#[[ Good job brain! serotonin secured!
thatmcgwords · 4 months
Lobsters, for instance, whether they’re in the ocean or raised in captivity, will aggressively fight over the best and most secure spots for shelter.
Scientists have found that these competitive conflicts will lead to the winners and losers having different chemical balances in their brains. Winners will have a higher ratio of the hormone serotonin to octopamine, while the ratio in losers will tilt in the opposite direction.
These levels can even affect the posture of lobsters: more serotonin will lead to the winners being more agile and upright, and more octopamine makes losers tense and curled up. This difference will factor into further confrontations, as the upright lobsters will appear bigger and more intimidating, causing the tense ones to remain submissive.
As you may have guessed, similar hierarchies and cycles of winning and losing play out among humans.
So if you’re trying to give yourself an advantage, follow the first rule: hold your head high and strike the posture of a winner.
This leads us to the second rule: care for yourself like you would a loved one.
So, look after yourself, but don’t fight against chaos, as this is an unwinnable fight. And rather than only doing what makes you happy, try to do what is best for you.
In a workplace setting, a similar dynamic can play out when an underachiever is put into a team of high performers. The manager might think that this will result in the problematic employee picking up good habits from the others. But studies have shown that the opposite is more likely to happen, and the bad habits will start to spread and bring down everyone’s performance.
This is why the third rule is to make sure you surround yourself with supportive friends, as these are the kinds of friendships that can bring about positive change.
Being picky about your friends is a smart move and is not selfish or snobby. Supportive and encouraging friendships run both ways: when you need a boost, they’ll be there for you, and if your friend needs help to rebound from a setback or make an improvement, you’ll be there for them.
This dynamic can encourage individual success and, as part of a team, it can lead to great social accomplishments.
This is why the fourth rule is to never compare yourself to others, and to always judge yourself against your own prior accomplishments.
Comparing current results to past ones will also keep you moving forward. If you start to think that you’re always winning, this is a red flag that you need to do a better job of taking risks and giving yourself challenging goals.
When checking in on your progress, think of yourself as a home inspector. This means looking at things from top to bottom and categorizing every problem. Is it a cosmetic or a structural fault? Before you can give a stamp of approval, make a list of things that need to be improved.
This detailed approach is likely to keep you so busy on yourself that you’ll be unconcerned with how you stack up against others.
It is a parent’s duty to raise a responsible and kind child.
If you’ve ever seen parents ignoring a child who’s wreaking havoc, you may have wondered: are they just bad parents or are they being clever by allowing the child to tire himself out?
Approaches to child-rearing have changed over the years, often as a result of the age-old nature-versus-nurture debate, and differing opinions about the kinds of instincts we’re born with.
But nowadays, we have a clearer understanding of the fact that people are indeed born with aggressive instincts, and must learn how to become kinder, gentler, more “civilized” adults. After all, you likely remember how vicious kids on a playground can get; most workplaces are a picture of tranquility in comparison!
 it’s really up to parents to make sure their naturally aggressive youngster learns how to be a well-adjusted adult, which brings us to the fifth rule: parents need to be more than a friend – they need to raise a responsible and likable human being.
This can be a challenge since no one likes being the “bad guy.” But children are aggressive because they have the natural instinct to push boundaries so they can find out where society’s lines are drawn. So a parent must be firm and decisive in drawing those lines.
While this may not sound like fun, think of it this way: if they don’t learn these things from a loving, understanding parent, they’ll learn it later on in a way that’s sure to involve less love and understanding.
So let’s look at three key methods for good parenting:
The first is to limit the rules. Too many rules lead to frustrated kids who are constantly hitting barriers. So limit things to a few basic, easy-to-understand principles, such as don’t bite, kick or hit anyone unless in self-defense.
The second is to use the minimum necessary force. Effective and fair discipline can only be applied when consequences are made clear. The punishment also needs to “fit the crime,” which means it should only be as severe as necessary for a child to learn not to break the rule again. Sometimes a disappointed look is all that’s needed; other times it might be a week without video games.
The third is to come in pairs. Children are clever and will try to get their way by playing one parent against the other – so a unified front is important. Also, every parent makes mistakes, but if you have a supportive partner, you’ll be likelier to notice and catch those mistakes.
Nevertheless, many people throughout the ages have seen life as so cruel and unfair that drastic responses are justified. The Russian author Leo Tolstoy saw existence as so absurdly unjust that he suggested there were only four valid responses: childlike ignorance, hedonistic pleasure, suicide or struggling on despite it all.
Tolstoy analyzed these positions in his essay “A Confession” and concluded that the most honest response was suicide, while struggling on was a sign of his weak inability to take the appropriate action.
This is the gist of the sixth rule for life, which states that you should take responsibility for your own life before you judge the world.
One of the side effects of seeing the world as a pit of despair is that it makes it especially easy to justify a life based in immediate pleasures that will make it more bearable. Plus, if it makes you happy, it can’t be that bad, right? This is the logic behind binge eating and drinking, drug use, sexual debauchery and other self-harming behaviors.
The other side of this argument is sacrifice, the kind that brings better things in the future by giving up something now. This goes back to ancient times, where tribes would put food aside to make it through the winter or to help those in the community who couldn’t hunt or farm.
This is another topic heavily represented in the Bible. When God kicks Adam and Eve out of paradise, it’s made clear that their original sin is the cause of the harsh and cruel life that everyone must face. However, our suffering in life is the sacrifice we must make so that we may experience the joys of the afterlife.
This brings us to rule seven: seek meaningful goals over instant gratification.
Now, you might think this is a simple concept and something that most people already do. After all, we sacrifice our time to go to work and put in hard hours now so that we can take a vacation later on or relax on a beach in the summer.
But this goes deeper than sacrificing for your personal gain; there are big and small things we can sacrifice for the greater good, and the bigger the sacrifice, the more rewarding it can be.
It can help to think of the lotus flower. This plant starts its life at the bottom of a lake, and inch by inch it escapes the darkness until it breaks through the surface of the water and blossoms in the sun’s rays.
In other words, stick with something and be ready to make sacrifices to reach your goal, and you will be rewarded.
This sets up rule number eight: stop lying and be truthful.
You don’t need to give up each one of your ambitious goals, but you should be flexible so that your goals are realistic and reflect the truth. So, as your understanding and worldview changes, so should your goals. And if your life is off track, it might be time to challenge the current truth you’re following, the one that has you feeling weak, rejected or worthless, and reaffirm your personal truth so that you can get back on the right track.
Conversations are an opportunity to learn and grow, not compete.
 Even children will do this: if one kid thinks it would be fun to play up on a roof, they might suggest this idea to a friend who then points out the dangers of this idea. The conversation that ensues allows the child with the original idea to take in the new perspective, consider how likely it is that someone will fall and hurt themselves, and hopefully make the right decision.
This is why the ninth rule is listen to what others have to say, while presuming you have something to learn from them.
An easy tip for being a better conversationalist is to listen and then summarize, or recap out loud what the other person just said. This serves multiple purposes: it helps assure that you’ve heard things correctly, while also helping it stick in your memory; it also reduces the likelihood of distorting or oversimplifying details in order to suit your side of the conversation.
Sometimes the truth hurts, and it’s painful to take in information that means you have to change your ideas and preconceptions. But this is the price you pay as part of the beautiful process of learning and growing.
This is why rule ten is extremely important: use precise language.
How does this help? Well, think of the word “car.” You know what a car is right? It’s a vehicle that gets you from point A to point B. But when this vehicle breaks down halfway between A and B, do you know the precise ways in which a car works? Can you pop the hood and fix this piece of complex machinery?
There’s a good chance that when your car breaks down, you feel primal urges to curse and maybe even kick the car for not being such a simple thing anymore. This is what happens when things get complex and chaotic, so in order to recover, you must reestablish order by clearly and precisely explaining what went wrong.
The same thing needs to happen when your body breaks down and you get sick. There could be any number of problems going on, so you need to tell your doctor the precise symptoms. Does your stomach hurt or is it a fever? Did it begin after you ate something? What was it? By being precise, you can restore order and take steps to start feeling better.
Precise language can make your relationships run more smoothly as well. Does your partner do something that bugs you, like failing to clean up after themselves? The sooner you’re honest and precise with them, the easier life will be.
Which brings us to rule number 11: don’t bother young people skateboarding.
We can’t establish rules that go against the very nature of who we are as people. Our rules should definitely protect us, but they shouldn’t do so in a way that suppresses the good qualities in people.
We’ve actually seen a fairly good fictionalized account of what can happen when men are stripped of their masculinity. As the story in Fight Club shows us, aggression can then become a forbidden fruit that manifests itself in fascist tendencies. Another, real-world reaction to emasculation is the current resurgence of right-wing politics.
The truth is, women don’t want boys to grow up without a chance to learn things for themselves and be independent. He posits that every boy has a mom, and what kind of mom would want to care for a dependent man-child?
This is why it’s important to follow rule 12: make the best out of even the smallest joys that life offers.
By following this rule, you’ll be sure to embrace life and appreciate every good thing that comes your way. You’ll also be sure to see yourself through the tough times, even when they’re prolonged.
Remember, there is no day without the darkness of night, just as there’s no order without chaos. There is suffering in life, but it’s also what gives meaning to our perseverance and makes the moments of peace so rewarding.
Navigating through life is a constant struggle filled with trials and tribulations, and if there’s any guarantee in life, it’s that there will likely be more troubles around the corner. But there is also beauty and joy to be found, however fleeting these moments may be. All you can do is try your best, be honest and truthful, and avoid being selfish and prideful. It’s also important to take responsibility for your own lot in life, and not blame the world or others for your shortcomings. Ultimately, it is only you who can improve your life.
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wibehavioralhealth · 7 months
How Pets Can Improve Your Mental Health: Unveiling the Joy of Companionship
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In an era where mental health awareness is more crucial than ever, finding natural, accessible ways to enhance our well-being is a priority for many. Among the myriad of strategies and therapies, one heartwarming ally in the battle against stress, anxiety, and loneliness has wagged its tail and purred its way into the spotlight: pets. The bond between humans and their pets has been celebrated throughout history, but only in recent years have we begun to understand the profound, positive impact pets can have on our mental health.
Unconditional Love and Support
Pets, whether they are dogs, cats, birds, or even fish, offer unconditional love and support. They don’t care about your job, how you look, or what mistakes you’ve made; they love you just the way you are. This kind of unconditional acceptance is incredibly beneficial for our mental well-being, providing a sense of stability and security that can be hard to find elsewhere.
Stress Reduction
Interacting with pets has been shown to lower levels of cortisol, a stress-related hormone, and increase the production of serotonin, a feel-good chemical in the brain. The simple act of petting a dog or cat can reduce stress, calm nerves, and even lower blood pressure. Moreover, the presence of a pet can offer comfort and reduce feelings of anxiety in challenging situations.
Encouraging Exercise and Play
Pets, especially dogs, require regular exercise, which encourages their owners to get moving too. Physical activity is not only beneficial for our physical health but also for our mental health. Exercise releases endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that act as natural mood lifters. Additionally, playing with a pet can be a fun way to relieve stress and enjoy the moment.
Social Interaction and Connection
Pets can be great social lubricants, facilitating interactions with others. Dog owners, for example, often engage with other dog owners during walks or at the park, which can lead to increased social connections and a sense of belonging. For those who struggle with loneliness or social anxiety, pets can open the door to new friendships and support networks.
Purpose and Routine
Caring for a pet provides a sense of purpose and routine, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals struggling with depression or a lack of direction. The responsibility of feeding, grooming, and caring for an animal can give structure to your day, motivate you to take better care of yourself, and make you feel needed and valuable.
Emotional Regulation and Perspective
Pets can be great listeners, offering a non-judgmental ear for your worries and fears. Talking to pets can help process feelings and gain perspective on personal issues. Moreover, the responsibility of caring for another being can help shift focus away from one’s own problems and contribute to emotional regulation.
The bond between humans and pets is more than just companionship; it’s a powerful connection that can significantly improve mental health. While pets are not a cure-all for mental health issues, they can provide substantial relief and support for people struggling with various conditions. If you’re considering adding a pet to your life, remember that it’s a serious commitment, but one that can bring immeasurable joy and countless mental health benefits. As we continue to navigate the complexities of modern life, perhaps it’s time to give more credit to our furry, feathered, and finned friends for the role they play in maintaining our mental well-being.
For additional blogs and resources, visit here.
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percyshipz · 2 years
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expectingtofly · 3 years
Take a Load Off
fluff, post-canon, human!cas, anxious dean, established dean/cas
(i saw this post by @emptymeg and couldn’t get it out of my head, so here’s a fic :)
also posted on ao3
“What’s in the box?” Dean asked, coming into the library to see Cas setting a large package on the map table with a huff. The table creaked under its weight. “Hey, name that movie.”
Cas cocked his head. “What movie?”
Dean groaned. “Seriously, dude, you’re hopeless. What’s in the box! Brad Pitt?” Cas shrugged and Dean sighed. “Forget it.”
“If it makes you feel better,” Cas said, fetching scissors from a drawer, “This box is for you. I bought you something.”
“Oh?” Dean came to the table, interest even more piqued. “What kind of something?”
Cas gave him a look. “Not what you’re thinking.” He cut through the tape securing the box. “I read that this can relieve stress and help you sleep better.”
“I already know something that can do that.” He added a wink for good measure.
“So,” Cas continued, ignoring him, “I thought you should try it. You haven’t been getting enough sleep lately and I’m worried about your anxiety levels.”
“Wait a moment,” Dean protested. “What do you mean, my ‘anxiety levels’?” Cas opened the box and he leaned over to look at the contents. Folded, silky dark grey fabric. “What is that, a blanket?”
“A weighted blanket,” Cas corrected, heaving it out of the box. “Twenty pounds.”
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” He plucked at the fabric. “This is supposed to help?"
“It’s proven by science.” He nodded at a chair by Dean. “Go, sit.”
Rolling his eyes, Dean sat down and Cas draped the blanket over him. “Fuck.” Dean lifted his arms up under the blanket, then dropped them. “This is actually heavy.”
“Do you feel relaxed?”
“I feel ridiculous.”
“You don’t look it at all,” Cas deadpanned and Dean kicked at him. Cas pulled a brochure out of the box. “Soft cotton filled with poly pellets,” he read. “Alleviate anxiety and increase serotonin.” He studied Dean, eyes squinted. “You still look tense.”
“Sorry, Cas.” Dean shoved the blanket to the floor with a thump. “Think you got duped.”
“You’re not doing it right,” Cas grumbled, picking it up off the ground. “You have to give it a chance.”
“I just gave it a chance.” Standing, he brushed Cas’ hair off his forehead, gave him his best you love me smile. “Now, do you really wanna help me relax?”
Cas studied him for a long moment, then said, “Okay.” He carefully folded the blanket. “We’re keeping this, though. I still think it’ll work.”
Dean made a face behind his back and started to follow him out of the room, but the phone Sam had recently installed in the library for a hunter hotline started ringing. He groaned and Cas hesitated in the doorway.
“Do I have to?” Dean asked him.
“I suppose so,” Cas sighed and set the blanket down on a chair. Turns out the call was from a hunter out near Boise who needed help with a case. Of course, Sam was away visiting Eileen, so he and Cas got stuck spending the next two hours going over the case information, trying to figure out what the monster was. They finally settled on vetala, a whole pack of them, and after instructing the hunter on how to kill them, Dean hung up the phone.
“Fuck,” he swore, rubbing at his eyes. “Who knows how big the pack is. Could be a whole dozen of the freaks.”
“Well, now she knows how to kill them,” Cas said. “And there’s other hunters in the area who can help.”
“Yeah...” Dean fiddled with his pen, tapping it on the open pages of his dad’s journal.
“What’s wrong?” Cas asked.
Dean realized he was frowning. “Nothing.” Flexing his shoulders, he stretched out his back, stiff from poring over books. “Just, three people are already dead. I better be right that it’s a pack of vetala.”
Reaching over, Cas rubbed his back in small circles and Dean leaned back into his hand. “We did all we could, Dean.”
Dean wasn’t so sure that was true. But, short of driving all night out to Boise, he supposed there wasn’t much else they could do. Still, he didn’t like the idea that he might’ve missed a clue, might’ve misled the hunter. He clicked his pen again and again, going over the case in his mind, worst case scenarios—
“Are you going to sleep now?” Cas asked, and Dean glanced at him.
“No.” Dropping the pen, he pushed his chair back and got to his feet. “Don’t think I can now.”
“Would you say you’re feeling stressed? Anxious, perhaps?” Cas deliberately looked to his right and Dean followed his gaze to the weighted blanket folded on a chair.
“Dude, don’t even start.”
“You should use it,” Cas urged. “There’s no shame in feeling anxious, I often feel the same way too.”
“I’ve dealt with worse before, this is nothing new. Just comes with the job.”
Cas sighed. “You put too much on your shoulders.”
Dean shrugged. “Like I said, comes with the job.” If he wasn’t always on edge, he figured he was doing things wrong. Get too comfortable and bad things happened. Just the way it was.
“Still, you can admit you need a break.”
“Jeez, Cas, I’m wounded.” Dean pressed a hand to his chest. “It’s like you don’t even know me.”
Cas rolled his eyes and stood. “Don’t stay up too late.” He seemed to hesitate, fighting against saying more, and Dean said,
“I’m fine, Cas, really.”
“Okay.” Cas didn’t look too convinced, but he kissed Dean goodnight and headed off to their bedroom.
Dean cleaned up the mess of books and papers on the table, turned off the lamps just to do something with his hands. Normally, this is when he’d grab a drink, try to calm his head, but he’d been trying to cut back lately—blame Cas’ concern for his liver—so instead he decided to head to the Dean Cave. Maybe a few episodes of Dr. Sexy would distract himself enough to sleep.
Leaving the room, his eyes fell on the weighted blanket again. Cas and his ridiculous ideas. If Dean hadn’t been sleeping too well lately, that was just the result of living their kind of life. Nothing to do about it. Ignore the stress or end up drowning in it, that was his motto.
(And a horrible coping method, according to Sam and Cas)
Either way, lying under twenty pounds of “cotton and poly pellets” wasn’t going to help. Though the blanket had been really soft, he’d give it that.
He forgot all about it the following day, though, when Sam found a case a few towns over, and Dean and Cas drove over to meet him there. Disturbed gravesites, people disappearing near the cemetery at night. A ghoul, by all signs. A day of morgue visits and interviewing witnesses, then another two days of sitting parked in the cemetery, waiting for the ghoul to emerge again and feed. Dean was almost happy to see the thing when it crawled out of its grave. Almost.
Killing the damn thing hadn’t been too easy. But after inadvertently destroying a few gravestones, nearly falling into an open grave, and narrowly avoiding losing a few limbs, they finally bashed the ghoul’s brains in thoroughly, and split up from the cemetery. Dean went to speak to the latest victim’s mother while Cas and Sam got rid of the remains.
Returning to the bunker first, Dean showered, blood and ghoul remains washing away down the drain. But even the warm water couldn’t ease the jitteriness sitting high in his chest. The ghoul had been strong, fast, and Dean’s heart had leapt into his throat when it got a hold of Sam. Even Cas had struggled to stop the thing, gunshots only serving to anger the son of a bitch more.
Getting out of the shower, he scrubbed himself dry with his towel, inspected a cut along his arm. Not deep enough for stitches. If Sam had avoided a concussion, they were lucky. The ghoul was dead, at least. Left a dozen ruined graves and a few torn apart teenagers in its wake, but dead.
As he changed into clean clothes, he heard the bunker door open. “All good?” he asked, entering the war room to find Sam and Cas setting down their bags.
“If you mean will the trunk always reek like ghoul, then yes,” Sam said. He grimaced as he took off his boots, muddy footprints already leaving a trail down the bunker stairs. Then he glanced at his phone and smiled, said, “Eileen’s calling.”
“Whipped,” Dean mouthed at him as Sam answered his phone, smiling at the screen and walking off down the hallway. “Well,” he told Cas, ”you look like shit.”
Cas gave him his best, I can smite you even without my grace look. “Charming.” He headed off down the hallway towards their bedroom and Dean followed. “How did Mrs. Landis take the news?”
Dean sucked in a breath. “Uh, 'bout how you'd expect, I guess. Told her a bear had gotten to her son, but it was all taken care of now. Not much else to say.”
The mother had sobbed and thanked him. He’d done a piss poor job of comforting her and left with an all-too-familiar sick feeling in his stomach; they hadn’t done enough, they could never save everyone.
“And you?” Cas asked, pulling him from his thoughts. He glanced at Dean as he pushed open the door to their bedroom. “Are you alright?”
Dean started to nod, say fine, but he knew Cas would see straight through the lie. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he shrugged, dropping his hands into his lap. “Just shook up. Coulda been a bad one.”
Cas nodded as he pulled off his trenchcoat, the edges bloody and muddy. “We’re all safe. You don’t have to torture yourself thinking about what could’ve happened.”
Dean shut his eyes, took a deep breath. “I know.” Easier said than done.
He heard Cas’s footsteps, then felt Cas’ fingers on his cheek and tilted his head into his palm. Breathed in and out. Cas smelled like blood and guts and sweat, not a particularly pleasant combination, but his hand was warm and his other hand was carding through his hair and, shit, that felt nice.
“Go to sleep,” Cas said quietly. “You need rest.”
Dean nodded and Cas kissed the top of his head. He left to take a shower and Dean scrubbed his hands over his face.
Fuck, this hunt had been a close one. Closer than they’d had in a long time.
Dropping his hands, his eyes settled on the weighted blanket that Cas had left folded on the chair at the desk, a silent plea for him to use it. He rolled his eyes. Anxious, his ass.
He started to pull the covers back on the bed, but the thought of lying down with the hunt running on repeat through his head was less than appealing. Cas’ trenchcoat hung bloody on the wall, and Dean clenched his hands into fists to stop them from shaking, adrenaline and nerves still rushing through him.
Alright, maybe a little anxious.
With a glance at the door to convince himself Cas would be in the shower for a little while longer, he grabbed the blanket, brought it to their bed.
Getting under the covers, he draped the blanket over himself and lay down, shifting to get comfortable. Once settled, he stared up at the ceiling and waited for the miracle blanket to work its wonders. How much money had Cas spent on this shit? He really had to hide the credit cards.
He shifted again, the mattress creaking, and dropped back with a huff. Not that he didn’t appreciate Cas trying to help, but a twenty-pound blanket wasn’t what he needed. What he needed was a full night of sleep and a blow job and an all-expenses-paid trip to Cancún. His nose was itchy, his knee was bruised, his back was fucked up from getting thrown against a gravestone, Sam had already found another case in Albuquerque, and, fuck, he was just so damn tired.
Shutting his eyes, he forced himself to breathe through the sensation of his chest tightening. He could feel the blanket rise and fall with every deliberate breath, and he counted like Sam had taught him years ago when he’d woken with a panic attack—breathe in for seven seconds, hold for four, let out for eight.
Don’t think about what could’ve happened. We’re all safe. Cas is safe, Sam is safe. I’m safe.
His heartbeat slowly settled. The blanket’s weight was strangely comforting, warm, trapping him under the covers. Forced to stay still, he felt his limbs slowly relax into the mattress, the tenseness in his shoulders dissipating, his back easing and hands curling loosely along the sheets.
Okay. Shit. Maybe there was something to this weighted blanket thing. His mind grew hazier as his thoughts began to wander, and he found himself drifting off to sleep when the bedroom door creaked open and startled his eyes open.
“You’re using it,” Cas whispered excitedly, standing in the doorway. “Are you relaxed?”
“Fuck off,” Dean told him. He would’ve flipped him off, but that would require lifting his hand out from under the blanket and he was too—dammit, Cas was right—relaxed to move.
“I knew it would be perfect,” Cas said, sounding too triumphant. Shutting the door softly, he got into bed next to him—well, tried to. He shoved at the blanket encroaching on his side of the bed. “Dean, move over.”
“Nope.” Dean shut his eyes again. “Reap what you have sown.”
Grumbling, Cas turned off the light and got under the covers with more rustling and movement than necessary. Finally, he settled down. The bunker hummed, the heating running, the pipes in the walls creaking as a shower turned on down the hallway. The blanket heavy on top of him, Dean began to fall asleep again.
“Are you really gonna keep that on all night?” Cas asked, disturbing the quiet.
Cas huffed and Dean could only keep up the ruse for a few more seconds before lifting the edge of the blanket. “Come on, get under.”
Sliding over, Cas got underneath, and they laid side by side, pressed against each other. Their fingers brushed, and Dean crooked a finger around Cas’ thumb.
“This is nice,” Cas commented, voice quiet. “I’m glad it’s helping.”
“Mhm.” He was starting to think he should’ve bought one of these things a long time ago. He hadn’t realized how strung out he was before until now, all the tension in his body slipping away.
Cas shifted onto his side and Dean blinked open his eyes to look at him. “I guess I was right all along, wasn’t I?”
“Don’t push it.” He caught Cas’ smile in the dark and elbowed him on principle before shifting over to kiss him. Then he tugged at Cas’ arm and turned onto his side, prompting Cas to press close against his back and wrap an arm around him.
He smiled, eyes falling shut at the warm press of the blanket and Cas’ body around his. Now he was relaxed.
tag list:
@becky-srs @xojo @marvelnaturalock @aelysianmuse @prayedtoyou @letsjustdieeveryone @good-things-do-happen-dean @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @theninthdutchessofhell @madronasky @famouspsychicpizzabandit @multifandomdisorder @arcticfox007  @improvedpeanut @castiel-is-a-cat @harmonyhelms @thetrueliesofafangirl @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you @theangelwiththewormstache @confusedisaster @welcome-to-crowleys-hellhole @celestialcastiel
let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the tag list :)
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emilemily · 2 years
I’d like to add that blogging through my thoughts and feelings really does help me a lot.
When I moved to Florida, I fell off in a bad way. Stopped writing down my thoughts or sorting through it all by blogging. When I tell you my mental health has been trash! When I don’t take time alone to dissect my thoughts and present them in a way that can be understood, I fall into this daze of not always knowing what I’m feeling.
I’ll walk around numbed by my Vyvanse, shoving it back until someone makes an offhand comment at me and I respond in a bitchy, emotional way that is inappropriate for the situation. Thankfully I have really good friends who accept my apologies when I offer them. They know that I love them and I really do have a good heart. I’m just fast to pull the trigger sometimes and speak impulsively. It is something I’m working on and have been for a while.
My brain is consistently going at all times. There is no peace from the underlying chaos. Song lyrics, trying to remember names of movies, remembering that one time someone say this or that, reflecting on my childhood, feeling random guilt for things now beyond my control, random bursts of anger at people I haven’t talked to in so long, what was that one teachers name, what dollar amount would it take for me to be financially secure for a year, is going back to college a great idea
Then I’ll be walking down the hallway or down stairs, or sitting down at my desk, or walking my dogs and I will imagine myself falling or getting hurt in a final destination sort of way. As I get into a car I imagine slipping and falling on my face, breaking my teeth out
As I walk down stairs I imagine losing my footing and rolling all the way down, breaking my nose and my teeth as I go. I imagine myself as a bloody mess at the bottom of the stairs
When I drive and make any turns or do anything, I’m imagining myself colliding with someone or maybe street signs, totaling my car and rendering myself paralyzed
And while all of this is running through without breaks, I have the main chorus of Country Roads running through on loop, never going to the next line… just
Country roads, take me home to the place I belong
West Virginia
Mountain mama
Take me home
Country roads
Over and over and over again, sometimes for days on end
It is my brains favorite song to get stuck on. I don’t know why but I do like the song, so I guess there are worse things that could be stuck in my head…
Either way, the Vyvanse helps a little but the shit never stops it’s always there in my head, going on and on and on
My psychiatrist diagnosed me with obsessive compulsive disorder with intrusive thoughts (though I question the validity of that and think it might just be my severe adhd) She prescribed me an anti-depressant that was perfect for that exactly. Gave me serotonin syndrome that hospitalized me due to the adhd meds and the gabapentin for anxiety
So naturally I stopped taking it. I have 7 different anti-depressants that she prescribed and I tried for a couple days and put down, and some I never even opened because I’m terrified to get that sick again
I’m not willing to sacrifice my stimulants for a sound brain and maybe that’s sick. But I’ve never been able to function and be a normal human being (outwardly, anyway) prior to them. I kept one of my monthly performance reviews from my boss to remind me. Seeing myself exceeding expectations on paper reminds me of why I continue. Another memento for the box.
My boss and I were very close. Tomorrow she’s going to come over and look through the many clothes I have to give away and then we’re going to get boba tea
I miss her and I miss my job.
Confronting who I am without my career is hard. Packing up pieces of who I used to be and who I wanted to be. Who I hate that I was, but forgive myself for being. Seeing little bits of Emily over the years
My god it’s a lot. I’m having many thoughts today, and just had to word vomit on here.
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vulpes-z3rda · 4 years
SFW Alphabet ~ Nishinoya
A/N: HI HI!! I hope you all enjoy this and i hope the Nishinoya nation are doing okay ^_^
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Have you met this boy? Have you taken him in? Absorbed him and everything about him? Yes? Good. This fucking DUDEEEE, omg. he loves affection. 25/10 on the scale for him tbh. s he around at all?? He needs to be touching you. Whether it be linked pinkies or small pecks on the cheek or hugging you from behind. He needs to be doing it because he wants to show you how much he cares all the time.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
THE BEST OF BEST FRIENDS!!!!! Need to laugh? Bitch he's there. Wanna go on a random adventure that will probably end up with you both having to wear bandages and bandaids for weeks? He's down and ready to go! Movie marathons and being cuddled up together under a blanket? Human reading this, he'll do it.
The friendship started when he was running through the halls being his usual chaotic self and he accidentally ran into you. After you both got up and dusted yourself off you were going to yell at him when he started apologising. Forgiving him you said you'd hoped to see him around and giggled as he very enthusiastically agreed. (he also thought you were really cute and wanted to stick around with you!)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Omg... of course. You don't think he would?? How dare you. That, my good reader, is a war crime of a thought. He isn't really bothered about how the cuddling happens but he much prefers being the little spoon. Being held by you, resting on your chest and just relaxing into your touch is something he loves doing whenever he can. Obviously he'll swap but its like... a surprise when he is the big spoon.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He does want to settle down eventually. Once you're both comfortable with good jobs and a nice home, he'll be sure to settle down with you. For now, though, he just likes talking about your future together and where you think you'll be. Cooking?? Cleaning?? What are those? Please, for the sake of your home, don't let him near the kitchen. He can clean, he just doesn't like it. If you want him to clean you're going to have to make a game out of it. "You'll get a kiss every 10 minutes if you do it." "AHHH OKAY!!"
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I think he would be scared because even though he doesn't love you in that way anymore, he still really cares about you and doesn't want to hurt you. But, he'd be upfront because you deserve that decency and he would make sure that you both stay friends because he still wants you in his life.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
We all know he simps. A pure-blooded simp you know? So he simps for you. He's 100% committed to you. He doesn't see anyone else, only you and he is more than happy with that. I feel like he'd propose to you after a few years of dating, like between 2-6 years maybe?? Then you've had time to properly settle together and gotten to know each other inside and out.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He can be gentle but given his chaotic nature, he's probably unintentionally brazen and rough around the edges. But he tries for you because he knows sometimes you just need him to be calm and to be more aware of your emotions so he tries his best.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Absolutely adores hugging you. Adores hugs in general tbh. They happen any chance he gets tbh. You've got your back turned to him because your mum asked you to do the dishes? BACK HUGS TIME!! Talking to him about something? You had best bet this man is going to tackle you in a hug.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Yes, he's affectionate but I feel like he'd wait a bit before he decided he says I love you. He wants to make sure everything between you two is comfortable and completely returned before he commits to it on that level. So I'd say he'd wait about 5-7 months before he says it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
We've all seen how he is about people flirting with Kiyoko and they aren't even dating, so Lord could only imagine. He would probably be by your side at all times and leaving snide comments to the person who is stealing your attention. More on the passive-aggressive side of jealous behaviour.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses can either be softest things or the most passionate things. There is no in-between with him. It all depends on his mood. Preferably, he'd like to kiss you on the lips and neck because he feels like it both shows how much he loves you and shows others your his. He loves to be kissed on the jaw and on the lips for the same reasons. It just screams "we love each other and want y'all to know" in his mind.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Considering he's a big child himself, I'd say he's pretty good with kids. 100% the type of guy to join in on any game to keep them entertained, will tell stories (mainly making you royalty and himself a knight who saves you (Tsukki is a dragon that kidnaps you)), he'll give piggyback rides if they want them and he's just overall ecstatic to be around them.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
You have to wake him up most mornings cause this mf is always trying to sleep in. You usually make his fave breakfast and then after that he drags upstairs again to cuddle again. This usually means he's rushing around to get to school and practice while you thought ahead and got ready before he dragged you back.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
SNUGGLES!! He'll make sure that once you've both done you're nightly routines, that you both wrap yourselves up in the bedsheets and just cuddle and talk about your day. His head is on your chest and he presses soft kisses to your collarbone as you sing to him or just play with his hair. Overall, it's just a soft loving experience for you both and he adores it and you all the same.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Give him a few months and that's when he really starts opening up. But, leading up to then he gives little hints about himself and drops little things that you might not have known every now and then. Then all of a sudden, he's saying everything. Every little detail he wants you to know, everything he's feeling and he tells you what he's insecure about because he wants you to know him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
I mean... I'd say about average?? It depends on the situation. Someone's flirting with you? 0-100 real quick. Are you just upset about something and taking it out on him? He tries to keep level headed because he doesn't want to get mad at you. Someone making fun of his height? 0.0 well... short people tend to be the scariest and that's all I'm going to say 😌.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
I feel like he's the kind of person who couldn't remember what 2 + 2 is half the time but if someone was like "What pet did y/n have as a kid??" and he'd be right there answering. Or they'd just ask "Hey, do you know y/n's favourite food?" and boom, he's giving a whole recipe on how to make it just how you like it. But on the odd occasion, he's just like "Oh fuck.... what's their favourite colour again??"
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
Your first anniversary. He made sure that he got everything you did on your first date and just sprinkled in little gifts of memories you made leading up to the anniversary. Not gonna lie, he also makes sure you have a nice little at home part of it too, You watch your favourite movies and eat your favourite snacks. This boy just wanted it to be special for you because he wants you to know just how much he cares.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
On a scale of 1-10?? I'd place him at like 9. We've all seen he is about Kiyoko... and she was a CRUSH! So what he'd be like over his s/o?? Jesus lord above. Noya goes ✨ bark bark ✨ when he protects you. Listen, people who flirt with you make Noya go brrrr, you know? *whispering* He likes it when you protect him by mocking or teasing the other person. Your witty remarks? Gold. His brain? Full of serotonin. His face? Basically just a smile. Hotel? Trivago.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
BITCH. Like I said, the effort he put in for your one year?? ✨immaculate✨. Like honestly sometimes your dates are 🌸🍡🍭🌈✨ and then other times they're like ⛓️🖤🔪🥀🩸. But he puts a lot of effort into making sure the date you do fits with your mood. Tired? Stay at home date. Hyper? You go to the beach or park. Chill? Stargazing. Craving stuff? Cafe and restaurant dates. As for everyday tasks... he lacks motivation and usually gets distracted when he starts them however he tries his best to do the things you ask him to do.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He tends to accidentally neglect you for volleyball. Does he mean to? No, but the boy struggles to prioritise for god's sake. (After Suga talks to him he tries to be better at it but sometimes he still falls into it). HE ALSO LEAVES DIRTY CLOTHES EVERYWHERE BUT WHAT TEEN DOESN'T??
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Averagely concerned. The blonde in his hair is fading?? Asks you to redo it for him. It's his signature look and he demands to be a standout libero. Just wants to be able to be noticed by something outside of his skills ig.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
IUYTRESXDFGHJK MAAM/SIR/HOOMAN. This puppy of a boy would practically d i e without you by his side. He doesn't care whether he has you in his life as his s/o or his friend. He just knows he needs you to be in his life. periodt 💅.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He likes climbing trees but half the time he gets stuck and has to jump out meaning you're at the bottom catching him-
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
Doesn't really like it when someone easily gives up on their goals. He knows if you've seen yourself being able to do it, then you can. But if you give up super quickly?? He's gonna be disappointed.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
HE CLINGS TO YOU LIKE A KOALA BEAR!!! Hear me out, baby boy just wants to be close to the person he loves and so this lead to him holding onto you while you both sleep!
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bitchesgetriches · 4 years
Hey bitches, let's dream. What would you do with a no strings attached $10k, $100k and $1m donation to BGR?
Oh. OH.
This question made my brain blush with serotonin. I will happily answer this.
If we had $10K, we would hire a part-time assistant to help us. The funny thing is: when you do something you really love, you only do The Thing Itself a small fraction of the time. We have all of Season 2 of the podcast recorded, but it takes us months to release because we’re doing all the research, editing, writing, and promotional stuff ourselves. I often sit down intending to write, only to end up working on taxes and updating security certificates. All that invisible administrative work is a drag, and it would be awesome to have a little help with it.
A lot of folks in our position have one or more virtual assistants to help them. It’s very affordable, if you hire someone in a low cost of living country. I’m not gonna say we would never do that, because I’m willing to do what it takes to grow our audience and help more people.
But...ugh. It just doesn’t jive with our ethos?
Like. BGR is a sisterhood founded in a shared dream of promoting economic justice and empowerment. We couldn’t add an assistant unless we found someone who was really fired up about our mission and we enough money to show them respect for their time. $10K would be enough to pay someone $20/hour for 10 hours of admin work per week. That would be totally life-changing for BGR.
If we had $100K, we would both make this our full-time job. 2020 is the first year we’ve paid ourselves through BGR. I cannot thank our Patreon donors enough for their support. It is so meaningful, ESPECIALLY now that Piggy has lost her job.
But, real talk: the last time I calculated it out, Piggy and I were paying ourselves about...$3/hour.
The overwhelming majority of our donors give $1/month. Those donations mean the world to us, because we know they’re likely coming from folks who don’t have more to give! But, you know, we write from our hearts, and that takes a lot of spoons. We have to balance against our day job (or hunting for a new day job, in Piggy’s case) and activities that refill the cup: eating, showering, sinking 200 hours into a video game I only sorta liked, etc.
We have considered lots of options for additional monetization, and rejected pretty much all of them, because we just can’t get away from the idea that it’s unethical to charge poor people money for advice on how to stop being poor. We’ve had lots of sponsorship offers; we’ve even had major financial companies inquire about buying Bitches Get Riches. Ego-stroking and wallet-filling as that is, we don’t think it’s in our fans’ best interest.
The donor model feels good to us right now. We hope that the people we’ve helped will remember us and pay it forward by donating. It’s not giving us rent money, but it’s grocery money. And we stan groceries. But seriously, if someone handed BGR a hundred geez, I wouldn’t even send in my letter of resignation---just fling my work computer onto the lawn of my old office and see how long it took for them to stop sending me paychecks. They’re awfully bureaucratic, it could take a while!
Telling you what we would do if we had $1M requires some embarrassing dream-disclosures, but hey, let’s do it! I had to leave home when I was 17. And I did some really risky things to get by on my own. Now, everything worked out well for me in the end! But I got help from a lot of strangers. Many of them were wise older women who never asked questions, just gave me what they could: a spare room, a job, a place at their table on Christmas. BGR is very much my attempt to do what was done for me, on the widest scale I possibly can.
But if I had a milly?
Ho mah gad, this is embarrassing, but...
My won-the-lottery dream has always been to buy land somewhere beautiful, and build a bunch of tiny-home style cabins around a big main house. Half would be rented out to artists working on finishing a project (writing their book, programming their game, whatever). The income from those rentals would subsidize the other half of the cabins, which would be free short-term housing for people who need help getting out of shitty situations.
I would live at the big house and manage the property. I’d cook delicious family dinners, and invite interesting speakers, and create a safe and inspiring environment for my guests. We’d have a bunch of old rescued animals around too, because animals can do so much to put life into perspective and teach you how to be kind to yourself AND ALSO BECAUSE ANIMALS ARE V. CUTE.
Obviously BGR would live on, with this sanctuary as its headquarters. With more opportunities to come together in-person, we could host seminars and retreats and conferences. (A pressing need, since the guy who runs our main industry conference took a hard right turn onto MAGA Alley and got canceled faster than a critically-acclaimed LGBT tv show.)
Sorry, Piggy, in this dream, you and Bear would have to come live with us. I know how much you hate the outdoors, loathe home improvement projects, dread serving huge Italian family-style dinners, despise the thought of teaching city people how to fish, and weep at the idea of playing your guitar out on the lawn while interesting, kind people talked quietly and sipped wine and tapped away on their laptops until the fireflies came out. You said I could answer this question, so you don’t get a say, tough titties.
Thank you for asking this lovely question. The time I wasted on this daydreaming has me fired up for doing all the other things I have to do today! Like editing all these dagum podcast files. I’ll see about getting episode one dropped tomorrow-ish.
What about you guys? What would YOU do?
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Fluff Rarely Sleeps When There's Weight: Part 2
Logan decides to get himself something to eat, and winds up seeing a blanket on the couch. Not only does Logan learn of how fluffy and comfortable it is, but Logan learns that he's VERY sensitive to blanket fluff!
For @kanene-yaaay
So an update on life: I GOT HIRED FOR A JOB! I'm gonna be working in a retirement home! It's like a dream job for me! WOO HOO! But this means, my fanfic writing is going to lessen a little when I start working. I'm gonna be hit with 12 hour shifts, and a couple days as a sleep/spare time break in between. It's gonna be weird and hard to get used to, but I'm gonna try and get lots of writing in on my breaks to make up for it.
Logan was reading a book and determining some new activities to put into Thomas’s routine. He had heard the commotion upstairs, and giggled to himself at the silly tickle fight that had started up between Roman and Virgil. It’s rare to hear (let alone see) the two of them getting along. So hearing that happen, made a few ideas flow through his head.
A while later, Logan began to feel hungry. So he closed his books, headed downstairs and walked to the kitchen. There were many food items he could eat, but a specific list of foods came to his mind: studying foods.
Logan decided to make himself a peanut butter and Crofters sandwich. Peanut butter was supposed to help your brain study, and fruit has always been a brain food. And as everyone knows, Crofters is one of the healthiest fruit jams there is! And of course, whole grain bread is good for you in general. So: PB & J is the perfect lunch option for Logan.
Logan brought his food out to the living room and placed it onto the table. Sitting onto the couch, Logan sighed in content and grabbed and started eating his sandwich. Behind him, Logan felt a purple fluffy blanket that was folded up and sitting there against the back of the couch. “Hmm.” Logan hummed before returning to his sandwich. He managed to get halfway through the sandwich when the fluffy blanket fell down against his lower back. Logan turned to look at the blanket, and decided to return it to its rightful throne on the couch. With the blanket back on its special spot, Logan returned to his sandwich.
But the blanket didn’t stay there for long. Logan had a bit more of the sandwich down when the blanket fell. But this time, it landed right onto Logan’s shoulders. Logan blinked in confusion as his inner thoughts told him he wasn’t leaning against the couch. So...how did the blanket manage to plop itself onto his shoulders? Logan sighed and grabbed his napkin. While he wiped his hands off, he let the blanket fall against his lower back again and put it right back where he found it beforehand. Finally, Logan got up, picked up his plate and headed to the kitchen.
When the plate was washed and placed aside for washing later, Logan came back to the living room to see the purple blanket no longer on the couch, but laying right on the floor. Logan lifted an eyebrow in confusion. Does this blanket not like being propped up on the couch or something? Logan sighed as he sat down onto the couch, and chose to pick up the blanket and plop it beside him.
A few minutes later, Logan felt something against his leg. He looked over, and lifted an eyebrow: the corner of the blanket had jumped and was now sitting on his leg. How did that happen? Logan stood up, lifted up the blanket and stretched it out so he could see the whole thing. It couldn’t have moved. But, he could admit that it does look comfy. Logan decided to wrap it around himself.
The fur was so nice against his neck! And his arms! The fur felt nice on pretty much everything. So, Logan laid himself onto the couch and enjoyed the security hug that the blanket gave him. It felt so warm and cozy as well. He could easily assume this was Virgil’s blanket thanks to the color, but boy did Logan love it as well! A smile started showing up on his face as he processed the softness and comfort he got from the blanket.
The blanket seemed to be hugging him more, the longer he laid there on his belly. The bottom corners had soon found a way around Logan’s legs and were now hugging them. Logan didn’t think much of this though, due to his growing exhaustion from the blanket and his writing from earlier. Logan soon fell into a deep sleep for about 45 minutes. It felt nice and long though, like he wasn’t being cheated out of genuine sleep.
When Logan woke up, the blanket seemed to have tucked itself under his shirt. But Logan didn’t really realize this thanks to his dozy state. But things started to click into place when the blanket’s fluff started to move and lightly tickle his sides from under the shirt. Logan squeezed his eyes a little and moaned in slight irritation.
“Mmmm-wha?” Logan moved his hand to his belly and felt the bits of fuzz on his sides. Thinking it was nothing, Logan ignored it and closed his eyes.
But the fuzzy blanket decided to go full force, and rub its blanket corners against his sides. Logan’s eyes widened as his lips perked into a big smile. Logan quickly shoved his face into his pillow and started giggling while he struggled to get the blanket off his sides. The blanket started moving around a little, never giving Logan a chance to actually grab the corners.
To make things worse, the upper middle of the blanket had scooted itself up to his neck and started tickling there too! Logan squeaked and actually started laughing in a higher-pitched tone! He tried to scrunch up his shoulders, but that didn’t do jack for the back of his neck. The blanket quickly started to wrap itself around Logan’s neck, and torment the sides of his neck too. And on top of THAT, the upper corners of the blanket had moved itself up to his ears and started tickling there!
Then Logan made the big mistake of reaching behind his neck to grab the blanket…
Quickly, the blanket’s upper corners moved from his ears right to his armpits and scrubbed vigorously. Logan shrieked and clamped his arms right down to his sides as endless laughter came out. “HAHAHAHAHAHA! HOHOHOW IHIHIHIHIS THIHIHIS EHEHEVEHEN HAHAHAPPEHENIHIHIHING?!” Logan asked the air in pure confusion. The stimulation was just too much for him! The poor logical man couldn’t even think while he was worn down to nothing but a giggly puddle. “HOHOHOHOW AHAHARE YOHOHOHOU TIHIHIHICKLIHIHING MEHEHE RIHIHIHIGHT NOHOHOHOW?!” Logan asked the blanket.
Gosh...If even one person could see him like this, they would question his sanity. What kind of person yells questions to a BLANKET of all things?! Not a logical person, that’s for sure. Despite how weird the circumstances were, the blanket seemed to be enjoying itself! To further show its love, the blanket turned itself horizontally (in contrast to his vertical body) and hugged Logan right around his arms. His arms were now stuck against his chest and his lower shoulders to his upper legs were being covered in furry blanket softness. Though part of Logan’s brain was enjoying the feeling of being hugged, the other half of his brain was telling him ‘GET OUT! THE BLANKET’S GONNA TICKLE YOU AGAIN!’
In an attempt to earn his trust, the blanket didn’t tickle him again. It just hugged Logan comfortably. Logan’s rocking and attempts to get out, soon subsided as exhaustion and a surprising amount of trust started to take over. Logan looked at the blanket in confusion and decided to feel the fluff against his fingers. As he felt the fluff however, Logan started smiling and giggling as he learned something new about himself: his palms and his inner fingers were somewhat ticklish as well! Ticklish enough to make him giggle, no less.
When the blanket wanted to keep going, it started tickling Logan’s lower ribs. Logan guffawed in pure surprise and practically lost all his composure. Logan was kicking his feet, cackling, shaking his glasses off his head, and soon started pounding the couch! You would think that removing the corners of the blanket would help your situation. But Logan had found out earlier on that he CAN’T. The blanket was weakening him and would go for his armpits every time he tried. So, he eventually gave up and laughed all his frustrations out.
The blanket paused, and grabbed Logan’s glasses. Placing them onto the side table, the blanket continued its tickle attack on Logan with no worry of anything broken. Eager to tickle him a lot more, the blanket lifted up Logan’s shirt and shoved most of its blanket body through the bottom of the shirt and fed the corners out the shirt sleeves! Then, it started fluffing and wiggling itself to tickle him vigorously with the blanket fluff. Logan was wiggling and rocking all over the place, squealing and cackling hysterically, and was super overwhelmed by the tickles he was experiencing. It was just too much for the man! Logan was used to not being touched very much. So going from barely touched to tickle attacked all over, Logan grew overwhelmed rather quickly.
It didn’t help matters either that his serotonin levels were soaring. His brain was being fed so much happiness, that he was being put into dazes filled with all the giggle fits. It was such a strange and foreign feeling for him. He’s often warned Thomas of not doing drugs or drinking too much. But Logan was now learning of a new hormone-inducing drug mixture: dopamine and serotonin. The good news was, it doesn’t harm the body but rather helps the body. The bad news was: It was making his body feel weak and tired, while also fogging up his brain. He knew he would never be able to think straight no matter what. But this was ten times worse!
The blanket decided to give Logan another break and unravelled itself from Logan’s upper body. Logan giggled and wiggled around as it dislodged itself from under the shirt, but soon began calming down when it was out. The blanket wrapped itself around Logan’s legs and waist to hug him once again.
Logan didn’t know how he felt about being tickled so much. He loved it on one hand, but another part of him was telling him to get away from the blanket because it was tickling him too much. But the dopamine rush from the tickle attack felt amazing to him! It was like getting an overdose of happiness at disneyland. But...it was just tickling. How could tickling have such a big effect on him that he’s literally fighting with himself on whether he likes it or hates it?
Meanwhile, the blanket could sense his overthinking brain yet again. When will this man ever learn? The blanket decided to see if his legs or knees were ticklish as well. By doing this, the blanket travelled itself down to the bottom of his dress pants and slid each corner right in and up the pant sleeves. Finding the vulnerable knee pits, the blanket fluffed up its fluff a little more and started rubbing the corners against the knee pits.
“Uhuhuh ohohohohoh! HAHAHAhahahahaha! Cohohohome ohohohon blahahankehehehet! Knohohohock ihihihit ohohohoff!” Logan finally begged for the first time.
The blanket, enjoying the giggles, decided to rub just a little faster behind the knee pits. Logan’s laughter quickened quite a bit. “OhohoHOHOHO BOHOHOHOYHY! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Logan laughed more and more.
There was the happy sound! That kind of laughter gave the blanket extra fluffs of excitement! The blanket declared then and there, that Logan would be tickled for a little longer. But Logan didn’t know how he felt about its plans. Logan was kicking his feet, rolling all over the couch and laughing his heart out! And to make things better? Logan had started snorting! And everytime Logan would snort, he would cover up his mouth and muffle his own cackles! It was SUPER adorable!
“PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE! IHIHIHIHI CAHAHAHAN’T BREHEHEHEHEHEATHE!” Logan pleaded as tears of mirth started to well up in his eyes bit by bit.
The blanket was starting to realize that Logan was gonna need a break very soon. So, it tried one more spot: the back of his calves.
And HOLY CRAP! Logan threw his head back and SCREAMED like his body was on FIRE! His scream quickly turned into hysterical, almost insane kind of laughter! And just as quickly, the laughter went silent. That was when the blanket gave him a break. The blanket removed itself from his pant sleeves very gently and laid itself in a pile in front of Logan’s feet.
Logan took a while to calm down, and soon sat himself up. “You gonna make yourself known, Mr. Blanket?” Logan asked.
The blanket stayed still at first.
“Hello?” Logan asked, poking the blanket.
But the blanket refused to move.
Logan narrowed his eyes and picked up the blanket in curiosity.
But suddenly, the blanket wrapped itself around Logan’s shoulders again! Logan giggled and hugged the blanket back. “I knew you were just playing!” Logan reacted. “I’m Logan.” he greeted, holding out his hand.
The blanket shook his hand with a corner and wrapped itself around Logan’s head and shoulders. Logan giggled and snuggled himself into the blanket for a bit. “You’re very soft.” Logan admitted.
The blanket snuggled itself in more. Logan giggled at the snuggles he was getting, and smiled as he closed his eyes.
“I see you found my blanket.” someone said to him. Logan opened his eyes and smiled. It was Virgil. “Not a bad blanket, huh?” He asked.
Logan smiled. “Very cuddly.” Logan replied. “And playful.” Logan added.
Virgil’s smile widened. “His neck is really bad too.” Virgil let it know.
Logan’s eyes widened as he realized what Virgil just told the blanket. Logan quickly struggled to get the blanket off, but ultimately curled up and bursted out laughing. “Wahahait! VIHIHIHIRGAHAHAHAHAHA! YOHOHOHOHOU EHEHEHEVIHIHIL- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Logan started kicking his feet and rolling around on the couch once again.
But for Virgil, this was the first tickle attack he’d seen. And BOY, was it MAGICAL! Logan was a laughing, blushing mess, which was usually a rare sight. The only person who’s been able to enjoy this new sight of Logan, was Patton and this blanket! And he could see why Patton wouldn’t stop talking about it: it was so fun to see!
“Does it really tickle that badly?” Virgil asked.
“Do you want it to stop though?” Virgil asked.
Virgil smirked. “So...is that a yes? Or a no?” Virgil asked curiously.
Logan finally worked up the courage to shake his head no. Virgil smiled and watched the rest of the ticklish situation play out from just a few feet away. Since the man didn’t want him to stop the blanket, Virgil was gonna let the blanket tickle him for a while till either Logan would tap out, or the blanket would stop for him.
The blanket slithered itself around from Logan’s neck, to his back, to his sides and ribs again. The blanket did spend some extra time on his back though, because as it turns out: his back was a giggle spot! Logan was arching his back and giggling all cutesy and childish! It was so cute! Someone call Patton and let him know about this secret fact!
Virgil smirked as he looked over at the hiding spot behind the kitchen counter. There was a slightly visible glow of red coming from the side of the counter. Virgil knew exactly who that was: Roman.
Virgil was fully aware that it was really Roman controlling the blanket the entire time. How did he know? Well, apart from the time Roman blew his own cover when he used the blanket on me...the red glow also proved it. The color red, always matched up with the prince. Roman, amidst his blanket controlling, sent Virgil an ‘Okay’ sign for a few seconds before returning to his fun little activity.
The blanket eventually stopped for Logan and gave him a big hug. Logan was still a giggly mess from the tickle attack, but also felt heartwarmed to have yet ANOTHER hug from the loving blanket.
“Awwww! It looks like Mr. Blanket really likes you!” Virgil teased.
“Ihihihi...Ihihi doho tohohoho, blahahankehehet.” Logan replied, patting it nicely. The blanket snuggled into Logan a little more and started to calm down. With all that time spent tickling, the blanket seemed to be getting quite tired. Talk about irony! But Logan didn’t mind. As long as the blanket didn’t develop any more cravings for tickles during his nap, Logan was perfectly okay with the blanket hugging him.
The reality is, he really needed this. Logan probably needed this more than any of the sides did. So to finally get some love without having to gain the courage to ask for it? Literally the best thing anyone could ask for.
...It didn’t take long for Logan to start up another tickle fight…
Let it be known that Logan officially loves tickle fights!
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
1) your blog name is just!!! Really cool!!! To this day, I don’t know why, it’s just a daily source of giddiness. Love me a blog with a really cool play on word name and hey howdy hey look what we got here, a super cool blog with a super cool name
2) you are so amazingly kind??? And incredibly involved with your readers??? You are the sort of writer I thought existed when I was a smol sheltered bean and lo and behold one of my first outings I find a super awesome cool and interactive writer who cares??? So much about what she’s putting out into the world, and how it affects others??? You are both an inspiration and a gift??
3) thanksgiving lives in my head rent free, day after day, minute after minute. Catch me sweeping up popcorn at work and all of a sudden my brain is starting my cinematic presentation of stuff being spooned onto a pitifully empty plate, and the warmth of the holidays being stolen away by the things that lurk in grey eyes :)
4) you and your blog have (has? Grammar. Bleh) been such a source of wisdom, and it’s just wonderful. I know I can’t be the only one. You share so many wonderful resources, and you *care* so much I just. Yeah. You’re incredible. I cannot even begin to explain how much I’ve benefited from running across this wonderful place.
5) I cannot speak about the amazing things that comprise ash without going absolutely bonkers about your w r i t i n g. I just. You are so good at layering meaning upon meaning upon meaning into your works, until they become this beautiful, colorful sedimentary formation of gorgeous intent and heartbreaking subtext.
7) just about any time I’m up early I see a happy little green discord bubble that makes my heart go ☀️❤️ and I’m not a morning person, but it always puts me in a happy mood to start my day
8) hello random point here!! Just for me to say you’re amazing and I love you!! I’m allowed to do that cause I made the rules :P
9) you are taking a break!!! A well deserved, wonderful break to rest the ash head!!!!! Take care of the ash brain!!! For inside it are many wonderful things!!! Many amazing gifts to this world that you bless us with!!! Take care of the ash!!!
11) you were the first whump writer I ever really came into contact with! That’s not to say I hadn’t read whump before, but I had never interacted with anyone before. And nervous little me stuck my head in and you went HELLO WELCOME WE’RE ALL VERY FRIENDLY HERE HAVE A SLICE OF HEARTACHE PIE AND JOIN THE FUN and I cannot thank you enough for that
12) your profile picture. Please. It gives me so much serotonin
13) stop I’m already gay. This comes with no context but it doesn’t even need it. You know who this is about.
14) Chris owns my entire heart and also my soul 🥺 so does Kauri, come to think of it 🥺 and Jake 🥺 and Krista 🥺 and-
16) Teach me to write pls you are a goddess of prose and I bow at your altar
18) never has someone ever managed to make me so worked up over a roomba, I swear to god I am more invested in Kiera’s well-being than I am in my own, PLEASE TELL ME MY FUNKY LITTLE VACUUM MAKES IT
19) Vincent! Shield! Breaks! My! Heart! Someone! Please! Help! Him! For! The! Love! Of! God! Please! Just that whole...kauri’s whole....and Owen and....😭 you have such good concepts and they break me to pieces and the (minimal though it is) comfort stitches it back together and ASHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
20) five more left! Five more left! Cause I can only fit 25 in! But there is! so much more! About the Ash! Of that I’m sure! Look out. Here comes the Ash love!
21) this is specifically a me thing, but in following some of the discourse that passes through your blog, I have learned a *lot* about the world, and about myself. I won’t give specifics, but you actually encouraged me to talk with someone, and secure a diagnosis that I’ve been holding off on for a long time. And it has opened up so many pathways, and helped me see the world in such a different light and I just. I can never really thank you enough for that?
22) I can never get enough of how amazing you are at flipping the usual narrative on its head, and drawing out such crucially important morals from it? God I just. Ash
23) you’re still here! You’re still going! The world is a crazy place, and the internet even crazier, but look at you! You’re here! In spite of it all, it’s still you! And I thank my lucky stars every day for it!
24) this is just a fun fact but you are one of (5) blogs I keep post notifications on for, constantly. Tumblr and I are very fickle friends, but I cannot tell you how much it gives me a little rush of glee (or terror or sorrow or fear depending on the content) whenever I get that little banner pop up on my phone and it says ASHINTHEAIRLIKESNOW POSTED:
25) Number twenty five is simply, truthfully, and completely that you are Ash! You are wonderful, and brilliant, and a light in a world that gets pretty dim, every now and then. Even when your light feels a little grey, never let it go out ❤️ you are loved, and you are so very special, and you deserve tenfold of the goodness you put out.
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Anon, I have no response that can possibly match what I was sent here. This was delightful and it made me feel the same way I felt when I first saw the ‘boom da yada’ commercial for the Discovery channel, which is to say... awesome. Thank youuuuuu for this list!
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justanalto · 4 years
quarantine tag game
i was tagged by @crazyrichfilipinos (hi and ty!) 
1. Are you staying home from work/school?
yup. no school, no temp assignments...just a big ole unemployment void. so this is what it’ll be like when i’m older. 
2. If you’re staying at home, who’s there with you?
the other three members of my family and the voices of everyone my mom calls on the daily. 
3. Do you have pets to keep you company?
no, and i really wish i had at least a hamster. a dog would be preferable. i’d even take a cat.
4. What do you miss the most?
i miss a lot of things. i think mainly i just miss having a sense of purpose? i got caught in the unemployment crossfire (without actually being able to file for unemployment welp) and everyone else in my house is learning online/working while i’m just kinda...floating around doing nothing. 
5. When was the last time you left your home?
march 14. i went to the gym and picked up some picture frames from ikea, and the next day began the stay-at-home advisory. the last time i physically left the house was about two weeks ago, when i went photographing, touched the ground and subsequently panicked about getting sick for the next week. (this was fueled by my mom’s reaction and i know she’s right but also still it’s a Lot)
6. What was the last thing you brought?
overcooked and overcooked 2 for steam baby! they were both on sale and i’ve just been playing with my friends. about to buy jackbox 5 tho cause it’s also on sale and might debut it at my possible zoom grad party.
7. Is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed?
i have never been less relaxed because literally every anxiety is in play every single moment of the day
8. Are you a homebody?
i used to be! then i went to college and all that stuff. home is a great base to touch in on every now and again, but being home requires me to take up a specific role that i’m not comfortable being in for the rest of my life. i also fell in love with travelling, so...no, I guess? i’m a homebody in the sense that I enjoy quiet nights in. but other than that let me out of here please i’m begging you
9. What are movies you have watched recently?
PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE. THE GAY. oh! and saving face, because bitches can’t WAIT for the half of it! it’s me. i’m bitches. 
my ultimate goal is to work through the list of movies i want to watch (snowpiercer, parasite, knives out, to all the boys 2, etc.) and then work my way back through the movies i haven’t seen in a long time (princess diaries 1 + 2, all three Lilo and Stitches, camp rock)
10. An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
just...everything. commencement ball. commencements parts I-IV. the acapella concerts I was supposed to see my friends at because it was their last hurrah. the conference where I was supposed to present the thesis project that stripped me of my mental health during my last semester of college! my friend and I were supposed to go see AJR in may. we were all supposed to throw grad parties. class of 2020 really got gypped y’all. the start of a marketing position i’d just secured with a temp company. 
11. What’s the worst thing you’ve had to cancel?
probably commencement. it was supposed to be a last hurrah with my friends because I wouldn’t have hung out with them since i left uni the semester before. our crowning achievement, if you will. the defining moment that said yes, despite every piece of drama and every bit of trauma along the way, we made it and we’re ready to fuck up the world. the crowning glory. and now all of that’s been stripped away and instead, society’s just going to throw us into the dry pool called the job market. commencement was supposed to be the breath of air before we went back to trying to swim against a current. now it’s just a continuous struggle that won’t be made better because no one can retire. plus the market, which is normally fucked for creatives, is going to be extra fucked because no company has ‘money’.  
12. What’s the best thing you’ve had to cancel?
uhhhh...i mean i guess when you put it that way, it would be the research conference. i was not ready to turn my brain back into academic mode. 
13. Do you have any new hobbies?
not new hobbies per se...just re-picked up a lot of old ones? knitting, writing, photography. folding stars. all sort of muscle memory things you can do while binge-watching TV. i’m in the process of making jars of little stars for my senior friends because they’re ‘senior stars’! cue ‘we’re all in this together’. 
but in all seriousness (and cheesiness, sorry guys) i wanted to make them something that was decorative and cute and reminded them that they were important. like stars. and just as like. a present. ‘cause they deserve that. 
14. What are you out of?
serotonin, dopamine and a will to live, almost. i’m so tired y’all.
15. What music are you listening too?
mostly my current music playlist, but i’m trolling my friends’ playlists too. i am repeating “complicated” from sex&drugs&rock&roll, though, mainly because i’m resonating with it so deeply to the point where i want to cry. and am unable to. as one does.
16. What shows are you watching?
a lot of the shows i watch ended production early so that’s really no more for grey’s...ok basically just grey’s ended early but i’m still watching 9-1-1 because they’re still producing regularly. b99 is too but I think they’re just about to wrap up. i’ve been meaning to start the recent season of odaat but i’ve just been watching the old episodes on netflix because idt we can get poptv. 
i started rewatching victorious, i’m at a pause with dynasty and sex&drugs&rock&roll mainly because of formatting. does anyone have any tv recs? 
17. What are you reading?
i’ve been meaning to start into the interior by michelle cliff, and after that i’d really like to re-read ‘i hate everyone but you’ by gaby dunn and allison raskin. i’d like more gay books tho.
18. What are you doing for self care?
watching a lot of the try guys. in the middle of trying to reset my sleeping clock tho.
19. Are you exercising?
i....am. mainly because not exercising makes me feel worse about myself and i can already sense the hell i’m going to catch if I don’t look good for my cousin’s wedding. (we’re gonna assume it happens.) 
20. How’s your toilet paper supply?
when we first started this whole thing, i looked in the basement and uh...let’s just say we’re gonna be pretty okay for a while. still hasn’t stopped me from monitoring my sheet usage though.
21. Have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine?
i cut my hair short just before quarantine, actually! so i’ve sort of been revelling in that. if this goes on for a while longer i might trim it myself, just because i would rather stay short than go long again for the sake of my own sanity. 
tagging: @agentmmayy @peacequack @lalalyds2 @the-writer-girl-nerd and anyone else that feels like doing this lovely quarantine tag or is slowly trying not to go insane
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kvthrine · 6 years
Life Update
It has been almost nine months that I’ve been away from Tumblr to give myself time to heal, and since then I’ve gone through a few mostly positive changes:
Since about a couple of months ago, I’ve been taking anti-depressants to combat my panic disorder. I’ve avoided taking it before because of the negative stigma behind such meds in which people taking it feel like they’re not themselves (among other unwanted side effects I won’t detail out). But nothing I did in replacement of meds was working. I was seeing a counselor, eating better, exercising, “practicing mindfulness,” but no life changes I made worked in alleviating my anxiety. After months of feeling like shit, I saw my regular doctor and she pretty much validated me in that what I’m feeling may not be due to external stimuli, but because of what’s going on internally; my brain isn’t producing enough serotonin, and sometimes there isn’t really a reason behind it other than it being a disease of the brain. With my ~reluctant~ consent, she prescribed Zoloft. The side effects at first were gnarly, the worst being not being able to sleep. The first week, I felt like I just consciously closed my eyes in bed for eight hours. I was tired and my body would not let me sleep. Even with melatonin, I felt tired but every time I would feel myself finally drift into sleep, my body jumps itself out of it. It was terrible, but after a week of dealing with that, I’ve never felt better and I’ve never felt more like myself since before having this panic disorder. It felt like something was finally working. For the first time that I cried at night, it was because, for once, I was happy. Before where I couldn’t even sit in a restaurant without feeling like I was going to pass out and die, I was able to attend two concerts this past month. If anything, I hope the takeaway from this is that--contrary to the negative stigma behind this kind of medicine--being dependent on medicine is 100% okay. 
I have a big-girl job with Google! I’m adamant that there is no external stimuli behind my brain not producing serotonin, but I have to mention that I was unemployed for seven months (side note: I was still experiencing panic out of nowhere one month into the job). I quit my old job as a cashier at a grocery store without having another job secure because I hated it there, but then I ended up feeling even more shitty for not making any money. Throughout those seven months, I sent out at least one hundred applications and copies of my resume. A fifth of those rejected me, the vast majority never got back to me, and out of all of those, only two set an interview with me. I miserably failed the first interview. The second one landed me a job with Google. That day, I felt like the stars just decided to align for me. I have my own awesome desk filled with decor according to my aesthetic: pink shit, cherry blossom shit, sailor moon shit, galactic shit, and the like. I have coworkers I can actually connect with that make coming to work fun. It’s just all so different from my old job that made me feel awful on a daily basis. This job is awesome. I’m not the religious type, but I feel blessed.
My friendships, my relationship with my parents, and my relationship with my boyfriend feel more solidified. The few friends that have stuck by me have showed so much compassion in these dark times and I love them for it. I communicate so much better with my parents. We were never the type of family to talk about our feelings, but my parents acknowledge my need to address my emotions because of my panic disorder and they’ve become so understanding. My boyfriend has been consistently amazing; He has always loved and supported me during every adversity I have faced, but through these most difficult times he has remained so, SO patient. I love him so much and I’ve never been more sure that this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.
I feel like a more positive person overall now that I’m regularly assessing my mental health with both the people close to me and with my counselor. The patience that the love of my life has with me has reflected in my own decisions. I still struggle now as I’ll feel sudden but brief waves of panic every now and then, but these feelings are mild and I know they will pass. Life is good.
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"End Of The World!" GH Live! New #Acoustic #CountryMusic DEMO & Comedy F...
     “End Of The World!”
  Why do the birds go on singing?  Don’t they know it’s the end of the world?  It ended when you said goodbye!
     Now I tell ya, what could be more Evolution oriented than Procreation?  And procreation is what this song is all about.  
     Survival & Procreation are what ensures Evolution!  They are key ingredients to the process of Evolution, they are the insurance that makes it happen.
     The person saying those words is actually feeling that all is lost and there is no longer any reason to carry on!  They are suffering intense grief from the loss of the one they had selected to mate or procreate with!  
The Big Mother, “Nature”,   does not fk around with this!  When it comes to her main objective which is Evolution, a process inclusive of Survival & Procreation, she means business!!!  And depending on your capacity to feel, she will hurt you & I mean Hurt with a capital H, big time!  She will do whatever is necessary, to get her job done!
     Cooperating with her & Enhancing your efficiency in the process of Evolving is what the maintenance of “The Doors of Your Mind” are all about!  Door #1 is Purpose, Meaning, Growth,  Development & the like.  Door #2 is Order, Security, Organization, Control, Fair Play & the like.  Door #3 is Alignment with Nature & all things natural for you! 
     When you maintain these  areas behind the Doors your brain rewards you by opening the taps for the “feel good” Juice in your brain eg. neurotransmitters such as Dopamine, Endorphine, Oxytocin & Serotonin!  But, if you neglect them she will turn those taps down so low YOU will feel like it’s the…  “End Of The World!”  
“3 Chords & The Truth!”
  The Evolution Connection!
      Griffinheart Patreon
“The Happiness Place On Earth!”
The Science & Psychology Of Happiness & Health!
All Questions Answered!
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What anxiety does to your body? How to deal with it?
What is anxiety? 
It’s natural to feel worried about progressing to a new place, commencing a new career, or putting up with a test. This kind of anxiety is undesirable, but it may encourage you to function harder and to do a nicer job. Normal uncertainty is a feeling that appears and departs but does not infringe on your everyday life. In the case of a distressing disorder, the feeling of anxiety may be with you all the time. It is serious and sometimes debilitating. There are several anxiety disorder pills that can help a person to deal with depression and anxiety. In this article we will be going to study about some of these drugs that are really effective and helpful. 
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What are the symptoms of anxiety?
 Anxiety feels distinct relying on the person encountering it. Emotions can range from butterflies in your belly to a racing heart. You might feel out of command like there’s a disconnect between your sense and body. 
Other manners people experience stress comprise nightmares, shock attacks, and uncomfortable feelings or recollections that you can’t control. You may have a common emotion of fear and worry, or you may fear a particular place or event. 
Symptoms of general anxiety include: 
●       increased heart rate
●       rapid breathing
●       restlessness
●       trouble concentrating
●       difficulty falling asleep   
Your anxiety signs might be unique from someone else’s. That’s why it’s important to comprehend all the mean anxiety can exemplify itself. Read about the various types of anxiety signs you might suffer. 
Pills for anxiety 
Some of us feel signs of anxiety from time to time. For some people, however, anxiety and all of its uneasy symptoms are daily happening. Ongoing stress can impact your proficiency to process at home, school, and work.  Handling distress often comprises talk treatment and Valium that are another category of treatments obtained to help avoid anxiety. One can order valium 10 mg cod available at various online pharmacy stores. 
Two generally named benzodiazepines (nerve pills) are Valium and Xanax. Valium is the trademark for the anti-anxiety drug called diazepam, a type of benzodiazepine used to treat anxiety. Valium is an anti-anxiety medication that is classified as a benzodiazepine and is also known as sedatives due to its tranquilizing and soothing impacts in the condition of anxiety. 
How Bupron helps to treat anxiety? 
Bupron 150mg Tablet is adopted for treating depression and helpful for those who are smoking addicts. This treatment benefits by enhancing the level of chemical carriers in the brain that soothes our body nerves and as a result has a pacifying impact on the brain. Depression is a manners disease that influences the day-to-day life of an individual. During the time of depression, a person may have different signs such as feeling very sad or sensing loss and lonely also might have mood swings. One can easily buy Bupron 150 mg online in the USA. 
Bupron SR 150 capsules are composed of Bupropion, which is commonly used to deal with problems of depression and smoking addictions. It functions by raising the level of a chemical carrier (serotonin) in the brain accountable for enhancing the mood and real signs of sadness and depression. Therefore, it enhances mood and makes us feel good.
 What are its uses? 
Use of Wellbutrin also called Bupron 150mg, treatment is specified primarily for depression and smoking discontinuance. It is instructed that Wellbutrin SR should be put up orally in the mouth. It extends and heightens the categories of particular chemical combinations in our minds and reduces desires, anxiety, grouchiness, and various side consequences associated with depression. To obtain the great advantages of it, do not forget the Bupron dosages. Wellbutrin usage could be obtained with food or you can take it without food.  But taking with food on the better side causes a disturbed stomach. Gulp the capsule completely and try not to chew, smash, or chew. You may take this prescription for a couple of weeks before you stop smoking. Nicotine items and supervising might be used simultaneously for satisfactory effects. Take a capsule quickly in the day regularly to avoid sleep problems. It is expected that you receive medicine at least 6 hours before you go to sleep.
 How to buy Bupron Online? 
If you are living in the USA and want to purchase Bupron 150mg medicine online then you can easily buy Bupron 150mg online or get it from your nearby pharmacy store. For more security precautions you can buy Bupron 150mg from a nearby pharmacy store in your area, it is accessible easily everywhere. One can buy it online as it is accessible at every online pharmacy store and you can also buy Bupron 150mg cod at your doorstep only. With adequate doctor's instructions and guidance, you can instantly go to a drugstore to acquire these capsules.
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larrytcamp · 3 years
How Much Does NAD IV Therapy Cost?
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IV Therapy is swiftly turning into one of the most invigorating treatments across the nation, with hundreds of clients getting the go-happy increase they need from an infusion of essential vitamins, minerals, as well as enzymes. From bustling large cities to smaller towns, IV Treatment Bar is going far for itself as being the injectable matching of an afternoon coffee pick-me-up. At The Center IV Bar in Chestnut Hillside, MA, we offer a large area of IV therapies so our people have a selection of IV Therapy expenses that suit their budgets.
Just How Much Does NAD IV Treatment Price?
Normally speaking, you may anticipate to invest in between $125 as well as $200 on any sort of IV Treatment. IV Treatment costs for something that consists of NAD is in fact typically extra affordable than other IV choices. This is due to the fact that NAD is a type of booster that may be added to other IV bags in our collection. If you want just making use of NAD for your therapy, after that you will usually be adding the booster to a fundamental saline bag, which is the least costly alternative.
Just How May NAD IV Treatment Advantage You?
For many years, science has deduced that NAD, which represents Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, is unbelievably useful for your wellness and instrumental most of your basic physical functions. NAD is a coenzyme of Niacin, a B vitamin produce by your body that is responsible for transforming food into energy, and also keeping the health and wellness of your worried, digestion, as well as skin systems.
Actually, if you focus on the components on the back of your charm products, you may see something called niacinamide included in your moisturizer. Niacinamide is one more type of Niacin as well as is associated with NAD by the way of likewise improving skin health and wellness as well as cellular resiliency. This B vitamin co-enzyme is additionally clinically confirmed to aid with problems such as:
Muscular pain and also weak point
Joint discomfort
Mood instability
Diabetes mellitus
Rest disruption
Amnesia or poor focus
Constant fevers and sore throats
Low sex drive
Age-related worries
Secure as well as Fix DNA
Among the key features of NAD in the body is the defense and also repair work of mobile DNA. Each of your body cells contains stress of DNA that inform those cells just how to behave and also exactly how to work with the rest of your body processes. When mobile DNA is damaged, it may develop a snowball result of inadequate health and wellness in the rest of the body, including the advancement of either benign or deadly illnesses.
By shielding the integrity of your cellular DNA and also repairing damage prior to it may worsen, you are taking positive steps to keep your health and wellness and wellbeing.
Improve State Of Mind and Mind Health And Wellness
NAD has strong associations with neurological wellness and feature. As an example, studies have discovered that NAD may stimulate the manufacturing of dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline, the "delighted" natural chemicals in your brain that assistance stabilize your emotions. When levels of dopamine and serotonin are down, people are more probable to have reduced moods such as anxiety or anxiety. NAD may assist keep your natural chemicals normally stabilized to boost state of mind.
NAD is additionally connected with healthy and balanced cognitive feature. The neurotransmitters in the mind that are in charge of chunking as well as saving memories, in addition to those that are connected to focus, are highly responsive to degrees of NAD in the mind; when NAD levels go down, so do your capacity to believe plainly and bear in mind things, also in the temporary.
Productive Antioxidant
Numerous researchers regard NAD as one of the most powerful antioxidants in the body. An antioxidant eliminates unsafe cost-free radicals in the body that may harm mobile DNA, as well as aid the body strain toxins that may adversely affect health. Detoxing your body and bringing your cells back into equilibrium is the very most method to be proactive about your preventative wellness.
Boost Overall Health and Resistance
NAD is additionally extremely significant in the typical performance of your bodily procedures. As an example, NAD is very closely linked to excellent cardiovascular wellness because it assists reduced cholesterol and also blood pressure. NAD is additionally essential for reinforcing the health system, certainly the speed of the health action. More powerful health systems are a lot more able in getting rid of microorganisms, infections, and other contaminants from the body before infection may embed in.
Various Other Frequently Asked Questions
1. What Identifies the Cost of IV Treatment?
Your IV Therapy price is determined by two primary variables: the active ingredients utilized in your IV therapy, and also the size of your IV bag. Essentially, the more active ingredients that are consisted of in your IV bag will boost the cost, with harder-sourced minerals as well as enzymes being a little much more expensive than typical vitamins.
The size of your IV bag describes the amount of milliliters are consisted of in your treatment. Ordinary or smaller sized bags, which are treatments that may just take thirty minutes, are cheaper than bigger bags because the smaller sized bags utilize fewer active ingredients. If you aren't certain which dimension IV bag is appropriate for your age, gender, as well as weight, we will certainly aid you choose the size that is preferably suited to your needs.
2. How Does IV Treatment Job?
Much like your expected IV Therapy price, the method IV Treatment works is fairly simple. If you've ever been admitted to a health center and also had a saline IV drip, then the process needs to recognize to you. You will certainly be seated in a comfortable area as well as one of our knowledgeable service technicians will certainly place an intravenous line right into your arm, either at your joint or on the back of your hand. From there, your therapy is as easy as draining the IV drip.
Before your first IV therapy meeting, we will have a brief appointment to explain the therapy actions as well as your treatment alternatives in more information. We may require to gather certain pertinent medical info, such as any kind of existing medical problems you may have, your present routine of vitamins and also medicines, as well as whether or not you are presently pregnant or breastfeeding.
IV Appointment
Your IV consultation may be done any time of the day, though there are a couple of IV options that are most throughout the morning hrs, such as our Boozy Bag. Generally, you should expect your IV Treatment to take at least 30 minutes to finish. Nevertheless, if you are using a bigger bag for your treatment, your appointment might take as long as 45 mins to complete.
There is no recuperation time connected with this therapy. After the therapy is complete, a lot of patients have the ability to spot a boost in overall energy within 1 to 3 hours. Individuals are encouraged to resume all typical everyday tasks, including job as well as regular workout regimens.
3. Just How Frequently May You Have This Treatment?
Many individuals may have this therapy once every 2 weeks, although depending on the type of IV therapy you make use of, your time in between therapies may be a lot more spaced apart. It's common for people to have IV treatment a minimum of when a month so as to get the full gain from the treatment.
4. What Are Other IV Treatment Alternatives?
At The Hub IV Bar, we have several different IV options for our clients to choose from. Each of our IV Treatment alternatives is particularly curated with a cocktail of pick vitamins, minerals, and also enzymes to develop a details equilibrium of renewed benefits in your body. Our IV Treatment Bar options consist of:
Standard Bag
The Standard Bag appears saline that rehydrates the body, equilibriums electrolytes, and renews the minerals in your body. Boosters such as NAD are most generally used with this bag.
Banana Bag
The Banana Bag attracts inspiration from the health benefits of bananas and consists of a multivitamin to increase your energy as well as sustain your health system.
Boozy Bag
The Boozy Bag is our headache remedy, best for assisting you recuperate from an amazing weekend break. This bag includes ingredients to aid your body detoxification after alcohol consumption, which will certainly raise your hydration and may help your liver procedure the alcohol brisker.
Stomach Bag
The Stubborn belly Bag is designed for those who are suffering from GERD or acid reflux, or that are or else having belly problems. With Pepcid at the helm of this treatment, individuals may bring back hydration as well as soothe the inflamed belly cellular lining.
Insect Bag
The Insect Bag is your brisk as well as very easy common cold solution. Including ingredients such as Vitamin C as well as Zinc the Pest Bag offers your body health system the increase it needs to kick your under-the-weather sensation to the visual.
Body Bag
The Body Bag is a corrective post-workout option that aids your body recoup quicker from sports activities. With active ingredients such as B Vitamins and also L-Carnitine, your muscular tissues will certainly thank you for the boost in inner repair work devices.
Sleeping Bag
The Sleeping Bag is a basic mix of saline and Benedryl that may assist you recuperate from jet lag or get a much good evening's rest.
Elegance Bag
The Elegance Bag is a corrective treatment having B Vitamins and also Vitamin C each of which aids your body battle versus the signs of aging as well as recovers the wellness of your skin.
Boost Bag
The Increase Bag includes B Vitamins, Zinc, and also Magnesium may help fortify your health system as well as provide your energy a much-needed increase ahead of crucial life occasions.
Brain Bag
The Mind Bag is developed to assist deal with migraines, frustrations, and brain fog associated with stress.
Book Bag
The Book Bag has everything you require to enhance your cognitive health and also feature, including B Vitamins as well as Magnesium.
Equilibrium Bag
The Balance Bag brings your mind and body back into equilibrium with ingredients like B Vitamins and Lysine for an all-over restorative impact.
5. What Are Boosters and Should You Use Them?
Boosters are additional active ingredients that may be included in a lot of IV alternatives. You may want to include boosters in your treatment if you wish to raise the performance of your IV therapy or if you would like your IV therapy to be multi-functional. Some of the boosters you may choose from consist of:
Slim Shot
6. For How Long Do Outcomes Last?
The results of IV Therapy Bar will typically last for 2 to 3 weeks at once, which is the length of time the brand-new vitamins, minerals, and enzymes will continue to be energetic in your body before being gotten rid of via routine metabolic processes.
7. That Are Excellent Prospects?
Since this therapy is secure for a lot of clients, those who are interested in IV Therapy Boston are likely excellent candidates. If you have certain medical conditions, such as maternity or persistent conditions, please allow us know so we may good establish your candidacy.
Boost Your Health With NAD IV Therapy
Some patterns stay for a reason-- as well as IV Treatment Bar is one of them. Whether you pick to boost your health with NAD IV Treatment or you have an interest in another of our IV Therapy Bar alternatives, you ought to recognize IV Therapy costs are budget-friendly for lots of people.
The post “ How Much Does NAD IV Therapy Cost? “ was seen originally on The HUB IV Bar
Find out how an IV therapy of vitamins may help improve your overall health. Drop by Dr. Amauri Wellness Centre located in Toronto, Ontario.
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medicaladvicegroup · 4 years
Four Tips For A Healthy Nervous System
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Think of your own nerve system as a system of slip road that nourish into bigger streets, which at some point link to the interstate. Using this comparison, the slip road are the nerves that offer the muscular tissues and the extremities, while the expressway is actually the back.
When the nerves is actually working optimally, the "roadway network" transportations information to and coming from the mind without making any sort of oversights. The messages consistently reach out to the correct place, as well as neither the brain nor the extremities ever before send incorrect notifications. Therefore what can you carry out to keep your nerve system operating like a well-oiled maker?
Maintain your peripheral nervous system healthy and balanced along with Nervogen Pro
Supply the nerves along with the supplies they require to transfer information
In order for nerves to send out electrical instincts, they require certain minerals, healthy proteins and vitamins. The good news is, the foods that contain these nutrients are actually delectable. These nutrients consist of:
Dark dark chocolate, which is actually rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that works as a natural chemical-- an element that transfers a signal coming from one nerves finishing to one more. Taking Nerve Supplement is actually necessary for support as well as improve your peripheral nervous system.
Calcium as well as potassium-- These minerals manage the electrical impulses created and also transferred by the nerves. A person may go through from epilepsy or other ailments of the nerves if nerves are actually left to shoot off instincts unattended.
Fruits, prunes, oranges and pomegranates, which are actually great sources of potassium, while dairy, leafy greens and also eggs are rich resources of calcium.
Vitamin B-- Vitamins B1, B2 and also B6 aid the nerves to send impulses from the mind to the physical body.
Secure The Nerves Along With B Vitamins
Each nerves has a safety finishing called a myelin skin. Similar to the sheath of an electricity cable television, it works as insulation for the transmitting nerve. Deteriorated myelin coats have been connected with diseases like Alzheimer's, so it is crucial for an individual to maintain their intake of B12.
The vitamin is located in beef, fowl, eggs as well as sea food. Folate is a B vitamin that guards the nerves coming from chemicals that can induce damage. This vitamin is found in green spinach, beetroots and also pomegranates.
Usage Yoga Exercise As Well As Flexing To Strengthen The Nerves
When an individual acquires stressed by job, connections or even a challenging commute, they produce a stressing volume of the hormonal agent cortisol. When created consistently, cortisol impacts the nerves to affect an individual's reflexes, attention and memory. The nerve supplement are actually brought in to reinforce and enhance your nervous system.
An integral part of yoga exercise is actually inhaling exercises and relaxation methods, which turn on the component of the Neuropathy that is accountable for breathing and also heart cost. Therefore, an individual's cortisol degrees lower.
Regular method of doing yoga will certainly always keep a person's cortisol levels low, which are going to strengthen the health and wellness of the nervous system as well as create a feeling of health.
Seek Wellness To Strengthen The Health Of The Nerves
An individual can make use of physical exercise to enhance the performance of the nerves that offer the muscular tissues and also various other tangential aspect of the physical body. Boosting the task in the peripheral nervous system strengthens the nerves, likewise that exercise builds up the muscle mass.
A person can also make use of organic teas like green herbal tea to stimulate the development of serotonin as well as dopamine. These hormones improve a person's state of mind, emphasis, attention as well as problem-solving capabilities. This is actually implemented through theanine, an element that appears in green tea.
All-time Low Line
Keeping your peripheral nervous system well-balanced is as easy as taking care of your general health. If you are actually coping with nerves problems, talk to some of our health and wellness specialists to establish a session along with us today.
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