possibly reverse. Her LITERAL MENTAL BREAKDOWN was what awakened Vasto Lorde Ichigo. She didn't even blame Ichigo for dying and not protecting her, Uryu for not protecting Ichigo or Ulquiorra for killing him and torturing her - she blamed HERSELF. (I don't blame Ichigo and Uryu, they were literally killed and injured because of that stupid batboy).
Then there's her pacifistic nature and inability to fight. Again, she hates seeing people, friend or foe, being injured. Just because Orihime only heals and shields does not make her weak or useless at all. People are seeing her overkindness as weakness, uselessness and/or even villainy, and want her to have a more aggressive personality. Pacifism is seen as villainy, but aggression isn't? She's even being compared to Sakura. Orihime is WAY nicer than Sakura could ever be. (I'm sorry to those who like Sakura, I understand why you do). Orihime would never stoop so low as to beat up her friends or even say a single mean word to them over the smallest things like Sakura does. (Beating up your friends isn't funny at all, it's just mean).
She mostly gets a bad rep for yelling, "Kurosaki-kun!", but guess what? It's because she CARES about Ichigo, because he's being injured and killed right in front of her. If she didn't care about him, she wouldn't be saying his name worriedly.
And finally, there's her being scared of Ichigo's Hollow Mask. It literally brought back traumatising memories of a Hollowfied Sora/Acidwire, and she was scared FOR Ichigo, not OF Ichigo. She didn't want him to lose himself to his Hollow side like Sora did. That doesn't mean I hate Ichigo for scaring her, I know he was trying to protect her, which he has been doing the whole time. We love you, Kurosaki-kun 💖 (And people said that Ichigo didn't heed Loly's threat to tear out Orihime's eye and Ulquiorra "protected" her by stopping Ichigo, but... Ulquiorra didn't heed Loly's threat either! He told Loly (Who was HOLDING ORIHIME) he didn't stop Ichigo to save Loly, which extends to Orihime as well!)
I'm sorry for this long rant, but I just feel upset with the way Orihime is treated in- and out-of-universe. She's just so sweet. I'm just trying to think about all of this in a logical and pathological way.
TL;DR: I'm upset that Orihime gets so much hate because she has suffered so much and is a sweet girl.
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biskael · 1 year
“I know I’m not really in a position to make any requests of you. But I’m going to anyway.” As much as he frightens her, she can’t shy away from what she wants to say. “Please take care of him. Not everyone sees it, but he’s good. He deserves to be happy. You both do.”
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PLEASE TAKE CARE OF HIM . this girl was a strange one , that was certain. he’d begun to tear the flesh from her bones , when they’d first met . hardly something plausible to commune with . something that would terrify even those more divine than she was . inhuman . a monster . cannibalizing men , and obliterating animals . not many would live past sklavarei’s wicked light . and yet , she was only a mortal girl with a taste of power . and a heart far gentle , what some would call naïve , than his own . quilge thought his a citadel of cruelty . a place where no one else lived . except …
except for him .
a red gaze is cast upon her , & quilge sees the fear in her eyes . not that it stops her . unsure of what he could do to her , should the wrong words leave . still , the girl’s voice never wavers , and the hunter stops . listens to her . she sounds so earnest . a rarity around the palace , where vanity almost serves as currency .
his heart stirs . the man he loved so deeply . perhaps , to some , it hadn’t looked like love , but a soldier bringing home his spoils of war . a selfish , hungry motion of conquest . but it wasn’t all that . not in the time that had past , and hearts that had worn themselves raw in each other’s presence . because how do monsters love ? and what do hunters do when they are cornered ? rifle to the chest , fangs at the neck . an image reflected in the eye of your enemy . yourself . reborn within a heated gaze . then , silence . weapons sheathed .
i love you . i have always loved you . I love you , too .
stay with me ... please . don’t go . i’ll be right here .
it hurts , it hurts . help me ... ! hush ; come here . closer .
quilge cannot help but smile . slight , gentle . something genuine . “ he has such trouble seeing the good in himself … & I had told him until he believed it was true . “ an adoring laugh . “ ——— he says i’m too good for someone like him . that he doesn’t deserve me . I don’t believe that for a moment . we are deserving of each other .
the severed half of my soul i'd once thought lost . a beast & a hunter . a demon & an angel . an arrancar & a quincy .
so , I must take care of him . guide him alongside me . teach him about the joys of the world he had departed from , when he was alone & possessed by sorrow . hardly any others are so patient .
I will love him . I fear no man nor beast . I have to love him , as husband , consort & mate , as an equal match . and , since nnoitra has suffered so greatly , shouldering his despair is what I can do . Loving him —— all of him , the good & the bad —— is what I can do . his wounds , I kiss . his tears , I dry .
I must love him as he loves me : without abandon , without fear . he needs a man to love him the same manner . an intensity unlike any other . we were both in need . and we’d never voiced it until we met upon the battlefields . perhaps , i think … we were fated to meet . that i had loved him in a past life . “
she cannot see the softness his eyes suddenly possess . " but , in truth , it was never so simple . when we had first met , i had known that i was hurting him . that he was hurting me . we wanted to kill each other ... he'd wanted to eat me alive , you know . leave nothing left of me to find . and in turn , i was cruel to him . barbarically so . but , at the time , we'd only saw each other as our own natural enemies . we didn't know that we would become so ... devoted to one another . that we couldn't bear to have the other leave our side . our love was ... tumultuous , to start . and i suppose , that some would say that it still is . some claim that it is too strange . that a union between an arrancar & a quincy could never be . but they don't know everything about either of us . our love has only grown . it ... has changed , as love changes you .
he was a nobleman's son , once . long ago , when no one remembers . and he was in need of a guardian ... someone to protect him from the dangers just lurking within his home . perhaps , as his own living memory fractured , that was something he'd forgotten ...
i love him . i love him so very , very much . and it is a miracle that he loves me in return . " of her own curiosity , her concern , he is grateful . " ... thank you for your kindness . "
@inouehs , featuring @guadanya
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cinghialefedele · 2 years
@despairforme said:
It bothered him. He'd been thinking about it ever since his 'chat' with Celeste. He didn't even know if he wanted to 'have a talk' with Tesla, like Celeste had suggested, but what he did know, was that he was getting more and more annoyed at himself for overthinking this. He felt stuck. There was only one person who ever helped him out with anything, and that person? That was Tesla. So maybe it was natural that Nnoitra would turn to him now too. Even if, in a way, Tesla was the source of his current problem. No - this wasn't Tesla's fault, it was Celeste's, Nnoitra reminded himself. He didn't know how to approach the subject. "Ya know yer friend? Celeste?" He began, sticking to something he did know how to do - insult others. "She's real annoyin'."
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Over years, and years of knowing the other, Tesla's become quite good with taking hints, much to his swelling pride. Like the hint he gets, as he works on folding and organizing clean laundry within Nnoitra's palace, that the other Arrancar wishes to speak with him. A fresh top is carefully set aside, before Tesla straightens out his own uniform, adjusts his gloves, and turns towards the entryway he can sense Nnoitra approaching, standing at attention. He can hear it in the way he walks, that he's got something possibly important on his mind. Something irritating him.
A bow, to greet him, and after a moment, he decides to get back to work, and listen to him, relaxing just a bit as Celeste's name is mentioned, unable to hide the slight smirk and amused sigh that escapes his lips.
"Forgive her, My Lord, she usually does things from a place of care, whether you ask for it or not...she's surprisingly stubborn, despite her gentle demeanor."
A pause, and he pouts his lips, brow furrowing slightly as he turns his head to look at Nnoitra.
"What has she done to annoy you, though?"
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adelha-mathilde · 2 years
Continuation of this chance Christmas visit with @despairforme​ here:
Adelha leans down to pick Wesson up and give him ear rubs. The puppy giving her gloved hands kisses as thanks for Adelha to walk with Nnoitra into the flower shop. Which is not decorated in Christmas decorations.
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The interior of the flower shop is one of comfy simplicity. Soft brown bricks and polished wood floors to have just a few scuffs and claw marks. Probably from Wesson wandering about. Piano music wafting through the shop for it to feel calm and peaceful. Adelha walking towards the counter with Wesson in her arms to be wagging his tail and enjoying the snuggles. Nnoitra spotting a very fluffy grey kitten dozing on the counter to be purring in sleep.
Adelha sets Wesson down into a comfy basket with a few chew bones for the puppy to begin munching on a bone. The kitten giving a much too big yawn for such a little creature to stretch out and then mew at Adelha. Who gives the kitten gentle pets and chin rubs for the creature to purr. “Nnoitra. This little waif of a fluff ball is Aqua. My current owner and the princess of this domain. My mum used to say that we do not own our cats, but that they chose to own us instead.”
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The kitten soon looks up at Nnoitra for him to see a pair of vibrant blue eyes. Ones that put the blue sky to shame as the kitten mews at Nnoitra in greeting. The kitten swishing her tail to watch Nnoitra with a curious gaze as Adelha gets out a container of what looks like melting chocolate. Her smile one of warm delight as she takes out a pot to also fetch a portable heater to begin making real hot chocolate with cream in it. “Feel free to relax and come around the counter to get closer to the space heater under the counter. Since it is close to holiday time, and has no caffeine in it, we should enjoy some hot chocolate. But beware the fluffs. Aqua tends to steal attention as well as snuggles.”
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
[ for fun give nnoitra a kid with one of your muses 8D pls choose for me bc i can't t-t ]
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» Name:
x. Trey Gilga
» Gender:
x. Male
» General Appearance:
x. Biracial - Greek/Japanese x. Mid-black tones, darker in summer. x. Short chopped hair, undercut that runs from his temples to his nape. Hair on top is bright red, tussled and usually bedhead. x. Eyes are piercing green-ish purple - thin for his eye shape. A trait he got from Nnoitra. x. Sharp teeth - from Kerberos. x. Large built - muscular from Kerberos' training - but the height from Nnoitra. x. Rounded ears - multiple piercings.
» Personality:
x. Brash and loud, the worst of Nnoitra's loud bellowing and shouting but also the playful boisterousness of Kerberos. x. He is sure able to make glass rattle if he yells loud enough but for now, they've not tested that. x. Strangely enough a level-headed loudmouth, though he isn't against throwing fists first, he knows how to pick his battles. He just challenges anyone anyway. x. Pack Leader, for sure - has a few close friends he calls pack in the city but tends to be a home pup when he knows he can be pampered by Kerberos. x. Close with Nnoitra via cooking and feeding his lanky parent.
» Special Talents:
x. PROFESSIONAL CHEF. x. Went to University and got his qualifications. x. Child-model but stopped when he was given the option by Nnoitra and Kerberos. x. Grease-monkey and Tech-goblin. x. Hand-to-hand combat, trained in Kerberos' Security firm! Stronk!
» Who they like better:
x. Equal, though Kerberos is more dog-like so that appeals more for Trey's dog-needs. x. Hangs out more with Nnoitra though - food ventures and general in his presence.
» Who they take after more:
x. Kerberos' lil'pup double for sure!
» Personal Head canon:
x. He is often seen as the Ruffian Sibling, but in all honesty - he is the gentle one compared to his brother. x. He can eat Kerberos under the table, but can just about catch up with Nnoitra's bottomless pit. x. Trey can see spirits / ghouls and demons but ignores them to live peacefully.
» Face Claim:
x. Ryota Tosa
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» Name:
x. Salomon Gilga x. Sal
» Gender:
x. Male
» General Appearance:
x. Biracial - Greek/Japanese x. Tall and thin, pale toned compared to his brother, Trey. x. Holds straight red locks that rival Kerb's in tone but is a touch longer than Nnoitra's own. x. Red hue - golden specks around the iris. x. Sharp eyes and brow - long face and thin lips all from Nnoitra. x. Blunt teeth but sharp morals from Kerberos. x. Sharp ears - demonic blood.
» Personality:
x. Vile and twisted under the impassive expression. x. He loves Nnoitra viewpoint of being the strongest but with understanding that being strong isn't the only way to be so he focuses also on being smart. x. Thinks the world is a piece of shit honestly but he lives and bes himself on it. x. Loves his brother and family strongly - to the point of being seen as a dotting sibling. Trey knows the truth though. x. A touch of insane, no lie - once he sees blood from his twisted actions, he gets a little excited.
» Special Talents:
x. RUNWAY MODEL also ex- vice-head of H.Gates Security. x. Hand-to-hand combat x. Body readying / facial reading x. Insanely good at plotting for things he wants to happen, even if it takes him 4 years to make it happen. x. Also photographic memory too!
» Who they take after more:
x. Nnoitra, almost a copy and paste with a new palette. x. Sal's dyed his hair black once and it was almost uncanny how close they looked.
» Personal Head canon:
x. He takes on Nnoitra's views of women are weaker than him and that being a man is everything - though he just doesn't yell it from the roof tops. x. Never does photoshoots with females cause they are annoying and smell bad. x. Thinks the world of Nnoitra - often sleeps on the man's bony-shoulders. x. Loves his brother Trey - will protect him from all in the world. x. Bit of a kleptomaniac. x. Can speak with his eyes alone, his favourite is the Death Stare across a room.
» Face Claim:
 x. Seth / Ennead  x. Shuten Doji / Onmyoji  x. Tristan / FATE
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What would Harribel and Nnoitra's type be like ? 🥰 my bi panic for these two is real
Nnoitra: Someone kind, gentle, and understanding. Sympathy is noteworthy because that's the fine line for him between caring and pitying him. I think what would get to him is finding someone who can see who he is past his self-loathing, someone who sees in him more than a killing machine, and at the same time, someone who can deal with his douche personality lol
Harribel: Someone brave, loyal, and strong-willed. I think it's important to her that her partner has a similar worldview. I think she'd like someone who can also have a bubbly, dancer side to them.
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bleachedoracle-a · 2 years
Arrancar Impressions as Caretakers!
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Time for Wes’s impressions on the Arrancar in order from 9 to 0! Related to the current ‘Total Rebirth’ verse threads with Aizen and Aaronierro!
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(9) Aaronierro Arruruerie - Wes is absolutely terrified of this bugger. The tentacles are enough to make him physically ill enough to vomit on sight. Don’t get him started on the smell! Greed DEFINITELY suits them. Conclusion: Unfit to be his caretaker in Hueco Mundo. HELL NO.
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(8) Szayelaporro Granz - Mad scientist that can create a doll of you in a drag-queen like form? Heeeeell NO. This guy’ll wanna pick his ‘oracle’ brain in 2 seconds flat! Wes feels a serious grudge against him as he went against Uryuu Ishida.. someone Wes is fiercely protective of. Conclusion: Unfit to be his caretaker in Hueco Mundo. HARD NO.
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(7) Zommari Rureaux - This guy is obsessed with speed and ‘love’. Wes honestly isn’t sure how the meeting between him and Zommari would go, but he’s not into the whole ‘love control’ thing with so many eyes. Conclusion: Unfit to be his caretaker in Hueco Mundo. Gentle pass.
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(6) Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez - Big kitty got some claws and Wes wants NO PART of it. This guy has a lot of issues despite being attractive as all hell. A definite pass as this guy would most likely kill him upon giving a ‘fortune’ of losing to anyone. Conclusion: Unfit to be his caretaker in Hueco Mundo. Pass.
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(5) Nnoitra Gilga - Uh oh. Not no, but a MEGA HELL NO. This guy would kill the weak oracle on sight.. plus, with his serious battle complex with women--Neliel in general--he’s the most terrifying out of all them. Even if he is attracted. Damn spoon. Conclusion: Unfit to be his caretaker in Hueco Mundo. Too Dangerous.
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(4) Ulquiorra Schiffer - He already takes care of Orihime and doesn’t need to be around the Oracle for character Development. He’s important to the story, so polite pass. Conclusion: Already taken by Orihime as caretaker. Unfit for the Oracle.
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(3) Tia Haribell - A possible caretaker. Known as the Queen of Hueco Mundo, he figures she’d be a good candidate..... if the Tres Bestias don’t kill him first. Conclusion: Possible option. Not as violent as the others.
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(2) Baraggan Louisenbairn - This old man would probably get annoyed with him quick and have him killed. No other explaination.... unless Wes manages to possibly convince him he could serve under him without getting dusted by age... Conclusion: Unfit caretaker of the Oracle. Too fickle for his old age.
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(1) Coyote Starrk - Lazy. Easy to talk to..? Pretty lonely. Wes might actually enjoy hanging out with him. Lilinette would be fun to play with unless he’s suddenly pissing her off for some unknown reason. Conclusion: Possible caretaker option. Easy to get along with.
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(0) Yammy Llargo - DANGER. DANGER. Wes could EASILY piss him off just by breathing. Conclusion: UNFIT!!! UNFIT!! UNFIIIIIIT!!! Death imminent!!!
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arrancxr · 2 years
Espada's favorite place to kiss their s/o?
Starrk — Your forehead. It feels gentle and affectionate, and he likes the tenderness of it, especially when you return the kiss with one of your own. It's easy to kiss you there when you're cuddling, too.
Halibel — The inside of your wrist. She can't kiss properly with her mask in the way, but she can still press the teeth of it against your skin to show affection. It's gentle, simple, and still says so much.
Ulquiorra — Anywhere over your pulse. Ulquiorra is terrible at showing affection, but he gets oddly tender when he can feel your heartbeat under your skin. A kiss like that is almost too intimate.
Nnoitra — Your throat. He doesn't do it very often (for a number of reasons), but putting his mouth on a place that could so easily kill you feels significant in ways Nnoitra doesn't like to think about.
Grimmjow — Your collarbone or shoulder. However, he's more likely to nip or mouth at your skin than kiss you properly. It just seems more intimate to have his teeth on you, though it's always gentle.
Szayel — Your hands and fingers. While he'll try to be charming about it, having your skin so close to his tongue scrambles up most rational thought. He wants to be gentle with you in ways he can't understand.
Aaroniero — Your lips, when he has a human form to do it in, full, proper kissing feels like taking something all for himself. The vulnerability of the action is obvious, but it just shows he trusts you.
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torawro · 2 years
very gentle reminder to not repost fanart<3
hi nonnie, you must have seen my post on nnoitra lolololll but i didn't mean any harm by it, like i googled his name and those pictures came under the 'images' tab so i didn't even see who it was by or any specifics on the artists' who posted. regardless, i apologize in genera for reposting fanart
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Chapter Fifteen: Restricted
For Mature Audiences
CW: Discussion of miscarriage, Aizen being toxic
Another meeting, this one was simply to touch base with the Espada. Chisei was once again absent, though there was no mention of why. There were glances exchanged among the subordinates, though Coyote simply kept his gaze focused towards Aizen. He hadn’t heard anything in days, unusual for someone like her. Nnoitra kept looking back to Szayel Apporo, silently confirming with one another that the deed had been done. Grimmjow was the most obvious with his occasional glare in the direction of where she normally stood.
”Before we conclude, I must address something.” Aizen said, setting his mug of tea down. “As you all have noticed, Chisei has not been present since our last meeting here. The other night, she suffered a miscarriage and lost our child.” He watched as the Espada gave their own reactions to the surprise. “We do not know exactly why this happened, but it has been discovered that foul play occurred. Because of this, unless it is approved by myself I am forbidding all Arrancar from interacting with her.”
”What’s that supposed to mean?” Nnoitra asked, leaning on the table.
”What it means is that, until I can rule out the idea that someone here would make an attempt on the Queen’s life. There will not be a chance for it to happen again.” He said coldly. “I do not plan to sit idle while my child is taken from us, and almost losing my wife.”
As the room quickly fell silent, Sosuke continued speaking, his tone didn’t say it, but it was that cool calm way about him that was far more intimidating than him showing anger. “If someone comes forward, their punishment will be less severe than if I were to find out on my own. That being said, if someone is found to have done this… The Queen will have her own way of dealing with it before I do.”
Off in another corridor, one of the many training areas littered throughout the palace, the gentle hum of energy could be heard. Chisei kept her form rigid, drawing her bow, firing at the same spot in the wall where someone else’s weapon chipped away at the stone. She stared forward, focused intently on that one spot, changing her position in the room and ensuring she could hit the same spot over and over again. To think when she first learned of the Quincies, she was terrible with a bow and arrow… Now here she was, a hundred yards away and nailing the same target. Sometimes a shot would vary in a half inch or so in either direction, but for what she was preparing for that margin of error would mean little.
I have to find a way out. I need to get back. If Orihime is here, then Ichigo will be here to save her before I know it. By then, Sosuke’s plan will have to be moved up whether that was his plan or not. There’s no way he’s got the Soul Society behind him, so that means something else has to be happening… Karakura Town’s going to turn into a war zone… Chisei’s hands trembled, her vision blurred with tears. Dammit. Don’t do this now. They’ll be safe during this… They have to be. I need to trust that something’s been down to ensure their safety…
“Oh? This is a surprise.” Aizen’s voice pulled her from her thoughts, but she didn’t move to look back to greet him. “You made it out of our room today… that’s good.”
”I’m busy.” Chisei said, though there was a shake in her voice. She began walking to the side in order to get another angle at her target spot.
”I see. So you’ve thrown yourself into training in order to not think about-“
”Sosuke. Don’t.” She snapped, stopping in her place to fire another arrow. Another bull’s eye. “Is there something you need from me?”
”Am I not allowed to show concern for my wife after the events of the other day?” Aizen asked, his composure still cool and she finally turned to look at him. “My, that’s quite the look in your eye. Although very easily read.”
Chisei sighed, releasing her spirit weapon for the time being. “It’s hard for you to show concern when you tried to say I did something to cause it. ‘Exploring every avenue’ how dare you? You didn’t shed a tear, I have half a mind to tell you you planned this.” She said with a vague venom in her words, and yet she didn’t raise her voice. She didn’t scream. She didn’t cry. All she did was stare him down with those green eyes full of hate and hurt, and the grief he couldn’t fully understand.
Aizen sighed and stepped closer to her, tilting her head up to look at him. “That’s enough of that. I only asked in the heat of the moment so that it could be resolved quickly.” He began to lean down towards her. “If it’s any consolation, Chisei, we can always try again.”
That last part hit something deep within her, and the woman jerked her head to the side. He had been coming down to kiss her, but instead came short of her cheek by an inch.
”You didn’t push me away?”
”I never do… If you don’t back away though, I’m going to do something I’ll regret.” She glared at him. “Leave me alone, Sosuke.”
There was a small hum of acknowledgement, before pressing a gentle but long kiss to her cheek. “You have gotten stronger since coming here… I’m impressed, my Queen. I hope by tonight we can talk about this.
Chisei stayed silent, her head still craned skyward, waiting as he slowly took his hand away from her chin. Once she was let go, the woman corrected her neck. She summoned her bow once more, and using hirenkyaku returned to her practice. Aizen smiled as he watched her for a moment longer before walking away.
I’ve got to get out.
I’ve got to get out.
I have got to get out of this mess.
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despairforme · 1 year
“ always causing trouble , aren’t you ? “ more gentle than cruel , but still hinted with teasing . the quincy’s smile thin & sharp .
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❝ Hah? What did I do THIS time? ❞ The accusation came without teeth, Nnoitra thought. He'd heard the quincy speak in a much DIFFERENT manner on a few occasions. This seemed pretty tame. Still though - why the fuck was he being accused of ' always causing trouble '? First of all - it was OTHERS who caused trouble FOR HIM! He was just here, minding his own miserable business, while other people bothered him! Second, what the fuck did he mean ALWAYS? Maybe he sometimes ( very rarely ) caused a little bit of trouble, but to say he was ALWAYS causing it?? That was just unfair! And thirdly - he really didn't know what kind of trouble he'd caused this time around, and he'd need the quincy to enlighten him.
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