#[🫒] — anon!
schlattsdoll · 10 months
hello, I come with brain rot!! could I request Schlatt just spoiling reader (in multiple ways yk yk) and just giving her princess treatment 24/7 cuz he thinks she’s the best thing that ever happened to him? (She is) and he is just heart eyes emoji at her constantly?
thank u !
much love - 🫒
first off, schlatt calling you princess >>>>>
constantly thinking of ways to spoil you, not even just by buying you things. he’s always taking you out and showing you off
that being said, he does buy you practically everything you want. you could offhand mention something and the next day it’s at his house waiting for you
him streaming and your name pops up in chat and he makes sure he calls you out. “hi princess, c’mere and sit with me.”
constantly showing you off on stream and twitter <3
he’s so soft for you and his chat makes fun of him for it but they all love how happy he is
taking you to japan with him and having to pick out photos that didn’t have you in them for his vlog
“doll, you are the best thing that’s ever been mine. i love you.”
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oscconfessions · 1 month
can we as a community please try to come up with better ship names please? like what the fuck is penisball?? testickel?? I hate it here
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onsunnyside · 1 year
rugby player!ari lovingly beating the sh!t out of readers plushies while also taking care of them like they’d be his babies may be my favorite concept you’ve come up with this far it’s so cuteee and ari 🥹
MINE TOO BESTIE !! bc c'mon, he's the type of bf to smack them across the room but also swaddle them like babies !!
you can never predict how he's going to treat them, sometimes he'll punch them before your very eyes bc "they were looking at me weirdly" or he'll use them to get your attention, "oh what's that, Mr. London? cub should stop being a nerd and come cuddle? I know, she's always studying when I'm here, it's like I don't even matter" and if you still don't give in, he pulls out the big guns, "and you all agree too? Yeah, it hurts but I'm used to it. she didn't even kiss me yet. I guess I'm unkissable."
you turn around in your desk chair to see your beefy 6'8 rugby player bf surrounded by all your plushies, absolutely dwarfing your twin bed: "are you done?"
"Are you done?" He asks in a rumbly English accent, holding up a little plushie wearing glasses. "Because you aren't treating your boyfriend how he deserves." He puts the stuffie down, "Oh, cub, I think Mr. London has had enough of you neglecting me."
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sleepysnk · 11 months
summer, oli thirst for his bday?🤲🤲 (can I be an emoji anon? like 🫒, bc oliver is my ultimate husband)
oh of course! you can also be my olive anon! <3
oliver who loves whenever you suck him off while driving. he has a really nice car too so you’ll be nice and comfortable while you palm his cock through his pants. he’s a little stunned at first but he lets you go right ahead and put his cock in your pretty mouth. he’s gripping the steering wheel for dear life but you’re just so fucking good that he almost loses it for a second or two. he would grit his teeth and let out some of the most delicious groans you’ve ever heard.
“f-fuck.. like that, princess. keep suckin’ me off like the good girl you are.”
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clangenrising · 22 days
Oh okay no I get it. The pieces just weren’t puzzling ig. So with it all happening real time will it be 6 more months until Smokey’s girls are warriors? Dang how long until the current kids are even close to like middle aged. If a big celestial event happened would it be reflected in the current events (like that eclipse that happened recently)? Has it really already been two months since Mystique announced her expecting?! Sorry for the many things I just don’t know if it’s all dawning on me in this moment or not lol
Really cool way of running the blog tho like that’s really really cool!!! The story’s even more interesting now that I know the whole battle stuff was happening as I was simply sitting in a chair. While I was procrastinating things Goldenstar was seeing herself split apart. Sick!!!!
-🫒 anon
Yep, it's gonna be about 6 months until Fog and Slate become warriors. It's been about 6 months since Flood, Barley, and Sparrow were apprenticed. Mystique's litter is due on the 30th.
As for if something like an Eclipse will be reflected, no it won't. The blog happens in real time but not in the real world. This is still an alternate Earth where cats are sapient (and obey different rules as far as genetic phenotypes haha) and magic is real so it's not going to have the exact same stuff happening that is happening on our Earth.
I think it is a really fun gimmick! And, it helps me actually post consistently because I have a ticking clock to work to which is good for my ADHD.
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moonchildstyles · 1 year
I’m sad because I think H would come home to a sleepy Angel and she’s getting ready for bed and he says hi and gives her a kissy and is like “get in bed I’ll be back in 5 just let me wash my face and brush my teeth” and at first she says ok but one minute later she’s standing in the doorway and he asks her if she needs anything or maybe wants to use the bathroom? And she’s like “no I just missed you” and sleepily sits on the counter he helps her get on it and just looks at him like 🥹🥹 so H is like “love you’re looking at me like I’m the Angel” and she’s like yeah you are to me 😔 then right after he’s done he helps her hop down and go to bed and she’s out in a minute 🫒
BESTIE NOOOOOO THIS IS SO:(((((((( LIKE I CAN'T EVER GET OVER THIS I DON'T THINK:(((((((((( like :( you know he does that all the time and like shes esp wanting to be all over ihim if they've spent the day apart so shes jsut wanting to spend time with him even if its nothing special like just being there while hes getting ready for bed:( and telling him shes an angel to her :((((((((( like I could cry:(
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kandidandi · 1 year
(there's an olive just uhhh use your imagination)
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gemofglimmergrove · 1 year
[someone scampers up to the palace entrance. bends down and leaves a package on its front steps; visibly hand-wrapped, it is surrounded by a selection of wildgrass and flowers, wound together with a length of mahogany twine.]
[in it, there's a tiny wooden charm -- roughly carved into the shape of a fox, its tiny muzzle and paws stained dark orange with dye. you can just make out where someone's knife has carved this shape: it, too, is clearly made by hand, by somebody who had taken great care to get it right.]
[beneath the package lies a letter, sealed with a messy wax stamp. you get the sense that the creator had no access to wax or a stamp, because there's no visible pattern, much less any discernible one. scribbled on the envelope in messy writing, with an arrow to the wax, the leaver of the gift has written:]
[even before looking closer, the gift is clearly one of devotion and reverence, left here out of kindness and goodwill.]
[do you open the letter?]
[gem isn't paying attention as she sleepily opens up the gate and nearly steps on the package. she rubs her eyes, leaning down at the package, looking at it then around her area for any sign of the sender]
(Where did this come from? Oh Saints wait, this could be from that fae– wait, wait.)
[she walks back in her palace for a moment, then comes back with a sword and using it to poke the package cautiously]
(Nothing seems to be happening... wait, why am I even poking this anyway? What would that even do to a fae package? And if it's from that fae, I should probably open it up as soon as possible. Why did I get a sword first before this?)
[she finally picks up the package then the letter underneath. she inspects the envelope and the words written on it]
(What is this symbol? I can't make it out. This definitely could be from the fae, surely.
(Oh, nevermind. This is. Absolutely not that fae's handwriting. Okay, I was being paranoid for nothing. Okay, well it could still be from a fae. What does it even say?)
('Sorry!’ Okay, definitely being paranoid for nothing. Good to know. Alright, who was wronged me recently? ...okay, and who has wronged me and is likely to apologize for it? Gods, who is this from?)
[she opts to open the package first, using her sword, careful not to cut any of the floral decoration other than the twine and is surprised to take out the fox charm.]
(This is lovely! Who could've sent me this? Goodness, it's so cute! Ah, wait, no. This could still be a fae gift. Trying to get me to lower my defences! ... but it's so nice, though)
[she looks around once more, hopeful to see any trace the sender could've left behind then sighs, deciding to just open the letter next]
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askthe-architect · 8 months
Would you rather let AlHaitham design the interior of your shared house and keep it that way for two months or give up alcohol and any form of soup for a year?
(I’ll sign off as 🫒 if it isn’t already taken ^^)
"I'd rather let him design the interior and keep it that way for two months. At least then I could drink to forget the embarrassment that I currently live in the blandest home known to man."
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ker0senebunny · 2 years
hello all,
i recently got an ask saying that my writing was ass. now, i don't like to give attention to people who send hate, but i want to make something clear.
i would just like to remind people on here that i create content for free and on my own time. i have also had an incredibly overwhelming and draining past few weeks, which i have already posted about as a disclaimer to why requests might be delayed. my entire life was changed -- i moved away from home for the first time and i'm still getting adjusted.
as someone with a severe anxiety disorder, i am asking for some patience with this life-changing shift.
i don't know if this anon is upset that i haven't answered asks yet, but i haven't answered them because i just crash whenever i get into bed at night. i try to write every day to keep myself motivated and it's been easier to work on a larger-scale project (i.e. the meet me behind the mall series), as i already have an outline and know the specifics of what i want to write.
or, anon, if you didn't like my writing, you didn't have to let me know. it's easy to hide behind anonymity but i'd like to send a reminder that i am very much a real person with real feelings. writing is my craft and i do try my hardest to make it the best i can, but i'm obviously still learning. i'm only 18 after all.
also, as an aside, there are TONS of other writers who you may like more! some that i look up to include: @upsidedownwithsteve, @luveline, and @poppy-metal. if my stuff doesn't do it for you, then that's okay. but it's not fair to come to me and say something like this.
to everyone who's sent an ask for the tea party, please know that i've been thinking about your requests whenever i can! i truly am so sorry. i will get to them when i can, but i cannot mentally or physically handle everything happening to me right now.
to this anon, i hope you find peace. remember that writers are here to serve not only you, but themselves. if you'd like to offer constructive and helpful criticism, please feel free to do so. that way, i can improve my writing and your reading experience.
for now, i will be closing my requests.
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schlattsdoll · 10 months
hello again !! u r absolutely EATING IT UP recently I would like to say !!
could I pls get reader and Schlatt with her getting jealous cuz he’s flirting w another creator for content and it goes one of two ways
1) “lemme borrow him for a sec” and he comes back with kiss marks and hickeys and whatevs
2) he grovels and spends the rest of the time trying to make it up to her
thank u !! 🙏
why not both at the same time for you olive?
you & schlatt haven’t made your relationship public information yet, so he was flirting away with someone stream. you knew it was for a bit but that didn’t mean she knew that and she was into it.
sending him a text to either go on break or turn his camera and mic off after you come in. “hi chat, need to borrow him real quick.” straddling his lap in his chair and kissing him all over with lipstick on. you may have left him a few hickies visible on his neck and collarbone. “thought you didn’t wanna be public yet doll?” “fuck that, you’re mine. you owe me for watching you flirt with her, letting her think she could have a chance at what’s mine.”
schlatt loving how possessive you’re being and quickly ending his stream once you leave the room. chat goes CRAZY when they see what he looks like, pretty red lips all over his face and neck, hair messier than usual.
the tweets that follow the stream shipping you two even harder
“‘m sorry doll. lemme make it up to you please. won’t happen again, im yours. lemme treat you right.”
he spends all night practically worshiping your body as an attempt to apologize for what he did
he didn’t tell you but even buying you a necklace that says “j’s girl” on it for you to wear
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oscconfessions · 22 days
!f !t accidently becomes a n0n an0n then 0h well.
! understand why s0me might n0t like lilac-stash on tumblr, their art can c0me off as strange as I've fr0m heard users ! kn0w that were blocked.
I, have t0 fwel bad at t!mes, !f I p0sted the art y0u have. ! feel ! would fwel s0me sec0nded handed embarrassment
0ld (ex) m00t 0f mind said they felt weird l00king at their art
! see the reason why
Factors !'ve n0ticed !ncluded is the!r headcanons?
Headcanons they have are strange with marr!ed and 0ther headcanons that are n0nsens!cal.
Y0ur th!rd flaw is bl0cking m0st of the 0sc if they tell your stuff made them uncomfy or fwel strange
this !sn't a full hate tra!n 0n them,
Maybe !nterpret !t as a way to help understand why y0u get the hate y0u do? As thee !nteraction !'ve had with y0u l!lac was p00r from that alone and that's a l0t how y0u treat 0thers
Just qu!t being rude at t0 0thers w!th d!ifferent op!n!ons.
-🐝 🥄
if it accidentally becomes a non anon then oh well. i understand why some might not like lilac-stash on tumblr, their art can come off as strange as I've from heard users i know that were blocked. I, have to feel bad at times, if I posted the art you have. i feel i would feel some seconded handed embarrassment 0ld (ex) moot of mind said they felt weird looking at their art i see the reason why Factors i've noticed included is the!r headcanons? Headcanons they have are strange with married and 0ther headcanons that are nonsensical. Your third flaw is blocking most of the osc if they tell your stuff made them uncomfy or feel strange this isn't a full hate train on them, Maybe interpret it as a way to help understand why you get the hate you do? As the interaction i've had with you lilac was poor from that alone and that's a lot how you treat others Just quit being rude at to others with different opinions. :( -🐝 🥄
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tasteleeknow · 1 year
JADE!! My concert was yesterday and I’m crying again! It was so fun! I gave Lee Know our love and he gave it back (in a way) also hi! I’m 🫒 anon 🥰
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hi!! my friend was also there and she sent me videos and he was so fhjdska that clip with the wind in his hair..... also obsessed with the hat like u saw that irl!!! i'm glad it was fun, i miss him ghfd
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clangenrising · 25 days
I absolutely love this story and how it’s grown but I still can’t process how exaclty this is in real time. I’ve tried to figure it out and it’s probably super simple but my brain just won’t put it together. So sorry if this is really that simple but could you explain how the story is in real time?
Sorry again
No worries, you're good. Basically the day I post something is the day that thing happens. Like imagine that somewhere in the world there are cats doing the thing that is posted that day. Obviously its not real time down to the hour cause I gotta cater to Tumblr's good posting times and stuff, but like I post all the gathering pieces on full moons and I if a week passes between two posts a week is passing between those events in canon.
Does that make sense?
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veenxys · 2 years
Okay so as I kid I was easily persuaded into things, which was a good thing for my parents. Mostly- because this one time I was at my cabin and my neighbors niece was over and we were in my parents cabin and she saw a bottle of listerine, and said ‘That makes your breath smell nice if you drink it!’ And me being the dumbass kid I was, took little to no convincing to not drink only a sip, but HALF THE FUCKING BOTTLE- and Uhm, so not only did I get sick from drinking that much listerine, but I also had an allergic reaction to the mint in it- so lesson of the story, drink whatever the hell you can find because later in life you may not know you have an allergic reaction to something random 👍
i read this while i ate my breakfast as if it were my daily newspaper and when you mentioned listerine i was without reaction for like 5 minutes because 1) i will not lie driNKING THIS WAS MY CHILDHOOD DREAM but 2) oh my god how horrible?? i have no words-
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hyunsuks-beanie · 2 years
Me: seeing that Kento posted on Instagram and scrambling over to tumblr to see what Mel thinks about the photo 😆 👀
- 🫒
No but fr baby how did you know I was gonna go on a rampage about HOW FUCKING HOT HE LOOKS???!!🥵🥵
He finally made his collaboration with Savas Protein Drink official, and I'm just so happy bc the CM itself was so cool to watch, and the fact that he looks so handsome in it is just an added plus🤤
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Like I'm not joking, I wasn't expecting him to post on his IG (bc he never does), and I was inside a cell culture lab doing some work when my sister texted me about his post. And I almost screamed for real, and you are NOT supposed to scream inside a cell culture lab bc it can cause infections😅
And the fact that many people actually started working out after seeing him do push-ups in the CM? It's so funny but super relatable lmao.
Oh and btw, how the hell did you come to know he had posted in the first place? Did you start following him on IG bc of me or something? If that's true, then here's a 💋 for you💖💖
And I really love seeing it when you guys when you guys are suddenly reminded of me because of Kento, like how my bae @sandwichrin dropped me a text saying she was reminded of me when Netflix posted this pic from AiB season 2😭💖💫
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Again, Kento looks so good and while it was short, I enjoyed seeing the sneak-peek of Arisu back in action (and somewhat clean this time) during Geeked Week. I can't wait😭😭😭🤩🤩
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