#[ please yamai please just leave ]
lemonxdaisybby · 1 month
Your most recent post inspired me to ask if we could get first kiss headcanons for Sawashiro and Yamai please?
Omg I was kind of hoping to get some more requests for those two, thank you 🥹💕
Unpopular opinion maybe, but you might just have to initiate the first kiss with Sawashiro. He’s been with many women before, he has plenty of experience, but he doesn’t necessarily have experience with wholesome, non-toxic relationships. This is very new to him. He’s also unfamiliar with physical affection in a more romantic sense, so he’d be a bit unsure in how to approach things with you. It’s not that he’d never make the first move, but more so that you might grow a little impatient with him and just choose to make the first move yourself. It’d be a lot quicker this way too.
The first kiss would occur after the third or fourth date, after little to no physical touch has occurred, other than maybe some fleeting touches, brushing past each other, or Jo placing a gentle hand on the low of your back to guide you somewhere. This man gives nothing away, and is unreadable at the best of times, so the prospect of making the first move for a kiss would be very intimidating, but somebody’s gotta do it.
You’d still likely find him a bit intimidating at this point, so you’d just opt to give him a gentle peck on the lips, just to gauge his reaction. It would definitely take him by surprise, and he’d pause for a moment once you’ve pulled away, momentarily stunned, before pulling himself together and scolding himself internally for not making the first move. He’s a man goddammit. He likes tradition. He should have kissed you first. He would immediately pull you back in by your waist for a deeper, more passionate kiss, not only to redeem himself, but also to show you just how it’s done.
He wouldn’t be flustered or anything, and would be pretty nonchalant after, although if he catches you blushing or acting bashful he would definitely smirk, enjoying your reaction. He’d maybe be a bit disappointed that he didn’t make the first move, but also he’d be impressed that you took initiative too.
Kisses with Jo would always be pretty heated, and would leave you feeling warm and flustered. He only tends to give you kisses on the lips when he’s horny and looking for sex, or in very rare moments where he just feels the overwhelming urge to kiss you. Most other times, he’s more of a quick peck on the forehead kinda guy. Not the most affectionate move, but it’s still quite sweet.
One word for this fella, mysterious and smooth. He would definitely be the one to kiss you first, more so because you might feel a bit too nervous yourself making the first move. Even when initially dating, he would still have that slight intimidating aura about him, to the point where you feel as though he is dangerous, and you can’t quite figure him out.
It would be following a date, maybe the second or third date. His gang is priority at this point, so it’s possible he might get called away at times and have to leave dates early. He’d of course be annoyed, but it can’t be helped, and he would have made it clear to you when first initiating dating that he might have to disappear at times.
He’d be walking you to a taxi after being called away from a date early by one of his subordinates. A sudden shower of rain would be lashing down, and so the two of you would be sharing an umbrella, and Yamai would be in very close proximity to you. He’d have insisted on walking you to your taxi before leaving himself, just to make sure you get back safely, and maybe it would just occur to him that cutting the date short isn’t very fair on you? Or maybe he just really wants to kiss you? Who knows. The man cannot be read, but he’d be looking down at you with that expressionless face, his eyes dark and brooding.
Before you can quite comprehend what’s going on, Yamai would have pulled you in closer to him, and his lips would be catching your own in a firm kiss. It wouldn’t be an innocent, quick peck, as that’s not really Yamai’s style. It would be strong and meaningful, as his lips move against your own.
You can’t quite tell what he’s thinking, but there’s a spark in his eye afterwards, as he wordlessly opens the taxi door for you, allowing you to climb inside in a daze. He’d probably leave you with a short goodbye, letting you know that he’ll contact you later, and of course handing you money for the ride (he isn’t about to make you pay for your own taxi home), and that would be that. Once you’re safely in the taxi, he would just turn away and make his own way back, disappearing into the night, leaving you feeling warm and flustered.
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eimoonie · 10 months
My love for you is infinity
5wirl x FEM!reader (today is Heizou's turn!)
Read the first chapter to know better of the plot.
It has been a week since Xiao transferred to the school. Let's discuss some of the recent news.
Recently, Xiao joined the music club.
As Xiao slid open the door to the music club, Venti exclaimed happily, 'Huh? Xiao!' Venti approached them with excitement and embraced you, saying, 'Hehe, Xiao has had a change of heart and decided to join the music club.' The other members looked at him, and Xiao gazed down, reconsidering his choices.
"Yay!! You guys met Xiao, the guy I told you about who has a perfect physique!" Venti pulls Xiao closer to the group.
"Hello!!" A lively voice exclaimed. Xiao turned towards the voice and saw someone with maroon-colored hair highlighted with dark streaks, light olive green eyes, and a mole beneath each eye. "I'm Shikanoin Heizou, nice to meet you." Heizou winked at Xiao.
"Right! Time for an introduction," Venti said as he introduced the guys. Each of the members appeared to have a distinct character they portrayed.
Heizou is the playful and lively character who frequently takes on the role of the protagonist's best friend.
Venti is the mischievous and cheerful character who portrays the trouble-making friend of the protagonist.
Kazuha is a gentle and polite character. He could play the 'lover' role.
On the other hand, Scaramouche is a dangerous and mean character. He can be played as the tsundere type of character or even as the 'Ren Yamai' type!
You're already familiar with Xiao's character, but with this development, you can envision a promising future for this band. You choose to linger and enjoy some of the snacks that Kazuha brought along. "Does everyone here play an instrument?" Heizou inquires, to which Venti responds with certainty, 'I play the lyre!' Interestingly, it appears that Venti is the only one with a traditional approach, as every member of the group has an instrument they can play.
Heizou plays the drums while Kazuha plays the guitar. Scaramouche is on rhythm guitar, and Xiao is on bass.
The music club once had only one member because bands were unpopular at the time, until an exotic-themed band called 'The Dickz' rose to the top stage, along with an all-girl band named '4yro'. This band included students from an all-girls school next to yours, and you're familiar with them: Keqing, Ganyu, Yanfei, and Hu Tao are members of the band.
Recently, you've developed an interest in bands, prompting you to witness one rise to the top. You're delighted that your best friend is finally engaged in something productive, instead of idling around and consuming energy drinks—this applies to Xiao as well.
"I'm about to leave now. I'll make sure to check in with you guys every day." Just as you took a step, Venti halted you. "Huh? Venti?" You gazed at him in confusion. "NO!!! You can't leave. Can't you see, Y/N?" Venti became dramatic and pleaded for one last favor, "See what?" you asked, "There's a group of boys who don't know how to take care of themselves!! How are we supposed to reach the top hashtag on Twitter if... we don't have a manager?" Venti begged. "I know how to take care of myself," Scaramouche chimed in, ruining Venti's dramatic moment. "Is he always this dramatic?" Heizou joked. "Fine, I'm only doing this because it's my last favor for you." You agreed, and Venti thanked you numerous times.
Alright, Manager! What's our first training?"
The five guys were seated in chairs. "First of all... Hmm, Scaramouche, you're going to practice your guitar skills! And Kazuha, could you please bring more snacks? Xiao, let's cut back on the energy drinks. Venti, focus on enhancing your voice since you're the vocalist. Heizou..." You gave them instructions, and Heizou responded, "Yes, ma'am!" Heizou played along, "Hmm...
"There's nothing wrong with my style! I like it," Heizou defended. "You see, you're the only one who likes it, not everyone else." The rest were shocked. Who knew you could be this strict?
"Let's get to work!" Everyone rushed to their positions. Heizou and you went out to buy new clothes, while the rest worked diligently to make a good impression on their new manager.
"Ah, I honestly thought you were joking!" Heizou chuckled. "I'm serious, but I'm not passing judgment," you replied. "Exactly, so... we're actually going to shop for new clothes for me?" Heizou asked. "Yes! I'll help you pick out some clothes!"
You grasp Heizou's hand and lead him to the clothing store. "Stay here, I'll pick out some clothes," you say before moving away to find suitable attire for him. While you are away, Heizou looks around and catches sight of several couples. His surprise grows as he observes a male entering the dressing room with a female. "Oh, that could be troublesome," he mutters to himself.
Public indecency is illegal (AND NO ONE SHOULD BE DOING THAT, GRRR!!). Heizou decided to let them have fun, and afterward, he would give them a warning. One thing no one knows about Heizou is that he's a detective or a private investigator. 'Heizou, I'm back! Here are some clothes I picked. Go, try them on!'" You were being assertive, but at first glance, you knew that Heizou already has good taste in fashion. In fact, the clothes he was just wearing are the latest trends, but he incorporated them into his own style.
Heizou really knows fashion. once he's done changing, you complimented how the clothes looked on him, saying, "I look pretty good! I'll wear this next time we meet again." He winked, then glanced at the dressing room that the couple had used. "Hm... well, I guess I'll let you in on a secret," Heizou said as he approached the couple. You were confused, but then Heizou issued them a warning for public indecency.
"Huh?!" you exclaimed, pausing for a moment. "Wait, what? How did you know they were doing it?" you asked. "I just heard some noises," Heizou explained. The couples apologized and walked away. "Hey, how about we pay for these clothes? I have some memories associated with them!" Heizou suggested. You replied with a nonchalant "Sure, sure..."
"That'll be 200 Mora! Right now, we're offering a couple's discount. Would you two like to use it?" The cashier asked. You replied, "Sure, thanks." You used the discount. Heizou caught on quickly, saying, "Ooh, you sly..." Heizou continued, and you chuckled before heading back to the clubroom.
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dearest-painter · 11 months
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Thank you so much can I please ask for a part 3
Where they invite her to their house because they don't really get to spend time with her because she goes to a different School and both
komi and her brother are is practically glued to Yuutsu
And Yuutsu doesn't mind it because she missed them too but ai and Yamai are giving Yuutsu a death stare's and it's making Yuutsu want to leave and komi and her brother noticed that
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Of course! I like writing for Yuutsu as she’s grown found on me plus her character is fun to write!
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship, abusive behavior, abusive relationship, Yamai being her usual bitch ass, I didn’t include Ai as I wasn’t sure who it was sorry!, Komi was about to bitch slap Yamai but her brother stopped her..sadly, me hating on Yamai since she sucks ass but is a good written character, all drinks are from a websites menu my friend sent me also the menu is from ‘Nana’s green tea’, my friend sent me it as I didn’t know what to put down, tell me if I need to add anything
Summary:At this point Yuutsu’s new friends are willing to do anything for her happiness even if they don’t see each other much. Yet when they do hangout someone tries to ruin the fun…that’s no good but luckily Big brother Shosuke is here to save the day :)
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-Komi was the first one to hug Yuutsu when she saw her, she’s missed her a lot. “There there, I’m sorry I’ve been gone, I’ve just been busy. You know how school is” the silent siblings made sure to let it know in their own ways it’s okay and they’ve just missed her.
-Soon some random girl appeared. “Oh hi Komi! It’s such a pleasant surprise to see you! Is this your friend? I’m Yamai!” Immediately Yuutsu knew Yamai was faking her personality but gave her the benefit of the doubt. “I’m Yuutsu, it’s nice seeing you” Komi then started gently tugging Yuutsu to her favorite cafe so her, Yuutsu, Shosuke, and Yamai went inside of it
-Yuutsu ordered for the siblings making Yamai hate her more. “Oh I’ll have [favorite drink], She will have..you wanted a Azuki Kuromitsu Latte yes?” Komi nodded her head. “She’ll have a Azuki Kuromitsu Latte” “Okay! And what about him?” “He’ll have a Azuki Caramel Latte” “Okay! And you mama?” “Azuki Strawberry Latte please” “of course! I’ll be back with your drinks!”
-Yamai tried to talk to Komi but Komi just gave all her attention to Yuutsu. Shosuke also gave all his attention to Yuutsu so Yamai started glare at Yuutsu.
-Yuutsu became very uncomfortable with the glaring which Komi and Shosuke noticed. Komi glared back and was about to slap Yamai but her brother stopped her. As soon as the waitress came back and gave Yamai her drink Shosuke spoke up.
-“She wants to take hers to go, do I have to pay extra?” The waitress was surprised and so was both Yamai and Yuutsu. “Yes sir just three extra dollars!” Shosuke nodded as he handed her extra money then nodded his head at Yamai to leave as Komi pointed to the door. She sadly walked away with her drink but Yuutsu no longer felt uncomfortable
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ultraericthered · 1 year
Anime Update V2 42
Wolf’s Rain - Got to see a bit of a girls road trip this time with Cher and Blue, and then at the very end we finally got to meet the sinister Lady Jaguara who’d been getting built up the past few episodes. But easily the centerpiece of the episode was Toboe fighting against a walrus. It came out of nowhere but I just could not look away, the animation and score made this whole part so rivetting! On top of that, after the walrus has been defeated and mortally wounded, he talks! He directly speaks to the wolves about the “kill or be killed” world they all live in, and that his death won’t be in vain because he’ll “save them.” Save them how? Save them from hunger by allowing them to eat him? That’s certainly what it seems like given how it played out!
Hunter x Hunter - Gon and Killua accepted Bisky’s training on how to better and more strategically utilize Nen moves for Greed Island, and she even drew in this oddball homicidal maniac player by letting him eat her hair, so one of her twintails is now gone, I shit you not! And then during the training we actually get a backstory to this guy that makes you really pity him and makes it sadder to see him used as fodder for these two boys. And then he leaves, presumably to turn himself in for his kills and get his shit back together. What was the purpose of all that? But at least Bisky is a really fun character even with a single tail of hair, and I don’t know what the thinking was behind the voice acting Tara Sands did for her but it’s just hilarious.
Fruits Basket - As the summer break for Tohru and the Zodiacs drew to a close, Akito finally made their big counterattack against Tohru, revealing that as the centerpiece of the family curse, they are “God” to the Zodiac members who intends for them to always be at their beck and call in what they refer to as “an eternal banquet”, and that not only is Tohru not allowed to join in, but she will be hurt worse the more she tries to involve herself with the Sohma family. Fun bit of trivia, I literally had nightmares after I watched this one. Akito was just upsettingly cruel and menacing here, it gave me the chills. This is a truly sick person who needs to falter, fail, and break before they can even begin to be saved from their own sickness. And Tohru has a part to play in making it happen, I think even she knows this now.
Date A Live S4 - This was an utterly delightful episode, and the most I’ve enjoyed this season to date. All of our heroes are trapped in an illusionary realm where they’ve been forced into fairy tale roles - Shido’s a pig trying to outrun the Big Bad Wolf, Yoshino is Red Riding Hood, Kotori’s the Little Match Girl, the Yamai twins are Hansel and Gretel, Natsumi is Cinderella, Miku is the Little Mermaid, Nia’s her own manga star, and best of all, Oragami is the Emperor whose new clothes turn out to be no clothes at all and she seems all too pleased with that. The big fight at the end and how the fictionalized manga version of Shido comes alive to finish it was brilliant too, and with that detour dealt with, they need to get out and save the Fraxinus crew!
Fate Zero - Have reached the beginning of the end. While Waver and Rider replenish their mana in preparation to fight Saber and poor Kariya is further tortured by Zouken and his worms, Kiritsugu learns that Tokiomi, the man he’d been after to kill at the moment, is already dead, slain by Kirei. Then suddenly Rider went on the attack and abducted Irisviel, prompting Saber to give chase on her motorcycle. Maiya doesn’t survive the attack, so Kiritsugu finds her in her final moments of life. This man cannot catch a break with losing people.
Re:ZERO - Starting over from his last “checkpoint”, which was after his run-in with Beatrice, Subaru commits himself to once again being thrown into a life of fancy-dressed servitude at Roswaal’s Manor, and while he has plans for going on a special date with Emilia, this time has him spending more time with Ram, Rem, and even Roswaal himself in an awkward shared bath. Ram and Rem continue to amuse, Ram with her savage bluntness and “Barasu” nickname for Subaru even as she teaches him to read and write, and Rem with her steadfast devotion to common courtesy and kindness even when critiquing Subaru’s hair, making her seem really awkward. At the end, the date with Meelie is set up and this time Subaru anticipates his assassin coming to kill him...but he still dies, as though poisoned!
Symphogear G - This season continues to ride high if not solely due to its antagonists. Kirika and Shirabe singing a Zwei Wing song was a pure DICK move, yet they did it so well that I can’t help but applaud them and be impressed by their audacity. They set up a duel with the Symphogear girls that they fully intend on honoring, but Nastassja does not approve, Maria seems worried about the road they’re heading down, and Dr. Ver...is a fucking child murderer? No really, he has his Noise slaughter some random trespasser kids for no good reason! A jaw-dropping display of callousness there! The only thing that made my jaw drop harder was the end of the episode, where the Nephilim that Dr. Ver sics on the heroines goes and chomps Hibiki’s arm clean off! We are in Madoka-esque territory now and I’m scared!
MAR - The Dorothy VS Rapunzel battle is the first Dorothy battle that was not a clear curb-stomp in Dorothy’s favor, but nevertheless she still managed to claim victory due to having the foresight to bring a particular ARM with her to the fight, which turns out to be a super chatty, ridiculously annoywing patchwork doll named Crazy Quilt. As Rapunzel goes down (again, really wish she’d just die here, I loathe her and her brother so much, and learning their backstory did nothing to endear them to me since they take such sickening pride and joy in being the psychopathic murderers they became), Dorothy asks her about a woman named Diana, who’s revealed to be the evil Queen!
Gintama - The proper debut of the notorious Elizabeth in a straight up hilarious episode where Odd Jobs enters Sadaharu into a pet competition to go against Katsura and Elizabeth, who Katsura recently recieved from “that idiot Sakamoto.” Any way you think this plot is going to go, it does not go, with the whole thing derailed in the second round when Sadaharu runs the wrong direction and all sorts of mayhem ensues from there. Katsura (in his pirate guise once again) also shows he’s so fiercely attached to his new pet that he’d be willing to kill his old friend Gintoki so that Elizabeth doesn’t lose! But then comes the big conclusion, which is so bizarre and so abrupt that it had me howling! Also, the new ED song is such an ear worm!
Bakugan Battle Brawlers - Watched this in addition to more Nagatoro-San 2nd Attack. Alice was finally able to tell her friends about her grandfather Michael (well, she told Marucho, who then alerted everyone else), and the five of them (Julie excluded) even took a plane to Siberia to investigate his lab, where they found a video log of Michael clarifying how he discovered Vestroia, his findings on the Bakugan, and his run-in with Naga...and then he’s been corrupted into “Hal-G”, who serves Naga’s plan along with Masquerade. Who, speaking of, has gathered some of the other 9 top Brawlers and corrupted them with minus energy so that they’re willing to serve him and go after the Battle Brawlers, to end them!
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natsukicookies · 2 years
In love with an older woman
Ship: shousuke x f!reader
Summery: shousuke falls in love with an older girl who is also a friend of his older sister.
2,786 words 14,609 characters
Not readpoof
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Part 1 || part 2 || part 3
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The teen boy stared at the photo of him and his crush. He then just sighs and lie down on his bed. He hate how much energy he is wasting on this stupid crush thingy but then again he really can't help it.. his heart just don't wanna do what his brain is telling him to do.
"Um is your stomach okay?" Y/n asked the female who was lying in bed as if her soul had left her body. Yamai slowly turned her head towards the e/c eye girl.
"It was okay..." yamai mumbled "but now it's not since you have remained me of it." She hold her stomach in as she looked as if she doesn't even have the energy to react in pain..
Y/n sweatdrop and mumbled a quiet "sorry" before going in on her own bed. Now that she was lying in her bed, all the things that happened was going on her mind.
It was a long day with a lot of events happening after all.
But one memory that stood out the most in today's memory was shousuke giving her piggyback, She still remembered how good he had smelled.
A smile appeared her face without her even noticing as she fall asleep slowly.
✎ ∙︓⋅⠄✯∘⠄✧
The next day has arrived and all the students have eaten their breakfast and is getting ready for the activities.
Y/n praying it would be something simple so her leg can get a rest and she can injoy it too.
And lucky for her, it is the beach day, Which also means hot abs!.
Both Hitomi and y/n high-five each other with a yay! But her happiness went down the drain when she realized her swim suit is too tight on her since it's from her junior high..
But Agari got her back. "Thanks a lot agari chan!" Y/n thanked her and went into the restroom to change into the swimsuit agari gave her.
"Got you!" Y/n yelled as she pushed the button of the water gun. The water from the gun hit Otori making her out from the game.
"Ah I'm out" otori turned towards y/n in a slow motion just to realize the girl is already gone.
'Otori, Chiarai and Onigashima are out so that means 15 are left' y/n counted as she kept moving on.
Right now all of them were playing, whoever got hit from the water gun is out.
[Agaki is out!] They announced "14 more then" y/n thought as she was walking but she heard some voices so he hide in the cave that was close by.
In the cave she show something shiny by her leg so she bend down to get it, and someone from behind hit her with the water making her out of the game.
She looked behind her to see the prince charming of the school. "Aw c'mon! Shousuke I thought you weren't serious about this" the teen pouts.
Shousuke ignored her and went out of the cave only to get shoot by Hitomi.
Y/n blasted out laughing saying 'he got the karma' while he only death glared at her.
And since the both of them are out, natsuki thought why not eat something and so here they are eating a ice cream.
"What flavor did you get?" Y/n asked shousuke but in response she got none. It seem like Cookies & Cream
"Can I try some?" She asked as she intensing stare at his ice cream. "I will give you some of mine too" She tried to convince him. "Pretty please with a cherry on top?" She gave him the puppy dog eyes, In the end he agreed.
She opened her mouth with "aahh" but shousuke only stare at her clueless or he seem to be. "Feed me" she said then opened her mouth again.
He blinked a few time then looked around and then finally feed her. "O- It's good!" She exclaimed as she looked at him with sparkle in her eyes.
"That's a indirect kiss" najimi popped out of nowhere give the 2 teen jumpscare.
After processing what najimi just said y/n's face 100 shades of red. "It's not!" she yelled and punch her in the arm. Hard.
"Ouch!" While najimi died in pain, y/n walked away in embarrassment while Also leaving a kinda blushing shousuke behind.
✎ ∙︓⋅⠄✯∘⠄✧
The 3rd day as come and all the students are in bus same as last time y/n had to sit in the 1st year bus, but this time she took a sit beside ai since she didn't wanted to bother shousuke.
"Ai chan what are you looking at?" Y/n asked as she too then look at ai's phone. Ai was looking at the group picture they took at the beach.
She then noticed shousuke was looking at her in the picture with a unreadable expression.
"Nothing" ai said and changed the subject,
Y/n didn't push it further either.
Nothing really happened during the ride home, besides the fact that her motion sickness were acting up again.
Y/n got home and went straight to bed even the next day she was lazing around. Now finally she had to go to school again..
All the classes felt so long and boring nothing too new, and finally the bell rigged meaning it was lunch time.
Usually she ate lunch with her friends while talking, but today she isn't feeling like talking but instead she went to the rooftop to eat her lunch so she can be alone.
But little did she know someone also thought the same and went there.
The 1 year boy heard the door of the rooftop opened and he mentally beg to God "Don't let it be Hitomi.."
The boy was so scared that it's gonna be Hitomi and then he would get dragged.
But thankfully it was not.
When he saw that it was y/n and not his annoying classmate he Sigh in relief. "Ah shousuke kun?" Y/n look at him then thought for a second while the boy quietly watched her.
"You wouldn't mind if I ate with you right? I promise I won't be noisy!" She asked but he didn't answered instead he started eating his lunch.
"I will take that for a yes" she said then process to sit down beside him.
Both of them were eating their lunch in silence, it was comfortable while also shousuke taking a glance at the girl beside him a few times.
'Why is he so quiet?' He wondered, actually anybody would wonder the same since the teen girl is usually cheerful and bubbly.
Y/n was done eating and caught shousuke looking at her. "Is something wrong?" She asked and he immediately looked away.
She took that as an no and told him she was gonna go down since she's done eating.
she stood up and was about to go but a hand on her wrist stopped her from doing so. She looked back at the owner of the hand with wide eyes.
"Um shousuke kun?" He Snapped back out then looked at her face. 'Why did I do that..?' He thought to himself.
He was about to open his mouth to say something but someone interrupted him.
"SHOUSUKE ARE YOU HERE?" The voice of no other then tadono Hitomi echo though out the whole rooftop.
Shousuke hurriedly stood up and took y/n with him to hide. He CAN'T let Hitomi find him, Absolutely no.
He found a small place where Hitomi probably would miss so he put y/n then he got in to.
While shousuke was busy looking if Hitomi's coming, y/n was blushing red While her heart beat faster.
He was so close to her. And now that she took a closer look at him, he was indeed very pretty which only made her heart beat faster and louder.
When Hitomi finally left he looked behind. his eyes widened and so did y/n since both of were faces were 1 inch away.
He and y/n both backed away, y/n blushing hard while shousuke was slightly blushing and was panicking inside.
But one thing that went notice by him was that the older girl was holding her mouth as she looked anywhere but him.
And that's when it hit him.. they almost kissed!
"I-i gotta g-o" y/n shuttered and stumble onto her feet as she stood up then run off.
✎ ∙︓⋅⠄✯∘⠄✧
From then now both would either avoid each other or would blush when talking (thought it was only y/n who were showing it)
And thought out the day she found herself thinking more about shousuke. She told herself "I can't have a crush on him! He would found me weird and creepy.."
And somehow she even convinced herself she didn't like him which was not true.
Both of them did hang out whenever their group meet and they again became comfortable with each other.
Soon y/n's birthday was coming and her friends were planning a surprise party for her.
At the middle of the class they would pass notes to each other, y/n would notice but wouldn't say anything. Still it bothered her, it made her think they all hiding something from her.
Or how when the school ends they would all leave her alone then she had to walk home all alone.
And even the 1st year were like that so day by day it made her more suspicious of them or at least made her feel they are avoiding her.
✎ ∙︓⋅⠄✯∘⠄✧
The (h/c) haired girl went around asking her friends if they are forgetting something but they all okay no and shousuke literally ignored her.
'Did they all forgot my birthday..?' She thought as a frown starting appearing on her face.
School soon ended and y/n went to her group of friends to ask them if any of then wants to go home with her.
But all of them had left the frown was now bigger as she looked down it her feets, really trying to fight back her tears.
She looked up when he heard footsteps "shousuke?" She mumbled quietly while shousuke only stare at her, hard.
"..wanna walk home with me? Please" she fidgets with her fingers while not looking at him. But she did looked up when she heard him walk then he looked behind and wait as if telepathically saying "Let's go"
Y/n gave him a smile and walked beside him. The whole school was kinda empty since it's been what 20 minutes Since it's closed?
Their walk was silent as expected but then y/n decided to broke it. "You know it's my birthday today.." she pause before continuing again.
"But I think everyone forgot" she then looked at him, not expecting him to look at her with warm loveable eyes..
But the second she blinked it was gone so she thought it was only her imagination.
10 minutes later someone blindfolded her with their hand but before the teenager girl could scream "it's me! Najimi so don't scream!" The girl Sigh'ed in relief but didn't asked questions.
Maybe because she already know whats gonna happen.
5 or so minutes later najimi let's go of y/n and as soon as he did y/n was surprised with a loud "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N"
y/n looked around at her friends who all looked so happy and the balloons, the table with a cake which said 'happy birthday'
She put both of her hands on her mouth as the tears were coming of her eyes.
"I-" she pause before continuing "I thought you guys forgot and- or were ignoring me on purpose!!.." she cried as everyone panicked.
✎ ∙︓⋅⠄✯∘⠄✧
After calming the birthday girl down everyone enjoyed, ate the amazing cake that was made by komi chan.
While everyone was laughing, chatting and basically goofing around there was that 1 person at the corner of the park being alone.
And you guessed it, it was none other then shousuke komi..
Y/n saw this and decided to mess with him because why not? So she picked up the last bite of the cake by her spoon and walked towards him.
"Hey shousuke!" She called out and he turned his head towards her, to see her coming towards him with a spoon in her hand.
She looked silly to everyone but to him she looked so beautiful at that moment that he couldn't help but stare at her with lovesick eyes.
"I'll give you the last piece of the cake!" She put the spoon full of cake near his mouth but then took it back giggling "just kidding!"
And just as she was about to put the spoon in her mouth a hand grabbed hers.
Her e/c eyes meet a dark purple one as shousuke ate the cake by her hand. And whispered "I like you" then left the dumbfounded girl along.
It took her good few seconds before processing what just happened and once she did her whole face went red.
"He likes me...?"
✎ ∙︓⋅⠄✯∘⠄✧
Y/n spent the whole night thinking about shousuke's confession and that result in her not getting a single second sleep.
Dragging her ass to school while also making sure to avoid shousuke at any cost, was her goal which she failed miserably.
"H-hi" she stuttered as her face started turning redder and redder. "Hi" the boy who stood at front of her house quickly mumbled.
"Did you come to pick me up?" She looked up at him and asked. He replied with a nod "um okay then" even though she looked calm on the outside she was freaking out in the inside.
'AHH WHAT I DO!? I LOOK LIKE A DEAD RAT RIGHT NOW AND AND-' She came out of her thoughts when she felt death glares at her head.
"You know sometimes it seem like you hate me whenever you glare at me" as soon as she said that the boy's eyes went wide and she couldn't help but giggled at his cuteness.
'Maybe I do like him..?' This thought gave the h/c haired girl butterflys in the stomach as the her face started heating up. "Uh l-lets go!" She quickly started walking up ahead so he wouldn't be able to saw her face.
✎ ∙︓⋅⠄✯∘⠄✧
"Damn.." she laughed "I didn't even realize how much I like you" she whispered low as a pinkish blush appeared on her cheeks.
Maybe it was the thought of seeing him hurt made her realized for sure that she too liked him.
Y/n was in the infirmary room helping the nurse 'doing school work like this for extra points are so worth it!' She cheered and started wondering off since the nurse is out of the infirmary at the moment.
The door opened and y/n turns her head to say the nurse is out right now "o-OH MY GOD" she literally runs towards the injured person who was none other then shousuke komi.
"W-what happened to you?!" She asked as she saw the big red stain on his shoulder and a scratched on his left cheek.
"Fell" he exclaimed with the poker face. "No one gets their shudder bloody when they fall!" She yelled but anyone could tell she was worried and was about cry.
The first year was about to say something but the girl made him seat down while hurriedly trying to take the first aid kit which was on the top cabinet.
Shousuke only watched her.. it made a bit happy seeing how worried she is for him. But soon after stood up and helped her get the first aid kit. "Why a-" "It's red paint"
this time shousuke was the one who cut her off. "what?" She blinked dumbfounded, but then she let go of the breath she didn't even know she was holding.
At that moment she realized how much worried she was at even the thought of seeing him hurt. She turned behind towards shousuke who was standing right behind her.
And put her head on his chest, hearing his heart beat somehow made her calm down.
"Damn.." she laughed "I didn't even realize how much I like you" she whispered low as a pinkish blush appeared on her cheeks.
She then looked up at shousuke. His eyes widened from shock at what just happened. Which made the girl snapped out into her senses.
"ah! I'm sorry" she tried to back away but failed since there a medical cabinet right before her. She looked down embarrassed "I didn't mean to.. do that"
She flinched when she felt a arm wrapped around her. But calm down when her face hit shousuke chest, she wrapped her arm around him too as he whispered "I like you so much"
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Looking at 333 with... apparently early translation... and yet late AF reaction
I... didnt expect to ACTUALLY see a new chapter when I checked right now... and I’m leaving work soon so I probably wont send this until tomorrow (or not? last time it didnt went that way)
Anyway... Future Worange, new Komi san, GO! GO! GO!
Even Further Future Worange: half f this was written the day it came out, the rest is being written today... woops...
And its seems there will be “various topics” in this chapter, makes sense since we need to see all the fires before The merge fighting the third years
wait waht?
And now he telling us his position... also wait “the first year’s guardians”? Wouldnt that show them how nuts this place is? I might think is a misstranslation cause it seemed to me there is the place for those taken out already (yes I can see Najimi from here)
Anyway Kamera... Man... taro... 
ANYWAY! Mantaro wants to show the dynamic and climactic fight between Yamai and The second years leader... but he seems to get in the way... woops
Bullets flying, serious expressions.... Mantaro blocking most of the shots...
Nobody is helping Gorou due to the risk of HITING Gorou
Gorou takes the advantage and has Yamai at his mercy but DAMN almost taken down by Nakanaka with the sniper (ok probably not spiner but still surprising) shot
And to nobodies surprises she would have take Yamai too... I approve of this idea
Yamai and Nakanaka: TACTICAL RETREAT! 
Yamai and Nakanaka: YOU BE THE DECOY!
General Lily: YAMANAKA FTW! (good for her that she saw her ship in action tbh?)
And now we return to the first year trio, made of Hiki her recent new friend Susumi and... Undyne Jr? And by that I mean a tiny version (most likely little sister) of Netsuno whom I didnt remember the name until I saw Aoi’s flames all over... makes sense
*one week of unrelated unmotivation later*
They escaped but now I have no idea how shit will go for them, Hiki is nerveous, Susumi is horny excited and Aoi is just burning (which is excited/horny but in a more proactive way I guess?)
Class 3-5 have... whoever this is at the front and Agari as also moral support? That kinda upliffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff... I SEE THAT CHEST EMPHASIS ODA WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS!?!?!?!?!? (I mean is nice but also NO!)
Also no idea who’s the staway from 3-4 but might find out later... 
And by later I think the next page indicates it was Naruse???? good for her cause class 3-4 seems to be on the offensive (by a defensive team... still counts!)
At the lead of the team you have Onemine so you know it is to be trusted and apparently Naruse kun (who I dont know well yet) helped... but irrelevant since he is dead now :P
Oh the chief from class 2-4 shares name of a monster I’ve seen in one of my myths and legends card! xD
And whoever is “Ace” Shibuki, is starting taking names avenging Naruse... its a free for all in this story so far
Mangabi unable to fire from the trenches but Discount Tadano took the mooks closer saving them... for now
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Have I ever told you guys I much I like vanilla as a flavor? On that note FUCK YOU I’M INVESTED ON THIS SHIP!!!
(They both awkward and adorable and sometimes you just need that :P)
*looks at the Suteno-kun and supreme commander Komi page for like 10 minutes*
I got absolutely nothing to say about this... absolutely nothing... or rather I have 0 idea how to approach it so I’m just gonna...
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Thankfully that was for only page 1, page 2 shows how much of a moron Suteno is and doing pushups to assert dominance while a good idea maybe you need that the person being challenge has a clear ppicture of the situation? (poor Katai xD)
and the last segment... Omokawa I got your “sad backstory” last time but please don’t overdo the idea of being called cute :P
and more importantly DONT UNDERMINE KOMI’S PRAISE THAT HONESTLY 2 YEARS AGO WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO HEAR SO... oh she still is a new friend? Okay rant retracted...
NEXT TIME! first year trio vs someone I have no idea who is
A lot of fires, lots of shenanigans, all amusing... we will see how the rest goes... until then :D
(tired in general but I dont want to leave at least this aside, not yet...)
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florbexter · 6 years
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My Dream the Series - Episode 3
Under the cut you can see my reactions while I watched Episode 3 My Dream the series. Please be aware that the following text will contain spoilers.
Episode 3
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 
- Dear Runways Mum, if your son cries “Let me go” while he is in his room please tear the door down 
- She woke him up, thank god
- Dear Dream... I hate you, please go away
- The “I turn into a girl when I get wet” is still the funniest thing on this show
- Wait, so the guy in pink knows who he is, because he calls himself Elle, but the woman in pink takes the name Good gave her????
- Flashback Time
- Smitten Good is the cutest OMG
- Okay wow she totally lied about her name o.o
- Yay the boys
- Guide is such a nice friend T.T 
- XD Yim what kind of face is that haha 
- They think he had watched a porn before going to bed but don’t question the fact that Way dreamed of a man LOL bestest friends lmao
- GUIDE WANTS THE LINK!!! I am wheezing :D
- OMG Elle is going to eat the fish
- Wait.. why does Elle have another ring? I thought he gave him to Way?
- He tries Pizza for the first time, and of course he likes it - thats cute
- What kind of fancy ass school ist this?
- Oh no, he is meeting his dad in his dream... how sad T.T
- HIS DAD TURNS INTO DREAM!!! LIKE WHAT??? What kind of dream/non-dream stuff is this??
- ugh don’t call him crybaby, you are no longer a good presentation of Tuxedo Mask -.-
- another baby Way/grown-ass Dream scene... thats so weird and creepy, I just can’t
- YES! Tanai is here, and missed Guide again lol, gosh I love him on his motorcycle 
- “Right a boyfriend picking you up - wait till I have one???” EVERYONES GAY PEOPLE *yay*
- Question: why do they always leave the full drink and full plate? Please just don’t put food preps in front of them if they will not finish them :D 
- Guide tries so hard to please Yamai T-T
- Seeing your sibling in puplic and not pestering them??? NOT REALISTIC LOL
- Mum took the dreamcatcher off now little Runway cries and that kind of breaks my heart 
- Runway being lazy and always sleepy is a mood tbh
- OMG ELLE IN HIS CUTE TOP!!! What a look! I love it!
- Guide has the cutest smile
- Good is not a good liar lol
- soooo the ring is basically a cockblocker :D but good for Way to have something to protect him 
I am still very much confused about the Elle/Kafe situation, because apparantly they don’t really share the same mind? It’s more than just changing gender it seems. 
Guide is the cutest of them all and I love the Yim/Guide/Runway friendship. And Tanai my boy was his precious self, besides the weird way he wanted a kiss, as always Dream gets more creepy, but I assumed worse so... who cares about him lol. 
But nothing really happened in the ep. besides some shopping so hopefully the story will give us some answers in the next eps. 
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a-k-i-m-i-c-h-i · 5 years
yamai hime - singable eng
march 27, 2016
Aren't I something like you've never seen? Don't you think I'm beautiful? All the other women seem so terrible, their envy exposed for the whole world to see All these really UGLY girls, they stare at me, their lips are curled It's hideous, they're just the worst, conniving little dogs Everytime I walk the streets, these STUPID boys, they stare at me I'm sick of this, nobody gives a second thought to me Now everybody has been saying that this peculiar woman, was truly rotten deep into her heart I have no choice but to forget it, I face another day and, I make myself look stunning once again Wondering why I felt so empty, all that I could do Was hold onto the feeling as I cried My beauty has to last Until the END of TIME! Angry and shameful, I'm followed by their eyes Everywhere I go, I want to die Why can't I trust anybody anymore?! With every passing day, I think myself to be Even more beautiful than before Their envy grows as they begin to rot and fade I don't really care, so long as I stay the same! Everybody else would love to RAVISH me and get to touch me Watch their eyes, they long for me, but I don't let them try! Look at all these STUPID guys, to lead them on would be alright? A little fun Would be alright So long as no one knows! Now, everybody had been saying This girl was rather easy Her morals had been thrown into the drain I have no choice but to believe it, I comb my hair and make myself look pretty as to live another day Feeling far too hollowed-out, I sobbed into my hands Everything I strived for fell apart My beauty has to last Until the END of TIME! My heart, my body, my mind and my soul Everything is crumbling away This is such a nightmare SOMEONE SAVE ME PLEASE! Beautiful More beautiful Than anybody else! Lately, those people have been saying that girl is going crazy Her ego had become an awful thing Horrid, my face is bloody, ruined, my hair is thinning No one Will EVER think I'm beautiful again! Everything feels so good This is all that I can do Show my face and leave them horrified With this I will last Until the END of TIME! When it's all over nobody will think Of the girl so broken in the head And before she knew what happened She was dead!
0 notes
ultraericthered · 2 years
Anime Update V2 6
Noragami - As we go along, I like how Yato’s dark past and his more unsettling, “eviler” side slowly comes more into view and gets Hitomi less sure she can really trust the guy. Even now when his old foe Bishamon has tracked him down and is out to kill him, it’s hard to see her as the bad guy here when Yato is apparently the one who’d wronged her first. Enjoyed seeing Kofuku again and how she’s got more power in her than we could’ve suspected, which key to driving Bishamon away this time. But Yato’s blight is only getting worse, and the one offering to help him with it is the oh-so trustworthy Nora...
Hunter x Hunter - Not comparing and contrasting this time ‘cause the events shown in both were pretty identitcal. With two notable differences. The 1999 version added a third character into the part where Kurapika and Leorio had to make a break from Hisoka (only for Leorio to return and try to fight Hisoka himself), and while I guess this is a character who will matter later on and this version wanted to establish him earlier, I didn’t quite see the need. The other most notable difference is that Hisoka seemed just a tad tamer in the 1999 version compared to the 2011 version. He’s intimidating in both, but in the first anime he’s presented like just another antagonist, while the second anime takes extra measures to make him seem scary as shit. The dub helps here, as Keith Silverstein captures the bellied, deviant madness of the character so perfectly, it gives me the creeps. I can tell that things have just gotten started between him and Gon.
Love Live! Nijigasaki - See. this was a little bit more like it. It still keeps to the same formula, but the character recieving the focus, Rina Tennoji, and the particular issue she has to learn to overcome were actually very original and held my interest. Love Live! has seen it’s share of ambiguously neurodivergent girls, but I don’t think we’d had one quite like Rina, who is so emotionally stunted that she has a very naturally inexpressive face, her blank expression frozen on it at almost all times, so even when she’s enjoying something it’s easy for others to get the wrong impression and assume she isn’t. Also, her song at the end was a total bop. Aside from Kasumi’s song and Setsuna’s songs, the Nijigasaki songs have tended to leave my head soon after hearing them, but this was the catchiest and most distinct sounding song out of this show to date. Keep this up please, girls!
Date A Live S3 - Brief tangent: I fucking hate the fanservicey harem anime bullshit that this show pulls whenever plot isn’t happening. There’s absolutely no reason why Natsumi has to go back into her adult form at random just for such scenes, especially since she’s still so precious and likable in her natural form and is now forging an adorable bond with Yoshino. But when the tone gets more serious, the show delivers. Origami’s Heel Turn to the side of DEM recieved more ellaboration; it feels like a Majin Vegeta situation where Origami could finally proccess how much Spirits had been normalized in her life and how she’d grown closer to Tohka and the others as friends, and that scared her. So she took Westcott’s offer so she have some sort of “permission” to return to the person she was at the start, with the focus on her vengeful mission to avenge her parents and kill all Spirits, even those who were her friends. Seeing her fighting Tohka, Miyu, and the Yamai sisters with the intent to kill, and leaving Shido tied up and unable to do anything, was horrific. And the deeper story around DEM and Ratatoskyr is slowly coming out more as well.
Fate/Stay Night - Shirou and Rin are now on-and-off allies, deciding to a truce while in school and looking for any suspicious activity from Rider and her master, who is revealed to Shirou to be his old pal Shinji at the very end of the episode. Other than that, can’t say that much about this one except that I do like the scenes with Shirou and Rin hanging out and sharing ideas and info with each other. Though I also feel sorry for Sakura - between Saber and Rin, I think she’s starting to get the wrong idea and feel left out. And her brother sucks.
Revolutionary Girl Utena - Felt a bit underwhelmed by this one, for even though I do find Juri to be a cool character and enjoyed the fight between her and Utena at the end, I already knew what the episode’s last minute twist was going to be, and I feel like even if I didn’t know ahead of time, I’d still be able to predict it. I guess that’s the downside to being all too aware of Ikuhara and Igarashi’s trends.
Sound! Euphonium S2 - Speaking of secret gay girl love that I knew was coming, this episode seemed to bring us to the climax of the Nozomi and Mizore subplot that has been running through the early parts of this season. Just the simple act of dropping by the band room and saying hi to Mizore, when done by Nozomi, is enough to make Mizore feel nauseuous and send her fleeing down the halls. Feel bad for Yuuko, though, as she’s been Mizore’s close friend through all this time and clearly feels underappreciated for it, but at least she’s still got Natsuki to lean on! Poor Mizore had no one else until now, as Nozomi finally clears up the misunderstanding that failing to tell Mizore about leaving the band before means that she doesn’t care about her. The two now finally begin to reconcile.
MAR - Met this ugly Santa hat-wearing dog named Edward, learned about the captive Princess Snow (who looks just like Ginta’s friend from home for whatever reason) and that some sus stuff is going down in the capitol kingdom of MAR with the new queen and the Chess Pieces, and at the end Ginta is facing off against one of the Chess Pieces named Ian, who I can recognize as being voiced by Nolan North but he sounds so much like James Patrick Stuart as Xigbar at points. But the true highlight of the episode was the return of Dorothy! God, I love this sneaky, thieving, opportunistic little witch so much, and seeing her unleashe Toto for the first time was great!
AMC: Kill la Kill - Y’know how this show is so good at just going all out bals-to-the-walls with stupid concepts and cartoonishness that it becomes awesome? Well on very rare occasion, it can just be so stupid that it’s just stupid. Which isn’t to say the episode wasn’t fun - most of it worked, and Nonon Jakazure is delightfully batshit in it. But everything have to do with Tsumugu fell flat for me. A Punisher-style lone vigilante sniper out to hunt down and kill all clothing because he saw one Kamui suit betray and killed its wearer one time just isn’t something that’s going to engage me. Even camp can have its limits.
Weathering With You - Got to see this movie for the first time, and I really enjoyed it....for the first two thirds. From Hina’s insultingly abrupt disappearance all the way to the ending, it then sort of lost me, as aside from the breathtakingly beautiful climactic sequence inside the oceanic sky dimension, I feel like it just lost the plot and the choices that the main characters end up making (which to its credit, the film doesn’t pussy out of showing us the consequences of and goes all the way with it) are selfish, short-sighted, unethical and utterly repugnant in how destructive they were. I feel like Makoto Shinkai’s typical formula just pushed itself too far this time, especially combined with his desire to one-up Your Name, which this film just wasn’t quite as good as. The core reason for that would be Hodoka and Hina’s bond VS Taki and Mitsuha’s - the latter literally lived each other’s lives at various points, and built up a strong, special connection that trascended time itself (that whole closed time loop with the hair ribbon still sticks out in my memory). With this pair, Hodoka only knows Hina for a few weeks in a single Summer, much of it shown via montage, and while I’m sold on that bond being there, I’m NOT sold on it being so powerful and so meaningful to Hodoka that he would condemn all of Tokyo and God knows how many lives (Taki and Mitsuha included!) to suffer an endless rain storm and flooding just so he could have this one person back with him. Going for this “don’t sacrifice everything for the sake of others, live for yourself!” message does not work when what you’re asking this girl to do is something that will literally sacrifice everyone and everything else just for her sake. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one, asshole! So yeah, were it up to me, Hodoka would still be in jail by the end. But hey, at least Hina’s OK. I did like her quite a lot. 
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