#[Since I wanted to talk about their cottage/clinic a bit]
caeca-iustitia · 1 year
I've spoken a little bit about Vincent's clinic in passing but I've never really gone in-depth about it since technically they've used 4 different buildings.
I want to- now- describe in a bit more detail the last building they used. This is their clinic outside of Oriflamme rather than the one inside the city's walls.
The clinic itself is located on the outer edge of a village nearby to Oriflamme's gates; the compound that it sits within is surrounded by lush forest on 3 sides. The compound has mossy, low stone walls and a wooden gate that leads into the compound proper.
To the left of the gate is a small patch of bright, multi-coloured flowers and a single tree that bears small white flowers almost all year.
To the right of the gate is a small, walled-in garden with low garden beds full of various medicinal herbs and even some vegetables. The whole thing is clearly very well-maintained and loved.
As one walks further into the compound you are hit by the overwhelmingly strong smell of lavender as the outside of the cottage is lined with the purple flower. Casting your eyes around it is possible to spot a weathered well as well as a stack of firewood; both of which were clearly interacted with recently.
The cottage itself is a simple structure; built with bricks and covered in plaster that is thinner in some patches. It just adds to the whimsical feeling that the thatched roof gives off. A single stone chimney rises from betwixt the thatch. The outside is finished off by a beautiful wooden door and shuttered windows; showing little of the interior to approaching individuals.
Entering the front door, your eyes must adjust to the lower lighting within first. The whole lower floor is lit by candles in wall sconces; casting a dim but warm glow over the wooden panelled walls and the beds that lined the room.
There were a handful of beautifully carved beds each made up with a plain white pillow and red comforter; some occupied whilst others lay empty. Beside each bed is a plain wooden chair with a plush cushion that is clearly used by the family to sit beside their sick loved ones.
On the right of the door is a small office space lit by a candelabra; a lone quill resting in the ink pot whilst fresh writing glistens on the page of an open journal. A large bookshelf covers the wall behind the desk and you can make out only a handle of the titles in the dim light. It doesn't matter what they said- you don't really care.
You start walking towards a door at the back of the main room but pause for just a moment to poke your head into a bathroom. It is a regular, quaint little bathroom that is home to a rather nice-looking bathtub, a sink and a toilet. Nothing out of the ordinary. You continue on down the hall after closing the door with a soft click.
Pushing open the door to the back room, you are immediately hit by the smell of medicine. A bitter smell that makes your skin crawl. You power through it to look around the room.
Next to the door, just beside you, is a wooden kitchen stool that is actually occupied. It couldn't be comfortable and you wince in sympathy at the sight of the healer who owns the clinic sitting there with their chin on their chest- they had clearly fallen asleep here whilst waiting for the medicine you can smell to finish brewing.
On the table in front of them, you note a few stacks of books and yet another quill; the journal in front of them this time detailing prescriptions for the medicine they brew.
Your gaze then turns to the table to your right, on it sits a cauldron bubbling away merrily with a pale green liquid inside. Next to this is a recipe book written in familiar elegant handwriting- turned to a page for a generic healing elixir that appears to be what they're currently brewing. On the other side is a small pile of ingredients prepared to be added once the liquid reaches the right stage; most of which you have never seen before.
The final table holds a simple scale and a number of weights which you guess is used to measure out more finicky ingredients but the scales don't seem to have been used in a while. The healer behind you seems to be a dab hand at measuring from memory if that was any indication. You opt to leave now and let them rest; knowing their internal clock would wake them when they needed to continue brewing.
Now back outside their lab, you finally notice the staircase and choose to climb it. Upon reaching the top you're met with a dim landing with a single chess table and a well-worn rug. You take a guess that the door furthest from the stairs is another bathroom and a quick glance inside confirms your suspicions. You turn your attention then to the other door; pushing it open.
The room is lit by candles and you notice the fireplace almost at once; it was a quite nice fireplace all things considered with a single pot of purple wyvern tails on the mantle piece. The sofa and armchair were a matching shade of red and upon touching them you are surprised at how plush they were. Sat beside the couch is a bag of knitting supplies and as you crouch down to examine it you spot a box of cross-stitch tools next to the armchair.
You stand and make your way around the couch; spotting another desk which you walk over to examine. This one is covered in books from many different genres and you notice that one book is left open in the middle of the desk.
A brief glance over it tells you that is no normal book but rather the healer's personal journal. You hurriedly look away to prevent yourself from snooping. Instead, you turn your attention to the bookcase next to the desk. It is covered in books and more books lay on the floor in front of it as they could not properly fit on the shelves.
You wander away from the desk and into the small kitchenette next to it; glancing about with interest. It's quaint and small; enough for one person to make something quick if they're tired or in a hurry. You get the feeling, however, that this kitchen is not used very often even if it is cleaned semi-regularly.
Finally, you spot the last door and approach. Pushing it open you come to a stop just inside the door and look around the surprisingly small bedroom. The whole room feels very cramped and you wonder how the healer downstairs even manages to walk about in here. You're struggling and you are a fair bit smaller than they are.
Next to the door is a small red dresser with a mirror balanced on top; the area in front is covered in rolls of bandages, elixirs used commonly for migraines and a small pile of bloody handkerchiefs. You frown at this but avert your eyes to take in the rest of the room.
The bed is shoved against the wall and made neatly. Too neatly. The room is cold and dark which tells you the healer has been absent from it for a number of days. The bed is just barely considered comfortable and the comforter is rather thin for the weather the area gets.
Beside the bed is a small table that holds a number more bloody handkerchiefs as well as a small pile of neatly folded clean ones. Your concern grows but with no way to prove something is amiss, you have to let it go.
In the corner sits a sword and a giant war hammer; things that seem entirely unlike the refined healer to purchase for themself. A bag of carpentry tools sits haphazardly on the floor next to the hammer alongside a pile of books that don't appear to match the rest of the books littered about the healer's personal living area.
Deciding you've snooped enough, you turn to leave and silently make your way out of the main room, down the stairs and out the door. You hear a tired sigh as the healer strides into the main room to deliver the potion they'd been brewing to the patient; the door clicking closed just as they start to speak.
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girlboyburger · 3 years
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oh my god! it’s finally done! mane six redesigns!  i’ve been working on this piece since about april but ONLY as a destresser! this canvas was on lock unless i really needed to just space out and draw some funny horses :,) bunch of misc notes under the cut because if you can’t tell these 6 live in my head
flutter shy - transwoman/ lesbian / she/they relationship status: discord malewife (they’re in an enteral “who will ask who” stalemate)  flutter shy runs a wildlife center / clinic out on the very edge of the everfree! the clinic is really her hut, but she’s found herself being asked for help with both pets from ponyville and wildlife of the forest so frequently that she’s more or less transformed it a vet that looks like a cottage. she’s very spacey and *LOVES* cloud watching, which is how she met rainbow dash! they dated in their youth, both collectively realized they were gay and trans, and remained best friends after splitting. she’s a bit more confrontational off the bat compared to canon flutter shy, but is no less shy. pinkie pie - nonbinary / asexual / they/she/he/it/collects neuropronouns like candy relationship status: hardly ever seen not kissing twilight pinkie pie is a THREAT with wings and they WILL let you know that. professional party planner, pinkie dabbles in any hobby they can get their hooves on! they like reading and farming and fashion nearly just as much as they love baking and partying. though they try and spend time with all of their friends equally, pinkie’s twilight favoritism shines most in how much they’re together in the library, info dumping about anything and everything. applejack - transman / bisexual / he/him relationship status: married to rainbow dash and dating rarity and will talk your ear off about both of them if you mention it. applejack is a big fucking workhorse who is entirely not aware that he’s a big fucking workhorse. he means well, always does, but is prone to accidentally knocking things and ponies asides like they’re nothing FREQUENTLY. with the support of his family, jack transitioned early in his life and feels he owes the constant favors he does for them. raindbow and him started dating almost instantly after they met as colts, very specifically after he beat rainbow dash in a foot race and was kissed about it. his hooves are painted by rarity, whom he bickers with so much you’d never assume they’re the sweetest on each other when alone.  rainbow dash - transmasc / gay / he/they relationship status: divebombs applejack as a sign of affection (married) rainbow dash is FAST. fast talker, fast thinker, he’s almost never slow and he doesn’t want to be. rainbow transitioned shortly after meeting applejack, and is VERY loud about how much he loves his husband. during his post race interviews and any other televised spotlight he happens to get, he makes SURE that you know he wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without aj, love you baby, ect. ect. rainbow dash is a bit more a jerk, for lack of better terms, than canon dash. if he doesn’t like you or something you’re doing, he’ll say it. he’s tough, but nevertheless kind, and always spends his weekends with scootaloo. twilight sparkle - nonbinary / asexual / she/they relationship status: loves her fucked up little wife so much. married to pinkie twilight is STRESSED and oh my god will she tell you about it. she’s working so hard to be the new ruler of equestria to allow celestia and luna to retire (neither of them are too worried, but that means nothing to twilight,) but maintaining PEACE while also eating FOOD and drinking WATER are all too much for her! luckily, her friends check on her regularly, and pinkie is always hiding somewhere with a waterbottle at the ready. she’s much closer to celestia, luna, and cadence than canon twilight, treating the former like parental figures and the latter much more like a sister. despite her full schedule, she’ll never turn down taking care of flurryheart or taking a visit to spike in the dragon lands. she and pinkie are autistic and have formed a book club together.  rarity - transwoman / queer / she/her relationship status: will correct anything you ask or suggest about her relationship to “lover of applejack” because she knows it pisses him off. rarity is goth!! mostly. she loves all kinds of fashion and can be seen casually shopping ponyville markets in harajuku one week and a full black attire the next. she’s a bit all over the place in general, and considerably more eccentric than canon. she colors her mane and coat all the time, and sometimes volunteers to help lotus bloom and aloe at their spa. i fucking love rairty and i’m cutting myself off here specially because if i don’t this part will be way longer than the rest.
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dollfaced-erin · 3 years
Not So New Afterall (Sdv Sebastian x F!Reader)
 A/n: I would say that to all the townspeople (Y/n) has met before her parting, she’d have at least 4 hearts with everyone, (minus the bachelors and bachelorettes who were not in the timeline) and 6 hearts with Robin, Sebastian, Abby, Caroline and Jodi. 
(Lets just say Robin was good friends with grandpa and found his granddaughter a favorite)
(Caroline found her as a well-mannered and kind child when she was younger. She surely hasn’t changed her thoughts about the girl)
(Jodi always wanted a daughter and found (Y/n) a cute little baby, she really liked it when (Y/n) would come over to play with Sam and help her around the house, teaching Sam to do some housework) (the woman is fond of her)
Harvey grabbed (Y/n)’s wrist and felt her pulse. “Based on the blood she lost, she’ll need a blood transfusion! And the equipment is in the clinic!” the older male said, hoisting (Y/n) into his arms. 
“I’ll need a person with her blood type or an O positive!” Harvey said as they rushed out of the cottage. “Does anyone have that blood type?”
‘Shoot!’ Sebastian thought to himself. He’s a darn A! They had no time to scan for her blood type. But he knew who has an O. “I know someone! !’ll go!” he called out before parting from the group.
The dark haired male was running down the stairs near the river before heading to the bridge near Joja mart. During certain days, the person he was searching for would be on the bridge till late. 
And thank Yoba, these were on of the days.
He didn’t really want to talk to anyone, but he really didn’t have a choice.
‘But why are you doing this? For one girl?’ a voice at the back of his mind whispered. ‘You really aren’t like this. Why are you panicking so much?’
Sebastian stopped in his tracks, thinking about the voice. That was true. He isn’t one to help others. He mainly kept to himself. He’d usually be cool and wouldn’t talk much. Why was he panicking? 
Was it because he hated the sight of her limp body?
He didn’t want to be burdened for his faults if he didn’t do anything but just left her body there.
Yeah, that was it.
“Hey, Seb!” Abigail called from the bridge, raising a hand to greet him over. “What’s with the frazzled look? You look like someone has been chasing you.”
“Abby,” he said as he came over. “You’re an O positive, right?” he asked, grabbing her arm. 
The girl nodded, her face slightly flushing over the hold he had on her joint. Sebastian didn’t think much of it and immediately pulled her with him without an explanation. 
“H-hey! Where are we going?” The purple-haired girl began to panic, but still followed the pace the male ran, keeping up with him easily.
This really wasn’t like him. He wasn’t one to panic. Why was he so energetic and loud today? He hasn’t been like this in....Abigail bit her lip as she thought. ‘In such a long time,’ the voice in her mind responded.
But taking in the sight of the clinic, she knew this wasn’t good. Did something happen to his mom? Did something happen to her family? Did...is this why he asked for her blood type?
She kept rambling all the possibilities until she never realized that they had burst into the clinic. But her thoughts stopped as she saw the new farmer on the hospital bed.
“Abigail!” Harvey called out, surprised that Sebastian knew her blood type. “Thank Yoba your blood is compatible with hers!”
Abigail stopped. Her hand falling limp from Sebastian’s grasp. Tears welled in her eyes.
The said girl was laying motionless on the hospital bed, her skin pale as snow. Her eyes closed and breathing shallow. Her hair was out of its usual hairdo, leaving the strands of (h/c) messy around her face and head. Her shirt was removed to expose the the wound to Harvey, leaving on her underwear to preserve her modesty and also exposing the bruise she got from last night.
But the scar on her right shoulder,
It unlocked her self-sealed child memories.
Tears escaped her green eyes. “She’s alive...? After the accident? It’s the same (Y/n)?” she sobbed. Sebastian placed a warm hand on her shoulder. 
“It’s her. She came back,” Sebastian said, a somber look crossing his eyes. “And this time, you need to help her.”
Abigail nodded as she stuck out her bare arm to Harvey. “Hook me up,” she said with determination, eyes still dripping with tears.
Abigail and Sebastian was sent to another room as the operation took place as everyone else was sent home since she needed to donate her blood. Sebastian was allowed to stay since he needed to accompany the purple-haired girl. Abigail was given a box of apple juice to help increase her glucose levels as she donated her blood to her former best friend.
Sebastian sat on the chair next to Abigail, is eyes blurred and tired as he looked down at the floor. The silence between them was heavy. Since Abigail had just remembered the dark tragedy of Pelican Town. Tears began to drip from her eyes once more.
“When did you know?” she asked Sebastian, her eyes looking down at the crisp white sheets of the clinic bed. He shrugged. “I...saw her scar, and at first it made no sense to me why I suddenly reacted to it. But then I think I thought of it too much, and...I dreamt of it,”
“No way. Did you like...have a nightmare or something?” Abigail told him, but he shook his head. “It’s not impossible if I woke up and everything rushed to my head in that instant,” he told her. “Plus, mom told me that it was true.”
“No way,” she chuckled. “She really came back, huh? At first I thought it was just...a person with a name that sounded familiar, but I thought it was just a common name. But that’s not the case anymore, it seems,” Abigail said with a smile. “After all we’ve done to her, she still came back here? Not to mention that we’re the ones that caused the accident.”
“It wasn’t you. It was me,” he said with a deep frown. “I really thought that she died, and I never registered what happened after. I even dared forget about her.”
“It’s not forgot. It’s...repressed memories and stuff when we were kids,” Abigail said, referring to one of the books she read during her classes. Sebastian nodded. “Extreme trauma would block out the memories in a way of coping with it.”
“But,” she said, clutching onto the hospital sheets. “It doesn’t make me feel less guilty,” tears collided with the white sheets as a green bow clip was in her sight. “She even gave this bow to me. I can’t believe I still forgot her.”
In normal circumstances, Sebastian would’ve felt awkward, but he understood the feeling. He put a hand on Abigail’s back, running it up and down as he tried to calm her. It was true, however. Knowing that they had forgotten their friend who had saved Sebastian, the person who had always made Fall better, matching their clothes during Spirit’s eve, who brought them little things to enjoy together during their visit,
The guilt was truly unbearable.
After a few hours after Abigail was released, she and Sebastian stayed to wait for the (h/c) haired girl. Both of them wanted to see if she was okay or not. Sam came bustling in soon after. Then Maru came out and gave them the thumbs up, all three of them jumped out of their seats to burst into the room.
“She’s been stabilized, thanks to Sebastian’s quick thinking and Abigail’s generosity,” Harvey said after cleaning all the blood. “She was in a dehydrated state and heavily injured. It was a wonder how she managed the strength to move with those injuries.”
“She’s fine, but she needs to stay here for the night so I can monitor her,” Harvey said again before looking up at the clock. It’s 9 pm. Three hours after Sebastian brought (Y/n) in. “It’s late, you all need to go home.”
“But can we stay with her? I asked mom if I could,” Sam started. “We’re staying just in case she wakes up,” Sebastian butted in, earning an eyebrow raise from Harvey. But the older male just chuckled.
“I suppose it won’t do any harm,” he started, “But please not make any noise before and after she wakes up. It might surprise her and raise her blood levels,” Harvey said before leaving the room with the three and one unconscious girl.
Sebastian turned to look at the girl who looked eerily peaceful, her hands placed above her stomach. Her right hand was attached to an IV drip, and her vitals were steady. Her clothing had changed to a hospital gown, probably not to put any pressure around her waist here the injury was.
“Lets grab a seat,” Sam said, removing the partition between (Y/n) and another hospital bed. “Are we even--” “It’s alright! We’ll put it back tomorrow!” Abigail butted in before helping Sam push the bed together. 
“You guys really like her, huh?” Sam started, making the two freeze from what he said. Hasn’t he-- “Oh, I know she’s the same person from the accident,” Sam said as he removed his shoes and sat down on the bed.
“I realized it long ago, actually. When Abigail mentioned it at the Saloon, I just went with it since I thought the both of you actually forgot her,” Sam confessed, leaning against the headrest. “It was hard for me to talk to her, I was the reason she got hit in the first place.”
“But when Abby told me to just talk to her, I realized that you guys probably forgot,” Sam said, bringing his knees closer to his chest. “I remembered when she first came. Mom was careful to never trigger anything, but when she introduced herself to me, I saw the mark on her forehead. I excused myself when everything started coming back to me.”
“It’s hard, to look at her without remembering the hit. I feel like she’s been hating me, never forgiving me,” Sam said. “But when I saw she was rushed in here, I was hesitant. Mom told me to go, but I didn’t want to face her,” Sam looked at the resting girl. 
“But she told me (Y/n) came back to see all of us, I bolted,” Sam chuckled as Abigail and Sebastian sat on the same mattress. But tears began to fall from his eyes. “I-I thought she would never want to see me ever again, not after what I’ve done to her,” he sobbed and Abigail slung an arm across his shoulders.
“Never really thought she’d come back,” Sam sniffled before gazing over to (Y/n). “I’m just happy she’s here.”
“Hey, Seb,” Sam called, the dark haired turning his head to face the blonde. “Yeah?” he answered. The latter gave a loopy smile, and even though he just cried, his eyes were bright of mischief. 
“Do you still like (Y/n)?” he asked, making the other two freeze in place. Abigail slightly retracted her arm and Sebastian’s shoulders went tense. “Wh-what are you talking about?” he asked.
“You know what I’m talking about. Do you still like--” “Wh-where am I?” a groggy voice spoke, quietly, but loud enough for the trio to jump to the bed next to them.
(E/c) eyes started to open slowly, but squinted from the bright light. There were blobs of shadows in her sight, slowly clearing to reveal the trio before her eyes. All of them had worried expressions, eyes either red or still filled with tears. 
“Abby?...Sebastian?...Sam?” the girl choked out as she slowly tried to sit up. “Wh-what happe--” Before she could finish her sentence, she was tackled back down by a force, pinning her back to the mattress. “Abby?” 
“You stupid, stupid girl! How dare you get yourself so hurt again?!” she cried, burying her head in (Y/n) shoulder, trying to hide her sniffles as the girl slowly got up again. 
Sebastian tackled her left side, wrapping his arms around the (Y/n) and Abigail. “You have no idea how much I panicked when you came out like that!” he shouted in frustration. 
“You had us so worried!” Sam said as he hugged (Y/n)’s right side, careful to mind the injury she got. “Never do that again!” he cried out. 
“I lost you once, I’m not losing you again!” Abigail cried. (Y/n) looked at Sebastian, her hand slowly coming up to brush his dark locks.
“At least I saw you at 6, right?” she chuckled, earning a glare from the male. He hit her back, harshly before hugging her again. “Yeah, but that’s NOT what I meant!”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Sorry guys,” she laughed lightly as they all clung to her.
The next morning rolled around, and when Harvey walked in, he chuckled at the sight. (Y/n) was laying down since her sides hurt to sit up, Sebastian was sleeping sitting up as he held (Y/n)’s left hand in his own. Abigail was cuddling her on her right, clasping her right arm with both of her own. Sam was similar to Sebastian, but had his arms crossed over his chest.
‘These four really have a special bond,’ Harvey thought, smiling to himself. They didn’t look like young adults anymore, but more like children who wont let their friend go.
Of course, Harvey knew that almost all the singles around (Y/n)’s age suffered from Dissociative Amnesia from extreme trauma as children. And (Y/n) herself has been a victim in the accident that caused it. He knew since he saw her medical records and he looked at her nicely healing scars. But the affect strongest was the ones surrounding her. The sisters just haven’t remembered just yet. 
7 AM rolled around, and (Y/n) stirred to wake up, pulling those around her away from their dream lands too. Harvey had just left the room to set up his clinic for the day. 
Harvey had agreed to let her out, and asked them to keep an eye on the healing girl. Se got 7 stitches and she had to be very careful. Abigail happily volunteered to assist (Y/n) on the farm and Sam and Sebastian would check up on them every so often.
Little did they know, Harvey had taken a photo of the quartet, sending them to their families. Of course, being the lovely mothers they were, they framed the photo and hung it around somewhere in the house.
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juliandev0rak · 4 years
Could I request main 6 when mc crawls onto their lap for a cuddle?
Yes!! I live for this fluff 🥺💖
he’s sitting on the couch in your apartment when you walk in the door, dripping wet from the sudden rainstorm that had hit just as you left the market 
”You’re back! Did you get caught in the rain again?” He smiles and sets the book he was reading aside
you decide not to answer, a mischievous glint appears in your eyes as you walk over to the couch and plop down onto Asra’s lap
”Ahh, you’re all wet!” he complains as you shake your hair in his general direction, both of you bursting into laughter 
he casts a wordless drying spell on you as his arms snake around your waist, pulling you in for a gentle kiss that seems to dispel the last of the cold you were feeling from the rain
”I missed you.” Asra says, resting his head into the crook of your shoulder
”I just went to the market, silly, you’re the one who goes on trips.” Your voice taking on a slightly scolding tone
”Next time you’re coming with me.” He promises, pressing a kiss to the top of your head
you and Asra spend the rest of the afternoon cuddling on the couch and eating the pumpkin bread you’d stowed safely in your bag, talking about all the places you want to go together 
it’s late and Julian’s still in his office writing notes in a medical book, he’s so focused that he doesn’t even notice you standing in the doorway
you know if you don’t force him to get some sleep he’ll work all night and show up to the clinic tomorrow morning hyped up on caffeine that can’t hide how tired he really is 
”Julian, it’s late. You need to get some sleep.” You say, stepping fully into the dimly lit room
he’s still so engrossed in his work that he doesn’t hear you so you walk over to him and take a seat in his lap, facing towards him with your arms wrapped around his shoulders
”Oh, uh, hello my dear” His arms reach out to stabilize you, a blush already coloring his face -“Did you um, need something? That is to say- um, that I’m not unhappy to see you here, just surprised..” he babbles, stopping abruptly when you press a kiss to his collarbone 
”It’s past midnight darling, you need to get some rest.” You croon, using your most persuasive tone as your arms tighten around him
”Oh, is it already that late? I’m sorry my love, I lost track of the time.” He pulls you closer in response and you sit there for a few minutes holding each other, one of his hands moves to play with your hair
”Come on, time for bed.” You say after a while, noticing the way his breathing is slowing as he cuddles you
he stands up with a sleepy laugh, arms going to support you as you wrap your legs around him so that he’s carrying you into the bedroom
”I promise I’ll try to sleep if you promise to keep holding me.” He smiles wistfully as he pulls off his boots 
”I wouldn’t dream of letting go.”
it’s been a long day of meetings and you can tell Nadia is tired 
for the past hour she’s been listening to Consul Valerius drone on about wine imports and she looks like she has a headache coming on
finally she dismisses him, “That’s quite enough for today, Consul.” and Valerius leaves in a huff, giving you a haughty look as he passes by
the two of you are left alone in the parlor and her eyes close with a wince as the headache comes on, you quickly get up from your seat to sit closer to her
”Nadi,” you say, reaching a hand out to rub her shoulder gently, “Can I help? Do you want me to call for some water?” 
”Consul Valerius always manages to leave me with a headache.” She says disdainfully. “I shall be fine.” 
you’re not so sure, maybe canceling her last meeting of the day would be a good decision, she looks like she needs to rest
before you can open your mouth to suggest it she opens her eyes and regards you with a slight smile “Come here, your presence always makes me feel better.” she pulls you gently into her lap to sit sideways against her
she leans into you and rests her head on your shoulder, you take a deep breath and smell the soothing lavender scent that follows wherever Nadia goes
you reach up to gently rest a hand on her temple, bringing a bit of magic to your hands to try to release the tension she’s feeling
she relaxes further into you, letting out a contented sigh as you begin to ease her headache
you sit cradled in her lap for a while in comfortable silence before she sighs and says “Perhaps we should retire early this afternoon, I think we’re both in need of a nap.” 
you’re on your way to Muriel’s hut, soaking in the last bit of sunlight as you walk the now familiar path through the forest 
as you approach the hut you’re nearly knocked over by a grey blur pressing against the back of your legs
”Inanna! Did you come to greet me?” you pat her head and watch as she trots ahead, leading you the last of the way to the hut
Muriel’s waiting for you at the door, holding it open for you with his usual gruff expression
”Muriel, did you send Inanna to get me?” you smile
”I just wanted to make sure you got here safely, I heard you coming.” He says quietly, face spreading into a blush as he refuses to meet your eyes
”That was very sweet of you.” you wrap your arms around him in a hug and feel him stiffen awkwardly for a second before returning the hug, even after the dozens of hugs you must’ve given him by now he still reacts the same way every time
he moves across the room to tend the fire and you follow, taking a seat close to the fire to warm your cold hands after the walk
”Come and sit by me!” you pat the ground next to you as Muriel steps away from the fire
he stares at you for a second and you wonder if he’s planning to stand there for the rest of the night so you pat the spot next to you again, hoping he’ll take the very obvious hint
finally he sits next to you, a lot further away than you had expected and you sigh- time to take matters into your own hands
you scooch over to him and crawl into his lap, watching as his eyes widen in surprise and the blush, which hadn’t really left his face since he’d opened the door for you, deepens 
”I was cold over there by myself.” You smile up at him as his hands move tentatively towards your waist, you snuggle against him and his hands finally reach out to hold you closer
both of you release a breath you’d been holding at the same time and you laugh, his mouth quirking up into the hint of a smile as he holds you 
you’ve just finished at the shop for the day and are making the trek up to the palace to visit Portia
the trip is long but luckily you know all of the shortcuts and you enter the palace gardens just as the sun is beginning to set
as you walk through the gardens headed to Portia’s cottage you spot a flash of red hair through the trees and find Portia sitting with her back turned to you
she seems to be reading something and doesn’t notice as you round the corner to approach her
”Portia!” You say, launching yourself directly into her lap
her hands reach out around you automatically and she bursts into surprised laughter, “Well hello there!”
”Sorry to interrupt your reading,”  you pick up the book you’d hastily knocked aside and see that it's about garden pest control
”It’s ok! I didn’t want to read that book anyway,” she presses a kiss to the top of your head, “It was boring.”
”And I’m more interesting?” you tease
”Of course you are!” she gushes, “Did you walk all this way to see me?” 
”I missed you.” you say, watching her blush
”I missed you more!” she smiles and you lean in to press kisses across her freckled face
you spend the rest of the sunset cuddling in the garden before it gets too cold and you both decide to move the cuddle session indoors
he’s been in a meeting all afternoon and it’s dragging so long that you’re trying to resist the urge to crack the meeting room door open and peak through to see what’s taking so long
finally you hear the door to the room you share with him opening and he walks in, the bored expression on his face turning into a grin at the sight of you
”You’re back!” you say from your spot on the couch where you’ve been trying, and failing, to focus on a new spell you’re learning
”Ugghhh I thought they’d never stop talking.” He complains, pulling off his coat as he shuts the door behind him
he plops down on the couch next to you and presses a kiss to your forehead “You’re a sight for sore eyes.” 
”I’m glad you’re back, I almost went to rescue you.” you joke as his hands reach out to you, pulling you into his lap
”You’d risk a boring meeting to rescue me?” he grins as he nuzzles into your shoulder
”Of course” you relax into him, “I’d follow you anywhere.” 
he presses another kiss to your forehead and you suppress a giggle at the starry-eyed expression on his face, any hint of affection makes him turn to putty in your hands
”Next time I’m bringing you with me, I don’t think I can make it through another meeting about proper aqueduct spacing unless you’re with me” he brings a hand up to hold the side of your face
”I’ll gladly come with you, but I think next time I’ll need my own chair.” you think back to the last meeting you’d attended where Lucio had abruptly pulled you onto his lap in front of all of the new courtiers, it wasn’t that you’d minded- you just didn’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable by his very brazen public displays of affection
”We’ll see about that.” He says, pulling you into a (mostly) sweet kiss
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suituuup · 3 years
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pieces - epilogue
That’s it, folks! Thank you for coming along this journey. Huge shout out to @snowonebutyou and @lilhan, this story wouldn’t have been the same without their help.
ao3 link
“Come on Bean, you can do it,” Chloe encouraged, holding her arms out towards Marleigh as the one-year-old stood, Beca sitting behind her. 
Marleigh grinned and took an unsteady step, then another one, before falling on her bum. She giggled and pushed back to her feet to make the remaining three steps to her mom, collapsing into her arms. 
“Oh my goodness, you’re walking,” Chloe gushed as she peppered her face with kisses. “Where did the time go??” She set her back down, facing Beca. “Wanna do it again?” 
Beca grinned, extending her arms this time. “Come to Auntie Beca, MJ!” 
Chloe smiled, holding Marleigh’s hips as she spoke close to her ear. “Go to Mama.”
Beca froze and met her eyes, a silent question swirling in them as they simultaneously filled with tears. Chloe’s smile simply widened, and she glanced away from Beca to focus on Marleigh as she toddled to Beca, squealing as she did. 
“You-- really?” Beca asked as she held Marleigh against her. 
Chloe nodded. “You’re not her aunt, Bec. You’ve been there since day one, raising her with me. I know it can’t be official on paper yet, but to me, you’re Marleigh’s other parent.” After a pause, she added, “If you want that, that is.” 
Beca visibly swallowed, and a couple of tears spilled down her cheeks. She cleared her throat, seemingly at a loss for words as she glanced at MJ, leaning in to kiss her chubby cheek. 
Beca wasn’t a fan of the cold, but she had to admit that a white Christmas was pretty dope. 
So was Christmas in the Beale fashion. They had spent the day before baking cookies, singing Christmas carols, and once it was dark, had gone out to Rockefeller to see the tree. 
Beca woke to the sound of babbling through the baby monitor that morning, and after finding Chloe sound asleep, turned the device off and slipped from under the covers. She padded to the nursery across the hall and smiled at the sight of a wide-awake Marleigh staring up at her with those big blue eyes. 
“G’morning, Bean,” she murmured, bending down to pick her up. Turned out Marleigh was still a bit sleepy, cuddling into Beca as soon as she was in her arms. Beca brushed a kiss to her forehead. “Merry Christmas.” 
She walked down the hall towards the living room and turned on the tree lights, knowing how obsessed Marleigh was with the colors. 
“Look at aaaaall the presents, Mar,” Beca said as she pointed to the various piles of gifts she and Chloe had hustled to wrap last night. “I think most of it is for you, baby.” 
Marleigh babbled incoherent things, pointing to the tree. Her features broke into a wide smile as she looked at something over Beca’s shoulder, and Beca turned around to see Chloe padding over. 
“Merry Christmas,” Chloe said, leaning in to kiss Beca’s lips, then Marleigh’s cheek. 
Marleigh had a blast opening her presents, even though she looked definitely more entertained by the wrapping paper than the gifts themselves. Beca felt nerves sprout in her belly as she stood up to pour herself more coffee, plucking the small box laying under the tree and handing it to MJ. 
“This is for Mommy,” she whispered, pointing to Chloe. “Can you go give it to her?” 
“Ya!” Marleigh exclaimed and walked over to where Chloe sat. 
Chloe glanced at Beca questioningly, then at her daughter. She took the box, her hand shaking lightly. “Thank you, baby.” Her eyes met Beca once more, then widened as she opened the box to find a sparkling diamond ring. Not any ring; her grandmother’s. “Beca…”
When she finally tore her gaze away from it, Beca had shuffled closer. “That business trip I took to LA a couple of months ago? It was actually to Portland. I wanted to ask your parents if they were okay with me asking you an important question, and your mom insisted I had this ring. Chloe…” she took a deep breath, shifting from a sitting position to down one knee. “You are everything to me. This past year and a half have been my happiest yet, and it’s all because of you. And I want to make this, us, to become a forever thing,” Beca paused, smiling as happy tears stung her eyes. “Chlo, will you marry me?”
Chloe choked on a watery chuckle. “Yes,” she whispered, crushing the distance between them to press a lingering kiss on Beca’s lips. “I love you.” 
Beca beamed. “I love you, too.” She laughed when Bean crashed their embrace, wrapping an arm around her. Her heart felt fit to burst from happiness. “And you.” 
They started house hunting as soon as Chloe secured a vet tech position in the clinic she was completing her internship in, in Stamford, Connecticut. After a couple of months’ search, they found a lovely farmhouse in Westchester County, just outside of Bedford, located an hour from Manhattan and thirty minutes from Stamford.
It was built in the 1900s in the New England housing style, complete with the traditional covered porch, metal standing seam roof, rafter tails, and barn-style garage. The interior had been fully renovated, giving way to a fresh and modern spin. 
“There’s a greenhouse, too, and a cottage,” Chloe said with a soft gasp as they wandered about the three acres that came with the property after visiting the inside. Marleigh was just ahead of them, exploring. “We’d have enough space for a dog, and maybe some goats and chickens?” 
Beca chuckled. “Goats and chickens? Since when are we having a farm?” 
Chloe giggled, shrugging. “I really want Bean to grow up around animals.”
Beca smiled and kissed Chloe’s cheek. “Fine, we can have goats and chickens. I won’t be going around the chickens, though. They kinda scare me.” 
“Really?” Chloe asked, unable to stop herself from snickering. 
Beca glared. “Don’t make fun of me, Beale.” 
“Mommy!” Marleigh called out, holding up what looked like a daisy. “Look. Pwetty.” 
Chloe crouched down to her level, smiling. “Very pretty. Do you like it here, baby?” 
Marleigh nodded her pigtails bouncing with the movement. She pointed to the swingset. “We go there?” 
Chloe pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Go ahead.” 
They signed the papers a few weeks later and were set to move there the following summer, after Chloe’s graduation.
All the pieces of her puzzle were finally coming together, and Chloe couldn’t feel happier.
“You ready to clap, Bean?” Beca asked as she and Marleigh sat in one of the back rows, among the other students’ families. “It’s almost Mommy’s turn.” 
“Mommy?” Marleigh asked, pointing at the stage. 
“Not yet,” Beca murmured, smiling at her impatience and brushing a kiss to her head. 
Two students later, Chloe walked across the stage. 
“Mommy!” Marleigh called out as the Dean handed Chloe her diploma. She clapped from her spot on Beca’s lap, beaming. Chloe waved and blew them a kiss before she headed down the steps leading off the stage. 
The ceremony ended forty-five minutes later, and Beca and MJ met up with Chloe by the side of the stage. 
“Congratulations, baby,” Beca murmured, kissing her softly. “I’m so proud of you.” 
Marleigh dutifully gave her mom the flowers she and Beca picked up this morning. “Congwatulations, Mommy!”
Chloe bent down to pick her up. “Thank you, my love. I feel like this calls for ice cream. What do you say?” 
“Yes! I want four scoops!” Marleigh declared, holding up three fingers. 
Beca chuckled, holding up four fingers herself. “That’s four, Bean.” 
Marleigh copied her, grinning “Four scoops!” 
Beca tickled her sides, drawing a string of uncontrolled giggles from the toddler. They settled at the park with their ice cream, enjoying the warm June afternoon. 
Chloe cuddled close to Beca as they watched Marleigh play with her toys ten feet away. “She’s growing up way too fast,” Chloe murmured. 
Beca hummed. “Is that your subtle way of telling me you’re ready to have another kid, Beale?” 
A giggle flitted past Chloe’s lips. “No. I think we’re just on the brink of getting a case of the terrible twos, so it’s probably best if we only have one kid to handle for now.” 
Beca laughed. MJ was definitely showing some temper and had already given them a taste of what toddler tantrums could be like. “That’s probably wise. And maybe we could get married first, too?” 
With the house hunting and Chloe finishing up her school year, they hadn’t really talked about it. 
“Can we do it at home? I really want my dad to be there.” 
Her father’s condition had stabilized over the last year or so. They had visited him a few times since MJ’s birth, and Beca could tell he was relieved to be able to hold his granddaughter and interact with her despite his condition.
“Of course we can,” she murmured, brushing a kiss to Chloe’s forehead. “I was also thinking… that we could stay there longer this summer? Two weeks is going to fly by, and if we stayed a month then maybe your mom could take some time off?” 
Alice had been caring for her husband for the last five years, and Chloe had shared that she was worried it was taking too much of a toll on her. 
Chloe lifted her head from Beca’s chest. “Would you really be okay with that?” 
“Yeah,” Beca said, brushing a kiss to the corner of her mouth. 
“Mama,” MJ called as she walked over, holding a rock. “Pwesent.” 
Beca held out her hand, smiling. Marleigh had an obsession with rocks, lately. “Thank you, baby. I love it.”
MJ snuggled in between the two of them, curling up against Beca’s chest. 
“You tired, Bean?” Beca asked softly, dropping a kiss on her hair. MJ didn’t answer, her breathing evening out a few seconds later. 
Beca shared a look with Chloe and smiled. It felt odd to think of how, ten years ago, she was convinced music and success would be the key to her happiness. And it had been, for a good five years, up until Chloe came back into her life. 
This, what they built together since then, brought Beca to another level of happiness she didn’t know was possible. 
They got married on a warm September evening, at an orchard with the ocean as a gorgeous backdrop. 
Marleigh was supposed to be the flower girl, but she changed her mind last minute, refusing to go first and clinging to Chloe, who ended up picking her up before she walked down the aisle alongside her father. 
Beca’s father walked her down the aisle next, and Chloe heard Marleigh gasp. “Mama looks pwetty,” the two-year-old whispered. 
“She really does,” Chloe agreed quietly, tears of happiness already filling her eyes as Beca came to a stop in front of her. 
“You look…” Beca faltered, shaking her head as what looked like awe flashed in her features. “Incredibly beautiful, Chlo.” Her focus shifted to MJ. “And you’re the cutest flower girl ever.” 
Marleigh giggled and motioned for Chloe to set her down, but she remained by Aubrey’s side. They recited their vows in front of their closest friends and immediate family, exchanging rings and somehow managing to make it through the ceremony without bawling their eyes out. 
“I now pronounce you, wife and wife,” Aubrey said, a beaming smile breaking across her features. “You may now kiss.” 
Chloe grinned and cupped Beca’s cheek, stepping closer and pressing a lingering kiss to her lips as their friends whistled and hooted. 
“Yuck!” Marleigh exclaimed, and Chloe found her peeking through her fingers when they parted. 
She laughed and picked her up, she and Beca kissing each cheek before they started down the aisle under the applause of their loved ones. 
“Where we going?” 
Beca smiled as she laced Marleigh’s shoes. “We’re going to the courthouse, Bean.” 
“Wha’s that?” 
“It’s where big decisions are made, by people we call judges. Today we’re meeting with a judge who will decide if I can become your real mom.” 
They had tried to explain that to Marleigh since signing the petition for Beca to adopt her, but Marleigh had argued that Beca was already her Mama. It had been a long process since their wedding, with background checks and a visit from the child protective services. 
“I hope the judge says yes,” Marleigh said as she swung her legs. 
Beca smiled. “Me, too.” She kissed her forehead and picked her up, heading down the stairs. Part of her expected Marco to show up out of the blue, but she knew that was unlikely, as he probably didn’t know of Marleigh’s existence. 
Nerves sprouted in Beca’s belly when they sat down for the final hearing. Marleigh sat on her lap, asking questions about the room they were in and being a welcome distraction as they waited for the judge. 
“And that?” 
“That’s a gavel,” Beca said. “The judge hits it when he makes a decision, or sometimes, when there’s a lot of people in the room and they’re talking too loud, the judge will slam it on their desk to request silence.” 
They stood when the judge walked in, the middle-aged woman motioning for them to sit down while she reviewed their file. 
“Mrs. Rebecca Mitchell, is it still your intent to adopt Marleigh Beale and become her other parent under the eyes of the law?” 
“Yes, your honor,” Beca answered, her voice shaking slightly as emotions swirled in her chest. 
“Mrs. Chloe Mitchell, do you still consent to Rebecca adopting your daughter and giving her, her last name?” 
“I do, your honor.” 
The judge motioned for them to come forward. “Sign here, and here.” 
Beca sucked in a sharp breath, meeting Chloe’s eyes before she took the pen and scribbled her signature at the bottom of the document. Chloe did the same right after, casting Beca a smile. 
“You say yes?” Marleigh asked, looking up at the judge. “Mama is my real mom, now?”
The judge chuckled, smiling warmly. “She is. Congratulations.” 
Beca wiped a tear sliding down her cheek. “Thank you.” 
She pulled her family into a long embrace as soon as they stepped out of the courtroom, basking into the moment.
“Can we go get ice cream, now?” Marleigh asked, breaking the silence. 
Chloe smiled and kissed her daughter’s cheek. “I think that’s a great idea.” She slid her hand into Beca’s, raising it to her lips and dropping a kiss to her knuckles. “Come on, Mitchells. Ice cream’s on me.” 
Fall was Chloe’s favorite season. It got incredibly beautiful in Westchester once the tree adorned their golden and scarlet leaves, and one of her favorite things to do was sit on the porch swing while nursing on a cup of coffee or tea, sometimes reading a book, other times watching her daughter play with her dad in the backyard, like today. 
Her parents had moved to the East Coast six months ago, as they wanted to spend more time with Marleigh. It made sense that they moved into the cottage on Beca and Chloe’s farm, so Chloe could be around to help her mom out. They had fully renovated the interior, with a fully-equipped kitchen, master bedroom, and cozy living and dining room. Marleigh was thrilled to have her grandparents around. She loved to play games with her grandpa and do farm tasks with her grandma, like feeding the chickens and goats, collecting eggs, or gardening.
“Go fish.” 
Marleigh made a disgruntled noise as she reached for another card. She huffed dramatically when Mike asked her for a card she had. “Grandpaaaa.” 
Chloe looked over her shoulder when she heard approaching footsteps. She smiled at her wife as Beca sat down beside her, and reached over to stroke her growing belly.
Chloe released a content sigh. “Do you ever feel like… pinching yourself? Because this feels too good to be true?” 
“Every morning when I wake up next to you,” Beca said, a teasing lilt to her tone. 
Chloe giggled. “Corny.” She turned her head to look at Beca. “When I was at my worst, I thought my life as it was back then would be it. I thought that I was far too broken to come back from it,” she paused, glancing at Marleigh and her parents and blinking back the tears threatening to blur her vision. “And now I have all this, and sometimes I can’t believe that this is my life. I feel incredibly grateful and lucky. More than I can put into words.” 
Chloe had been clean for nearly five years now. She hadn’t touched cocaine or alcohol since her first day of rehab and the cravings were no longer there. She sometimes thought about it on difficult days, but that’s all it was: a thought. It drifted away nearly as soon as it materialized, because Chloe was stronger now, and she knew how to handle the fleeting temptation. 
Beca pressed a kiss to her temple. “You fought for that, Chlo. First by leaving Marco, then going to rehab, and being determined to keep your head above the water through the bad days that followed.” 
Chloe’s free hand slid inside Beca’s. “Thank you for believing in me. For believing that there was still a piece of the Chloe you once knew in there.” 
Beca lifted their hands and pressed a lingering kiss to Chloe’s fingers. “I love you.” 
“I love you, too.” 
Their peaceful, heartfelt moment was soon over when the tornado that was their four-year-old ran up to them. 
“Mama,” Marleigh said as she settled on Beca’s lap. 
“What’s up, Bean?”
“How did you and Mommy meet?”
Beca hummed. “We went to school together. Mommy forced me into joining this singing group.” 
Chloe gasped. “I didn’t force you, Beca Mitchell.” 
“You burst into my shower,” Beca muttered as Marleigh giggled. 
“While you were naked?!” 
“Yep,” Beca said, widening her eyes at their daughter. “Can you believe that?” 
“Was it love at first sight?” 
“No. It was something deeper than that. For me at least. Something that grew slowly in my heart. So slowly that it took years for me to realize it.” 
“Years??” Marleigh gasped. “That’s a long time.” 
“Yeah. I was an idiot.” 
Chloe giggled. “We were both idiots.” 
“But now you’re together, and that’s what’s important, right?” 
Chloe narrowed her eyes at MJ and reached out to ruffle her red hair. “When did you get so smart?” 
Marleigh shrugged, then dashed off to go back to her grandparents, drawing a chuckle from both Beca and Chloe. Beca glanced at Chloe, squeezing her leg. “You alright?” 
“Mmm.” Chloe rested her head on Beca’s shoulder, her hand finding Beca’s stomach once more in hopes of feeling a kick or two. “More than alright.” 
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seaweedinthebrain · 4 years
my headcanons for harry and neville, a rarepair i just found out about but already think is the softest
this got Long but bear with me here, they're two of my golden era favourites and I'm a sucker for some peaceful and cute fluffy love
they become really close friends once both go back to hogwarts for eighth year. in the nights harry wakes up sweating from nightmares and neville just can't sleep, they sit in the common room together
sometimes they talk about the deep stuff neither ever had a chance to, knowing the other can relate to at least some of it. (it also helps that hermione has put everyone she knows in contact with some wizarding mental health clinics cause we all know she would). sometimes neville will ramble about random facts or interesting books about herbology and harry just sits there and watches the way his eyes shine when he's allowed to be passionate. sometimes harry will ramble about quidditch or DADA and neville will sit there and listen to the excitement in his voice. and sometimes they just sit in silence and enjoy the company
harry gives up on the ideia of becoming an auror (that boy has had enough action and danger in his life, let him have some peace and quiet), so minnie mcg and the current DADA professor write him a recommendation letter for the DADA course in the Advanced Studies Academy (I don't really care if that really exists in the wizarding world, to me it does and it's kinda like uni) and he's accepted. neville is recommended by professor sprout and minnie for the herbology course in the same Academy
instead of looking for flats separately in the same city, they talk and decide it would be simpler if they just shared. the summer after graduation is spent looking for flats. except they don't find any that actually feels like them and the city is so big and there's so much noise and crowds
so one afternoon, harry shows up at madam longbottom's doorstep and takes neville to see a place, all the way saying "look, it's not exactly a flat and it's not in the neighbourhood we were aiming for BUT trust me, you'll understand when you see it"
and that's how two 19-year-old boys end up moving to an old but charming cottage on the outskirts of a forest near a small lake. the main reasons they discarted all other options upon seeing it include but are not limited to: a big bright kitchen for harry to have fun in, a small greenhouse that needs some loving, lots of space for teddy to play in when he grows a bit and the half an hour distance to the city, which does wonders to both their introverted and anxious natures
they stock the house with plants, books and old vinils. the walls are filled with photos of their friends, families and professors. by the front door, there's the moving photo minnie gave them, the graduation photo of the class of 1978, with both their sets of parents, surrounded by friends, smiling. hanging in the living room there's a gryffindor-themed banner that dean painted as a housewarming gift. jumpers and flannel shirts are tossed over chairs to be picked up later. there's a warm blanket permanently kept on the couch for movie nights on the muggle telly. neville starts growing vegetables and spices so harry can cook without driving all the way to town every week. there's a weird pendant hanging over the back door that they don't even what is the purpose of but leave there anyway cause it's colorful and was a gift from luna
neither of them had good childhoods and neither were offered much affection and support growing up, so they manage to find that in each other. be it through physical affection, bringing home little things they think the other will like or simply saying nice stuff
they genuinely make each other better. they talk about the bad stuff and laugh about the good. neville is the soft voice and the hand on harry's arm that calm his temper, while harry is the hug and warm presence that ease neville's constant worry
their first kiss happens on the exact 0:00 minute between their birthdays while they're stargazing on the grass behind the cottage. teddy, who is staying with them for a few days, is peacefully sleeping in his brightly-painted room. the summer air is fresh around them. fireflies are loose. the kiss is soft and sweet. there's nothing of the fear of ruining their friendship, it just feels like a natural turn that doesn't really change much of their dynamic except for the fact that they can now openly stare at each others eyes and say sappy things
neville is panromantic and asexual and harry just knows he's bi but doesn't really care about all the sex stuff, so their relationship (which is official now) never really gets past kisses and caressing touches, but that's exactly how they want it
now let's please take a moment for the domestic scene: 185cm tall harry potter, saviour of the wizarding world and defense against the dark arts academic, drying cloth hanging from his shoulder, dancing around in their kitchen with 170cm tall neville longbottom, hero of the wizarding world and herbology academic, who has a spot of dirt on the tip of his nose and freckles from the spring sun lighting up the front garden. you're welcome.
a random afternoon right after they graduate (with honours) from the Advanced Studies Academy, minnie shows up for tea and casually drops the information that the DADA and herbology positions at hogwarts are now vacant
welcome to the hogwarts staff, professor potter and professor longbottom, it's not as if the other professors had been planning on this all along, of course, nothing of the sort
they still go back to the cottage for the weekends, summer and winter holidays, and take time to travel around the world, sometimes for research on their areas of expertise, sometimes just for fun. during the school year, they drop by the three broomsticks to catch up with hannah or do pub nights with their friends
one summer night, they're watching a muggle movie cuddled on the couch and neville blurts out "haz, do you ever think about getting married?". that's how they got engaged. the ceremony and party are small and both held on their own backyard. teddy carries the rings and luna is the flower girl. they don't choose best-men and instead just divide their friends in two groups and call all of them the "grooms-maids"
they never get any pets, since they're basically only home like three months of the year. harry splits teddy's custody with andromeda cause she's old and definitely can use some help. ginny marries luna, dean marries seamus, lavender (who is alive and proud of her scar and eventual wolfish inclination) marries parvati, ron marries hermione. they're all happy, healthy and constantly meeting up
they have teddy every weekend and holidays
they go for family lunch at the burrow every sunday
they manage to be vastly different and absurdly alike at the same time, as seamus once put out
they're soft and happy and comfortable and ridiculously in love
the fan base for this pair is so small and I don't even know their shipp name (I've read "pottbottom" somewhere but I don'tthink there's one single name for them ) however I am totally converted, give me all the harry x neville soft content
also, I obviously made a playlist cause nothing in my head functions without a soundtrack so here
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
Mister Cavill, your dog is kinda fat - Chapter 14
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Summary: Veterinarian Olivia Tran has zero time for bullshit. After becoming a mom at age twenty three, the one thing she wants is a good life for her daughter Vanessa. Her ex didn’t want anything to do with her nor the baby and she decided that man are officially banned out of her life. But then she meets Henry Cavill at her clinic and her ban slowly starts to crumble apart. Henry on the other hand is looking for one thing: a family. And when he meets Olivia Tran, he finds just that.
Henry Cavill x Olivia Tran (ofc)
Warnings: Implied smut, but not really though
Wordcount: 4.2k
Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter 
It took lots of planning, long conversations with Vanessa and some negotiations with Olivia, but Henry finally managed to arrange a weekend away with just Olivia. It will be hard for all of them, but they quite the good arrangement to get through this weekend. Vanessa is staying over at Henry’s parents, but all four of his brothers and Belle (who is dating Simon now for at least four weeks) are definitely going to visit her. Vanessa will also FaceTime  with them every morning during breakfast and every night before she goes to bed.
Henry understands that this might be a very difficult time for Vanessa and Olivia, but he knows that with these arrangements, it’ll probably go well.
Since they met up with Wesley, time has been such a weird concept. In five weeks time, he talked to his lawyer and a long story short: Olivia and Henry will sign the adoption papers in seven weeks. Seven whole weeks, that’s almost two months before Vanessa will be officially his daughter.
Can he wait that long?
They finally arrived in their cottage and since it’s around seven (and Vanessa is most likely to go to bed in half an hour), Olivia already pulls out her phone, so she can FaceTime with Vanessa. She walks around the living room after a short tour of the cottage. ‘And on Sunday night, sweetheart,’ he hears her say, ‘your dad and I will be there and will be kissing you, okay?’
‘Okay, mommy.’
Henry stands behind his beautiful girlfriend, wraps an arm around her waist and places his head on her shoulder. He sees that Vanessa is sitting on his mothers lap and the sight of his mom being the grandma she always wanted to be, makes him even happier than he already was. ‘You give grandma, grandpa and Kal a big kiss from us, okay?’
‘Yes, daddy, I will do that. I love you.’
‘We love you too,’ Olivia says. ‘Sleep tight, honey.’
‘You too.’ Vanessa blows them a kiss and they both pretend that they catch it, before blowing one back.
The call ends and Olivia lets out a sigh. ‘I miss her already,’ she whispers.
‘Oh sweetheart,’ he chuckles, turning her around, so he can give her a proper kiss. ‘Remember, if it’s too hard, you and I can always go back earlier. We’re only an hour away from my parents.’
She sadly smiles. ‘I’m so sorry, Henry. I’m being a big baby right now. I mean, I really want to be on this trip, it’s just that I’ve never been away from Vanessa this long and this far.’
Henry notices the tears building up in her eyes and he simply shakes his head. ‘Honey, you don’t have to apologize and you are certainly not a big baby.’ He can’t help but press another kiss on her lips. ‘Do you want to go back? We can do that, that’s absolutely no problem at all.’
She chuckles. ‘That’s not necessary, though it’s really sweet. What did I do to deserve such a loving boyfriend?’
He swoops up his girlfriend in his arms and carries her to the couch. He sits down, makes sure she is safely sitting on his lap and he feels her slender hands on his chest. ‘You are such a lovely mother,’ he says. ‘I’m so grateful that I have the privilege to be your boyfriend.’
Her lips are formed in a tightlipped smile. ‘Stop it.’
‘Tell me why.’
‘Because I’m going to cry.’
‘That’s all okay,’ he says with an adoring smile on his face. ‘I admire you so much. The way you love and take care of your, I mean our daughter. The way you love me, despite me having the tendency to overfeed my dog. The way you love my family. I’m so glad I get to start this whole adventure with you. But the most important thing to me is, that I want you to be happy and that also means that if you want to go home, no matter if it’s three in the morning or whenever, I will happily drive us back.’
‘Henry, you fucker,’ she sniffles, before she wraps her her arms around his neck and buries her face in his neck. ‘Why are you so sweet?’
She has been like this ever since they saw Wesley and it’s hard for him to witness. She has been irritable, a lot more emotional and she tosses and turns when in bed. He doesn’t understand why she is behaving this way, nor does Vanessa get it. She keeps telling him it’s nothing, but it’s definitely bothering her and when something bothers her, it bothers him.
At first he thought she was reconsidering the whole adopting thing, but when he brings that up, her smile gets so bright and it seems that—just like him—she can’t want for those seven weeks to be over.
‘Are you okay, my love?’ he asks, slowly pushing up the tank top underneath her sweater, so his hands can touch her soft skin.
‘I’m fine.’
No, you’re not, he thinks to himself. ‘You can talk to me about it, I hope you know that,’ he says.
Olivia pushes herself up a bit and he sees that she is frowning pretty deep. ‘Talk to you about what?’
‘About Wesley.’
She freezes. ‘Why would I want to talk about Wesley?’
‘Because, sweetheart, whether we like it or not, he is going to be a part of our lives forever. And this meeting we had a few weeks ago, I can see the change in you and I don’t want it to eat you alive.’
She bites her bottom lip, as she avoids eye contact with him. ‘Was he right?’ she asks.
No, that son of a bitch wasn’t right about anything. ‘Was he right about what?’
Olivia sighs deeply. ‘Did I badmouth him behind his back? Should I have reached out to him before? Should I have given him a second chance?’
That asshole made more of an imprint on her than he figured out. ‘You did everything right, baby. Don’t let that idiot get into your head.’
She doesn’t respond and he hates that. He hates seeing her like this.
‘Listen to me,’ he says to her. ‘You did everything right. You didn’t badmouth him behind his back, you told Vanessa the truth about him. You shouldn’t have reached out to him nor give him a second chance, because he walked away when he had a chance to be a dad. In this whole scenario, Wesley is the biggest loser of us all and he will always be just that.’
She groans. ‘I shouldn’t be thinking like this, I’m so sorry. I don’t know why this is happening to me. I’m starting to doubt myself and my parenting skills. I hoped that I would never run into him, so I don’t feel this desperate need to explain myself.’
‘You don’t have to explain yourself,’ he says. ‘Ever. Not to him, not to me, not to anybody for that matter.’
She hides her face in her hands and she starts to cry. It breaks his heart to hear those loud cries, those painful cries, as if she is finally truly letting out her feelings.
‘Sweetheart,’ he tries to calm her down, ‘it’s all good.’
‘I’m so sorry, I have been totally acting like a moody and overly emotional bitch to both Vanessa and you,’ she cries out.
Henry hates that that asshole, though they totally told off the other day, is still making her feel this way. This idiot has too much influence on their lives, though it seems that Vanessa has long forgotten about him and he is thankful for that.
He pulls her against his chest and simply holds her, because he knows that there aren’t words right now that he can tell her. She needs to let all those feelings out and though it angers him to the bone that it’s because that piece of shit she is feeling like this and crying like this, this is all he can do at the moment.
He doesn’t know how long she cries, but finally he feels the tension slowly disappear out of her shoulders and she lets out a deep sigh. ‘Thank you,’ she mumbles. ‘I think I needed that.’
He can’t help but let out a chuckle. ‘I think you did too.’
She pushes herself a bit up and gives him a small smile. ‘I’m so in love with you, mister Cavill and thank you for doing this.’
‘For doing what?’
‘Just holding me. It was exactly what I needed.’
He places his hands on her warm and wet cheeks and kisses her nose. ‘How about you and I get to bed? You are tired and I need you top fit tomorrow.’
‘For what?’
‘Dirty grown up stuff,’ he chuckles, before he stands up from the couch and carries her upstairs.
Olivia simply rolls her eyes, but he hears a soft chuckle leaving her lips. When he walks into the room, he helps her to get undress. He peels off her shirt and her sweatpants and every time another one of her tattoos is revealed, he can’t help but press a kiss on them. ‘You are my everything,’ he whispers to her, as he unclasps her bra and pushes down her underwear. ‘Get in bed, my love.’
She quickly gets underneath the covers, but he notices how she is staring at him, as he strips out of his own clothes. He quickly gets in the bed, the second his boxers hit the floor. He pulls her naked body against his. He usually slept naked, but ever since he made it a habit of sleeping at Olivia’s nowadays and Vanessa keeps visiting them in the middle of the night, he sleeps his boxers and shirt.
However, feeling her naked body against his, he can’t help but let out a content sigh. She climbs on top of him and buries her head in his neck. ‘I love you.’
Henry smiles. ‘I love you too, love.’
The next morning, Olivia woke him up with her godly lips on his cheek, his jawline and in his neck. They spend around thirty minutes making out like teenagers, before Henry made sure that she was well taken care of. He loves making love with her, but when he buried his fingers in her thick hair and pulled her head a bit to the side, so he’d expose her neck, he knew that this weekend would be filled with sex, maybe a bit rougher than usual and he wasn’t complaining or anything.
They took a long shower and after that, he’d make her breakfast, while the two of them were FaceTiming Vanessa, who got through her night just fine between Marianne and Colin.
During their long walk (which feels different because Kal is not there) they talk about the adoption and all the things they are going to do as a family together. Henry loves spending time with her and just her, because he feels like he gets to know her even better, on even a deeper level. He was already madly in love with her, but his love for her grows with ever second.
He gets to know more about her family that dropped her and she shows him some pictures of her younger self. She was absolutely adorable and Vanessa looks just like her.
‘So,’ he says, as he walks back into the living room with two cups of coffee in his hands, ‘your parents raised the cutest, most adorable little girl they could possibly get, and they simply drop you when you need them the most?’
She shrugs. ‘Apparently.’
He scoffs. ‘Fucking ridiculous. Here you go, love.’ He hands her her cup of coffee and sits next to her on the couch. ‘We should talk about nicer things.’
‘We do,’ Olivia smiles.
‘Tell me, sweetheart, how many kids do you want?’
‘With you or in general?’
He fake gasps, before he looks to the side, to see her chuckling, a lovely dimple appearing a little bit below her eye, a unique place to have a dimple when you laugh and he adores the fact that Vanessa has the exact same simple when she laughs. ‘With me, you minx.’
She shrugs. ‘How many would you like?’
‘I always wanted like a really big family,’ he admits. ‘With at least five kids.’
‘At least five?’ Olivia yells. ‘Henry, why would you do that to me? Don’t you love me? Your mom showed me the pictures of you Cavill boys as babies and I don’t know how she survived!’
His laughter fills the living room. ‘I won’t do that to you, sweetheart. I mean, you are doing the hard work.’
Olivia chuckles. ‘I don’t want to push out at least four more kids, so you can have your own Cavill Clan. I think two more is my maximum. But, I don’t want them back to back or anything. It took me at least two years before I sort of felt the same after my pregnancy with Vanessa.’
‘We’ll take as much as time as we need,’ he says, pressing a loving kiss on her cheek.
‘What is the reason you want a family so bad?’ she asks. ‘Charlie and Piers mentioned a few times that they all want a family, but in the last few years you have been the most desperate for it.’
Leave it to his brothers to embarrass him behind his back. ‘It’s weird,’ he mumbles.
‘Please, I want to know.’
‘I always dreamed of having a wife and kids, but the dreams started to become more realistic. After that horrible movie I did, I had no one to fall back on. I mean, I had my own family, but it took me awhile before I could face them. The thing is I realized that I hadn’t created a little family of my own, a safe haven, a whole mini family where I could lean back on. Someone that I would share the most beautiful thing with. After that movie, I simply wanted to go home, be engulfed in hugs and kisses by a wife and kids.’
She nods. ‘But what is so amazing about the prospect of kids?’ she asks. ‘I never quite knew for sure if I wanted them, because I thought they were dirty and weird.’
He can’t help but laugh. ‘It’s the process of seeing them grow and loving them unconditionally. What you have with Vanessa basically.’
‘You are the kindest man on earth,’ she admits. ‘And remember: you can always lean back on me and Vanessa and whoever comes along. No matter how shitty your movie is, we will be proud of you.’
It’s weird, he thinks to himself. He never knew how much he needed to hear this from someone else than his mother. ‘That’s something nice to look forward to.’
‘You want sons or daughters?’ Olivia asks.
‘I don’t mind, as long as they’re happy and healthy and ours.’
Olivia rolls her eyes. ‘Oh, you boring idiot,’ she chuckles. ‘Come on, I know that even if we had the opposite of what you say you want, you would love them unconditionally. So please, sweetheart, tell me.’
She knows exactly how to persuade him. ‘I would love to have sons,’ he admits, ‘but something about an entire household with just girls, is a dream.’
‘Really?’ she chuckles. ‘You would like an entire house filled with girls?’ He loves it when she laughs like that. ‘Poor you when we’re all on our period.’
He laughs. ‘It’s a situation that I can totally handle, my love.’
As they drink their coffee, she pulls out her phone to give to Henry, since he wants to see more pictures of her and Vanessa. Normally he checks a few of them when they are in bed, but Vanessa walks in and they cuddle with her. But now he has the time to stare at every single one of them. He goes back in time, seeing Vanessa change from seven year old, to see her as a chubby four year old, to a newborn.
Henry smiles as he stares at the pictures. They always look so happy and content when they are together and sometimes he fears that he is interfering in their relationship, only for Olivia to say that he is the only man that she would share her lovely daughter with.
He stares at Vanessa’s chubby cheeks when she was two years old. He hears her giggles when he presses play. ‘Vanessa, what does a cow say?’ a twenty five year old Olivia asks the little girl on her lap.
Vanessa frowns, as she stares right into the camera. ‘Meow.’
Olivia laughs. ‘No, baby, a cat says meow. What does a cow say?’
‘Meow!’ She claps her little hands and bounces up her lap. ‘Meow, meow, meow.’
Henry swipes back even further and sees pictures of Vanessa after she was just born. He figured that Belle made these pictures. He sees, even through the pictures, how tired Olivia was and he can’t help but turn a little bit emotional. She had to figure this whole thing out all on her own and that makes him angry, as well as sad. She did not deserve that. She deserved to be loved and to be taken care of.
‘Yo Olivia,’ he hears Belle say from behind the camera, ‘how are you feeling?’
‘I swear to God, if you don’t stop filming me, I’m going to kill you.’
Olivia sits up in bed, looking insanely tired. She holds a little bundle wrapped up in blankets and when Belle starts to film a just born Vanessa, Henry hears her sniffles. ‘She is so beautiful.’
He hears Belle giving her a kiss. ‘I know, sweetheart and you did it. I’m so proud of you.’
‘Did it hurt?’ Henry asks.
Olivia slaps him across his chest. ‘Of course it hurt,’ she chuckles. ‘It’s giving birth, not going to a spa.’
‘Stupid question.’ He watches her place her empty cup on the coffee table and he holds her hand tightly in his hand. ‘You sure you want to go through that again?’
She nods. ‘I do, because this time I’m with you. I mean, I have shown the world that I can do this all by myself, I sure can do it with the love of my life right next to me.’
‘What was it like when you found out that you were pregnant with a girl?’ he asks. He loves that they have the time now to talk about this. No hurrying up to pick up Vanessa from school, to walk Kal or to be ringed back to the clinic. Just the two of them.
‘It was unbelievable,’ she admits. ‘Belle and I went together to the ultrasound appointment, like she did with ever appointment. She thought I was pregnant with a boy, I thought a girl. Either way, it didn’t matter to me. But when the doctor said I was pregnant with a girl, I cried for hours on end. It was a good things anyways, because I could only think of girls names.’
He snickers. ‘You had more names?’
She nods. ‘I always wanted to call my daughter either Vanessa or Chloe. But when I saw my baby right after she was born, I knew she was a Vanessa.’
‘That’s beautiful,’ he says, bring her hand to his lips, to press a kiss on her knuckles.
‘Well mister I want a family so badly, have you thought about names yet?’
‘For a boy I always thought Duncan was nice and for a girl Heather.’
Olivia nods in approval. ‘Heather and Duncan… You know what you are doing, mister Cavill.’
‘I certainly do,’ he laughs. ‘I have one more question.’
‘I am happy to answer it.’
‘Do you want Vanessa to change her last name?’ It’s something that kept him busy for so long already, but he didn’t had the guts to ask it. He still doesn’t know why, maybe because her last name is something so personal and meaningful, especially for Vanessa as she always introduces herself as Vanessa Tran.
Olivia takes a deep breath. ‘I was hoping we could add your last name to mine. So she becomes Vanessa Tran-Cavill.’
Henry nods, because this sounds perfect. ‘You want that for all our kids?’
‘I do,’ she says. ‘Because it’s also how I want it for me when one day we get married. Olivia Tran-Cavill.’
One day when they get married! She wants to marry him, that’s unbelievable. Good thing he desperately wants to marry her too.
‘I’m sorry, but my last name is really important to me and I want our kids to have it too.’
‘I totally understand, sweetheart,’ he says. ‘Your last name means a lot to me too.’ He kisses her cheek. ‘I can’t wait for you to be pregnant,’ he admits. ‘I think that it would continue to make our lives a little bit better.’
‘It would,’ she chuckles. ‘But not yet, honey. I don’t feel like we should get pregnant now.’
‘I know, I know, but we can get some practice in.’ Henry wiggles his eyebrows and she rolls her eyes.
‘You mean now?’ she asks.
He nods. ‘Right here, right now, baby.’
‘And auntie Belle farted,’ Vanessa chuckles. She managed to get through the day without a hitch and when they are all on FaceTime, she seems happy and not at all sad and for them it’s the most important thing. Henry holds his phone in his hands, as Olivia sits next to him on the couch.
‘I did not,’ Belle says, coming into frame. From the look of her face and the blush on her cheeks, it’s obvious she is lying. ‘It was the chair.’
Off camera Charlie adds: ‘It was you. Simon, tell your girlfriend her farts smell.’
Olivia chuckles next to Henry before she says: ‘Belle’s farts do indeed smell.’
Vanessa squeals in happiness because her mom agrees with her. ‘They do, they do, they do.’
‘I hate you, Olivia,’ Belle says into the camera. ‘I let out one fart around you and you never drop it. I never complained about your millions of farts.’
‘That was because I was pregnant. You can never blame a pregnant woman for her farts.’
Charlie and Simon start to chuckle and Simon says: ‘The lady has a point.’
‘Simon!’ Belle hisses. ‘You are my boyfriend, you should agree with me.’
Vanessa grabs the phone from Belle. ‘I miss you a lot, mommy.’
‘I miss you too, baby,’ Olivia says. ‘But tomorrow when you’re about to get in bed, dad and I will be back.’
She nods. ‘Good, because I miss daddy too.’
‘Oh, sunshine, you are also greatly missed here.’ He smiles in the camera and Vanessa smiles back. ‘Don’t make too much fun of your auntie Belle, okay?’
‘Listen to your dad,’ Belle says.
Henry can’t help but laugh. ‘If you think her farts smell bad, you should stay far away from uncle Piers then.’
‘Oh yes,’ Charlie laughs. ‘I can compare and little princess,’���he walks up to her, lifting her up in his arms—‘and his farts smell a lot worse than Belle’s. In comparison to Piers’, hers smell like flowers.’
Vanessa scrunches up her nose. ‘But hers smelled really bad.’
‘Watch it,’ Belle says in a stern voice.
‘Imagine uncle Piers’ farts.’
Olivia and Henry laugh as they watch Vanessa pretending to throw up. ‘You know whose farts smell?’ she adds. ‘Kal’s farts smell really bad.’
‘Agree,’ Henry adds.
‘Mommy, do daddy’s farts smell?’
Olivia looks to the side. ‘They don’t actually.’
Vanessa nods. ‘Mommy’s farts don’t smell either.’
‘Oh, wait a minute,’ Belle says, standing next to Charlie and Vanessa. ‘You, sweetie pie, have never smelled her farts when she was pregnant.’
‘You cannot blame a pregnant woman for her farts,’ Olivia says again. ‘Because, Vanessa, when you were growing in my stomach, you kind of move around the organs there a bit and your entire body is changing, so your farts smell different.’
‘Yeah, auntie Belle,’ Vanessa says. ‘Don’t you blame my mommy.’
Belle starts to laugh, before she pretends to pout. ‘Simon, they are being mean to me,’ she fake cries, before walking over to him.
Vanessa tells them she loves them, that they should have sweet dreams, before she hurries over to Belle, to give her a kiss. Charlie looks into the camera and adds: ‘She is doing fine, don’t you worry now.’
‘I wasn’t worried,’ Olivia says. ‘I trust you completely.’
‘I know you weren’t,’ Charlie laughs. ‘But, look at your man, Olivia. See you guys tomorrow.’
He hangs up and when Olivia looks to the side, she gasps. ‘Are you crying, baby?’ she asks, wrapping her arms around him.
Henry isn’t necessarily crying, but he does feel emotional. A tear slips out of his eye and he whispers: ‘I just miss her a lot and seeing her get along with my family, is such a blessing.’
‘If you want to go home, we can go home,’ Olivia says with a smile. ‘And I mean it.’
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bedbellyandbeyond · 3 years
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Just A Little Chat
(Story Post)
Nathan could only practice for about an hour before he was completely spent. It took Dax roughly the same amount of time to run all the way around the lake, so he jogged up to where Nathan and Kent were sitting in the grass taking a break. “Ah, un petit repose…” Dax panted as he stopped by them. “How'd it go? I heard some howling.” “It's going alright,” Nathan said as he offered Dax his water bottle. “I brought out the wolf a few times, but I can't hold it very long.” “Thank you… That's good. I'm glad this is actually helping,” Dax said before he took a long drink of water. Kent didn't acknowledge Dax and just started picking at the grass.
“How was your jog?” Nathan asked. “Oh, it was alright,” Dax said. “But it's awfully hot out, isn't it? I didn't expect that at all…” Kent furrowed his brow. “It's not hot at all. It's like sixty eight degrees.” “I'm sorry, I don't speak American,” Dax said. “Probably about twenty degrees Celsius,” Nathan said. “And there’s a bit of a breeze.” “Huh, well I really worked up a sweat then,” Dax said, pulling his tank top in and out to cool himself. “I'm overheating…” “Maybe take a dip in the lake,” Nathan suggested. “No, I think I'm too exhausted,” Dax said. “I'm really out of shape… I'd probably drown.” “Go lie down,” Kent said. “I'm not taking you to no hospital if you faint.” “Of course not…” Dax patted Nathan's shoulder and then walked to the house. “Let's see if I can make it up the ladder…” “Be careful, please!” Nathan requested. “Maybe just lie down on the couch!” “Yeah, maybe. See you.” Nathan sighed as Dax went inside. “I hope he's okay,” he said. “Don't worry about that dildo, he's fine,” Kent said. “Runnin's good ‘round here. Good for the heart and lungs. He just needs to train up.” “So, he's gone from ‘limp dick' to ‘dildo' in your vocabulary,” Nathan commented. “How does that work?” Kent just ignored that. “Both of you are like twigs. Maybe cause all he feeds you is twigs. You need to eat more red meats.” “I get plenty, thanks. Dax is very respectful of my dietary needs,” Nathan said. “Transformations just really eat up a lot of energy. And I've never really been the bulky type anyway.” “Shame. Real men have muscles,” Kent said. Nathan decided to tease him. “Is that your taste in men, then?” “Shut up, I'm not like you.” Kent grit his teeth. “And it's not like it even matters. I’m gonna be here alone no matter what, so I can’t even think about things like that.” Nathan sighed. “You're not alone, Kent. The ‘black suits' you keep chasing off, you know they're just trying to help you. You should be taking this as a new beginning, not further entrapment. You're a free man. If you want to build relationships with people, now's the time.” The bear man shook his head. “I ain't been around people in years. You saw, I don't know all the fancy new gadgets, I don't get all this new internet stuff.” He sighed. “I'm just an animal and I made peace with that fact over a decade ago. I have to live my life accordingly.” Nathan looked at him. “But you want to see your kids, right? You want to be a part of their life?” “Yeah… I do,” Kent said. “But now I'm thinking you might be right… They're better off without me.” Nathan shook his head. “…That’s not true. I said those things in anger, but it's not true… They should meet you. They ought to know you.” Kent looked out to the lake. “This just ain't the way it was supposed to go. This weren't what I saw in my head.” Nathan looked at him. “How was it supposed to go?” Kent pursed his lips. “I figured I'd see you again. And I'd see my kids. And I'd want to raise ‘em, ya know? And I suppose since you gave birth to ‘em, we'd both raise ‘em. Maybe we could all be here. Raisin' ‘em. ‘Cause you and me, we're both animals. So are the kids. It'd be safer out here for us.” Nathan blinked processing all this. “…You expected me to bring the kids up here and move in with you?” “Don't say it like that, you’re makin’ it sound gay,” Kent said. “It is gay.” “It is not. You know what I mean.” “Two men raising the children they made together is pretty fucking gay, Kent.” “Shut up, I'm not gay!” Kent growled. “I like women…” Nathan tilted his head. “But you want to raise kids with me?” Kent let out a deep sigh. “…You ain't so bad either. If I can't pick a woman.” Nathan couldn't help the blush that spread across his face. “…That's probably the nicest thing you've ever said to me. Even though it was still pretty insulting.” “Shut up, it's not like any of that can happen anyway,” Kent grumbled. “I reckon you'd never move out here.” “Not a chance.” “And you’ve got that veggie boy now, so…” “His name is Dax. You can use his name; I know you have it in you.” “So, that's that then. There's nothing I can do,” Kent said starting to get up. Nathan grabbed his arm though and and used it to pull himself to his feet, too. As soon as they'd both straightened up, he leaned in towards Kent and kissed him. The bear man was shocked, but he didn't pull away. Instead, after a few seconds, Nathan felt his hand creep up to his waist. The sudden touch broke the wolf man out of the moment, and he pulled away, taking the hand off of him. “You know, I should go check on ‘veggie boy’.” Kent was stunned, staring at Nathan with wide eyes and a furious blush across his face. Nathan started to walk back to the cottage, but Kent managed to shake his surprise and grabbed Nathan’s arm. “Now, you wait just a minute! You can’t just do that and walk away like it was nothin’!” Nathan turned around. “It was nothing. It was just a little gift to maybe help you figure out some stuff. As  you said, I have Dax.” Kent just grimaced and let go of his arm. “I won’t help you no more until I see my kids.” “Fine.” Nathan went back inside.
When Nathan got in, he found Dax passed out on the couch with the ceiling fan on. It really wasn’t that hot out so Nathan went over and put his hand on his partner’s forehead. “You’re burning up…” Nathan said a little worried. He started to shake his partner’s shoulder. “Dax. Wake up…” Dax groggily opened his eyes. “Hm… Yeah? …Nathan?” “Are you okay?” Nathan asked. “It feels like you’re running a fever.” “I feel okay…” Dax exhaled. “Just hot.” “I think you should see a doctor,” Nathan said. “No, it’s not that bad… Just need to cool down.” Nathan sighed and went to get him a glass of cold water and a cool wet towel for his head. “Come on, drink this.” Dax sat up a bit so he could sip down the water. Once he was done, he put the glass down on the coffee table. “That's actually been really good water… He said spring fed, right?” “Yeah.” Nathan put the towel on Dax's head. “I was hoping you and I could go back into town today but if you're not feeling well, I don't want to push you. That, or we go into town to a doctor.” “I think I'm fine,” Dax said taking Nathan's hand. “I don't feel nauseous or anything like that. No sore throat.” Nathan nodded. “Alright, you rest for an hour and if you don't cool down, I'm calling Hanover to come and take us to a clinic.” “Alright.” Dax smiled and squeezed Nathan's hand. “Did you have a good practice though? I stopped hearing howling and stuff when I got back.” “Yeah, I just had a chance to talk to Kent about some stuff…” Nathan said. “Stuff like what?” Dax asked. Nathan frowned. “I'm still trying to process it, and I do want to talk to you about it later. But you need to rest first. I don't know what you did on that run to get you like this, but I'm worried.” “It really could just be a symptom of pushing myself too much on the run,” Dax suggested. “I really haven't worked out properly since last year, and I definitely haven't had an hour long run in nature for a while.” “You used to?” Nathan asked. “Oh, yes. Back home, I ran trails all the time,” Dax said. “It helped me think.” “Well, maybe you're right, but still…” Nathan took out his phone. “I'm going to call to be picked up anyway because either way, we’re going into town.” “So, no more training?” Dax asked. “No, Kent refuses until I bring the kids…” Nathan said. “Shame.” “If you are feeling well, we can maybe do a little celebrating together,” Nathan said. “Celebration?” “Yeah, it’s Canada Day after all.” “Oh…” Dax snickered. “Alright, time to celebrate the genocide of my people.” Nathan paused. “Oh. Uh, shit… Dax, I—” “Relax, I was only teasing you,” Dax chuckled. “You scared me…” “I mean, it did happen,” Dax said. “But we can celebrate a future of transparency, reflection, reparation and growth together and across the country. After all, we’re building bridges this weekend.” Nathan smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I like that... Anyway, do you understand when I say rest, I mean that I want you to sleep?” Nathan asked. “You're the one who woke me up…” Nathan kissed his nose. “Finish your nap, Dax.” “Well, alright… If you insist.”
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henryobsessed · 4 years
I Took You Home - A Winters Stroll
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Summery: The Cottage is getting claustrophobic which leads to a winter stroll with Henry and Kal.
Word Count: 3089 
Warning: Mention of abortion, emotion abuse, and alot of fluff  
A/N I was going to split this into two parts but I thought about how many people would kill me so...... here is a longer chapter. Enjoy and thank you for the great comments.  
Previous Chapter 14
A Winter's Stroll 
Reba awoke to the smell of eggs frying, bacon crisping and coffee brewing. All the smells she loved welcoming her to the day like a warm hug. She could feel the fire was still stoked heating the little room amazed that it had stay going all night. Although early in the morning she was sure she had seen a large figure bent over the fire feeding it to keep it alight. The final thing she could feel before she opened her eyes was a wet nose pushing into her hand that had slipped out of the duvet. This bought a smile to her face as she opened her eyes greeted by a big black and white bear. His large happy smile warmed her heart. With a groggy voice, she whispered, "Good morning my sweet boy" and reached out to scratch him behind the ear as she was rewarded by a big sloppy kiss.
She could hear a deep warm chuckle from behind her. Reba's smile deepened as she remembered the last thing, she had herd last night. Henry speaking to their child, words could not explain how she felt at that moment. She was still wary, unsure of what his intentions were, but his soft words last night showed her some indication that he was not a threat. Reba moved her head to watch henry moving the table over to her, hot steam wafting up from the plate of food that was sitting on it. He smiled down at her the soft look catching her off guard as he leaned down and kissed her on the top of her head.
"Good Morning" he whispered his body hovering above, her heart skipping a beat at his closeness. Her body responded to the memories of their kisses as she yearned to forget her walls and reach out to pull him in. She almost did except for her Little man making his presence known breaking into her sleep hazed mind and reminding her why she was deliberately not rushing ahead like last time. "oof" placing her hand on her stomach she rubbed at the spot he was kicking. "Good morning Little one" reaching out she grabbed Henry's hand and placed it on her stomach over the spot he was kicking. The look on henry's face bought tears to her eyes if she could describe what she saw it would be, a soft smile and eyes that were filled with a father's love.
Sitting down next to her his hand still resting on her stomach Henry spoke with roughness in his tone, " I can't explain what it feels like Reba, I've wanted this for so long, you have no idea" she could hear the unspoken question in his comment, and she knew she needed to talk to him soon. His hand felt warm on her stomach and their little one calmed down. As he retracted his hand she felt the loss of his touch, reaching down she pressed the button to bring her into a sitting position. The hot breakfast had cooled slightly but it was still good. She ate while Henry watched, her mood souring a little at his staring if he was going to be here for three week's he was going to have to stop hovering.
Sandy and Kyle arrived not long after they finished eating, the four of them sitting in her little living room discussing what they will do if she goes into labour. Reba chuckled to herself, the midwife she had been seeing assured her she would make it to full term which was still 3 to 4 weeks away. She could not understand why they were so worried. "So Henry, you have our numbers, but if you can't wait for us the hospital that's she is booked into is Airedale General Hospital. Here is their number to call ahead if you need to." The voices faded out of focus as Kal took up his now familiar position head on the top of her thighs just below her baby bump. The last visit to the clinic they had said her little man was small but still in a healthy weight and it showed in her bump. She was still just able to reach around and scratch Kal's head. "Reba" she looked up a blush creeping up her face as she realised, they were all looking at her, Again.
Chagrined at herself for losing focus again she apologised "Sorry, I can't seem to focus for long these days. It's a good thing the books done otherwise I would be in big trouble." She laughed at herself but noticed that the others were not joining her. Their concerned faces caused flutters in her stomach or was that her little boy. She had been feeling a bit off the last few days since Christmas, but she had attributed that to Henry calling and the sudden intrusion into her sanctuary. Sandy ever the practical one spoke up, "Are you sure your ok Reba, you were absent-minded last night too. I have never known you to not be present and focused in a conversation" Sure that they were worried for nothing Reba laughed it off "Lets just put it down to last trimester baby brain ok"
They finished their conversation this time Reba was listening. She only had one job to do but it was the hardest, tell them when she felt pain and have the baby easy right. Sandy and Kyle left but before they did she noticed that Henry had a private conversation with them by the door. It irked her that she was being babied. Her bladder called again to be emptied and a small ache throbbed in her back. Maybe she would try sleeping in the bed tonight. Getting up she waddled past Henry who gave her a gentle smile "Bathroom?" laughing she poked him in the stomach "You try having a large object sitting on your bladder and see if you can hold it for a long time" he looked chagrined "sorry Reba. I appreciate what you are having to go through for our son" a softness crossed his face as he said 'our son' she couldn't be angry with him, not when he so obviously was already in love with their child.
The day was surprisingly warm for December, outside the sun was shining. Reba began looking through her Jackets she knew there should be one that would fit her. The cottage was getting a little claustrophobic and she needed to go for a walk. Henry moved up next to her his face questioning her actions "What are you looking for?" her face red with frustration she grumbled "A Jacket that will cover your son, I want to go for a walk" his brows furrowed as he asked in a concerned voice "Are you sure that's wise? It's 5 deg's out there" huffing she turned to him, hands on her hips. "You are not my baby sitter, I need to get out in the fresh air, is that ok with you!" she knew she had overreacted and the look on his face told her he was sorry for asking. She turned to keep looking as Henry walked away.
Just as she was about to give in she felt a warm winter jack fall on her shoulders, she looked up tears threatening as Henry filled her view. With an apologetic face he spoke "I'm sorry Reba, here use mine, it's big enough for both you and our son. I have two, can we come with you?" she was so confused right now. One minute she was happy, then sad, angry and right now she wanted to cry. She just nodded not trusting her voice. Together with Kal on the lead they left the little cottage and headed down a small path that Kyle had set up for her. It led around the property, open fields and clumps of trees finishing up at a pond that homed all kinds of birdlife in spring.
Kyle had made two bench seats for her and Sandy. They were positioned perfectly to appreciate the local wildlife. Right now though it was still and quiet, she breathed in the fresh cold air and looked out over the water as she sat. Kal was happily sitting, and Henry joined her on the bench. They sat for some time Henry seeming to understand her need for stillness. She took a deep breath, it had to happen now, she needed to jump off the deep end and see if she could swim. 
Reba's fight or flight reflexes were kicking in, every muscle was telling her to run. Instead, she slowed her breathing and focused across the pond. "Brian was my first, I told you it only lasted a short minute. It lasted long enough to get me pregnant" she listened to the quiet, waiting for Henry to react. His only action was to lift his arm and pull her into his side. She laid her head on his chest as they stayed quiet for a moment more before she continued "He didn't want the baby. I was young, naïve, and let him make all the decisions. I was only 6 weeks pregnant when he took me to the clinic" Reba's voice hitched at the memory as tears began to fall. She could see through her tears Henry's hand flex into a fist, her heart began to race was he angry with her.
For an instant fear settled in her heart until she felt him hold her tighter a soft controlled voice whispered, "I'm so sorry Reba, that boy had no right to force you to do something you didn't want to do." Her tears turned into sobs as she realised, he didn't hate her for having an abortion, but instead he was angry with Brian and could see the trauma she had gone through. He held her, his hand rubbing her shoulder as she continued to cry, she spoke through her sobs "I didn't realise.....(sob) till after...... (sob) that I should have fought more,(sob)...... I should have spoken up for myself." her sobs slowed, and her body relaxed into his as she finished her story. "After, he just ignored me. I couldn't tell anyone as I felt so ashamed. Mum knew something was different, I started to retreat into myself. That's when I started writing. It was my escape."
Her little man must have sensed her distress as he started to kick at her again, this time his aim was more towards her back as she felt a sharp stab. It propelled her forward standing quickly and rubbing her back then belly "hay that's enough little man" she swayed her hips which seemed to appease him. Henry looked at her with concern, but the look she gave him when he began to speak silenced him. "I'm ok, he is just being very strong with his kicks." Reba was now getting frustrated, wanting to get the story out before she lost her nerve. Swaying she held Henry's gaze, "That's why I had to leave that day, I knew if something came of our moment that I needed to be the one. I needed to have the space to say what I wanted to happen. I don't think I could have survived another man forcing me to give up my child."
The look on Henry's face was one of understanding and concern mixed with disappointment. He stood up and paced as Reba watched him trying to make sense of her statement. When he turned around he walked purposely towards Reba and took her hands. She looked down seeing his large hands engulfing her own, "Reba, look at me." His deep voice softly commanded. She looked up into his face which held concern and determination "I understand why you ran, I'm disappointed that you didn't give me the opportunity to talk it through with you at the time. However, now you have explained what you went through I can appreciate why you did it." Reba let out a breath she didn't realise she had been holding. His eyes searched hers as he continued, "For a long time now I have felt that there was something missing in my life. I found it hard making connection with people and when I did the relationships didn't last long."
Reba could tell he was having a had time sharing this as he turned his face from hers looking out over the pond. The steam from his breath filled the air as he breathed "When I mistakenly fell into your world, it was like fate was giving me a chance. I felt even in that weekend of sitting around your apartment that you got me. The week to follow felt so right. That morning before the phone rang, I was contemplating what I wanted. What would life look like if you were a permanent part of my life? If I would like to wake up next to you each morning? And would I be ok if our moment, produced a child? I knew then that I would have done anything to make it work." Henry turned back his eyes held unshed tears as he looked into her face.
"But then you were gone, I searched and searched for you. I had all but given up hope when my mother gave me your book." Reba was struggling to see through her tears, as she heard the heart of the man standing in front of her. She searched his face for any trace of deception but all she found was genuine vulnerability. He was sharing his heart with her, and what he had felt all those months ago.
They both stood there looking at each other, both having laid their hearts bare. Reba reached her gloved hand to his face and brushed an escaped tear from his cheek. "Do you really mean that Henry, could you see us making a family for this little man?" A soft smile crept across his face as he reached into his pocket and got down on one knee. Looking up at her surprised face Henry spoke: "I believe it so much so that I bought this with me on our walk" he held out a small box and opened it revealing a delicate platinum ring that held a pink diamond in the centre with white diamonds sprinkled down the shoulders of the ring. Reba didn't know what to think, her heart was overwhelmed at the sight of this rugged tall bear of a man kneeling before her holding out a precious ring. "Reba, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"
Reba shut her eyes and breathed trying to order her thoughts. There were only really two questions she needed to ask herself, Did she love Henry enough to accept a proposal? or Would she be willing to accept for the sake of their son and see what came of it later? Opening her eyes now and looking down into the hopeful expression on his face she came to the conclusion that her answer was yes to both questions. Her gaze softened as she answered his growing concern with a soft "Yes, Henry Yes I will become your wife" taking her hand he took the ring and placed it on her ring finger. It went on a little snug but knew it would have been a perfect fit if not for the baby weight.
Henry stood now and pulled her into a big bear hug, his head nestled into her neck kissing her tenderly below the ear sending a shiver down her spine. He then pulled back gazing at her before claiming her lips in a gentle kiss. Memories of their previous kisses assaulted her as their lips deepened and her body pulled tighter to his seeking more. They pulled apart both breathless as Henry eyes hooded with desire whispered shall we head home. Moving into his side they walked arm in arm back down the trail, back to the warmth of the little cottage.
Reba felt exhausted by the time they arrived at the cottage, the emotion of the walk no matter how wonderful it ended was taking its toll. As she walked into the cottage fatigue washed over her along with a deep ache in her back. Henry noticing her fatigue helped her out of his jacket and also helped her remove her shoes. She walked into the bedroom and sat on the side of the bed. Too tired to remove her clothes she laid down curled on her side. Before her mind surrendered to sleep she felt the bed dip and Henry's warm body surround her, his arms wrapped protectively around his son.
The Ache in Reba's back woke her a few hours later, it had increased in its intensity and she was now beginning to worry. Surely this wasn't early labour pains? She went to remove Henry's arm to go to the toilet when a sharp pain hit her. This wasn't her little mans doing this was something else. "Henry" she whispered "Mmmmm" came the response somewhere under the duvet behind her. "Henry, somethings wrong" at the comment he sat up quickly "What's wrong, what do you need?" fear was now attacking her heart as the pain increased. "I don't know but I think we need to go to the hospital." Jumping out of bed Henry ran out of the room leaving her sitting on the side of the bed. He returned just as quickly with his jacked and her shoes. Thankful they had slept in their clothes.
Another sharp pain hit as she was standing, and she almost buckled under the pressure on her spine. Henry picked her up bridal style and took long strides to the car. Setting her down he opened the car door and helped her into the seat, as he did, he adjusted the seat, so she was laying further back. He ran back into the cottage and returned with a bag and his phone. Before he left, he called Sandy who promised to check on Kal before joining them at the hospital, then he called the hospital telling them what was happening, and that they were on their way in. Finally, they pulled out of the property. Reba could only focus on breathing at this point as the pain radiated from her lower back around to the front. Her only thought as Henry speed towards the hospital was, It's too early.  
Next Chapter 16  
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maaaaaatryoshka0325 · 5 years
Shattered Sky - Hwang Hyunjin Zombie AU Part 15
(<- Previous Part) (Next Part ->)
Warnings: Character death (I’m BIG sad over this one)
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“This is impossible.” Changbin rasped, looking down at the pictures of your blood work and all the walkers.
“Look at Y/N, guys. She’s still hasn’t changed!” Woobin said, his eyes sparkling.
You sat down in Hyunjin’s office with them, Hyunjin directly beside you. You were nervous, as you didn’t know what to expect from everyone. You felt Hyunjin’s warm hand wrap around your own, his eyes reassuring. You gave him a soft smile before looking at the group of men in front of you.
“This is amazing.” Chan said, looking over the pictures.
“How will the other survivors react to this?” Seungmin asked.
“This may give them some hope. Y/N is proof that we still have hope against these things.” Jisung said, his eyes shining.
“Jisung’s right.” Chan began, his eyes meeting yours. “We have living proof that there’s still hope for humanity.”
You smiled at him and he smiled back, before bowing to you.
“I’m sorry I raised my gun to you.” He said.
“There’s no need to apologize Chan. No one knew I was immune. You would’ve done the same to everyone else.” You said lightly, giving him a reassuring smile.
Hyunjin smiled at you and squeezed your hand. You looked over at him, and all of your anxiety went away.
“We should show you to the survivors.” Hyunjin suggested.
“What if they don’t react well?” You asked, your voice quivering a bit.
“Then we’ll protect you, Y/N.” Felix said.
Everyone agreed, their eyes on you, hope in them. You sighed in relief and nodded.
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All of the survivors gathered in the center in front of the tower, and you stood inside in the entrance, waiting for Hyunjin to call you out. Minho and Changbin took up both your sides, their demeanors the most intimidating, besides Hyunjin’s.
“As you know, yesterday Y/N was bitten by a walker that got through.” Hyunjin’s voice rang out.
“How long did it take her to change?” A voice called in the crowd.
“That’s why I called you here.” Hyunjin said, beckoning for you to step out.
You stepped out the door, Minho and Changbin taking up either side of you, guns in their hands. Gasps of shock echoed throughout the crowd, voices ringing in your ears.
“Was she really bitten?”
“She was! I saw it with my own eyes!”
Jeongin gently pulled the bandage from your neck, your bite wound on full display. Gasps once again echoed throughout the crowd, all eyes wide.
“Jeongin took blood samples from her, and found no trace of the virus. Y/N is the first that we know of that is immune.” Hyunjin’s voice rung throughout the crowd, everyone falling silent at his words.
The silence made your stomach churn, your nerves wracking. You felt a hand grab yours, and when you turned your head, Woobin gave you a warm smile.
“This means hope for all of us.” He said, his voice strong. “If one person is immune, it means we can find a solution to make others immune.”
Words of agreement went through the crowd, but you still saw some suspicious survivors. You squeezed Woobin’s hand harder, and he gave your hand a comforting squeeze in return.
“How would the cure be made?” A survivor called.
“I’m afraid I don’t believe there is a cure... But there HAS to be a way to make us immune to the infection, like Y/N.” Woojin spoke up.
“If Y/N lets us,” Jeongin started, looking at you. “I’d like to take more blood tests and see what I can do to help all of us.”
You raised your chin high and nodded. Cheers of hope went through the crowd, most of them with friendly faces. Though there were still others who looked doubtful, you still felt hope in your heart.
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You sat in the clinic to, once again, give Jeongin blood samples. He’s been taking a little bit of blood as the days go by. Yuna sat beside you, her hand in yours. She’s been with you ever since you appeared in front of everyone, over joyed to see you still alive, and human.
“That should be the last of them Y/N, thank you.” Jeongin said with a smile.
You smiled back at him as you hopped off the table, Yuna giving you a huge smile.
“Let’s go to the cantina and get you some snacks so you don’t pass out.” Yuna said with a smile.
“You need some too, you’re eating for two.” You giggled.
She smiled at you as you both bowed to Jeongin, Woojin, and Seungmin.
“We’ll run as many tests as possible to figure this out.” Seungmin reassured you both.
You both nodded and headed off to the cantina, grabbing a few snacks and sitting down to eat. You both ate your food as you felt eyes on you. You once again felt self conscious eating with everyone else, your body shivering.
“Where’s Hyunjin?” Yuna asked.
“He’s been talking with Chan and then for awhile. I think they’re trying to figure this out too.” You said.
Yuna nodded in understanding, a small smile on her face.
“I’m glad the two of you finally confessed.” She giggled.
You stopped chewing and gave her a confused look.
“What do you mean finally? You asked.
“Oh Y/N, anyone with eyes could tell the two of you were falling for each other.” She giggled. “The way you two look at each other says it all.”
You blushed and smiled, swallowing the food you had in your cheek. Yuna giggled and held your hand, her eyes soft.
“I’m so happy for you Y/N. You deserve to be loved after everything you’ve been through.” She said with a big smile.
“Thank you Yuna, I hope you can find happiness again.” You said with a smile, squeezing her fingers.
“I already had my own, and now I’m going to have his child.” She said with a sad smile.
“You don’t want to fall in love again?” You asked.
She gave her head a sad shake, wiping the corners of her eyes.
“I can’t imagine myself with anyone else. I’ll be happy with just our baby.” She said.
You held her hand again, your eyes comforting.
“You’re very strong Yuna.” You said.
“Thank you Y/N. You are too.” She said back.
You both smiled at each other before she yawned.
“I think I’m gonna head back to my cottage early. I’ve been so tired lately.” She sighed.
“You’ve been taking care of the children and carrying a child too, of course you’d be tired!” You giggled.
She smiled at you as you walked her back to her cottage. She waved you goodbye as she stepped inside, and you smiled to her. You turned around and jumped, almost bumping into someone’s chest.
“Jeez Hyunjin! You scared me!” You gasped.
He chuckled as he looked down at you, a small smile on his face.
“Sorry, I tend to do that.” He said.
“I noticed.” You said, looking up at him. “What’s up?”
He shrugged, his eyes on the ground.
“Something bothering you Hyunjin?” You asked.
He chuckled and shook his head before wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you against him.
“I came over to see you, silly.” He chuckled.
You blushed and hid your face in his chest. He stroked your hair before pulling away and beckoning for you to follow. You followed him to the tower and he led you to a room connected to his office, and you could it was his room. Your face heated up as you saw a massive bed in the middle.
“Jeongin and Seungmin should have something soon, Woojin is doing comparisons to other blood samples. He’s trying to see what exactly is in your system that made you immune.” He said.
You nodded and sat on his bed. He sat down beside you, leaning back against the pillows. Your eyes were focused on your hands, your mind not all there. There were so many questions you had about what was going on, and you were hoping Jeongin and then could find the answers.
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Hyunjin grabbing your waist and pulling you down on your back. His body hovered over yours, his eyes looking into your own.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked.
You let out a small laugh and reached your hand up, stroking his cheek. Your thumb ran over his soft skin, his eyes still glued to your own.
“Just about everything that’s happened recently. Like everyone else, I want answers.” You sighed.
“If anyone can find those answers, it’s Jeongin, Seungmin, and Woojin.” He reassured you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“You think they’ll find it?” You asked.
“No.” He said gently, a small smile on his face. “I know they’ll find it.”
You smiled at him as you pressed a soft kiss to his nose.
“You believe in them so much.” You said with a soft smile.
“They’ve always done everything they can.” He said, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
You closed your eyes as you melted into his soft lips. Your lips moved in sync as he deepened the kiss, your hands softly bunching his shirt at his shoulders. He licked your bottom lip and you allowed him entry as your tongues began to dance together. His hands went to your waist as he pressed himself against you, his tongue easily over powering your own. He pulled away from your lips as you gasped for air, your hands clutching his shirt tightly.
He smiled down at you as he pressed warm kisses to your jaw and down your neck, his hands grabbing your ass as he sat you up on his lap. He nipped at your neck, admiring the way you leaned your head back, a small whimper leaving your lips as he gently bit down on a spot on your throat. His hands went to your hair as he brought your face back to his own, the kiss hot and messy.
A knock at his door made you both stop. His eyes were dark, a small smile stretching across his face as he placed one last kiss in your lips before getting up and opening the door.
“What’s up Felix?” He asked casually.
“Woojin found something that might interest you and Y/N.”
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You and Hyunjin followed Felix to the clinic, walking through the hallways until you came to a room where Woojin was looking under a microscope, and back at some pictures.
“What is it Woojin?” You asked, noticing the way his brows furrowed.
He looked up at you and Hyunjin and beckoned you both over to him. You both sat on the clinic bed in front of where he was looking at the microscope. He placed two pictures in front of you both, his eyes bewildered.
“This picture,” He started, pointing to the first one. “Is Y/N’s blood tests we took after the fire. Those little things aren’t in her blood here.”
Hyunjin stared at the two pictures intently, his eyes flashing.
“So Y/N wasn’t born with this immunity?” He asked.
“No, and I don’t see how she could’ve been. The infection is new, so there’s no way her body could’ve been born immune.” Woojin said. “I have to keep looking into what had caused it.”
Hyunjin nodded, standing up and taking your hand.
“We’ll leave you to think. When you think of something, let me know.” Hyunjin said.
Woojin nodded and smiled before watching you both walk out. Your smaller hand felt warm inside Hyunjin’s larger hand. His long fingers were gently wrapped around your own as you both walked down the halls. You glanced over and saw Jeongin sitting at a desk, his head in his hands. You stopped and Hyunjin gave you a confused look, then noticed why you stopped. You both walked into the room and Jeongin raised his head, his hair slightly messy from his fingers.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
“I don’t understand a single thing. No matter how many times I try and figure out what those things are, I get nothing. Woojin showed me you weren’t born immune, and for some reason it feels like it just got harder.” He sighed.
You gently rubbed his shoulder, feeling slightly guilty that you couldn’t help.
“Why don’t you take a rest? You don’t have to figure it all out right away.” Hyunjin said, stroking Jeongin’s hair.
“Are you sure? I can keep looking into them.” Jeongin said.
“I’m sure, get some rest. It won’t be any good if you drive yourself crazy. Tell Seungmin and Woojin to rest whenever they need too.” Hyunjin said gently.
Jeongin sighed and nodded, getting up and bowing to you both.
“Thank you.” He said lowly before walking out of the room.
You and Hyunjin walked out of the clinic, and you glanced at him. His eyes seemed distant as he bit his lip.
“I’m gonna go talk to the others, why don’t you go and get some rest?” He said, looking down at you.
You nodded, a little sad you couldn’t spend more time with him. He lifted your hand and gave it a kiss before pulling you close and kissing your head.
“Rest well okay? And don’t worry, leave it all to us.” He whispered.
You closed your eyes at his touch and nodded, a small smile on your face.
“Okay, don’t over work yourself.” You said softly.
He nodded with a smile before heading off to the tower. You slowly walked back to your cottage, a meow catching your attention. C/N came prancing over to you, and you picked her up. You noticed a mouse in her mouth and you chuckled.
“You’re a good hunter, aren’t ya?” You asked with a small giggle.
You brought her back into your cottage and put her down so she could eat her catch. You sat on your bed and ran your fingers through your hair, your mind still racing.
“This is crazy C/N.” You sighed.
She looked up at you, her pretty green eyes on you. You smiled and stroked her fur as she rubbed against your legs. You picked her up and wiped the mouses blood from her chin, a purr sounding from her throat. She rubbed your face against the side of your neck and you giggled before placing her down.
“I guess I should shower, maybe that’ll take my mind off of it. Or maybe I can think more clearer.” You sighed to her as you stepped into your bathroom.
You lathered your hair in the shampoo and closed your eyes as the hot water ran over your body. The steam made your body relax as you stood there, your eyes on the wall of the shower. There has to be something you’re all missing, but what is it?
You stepped out of the shower and wiped your mirror before brushing your teeth. When you looked back up, you looked at the two scars in your neck. The bite mark was over the scar from being stabbed. You ran your fingers over them as you got dressed. Your hands froze in your towel as you dried your hair, your eyes wide.
“That’s it!”
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Your feet pounded on the ground as you ran towards the tower, your body shaking with excitement. Jisung was standing guard outside, a confused look on his face as he watched you run up.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” He asked, slightly concerned.
“I have to talk to Hyunjin!” You gasped out, heaving in air.
“Woah woah, breathe.” He said, his one hand on your arm. “What’s wrong?”
You grabbed his hand and held it, your eyes sparkling.
“I think I realized how this happened!” You breathed.
His eyes widened and he immiediatly followed you into the building. You both ran to the office where Hyunjin was with the other guys. Chan, Changbin, Minho, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin, and Woobin were all there. Chan looked up, tapping Hyunjin’s shoulder. Hyunjin looked at you, hisbeyes widening when he saw you.
“Are you alright?” He asked, immiediatly walking over to you and grabbing your face.
“I’m fine!” You said with a big smile, still cacthing your breath. “I figured it out Hyunjin!”
Everyone’s eyes went wide as they looked at you. Hyunjin looked into your eyes, his eyes starting to sparkle.
“What is it?” Changbin asked.
“Woojin, where I was stabbed, what room was that?” You asked.
“Uh... Our infirmary.” He said.
“Right, and what was I stabbed with?” You asked.
“A syringe.” Woojin said, his eyes going wide after.
“What does that mean?” Felix asked.
“It means it’s at the prison! Whatever made me immune, was in that syringe!” You said.
Gasps came from most of them, smiles stretching across their faces.
“Of course! Why didn’t I fucking thing of that!” Seungmin gasped, shaking his head.
Hyunjin smiled at you, his eyes bright. You smiled back at him as he pressed his forehead to yours.
“Slight problem.” Woobin piped up. “The prison is over run by walkers.”
Hyunjin looked back at everyone, then to you, a small smile on his face as he looked at you.
“Are you all willing to risk it all to save humanity?” Hyunjin asked, turning and looking at them.
The men around you both smiled, all nodding their heads. Hyunjin smiled brightly, his eyes determined.
“We leave tomorrow morning.” He said.
Everyone nodded and departed, leaving you and Hyunjin together. Hyunjin looked at you and gave you a soft smile.
“You okay?” He asked.
“I’m going tomorrow, right?” You asked.
Hyunjin fell silent, pulling his lip into his mouth.
“I think it’s better if you stay here.” He said.
“No.” You said, shaking your head.
“Y/N, it’ll be better if you do.” He said, turning away from you.
“I’m going whether you want me too or not Hyunjin.” You said firmly.
“And what makes you think you are?” He asked, his eyes narrowed as he turned back to look at you.
“You all can drive off without me, you all can go. I’ll just walk. You can’t force me to stay.” You said, crossing your arms and looking up at him.
He stepped close to you, anger flashing in his eyes.
“Why are you like this? Why can’t you just fucking listen to me?” He asked firmly.
“Because Hyunjin, I lost so much already. I-I can’t imagine losing you or any of them. I’m immune Hyunjin. I should be the first you choose to go.” Your voice slightly broke as tears filled your eyes.
You just wanted to help. You just wanted to be there for him, you wanted to protect him. His eyes softened when you wiped at your eyes, his hand coming out and pulling your head into his chest. He sighed as he bit his lip, shaking his head.
“If I let you come, you follow my orders. Got it?” He sighed.
You nodded and looked up at him. His long fingers gently caressed your cheeks, his eyes soft.
“You wanna sleep with me tonight?” He asked.
You smiled and nodded as he led you into his room. You slid into his bed and under his covers, his scent all around you. He slid in next to you, pulling you into his warm embrace. He stroked your hair as you hid your face into his chest, closing your eyes.
“Are you scared?” He asked.
“A little bit. I’m more afraid of losing any of you.” You whispered.
“Everything will be okay.” He whispered, his fingers threading through your hair as he held you close to him. “I promise.”
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You and Hyunjin were the first ones to get up and get ready. Neither of you really talked, but you found comfort being close to him that morning. You both packed your weapons as the others began to appear, preparing their own weapons. Chan walked over to you and gave you a smile.
“You’re coming Y/N?” He asked.
“Of course.” You said with a smile.
“I’m surprised Hyunjin allowed you too.” Woobin said with an amused smile.
“She wouldn’t let me say no and threatened to walk if we left her.” Hyunjin grumbled.
Chuckles came from the group of men around you and you couldn’t help but giggle at Hyunjin’s grumpy state. You walked passed him to get to the passenger seat and pulled him down by the front of his shirt, giving him a small peck. He watched you walk away with a small smile on his face.
“I guess you really have met your match.” Jisung giggled.
“Yeah yeah, shut up.” Hyunjin mumbled.
After you finished putting your weapons beside your seat, you walked over to the back of the trucks where Hyunjin was going over the plan.
“We’ll go through the gate first.” Hyunjin said, talking about you, him, Chan, Woobin, and Jeongin. “And then the second car will go in. Chan and Woobin will be firing out the windows to get the walkers in the courtyard so we can make our way inside. Woojin, Felix, and Jisung will also start shooting when the courtyard comes into view. After that we head straight for the infirmary with Chan in the lead.”
You all nodded, when Seungmin piped up.
“We need to think of a way out. There’s too many walkers for us to kill them all.” Seungmin sighed.
“We do have that self destruct thing.” Changbin said.
“.... What?” You asked.
“Oh.... That.” Chan said awkwardly. “Okay before any of you get the wrong idea, everyone agreed on it.”
“.... You made a self destruct button?” Hyunjin asked.
“.... Yes.... Yes I did.” Chan said.
Everyone fell silent, and you made eye contact with Hyunjin.
“Listen, we all agreed if the place was too over run we’d just blow the whole thing up.” Chan said, throwing his arms up.
“... So where is that button?” Hyunjin asked.
“It’s on the first floor, in my office. No one else knew where it was located but me and Changbin.” Chan said.
“We might just need it.” Hyunjin said, earning a nod from everyone else.
“... Slight problem.” Chan muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.
“What is it?” Hyunjin asked.
“If you hit the button it blows up right away.” Changbin said awkwardly.
“.... Never mind.” Hyunjin sighed.
With that, everyone got into their assigned trucks and you all got ready to head out.
“... A self destruct button though?” Woobin asked.
“It sounded like a good idea at first okay.” Chan sighed.
You and Hyunjin laughed as you all headed for the prison. As you got closer, you felt your nerves wracking again. You felt Hyunjin’s hand on your thigh, warm and comforting.
“It’s going to be okay.” Hyunjin reassured you.
You gave him a soft smile and nodded. You felt one of Woobin’s hands on your shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. You looked back at him and smiled, feeling thankful for the comfort.
“We’ll be together the whole time.” Jeongin reassured you.
You smiled at him as the prison began to come into view. You looked up and an idea popped up in your head.
“Hyunjin, open the sun roof.” You said.
“Why?” He asked. 
“Just do it.” You said, loading your gun.
He did as you said and you raised your body until your upper half was out of the truck. You saw fired your gun and hit as many as you could as Hyunjin drove into the fence, breaking it open. You heard firing behind you and watched gunfire fly below you as Woobin and Chan shot at the walkers. More gunshots rung in your ears from the others in the other car. Hyunjin hit the breaks and you hopped out from the sun roof and stood on the car, shooting down the walkers that ran out.
“I see you Y/N!” Felix yelled as he got out of the other truck, his eyes sparkling.
You smiled as you hopped down and followed the group to the entrance. Chan took the lead and took a deep breath.
“You okay?” You asked.
“All Hell is about to break loose.” He said.
“We’re right here with you Hyung.” Felix reassured him.
Chan smiled as Changbin took up the spot beside him, giving him a reassuring nod. Chan took a deep breath before kicking the door open, sending a walker flying from the force. Snarls and growls echoed throughout the prison as they all began to run for the group. You were in the middle of the group, Hyunjin and Woobin protectively on either side of you. Walkers dropped left and right as you all made your way to the infirmary.
“Y/N, Woojin, go in the infirmary and get what we need! We’ll hold them off!” Hyunjin yelled.
You and Woojin ran through the infirmary door. Two walkers ran towards you both and you quickly put a bullet in the both of them before running over to where you had been stabbed. You froze when you saw Ed’s body, his face blown off. You shook your head and found the syringe he had used to stab you, your dried blood on it. You took a good look at it, seeing a dried, yellow fluid in it. You rummaged around until you found multiple bottles and syringes of it.
“I found them Woojin!” You yelled.
Woojin ran over and grabbed them, a smile on his face as he took one of the doctor robes and wrapped them all up in them and stuffed them in his bag. You both smiled at each other before running back out of the room. Hyunjin cracked one of his guns over a walkers head and then shot it point blank under it’s jaw. He looked back at you both and you smiled and nodded.
“Let’s get out of here.” He said. “Lets go!”
You all hurried down the stairs, your heart stopping when you realized how many walkers were coming.
“There’s too many! They’re going to catch up to us!” Minho yelled.
You pushed your legs harder as you headed for the exit. You turned your head and saw Woobin running up last. He turned around and watched asall of the walkers came charging, going to be able to get out of the doors. He looked at you before pushing you out.
“Thank you for everything, kid.” He said before slamming the door shut and sticking his gun through the handles.
“Woobin!” You screamed, trying to get to the door.
“Y/N don’t!” Hyunjin yelled, grabbing you and dragging you away.
“No! We can’t leave him Hyunjin!” You screamed as he lifted you and pulled you back to where the trucks were.
Woobin ran through the first floor, walkers grabbing and snapping at him. He felt a sharp pain in his thigh as one bit down on it. He grunted and smacked it’s head off the wall, before running into Chan’s office. He pushed over the desk and found the button under a false part of the rug. He looked up as the walkers rushed in, about to get him, when he slammed his hand down on the button, everything turning white.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
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A loud bang echoed throughout the air as the prison went up in flames and fell as you cried out for Woobin.
“No! Woobin!” You cried, tears pouring down your face as Hyunjin covered you as smoke swept through the courtyard.
“He... Used the button.... He sacrificed himself...” Chan rasped, his eyes covered by his arms from the smoke.
You sobbed into Hyunjin’s chest as he clutched you tightly. Your hands gripped his shirt as your body shook. Grief filled your heart as you stayed in Hyunjin’s arms.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, his voice shaking. “I’m so sorry.”
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whispersafterdusk · 4 years
Lost in Time - ch 15
"So what part of Lucien are you from?"
Harrison quickly adjusted the pillow behind him (padded and pillow'd booths were still something he was trying to adjust to - how did Django keep these clean and free of stains?) and then settled his hands back around the fragrant mug of tea in front of him.  "We used to live on the border near Duvos but were forced to move."
The girl - Lily - frowned.  "Oh.  Yeah, I...I hear that a lot."
"When you live so close to warmongers it's going to be a common story."
"Did your family stay in Lucien?"
Harrison nodded and took a sip of the tea before answering.  "We did.  We went from a farm to a small home on the opposite side of Lucien -- not enough room for a farm but big enough for my mother's pottery business to continue."
Lily's eyes lit up.  "Pottery?  Did she happen to be the one who made the little teapots with the lids shaped like wild flowers?"
"...yeah, actually," Harrison answered after a pause.  "You've seen them?" ((Continued below cut))
"Ha!  Seen them?  I owned four!" she giggled.  "I loved those things.  I love floral things in general...what with having the name Lily and all. My mother's name is Rose - you could say a love for all things flowery runs in the family."
He laughed with her at that, and again sipped from his tea; it was a black tea blend with a really intense flavor that he'd had to temper with more sugar than he was used to (it was still very delicious though).  "-I just wish the place had a bigger yard.  We owned six dogs when we had to move and there never seemed to be enough space for them to run around once we set up mom's workshop in the back yard."
"Aw..." Lily sighed.  "I always wanted a dog but my mother wouldn't let me have one."
"Ours were farm dogs - they kept predators away from the chickens and goats. We couldn't keep the chickens or goats but the dogs came with us when we moved."
Lily nodded and rocked back and forth for a moment with a dreamy look, then made a little popping noise with her mouth and turned her attention back to him.  "What was farm life like?  Did you have siblings to help out?  How many animals did you have?"
"Eh...it was a lot of work.  I had just turned seven when we moved so I didn't have to do a lot of it but I had an older brother and sister who both complained about having to get up so early to get chores done before school.  I had just gotten old enough to be trusted to feed the chickens each morning..."  He sighed -- he really missed the farm some days.   All that open space to romp around in, the rooster crowing each morning, the smell of freshly plowed dirt.  "How about you?"
"Mom and I lived in a small cottage on the western side of Lucien.  Close to the border with Duvos but not so close that we ever had any trouble.  OUR troubles always came from the Peripheries -- lots of random beasts would wander out of there every spring.  Mom would go drive them off or have to kill them and then we'd sell the meat and hides.  She also had this big flower and herb garden too and she'd sell dried and pressed flowers for scrap-booking and the herbs would go to local chefs."
"Were beasts actually that big of a problem?  I'd sometimes hear my schoolmates talking about big monsters but it always sounded...like just stories, you know?"
Lily lightly slapped her hands flat on the table, leaning toward him with her eyes wide.  "Stories?  Ha, no - you should see some of the things that wander out of that area.  Nothing that mom couldn't ever handle by herself but sometimes they made a really big mess."
Harrison nodded slowly at that, and for a moment his attention was caught by the steam curling up out of his mug; in a flash of imagination he pictured the steam curling out of the nostrils of some big beasty, and shuddered a bit.  "That must have been rough."
"I guess it was."
Lily paused as Sonia brought out the fruit salads they had ordered; someone with a broken ankle had come in to the clinic during Harrison's lunch break and he'd gotten back to eating much later than intended so he wasn't all that hungry but had ordered something anyway because it had seemed like Lily was going to forgo eating since he was.
"-do your parents and siblings still live at your new place? -- well, I guess it's not new now if they have been," Lily giggled.  She stuck a grape into her mouth and Harrison could hear it pop from across the table as she bit down.
"They do.  We've sort of dug in, you could say," he chuckled.  "Set down new roots and now they're in deep." He picked out a grape for himself and almost drooled when he chomped down; these were really, really juicy -- perfectly ripe.  Portia really had some of the best produce around. "-how about your family?"
"Mom's still holding down the fort," Lily mumbled around her mouthful of grape pulp. "I don't think anything could convince her to move...it's kind of annoying, really."
"Why's that?"
"Well..." Lily sighed heavily, swallowed, and then absently twirled her fork around with her fingers.  "...I don't know.  When I was younger she always seemed so bright and cheerful, and loved doing odd jobs that took her out and about to new places.  At some point though she came back totally changed and swapped over to pressing flowers and growing herbs.  Life...got a lot more difficult when she did that, both monetarily and just in general.  It's like a totally different person came home."
Lily shrugged and began picking the rest of the grapes out of the salad; Harrison tried to keep a neutral expression but inwardly he was sort of dying for having managed to make this awkward.
"It's not a big deal," Lily finally went on (after what felt like forever).  "Mom doesn't have the heart to travel anymore so I do instead.  Take back all sorts of trinkets and stories.  She seems to love that part so I keep doing it. It's pretty easy to find odd jobs everywhere so I can see how she managed to do it all the time."
"Yeah, neat," Harrison replied in a rush.  "I mean, uh - that's neat," he added after a moment, hoping he managed to get a more normal tone out this time.
She simply grinned at him and bit a bite of watermelon in half.  Some juice trickled down her chin; she didn't seem to notice.  They ate in silence for a bit; Harrison still felt ready to melt into his seat and disappear but Lily seemed at ease, and the fruit really was good.
Thankfully they managed some more small talk once they'd emptied their bowls -- when and why Harrison decided to become a doctor, more about his mom's pottery business (she asked him to ask his mother if she could hold a lily-patterned tea pot for her, and he promised to write to her about it), Lily's vast knowledge of flowers and their care, some of her traveling stories.  That earlier feeling of awkwardness had faded and was replaced with a light, giddy feeling of having met someone new (and someone who...apparently thought he was cute, which was its own sort of sensation that made his heart race a bit).
It was almost closing time by the time they'd paid and walked outside; there was a chilly breeze whistling down the street and Harrison zipped his coat up to the very top.
"How long will you be in Portia?"
Lily shrugged and tightened her scarf.  "I didn't plan on staying long but I think I'll stick around for awhile."  She flashed him a mischievous grin with that.  "Pretty good reason to."
Again he felt his ears burning.  "A-ah."
"Do you work every day at the clinic?"
"Not EVERY day, no, but most."
She nodded and bounced on the balls of her feel again.  "All right.  I'll come poking around again...maybe tomorrow?"
"I...think I'd like that, yeah." They smiled at one another and the burning in his ears spread across his face. "Where are you staying?"
She pointed across the way to Happy Apartments.  "There, for now.  I WAS camping out near the beach but I'm tired of how cold it's been.  And with my arm having a hole in it I wanted ready access to hot water so I could keep it clean."
She waggled her arm at him and he nodded - clean water, hot or not, was definitely better than unfiltered sea water to keep the wound free of infection.
"-oh, speaking of my arm, I had a...weird question."
She pursed her lips and hesitated, then huffed.  "So up in Atara I overheard folks talking about some kind of machine you had down here - something that surgically fixed things?"
Some kind of-- oh.  "You mean the Uplifter?"
"Not sure what it's called but maybe? Someone there was bragging about how it had fixed their split lip without even leaving a scar behind.  Does it...only work on faces?" Harrison nodded and her shoulders slumped.   "Well, poo.  So much for that idea."
"What...idea?  Were you wanting to try and use it on your arm?"
She nodded.  "Yeah.  I'm cleaning it like the doctor told me to and everything but I was hoping it could be...you know, fixed, without me having to deal with it for the next several weeks."
"Ah.  Y-yeah, unfortunately it's only designed to work on the neck and up."
"What's it do, then?"
"Uh..." Harrison shoved his hands into his pockets, thinking -- Xu hadn't formally taught him about the Uplifter just yet but he sort of knew a few things.  "It...repairs injuries, and I know it can alter things about your face.  It can also temporarily cause your hair to grow in a different color too."
Lily's eyes lit up at that.  "Different hair color?!  Really?"  She blew out a breath and looked up toward the sky, smiling.  "I've always wanted green or blue hair... But it only does it temporarily?"
"Yeah.  No idea how long it lasts - I haven't been taught much about it."
All of a sudden her expression froze and she looked to him wide-eyed.  "Hang on - you said it can ALTER your face?"
"Yeah.  Dr. Xu said he's used it to fix cleft lips and a few other facial birth defects on people from Atara and Ethea."
"I have no idea," he sighed.  "It's a complex piece of machinery.  I guess if I read the manual I could figure out the science behind it but I doubt I'll be learning about it any time soon...or ever.  I won't have one when I become a doctor and strike out on my own so it might not be worth my time to learn about something I won't have access to later."
Lily's expression relaxed, as did the rest of her, and she rocked back and forth from toes to heels.  "That's a good point.  Kind of wild that something like that exists and used to exist in the Old World too... I bet Old World people had crazy hair colors," she giggled.
He opened his mouth to respond and then immediately closed it; right on the tip of his tongue was Eli's name and situation -- if anyone would be able to talk about hair color trends of the Old World she'd be the one. But...it seemed like it wasn't his place to tell anyone about her.   There was rumor enough floating around without him pointing more people toward her, and he'd seen her therapy sessions; it just...wouldn't be right to put more pressure on her right now.  She was a person, not a novelty.
"Either that or they were really terrible about not injuring their faces," he said finally.
Lily let out a laugh that ended in a snort; she clapped her hands to her mouth and blushed a bit (or maybe it was just the way the lights outside the Round Table lit her face - it was hard to tell).  "Ha- uh, eheh.   Sorry.  That just immediately made me think of an entire civilization of people with too-short doors banging their heads everywhere they went."
Harrison bit his lower lip to cut back on his laugh - that WAS a funny image.   "Maybe the doors were all normal-sized and Old World people were just really tall."
"Or bad at building doors!"
She started laughing again and Harrison let himself laugh along; even if he knew that was just goofy speculation it was still pretty amusing to picture.
Once she'd caught her breath she turned toward the Apartments in the distance.  "Ok.  So I'll see you at some point tomorrow?"
"Sure thing."
"All right!  Good night!"  She waved over her shoulder and headed off toward the apartment building.
Harrison waited and watched until she made it through the doors and inside, then let his feet carry him to Dr. Xu's house.  He had a few books to pick up before he returned to his own rented room at the Happy Apartments building.
Oh.  Maybe he should have mentioned he was staying there too.
Man...he was really bad at this.
Two more weeks and no sign of the spy.
At least by then Mali had come back and she'd helped Arlo, Remington, and Sam comb the entire Portian countryside again as well as most of the territory between here and Sandrock.
They'd found a few old campsites but the tracks were too muddled to tell who they belonged to; with Old Bob wandering around and tourists moving through Portia it just wasn't possible to positively confirm who had stayed where -- Eli, Asher, and Mali had worked out a rough "when" for the sites but it wasn't any help at determining the "who" part of it.  And that rope bridge that went underneath the waterfall was gone now too.
They were essentially at a dead end and it had Arlo frustrated; he hated the idea of danger lurking around Portia.  Maybe that spy was sent here to do exactly that - spy.  But what if they were sent to harm or steal something? They'd already taken one gun off the first spy...who knew what this semi-invisible person possibly had on them now that their presence was known?
They'd all spent a lot of time discussing tactics; for now they were going to ask Selene to design a sprinkler system to keep the area nice and muddy and also borrow some of the builder's fine wire and hide trip wires in the tallest grass attached to...well, they hadn't decided on that part yet but it was going to be something that could be easily hidden and also made a ton of noise if something shook it.  Since none of them could come up with anything that could overcome the suit's near-invisibility they would have to focus on what physical variables they could actually affect.
One decision they'd made that Arlo didn't agree with was what Eli called a "Stupid Plan" - capital S, capital P.  The logic, she explained, was that the spy knew that THEY knew the spy was around; they should assume that the spy would be carefully watching them for signs of vigilance and be purposely avoiding their search efforts.  The trick to getting the spy to lower their guard again was for the rest of them to pretend to be stupid: everyone goes "back to normal" and pretends to stop looking for them (with emphasis on pretend - they'd all of course still be as vigilant as they could without tipping their hand).
"If we can just convince this person that we're convinced they're gone," Eli had said, "then I bet they'll get bold and sloppy, just like how they got bold the night we first fought them."
It made a sort of sense in a way but Arlo didn't like the idea; he wasn't comfortable with pretending to let his guard down (mostly because he didn't know how to actually do that).  The Pigs, Sam, and Remington had been willing to give it a shot so he'd been outnumbered, though they'd at least all respected his concerns about it.
The one good thing out of the decision to enact the Stupid Plan was he and Eli were free to go back to their respective abodes and sleep in their own beds.  He didn't realize how much he'd missed his bed until he was back in it - no hard pillow beneath his head, no rough canvas surface of the cot under him, no carpet burns on his elbows from said canvas.  It felt like a shameful luxury to be back in a proper bed and he actually overslept the next morning.  By the time he'd dressed and hurried down to Selene's to meet the others for their newly restarted morning training sessions they were already halfway through the warm up exercises. It did make him feel a bit better to see Eli looked a little...not tired, but not exactly focused.  More like she could fall back asleep if she laid down somewhere.  
Adam was here today in Asher's place; he moved to a spot next to the man and started in with the rest of them as they swapped between exercises and stretches to warm them up for their run and the harder stuff afterward.
"Anything?" he grunted after a bit, glancing toward Adam.
"Nothing," came the answer.
Well...he supposed he wasn't surprised.  
It was nice to be back to training at least; Eli seemed to be going easy (easier) on them today.  They finished their warm ups, did their run, and came back to do the harder things but it felt shorter than he remembered it being.  Still...the combination of sore muscles, sweat, and a heightened heart rate felt good.  When they were done and had cooled off some Remington and Sam headed out to take up their old patrol routes; Adam left to, presumably, head back to the facility camp, leaving him and Eli alone in the yard.
As he watched she did some stretches (ones that were different than those she'd taught them) and then moved over to lean against the fence and stare out into the fields; he glanced out that way too -- there were barren trees, bushes, and a few llamas out there that were picking at the first green shoots coming up.  With the spring melt finally upon them the bushes and trees would be budding soon and there'd be more out there aside from the isolated spots of hardy herbs that, somehow, managed to survive and grow even in freezing temperatures.
"I have to be honest," he said into the silence.  Eli shifted just enough that he knew she was listening but not so much that she was looking at him.  "I have no idea how to act like I'm not aware of my surroundings.  That's probably going to be the hardest part about all of this for me."
"Want to learn?"
He came up to stand beside her at the fence and eyed a couple of llamas as they suddenly burst into a hopping fit, bouncing around one another for a few moments before going back to grazing.  "How exactly do you teach something like that?"
"It's not hard - you just have to learn new ways to pay attention without paying attention."
She looked over to him with a smug smirk; he blew out a sigh but smiled.   "I'm guessing it's something I have to be shown that can't really be explained."
"More or less, yeah."
"I guess the next question is when would you want to start?"
She shrugged.  "Can be anytime we're both free.  It's not something that's easy to teach so you're going to need a lot of time to dedicate to it."
Arlo nodded; his schedule was back to normal now that they were acting out the Stupid Plan.  "We can make it work."
Out in the fields there was suddenly the noise of startled llamas; Arlo shifted his attention from Eli back out to the animals and could see a pair of figures walking in the fields.  He squinted that way and it took him a moment to realize it was Dr. Xu and...someone else.  Probably that student of his.  Xu had what he thought was a basket over one arm and seemed to be gesturing at the little dots of bright green among the brown, soggy grasses.  His student nodded and walked over to bend down over one of the green spots and began to carefully remove bits and pieces and hand them up to Xu -- Arlo knew the doctor went on walks to collect whatever freshly growing plants he could find, even in the dead of winter, so it seemed they were observing one of those.  
Movement from the south caught his eye then and he saw someone approaching the two in the fields; whoever it was was bundled up in a heavy coat and had a scarf on -- it looked to be a woman, but not anyone Arlo recognized. She waved at the two in the field and the student waved back (what had been his name?  It started with an H...Arlo had only met him once and now he couldn't remember the man's name).  Whoever the woman was didn't stick around long: she greeted them, very briefly talked to them, then continued on back toward Portia.
"Any idea who that is?"
Eli shook her head.  "Nope.  I've seen her walking around town but I've not talked to her myself.  Guess I can ask Dr. Xu at my next therapy session."
Arlo nodded, then looked over to her.  "...I don't want to make you uncomfortable with personal questions, but..."
A faint smile crossed her face; this time she did turn her head to look at him.  "How's it going?  It's...going.  Some days are better than others but overall it's getting easier.  Time heals all wounds as they say."
"I'm glad to hear it."  He turned to put his back against the fence and leaned.  "There's a holiday coming up - Day of the Bright Sun.  I bet a lot of people would like to see you there."
"What's the holiday for?"
"Have you heard of or read about Peach yet?"
She nodded.  "That's the guy who invented some machine that got rid of the clouds in the sky, right?"
"Right.  It's a holiday to celebrate the sun returning.  We spend the week leading up to it wrapping gifts and delivering them to city hall, and on the day of the holiday the gifts are dropped all over town from an airship that flies over Portia."
Eli raised an eyebrow at that.   "Not sure which is harder to believe - air-dropped presents or the fact an airship still exists."
"It-" Arlo paused, thinking on how to word it.  "-it's probably not the type of airship you might be thinking of."
"I'd hope not.  Airships were bigger than Portia is."
"Really?" he asked; she nodded, and he shook his head.  "Hard to picture...  But ah, no.  This airship isn't all that big.  Not much bigger than Mali's plane, to be honest."
"Is this a sort of buy in thing to participate then?"
"Buy in?"
"Do I have to give gifts to be able to receive any?"
"Not..." Again he paused.  "Not really?  I don't think there's any actual rule about it.  Why?"
"I'm not the greatest at choosing gifts - especially not for people I hardly know.  And I don't want to receive something if I didn't give someone a gift."
"Oh, don't worry about that.  Everyone gives something - usually several things - even if it's just small trinkets or even raw materials of some kind, and the gifts don't have anyone's names except for the giver on them.  Just last year a pair of gifts I received were a bouquet of flowers and a roll of cotton fabric -- it's sort of a crap shoot for what you might get."
Eli nodded slowly, wrinkling her nose. "Well, if I'm not buying for specific people that makes it a lot easier in that regard.  A lot less awkward too, since I'm not physically giving them out myself."
"Nope.  Just catch presents falling from the sky."
"Sounds...interesting, then.  I'd at least show up for the novelty."
He smiled at her.  "And companionship, I'd hope."
She returned the smile.  "Yeah, yeah, that too."  With a small grunt she straightened and dusted her hands off.  "I'll add gift shopping onto my To Do list.  Let me know when you next have some free time and we can start in on teaching you a few new tricks."
"I'm free now if you are."
He watched as she turned to head toward the opposite side of the yard where the gate to the road was; after a breath or two he followed her -- what else was he supposed to do?
"Now's good, I guess.  Without turning around, how many llamas were out on the field?"
"Uh."  Arlo slowed to a stop; the urge to turn around or at least peek was strong but she'd specifically told him NOT to do that.  "...five?"
"Seven.  How many bushes were out there?"
He blew out a sigh and started to follow along behind her again.  "I'm guessing my first lesson is to assess everything I see?"
"The idea is to sort of...absorb it without actively counting or noting things.  Things like numbers, patterns, colors, people, details of places, sounds and what directions things are coming from or moving in. Take it all in, in a glance or two, and be able to recall it quickly."
"Right..."  Ahead of him Eli headed out of the gate and then waited, holding it open for him.  "Well.  I'm up for the challenge."
She just smiled and led the way down the road.
Something about the sound of the airship overhead was distinctly...uncomfortable.
Not enough that it wasn't something she could tolerate but enough that she could feel anxiety and a bit of fear just beneath the surface; with it came an urge to duck into cover, or to otherwise get out of sight. Eli couldn't recall ever hearing something like it but clearly her subconscious did, and inside her head a small alarm system was starting to blare.
She'd been standing with the crowd of townsfolk only moments ago but the arrival of the airship had sent them all into a stumbling jog together as a group, laughing and lightly jostling one another; no one stopped unless they'd actually managed to snag a present and then those persons hung back to let the group run ahead and get a head start on the rest of the falling presents.
Eli wasn't anywhere near enough to catch any, and at the moment she didn't particularly care.
 I'm FINE.  I'm fine.  There's no danger here.
She kept it going as a little mantra in her head and forced herself to focus on the spectacle of an entire town catching things raining out of the sky.  Sam had said the airship swept across the city and then out to the fields; it should be out of sight and range soon.
Sucking in a breath she scanned her surroundings; a ginger-haired woman with a parasol and Gust were still here, as was Gale.  They were walking at a slow pace, talking and laughing amongst themselves, and hadn't seemed to notice she'd lingered.
She should...probably move.  To avoid drawing attention to herself.  This wasn't something she wanted to try and explain to anyone - especially not on a holiday.  Let them have their festivities and fun...no reason to bring the mood down.
Of course that meant following the source of the sound.
 Come on.  I can handle this.  It won't be much longer.
It took another breath or two to urge herself into a slow walk, heading off after the crowd.  Here and there in the street were bows and ribbons - she assumed they'd fallen off the gifts since she was still trying to wrap her head around how the presents could survive falling from such a height.  Did shock foam persist through the ages?  Maybe she could get a look at a box later.
The crowd was at the far side of the plaza ahead - the one with the big tree in the middle.  Eli glanced up and traced the path of a package that was wrapped in bright orange paper with white ribbon; it suddenly hit her that those looked an awful lot like New Year's Dawn presents.  A holiday that didn't exist anymore...one she'd never experience again.  No presents, no family dinners, no games, no costume parties...
Simultaneously she felt a heavy weight settle in her gut coupled with the sensation of her stomach twisting into a knot, followed by a familiar hot prickle behind her eyes.  Abruptly she stopped and spun on her heel, fully intending to retreat as quickly as possible back to her room.  In a split instant she realized Asher had been walking up behind her - it was clear he'd been trying to catch up to her and her sudden reversal of direction had caught him by surprise while also nearly bowling him over.
"Whoa-" Asher stumbled a bit as he tried to put some space between them.
"Sorry.  What's up?" she asked quickly.  She side-stepped him and looked up the street -- no one was in sight now.  Good.  She could still make an escape.
"Uh." His eyes were on her as she moved.  "-is something wrong?"
In the moment Eli knew she could just lie and say everything was fine; the problem was if he could already see it on her face then it'd be pointless to try and hide it now.  With a deep breath she rubbed at the bridge of her nose.  "Yes.  Sort of. I just need to get some distance between me and here."
With that she started walking; it was a little difficult to hear him over the sound of the airship but after a pause Asher's footsteps hurried after her.
"At the risk of sounding insensitive, what's the exact problem?"
"Dunno," she replied.  "Just something about that sound is...not good."
He sped up until he matched her speed and then walked at her side.   "Gotcha.  Um.  Let's -- have you seen the hot spring retreat?  We can catch the Dee-Dee up there and it ought to be far enough away you won't hear the airship."
"I hope you're not expecting me to actually utilize the springs."
"No, I wasn't thinking that.  That's just the first location that's within quick and easy reach that I could think of that would also be fairly quiet."
"I could just go home."
"Do you want to be shut in a room at the moment?"
Eli sighed and squeezed her eyes shut; what she wanted, right now, was to be normal and at the festival, holiday, whatever-it-was in the plaza.   Which...after that airship left, maybe she could go back. Maybe. Her obvious lack of caught gifts might invite questions she'd rather discuss with Dr. Xu first though, so maybe not.
Luckily as they came within sight of the Dee-Dee stop the Dee-Dee was only ten yards down the road; Asher waved at it and the driver stopped and waited for them to jog down to the stop instead of continuing on.  The hum of the Dee-Dee motor seemed a little more familiar, if a bit rougher than she was accustomed to, and it helped a bit to drown out the airship's rumble.   It was a short drive up to the retreat and, as Asher had said, it was way quieter -- she could barely detect the airship from here, and once they were standing on the dock that surrounded the little inset pool meant for the hot spring patrons to sit in there was the lapping of water and a bubbling noise as well.
Now that the "danger," according to her brain, was gone she could feel a bit of tension draining away and leaving what felt like a gaping, empty ache behind her right eye.  Asher found and unfolded a pair of fabric deck chairs and set them up facing the west, away from Portia and any chance of spotting the airship.  Eli dropped into one and ground the heels of her palms into her eyes.
"So."  She had to clear her throat and try again.  "-so, was there something you needed?"
Asher lowered himself into the other chair but didn't lean back.  "Not in particular.  Mali wanted to talk to Arlo and I was asked to play messenger but since he's busy with the holiday she wasn't expecting him to go rushing out."
"Don't let me keep you from an errand.  I'll be fine."
He waved a hand dismissively.  "They can wait.  Unless you're wanting me to leave."  With that he looked over to her.
She blew out a long sigh.  "I don't know what I want.  Well, I do.  But none of what I want is possible.  I want to go home.  I want to hug my husband and parents again.  I want to see my squad.  Some days I wake up and I'm perfectly fine with the thought that all that's gone and there's nothing I can do about it...other days, you just have to press on and act like you're fine."
Asher bowed his head slightly, resting his chin on his fists with his elbows braced against the hard wood of the arms of the deck chair.  "I wish there was something I could do, or say, to help with it all.  Sometimes being human seems like a waste, doesn't it?  Brains we don't have control over stirring us up and making someone think or feel things they probably wouldn't choose to otherwise."
Eli managed a very faint smile.  "I definitely can think of better emotions to be stuck with, yes."  She let out another heavy sigh and rubbed at her temples - the ache was spreading across the front of her head, through the forehead area and behind both eyes now. "I think I have a slight edge in that part of ranger training was focusing on instinct and logic and forgoing most emotional reactions.   We were...always ready for it to go to hell.  You had to be ready to switch off the emotional part of your brain and get shit done at any moment.  I think my 300 year long nap damaged that switch, or maybe this is just too much to switch off whenever I want to."
Asher nodded at her but didn't say anything; they both went quiet and Eli focused her attention on the details and soft noises around her: the wind, the bubbling of the spring, the small waves caused by the bubbles hitting the pilings that supported the dock.  A few times she heard faint birdsong.  There was a small building on the dock that she assumed held whatever was needed for the hot springs business; it was partially blocking the wind coming off the fields so the steam off the springs was actually making it a bit too warm for her liking.  She thought of taking her jacket off but didn't want her shirt to get damp.
Without any other option Eli just sat and steamed inside her coat until every last hint of sound of the airship was gone; after giving it a few minutes more she stood up and turned to look toward Portia -- at least from here it seemed like the airship was actually gone.  
There was the creaking of a deck chair to her right and out of the corner of an eye Eli could just make out Asher standing up.
"Are you ready to head back?"
"I think so.  It seems pretty quiet."
He studied her a moment.  "Are you wanting to go back to the celebration, or just head home?"
"We'll see how I feel when I'm at the gate again."
They put the deck chairs away and headed back toward the Dee-Dee stop to wait for the next one to drive by.
"...as embarrassing and awkward as this was...  Thanks."
Asher flashed her a gap-toothed grin.  "You're welcome.  Have to earn my keep somehow."
She snorted and shook her head.  "Typically 'friend' is not a salaried position."
"Good job security, at least."
Everyone around him was buzzing with excitement and chattering over the gifts they'd gotten this year; Arlo had gotten a neat looking woven wristband in purples and greens (no name on it so no idea who had given it) along with a new bronze blade from Django, and (purely by accident, since his third gift had technically been caught up in the tree without anyone noticing until it fell out and hit him as he was walking by) a nice woolen blanket from Sophie.
The box that the blanket had come in was a tad too bulky to comfortably carry around so he had it sitting on the bench beside him as he stood off to the side of the Research Center; everyone was beginning to break off in small groups to go take photos together, and he knew that once Sam and Remington had done whatever personal ones they wanted to take that they'd be looking for him so they could all take their yearly Civil Corps picture together.
Skimming the crowd Arlo couldn't help but feel a bit sad that he didn't see Eli anywhere; he had the urge to go walking around to see if he'd just overlooked her somehow but knew it'd be easier for Remington and Sam to find him if he stayed put.
He knew that logically it was going to take time for Eli to feel fully welcome, and like she fully fit in...still, he couldn't help but feel like he was at fault in some way. Should he have personally invited her along, instead of leaving it open?  But then would it seem like he was being overbearing or guilting her into something she didn't want to do?  There were times he held back out of worry that he was about to be too pushy but perhaps that instead was making him look too distant?
At the shout he looked up sharply only to see a mob of children heading his way - the triplets, Jack, and Toby at their head.  
"No need to yell.  What do you need?"
Toby walked up and let the boxes he was carrying drop to the ground in a heap.  "Have you seen Eli?  We can't find her anywhere."
Hm.  So that confirmed that she just wasn't here rather than he'd somehow missed her.  "I haven't, sorry."
Toby huffed out a sigh.  "Guess we'll keep looking.  Mayor Gale let us grab some extra presents for her since no one had seen her and we wanna give them to her."
Arlo looked the kids over; the boxes at Toby's feet had been opened, as were the three boxes Jack was toting.  Each of the triplets had two opened boxes each but they also all carried one extra, unopened gift.  "That's very nice of you kids to do that."
"Guess we can check if she's at home," Jack said.  Toby nodded and scooped up his opened gifts.
"Try not to bombard her," Arlo called after them as they started to head off up the street.
"What was that all about?"
Arlo turned to see Sam standing there.  "They're looking for Eli.  Don't suppose you've seen her today?"
"Not since the very start," Sam answered.  "She was with everyone when the airship started its pass.  You don't think something happened to call her away, do you?"
He frowned; that hadn't crossed his mind, actually.  "...I hope not.  We should go check - have you seen Remington?"
"Selene cornered him for a few pictures but he should be free here in a few."
With a nod Arlo turned around and looked over the blanket box; there was a recycle bin at the bench near the base of the tree.  He first took the bronze sword out of its box and fastened its clip to one of the straps on his jacket, then slipped the sword into place until he heard it click securely.  Next he took the blanket out of the box and tossed it over his shoulder; it didn't take long to walk over to the recycle bin and deposit the boxes, and by then Remington had spotted them and they all met up at the barbershop.
"Do we have trouble?" Remington asked once he'd reached them.
"Possibly," Sam replied.  "Seems Eli disappeared right as the airship started its flight over town - we're worried something might have called her away so we're headed out to the facility to go looking for her."
Arlo nodded (even though they hadn't discussed the 'facility' part - it made sense to head in that direction so he wasn't going to try and correct her).  "If you're done here let's head out."
Remington gave a curt nod and the three of them turned to head up the street; once they'd crested the hill and arrived in Peach Plaza they, to their surprise, spied Eli -- she was standing with Asher and the five kids were huddled around them near Peach's statue.
"-well that's good news," Sam said after a pause.  "If she AND Asher are both here then there's probably nothing wrong."
"At the facility," Arlo added.  He looked between the two of them.  "There might be something else wrong, if you catch my meaning."
Remington frowned.  "Hmm.  Yeah...could be.  I bet this reminds her of a holiday back in her own time.  Bad memories."
Sam matched his frown.  "Didn't think about that.  ...well, let's go see."
Arlo walked with them up toward the group around Eli; Asher caught his eye and flashed them an 'OK' signal discretely, which Arlo acknowledged with quick jerk of his head.
"-AND," Toby was saying, as they got within earshot.  "Look!  I kept my grades up just like I said I would!"
The three unopened gifts were sitting in a small stack at Eli's feet; Arlo watched as Eli turned her attention to a square of paper Toby was waving around.  Finally she managed to grab it out of his hands and hold it still so she could read it and after a moment she nodded and handed it back.
"All right, fair enough - you did like you promised your mother you'd do.  So now, once your mother says it's ok to start, I'll start teaching you.  But only when your mother says so," Eli said, emphasizing the last part.
"Man, this is going to be great!" Toby squealed.  He stuffed the report card back into his jacket pocket and spun around, taking off in a sprint only to collide with Remington.   "-oof, sorry!"
Remington helped get him steady on his feet and then wisely stood aside as the boy took off running again.  "It's fine just-" and then, rather than finishing his sentence, just shrugged with an amused look as Toby was already mostly out of sight.
The other kids giggled and said their goodbyes and headed off to follow Toby (though at a much slower speed), leaving the five adults to look to one another.
"We were worried when we didn't see you," Remington finally said.  
Eli smiled faintly; Arlo thought she looked tired.
"I'm fine.  Just had to step away to get some air," she replied.  Her attention flicked down to the gifts at her feet, and then Arlo was almost certain she looked at the wristband he was wearing; the smile got a little deeper and he had an inkling as to who had given the gift without putting their name on it.  "Was nice of them to think of me like that."
"They wanted to make sure you got something," Arlo said.  "You were missed today."
Something flickered across her face but the smile came right back.  "Ha, c'mon - you're going to make me blush."
As she talked there was something written on Asher's face but Arlo couldn't read it well - it was something like thinly disguised concern, he thought.  It seemed to him like Eli hadn't just stepped away for air...but what had happened?
Asher noticed Arlo studying him and the odd look went away, replaced with a smile of his own.  "Well! Now that that's taken care of, what say we all head down to what's left of the festivities?"
"It's just pictures left, and then the town photo," Sam said.  "If we hurry we might be able to get one or two in before the big one."
Eli's brow furrowed.  "Another town photo?  Is that just...something that's done at every holiday?"
"Mostly," Remington chuckled.  "We do like our photographs here in Portia."
After a pause Eli nodded at that.  "I guess some things don't change -- ah, er.  I mean, people's desire to document things don't.  There's no conceiveable way that ANY city in my time could have ever gathered together for one big group photo where you could still even tell it WAS people."
She bent to pick up the gifts; Arlo stepped over to her and offered a hand.  "Want to open those before you head down?"
"Oh.  Guess I should, yeah."  
Arlo took two of the gifts off her hands and stood there while she balanced the third one on top of them.  The first box opened revealed a finely carved crystal inside a delicate wire filigree that was strung on a leather tie -- something Arlo immediately recognized because HE'D been the one that had bought that one from a traveling craftsman months ago and given over to city hall as one of his gifts.
When she flipped the tag over to read it Arlo saw her expression soften a bit, and the smile grew.  "Ha - interesting twist of fate, that."
"Y-yeah, I guess," he laughed quietly.  "Is the wristband something you...?"
"Saw me looking at it, huh?" she said as she tied the crystal necklace on.   "I couldn't figure out what to buy so I made a couple things.  Funny we got one another's gifts."
"Better than getting one of your own?" Sam offered.  She looked amused but also admiring of the necklace.   "Where'd you even get that?"
"I'll tell you later," Arlo answered.  He swapped one of Eli's unopened gifts with the empty box and stood there holding her last one while she opened the considerably larger box.
Inside was a pot (plastic, but painted with a gorgeous geometric pattern) with a healthy looking asteria plant in it with a tag from Alice attached to it; Arlo again swapped out her last gift with the empty box and then, as she was opening it, began to carefully break the boxes down so they could go into the recycle bin.  Inside the last box was a copy of Journey to the East, from Django.
Eli turned the book over in her hands.  "Huh...I remember a book by this name existing back in my day.  I wonder if this is the same story."
"Only one way to find out," Remington said with a grin.  He gently clapped a hand to Eli's shoulder and looked down the street.  "Why don't we all go get one photo squeezed in?"
"Sure."  Eli tucked the took under an armpit and carried the potted asteria in the same arm.
Arlo quickly collapsed the book the book had been in and deposited them in the recycle bin as they passed by; they had their picture taken together just outside of Portia's gates then hurried back inside to get on the riser for the town photo.
"How about dinner?" Asher asked once the picture was taken.  "We can all squeeze into a booth, probably."
"Didn't you have a message for Arlo?" Eli asked dryly.
Asher shrugged.  "I'm getting to it.  Mali stressed that it wasn't any rush."
Arlo looked over at him.  "What?"
"Mali wants to talk to you, when you've got time.  She specifically said it's not anything immediately important because she didn't want to interrupt your holiday.  So, let's go get dinner, then you and I-" he said, pausing to waggle thumb between himself and Arlo, "-can take them some dinner and see what Mali wanted."
"Assuming we can get into the Round Table," Sam said with a smirk and a nod of her head toward the crowd of people walking toward the restaurant.
Asher shrugged again and grabbed the elbows of Remington and Eli.  "Then let's get moving so we don't get shut out."  He began to pull them along with him, and Sam and Arlo followed.
They did manage to get a table, with Remington and Sam on one side and Eli sandwiched between Asher and Arlo on the other.  Arlo found it...a bit suspect, that it always seemed like Asher found a spot next to Eli; it wasn't his business but it stood out to him in a way he thought he should remember.
It looked like Eli's first lesson on noticing things had already sunk in.
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thewhumperinwhite · 4 years
Café: Clinic 2
This isn’t very long, but it does exist, and the way things are currently going that is a Big Win for ya boy.
Previous:  Teaser 1 / Teaser 2 / Hospital/Squad Car / No More Squad Car / Empty Bar / Used Car Lot 1 / Used Car Lot 2 / Gas Station / Roadside 1 / Roadside 2 / Forest / Treetops / Cottage (1) / Cottage (2) / Interlude: Police Station / Cottage (3) / Cottage/Car Ride / Clinic
TW for: medical whump, brief unintentional misgendering, referenced minor character death, referenced death of a child.
@whumpitywhumpwhump also please message me if you want to be on the taglist for this story
By the time they’ve stumbled their way up onto the doctor’s table, Pax is aware of the all-body muscle tension that happens when you’re forcing yourself to remain upright longer than your body thinks you should, but Pax has never cared what their body thinks before and they’re not going to start now.
The old growly-voiced doctor doesn’t react to whatever he sees when he unwraps the bandages from Pax’s arm except a slight deepening of the crease between his wild and bushy eyebrows. Pax would give a lot to take a tweezer to those things right now; they’re awful and also it would be a phenomenal distraction from how badly pear-shaped this whole adventure is going on every level from physical to emotional.
Sol is in the waiting room (if that’s what they’re calling the kitschily-furnished den at the front of this “clinic”) with the muttering husk of Kent Graves, which Pax is kind of grateful for at the moment; but The Girl Who Shot Them is in here with Pax and Doctor Eyebrows, watching and chewing her already-hideously-peeling lower lip and hugging her elbows like it’s freezing in here. Which it is, for the record, but Pax is pretty sure that’s just blood loss on their end.
“Wanna tell me what happened?” Doctor Eyebrows says gruffly while he wets a swab with disinfectant and Pax prepares themself for the burn. “Your arm looks like raw hamburger. This ain’t a surgery, for fuck’s sake.”
“You can ask your friend here about that,” Pax says sweetly, and Shotgun Sammy or whoever bites her lip harder and looks at the floor.
Doctor Eyebrows looks at her over his shoulder, and then turns back to Pax’s arm, shaking his head. “She’s her father’s daughter,” he mutters darkly. “This’ll hurt.”
He presses the cold burning cotton swab against the deep graze on Pax’s shoulder. For the record Pax is fairly sure it looks worse than it is, but the freezing burn of the alcohol does rocket up and down their arm with the worst spike of pain since the initial shot, and they squeeze one eye shut and bite the inside of their cheek hard.
“I bandaged it, too,” Shotgun Sam says, though it’s unclear who she’s defending herself against exactly. Pax laughs, one harsh caw that takes a little effort but does make her flush deeply and look away, which makes them feel a bit better already.
“Sure,” they say easily, grinning at her with all their teeth. “Everybody knows you can’t get mad at someone for shooting you if they cover it up afterward. Hear that, Doc? You—” They break off with a hiss when the doctor stops patting and starts actually swabbing. “Christ, you wanna jam that in there a little harder, Eyebrows? I think there might still be some muscle underneath for you to scrape out.”
The doc doesn’t stop, but he does raise one of the titular caterpillars and his mustache twitches a little. “Might as well call me Russ, Mister; I figure once a man puts a gun in your face you might as well be on first name terms, huh?”
“Hey, I haven’t touched the thing,” Pax points out, gesturing vaguely at Sam to indicate the concept of the shotgun. “Call me ‘mister’ again and I’ll think about it, though, Russ.”
The Doctor’s eyes move to Pax’s face for just a second, and Pax gets ready, but he just shrugs, not pausing in the process of rubbing rough fabric against Pax’s fucking bones or whatever. “Fair enough,” he says, and gets to business with the bandages. “Well, you want the good news, or the bad news?”
Pax narrows their eyes at him. “Bad news first is objectively the right answer.”
“If you say so. Bad news is, the best I can do for this is wrap it, and if you use that arm in the next week, it’s gonna tear you right back open again.”
Pax stares at him. This is. About what they were expecting, obviously. But it is very bad news. “What’s the good news?”
The doctor spreads his hands. “The good news is you get to keep the arm. Probably. Can you move it?”
Pax tries; it hurts like fire and they taste blood in their mouth from instinctively chomping down on their cheek to keep from yelling. They nod curtly. 
“Good. Put your hand on your head and keep it there till I get back. Make sure it’s done bleeding. If those bandages aren’t any redder by the time I’m back you can get the hell out of my clinic.” The doc turns to look at Shotgun Sam. “Come get me if—” 
The doctor pauses, and turns to his eyebrows questioningly at Pax, who takes a second to understand, has to shake their head to clear it before they can talk. “They,” they supply, putting their hand on their head and closing their eyes.
“—if they fall over.”
“Okay,” Sam says quietly, and Pax listens to the doctor’s boots stomp around them and out the door; they breathe in through their nose and out through their mouth and keep their hand on their head, resisting the urge to clench it into a fist, which will definitely hurt worse.
There’s a moment when the only sound is the buzzing of the fluorescent lights, but of course it can’t last.
“Sorry,” Shotgun Sam says in a small voice. When Pax doesn’t answer she adds, “For shooting you,” like they might be confused about what she’s apologizing for.
Pax sighs and cracks their good eye open. She’s looking back at them, which they will actually give her credit for. She’s not fidgeting and looking away. She looks like she’s ready to accept consequences, not that Pax is really in a position to be enforcing any.
Pax holds her gaze for a second. Then they sigh and shrug their undamaged shoulder. “It was an understandable impulse,” they allow. “I’d probably have done the same thing, but I’m a lousy shot. No depth perception.”
Sam breathes in shakily, and Pax can feel the immediate change in the air between them and knows immediately what they’re both thinking. Pax lets her bring it up. There isn’t a lot else they can give her.
“You killed Leah,” Sam says finally, and Pax returns the favor and holds her gaze. They nod once. She’s perched awkwardly on one of the antiseptic-smelling counters, a casual position out of step with the tension in her shoulders and jaw and small clenched fists. “How?”
There’s no good answer, but if Pax knows anything it’s that there’s no rhyme or reason to what you want to know and what you don’t when it comes to grief. Their answer is short and flat and true. “Took her head off. Used a sword. I’m trained; it was as quick as I could make it.”
Her hands are shaking now, and then her lower lip is too. She doesn’t break eye contact with Pax when she starts to cry, and Pax doesn’t either. There’s nothing they can give her, but they don’t look away.
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etraytin · 4 years
Quarantine, Day 52
Looking back, it was Day 42 when I first got Rosa and Amy and kitten season kicked off. Swear to god, that seems like at least a month ago now. 
Any guilt I may have felt yesterday about the risks of breaking quarantine is over now, officially. Last night my mother in law disclosed something she had not before, which was that she fell down about a week ago and hadn't told anyone despite the substantial pain and discoloration in her leg. She was worried that if she went to the doctor, he would immobilize her leg and she wouldn't be able to do the things she needed to do for my father in law. This morning, we went straight to the walk-in orthopedic clinic, and from there, straight to the emergency room. This was frustrating for me because I could not go inside and hear what the doctors were saying and the advice they were giving myself, but I sat in the car and waited and was grateful that there are not many COVID-19 cases here and the emergency room was very quiet this morning. It turns out that my MIL fractured her fucking kneecap A WEEK AGO and has just been walking around on it since, because she was afraid that there was nobody to backstop her if she got the care she really needed. We are lucky that she just had the fracture and not the blood clot they worried about. Us coming out here was definitely the right thing to do. 
So today was mostly about taking care of MIL, getting her all doctored up, figuring out how to apply the large brace she needs to wear, then persuading and cajoling and scolding her to stay off her feet as much as possible. My mother in law is a wonderful woman who I love very much, and she is one of those women who always wants to be doing something. If you offer to do a chore or run an errand or cook a meal so she won't have to, she will thank you with genuine warmth and grace, then go find something else at least as strenuous to do. Getting her to sit down is basically a full time job. The kiddo was really helpful with this, he has been sitting in her room and reading to her throughout the day, which entertains them both. I am very lucky to have such a sweet and sensitive kid, even if we also spent about thirty minutes today in an argument about why it is necessary to brush one's hair. 
Turns out that the lessening of demand for grocery pickup in my neck of the woods has not spread as far as this area, which makes sense because a lot of older people live around here. Rather than wait til next Friday for groceries, I made a list of things that we needed that we hadn't brought and weren't already here, then made a quick run to the grocery store. Publix is taking social distancing and cleaning seriously; a sober young man offered me an artisinally cleaned cart as I entered the building, and all the aisles are one-way-only. I do not belong to this community and don't care what people think, so I freely reminded a bunch of people when they were going the wrong way down an aisle. To their credit, they did always turn around. My new mask has proved itself worth the money, since when I shove the little metal bit up under my glasses, there is almost no lens fog. Lens fog is the devil. Still no toilet paper or disinfectant wipes, but I got a nice roast for the crockpot. 
One of our favorite activities when we visit here is a big family visit to the Saturday tailgate market at the university, but we cannot do that now for obvious reasons. Unlike the markets back home, where they have sensibly gone to pickup-only markets, the tailgate here has come up with a bunch of asinine rules that will probably not work very well and also are completely impossible for anyone who isn't a good walker. (They have made the entire market one-way-only, come in on one end and walk to the other end, exit, then walk all the way back to your car. Yecch, even before the whole fractured knee thing!) But I was able to get a big flower bouquet with sunflowers at the grocery store, which is one thing she'd specifically said she was missing. I've also gotten my hot little hands on a vendor list for the market, so I might be able to arrange pickups for some of our favorite things. 
The house here has a beautiful kitchen, about twice the size of our kitchen at home, and we all enjoy using it when we visit. Today the guys made spaghetti frittata while I was out at the doctor. This is a fun recipe they found where you take all your leftover spaghetti from last night, pour a half dozen lightly beaten eggs into it, add a bunch of mozzarella and parmesan cheese, then bake it in the oven. It's very good, if your spaghetti is good to start with. Our dinner menus for the next little while will be centered largely around cottage cheese, since by strange luck and the vagaries of the Harris Teeter grocery order system, we currently have seven cartons. (Six now!) Tonight my husband made crab macaroni and cheese, substituting imitation crab for imitation lobster after the seafood guy and a stocker at Publix both agreed with me that imitation lobster is probably not a thing, and if it is a thing, it is not a thing around here. But the crab was good too, and the mac and cheese was extremely cheesy, and now we have one less thing of cottage cheese. 
We didn't get much more information today about my father in law. Apparently that isn't going to happen until Monday, which is really frustrating. We did get his room phone number at least, and were able to talk with him briefly. This sucks so, so much. We just want to be able to be there, and we can't, and we can barely be in contact because he is resting most of the time. But we  do what we can do, which in this case is try and get my MIL back in shape before whatever comes next starts to happen. The weather is beautiful here, and I got a full uninterrupted night of sleep last night. We'll concentrate on the good stuff for as long as we can. 
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watercolourferns · 5 years
oof can you do the main 6 with an autistic mc??? btw i love your headcanons and I hope you have a nice day
Hiii! OwO Awh, thank you. I hope you have a nice day, too, and that you like these HC’s. I hope they are well written. ^_^Julian
He’s very mushy and touchy feely and generally very sensory overwhelming.
If you recoil from him or shut off he will get confused and scared, seeing it as a rejection, but he will ask what’s wrong even so.
When you tell him you’re atypical he will research, even ask Nadia to let him use the Palace’s library. 
He wants to know everything about it, but he doesn’t want to pry because he doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.
Once he has a decent grasp on what Autism is and how much of a spectrum it is he will start to shyly ask questions to get a good grasp on how you live it.
He will start to ask before touching you, speak in a softer voice, lower volume, will start to ask if it’s alright for you two to go to the Marketplace or the Red Market. 
He will be a bit mother hen in the beginning, but as he gets used to being around you and starts to memorise your routines and your needs he will ask less and less but you will see that the shop, his house, and the clinic will be a bit more tailored to your needs.
He will never try to “fix you” nor make fun of your stimming if you do stim and will shut down anyone who even tries to say something.
Will condition a whole room in his house for you, to unwind, to feel safe, some sensory items in there too if you need them.
He knows, he has always known, he just didn’t have a word for it.
He always have given you your space, and the shop has been conditioned for you.
That’s why the backroom is the way it is: a place for relaxation, where there’s not much noise, and there’s things that help you sensory-wise.
He will run the errands most of the time, but if you have to go out, or want to accompany him he will make sure it’s very early, when there’s very little people out and about.
He will be very alert when going out and at the first sign of a melt down he will gently guide you away and into a place where the meltdown can run it’s course with you safe.
He will use magic for this: cool down his hand a bit do he can place it on your forehead and nape to help with the heat and stress, he will use it to try and soothe you, maybe distract you a bit if you’re not having a meltdown but just overwhelmed.
If you don’t want being touched he will keep his distance until you tell him it’s ok.
He will teach you to meditate, since that has seemed to help you with being sensorially overwhelmed.
She will call several doctors, but afterwards will realise that there’s nothing to really fix. She will apologise for her knee jerk reaction, though.
She likes time to herself, in the quiet and the peaceful privacy of her headquarters due to feeling overwhelmed with her migraines and the Courtiers, so she understands completely if you ask to be left alone due to feeling sensory overwhelmed. 
Your hyper fixation doesn’t bother her, she tends to do that as well.
If it applies, she will let you stack and count and order her tinkering things while she’s at her hobby if you need stimming.
 It will take time for her to know how to handle your meltdowns, but in the end she will be able to guide you back to your private rooms, reassure you that everything is going to be fine. She will make sure to have plenty of fresh water and soft cushions where to lie down and hide.
She doesn’t have much time during the day, so she will ask Portia to take care of you while she’s away.
But will clear her schedule if you require her. 
You will never have to sit in a meeting with Nadia and the courtiers if you don’t want to.
She will totally and completely shout at someone if they even try to comment on you being atypical.
She will ask Julian what Autism is and will bombard him with questions the moment you tell her
She’s very bubbly and can be overwhelming, but if you ask her to tone it down a bit she will. 
She will apologise, but if you explain that it’s not that you don’t like her bubbliness but it’s because you get overwhelmed she will go “OHHHHH!!!!” and try to keep that in check.
Her cottage is probably one of the most peaceful places in the palace to be, so that’s a good thing.
If she can keep her boisterous self in check well enough she will be your best ally sensory-wise. 
Any smell, texture, taste, etc, you like she will try to keep you well stocked on it.
People already speculate if Muriel might be on the spectrum due to his demeanor even when he was little.
From all the sic LI’s, it’s possible he will understand you the most because of this.
So he will know when you let you be, when to come close, when a meltdown is coming, etc.
His hut is PERFECT: warm cozy, makes you feel safe, it’s isolated.
He’s the one who least minds your lack of understanding of social queues.
Your bluntness will not bother him at all.
He might seem like the perfect partner for you, but it can also be a double edged sword.
Because you two will retrofeed your bad habits.
But don’t worry, Asra will be there to help the both of you out with socialising and other things that otherwise might be problematic.
So much alone together time!
And nature does help relax you a lot.
Stimming? Sure why not? He’s the last people on this earth that will judge you.
Hyperfixation? Have you been present when he talks about chickens? Hyperfixate and speak endless about anything you like, he will pay attention.
Honestly I don’t have much headcanons here because I don’t think he would be a good partner for someone on the spectrum. He’s too flashy, too boisterous, too overwheling. x___x Maybe after his upright ending if there’s one? But right now as the character is? No, it would be a bit too much.Ok, so there you are. These things were written after speaking with one of my closest friends who is on the spectrum. I hope they are ok. x___x
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I-J’s Top 20 Bookmarks of 2018
I’M A BIT LATE WITH THIS, but I’ve been meaning to do this for awhile. I want to start reccing more fics that people haven’t asked for, and thought this was a good way to start that :P
After I made my Top 30 Read-Again Fics (March 2019) fic list, I thought hmm, why not just make a list of my fave fics I bookmarked in 2018? Because why not? 
So here we are; it was a RIDICULOUSLY hard selection process (it was supposed to be only 10!), since everything I bookmark are amazing stories. I kept the criteria to fics I’ve only read for the very first time in 2018 and then proceeded to bookmark, so these aren’t necessarily fics that were released in 2018, just stuff I’ve read and bookmarked.
ANYWAY, without further ado, in word count order:
I-J’s TOP 20 BOOKMARKS of 2018
See also: 
Top 20 Fave 40K+ w. Fics (April 2017 ) 
I-J’s Last 50 Bookmarked Fics (June 2017) 
Last 17 Bookmarked Fics July 2017
Last 30 Bookmarked Fics November 2017 
Ten Fave Short Johnlock Fics (Easy Reads April 2018) 
25 Fave Johnlock One Shots (April 2018) 
Top 10 Fave Fics (September 2018) 
Novel Length Fics: 50 to 100K (Nov. 2018)
Last 86 Bookmarked Fics (Jan 2019) || [MOBILE] 
Top 30 Read-Again Fics (March 2019)
A Study in Lace by KarlyAnne (E, 2,320 w. || Est. Rel., Crafty Sherlock, Tiny Lace Panties / Lingerie, Domestics, Experiments, Oral, Masturbation) – “Why do you suppose he was doing that?” “Why do I suppose who was doing what?” “The room. The lace. The secrecy. He was playing with fire in everything he did, and didn’t care one bit. But he had a secret chamber, carefully concealed, solely for the purpose of making lace lingerie. Obviously for personal use. Why?" Part 1 of The Unintentional Crafts of Sherlock Holmes
Lingerie by Sexxica (E, 4,135 w. || Valentine’s Day, Lingerie / Women’s Underwear, Mildly Public Masturbation, Picture Texting / Sexting, Bottomlock, Body Worship, Anal Sex / Fingering, Rimming, Orgasm Delay / Denial, Est. Rel.) – It's Valentines Day and Sherlock is taking John to Angelo's for dinner. Sherlock also happens to be wearing a garter belt, stockings and a rather small pair of women's underwear under his clothes. There's no dessert at Angelo's because John needs to get Sherlock home just as quickly as he can before they both lose their minds entirely.
If He Knows by shamelessmash (M, 4,513 w. || TSo3 Fic, Pining Sherlock, Bed Sharing, Angst, Sherlock POV, Texting, Internal Monologue, Blanket Forts) – I imagine mornings: John handing me a cup of tea, hair sticking out at odd angles. How he would bend down to kiss me, smiling fondly as he pulls away. The way his skin crinkles at the corner of his eyes, the way his skin looks in the morning light. The soft sigh as he sits in his chair with the morning paper, the way his toes curl in the carpet, the way he rolls his shoulders before sinking deeper into his seat. I watch him, how he is when he is content, as it should be. As he deserves. Happy. With me.
When to Let Go by KendylGirl (M, 22,109 w. || Friends to Lovers, Reverse Reichenbach, Sacrifice, Forgiveness, Angst, Love, Implied Drug Use) – What if it were John who had to die to thwart Moriarty's plans? John's supposed death shatters Sherlock, and when he returns, it will challenge the pair to forge a path of forgiveness, to peace, and to find a way back to each other. Part 1 of When to Let Go
Another Auld Lang Syne by DiscordantWords (M, 30,234 w. || Post S4, Mutual Pining, Alternating POV, Introspection, Parentlock, Christmas, New Year’s, First Kiss, Past Drug Use, Angst with Happy Ending, Drinking, Sherlock Whump) – There had been years of missed chances.
Chaperones by MissDavis (T, 34,114 w. || 11 Years Post-S4, Fake Relationship, Parentlock, Disney World, Bed / Room Sharing, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, First Kiss, Obsessive Sherlock, Insecure John) – Right. Of course. Everyone assumed they were a couple and no one would question it. John put his elbows up on the table so he could rest his head in his hands. "You want to pretend to be a couple so we can chaperone a trip to Disney World with Rosie's class and you won't have to share a room with a stranger?" "Exactly." Sherlock beamed at him. "Don't worry about the cost. The Birmingham case last month paid more than enough to cover expenses for all three of us."
Nothing to Make a Song About by emmagrant01 (E, 36,833 w. || Post-TRF, First Time, Reunion, Jealous John, Pining Sherlock, Romance, Angst with Happy Ending, Sherlock Has a Boyfriend) – When Sherlock returned from his faked death, John could not forgive him for the deception and broke off their friendship. Ten years later, John returns to London in search of yet another new beginning. Sherlock, not surprisingly, is waiting.
The Unfinished Letters by SilentAuror (E, 37,391 w. || Post S3 / S3 / HLV Fix it, Angst with Happy Ending, Romance, Infidelity, Depression, Case Fic, POV Third Person Sherlock, Love Confessions, Pining Sherlock, Letters) – A fire at Baker Street leads John to read something he was never intended to see: a notebook of half-written, unfinished letters Sherlock wrote during his time away...
Set in Stone by SilentAuror (E, 39,309 w. || Romance, Wedding, Therapy, Fluff and Angst) – Sherlock and John are back from Ravine Valley and planning their wedding. However, as they move past the trial of the human traffickers, Sherlock can't help but wonder if he's imagining that John is becoming a little distant. Surely he isn't getting cold feet about the wedding... Part 2 of The Ravine Valley series
In the Still of the Night by SilentAuror (E, 42,234 w. || S4 Fix It / Post-S4, Sherlock POV, Angst, Drama, Romance, Virgin Sherlock, Awkwardness, Misunderstandings / Miscommunications, Case Fic, Travelling, Pining) – As locals on the Northeastern coast begin to report UFO sightings, life at Baker Street becomes significantly awkward as John brings up his desire for more than friendship and Sherlock refuses him. They embark on the investigation from the confines of the tiny cottage Mycroft has rented for them, attempting to navigate both the clues of the case as well as their own inability to communicate...
Bloody But Unbowed by BeautifulFiction (E, 43,211 w. || Abduction, John Whump, Mild Torture, Background Case Fic, Friends to Lovers, Post-TRF / S3 Rewrite, Hurt/Comfort) – When a familiar argument threatens to destroy the last remnants of John and Sherlock's failing friendship, both men are left questioning their worth to one another. Before either of them has the chance to make amends, circumstance intervenes. John is left at the mercy of his abductors, and this time, he's not sure Sherlock will bother coming to his rescue.
floating through a dark blue sky by Lediona (M, 58,966 w. || Notting Hilll AU || POV John, Celebrity Sherlock, First Date / Time / Kiss, Past Drug Addiction, Angst with a Happy Ending) – Of course, I’d seen his films and always thought he was, well, brilliant -- but, you know, a million miles from the world I live in. Or, when John is the owner of a travel book shop and the famous Sherlock Holmes stops in one day.
The Book of Silence by SilentAuror (E, 60,056 w. || S4 Fix It / Post S4, Virgin Sherlock, Rosie / Parentlock, Domesticity, Fluff, Praise Kink, Sex Toys, First Person POV) – As spring blooms in London, John and Sherlock begin to take new cases and cautiously negotiate this new phase of life with John living at Baker Street again. Despite how well it's all going, John struggles to forgive himself for the way he treated Sherlock following Mary’s death as well as trying to figure out how to finally put his long-time feelings for Sherlock into words. Part 1 of The Book of Silence/Rosa Felicia
Summit Fever by J_Baillier (M, 78,802 w. || Mountain Climber AU || POV John, Angst, Tragedy, Suicidal Ideation, The Himalayas, Mountain Guide / Doctor John, Mount Climber Sherlock, Loneliness, Drama, Suspense, Slow Burn, Injured Sherlock / Sherlock Whump, Pining John) – After graduating from medical school, John Watson followed his heart to the Himalayas. Ten years later, he's a haunted cynic working for his ex-lover's trekking and mountaineering company. Will leading an expedition to Annapurna I—the most lethal of all the world's highest mountains—shake John out of his reverie, and who is the mystery client added to the group at the last minute?
Uphill by scullyseviltwin (E, 84,945 w. || Olympics AU || Sherlock POV, Skier!Sherlock / Medic!John, Rivalry, 2014 Olympics, Happy Ending) – Sherlock Holmes is striving for gold in this, his fourth and final Olympics as a downhill Alpine racer.
A Study in Winning by Jupiter_Ash (E, 106,658 w. || Tennis AU || John POV, Dirty Talk, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Happy Ending, Sherlock Speaks French, Switchlock, Wimbledon) – John and Sherlock are professional tennis players and it’s Wimbledon. One is a broken almost was at the end of his career, the other an arrogant rising star tipped for greatness. It should have been a straightforward tournament. It really should have been. How were they to know that a chance encounter would change everything? Part 1 of Tennis
Eyes Up, Heels Down by CodenameMeretricious (E, 107,845 w. || Sports Equestrian AU || Fluff, Angst, Humour, Rider!Sherlock, Groomer!John, Show Jumping, Slow Burn, Happy Ending) – Sherlock is a top eventing rider currently training at Baker Farms. John is the new groom who's been told to steer clear of the surly rider and his horses. Part 1 of Baker Farms
The Burning Heart by May_Shepard (M, 119,150 w. || Canon Divergence, Post-TRF, John’s Sexuality, S3 Rewrite, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV John Watson, John’s Gay) – When Sherlock dies, John Watson feels like his life is over too. He’s completely shut down, until Mark Morstan, a new nurse at John’s medical clinic, catches his attention, and helps him uncover the long buried truth of his attraction to men. Although he’s certain he’ll never get over Sherlock, John plans to move on, and build a new life with Mark, unaware that Sherlock is not quite as dead as he appears, and that Mark is hiding secrets of his own.
The Horse and his Doctor by khorazir (T, 129,003 w. || Horse / Vet AU || Magical Realism, Horses, Vet John, Horse Sherlock, Implied Alcoholism) – Invalided after a run in with a poacher in Siberia, veterinary surgeon John Watson finds it difficult to acclimatise to the mundanity of London life. Things change when a friend invites him along to a local animal shelter and he meets their latest acquisition, a trouble-making Frisian with the strangest eyes and even stranger quirks John has ever encountered in a horse.
Gimme Shelter by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (E, 159,368 w. || 70′s Surfer AU || Period Typical Homophobia, Hawaii, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Professional Surfers, Gay John / Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending, John was a Sailor, Misunderstandings) – All John Watson wants is the feeling of a freshly waxed surfboard under his feet and the hot California sun baking down onto his back. To finally go pro in the newly formed world of professional surfing and leave the dark memories of his past behind him as he rips across the face of a towering blue barrel. To lounge beside the beach bonfire every evening with an ice cold beer tucked into the cool sand beside him and listen to Pink Floyd and the Doors while the saltwater dries in his sun bleached hair. That's all he wants, that is, until the hot young phenom taking Oahu and the Hawaiian shores by storm steps up next to him in the sand in the second round of the 1976 International Surf Competition.
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wendylewis-blog · 5 years
03.22.2020 /bad.morning.
I woke up around 6:30 am. The sky was getting lighter through the brown blinds hung on the south side bedroom window. It looked so peaceful peeking through the slats. Pink smeared with grey, the next day arriving. Here it is. The next day. When I let Sonny out, I saw a skim of snow had fallen overnight, covering the ground. It felt like a clouded metaphor. 
A reply in FB this morning from a NC high school friend sorta clarified that metaphor in some way. Donna said, Most all of the cherry trees in Winston-Salem have been replaced with Bradford Pears and, while beautiful when they bloom, they have a pungent, unpleasant odor . . . maybe a sign that beauty is truly only skin deep. Thank you, Donna. 
And maybe truth is only skin deep? At least, the truth being espoused by our government lately? I dunno, huh? Politicians are only saving themselves right now and it feels exceedingly shallow, skin deep and dirty. There is no real leadership on top but plenty of ego and fairytales spinning. Gah. Fk. We are all being rendered helpless for so many reasons, ones I cannot possibly enumerate. I’m not even gonna try. That’s not the point. 
Meanwhile, in my state of MN, I’m gonna take a minute to applaud our Gov Tim Walz. He is in touch with us, speaking hard truths without lip gloss, and working to come up with survival plans and simply—good solid advice for our state going forward. I am sure he is working hard for us.
Meanwhile, I honestly don’t give a shit about the stock market (sorry for those of you who are losing your investments and retirement :((( ) but am very much more concerned about those working in service industries; restaurants, small businesses and retailers, vintage stores, musicians and performers of every kind, daycare workers, delivery drivers and so many more I’m not able to list right now—it’s too enormous, all of us hinged with each other on any working calendar day. Bless all of you. Hang in there... be in touch. I want to hear from you.
OK. Pulling myself together a little more. My personal deal is, I’m away from my children and my 6-month old grandson, Ezra. I don’t know when I’ll see them in person again. Fk. But I am gratefully in place with my amazing husband and that guy makes me laugh every damn day. Like, what would I do without him? We DO have to keep laughing, it’s a Vonnegut thing. I also recommend all of you following Tony Baker on Instagram. If you don’t have Instagram, just GET IT. In addition to my husband, Tony is keeping me afloat all day every day. He’s posting like a maniac. Skiddlety-paps! Thanks to my friend Annie who connected me. 
OK! Pulling myself together even a little more. Today is a Sunday. It helps to talk with anyone who is reading this. It might be a bit warmer today and at some point I will venture out onto the prairie and walk along the river with my trusted companion, Sonny. I’ll probably cry my face off. That will help. 
I’m listening to NPR right now, Michelle Lee in Alexandria, VA—a store owner. She’s on the front lines the same way the medical industry is. Honor them! They are putting themselves at risk, ALL DAY EVERY DAY, to check us out at the register with our provisions and stay as risk free as possible or treat us at the doors of clinics and hospitals. 
I thought about that yesterday as I paid cash for a purchase and felt like I was pouring contagion change into my wallet. Yikes! But, dood had hand sanitizer at the ready and was cleaning his hands after every customer came through. Way to GO! Soooo maybe my wallet isn’t a virus breeding container. Still, when I got home, I washed it. :) We can actually wash cash as well, if we are being uber careful, and soak our change in white vinegar. NOTE: There are more ways to disinfect than buying Clorox Bleach wipes which are utterly unavailable on the shelves. 
For those of you who care at all about cooking, and lately, we all might be, since we are stuck at home (but DO support your local restaurants with curb service take-out if you are WFH and financially able) you might wanna visit BonAppetit vids on YouTube. Super entertaining, instructive and FREE. If you go there and like beans (which are extremely available dried), check out Carla making the perfect pot of beans. I made them last week and they are still in my refrigerator—delivering for quesadillas, soup, cold from the fridge next to kraut, arugula, and cottage cheese (haha... me and my weird small cold plates)—and you can always freeze them in bags or containers. Super delicious and nutritious. Once you click on my BonAppetit link, you can scroll through endless other videos, go into that rabbit hole, calm yourself, trance out. After I finish this post, that’s what I’m gonna do. 
Final note. Friend Alissa wrote me on FB this morning and said this, in regard to cherry blossoms mentioned in my previous post: I just got my mom in touch with her family in Japan today after a long hiatus. and they were like pass this message on to her. which basically translated to the cherry blossoms are in season... (thanking my friend Kevin in Bed Stuy who sent me the link via FB mssngr)
It will be warmer today and—rain is coming. I might just take a walk in the rain with my deep sadness that I am trying to beat back. Thanks for listening, ppl. We all have our own worry and pain and separation from our loved ones. One day we’ll feel okay and the next, annihilated. It’s all good—we have to stay real and let our frustration and sadness be there and hopefully, later, be released. 
Let’s stick together. We have to, right? We do. YES. We do. I’ll be back sooner than you want me to. Hahaha. Gotcha. 
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