#[headcanon: lin chung.]
kalocart · 2 years
Idk if this fandom is alive but, why not
Hero 108 gang at Costco
Lin Chung (our favorite artist)
The one that puches the cart until a certain point.
If there's a laptop with a pen you'll loose him pretty quickly due to mspaint
Hes usually the one that tries to keep them all together until mspaint
He might not notice his separation till one point, but then goes with "their adults they'll be alright"
Mystic sonia (our hotgurl)
The one that takes over the cart after the fallen soldier
Probably there to buy random stuff she would think is gud
Once in a while like whats in the clothing section.
If something looks boujie she takes it.
Would get the giant teddy bear
Jumpy Ghostface (our king)
Hes in disguise since he snuck out of the castle.
He doesn't really need to go to Costco since he has chefs and people that do it for him but he wanted to see how it looks like.
His security wouldn't let him even though he fought a war.
If he wanted to go, his security would reserve the whole store and outside and it would be such a big event.
Its costco
Would get confused as a lost child especially with his voice
Probably treated like one too and taken to the back.
Out poor king is happy for the special candy but he can't eat it in fear of poisoning.
Wouldn't notice the fact that they thought he was a lost child and just vibe and have fun talking with them.
Mighty ray (hes half mexican to me)
First one to walk away from the group.
Literally walked in withought the cart or anyone
He went for the samples and pizza
He actually gets what he needs with an extra treat.
The one waiting at the food court with his Costco pizza slice, churro, and all the groceries they (and the team) needed
Was the one to pick up jumpy from daycare being confused as a child.
Hes just quick overall.
Genuinely forgot the bird ninjas name (birb)
Sends them a list of what they need?
He would get to high places
Idk if he can even go in there though
That's all I have
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midnightlee25 · 2 years
Random Yandere Headcanons: Lin Chung
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He has many drawings and paintings of his darling. 
Sometimes he will ask to draw them and other times they don't even know he's drawing them 
He does try to get as much alone time as he can with his darling by either visiting them to take a walk with him or simply relaxing in his room. 
He hardly ever leaves their side in fact the only time he really leaves them is when he goes on a mission or to the bathroom. 
If his darling is on the same squad as him, he does keep an extra eye on them. 
But if they were on a different squad then he would try to find a way to either get them off the squad or at least have it changed to the same one as him. 
It's obvious to everyone that he likes his darling although just how much no one will know until it's too late. 
He is very sweet and loving to his darling almost to a smothering extant. 
Unlike many yanderes he isn't dangerous to his darling or those around them. 
He really isn't the worst yandere to have mainly due to him not being a danger but they do have to deal with his smothering ways. 
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sorenjacklyoniii · 2 years
The Hero's Tale Poster is now revealed!
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xycuro-illuminati · 1 year
Blindspot for the ask game!
Sam Chung
Sexuality Headcanon: ace
Gender Headcanon: just a lil guy :)))
A ship I have with said character: N/A
A BROTP I have with said character: I think he'd be great friends with Miles, Kamala, and Lin Lie tbh
A NOTP I have with said character: N/A
A random headcanon: Sam and his sister Hannah are fnaf lore experts they make up their own theories too
General Opinion over said character: I miss him soooooo much marvel hates every Blindspot fan ever </3 also Matthaniel Murdockson are you not worried about your apprentice?? HMM???
Ask game here
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Feeling spicy so... nsfw headcanons for my f/os. Feel free to share your own because why not. Won't include all of them because some i do headcanon as simply being completely sex-repulsed.
Redson: Mostly prefers to top, enjoys the power trip. Absolutely loves praise and anything where he gets to take control or "claim" you as his. However, you could turn things around and have him on the submissive end of things pretty easily. It's pretty easy to make this man an absolutely flustered mess. (Bit of an especially self-indulgent headcanon but slight thing for pain. I bite bite bite bite heheh)
Lin Chung: Others would think he'd be the more dominating sort but he's the complete opposite. Like... he would if you asked him to, but he much prefers having you on top and taking charge. Will 100% let you pin him down even if he absolutely has the strength to easily push you off.
Saros: Honestly? I feel like they'd be down for anything. Would absolutely be willing to experiment with different dynamics and kinks. They do still have preferences of course, probably prefers to sub/bottom but again, willing to try new things.
Asterian: Much less "experimental" than Saros when it comes to kinkier stuff but in terms of general top/bottom stuff though? I could see him going for either role depending on his mood. Either way though, he is always very gentle, afraid of accidentally hurting you.
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askbiggreen · 9 months
1. No NSFW, but anything pg 13 is okay
2. Don’t be a dickhead about pairings/headcanons
3. This is an AU, so if you’re curious as to what’s going on then use this post to guide you
4. My motivation is all over the place and I’m in school so asks may take a bit to make. I’ll respond either with screenshots or with little doodles depending on how I’m feeling.
First Squad
Second Squad
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eievuimultimuse · 3 years
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You're a little intense, but like, who can blame you? | Got a small group of friends you'd kill or die for. No like actually kill or die, no half-assed threats of violence | You hold grudges until the end of time | Respect is earned, not inherent | Says a lot of stuff casually but then oh no turns out you actually really meant it whoops | Probably have a drinking problem (Ash only & yeah he does rip). | You get angry really fast and really ferociously | You either had an edgy atheist “nothing matters” phase, or you’re still in it | Ignoring your problems/mental illness won’t make it go away, you can’t fight your way out of an existential crisis | Both soothed and enabled by mosh pits | Fan of poetry/good writing, but if you’re American, the school system probably punished you for it so now you have mixed feelings on creative stuff | Probably a communist | Super protective of the things and people you care about, to the point of defensiveness. | You either carry a knife with you all the time, or talk about how you want to buy a knife | At this point very little fazes you, probably because you’ve been through or seen a monster load of bs | You’re not actually very good at spotting toxic behaviors, especially if they’re coming from someone you know. A lot of it is stuff that’s been so omnipresent in your life you don’t really recognize it as toxic, and being in like 3 levels of denial so even when you rationally realize someone or something’s toxic you can’t actually make yourself give it up | It’s ok to need a hug, you have all these friends and yet you haven't taken advantage of that
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Sensitive and empathetic | You say accurate, psychoanalytical things, but then don’t actually do anything about them | A little bit oblivious | Cutesy and soft to the point of being annoying, but like, it’s also kind of impossible not to love you because you haven’t done anything wrong except for being yourself and being genuinely kind | You unironically reblogs all those “do no harm but take no shit” and positive affirmation comics | Big soft peaceful vibes from a distant, loud peaceful vibes up close | You get secretly unhappy when your friends go to talk to other people about their problems instead of you | Your empathy is compounded with your stubbornness, so once you think you have a situation figured out, you stick to it like glue | Used to be an intense perfectionist, now trying to live your best relaxed life, but those urges still creep up a lot | Like I know you’re really smart, but it feels like everything you say has been approved by someone else first and/or heard somewhere else | Honestly keep being you, just know that not everyone needs a hug and positive affirmations all the time and you’ll never actually be perfect even if you follow what people told you were the perfect guidelines for it
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King of daydreaming | Hopeless romantic | Slow to move, you take a long time to properly make up your mind on things | Quiet and hard to make angry, you know that not being bothered is the best revenge you can give | Not actually very empathetic, you find it hard to understand people’s problems when you know how you’d handle them | You don’t really notice your own impact a lot of the time, you tend to stumble into doing something wrong or hurting someone | Living vicariously through your friends and your stories | Everything’s a puzzle, everything’s solvable, and you’re gonna be the one to figure it out | The school system was not kind to you | Surprisingly competitive, you barrel on ahead when you want something | A bit of a know-it-all, but quietly. The kind of kid who corrects the teacher on their breath in class. | Weirdly high standards | People used to disrespect your boundaries constantly so now you set rock solid walls that no one can cross | A little harsh, somewhat of an acquired taste as far as people go | Secretly athletic, but only in short bursts of intensity | Your way of demonstrating love is through actions and time, words aren't always your strong suit | You make your points strongly and eloquently, you're not a fan of debate but you tend to wipe the floor when you get out there | You can be a bit of a preachy dick though | Really bad at understanding that sometimes, people want sympathy, not answers
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sols-rambles · 4 years
Reader x Lin Chung
Heck yeah! (Also to the anon who requested it, I'm holding off on Wu Song till I can rewatch him)
• For a guy super in tune with his emotions he doesn't realize he's in love for a while.
• He thinks he just wants to be like super good friends with you and it takes both him saying that out loud and Mystique Sonia telling him hes probably got a crush for it to finally click.
• He'll be super up front when he realizes it though at least
• He's overly poetic about you, comparing your beauty to nature
• He'd fall further in love if you agree to be a model for his drawings, but be warned he's going to be extra critical of anything he draws of you
• He tries to find something for you wherever he goes.
• Beautiful rocks, potted plants and landscape drawings are the most common
• He tries to get relationship advice from the rest of first squad
• Jumpy tells him to be himself, Mighty Ray tells him to show off as much as possible, and Sonia tells him to ignore Mighty Ray (not relationship related, but still solid advice)
• Lin Chung's dates are usually walks through the wilderness, his favorite being the bamboo forest.
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snowpeawritings · 6 years
(Headcanons) How would Lin Chung (Hero 108)celebrate his S/O's birthday?
Reader is gender neutral
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- How you wish to celebrate your birthday is entirely up to you. If you wanted a grand blowout or a tiny get-together, Lin Chung would comply. However you two won’t escape the surprise party coordinated by the rest of First Squad.
- He would be in the sidelines as you join in on the numerous activities his friends had prepared for your party. It only takes you noticing and convincing him to join in on the games. Did I mention you were the only one that can convince him to do things that he initially didn’t want to do? He’s the type that he would do anything in his power to make you smile.
- Speaking of, he would buy a gift that you were eyeing on during a patrol outside or one of the animal kingdoms having it. It’s the one day in every year that you deserve to have everything so he doesn’t care how hard or how expensive the gift is. Lin Chung is a man on a mission to see you happy.
- Of course he would paint you a portrait of yourself as his next gift. The only problem is though is that he doesn’t know how to do it. Like, he knows, but he can’t stick with a proper theme. Should he do something colorful? Monochrome? Spontaneous? All of his thinking nearly led him to breaking apart his brushes.
- It was Jumpy’s idea to make a small book with all of Lin Chung’s drawings of you compiled in it. It held everything that Lin Chung thought about you when he filled it up. It ranged from black and white sketches to colorful masterpieces that nearly made you cry on how good he drew you.
- All in all, it was a pretty sweet and cute birthday party so uncharacteristic of Lin Chung but at the same time so him. It really showed how much he loves you and that he would go great lengths on making sure you know it.
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Autistic Headcanons!
I have so freaking many of these. I’ll start with those from western tv cartoons.
(Bolded means it’s canon)
Antauri (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!)
Otto (SRMTHG!)
Swindle (Transformers Animated)
Bulkhead (Transformers Animated)
Chase (Transformers Rescue Bots)
Boulder (Transformers Rescue Bots)
Hot Shot (Transformers Rescue Bots)
Medix (Transformers Rescue Bots)
Star Butterfly (Star VS The Forces of Evil)
Lin Chung (Hero 108)
Blossom, Bubbles & Buttercup Utonium (The Powerpuff Girls)
XJ9/Jenny Wakeman (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
Robot Electro Jones (Whatever Happened to Robot Jones?)
Robotboy (Robotboy)
Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic)
Fluttershy (MLP: FiM)
Rarity (MLP: FiM)
Applejack (MLP: FiM)
Rainbow Dash (MLP: FiM)
Pinkie Pie (MLP: FiM)
Starlight Glimmer (MLP: FiM)
Princess Luna (MLP: FiM)
Maud Pie (MLP: FiM)
Lyra Heartstrings (MLP: FiM)
Discord (MLP: FiM)
Sir Percedal of Sadlygrove/“Dally” (Wakfu)
Adamai (Wakfu)
Kagami Tsurugi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Zoe Lee (Miraculous Ladybug)
Wander (Wander Over Yonder)
Garnet (Steven Universe)
Pearl (Steven Universe)
Peridot (Steven Universe)
Leggy (Steven Universe)
Spinel (Steven Universe)
Padparadscha (Steven Universe)
Entrapta (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
9 (9)
3 & 4 (9)
Julia (Sesame Street)
Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House)
The Golden Guard/Hunter Clawthorne (The Owl House)
Amity Blight (The Owl House)
Gus Porter (The Owl House)
Orko (He-Man)
Fozzie Bear (Muppets)
Beaker & both Baby Beakers (Muppets/Muppet Babies)
Baby Animal (Muppet Babies 2018)
Lilo Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch)
Stitch (Lilo & Stitch)
The Kid (Kid Cosmic)
Shellington Sea Otter (The Octonauts)
Edd “Double D” Marion ??? (Ed, Edd n Eddy)
Bello (Jelly Jamm)
Goomo (Jelly Jamm)
Mina (Jelly Jamm)
Rita (Jelly Jamm)
Ongo (Jelly Jamm)
Honey Lemon (Big Hero 6)
Frederick “Fred” Flammarion Frederickson IV (Big Hero 6)
Globby (Big Hero 6)
Molly McGee (The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Scratch McGee (The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Libby Stein-Torres (The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Mao Mao Mao (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart)
Badgerclops (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart)
Adorabat (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart)
Nigel Uno/Numbuh 1 (Codename: Kids Next Door)
Hogarth “Hoagie” P. Gilligan Jr./Numbuh 2 (Codename: KND)
Kuki Sanban/Numbuh 3 (Codename: KND)
Wallabee “Wally” Beetles/Numbuh 4 (Codename: KND)
Abigail Lincoln/Numbuh 5 (Codename: KND)
The Delightful Children From Down The Lane/DCFDTL (Codename: KND)
Socks Heeler (Bluey)
Sprig Plantar (Amphibia)
Marcy Wu (Amphibia)
Gabby (Gabby’s Dollhouse)
DJ Catnip (Gabby’s Dollhouse)
Blastus (Robotomy)
Rudy Tabootie (Chalkzone)
Penny Sanchez (Chalkzone)
Snap White (Chalkzone)
Rob (R.O.B the Robot)
Wilt (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends)
Craig Williams (Craig of the Creek)
Kelsey Pokoly (Craig of the Creek)
J.P Mercer (Craig of the Creek)
Jessica Williams (Craig of the Creek)
Isabelle “Stacks” Alvarado (Craig of the Creek)
Tina Belcher (Bob’s Burgers)
Pocoyo (Pocoyo)
Spot Splatter Splash (Lalaloopsy)
Jewel Sparkles (Lalaloopsy)
Bea Spells-A-Lot (Lalaloopsy)
Cloud E. Skies (Lalaloopsy)
Storm E. Skies (Lalaloopsy)
Minty (My Little Pony G3)
Grounder (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog)
Alan “The Brain” Powers (Arthur)
Fern Walters (Arthur)
Clarence Wendle (Clarence)
Mickey Mouse (Mickey Mouse)
Courtney (Total Drama)
Sierra (Total Drama)
Ella (Total Drama)
Mason “Dipper” Pines (Gravity Falls)
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Leni L. Loud (The Loud House)
Lisa Loud (The Loud House)
Sidney “Sid” Chang (The Casagrandes)
Orange Blossom (Strawberry Shortcake)
Blueberry Muffin (Strawberry Shortcake)
Lemon Meringue (Strawberry Shortcake)
Rainbow Sherbet (Strawberry Shortcake)
Kaio “K.O.” Kincaid (OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes)
Dendy (OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes)
Becky Botsford/WordGirl (WordGirl)
Sunny Starscout (My Little Pony: A New Generation)
Izzy Moonbow (My Little Pony: A New Generation)
Ice Man (Mega Man Fully Charged)
Bloom (Winx Club)
Stella (Winx Club)
Flora (Winx Club)
Tecna (Winx Club)
Aisha/Layla (Winx Club)
Isabela Madrigal (Encanto)
Luisa Madrigal (Encanto)
Dolores Madrigal (Encanto)
Shiny (Super Giant Robot Brothers)
Thunder (Super Giant Robot Brothers)
Tack (The Thief and the Cobbler)
Fidget and Digit (Gadget and the Gadgetinis)
Katie Mitchell (The Mitchells VS The Machines)
Rick Mitchell (The Mitchells VS The Machines)
Aaron Mitchell (The Mitchells VS The Machines)
Hubert “Huey” Duck (Ducktales 2017)
Webbigail “Webby” Vanderquack (Ducktales 2017)
Fethry Duck (Ducktales 2017)
Violet Apollonia Sabrewing (Ducktales 2017)
Phineas Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
Ferb Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb)
Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
Baljeet Tjinder (Phineas and Ferb)
Lawrence Flynn-Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb)
Greg (Over the Garden Wall)
Raphael “Raph” (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Donatello “Donnie” (RotTMNT)
Hilda (Hilda)
Elizabeth Kajolica “Bessie” Higgenbottom (The Mighty B)
Mildred “Millie” Millerson (The Mighty B)
Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Dawkins (101 Dalmatian Street)
Da Vinci (101 Dalmatian Street)
Meilin “Mei” Lee (Turning Red)
Norma Khan (Dead End: Paranormal Park)
Daphne Ann Blake (Scooby Doo)
Frederick “Fred/Freddie” Jones Jr. (Scooby Doo)
Jack Spicer (Xiaolin Showdown)
Katie “Pidge” Holt (Voltron Legendary Defender)
Ina Leifsdottir (Voltron Legendary Defender)
Spongebob Squarepants (Spongebob Squarepants)
Patrick Star (Spongebob Squarepants)
Squidward Tentacles (Spongebob Squarepants)
Cleopatra Philonator VII (Cleopatra In Space)
Akila Theoris (Cleopatra In Space)
Yakko Warner, Wakko Warner & Dot Warner (Animaniacs)
Pinky (Animaniacs/Pinky And The Brain)
The Brain (Animaniacs/Pinky And The Brain)
Hannah-Marie (Scary Godmother)
Oscar Peltzer (Summer Camp Island)
Harvey Beaks (Harvey Beaks)
Alexander “Alex” Casoy (Totally Spies)
Koriand’r/Starfire (Teen Titans)
Wallace (Wallace And Gromit)
Ruby Gillman (Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken)
Julian (Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja)
Hailey Alohilani Banks (Hailey’s On It)
Gus (Lu And the Bally Bunch)
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yandere-toons · 3 years
-- Alphabetised by Character --
★ If your request is unlisted within a few days of sending it or disappears, feel free to contact me via private message.
Platonic & Romantic Headcanons:
Abe (Oddworld).
Aku (Samurai Jack).
Alameda Slim (Home on the Range).
Allosaurus (Jurassic World: Chaos Theory/Battle at Big Rock).
Andrew Neiman (Whiplash).
Astrid (HTTYD).
Baloo and Bagheera (The Jungle Book 1967).
Barbie and Ken (2023) share the reader who's a human that never played with Barbies but got wrapped up by the two doll's business and is just stuck with them.
Bart Simpson.
Beagle Boys (DuckTales 1987).
Belloc (Firebreather).
Benson (Regular Show) with a reader who's a SUPER hard worker and works themselves to the bone without any regard for their well-being.
Berkeley Beetle (Thumbelina).
Blue, Charlie, Delta and Echo (Jurassic World).
Bo Peep (Toy Story).
Brooklyn (Gargoyles).
Bunnymund (Rise of the Guardians).
Buzz Lightyear, Sheriff Woody and Jessie share a reader.
Candy Caramella, Etno Polino, Bud Budiovitch and Gorgious Klatoo (Space Goofs).
Casey Jones (TMNT 2012).
Charlie (Hazbin Hotel).
Chickenhare (Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness).
Chiro (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!).
Chris McLean with a darling who is either one of his interns or a contestant on the show (Total Drama).
Claudia Wolf (Silent Hill 3).
Crane (Kung Fu Panda).
Damien LaVey and Vera Oberlin share a reader (Monster Prom).
Danger Mouse.
Danny Phantom.
Darcy (Pride and Prejudice).
David Kawena (Lilo & Stitch).
Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs).
Deadpool | Wade Wilson.
Death (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish).
Demencia (Villainous).
Douxie (Trollhunters).
Dream Sans or Cross Sans (Underverse).
Dr Flug (Villainous).
Duncan (Total Drama Island).
E-123 Omega (Sonic the Hedgehog).
Edge (Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope).
Edward Nygma (Gotham).
Eli Shane (SlugTerra).
Eltingville Club.
Filthy Rich (My Little Pony).
Finn (Adventure Time).
Five Hargreeves.
Flintheart Glomgold.
Frank Grimes (The Simpsons).
Fred Jones, Velma Dinkley, Daphne Blake, Shaggy Rogers and Scooby-Doo share a reader (Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated).
Frieza (Dragon Ball Z/Super).
Fritz the Cat.
Gabe Lewis (The Office).
Garbage (Dogs In Space).
Gary Goodspeed (Final Space).
Gengar (Pokémon).
Godzilla and Ghidorah share a reader.
Good Cop | Bad Cop (The LEGO Movie).
Gordon, Waffle and Mr Blik (Catscratch).
Griffith (Berserk).
Gru (Despicable Me).
Gumball Watterson.
Hades (Hercules 1997).
Handsome Jack (Borderlands 2).
Hefty Smurf.
Hiccup Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon).
Hitchhiking Ghosts (The Haunted Mansion).
Hooty (The Owl House).
Hopper (A Bug's Life).
Horned King (The Black Cauldron).
Ice Bear (We Bare Bears).
Indominus Rex (Jurassic World).
Indoraptor and Indominus Rex share a reader.
Invader Zim.
Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians).
Jack Horner (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish).
Jack Sparrow.
Jason Grace, Frank Zhang, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase and Hazel Levesque as a group whilst on the Argo II.
Jeff the Killer x crime reporter (Creepypasta).
Jenner (The Secret of NIMH).
Jessica Rabbit.
Jimmy Crystal and Porsha Crystal (Sing 2).
Jinx (Teen Titans 2003).
Julia or Slappy Squirrel (Animaniacs).
Kai (Kung Fu Panda 3).
Kai, Lloyd, Zane, Jay, Cole, Nya (Ninjago).
Karai (TMNT 2012).
Katz (Courage the Cowardly Dog).
Killian or Lance Sterling (Spies in Disguise).
King Sombra.
Kovu and Kiara (The Lion King II: Simba's Pride).
Krusty the Clown.
LEGO Batman.
Legoshi (Beastars).
Leonardo (TMNT 2012).
Lightning McQueen.
Lin Chung (Hero: 108).
Lord Garmadon.
Lucifer Morningstar with a human reader who hunts demons from hell (DC).
Luz Noceda (The Owl House).
MUTOs (Godzilla 2014).
Manny, Sid and Diego share a reader (Ice Age).
Marco Pagot | Porco Rosso.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir).
Megavolt (Darkwing Duck 1991).
Mickey and Minnie Mouse.
Miles Prower.
Mordecai (Regular Show).
Mr Crocker (The Fairly OddParents).
Mr Wolf (The Bad Guys).
NOS-4-A2 (Buzz Lightyear of Star Command).
Naughty Bear.
Neo Cortex.
OMGKawaiiAngel aka Ame-Chan (Needy Streamer Overload).
Once-ler (The Lorax 2012).
Papa Smurf.
Patrick Hockstetter (Stephen King's It).
Peppermint Larry (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack).
Perry the Platypus.
Phineas Flynn and Ferb Fletcher.
Po (Kung Fu Panda).
Poly! Kion & Rani. For platonic, the reader is a young cub (The Lion Guard).
Popee the Performer.
Psychic Seven team-up with a reader whose love language is acts of service (Psychonauts).
Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank).
Ratigan (The Great Mouse Detective).
Raven (Teen Titans 2003).
Raymond with a masculine reader (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes).
Reagan Ridley and Brett Hand share a reader (Inside Job).
Regina George (Mean Girls).
Ren and Stimpy share a reader.
Ren Höek.
Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty).
Robin (Teen Titans 2003).
Robin and Starfire share a reader (Teen Titans 2003).
Robot Jones (Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones?).
Rodney Copperbottom.
Rorschach (Watchmen).
Rose DeWitt Bukater (Titanic 1997).
Salad Fingers.
Sans (Undertale).
Scorpios Rex (Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous).
Scrooge McDuck.
Scroop (Treasure Planet).
Sebastian J. Cricket (Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio).
Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Silver the Hedgehog and Amy Rose share a reader.
Sharko (Zig & Sharko).
Sherlock Gnomes.
Simon Petrikov and Winter King (Adventure Time).
Sir Pentious (Hazbin Hotel).
Skipper, Rico, Private, Kowalski.
Snotlout (HTTYD).
Spider Queen and Lady Bone Demon (LEGO Monkie Kid).
Squidward Tentacles.
Stan Smith (American Dad!).
Steven Universe.
Stranger (Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath).
Surge and Kitsunami (Sonic the Hedgehog: Imposter Syndrome).
T.W. Barker (Sonic Boom).
The Joker (Merry Little Batman).
Thorin II Oakenshield.
Tirek in his Minotaur form (My Little Pony: Rescue from Midnight Castle).
Todd Tolansky | Toad with a mutant reader (X-Men: Evolution).
Toothless (HTTYD).
Totoro (My Neighbor Totoro).
Turanga Leela.
Tyrannosaurus Rex.
V.IV Rusty (Armored Core VI).
Vance Hopper (The Black Phone).
Velociraptors (Jurassic Park).
Verosika (Helluva Boss).
Vigo (The After Dark).
Vinny Luco, Jimmy Falcone, Louie Luco (Azerrz's The Mob Boss | The Wise Guys).
Vito Scaletta and Joe Barbaro (Mafia II).
Wallace Wells (Scott Pilgrim).
Wally Darling (Welcome Home).
Walter White (Breaking Bad).
Warner Siblings react to a storyboarder reader working for other studios or projects. As in, the reader moves on from Warner Brothers and goes to work for a different company like Disney (Animaniacs).
Zoe (Monster Prom).
Platonic-Only Headcanons:
Angel Dust and Husk (Hazbin Hotel).
Apollo Cabin with a sunshine reader who is a child of Apollo, sometimes naive, and sweet to everyone (Percy Jackson).
Austin Powers.
Beetlejuice with an emo and/or goth reader.
Captain Qwark and his team (Ratchet & Clank 2016).
Cerebella (Skullgirls).
Cesare (Bigtop Burger).
Cul-de-Sac kids (Ed, Edd n Eddy).
Dib and Gaz Membrane with a sibling who is almost the opposite of them and is extremely kind to people.
Dr Drakken and Shego as a team (Kim Possible).
Eddie Brock (The Spectacular Spider-Man).
Entrapta (She-Ra).
Fang (Primal).
Glamrocks with an Animatronic! Reader, and they just found out that their friend has been scrapped (FNaF: Security Breach).
Grim, Billy and Mandy share a reader (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy).
Hargreeves family with a powered!reader.
Ink Sans (Underverse).
Jessica Rabbit.
Mane Six shares a reader (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic).
Marvin the Martian is a father figure.
Mei-Mei and her friend group, Priya, Abby and Miriam, share a reader (Turning Red).
Mime Bomb, where the reader is just a civilian.
President Snow (The Hunger Games).
Reagan Ridley takes care of a kid reader.
Senator Armstrong (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance).
Steve with a reader who is a frequent customer (Bigtop Burger).
Tim and Moby (BrainPOP).
Twitch and Thrash (Transformers: EarthSpark).
Romantic-Only Headcanons:
Anxiety (Inside Out 2).
Applejack (MLP: FIM).
Doctor Ivo Robotnik (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog).
Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin').
Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland 2010).
Doctor Eggman (Sonic X).
Emmet Brickowski with a very shy reader (The LEGO Movie).
Foghorn Leghorn.
Frank (Spooky Month).
Frank Fontaine (Bioshock).
Gideon Graves.
Goofball (Brain Dump).
Gregory Mama with a new guest to Gregory House (Gregory Horror Show).
Henchman 21 with a female reader (The Venture Bros).
Hydros (Hercules 1997).
Jack Spicer (Xiaolin Showdown).
Jailbot (Superjail!).
Jenny Wakeman | XJ-9.
John Constantine (DC).
John Silver (Treasure Planet).
Jonathan Crane | Scarecrow (Batman Begins).
Kyubey (Puella Magi Madoka Magica).
Lalo Salamanca (Better Call Saul).
Lila with a neighbour reader (Spooky Month).
Man Ray (SpongeBob SquarePants).
Metal Sonic.
Mojo Jojo.
N and Thad (Murder Drones).
Nome King (Return to Oz).
Polytheus (Mia and Me).
Princess Luna (MLP: FIM).
Raggedy Andy (The Adventures of Raggedy Ann and Andy).
Ron Staedtler (Inside Job).
Sheldon Lee (My Life as a Teenage Robot).
Turbo from Wreck-It Ralph, where the reader is either a player or a character living in the arcade.
Victoria Everglot (Corpse Bride).
Addams Family adopts the reader. The reader isn't necessarily as peculiar as them, but they do feel different from others, so the Addams Family is convinced they're meant to be with them!
Aegon II Targaryen with a Stark reader who is similar to Bran Stark (House of the Dragon).
Aethelred x GNReader, who is a Viking Warrior from Kattegat and part of the closer group with Ubbe, Bjorn, Lagertha ... centred around Season 5 (Vikings).
Angel Dust with MC who is the most gullible and innocent person ever, talking to people like Alastor and Husk (Hazbin Hotel).
Arktos (Tabaluga).
Bad Guys where the reader is trying to avoid both the titular Bad Guys and the cops after being framed as an accomplice.
Barbie and Ken (Barbie 2023).
Benson from Regular Show, where the reader is a worker at the park who tells him they're quitting because of his anger issues.
Bill (Beastars) struggles and blames the herbivore reader because he is obsessed with them.
Chelsea x GN human reader who’s studying marine biology. The reader is not affected by Chelsea’s charm like everyone else is, and they much prefer to be around Ruby Gillman instead (Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken).
“Commoner” Reader eventually gains the attention of Pacifica and her parents because they manage to win all the competitions they enter into. Using less than legal methods, both Pacifica and her parents plan to make sure the reader keeps winning. Under the Northwest last name. Each and every time the reader is invited over, it gets strangely more difficult to leave the mansion (Gravity Falls).
Count D (Pet Shop of Horrors).
Dethklok finds out that the reader already has a partner (Metalocalypse).
Dr Cockroach where the reader was his old lab mate before his experiment, and they left him alone on the night he became a human with a cockroach head. Years later, the monsters save the world and he recognises them in the crowd.
Drift (MTMTE) becomes attached to the reader in short order when they refuse to judge him for his past and generally treat him kindly. As his feelings darken, he tries to respect their choice to spend time with others, but his possessiveness inevitably spirals out of control, and people with whom the reader is close begin to disappear.
Eldritch! Reader with Villainous characters.
Emperor of Mankind (Warhammer 40k).
Emperor Zurg where Reader, who works for Zurg (2000’s cartoon version) as Darkmatter does, is trying to avoid Zurg the whole time they are doing their job.
Flippy is with his crush, but when he takes his eyes off them, they wander away and get mugged by Lifty and Shifty. When Flippy discovers this, Fliqpy comes out and destroys the thieves.
Goofball with a reader who is affectionate and doting towards him (Brain Dump).
HIM (The Powerpuff Girls).
Hoopa with a middle-aged, no-nonsense reader who owns a popular bakery and runs it with their Pokémon.
Hypno-Potamus (Rise! TMNT).
Invader Zim grapples with his feelings for a kind and doting reader.
Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad).
Jimmy's obsession happens upon the information that Jimmy fabricated evidence to get rid of someone who, in his eyes, "was in the way" of his and your love. The reader confronts Jimmy about this (Better Call Saul).
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac.
Kai and Cole (separate) become more obsessive toward the reader and realise their romantic feelings for them after almost losing them during a mission (Ninjago).
Kinito (KinitoPET).
Kratos (God of War).
Lightning McQueen and the reader race for the Piston Cup. In the last lap, the reader rides among the champions for the first time. While McQueen is in 1st place, the reader rides behind. Someone injures them or they lose control, but he finds out about it after the victory.
Lion King hyenas where the reader is sweet and kind to everybody, which causes adoration of them from the hyenas.
Mebh Óg MacTíre with an introverted Wolfwalker reader. The reader lives in a small cottage where they grow their food near town and much prefer living away from others and hunting alone, but they sometimes go into town to buy supplies. Robyn was the one who introduced them to Mebh, but Mebh, not liking the idea of that, keeps trying to get the reader to join her pack due to wolves being strong pack animals.
Megatron is infatuated with the reader, a friend of Isaac Sumdac’s who works as his assistant at Sumdac Systems, and unlike the professor, they are intensely wary of him (Transformers: Animated).
Mortimer Handee with a puppet reader where he confesses his feelings for them over tea, and they have no choice but to accept for fear of dying if they refuse.
Panchito and José lie to the reader as they did to Donald in "The Town Where Everyone Was Nice!" When the reader finds out about the lies, the two drop the kindness and just work together to keep the reader with them (DuckTales 2017).
Professor Pericles with the mystery gang's peer who is always hanging out with them.
Raz is super protective of an older sibling reader. He and the reader were close before he left the circus, but once his family comes to visit him, he notices that the reader is occupied elsewhere.
Reader can’t get a damn free day out of their schedule to see their friends because all of their time is monopolized (pun absolutely intended) by their overbearing business partner, Pennybags. Strangely enough, a surprise amount of readers’ friends are being sentenced for crimes reader is sure their pals didn’t commit… (Monopoly).
Reader (kinda picture them as The Narrator from Fight Club; the whole vibe/personality) who works at Waystar (Season 3-ish; maybe in the media branch as an editor or in PR as an assistant) who catches the (not asked for) attention of Roman, Greg and Kendall (in that order); Reader is a dead-inside, overworked employee who's surrounded by stinking rich people (and Greg) who they despise with every bone in their body, but they HAVE to work there because their dad got them the job and have to somehow navigate being courted by Roman, Greg AND Kendall (who tries to lure them away) next to all the drama (Succession).
Reagan Ridley (Inside Job).
Ren Höek goes on a never-ending spree of manipulating the reader.
Ripto from Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage. Specifically the re-ignited Ripto. He successfully takes over Avalar and tries to convince the reader that they’ll fall madly in love with him since he’s already madly in love with them and to rule by his side. The reader rejects him at first, but then he kidnaps them and forces them to marry him.
Rivalry between Samaritan and the Machine (Person of Interest).
Robinson Family with a new kid reader in town (Meet the Robinsons).
Rottmnt brothers with 2012 TMNT Reader who gets badly hurt from entering their world, and the turtles find them, take care of them, and want them to be their older sister because the reader is amazing towards them and completes their family.
Sammy Lawrence with an intern reader at the studio before he gets turned into an ink creature.
Scrooge McDuck and Flintheart Glomgold track down an orphan teenage reader who ran away after hearing about how these billionaires wanted to adopt them. The reader managed to escape them initially because those two were too busy fighting each other.
Spear (Primal).
Spinel struggles to remain calm after becoming convinced that the reader is going to leave her (Steven Universe).
Steve Raglan | William Afton with an accomplice of sorts (Five Nights at Freddy's 2023).
Sulley uses the scare doors to stalk a human and later kidnaps them (Monsters, Inc.).
Sun Wukong (Monkie Kid) with a reader around or a bit younger than MK's age. They're Macaque's successor, and Wukong has grown quite attached to them.
Sun Wukong is defensive over the reader against people that he suspects of having malicious intent, who may or may not be demons.
The Big Bad Wolf finds the reader, who struggles with suicidal ideation, walking alone in the forest during the night and takes them in and cares for them. The Three Little Wolves immediately get attached to the reader, seeing them as a second mom/pop/parent. The reader is convinced to stay, that they'll be happier with the wolves and be a family together (Disney's Silly Symphony).
The hundred-acre wood residents (Winnie, Piglet, Rabbit, Eeyore) welcome a new resident to the woods, and they begin to develop feelings.
The reader is a new scarer at Monsters University and catches the attention of both Oozma Kappa and Roar Omega Roar.
Tom Lucitor takes the reader to the Blood Moon Ball.
Watterson family where the reader is Gumball and Darwin's younger best friend.
Younger Toffee, the Toffee you see in "Meteora's Lesson", discovers Earth for the first time and becomes obsessed with a human because they come from a magicless world (SvtFoE).
Zach and Chris force themselves into the reader's home, inviting themselves over and making themselves welcome, wildly overstepping boundaries (Hellbenders).
Love Letters:
Jack Sparrow.
Magnus Hammersmith (Metalocalypse). Context: maybe the two initially meet at a concert with them part of the stage crew setting up equipment and then kept bumping into each other at other venues; set after he got kicked out, with mentions of his obsession having an unspecified illness (chronic pain & fatigue).
Marvin the Martian or Bugs Bunny.
No Specified Format:
6 (Shane Acker's 9).
Abijah Fowler (Blue Eye Samurai).
Alastor with a teenage reader (Hazbin Hotel).
All the Barbies and Kens unite in a town-wide alliance to stop the reader from leaving Barbie Land (Barbie 2023).
Amon (The Legend of Korra).
Amy Dunne and Nick Dunne with a kid (Gone Girl).
Animaniacs randomly adopt the reader, who is okay with it.
Ash Williams, Brock Samson, Sam and Max, GLaDOS and Claptrap as a group obsessing over one person (Poker Night 2).
Aziraphale and Crowley adopt a Nephilim reader.
Aziraphale and Crowley found family dynamic towards a teen reader with very neglectful parents, so the reader spends their time a lot in Aziraphale's bookstore (Good Omens).
Bad Ronald.
Batman (The Batman 2004).
Beep the Meep.
Benny the 1980-Something Space Guy with a space nerd s/o.
Bill Cipher with a reader who likes to collect bones and teeth.
Billy Lenz (Black Christmas 1974).
BoJack Horseman is a father figure.
Bowser (Mario).
Bradley Uppercrust III (An Extremely Goofy Movie).
Breakfast Princess invites the other princesses from the Princess Kingdoms, and the reader is there with Breakfast Princess. While Breakfast Princess is praising the reader, the other princesses start to fall for the reader and get jealous (Adventure Time).
Bugs Bunny and/or Daffy Duck react to the reader declining their offer to hang out or go on a date.
Captain Rex (Star Wars: The Clone Wars).
Commander Peepers falls for a citizen on a planet he invades (Wander Over Yonder).
Count Vronsky (Anna Karenina 2012).
Crawler Splicer (Bioshock 2).
Crypt-Keeper (Tales from the Crypt-Keeper).
Cyborg (Teen Titans 2003).
Darkwing Duck dates the reader, who is also pursued by Gizmoduck and Negaduck (Darkwing Duck 1990).
Daryl Dixon x gn! priest! reader around season 2/3. The priest might exhibit a very tranquil outlook on life and overall a peaceful and welcoming demeanour. They could not bear even the thought of hurting another living being, not even the living dead. To some, they would come across as soft, pliant, fearful and overall a burden (The Walking Dead).
Daryl Dixon, Rick Grimes and Michonne Hawthorne team-up.
Davros and the Daleks (Doctor Who).
Demon kings (Mephisto, Lucifer, Amaimon, Azazel, Iblis, Egyn, Astaroth and Beelzebub) older sibling dynamic together with a human reader, perhaps an exwire (Blue Exorcist). The demon kings accepted the human reader as a younger sibling and fully believe that they are despite no connection. The reader loathes demons with a passion.
Donatello (TMNT 2012).
Drawn Together.
Dr Strangeglove (Moshi Monsters).
Ed, Edd n Eddy.
Ed with the reader trying to escape, or platonic hcs of the whole crew (Dogs in Space).
Edward Platypus with a Camp Kidney scout who rooms with them (Camp Lazlo).
Emerald with a reader who is Blue Diamond's Emerald (Steven Universe).
Fat Tony x reader who's one of his gang members/employees (The Simpsons).
Fleegle, Drooper and Bingo with a child reader (The Banana Splits Movie).
Flintheart Glomgold, Scrooge McDuck and John D. Rockerduck fight over the reader.
Flippy with a veteran reader who served in a different war. The reader meets Fliqpy, but he sees them as a comrade and thus starts to grow attached to them (Happy Tree Friends).
Fred Jones, Velma Dinkley, Daphne Blake, Shaggy Rogers and Scooby-Doo with an early teen reader who is around 13 years old (Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated).
Garfield the Cat.
Genie (Aladdin).
Greg Heffley.
Hatzgang (Spooky Month).
Intruder (The Mandela Catalogue).
Jackson Storm (Cars 3).
Jay (Ninjago).
Kevin (Spooky Month).
Killer Sans.
King Spade with a Darkner reader who is Lancer's parental figure (Deltarune).
Kira (Dogs in Space).
Kovu and Kiara with a lion reader who is Kiara's guard ever since the reader and Kiara hit adulthood (The Lion King II: Simba's Pride).
Kurt Kunkle (Spree).
Lapis Lazuli x fem reader, who has a mental breakdown and panic attack in front of Lapis (Steven Universe).
Lightning McQueen is separated from his S/O due to the events of the first movie, so his S/O takes the opportunity to escape.
Lil Bulb (DuckTales 2017).
Lin Chung with a s/o who is extremely shy and mainly sticks to Mystique Sonia (Hero: 108).
Lloyd, Nya, Cole, Jay, Kai, Zane and Morro with a kid reader (Ninjago).
Lou (UglyDolls).
Luffy's Crew (Live-Action One Piece).
Luke Castellan with a reader who is a child of Aphrodite (Percy Jackson).
Lutador (Vivo).
Maka Albarn and Soul Evans with a weapon reader (Soul Eater).
Mammon (Helluva Boss).
Marvin the Martian believes that the reader is the protector of Earth (because they served in the military or something along those lines) and of course, wanting to take over Earth, would want to defeat them. He doesn't know that this turned out to be an obsession. He never stops thinking about the reader and spies and seems to be in the reader's everyday life because of it. Marvin convinced himself long ago that he is doing that just to defeat the reader. Yet, whenever he sees someone pose a threat to or anger the reader, he becomes protective because he is the one who will rule Earth and the one who will defeat them, not some puny earthling!
Master Jack (The Toy Shop 1996).
Megatron with a S/O with ADHD, Autism and DID.
Member of Steve Smith's friend group during the witches of Langley episode (American Dad).
Michelangelo (TMNT 2007).
Minions with a reader who is so reckless they are the No. 1 villain on accident, but in truth, they are a genuine person that is just way too sweet.
Morro (Ninjago).
Mr and Mrs Fox with a houseguest (Fantastic Mr Fox).
Mr Krabs and Sheldon J. Plankton rivalry.
Ned Flanders (The Simpsons).
Nightmare Sans.
Otto Mann (The Simpsons).
Papi Boulevardez (The Proud Family).
Pitch Black (Rise of the Guardians).
Powerpuff Girls share the reader.
Prismo (Adventure Time).
Professor Venomous with a reader who’s a civilian that acts as a parental figure to Fink (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes).
Puss in Boots.
Randal Boggs x lector humano, donde Randal está en la casa del lector cuando es un fugitivo.
Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank) who gets possessive over the reader after he gets jealous of other people trying to get near them (he/him pronouns for the reader).
Rattlesnake Jake (Rango).
Rhys Strongfork (Tales From the Borderlands | Borderlands 3).
Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist).
Rottmnt boys were on patrol, and they decided to check on Y/N. They look through the window to see Y/N hugging a plush version of the brothers and kissing the plush. "I love you... ugh why can't I just say it straight to his face?!" said Y/N.
Sabretooth and Wolverine with the same mutant teen, who happens to be a feral mutant like them, but isn't interested in joining the X-Men, Brotherhood, or Acolytes.
Seymour Skinner (The Simpsons).
Spear and Fang with a feisty neanderthal who doesn't seem to notice how small they are and tries to fight the two (Primal).
Spider-Man 2099 | Miguel O'Hara with a reader who's an accidental spidey (like they were not supposed to be a Spider-Man, to begin with) and has a living MJ who they love back home.
Splatter Phoenix, where the reader is a rival artist.
Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls).
Sun Wukong, where a shy and kind reader joins the group as a healer (Monkey King Reborn).
Team Avatar (Avatar: The Last Airbender).
Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who).
The Spot (Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse).
The kids in New Holland and a new kid, preferably with quite a bit of Nassor and Victor (Frankenweenie).
Trevor Philips and Michael De Santa are surrogate dads! Maybe they meet the reader on a one-off mission or even almost run them over and are like, "Welp ... you're ours now!" and take it upon themselves to adopt the reader (GTA V).
Tributes of the first or second movie fight to prove they can take care of the tribute reader best, and whoever wins gets the reader (The Hunger Games).
Turbo (Wreck-It Ralph).
Victor Van Dort (Corpse Bride).
Viktor Humphries (Slime Rancher).
Wes with an extremely paranoid reader who loves and gets extremely calmer with his balloons. They just feel at peace seeing all of those colorful little shapes around them (Don't Starve).
Wilson and the reader come into The Constant at the same time, work together to get out, and the reader ends up making it to Maxwell first. After working together so much, Wilson is willing to try anything so they'll be freed (Don't Starve).
Wolf! Reader is best friends with the Penguins of Madagascar and follows them everywhere in the events of the movie, but now they caught Dave’s eye so they have to stop him from kidnapping and following her and destroying all penguins.
Wood Scouts minus Jermy with a reader who's not supposed to be a scout and is the opposite of what the tough, outdoorsy boys should be (Camp Camp).
Zane (Ninjago).
Zohakuten (Kimetsu no Yaiba).
The Big Ones:
Imagine this: a new animator for Warner bros comes in to work. They noticed the Warner sibling acting zany to the max and decided to doodle them one day. Once they finished their doodles of the Warner sibs, they went to buy a drink but left it on a table outside on accident. The Warner sibs see it and are amazed by it. But they are unknown to who is the artist behind these amazing drawings. The animator goes back to collect their sketchbook after getting their drink, of course, before the Warner sibs hide discreetly to see who the artist is. The animator sighs in relief to see that their sketchbook is back in their own hands. They quickly go back to their department before their lunch ends. The Warner siblings soon find their interest piqued in this animator, so they go to see them, but the animator has no clue on who “the Animaniacs” are because they were born after their show ended. They become good friends. Instead of scowling and getting mad at their jokes, they simply laugh and are patient with them. Eventually, one day, pinky and brain make a portal gun where if they shoot someone, they will be teleported to another timeline. The animaniacs find this portal gun and start to shoot everywhere for fun and accidentally shoot their animator friend. They are distraught and ask pink and brain for help. Animator friend gets teleported to animaniacs 1993, in the year 1995. They take the role of temp nurse with hello nurse and Dr Scratch n sniff . Of course, finding pinky and brain to help them to go back to their world (2024). From their animator friend disguised as temp nurse, meets the Warner siblings and start their friendship all over again except in the year 1995. The animator friend always laughed when the Warner brothers say “Hello nurse” and dot replying “it’s hard to be the strong one”. Always greeting them with a hello and how are you. Animator friend even stuck up for them when the ceo and Dr Scratch n sniff was talking smack about them. Eventually, the brain managed to find a way for the reader to go back home. The Warner sibs were sad and that’s when animator friend told them that they were from the future and that they were friends in that timeline and that they will return but instead they will work there as a different profession. Animator friend returns, and all is back to normal. The Warner sibs don’t realize that animator friends and temp nurses are the same person. So after the day animator friend went back to their timeline, the animation department got egg bombed, and all their equipment had stayed in the department, so all the animators had to take temporary jobs in the studio. Animator got the nurse job again, dr scratch n sniff recognizes animation friend (he knew it was animation friend disguised as temp nurse because they needed a disquise to stay in the studio so brain can get the portal gun ready to send friend home. Brain explained to scratch n sniff, and the 3 of them were a team temporarily) . And since the hello nurse was away on vacation dr scratch n sniff needed the help. The Warner sibs decided to pay a visit to Dr Scratch n sniff and unknowingly see temp nurse (animation friend). They were ready to cry and jump on animation friend, saying how much they’ve missed them. Dr Scratch n sniff is confused going “guys it animator friend you just saw them 15 min ago”. That’s when they connected the dots and where like “what!” Durout the next 3 weeks, they were attached to animator friend like glue.
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midnightlee25 · 9 months
Yandere Cartoon Network MasterList
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Main Masterlist
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Wyatt Williams
 Duncan Rosenblatt
Mystique Sonia
Grizz (Human)
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Marceline & Bubblegum
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Accidentally hurting their darling -  Lance Lunis, Ilana Lunis, Newton
Wilt with a darling that has a sprained ankle
Platonic Yandere: Grim, Billy and Mandy with a best friend that is being bullied
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Character headcanons: Lin Chung
Platonic Yandere: Frankie with a younger sibling who also helps around the foster house
Character headcanons: Mighty Ray
Character headcanons: Mystique Sonia
Most delusional to least delusional - Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
Character headcanons: (Human) Ice Bear
Would they be friends first or get straight to the point - Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu
Platonic vs Romantic: Grim
Platonic Yandere:  Norville "Shaggy" Rogers with a younger sibling who loves everything horror
Most delusional to least delusional - Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated
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Yandere Team-ups: Heather & Courtney & Gwen
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mabeljonesrock · 2 years
Vincent “Vince” Von Fang-WolfBite
RACE: werewolf/vampire hybrid monster
GENDER AND PRONOUNS:Male and He/they/their/them
DATE OF BIRTH:13 October
HOMELAND: Scareville(formerly), Konnichiwa(currently
ALIGNMENT: Super 4(honorary member) and the ninja clan
OCCUPATION: ninja and honorary team member
RELATIVES: Countess Elvira Von Fang(Mother) and Alpha Laurence Wolfbite(Father)
FRIENDS: Ruby, Alien, Twinkle, Gene
ALLIES: the ninja clan and Sensei Taro
ENEMIES: Lord Katsu
VOICE HEADCANON: Andrew Francis(he could sound like a shyer version of Lin Chung)
APEARANCE: He has pointy ears, palish blue skin, dark blue eyes, fangs and long messy black hair tied up in a ponytail. He wear a naruto-inspired ninja costume with black and blue colour schemes.
PERSONALITY: He is very shy, quiet and introverted but can be very skilled, fearless, athletic, focused, agile and serious when it come to fighting, training and missions. He is very calm and polite when greeting and meeting someone. Despite their shy and introverted nature, he is no pushover and become very fierce, rude and aggressive when provoked. He had a strong sweet tooth when it come to sweets, desserts and candy.
ABILITIES AND WEAPONS: Vince is a very athletic, agile, skilled and trained ninja warrior and can mastered stealth, ninja weapons and ninjitsu. His main choice of weapon is a Kusarigama and some shurikens. Because he is the son of a vampire and werewolf, he had many abilities of a vampire(flight, fangs, invisibility, hypnosis, immortality, wallcrawling, can grow wings) and werewolf(healing factor, superhuman speed, superhuman strength, enhanced sense of smell and hearing, Wolf-like claws, powerful roar). They transformed into a hulking and terrifying cross between a Bat and Wolf monster at full moon.
Bio: He is born and grew up in scareville(an island where monsters like vampires, werewolves, zombies, ghosts, goblins, mummies, sea monsters and witches live). He is the son of a werewolf and vampire and he is conflicted to join the werewolves or the vampires. When he turn 13, he ran away from scareville. He find himself in another island called Konnichiwa. It is home for Ninjas, samurais, geishas, sumos and yokais live. He then join a ninja clan and began training to become a shinobi. He hide his monster heritage from the clan because he is afraid that he be kicked out if they find out that he is a scary monster. At 18, he meet super 4 and become a honorary member.
1. Because he is a werewolf/vampire hybrid, he turn into a Bat and Wolf hybrid monster at night.
2. To hide their monster heritage, He covered their fangs, claws and pointy ears with ninja mask, gloves and hood and use makeup to hide their palish blue skin.
3. Their favorite colour is blue and black.
4. Their favorite food used to be tentacle stew, scream cakes and blood soup but it is currently tea, sushi and ramen after entering Konnichiwa. He had a strong sweet tooth when it come to sweets, desserts and candy.
5. He is a fan of Yokai mythology.
6. Their hobbies is gardening, bird watching, drinking tea, listening to his favourite music, reading/writing haiku, playing cards, cooking and training his ninjitsu skills.
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self-ships-ahoy · 4 years
💌💋💟 for the ask meme! For whichever f/o you want!
Well, I already did Vinnie for that third one, so this one I’m gonna do Dai Zong!
💌: Do you have a platonic f/o that ships you and your romantic f/o?
The only person who knows about it in the span of the show is Lin Chung, cuz he’s intuitive like that. But he’s super respectful about it and let’s us have our space and keep our secret. He is super supportive of us, and is very happy that his teammate and former leader (as of season 2 anyway) found love.
💋: Were you your f/o’s first kiss? What was your first kiss with them like?
Ok...I can skip around in the story a bit..... -///-
We were on a walk through one of the gardens and it started to rain on us. We thought we’d be back at Big Green before the rain came, but the weather decided to surprise us that day. We’ve been seeing each other for quite a while now, but something like this hadn’t happened to us yet! We scrambled to find shelter, and finally came across a small pavilion with a bench. Seemed like a perfect place to wait out the rain, so we stayed there.
Even though I was wet and inconvenienced, I still managed to see beauty in the garden as it was being watered by nature. We talk about that for a while, with a little joking around about our ruined plans. The conversation went one way and another, and then it got quiet. Then we shared a few shy glances. Then...we kissed. It was short and quaint, but it happened, and both our hearts were soaring. Idk if I was his first kiss, but I don’t really care. I’m sure I was his best kiss. ;)
💟: What are you and your f/o’s love languages? Is there anything special either of you do to show affection to the other?
...This is really hard. I’m not really sure! if I had to make an educated guess right now, it would be mostly acts of service, maybe with some physical touch. Dai Zong seems to be a man of (calculated) action, and he best serves Big Green when he can do something for it; I headcanon that there’s a legit reason he’s not on the field often, and that bothers him greatly. Perhaps a health issue. Wouldn’t be surprised if that wooden block he’s worn around his neck for years hasn’t messed him up.
Ahh but what does that mean for me? It means opening a door for me even though he has to use his feet; making sure there’s a serving of my favorite fruit left for me during lunch; keeping the room quiet when I’m feeling overstimulated, or leading me somewhere if I have an anxiety attack; playing footsie under the table where no one can see; having some water brought to me if I haven't taken a break in a while; and when he gets cured, he’ll be even better at treating me like a queen. ...and cuddles. He won’t be able to stop hugging me for the longest time X3c
My love language is still words, and it still involves praise, love letters, and just nice conversations. Dai Zong doesn’t have a big self worth problem, but I still like to remind him how much he matters to First Squad, even though he’s frequently overlooked. Really, though, I think just picking him out from the crowd to talk to him means a lot to him. Seeing him as more than just an authoritative warrior/leader, you know?
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sols-rambles · 4 years
Kowloon x Lin Chung? P.S. I know I'm weird
You aren't weird! I hope I did well!
• Lin Chung would probably be the one to initiate a relationship, with a little help from the rest of first squad.
• Kowloon dates like it's a challenge. Lin Chung takes him on a romantic walk? Kowloon will find a better place to walk! Lin got him a gift? Kowloon will get him more!
• Kowloon will get over it eventually, he'll settle into a relationship naturally but it's an uphill battle for the first couple of weeks.
• The rest of first and second squad are not subtle about them shipping them.
• Sonia and Jumpy- and sometimes Alpha Girl and Archer Lee- have helped Kowloon and Lin Chung go on a date on more than one occasion.
• Since they're both members of big green, and both have missions that will likely interrupt a regular date, they sometimes call going out to help an animal castle a date.
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sols-rambles · 4 years
Hero 108 headcanon. Lin Chung is the reincarnation of a panther
Oh same headcanon!
Thatd make his spirit animal make even more sense as well!
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