#[dark meta knight | blood eyed warrior]
fattybattysblog · 4 months
Friend, Please (Chapter 5)
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Fandom: Kirby/Kirby Right Back At Ya!
Gen | Teen
Characters: Meta Knight, Dark Meta Knight, Velka | Arcta Knight (OC)
Summary: They should be used to desperate people making horrible decisions by now, but somehow it always goes too far before anyone does anything about it. A person fell prey to the empty promises of dark, powerful hearts to become Arcta Knight. As they make their mark on Dreamland, Meta Knight grows anxious about the encroaching danger and leaves suddenly to prepare for a duel like no other.
AO3 | SqWA | Quotev
Tags: AU - Canon Divergence, Blood and Violence, Swordfighting, Original Villain Character, Gijinka Kirby Characters
(Cover art done by Dean, edited together by me)
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Dark Mirror
The ship left under the supervision of Meta Knight. He watched as it took off, his cape fluttering in the turbulent wind. Kirby was with everyone aboard and leaving Popstar, a protector should they run into something out there. Meta Knight felt some relief. It would be one less thing to worry about, allowing him to focus on his mission.
Kirby was still young. He had a lot to learn about being a Star Warrior. But Meta knew he would pull through when it came down to the wire. He always did.
Dreamland was eerily quiet. Not a soul around and the Halberd far behind him. Meta Knight stood alone on a balcony outside Castle Dedede, still as a statue while looking out over Dreamland. It was a crawling few days spent waiting for Arcta Knight to return. He stood on the balcony, the wind dancing with his cape to fill time. Waiting for the assailant to return was nerve wracking. Even for Meta.
What was taking her so long? Didn’t she want to enact her Lord’s will? Whoever that ended up being. Meta Knight was sure he would find out soon enough. There was something about her that struck him. No matter how long he dwelled on it, he couldn’t figure out what about her gave him that weird notion of familiarity. Her mask was too unconventional for him to simply forget… but it wasn’t the mask that gave him the sting of lost memory. It was the voice. The determination. Not even the eyes struck him. They seemed not to fit. Like some other entity was parading around in a body that wasn’t their own.
The ringing of the video phone in the throne room stole him from his watch. Meta blinked and shook the thoughts from his head. He rushed down to answer it, his cape fluttering behind him as he quickly moved. He wasn’t used to using the king’s set up but he had used plenty of technology before. He sat back in the throne and scanned the remote on the armrests for the button to answer. Pressing it once it was found.
The screen flared to life, a familiar figure glowering at him. It was a mask much like his, but a large crack scarred the eye line. The eyes behind it were cold.
“Trickery isn’t like you.” He said, his voice a low rumble and the yellow lights of his eyes narrowing with suspicion.
“This is no trick, Dark.” Meta said. The severity of the empty castle should be enough to prove that. Dark Meta Knight eyed his counterpart’s surroundings and leaned back, folding his arms. He seemed unimpressed. Apathetic. He rolled his head to one side, sighing heavily. His gaze moved to a screen outside of the camera’s view. Meta could only assume he was eying the bounty he had been sent.
A wielder of frigid powers has laid waste to Dreamland and decimated our army. Meta Knight, under authority of King Dedede, issues this call to all capable warriors:
Alias: Arcta Knight
Name: Unknown
Allegiance: Unknown Lord
Star Warrior Status: Illegitimate
Abilities: Ice manipulation, exceptional swordsmanship, and agility
Attire: Diamond harlequin mask with a sinister grin, small horns, navy blue hair, golden armor, fur cape
A generous reward awaits the warrior who can bring an end to the menace that is Arcta Knight. Any affiliated or unaffiliated warrior is called upon to unite against this common enemy. As of now, Arcta Knight and her master’s goals are unknown. If left to their devices, the safety of the galaxy could be at stake.
To Add:
Additional smaller bounty is available. Submit any intel on Arcta Knight's whereabouts, motives, or identity
Exercise extreme caution: Arcta Knight is agile, magically adept, and lethal
Meta Knight sent this bounty to every warrior in Dedede’s contacts. Every person he had clashed with in the past, every Knight he could remember, he wasn’t going to let Arcta get away so easily. Not if he could help it.
“What could I possibly gain from this?”
Meta grimaced and tightened his jaw. This situation was too dire for him to let any warrior of note slip through his fingers. Luckily, Dedede left him some leverage for bartering.
“What would you want?”
Dark turned his gaze back to Meta’s, silent for a moment. The glint of amusement that flickered over Dark’s eyes was rare, but not unknown. The tension that tugged on Meta’s shoulder was against dealing with Dark on such open terms. He had to force it out of his mind to keep himself steady.
“My… desperate, are you?”
“I haven’t offered anything, I’m asking your price. It’s a negotiation.”
“Of course, of course,” Dark raised a hand to stop Meta and leaned back in his seat, “I’m sure you know what I want, but I’ll make it clear for you. I want my revenge and I want my freedom.” He tightens his fist, his gauntlet creaking. Meta lifted his head at that. It wasn’t as bad as he expected. Certainly nothing he couldn’t handle.
“We can arrange your freedom from Mirror World.” Meta Knight nodded.
“And my revenge?”
“That rests on you. If you think you can defeat me. I can only arrange your release.”
Dark seemed annoyed at that, leaning forward until his helmet filled the majority of the screen. The fire of rage burned in his eyes and he grabbed the camera as if he were attempting to throttle Meta through the screen. Meta stood firm against his intimidation tactics. Unmoved by his display.
“Don’t get cocky, bastard,” Dark hissed. He glanced aside and straightened, “fine. I’ll accept. If she gets to you first I won’t have what I want, anyway.”
“I thank you for your cooperation.”
“Kiss my ass.” Dark huffed and hung up on Meta, the screen reflecting Meta back at him once more. He sighed and lifted his helmet to rub his temple, turning away from the screen. He knew getting assistance was for the better, but he dreaded the thought of dealing with more past enemies to get this done.
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dreamland-parfait · 5 years
{hcs : wave 2 edition}
{because unlike the other 2 waves I’ve been completely neglecting them which isn’t good. at all}
Daroach 🐁
He’s, as of today, the most skilled magician native to Dreamland.
Fancies himself a man of culture - enjoys litterature a lot, and writes down himself his crew’s many adventures.
Hates, HATES being called a rat. He’s “a mouse, Mus musculus, for the UnderWorld’s sake”. That goes for the rest of his Squad too.
His full name is Doroche Desroches*. His relatives had high expectations for him, which caused many conflicts, until he had enough and departed from the family household.
He met his three comrades while on the run, one by one - starting with lone engineer Doc, then box ring fighter Storo, and finally stray pickpocket Spinni.
Everyone suspects him and Drawcia to be *at least* a past affair, but we may never know the truth...
*Desroches is his name in French. Yes, both ‘s’ are silent.
Dark Meta Knight 🗡️
I might have said it several times, but I can’t imagine anyone being ok with being named somebody else’s dark self - especially not someone as prideful as DMK. So in this verse, Mirror Worlders use nicknames and anagrams, therefore you’ll mostly hear me talk about “Taem Knight” and “Rykib”.
If Meta has a Spanish accent, Taem has an Italian one.
Unlike Meta who strictly refuses to use Nightmare’s magic, Taem won’t hesitate to rely on the mirror magic he’s inherited from Dark Mind.
I personally don’t support the theory that he was the one to corrupt Sectonia, though he was vaguely aware of the whole ordeal (but had no business stepping in). He remains slightly unnerved by Taranza’s presence, and the feeling is mutual, but they acknowledge eachother without further drama.
Aforementionned uneasiness is due to his disliking of Dark Taranza (”Daranza”) - finding him “dangerously cunning, even to [his] standards.” He’s also a bit wary of his mistress, Sectonia DX (”Alraunia”), but gets along just fine with Shadow Dedede (for whom i have yet to find a nickname). Meanwhile, he’s as protective of Rykib as Meta is of Kirby.
Adeleine 🎨
She’s the distant descendant of the person who created Drawcia and Paintra.
Regarding Shiver Starian heritage, she’s actually of Japanese descent.
Because she lives within Whispy’s Forest, close to nature 24/7, she has quite the sharp intuition and receptivity. The fact that she’s used to live by herself is also to thanks for this.
And the forest loves her back ! She can often be found around Whispy, surrounded by the Animal Friends, Nruff and Nelly, as well as Pon & Con.
Ribbon 💎
She’s a pacifist that tries to see of good in everyone - including in Dark Matters.
Zero Two occasionally manifests himself through her body. Try to harm her, and she’ll be bleeding defensive corrosives without realizing it herself, not to mention the initial protection she gets from the Crystal.
As the Crystal Maiden, she has the innate power to “cleanse” anything, which goes from making water drinkable to exorcizing a dark possession (though the latter is obviously easier said than done, recquiring a certain timing and energy).
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talesofsonicasura · 4 years
Keeper of Dreams
A story I written last year and can be considered a very weird brain child if I'm being honest. We've seen the ridiculous power that certain cute citizens of Dreamland can conjure up. Let's see how it goes involving a certain devil filled universe.
Children missing, wife slain and seriously injured, a dark knight treads to find the pieces of his now broken life. Funny thing is... Dreams come to those that least expect it and for Sparda, they can be his salvation, whether big or in case this particular case, cute and very small.
Long long ago, there existed a world of dreams. A place where innocent thoughts of every living creature manifested and brought to life. This world, Popstar, was the holder of the country of bliss known as Dreamland. It was very peaceful filled with all kinds of bright and wonderful characters in the shape of its citizens and wildlife. Dreamland was the core of the Dream World which existed between imagination and reality. Creatures of the dark, Nightmares threatened the balance to destroy Dreamland with the Dream World following.
However it had its own protectors, the Star Warriors and their leader, the Dream Keeper. The Star Warriors were fighters born from the hearts of the brave and kind, each powerful and unique in their own right. The Dream Keeper, their general, a being who possesses the essence of the God of Dreams himself capable of traveling from reality to Dreamland with ease.
Every Dream Keeper and their warriors were successful in driving back the nightmares while protecting Dreamland especially with the power of their strongest warrior. However all good things had to come to an end. Dreamland was under attack from the inside. Their strongest warrior had been taken over by a malevolent force that they had never seen before. The land was in a panic, especially since it was also the day that the child of their Dream Keeper had been born. A child who wouldn't be able to protect herself.
Whatever changed their comrade was devouring everything in darkness as it spread like a vile disease. Dreamland had to be abandoned, the sacred core and the Dream Keeper's child evacuated immediately. The Dream Keeper gathered all of his available warriors and his most trusted comrades. He turned to his main general but also closest friend and handed the warrior his child with a final task. "Protect her." The Dream Keeper was going to face his possessed warrior alone.
The Star Warriors tried to stop him but their most trusted general stood in their way. They realized their keeper's daughter and the core came first. With heavy hearts, the Star Warriors evacuated leaving behind their home empty of life except for their lost comrade and their Dream Keeper. One large flash of light was seen through the darkness that consumed Dreamland whole. A red butterfly fluttering towards them once the light had died.
Their keeper and most cherished friend were both forever gone. What was left of their fallen comrades was their two children. The Dream Keeper's daughter and the child of their fallen friend. Soon years had passed, the Star Warriors watched over the two children of that dark night, Rosa and Kirby. The young girl and the pink puffball were inseparable, never saw one without the other. The sacred core had crafted an item to house a brand new Dreamland, the Book of Dreams. They spent time looking for lost civilians and missing comrades but also a place where they could rest and recover.
Rosa and Kirby being trained to not only protect themselves but the Book of Dreams for it now laid on Rosa to protect it. The group had safely made it to their deceased generals home, the Planet Earth. The monsters of the past wouldn't be able to reach them in their previous general's realm. The rescue ship descended to the surface below, perfectly concealed within the woods of a place near a city called Redgrave. Kirby and Rosa, being as mischievous as young children were, ran off to explore the woods. An act that changed everything.
A little girl of around 7 years old was playing in the field of flowers within the forest. Her hair curly and pink like magenta roses, eyes a sparkling green and two yellow star shaped marks on her slightly rosy cheeks. Following her was a tiny strange creature. It was pink and reminded anyone of a puffball upon first glance, dark blue eyes, red shoe like feet, stubby little arms and absolutely adorable. Their names were Rosa Everglade and Kirby Kabai. Siblings in bond not blood.
"You have to be faster than that to catch me brother!" Rosa giggled. The little puffball Kirby giggled too before speeding up to catch up with his sibling. It didn't take long for Kirby to jump on the girl before they rolled and tumbled through the field laughing. Rosa however stopped when she spotted a growing puddle of red and a shadow covering her.
Her eyes looked up to meet the body of an injured male giant. His purple coat dyed in large blotches of red, white cravat stained crimson, white gloves though one was completely red holding a bleeding wound, skin deathly pale and ice blue eyes foggy under a monocle.
He eyed Rosa before his pale orbs landed on Kirby and those foggy blue widened greatly. The man wobbled then tilted before beginning to fall towards the ground. He would have hit it too, if two gloved hands didn't grab him. These hands belonged to a grey masked dark blue puffball with glowing yellow eyes, purple armored boots, dark blue shoulder pads marked by a yellow M and soft purple cape. "Papa Meta Knight. Is he going to be okay?" Rosa questioned looking at the dark blue puffball unperturbed.
"Don't worry little star. He'll be okay once Doctor Healmore treats his injuries but it'll take time for him to adjust upon seeing Kirby. For now let's return to the Halberd, everyone is worried sick about you both." The knight spoke, calm voice riddled heavily with a Spanish accent. Rosa merely scratched her head sheepishly while Kirby tilted his head clearly confused.
It had been a trap. An ambush to separate him from his mate and nestlings. Something Sparda foolishly ran into without thought. For a 2000 year old demon, he was such a fool. He was fortunate that he had survived but 1 cm to the right and the Legendary Dark Knight would've been slain for sure. Yet it was too late for his family.
Came back to a now burning home, missing nestlings nowhere to be seen or sensed and the still blood covered body of his human mate laying outside the park lifeless. His carelessness had cost him dearly but he couldn't lay there to die. His nestlings were out there somewhere, alive.
Thought about to rest up and regain some of his strength was interrupted when he had sensed it. A peculiar energy slightly demonic in nature but one he couldn't read the remainder of its whole. However it felt bright, similar to that of his nestlings. Very very close to the point it could be his two sons. Sparda pushed himself forward from there.
Dragging himself to that signature, his wounded body leaving a trail of red as he went. He couldn't stop… he had to find them… Then his eyes laid on magenta hair and green eyes… A little girl around his nestlings' age before falling on the source. A nestling of some sort...round and puffy but he could easily feel the ocean of power in its tiny form along with a shred of hope… Then everything went black.
A quiet beeping repeated in his head as he grumbled in pain. Bright blue eyes opened up to stare into dark blue and black cute orbs under glasses. These eyes belonging to a small blue puffball dressed as a doctor. What was the word to describe something like this creature? Cute...if he remembered correctly.
Sparda looked at what he guessed was the doctor who treated him with a bewildered look. "Good to see you are awake. You were quite beaten up when Meta Knight brought you in. Giving 7 year old kids scares like that isn't a smart thing to do." A soft adult male voice came from the puffball. Strange he would admit, but he would be a hypocrite to judge.
The puffball jumped off his chest as Sparda sat up on the hospital bed and now able to see his surroundings. He appeared to be in a 'medical bay' being the human's version of a healer though it appeared the room was mixed with things he'd seen in hospitals along with actual magic ingredients healers used from his memory used. A mix of past and modern being the term. "Where am I? May I ask thou name who healed me?" Sparda inquired, the puffball let out an amused chuckle.
"Thy name is Simon Healmore, chief doctor of the Halberd's medical bay. I asked my assistants to give you space since we didn't want to overwhelm you once you woke up. Would you like to speak with our captain? He was the one who brought you here himself after all." Healmore questioned, looking at the dark knight. He had a thoughtful look but nodded.
"You can come in Captain Meta Knight!" Healmore called as the armor knight walked in his cape coating his body almost like a count. Sparda was honestly surprised that the masked puffball was even able to carry him but he could feel the immense power in this Meta Knight's small body. Looks can be pure deception.
"I am glad you appear better now. My name is Meta Kishin or what my subordinates and my adoptive daughter Rosa calls me Meta Knight. I am the captain of the Halberd and it's crew." Meta Knight spoke before giving a respective bow. Sparda could smile at the irony of being rescued by a warrior like Meta. He was more humble than other devils who held the title of knight and even a fraction of the masked creature's power. "I thank you for saving my life. My name is Sparda, known to others as the Legendary Dark Knight." Sparda bowed back in honest gratitude.
"Can I ask why a devil general was attacked by his own kind? We already knew when I brought you in that you were a demon. Star Warriors can sense what is human and what is not. Your wounds reek purely of demon." Meta questioned taking the human disguised devil by surprise. He heard stories about the Star Warriors and their home, Dreamland. It was a fairytale for many demons since Dreamland holds the source of unimaginable power. Power that could rival every demon king that ever ruled.
"I betrayed my own kind by protecting humankind and had two children with my human mate… I was ambushed and led away from my family. Found my dear mate laying lifeless and both of my nestlings vanished." Sparda said softly in sorrow and regret.
Meta Knight's eyes turned light blue and Healmore had a saddened look on his face. "I am very sorry for your loss. Though if I may ask a question... how did you find Rosa and Kirby?" The knight questioned. No demon could lock onto the aura of a Living Dream. They can hide themselves from their supernatural senses unless injured or ill.
"I felt a faint signature of demonic energy similar to my nestlings. I followed it only to find the little girl and that small pink nestling instead." Sparda answered, Simon's eyes widening in response. "That explains it. The reason why Kirby has traces of demon energy… he must have been born of your children's dreams. The people of Dreamland are born from fragments of dreams, especially those of children. Kirby must have been made from fragments of your own children's dreams and in turn carry a signature similar to them." Simon explained as Sparda had a wistful look.
"Made from my nestlings' dreams? No wonder why I felt both Dante and Vergil's own energy from Kirby and the massive amount of power hidden deep inside. Can Kirby have the potential to seek out my sons?" Sparda questioned Meta Knight. "You are correct though Kirby isn't able to at the moment. He's too young to properly sense your children's energy but it doesn't mean your children aren't safe. On the night Kirby was created, a spell was cast." Meta Knight explained.
"Weaver's of this newborn dream. Granted protection under the Dream God's seam. Safe haven shall always be grant. Impenetrable from the force of any tyrant. Yet sanctuary shall isn't forever. If thy bond fell prey to hatred's endeavor. Death will truly flood. By the first crimson spray of thy own blood." Simon quoted. Sparda easily understood what it detailed.
"My children are safe...until they draw the blood of one another?" Sparda questioned. "Correct. If they purposely harmed the other with the intent to kill or with pure hatred, the spell preventing them from facing death will break. This spell is granted for each creator of a Star Warrior as a sort of blessing." Meta Knight explained. "Then it should give me time to find my sons." The former demon general picked himself off from the bed.
"I rather not rush off if I were you. It won't be easy finding your kids and you haven't fully recovered your strength yet. Fighting alone almost got you killed once and it wouldn't miss the opportunity to try again." Healmore spoke, Sparda looked back at the doctor. It was clear neither of them were going to back unless...
"I think an arrangement should be made. We'll help you recover and find your sons. In exchange, we wish for information about this world and a chance to find a safe haven to house the refugees on my ship." Meta Knight offered much to both occupants' surprise. Sparda went in thought for a moment upon those words.
The knight had raised very important points. He hadn't recovered his power and also had no resources that could help him find his nestlings. There's the fact he is alone and no safe place to recuperate or any leads. If he took Meta Knight's offer then not only could he get back his full power and find his sons but he will also have powerful allies to assist him and a place to go if things ever went to Hell. "Very well Meta Knight. I shall agree to your offer." Sparda said as Meta Knight bowed in agreement.
"Yay! Spar-Spar gets to stay!" Came a childish giggle for Rose and Kirby popped up from underneath a table to their surprise. "Great Kabu! Were you two hiding under there the whole time?!" Healmore asked, clearly taken off guard by the children's entrance. "Spar-Spar! Spar-Spar!" Kirby giggled while he nodded.
Sparda couldn't help but raise his eyebrow in amusement at the ridiculous name the two kids gave him. "Mischievous little imps aren't they?" Sparda asked, obviously amused watching the two children run around him. Out of everything he was called in his life, no one had ever called the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda, Spar-Spar.
"Rosa and Kirby, if you have enough energy to run circles around our guest then you have energy to go to Susie and Magolor for your daily lessons. Or do I have to get Dedede to take you both there." Meta Knight asked as that got the sibling duo to stop in their tracks. "Ok! We're going meanie! Please don't get Pen-Pen on us! Come on Kirby!" Rosa exclaims, both kids ran out of the room leaving a trail of dust in their wake from how fast they went.
Healmore chuckled seeing how quick the little kids were to leave. "King Dedede sure left an impression on those two. Though considering his habit of taking their desserts as punishment and the sweet tooth both siblings have it's understandable. Now then Sparda, we did manage to find you a room to sleep in. However considering the large amounts of refugees, you'll be sharing a room with Taranza for now. Taranza is one of our best mages and highly skilled at our craft. He is also the best when it comes to showing the ins and outs of the ship to newcomers." Healmore explained.
"Very well. I thank you for your hospitality." Sparda answered, the small doctor escorted him out of the medical bay. The white haired man was greeted to an incredible sight that was held in this vast ship. It was a large plaza filled with so much life and energy. Trees, plants and all sorts of flora nestled comfortably amongst multiple stands, tents and businesses. Children of different forms and species were playing as the adults went through their normal lives. It looked more like a town than part of a ship. "Sparda, this is one of the numerous camps within the Airship Halberd. Welcome to Star Plaza." Healmore stated with a smile on his face.
First impressions were everything when it came to meeting new people or going to new places. And if Sparda was honest about something. It was that the Halberd wasn't any normal ship and neither were it's passengers. It was expected when a demon witnessed something only dreams held. And dreams can create the impossible and a bit of magic to bring it to life.
And that is it. Yes. I crossed Devil May Cry with Kirby. Sparda is alive in this because there is a huge lack of stories where he is alive. Not counting the ones that are misleading from inappropriate tagging. Hope you enjoyed it folks!
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fattybattysblog · 5 months
Friend, Please (Chapter 1)
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Fandom: Kirby/Kirby Right Back At Ya!
Gen | Teen
Characters: Meta Knight, Dark Meta Knight, Velka | Arcta Knight (OC)
Summary: They should be used to desperate people making horrible decisions by now, but somehow it always goes too far before anyone does anything about it. A person fell prey to the empty promises of dark, powerful hearts to become Arcta Knight. As they make their mark on Dreamland, Meta Knight grows anxious about the encroaching danger and leaves suddenly to prepare for a duel like no other.
AO3 | SqWA | Quotev
Tags: AU - Canon Divergence, Blood and Violence, Swordfighting, Original Villain Character, Gijinka Kirby Characters
(Cover art done by Dean, edited together by me)
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Unknown Knight
Blades clashed in the dead of night. The metal clanging rang in the empty air accented by the valiant cries of battling warriors. A pair of expired bodies lay on the battlefield in broken chainmail armor and torn markings belonging to the kingdom nearby.
“Geola!” The last guard remaining cries as his last ally falls. Geola reached for his sword feebly before falling limp. Cepel felt tears brimming his eyes. He ran at the warrior in the harlequin mask. They push Cepel away and, with a lucky slice, splatter Cepel’s blood on the dirt. He coughed and knelt, holding his shoulder as it stained his gauntlet. He eyed the horizon just past his opponent. His reinforcements were supposed to arrive soon… he had to buy more time.
Cepel lunged and stabbed at the mask itself, aiming to get it off and reveal the bastard wreaking havoc. The wound caused him to falter and another swift strike was dealt to his leg, keeping him kneeled below the harlequin. Cepel gripped his sword tightly. The fight began at twilight, yet the warrior never grew tired.
From the shadows, another group of soldiers raced in only to see the aftermath. The harlequin raised their blade. He smiled. He had held them off just long enough. Cepel dropped his sword and turned to the army.
“Someone,” Cepel coughed, “run! Go and tell M-”
The head rolled before the body dropped. Scattered gasps erupted from the reinforcements as they stared in silence. The commander tightened his grip on his blade and gulped.
“Claihd, fall back and inform his Lordship.” He said between his teeth. A green-clad swordsman beside him stepped forward with a hesitant nod.
“But... what about you, Lann?” He asked.
“We’re going to give it our all. Now go!” Lann ordered. Claihd’s legs carried him fast and far before he fully grasped Lann’s words. Swords met suddenly behind him, stuttering his gait in fear. He had to refuse the urge to look back despite the shouts and devastation beckoning to him. Claihd shook his head and pushed himself faster towards the kingdom of Dreamland.
Lann watched his companion flee as he gathered his own nerves and faced the clown-faced freak. They stared back at him with unblinking eye-lights shrowded in black. A quirk he recognized many knights to have. Usually, knights that were much stronger than he. He begged silently that Claihd would get to the castle in time. The nervous shuffling behind him brought him back to the task at hand. He braced himself and pointed his sword ahead, the army charging from behind him and pouncing on Clown-face.
They remained unflinching. Each weapon glanced off their blade as if they were batting away flies. Lann watched Clown-face fight, studying them a moment and piecing together a strategy. Eyes toward the sky, he squinted at the darkened moon overhead and hummed softly to himself. With a short signal, he informed the army to go defensive. They merely had to tire the knight out, that was all he needed to stand a chance.
Lann looked once again at Clown-face and shuddered. While batting away his army, they kept their eyes on him. Head stationery. That wicked grin plastered on the pallid mask. Blood hadn’t been drawn yet. He grimaced and leaped into the fray. The lancers stabbed at a distance behind Clown-face. Swordsmen meeting them in head-on dueling. As Lann approached, the mask seemed to grin wider. With an expert motion, they disarmed a swordsman and slashed their throat. The man twirled to the ground causing Lann to rush faster towards that demon.
“Hmph, he’s toying with us.” He grumbled, lunging.
“Of course.”
Lann’s blade was caught by theirs. He staggered backward, giving Clown-face room. A massive chill swept the battlefield as ice encased the army, leaving them as statues in mid-battle. Lann gaped at the rows of halted comrades. His legs refused to function. Clown-face straightened and rested their blade on their shoulder. The blood dripping from it trailed down their back.
“What the…?” Lann said around the thick lump in his throat.
“And I’m getting bored.”
(Next Chapter)
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dreamland-parfait · 5 years
{AU things - Species}
{ok so like, as I’ve said before, I’m a naturalist student, therefore I always put a lot of thought regarding species (also hence why I always talk about physiology and metabolism in my headcanons lol.}
{So I’ve decided to make a little list for the different terms I use in this verse regarding the character’s species, as they don’t always 100% match their game counterparts’. I’ll only talk about the ones who have representatives in my main gijs. Here goes !}
Stuff we’re familiar with
Humans : the reference point. Their kind appeared on Shiver Star, but a few of them migrated on Dreamland long ago, where they established a peaceful village. Most of them are no different from you and I, but some, like Adeleine, are born with special talents.
Examples : Adeleine, Dedede (half), Meta Knights, anime’s Cappies
Animals : general term for non-humanoid fauna that appeared on Shiver Star and followed humans in Popstar. Each species evolved differently after they settled in Dreamland, also gaining unusual appearances and abilities. Sometimes they have the ability (whether innate or obtained with time) to transform into humans, imitate their speech, and possess at least human-level intelligence and self-awareness.
Examples : All 6 Animal Friends, Dyna Blade, Landia
Critters and Aliens
Ancient Halcandrans : a race of powerful inborn magicians with a knowledge of the universe and a civilization that surpassed any other. Were believed extinct until recently.
-> Dark skin, above average human height once adults, brightly colored eyes, large triangular ears.
Examples : Magolor, Hyness, Jambastion Generals (half)
Beast : umbrella term referring to half-human, half-animal individuals. Unlike regular animals, they can’t naturally shapeshift, and are already closer to humans in behavior, while retaining some of their bestial half’s preferences.
-> Possess both human and animal features (ears, tail, wings...).
Examples : Dedede (half), Daroach, Taranza, Sectonia, Captain Vul
Note : Whether I humanize an animal-like character into a Beast or, well, an animal, depends on how anthropomorphic they are. You’ll notice that the characters listed above possess clothing and human speech, as opposed to those I’ve listed as shapeshifting animals.
Dark Matters : self-formed embodiments of darkness and negativity, most of them are actually closer to virus than fully living beings. About 90% of the race lives together in a highly hierarchised society based on their degree of self-consciousness.
-> Usually dark skin, two eyes but one pupil, oozing and sharp-toothed mouth. Feed on negative energy. Dislike light.
Examples : You know them well enough, but let’s note that neither Void Termina nor Zero are Dark Matters themselves.
Demons : nocturnal, more or less humanoid critters, often superpredators or parasites. Like Dark Matters, most of them are encountered in a single realm and under divine command.
-> Diverse appearances, but all possess sharp teeth and claws. Omnivorous with a clear preference for blood and meat. Heavily influenced by the moon cycle; dislike strong, direct starlight (unless they use cosmic energy or magic, like the two specimens listed below).
Examples : Meta Knight (half), Marx 
Fairies : gregarious magical beings in close relation with nature and the elements. Rumors say they once existed on Shiver Star, but have migrated towards a more peaceful planet to flee the spreading of humanity.
-> Winged children (mostly girls). Old Fairies with great magic can become Great Fairies, who have the appearance of young adults.
Examples : Ribbon, Machaon (= Queen Fairy ; Great Fairy)
Modern Halcandran : their exact origin is unknown, but in terms of history, they’re the alien species closest to humans. Their knowledge of science is only matched by the Ancients.
-> Pale skin, brightly colored hair with a thick, smooth texture. Large, pale irises.
Examples : Susie, Haltmann, Jambastion General (half)
Sprouts : vegetal equivalents of Beasts. Can both eat and photosynthesize.
-> Possess both human and vegetal features (leaves, petals, etc.)
Example : Gryll
Star Warriors : cosmic species powered by starlight. Usually, they’re nomads and solitary, scattered across galaxies.
-> Young features and sturdy body. Grow wings when reaching adulthood, and sometimes other appendages (horns, for instance).
Examples : Kirby, Meta Knight (half), Galacta Knight
Waddle Dees : gregarious species native to Dreamland. Many subspecies and variations.
-> Share the Star Warriors’ young appearance and sturdy body. Highly adaptative, can live almost anywhere. The common subspecies is red-haired and brown-eyed.
Examples : Bandana Dee, Sailor Dee
Artificial and Magical beings - are not “alive” in the biological way, but nonetheless possess a consciousness.
Comets : originally crafted by the Ancients, autonomous androids with godlike powers that guard the galaxies. Asleep most of the time, need a certain amount of energy to awake.
-> They can project a large-sized hologram of themselves, but their actual body is already way above average human height.
Examples : Galactic Nova, Star Dream
Sentient artefacts : items that were given a will of their own through magic, or have obtained it themselves after existing for a long time. They can project their consciousness in a humanoid appearance, like a solid hologram.
-> If the projection is heavily damaged, it will disappear for a while. If the item itself is heavily damaged, it can be fatal.
Examples : Drawcia, Paintra, Yin-Yarn, Claycia, Elline, Lor Starcutter
Additionnal terms - not individual species, but additional characteristics.
Yarn (x) : Any individual under PatchLand’s spell, turning their bodies into yarn, fabric and beads.
Shadow (x) : Any individual from the Mirror World ; a Dreamlander’s doppelganger with skin, hair and eyes a shade of grey (though dye and lenses are an option).
Cristallization : “Unfertilized lovechild” ; individual born self-formed with characteristics of two or more characters.
Examples : Miracle Matter (Kirby + Zero), Dark Taranza (Taranza + Sectonia)
Primordial Deities : appear generally humanoid, but can’t quite be classified under known species since they’re primordial, self-formed embodiments.
Examples : Nightmare, Dream (Fountain of Dreams deity), Void Termina, Zero Two, Necrodeus, to-be-named Dreamstalk deity
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