#[ribbon | crystalline fae]
autumnlilybug · 2 years
Backstory and traits for a DND character I wrote, feel free to critique
Name: Artour DePaus; Species: Hexblood; Class: Warlock
Does not speak Common, or understand it. Gave his ability to do so to the Fae as a price to remove his curse
Pale, almost iridescent lavender skin
Wings are transparent and crystalline, almost like ice, and very visibly opalescent
Bone white hair that goes to his waist, and regrows in seconds if cut. Often styled in a long straight braid with a golden ribbon at the end embossed with the symbol of the Enclave in green
Lavender irises that catch the light almost like gemstones
Elf-like pointed ears, which are forked at the tips, which he often covers with ornaments to disguise his Fae nature
Since he mostly speaks Elvish, a casual observer would see him as a somewhat alien seeming elf with wings, almost like an oversized fairy
Artour was born a Tiefling in human society, cursed after a hag hexed his mother over a personal dispute. The curse brought all manner of awful luck to his family (how much of which could be due to prejudice against tieflings and not the curse itself is up to the reader to infer), and eventually it became too much for his parents to deal with. He was kicked out when he was around ten, and taken in by a group of Fae in a nearby forest. They freed him of his curse in exchange for his ability to speak and understand Common, and in the process his appearance became more Fae-like. Even at present (he's now 26) he still views the Fae as his true family and his birth parents more like an aunt and uncle. While living with the Fae he developed a passion for science and nature, and especially magic, and at one point studied as a druid, but a few years after joining the Enclave he became enthralled by the mystery of eldritch magic. Since then, he has pledged himself to the Great Old One in an effort to learn more about the strange, unnatural powers he so desperately wishes to shed light upon. Artour is not quite a mad scientist but is certainly willing to perform some questionable experiments to obtain results if those results are worth the cost. His ideology is very much "The ends justify the means."
Comes off as a detached, jumpy and easily startled scientist who is just a teensy bit feral from his time with the Fae, but is in fact constantly picking people apart, trying to glean as much inforrmation about the world as he can.
Hides his telepathy and chooses to speak Elvish instead. The Enclave would not accept a user of eldritch magic in its midst.
Doesn't have a very strong moral compass, mostly interested in gathering knowledge, especially of the eldritch and unnatural. Utterly fascinated by magic and especially eldritch magic.
This isn't to say he's absolutely evil, he doesn't enjoy seeing others in pain, but if obtaining new information means hurting someone... well...
At the same time he will delightedly jump on an opportunity to help someone in exchange for information too, and often prefers that over more negative ways of achieving the same end, when he has the option. Essentially, his mindset is "I'm gonna get that info regardless, but it would be pretty neat if there were a nice way to do so."
Sees his mother and father as good people even though they abandoned him as a child, since they did so because he was cursed, and he forgives them because he would have done the same.
Misses his younger sister Angelica, and wishes to see her again someday.
Not apathetic per se, but can be very cold towards others, especially when he feels they're hiding things from him. Tends to get snippy with people who aren't concise, or in his words, "Talk much yet say little."
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dreamland-parfait · 5 years
{hcs : wave 2 edition}
{because unlike the other 2 waves I’ve been completely neglecting them which isn’t good. at all}
Daroach 🐁
He’s, as of today, the most skilled magician native to Dreamland.
Fancies himself a man of culture - enjoys litterature a lot, and writes down himself his crew’s many adventures.
Hates, HATES being called a rat. He’s “a mouse, Mus musculus, for the UnderWorld’s sake”. That goes for the rest of his Squad too.
His full name is Doroche Desroches*. His relatives had high expectations for him, which caused many conflicts, until he had enough and departed from the family household.
He met his three comrades while on the run, one by one - starting with lone engineer Doc, then box ring fighter Storo, and finally stray pickpocket Spinni.
Everyone suspects him and Drawcia to be *at least* a past affair, but we may never know the truth...
*Desroches is his name in French. Yes, both ‘s’ are silent.
Dark Meta Knight 🗡️
I might have said it several times, but I can’t imagine anyone being ok with being named somebody else’s dark self - especially not someone as prideful as DMK. So in this verse, Mirror Worlders use nicknames and anagrams, therefore you’ll mostly hear me talk about “Taem Knight” and “Rykib”.
If Meta has a Spanish accent, Taem has an Italian one.
Unlike Meta who strictly refuses to use Nightmare’s magic, Taem won’t hesitate to rely on the mirror magic he’s inherited from Dark Mind.
I personally don’t support the theory that he was the one to corrupt Sectonia, though he was vaguely aware of the whole ordeal (but had no business stepping in). He remains slightly unnerved by Taranza’s presence, and the feeling is mutual, but they acknowledge eachother without further drama.
Aforementionned uneasiness is due to his disliking of Dark Taranza (”Daranza”) - finding him “dangerously cunning, even to [his] standards.” He’s also a bit wary of his mistress, Sectonia DX (”Alraunia”), but gets along just fine with Shadow Dedede (for whom i have yet to find a nickname). Meanwhile, he’s as protective of Rykib as Meta is of Kirby.
Adeleine 🎨
She’s the distant descendant of the person who created Drawcia and Paintra.
Regarding Shiver Starian heritage, she’s actually of Japanese descent.
Because she lives within Whispy’s Forest, close to nature 24/7, she has quite the sharp intuition and receptivity. The fact that she’s used to live by herself is also to thanks for this.
And the forest loves her back ! She can often be found around Whispy, surrounded by the Animal Friends, Nruff and Nelly, as well as Pon & Con.
Ribbon 💎
She’s a pacifist that tries to see of good in everyone - including in Dark Matters.
Zero Two occasionally manifests himself through her body. Try to harm her, and she’ll be bleeding defensive corrosives without realizing it herself, not to mention the initial protection she gets from the Crystal.
As the Crystal Maiden, she has the innate power to “cleanse” anything, which goes from making water drinkable to exorcizing a dark possession (though the latter is obviously easier said than done, recquiring a certain timing and energy).
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ninapedia · 3 years
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dangerous bits blocked for tumblr
but here’s a ref for Cece one of my oldest OCs whomst I have never drawn before.
commissions open - ninapedia dot art
style notes under the cut 
Style wise Cece usually finds herself in petal soft dresses, barefoot. In winter her adoptive mothers swaddle her in white furs. Her mothers let Cece choose which flowers inspire her clothing based off the smell.
When she does wear socks they’re either soft silken things or thick knitted socks for winter.
Doesn’t really do underwear, fae ideas of modesty aren’t really A Thing.
A lot of her clothes are pretty gossamer in general, adorning herself in woven spider silks, and thin natural things.
No piercings but often wears bell jewelry on her ankles and wrist, Very clear crystalline sounds. She also likes wearing ribbons as bracelets, anklets, necklaces. (Her mothers first gave her her bells because she was like a cat- so quiet that even other fae couldn’t hear her approaching.)
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firaknight · 3 years
Okokokokok so I have Queen Ripple braincells and headcannons as to why she is big
So, Ripple didn’t used to be the size she is now. Originally, she was the same size as all the other fairies! The leading royalty has to undergo a special transformation before they’re crowned to help show who’s in charge (and also because it makes them stronger).
It starts roughly a year before coronation. The princess is given a special diet of magic imbued food to prepare the body. The magic gives a sort of cushion for the upcoming transformation, which happens at such a fast rate that it can cause serious damage without this magic cushioning. The food also starts to slow the natural bodily processes of the princess down. This is to prepare the body for the transformation stasis. The princess puts on quite a bit of weight (necessary for what’s going to happen), and after around 3 months, they begin the transformation.
Much larger and with a heavy magic cushion, she goes into the Great Crystal (the one that breaks in Kirby 64) and uses her natural magic to get the crystal to react to her. It opens up, the princess steps inside, and it becomes a cocoon (it’s one of the reasons the fae are so damn protective of the crystal. Without it, they can’t crown their queens). Thus begins the 6-9 month process of transforming. The princess’s body essentially enters a stasis dictated by magic. If she becomes too weak, the stasis is temporarily halted and the crystal will alert the fae tending to everything, asking them to add magic to the crystal to support the princess. Once she gains enough to become stable again, stasis resumes. This can add a month or two onto the process, depending on how the princess was prepared (if she wasn’t given enough, it can add almost 4 extra months onto the process, but this is in extreme cases). This process can also speed itself up if the princess was given extra preparations (the fastest a princess transformed into her queen form was 3 months and 23 days!).
While the princess is in the crystalline cocoon, her body rapidly changes. The extra weight was added for a good reason: her body uses the excess to grow without having to build new muscles and tissues. It merely takes what it already has and stretches it, applying magic to help polish everything up and make it functionable. The head is one of the things that merely enlarged slightly rather than stretch and grow, and it’s one of the only body parts that barely changes in the process. The wings lengthen (this takes an unbelievably large amount of magic to do) and become thicker to accommodate for the larger body (fae use mostly fairy dust to fly, as their wings are too paper thin to allow them to safely fly. However, they’re still needed to lift off the ground and need to be thick enough to do so safely). The torso is the first thing to grow, followed by the arms and legs, and then the wings (the head doesn’t change at all besides growing a tiny bit, but that takes almost nothing), since those require the most magic to grow. The crystal then begins rapidly imbuing the princess with magic, hence the magic cushion added beforehand. It helps slow this process down and make it more manageable for the body. After the body has grown out, the crystal makes any last minute fixes it needs to make in order to create a functional body for the queen, and then ends the stasis manually. The crystal takes another day or so to break itself open, and the princess gains consciousness during this time. Once ready, the crystal melts the underside and out drops the princess! She lands on a ton of cushions and soft stuff so shes unharmed! Fae come and get her and bring her to a much more comfortable space. The kingdom is the most vulnerable at this point because the princess has just transformed and the crystal is weakened considerably. It takes a month or two for the crystal to fully repair itself. The princess however has a lot of work to do.
Once she’s been cleaned up and moved, the extent of the changes are clear. Think of how human babies come out: they’re not fuckin done yet. Same with the transformation. The soon-to-be queen should reeeeeaaallyyy be in there for another month or two, but the crystal can’t handle any more than what it’s doing, forcing the princess out early. Her body looks shriveled and malformed, and highly unnatural. Usually anything from the shoulders down looks like this, as the head barely changes. Her old clothes have been torn to shreds and the crystal fits her with magic imbued rags. These MUST be left on for at least a day to prevent leakage of magic (it’s a mix of things that helps her grow and control her new magic). These first 24 hours are basically just the princess being stuck on bed rest until she’s absorbed all she can get from the rags (they change color when everything has been absorbed out of them), and then begins coronation. She’s typically able to walk at this point (some can’t and need assistance), and is able to at least stand. She gets crowned queen and begins her recovery and training process.
Recovery is a change in diet and a fuck ton of rest. She sleeps for almost 12 hours and eats a specific nutrient-rich diet to help her finish adapting to her new body. She also has to take at least 1 day a week to bathe in a magic spring, which is a hot spring chock full of magic. It gets absorbed through the body and helps promote magic stability and provides some assistance in growth.
The training process is the practice of controlling her overflowing magic. One of 3 types are trained, sometimes combined: Offensive, Defensive, and Support. Queen Ripple leans towards Defensive and Support, but she does have Offensive magic! Offensive is utilizing the Great Crystal as a weapon, turning it into forms similar to the Crystal Shards Gun. Defensive involves using it in shield based attacks that create impenetrable barriers. Support covers the healing aspect of the crystal and amplifies it to create a more powerful healing ability. Masters in these magic types work with the queen and help her determine which she specializes in.
The queen also gets a weapon (what happens if she can’t use the crystal? Gotta have something else to work with!). This weapon is dictated by their magic abilities. It can range anywhere from crossbows to spears. Queen Ripple uses dual Rapiers with additional hand guards! She’s got funky hands that haven’t fully recovered from transformation and the sword gives her some reach! Shes quite the skilled fighter!
As for their bodies, they look really deformed for years after transformation and it can be unnerving to look at for people not native to Ripple Star. To remedy this, they wear long, thick, heavy robes that cover 90% of their body (the head, neck, and wings remain unaffected). Queen Ripple has grown into her body (as of Star Allie) but her hands are still funky. She prefers the long robes despite not needing them because they’re nice and help ease her anxiety (it’s like having a constant weighted blanket!).
The only reason Queen Ripple failed to protect against the Dark Matter invasion during Kirby 64 was because she was such a new queen. She’d only been in power for a few weeks, and the crystal was too weak to protect anything. She sent Ribbon off with it in hopes that she’d be able to escape to a safer location with it so the crystal could recover and return to protect the planet. However, due to how fragile the crystal was at the time, it couldn’t hold up to the attacks dealt while Ribbon was escaping with it.
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sciencelings-writes · 4 years
The Golden Birdcage
A quick fic of my ocs in my fantasy au type of thing - This one features Rose and Adisa mainly but if there is any interest at all, I’ll write in more of my ocs
Rose dreaded the coming day, more than she dreaded any normal day. Today she cemented her place in the monarchy of the high fae. Before she was just a princess, an heiress, a disappointment. But today she was forced to step up to start taking power over the people she was destined to rule. 
She was sure that she wasn’t the only one to dread it, she’d never really been popular among her people. She wasn’t born with a power that was seen as honorable or anything. While her mother could create massive crystalline spherical shields that protect the thousands of miles of their kingdom and her father could harness the power of their sun with powerful blasts of energy that could decimate armies, Rose could only heal. Sure, healing was an important and necessary power, but for a royal sunborn fairy? It was incredibly weak for the royal line, which was known to be the most powerful of the fae. There were rumors of her not being a true heir, being adopted, or a product of infidelity, but they were false, and there was no conceivable reason that she was born the way that she was. 
For years she held her head up high and ignored those who looked at her like she was less than anyone else. She could not retaliate or express how she felt about it to anyone, not even her family. But it got so tiring. The only time she could rest was after she was dismissed for the day and could be herself alone in her room without any serving fae. She would take off her corset and release the tightest parts of her elaborate braids. She would let out the pent up emotions that she had been keeping inside all day, usually by writing which would be promptly burned with a candle or she would release her frustrations by sparring with a dummy. She always felt better with a sword in her hands. 
But today would be worse than any of the days before. Not only would she not be alone for a single second, but it was one of the biggest days of her life and there was a lot of pressure on her. She had spent weeks preparing herself. Writing and memorizing a speech that she would have to recite in front of thousands of very important people, rehearsing the ceremony a dozen times with her mother pointing out a flaw every time. Sometimes it was something small like a hair out of place or a break in her facial expression, or a wrinkle in her dress, and sometimes it was detrimental like when she forgot a word or she stuttered causing her mother to yell at her. A stutter meant weakness and a mistake in words meant a lack of preparation, both of which were not a good sign in a new leader. Rose had always been sick of the perfection demanded of her. 
Since the moment she woke up, she had been attended to with a handful of her servants focused on different parts of her appearance. Three doing her hair, two doing her makeup, and two more working with her clothes. She didn’t love being crowded at the best of times but this was definitely not comfortable for her in the slightest. She could barely breathe, her skin was covered in golden paints and powders, and the heeled shoes she had to wear everywhere was just the tip of the iceberg. She already deeply anticipated the end of the day when it would all be over and she would be free. 
What made the day more bearable was that she was friendly with her servants. She wouldn’t call them friends but they respected each other and gossiped about anything that was going on in the palace. They were some of the only people who talked to her like she was a person and not a princess under the protection of the most powerful fae in the lands. They learned not to be afraid to joke around with her and be upfront with her as they were fully aware that she had no plans to punish them for not agreeing with her at every point. She knew that not all of them were on board with her becoming the queen but they still encouraged her and let her be at least slightly open about her feelings about things like food and music. She wouldn’t dare let their conversations stray close to topics she was more passionate about where she might let something more unsavory slip. 
They arrived early in the morning when the shields were still dark. They were much more excited about the day than she was. Their excited chatter echoed throughout the pale stone halls enough to wake her several minutes before they even arrived. She relished her few moments alone before she was to be swarmed with familiar faces. 
The handful of assorted fae scrambled in, a man adorned in indigo who was in charge of her dress and was the best at tying up her corset all nice and tight with barely enough room to breathe, a few older women in orange and violet respectively who would weave her hair like it was a decadent tapestry to place in the throne room to be showed off to prestigious guests, a young woman and a young man tasked with turning her face from pale and freckly to a work of art. 
Rose was embarrassed to say that she didn’t know their names, not because she didn’t care to know but because she was just horrible at that kind of thing and had forgotten. Now after years of service, she was too afraid to ask. She remembered that the older women had grandchildren that worked in the kitchens and at the market and that one of them used to sing as the castle bard but pairing them with names was harder for Rose to remember. She was pretty sure that one of them was named Hesta but she could never remember which one it was. 
“Good morning!” One of the elder fae sing-songed, “Today is the day!” 
“It sure is isn’t it…” Rose said less than enthusiastically. 
“Well now, don’t be nervous!” The serving fae collectively dragged her to get to work. She did her best to follow along and work with them but with all the chaos, she had a bit of trouble. Within seconds there were brushes passing through her orange and white hair and powder already being applied to her face. She rested her hands on the poles on both of her sides in anticipation for when the corset was to start its asphyxiating process. 
“I’m not nervous…” She gained a few trivial stares when she said it, “Okay, yeah, I’m a little anxious this isn’t exactly a small thing.” She sighed. 
“Of course, but you’ll do fine. You’ve prepared so much, I’d frankly be surprised if you managed to breathe at an imperfect moment.” The older fairy chuckled.
“Yeah, I know…” Rose took a couple of deep breaths, it didn’t help but it made her look more in control. She gripped the posts tightly and planted her feet on the ground as the white corset started to squeeze her organs. “It won’t all be bad, I guess I’m going to have to start to get used to being stared at.” She grunted at a particularly violent pull of the threads. 
“You’ll do fine princess. You’re much stronger than they say that you are. Believe me.” 
After several painstaking hours, Rose emerged for the pre-coordination ball in the ceremonial flowy iridescent white and gold gown. Her pearlescent pale segmented wings emerged from the openings in the white drapery that trailed behind her. She wore her small gold winged crown that would be replaced with a bigger more elaborate one during the ceremony. Her hair was braided tightly in a beautiful if a little painful bun style with ribbons coming from a flowery hairpiece made of pink and gold lilies and full white roses. Her makeup was filled with warm pinks with gold details framing a golden sun painted on her forehead. Her pointed ears were adorned with gold earrings linked with chains and dangling white opals. 
She had to admit, the look was impressive. She looked like a celestial sun goddess and it made her feel better from how painful it was to achieve. She fluttered through the air to the dark chamber for the hour of meditation before the first ball. She was only left alone to wait for a few seconds before a voice broke through along with the sudden sounds of muffled crowds from the nearby rooms as the door opened and closed. 
“You’re slouching.” Roses mother announced from behind her. 
“I don’t think it’s possible to do so your highness. This corset feels like it’s made of steel and melded to my body.” She said bluntly. 
“Your posture includes your neck darling.” The red-haired queen of the sun fae walked around her daughter as if she was inspecting her for a single piece of lint. 
“If I had my neck any more vertical I wouldn’t be able to see the floor.” She sighed. When her mother looked satisfied she placed herself in front of her. 
“You look…” Rose waited for her mother to nitpick something, saying that she looked like a golden pig or a crane in a dress. “Like a queen.” Rose raised her eyebrows in shock. That was probably the most positive thing she had said in weeks.
“Don’t mess up your makeup!” Her mother demanded, back to her old attitude again, nothing good could last for very long apparently. 
“I could sit through a hurricane and my makeup wouldn’t even smear.” 
“It’s almost time. I have guests to attend to, do not be caught off-guard.” Her mother demanded, “We have practiced this a hundred times, you would have to be an idiot to get something wrong.” Rose tried not to feel hurt from the comment. 
“Thanks.” She grumbled. 
“Do not miss your cue!” 
“How would I miss it, Someone literally yells my name.” 
“I’m sure you’d find a way.” And with that, her mother traded places with a guard in golden armor. 
Rose closed her eyes to start the hour of meditation. Others in her place have claimed to see visions or deceased members of the royal family or even the sun herself. For the first half-hour, she just saw the back of her eyelids. Pure darkness. She had to let her mind wander or she would fall asleep or worse, get bored. She focused on the warmth of her magic through her veins, it was the warmest at her palms, like she was holding hands with someone. The comforting warmth combated the unnatural darkness around her. 
After an eternity of all-encompassing silence, she heard a voice. It was quiet but in the impossibly silent room, it was as clear as day.  
“You’re being wasted here.” the voice was deep and female. Blunt, like she was stating a fact. “They can’t help you. This place is killing you.”
Rose wanted to answer out loud but she knew the voice was in her head and she was acutely aware that she wasn’t alone in the room. She didn’t expect the things she would hear in there to be so… real.
“She’s suffocating you. You were meant to be free.”
‘I want to be free.’ Rose tried to manifest the pure yearning through her thoughts to whoever was speaking to her.
“You will be freed. Are you willing to pay the price?” 
‘I’m going to be free if I have to do it myself. I’m sick of not having any control over my own life! I don’t care about your price.’ Anger started to bubble in her chest, the normal heat generated from her powers was amplified by the years and years of rage that had built up. 
“I like you, princess,” The voice chuckled, “I feel like you’re going to be a great ally.” 
Rose heard something beyond the voice, like in the world outside of her mind. She opened her eyes and the dark room was no longer dark in the slightest. Glowing gold and pink clouds swirled around her and she emitted a golden light from her skin and eyes. The guard was huddled in the corner with his eyes wide. He looked afraid. For some reason, this gave Rose a powerful sense of euphoria. 
Unfortunately, as soon as she had realized her power around her, it started to regress. The swirling clouds started to slow and her skin started to fade. Not before the door opened though. The chamber’s main door opened to the ballroom, filled with every important fae in the Dawn and Dusk kingdoms. They all saw the thick clouds exit the room as she did and even more bazaar, she was smiling. Not like the polite smile she had practiced all her life but one of true genuine delight. Even her mother was staring.  
Rose walked out of the dark room and to the balcony for all to see. The room was quiet. The music had stopped playing. Not out of respect but out of shock. After a long enough moment, someone very familiar spoke. The voice front the dark chamber. 
“Now that was quite the entrance, Princess.” A fairy approached from the crowd dressed in black and green wearing a white mask that featured a long beak.
“What’s the meaning of this?” Rose's mother announced as she stood up from her golden throne. 
“Don’t interrupt your majesty.” The strange fae spat. “I’m sure you’ll want to hear me out.” The queen managed to control herself and she sat back down. The dark room fairy waved her hand which caused a green intricate witches circle to appear at her feet and dark black clouds to swirl around it. Gasps erupted from the room. This wasn’t a fairy at all. A witch had snuck into one of the most important fae places. The natural enemies of the fairies were the magic folk and one had managed to slip into a major fae event. 
The witch’s dark thunder clouds expanded throughout the massive room and her glamour faded. Her green butterfly wings turned into huge black feathered wings. Her curly brown hair cascaded off of her shoulders from their hiding spot and a black cloak waterfalled from her shoulders. A black staff topped in a birdlike skull appeared in her hands. Rose thought that she was so incredibly beautiful in the most unorthodox way. 
“Relax relax,” The witch bellowed. “I’ve come bearing a gift for the princess. Better than any gift the fae could hope to offer her.” She disappeared in black smoke and appeared right next to Rose. But she wasn’t afraid in the slightest. Both the king and the queen stood abruptly at this action. 
“I have a purpose for you. The lost Fae Princess needs to be found, and who better to find her than her sister! The caged bird will be trapped no longer.” The witch grinned. “Oh, and if you refuse-” she pointed her staff at the king and queen and they were covered in smoke. Once the smoke lifted it looked like nothing had changed but by the look on the monarch’s faces, something certainly had. “Your kingdom will remain unguarded and unprotected by the most powerful among you.” Surely enough, when Rose looked out the glass windows, the crystalline shielding around the palace was gone, without the shields, there was no night and day. Only the eternal light of the sun blazing onto the lands. “I’m sure my kind would be enthused to know of your newfound vulnerability.”
Rose stayed silent. She wasn’t afraid of the witch, she had been taught that the magic folk were wicked and scheming. But though the appearance of this witch was sinister and destructive, she was giving Rose exactly what she wanted under the guise of it being to lift a curse. She wasn’t just giving Rose a way out, but also a purpose, a quest, an adventure, a sister? Rose had only heard rumors of a lost princess but she thought they were just that, rumors. Like she was not her father's daughter despite having his white hair woven through the red she had inherited from her mother. 
“You won’t even be alone on your journey. For a price, I will give you an object that summons me whenever you need me. I am nothing if not giving.” 
“What kind of price?” Rose raised her eyebrow, speaking for the first time since the witch appeared. 
“A small price for my help. All I ask for is a kiss.” The witch smirked, as if she didn’t expect Rose to take up the offer. The crowd had gasped, a kiss from a witch was said to be cursed. It was like signing a contract with the devil. But Rose didn’t need the promise of help from the woman, she would’ve kissed her anyway for freeing her. 
“Deal.” The witch looked a little surprised but she laughed as all the onlookers looked horrified. Rose however was not remorseful in the slightest. The sooner she could leave her mother's presence, the better. Rose knew the corrupt nature of the fae more than anyone and she was sure that they wouldn’t even miss her. 
“Wonderful. Now, you can’t go on a quest looking like that!” The witch spoke directly to her instead of projecting to fill the whole room. She gently lifted Rose’s chin with a dark claw-like finger and their lips met. 
Around her, the decadent white gown started to get covered in smoke and changing dramatically. Rose felt the corset loosen and the skirt tighten and wrap around her legs to form pants. The smoke rose to her hair where the tight braids fell around her shoulders and unwove into freshly curled locks. She felt weight on her back of her small assortment of weapons that were forged by the fire giants for sunborn royalty. A sword with a golden hilt adorned with a triple set of feathered wings, a matching bow and a quiver full of arrows and a golden dagger to finish the set. Her heels were replaced with practical laced up boots that were a hundred times more comfortable. Even her makeup was affected. The layers and layers of powders and paints lifting in an instant leaving only the flaked remains of the sun imagery on her forehead and her golden lips. 
Throughout her transformation, her lips were still firmly planted on the witches. She probably lingered for too long as the kiss made her heart flutter and she tried her best to preserve the feeling. 
They parted, and the witch held out a dark metal object. A razor sharp knife with the imagery of a white bird skull carved to it’s hilt. 
“Point it to the sky and say my name and I will come to you.” The witch assured.
“What is your name?” Rose took the knife and examined it before looking upwards at the witch. 
“Adisa. Adisa Crow.” 
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bounward · 4 years
cassiopeia * ? * chapter one trial * r.e: holly
“…Ah, do I not? That is… all I can say is… there is… nothing… wrong with me, dear H- ah-!" 
Even if one had had no knowledge of Campion before their current trial, the past few hours would have been enough to let that shriek highlight that something was very, very wrong. Her words to Holly had been long, drawn out, each one sounding like a fight against her jaw trying to set itself no matter how much she massaged at it. 
Until a full sentence was forced out, that scream ripping itself raw from her throat and taking all pretence of looking as happy as usual away. Trembling hands flew to her mouth, but it was too late to muffle the sound- and so she gave up, shakily folding her hands before her again with a gasp for air. 
Anyone watching nearby might have caught sight of a nasty looking burn on her tongue. 
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”…Very good, dear Holly-! You have driven me into… quite the corner, appearing to care. To think… I had come so far without, even with you talking like this..!“
A roll of her shoulders to straighten herself back up, Campion looking across to Holly properly. Even with her mouth remaining slightly open to air her tongue, the occasional "ah-” just barely audible under her breath, Campion’s expression was unreadable- it would be bored, if not for the still somehow pleased air to it, even in the simple action of reading up to her hair. 
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“…I suppose I could come up with some more excuses, couldn’t I..? Everyone else here dropped that questioning so early, after all… but then came you, dear Holly..! And now… I suppose I must address it, to save myself being battered with… so many more words… and circles that just simply aren’t… interesting…" 
One hair ribbon fell onto the table, shortly followed by the other, Campion’s arms pushing her hair back one, two, three times. 
"Very well, then. My tongue is on fire, dear Holly has finally called some attention to it, and you all continue to… talk your way into building boring walls. In this situation… I shall offer you something useful.”
A sigh. Campion’s eye’s had a strange light in them, as did her hair- even more reflective looking than her normal level of stillness.
A laugh came, much like her usual- but with an extremely odd pitch to it: one that raised the hair on any sensible person’s neck and shot straight through to bone regardless. 
“Ahehe! To think..! Seven years as this princess without needing to betray anything, only to be cornered by… the whims of a cartoon mouse, and the very alien I deceived years ago. Goodness me… But even not that long ago… I told you your average Lusidiem Fae cannot lie." 
Then just like that, Campion’s appearance was gone. 
Tiny splinters of light running all across that reflective look, from all angles you could possibly see Campion from yet far too fast to register for any longer than a blink- save for the glittering fragments that seemed to remain and gently shed, drifting over the edge where Campion stood. 
To meet Campion’s eyes then was to see yourself reflected in them rather than any colour, even as her colour palette seemed to settle- the princess running a hand through still crystalline, but much shortened hair; mussing it up as though it had all just been lopped off in one relieving haircut with a grin.
Careful of the new crystal she possessed, of course, bouncing some extra light around the star themed trial room.
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"Then again, I suppose… I am not your average Fae.”
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snowfallen-nymph · 4 years
🗝+ Where your powers come from
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Down the way where the road has long since been overgrown by grass and woodland flora, a small body of water remain crystalline and ever-clear. The porcelain creature sat atop a moss-covered rock, ballerina slippers unwrapped of their silken ribbons and lay resting just at her side. Petite legs kicked idly within the cool, licking waters, causing the rippling effect beneath its floor which reflected the moonlight in caustic waves.
"M-My powers...?" questioned she, the darling one as if caught by a stranger's surprise. A single hand lifted off of its perch to tuck an opaline curl behind her elongated ear that remain dolefully drooped. A half-lidded gaze peered bashfully toward the curious man, milken hues blinking slowly as though she were on the precipice of falling into an eternal slumber. "A number of factors play into... where they have come from, all of which derive from a tale... within a tale... D-Do you have time for such, my daring traveller? Oh, I-I... I am sure you most certainly do..." The Nymph spoke upon a heavenly lilt; a ghostly murmur trickling melodically as though she could only whisper in hymns. Echoing softly through the forest yet for only the inquirer to heed, thusly to lure him closer.
Twisting her form about with such fluidic finesse, her form now lay reminiscent of a siren-- or even a mermaid perhaps-- upon that very rock. She would slip and disappear beneath the waters only to submerge moments later, flipping her lengthy hair back that now enveloped her entirety with snowy iridescence while a few tresses simply float and halo about her on the surface. A naiad was she in every essence of the word, becoming one with the glistening element of water itself in her calmed ethereal state. Rather different it was than her usual Winter perpetuated by the solemnity her fragile heart brings. She moved closer to him now, gossamer fabric of her gown billowing weightless within the water, evocative to her natural way of being even upon dry land. Her willowy arms rest folded, upon their bed she rest her head to peer up from beneath the shadows of dusky lashes before she finally bestowed her song.
"Mmn... Father was a Paladin, and before that a Spellbreaker. Mother a seasoned magistrix, and as our people grew an affinity for the Light, a very learned mage-priest. Suffice i-is to say.. I learned much of my previous knowledge of magics from them... as did my siblings. A-Ah... but for as long as I could remember, and even prior to by existence.. I have always been quite sensitive.... and prophetic in my ability as an empath.. and clairsentience.." A heavy sigh befell the Nymph, her tranquil features succumbing to the weight of both her own and the world's sorrow; thusly returning to the usual appearance of melancholy as if she were only capable crying.
"I--... I've always been able to feel things... and know things others don't. Overcome with an overwhelming sense of ambedo.. perpetuated by the world's pain. People, spirits, animals.... even the flowers and trees can weep..." The pale fae-elf stifled a sniffle as a few tears streamed down her already dewy complexion, staining roseate cheeks with grief, and the earth with seeds that would surely produce her flowers. The little femme closed her pearly eyes, purchasing but a single moment so that she may regain her composure before continuing on.
"Alas... I d-digress. As I grew my powers only did so as well. I strayed further and further from the Light of the Sun's warmth, as the cool Moon and Winter seemed to only welcome me. My path before f-felt aimless, traipsing upon the clouds in a phantasmagorical state where I could not tell the difference between this harsh reality and my dream sequences. It... w-wasnt until I came upon the most idiosyncratic of figures veiled in brass and gold-- bestowing upon me a gift of knowledge-- that I was finally awakened. Now more than capable of understanding wh-what it is I must do... and finding the Sanctum."
A dainty hand lifted, covered in the blades and petals of grass, she would wipe away her tears and whisper soothing nothings to the earth before returning her timid gaze to the man, her niveous cheeks blooming with blood that shamed even the most crimson rose.
"Sn-Snow always seemed to follow my trail, leaving trees and flowers coated in rime in the wake of delicate f-footfalls. It... w-wasn't until I befriended a humble Tauren-- a shaman by a name that... unfortunately escapes me," a hitch in her throat caused the infinitesimal one to cease, glassy eyes staring off at nothing in particular as lips continued to form words that icy breath did not produce. When reverie gave way to her drifting mind and the Nymph finally came to, her attention descended bashfully to the earth and she continued on as if nothing had happened.
"It was... he that taught me the element of water and ice, understanding it in ways that even my kin and ancestors could not.. For that I--.. I am eternally grateful....."
She pushed from the bank she rest on, swimming to the center of the pond as her tale drew to its inevitable conclusion. Though apart of her still remain unfinished, and hidden away from life. Feeling as though she had said far too much, the opaline naiad once again sank beneath the surface of a water, and there she remained as if a drowned lily.
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{ @dasacht
& @theveiledprophet
~ for the softest of mentions♡+°. }
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Untitled ficlet
literally just some pretty AU nonsense i put together using concepts from three fics i’d written in my previous fandom.
Will-o'-the-wisps light the hidden ways of the forest shrouding the mountain, silvering the thick mists twined about the ancient trees in the predawn gloom. Leafy branches and bushes rustle like excited whispering or tittering laughter. The sounds travel down the faintly illuminated path, although in the stillness of the morning, there is no breeze to stir the leaves. Small pebbles roll down the uneven trail, springing up over roots and mossy rocks to continue cartwheeling along. Stray sods dart after them, furtive and quick between pauses. A hedgehog scurries past, pausing only to retrieve its fallen cap before hurrying on with the rest. Impish faces peek from behind leaves, leer out of the knotted bark of trees. Birds swoop from the canopy at the behest of their diminutive riders. Foxes bear riders in spidersilk finery, glittering with dewdrop gems. Nut brown creatures with wizened faces cavort with beings slender as wheat stalks. Horns call out like the hooting of owls and a million tiny bells ring like cricket song, as more and more of the forest's denizens emerge, crawling out of shadow, rising from the moss and leaf litter to join the jubilant procession.
Today is the wedding of the Mountain King and his consort.
The King descends from the snowy heights of his domain, shedding his icy cloak as he approaches the treeline, aspect shifting along with the land surrounding him. Gaunt and severe as the icy stone of the peaks, his skin warms and softens as the rocky ground beneath his feet gradually changes to soil. The streaks of granite silvering his hair darken to a rich brown as he enters the treeline. The smoky scales of mica fall away from his cheekbones. His quartz-tipped claws soften into nails as human as the man he once was, uncounted years ago. Moss sprouts in the darkness beneath the fall of his hair, covering his shoulders like a velvet mantle studded with mushrooms gleaming like pearls. Ivy sprouts from his hips, preserving modesty as it twines 'round him and leaves tendrils to hang against his thighs. His ankles and feet are splotched with lichen, and fans of it circle his wrists like lace cuffs. The skin of his arms is rough as the bark of the oldest tree in the heart of the forest. Long curls of tree moss tangle in his hair as leaves and mountain laurel ornament the thick waves of it. Only his eyes are unchanged as he travels through the land that shapes him, remaining the warm brown of river stones beneath clear water.
His passage is marked by more than the fae dwelling in the forest. Animals of all sorts are drawn to the celebratory procession. Bird and bear, wolf and boar, squirrel and deer, snake and badger and all other residents of the woods gather along the trail to bid him fortune and joy in his union. Although he has no need to traverse physical distances to arrive anywhere on his mountain, he has no desire to deny the opportunity for celebration. The honor guard of animals and fae that announce his coming and pace him through the trees are exuberant in their laughter and merrymaking, and he smiles to be at the center of it.
Not a one of them remembers that he was human before inheriting guardianship of the mountain. Until recently, the intervening centuries had nearly wiped it even from his own memory. It is the newcomer who reminded him, the newcomer who sped his glacial heartbeat and fired the blood in his veins, knocked loose the faded memory of what he once was, and the name he bore that still holds the power to bind him.
He is no longer called Gabriel Reyes, but that identity still sits at the heart of him, and the power of names means so much more to what he has become. His pulse, for so long timed to the heartbeat of the earth, quickens as he follows the trail in the thin light of the coming dawn. That name will make a suitable betrothal gift.
His intended was more recently human, a soul drowned in the river that borders Gabriel's domain to the east. He has the potential to become a guardian spirit of the waters and the banks, but it isn't the power he may grow into that holds Gabriel's attention. Claimed decades ago by the river, Jack still seems so human; a creature of bottomless inquisitiveness, flashes of temper, and a warm, steadfast soul so far removed from the mischievous, flighty natures of the fae. Jack reminds Gabriel of his connection to his name, of his roots. Although Jack's heart no longer beats, he retains the rhythm of it in his memories of humanity. In losing his heart to Jack, Gabriel's has come to match that long-forgotten pace.
The sun is cresting the horizon as Gabriel makes his way to the edge of the forest. He pauses in the shadows of the trees and looks out across a meadow of whispering grasses and nodding flowers washed in the light of a new day. The river cuts through the middle of this lush valley, and that is where Jack awaits him. He is bound to the waters that claimed his life, and if Gabriel envies him the freedom to travel from the mountain spring at its source all the way to the sea, he also would never think of giving up the vast, rambling territory of his mountainside for the narrow confines of the waterway.
As he steps out into the sun, his retinue falls away, preferring the shadows and hidden places among the trees to the open, sun-flooded valley. The ceremony will be held after sundown to allow them to join in the celebration, but Gabriel isn't about to wait that long to see Jack again. The moss slips from his shoulders as easily as the lacy shadows of the canopy, and the bark crumbles from his arms to reveal skin taken on an olive tint. The leaves and moss in his hair grow into long plaits of sweet grass. Cosmos and feathery seed heads replace the mountain laurel. Morning glories sprout from the ivy girded about his waist, and starry leaves are replaced by the smooth-edged spades and corkscrew vines. He appears far younger in this place at the edge of his domain, younger by far than he was when he inherited his title and the lands that would forever contain him. He crosses unhurried through waist-high grasses, feeling the passing tickle of fat bumblebees. Sylphs tug playfully at his hair, hanging seeds and starry bluets in elf knots.
Ahead, the river is a ribbon of silver cutting through the green. There is no sign of Jack until Gabriel reaches the bank. Then, as calm and serene as the flowing waters, Jack rises from the shallow depths.
He is crowned in flashing blue, a circlet of flowers crafted from thinnest crystal. White anemones of pearlescent glass with citrine jewels glittering like stars at their centers are framed by sprigs of forget-me-nots in purest blue. Crystalline morning glories the blue and white of cloud-streaked summer skies blossom from the clusters of smaller flowers, while stems of delicate bluebells arc gracefully from the arrangement, chiming sweetly with the tiniest movement. The flowers catch the early sunlight and act as prisms, sending rainbows dancing over Jack's hair and skin, and dappling him with cheerful blues.
He holds another circlet in his hands, this one flashing ruby fire as light spears through the impossibly thin petals of glass poppies and the fragile stamens and petals of lycoris. Bursts of pentas like tiny stars surround azaleas in spotted carmine and scarlet, while smoky onyx hellebore blossoms peek from the blaze of light and color like banked coals.
Gabriel returns his warm smile and steps forward to the very edge of the water as Jack comes to meet him. The river marks him in its own way, leaving his skin dusted with the silvery tan sand that gathers along its banks. His cheekbones and jaw, shoulders, wrists, and ankles are pebbled with smooth river stones. Water runs down his body in an endless torrent, a sheer tunic that shines blindingly with reflected light, and hides nothing when touched by shadow.
The moment Jack is close enough, Gabriel's hands settle at his waist. He ducks his head to allow Jack to crown him with the flashing circlet. Up close, the flowers are even more breathtaking, every petal as thin as the natural blossom they were crafted to imitate. Their ethereal beauty makes striking contrast to Jack's rough-cut features and the two long scars prominent on his face.
“A wedding gift from the Court in the south,” he says simply, fingers lingering over the flowers that now adorn Gabriel. His grin is impish, aware of the incongruity, and his touch wanders lower until he is cupping Gabriel's face. His eyes gleam more beautifully than the faerie-made circlet, and he presses forward eagerly to receive a kiss.
Gabriel keeps the kiss chaste. He trails his lips over Jack's cheek, slipping his arms around his broad back and feeling the cool trickle of water over his skin as he holds him close. Lips brushing against Jack's ear, he murmurs how he wishes he could lay him down in the soft loam beneath the trees to make love to him in the very heart of the place that shapes him. Jack shivers in his embrace, and Gabriel smiles to feel his body react.
It is a pleasant fantasy, but Jack will never leave the banks of his stream, and Gabriel cannot set foot in the shallows. They will only ever have the cool, damp sand beneath them, a pillow of sweet-smelling grass, the open sky above. Jack will never take his hand along rocky trails, never shelter with him in hidden caves, or press him against the bole of a tree. Gabriel will never swim the currents with Jack at his side or explore submerged grottoes. They have only the border where their domains meet, and they must hope that it will be enough.
For now, as Jack tangles his fingers in Gabriel's hair and steps out of the river, as they sink to their knees together, hands exploring in growing haste as the kiss deepens, as the crystal chimes of their wedding circlets mingle with quickening breaths as if to cheer on the rising need...for now, it is enough.
Gabriel kisses down Jack's neck, nipping at the skin so that his mark blossoms red over Jack's throat and chest.
“I want to hear you call my name,” he murmurs.
Jack, understanding what is about to come, gasps. He gave his own name decades ago, long before he knew the importance of it or understood the power it granted.
“Gabriel.” He murmurs his name over the still place where Jack's heart no longer beats. Taking one of Jack's hands in his, Gabriel kisses his knuckles, and presses his palm over the incongruously human beating of his own heart. “My name is Gabriel Reyes.”
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firaknight · 4 years
Here’s some Ribbon headcannons (and a few on the Ripple Star fairies in general)
🪐She is... very small. 1’8” to be exact (Adeleine stands at 5’3” for comparison). Despite her size, she’s very strong and can carry things multiple times her size!!!
(Also yes, I disregard the canon height for Kirby of 8 inches because that makes no sense to me when you put human characters like Adeleine in the mix. Just pretend Kirby is roughly the same height as Ribbon)
🪐Fairy wings are very very delicate!!! They tear easily, and while the healing process is quick, heavy damage to the wings can render them permenantly useless. Luckily, most of the fairies can regrow their wings via magic!!
🪐Fairy wings also don’t do well when it comes to the elements. Water is a big weakness for them, as it can prevent them from flying for a little while. Extreme heat and cold can also negatively affect their wings.
🪐Fairies technically shouldn’t be able to fly as well as they should, considering their wings aren’t nearly strong enough to allow them to fly. To combat this, they evolved to produce fairy dust! (Similar to how humans naturally produce oil on their skin, fairies from Ripple Star naturally produce fairy dust on their wings and skin!) This dust can be combined with plants to change its effects!
🪐Said dust is also the reason the fae are so careful about the environment around them. Water can wash the dust clean off, extreme heat can cause them to sweat it off or cause it to stick, and extreme cold can literally freeze the dust to their body, causing frostbite on their wings. Adeleine has a special backpack Ribbon hangs out in when they’re on adventures (or running errands) that protects her from the elements.
🪐Ribbon utilizes her fairy dust way more than other fae. She literally weaponizes it after the events of Crystal Shards by combining it with plants native to Ripple Star to create volatile concoctions of dust that can range anywhere from creating a field of high voltage electricity to literally fucking exploding.
🪐Shes got a sugar addiction, as do the rest of the fae. She prefers nectar, sweetened condensed milk, and straight cream (Imayormaynothavestolenpartofthatfromkirbyofthestars)
🪐Shes oddly good at baking! She makes cinnamon rolls with Adeleine once a week and tries her hardest to steal the kitchen from Adeleine so she can bake more (Adeleine has no idea how to bake and does the majority of the cooking).
🪐She also has an affinity for anything that sparkles. She’s not necessarily a “shiny hoarder” (someone who grabs and hoards anything shiny), but she does have a lot of sparkly things, a lot of which are gemstones from Ripple Star.
🪐This ones a big one for the general idea of the Ripple Star fae, but the queen didn’t used to be human sized. Originally, the queen used to be the same size as the rest of the fae, but the chosen heir winds up going through a HUGE metamorphosis before they’re crowned, causing them to grow exponentially. They encase themselves in a crystalline cocoon and grow in it for months on end. When they re-emerge, they’re a little on the fragile side and look slightly deformed. They wear really loose and heavy clothing to hide any deformities they eventually grow into. The current queen had a LOT of deformities, specifically on her torso and legs. Her arms, while they weren’t that deformed, still didn’t look that great, resulting in her oddly long sleeves and dress. As of Star Allies, she’s fully grown into her body and looks a lot better. Most fae won’t ever go through this metamorphosis, and the ones that do won’t grow to nearly that size.
🪐Ribbon is VERY energetic. She can stay awake for days on end with little to no sleep. She’s the main reason Adeleine made it into ksa, as her sheer energy alone managed to convince the artist to join in and help.
🪐Ribbon keeps the Crystal Shard Gun after Kirby 64. It may be almost the same size as her, but good lord is she terrifying when she uses it. If she can’t aim it at you she will not hesitate to charge you with said gun and try and attack you that way.
🪐She has fangs!!! They’re really hard to notice unless you get really close up, but they exist!! They are also kinda sharp.
🪐Shes got a short temper. It’s a little more controlled by ksa, but she’s still easy to snap.
🪐Ribbon, as well as the rest of the fae, know how to speak an old language called Ancient Ripplarian. It’s very sharp and enunciated. She doesn’t use it a whole lot, but sometimes she accidentally switches to it when’s she’s really angry.
🪐She likes to be in big warm bundles of blankets. She’s not sure why. Maybe she just likes being warm :)
🪐After Crystal Shards, she stays with Adeleine and goes on to live with her in Cloudy Park! They make regular trips back to Ripple Star to talk with the queen.
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