transgenbur · 1 year
hey guys how you doi- oh shit oh fuck oh no
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asexualstellar · 10 months
I found it.
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artemis-moon101 · 1 year
I fucking CAN’T WAIT until Wilbur comes back to the qsmp. It’ll be so so so funny. Nobody thinks he’s real.
Just imagine that this “tall british rockstar” dude that you’ve never met just.. appears. Like- your friend tells you they they have a boyfriend from another school that’s really popular and rich, but you’ve never heard of them, nobody else has, and when you ask your friend what they look like, they say “oh he’s tall” “he has two ears and two eyes” “he has hair”. And then you meet the guy. And he’s exactly what has been described, and REAL.
And Quackity has told everyone that he’s famous too, which like- he’s popular yes, but he’s not Famous Famous, which is probably what Quackity has put into the French and Brazilian’s minds.
So think, when he gets back, everybody will be bombarding him cuz “ooo famous person”. He’ll get so flustered and happy. It’ll be great
AND TALLULAH. oh tallulah. I am just SO excited for musicduo reunion.
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ryemackerel · 5 months
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YOOO 2023 tntduo winestream fanart LFGOOOO 💥💥💥💥
perfect timing for quackity’s birthday too LMFAO happy bday king 😁😁😁
i couldnt fit every single one of my favorite moments from the stream above but i managed to get a few in there :] had a lot of fun working on this
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yoki-loves-stars · 10 months
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A little silly fanart of Lovejoy’s Portrait of a Blank Slate MV directed by Ted Nivison (CHECK OUT HIS VLOG ABOUT IT!!!)
It’s my first time drawing something like that :D
I really wanted to include Mark, Joe and Ash, but they didn’t appear in MV that much, so I didn’t have that many references to work with
I wasn’t very proud of my art lately so it was nice to get out of my comfort zone :D
References from the MV that I used
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deejayrockz · 9 months
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PAIRING — cc!wilbur x reader
SUMMARY — neck bites.
NOTES — fluff, the neck biting is sfw !! fem reader in mind, but it's not really specified,, lowercase is intended, small small little drabble
EXTRA — i have a job interview tomorrow and decided to write this instead ..
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it had just hit 1am before wilbur finally came to join you in bed, his eyes closing automatically, as he took off his clothes to change into some pyjamas (joggers and a black t-shirt).
he flopped onto the bed beside you, placing one arm above his head to cover his eyes, the other resting on his stomach. you happily made yourself comfortable on his chest, eyes closing to the sound of his heartbeat.
"d'you have a good day?" you asked, tracing small swirls into his chest, as you moved your head to look up at him. a small smile was now on his features, as light kisses were placed on his jawline.
"yeah, didn't do much, but ive got sound checks with the band tomorrow," he groaned, hating the thought of having to ever get out of bed.
you just hummed, placing one last kiss to his jaw, before suddenly getting the urge to bite. was it normal? probably not. are you going to do it anyway? definitely.
"ow!" he laughed, facing his head to the left of him, just out of your reach. however, you had sat up by now, a smile on your face.
you held his jaw, facing him to you again, seeing the soft smile on his face as he looked at you, eyes flickering between your lips and your eyes.
"what are you saying ow at?" you played dumb, smiling innocently as he rolled his eyes.
"you bit me!" he argued, rubbing the bitten jaw slightly, before moving his arm to trace doodles on your back.
"i didnt do such a thing," you smirked, before leaning in and biting his neck, feeling him giggle and try to move away.
"you're such a little gremlin," he laughed, before pulling you down, holding you tight against his chest so you couldn't move. finally, you relaxed, your head tucked into the crook of his neck.
"goodnight, love," he whispered, kissing your hairline.
"goodnight," you bit his neck once more, kissing it, then drifted to sleep, a smile on both yours and wilburs face.
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569 notes · View notes
I haven’t seen anyone make a post like this about Wilbur soot, and I want to, because this specific thing is important to me.
First off, support Shelby, we love and support Shelby here, she’s such a strong and brave person and I’m so fucking glad that she said something and now we all know about this.
I do not support Wilbur soot at all. He’s a piece of shit. I don’t fucking like or support or want to see him. However I love his character
C!wilbur has always been so important to me. And since I haven’t seen anyone else say this, I want to.
It’s okay if you still like the character
Its okay if you still want fanart of the character
It’s okay if you still want to read about the character
Cc Wilbur has no creative liberty over the character anymore, especially since the dream smp has ended.
If you want to oc-ifiy the character, do it! Have fun!! Id love to see the ocs!!!!/gen
But if that character holds a really important place to you, and you genuinely care about the CHARACTER, it’s perfectly okay to still like them.
You looking at fanart of the character doesn’t give cc!wilbur any money or attention at all. Same with fanfiction
And in my eyes at least, as long as you aren’t supporting that piece of shit, if you want to enjoy a fictional character, that’s okay.
I’m still going to make fanart and write and I still have headcanons, and I also hate the content creator so much.
I really hope this post is coherent, I love all of you (/p), have some water, listen to some music, take a break. Remember it’s also okay if you’re really fucking upset about this, I am too. Just take care of yourself and do whatever it you need to do
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kristiliqua · 10 months
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hatsootne miku stream goes hard ngl
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invisp3 · 6 months
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mysticalsoot · 1 year
Hi! I just wanted to ask, If its okay to request something with male reader and wilbur? :D
Have a good day!
my darling, husband
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A/N; this took me a stupidly long time but tbf I kept stopping writing bc..lack of motivation. but I finished it!! so here!! its very fluffy and honestly a lot of the affection from will is self indulgent so there's that lol
summary; reader and wil havent disclosed their relationship nor their marriage but wilbur decides to bite the bullet impulsively during a lvjy radio interview
tw// swearing, so much affection, its just fluff, will is suggestive at the end
words; 2.3k
pairings; cc!wilbur x male!reader
pronouns; he/him
Your relationship with Wilbur was anything but public, your family and friends knew--and that was enough for you both. As far as the rest of the world and the internet were concerned, you two were simply best friends. Close friends. Obviously, you were shipped together but you both found it more entertaining than anything. 
Wilbur didn't feel comfortable disclosing the fact you were his husband. Husband. Male, not a woman- which everyone seemed to assume that's what his eventual partner would be, and that bothered him to great lengths. Why couldn't it be a clean slate, that he, himself, and himself only, could write on--determine the contents of. He never knew, but now, he had that opportunity.
He wanted to casually mention it, something he slips in, a method that would break the internet, making everyone take a step back and reevaluate. He thought it'd be so fun.
"I have a radio interview today," Wilbur spun the silver band around his finger, fidgeting as he gazed at you from across the island counter. His elbows rested on the wood countertop, his eyes locked intently on you as he smiled softly, a mischief in his eyes.
"Yeah? What about?" Your mouth quirks up into a smirk, a knowing little gesture. You knew.
"About anything really--" He cut himself off, taking in a breath and walking behind the counter to you, wrapping his arms around your middle, his chin on your shoulder as he hugged you from behind, "Although, I was thinking about something," He grabbed your hand and spin you to face him, "Would you like to hear?"
He smiled softer as he leaned down til your faces were inches apart, you smiled, a soft kiss placed upon his lips, "Sure, why not?"
Wilbur moved his hands to rest on your hips, "I was thinking, what if I mentioned my husband-- I'm sure I can find a way to mention my handsome lover, don't you think?" He smirks, pressing soft kisses to your jaw, thumbs rubbing your hip bones and you shrug.
"I'm sure you'll find a way, love," You wrap your arms around his neck, and he pauses, his breath fanning against your skin in a blanket of warmth--yet it still makes you shiver.
"I always do," He resumes, light kisses being placed on the skin of your neck, his slight stubble tickling you and you giggle slightly. You feel him smirk against your skin, shaking his head a moment before he pulls back to look at you, "It's so hard not to gush about you."
"I'm just that wonderful," You smile smugly up at him, your hands finding a resting spot on his sides, rubbing softly, "You're gonna be late though, so go! Move along, darling!" You giggle as he huffs.
You smack his chest, "No, go!"
"Fiiiine--" He kisses your cheek and then nuzzles his nose against your soft skin. He moves to whisper in your ear, breathing fanning against your ear, tickling you, "I'll see you later, baby boy."
You roll your eyes at him, smiling playfully and you smack his shoulder, "Wilbur!"
He giggles, backing up, and before he skips out of the kitchen--he brings you into a deep, loving kiss, his hands on either side of your face and his thumbs rubbing softly on your cheeks. His lips moving entirely in sync with yours and almost desperate to never leave you. He pulls back a few moments later, both of you panting for air and smiling like lovesick fools. Never gets old, you think, his love.
He doesn't say another word, no goodbye or see you later-- and he slips out of the kitchen, skipping up the stairs with an extra pep in his step. He slings open the door to his office, and he sneaks inside, finding his spot at his chair and booting up his computer. He pulls his feet to rest on the chair, his legs pulled against his chest as he watches everything load. 
The windows bing sounded and he logged in; his password simple and totally not relating to you--and then he opened Zoom not short after- a piece of him wishing it was discord, despite how cringy that may be--the audio quality was just better in his opinion but he wasn't sure it really mattered. The radio would just fuzz it out and that really defeats the purpose of good audio quality, doesn't it?
He taps the desk as he waits for the meeting to start, and when it does, Mark's the first to be there or maybe he was the first they let it. Joe and Ash follow after and then the interviewers introduce themselves. He kinda zones out and then he hears his name;
"Welcome Lovejoy! Ash, Joe, Mark and Wilbur have joined us today to talk about their new EP 'Wake up and it's over'! So, boys, what are you all about? Introduce yourselves."
Mark goes first, "I'm Mark Boardman, I'm on drums for our silly band and uh, they got me off fiver," Mark chuckles softly, and the rest of the band all giggles along.
"Yeah, Wil just found him on Fiverr, just like for the first EP and then he joined the band," Joe chimes in, giggling softly, "I'm Joe, lead guitarist and like I guess backing vocals sometimes?" The man chuckles at the last part, Wilbur can see his face contort in this jokingly confused expression--since everyone but Wil have their cameras on. Doesn't want to bother with the green screen today, still hasn't gotten a room divider--the office looks too much like a married couple's shared space. Too risky.
He smiles softly as Joe and Mark introduce Ash together, mentioning his badass guitarist turned bassist background--the burger shop story, all of that.
And then he introduces himself, "I'm Wil Gold, Lovejoy's lead singer I suppose? And according to my roommate, their token mentally ill perfectionist--" He chuckles, shaking his head. Ash, Joe and Mark all nod their heads, agreeing with his last statement. He wanted to say husband, he almost said it. Ash saw it, he saw how Wil started to slip up--started to say husband instead of roommate--
No one else notices, the interviewers greet them and move along with their questions. The boys mindlessly answer, bantering slightly as they answer each question. 
"So, we all know you guys have scrapped a lot of songs, which one's that you've released weren't supposed to be?" Joe and Mark chuckle, Ash giggles and Wilbur rolls his eyes with a soft smile.
"There were two-- the first was Perfume," Wilbur starts, and Mark butts in to continue.
"That one was saved by two people actually, Tommy and Y/N. Tommy, Wilbur's little brother, pushed the most, if we're honest. He was so so set that Perfume was the best song-" Mark rambles on, Joe joining every once and a while and then they both look to Wilbur.
"The other was Call Me What You Like," Wilbur sucks in a breath and trains his eyes down, fidgeting with his fingers as he smiles softly, "My husband, actually, begged for that one. He was incredibly set on how good of a song it was, even more so than he was with Perfume, more than Tommy was!" He laughs softly, thinking back at the months you spent reminding him of how wonderful of a song it was, how beautiful it sounded--how much you loved it. 
"Yeah, Y/N was very persistent-- Wilbur told me sometimes the first thing he would do was look at Wil, smile and say 'You should keep Call Me What You Like'-- like very first thing in the morning," Joe speaks now, chuckling slightly at his own memory of your persistence.
"Mm, yep, he commented a lot on my voice sounding like-- hold on, I'll go get him and he can tell you. Is that alright?" Wilbur turns to leave out of his chair, the interviewer chuckles and holds out their hand.
"Hold on, husband?" A playful yet confused smile shows on their face.
Wilbur nods, "Yep, husband-- I'll be right back with him," He cuts them off before they can even mention assumptions or press more about you. He mutes himself and turns off his camera, spins his chair, jumping out and slipping out the office door with a swift motion.
He's down the stairs in mere moments, back in the kitchen and arms wrapped around your waist, his chin on your shoulder. He presses soft kisses to your neck, a smirk evident, and you can feel it. You jump from the sudden movements and touch, smacking his arm playfully and giggling.
"Wilbur- shouldn't you be in your interview?" You turned around in his arms and he grumbled as he moved back to place soft kisses on the other side of your neck.
"I am in my interview buuuuut-" He draws out the word, lifting up his head as he gazes down into your eyes, soft and loving, "I wanted to show you off, so, come on! Come with me!"
He grabs both your hands in his, tugging you along-- trying to get you out of the kitchen and upstairs to the office, you stop him, shaking your head and chuckling.
"Darling, it's your interview--" 
He steps closer to you, and he lets his grip on your hands fall, and he holds onto your hips.
"Yeah well, I want to show off my husband, and show them the person who saves half the songs we release," He leans down and presses a kiss to your cheek, "Come on, honey," He whispers it against your ear and you can practically feel the smirk as he speaks.
"Fine," You grumble and he giggles, practically dragging you out of the living room and up the stairs into the office. He's the first to find a spot, back in his chair and you start to pull your chair over next to him--and he hooks his arm around your waist, pulling you into his lap and he rests his chin on your shoulder. A few soft kisses placed on your neck and he asks;
You nod, chuckling slightly as you lean against him. He clicks on his camera and unmutes and you both wave.
"I am back and have acquired my husband," He smiles big and happy, holding your hips with both his hands as he speaks. You rest your hands on top of his.
"Hi," You mumble out, smiling softly and blushing furiously as you're introduced as his husband--its lovely, but it's so new to you.
Everyone greets you, waving and smiling at their cameras, and you giggle to yourself.
"So, you must be the one that single handedly saves a good bit of Lovejoy's discography?" The interviewer playfully asks, Wilbur resting his chin on your shoulder, arms snaking around your waist.
"Unfortunately, yes," You chuckle, keeping your hands on his and resting your head against his, "Bur over here, is an absolute perfectionist and if it doesn't fit his long list of requirements, it has to go. Even if everyone else thinks it's one of the best songs he's ever created."
Wilbur shyly hides his face behind your shoulder, subtly kissing the back of it through your shirt, palms rubbing your stomach lovingly.
"I am not…" He mumbles against your clothed shoulder, grumbling playfully at you.
The rest of the interview continues on smoothly, all five of you answering questions, you being the main topic a bit more than you would prefer--but seeing Wil smile the way he does when he speaks of you is definitely worth it.
When the interview ended, he shut off his PC, his arm still wrapped around your waist as you curled into his lap.
"You're a fucking simp, you know that?" You mumbled against his shoulder, giggling lightly.
"You're one to talk," He was taken aback for a moment, smiling softly and teasing as he looked at you with loving eyes.
You sigh, "You spent the second half of your band's interview talking about me, someone who is not in your band," You fold your arms over your chest as you readjust to face him in his lap. Your legs on either side of him.
"What can I say, you're simply that loveable," He smirks, tilting his head to the side as he looks up at you, his hands resting on top of your thighs.
You hop off his lap, spinning around to slip out of the office and he jumps out of his chair to follow you.
"I am no liar, darling!" He follows you, you aren't running nor are you walking that quickly but he still chases after you like you are--and so you hurry around the corner and into the bedroom.
"You are! It's practically your middle name!" You giggle as you turn around to face him, standing in the doorway and he meets you there, grabbing you by your sides and throwing you over his shoulder, "Hey!" You scold him, smiling wide and giggling.
He takes you over to the bed, giggling as he tosses you down just to attack your sides with his fingers to tickle you. You squirm and giggle, swatting at his hands.
"Will!!" He crawls to straddle your lap to keep you down as he keeps tickling you, "Stahp!!" You giggle, shaking your head as he leans down and kisses your cheek, pausing his attack to wrap his arms behind your back. Wilbur turns over onto his back, keeping you held in his arms, now lying on top of him. 
"How about…" He pauses, a smirk crawling up onto his features as he turns you over onto your back again, attacking your belly with his fingers again, "No," He giggles with you as you squirm, smiling wide and happy.
"Wiilbuuururr!!" You keep swatting at his arms, giggling happily, almost out of breath. You make an attempt at catching your breath and for a moment you do, “Why are you like this?” You mutter out through giggles and he stops his attack on your sides, hands resting on them instead. He leans above you, smiling and he cocks his head to the side, a soft smirk replacing the smile.
“My darling...you're my husband, how can I resist?"
taglist; @ella-fella-bo-bella @lillylvjy @sleepyburs
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nikaizkool · 11 months
Feel like wilbur would love back hugs
Omg yes. Him sneaking up behind you wrapping his arms around your stomach sometimes lifting you off the ground and spinning you around.
He just loves you so much man, tucking his head in your shoulder kissing it, and mumbling compliments to you while his head is in your shoulder . “I love you so much darling, your so beautiful.”
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heartofwritiing · 10 months
I looked through your masterlist (I'm about to do some late night binge reading lmaooo) but I was wondering, because you have nothing in the dadbur section, maybe Wilbur with a pregnant reader or helping reader with their child (you can choose whether they're adopted or biological, thought to make in inclusive)
I'm probably going to be a bother in the future but... Can I be 🔗 anon??
Take care of you
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paring: dadbur x pregnant!reader
Authors note: I love writing pregnancy fics they are such a comfort for me. so cute and domestic. sorry this took me awhile I was kinda struggling with what to write but i hope you like it anyways! This is crazy that you requested pregnant!reader because I currently have a Dadbur x pregnant!reader featuring Tallualh in my drafts, but it will be completely different from this! and yess I've never had an anon list before so I am excited you will be the first!
warnings: pregnancy symptoms, domestic fluff, short, not proofread, unedited!
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Groaning as you stretch your limbs awake, you feel a sore pain in your tailbone. The weight of your growing belly was prominent as you slowly rolled your body to the edge of the bed so you could maneuver yourself up. It was never fun waking up every day with pain in different spots of your body, but no one said growing and carrying a human would be easy.
You were twenty-six weeks pregnant; every day was a blessing yet a curse. On the one hand, you had never been so elated to be growing a family with your boyfriend Wilbur, who when you told had never been so excited and happy. Swearing up and down he would be there to take care of you.
Wilbur had been your anchor through this new chapter of your life. He constantly checked in on you, ensuring you were comfortable physically. Always tolerant of your hormones and mood swings, and treating you with the most compassion and love you had ever received.
Once you had gotten up, you went to the kitchen to make some tea. You filled the kettle and placed it on the stove so the water could heat up, the clicking sound of the burner filled the room as a sudden taste reached your tongue.
The cravings you had gotten so far hadn't been so bad. Just bizarre things you usually wouldn't eat.
You suddenly felt a strong desire for celery with peanut butter, a craving that had become quite common for you. Your stomach began to rumble, a sign that you were hungry.
Rummaging through your pantry you located the jar of peanut butter and gasped with delight. As the kettle started to boil, you placed the jar on the counter and prepared your tea. Afterward, you searched the fridge for celery.
You searched and searched for the celery but nothing. Groaning, you shut the fridge, annoyed you grabbed a spoon from the silverware drawer and settle for just the peanut butter for now.
As you sipped your tea, you leaned against the kitchen counter and scrolled through Twitter. Your feed was filled with videos from Wilbur's show last night. A giggle escaped you as a clip from a fan page played on your screen. Wilbur was bouncing around on stage like a golden retriever while 'portrait of a blank slates' instrumentals played through the speakers. You never got sick of seeing your boyfriend perform live on stage.
The front door to your apartment creaked open, and you saw Wilbur enter with several grocery bags. He kicked the door shut and toed off his shoes, leaving them by the coat hanger. He grinned when he noticed you standing there.
"Darling, I thought you'd still be in bed," he says.
He gazed at you with adoring eyes, taking in your tousled bedhead and his vintage Arctic Monkeys shirt draped over your noticeable belly. At that moment, Wilbur never felt so in love.
You shrugged as you watched him swiftly place the bags on the dining room table and quickly advanced toward you to give you a morning kiss. When he pulled away his hand rested on your bump, giving light rubs.
"I was cold and realized you weren't there so I got up," you pout.
" I'll remember to put more blankets on you If i get up before you,"
"Or just stay in bed with me next time," you suggest.
"That I could do," he replies and kisses you again swiftly. "How are you feeling?" His hands trail down your arms.
"Im alright, my lower back is killing me again." you grimace.
"What have we talked about, don't put so much strain on yourself darling." he chastised. "if you're feeling sore you need to rest."
Ever since you discovered your pregnancy, Wilbur has been a constant source of support. He's been avidly gathering knowledge, buying parenting books, and engaging in countless discussions with your doctor to ensure he's well-prepared to take care of you and your child. You knew he was going to be an amazing father with the amount of effort he was putting in.
"Wil, I'm fine, I am taking it easy like the doctor said but I can't stay in bed all day. I feel miserable."
He lets out a sigh of realization, acknowledging that he was being a little overbearing. You knew he always felt anxious about sicknesses and hospitals and found it difficult to control. Not just about himself, but for those he loved.
"I know you're just trying to look out for me, but it's too much sometimes I need room to breath."
You appreciated his protective and alert nature greatly, but at times it became overwhelming. It appears that he understood what you were trying to convey, as he gave you a look of apology.
""I understand. I just want to make sure you're taken care of," he admits. He would make an effort to avoid being overly fixated on your health.
You respond with a smile and nod.
"Now," he said taking the spoon from your hand, which you whined in protest. He took you by the hands and led you to the living room. "Sit on the couch, I'm gonna make you some breakfast."
Before you could argue further he ran to the kitchen and back with your mug of tea in hand as he hushed you.
Bewildered you sat there drinking your soothing cup of tea as Wilbur rushed around the kitchen. As he dashes around like a madman, his hair bounces with every step while grabbing things from various places. You hear primarily sizzling and the low sounds of him humming different songs that popped into his head. After he finished cooking, you observed him from the couch as he plated his meal and transferred it to a dish, and brought it over to you.
Wilbur had prepared French toast for you and seemed pleased with himself as he watched you dig in and sigh with delight at the taste of cinnamon and maple syrup.
You honestly know how you could live without him. He eventually came and flopped down next to you and enjoyed his own plate, chatting cheerily with you about random topics that came to mind.
Once you finished, he took care of both plates, sat behind you, and rubbed gentle circles around your lower back. The relief of the pressure being lifted was divine.
"That feels amazing," you tell him. Wilbur felt a sense of achievement knowing that he could make you feel better with just a simple touch of his fingers. His hands moved up to your shoulders, causing you to tilt your head back on his shoulder and close your eyes.
"Thank you, Wil."
You would have to remember to express your gratitude to him in some greater way someday.
Wilbur kisses your head tenderly and pulls you further against him. His hands move around to cup under your pregnant belly and lifted so gently to relieve some of the weight.
"Of course darling."
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from my taglist!
taglist: @trashcanduck @merakiwi @addxms @ax-y10 
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brett-is-afraid · 10 months
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Schlatt + Threatening the crimeboys
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sapphyrebur · 2 years
hot summer nights
wilbur soot x reader
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Wilbur is clingy, everybody knows this. No matter where you are he will always find a way to be close to you, whether it be him throwing an arm around your shoulder or gently sliding his palm down your arm before intertwining your hands. 
Normally, you would find it endearing, the way that he found comfort in your touch. The light drag of his fingertips against your skin had become your favourite familiarity. Over the course of your relationship you and Wilbur had spent many moments laying in each other’s arms, him tracing the lines and curves of your skin as you memorised the feeling of every callus on his palm.
However, right now in this ungodly heat, your boyfriend’s arms were the last place you wanted to be.
You were sprawled out across your couch, windows flung open in an attempt to bring some sort of breeze into your home. The last few days had been insufferable, the weather had been at an all time high and like everyone else you were not dealing with it well. You had taken copious amounts of cold showers, consumed many iced drinks and had dressed as lightly as you could but it was still no match for the blazing heat of the city.
 As you laid on the couch, sweat beading on your skin, Wilbur saw this as the perfect opportunity to cuddle with you. Climbing over the arm of the couch, he pressed his entire body weight onto you, wrapping around you with his arms and legs.
“Wilbur, darling, as much as I love you I cannot stand being near you right now”  You breathed out, attempting (and failing) to push the man away from you. This ,however, only caused him to further cling onto you as he dug his face into the crook of your neck.
“I just wanna be close to you…” he whined, words muffled by the flesh of your neck. “It’s been so long, I feel deprived!”. Unfazed by the man’s dramatics, you continued your attempts to escape from his grasp.
“I can’t believe this!” he gasped. “My own partner trying to get rid of me, you're breaking my heart darling. I always knew this day would come I just never-”
“Stop being so dramatic Will.” you sighed, rolling your eyes as you interrupted his melodramatic monologue.
 “I’m not trying to get rid of you, I just don't feel like being smothered. This heat is killing me as it is.”
“I am not smothering you! I am trying to show my love, how is that smothering you?” he once again gasped out incredulously, not giving up on his theatrics.
“Ugh just get off me you freak!” you laughed out as Wilbur began to fight back against you, pinning you down as he sat up on your lower body. You continued to squirm underneath him trying to knock his balance despite knowing he was much stronger than you. He ignored your movement and leaned down towards you, lips curving into a small smile. Before you could question his actions he began feverishly peppering soft kisses across your face. The light press of his lips against you caused an eruption of giggles to escape you which only encouraged his attack on your skin.
As your laughter died down he began to slow down his movements, pulling away from you.
“What were you saying about me smothering you?” he grinned cheekily at you.
 You remained silent, choosing to roll your eyes in response as you gathered your breath.
After a few moments of silence spent eyeing the man above you, you moved to sit up. Thankfully, Wilbur moved backwards on the couch allowing you the space that you had been begging him for.
“I don't understand how you are able to function normally in this heat Wil. It's driving me insane”. You commented as you stood from the couch and moved towards the kitchen. Like a lovesick puppy he followed your direction, opening the freezer to find some ice for your drink. 
“It's not that bad.” he simply shrugged, letting the ice fall into the glass of water.
“Everything seems to be a lot more tolerable when you're around.” he said earnestly, turning towards you. Ducking his head down, he placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head, smiling affectionately as he pulled back. 
“You're insufferable, Soot. I can't stand you.” you blushed, and your face somehow managed to feel hotter than it had been throughout the ongoing heatwave.
“Sure you can't, Sweetheart.” he chuckled, pulling your flustered form into his chest.
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deejayrockz · 9 months
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PAIRING — cc!wilbur x reader (cc if u want)
SUMMARY — wilbur loves any form of physical touch, including leg touches, ankle touches, etc.
NOTES — fluff !!! ,, fem reader in mind, however it is never specified, lowercase intended
EXTRA — very very short drabble, but hope u still enjoy 🌷, also ignore that i've already used that photo in the collage before 🫶🏻🫶🏻
requested by @ax-y10 🌷
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you and wilbur were sat next to eachother on the settee, him on his phone, you focused on the tv. you felt his knee sway back and forth, touching yours, then disconnecting, then touching yours again, as if in a continuous loop even wilbur wasn't aware of. at first it was annoying, but you'd learnt to live with it over the past few months, as this happens quite often.
for example, you and wilbur had gone to get some coffee, at a new place in town. you were sat across from eachother, and you felt his foot lightly tap your ankle with the front of his shoe from under the table, tapping to the beat of the song that was currently playing. he carried on conversation as normal, and it didn't exactly hurt, so you never really mentioned it.
these small little subconscious actions soon turned into conscious ones, as whenever he realised his foot was tapping against yours, he did it slightly harder, so you'd laugh and hit his arm lightly, or nudge him teasingly, to which he'd just giggle and kiss your head.
by now it was just something he did for fun. you were laying in bed, watching a program in the tv, with wilbur laying next to you. he had wanted attention, but due to your focus on the tv, he obviously wasn't getting any. so, per usual, his solution was the annoy you into giving him all the attention he wanted. that started with light kicks to the shin, ones that never really hurt, but were instead just a little irritating.
"you're so annoying," you teased, opening your arms so he could happily lay on your chest and get all his wanted attention. he just smiled, kissing your cheek, then making himself comfortable, tapping his foot softly against your ankle, until he fell asleep.
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deadqueerboys · 22 days
Mlm incelbur smut please <3
Dinner - Wilbur Soot x Male! Reader
It's a bit confusing, but here it is!!
Guys, I beg you, when you do a request please but informations like: Sub or dom reader, male, gn or female reader and etc.. it's important!!
Anyway, here it is!!!
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A sigh. That's the first thing that can be heard from the front door. After this, loud noises from what can only be Wilbur running up and down on the stairs. Wilbur isn't exactly the perfect.. "roommate", he's always simping around, talking about girls and guys in a possessive way and always making sure nobody else was around yo the way he does. But, sometimes, he can be slightly useful, like today..
"WAIT A MINUTE!" He screams from the room, going downstairs and meeting you in the front door. "Hello my handsome!" Will is not the type who gives you time to think, he just do what he wants, not different from it, he kisses your cheek and puts his tie around your head, covering your eyes.
"Ugh! Wilbur, let me go!" Even being useless, you try to fight, but his grip on your shoulders gets even tighter as guides you to the kitchen. He keeps walking, his creepy giggle can be clearly heard in your ears as close as he is.
Suddenly, you both stop. You wonder what kind of weird thing he might have done now. You pray for it to be just one more awkward dinner together.
"Here it is~" Wilbur takes the tie off, putting it around his own neck again, smiling widely at you. It's just the dinner table.. covered with flowers, candles, and a bunch of other romantic stuff. Plus, the amount of money he kept in the month, he knows that's a way of getting your attention for his intoxicating flirt.
You roll your eyes, trying to smile at him in the same harmony, which is impossible. Instead of fighting, you just sit in the chair, letting he act like a dumb gentleman as he puts the food in the table and gives you a huge glass of wine.
The dinner goes, he talks shit about some of your friends and partners but that's just the usual Wilbur, when he becomes more flirtious and pervert is where it can be noticed his nature and the reason why people call him an incel. It gets you tired. The alcohol and the dizzy feeling of talking with him finally hit you like a slap, so without consulting him, you get up and try to walk away.
"Hey, our talk didn't end up yet.." Wilbur smirks, his voice sharp and devilish, an obvious menace for your attempt of getting away from him. He's quick, placing his another hand on your hips and bringing you close. "Didn't you enjoy it? Come on, I made what you like, I gave you money, flowers and those special candles with vanilla smell. Pleasee!" He begs like a child, pouting at you when he comes closer.. closer enough for you to feel his bulge touching your thigh.
"Just a little bit?" Without denying or giving him assure, you ask. It's visible the happiness in his eyes as he nods desperately. Ignoring his aggressive demands, you hold his hand and interlock your fingers with his, walking to the living room and undoing your belt before his hand reach to stop you with a slap. "Hey! What the-"
"That's my function! You know that." He frowns and get on his knees, his cock getting even more hard with the thought of making you feel good. Wilbur has always been like that. He's pathetic. He wants you to feel good, to be a good whore for you just so he can hear you say to all of your friends that you fucked the stupid and silly boy that accepted living with you and pay your bills for free.
The freaking incel undoes your belt slowly, trying everything to see you getting hard under his hands. It's almost insane how much he wants it. You pet his hair and grab it too, remembering everything Wilbur said he likes while you guys fuck or even just make out. You put his face close to the growing length on your boxers, watching he lick it without hesitation.
"Huh, that's.." You stop for a moment, you could degrade him.. you could call him your slut and make him feel even better or just.. maybe just.. "That's it. Good boy." Your grip release and he looks at you more upset and angry than never.
"Are you serious?" He gets up, looking you dead in the eyes. God, he's big. Is always nice to remember that, the imagine of his cock being big even while soft sends a shiver of pleasure through your body. Was it what you wanted this whole time..? Besides degradating him, he could.. he could fuck you. He throws you on the couch, slapping your face. "It's so easy. How can't you do one simple thing?! That's unbelievable.." He keeps complaining, which is.. well, cute.
You spread your legs apart, intertwining them around his waist.
"Will." You giggle. It must be the first time in a long while he doesn't hear it because his reaction was just widen his eyes and pay attention to your voice like a lost dog. "Couldn't we change the roles?" You smile, obviously drunk.
He doesn't even think his next moves. They are fast and sloppy. He takes off his pants and picks you up, griding his length against yours. Wilbur knows he can't give you the doubt benefit, so he has to be quick and make you enjoy it, or else it will never happen again.
"Mhm, fuck we.. fuck you.." Will smirks, moaning when his hands reach to your boxers and he starts to stroke your cock. You lay your head back, panting with pleasure. As much as Wilbur know you, he knows how to be fast and make you cum even faster. His hands work like magic, he slap his hips on yours when your arms are tightly around his neck, bringing him even closer if that is possible. He keeps stroking you, knowing all your damn preferences.
When you show signs of cumming, he puts your boxers down and also his. He lays you down on the couch again, being gentle at this time. He puts himself in the middle of your thighs, making your hole his little prize. A tight prize he has been reaching for a long time, it's disgusting how he gets inside you without lube or protection, burning your body inside as he forces his dick inside you.
Complaining, you slap his face, which only makes him go faster, causing the pain to grow even more. He doesn't want you to keep complaining that much like a little bitch, so he makes sure to pleasure you too, moving his hips together with his hand and coming closer to give you a passionate kiss. Or was it just lust..? It doesn't matter, it felt good.
He feels overwhelmed, leaking his pre-cum inside you. It feels weirdly warm, but at least now he can move properly. Wilbur looks insane at this point, a big mess over you like a predator, and he doesn't even seem to want to get out.
"Babe, do you mind if i-" He gulps, swallowing his saliva with his pathetic moans. "If I cum inside?"
The pleasure reaches you enough, shaking your head in an extensive 'no' so he can keep going. "Please, do anything.. but do not stop.."
Wilbur goes even deeper inside you, with your permission, he cums, surprisingly, it doesn't even seem like it. You just feel a wet and warm thing inside you, but he keeps going like if nothing happened. He moans one more time, now feeling control and power over your dumb fucked figured. He takes his hand out of your cock and grab your neck, choking you with those thick long fingers. Your air goes away, making it hard to breathe as he mischievously giggles.
"What a good slut.." Wilbur moans when he comes closer to your hear, putting a lot of his weight on your body. He slaps your face with his other hand, and with the mix of sensations, you cum. Your cock feels dry and painful, contradicting your tight hole that now is wet and filled with a pleasure that isn't yours. He smirks with the sight of your cum on your own stomach, getting out of you only to look superior and dominant. "Make sure to clean this mess." He throws a towel at you, putting his boxers back on.
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