#[ yes my dear I was your Santa ❤️❤️❤️ ]
lokisgoodgirl · 9 months
Peace [Loki x Reader]
A Link to my Masterlist is HERE Summary: After an outing to the Christmas Tree Farm goes awry, Loki does a little soul searching in his moccasins. (w/c 1.2k) Warnings: A tiny bit spicy. Like literally pepper. Fluff, some forestry angst(?) A/N: My contribution to the Secret Santa 2023 event hosted by the wonderful @fictive-sl0th - Merry Christmas @coldnique  ❤️ Request: Reader and Loki are burdened with a mission; finding the perfect tree. Unfortunately, our god doesn't deem any of the ones they see at the farm worthy so...
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You watched Loki’s frown deepen as he concentrated on the road ahead. A familiar sign flashed by at the roadside, finally. Tony had given you a loan of his cabin in Vermont for the week. But festive, it was not. Not yet.
You turned up the volume on the touch-screen, hoping that Elton would rouse Loki’s mood a little. Biting your lip, you glanced at the god out the corner of your eye. No change. The trip to the Christmas tree farm had not been a success.
“They were all too...bushy, unkempt” he grumbled, switching to fifth gear with an unnecessarily erotic yank. “Well that’s what pine trees do, my love” you replied, letting your eyes run up his chest, up his neck. Loki hurmphed. “-And the needles on them were so jagged. Dry. All arrogance and no substance." He tilted his chin upwards, the hard vein in his neck throbbing at the tip of an elegant turtle-neck jumper. The god let out an incredulous scoff. “My dear you could injure your delicate mortal hands. I simply will not allow it.” He paused, nodding sagely as you approached a bend. "Arrogant. Yes, that's what they were. No individuality, no...depth,” he growled, giving a haughty sniff. You looked out the window, taking a deep and silent breath. Placing a hand on his thigh, you felt the muscles beneath his jeans work, clenching. You gave him a consolatory pat. “I mean really,” Loki continued undeterred. “Once the various trinkets you like so much are added to the tableau it will look truly ridiculous. Pompous, in fact.” “At least they were green,” you murmured. The sound of Loki’s hair whipping as he snapped to face you rustled the air. “Yes,” he snipped. “At least they were that.”
Back at the cabin, you flinched as Loki threw the door closed behind him. He strode into the kitchen, dropping the car keys in a dish with a malevolent rattle. You walked to where he stood gripping the counter top, sliding your hands around his waist. He huffed gently, before his touch covered yours. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. “I ruined the Christmas ambiance, didn’t I?” “A bit, yes” you replied. He huffed again. The soft, nasal kind that denoted annoyance at himself. He spun to face you.
The fine knit of his sweater pulled against your fingertips. In seconds his lips sealed to your neck, longing kisses wet against the angle of your jaw. Loki pulled you against him, soft tongue darting teasingly against your lips as he sought entry. Your hands slid up his chest, toying with the high collar tight against the sharp slate of his jaw before you slid your fingers up. They tangled in his locks, tugging gently while he moaned into your mouth.
“Ah-” he gasped suddenly, timed with a well-placed squeeze of your hand against his cock.
It pulsed against your palm. You smiled. Fucking on Tony’s counter-top was most definatley on your 'Christmas ambiance' list. The smile fell as Loki touched your hand, pulling it gently aside. He gazed at you with narrowed eyes, a thoughtful glint sparking deep within them. His lip twitched as he straightened, towering over you. Rogue curls fell around your face, the scent of his almond and redcurrant cologne that clung to every strand making your mouth water. “I cannot be held responsible for diminishing the glimmer of Yule in that precious heart of yours,” he whispered gallantly, before clearing his throat. “I shall be back presently to right this most egregious wrong.” And in the swirl of a coat and the click of the latch, he was gone.
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Loki walked approximately fifteen steps before he admitted to himself that the soft leather moccasins were a bad choice.
He pulled the coat he was wearing tighter. The hem flapped against his knees as he walked. Unfortunately for Loki, he had neglected to pack alternative shoes in his pocket dimension. And furthermore, he could not abide a return to the cabin after such a flawlessly theatrical exit. A warming enchantment on his feet would have to suffice.
He walked, and he walked. And the forest grew thicker.
The god’s gaze darted between each majestic pine tree, stretching to the sky. Perfect, he mused bitterly. They’re all too perfect. If Loki had learned anything in past years about the power of this so called christ-mas, then it was that the festivities were a time for see the beauty in things oft overlooked. To celebrate that which was diminished throughout the other, more bountiful seasons. Loki could relate to that feeling. It was part of the reason he enjoyed it so much. He came to a clearing, shivering lightly as he stopped. Snow had begun to fall in silent flakes, resting atop already heaving branches. How far had he walked, he wondered. Loki looked up, closing his eyes to the bright, frozen sky. The god would never quite understand how he had found himself living happily on Midgard. In truth, how he had found himself living happily at all. It frightened him sometimes how much he saw his past-self as another. Like one of your documentaries, or a myth. Stories told as a cautionary tale with a flashlight under one’s chin in the dead of night. A fiction. And he would tell them gladly. But it was not himself of which he spoke. Not really. Not anymore. It frightened him, oh yes. Not that he would ever tell anyone that. No one but you.
But Yule is a time for honouring one’s past, he surmised. And so – the first emblem of the season he chose himself should reflect that. "Where are you?" he murmured quietly, spinning in a measured circle with his eyes closed. A flake of snow stuck to his bottom lip. He felt it melt against the warmth it found. Loki opened his eyes. He took a few steps towards the nearest tree. Tall, bushy, perfect – just like the others. But he trusted in the moment, however that worked.
His moccasins crunched, disappearing into thickening snow beneath his feet. Moisture soaked into the suede lining. The god shifted around the plump fir, pushing its branches from his path. "There you are," he whispered against the chill.
In amongst the tightly packed pine trees, sat a rather modest specimen. It was a fine tree. Noble, despite its diminutive state. A little tired. Lack of sunlight from those crowding around it had stunted its growth. Loki could see where its branches had fought for every scrap of light, twisting and adapting at strange angles. He ran his fingers gently across the vibrant spines. Plump, and luscious. None came loose. The tree was free of snow, shielded by the very branches which cramped his ascent to their level. He hummed an Asgardian chant, running his hand to the tip of the branch.
Loki waited for a response. He lowered his head, listening. It was ceremony. "This, I swear," he murmured in reverence. With the greatest care, he summoned the gentlest magic he possessed. The tree roots came away with ease, plucked from the moist soil like sponge from a greased tin. Willingly, he thought with a smile. And Loki cradled the small tree all the way back to the cabin. You were overjoyed, greeting him through the window and then at the door with a smile that would rival the brightest moon. That evening, you and he decorated the small tree with delicate ornaments. Loki was sure that he had never seen a finer Yuletide scene. And every day, in the bright winter light of the living room, and where you and Loki spent lazy nights celebrating by the warmth of the fire – that little tree grew. Love, space, freedom, faith. Loki pondered those words whenever he saw it. The god tended it every day with his magic, keeping the roots fresh in their temporarily home. And when the holiday ended, he would re-plant it. Somewhere it could continue its journey to its full potential in peace. Peace, Loki mulled as he brushed a strand of hair back from your cheekbone while you slept on his chest. Carols played. He inhaled against your hair, feeling your breaths rise and fall in time with his own. Peace.
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Secret Santa 2023 taglist: @joyful-enchantress @mochie85 @muddyorbs @holdmytesseract @simplyholl @lady-rose-moon @superficialdomina @cultofcarter @coldnique @give-me-a-moose @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @smolvenger @loz-3 @catsladen @acidcasualties @divine-knight-hand @glitchquake @nyxlaufeyson @fandxmslxt69 @holymultiplefandomsbatman @fictive-sl0th @smolvenger Tags (cont in comments)
@lokischambermaid @meowmeow-motherfucker @gigglingtiggerv2 @imalovernotahater @avengersalways @littledark11 @lokikissesmyforehead @thedistractedagglomeration @loopsisloops @morriggannlostinfandoms @marygoddessofmischief @xorpsbane @peacefulpianist @yelkmelk @wheredafandomat @mistress-ofmagic @ozymdias @your-taste-on-my-lips
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cower-before-power · 1 year
Sweet Tooth
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Summary: Needing a break from the absolute drag that is your bitchy cousin's wedding, you slip outside for some air. Luckily for you, a cute waiter and a stolen bottle of champagne are ready and waiting to sweeten your night considerably.
Pairing: Modern AU Connie Springer x F!Reader
Word Count: 2,684
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, drinking at work, dub-con (because Reader and Connie are tipsy), implied/referenced sexual content (including unprotected sex, outdoor sex, sex with someone you barely know, oral sex/cum eating), horrible horrible sex puns involving food, rusty writing.
A/N: HEY LOOK MA, I WROTE SOMETHING!! I started this fic ages ago, but only had the motivation to finish it recently thanks to joining The Coffee Corner discord server. This is for their Slice of Life collab, I hope you enjoy some funny Modern AU adult Connie, thank you for reading, likes and (especially) reblogs are greatly appreciated ❤️.
You breathe a sigh of relief as you slip outside into the refreshing evening air. The thumping of music and sounds of people talking dull as the door clicks shut behind you. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t like weddings. It was just that you didn’t like this wedding.
Your cousin had always been a spoiled brat, a pouty, whiney thing that threw tantrums whenever something didn’t exactly go her way. They two of you had never gotten along, and you knew your parents did not exactly like that side of the family. But they wanted to avoid being reamed out for the next 20 years, so when the invitations arrived, your dad checked off “Yes” with a what could only be described as a world-weary sigh. 
You knew she didn’t actually want you there. It was a chance to show off, to show how wealthy her poor (and dumb) husband was and how lavish of a wedding she could throw. If there was one thing that stayed constant, it was her need to always be the center of attention.
“Need a light?”
You whirl around, hand clutching your chest as you come face to face with bright eyes and a toothy grin. Your heart does a strange ga-lump that has nothing to do with being startled; it’s him.
The guy you’ve had your eye on all night, one of the only bright spots in this whole wretched affair. You’ve dubbed him Cute Waiter in your mind, his boyishly charming good looks and happy-go-lucky demeanor like a beam of sunshine through the gloom. He wasn’t assigned to your table, sadly, and you’d been wondering how you would be able to strike up a conversation with him.
Seems like something good may be coming out of this night after all.
“I-I don’t smoke,” you shake your head, frantically trying to reclaim a tiny bit of composure. “Just out for some fresh air.”
“Oh, my bad,” he says cheerfully, stowing the lighter he’d been holding out back into his uniform pocket. “It is kind of stuffy in there, isn’t it?”
You sigh in agreement. “And loud. And mentally exhausting. If my cousin rubs it in my face one more time that she’s married and I’m still “hopelessly inept” at finding love, I’m not responsible for what will happen next.”
Cute Waiter laughs, loud and jolly like he’s auditioning for the role of Santa in a school play. It’s surprisingly adorable. “Yeah, because love is totally in the air tonight.”
You giggle at his words. “She claims it’s love, but trust me; their marriage came to be because of money and the fact my dear cousin does not take no for an answer.”
Cute Waiter leans against the wall of the venue, hands tucked into his pockets as he continues to flash that mega-watt grin. “Yeah, I got the vibe. Wanna make bets about how awkward their night’s gonna be later?”
You snort. “I’m certain she’s just been laying back and thinking of platinum credit cards and shopping sprees for the last two years, and that poor bastard has no idea. He’ll probably be convinced it’s a night of romance while she’s planning the layout of their new mansion in her head.”
Cute Waiter shakes his head, chuckling. “Damn, are we sure they have a chance? Maybe I’ll be serving food at their divorce party. Or his funeral after she murders him for the dough.”
Your face hurts from how much you’re smiling. “Is it bad to say I hope so? The food is very good.”
“Niccolo is quite the whiz in the kitchen,” Cute Waiter agrees genially. “You can’t get much better around here.”
Almost in slow motion, you see your opening being laid out before you. Bolstered no doubt by the two glasses of wine at dinner, and encouraged by the fact he was just so cute and funny, you make your move.
“Of course, I also hope it would mean I’d see a certain man I’ve dubbed Cute Waiter again.”
The man in front of you blinks, eyebrows raising as his face morphs into an strange expression of surprise and amusement. “Cute Waiter, you say?”
“Yes,” you nod, determined to see this through now that it’s underway. “I’ve been wondering how I could get a chance to talk with him all night, but he’s been very busy.” You feel your face warming under his hazel stare. “Imagine my delight to find he’s not only cheerful and good looking, but extremely funny and easy to talk to as well.”
Cute Waiter’s cheeks bloom a lovely shade of pink. “That’s-wow. The prettiest girl at this wedding just-do you really-I mean, thank you,” he stutters out, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m Connie.”
You duck your head shyly at his compliment, your own name murmured softly as you try to calm your thrumming heart. “Hello, Connie.” You stick out your hand out, heat now racing down your neck as you inwardly cringe at your own awkwardness.
Connie grins, taking your proffered hand in a gentle grip. You try not to think of how warm his hand is as his fingers curl around yours. “I think I liked Cute Waiter better.”
You could probably cook an egg on your face at this point. “Well, it’s still a true sentiment anyways.”
Connie chuckles. “You’re good for my ego.” His gaze drops to your still clasped hands. You stammer out an apology, attempting to snatch your misbehaving limb back, but to your surprise (and excitement), he grips your hand tighter.
“Wanna get out of here?”
Your eyes widen as your heart gives an excited thump. “What? Right now?”
Connie nods, eagerness rolling off him in waves. “I’m thinking you, me, and that massive bottle of expensive champagne I saw on the gift table deserve to get to know each other a little bit better. Preferably away from the god-awful vibes this place is giving off.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, but there’s no denying the thrum of excitement beneath your skin.
“You wanna skip out of work, steal someone else’s booze and run off with a girl you’ve known for all of 10 minutes?”
Connie grins. “If that girl is you, then hell yes.”
Laughter bubbles up from your chest like fizz in a soda can. “Then lead the way, Cute Waiter.”
And that’s how you find yourself down by the lake, sprawled out on a stolen tablecloth, tipsy giggles escaping the both of you as the champagne bottle is passed between you. Your animated chatter fills the twilight hour, talking about anything and everything. Connie is easy to talk to, open and free with what feels like a genuine interest in what you have to say. It’s nice. You don’t want it to end.
“This stuff is horrible,” Connie hiccups, shaking his head as he hands you the bottle. “Why do rich people have such garbage taste in alcohol?”
“I like it,” you grab the bottle from him, hugging it to your chest as if it was a beloved teddy bear. “It tastes like sunlight in a bottle. Maybe I’ll serve it at my wedding. If I ever get one.”
“You will,” Connie states matter-of-factly. “You’re super smart, pretty, funny, and nice. The only thing that sucks about you is your choice of drink. This shit is worse than pond water.”
You gasp in mock offense, your stomach doing somersaults at his compliments. “Okay, you are not invited to my hypothetical wedding, Mr. Meanie! How dare you insult the nectar of the gods?”
“Nectar- sweet mother of mercy,” Connie snorts, wrinkling his nose as you take another sip. “You’re too drunk to think straight, next thing you know you’ll be telling me you loved that horrible monstrosity your dear cousin calls a wedding dress.”
“I’m not drunk,” you giggle, “just a little tipsy. And no way am I ever wearing a dress like that. She looked like an over frosted cupcake-and that’s being nice.”
“Mmmmm cupcakes,” Connie sighs, rubbing a hand over his stomach. “Damn it, should’ve nicked some food, I’m hungry now.”
“Oh! I can help, one sec,” You wiggle around so you can reach your handbag, rummaging around until you find what you’re looking for. “Tada! Emergency Twinkies. I stashed some in case the food here was garbage, thankfully it wasn’t at all but you never can be too careful.” You nod sagely at the boy beside you.
“Shit, are you an angel?” Connie breaths, eyes going big and dopey as he takes the proffered treats. “Twinkies? A bunch of Twinkies in your bag. Just in case.”
“I always carry one at least,” you feel your heart going all gooey at his starry-eyed amazement. “You never know when you’re going to need a snack.”
Connie groans, low and deep in his throat, and you squirm at the sudden heat pricking at you. “You are literally the most fucking perfect girl. I am so glad I picked up this shift.”
“I’m glad I came too,” your smile is threatening to break your face in half, but you just can’t help it. There’s just something about Connie that makes you feel  warm and blissful, like the first sip of perfectly prepared coffee as it bursts on your tongue. 
You stare at each other, silly grins and hazy eyes and all the hope of youthful infatuation.
You don’t know who moves first.
What you do know, is that Connie kisses like he laughs; full, deep and with purpose. His mouth is warm and sweet with lingering champagne, and you whine as he cups the back of your neck to push you even closer to him. 
Maybe it’s the buzz of the alcohol, or the sweet song of the crickets, or the thudding of your heart when Connie licks into your mouth like he’s going die if he doesn’t taste every inch. It could be the thrill of being desired, the delicate bloom of two young hearts connecting as if you were in some sort of sappy fairytale. You don’t really know, nor do you really care.
But you let Connie lay you down on the tablecloth, let him ruck your fancy dress up, let him touch you until you’re trembling like the leaves in the warm spring breeze. 
“This ok?” He’s got one hand beside your head, the other stroking your inner thigh gently. “I uh-this wasn’t my intention, not right away anyways, but like, you’re so fucking cool and hot and I really really like you and-”
“Yes, ohmygosh yes,” you interrupt his rambling, clutching at his shoulders desperately. “I’m good. Fantastic. Wonderful. And very horny, so please hurry up.”
Connie huffs a laugh, leaning down to kiss you as you help him free himself from the confines of his pants. After that, only the soft light of the nearly set sun is the witness to your bodies meeting, your groans and sighs carried away on the gentle summer breeze as you let yourself drown in pleasure. 
When you’re both spent you lay beside each other, panting and grinning as your heartbeats slowly return to normal. You feel floaty, fizzy with satisfaction, like you’ve downed that whole damn bottle of champagne in one gulp. You can’t remember the last time you felt so good at the hands of another, and you can feel yourself itching to grab the man beside you and have him do it again.
Suddenly, a thought niggles it’s way into your fuzzy brain, and you snicker loudly.
“I hope that’s not in response to my performance,” Connie reaches over to pinch your cheek affectionately.
“No,” you titter tipsily, swatting his hand away. “I was just thinking….now I’m a Twinkie.”
Connie scrunches his eyebrows. “What?”
A snort leaves you. “I’m a Twinkie….because now I’m filled with cream.”
You dissolve into fits of giggles as his mouth drops open in surprise.
“Ugh, no fair!! You can’t make jokes like that!” Connie digs his fingers into your ribs, grinning as you shriek in surprise. “Not unless you want me to fall in love with you!”
You squirm away from his questing fingers. “Slow your roll there, cowboy,” you warn, but your heart is light and your skin is tingling. “At least take me on a date first!”
“I suppose,” Connie sighs dramatically. “But you better reign in that charm! One more stashed snack or raunchy joke and you might never get rid of me.”
The thought isn’t unpleasant. “You better not come home with me and look inside my bedside drawer then.”
“Oh?” Connie waggles his brows suggestively. “Whatcha got in there, hmmm? Some Skittles and flavoured lube? Fuzzy Peaches and fuzzy handcuffs? Edible candy panties? Please say edible candy panties.”
You laugh as you sit up, feeling for your bag. “Why don’t you come over after work and see? Assuming you still have a job, that is. I don’t think you’re supposed to drink and have sex on the clock.” You shimmy in triumph as you fish out your phone. “Here, give me your number, Cute Waiter Who Is Also Pretty Good At Sex.”
Connie smirks, grabbing your phone as he sits and pulls his own out of his pocket. You take it eagerly. “Don’t worry, I’m still employed. Niccolo owes me like a million favors, considering I’m the reason he and his fiancé, aka my best friend, are even together. That’s why I even have this job.” He winks, handing your phone back.  “Ah, the joys of nepotism.”
“Sexy,” you giggle as you swap phones. You smile when you see what he’s saved his contact as: Cute Waiter Who Is Also Pretty Good At Sex. Part of you feels a sense of disbelief; did you really just hook up with a hot, sweet, funny guy at your cousin’s wedding? And now you’re getting his phone number? After all the shit you got tonight for being the lonely single loser?
Take that, you frigid bitch.
Connie looks at his phone. He groans loudly as he reads what you’ve typed in. “You saved yourself as Twinkie ❤? Damn, woman! I’m never gonna be able to eat those delectable golden treats without popping a stiffy now. I’m rising to half mast right now just looking at this.”
You reach over and toss him the forgotten package, rolling your eyes playfully as it smacks him in face. “Down, boy. Eat your treat like you originally planned.”
Connie tosses the snack away, and you shiver as a hungry look flits across his genial face. “Yeah, these are not gonna cut it anymore. I wanna stuff my face with a different Twinkie now.”
Your insides twist violently, molten heat trickling down your spine at the implication of his words. 
“Ohmygosh,” you groan, already whipping your phone back out to text your parents you’re heading home. “Fuck the rest of this, we’re going to my place. Now.”
Connie pumps his fist in the air as he jumps to his feet. “Hell yes! Do I have a horseshoe up my ass today or what?” He makes a show of trying to look behind himself, as if his behind might actually be sporting one.
Your face feels like it will break in two from the force of your smile. “Just order us a damn Uber, you goof.”
Connie salutes and begins typing rapidly on his phone. You stand, adjusting yourself to contain the mess that’s currently trying to drip down your legs. “Damn. Should have grabbed napkins along with that booze. I’m leaking like a broken facet over here.”
Connie’s phone is already in his pocket, and your heart thumps happily at the warmth of his hand as it slides into your own.
“I’m all the cleanup you need, babe,” he winks, tugging you gently into his chest. You look up at him, all smiles and flushed cheeks, mischief dancing in his adoring gaze. You don't know if you've ever felt so alive, so free, so ready for wherever he takes you.
“After all," he lowers his mouth to brush teasingly against yours, "the cream is the best part of a Twinkie.”
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pinksirensong · 2 years
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dedicated to @ellooo0ooo ❤️
7 days until Christmas
Christmas was by far the favorite holiday from the waking world of Love of the Endless. Valentine's day was about love, but she always thought it was more of Desire's thing than hers, lust almost always winning from love, but Christmas was the time for joy, family and love, all things the oldest Endless cared about. The movies on this season were also her favorite, even if it was rare to be able to see it, but when it happened it did inspire her.
This year she was more than inspired to help love, not only because of the things at the waking world, but also because for the first time in forever she was truly happy. This year Y/N had Morpheus by her side and not in the sister way or the warm your bed for the night way too, he was hers as much as she was his and that was a reason to celebrate love.
Her target, in the most lovely way, were two young people. The girl was shy and very introvert, had a few friends and a lovely family, but it was hard for her to connect with other people beside them. The boy wasn't exactly like that, he was reserved but not because he had any issues in talking with people, he could socialize with anyone, but only his friends could get him. The hardest thing for Y/N was to find how to make them meet...it all started and ended with a red book in a library. Dash & Lily's Book of Dares.
5 days until Christmas
It was fun to see and help young love, at least the beginning of it. She gave the push, the rest was up to them. Maybe she would change his mind about Christmas, a date she loved and he despised and maybe he would help her get out of her shell. Something would happen, if not now then later, the thread was there and it was one of the strong one.
"My twin, I stand in my gallery holding your sigil. I ask your permission to visit your realm."
"You are always welcome at my garden, twin." Destiny's voice echoed through her gallery. A moment later Y/N was no longer in Akai Ito but at his Garden.
"Hello, Des. How delightful it's to see you and smell this beautiful roses!"
"Is that why you are here?" rarely the Endless family would visit Destiny, only for their family reunion.
"You are my beloved twin and it's almost Christmas. I always get too sentimental when it's close, you know that."
"Yes, if I am not mistaken last year you cried when that child saw that Santa Claus man for the first time."
“It was a very cute scene, but you know why exactly I am here. It’s already in your book, I’m sure, but we’re twins and you are my favorite brother.” as twins, even if being an Endless, they had a strong bond and they shared everything about their lives with each other…mostly Love did since Destiny had no life outside his realm.
“Indeed, I do.”
“It’s a little bit boring that you know everything. Can’t you pretend not to know?”
“I could certainly try. For you, of course.”
“Keep that thought for next time, alright?”
“Is there going to be a next time?”
“Oh, you know how tricky fare can be, dear twin.” another wouldn’t notice the little smile on his face, but Y/N knew him too well to miss it. The rest of their day was spent just talking about the news in Love’s life and some insight in Dream's life too.
3 days until Christmas
"Akai Ito is looking more festive than the Dreaming and it's only me and my doves there. What a shame, Dream of the Endless." she was sitting on his throne waiting for him to finish whatever problem he had to deal with.
"There is no reason for it. They are allowed to dream of this holiday if it is their wish." the place was in fact without any decoration, it was like any other day. "Surely you know it is impolite to sit on another's monarch throne."
"Well, it's not comfortable like mine so I guess you should make up to me for all this time I've spent here waiting for you." Y/N pouted at her lover and he couldn't hold back his smile at the sight.
"Perhaps you are right, my love. I should not have neglected you for such a long time." Love stood up and walked towards him and put her arms around him. "How could I ever repay such a mistake?"
"Oh, I would very much enjoy going to your chambers so you could…repay me for your lack of attention." their lips were almost touching when she said that. "Unfortunately I must go back to my realm soon, there is much to do and so little my doves can help with."
"Or you could not entertain this idea of Christmas and stay here with me." Morpheus pulled Y/N closer so he could kiss her, but she stopped him using her hand.
"It's tradition. For a few hours my beautiful doves can go back to their mortal form and enjoy their holiday. It's my power that allows that, as I have already told you many times, my dream."
"And yet I still find it not necessary."
"You take care of your realm's affairs and I will do the same with mine. I don't wish to spend our little time together fighting over our duties. Wouldn't you rather be kissing me?" Dream didn't answer her with words, but with action. While they were kissing, lord of the Dreaming couldn't help but think that he wanted for it to be their affairs from both realms, he wished to make her his queen and also be her king. The Dreaming and Akai Ito would work together perfectly, dreams and love were often tied to one another.
Every time he thought it was the perfect time something would just happen and stop him, it was getting frustrating, but before their next reunion with the rest of the Endless he would've already proposed to Love. They lost too much time, mostly because of him and his stubbornness, but after everything they were still together and in love. Nothing could break them apart now.
Christmas Eve
Their celebration never happened inside, not even when Love had only one dove. No, it was always outside her castle where the flowers always bloom beautifully and there was also a big fountain. It was all decorated and there was even a Christmas tree with some ornaments chosen by the other residents of Akai Ito.
"Did you do it?" Flávia's form came closer to where she was. Y/N was watching as Kyra and Paloma were dancing around the fountain. The ceremony had already started, until the sum came up they would be at their mortal's form. It always amazed the Endless to see them like this, they were all beautiful and even more when happy like today.
"Kind of. Left a gift before coming back."
"A gift?"
"Well, where would be the fun in telling him?" Y/N knew her lover and if she was correct he would soon call her through her sigil. Morpheus couldn't be mad at her, it's not he was the last to know about it. Sure, Destiny knew about it and so did all of her doves and perhaps she told Lucienne as well, but that was all. He was one of the last to know.
As always Love was right, when the clock struck midnight at the waking world Dream of the Endless went to his chambers, trying to avoid all the Christmas' dreams that made him miss his love so much. When he arrived there was the gift left by Y/N on the top of his bed, it wasn't hard to know it was hers since he knew her as well as she knew him.
A minute after midnight Morpheus was running towards his gallery, holding close to his heart a onesie saying "little princess on her way".
tag list: @the-ruler-of-death @mrs-captainsteverogers @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld @igotanidea @intothesoul @hedwigprewett12 @queenshelby @mattmurdockmylove @boofy1998 @andieperrie18 @formenis @violet-19999 @pancake2603 @aurorarevenclaw1927 @dothrckis @libra207 @mypsychoticlove
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moonjxsung · 9 months
(P.S. TYY DEAR 🌷ANNONIE FOR THE REQUEST AND TYSM STAR FOR WRITING IT 🥺🥺🥺 i think i already expressed in words how much i loved it but still 💖💖 hope both of you have an amazing rest of your day and tysm for making my night 🤧 needed this sm plsplspls take care of yourselves and be safe!! get lots of rest and water too and make sure to fatten up urselves with snacks for the holiday season (there aint no fucking cookies left for santa cs im boutta eat them all) have an amazing holiday season and i genuinely love every anon and ofc our beloved star soso much 💖)
YES a massive thank you to my 🌷 anon for this request!!! I was immediately intrigued by this idea the first time I read it and I haven’t stopped listening to the song it was based off of (Ivy by Taylor Swift!) since she sent it over to me! I really can’t create these pieces without your guys’ inspiration and I’m so glad you guys have so many good ideas always.
I promise to take care of myself and I hope you are too, my lovely clover anon 🫶💓🥹 have the happiest holidays and please eat allll the cookies for me (I know I’m going to eat my fair share) and I can’t wait to share more with you in the new year ❤️ all my love to you always!!!
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Hello! Santa here 🎅 it’s almost December and I hope you’re getting excited for the holidays (and to see Hamilton)! Your taste in musicals is immaculate—Phantom was the first musical I adored and I have fond memories of menacing my family with my attempts to sing along with Christine 😂 I also love your questions for SJM. Cassian says I love you (and says it first!) and I refuse to believe otherwise. That man will always be a Nesta simp first and foremost.
I don’t have any questions for you today, but I do have a snippet! The second section of this fic will be epistolary, so this is pulled from that. I hope you like it! 💋
Dear Lieutenant Davies,
It is true that the new patients cannot compare to you. How could they? To a man, the soldiers now under my care have all managed to avoid waking the entire ward with drunken bouts of song, and none has been so crude as to have thrown custard at the walls in Maitland Hall (I hope you know that Sr. Clotho has left her reprimand for this behavior in the hope that other brutes who pass through these halls are not encouraged to follow your example).* They uncomplainingly follow the plans of care laid out for them, and, perhaps most importantly, never fail to address me correctly—lamentably, a feat you rarely achieved during your tenure here.
So yes—they cannot compare. But do not worry overmuch, Lieutenant Davies. I still think fondly of you—but only because you are far away and my shifts are now blessedly quiet.
Nurse Archeron
* a real (!) complaint found in a notice from Somerville College, Oxford, which had been requisitioned as a military hospital during WWI
Hi! I’m definitely starting to feel the festive spirit. I hope you are too, lovely Santa!
No kidding, this snippet has genuinely sent me into a meltdown because I am obsessed already!! I am living for snarky nurse Nesta and Cassian, aka the worst patient she’s ever had in her life. I don’t even have words, but I am just so, so excited for this ❤️
And then to see that FOOTNOTE? Be still my beating heart!!!! I’m absolutely beside myself that Cassian’s antics are based on historical fact!!
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ring-h · 2 years
Young Royals Season 2  - Ep 5 & 6.
Okay. The Last two episodes. 
I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid.
Ep. 5
Thank you Lisa for the shot with the fish. Best fan-service ever. ❤️☺️
Sandwich. ❤️ (second best)
Cute soft smiles. ❤️
Jan-Olof… the fuck is wrong with that man ?  😡🤬
Felice key-holder? Like…! Felice ❤️‍🔥Always my girl.
You can't say you regret the kisses when you wear purple, Simon, no one believes you my dear. ☺️
Okay, cat/August out of the bag. 😬
I like Santa-shrink. Didn't expect it.
Malin, it's time to make amends !
Ayub my boy, you summed up that really well ! A+ !
I won't empathize with in-love-August. You won't get me.
I  want to read that Book about Siv and Malin so bad right now !!!
Simon is gonna be crushed when he'll learn about August and Sara. 😞
Holy… this is your decision Simon. I will support you!
I wanna throw up.
Them. ❤️🥹 
They laughed, like this is something we can laugh about?! I'm bawling my eyes out!! And Elias singing "holy"... ! 😭😭😭
Ep. 6
Holy fuck, Alexander. I knew this would bite us in the ass !
Okay, I'm gonna throw up. Like, the tension?!?
Me still not liking Marcus. (And yes he got cheated on, and he really liked Simon, and he was nice with him and so on,  but it's a 'Wilmon endgame only' space here and I'm not sorry.)
Could I hate August more? YES.
Felice is such a good friend! ❤️‍🔥 She deserves the fucking Moon.
August + Wille + Simon + GUNS… okay sounds promising. 😬
TOLD YOU IT WAS DANGEROUS! (It would just be another tragic hunting accident, I won't shed a tear.)
(The soundtrack is awesome)
The hug… because yes for Wille, she is yet still his mother. Wish she'd remember.
Switching to spanish to speak about serious stuff with her son when friends are around, is such a multilingual family thing. ❤️
Friendship break-up. No one speaks about how it hurts. 
Yes August, being an awful guy leaves you alone. Maybe that's a lesson you could learn from.
Let's start a revolution Wille. 🔥 I trust you.❤️‍🔥
Friendship. ❤️ Ayub❤️
Let's get ready to rumble!!
Jan-Olof 🤢
Breathe Wille!
Okay okay okay, tension rising. 
HE TOLD HIM! 😍❤️‍🔥🥹🤯🥳😭❤️ I'm bawling so much! It's not 'have a nice Christmas' anymore ! 🥳🥳🥳😭
Fucking Jan-Olof!!!!!
Ugly song compared to Simon's…
Go sit back, you dickhead. Wille is handling this shit.
Yeah, Santa-shrink! 😘
Messing with the plan, my boy Wille is HANDLING THIS LIKE A PRO.🔥
Not Wille coming out, basically professing his love and making his love for Simon public just when Simon said he was okay with them being a secret! 🥹🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭😭
I cannot handle this. That fucking joy! Lisa Ambjörn you… you GODDESS!!! I'm gonna cry all night but I don't care!! 💜❤️‍🔥
(...and I'm gonna rewatch Jan-Olof having an aneurism 😈)
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borbealis · 2 years
Dear @bookfansworld happy belated holidays! I hope they were healthy (we had sickness and some family members found that bothersome- henceforth I will always wish good health) and happy!
The drabble below is your Byler Secret Santa gift! I hope you enjoy it! I had fun writing it and learned a lot in the process. ❤️
(#no beta we die like men #fantasy #byler #angst? #fluff? #idk how to tag things actually)
In which one Will Byers is trying to understand one Mike Wheeler.
Byler Fantasy AU Drabble
“What was that?” Will demanded coming to stand in front of Mike who was rooting around in his saddle bag for a rag.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Mike said.
“Don’t be like that. You know what I’m talking about.”
Mike was silent and refused to look Will in the eyes, choosing instead to busy himself using the rag he had found to clean the blood off of his sword.
Will stared him down. “Why did you push me aside?” He asked. Mike shifted on his feet but kept his eyes trained on his hands as he carefully slid his rag along the edge of the blade. “I had it under control, Mike! You almost got yourself killed jumping between us like that!” Will shouted.
“Will!” Mike said finally bringing his eyes up to meet Will’s. “Would you just leave it alone?”
For a moment neither of them spoke. Will’s hands were clenched at his side. His face resigned. “I thought you were different than the others.” He said, breaking the silence. “I thought you trusted me to protect myself and to ask when I need help.”
“I do.” Mike said defensively.
“Then why did you push me aside?” Will asked. An unreadable expression flashed across Mike’s face and his hand tightened around the hilt of his sword where he held it at his side.
“Mike, please. I don’t understand.” Will said quietly.
“You really want to know?” Mike asked.
“Fine.” The sound of metal scraping against metal rang out in the silence as he slid his sword into its scabbard. “I did it out of duty. Duty to the crown—to your mother.” Mike folded his arms across his chest. “I did it because you’re the crown prince now, and ever since Jonathan died I-” Mike faltered then continued more slowly. “The Queen has spoken with me about the importance of your safety. She requested that I be willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure that you survive this quest.” Will’s face had gone pale at Mike’s words, but Mike continued. “If it had been her choice alone, she never would have allowed you to come.” Mike paused a moment then added, “If it had been my choice, I wouldn’t have either.”
“I see.” Will said stiffly. “So, you don’t trust me after all. That was just a lie.”
“What? No, it wasn’t!”
“It was! It was a lie because if it were true, you wouldn’t share my mother’s feelings. You wouldn’t say that you believed I could handle myself and then wish that you could have left me home!”
“That’s just- that’s just not true! You don’t understand.”
“I don’t? Then explain it to me.” Will countered.
“I- ” Mike stopped. He wore an uncharacteristically vulnerable expression on his face. “I can’t.” He whispered. Disappointment filled Will’s face.
“Why are you lying to me, Mike?” Will asked softly. “What happened to us?” He shook his head and turned away from Mike, walking towards his horse that was tethered to a tree a few steps beyond Mike’s.
Mike felt guilt set in immediately as he watched Will walk away. He noted the tense set of his shoulders and the way his hands moved in short, abrupt motions as he examined his horse’s tack—tightening straps and making sure each buckle was safely fastened. Mike groaned and kicked the ground in frustration.
“We should keep going,” Will said over his shoulder. He untied his horse’s reigns from the low branch they were fastened to and swung himself up into his saddle in one graceful motion. He gently nudged his horse forward until it was standing near Mike. “Are you coming?” Will asked. He sat on top of his horse looking down at Mike from above. His posture was immaculate even while riding and at the moment he looked every bit the royal that he was. Mike had never felt the distance between them so strongly.
Mike shook his head. He suddenly felt that if he didn’t explain everything to Will now, he would never get the opportunity again. “I’d like to try and explain myself again if you’ll give me a second chance.” Mike said. Will’s face was a picture of confusion, but he nodded.
“No lies this time?”
“No lies.”
“Alright.” Will agreed hesitantly.
Mike felt sick with apprehension, but he knew he couldn’t change his mind now. It would leave Will even more hurt. Mike didn’t want to be the cause of that again and he owed Will the truth. He begged the powers that be, if there was such a thing, that what he was about to say would be received well even though he knew it could never be reciprocated.  
“I shouldn’t have said what I did just now.” Mike said softly. “It may have started out that way, as a role that I performed out of duty alone, but now-” Mike took a deep breath. His heart felt as though it would beat right out of his chest. “For you I would risk everything—life and limb. Whether you were a prince or not. Even if I had never sworn an oath to the crown.” Will’s eyes widened and his mouth parted on a breath his horse began to shuffle its feet uneasily. Mike wasn’t sure if he had just created a chasm between them that he would never be able to bridge but now that he had started, he couldn’t stop and he rushed on to explain himself.
“When I was younger all I ever wanted was to be seen. To belong. I didn’t think I would ever have that… I came close to it with the party but even then, I always felt that there was something missing. When the Queen elected me to lead the party assigned to protect you things changed. I met you.” Mike stepped forward and took hold of Will’s horse by the bridle. He held it still and gently stroked its neck in an effort to calm it down. “I got to know you and knowing you changed me. You changed me. And just now when I said those things… I didn’t-” he faltered.
“I was afraid of the truth.” He said. “Because the truth is, I love you, Will. And I could never forgive myself if anything happened to you. I could never forgive myself. And if you were gone—I’m not sure I remember how to live without you.”
“Mike,” Will said softly.
“You don’t have to say anything, Will.” Mike said. He scrubbed his hand gently between the ears of Will’s horse and avoided Will’s eyes.
“I want to.” Will huffed. He dismounted and came to stand next to Mike. When Mike still refused to look at him, Will reached up and took hold of Mike’s hand where it had gone motionless against his horse’s neck. Mike’s eyes flew to his in surprise and Will smiled. “I feel the same way, Mike.” Mike’s mouth fell open in surprise and Will laughed.
“Did you think I was going to hate you?” Will asked.
“I was afraid you would.” Mike admitted.
“I couldn’t bring myself to hate you even if I wanted to, Mike. Even just now I couldn’t have hated you even though I was so upset. You’re the most important person to me in the whole world, I just didn’t know how to tell you. I love you.”
“I think you’re the best thing to ever happen to me.” Mike said softly.
“Definitely.” Mike said. He threaded their fingers together and smoothed his thumb over Will’s knuckles. “May I kiss you?” Mike asked shyly.
“I would like that.” Will replied with a smile.
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strawhatboy · 2 years
Hi Gab,
Sorry for the late reply I think tumblr ate my last ask sksksksk ?? So I hope you don’t mind me sending it again.
Yeah I found it fun! It’s just when you are on the ice rink it’s so hard to skate but it’s definitely fun :’) Ah I seee that’s interesting! I know in certain parts of the world like Australia and New Zealand, for instance, this time of year is quite hot. I find it kinda fascinating tbh :o we don’t get much snow here either tbh, but recently we got a little (like today) since it’s colder than usual. Still not quite enough to build a snowman :’)
I see I like Dabi and Zuko as characters too, I think by the end of atla though he definitely had his redemption arc and became ‘one of the good guys.’ That makes sense I don’t like perfect characters either, I like flaws and depth. And well-written villains.
I like both! As long as they are well written on both sides, but I find myself leaning towards antagonists sometimes it depends on the storytelling. But I’m also put off by poorly developed villains so there’s that.
My week has been good! I got a little sick but I’m feeling better now, just a winter cold :’) I hope your week has been good, it’s getting closer and closer to christmas so I can’t wait for you to see what I make!
hi my dear santa 💓 i missed you 🥺 and I didn't get your last ask :(( I hate when tumblr does that
I actually live in Brazil! most of the time the weather is nice and warm and even in winter when temperatures drop drastically it never snows (at least where i live)
OMG I LOVE DABI!!! have you seen the latest episode of bnha? I was so proud of him :') I really want him to be happy (not sure if horishoki thinks the same but I hope so)
I'm glad you're feeling better now <3 please take care of yourself, you deserve it ❤️
well, december is going well so far, I finally got a few days off from work so I'm resting and watching my favorite shows hehe
yes christmas is so close <3 the best time of year, can't wait to see what you made 🥺 I'm 100% sure I will LOVE it
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Oh my god, COFFEE ART?!&@;× Tan you're incredible. Coffee art reminds me of hyunjin hehe, I don't have a lot of knowledge about art but there's something about art, i feel like it speaks to me like the way even words can't speak. I bet you do a great job.
And I drink cappuccino a lot, sometimes café latte or black coffee at times, I drink very randomly, sometimes I would drink twice in evening or start morning with coffee, but yes, i drink coffee a lot and coke hehe
And woah, angst, I feel like I already found angst bestie, we can even do brainstorm together, i am so excited.
Since I listen to almost everything, but I think if I have to choose, I would choose ballads first, I love ballads.
Your music taste >>>>>
Also kr&b i am obsessed with this particular genre recently, I love it so much oh god. And few bollywood songs can put you in a nice mood instantly.
And Taylor >>>
So, here goes today's question: what's your favorite season? And a bonus question since you love Taylor, what are your top 3 songs from Midnights album?
Hope you had a nice day today Tan 💕
- from anon 💌
Hehe thank you ❤️ though honestly I'm not as good at it, I'm just beginning.
Right, art is definitely something like that and i actually think its motive is speaking when words can't.
Oh i like cappucino, latte and black coffee too! OH SAME i drink randomly too, sometimes twice a day but mostly once, sometimes I do end up drinking masala chai instead of coffee. By the way, I'm from a religious city in North India. Where are you from? It's alright if you'd prefer to keep it to yourself, I just get excited meeting people from around the world or from around my country.
Oh yess we should we should. We should write something together after the secret santa event. 🎉
Oh ballads🥺✨❤️ I love ballads too. I've been playing some kdrama osts and seventeen's ballads since around 10 days everyday.
Oh definitely! Kr&b is so beautiful 😍 and my goodness Bollywood, it just makes my soul dance 😂❤️ and definitely taylor>>>>>
I was born during monsoon, so I definitely love rain, it's so soothing and I'd just stay somewhere where it rains often🥺 but there's a tie for my favourite seasons, Winters are just so beautiful in India. I just love December specially, in school we used to have Christmas celebrations and annual day event and we'd always be practicing dancing and singing in these days of December, I loved that. Also the Christmas carols ❤️
What's your favorite season? And favourite memory of the season?
My top 3 from Midnights, that's a difficult question but lets try:
Would've, could've, should've
Dear Reader
What are your yours? And your favorite taylor album?
Thank you so much ❤️ ❤️
See you later.
- tan🌼
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vettel-stan · 2 years
Ohh my dear dear baby, Santa doesn’t receive presents because I’m the one who makes them all!! 🎅🏻 but as long as you’re happy and having fun with me, it already can make a good one for me 🎁
yes!! Actually I followed you long time ago! You’re pretty much on my dash and I’m so glad I could get to know you better thanks to this project ❤️ But tell me more about you! What’s your name? Or where are you from? How did you get into football or the f1?? 🎄
- your secret santa 🎅🏻
Poor Santa, feels like you deserve a present, maybe vacations?
Awws it’s so awesome that you already followed me 🥹🫶🏻
My name it’s Emmilit, I’m a football fan because of my brother, he’s de only reason I get to know about this sport and about F1 because of my dad, but at this moment I’m the one who knows more about F1 than him, lol, please tell me something about you! If you like football or F1?? Your fav driver or team??
Hope your having a lovely day!
It’s so exciting to have a message from you, my secrete Santa 🫶🏻
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Hi, secret santa here! I hope you are doing well! I'm busy working on your gift rn but I wanted to check in to ask how you are? Also, because I think it's good if we got to know each other better (well, me knowing you, obviously I won't uncover my secret identity) I wanted to ask what your favorite books were? Also what is your favorite thing out of everything you have written?
Hi there! I am doing well, thank you. I appreciate you checking in. 😊 And my heart did a happy dance when I read your message. ❤️ What delightful questions! 
Now, I’m going to assume you’re asking about my favorite books in addition to ACOTAR. If you’ve been poking around my blog, you’ll know Book 1 is my favorite in the series and that I prefer it as a standalone because of how different the sequel books became... but I digress.
There are some books on my shelf that are very near and dear to my heart. I often see ACOTAR cited as the book that gets many people out of a reading slump, but for me, that book was “Wildwood Dancing” by Juliet Marillier. Kinuko Y. Craft illustrated the cover of the edition I own, which is what drew my attention to that book in the first place. @/janainaart has done some illustrations for it in the years since; I adore her work. Anyway, the story is a combined retelling of The Frog Prince and The Twelve Dancing Princesses that takes place in the Transylvanian countryside. It has fairies, vampires, and an enchanted frog in a land that fears magic. I told myself I would only read a chapter or two before bed (because I had work the next morning), then whoops, I finished the book at 3 o’clock in the morning. Welp.
I’m also rather fond of Robin McKinley’s work, especially “Beauty” and “Sunshine”, though I do wish her endings didn’t feel so abrupt. Sherwood Smith’s “Crown Duel” is full of fantastic worldbuilding. I would love to see a film or miniseries adaptation of Garth Nix’s “Sabriel”; the story and the world are just *chef’s kiss*. I keep telling myself to pick up some of the more recent YA fantasies to add to my library, but I’m been more focused on writing lately. I have “Spinning Silver” and “An Enchantment of Ravens” on my TBR, though.
And speaking of writing...
I haven’t published anything yet, but I have several projects in the works. Before I got involved in the ACOTAR fandom, I was working on a novel-length retelling of “The Frog Prince” [official title still pending]. I just have to give it an ending (which is the one thing my dad asked for for Christmas, so...). I love classic fairy tale retellings, and I have my own versions of “Cinderella” and “East o’ the Sun, West o’ the Moon” in various stages of completion. One project I’m eager to put my own spin on is “The Snow Queen”. Out of everything I’ve written, though, my favorite bits happen to be the poems that I sprinkle into the stories themselves. 
In my fanfiction “A Court of Frost and Embers [ACOFAE]”, I came up with this poem that Feyre repeats several times: “If a faerie invites thee to dine, taste not its food, drink not its wine. Such is not meant for mortal men, lest ye be bound to Prythian.” Though the lore of ACOTAR doesn’t line up with traditional faerie lore (addictive food, being weakened by iron, inability to lie, etc.), it was fun to imagine that it did, at least for a little while.
My original work keeps that faerie lore intact, such as the beginning of this original spell from my version of The Frog Prince: “The Fae Folk cannot tell a lie, so magic will make truth comply...”
There’s something so satisfying about writing a poem that rhymes and has the right rhythm. *happy sigh* I could go through every one of my stories and find more examples, but I’m nervous about sharing too much of something before it’s published. One day, I’ll share this original work. But for now, my fanfiction will have to do. 🙂
So that I don’t leave you hanging, I’ll tell you that my second favorite thing to write (and read, tbh) is lush description. I have passages marked in my favorite books with descriptions of food, clothing, landscapes... I was able to indulge in this love of detail when I wrote my ACOFAE sequel last Christmas: “Together for Solstice”. In that oneshot, Feyre is noticing all of the winter solstice decorations in the Spring Court manor:
The banister was covered in plump white roses, bound with silver ribbons and accented with fresh sprigs of evergreen. She touched one of the velvety blooms, breathing in the spicy blend of roses and pine. Downstairs, some servants carried silver candelabras topped with thin white candles and garlands of pine boughs. Others carried armfuls of silver streamers and white lace. Feyre’s fingers lightly trailed along the garland of roses as she descended the stairs. For the land of eternal springtime, the effect was perfectly wintery.
It was so much fun to imagine how a place that never sees snow would make it feel Christmas-y (or at least the Prythian equivalent). Where I live now actually doesn’t get a lot of snowfall, not like where I grew up, so that may have been why I was so inspired. It definitely put me in a holiday mood. 🎅
Anyway, thanks for asking about my writing! I struggle with self-promoting (I’m afraid of coming off as annoying), so it’s easier to answer questions. Thanks again for giving me the chance to share my thoughts. 💖
P.S. I look forward to getting to know you when the time comes. 😘
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shallyne · 2 years
Hello Dear! It's your Secret Santa back again! 🎅
Thank you for telling me which gift you would prefer, but please tell me more along the lines of content. For example, is there a special character you would love to see or a scene to take place? Anything you do not wish to see or for me to avoid writing?
The moderator also informed me that you indicated Feysand as your primary choice. I would love to create a fic for you with them as a pairing, but if you have had a change of heart, please let me know.
🎁 I'm looking forward to creating your gift!
So, I'm doing a lot of AU posts for Feysand. Maybe you can search on my blog and get inspired by one. It's always called Feysand AU or is tagged Feysand AU. Content wise, ooooh. Hmmm.
So, first of all. YES, I love Feysand. Feysand is my primary choice. Always will be. And I'd be incredibly happy if you could show a little bit of Feyres friendship with Cassian and Mor. They are my favorite friendship of all the books and I just love them. I am not big into angst or smut. Like, a little bit of smut is fine but I don't want it to be the center of the fic if that is possible.
So, fluff. I love fluff. Or if you want to do angst then with a fluffy, happy ending. Thats what I would also read. (I'm sorry if I write too much lol) I don't need any side ships. If there's one than I would prefer Elriel but if you just center it around feysand I'll be more than happy.
I don't have a specific scene I want to take place. I hope I could help but if you need more specifics just send another ask and I'll get into more detail. I love to hear from you!
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malexsanta · 3 years
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Dear everyone,
That's a [slightly belated] wrap on the Malex Secret Santa 2021 exchange. All gifts have been posted, and what a treasure trove of Malex goodness has been created this year! 😍
27 + 1 Malex fics 9 pieces of Malex fanart 1 Malex Mood Board
This is an incredible outcome, and we’d like to thank all our wonderful participants for another amazing edition of this exchange. We are so grateful to all of you for putting so much love and effort into creating gifts for your recipients.
You all made this December cosmic! ✨
We’d also like to thank all our followers and readers for reblogging, liking, commenting, reccing, and leaving kudos. ❤️
👽💚✨ And yes: WE'LL BE BACK IN 2022!  ✨💚👽
All fics can be found on AO3, please check out the 12 Days Of Malex 2021 Collection [no clickable link bc for unknown reasons Tumblr doesn't accept more links in this post, sorry]
>> archiveofourown.org/collections/malex_ss_2021/works
And here’s the list of all gifts with links to Tumblr and AO3.
🎄Day 1
Fic under the mistletoe watching the fire glow  by @caitlesshea for @alilypea • Tumblr |  AO3 Fic This didn't work out as I intended... by @skinsharpenedteeth for @dr-lemurr • Tumblr | AO3
🎄Day 2
Fic what grows within the stacks @breannacasey for @dankmalexmemes • Tumblr | AO3
🎄Day 3
Fic Another Night on Mars by @malzysaur for @gra-sonas • Tumblr | AO3
🎄Day 4
3 x Fan Art Glory and Gore by @dr-lemurr for @alnkos In the Ache of Midnight (Nikita Gill) Tumblr Starlight (Starset) Tumblr Satellite (Starset) Tumblr
🎄Day 5
Fic Two hot palms pressing down on my face by @jule1122 for @malzysaur • Tumblr | AO3
🎄Day 5
Fan Art Alex is the one fidding Michael after Jones kidnapped him by @slynella for @boulangerlee​ • Tumblr
Fic The Hacker and His Cowboy by @infinite-beginnings for @accal1a • Tumblr | AO3
Fan Art fluffy malex with a space vibe ✨by @bean-me-up for @slynella • Tumblr
🎄Day 7
Fic and i wish that you could hear me when i talk to myself by @manesframe for @infinite-beginnings • Tumblr | AO3
🎄Day 8
Fic Family Can be Just Us by @winged-fool for @manesalex • Tumblr | AO3
🎄Day 9
Fic i’m only me when i’m with you… by @aliciam72 for @sivan325 • Tumblr | AO3
🎄Day 10
Fic Once Upon a (F*cked Up) Time by @alilypea for @breannacasey • Tumblr | AO3
Fic messy as the mud on your truck tires by @angrycowboy for @lambourngb • Tumblr | AO3
Fic Appetite for Destruction by @lambourngb for @changingthingslikeleaves • Tumblr | AO3
Mood Board all i want for christmas is you (and to not see a single member of my family) by @dankmalexmemes for @skinsharpenedteeth • Tumblr
🎄Day 11
4 x Fan Art + Fic sometimes home is right where you left it, and sometimes you have to invite it in by @momecat for @angrycowboy • Tumblr
Fic right where we are by @bloggingbisexually for @secret-guilty-pleasure • Tumblr | AO3
🎄Day 12
Fic Christmas isn't a big deal by @secret-guilty-pleasure for @bekkachaos • Tumblr | AO3
Fic Those Two Idiots by @sivan325 for @caitlesshea • Tumblr | AO3 Fic a little motivation (let me be yours) by@manesalex for @prouvaireafterdark • Tumblr | AO3 Fic I Got a Crush on You (and it's not just physical) by @boulangerlee​ for @bloggingbisexually • Tumblr | AO3
Fic A Star Sign by @mander3-swish for @ineverlookavvay • Tumblr | AO3
Fic Felice Navidad by @gra-sonas for @aliciam72 • Tumblr | AO3
Fic No Simple Roads by @changingthingslikeleaves for @jule1122 • Tumblr | AO3
Fic Cool Whip For Alex Manes by @aliencurls for @bloodspeckledraphael • Tumblr | AO3
Fic Beneath Lucifer’s Claws - 3x12 Coda by @prouvaireafterdark for @momecat • Tumblr | AO3
Fic an oasis in the stars by @bekkachaos for@winged-fool • Tumblr | AO3
Fic A Storm on the Horizon by @accal1a for @aliencurls • Tumblr | AO3
Fic you’re the one that brings the sun by @alnkos for @mander3-swish • Tumblr | AO3
Fic walk through the fire by @ineverlookavvay for @manesframe • Tumblr | AO3
Fic candy cane lane by @bloodspeckledraphael for @bean-me-up • Tumblr | AO3
🎅 Gift for all participants & followers of Malexsanta
Fic ohana means family (and family means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life) by @lire-casander • Tumblr | AO3
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achaoticbrazilian · 2 years
Oiii! Tu tá escrevendo?espero que sim!gostaria de pedir Mikey,Mitsuya,Chifuyu e Izana com uma namorada brasileira,de começo eles não sabiam mas na hora de pedir em namoro é revelado que a Y/N é brasileira (tipo escondendo por medo q se revelasse ia dar algo ruim entre eles) mas tudo fica de boa e como seria a relação entre eles <3 óbvio você pode ignorar esse pedido!tchau tenha um bom dia/tarde/noite
Boys from Tokyo Revengers discovering a y/n that is Brazilian (Garotos do Tokyo Revengers descobrindo um y / n que é brasileiro)
Author's Note: (Author's note: My first order✨! It's an even greater honor to be from someone from my country. Sorry for the delay in delivery, I was in the final stretch of my classes and was also trying to write in other fandons I like. Currently I only write 3 characters per post. Well, I hope you like it❤️ and have a nice day/night/afternoon/dawn.) ("Nota do autor: Meu primeiro pedido✨! É uma honra ainda maior ser de alguém do meu país. Desculpe a demora na entrega, estava na reta final das minhas aulas e também estava tentando escrever em outros fandons que gosto. Atualmente escrevo apenas 3 caracteres por post. Bom, espero que gostem❤️ e tenham um bom dia/noite/tarde/amanhecer.")
• Characters (Personagens): Takashi Mitsuya, Manjiro Sano, Izana Chifuyu matsuno.
• Temas: Fluff.
Takashi Mitsuya:
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• Okay... So what? (Ok ... E daí?)
• He just doesn't care (Ele simplesmente não liga)
• Like, you're still the person who helps him and eases his daily super schedule and stress, as well as being his personal role model (Tipo, você ainda é a pessoa que o ajuda e facilita sua super agenda diária e o estresse, além de ser seu modelo pessoal)
• For him, its origin is irrelevant (Para ele, sua origem é irrelevante)
• Of course he understands how some people can be really silly about it, but this boy is 100% respectful (Claro que ele entende como algumas pessoas podem ser realmente idiotas sobre isso, mas esse menino é 100% respeitoso)
• "Y/n, I love who you are, your birthplace is irrelevant to me. Is this something you can choose? No! I love your essence and personality, the rest is insignificant!" ("S / n, eu amo quem você é, seu local de nascimento é irrelevante para mim. Isso é algo que você pode escolher? Não! Eu amo a sua essência e personalidade, o resto é insignificante!")
• Dear Santa Claus, give me a Mitsuya as a present, amen! (Querido Papai Noel, dê-me um Mitsuya de presente, amém!)
Manjiro Sano:
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• So what? Pt.2 (E daí? Pt.2)
• Let's present a fact here, you must be too dumb to believe that he would treat you any differently for being from another country (Vamos apresentar um fato aqui, você deve ser burro demais para acreditar que ele iria tratá-lo de forma diferente por ser de outro país)
• He's definitely going to pout because you haven't said it sooner. (Ele definitivamente vai fazer beicinho porque você não disse isso antes.)
• Nothing more to say... (Nada mais a dizer...)
• This boy wouldn't treat you any differently even if you were an alien (Este menino não te trataria de forma diferente, mesmo se você fosse um alienígena)
• "Y/n-chan, are you my girlfriend or not? I don't care if you're from another country. Wait... Does that mean you can't date me?" ("S/n - chan, você é minha namorada ou não? Eu não ligo se você é de outro país. Espera... Isso significa que você não pode me namorar?")
• Please calm this boy down before he gets grumpy (Por favor, acalme esse garoto antes que ele fique mal-humorado)
Matsuno Chifuyu:
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• "Is that a yes or a no?" ("Isso é um sim ou um não?")
• Give this boy an appropriate answer (Dê a este menino uma resposta apropriada)
• He only prepared for a yes or a no, no for this (Ele só se preparou para um sim ou um não, não para isso)
• He would try to support you a lot and if someone says something against you he would end that person (Ele tentaria te apoiar muito e se alguém dissesse algo contra você ele acabaria com essa pessoa)
• Chifuyu can be a very violent person if he wants to. (Chifuyu pode ser uma pessoa muito violenta se quiser.)
• I'm a simp of that man. (Eu sou um simp desse homem)
• "Y/n, I love everything about you and your country is just your birthplace, not you!" ("S/n, eu amo tudo em você e seu país é apenas o seu local de nascimento, não você!")
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Author's Note(Nota do autor): AI am really sorry for the delay in delivering this order. I went through some very complicated moments in that time and had lost the will to write, however, I hope the person who asked for this likes it and thanks for reading. (Sinto muito pela demora na entrega deste pedido. Passei por alguns momentos bem complicados nesse tempo e tinha perdido a vontade de escrever, porém, espero que a pessoa que pediu goste e obrigado por ler.)
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winged-fool · 3 years
Hello from your Malex Secret Santa!
I love your prompt one !! I will try and incorporate aspects of all three though 😉
Are you ok with supporting characters being Max, Isobel, Kyle & Liz? Probs mentions of daddy dictator also.
I warn you I may lose control of this fic so cannot promise a small word count haha
Ahh hello my dear! Ohhh man I was like whoever gets me is going to hate my prompts so I'm so happy to hear that you liked the first one so much and will try to incorporate the other prompts too, please don't feel obligated though if you can't figure out how!
Yes totally fine with that ensemble cast!! You might know that I'm not a fan of Maria but if it doesn't make sense not to have her, that's fine haha I'll live 😜😅😅
Ahhh i love long fics so don't even think about apologizing for that!! I'm really looking forward to whatever you create 😊😊😘😘
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ring-h · 2 years
Young Royals Season 2 - Ep. 3 & 4.
Ep. 3
August realising that he made "victims" and commited a crime… I mean: Hearth to August.
Yes, Malin, you are not welcome anymore.
Wearing that fucking purple hoodie and asking why he doesn't fall in love with Marcus. Simon my dear, even your fishes know.
Erik's watch. Santa-shrink. Wille saying that it might have been better not to know how love feels like. 😭
Wille's hint of a smile.😭😭
WHAT? KING AUGUST? The fuck is wrong with you people?
NO. WAY. WILLE! Everything is turning to shit! I can't watch more!🤯🫥
(I still love Felice too. She is smart, they will work this out, I'm sure.)
Ep 4.
So they won't care about Wille's private life ever? Like whatever happens in that room has to be public knowledge? 😡
Me not liking Marcus.
Bring me back to the awkward glances and the barely hidden smiles. I can't with the hurt. 😭
Friendship. ❤️ We don't talk enough about friendship. Guy/girl friendship.
Not Jan-Olof asking if August is straight. Jan-Olof will have a painful death.
Marie-Antoinette got beheaded, the vibes for that ball are so wrong… 😬
I sense disaster.
I will not feel empathy for August. I will not.
Those fishes are team Wilmon. Don't even try Marcus.
I know you are dying inside Simon, so I'm gonna stay calm, but you are hurting yourself and I can't watch you get hurt! Everything is wrong 😭
Is Simon breathing at all? I feel claustrophobic just looking at him
Holy shit!!! BREATHING AGAIN?!🥹
Hugly crying right now. I was so wrong, the beheading of royalty was actually a good omen! I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!
I'm so hopeful I'm gonna burst if anything goes wrong, and EVERYTHING could go wrong!!!
Please, oh Lisa Ambjörn, have pity ! (even though I trust you!!)
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