lifeofaninstigator · 21 days
‘Butt Stare’ [From miss Vice]
Send ‘Butt Stare’ For the receiving muse to catch the sending muse staring at their butt.
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Ed could feel someone staring at his ass, but what really surprised him when he turned around was who was doing it. "Do I got something on my butt?"
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cleaner-in-grey · 1 year
(⊙ˍ⊙) ( only if you're in the mood for a little chaos XD )
He's just kind of making his way downtown (okay just casually strolling through the base), when he sees a naked lady. Rudolf blinks slowly and scratches his head before shrugging.
"Is it really that warm?"
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vanatcr · 2 years
“ don’t pretend like you understand. “
Johnathan raised an eyebrow at the vampire that spoke to him, a look of sheer confusion on his face. "I'm sorry, you're going to have to be more specific with me. What am I not understanding exactly?" Emotionally Intense Prompts
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wombywoo · 2 years
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some baby arthur doodles~ 🤠
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sygneth · 5 months
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Things are starting to get awkward hehe
Part 5 of of Holmes' collage adventures
Chapter 1: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 Masterpost (Index) AO3
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spacebubblehomebase · 5 months
Not art this time but...
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Headcanon: Lucifer visits Earth every decade or so as a part of his job as the ruler of Hell. He does it to learn about new sins as "subtly" as he could.
Lucifer: What is ray-sings-sims? Raising-sims? Raisins? Rain-Race-sin? R-Racisms? YES! That! Is it the one where people hate on the opposite sex for absolutely no reason even though humans were all made of the same cosmic dust?
Black woman: (Looking amused at the most stereotypical rich white guy she's ever met asking about sexism and racism.)
Lucifer: Yeah. This cocaine thing is doing absolutely nothing for me. I don't really get it, but this is a sin too. So marking that off the list! Thanks for letting me have a go at this, uh, Mr. Dealer? That's your last name, right? Oh man. I'm really bad at remembering names, but have this as a token of my appreciation. (Gives him a thousand dollars which is basically worth even more at the time.)
Drug dealer: (Gobsmacked the guy was still able to keep walking after practically inhaling every drug in existence back then in one go.)
Lucifer: So this, um, cult thing? How did it get assigned to our department again? It sounds just like what Heaven does to me. Huh. Ah well. I guess I'll just roll with it like everyone else here. (Shrugs.) Yay, cult! Sooo do I get to keep the robe? It's kinda comfy- Aw wait there's murder? One died a-and another... Oh... OH... Ooooh boy. Oof. Yikes... So this means I can DEFINITELY keep the robe, right?
Lucifer: Ah yes. Burning the witch. Time to list down all the sorry souls who threw their life into the flame by believing in the occult arts. (Lists down everyone in the crowd who burned said "witch.") And as for Ms. Agnes The Witch here... Hmm. Well, that's for Heaven to worry about! Toodles~! Or, uh, Tickety-Boo!
(Needless to say, dear Luci has been an accidental charmer back on Earth. ^v^ Specially to sinners and people who were just unjustly treated during those times. He just had to see what every sin was for himself and try them out from time to time, but he didn't know he's been perceived as acting with the manners and traditions he gathered from the LAST decade he was on Earth so to everyone who's long gone pass those times, he comes off as a polite old-school rich white man. Naive yet surprisingly non-judgemental.)
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lemonsourcrisis · 1 year
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Hidden Love 偷偷藏不住 (2023) — 1.13
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raygirlramblings · 11 months
for some reason when i read that i went “So Rayman is finnish now?”, because that Cartoon you compared him to was, if i remember correctly, made in Finland. XD
Local frog and eggplant struggle to form friendship due to language barrier which should not even exist.
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Shoutout to the legendary @claraknight for the French copypasta ;D
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mint-is-here · 1 month
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discord people really like this drawing so here
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tepli-mravenci · 7 months
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He said the thing!
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theriu · 1 year
Interpreting Bilbo’s Speech
As an editor whose job requires the ability to untangle confusing sentences, I maintain that Bilbo’s speech at his 111th birthday party was actually genuine and complimentary. Let’s break this down.
“Alas, eleventy-one years is far too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable hobbits. I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve." 
“I don’t know half of you as well as I should like” can be translated as “Half of you are people I don’t know as well as I wish I did. I wish I knew you at least half again as much as I do.” Literally, “I wish I’d gotten to know you better.”
“I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.” He may not have a deep affection for this less-than-50% of the party-goers, but he acknowledges that they deserve twice as much respect and appreciation as what he gave them during their acquaintance. Literally, “I know there’s more to be appreciated about you than I knew of or that I am capable of appreciating.”
Note: Since he clearly knows THIS half well enough to know they deserve more of his respect and affection than what he gave them, we are probably safe to presume that they are the opposite half from the first group, who he wishes he had gotten to know better. (Although there is probably some crossover). (This part gets into Math a little bit, which is NOT my specialty as an editor.)
So, if we take his first sentence literally—“Alas, eleventy-one years is far too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable hobbits”—then the whole statement is actually quite genuine. For all his grumbling and muttering about his various neighbors’ and relations’ failings or annoyances, Bilbo really does respect and admire many of them, and he is wise enough to know that there’s more to appreciate in the people he doesn’t care for or didn’t know well than he has managed to discover in his short lifetime with them.
But of course this is Bilbo, so he wrapped it up in a mind-bending riddle and left everyone wondering if they’d been insulted before he abruptly vanished, leaving the party in chaos.
In conclusion: Bilbo’s way of handling the awkwardness of being sincere to a large group of people involves tying his compliments into a knot and then running away forever while they’re distracted untangling it.
I’m not saying this is the healthiest way of dealing with the mortifying ordeal of being known, but it does feel very Bilbo.
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pixlokita · 9 months
Okay, I'm really vague on what GGY is. Would you be willing to give a quick summary/synopsis?
-spiderman voice- Alright let’s do this one last time-
-ahem- so ! Book 5 of tales from the pizzaplex, the first story is called GGY. We have the main character, Tony Becker and his two friends Greg and Ellis :’> they get assigned to do a group project and Tony decides to do all the work (not very nice that his friends didn’t help but like - okay) he loves investigating right? Turns out some of the pizzaplex arcade games have crazy high scores all under the name of GGY. Tony decides that this is what the school project is going to be about so while his besties are playing games he starts asking around and researching. skipping to nearly the end, he’s connected everything to the disappearance of school counselors who entered the pizzaplex the last time they were seen alive, decides that hey…. I better stop getting involved in this- sends the story to his friends so they can review it but surprise surprise they change it and he is SO mad about it because??? All that work and danger to ruin his perfect research??? He decides his friends are not the best and don’t deserve nicknames anymore but that’s ok because his buddy Gregory invites him over to the pizzaplex at the end of the story to meet new friends that’ll cheer him up :>
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 742: Sudden death match!!
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Pag 1
1: Woah, Danchiku, oh-
And Sugimoto-san too!?
2: They passed us so quickly!! Such high pace!!
They're doing some sort of serious race!?
3: I get it
4: I can feel it
5: This guy....!!
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Pag 2
1: He's not giving up at all!!
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Pag 3
3: Earlier, at the line, I thought I had won this race
I thought he was far behind me and would cross the line with his head hanging down
4: And yet....
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Pag 4
1: He caught up to me....!!
2: The preliminary of this race was already done on the “second day”!!
3: That time, the result
5: was a draw!!
6: So it would be better to have a more precise result, wouldn't it
We'll decide it with this lap!! The rules are simple: the starting point line is 4km from here, the one who crosses it first wins!!
7: And then the loser shouldn't “surpass” the winner anymore!! Sugimoto-san!!
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Pag 5
1: Imaizumi-san too!!
2: …. yeah
It's better to make it clear with a proper race like this
3: So you have no regrets....!!
4: Let's go!!
5: Crush him, Danchiku!!
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Pag 6
2: At the same time....!!
Ah.... “at the same time” again!?
3: Seriously!?
Are you being for real, Sadatoki!?
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Pag 7
1: You're just seeing things as you wish they were,since he's your brother!!
Oon!! No that's not it, on!!
It's true, Kaburagi, I saw it too
2: They arrived at the same time, Sugimoto stretched at the last moment
3: Kawada!!
It's “san”!!
4: Are you an accomplice too!!
What are you talkin abut
5: A- amazing, Sugimoto-kun
6: Amazing!!
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Pag 8
1: “Amazing”, huh, Onoda
2: Imaizumi-kun....
3: You thought Sugimoto would win? ….This race
4: You didn't think he would, that's why when we heard the results you could say “amazing”
5: I'm- I'm sorry Sugimoto-kun!! I didn't believe in you, even though you worked so hard....!!
Who are you yelling at
6: Me too
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Pag 9
2: During these past four days.... Sugimoto worked hard, but, after their race on the second day and after seeing how remarkably stronger Danchiku has gotten
3: When they decided to do another race, I thought Sugimoto would definitely lose
4: Then, when the time came
5: If you lose, you feel better if you gave it your all, so
6: “So you have no regrets”
7: I said that
8: He turned it around
Sugimoto really is amazing
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Pag 10
1: Even with no one believing in him, with only his own strength, he snatched a “draw” against Danchiku!!
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Pag 11
1: Keep going!! Let's keep going with the race, Danchiku!!
2: Even though he's having such an hard time, he's still following me!!
3: Since earlier I've increased the pace many times
4: Garuaaa
Even if I tear him off
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Pag 12
1: Every time
2: While saying
3: “Kuaa kuaa”
“Kuaa kuaa”
5: Kuaaa-
6: Kuaaaaaaa
He catches up to me
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Pag 13
2: You keep following me....
3: No....
4: You're the one who said “please follow me”, Danchiku
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Pag 14
1: Garuaaa!!
2: Ahhhh
Don't make fun of me, there's no way!!
3: Aaaaaaaa
4: Hiigaruaaaa!!
There's no way I'll lose!!
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Pag 15
1: To Sugimoto-san!!
4: I was careless – I was careless and that's why he caught up to me!! The second time too!!
I won't be careless this time!!
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Pag 16
1: Ill take a plunge firmly, throw my handles, and cross the line
2: At full throttle!!
The last curve!!
3: He's not following me anymore!! He's....
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Pag 17
1: He's here!!
Cough cough
2: Kuaaaa
We're entering the final sprint!!
3: Dammit, this guy is gonna stretch from here!!
4: Hiigaruaaaaa!!
Take a plunge!!
5: Take a plunge!!
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Pag 18
1: Throw your handles!!
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Pag 19
1: Wooooah!!
No... wait, even now....
2: It's a draw!!
3: Dammit, what happened, Danchiku what are you doin!!
You should be much stronger..... should....
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Pag 20
1: Don't tell me.... that Sugimoto-san.... is strong too!?
2: You.... you mean it's a draw for the third time!!
How long will they keep going, at this pace it won't ever end!!
3: …. no
5: It's a shame, but there's no time left...
6: This lap is the last
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phoenixcatch7 · 5 months
Sephiroth is making my brain FIZZ this is so fun.
First of all, his voice actor in advent children???
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The new remake one is excellent but just doesn't capture that same level of terrifying cultured menace. The smug evenness and it's DEEP wow yeah. So smooth. High key petrifying I don't know who he is but he did an outstanding job. That bit where he asks cloud to 'give him the pleasure of taking it away?' like the way his voice lilted up in casual question like good GRIEF that was hot.
Anyway I have another hc: sephiroth would have made an EXCELLENT scientist like his parents, he's certainly got the intellect and hunger for knowledge, not to mention his ability to do research for days on end XD. Supernova actually using astrophysics equations is absolutely fantastic and makes me think that's what he'd major in.
By that logic, he'd want to be in rocket town with the rocket, and he'd most definitely want to go to space himself if it was the last thing he did (ha).
Do you think he'd tie his hair back like his mum?
Anyway I imagine if he hadn't been a soldier and instead been free to choose his own path he'd have been right there the whole time being a child genius and getting into fights with cid about who gets to be the pilot (Co pilots. Co pilots is how it's supposed to work with normal planes never mind things that breach the atmosphere).
Like I understand the amount of redemption/fix it fics that have him be a merc with cloud or whatever but I feel we're ignoring the possibilities stemming from the fact this man canonically knows modern astrophysics and that is absolutely not something you can inherit via way of ancient inhuman semi deceased life form.
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anney-sunny · 2 days
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"-..wha- I was just taking a nap.. tf is happening-"
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the-crimson · 1 year
Why do people keep thinking bbh is turning skulky or into a warden when it’s so obviously connected to the Soul Vultures/Souls in general XD
(Edit: also the deep dark doesn’t even exist on the qsmp, they aren’t using that version of Minecraft)
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