#[Varius -threads-]
soulsxng · 7 months
The invitation envelope is sealed with blue wax, the outline of the Meriet royal seal carefully pressed into the the center. The invitation itself consists of a single letter that reads:
❝The kingdom of Brecaea cordially invites you to join them in celebrating the Festival of the Blue Moon. We humbly look forward to your presence in ushering in a new lunar season that is set to begin on at . We advise that you dress in light, airy clothing and have footwear that will not be damaged by any amount of water. We also advise that you arrive by sunset on the first day of the festivities in order to fully experience the welcoming ceremony.❞
Along the bottom of the letter, the words “Please dip in water and turn over.” is written in neat lettering along the bottom of the invitation card. Once done, the rest of the letter continues as follows:
❝An additional, private gathering will be held at Castle Luvalon throughout the entire event. Overnight accommodations will be provided to all guests with this invitation. We advise you keep it in a safe place, to bring it with you on your travels, and to present it to castle staff upon arrival. Your host, Queen Dakota Tetrarch of Meriburn❞
(for those attending the Brecaea party)
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"You're going to come with? That's surprising; I thought you hated socializing and party stuff."
Jawyr laughed at the look his father gave him over his shoulder-- the older man rolling his eyes as he nodded his head outside the window, to where the gigantic crystal, Innaius floated in the air above the castle grounds.
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"Very funny. I just don't like socializing and party stuff when it concerns a gaggle of prying or stuffy nobility, and whatever other gossip mongers decide to swarm me the second I'm by myself. But...Lerato wants to visit Cassandra and Dakota with Joseph, and I'd rather not risk him running out of energy and collapsing while on an entirely different continent. So we'll be heading to Brecaea first, and leaving halfway through to go to Meriburn...granted no word comes that I'm needed back here. The others should be able to keep a handle on things in the meantime, though...and if not, we teleport back."
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"Are you sure you and Rei should be going? With the way current events are right now, it'll be risky."
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"You're coming as well, Varius. Do you not feel like you'd be able to protect us, if it came to that?"
The Setian guard falls silent, expression a conflicted twist. Naturally, if something happened then he would protect his king-- it was as simple as that. Not that Fekik needed it (and Areix would be especially safe, as Fei would sooner see himself killed than allow anyone to lay a finger on his youngest), but...well, Varius wasn't quite sure. He couldn't exactly say that he had a bad feeling.
After a few moments, he finally shook his head and relented. If they were going, then he would simply resolve to keep a close eye on everything and everyone!
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"If you're bringing Harailt, then I'll be inviting Iki. No offense, but I'm really not looking to third-wheel you the whole party."
The young prince was seated comfortably on a couch, feet kicked up on the arm of it as he regarded his older brother; the king. Alkaid was telling him about some party they'd be attending in Brecaea...honestly, he hadn't really been paying attention to all the details. It had been a while since he'd been able to bring Iki to anything like this, so most of the time that his brother had been talking, he'd been busy thinking up everything that he wanted to have prepared for her.
They were already friendly with Brecaea, so it's not like there had to be a lot of planning toward how to socialize and gain favor with them. He could look into the specifics of the gathering a little later.
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"You don't have to say it like that; you would have invited her regardless of if Harailt came with us...just don't go too crazy on whatever you're plotting. You'll end up making yourself freak out if it can't all get done in time."
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catilinas · 4 years
what's an audax guy and why are they cool? <3
an audax guy is a guy who is audax! which is an adjective in latin that means Brave, But Maybe In A Bad Way. like fortis is normal good brave and audax is daring maybe hubristic more Bold than brave. i remember really liking This paper on it as an insult (/ label for a specific Flavour of politician in the late republic? idk i read it in like. 2018).
catilina’s audacia (the noun related to audax. boldness. Balls) is namedropped in the second sentence of the first catilinarian oration AND one of my fave of sallust’s descriptions of catilina is. animus audax subdolus varius (his mind was reckless, cunning, changeable / brave, clever, adaptable. there’s a lot of space to translate this sentence in the direction of whatever your catilina opinions might be). like It’s Catilina’s Adjective. To Me. (although it also kinda ends up being hannibal’s bcs sallust’s catilina becomes livy’s hannibal. arson is sexy)
BUT it also describes TURNUS whose epithet in a Few places in the aeneid is. audax. it’s cool like the uhhh political? use as an insult is like You’re bold in a hubristic way so you Will fail this oration is a hashtag perlocutionary act. and then vergil is like well im writing Now about The Past which means fate real and any failures have already occurred. what if audax meant bold in a Doomed way. and as we know. turnus is like triple doomed so makes sense for that to be His adjective. a few years (holy shit) ago me and my friend felix and @figbian had a Very long twitter thread abt the connections between audax (necessarily? doomed) and how it is never applied to aeneas. i think it describes turnus and at Ond point mr doomed youth pallas. at a moment of Particular doominess. and then iuturna in book 12 makes sense she is turnus’ mimetic double. doomed with immortality. aeneas Is described as audens somewhere (the present participle from the verb audeo. i dare. related to audax) like aeneas can do a doomed action he can briefly participate in a doomed verb but for the doomed youths turnus pallas iuturna doom is a quality that is Permanently attached to them. which is why turnus’ half line(!) “audentis fortuna iuvat” (fortune favours(/pleases but has no real benefit to?) those who dare) makes me yell like IS fortune an empty delight for the doomed? or does it genuinely favour those who Temporarily Dare (=aeneas) but aren’t Permanently Reckless (=doomed=turnus)? imo it all comes down to how aware turnus is of how many layers of doomed he is.
also we might have talked abt the connection between turnus and dido’s different flavours of doomed. like is audax a more masculine version of dido’s epithet which is infelix (unlucky / ahl has a whole Thing about it meaning attempting actions which Fail. sounds doom adjacent). afaik audax is only used for One female character in the aeneid and it’s iuturna who is Very gendery! what’s happening there. but the difference might also be the Degree of doom like ahl’s translation voice “dido was dying a death which was neither deserved nor predestined.” not getting into the whole necessary vs contingent fate thing but despite dido Being turnus and vice versa. dido is only contingently doomed while turnus is contingently And necessarily doomed And a third layer of doomed except it is midnight and i can’t remember what it is. maybe just his vibes.
oh another thing also is that audax highkey means Eminently Sacrificeable (good quality but in a bad way. labelling That in a scapegoatifying way. cicero first catilinarian voice i diagnose you with legal to murder). but imo pius Also means Eminently Sacrificeable. king who escapes through the roof his double the pharmakos who escapes through the cellar. aeneas IS also very much a sacrifice. pius means doomed/fated as much as audax does the difference is just whether or not you’re going along with or resisting that fate.
anyway. yeah. an audax guy is a guy who is audax. one of my favourite latin adjectives. most of my fave murdered roman politicians are audax. turnus is audax. ahab is audax. if there isn’t an audax guy on a boat in 20000 thousand leagues i will explode :)
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cactuscodes · 4 years
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17. Cronología, Relaciones y Diario // Lynx (V. Tabs)
Hace un par de días, una amiga me preguntó que si tenía alguna cronología hecha, y la verdad es que, que recuerde, no he hecho ninguna (creo que la mayoría son codes para post jajaja). Así que le prometí hacer una que tuviera lo que a ella le gustaba y... voilà, este es el resultado. A mí personalmente me gusta como ha quedado, y fue un reto, porque nunca había hecho algo parecido.
Por otra parte, este código ha estado muy influenciado por Anqi (Angel) Pan, puedes ver su trabajo aquí.
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neliel-blog1 · 4 years
Thread Example
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dictum vulputate est at finibus. “Pellentesque sed augue imperdiet, ultrices justo a, ornare risus. Praesent ut porttitor felis.” Nulla facilisi. Donec interdum laoreet velit vel ullamcorper. Nullam nec odio faucibus, elementum dolor quis, interdum nibh. In vulputate rutrum elit sed pharetra.
Maecenas sit amet tellus finibus, bibendum sem et, feugiat velit. Pellentesque pretium, felis eget elementum dictum, nulla tellus facilisis nulla, eget ultrices nibh dui sed justo. Fusce odio leo, convallis eu tempor id, consectetur et nunc. Sed sed ipsum commodo, interdum ante pharetra, efficitur nisi. Donec magna eros, rutrum eu tempor nec, dapibus sit amet orci. In ipsum ligula, ultricies nec semper varius, accumsan vel lacus. Morbi pharetra tempus neque ac maximus. Ut id felis neque. Aenean sit amet mi lobortis, auctor nulla non, convallis sapien. Mauris vitae neque at ex ullamcorper sollicitudin. Nullam sed risus sed leo laoreet imperdiet. Maecenas porta neque in risus vestibulum, non finibus arcu semper. Suspendisse hendrerit, nibh sagittis aliquet posuere, felis sem lacinia dui, eget tristique magna nisl non nulla.
Etiam nec fermentum velit. Morbi efficitur eleifend eros at venenatis. Nam consequat, turpis sed interdum convallis, nisi augue consectetur quam, sed gravida justo purus sed tortor. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse non risus lacus. Curabitur ligula nibh, fringilla vitae condimentum id, mattis congue mi. Ut rhoncus ac velit a volutpat. Fusce vitae mi eu dui feugiat aliquam. Integer luctus nec nisi in ornare. Cras fringilla ultricies congue. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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themadvigilantist · 5 years
all my muses spread throughout various threads/plots/blogs
- alien, human aliases/verses or otherwise. bolded are original versions or ocs. starred* are optional for certain plot themes [mother’s day/father’s day/siblings day/aunt’s/uncle’s day]. double starred** are specifically asked evil threads. triple star*** is the watcher
V - Tatiana Maslany [11 1/2] (0 - 208, various) {210 regenerations}***
Vin - David Tennant [10] (0 - 86, various) {88 regenerations}***
others that are mentioned by main:
*Allura - Eva Mendes
*Evangeline - Katherine Jenkins
*The Scientist - Rod Serling
**Dantalion - David Tennant
**Einzelgänger - Tatiana Maslany/Aubrey Plaza/Natalie Dormer
note: [finsternis - ashley graham is part of einzelgänger]
human aliases/verses
Dr. Vincent Holland Black - David Tennant (fobwatched vin)
Dr. Valarie Holly. Black - Tatiana Maslany (fobwatched v)
Dr. Valencia M. Landsborough - Michelle Gomez
DI Vincentius Margeaux - David Tennant
Professor Valero Leo Blacsmith - David Tennant
Vincent Bartholomew Jamerson - David Tennant (21 Jump Street vin)
Valkyrie Hera Sanderson - Tatiana Maslany (Orphan Black clone v)
Theta Sigma - free for all
First Doctor - William Hartnell
First Doctor - Richard Hurndall
First Doctor - Peter Cushing
First Doctor - David Bradley
Second Doctor - Patrick Troughton
Third Doctor - Jon Pertwee
Fourth Doctor - Tom Baker
The Watcher - Adrian Gibbs***
Fifth Doctor - Peter Davison
Sixth Doctor - Colin Baker
Seventh Doctor - Sylvester McCoy
Eighth Doctor - Paul McGann
War Doctor - John Hurt
Ninth Doctor - Richard E. Grant
Ninth Doctor - Christopher Eccleston
Tenth Doctor - David Tennant
Tentoo - David Tennant
DoctorDonna - Catherine Tate
Eleventh Doctor - Matt Smith
Mr. Clever - Matt Smith
Twelfth Doctor - Peter Capaldi
Thirteenth Doctor - Jodie Whittaker
The Valeyard - Michael Jayson
The Curator - Tom Baker
The Other - Matt Smith
The Dream Lord - Toby Jones
The Emperor - Paul McGann
Ninth Doctor - Rowan Atkinson
Tenth Doctor - Richard E. Grant
Eleventh Doctor - Jim Broadbent
Twelfth Doctor - Hugh Grant
Thirteenth Doctor - Joanna Lumley
Time Lord Victorious - David Tennant
Tenth Doctor (RMT) - David Tennant
The Moment - Billie Piper
Rose ‘RMT’ Tyler - Nia Long
Donna Noble - Catherine Tate
Bill Potts - Pearl Mackie
Heather - Stephanie Hyam
Oksana Astankova - Jodie Comer
Velma Dinkley - Linda Cardinelli
BAU Chief SSA Emily Prentiss - Paget Brewster
Lena Luthor - Katie McGrath
Zezanne Dawkins - Zazie Beetz
Mercy - Louis Garrel
The Government - Macaulay Culkin/Thomas Doherty
Izzy - Antonia Thomas
Aunt Mama - Florence Welch/Annalise Van Der Pol
Lymph - Tim Minchin
Eve - Daniella Alonso
Delvin  -Heath Ledger
Cecil - Michael Jackson
Vynda - Louis Jourdan
The Watcher - ***free for all
The Vigilante - Billie Piper
others that are mentioned by main:
Pim Rowlan- free for all
The Duchess - Billie Piper (Evil Gallifrey verse)
human aliases/verses
Dr. Briar Vivian Rose - Billie Piper (fobwatched vigil)
Dr. Brian Varius Rosenberg - Heath Ledger (alt/fobwatched vigil)
Miss Valerie Black - Billie Piper
PI Roxanne Jamerson - Billie Piper
Claire Holly Smith - Billie Piper (werewolf)
Atty “Belladonna” Marcus - Billie Piper (mob)
Briar of the Hazelfield Estate - Billie Piper (arranged marriage)
Briar StClaire - Billie Piper (victorian)
Agent Maureen Samantha Wolfenheim - Billie Piper (FBI/BAU/CIA)
Patient 32451 - Billie Piper (asylum)
Vanity - Billie Piper (musical/popstar/famous verse)
Tyler Ores-Marino - Billie Piper (BTVS/Alternate Universe)
The Golden Guardian/ “G.G.” - Billie Piper (angels/demonsverse)
Loki Friggason (neé Odinson-Laufeyson) - Tom Hiddleston
Dr. Kevin Zebediah Thompson/Kilgrave - David Tennant
Penelope Grace Garcia - Kristen Vangsness
Dr. Spencer Walter Reid - Matthew Gray Gubler
Dr. Hae Yeong-Cheol - Park Si-Eun [1980 actress]
Penny Braddock - Lenora Crichlow
Ophelia - Lee Newton [v’s ship]
Laertes - Trisha Hershberger [vin’s ship]
Desdémona - Evan Rachel Wood [the scientist’s ship]
Hamlet - Meg Turney [vigilantist’s ship]
Mercutio - Godfrey Gao [allura’s ship/assistant]
altogether there is 395 muses, aaaaaaahhaha
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altarfated · 6 years
RULES, LAWS, IMPORTANT STUFFS.INTRODUCTION.001. The basic rules of roleplaying apply ; no godmoding , metagaming , underage smut , hate , guilt tripping , all that good stuff. Just don't be that person, please. 002. Heavy triggering stuff will occur on this blog so please proceed with caution. I do my best to tag any triggers but if I miss something , please do not hesitate to tell me ! I tag all my triggers with ' trigger here / ' , I would ask if you tag rape, trypophobia & mentions of EDS , if you will ! 003. My ic activity may be sporadic so my blog will be on a permanent semi - hiatus. Please do not pester me for replies or interactions because that really kills my muse. I have a right to refuse to follow / interact & the same goes vise versa. 004. Mun does NOT equal muse ! This goes without saying, but just as a precaution- I will also not cater to your muses feelings and I will not water down my muses reactions to your muse. Please do not ask. 005. Unless stated otherwise, art found on the blog is not mine & all credit goes to their rightful owners; however, I will always link the credit to the artist. if you are the artist & there is a problem , please feel free to send me a message & let me know. 006. you gotta follow ness , sorry i dont make the laws of tumblr rpcFOLLOWING / ROLEPLAYING.001. I am a private & highly selective blog. Due to the nature of my last blog as well as my frequent anxiety , I am a lot more choosy about who I follow & limiting it to friends & those who are actually interested in interacting / vise versa. If you follow me & I do not follow back right away , just wait a few days because I simply may not have noticed. If I go passed a week, it is likely that I am just not interested but no hard feelings ! You are more than welcome to unfollow. 002. There aren't very many serious things that will lead me to unfollow ; usually it's just because we never interact or something like that. No biggie. On the other hand there are a few things that I absolutly will not tolerate seeing on my dash:     Vaguing. I don't mean like once or twice. Vauging on my dash sparks my anxiety.     Racism & anything against the LGBTQ+ Community. Enough said, really. I refuse to follow bigots.     YAOI. The whole concept of yaoi is to sexualize gay men for straight girls to consume. It's not cute, it's not hot, and it's gross to sexualize an entire sexuality because you get off on it. likewise to yuri. it's gross to sexualize sexualities.     if you interact with maverick ( affctueuse ), jamal ( fatedstories ), julie and black ( ignti / mideoku + cosmicor & other blogs ) and ollie. These people make me uncomfortable, and I will soft block you.SHIPPING.001.The mun and muse are of age, there will be some smut present on this blog though it will be RARE There will be SEXUAL themes on this blog. 002. This blog is multi-ship exclusive, meaning that each verse has its own exclusive ship ! In Hikaru's main verse, I am SINGLE ship with Tooru.While your muse can flirt with Hikaru in his main verse, but there will be no cheating threads. 003.Pre-established relationships are fine- in fact, I'm actually one who prefers to have a relationship loosely plotted out over first-time interactions , especially with the nature of my muse.MUNDANE.yo ! i'm atlas, i'm a transboy so use he / him ! i'm 19 years old, and i am currently enrolled as a full-time university student seeking a degree in nursing ! i love space, lit, & anatomy . this is a ru love blog, there is going to be a lot of love posts about my datemate. if you can't find me here, you can always find me on discord, which is available to all mutuals ! ."TITLE HERE"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu suscipit orci. Donec eget neque eleifend, porta lacus ut, hendrerit justo. Nulla quis eleifend nunc. Sed accumsan at erat at sagittis."AND MAYBE HERE"Fusce lacus elit, lobortis non sapien interdum, blandit condimentum urna. Donec eu viverra elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nullam mattis turpis eu justo imperdiet, eget tincidunt mauris aliquet."AS MANY AS YOU WANT, REALLY"Vestibulum dictum sem a velit consequat convallis. Donec ex odio, vestibulum et condimentum quis, ultrices eu augue. Nunc venenatis ultricies congue. Morbi vel varius mauris, vel porttitor tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas elementum ligula neque, eget laoreet lacus vehicula quis. Integer nibh diam, dictum non fermentum sed, dignissim quis magna.LAWS.
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arsen-test · 7 years
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. integer rhoncus, neque nec convallis semper, velit ante maximus enim, ac commodo massa eros in tortor. maecenas tristique quis sapien non sagittis. phasellus sollicitudin arcu magna, in varius nisl mollis id. aenean pretium placerat ligula, at finibus magna convallis et. etiam ullamcorper augue et ante congue, et faucibus nisi aliquam. praesent eget hendrerit tellus. morbi enim orci, consequat nec vulputate vitae, eleifend quis eros. in hendrerit magna ut felis lobortis commodo. pellentesque ullamcorper felis sed odio fermentum ultrices. curabitur imperdiet fringilla vehicula. pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. mauris fermentum bibendum nulla quis porta. donec ac leo vitae erat ultricies vehicula sit amet eu ligula. cras leo ex, vestibulum quis felis sit amet, mattis malesuada odio. curabitur accumsan iaculis quam ut sollicitudin.
aenean eu felis quis nulla consequat bibendum non et urna. suspendisse semper, mi eu dignissim bibendum, sem felis efficitur eros, ornare fringilla lorem risus ut quam. curabitur sagittis blandit augue nec porta. donec congue cursus augue, quis pharetra nibh malesuada eget. cras rutrum leo ut lectus vehicula dignissim. vestibulum consequat congue massa ac lobortis. mauris pharetra vestibulum diam quis rhoncus. praesent neque ligula, fringilla vel ante sed, tincidunt molestie velit. vestibulum lacinia molestie ex, vitae rutrum turpis molestie eu. proin tristique diam vitae purus laoreet, non sodales nibh semper.
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moonmothmama · 5 years
And Bartleby Flies Off Into The Night
so it’s been a long ass time since the last DND game with 2/3 sibs, and since my brother was around, we videochatted with our sister at my kitchen table. it’d been such a long time since we played that he couldn’t find his sheet on the Turtle Wizard that accompanied my dwarf cleric and my sister’s halfling rogue (and Bartleby*, the baby owlbear cub that hatched and imprinted on said halfling) to the town we ended up in, so it turned out that Turt Wiz got ‘called away’ and had to leave. my brother decided to pick up Bartleby and wow, did shit get crazy.
*named for the baby rat creature Smiley Bone adopted
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so anyway we fast forward two weeks, and we’ve been in this town, training this baby owlbear not to kill everything it sees, raising it, yadda yadda. and this is a little one horse town; the kind of place where adventurers pass through, not hang around two weeks with what they’re calling a Weird Bird, Nothing To See Here, Move Along, Sorry He Ate Your Cat
and one day we’re called up by the local magistrate, a haggard looking but obviously noble man who lives in a grand mansion, starkly different from the village’s Rustic Aesthetic. my dwarf recognizes the magistrate’s mansion as elvish stonework; it’s been there for a long time, and the town has pretty clearly been built around it.
so we walk in there, my sorta stoic red-bearded dwarf cleric, and an obviously hungover hobbit with an ungainly adolescent Abomination on a handmade leather leash, which upon entering the hall emits a weird cry “somewhere between a wolf’s howl and a horror movie,” that echoes horribly in this big vaulted room, and every fucking guard turns around and is shitting themselves, except the one guy who went to fetch us, who signals everybody not to shoot it.
and so we’re led in and the magistrate, who was in a meeting, hurries everyone out of the room to talk to us. and he’s spellbound by this terrifying creature, who is standing on his table eating a dead rat that my sister’s hobbit has tossed him, like a milk-bone tossed to a dog to bribe it to behave.
and he’s like. listen: i know exactly what this creature is, and it sure as shit isn’t a ‘Weird Bird.’ he proceeds to say he needs an Extermination done, and dumps half of a hefty bag of platinum and jewels on the table. he says that’s the down payment, and we get to keep it if we prove we killed even one of the things he wants dead.
turns out the veil is thin in this whole area, and every once in a while a great white stag will wander through, and it’s great for tourism, all the hunters come around, blah blah blah. but in his mansion, every night around midnight, these nasty little oily goblin-type dudes pop out of the shadows and make him miserable. no wonder he looks like shit all the time.
so we say yep, we’re on the job, and after a supply run for nets and traps, we come back and set up in the magistrate’s chambers.
my dwarf is hiding on the four poster bed with Bartleby, and the hobbit is hiding in the wardrobe, and right around midnight, we hear a whole fucking commotion. we set the traps in the doorways of the upper floor, and with his sharp little ears, the halfling hears that every single one of them has been set off.
there are three of these gross little oily dudes (that i forgot the name of now) in the room; a bigger one in the trap whose leg is Fuckt, and two smaller ones. the bigger one starts muttering something and we’re engulfed in an enchanted shadow that our darkvision (dwarf and bartleby already see in the dark, and hobbit has a magic sword from the tomb of sextus varius that grants the ability) cannot penetrate.
but since we’ve been training this owlbear, we give it the Kill command (which my sister decided is “go snackies!”) and it flies up out of the pocket of darkness and swoops down toward the little greasy things. Boggles!! they’re called boggles. i had to look it up.
right. so.
Bartleby misses at first, and there’s a little fumbling brawl, but the hobbit managed to get an arrow off before the darkness fell, and one of them is half dead. we suffer minor injuries, but then Bartleby swoops again, and this time he doesn’t miss. we hear a disgusting flesh ripping noise and some screams, and suddenly the shadow has lifted.
the big guy in the trap has been eviscerated and is hanging onto life with but a slender thread. he leaps onto another one and fucks him up too. Bartleby is covered in inky blood and gore, and he turns to my sister’s hobbit like, “look momma! Bartleby do good?” so she throws him another rat treat because he did indeed Do Good and he sets upon this feast of nastiness as we run off to check the other traps.
we get to the hallway and the traps, which we know have already been tripped, have been set again and are sitting in the doorways. i Do Not Like This. as i’m saying this to my halfling friend, two hands come out of the two opposing doorways and deposit two little lit bombs on the floor. we fail a dexterity check and take some damage from the bombs, then fail a perception check as we’re running from the explosion and run right into our own traps, which have been moved to the threshold of the next doorway.
by now i’m down to 9 hp and my sister is down to like four, so while her halfling uses his turn prying the trap off his leg, my dwarf decides to just leave it there and use his turn to heal the halfling, who goes back up to 9hp himself. we are standing in this silent, empty room, and since we don’t know where they’ve gone, we set Bartleby on them again (“Bartleby! Go snackies!”) and follow where he leads us. down the stairs to the ground floor. two of these nasty guys are waiting at the bottom of the stair, and two pop out from the doorway behind us. we fail another check and get stuck to the stairs by some nasty sticky goop and have a really ridiculous fight where everyone misses each other pretty much every time. halfing rogue drops his magic sword which is then picked up by one of these mucky dudes. him and another two fuck off, leaving us to fight off the last one while stuck to the floor.
we manage to kill him, though by now we’re worse for the wear. we go down the stairs to the long hall where we came in; it’s empty.
we give Bartleby the kill command one more time, and he flies off, crashing through a stained glass window to the grounds outside.
then the halfling hears the Magistrate screaming. he’s been dragged through a doorway by these goopy lil bastards, who at this point we have seen can materialize in any space that has a frame resembling a door with four sides.
we find two of the lil boggle bastards who fucked off, as well as the bloody, beaten magistrate. one is holding the halfling’s pilfered magic sword to his throat.
since he’s a rogue, he uses his bonus action to zip across the floor to the one threatening the magistrate, and kills his ass with a regular unmagical sword. eat shit, you sticky little fucker. halfling has regained his magic sword. 
then, my dwarf limp-runs toward the magistrate, still with this fucking trap on his leg, and kills the second one.
so. the entire mansion is littered with gross little corpses. we’ve earned ourselves a shit ton of money, a life debt from the most powerful person in this town, and cemented our reputation as a pair of crazy motherfuckers.
we look out the smashed window to see that Bartleby has swooped down on the last one, and is making a meal of it. by now he’s a terrifying, bloody mess. he looks like Death Incarnate, dripping with the coal-black viscera of several slain boggles. he gives a long, low howl-
and flies off into the night.
we each level up.
so that’s where we left off. a baby owl-bear cub, who for the first two weeks of it’s life we painstakingly trained not to kill everything, we set on a bunch of otherwordly goop creatures. kill this one! kill that one! kill anything you damn well please! Bartleby has had the best night of his wee little life. he’s flown off into the wilderness. we joke around about an eighties film style montage of him swooping down on a rabbit, then a sheep, then a cow, then some fucking dude riding down the road in a cart, and it fades to black just before he lands on him, and Don’t You Forget About Me by Simple Minds plays over the credits
after not playing for months, none of us could ask for a more epic return to our weekly game. holy fucking shit
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soulsxng · 2 years
@fatestouch​ from here!
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“They didn’t touch you, did they?” Varius grumbles, leaning automatically into the kiss even before Loki’s lips had reached his cheek. Already checking his soulmate over, as though any place that had come into contact with the unfortunate victim on the ground would be marked. 
And while that didn’t seem to be the case-- he was almost certain that he’d gotten between the two in time-- he needed to know for sure.
In the next moment though, he noticed the blood on his hands smudged on Loki’s skin now, as well. Releasing him immediately with a small noise of distress.
“...I’m sorry. I should have been more careful-- let’s get you cleaned up, too. I didn’t mean to delay our date like this.”
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hunterfromthewoods · 6 years
[Please like this post  if I owe you  a reply,  I’m currently  writing one  reply (for Varius Draco’s thread with me,   but part of me feels I may owe a second reply.]
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