#[A bit of worldbuilding for Vincent]
caeca-iustitia · 1 year
I've spoken a little bit about Vincent's clinic in passing but I've never really gone in-depth about it since technically they've used 4 different buildings.
I want to- now- describe in a bit more detail the last building they used. This is their clinic outside of Oriflamme rather than the one inside the city's walls.
The clinic itself is located on the outer edge of a village nearby to Oriflamme's gates; the compound that it sits within is surrounded by lush forest on 3 sides. The compound has mossy, low stone walls and a wooden gate that leads into the compound proper.
To the left of the gate is a small patch of bright, multi-coloured flowers and a single tree that bears small white flowers almost all year.
To the right of the gate is a small, walled-in garden with low garden beds full of various medicinal herbs and even some vegetables. The whole thing is clearly very well-maintained and loved.
As one walks further into the compound you are hit by the overwhelmingly strong smell of lavender as the outside of the cottage is lined with the purple flower. Casting your eyes around it is possible to spot a weathered well as well as a stack of firewood; both of which were clearly interacted with recently.
The cottage itself is a simple structure; built with bricks and covered in plaster that is thinner in some patches. It just adds to the whimsical feeling that the thatched roof gives off. A single stone chimney rises from betwixt the thatch. The outside is finished off by a beautiful wooden door and shuttered windows; showing little of the interior to approaching individuals.
Entering the front door, your eyes must adjust to the lower lighting within first. The whole lower floor is lit by candles in wall sconces; casting a dim but warm glow over the wooden panelled walls and the beds that lined the room.
There were a handful of beautifully carved beds each made up with a plain white pillow and red comforter; some occupied whilst others lay empty. Beside each bed is a plain wooden chair with a plush cushion that is clearly used by the family to sit beside their sick loved ones.
On the right of the door is a small office space lit by a candelabra; a lone quill resting in the ink pot whilst fresh writing glistens on the page of an open journal. A large bookshelf covers the wall behind the desk and you can make out only a handle of the titles in the dim light. It doesn't matter what they said- you don't really care.
You start walking towards a door at the back of the main room but pause for just a moment to poke your head into a bathroom. It is a regular, quaint little bathroom that is home to a rather nice-looking bathtub, a sink and a toilet. Nothing out of the ordinary. You continue on down the hall after closing the door with a soft click.
Pushing open the door to the back room, you are immediately hit by the smell of medicine. A bitter smell that makes your skin crawl. You power through it to look around the room.
Next to the door, just beside you, is a wooden kitchen stool that is actually occupied. It couldn't be comfortable and you wince in sympathy at the sight of the healer who owns the clinic sitting there with their chin on their chest- they had clearly fallen asleep here whilst waiting for the medicine you can smell to finish brewing.
On the table in front of them, you note a few stacks of books and yet another quill; the journal in front of them this time detailing prescriptions for the medicine they brew.
Your gaze then turns to the table to your right, on it sits a cauldron bubbling away merrily with a pale green liquid inside. Next to this is a recipe book written in familiar elegant handwriting- turned to a page for a generic healing elixir that appears to be what they're currently brewing. On the other side is a small pile of ingredients prepared to be added once the liquid reaches the right stage; most of which you have never seen before.
The final table holds a simple scale and a number of weights which you guess is used to measure out more finicky ingredients but the scales don't seem to have been used in a while. The healer behind you seems to be a dab hand at measuring from memory if that was any indication. You opt to leave now and let them rest; knowing their internal clock would wake them when they needed to continue brewing.
Now back outside their lab, you finally notice the staircase and choose to climb it. Upon reaching the top you're met with a dim landing with a single chess table and a well-worn rug. You take a guess that the door furthest from the stairs is another bathroom and a quick glance inside confirms your suspicions. You turn your attention then to the other door; pushing it open.
The room is lit by candles and you notice the fireplace almost at once; it was a quite nice fireplace all things considered with a single pot of purple wyvern tails on the mantle piece. The sofa and armchair were a matching shade of red and upon touching them you are surprised at how plush they were. Sat beside the couch is a bag of knitting supplies and as you crouch down to examine it you spot a box of cross-stitch tools next to the armchair.
You stand and make your way around the couch; spotting another desk which you walk over to examine. This one is covered in books from many different genres and you notice that one book is left open in the middle of the desk.
A brief glance over it tells you that is no normal book but rather the healer's personal journal. You hurriedly look away to prevent yourself from snooping. Instead, you turn your attention to the bookcase next to the desk. It is covered in books and more books lay on the floor in front of it as they could not properly fit on the shelves.
You wander away from the desk and into the small kitchenette next to it; glancing about with interest. It's quaint and small; enough for one person to make something quick if they're tired or in a hurry. You get the feeling, however, that this kitchen is not used very often even if it is cleaned semi-regularly.
Finally, you spot the last door and approach. Pushing it open you come to a stop just inside the door and look around the surprisingly small bedroom. The whole room feels very cramped and you wonder how the healer downstairs even manages to walk about in here. You're struggling and you are a fair bit smaller than they are.
Next to the door is a small red dresser with a mirror balanced on top; the area in front is covered in rolls of bandages, elixirs used commonly for migraines and a small pile of bloody handkerchiefs. You frown at this but avert your eyes to take in the rest of the room.
The bed is shoved against the wall and made neatly. Too neatly. The room is cold and dark which tells you the healer has been absent from it for a number of days. The bed is just barely considered comfortable and the comforter is rather thin for the weather the area gets.
Beside the bed is a small table that holds a number more bloody handkerchiefs as well as a small pile of neatly folded clean ones. Your concern grows but with no way to prove something is amiss, you have to let it go.
In the corner sits a sword and a giant war hammer; things that seem entirely unlike the refined healer to purchase for themself. A bag of carpentry tools sits haphazardly on the floor next to the hammer alongside a pile of books that don't appear to match the rest of the books littered about the healer's personal living area.
Deciding you've snooped enough, you turn to leave and silently make your way out of the main room, down the stairs and out the door. You hear a tired sigh as the healer strides into the main room to deliver the potion they'd been brewing to the patient; the door clicking closed just as they start to speak.
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deezbignutz · 3 months
I love Guy so much <3
So I'm gonna rant about him (and a little bit abt myself too) rn bc I have free will >:))) (And also probably autism and an unhealthy fixation but oh welp)
I've never had a crush for as long as I can remember and I still to this day don't have one, but I feel like the closest thing I gonna get to having one is Guy.
Cuz he's so friggin funny, and laughs a lot, and makes references to movies and Vines, and just all the fun shit I do and love seeing in a person.
Whenever I'm going something like drawing or some shit and don't wanna listen to music, I usually listen to Redacted cuz I love listening to people talk. And most of the time I go for Guy's bc he was one of my firsts playlists and he talks and I love listening to people talk and he isn't heavy on lore. (not saying I don't like the lore, I love that shit. the other half of the time I listen to Redacted 101 because worldbuilding is the shit)
I've even downloaded some of his videos to listen to them when I'm somewhere with no wifi and also it looks like I'm just listening to music, which is a plus 👍 (I've also almost memorised most of his audios from listening to them so much but you don't have to know that)
And Idk if I'm just dululu abt this, but I feel like he is the most "real" out of all the characters that isn't too boring. Like, if I were think of meeting one of the Redacted bois irl but not think of them as your lover/a character and not some generic dude, it would probably be Guy.
Cuz like, Lasko is a whiny stuttering bottom, which you don't really see out in the wild most of the time, David is some intimidating gruff dude that, from where I live anyways, don't rly exist, and Vincent is kinda just a nice person, if you think abt it. (Please don't take offence to any of these, I don't mean them in a bad way, just summing their characters up)
He's just a funny little guy (haha, see what I did there) and I live for funny shit. How I would kill to be Honey.
ALSO @slushiepizza's "Beautiful Eyes" got me dead. ABSOLUTELY DECEASED. It's short and sweet and I actually did a backflip it was so amazing. And no, I will not be reading "The Pursuit of Catharsis", at least not yet bc I refuse to believe there's a Guy/Honey fanfic floating around with hurt no comfort as one of the tags.
TL;DR, I love Guy and I am very lonely and I need a new hyperfixation.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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murillo-enthusiast · 7 months
𝐿𝑎 𝐺𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒 𝑑𝑢 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑒́𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑡
… Bonjour. This is Marshal-General Jean-de-Dieu Soult, the Duke of Dalmatia, though I do seem to be incarnated as I was when I served the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. My colleague Marshal Lannes has hosted some correspondence for me previously at @armagnac-army, but I have seen fit to begin administering my own communication channel here.
Any rumours pertaining to “Roi Nicolas” or to how I obtained my painting collection are baseless and slanderous.
If you will excuse me, I have paperwork to attend to. Any queries can be addressed to the “ask box”, and my aides-de-camp will redirect them to me - if they are not drunk again.
We're not drunk all the time! —ADC Colonel Saint-Chamans Indeed, just most of the time! Greetings, dear reader, we are Marshal Soult's aides-de-camp. I am Alfred de Lameth, and in this medium I am accompanied by the indefatigable Colonel Alfred de Saint-Chamans, the sensible Major Louis Brun de Villeret, the observant Captain Auguste Petiet and the botanical Lieutenant Colonel Jean-Baptiste Bory de Saint-Vincent. Our text will be marked in these colours, though the colours will vary if we are confined to, ah, "mobile". Do not be too intimidated by our marshal, and do send us inquiries! —ADC Major Lameth
Out Of Character
(( Hi! This is a joke RP ask blog run by @cadmusfly portraying the surly strategist Marshal Jean-de-Dieu Soult (wikipedia link), one of Napoleon's elite military commanders, and his quirky bunch of aides-de-camp!
Jean-de-Dieu Soult is mostly known for being a plunderer of priceless artworks and wanting to rule Portugal under the name "King Nicolas".
However, it's much more likely that he pressured monks into selling him those artworks for cheap while he was invading their country, and that he was trying to divide and conquer Portugal politically rather than actually wanting to be king - which isn't better, in all honesty. But it is fascinating!
This is in no way meant to be a faithful, accurate or analytical depiction of the actual historical figure Jean-de-Dieu Soult or his staff officers, nor is it meant to condone their actions or offer any historical commentary. This is also primarily focusing on his life during the Napoleonic Wars, but if you want to, I dunno, ask about his life as Prime Minister cozying up to the Orleanists or the French Foreign Legion, I will go look at Wikipedia and come back to you!
This version of Soult and his men does have a bit of Worldbuilding Lore about their existence in the afterlife, but it's not necessary to know to interact with him.
So feel free to ask this grumpy asshole or his entourage of weird ADCs anything! And i also accept "magic anons" that mess with him magically, though like with asks I reserve the right to delete any or answer them at my leisure.
I also play a very loud Marshal Jean Lannes at @armagnac-army! ))
Directory of my Colleagues and Other Notable Personages - They will be filed under the "blog usernames".
proclamations from the duke of dalmatia - Announcements, proclamations and "self-posts".
the duke of dalmatia's correspondence - Letters and conversations with both anonyme askers and acquaintances.
the duke of dalmatia's aides de camp - The ADCs as a collective whole and their interactions.
adc saint-chamans
adc lameth
adc petiet
adc brun de villeret
adc bory de saint-vincent
madame la maréchale’s correspondence - Louise Berg-Soult has occasionally been asked for her opinion.
pertinent - Pertinent "reblogs".
murillo - The magnificent works of the painter Bartolomé Esteban Murillo.
Phantoms of the Opera Masterpost
Ney's Painted Paradise Masterpost
Masterpost of Threaded Events: 1, 2
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attollogame · 1 year
yo yo!! i'm currently writing my own if, and i'm struggling with the worldbuilding 😭 attollo's world is so beautifully fleshed out and full and i love it to bits. if it's not too much trouble could you share things that helped you or your process or anything a beginner could find helpful?
Hi! I've seen a few other authors answer this, so I'm not exactly sure how much new advice I can give you building off of what's already been said before. I've sort of talked about how I go about worldbuilding and how I recommend approaching it in the past, but I'll definitely reiterate here, because those were a while ago now.
I think one of the biggest things people need to do with their worlds is look at what you have, and then ask questions. Why did someone build that city there? Who built that city there? What is the biggest attraction for people to move to that city? When was the city built? Has it been shaped by war? Passed from one political hand to the next? What are those wars? Who are those political hands? Then you get into questions like, why are those wars happening to begin with? What are the motives? Who do they affect?
Another thing that I myself need to keep in line with is keeping the worldbuilding practical to the story. It's definitely cool to have incredibly immersive world (I'm guilty of writing a lot of worldbuilding LMAO) but also make sure that the worldbuilding serves to explain something to a reader later, or help make sense regarding something the reader knows now. I talk about Antonio Vargo and Vincent Crowe, for example, in Attollo because they're key contributors to a lot of things that will and have happened; although they aren't really 'in' the world, they still shaped it. Things like that are super vital to helping your readers. Pinpoint the important people, places, and events, and build on those first.
I will say, interacting on here has helped a lot too. I had one person very passionate about aqueducts talk to me about the sewage system in Attollo once, which weirdly helped me figure out the Under City's design LMAO. People's questions can also help you shape the world by guiding you into thinking about things you may have not considered before.
I don't want to ramble too long, so I'll pinpoint to key things I've mentioned:
Ask questions. The who, what, when, where, why, and how that's probably been drilled into all of our minds by some literature teacher actually does make a comeback in worldbuilding, and can help you set a really strong foundation
Keep it practical. Make sure you nail down the key components of the world you'll need for your story before wandering into the sprawling world of underground sewage systems used by various cities across the world LMAO
Pinpoint the important people, places, and events, and build on those first. Who are your key people in your world; who shaped it, who's shaping it now? Where are the biggest places your story will feature? How did they come to be? What's their infrastructure, government, etc? What events shaped your world? Did you have wars, famines, rebellions? What caused those?
Interactivity will help too. People will ask questions you never thought of, and that can contribute as well.
So, grab the bull by the horns in a sense. Read a lot of articles, and books, and see what the world has to offer; worldbuilding can be hard to start, but once you get the ball rolling, it's a lot easier to tackle.
Hope that helps!
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undine66770 · 6 months
Introduction Post (pinned) I figured since I've made some new boop-friends and such, I might make a brief little introduction post about me and what you'll expect to see on my blog... even though it's kind of in my blog intro itself. *You can call me Undine! (she/her) it's nice to meet you all and as said before I had so much fun exchanging boops with everyone.
I like a bunch of stuff, but mainly I'm really into things from days gone by such as the oldies but goodies. We're talking:
Music. My listening scope is the 20s-60s; but with a main focus on the '50s-'60s. I even have a big ol' Spotify playlist compiled of my favorite oldies if you're interested in listening to that! There's even earlier music in there too. If you want to check out what kinds of artists I mainly listen to, I have a last.fm profile. It'll give you a better idea! But some of my favorites at the moment are Jim Reeves, Perry Como, Dean Martin, Sanford Clark, Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, Gene Vincent, Eddie Cochran, Ricky Nelson, Lola Albright, Hank Williams, Webb Pierce, Faron Young, Starset, Vitas.... Obviously this list is not exhaustive and you can go to my Lastfm and pretty much my tastes are there! I mainly like rock n' roll and classic country but again, Lastfm will tell you!
Movies. I'll admit I don't really have the attention span for much movies but on the occasion that I do, the Golden Age of film is probably my go-to. I have a lot of stuff on my watchlist... procrastination is a big thing with me.
TV series, too. I like the older TV series but I'm into modern stuff as well (I promise I'm not just a boomer, the modern stuff applies to everything else too! /j). I really like the noir and detective noir genres. Some examples of TV series I like include Dragnet, Peter Gunn, Johnny Staccato, Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, the Addams Family, BBC's Merlin (still need to finish), Doctor Who (although unfortunately I've not been able to catch up in a long time so no spoilers please!)
Old-time radio. Dragnet (which originally started as OTR) and Broadway is my Beat are some examples of what I'm into. So going into this, you will probably see me post people or things from the medias above, or others also. Other things I like include:
Pokémon. A bit rusty as I've not played a mainline game nor completed one in a while although wanting to get back into it soon but still like it.
Worldbuilding and writing!!
Playing video games
Photography, one day I hope to learn how to become a great photographer. Besides the above, I'll just browse and reblog things that I think are neat or that I like - variety is to be expected, my blog doesn't really follow a theme. And that is pretty much basically everything that I can think of, off the top of my head! If I think of anything else or get any new interests I will edit this post with the edit date. Welcome to my blog!
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bardic-tales · 7 months
Hiya Bardic! Have you had time to work on a wip recently?
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Hi, Ash. I hope your day is going well.
I am actually working on my original WIPs again. I'm mostly focusing on two right now: Pandemonix and Timeless Souls. They are set in the same universe: low or urban fantasy.
I lost all of Pandemonix in a data glitch in 2021, which resulted in the loss of my outline and worldbuilding, as well as over 70k words. The interesting thing about Pandemonix is that I tried to learn both Latin and Irish for it. And since I originally wrote the bulk of it in about 2015ish? I retained none of the languages. I also read the Divine Comedy for a bit of research. Pandemonix features a holy order who battles demons/devils that are invisible to a regular person. It's like Supernatural meets the Witcher if you throw in a forbidden love and prophecy between the main characters Alex and Kayla. It also features Rasputin as the antagonist, but the guy pulling everyone's strings is Lucifer and to a lesser extend, as seen in Timeless Souls, Asmodeus.
So, with Pandemonix I am starting all over again. As for learning the languages again, I probably will.
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Timeless Souls is currently the WIP I am working on. It is a companion piece to Pandemonix. I wanted to show the other side. There is an off shoot of the Knights of Saint Michael who serves as the antagonist. The demons are the good guys in Timeless Souls. Also, this is my version of vampires. When I started to write it, I had an idea for vampires to just be demons, specifically incubi as I theorized at the time that blood would have the same effect on a vampire/incubi as semen.
Vincent is actually a really tragic guy. He was not turned willingly and lost himself to his bloodlust and ended up murdering his true love. He is so ashamed of himself that he uses sex to keep people away and not let them into his heart.
He also will not turn anyone himself anymore. With Vivian, the reincarnated soul of his true love, he couldn't help himself. She was going to die if it wasn't for his intervention, so he turned her. He just couldn't lose her again.
Thanks again for the question.
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BBU Community Days
@bbu-on-the-side * {Day 7: Details} What's a detail of BBU worldbuilding you always wanted to dive into? (Newly emerging professions, legal aspects, pet fashion, economic side effects, societal aspects, facility workplace ethic, history, safehouse organisation, deconditioning…) Do it now, and ramble a bit!
I touch on a lot of the things I think about in my own writing, because world-building is honestly so much fun for me!
I don't talk about religion much beyond individual people though, and so that is something I think about but don't write.
Like, my theory on this is that religious organizations across the board heavily disapprove of the system, with their logic being that this allows people to "escape consequences" of their actions in their life before signing up, and there are TV preachers on this universe's Fox News declaring that all must stand before the judgement of God, even if they were pets in life. "The Lord does not forget your sins, even if you do."
I think this makes for uneasy bedfellows between the pet lib movement's leadership and some church organizations. Both want to end the system but with different rationales behind it.
I also think some churches or religious groups run safehouses, halfway homes, etc. Some better than others. I think a lot of churches have "missions" where they go to "the streets" and try to convince runaways to come to their halfway houses. The kind of people who complain about how the runaways don't always seem sufficiently grateful for their pity and charity.
But I think there are plenty of churches who just show up, help, and provide support without demanding worship in exchange. People who leave backpacks with toiletries and some food in areas where runaways tend to congregate. People who just buy food and cook big meals, even when it's illegal to feed runaways. These are the people who know how to befriend someone and provide aid without pity. I see the Unitarian Universalist church being very much about that method? Not always perfectly.
Churches lobby constantly for legal restrictions on the system but in my BBU world part of the point is that corporations have so totally overrun everything that ANYTHING is legal if a billionaire pays the right senator off.
Nat gets most of her funding from Vincent Shield's various shell companies but also applies for a lot of grants. And I think many of those grants come from churches or religious orgs.
Jake doesn't want to ask for money from religious organizations because of his own lifelong resentment after his childhood church ignored, enabled, and eventually justified his father's abuse of Jake and his mom. It means he has to scramble for money more than Nat.
But, yeah. I think about religion in the USA in the BBU and how it would affect a lot of things, but I don't write much of that in.
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vinhdictive · 2 months
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specifically for writeblr . . .
pretty new to the writing community on TUMBLR but not new to writing in general. I pretty much do both roleplaying and original writing, preferably in the realm of horror + dark fantasy. worldbuilding and character development are what I primarily focus on. outside of being a writer as a hobby, I am a university student and a visual artist. fixated on getting into medical school to be a forensic pathologist. though a little bit of writing along the way couldn't hurt, right?
general stuff . . .
NAME : vincent / vinh / vinhdictive
AGE : 22
GENDER : he / him / his
RELATIONSHIP STATUS : taken, so flirty messages are not tolerated
SPECIALTY GENRE(S) : horror / dark fantasy / sci-fi / historical fiction / thriller / suspense / LGBTQ+ / dystopian / paranormal
FAVORITE THEME(S) : exploration of body dysphoria / girlhood + boyhood / eldritch aspects . . . the more you know, the more horrific the world becomes / familial love / companionship / end of the world scenarios / bittersweet endings / exploration of what it means to be alive / when death is made beautiful
although I have plenty of ideas brewing in my head, I have a human universal habit of being unable to put it down onto paper, so forgive me for not having too many WIPs to show off. I am hoping having a blog like this could improve my ability to actually write something (among many other reasons) !
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acircusfullofdemons · 4 months
ask game by @/maddgical-boy [link]. didn't answer some bc I either didn't feel like it or didn't have an answer.
how long have you been daydreaming for? (bonus if you can remember: what was your first daydream scenario/paracosm?)
Ever since I was a little kid. My teachers would always make a note along the lines of “good student, but daydreams way too much”. My memory is dogshit so I can only fathom what 6yo Luka was daydreaming about.
if your paracosm had a popular fandom, what do you think it'd be like?
Well. 2/3 of my main paracosms are technically fictparacosms, so I don’t have to imagine. But overall, a nightmare. I would probably get canceled for cursing out a fan lbr 💀
do you have any paracosms that aren't huge, but that you fall back on when The Time Is Right™️?
Yes! Crystalized Dragons & Life After Death are both paracosms that don’t have much, but I get fixated on them every so often and it’s a fun time. 
WOULD YOU RATHER: have your daydreams projected onto a screen attached to your head at all times OR be entirely unable to daydream ever again for the rest of your life?
😳 how big is this screen ... cuz unless it’s phone size/easily coverable, yeah no just erase the daydreams from my brain.
how did you come up with your paras' names? did they come to you randomly or did you spend hours researching name websites?
Some are random/based on vibes, but I like to give their names meaning depending on what happens to them. And there are others whose name is a pun, because they aren’t tormented enough 😂
do you do extensive worldbuilding for your paracosms? if you do, what are some of your favorite elements?
yes … that is. nearly all i do, like 90% of my daydreaming is just lore shit ngl. there’s a lot of things I like about worldbuilding, but I guess the magic systems are my favorite since I think about them the most. 
if your paras found out you were their creator, how would they react?
Not well, I’d imagine! I’ve put them through … a lot of shit. So. I think they’d take turns cursing me out and trying to kill me.
if you have a self insert/paraself, how similar are they to you?
Technically Calypso is a self insert, he was originally supposed to be one but then I thought he was better as an OC. I kind of still consider him one though, ngl. Anyway, he’s nothing like me at all! 
Vincent, on the other hand, is much more similar to me. I’m not gonna state how, because yknow. Personal shit. But they’re more in line with being a self insert/paraself. 
is there any time of the day where you can't/don't daydream?
… not really?? I guess during work, but unless it’s really busy (which it rarely is unless it’s the holidays) then yeah, I basically daydream all the time. Well, not like 24/7, I take breaks and get daydream blocks. And it’s not like I’m doing full daydreams either, most of it is just running on in the background, like a tv show. 
are your daydreams linear and structured, or do you jump all over the place?
A mix of both! There’s a set story, but I jump around in said story. 
what's a song you've been daydreaming to lately, and what's your favorite moment in said daydream?
My Alcoholic Friends by The Dresden Dolls. My favorite moment is during the lyrics “Should I choose a noble occupation? / If I did I'd only show up late and sick / And they would stare at me with hatred / Plus my only natural talent's wasted on my alcoholic friends” because the whole song reminds me of Salem but especially that part and by god are they a mess. That part in particular is them once again comparing themselves to Norman, wondering if she’d be better off getting a “normal job” like he has, but knowing that ultimately she’s not built for that life like Norman is. 
do your paras age with you, or are their ages static? does it feel weird to be older than a para you were previously the same age as?
I used to have them age with me, but it fucked with the paracosm timeline a little bit so now I think they’re more “static”, though they still age in-paracosm. bc of timeline shit.
if you had the opportunity to leave this world and live in your paracosm forever, would you? why or why not?
Yes. I mean, ideally I’d be one of my paras, but sure I guess if I’m just me that works too. Why? Have you seen the fucking world lately. Anyway like always I’d choose to live in Phantasmagoria, even though I’d get killed within the hour.
(if you have multiple) which paracosm of yours is most grounded in reality? which is most fantastical?
Most fantastical is probably just Eternal Labyrinth as a whole. I don’t really focus a whole lot on realism in my daydreams — fantasy bitch through & through — but I guess my current MaaC AU “This Life is Mine” can be considered the most “grounded”, even though it’s a superhero thing.
do you move a lot when daydreaming, and if so, in what ways?
I pace, run around a little bit. Go crazy go stupid etc. But I try to mostly stay still by sitting or laying down so I don’t seem Weird. 
have you ever wanted to make a piece of media of your paracosm (comic, animation, visual novel, novel, tv show, etc.)? what are elements that would be apart of it?
Oh absolutely! I truly believe a lot of my ‘cosms would work well as VNs, but I’ve also imagined some as animated shows. 
when you actively want to start daydreaming, what is your mind's process? do you tune back in like it's a tv show? flip through imaginary files? let it come naturally?
I kinda tune back in with a mini “previously on”, otherwise it just comes naturally since they’re usually in the background of my mind.
do you ever daydream about yourself (not a self insert, just you)?
No. I used to, but it just felt weird. 
what para would you absolutely hate in real life?
Oh…a LOT of them, probably. They are dumbasses, serial killers, and just terrible people after all.
when you experience a daydream block or crash, what are things you do to try and fix it? (or ways you cope. lmao i get it)
I try to consume new media to try and get some inspo or whatever. Most of the time I end up rewatching the same shit over and over again bc I got that flavor of brain that makes getting into new media hard for some reason. 
for fictparacosms, do your daydreams affect how you perceive the media and/or the fandom?
Kind of. I don’t really engage with fandoms that much anymore, and yeah my fictparacosms tend to be why. They’re usually AUs so I already feel…insecure, I guess, sharing them. And I haven’t had good experiences with fandom in the past, either.
With the media it’s based off of, it’s typically something I got hyperfixated on, which means my daydreams are an outlet for that lol. Once the hyperxitation is over the paracosm tends to fade a little bit or disappear entirely (which is why I don’t typically talk about my fictparacosms — they’re so short lived). Still, when it’s active, there comes a point where I stop engaging with the media altogether in favor of the fictparacom. I might watch some clips here and there, but that’s about it I think.
if you ever write down things about your daydreams (truly anything at all — notes, dialogues, descriptions, etc), share a random snippet with no context.
I try to. I was a lot…better(?) at writing down my daydreams — and just writing in general, I guess — when I was younger. idk. I know I should document my daydreams more often, it’s just…hard.
if your paras had madd/daydreamed immersively, what would they daydream about?
Reverie does have MaDD! She daydreamed about having a daughter, though thinking of her daydreams is weird to me. I will say, Rev is the goddess of daydreams & imagination, and made her para daughter, Lucid/Lucinda real, making her the goddess of lucid dreams. idk thats kinda all I know.
I’m sure some of my paras would have MaDD, especially those in AM or have interacted with Arcaynis in some way. Oh, Jervis has MaDD! He has two paracosms: an aiw one, and one about magicians. I don’t really like putting my paras on the daydream spectrum, it feels weird to me lol like breaking the fourth wall in a way. Even if, realistically, a few would indeed be MaDDers/IDDers. 
if you have tried to make your paras in character makers (picrew, meiker, etc), what is an aspect of your para that these makers never/rarely have?
An option for both horns and wings! Usually it’s either or (if an option at all). And the option to make the eyes different colors, or change the whites of the eyes. 
are your daydreams clear in your mind's eye?
Depends on my energy level, but generally speaking, yes. 
if you have multiple paracosms, what would it be like if they had a crossover?
Chaos. Pure, unadulterated chaos. My most fleshed out crossover AU is actually an apocalypse au, if that tells you anything. Granted, none of my paras caused the apocalypse, but still. Why can y'all only interact in an apocalypse goddamn.
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💭 ⛪️✨️
For ask game!
💭 Some character headcanons
ok so rufus is like 100% gay like ik hes mlm thats canon bc vincent but i dont think his sexuality is ever mentioned lmaoo so like + he would be a fan of like dua lipa n shit but like hide it so much and act like he listens to acdc and like clive is the only one who doesnt realise his music taste tbh
farah is defos like omni/pan romantic and greysexual + she defos checked ao3 n tumblr to see if there was rpf about her. she definitley wasnt going to read it. why do u ask
gary is transfem bc i said so rn (im bsing these hcs on the spot based on vibes ima be real) and defos experimented w dudes in like pallamistus equivelent to collage/uni and still fucks em sometimes so hes like hetroromantic/bisexual w preference for women also he learnt how to make coloured metal and then made pride flag swords (i dont think pallamistus would have many pride flags but i think there would maybe be a rainbow pride one + jason showed ppl pride flags from earth and started making it a bit of a thing by accident
⛪ Favorite deity
knowledge or healer r my faves bc like knowledge as a deity their domain speaks to me like yesssss facts n shit and then healer as a fuckin person is so cool like they use i belive its he/they or he/it since jason refers to them w they/them or it/its at some point idk which but like i just find em v v interesting i love em also death is such a cool goddess bc like theyre not a bad deity like other similar ones like pain and trickery n stuff which i just like symbolically like "death is not unnatural it is a force of good just like life"
i do have a bit of beef w the whole evil gods being purged out bc like mortals doing that like sure ig (but also like yall r piss scared of a god but u wanna kill em and yall have the balls to do that damn) but like the fact that ALL OTHER GODS ACTIVLEY HUNT THEM is a bit like why? yall r litteralyl forces of nature personified why are these ones bad dumbass why is pain exterminated why is trickery frowned upon WHY IS DISGUISE A BAD GOD????? and then FUCKING PURITY WHO IS TRYING TO DESTORY THE WHOLE WORLD TO BE TAKEN OVER JUST IS NEVER FLAGGED AS AN EVIL GOD??? like yes the gods know its decipt and cant say shit but like surley theres a god who that is within their purview to speak about??? like truth or some shit can reveal lies or smthn
damn thats another rant abt some worldbuildy thinks (im working up the post rn idk y)
✨ Coolest power (essence or otherwise)
ok so i think skill books r super super cool and also masivley underused like wdym theres fucking skill books and noone uses them like sure u need a whole new power to use em but like just make a ritual like cmon theres prolly a ritual for every cool ass essence ability and like jasons power that absorbs essences n awakening stones also gives him the skill book one like they r absolutley linked JUST FUCKIN RITUAL THIS SHIT UP
oh also on the topic: knowledge prolly has a shit ton of skill books on like everything why dont they make skill books for basic skills like reading and writing and simple maths and do free rituals for kids to bypass the whole years long education system that fucks up kids mental states later on (the mental health but is more high school but still) like yes theres prolly a min age like essences n shit but like. just wait?? cmon its like fifteen years CMON oh also speaking of the min age is that like a last minute puberty thing or is it like a second magic puberty also surley it would be like "ur defos gettin fucked up" -> "prolly gettin fucked up" -> "maybe gettin fucked up" -> "no fuckedupedness now :3" (like normal)
soz that last one was a worldbuilding rant abt skill books goddamn i didnt know i had that in me wow
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kitkat-artcorner · 2 years
Fish Tragedies AU ♡♤
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Here's what I hinted at earlier, some of my OC designs 4 @dad-cetemol 's Fish Tragedies! I noticed a few of my mutuals were making their own OC designs 4 it and I decided 2 check it out. It's really well written and there's so much cool lore to it! You can check it out on his Toyhouse! V v V
As for my OC's, I do have some more ref's to do for them but I got a bit of a backstory going on, I'll explain it 2 ya!
Nadja Jadan is a memory based Euclidean that resides in the 2nd layer of the Expanse, Arroket. she used to be in Ocolog but moved after wanting to start a special project, one that she didn't trust the FTC with.
Luckily, she had a number of friends that left with her. Manya Nyama, a Non-Euclidean. Vincent Tennvic, A Violinist and Memory Euclidean. Ruby Yurb, A former jeweler and a Biological Euclidean, and finally, the Gaia family (Zik Gaia, "Witchcraft" Gaia and Mamoru Gaia) all Biological Euclideans.
They all kept her company as the reason why she left was because she was lonely up there, and although she had friends now, she still couldn't help but feel incomplete sometimes. So she started on her "special" project.
She called it "Alex-13", a wooden robot that she created and thought of him as her son. Her friends were worried but let the project go through since it made her happy, over the years she made many upgrades and modifications, slowly making him more lively and like every other Euclidean. The only problem she constantly ran into was his inability to feel or express genuine emotion. She's tried many upgrades but none were reaching her ideal state of him, but she was determined, she wanted him to experience life and be his own person
She wouldn't stop for anything, she would see her project be complete, even if it would end in her own demise.
~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~
So that's what I got so far, I do have a few more ideas but I'll save em for later when they're more thought out n ready. (Plus I got a few more ref's I wanna do)
I hope ya like these and I'll cya later! ♡
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Two girls goes to another planet, and one of them take one step on a stepping stone of her own fate.
[This story contain spoilers, as well as side content, a bit of lore, and worldbuilding. Reads it at your own risk]
Athena and Aphrodite Jojo belong to @cooltmoney95.
Chinatsu Young, Damon Drakken, Dante Jojo (mentioned), Dorothy Barnes, Jasper Bravo, Lucky Two-Shoes (mentioned), Sandra Possible, and Travis Mystery belong to @ej-cappy-universe.
Ariel North (mention) belongs to @aprilbrowines.
Albius J. Artica, Snowden, Vincent/Shadow (mentioned), Niko Corduroy, Marianne of Domino, and Hannibal Demerest belong to me.
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tendebill · 2 years
I heard you have a multiverse in your story pleas tellm me more I fkuninging love worldbuilding
forgive the typos I amn excited
yeah! :D The main story and all my side stories are set in 8 different dimensions and I have at least a few of "important" ocs in every one of them!
I won't go into too much detail, some worlds are more developed/detailed and play a larger role in the story than others, and some of them I'm still working on and they might change.
So the most important one is Drakenterra. Sephoras and Huen are from there, as well as a lot of other ocs. A large chunk of the story happens there and its magic system is probably the most important for the story! It has a decent amount of lore and its version of Earth has completely different geography/history/creatures from "ours".
Sepaterra is similar to Drakenterra in geography and origins of its magic system, but it has a major difference in history. A war that happened in both worlds had VASTLY different outcomes that impacted how magic evolved. Other than that its pretty underdeveloped and i dont have many ocs from there (maybe one or two that are 100% canon). It appears once or twice in the main plot.
Nullterra is just... Like "our" world. No magic or anything. Ellie comes from there! Appears in the main plot about 2 times i think.
Deiterra is also very important, has the same geography as Nullterra, only its lore/history is WAYYY different. It has gods, all of whom originate from the three Major Gods that existed before everything and created Earth and all that. I have some extensive lore for this one too, that i won't get into here (because OH BOY it would need a post of its own) and it appears frequently in the main plot + has some side stories of its own! Angelica Emperor is from here!
Quaterra also looks like "our" Earth and has mostly the same history, with the difference of having ghosts! The "magic system" aka the ghosts are largely sorted out and I have one side story that takes place there! It also appears a few times in the main plot. As for ocs, Thomas and Vincent are from here (but i dont talk about these two much :/)
Elterra is another VERY important dimension! David and Maffi come from here and it also plays an active part in the main plot. The lore in here might be a bit outdated and I plan on refreshing it, but the magic system is very simple - just elemental powers. It also has a third type of geography on it's Earth, completely different to Null's or Draken's!
Aliterra has the same geo type as Elterra! I have a couple of ocs here, none of which i introduced yet, but one of them (Caroline) has a small but important role in the main plot. They are probably the most "isolated" dimension and almost don't interact with the other worlds at all. They have a similar magic system to Elterra, only their powers can get very specific and be more abstract (for example: Stars, Mud, a particular kind of flower, but Water, Fire etc. still exist as a power someone can have). I have some lore but it might have to be refreshed as well. They have a side story with Caroline as well!
Evoterra has the same geo type as Null. It appears only a few times in the main plot and has its own side story! The "magic system" here is basically this: people can have different powers unlocked if you tamper with their DNA, these powers usually relate to concepts in physics (liquifying, turning things into gasses, manipulating time, dark matter etc.) and every person could potentially have one unlocked. Unlocking them is very rare/dangerous and there are tests being done on people against their will to find a safe way to unlock certain powers for the rest of the world. The most important oc from this dimension is Bitzy, the only person who managed to have a gravity power unlocked and crime-fighting vigilante :D It all spirals into a kind of superhero vibe thing, as least with Bitzy!
Some other important things:
These worlds purposfully "reflect" each other/can be paired up with each other (Draken/Sepa, Evo/Null, Qua/Dei, El/Ali) for plot reasons!
Other worlds DEFINITELY exist in my multiverse, but only these 8 are really important to the story, so i never really considered making more.
Certain worlds are "closer" to others in the multiverse, depending on how many similarities they share
All worlds share in the concept of a life force, that manifests differently in people from different dimensions (their magic for Draken's people, elemental powers in El, souls/ghosts in Qua, mutations is Evo, etc...).
I think that's about as in-depth as I can go without making this a whole-ass essay about each dimension. When it comes to lore & worldbuilding my faves are Drakenterra and Deiterra. I put the most effort into them and they're the most detailed.
Thank u sm for the questions :') they fuel me to keep thinking about and keep making stuff for my ocs uwu <3
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rose-of-pollux · 2 years
2 3 7 8 fic asks
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
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Yup, accurate. XD
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics? Undying Loyalty and True Companions are the big ones. Those are standard across any fandom I write.
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of? I'm extremely proud of how I explained my magic system in my 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo fics, as Scooby-Doo never canonically explains its magic system. From the start, I was very determined to make my magic system different in all ways from, er... a certain popular series penned by a nasty bigot. And so, I drew from the video game concept of mana/magical energy--it's something you're born with, so only mages can cast spells using their magical energy, while mortals can use magical objects with mana to cast. Mana is not infinite; it can run out, necessitating rest (or mana potions/elixirs) to recover it, and a mage is extremely vulnerable if their mana runs out, until they recover. As far as the spell repertoire, since we really only saw Vincent use teleportation and crystalomancy in canon, I basically gave him the Final Fantasy spell repertoire, plus a bit of Legend of Zelda and Hades.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)? Bon Jovi’s “It’s My Life” has directly inspired 3 of my fics in 3 different fandoms (Scooby-Doo, BTTF, and Hogan’s Heroes)
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 years
For the ask game, how about "ivory tower?"
romi's talking about this ask game (still open!)
the fairytale fic!! aahh thank you for your ask - we love a bit of vincent and lovely over here at gingerbreadmonsters dot com 🤩🤩🤩
the fic in question: ivory tower (spoilers for that under the cut!)
lovely and vincent's story has always been very fairytale-esque to me - their meeting at wonderworld, lovely's kidnapping and power reveal, the tragedy of the inversion and their turning...... plus the framing of vincent as the 'prince' of the solaire clan is so wonderful to me - i really wanted to see how far i could push that, and it was a great way of stretching my writing muscles trying to convert the existing redactedverse into something that could be understood in the context of a classical fairytale!!
(i do wish it wasn't in lcase - maybe one day i'll go back and fix that on ao3, but that'll take FOREVER and i don't really have the time rn lol)
originally, i wasn't going to mention the whole 'vincent's a vampire' thing in the fairytale context, but there wasn't really another way to really express lovely's sense of loss at losing their electro powers without superseding them with something different, hence the 'special sort of magic' that the solaires have ✌️✌️
switching between dialogue in the present day and the overarching, very stylised narration of the fairytale was REALLY fun - it was a good way to not only ground myself in canon, but also to do a bit of that zoomed-in, slice of life stuff that i think they deserve 🥰🥰 plus my absolute favourite bit from this fic is vincent's little monologue after the inversion (the bit that starts "lovely, i know you can't hear me.", to "i swear it on my life. every everlasting day of it.") hehe 💖💕
i love love LOVE to pop in little bits of background worldbuilding and random noodle incidents that i think add a little bit of flavour, and that tie together a bit of my cinematic universe - vincent's love of peach daiquiris comes back in get in, loser!, lovely's jam tarts come back in 五二零, and i'm very tempted to bring back the story about the time lovely "got a bit too excited about kissing him" some time in the future 🤩🤩🤩
i'm so so pleased with the SURGE = tower parallel - i think it's turned out really well, and it serves as a really nice landmark (in both the literal and metaphorical senses) for this fic and for vincent and lovely inside of it! overall, i love the tone of the narration and the way it flows, and they've suffered enough in canon, mr erik - if i want to give them a fairytale wedding then i will, dammit!!
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wondereads · 1 year
Weekly Reading Update (08/21/23)
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Reviews and thoughts under the cut
Island of Fire by Lisa McMann (9/10)
I think these books get better and better as they go along. Entering the third book of this series, there is a noticeable complexity that doesn't really appear much in middle grade. Our main character, Alex, is dealing with quite a bit in this book, from grief to his newfound authority in Artime, and there's a lot of nuance. Not to mention some complicated feelings concerning the romantic plotlines, which are usually quite straightforward in middle grade. The worldbuilding is also getting more and more interesting, especially concerning the ending of this book. My one major issue is that although this series jumps from perspective to perspective quite often, Aaron's POV kind of dropped off the face of the earth about halfway through, and for such a major character (who's going through a rather intense breakdown), I wish we'd gotten to see him more.
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick (4/10)
I went into this book knowing it would be trash, but I was not prepared for just how horrendously written it would be. Not only is this book an almost identical copy of Twilight (just replace 'vampire' with 'fallen angel') it is also just aggravating to read. There was genuine potential in the creepier parts of this book, especially with Nora being dismissed by everyone and coming to doubt her own memory and sanity, but the incessant focus on the romance over all else just ruined the tone. Everyone in this book acts like a total creep and yet Nora just brushes it all aside, instead preferring to focus on the love interest's dark eyes and windswept hair than the very obvious red flags he is vigorously waving. The absolute worst part of this book was Vee, Nora's 'friend' who is inappropriate at best and a victim-blamer at worst after she waves off someone literally physically assaulting her best friend with excuses of...he wasn't feeling well? Anyway, this book wasn't even enjoyable as a lighter, trashy romance read.
Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater (CR, 59%)
I've put off this series for a while because The Raven Cycle destroyed me, but it's time to just read it. So far, it's like a continuations rather than a spinoff in that the tone and style are just so similar. Stiefvater writes these ethereal stories that are held down by neither place nor time, and the plot is usually an unhurried meandering more than anything else. As usual, the characters and their relationships are incredibly complex. Also, I've heard this mentioned, and I can see why she initially intended for this to be an NA/adult novel, especially with the larger focus on Declan and other characters around his age.
The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent (CR, 51%)
Same old same old. I do appreciate that we're getting Oraya to doubt Vincent, but I wish something would happen that would really spark the story again.
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