#[Ezra -extra-]
stealingpotatoes · 9 months
Ahsoka returning the planet with Luke’s School on it to introduce Ezra to him, only for Luke to say he also found someone while she was gone, lo and behold, out steps Cal Kestis
loll oh no they're gonna start comparing the Jedi they found on the street
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nymph1e · 9 months
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Ahsoka episode six - a summary of my reactions
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hamartia-grander · 9 months
This definitely won't happen but it would be so fucking funny if they arrive at the planet Thrawn and Ezra were stranded on and it turns out that these two are best friends now and Thrawn is completely on Ezra's side. Morgan Elsbeth pleads for Thrawn to return and reignite the Empire and he's just like "those bitches? Fuck em. Ezzie and I started a band, we play Jizz music on Wednesdays. Here's my wallet pictures of us hanging out."
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darlin-djarin · 1 year
The Ghost family is great because the parents are in their twenties, the oldest and youngest are in their mid-teens, and the middle child is pushing forty
SCREAMING LMFAOIUHFJHHG this is so true 😭😭 zeb is such an outlier it's hilarious. hera and kanan keep calling them "the kids" meanwhile zeb is literally double their age i'm shitting myself
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fulcrum-art-fox · 9 months
I know Baylan was being dismissive when he used the term “Bokken Jedi” but I just love it so much. The kids who inherited the mantle in a world at war, the Jedi who made do, making the best of bad situations, cobbling everything together, taking those wooden training sabers, taking them with a will and building, building back up, adapting themselves but carrying forward what they can of what came before. Kids trained in an era where the Jedi had to fight for the right to exist going yes this is me this is who I am. Reaching out for each other, for community, for the heritage that is theirs if they choose to claim it. It’s really beautiful. Feeling emotional about the Bokken Jedi
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trentonsimblr · 16 days
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King Epidarius the Great, First King of Trenton
King Hayes
King Ekert
Queen Edwena
King Ezequiel
King Edmund I
Queen Eleanora
King Edison
King Enric
King Emmitt
Queen Elfriede
King Ellington
King Ezra I
King Edwyn
King Edaric
King Emmanuel
King Ephraim
King Evander
King Edmund II
Queen Emelina
King Ezra II
Queen Elizabeth
You can find the consort version HERE
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grxceful-ly · 4 months
sabezra day: fixing something
didn't get to finish a full piece so have this snippet i wrote! @sabezraweek
Her heart felt out of place in her chest, her mind offset from her body. It was the strangest thing she'd ever felt. It was the worst thing. Because there was nothing she could do. It wasn't anger (so no punching), it wasn't sadness (no punching there either), and it wasn't happiness (she'd forgotten what that felt like). 
But then it was all of these things. It was everything at once. Regret. For losing them and what they'd had. A lingering awkwardness even though it had never been that way. 
They'd been so good. And now it was all gone. Like those days on the Ghost never happened. 
Her chest felt bitter. An all encompassing hopelessness—and for what? Because she couldn't touch her best friend's hand? Or lean in close? Or tell him that right now, she was spiraling? She had him back. That should be enough. It was enough.
Sabine shook her head. She couldn't do this to him. Not now. 
“I’m gonna fix this,” she said. “I’ll fix us.”
And though the same bitterness she felt in her heart crowded his eyes, Ezra breathed out what might be a laugh. An incredulous one, like he couldn't believe her. 
He gathered her hands in his—so easily, so jarringly easy—and shook his head. “We don't need fixing, Sabine. We’re not broken. We’re just. . .” He looked off, finding words. Then his eyes came back to her and they searched her face and he said, “We just have to learn each other again.”
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boopshoops · 5 months
Ok so hi this is Ezra Goldspire. He is twisted from mother Gothel from Tangled >:D. He is the Art and Music teacher in my fic The Creation of a Villain, and he is pure(?) of heart, dumb of ass <333
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He is inspired by changeling fae, having been raised by humans. He is still rather young in fae's terms of aging, and he only just began teaching. He's been instructing at NRC for about three years now, and he is pretty well known for being easy going and lenient with lectures.
Despite only being around 300-ish years old, he is very self conscious about aging and mortality due to his upbringing. He takes great care of his appearance, and often struggles with insecurities of how he wants to display himself. This is especially true since changeling fae are known for their shapeshifting abilities. Would people like his real face??? What does his real face even look like??? Who fuckin knows!
He also truly cares for his students and fellow staff a LOT. Almost to the point where he gets ridiculously attached. However he is more familiar with human lifespans and mannerisms than most fae, he can still be possessive enough to the point where he will position himself in a guardian role, "hiding" students away from dangers when in reality, he's just limiting them.
And uhh hello again, this is Joel Bullion. He is twisted from John Silver of treasure planet. Given the existence of robots n such in Ignihyde, I was like... wait, why can't cyborgs be a thing?
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He teaches a multitude of different subjects, including astrology, culinary crucible, technomatic enchantments, and aids Coach Vargas with joint P.E. lessons on occasion when he's not too busy.
Opposite to Ezra, but not quite like Trein, he has a reputation for poking at and picking on students. He doesn't really get along too well with his other colleagues due to his antics, but his position in the school is highly valuable seeing as he teaches various subjects.
He's mostly in this teaching gig for the cash, not gonna lie. It feels more like a side hustle for him, honestly, as he's more focused on procuring his own wealth and adventure outside of NRC. Does this mean he doesn't care for his students...? Not necessarily, though there are really only a select few he enjoys speaking with, and most the time it's because they speak more like friends than teacher and student. For most of them though, their struggles are free entertainment. Suffering is fun. 💕
Anyway ramble over LMAO
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
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rainymoodlet · 9 months
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i originally took these as example pictures to explain my narrative process, but i ended up adoring them too much not to share!! all the boys are happy in the house, and though they're feeling the loss of their resident twin-named favorites, everyone seems to be getting along swimmingly!
this play was only for setting up outfits and waiting for the lighting to change in-game, but it did count as a free day! ezra decided to walk up and kiss daniel out of the blue, earning himself a kiss (which is just so ezra) - daithi didn't have a problem with it jealousy-wise, but you can bet he made sure to kiss dan right after!
so, basically, i play, watch what happens, and write it all down. i take that list and move into planning the next scenes, fitting it in with the context of what's happened so far and how certain dates/scenes/etc have gone. luckily, the three hornee simbs that decided to share their wickedwhim horny (i updated the mod and my settings reset fjkhgfgj) will not be punished for breaking the rules, bc it was a mistake on my part fkgf
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Theory on where we may see Hondo Ohnaka in the live action universe...
Kenobi took place 9BBY, which is before Star Wars: Rebels. Rebels is set somewhere between 5BBY and 1BBY. Tala was quoted in Kenobi as saying:
"They're on Florrum. The network runs out of the Sertar Sector. They use a salvage business to launder goods, render new identities… And fly the Jedi out."
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I do not think she was lying here, at least not entirely. Here's why:
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That was not him bullshitting the Spectres. He was telling the truth. My first thought was oh, sure, yeah, and you and Kenobi are besssssst friends, but this line in Kenobi makes me think that the line from Hondo in Rebels is connected. This is before he set up his smuggling business on Batuu, and we know even after General Grievous attacked, Hondo still tried to repair his base of operations. It was the Jedi who rescued him from Maul and Savage. It was the Jedi who helped him escape from Dooku.
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"While on his own, Ohnaka became an ally of the fugitive Jedi Ezra Bridger and the Spectres, an insurgent cell rebelling against the Empire. Ohnaka frequently aided Bridger and the Spectres in their fight against the Empire, culminating in his participation in the liberation of Bridger's homeworld, the planet Lothal. By the time of the war between the Resistance and the Neo-Imperial First Order, Ohnaka had rebuilt his reputation and formed Ohnaka Transport Solutions, a shipping company based in Black Spire Outpost on Batuu that was used as a front for a successful smuggling racket. When the Resistance briefly established a base on Batuu, Ohnaka provided them aid as they recuperated following the Battle of Crait." - Wookieepedia (Hondo's time in Star Wars: Rebels)"
You know, Ezra. The Jedi that disappeared along with Thrawn. The Jedi that Ahsoka is desperately searching for. If Hera is supposed to make an appearance, and Sabine is supposed to be there too, why not Hondo Ohnaka?!?!
He cared about Ezra! He said so himself!
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Him and Ahsoka also go way, way back! Well, maybe they didn't always have the best relationship, though people can change!
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My prediction is Hondo Ohnaka makes an appearance in Ahsoka - 100%!!!
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I am such a damn nerd.
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simstoyourdismay · 6 days
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it’s the twins birthday yay (i’m not home right now and these old screenies are the most recent things i got on my phone..)
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darlin-djarin · 1 year
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sabine wanted to customize them :(
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soulsxng · 4 months
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As requested by @godforsakcn, here's Ezra's romance chart first! I did take off the song portion, just because I have a hard time thinking of just one song for a muse. Especially in a romantic context, where songs that come to mind then tend to be for specific ships, more than anything. But yeah! Here it is!
Edit: Another thing that I was gonna say is that the love language thing, I took as what love language they prefer to receive from another! The double dots on greedy/giving on the left is because Ezra in particular is extremely greedy with his partner's time and attention, but is also extremely giving of his own, when it comes to them.
On the right, the double dots are because I don't really think any of the muses have a perfectly "ideal" partner. Rather, anyone that falls in the spectrum of the two dots would be someone that could work well with that muse!
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theforesteldritch · 10 months
There’s like zero fan content for the Illuminae files but like. Some of the stuff I do see they would not fucking look like that.
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trentonsimblr · 9 months
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History and more photos under the cut!
Early Life
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Emelina was the only child of King Edmund II and his late wife, Lady Cora. She spent her first years with nannies as her father through himself into his duties as king. Once old enough, Emelina began joining him in meetings and on official engagements. Many thought it was strange to have a child, a girl, join the meetings but they soon realized she was wise beyond her years. On her 12th birthday, Emelina was bestowed the title, Princess of Westburg, officially making her the heir to the throne.
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Love Life
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Emelina was set to be the 4th Queen Regnant in Trenton history and thanks to her father, would be the first Queen to reign independently of her husband.
Emelina met her future husband, Ricardo Sutherland at a ball thrown in honor of her 21st Birthday. Ricardo was part of Trenton Nobility but held no titles of his own. He was also an active member of the Trenton Navy. Emelina and Ricardo were smitten with one another but were unable to marry right away. Ricardo was to ship out on a 5 year assignment. During their time apart, Emelina and Ricardo exchanged letters back and forth. One year after Ricardo returned, he and Emelina were wed. After the wedding, Ricardo was styled as: Lord Ricardo, Prince of Westburg.
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Married Life and Early Years as Monarch
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Two years after their wedding, Emelina and her husband welcomed twin boys: Efran (an heir) and Marshall. When the twins were a year old and Emelina was pregnant with their eldest daughter (Danielle), King Edmund passed away unexpectedly in his sleep. While Emelina had spent countless hours learning from her father, nothing prepared her for what was ahead. Emelina's advisors encouraged her to wait to have her coronation until after she gave birth. Emelina agreed with them but later regretted this decision. The Ingebretson family used this delay as an opportunity to sow seeds of doubt into the people of Trenton. Lord Euan Ingebretson, Duke of Lerwick was said to have stated:
"A Monarch should always put duty to the people over duty to themselves and their family. In delaying the coronation for a pregnancy, Queen Emelina is telling us that in her mind, family comes before the crown"
Emelina and Ricardo agreed that it was best for him to focus on the family so that Emelina could strengthen her reputation and show the people she was their to serve them. Over the next few years, things seemed to settle down a bit, though there were still some that questioned her ability to rule.
Four years after becoming queen, Emelina gave birth to their fourth child, Prince Ezra, and two years after he was born, she gave birth to their fifth and final child, Princess Natalia.
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Tragic Years
Eleven years after taking the throne, Queen Emelina experienced one of the most tragic events in Trenton History. During a state dinner, Ricardo, Efran, Marshall, Danielle, and Natalia were poisoned. A radical Trentonian, that wanted the Ingebretson's on the throne, slipped poison into the dessert of the Royal Family. By some miracle, Emelina and Ezra were spared the poison as they were allergic to strawberries and the poison was hidden in a strawberry tart.
Emelina was heartbroken and enraged at the act of malice against her family. What type of person would kill innocent children in their quest for power. Emelina knew that she had a decision to make; give up her throne to properly mourn the loss of her husband and children or put that energy into ruling Trenton and preparing her remaining son to one day be King. Though she had no proof, Emelina knew that Lord Euan was behind the heinous act. If she were to give up the throne to him, she would be doing exactly what he wanted. Emelina remained Queen of Trenton but was never again seen dressed in a color other than black.
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Remaining Years
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Emelina became one of the most well respected and well loved monarchs in Trenton History. She was admired for her strength, compassion and tenacity. She was a strong advocate for equal rights and helped continue her father's work of modernizing Trenton's outdated laws and policies.
Emelina is Trenton's longest reigning monarch, having sat on the throne for 62 years. Emelina passes away peacefully at the age of 92. When her son Ezra spoke of her death, he told the people not to be sad, for she was finally reunited with her husband and other children.
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