#[ there are soooo many threads i'm excited for ]
vuulpecula · 7 months
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✖ alright alright alright. just popping in to say i miss y'all & i'm sorry for going radio silent. i received some new responsibilities and work and it's been draining me. hoping to be on this weekend to tackle some drafts, starters, and the inbox ! until then, i love y'all & i hope you're okay out there ! xo.
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keirawantstocry · 6 months
hiiiiiiii im baaaackkkkk 💋anon. school was kicking my ass there for a bit, but now im freeeeeee (for a little bit, ignore the tests i have in 2 weeks-)
soooo, as backgroud this is a req I just Found in my notes, its a little older? like, in and around when he stole etoiles identity- I was (and still am-) very much a shapeshifter tubbo truther so uh, enjoy? idk [:
sooooóoooooo shapeshifter tubbo hangs around fit and pac as like, just random animals or like, a handful of animals that fit and pac just get used to having around so he'll just be chillin on like, their head or shoulders or backpacks or following them around. Though neither fit nor pac actually Know tubbo can do this. At some point someone points it out (maybe one of the demons or someone who just Know that stuff) (or keeping in mind current stuff, maybe when hes possessed someone lets it slip) and then tubbo like, runs away and tries to hide but they Find Him because they Know Him and ahhh i want cute misunderstandings, thats my whole agenda.
Hope youre having a good day, many kisses for you <3
heyyyy. i hope that if you already had your test it went well <3 kissing you mwah mwah
Pac loved animals. It wasn't strange to have some hanging around his house. It wasn't strange for him to wake up in the morning and find birds on his windowsill. It wasn't strange to fall asleep with nighttime creatures gathered around, croaking their song to him. 
When Sunny had first seen the animals gathering around, their eyes had lit up. 
“You're like a Disney Princess!” she signed in excitement. 
Pac laughed lightly and grinned at her, rubbing her head gently. “I am! Just like you too.” 
They had stared up at him with wide eyes. “Me?” 
Pac had nodded. “You're a princess.” 
“I'M A PRINCESS! PAI PAI PAI! Where is he?” she asked, blinking her large brown eyes. “I need to tell him I'm a princess!” 
Back then Pac would have never said he had a favorite of the animals that hung around. But now he had to admit he had a certain affinity for one in particular which had begun to hang around both him and Fit. It was strange at first to see a mooshroom of all animals hanging out but they got used to it. Pac enjoyed staring into its big eyes while stroking its soft nose. It was easily one of the most gentle creatures Pac had ever met, the biggest blue green eyes with such long lashes. 
“It won't bite,” Pac cooed as he grabbed Fit by the hand and gently laid it on the mooshroom's nose. 
Fit gasped in surprise, bringing his other hand up to stroke the animal's nose. “It's so soft!” 
Pac grinned. “I know. He's grown attached to me I think. He's always around.” 
“Don't you have your own family?” Fit asked in the voice he used to talk to the children on the island. Pac couldn't help but smile lovingly at him as the mooshroom butted its head a bit aggressively against Fit's hands. 
They both laughed, Pac collapsing against the animal's side, threading his fingers in its fur. “Don't be silly, Fitchie. I'm his family. And now you are too.” 
Fit paused. “I wouldn't have said it's possible but I swear that thing just gave me a smug look.” 
Pac burst out laughing. “Don't be ridiculous. It's an animal Fit. It can't understand us.”
Fit squinted at the animal at question, a strange sort of staring contest going on between them. “Okay,” Fit finally sighed. “You're probably right.” 
“Of course I am,” Pac teased. “Always am.” 
Pac didn’t think strangely of it. Not until Sunny posed a strange question. 
“Why does my Pai follow you around everywhere?” they asked, a quizzical expression on her tiny face. 
Pac froze and tilted his head at her in confusion. “What do you mean, anjinho?” 
She blinked up at him with wide brown eyes. “My Pai follows you around.” 
Pac laughed lightly, in the back of his throat. “I haven’t seen him doing that.” 
“Oh!” Sunny’s eyes lit up like stars. “Because he’s in disguise!” She dropped her hands quickly and shoved them behind her back like other children would throw a hand over their mouth. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you that,” they signed nervously. 
“Oh?” Pac asked curiously as the puzzle pieces began to fall together in his mind. “Sunny, sweetie, is Tubbo the mooshroom that's been following me around for the past few weeks?” 
Sunny stared up at him silently. They raised one hand to her lips and dragged her pinched fingers along them in a mimicry of a zipper. They dropped the imaginary key and smiled at him. 
Pac patted her on the head before pulling out his communicator to message Fit. “Okay, Sunny, I won't tell him that you told me.” 
Fit was strangely furious. 
“Tubbo!” he called in that booming voice across the land of Fobo. “You wanna fucking explain this?” 
Tubbo peeked out from behind the door, his eyebrows pressed down hard against each other. “What are you yelling about bro?” 
Fit stared him down as he stormed up to the door, sticking his foot in between the door and frame to stop Tubbo from being able to close it. “Wanna tell me why you've been following Pac around?” 
Tubbo stared at him. “What are you talking about?” 
“The mooshroom,” Fit said flatly. 
Tubbo stared for a moment longer before bolting. 
“Hey!” Fit shouted, shoving the door open to chase him down. Pac followed on his heels, still trying to process what exactly Fit was upset about. 
Before Pac knew it, Fit had Tubbo by the shirt, both hands curled tight into the fabric as he shoved him up against the wall. 
“Hey!” Pac tried to shove in between them, his own hands trying to pry Fit's off of Tubbo. “Calma! Calma!” 
Fit relented, releasing Tubbo while they both scowled at each other. 
“Deep breaths,” Pac said. “Talk this out like civil adults.” 
“Yeah, asshole,” Tubbo spat, rubbing his collarbone. 
Fit let out a deep sigh, relaxing ever so slightly. “Okay. I'm sorry for freaking out on you Tubbo.” 
Tubbo stared at him until Pac cleared his throat. 
“Oh! Um, I'm sorry for stalking Pac. But I mean technically I wasn't stalking him, he just didn't know it was me.” 
“Why have you been doing that?” Pac asked curiously. 
Tubbo's expression shifted to one of nervous energy as he squirmed in place. “Can't a guy just do a little shape shifting?” 
“We didn't even know you could shape shift,” Fit butted in. 
Tubbo crossed his arms unceremoniously. “What? So I have to tell you about every true fact about me?” 
Fit rolled his eyes. “Okay, sure, whatever. You don’t have to tell us everything but you THINK that it would be beneficial for us to know that you’re a fucking shapeshifter?”
Tubbo groaned, clearly frustrated. “Well, sorry if I don’t understand why that’s a fucking issue.” 
“Calma,” Pac said again before Fit could snap. Fit shut his mouth firmly, curling his lips into his mouth. “Tubbo…” Pac said slowly. “Can you just try and explain why you’ve been doing this?” 
Tubbo sighed. Pac’s voice always seemed to soothe him which sent a warm zing through Pac’s body. He brushed away that thought, focusing on what Tubbo was saying. 
“I just… just wanted to spend time with you.” 
“With me?” Pac asked. The warmth in his gut spread, it felt like something safe and good. 
Tubbo nodded. 
Fit scoffed. “Tubbo, listen. You can just say that! I know you’re emotionally stunted and have got some fucking abandonment issues of some sort but I’m telling you right now, you can talk to us. We want to hang out with you. We want to fucking…” he trailed off and reached out to gently put his hands on where he had grabbed Tubbo earlier. Tubbo’s body visibly relaxed and Pac couldn’t help but smile. 
“We are,” Pac said softly. “We love hanging out with you!” 
Tubbo twisted his mouth in frustration. 
“I know, I know,” Fit said before Tubbo could protest. “You don’t believe us or you don’t want to believe us or something. But listen to me. Right now. Can you do that?” 
Tubbo nodded. “Yes,” he said softly. 
“We love you.” Fit laughed. “So can you get that in your thick skull? Please?” 
Tubbo seemed frozen in place, completely stunned. He opened his mouth before closing it again, glancing between Fit and Pac, reading the emotions in their eyes, in every line of their face. 
“Yeah.” He gulped. “I can do that.” 
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skyfallscotland · 9 months
Are there any fourth wing fanfics you recommend? The selections are soooo small but I would love to see what you recommend.
So many! But my favourites at the moment that are ongoing are:
storm in the quiet by JustAlliHere (possibly my favourite right now, love it so much)
The Captive of Tyrrendor by Dangerousandbeautiful (only one chapter so far but I'm very, very excited to see where this goes)
there are worse games to play by @revelationinthelightofday-writes (love the interpersonal relationships but also the mystery, surprises at every turn)
Blood and Violence by BronzeStorm (interested to see where this goes, I love the way the same things are happening, but differently and Liam is the sweetest)
(Fourth Wing) What if Violet Joined the Scribe Quadrant by MattieIsAmazing (just started this last night, it's so cute, I love Xaden's pov in it, but also I'm in suspense, curious to see what happens next)
And in completed works, I've loved:
One Single Thread of Gold by like_an_old_friend (beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time, would read thousands more words of this)
Sloane: A Fourth Wing Story by everythingturnstodust (one of the first FW fics I read, it made me fall in love with Bodhi)
Mess It Up by @sarahydeart (just finished this one and it was such a fun read, there's not enough Imogen and Garrick out there in the world, also, check out her art)
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willowser · 9 months
Hi willow!!! Hope you’re having (or have had) a great holiday :) you definitely deserve the break!!
Omg was reading the thread of what fun things bakugo would do with his kids and you’re so right about him just being there, as much as he loves his kids when he thinks about what kids actually like, he’s stumped, BUT!! I have a few things on soke of the fun things he would do with them.
His kid(s) would probably have such a great interest in all the work he does, seeing him on billboards and all sorts of convenience store products because of his fame as a hero, so I imagine his lil kids climbing onto his lap when he’s a bit tired, begging for stories about “bad guys” he’s defeated. And he’d be a little awkward at the start, trying to kid-ify all the swearing and graphic violence in the story. But he gets better at it as the story progresses and looves to see their excited little face practically bouncing to hear what happens next.
OH AND!! I imagine there are sone nights where bed-time duty is a little difficult, or theres a few other things on your plate that you have to do, on those days where Katsuki has come home early from work or was already home its now his job, And I find it soooo cute for him to be pulling over a kiddy stool or chair next to his kids bed as they confidently hand him their favourite story book. It takes every ounce in him to not criticise the story with sarcasm, like what do you mean the dog went to the amusement park? Dogs can’t do that‼️‼️ but the story ends sweetly and it’s worth keeping his tongue when he sees his little bugger sound asleep.
Woshwkshwksh sorry i’ve got soo many ideas of the little moments that mean a lot for his kids. I’ll drop jusst one last one. Yk those kids with those mini wooden kitchen toy sets? With pots pans and all sorts of fake food, I imagine his kid trying to role-play as a little chef and giving bakugo all sorts of silly wooden vegetables on plastic plates asking him to “taste test” everything they “cooked” . And it would be sooo funny because they expect a proper reply, so he makes sounds while pretending to take a bite out of the supposed carrot cake it was just a wooden carrot, pretending to like it like “wow you made this?? Ya sure??” While his kid pridefully nods. Qlajalajksha can you tell I enjoy domestic fluff
omg these are all so cute and CORRECT HOW SWEET !!! 🥺✨️ i literally love each and every one of them for him, tysm for sharing these with us fjsjajaja they're so interested in hearing about all the bad guy butts he's kicked 😏😏😏 him doing story time 🥺 getting better at it as the kids grow 🥺 AND THE KIDDOS BEING PROUD 🥺 OF THEIR LITTLE WOODEN FOOD 🥺 omg so cute. how adorable. these are so so cute i'm obsessed with them !!!!
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discluded · 2 years
I’m having heart spasms as I type this down bc I just read a cute post about the fact that Mile went to so many concerts last month on his own bc he was (maybe) scouting bands for the end of the year show that BOC produced. It would make so much sense given the fact that Mile went to one of the concerts of one of the bands that ended up performing there. Turns out Apo is a big fan of said band 😫..and the lead singer was serenading Apo…to the point of being mesmerized by Apo’s beauty 😭….like i know this is all speculation, but no one is going to get it out of my head the fact that maybe Apo had mentioned before that he loved that band…and someone said ( you know what I won’t lose anything if I extend an invitation to this band and make this individual happy) And my heart is about to burst out of my chest bc Apo was so happy like genuinely HAPPY ..and the people around him were teasing him bc of how excited and happy he was. And wow it hits me once again…the words that Mile told Apo at that FH event… “I just want you to be happy” …..like all he wants for Apo is Happiness and wow Love like this wow. To MA Please my beloveds don’t ever let anyone take this away from you be as protective of this love and don’t let outsiders dictate how you guys love one another.
I wish and manifest only Great things for both MA. May this year be even better than the last, and may this year bring loads of blessings into both of their lives. ❤️✨
This is so cute, the lead singer of Tattoo Colour was clearly serenading Apo specifically for a lot of the performance.
Here's another thread I saw about it!
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Yeah, it did occur to me Mile was probably scouting when I saw Tattoo Colour on the NYE Countdown poster. Mile does a lot of work we don't see until later on (which is why fandom needs to calm down sometimes). I actually thought it was maybe cause he might be looking for collaborators for BOC's new series too. I never saw the interview about Apo's favorite band being them so this is soooo cute.
I'm glad Apo had a great time. Love to see fanboy Apo's dreams come true, love that Mile made his dreams come true 🥰
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radioiaci · 5 months
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Wanted to answer all the nice things I was given in one post, so find them under the read-more cuz it's long. <3
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@radiiosugars ⧐ you are a wonderful writer and i enjoy seeing your portrayal! I smile when you're on my dash <3 the little details you include with his perspective really do paint a picture! (and i hope your day gets better! )
WEH THANK YOU SO MUCH SALT, you're a blessing and I wholeheartedly appreciate whenever you spam me on Discord with SILLIES even though I don't always have the capacity to respond right away fjkdjgjdg I LOVE YOUR PORTRAYAL AND YOUR ART TOO and thank you for the kindness 😭
@copaceticjillybean ⧐ You are…soooo good at stuff! Your Alastor portrayal, your art, it’s all just really really cool! I’m always so excited, when I see you post your animatics, or a new drawing, or a reply, because I know it’s gonna brighten up my day a bit! ; I know you’re having a hard time today, but I just wanted you to know that I think you’re really neat and good at what you do. ^w^ ; Oh, and I almost forgot- you’re also just FUN. Like, your ooc posts are just cute and funny, and I like seeing you pop on and tell us what you’re thinking. You’re easy to talk to, and that means a lot, especially for someone like me who can get nervous talking with people >u<;
AAAA THANK YOU, I really do try to be as approachable as possible given the type of person that I am, so I really don't want anyone to feel like they CAN'T talk to me. sometimes the RPC can feel really limited and exclusive and I like to change that in whatever way I can. you are always very kind and fun to write with as well AND I CAN'T WAIT to see what sort of sillies Alastor and Jillian can get up to
@helluvaflames ⧐ I love the way you write Alastor and I'm still loving writing Fizzarolli and him in these scenes. You write Alastor so well and its been so fun to get to know him through our threads!
YES THANK YOU YOU GET ME, I love writin' with your lil Fizzy too! I'm also excited for Alastor and Angel's "date" LOL I'm sure there will be RIDICULOUSNESS there, just knowing how they generally interact. Thank you for putting up with me and my silly deer boy!!
@tinyfieryghost ⧐ YOUR ART IS SIMPLY INCREDIBLE. I love how you draw Alastor and writing with you is always a pleasure! I also love how you write Alastor! Silly guy who can and will murder and maim!!! Also you're great to talk to in general!
LISTEN YOU, YOUR ART IS ALSO PHENOMENAL and I didn't think I genuinely would get as invested into Alastor/Ghost's relationship but him in my brain was just like? ? ? ? "this one is mine? ? ?? actually???" so I MEAN IT JUST HAPPENED THAT WAY and I'm not mad about it. I'M EXCITED for Al's encounter with Reaper fr fr and I love writing with you!!!
@visage-of-hell ⧐ *violently kicks in the door* DID SOMEONE SAY POSITIVITY???? ; Bitch, you're one of the most TALENTED fuckers I know on this site. Amazing writing style? Check. Brilliant character portrayal? Check. AND knock-your-socks-off gorgeous artistic skills to boot???? Dude, you are a triple threat of sheer creative genius--don't you DARE be doubting that for even a second!
WUH HUH BUH LISTEN you are ALSO very talented and I VERY MUCH love writing with Al and Vis together because they're a real ENEMY TO LOVER ARC MAYBE? AND I KNOW IT'S SLOW MOVING BECAUSE ALASTOR IS STUPID but I LOVE IT ALSO??? Thank you my friend, I love to talk with you too and share funny sillies and fawn over them being so STUPID
@damnedrainbows ⧐ //you’re one of my favorite alastors and truthfully I admired from the sidelines for a while because I felt inadequate hehehehe I can!t wait to interact with our muses more and see where it go for him and lucifer ; also forgot to tack on, amazing artist ; like seriously I link my friends your art all the time on discord lol
WHAT???? ONE OF UR FAVS???? STOPPIT. That always means a ton to me, especially because I know how many TALENTED and wonderful writers there are playing Alastor out there so that RLY MAKES ME FEEL GOOD AND VALUED and YOUR writing is also fantastic! Al/Lucifer's first thread is so weirdly deep after starting off as like almost a meme and I'm LIVING for it LOL. AND I'M GLAD YOU LIKE MY ART LMAO maybe some day I'll draw something like actual serious for people to share jgdljgd but I enjoy drawing shitpost Al too much BUT THANK YOU this means a lot.
@lilitophidian ⧐ HEEEEY YOU, I LOVE YOUR LITTLE DEER, AND WE GOT SOME DOPE ASS SHIT GOING ON LIKE??? your writing is so fucking good I wanna do more threads with you at some point even though I have verbal diarrhea ; BUT YOU DESERVE THE BEST LIKE I TAKE TIME ON MY REPLIES TO YOU SO THEY ARE GOOD EATS??? Like, let me love on ya!!! ; Also your art ; I'd tattoo the pink dress wearing Alastor on my body fr
MY LIL DEER BOY YES I'M SO EXCITED for him to be.... tortured... mercilessly (that sounds bad LMAO) but LISTEN we are both wordy and I do NOT hate that one bit, I EAT IT UP YUMYUM gimmi all that good good exposition and artsy prose I LOVE that shit and you do it SO WELL. Also thank you for recommending frilly pink dress Alastor, I think he will never live that one down LMAO.
@ducktastic-dad ⧐ you are SO funny and sweet pascall, i love writing with you ( and your writing is amazing obviously i cannot live without it ) but even just our conversations ooc bring me lots of joy !! you have fantastic art and i am FLOORED by how creative you are ! thank you for making me funny shitposts and indulging my horrible brainrot 😭💜
I'M GRABBING YOU AND SHAKING YOU BY THE SHOULDERS listen the fact that you have put up with my dumbass over the last few weeks just constantly spamming you with radioapple shit means that you should get some type of AWARD HONESTLY. every IC interaction we have is so good and whenever you reply I'm like *VACCUUM NOISES* as i ABSORB IT. YOU're the one indulging MY horrible brainrot and u know what there's something beautiful about that. THANK YOU ily ily
Thank you all for such kind words, it really did make me feel better about my poopy day. <3
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saintmouthed · 1 month
dtcfdp chapter 2 (author commentary)
I fear it is time to Reread dtcfdp Again and I'm going to be so annoying about it, actually. Anyway I'm gonna basically reread my own fic and liveblog the experience. Chapter 2 commentary starts under the cut, but you can find chapter 1 commentary here if you're interested!
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FLIRTING DISGUISED AS NEGOTIATION...oh I see that's always been a favorite of mine.
"But it’s difficult not to feel like life is passing him by, stuck in this temporary place between all the milestones of ‘average’ adulthood and unable to find his way to the next stage, watching everyone else leave him behind. With jobs, with relationships, with careers. If not with those things, then at least they know what they want and how to get it."
yeah I was going through it in early adulthood, how did you know? (I wanted this fic to like... explore that more thoroughly, but I had SO MANY threads going on in this fic, and the most interesting was the goofiness and the kink, so that's what we got)
(though this does remind me that I found my notebook where I brainstormed dtcfdp in the first time,,, perhaps I will share some of those notes as a DVD extra at the end of the commentary)
It was fun. It was kind of silly, though, because that’s just the way that we were, and I don’t think I necessarily left those encounters feeling like I got everything I could from it. R.
baby masochist R my beloved. SOOOO much projection in this fic, except my adventurous partner (the one that inspired this ex-boyfriend of R's) was too embarrassed to even admit they were into That even though it was so obvious and I knew.
Aren’t you a sadist? Do you even know the meaning of the word? R. For the sake of making sure you’re comfortable playing with me at the end of the week, I absolutely know the meaning of the word. Ange. What about for the sake of honesty? R. Rarely. Ange.
been talking about this a lot lately. Another thing that I wanted in the fic but it never made it into the actual text. I always imagined that Enjolras had a nasty breakup with someone in the scene before he met Grantaire and he blames himself, and that's why he's holding back so much and trying so so hard to be careful with Grantaire's boundaries. Of course that's part of where the whole mess comes in, they're both so worried they're doing something Wrong that they don't want to Talk to each other. lmao.
Besides, Fantine lets him use the wheels after-hours and on his days off so long as he pays for the clay, and sometimes he really fucking misses the ceramics lab.
I FORGOT ABOUT THIS...oh Grantaire and Joly and Bossuet only drink from Grantaire's hand thrown mugs. When he first started working at the Paint and Party, they were so wonky and small because he was out of practice. Now they're increasingly elaborate, to the point where Joly and Bossuet still use the wonky ones because they're afraid of dropping the pretty ones.
If you’re asking me if I’m attracted to you, though, the answer is yes. Ange
writing dtcfdp enjolras is soooo fun. Especially when I get to write his POV, because to Grantaire he's always trying his best to be suave and charming and mean, meanwhile mentally he's swearing up a storm.
Mhm. There’s nothing quite like it, and I am all kinds of mean there is. Ange.
“You feed your adventure to a hungry dragon,” Bossuet adds, helpfully. Grantaire doesn’t know how he manages to sound so excited. Bossuet has consistently gotten terrible rolls no matter the game or the dice, and out of the four of them, even with as much as they play together, he’s the only one who’s had multiple characters die in-game due to unfortunately timed crit-fails.
I STILL HAVEN'T PLAYED THIS GAME RIP....poor Grantaire having all his TTRPG characters die. That was cruel of me
the negotiation... tearing up, remembering my early forays into the scene,,, wow
Not this time, he says. R. This time? Ange.
as much as Grantaire goes insane for Enjolras saying "next time" in this fic... you just KNOW that Enjolras is frothing at the mouth at this mention.
Which is fine. He's fine (section break) He is not fine.
this never fails to make me laugh.
“This is my cue to remind you that everything about this is up to you.” “I know.” Grantaire says, voice muffled against his shoulder. “You can go home right now, if you like.” “I know.” “I absolutely will not ask you to do anything you don’t want to do.” “I know.” Grantaire says, once more, with a huff of laughter.
Ange runs his hand up and down Grantaire’s back in a comforting gesture before pulling away to look at his face. “Good. It’s always worth repeating just once more. Now, what would make you feel most comfortable? Do you want to call it off for today, or try another time, maybe?”
genuinely crying now....I love them and also just, agh. I loved getting to write him as gentle in these crucial moments. I love a sadist as you probably know but I also love a "hey, reminder, you're safe, you're in control" sweetness.
“That’s cute.” Ange says. “But unnecessary. Save your ‘sir’s for when I actually punish you.”
was just talking about this too!!!! this was legitimately my favorite thing to play with in this fic. Grantaire constantly throwing around sarcastic "sir yes sir"s and Enjolras tolerating it.... until That Scene
“Words, please.”
fucking menace. I hate when they do this (by which I mean I think it's mean, by which I mean I love it) but also I LOOOOOVE saying it myself. So. The duality of man.
“How are you feeling?” “…A little bit…fuzzy.” Ange chuckles, resting his hands on Grantaire’s thighs. “Happy?” Grantaire has to think about this for a moment. “Yeah, I guess so. Why?” “Because you’re grinning like crazy.” Grantaire touches his face to confirm that he is, in fact, grinning a wide smile. “Oh.”
SCREAMS... I forgot about this. FUCK. I love this. SO MUCH.
I'LL HOLD YOU AS LONG AS YOU NEED....do you ever CRY. I love the chapters that end like that. it's so CUTE.
this was so fun. I love reading over this fic, and lately people have really been flattering me telling me they reread it too. <3
next chapter commentary coming soon!
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lexxlouuu · 1 year
How you get the Girl
Chapter 4: You need to calm Down
Warnings: bullying, cursing maybe🤔
Note: let me know if you prefer mostly social media au or text… or even a mixture of both… I hope you like it 🤗
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Life Lately.. We are excited to announce that after 5 seasons in Indy Car racing for @team_penske Lily Earnhardt will be stepping into the car for Red Bull in the upcoming 2023 formula 1 season. 🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️
Liked by maxverstappen1, ChristianHorner, Earnhardt_Lily and 3,000 others
dalejr: so proud of you for reaching your dreams. I just know your going to make us all so proud. 🏎️❤️
Liked by maxverstappen1, ChristianHorner, redbullracing, Earnhardt_Lily
Username1: It’s happening it’s happening keep calm it’s happening 😱😱😱
Username2: let’s freaking go 🏎️🏎️🏎️🏎️
Username3: an Earnhardt in formula 1 yes please 😍😍
maxverstappen1: Welcome to the team, excited to finally be able to say that out loud @Earnhardt_Lily
Username4: not going to lie really going to miss her in Indy Car but super excited to see her in F1
Username5: great another nepotism baby on the grid. Hopefully she does better than the last one 😒
Username6: the real question is how will everyone on the grid react to a female on the grid 🧐
Susie_Wolff: excited for @Earnhardt_Lily to officially step foot on the grid and on the track. Welcome to F1
You are somebody that I don't know
But you're taking shots at me like it's Patrón
And I'm just like "Damn, it's 7:00 a.m."
Say it in the street, that's a knock-out
But you say it in a Tweet, that's a cop-out
And I'm just like, "Hey, are you okay?"
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@Earnhardt_Lily I apologize in advance for the sappy sob fest of a post but here we go… To my best friend, my other half, to the girl who I met on the pit lane saying her dad was a much cooler and faster driver than mine. We have been through everything together.. breakups, getting into Indy Car, causing mayhem on various nascar tracks over the years. There is nobody else I would scream the bridge to cruel summer with at 2 am other than you and Lucy. Letting you go to follow your dreams to Formula 1 is terribly hard. But I just know that you are going to do great things and break so many barriers for all the little girls who dreamed of racing in the f1 series. I am going to miss you so much on the track with me, but at least you moving to Red Bull gives me the excuse to sneak into their garage 🤪
Liked by Earnhardt_Lily, patriciooward, dalejr, and 3,399 others
Earnhardt_Lily: who gave you the right to make me cry like this 😭😭😭 I love you and will miss you soooo much
landonorris: so when you mean sneaking into the Red Bull garage you mean to steal their secrets to upgrade my car 🧐
addie_stewart95: landonorris no you muppet, I’m stealing them for myself 😆😆
patriciooward: and me 🥺 @addie_stewart95
addie-stewart95: patriciooward I’ll think about it
redbullracing: 😳😳
maxverstappen1: boss says no stealing secrets allowed 🤭 @addie_stewart95
Username1: sooooo are we just going to ignore this entire thread and Lando making an appearance 👀
Username2: Ummm Addie and Lando are technically coworkers…. Addie races for Arrow McLaren in Indy Car and well you obviously know Lando races for McLaren in F1……
Username3: imagine not knowing who Addie Stewart is 😆😆 woman is going into her 10th season in Indy Car and drove 2 years in Nascar 🫠🫠🫠 and that is not even including all her achievements she has achieved
And I ain't trying to mess with your self-expression
But I've learned the lesson that stressin'
And obsessin' 'bout somebody else is no fun
And snakes and stones never broke my bones so
After two weeks of “soft launching” on social media Alice decided that it was finally time to officially announce that I was the second Red Bull driver joining Max on the f1 grid. Rather than spending the day waiting to hear and see the reactions of the announcement I decided to go exploring and shop for stuff to decorate the townhouse that Red Bull was kind of enough to set me up with so I was not living out of a hotel room. Addie was set to come into town sometime this week to help me really get settled in and do our pre-season tradition of go karting and to record the latest episode of the podcast. Years ago Addie, Lucy and I created a podcast together called Don’t Tell the Grid. For awhile it was really a secret from the grid and nobody on the Indy Car grid knew about it. About a year ago all that changed when Pato ‘OWard walked into the office space we were using to record the podcast, and Pato being Pato couldn’t help but spread the word to the rest of the grid and by the end of the Indy 500 race weekend the entire grid knew about it. Since then he has been begging to be on the podcast . With the podcast literally being called Don’t tell the Grid obviously that is going to be a hard no. Tucking my phone into my bag and grabbing the keys to the Porsche that was another thing Red Bull had kindly taken liberty to give me as I had to give up my own back in the states. First stop coffee.
So, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
You need to calm down
You're being too loud
And I'm just like oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh (oh)
You need to just stop
Like, can you just not step on my gown?
You need to calm down
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shai-manahan · 1 year
I am a person who is writing his own Interactive Fiction game. I currently have about 50k words written for it and will probably be making a forum thread soon. But I really need some advice from you as your game is one of my favourite.
The thing I am struggling with is my plot seems a bit bland to me and I just don't know what to do about it. Like I at the start only decided my game is going to be very reactive to choices and I have loads of meaningful choices and lots of variables remembering lots of things. But when I read through what I have written so far it feels a bit meh. Like your game is soooo intriguing as a reade. So my question was how do I make the plot more intriguing?? Sorry for the long ass post
I'm probably not the best person to ask about this; I go through cycles of self-doubt at least a few times a month 😞
But I'll do my best to help!
First of all, 50k words for an initial demo is impressive! HM had around 28k words when I first uploaded a public demo (which was just the first version of the prologue), so you're doing very well!
I think it would help tremendously for you to sit down and figure out what themes you wish to put focus on. It doesn't mean that you can't tackle a few others as you write, but it's always good to set goals like this to maintain consistency and make their presence strong in the story. It doesn't have to be something "grand"; it just needs to be clear in your head.
It's cool to aim for your choices to be meaningful, but watch out for scope creep. Not that I can talk; I have way too many variables tracking the MC's actions/dialogue choices as well as routes that not many will ever know about. And they can be fun! Just remember that fun doesn't always remove the stress attached to those boosts of excitement. I'd say try to focus on choices/variables you're sure you can deal with, particularly those that can enhance the quality of your plot, and you can decide to add more once you're certain you can handle them.
I have no way of knowing you're not already doing this, but well-developed characters help the impact of the plot grow stronger. Their fears, motivations, what they need to see vs what they have currently. Humans are complex beings, and for me, it's always interesting to try and explore that complexity. I love exploring it.
Try to talk to a friend about what you have at the moment! It helps to have some who'd never mince their words and are willing to give honest feedback while being helpful at the same time. In a way, it can be encouraging to know you have someone to depend to, and I hope you can find them if you haven't met such a person yet.
It's a first draft!! This is something I also keep telling myself, though it doesn't necessarily help me clear out all doubts all the time. But you should at least be aware of it. This is the first time I'm creating an IF, but I did a lot of film screenplays before, and my first drafts always sucked. It's why rewrites are not a foreign concept to me, and why I know HM might go through a lot of changes before I settle on its final version. But I do think both readers and writers should be aware of the fact that first drafts aren't supposed to be perfect; and WIPs, no matter how long they are, shouldn't be expected to have no flaws at all.
I cannot stress this out more, but taking walks outside or even doing the most mundane of errands can help to clear your mind! Try to take some rest; it might even give you some perspectives you haven't thought of before :))
I think that's all I can give for now, and I hope you're having a great time writing so far! I do want to remind you that you'll have to find methods that personally work for you as well, whether you're a plotter, a pantser, or something in between. It's why I haven't been too specific with the things I said; it's best for you to try and see what actually works for you as a writer. Best of luck <3
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dannystheone · 1 year
X Marks The Spot! (Lee Nelly/Lers Julie and Sally) Welcome Home
Because nat is just so intelligent and good at everything she tries she made her oc Nelly Baker for the Welcome Home fandom all by herself!! and she's so cute!! she bakes cookies and gives hugs and teaches Spanish in the show!!
So here's my take on a tickle prompt that Nat could see happening with her character. Sweetheart you're my whole life thank you so much for all you've given me this past year, your patience, your time, your love, your everything. Here's to many more together <3
Please remember I'm not in the fandom so if I get a character interaction wrong I apologize!
Here's Nelly's design for a reference! Drawn by nat herself she gave me permission:
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It's Nelly's first sleepover with Julie and Sally! Super exciting! They get to talking and getting to know each other when the girls discover Nelly's unique stitching for the first time!
"-And then Frank chased Eddie around the garden and it was so cuuute! Eddie picked Frank up and carried him through the grass and ahhh it was so romantic! Those two are the perfect couple!" Julie Joyful held her heart as she swooned. Sally Starlet smiled wide as she nestled into her pillows.
"Aww, they sound stellar! I'm going to cast them in my new play coming up this summer. It's gonna be my biggest one yet!" Sally exclaimed with sparkles in her eyes. Sally and Julie giggled with each other as Nelly Baker came to the living room with a plate of orange cookies.
"Here's the finished orange cookies, girls! They came out really well!" Nelly placed the plate on the table and settled into the couch. The girls were having their first sleepover, and it was going well so far! Nelly had never been to a sleepover before, her snack cart took a lot of work to uphold, but tonight she made an exception for her friends. She couldn't pass up their kind invitation!
"Oh, great work Nelly! These look astral!" Sally and Julie each reached for a cookie from the plate and bit into them. Nelly's famous orange cookies were famous for a reason! Sally and Julie squealed as the cookies burst with citrus flavor.
"Mmmmm! These are soooo yummy! You really took the cake with these Nelly! Or you took the cookies, more like!" Julie smiled wide as Nelly smiled at her compliment.
"Oh thank you! It was nothing really." Sally finished her cookie quickly and reached for another one. She tugged on one of her yellow spikes thoughtfully.
"Nelly, you're so humble! You should give yourself more credit!" Julie said with a supportive smile. She hugged a plushy close to her as she brushed through her golden hair with her fingers. Sally finished her cookie and leaned forward on her knees.
"Well, remember what John Bunyan said! "I am content with what I have, little be it or much." Maybe Nelly's just happy with what she has!" Sally smiled at Nelly, and when Nelly smiled back at her, Sally noticed something for the first time.
"Yeah! I work hard to sell my treats, but I know I'm not the best or anything. I'm always learning and improving my recipes as well as I can." Nelly smoothed out her braids as Julie smiled at her.
"Hey, Nelly? I just noticed the stitching by your mouth. And on your neck too! They're cosmic! Where did you get the thread from?" Sally asked excitedly. Nelly brushed her fingers past her thread as if forgetting they were there. The red thread adorning the sides of her mouth and neck was a bit raised from the rest of her skin.
"Oh, they've been there for as long as I can remember! It's just kinda been there, I guess. I don't really pay attention to them to be completely honest." She shrugged with a calm smile on her face. Julie looked at her surprised.
"Oh really? I think they suit you!" Julie said honestly. Nelly brought a bigger smile to her face as she held her neck absent-mindedly.
"Well, thank you! I like your pajamas today, they really bring out your eyes!" Nelly complimented. Luckily the conversation shifted for a moment as Julie spread out her light blue nighty.
"Isn't it gorgeous! I made it myself out of Frank's curtains! He was upset for a day, but I made it up to him eventually!" Nelly leaned in to get a closer look at the pattern on the dress. As Nelly leaned forward, Sally noticed one of Nelly's threads on her neck was loose.
"Oh, Nelly? One of your threads is loose! Oh, don't worry I can fix it." Before Nelly could react, Sally produced a pair of scissors from her pocket and reached forward to help Nelly. Sally's fingers brushed past Nelly's stitching.
"Eek! Sally be careful, please! That's ticklish!" Nelly twitched as her shoulder bumped up out of reflex. Sally brought her hand back as Julie looked up at Nelly.
"Oh, so sorry girl! I didn't know you were ticklish!" Sally put her scissors back in her pocket as Julie became curious.
"Nelly, you're ticklish? That's so cute!" The girls inched closer to Nelly as Nelly put her hands up.
"Oh, haha, I guess! My threads are pretty sensitive aside from just my neck." Nelly put her hands down as Julie and Sally sat on either side of her to inspect her skin for more red threading.
"You have more threading than just on your neck? Stellar! Where are they?" Sally asked. Nelly, a little clueless to the question, moved her shirt aside and showed them more stitching lining down her collarbones.
"I have some lined up along here, and some on my stomach. There are some other places too, but I can't really-" Julie reached forward and fluttered her fingers over the red threading. Nelly giggled as she tried to stay in place for her curious friend.
"Oh, the color is so pretty! It reminds me of poppies in springtime!" Julie cooed as Sally traced her fingers down the length of Nelly's threading as it ended at her shoulders.
"I wish you knew where this thread was from, I would use it for all my clothing!" Sally sighed. Nelly was finding it difficult to keep still as her friend's fingers brushed over the threading.
"Tehehehee! Gihihihirls plehease! This tihihickles!" Nelly shivered as she tried to keep her body as still as she could for her curious friends. She figured it was the least she could do for them being so courteous and allowing her into their home.
"Aww but Nelly your laughter is so cute! You should laugh more, a smile looks radiant on you!" Sally exclaimed. "Remember what Catherine Pulsifer said! You always feel better when you have a good laugh; that is so true!" Sally fluffed her fingers over Nelly's shoulders and neck. Nelly squeaked and tried scrunching up her shoulders to hide her neck.
"Hehehehee! Dihihios mihihio! Ohohoho!~" Nelly giggled lightheartedly and tried bringing her hands up to her neck to shield herself a little.
"I'm glad you agree with the poem, Nelly! You're certainly in the right spirits!" Sally produced a feather from her crafty pockets and started fluffing it past Nelly's ear. Nelly twitched and tried batting the feather away like flitting away a bug.
"Oh Nelly I didn't realize you'd be this ticklish! How come we didn't know sooner! Were you hiding this from us?~" Julie gently took one of Nelly's hands into her own and pulled it away from her neck so she could scritch over Nelly's tummy. Nelly gave a small squeal as she picked her knee up and tittered.
"Oh right there's a good spot? There should be another stitch there!" Sally traveled her fingers along Nelly's belly until she found the raised stitching underneath her shirt. Sally scribbled her fingers into it while Nelly laughed with pink cheeks.
"Ehehehehe! Nohohoho nohohohot my tummehehee!" Nelly giggled as Julie and Sally cooed above her.
"Awww, she's so cute! I love how pink she is! We really tickled her pink didn't we?" Julie took a tuft of her hair and started feathering it over Nelly's neck while Sally tickled over Nelly's tummy. Nelly started to fall back into the couch as her laughs overcame her.
"I think we did! Nelly, on a scale from one to astronomical, how would you rate our performance in tickling you?" Sally narrated. Nelly snickered as she tried curling up into her ler's fingers to try and halt them.
"Ahahastronomicahahal! Ihihihit reheheally tihihickles!!" Her eyes narrowed as Sally and Julie kept tickling over her body. The girls cheered as they continued lightly tickling their friend.
"Divine! Would you say we're leaving you in stitches?~" Julie joked as Sally giggled at her corniness. Their fingers fluffed anywhere they could reach. Nelly's laughter was bubbly and sweet to their ears.
"Yeah! I hope you don't split a seam, Nelly!" Sally egged on as Julie and Sally switched, with Sally on Nelly's tummy and Julie on Nelly's ears. Nelly squealed and tried escaping the feather-light tickles.
"Ehehehehee! E-Esperahahahar! Pohohor fahahavor! Teehehehehee!" Nelly laughed out of squinted eyes as she covered up her tummy with her arms. She was thoroughly tickled and tingly from all the different tools and techniques used on her.
"Wow, what a wonderful show you put on, Nelly!" Sally clapped as Julie rubbed Nelly on the back and offered her some of her own cookies.
"Yeah, Nelly you're so fun to hang out with! You're a blast! Do you want to color or make a pillow fort?" Julie asked, already onto the next activity.
After Nelly finished half of her cookie, she nodded with a smile, completely refreshed.
"Yeah, I wanna do it all!" She replied excitedly.
"Yayyy! What should we do first?" Sally asked. Nelly put up one of her hands to stop Sally.
"Woah woah woah, not so fast. I said I wanted to do everything. Including getting you too back!" The living room filled with girlish squeals as Nelly chased her two friends around the living room, just to capture and tickle them playfully.
The rest of the sleepover was a major success, filled with baking, coloring, dramatic plays, and lots of laughter!
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chatonnoir · 1 year
are you excited for s6 tho
Not interested in seeing plot lines - that by all accounts should have had payoff and resolved this season - be artificially extended for the painfully obvious purpose of maintaining viewer interest (aka $$$) in seasons 6 onwards because the writers are too insecure in their own creation to have faith in people just being invested in the characters and world and wanting to see them go on new personal journeys and instead are relying on rinsing and repeating and dragging out the same old drama that has become their crutch. Not interested in watching Adrienette tragically speedrun becoming the worst relationship of the lovesquare and a joke of a romance and a mountain of wasted potential while Adrienette fangirls insist that its soooo sweet and well done and not at all asinine writing because they're happy they got their self-insert wish-fulfillment Harry Styles x Reader fanfic plotline. Said Adrienette fangirls will repeatedly say "OBVIOUSLY its was ALWAYS going to play out like this if you ACTUALLY paid attention, ur just mad it wasn't ur ship 💅😌" any time someone complains even a little about it but for those of us that did actually pay attention to the themes and progression, knowing that season 5 was always said to be the series finale and the end of the hawkmoth plot and the end of astruc's original story for Miraculous Ladybug before the series was slated for more seasons, and knowing there are even people who said they were planning to stop watching after season 5 because they only want to see the original storyline through to its end, season 5 as it is now would be a baffling joke of a series finale. It's not fit to be a series finale at all. This season is rushed and disjointed and baffling in how it abandons the themes that were just being emphasized in season 4 and frankly it should be obvious to anyone with half a functioning braincell who watches this season through to its end that this season was not actually oBvIoUsLy ALwAyS intended to be written like this and that things were changed and rewritten for the very purpose of not letting many of its established plot threads payoff and satisfyingly resolve because they need to maintain the forced drama and suspense to maintain their viewerbase. I'm not interested in watching characters and relationships and a story I loved be butchered and watch the same issues that should've resolved already continue to be issues that no characters learn from all for the purpose of keeping this show as a cashcow for another 8 years.
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octolingkiera · 9 months
May I request more info about the rise au so I can better suggest additional characters?
yeah of course!! i honestly forgot to mention what kind of au it is in the post itself (i made the post and then got off tumblr for hours like i was trying to forget i even made it in the first place dlkgfjsdljg) but i'd be happy to provide more info on the au!
(the post in question)
so the au is the separated au i've been working on for over a year (first chapter is posted on ao3 as sunset hues, jetpack blues) and i'm looking to add more characters into the fic to spice things up a little
the general premise is that splinter was only able to save raph and mikey, leaving leo and donnie (known in the fic as lee and dee) with draxum. the fic starts about where the series does, around the events of mystic mayhem, and after raph, mikey, and april destroy draxum's lab, lee and dee use this as a distraction to run away.
i intend the fic to follow lee and dee as they forge their new life away from draxum, and along the way they meet their brothers and splinter and april and end up becoming heroes. i'm going to loosely follow canon (a retelling, sort of, as a lot of sep aus tend to) but i don't want to follow canon 1-to-1. i want to add some new arcs, some new adventures, and change the existing things to match the change of circumstances
the foot clan are still planning on bringing back shredder, that's a given, and some things might still happen along the same lines as canon (especially stuff that happens off screen and some of the stuff with raph/mikey/april) but i hate when fics just rehash canon, so i'm trying to add some excitement
some characters i've already considered are:
tigerclaw (he's a bounty hunter here)
miyamoto usagi (he's an adult here, and he owns a dojo in the hidden city)
bebop and rocksteady (i'm thinking they're battle nexus competitors)
mona lisa (i'm going to make her a yokai, possibly late teens, early 20s, and tweak her name to be ramona, with "mona" as a nickname)
miwa (borrowing this name to create a snake yokai that's friends with mona lol)
i jokingly thought it would be funny to add in the frog mutants from tmnt 87 lol
but i've been really stuck on how to add any more characters, and which characters to even add. i don't want them to be big characters or very important, mostly just characters that the cast can interact with to fill the world, but i'm not a big fan of OCs so i figured adding (semi) recognizable tmnt characters would be a fun workaround lol
adding some more characters to make yokai would be fun i think, bc rise has this whole city full of them and we only ever get to meet a handful and it leaves soooo many possibilities
i hadn't really considered adding more antagonists before (barring tigerclaw, who i have Plans for) but it might make for some interesting plot threads to add more of them. rise has a fun mutant cast but most of them get reused a lot and
sorry if this doesn't really help much but thanks for asking!! i'm very excited for this fic and i wanna make it the best it can be. i wanna talk about this fic so much but also i dont wanna spoil everything before i get around to writing it so it's a fine balance between explaining enough to be useful and not explaining too much lol
honestly, any suggestions would be helpful. just giving a place to start would help. i don't mind doing some research but i don't have firsthand experience with characters outside of rise, mutant mayhem, and anyone in the first three-ish seasons of 87
thanks again for the ask!!
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layzeal · 2 years
hello i just want you to know that i’m absolutely FERAL for the thread fic you’re doing on twitter rn, all i did all afternoon was refresh twitter it was frankly embarrassing, i got no work done. If too many irl people didnt follow my twitter i would have been going rabid in the replies 😭
(please post it to AO3 pleasepleasepleaseplelasleplalspleeease it’s so good im begging)
have a wonderful night i’m so excited for the finale to start tomorrow 🫣
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i'm so glad you're enjoying it!! the original idea was actually much shorter but i became so attatcjed ti wangxian from that AU that now i wanna see them okay too hahahaha
yeeees i'll definitely be posting it to ao3 later, those typos are KILLING MEEEE. and as much as i love threadfics for being quick, they're just not my writing style. i wanna give that fic all the words it deserves 💗💕
this comment means a lot, thank you soooo so much!!!
and to anyone curious about the threadfic: link below!
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premise: wei wuxian gets captured in lotus pier by the wens and disappears. after they win the war, they force the clans to pay up for their rebellion, and lan wangji becomes a cultivation cauldron for wen xu (aka forced to dual cultivate together to improve his cultivation). one day, while wen xu is planning to entertain his guests, lan wangji meets wei wuxian again, and finds his answers to where he's been in the past two years
CONTENT WARNINGS!!! (because this needs a lot) forced sex work, forced exhibitionism, dubious consent (between wx) of fuck-or-die and sex pollen types, mentions of noncon (not between wx). on-screen main character near-death, some SA survivor guilt. blood, violence, at some point the dubcon borders into noncon bc of the circumstances and it can get a little scary. literally everything about the situation is awful but wangxian are still trying to take care of each other through it and that's what matters 💞
also technically not a yuwu AU but... a LOT of yuwu references and inspirations lmao
the worst parts have already passed too, so if you're interested but don't think you can handle this type of premise without the immediate happy ending, the threadfic is almost finished
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cxnscience · 2 years
RUNS IN HERE. hi hello hope you know that your writing is a gem and i love love jiminy so much. he's such a compelling character with several different layers to him. all of your threads have me on the edge of my seat whenever i read them; brilliant. you got me (and i bet several others) emotionally attached to this little roach.
always look forward to seeing him around ;D!! hope you (and jiminy, he's peeping so many horrors) have a wonderful rest of the month. its been so nice to be able to talk with you more
WAAAAAH WAAAAAAAAAH SAVVY YOU'RE TOO NICE!!!!!! at the end of the day i am only doing my job correctly if i've managed to persuade others to care even remotely about this awful little creacher....... and i'm always so excited to hear when i've succeeded. Roaches Have Layers and i'm just here to put him under a microscope and wonder what the fuck is wrong with him. i'm so so thankful you find him interesting and like reading the bizarre shit he gets up to
you're for real one of the SWEETEST people i've met on this site and you're SO talented with writing distinct character voices and creating amazing graphics and art like hello?? it's been SO fun to get to talk with you more & it's a vibe every time you join call. the bendy lore is so interesting to read about and the way you write bee is soooo perfect i just need to put all of your characters in my mouth and hold them
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nyalisa-landale · 3 months
I still haven't hit the level 95 dungeon yet but I DID just get the last keystone and alisa is still having a good-ass time on her summer vacation
* i legitimately don't know if it would be funnier if the weed vape pen was invented by garlond ironworks or by sharlayan scientists (it was probably the sharlayans tho) but regardless alisa DEFINITELY has one and she takes a hit every time she starts feeling unchill
* she's more chill about the contest after the spar with gulool ja ja anyway since now she knows what it's really about
* yes this means she DOES take a hit every time bakool ja ja does something annoying, except for when she has to be in combat about it
* the solo duty as wuk lamat was pretty fun! they tuned it really well, I was constantly worried about dying but aside from one misstep at the start I never actually did
* "gee wuk lamat, how come you get to have TWO dads?"
* the last three electors are all voiced by koana's va (in english) and I read a Twitter thread he did about how that happened and how touched he is by everyone's reception to him as koana and it's very heartwarming :3 also he does not stand for wuk lamat slander!!!!
* the very moment zereel ja greets bakool ja ja as his son the twins look nervously over at alisa, who's already in the middle of taking a huge hit on her vape. it's 100% so she doesn't throw down with zereel ja for being a shitty dad.
* she's still high enough while bakool ja ja and his mom are trying to explain the cost of the blessed siblings that she just kind of goes "soooo, how many dead children are we talking here?" before they can even work up to it. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to make light of it, I just kind of figured that's where this was going."
* she gets really excited during the fight against gulool ja ja's shade when he does his ultimate, because he tried to do it when they sparred but couldn't without the head of reason.
* I liked that koana and his fancy sharlayan studies got a chance to shine in figuring out why the mamool ja had so much trouble growing food. and erenville's gleaner connections, too.
* a random roegadyn shows up. me: *surprised pikachu face* ketenramm???????
* I've been playing pretty slowly in part because it's been hot af here and part because of the holiday and the time my mom took off for it, so I have to be really careful about when I play because she WILL walk out into the living room when I least expect it and she WILL criticize the voiced cutscenes OTL I'm really looking forward to when she goes back to work lol
* "but azu, why don't you just play on your laptop in your room?" 1) because it's been hot af and I'm not trying to fry my laptop 2) because I still haven't put my pc code into mogstation yet lmao
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killsupe-arch · 2 years
@toonsupe : send me your url *
my opinion on :
Character in general : easily one of the top 5 favorite characters of the show. when he first showed up i thought he was going to be your typical quiet, mysterious black-masked character who is an absolute menace to society once you set him loose, and i can't tell you how glad i am to be wrong. he's so interesting and has so many layers to him that we unfortunately didn't get to see on-screen but by the time the show was done with him i couldn't help but feel like we deserved to see so much more. i would give anything to just pat his shoulder and tell him it's gonna be okay. How they play them : jesus christ c i would sit here for hours talking about how you breathe so much life into this character like it's nobody's business. i will never waste an opportunity to tell you how happy i am that you're the one writing him because you literally took one of the most misunderstood characters of the show to turn into something that not only feels real and human but also goes along with the little pieces we have of him. every reply and every post i see of yours cements the fact that you care about noir so much and it makes me go crazy <3 literally the writers of the show wished they had half of your brain to come up with the amazing headcanons and exquisite writing you bless us with on the dash. magnificent/10 The Mun : please please please you said it yourself we have a binding type of contract and we're now stuck with each other forever. i love chatting with you whether it's about our little meow meows or just completely unrelated things. you're so sweet and kind and soooo fucking passionate about black noir that talking to you feels refreshing and just... so freaking nice. i never feel like i'm bothering you even when i write entire walls of text about hughie or whatever crosses my mind and for that i am banging the table with my tiny fists . ily <3
do i :
RP with them : YES we have a few threads together and another couple of asks waiting to be answered . Want to RP with them :  all day every day <3 if my brain allowed it i'd be all over for you because your notifs could not handle the speed of my replies
what is my :
Overall Opinion : an absolute delight to have on the dash, both muse and mun. from the very second i came here you made me feel extremely welcomed and i'm soo excited to see what the future holds for hughie and noir. just what we have of them so far has me bouncing off the walls ! and i know it's gonna be incredible because just writing and plotting with you is amazing. mwah
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