#[i was following orders (rin)]
vmlnrznotfound · 2 months
characters: isagi, sae, rin, kaiser
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yoichi isagi had been following you around the house like a lost puppy, his apologies and explanations coming in a steady stream. “i’m sorry,” he’d say, over and over, each time you walked past him, hoping for some acknowledgment. but you were resolutely ignoring him, your frustration palpable.
he sighed heavily as he sank onto the couch, looking dejected. his usually bright demeanor was dimmed by the weight of your silence.
moments later, you emerged from your room looking fresh and ready to go out. your outfit—a skirt and stockings—highlighted your figure, your thighs, and yoichi’s eyes widened with a mix of surprise and longing. just as you were about to step out, he leaped off the couch and carried you, pulled you onto his lap, his hands firmly securing your thighs.
“please, i’m really sorry,” yoichi pouted, leaning in close. “let me kiss you.”
his lips moved toward yours, but you pushed him back gently, shaking your head. he tried again, leaning in with determination, but once more, you pushed him away. each attempt was met with your firm resistance, and yoichi’s frustration grew.
desperate and determined, yoichi finally laid you down on the couch, his body hovering over yours. his expression was a mixture of pleading and earnestness.
“i’m sorry!” he said, his voice breaking slightly. “please forgive me. just let me kiss you.”
his eyes searched yours with a hopeful desperation. despite your initial resistance, the sincerity in his voice and the vulnerability in his gaze began to chip away at your frustration.
“you really don’t understand, do you?” you said softly, your anger beginning to wane.
“i do now,” he murmured against your lips. “and i'm sorry. please kiss me?”
you walked into the living room, still fuming from the argument you had with sae. as you entered, your eyes widened at the sight of him enjoying the last cookie—your cookie. the irritation you felt from the earlier argument was only intensified by this minor yet significant act of betrayal.
you mumbled something under your breath, turning on your heel and heading toward the door. the tension in the air was thick, and sae watched you with a mixture of guilt and frustration.
moments later, the doorbell rang. you answered it to find the delivery guy holding a bag. he handed it to you, explaining that it was prepaid. you glanced inside, seeing a variety of snacks, cookies, and—curiously—condoms. when you asked who ordered it, the delivery guy simply said it was for sae.
with annoyance, you took the bag and tossed it onto the sofa, where sae was sitting. he immediately grabbed your arm, pulling you toward him with a sudden urgency.
you landed on top of him, your face inches from his. the intensity of the situation made you even more aware of the tension between you. sae’s hands traveled up to your sides, making their way to your ass, his touch surprisingly gentle despite the previous forcefulness.
“i didn't realise you wanted that cookie. will you not forgive me?” sae murmured, his eyes searching yours for any sign of softness. his hands moved lower, brushing against your thighs.
“why should i?” you replied, your voice edged with defiance.
sae sighed, his frustration mingling with the desire to make things right. “because i’m trying. i’m really trying to show you that i care. just…let me prove it.”
he leaned in closer, his lips inches from yours, his gaze intense. “please, forgive me.”
the moment you moved from one room to another in the house, rin itoshi was right behind you. he trailed after you silently, his frustration growing with each step as you continued to ignore him. he tried to catch your eye, to offer a word or a touch, but you remained resolutely distant.
no matter where you went—into the kitchen, then the living room, then back to the hallway—rin followed, his presence a constant shadow. his attempts to bridge the gap between you seemed to be failing, and the tension in the air grew thicker.
it was when you turned with a "hmph", when finally, rin’s patience snapped. he stepped forward, grabbing you by the waist with a firm grip. before you could react, he lifted you off your feet and carried you toward the bedroom. his steps were determined, his jaw clenched with a mix of anger and desperation.
once inside the bedroom, he laid you down on the bed, his body hovering over you. his eyes burned with a fierce emotion, a rare display of vulnerability and frustration.
“i’ve done it!” rin’s voice cracked with intensity. “i’ve apologized a million fucking times. i’m sorry, goddammit. just forgive me already!”
the raw emotion in his voice was unmistakable. his face was close to yours, his eyes searching for any sign of forgiveness or understanding. despite your lingering anger, his forcefulness and the sincerity behind his words began to pierce through your defenses.
you looked up at him, stunned by the abruptness of his actions and the depth of his plea. his usual calm demeanor was replaced with a desperate need for reconciliation.
“i…rin,” you started, but he cut you off, his tone softening as he continued to hold your gaze.
“i’m tired of this,” he said quietly, his voice now filled with a pleading tone. “i need you to see that i care. i want to make things right. please, just tell me what i need to do.”
you were lounging on the sofa, flipping through tv channels, when kaiser walked in, holding a beautifully arranged plate of your favorite food. he had gone all out, dressing the dish with care and placing it on the coffee table in front of you.
you barely glanced at the plate, your attention fixed on the tv. kaiser’s face fell slightly, but he tried to stay upbeat.
“hey,” he said, trying to catch your attention. “i made your favorite. i thought it might help.”
you continued to ignore him, switching channels with a sigh. kaiser’s smile faltered, and he set the plate aside, clearly hurt by your response.
taking a deep breath, he suddenly dropped to his knees in front of you, his eyes filled with a mix of frustration and desperation. the shift in his demeanor was striking, and your eyes widened in surprise.
“i’ve already apologized so many times!” kaiser’s voice cracked with emotion. “what do you want me to do? kill myself? is that what you want?”
his words came out in a rush, but seeing the sadness in your eyes, he quickly realized how harsh they sounded. he quickly amended his statement, his voice trembling slightly.
“i won’t do it,” he said, more gently. “don’t you dare think that.”
he reached out, taking your hand in his, his grip firm but reassuring. “i’m here, and i’m trying. i just need you to give me a chance to show you that i’m serious about making things right.” he says kissing your ankles.
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emmyrosee · 10 months
Every morning was a pleasant routine.
Rintaro would get up, press a sweet, light kiss to your head before heading out for a run- then, he’d come back just in time for you and Kaiya to be up and making breakfast for him while he showers.
Then, he’d change, have a small bite for breakfast, watch one episode of whatever show was on with his baby while he brushed her hair, then kiss her goodbye and allow you to drown him in your own share of goodbye kisses before he heads off to work.
But today, he just. Skipped it. Instead of getting up for a run, he whines and buries himself in the pillows for a bit more sleep. Instead of showering, he throws on clean enough clothes and deodorant while you’re struggling to prepare a semi-sufficient breakfast for your husband as he scrambles to get all his practice gear ready. He packs Akito's lunch and sends him off to school with a ruffle of his hair, while a toothbrush is jammed down his throat.
Kaiya watches, confused, as you smear apple jam over a piece of toast and pour him a cup of coffee, knowing he’d have to take it in the car in any chance to make it in on time. The child merely makes her way into the living room to wait for her father to come watch Bluey as he did every morning.
“Got your phone? Water? Protein bar? Lunch- Rin do not forget your lunch again- change of socks?” All of your asking gets a hurried, quickly glanced “yes” or “got it” from Rin. He stuffs the toast into his mouth and plants a half-successful kiss to your cheek in order to head out. “Love you girls!”
“Love you too!” You call back, watching him make his way out of the house, struggling slightly with the disorganized bag.
“Mommy?” Kaiya whimpers, her cheeks stained with strawberry juice. “Where daddy going?”
You crouch down to your little girls height, wondering if she just forgot that he left everyday, or whatever the case may be, “well… he’s going to work, baby, he’ll be back soon!”
“Daddy’s gone?”
“Yeah baby… we can get lunch with him later if you would like to-“
“No!” She cries, her wide, green eyes filling with tears. Your heart sinks, you really don’t know what the problem is, and that sadness only grows when Kaiya, in all her four year old energy can muster, runs to the large living room window that looks out to the driveway, her tiny fists banging on the glass. “Daddyyyyy!” She wails, her cries becoming more frantic.
“Kaiya, it’s okay! Daddy will be home later-“
Instinctively, you bring your hands up to try and cover up your ears from the scream of your baby, shocked at the volume and distress of her shrieks.
Suddenly, she runs from the window to the front door, and your heart absolutely jumps in your throat, fearing she’s going to try and book it about the front door to follow her dad.
When you make a move to chase her, you let out a relieved breath to see her clutched in the arms of her Rintaro, her tiny face buried in his neck and his, in her hair. Little sniffles and whimpers slip from her tiny face, interwoven with small little “I’m sorry, princess,” falling from Rin’s lips.
“She had a meltdown when you left, Rin,” you explain, leaning against the wall in exhaustion from the already hectic morning. Your hands scrub your face to relieve the fatigue, but you freeze and almost smack yourself when Kaiya finally peeps up.
“I-it’s ‘cause you didn’t say goodbye t'me,” she whimpers, and Rintaro squeezes her impossibly closer, his eyes screwing shut to fight his own shame. Neither of you even processed that, it was so crazy that a simple ‘love you!’ was sufficient enough to quell your need for his affection, but both of you clearly forgot about your daughter’s needs.
“I know, Angel, I’m so sorry,” he says softly, placing a sweet kiss on her temple. “Daddy was too busy this morning huh? Needs to make sure he takes care of his favorite girls?” His eyes flick to you before he opens one of his arms for you to come into for a hug.
His embrace is tempting, but you sigh softly, “Rin, you’ll be late-“
“‘M already late,” he chuckles, shaking his head. “But I’m almost halfway tempted to call in sick and spend the day here, so I’d get in this hug if I were you.”
In truth, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t about to take him up on that offer, spend the day with the two loves of your life with a nice hot breakfast, maybe a couple of Disney movies and a walk in the park, but it wouldn’t be right; not when Rin already works so hard to be able to provide you with that life while he’s busy playing or even out of the country.
Regardless, you slip to your knees and crawl into Rin’s other side, your hand wrapping around his broad shoulders so your fingers can tangle in his soft hair, which he happily leans into.
He plants a kiss to your head before nuzzling his nose against Kaiya’s own dark hair, “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, baby. I’ll be better next time."
“You better,” she whimpers. You and Rin look at each other and chuckle, none of you daring to leave the hug.
If anything, you squeeze tighter, not ready to let the world interrupt yet.
tagging u 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 @reverie-starlight @tsukiran @wolffmaiden @thoreeo @aliensknowmyillusions @tutuwusworld @lavishcherie @sassycheesecake @cheolattes @rrairey 🩷
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kaiser1ns · 4 months
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𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗱𝗼𝘂/𝗿𝗶𝗻 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 (𝘀𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲)
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╹synopsis :: you just wanted to eat something but your boyfriend said no.
╹contents :: fluff, tw : tomatoes (i hate tomatoes), but I love oranges, just two menaces to society trying their best to be good boyfriends
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Sitting in your apartment with your boyfriend while he made a sandwich for the two of you to share during lunch. "Don't put so many tomatoes." You pointed it out from the table. "Shut up and enjoy that I'm making you a damn sandwich."
"I hate tomatoes."
"You hate everything."
"Ryusei! Just don't put so much product on the sandwich!" You watched him as he gave you a pointed look while he picked up another slice of tomato and placed it on the bread. You stood up, ready to go smack him right in the smug look on his face when you realized something.
"Rin was right." You said it out loud with a disgusted look on your face. "Now that's a joke," The blonde said as he began to add more condiments to the sandwich that you wanted to eat but now, you lost appetite.
"We bicker constantly." He shrugged, "So?"
"So? We are like a cat and a dog. Constantly picking at one another."
"Technically, you're constantly picking at me."
"Seriously?" You crossed your arms over your chest and he looked up and smiled. "You do things just to piss me off!" You accused, Shidou scoffed, "As if!"
"I'm not joking."
"I'm not either," he put the other piece of bread on the sandwich and took a huge bite. You rolled your eyes and stormed out of the room, not wanting him to see your eyes filing with tears.
"Babe!" He followed you, grabbing your arm and stopping you before you could make it into your bedroom. "I'm sorry, I'll be serious now don't be upset."
You sniffed, "Can we be a normal couple for once and not fight for the most stupid things? "
He was trying really hard not to laugh, "All couples have little fights now and then."
You sniffed, wiping away your tears, pulling you into his chest and holding you close. "I happen to like our little fights."
This surprised you, "What?" He chuckled and rocked you both a bit as he held you in his arms. "It's how I know we are okay. When you pick at me I know you don't mean harm by it. I know you're just being you and you love me. It's when you aren't talking to me that I get worried."
He pulled away from you, cupping your face with his hands and wiping your tears away with his thumbs. "I love you, and I love our dynamic. I wouldn't change us for the world. Besides, someone has to keep you on your toes~"
You rolled your eyes, but let Ryusei pull you in for a loving kiss. When he pulled away he smiled down at you, handing his phone "Want to order something instead?"
You grinned "Yes, please."
He nipped at your lips again before turning to head back into the kitchen. "Good because the sandwich I made is way too delicious to share it with you."
You scoffed, and a smile soon followed. You loved your dynamic with him too, but sometimes you just wanted to kill him, lovingly of course.
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You slumped onto the couch, exhausted from a long day at work. Glancing at the fruit bowl on the coffee table your eyes landed on a plump, juicy orange. Sighing, you turned to your boyfriend, who was sitting beside you, scrolling through his phone.
"Rin, can you peel me an orange? I'm so tired to even lift my hand." you asked, your voice weary. Rin, without looking up, shook his head. "Not right now, Y/N. I'm in the middle of something."
You pouted, leaning your head on his shoulder, "Please? Just one orange. It won't take long."
He sighed, still not tearing his eyes away from his screen. "Y/N, no. Why don't you peel it yourself? It's not that hard."
You groaned, too tired to argue further, and as you let youself sink deeper into the couch cushions. A heavy silence settled between the couple, and soon enough, your eyes fluttered closed as you drifted off into a nap.
When you woke up, the room was bathed in the soft glow of the evening sun. Stretching lazily and then noticed something on the coffee table. There, sitting in the center, was a perfectly peeled orange, arranged in neat segments. Beside it was a small, folded note. Curious, you picked it up and unfolded it, revealing Rin's familiar handwriting.
— Sorry for being stubborn earlier. Enjoy your orange.
A smile appeared on your face as you popped a piece of the orange into your mouth. You looked over at Rin, who was now napping in the armchair, and felt a rush of affection. Quietly, you tiptoed over, pecking his soft lips, and whispered, "Thank you."
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©2024 kaiser1ns do not copy, repost or modify my work.
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yusiyomogi · 27 days
mithrun as a character doesn't have his own pov in the story, and i think this is the main reason why interpretations of his actions may differ so much. it was a conscious choice to write him that way, we're supposed to see him as a bit of a mystery and figure out what's going on with him. but i think it's fascinating how it also makes him a divisive character.
there are only a few instances where we get a brief look into his mind. one of my favorites is in the gift exchange extra with this short but interesting narration:
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it's not really canon or anything, but kui is very consistent in how she writes her characters, even in silly extras like this. and here we can see a bit of a mithrun's thought process and it's surprisingly revealing. he participates in the event and even wants to buy a book token, which is a simple but reasonable gift. but when he learns that he can't get them anymore, instead of trying to think about another gift, he simply puts some money in the envelope. the same idea in his mind probably, you can still buy a book with money of course. or maybe he simply gave up. rin, who gets that envelope as a gift, see this as extremely lazy and callous, since from her pov he didn't think about gift at all.
and i think a lot of mithrun's actions in the main story have the same effect on the readers, because we never see his pov. in some instances, it's obvious that he tries, despite his condition. in some instances, it doesn't look like he tries at all. in some instances, it's not obvious that he tries, but he still tries.
i think, the way every reader looks at those moments eventually determines how they will perceive mithrun as a character, including his personality and morality.
case 1. mithrun ruthlessly fights a bunch of guys who want to kill his squad and kabru. he teleports them all into walls, leaving only stone statues behind. while the narrative doesn't put focus on this, the shapes of those statues reveal that mithrun left each person's face unobstructed, so they can breathe even while being stuck in a wall. why would he do it like that? surely it requires a lot of precision to teleport people like that. was he following some orders, maybe to not kill civilians or was it his own decision?
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case 2. as a giant mushroom attacks a crowd of adventurers, filling the air with mind-numbing spores, mithrun declines any help from his squad. he attacks the mushroom himself and, surprisingly, teleports it on another level completely, into the water instead of stone. all the water he teleported as a replacement washes over the crowd and we can see that some of the people start gaining consciousness again. canaries laugh at his unexpected move. why would he waste mana on this? was it necessary to drown the mushroom or did he actually want to get all that water? was it just a part of his plan to find thistle or did he try to help those adventurers?
case 3. this one is something most interpretations agree on, so i won't focus on this too much. mithrun always tries to negotiate with other dungeon lords instead of killing them immediately, even though it's more dangerous. mithrun isn't particularly good at talking, but he says what he believes they need to hear. it's something that even kabru found surprising the first time it happened. was it something that mithrun had to do as part of his job? or was it something he personally wanted to do? why he always tries but gives up so quickly and attacks them anyway? is he being lazy and callous?
case 4. after chimera falin attacks him, mithrun teleports a stone above her head and it hits her. then he starts calmly talking to her, holding his hand on another stone, basically threatening to kill her if she doesn't move. even people from his own squad are unsure what his plan was: did he miss on accident or was it intentional? why would he want to keep her alive? was he simply afraid she's gonna crush thistle or did he actually see her as a person and didn't wanna kill her?
case 5. after spending a few days with kabru, mithrun goes from using him as an improvised projectile against monsters to putting himself between kabru and monsters. was this just a coincidence or mithrun started to care about his companion?
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case 6. when laios becomes dungeon lord and everything seems to fall apart, kabru loses his composure and starts questioning if it was all his fault and what was even the purpose of his survival. mithrun interrupts him by slapping his face. after a few moments he continues to attack him and it turns into a small fight. what was the purpose of this slap? did mithrun genuinely want to interrupt kabru's panic episode? why would mithrun then attack him again? was he still angry at kabru for stopping him and making him trust laios or was he angry that kabru didn't follow his plan?
i could probably find other examples like this, but pretty much every scene with him can be interpreted at least in two different ways. in the end, your choice to see his personality in positive or negative light depends on how you read those moments. mithrun's main symbol throughout the story is the mirror and i think it's interesting that until chapter 94 what every reader see in him is basically a reflection of their own ideas. you can't really look through the mirror, you can only see yourself. and only chapter 94 finally gives us a clear look through that mirror and it certainly doesn't answer every question.
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xokohaneazusawa · 2 months
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✮ - Thinking about Grumpy!Rin Itoshi x Sunshine!Reader...
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The front door of yours and Rin’s apartment opens forcefully, hitting the wall on the left side behind it. You looked up from your position on the couch, watching whatever had piqued your interest when mindlessly scrolling through the TV. He closed the door behind him, placing his shoes on the rack by the door and heading off to come sit next to you. There were no words spoken as he sits down and leans his head onto your shoulder, closing his eyes as the show you were just focused on becomes background noise. It wasn’t long before his eyes opened back up and he turned his attention to the TV show you were watching. “..This again?” He knew that you had at least seen it once before, he knew because he really hated one of the characters on it and you had no idea why. “Well Yeah! I mean I think they're all fun people!" “You say that about everybody.” He just sighed before changing the subject. “There is this new cafe down the street that opened, go get dressed. I remember you saying you were craving something sweet.” With that you headed back into yours and Rin’s shared bedroom to find something a little more presentable to change into. When you came back out he already had his shoes on again and was standing by the door. The second he saw you he opened the door, letting you go out first and followed behind. This cafe that he had mentioned wasn’t too far away and only about a 7 minute drive. He quickly found a parking spot and took your hand in his and started heading towards the cafe entrance. As he walked in it wasn’t long before he was recognized by the other people sitting in the cafe. He didn’t mind them at all and just kept walking to the order line with that normal mean expression on his face. Well that was until he saw somebody he knew sitting in the corner, somebody you had heard him mention before as a ‘lukewarm fuck face’. You never understood why he called people ‘lukewarm’ . You thought they were all great people, though you never actually questioned him! After ordering and sitting down on the other side of the cafe you noticed your boyfriend glare heading to him the most out of all the people sitting around you. Being the nosy girlfriend you were, you leaned over and whispered to him. “Why don’t we like him?” He looked a little surprised and turned towards you.
“Well you were glaring at him, so I assumed we don’t like him?”
He had a slight smile on his face as you looked at him confused. He just shook his head and his normal expression soon returned.
“Don’t worry about it, sunshine.”
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wabatle · 2 months
.ೃ࿐ Blue Lock boys and their love language .ೃ࿐Featuring: Isagi, Bachira, Chigiri, Reo, Nagi, Rin, Sae .ೃ࿐Warnings: Reader is implied fem in Chigiri's part, other than that gn!reader, this is my first time writing for Sae, so I'm very sorry if he's ooc! .ೃ࿐A/N: I did a little bit of research to figure all of the love languages out, and I’m really proud of the result! Keep in mind that all of them, although they may share a love language, can each interpret and display them in their own, unique ways <3 .ೃ࿐Taglist: @stellas-starry-stories13 (chigiri) @mariaace (everyone) <3
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-ˏˋ⋆ Yoichi Isagi ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Words of affirmation, acts of service, quality timeׂ
╰┈➤Words of affirmation
Isagi will 100% make sure you feel secure and comfortable in your relationship. He always makes sure to tell you anything he thinks you need to hear and will talk to you if you have any problems.
ׂ╰┈➤Acts of Service
Though it may not be much, Isagi tries to do whatever he can to take a load off your shoulders. Got a long to-do list? Isagi will check off as many things as he can for you.
ׂ╰┈➤Quality time
Isagi would try to make as much time for you as possible. He wants to be around you and enjoys your presence, so why wouldn’t he want to spend time with you?
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-ˏˋ⋆ Meguru Bachira ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time
╰┈➤Physical touch
Bachira is very touchy. He will cling onto you and won’t let go, as well as accompany you everywhere. If there’s one way Bachira thinks he can prove his love for you, it’s with cuddles and attention.
╰┈➤Words of affirmation
If Bachira catches even the smallest signs of insecurity from you, he’s all over you, telling you how much he loves you, how amazing he thinks you are, literally everything he can think of to punch that insecurity out of you.
╰┈➤Quality time
Ditches practice for you. That’s it, that’s the whole thing. Okay, in all seriousness, Bachira wants to spend every second of every day with you. He’s like a puppy.
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-ˏˋ⋆ Hyoma Chigiri ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Gift giving, quality time
╰┈➤Gift giving
Chigiri definitely loves to take care of your hair together, so he would gift you shampoo or conditioner, or some kind of hair care product. He would also give you hair ties or hair accessories.
╰┈➤Quality time
Chigiri loves to spend time with you. He doesn’t really care how, whether it’s sitting at home on the couch gossiping, or walking around town together, stopping at random shops. (Hence the gift giving.)
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-ˏˋ⋆ Reo Mikage ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Gift giving, physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service/all 5
╰┈➤Gift giving
It’s no secret that Reo is insanely rich. Which, for you, means you get practically everything, whether you asked for it or not. If you look at something for just a second longer, Reo’s card is already out, and you’re already exiting the store with a bag in hand.
╰┈➤Physical touch
Reo is also a clingy guy. He loves to be around you and cuddle with you, or simply follow you everywhere, like a lost puppy. It can get overwhelming at times, but he’ll stop if he feels he’s smothering you.
╰┈➤Quality time
Being clingy, that also means he wants to spend as much time with you as possible. He loves to take you out, whether to fancy restaurants or to luxury stores, or even traveling together. Whatever it is, he wants to do it with you.
╰┈➤Words of affirmation
If you feel insecure or some kind of negative emotion, he himself gets very insecure. So, in order to fix that, he assures you how much he loves you, and as you start feeling better, his own insecurities subside. He worries that he’s the one causing you problems, so you’ll have to assure him he’s not.
╰┈➤Acts of service
Reo would hate to see you stressed about anything, whether it’s something big or not. So, he’ll gladly take some, or even all, of the responsibility. I would imagine that sometimes you have to tell him you don’t need his help because he’s so insistent.
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-ˏˋ⋆Seishiro Nagi ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Physical touch, quality time
╰┈➤Physical touch
Cuddles. So much cuddling. Even just when he puts his head on your shoulder, he stays stuck to you like glue. He just wants to have you near him when he’s gaming. He wants an arm around you while he holds his controller.
╰┈➤Quality time
The only reason I included quality time is because Nagi insists on gaming with you. Most of your dates are at home where you relax and play games together. But, on rare occasions when you go out, you most likely stop at an arcade at some point.
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-ˏˋ⋆ Rin Itoshi ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Acts of service, words of affirmation
╰┈➤Acts of service
Though Rin may not have a lot of time for you, he still tries to do what he can to prove he loves you. So he does little things, like cleaning up the house a little bit or buying you something on his way home.
╰┈➤Words of affirmation
Though he may not be the best at it, Rin knows no better way to assure you he loves you than telling you. Of course, never in front of his team or really anybody, but, rest assured, he’ll tell you once he’s sure the two of you are in private.
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-ˏˋ⋆ Sae Itoshi ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Quality time, words of affirmation
╰┈➤Quality time
Although it may not happen much, quality time with Sae is well spent. Usually, all you do is tangle together while either talking or watching something, but, nonetheless, Sae likes it, and so do you.
╰┈➤Words of affirmation
Despite what a foul mouth Sae can have, he would never use the words he uses to describe other teams or players on you. Most things he says feel and are very genuine, but a few things can come across wrong or sound very possessive.
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thank you for reading!
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detectivestucks · 7 months
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18+ content, Minors do NOT interact
Pairing: Yandere Tobi/Obito x F!Reader
Summery: Obito found you paying your respects to his memorial and an obsession with his first love's best friend blossoms. Soon he finds that he will do anything and everything to protect you, his delicate peach.
Warnings: Stalking, Violence, Kidnapping, Fingering, Nipple play, Unprotected Penetration, Virgin Reader, implied threat of suicide.
Word Count: 9.7k
Author's note: Yes, I know the timeline is a bit altered, it was a creative decision. Deal with it. :)
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Itachi and Kisame remove their hats as they return to the hideout looking slightly worn out, presumably from battle. They had just finished scoping out the Leaf in search of the nine tails jinchuriki and Itachi’s little brother, Sasuke.
“Did everything go okay?” Pain asked
“Yes, we ran into my former captain.”
“Itachi had it covered but the copy ninja's annoying boyfriend started attacking and then some shinobi we couldn’t see sent shockwaves into the ground that sparked a small tsunami.”
“It was at that point we thought it best to retreat. We know the jinchuriki is still located inside the village. There was no need for further engagement.”
Obito felt his chest constrict. Shockwaves...he knew that jutsu. That was the trademark of Rin’s best friend. That was a jutsu unique to you. But you had left the village a long time ago. When had you come back? 
Itachi being the only one among them who knew Tobi’s identity, quickly noticed the shift in Obito’s stance. The rest of the group, completely oblivious to the insignificant comic relief, did not notice as Obito exited the room and hurried towards the village. 
Rather than scouring the Leaf hunting for you, he waited at the one spot he knew you’d come, the memorial yard. Sure enough it only took one evening to catch you bringing lilies to your best friend’s grave. Obito cried with you as you shed tears for your friend but then you did something he didn’t expect, you stopped at the memorial stone to pay your respects to him. 
“Obito, I wish you knew how much I cared for you. You didn’t deserve what you got. You were too good for this world.” You dragged your fingertips along his name, tears streaming down your cheeks as you remembered the boy you loved as a child.
You…cared for him? He was… too good?
Obito felt a pang in his chest. You were just like her. So kind and sweet. Always seeing the best in people. Even poor retches like him. He wanted to thank you but he didn’t want to scare you.  Instead he let curiosity get the better of him and followed you home. He watched you through the window as you did your nighttime routine. Seeing you at peace alone in your home brought him contentment. He  snuck up to the window’s sill to catch a closer view as you got into bed and drifted to sleep. It brought him comfort to see you rest and he took that comfort with him as he finally returned to the hideout.
The next day, plans for tracking the other tailed beasts including the three tails had Obito feeling emotional. Itachi caught how stiff ‘Tobi’ stood during the conversation and soon after caught him leaving the hideout to go see you. He found you at the training grounds running drills with Kakashi’s team.
“Y/N-sensei, I wanna learn a new jutsu!”
“Now Naruto, I am under direct orders from Kakashi to work on chakra control drills with you three. A new jutsu will be no good if you don’t have a way to command the chakra to execute it.”
“When will Kakashi-sensei be better?”
“He’ll be better soon Sakura, don’t you worry.”
Obito sat in the trees watching you for a few hours until the jinchuriki kid was done pestering you. He was such a nuisance but you didn’t lose your patience even a little. The same could not be said about his teammates which seemed to only bring you amusement. When you were done you walked over to the memorial stone and gave your gratitude to your fallen comrades before heading home. 
You were so much like her. Beautiful and sweet as a peach. The way you cared for and nurtured others, it took a hold of his heart. He could watch you all day and never get bored. You were his light in the darkness of the Akatsuki. 
The next day he went out with his partner on their mission. While Deidara requested alone time so he didn’t need to suffer Tobi’s presence, Obito used kamui to visit you. Carefully watching from a distance till you fall asleep. Just like he did every time he visits you. Following the same ritual as before. He’d enter your home and play with your hair, stroking it as you slept. Some nights he would lay with you and breathe in your scent while you were none the wiser. It was in these moments that he knew he needed to protect you. His delicate little peach. No one in this cruel world would bruise you. He would make sure of it.
One evening while you were paying your respects to your friends, a jonin he didn’t recognize approached you. The man brushed your hip and backside and you pulled away as he asked you on a date. The audacity of the man to think of romance while you were mourning your lost comrades. You had told him no and he left but something told Obito it wasn’t over. This was clearly a man who needed to be stopped. 
The next day the man came to you again and held your hips while he asked to take you on a date, a little more forcefully than before. You had declined his request once more and politely pushed his hands off of you before turning to walk away. He had called out to you but before he could say anything further Obito had dragged the man into his void. The shinobi looked around bewildered. Obito growled at him from behind his mask.
“The lady said no” 
“Where the fuck am I?!”  
“A place no one can hear you scream so don’t give me a reason to bring you back here.” If the man could see Obito’s face behind the mask he surely would’ve wet himself. But instead in a facade of bravery he hurls insults at Obito
“A fuckin coward relies on tricks. Be a man and show me your face.”
“My face is none of your business, as for tricks, I have none, just superior prowess.” Obito makes his voice thick and deep, tapping into Madara’s tone of intimidation. “If I see you bother her again it will be the last time you speak.”
His facade is broken and his throat bobs as he swallows his pride. “Fine, no pussy’s worth a fuckin death threat.”
“Good, now that we understand each other, you may go.”
Obito materializes the man back in the village while he teleports himself over to the tree outside of your home. He spots you walk up to your door and head inside. He yearned to be the one greeting you, welcoming you home,  rather than outside in a tree. You should come home to his loving face, not a room of darkness. 
Instead he waits till you are sound asleep to touch your hips where the other man had touched them. He replaced the man’s predatory touch with his loving one. You rolled into him, your subconscious nestling into his presence. He held you, almost falling asleep from your intoxicating pheromones as they lull him into a state of bliss. When he was sure you wouldn’t wake, he slipped his body out of your bed, replacing himself with a pillow as you searched for his comfort. 
His thumb brushed over your forehead before he disappeared from your home. His beautiful peach ripe for the picking.
While masquerading around as Tobi, Obito couldn’t help but feel lonely and isolated. His thoughts of you began to consume his mind. Every opportunity he had to visit you, he took. He had disappeared so often that the Akatsuki almost forgot about him, not that they were complaining about taking a break from his annoying persona. 
He noticed that you and Kakashi had become close. You were always assisting with his young team and visiting the cemetery together. Obito didn’t like this one bit. Kakashi would pluck his sweet peach from him. But he had to remind himself that Kakashi did keep you safe when you joined his team on missions. He took care of you when Obito could not. Though that didn’t dull his need to claim you, take you as his own. The feeling was intensifying, swelling every day. 
He found himself hunting down every man who so much as looked at you. Kakashi was the only man who’s affection he let slide…even though he was the one who made him the most angry. Maybe it was his sentiment for his old friend. Maybe it was his fear of Kakashi’s skill. Either way, he let him be, not wanting to catch the copy ninja’s attention. 
The remaining miscreants were hunted without mercy. Sometimes he couldn’t help the bloodshed that was inevitable. He was unable to restrain himself, when it came to his peach, there was no limit to what he would do to keep you safe. If they showed no remorse for their predatory stares and their greedy thoughts he would gladly hear them scream before stopping their hearts. A trail of blood secretly followed you but it was all in your delicate name.
He kept tabs on everything you did, especially when it came to your missions. He had to ensure your safety. Recently learning some of the details of one of your upcoming missions, he knew he’d have to keep special watch over you. It was a dangerous mission with Hidden Mist shinobi that had been under consideration to join his troupe. He couldn’t risk history repeating itself and no longer cared if Deidara or Itachi figured out what he had been doing with his spare time. Even though you would be joining Kakashi on this mission, it wasn’t a guarantee of your safety. He already knew that too well and he must protect his sweet peach at all costs.
He stalks your group as you travel through the woods, earning him a side eye from Kakashi who knew something was up but couldn’t quite pin his finger on who the lurker was. You asked him what was wrong but Kakashi refused to say anything, not wanting to tip off a watching Obito that he knew they were being followed. 
Nice try Bakashi, but I already know your tricks.
Soon you came across your target. As predicted they put up quite a fight. You and Kakashi made a remarkable team fending them off. Your mission was to capture them for intel but the confrontation with the targets escalated to the point that elimination was deemed necessary. Obito was impressed by your strength. You took on three of them at once, knocking them down with your earth style shockwave. You manipulated the magnitude, where the earth would fracture, where it would cave in, and even where it would snap up. It was an impressive jutsu but it was not foolproof. He watched you closely, ready to intervene if it ever became too much. He watched you so closely that he hadn’t noticed the back up Mist shinobi that had been summoned. Kunai thrown from the trees flew at you as you went to weave more hand signs. You lept out of the way but still one caught your leg and the other grazed your thigh.
Before Obito could even breathe he was in front of you, mangekyou in place, murder in the front of his mind. His stance was so protective, you didn’t doubt whose side this unknown stranger was on for a second. You simply pulled the kunai out of your leg allowing the blood to flow freely before going on the defensive. 
When a second wave of backup came, you did what you could but you were overwhelmed. Kakashi and his team could not keep up with the stampede of attacks. The fear for your safety caused Obito to snap. He went on a homicidal rampage, annihilating the entire group with gruesome bloodshed, bringing both yourself and Kakashi to a halt. 
In your stunned transe you didn’t catch the shinobi who snuck past your blind spot and stabbed you in the chest. When Obito turns to slice down the man he sees you clutching the kunai. In the span of a single heartbeat he dropped his weapon and pulled you into his void, bending over you in a state of panic. 
He stole your body from the battlefield so quickly Kakashi almost missed it. Kakashi finished off the last of the Mist shinobi, making certain that the life of the man who attacked you would drain by his hand. He stood up in alarm asking Naruto and Sakura if they saw who the man was that took you away. Neither of them did and Kakashi instructed them to search the nearby area for you.
Obito’s hands shook over you as he went to remove the knife, holding pressure where it once had pricked you like a pincushion. You had no idea where you were or who this man was. You had just watched him slaughter nearly twenty men to protect you immediately before his abduction. You would have been terrified if you didn’t have a more pressing issue to tend to.
“My peach, how do I help?” 
In your state of confusion you thought you misheard him. He must have you confused with someone else. You feel your consciousness begin to slip as you speak.
“Do you know…medical…ninjutsu?” it came out as a whisper.
“No” he whined
“I can do that.” 
Obito goes back to the scene of his crime. Bodies strewn all over the field. He felt accomplished to see them sprawled out and covered in red.
“Hey you, girl”
“Me?! What did you do with Y/N-sensei?!”
“She’s safe. You know medical ninjutsu?”
“Meet me over there.” 
She looked at the masked Obito with severe skepticism. He nodded at her and walked away, swirling out of sight as he did, stepping into his void to retrieve you. 
He lifted you up, supporting under your shoulders and knees. He held you close, his entire body tense with worry but somehow gentle. He felt so warm as you were growing cold from your wounds. Despite the horrors you saw him commit, you laid your head against his chest as he carried you back outside to a sheltered spot behind a few trees and a bush where Sakura was waiting.
He laid you down and instructed Sakura to do what she had to while he eagerly watched. Sakura gave him sideways glances many times when she felt she could afford to risk the distraction. Who was this terrifying murderer? Why did he have a fixation with you? After twenty minutes Sakura lowered her hands, panting from the amount of chakra used.
“She’s healed?”
She nods, “She’s healed. The major damage at least.”
“Thank you”
He scoops up your body and retreats back to his void as Skaura shouts at your disappearing figures. 
You were out cold, resting for nearly a day when you woke up in a makeshift bed in a dark endless room filled with large gray blocks. 
“Where am I?”
You scan your surroundings but it hurts too much to move. The mysterious masked man suddenly appears in the room causing you to jump, quickly followed by you grabbing your chest in pain. 
“Careful Peach” he says as he rushes to your side, falling on his knees beside you.
“Why do you keep calling me that?” you inquire with eyes screwed shut in pain.
“Because you are my delicate Peach. I need to take care of you.”
“I’ve been taking care of myself just fine, thank you.” you say through clenched teeth, feeling the pain radiate over your entire chest. This man was clearly insane. Despite how he took care of you, you knew you were in danger.
“I wouldn’t call your current condition ‘just fine’, Peach.”
He feels your forehead, looking for signs of fever.
“Just who are you anyways?”
“It doesn’t matter. All that matters is you’re okay.”
“It does matter. And I need to go back to my team, let them know I’m okay.”
“The girl knows you’re okay, she’ll tell them.”
“Yes, but I need to get back to them. I need to-”
“Excuse me?” Disbelief filled you, yet the earlier bells of warning were officially verified.
He looks at you and shakes his head. “No.”
You look at him stunned, fear swelling. You look around the dark empty space starting to wonder where the exit was.
“You’re not going back. They can’t protect you. I know that now. You will stay with me. Here.”
Stunned into silence you look up at him. You open your mouth and close it a few times before you finally say to him, “You can’t keep me here.”
“I can and I will.”
Obito watches as terrified anger blossoms on your face. You stand up in spite of the pain, searching for an exit. Glancing over your shoulder at him as you move further and further away, frantically peering behind every gray pillar and block.
“You won’t be able to leave on your own.” he calls to you. “Only I can teleport you in and out of here.”
“And where is here?” You say, walking back towards him with a guise of bravery.
“My void”
Your jaw fell open. “Your what?”
“My void. Only I have access to it using Kamui.”
Comprehension made your eyes flood with tears. You were trapped. A madman who just slaughtered a fleet of shinobi to save you has trapped you in another dimension to ‘keep you safe.’ You looked up at him pleading, “I want to go home. Let me go home.”
“I can’t…it’s not safe.”
“But my home, my friends, the village…”
“They will be fine without you.”
Starting to realize he was serious, you begin to plead. “At least let me tell them where I have gone. That way they don’t come looking for me. Let me say goodbye.”
“Peach, I can’t risk you running away. I can’t risk you getting hurt.” He reaches out to pet your hair and you shy away from his touch.
The tears leak down your cheeks, feeling helpless. You walk away and sit down, turning away from the masked man, hugging your knees to your chest and resting your head against the tops of your knee caps.
Obito, feeling pain at seeing you so sad walks up and puts a hand on your shoulder, “It has to be this way Peach, I’m sorry.”
He leaves you alone to sulk. You would be fine. You would grow to accept things the way that they are. You would grow to love him in spite of how it started. It was all going to be okay.
When he left in a swirl you wept. You allowed your mind to panic and wander to all the terrifying possibilities. What was he going to do with you? Why was he obsessed with you? How were you going to get out of this? 
The more your mind reeled the quieter your tears became. Eventually you collapsed back onto the ashen floor. As you lay there, staring up at the black ceiling of his void, exhaustion and sadness ebb you to sleep. 
You wake up the next day to find a large chunk of your stuff from your home was suddenly in the void. He had made the effort to move your belongings to you, even bringing many of your most cherished items such as your favorite clothes, your favorite mug, the blanket you sleep with every night, and your photos of Obito and Rin. 
How did this man know these would be the items you’d want most? How long had he been following you? You felt a shiver roll down your spine.
What you presume to be hours later, the masked man returns to check on you. He’s more timid than he was before. Approaching you carefully. 
“Thank you” you say, looking at the floor, “for bringing me some of my stuff. I’m still pissed, and I’m not staying here, but I appreciate the effort.” You were terrified but you didn’t want him to know that. You were going to find a way out of this. You just had to figure out how to get out of this damned dimension first.
If only you could see the smile below his mask. Overwhelmed by how cute you are he pulls you into a hug. You’re stiff with terror but you feel his strong torso pushed up against your own and you can’t help the little part of you that is left breathless. It feels familiar and warm but you can’t place why.
“I love you Peach.” he says as he holds you in his arms, laying his head on top of your head. He was insane. You reply to him with a shaking voice,
“If you loved me you’d give me some windows instead of dreary slate abyss. I can’t even tell what time of day it is.”
“Sorry, voids don’t work that way, Peach.”
“Sorry, I guess being abducted is new to me.” you forced the sass into your tone. You were petrified but you needed a way out of here. You figured maybe you could manipulate his affection for you.
Obito winces at the word abduction. He prefers to think of it as protection
“What? You didn’t think I’d be okay with this, did you? That is the title of what this is.” You weren’t sure where this bravery came from but he was buying it.
“At least I’m not trying to poison you against your own clan, or acting as the architect to kill your childhood crush.” he said with a venom that made you believe he was speaking from experience but you were too focused on your own situation to care. Your false bravery turned into false anger.
“Sorry to steal the opportunity away from you but I don’t have much in the way of a clan and my childhood crush is already dead.”
His face snapped and locked onto yours. “What did you say?”
“I’m not repeating myself, I know you heard me the first time.”
You watched as his throat bobbed beneath his black mask. Why did that impact him so much? Who was this guy anyways? He acted like he had known you your whole life yet you only know him as a mask and tuft of hair.
“Who are you?”
He turned and walked away from you, “Someone long dead to you”
Well that didn’t answer any questions. If anything it brought up more.
“Well if you won’t tell me who you are, then tell me what to call you.”
“Currently the world knows me as Tobi.”’
“Do you want me to call you Tobi then?”
“Then what do I call you?”
He paused. “I guess Tobi is fine.”
“Okay, well Tobi, I want to go home. I am not spending my life tucked inside this vault.”
“That’s out of the question.”
You inhale deeply. Acting skills front and center. “Then I guess my safety isn’t guaranteed.”
He glanced over, tilting his head, giving you a questioning look.
“Your top priority is my safety. I can think of a lot of ways to make myself unsafe all alone here in this little void of yours,” You taunt him with your words as your eyes dart around the room.
His blood boiled over. Were you really suggesting what he thought you were? And over some dumb sunlight?! His hands twitched by his side.
“Tobi, if you intend for this” you say pointing around the void, “to be the rest of my life, it will be a short one because I’m not doing it.” you cross your arms. Of course you weren’t actually suicidal but you were going to say anything to better your circumstances. He may be your psychotic captor but he seemed to have a weakness for your well being and you were going to pull at that thread till he unraveled.
He heaved a heavy sigh before grumbling. “Give me a day to figure it out.”
“And how will I know if it's been a day?! I can’t tell time without the sun or so much as a frickin watch!”
The theatrics were working. 
“I’m sorry Peach, I’ll be back.”
He fled from the void with his tail between his legs. You let out a huge breath. How you were able to pull that stunt off was beyond you. Desperation breeds its own strength. You hoped with all your might when he came back it was to get you out of his little dimension. 
You waited, having absolutely nothing to do. No books, no games, no radio, no food, no beverage…nothing. 
You mind tortured you with thoughts. You wondered how everyone was back home, rejecting the demons of your subconscious telling you that you may never see them again. 
I will find a way out of this. 
You strolled around checking out what was behind all the gray boxes. Surprise, it was more gray boxes. You climbed each one, beginning to count them as you went. You were usually a very ambitious person but there was nothing to do. You began playing with your jutsu to see if it would work in a void. Update: it does. You brought an entire kilometer to rubble just for fun and treaded up the path you created to get some exercise. Then you jumped block to block, back to your little makeshift bedroom waiting for Tobi. Eventually you got tired so you made yourself ready for bed hoping that when you woke up he would be back with updated living arrangements.
You turn over as you stir and nuzzle into a hand that is softly petting your hair. 
“Good Morning Peach”
You stiffen before your eyes dart up to his. Mask of bravery back in place, you greet him. “Good morning Tobi.” He winces. He hates how the false moniker sounds coming from your mouth. 
“I see you started destroying my void.”
“I was bored so I decided to train.”
A hearty chuckle left his throat. “I made arrangements but please understand I will not sound or behave like myself where we are going.”
“And why is that?”
“You will see eventually.”
“Oh boy, so glad you enlightened me.” you lay the sarcasm thick and it only makes him laugh more. Good, he finds you charming. You can work with this.
“I also want to warn you, we will be among rogue shinobi.”
“So your idea of keeping me safe is to have me live with the very people that I’ve been hunting. The very same people who want to kill me and my friends?”
“Yes, If you are among us, no one will bother you. If you remained in the village, you would be subject to their…missions.”
“Seems like stupid logic if you ask me.”
“Please trust me.”
“I don’t, but I don’t have a choice either.”
“At least you’re not dumb”
“Did you think I was?”
“Not even for a second.”
He grabbed your hand with his strong possessive one. Something about the way your palm fit in his felt right. You weren’t sure why but that was the signal your brain sent your hand when you gripped it tighter. A psychopath whose hand you were holding. Great, you’ve completely lost your marbles a mere three days into captivity.
Next thing you knew you could smell the air of the earth again, you could see the shadows left by the sun, happiness washed over you in a visible way and Tobi’s fingers slid between yours upon seeing your reaction. He pulled you into another hug, he seems to always be hugging you. It’s like he’s forcing you to get used to him. “I will be this person when we are alone. I will be another when the others are around. You understand?”
You nod your head worried about what he could possibly mean? What kind of a monster is he around this gang of thugs that he needs to warn you?
He removes his hand from yours and places it between your shoulder blades pushing you towards a cavern. A man with orange hair, purple eyes and many piercings looks you up and down as you enter. 
“Tobi, this is her?”
“Yes Pain! This is the hostage I spoke about!” His voice was comically high pitched and he sounded like a child. You tried your hardest not to react but it was just so different from what you were expecting. 
“Put her in the dungeon.”
“Well sir, remember I requested she stay in my room, sir?!”
“Yes but she’s a hostage, who will stop her from escaping?”
“Do you really think she’s dumb enough to try and leave the hideout of the Akatsuki?”
Your face went pale as you realized just who you had been dealing with this whole time. They were supposed to wear black cloaks with red clouds. You hadn’t seen Tobi wear his once! Always dressed in all black with sandles. But your reaction built a convincing case. The man named Pain accepted your fear as enough of a restraint. He didn’t question why it would be Tobi’s room but some blonde man eyed you hungirly and told Pain Tobi was probably keeping you in his room to finally lose his virginity. 
Once behind his door, he modulated his voice back to normal.
“What the hell was that?” you asked more honestly than you intended.
“What? You’ve never seen an act before?”
“Well of course. But why do you make yourself seem like a fool?”
“So no one will suspect.”
“Suspect what?”
“Don’t worry about it. Here.” Tobi swirls you back into his void and he starts gathering your things. After a second you begin to copy him and he brings you both back to his room in the Akatsuki hideout. You start to find nooks and crannies to store your things leaving only one remaining item in your hands. He watches you as you look down on your photos of your friends. Eyes lingering over the one of you and Obito before you tuck them away with mist in your eyes. 
“Are you okay?”
“No, but…thank you…for bringing the photos. I don’t know how you knew but I appreciate it.”
Tobi pulled you into another hug. You were unsure why he cared so much and why you kept letting him hug you. Maybe it was cause compared to your new roommates he suddenly seems less scary. To his credit this hug felt nice. Plus, since it seems like he was going to be your only companion for a while, you decided to tolerate it. 
He unfurled the hug and began tugging at your shirt. Lifting the hem above your neck, exposing your bare breasts.
He disregarded your complaint and touched where your stab wound had been. “How does it feel?”
“It’s fine.” You say blushing while you cover your bosom. “May you please let go of my shirt now?”
“Huh? Oh, of course. Sorry Peach.” He drops your shirt and backs away swiftly almost as if he was embarrassed. He seemed a little more humane today so you decided to press your luck and scout out your surroundings.
“Can we go outside? I’d appreciate some sun and maybe some real food”
He gives you a piercing stare out of the eye hole of his mask.  “Stay by my side. I know you are strong but however strong you think you are, I am stronger.”
You gulp remembering the massacre you witnessed three days ago.
“I will be your protector. No one will hurt you ever again.” he lifted your chin so you’d look up at his eye through the swirling mask. “I promise.”
“I believe you…”
You see his eye crease when you speak. He was happy. That’s good. Keep him happy and it will give you openings to escape…though you weren’t sure outrunning him would be possible given his tricky teleportation ability.
You spend the afternoon with him, gathering intel and acting flirty, playing along with his advances. When he grabbed your hand, you laced your fingers. When he reached for your hip, you reached for his. When he hugged you, you draped your arms around his neck. You play into his affection for you, keeping him happy, earning his trust and lowering his guard. If I keep this up, captivity will be bearable. But you also feared that if you acted a little too well, you may fall for your own lies. Holding him today felt too easy given your desperate situation. Was it a genjutsu perhaps?
Nighttime came and instead of parading you past the other members of the Akatsuki who were home between missions, he teleported you both straight to his chambers. You get ready for bed and realize you do not have a bed of your own. It was still in the void. Would he send you to spend the nights in the void? He cleared his throat, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“I would feel safest if you shared the bed with me.” he said looking down. “You can sleep on the opposite side of the bed if you would like but I don’t want an enemy who finds the hideout to get to you before I wake.” 
You swallow nervously. You know he loves you. That much is obvious but you are searching for signs that he might try to take advantage of you while you’re unconscious. You think back to earlier when he was checking your wound. He didn’t seem to register that he had exposed your breasts for his pleasure. It was almost like your anatomy was irrelevant, only your well being consumed his thoughts. You chose to believe he will be respectful and so you agree.
“Pick whichever side you want. I’ll be back when I’m done.” He grabs a fresh pair of pants and heads to the bathroom. When the door is snapped shut you stand there looking at the bed. You’ve never chosen a side of the bed before. You’ve never been in a situation where you had to. You paced around the mattress like it was the most daunting choice you ever had to make. It’s not like this was a long term decision. You’d escape or convince him to let you go soon enough. So why were you weighing your options so carefully? 
Eventually you decide to choose the side closest to the window and give him the side closest to the door. You were much more afraid of his fellow gang members coming in with less than pure intentions than you were of outside shinobi coming for the blood of the Akatsuki. 
Just as you finally slip between the sheets, Tobi comes out of the bathroom with only a pair of black stretch sweatpants on. Your eyes drink up his figure. His body was half white as if made up of false materials but it moved like it was his real body. He was extremely toned, swollen pecs and chiseled abs cut across his upper body causing a little drool to pool in the corner of your mouth. Most surprisingly, he also took off his mask and below you saw battle torn skin that etched across the right side of a face that was intimidating, yet soft and familiar. His eyes catch you staring and he quickly looks down removing some of the intimidation you felt. 
He scratches the back of his neck. “I haven’t shown my face to anyone in years. I’m sorry if it scares you. I just can’t always sleep in the mask.”
“No, it’s fine” you say in a hoarse voice. Your throat had suddenly gone dry. “It’s not scary.” 
It wasn’t but what did scare you was the thoughts of what epic battle had mangled him to this degree only for him to survive and still be as strong as he is. You suddenly wondered if he was invincible and if escape would ever be possible. 
He took his position on the vacant side of the bed, smiling that you left him by the door. He knew exactly why you chose the side you did. He turned to face you from under the covers. 
“Goodnight Peach.”
“Goodnight Tobi.”
You see him wince as you say his name. You knew he wasn’t lying when he said he didn’t want you calling him by that name. He turns over and extinguishes the candle letting darkness blanket the room as you drift to sleep with surprising ease. Your body’s alarm, shockingly low given your current residence.
Sunlight seeps into the room as Obito wakes up. He suddenly realizes how warm he is and it only took a few more blinks of his groggy eyes to realize why. You had traveled over to his side of the bed last night and latched onto him. He smiled, feeling his chest fill with joy. He petted your hair. You were his. You didn’t know it yet, but you were. In a few short days not only were you almost completely healed from your recent battle but you were falling for him too. Hugging him, holding his hand, cuddling in bed, Obito had never experienced human touch like this before but he was sure it didn’t always feel this right. 
He tries waking you but is met with grumpy groans and you bury yourself deeper into his chest. He kisses the top of your head as your little fists cling to him tight. He gave up on trying to wake you and let you ride out your sleep, enjoying the cuddles that were sure to cease as soon as you came to. 
Sure enough, nearly an hour later he hears you sharply inhale as you withdraw from him. You quickly sit up and face the window as he casually stretches and gets up. 
“Good Morning” he yawns feeling smug and powerful
“Morning” you say as you adjust your messy bun, trying to seem casual as you hide your embarrassment that you were needily cuddling with your kidnapper. 
You both get ready for the day, you donning a set of tactical clothes for no reason other than it was what you were used to and him, his mask and Akatsuki gear, no longer hiding the cloak now that you knew his occupation. He grabs your hip and teleports you to a tea shop for breakfast. 
You live out a week in this manner. Spending all your free time together. Occasionally having run-ins with the other Akatsuki members. They eye you in a bone chilling way. You are certain they are calculating how to enter into your room without awakening Tobi. They are nothing but disrespectful towards him, but he gives as good as he gets. You especially have to hone your acting skills to not laugh when Tobi says something ignorant and rude in his comedic tone, earning the anger of who you now know is his partner Deidara. 
One thing that bothers you the most is the ever watchful eyes of the mass murderer Itachi Uchiha. He is always polite and quiet and would seemingly be the nicest of the members if not for his reputation for slaughtering his entire clan. It’s always the quiet ones. You didn’t like how he would stare at you. After your last run in with him and Kisame, you were sure they were looking for retribution. You decide to bring this up to Tobi as he gets in bed. 
“Tobi,” he winces “I know you said I’d be safe here among the other members but I recently fought against Itachi and Kisame. I don’t like how the Uchiha looks at me. I feel like he’s looking for payback.”
“He’s not.”
You were annoyed at how quickly his dismissed you. His concern for your safety was then entire reason for your current predicament.
“How do you know that?”
“Cause I know him.”
“So you should know what he did.”
“I do.”
“And you trust him?”
“With my life.”
“How can you say that? He doesn’t even know your true identity?” 
You are gobsmacked by the wild claim Tobi is making. He killed his entire bloodline and Tobi was okay with that. It was moments like this that reminded you that Tobi was a murderer, not the lovable goof that he had been masquerading around as. 
“Itachi is the only person walking this earth who knows my true identity.”
Your jaw drops open. 
“But you said that no one had seen your face…”
“It’s true, he does not know my face but he knows my identity.” You were at a loss. “One day I will enlighten you on the events of that night but know this, of every person here, Itachi is the one you can trust the most to keep you safe. If anything happens to me, he is entrusted with your safety.”
The thought terrified you. He was out of his mind. You saw what Itachi did to Kakashi first hand. You saw the morning after the Uchiha massacre. He was not to be trusted. “Tobi, no…”
His nose twitches and that was the last straw. “Well if you hate the name Tobi so much then why do you go by it!” your emotions had been high strung for over a week and you were snapping, boldly yelling at your captor.
“I don’t hate the name. I just hate when you say it.”
“What the fuck does that mean?!”
“Cause it feels wrong to hear you call me by something other than my name.”
“There’s just no winning with you. I can’t call you by your real name cause it’s some big secret that only a serial killer knows and oh yeah, apparently that same psychopath inherits me if you die!”
You cross your arms over your chest, huffing in frustration. You weren’t even sure why it bothered you so much. This is a temporary situation. You were kidnapped. You were going to escape. If Tobi dies then it will mean you’re finally free. You just have to find a way to sneak out of this hideout and you could finally go home.
“He’s the only one I can trust to guard you with his life.”
You roll your eyes, huffing once more before pursing your lips. “Why? I need to know, Tobi. Why?”
He looks down and shrinks in your gaze. “Because only he knows what it’s like to love as an Uchiha.”
You felt the wind knocked out of you. Was he saying what you think he is?
“You’re a…?”
“But Itachi…”
“...had help.”
Your hand flys to your mouth covering it in shock. 
He finally looks up at you. “Y/N, it’s not what you think it is. I can explain.”
You feel fear chill your entire body and you see on his face how upset he is that you are more afraid of him than ever. He rushes towards you and gets on his knees begging and pleading, “please allow me to explain.”
“Your clan…you helped him murder…all those people.” you said it robotically. You begin to disassociate from the conversation, lost in thought till you circled around to the realization that no one talked about a missing body among the corpses. The only survivor was Saskue. There was no one else left unaccounted for among the names of the fallen brethren. So who was Tobi?
“Tobi, if you’re an Uchiha, then who are you?”
His face flushed to a cherry red. Despite the horrifying details he just shared, for the first time you felt you had the upper hand in your captivity. Why was he so afraid to tell you? He grabbed both your hands, rubbing his thumbs along your knuckles. 
Your eyes bore into him anxiously waiting for an answer.
“It’s me.” 
You remained silent, your stern expression waiting for clarification.
Your hands went limp in his hold. Every tense muscle relaxed as your heart leapt to your throat getting your hopes up. Then after a moment you began shaking and crying with anger. 
“That’s not funny, Tobi.” You growled at him in quiet rage. “Obito died over a decade ago. Kakashi and Rin saw it happen. None of us were the same after. I visit his grave every day I’m in the village. But I’m sure you knew that already, didn't you?” You were seeing red. He had been stalking you. This was all a ruse to get you to fall for him. You didn’t care for your safety at this moment, even after discovering he was a part of one of the most heinous crimes in the history of the Leaf, you were going to knock sense into this liar if it was the last thing you ever did. 
“Y/N, it’s me. It’s really me.” He grabs your photo of him and holds it by his face. “See?” 
You can’t see the resemblance cause your eyes are too full of tears. 
“Take your hands off that photo! Don’t touch it!”
“Y/N, think about it.” He pleads with you, “Kakashi has a sharingan in his left eye. My left eye is missing. Obito was crushed under a boulder on his right side. Look at my right side! It looks like this.” he gestured to the Hashirama cells, “I was rescued, Y/N. Madara found me. I survived.”
You had to admit that it made sense except for the last part. 
“Madara is dead.”
“He is now, but he wasn’t at the time. He became my master after the accident, after I healed, after Rin…”
His voice cracked at the last word. It was a sobering sound causing your anger to break.
He swallowed heavily, “Yes”
You believed him….
The wave of emotion that crashed over you knocked you to your knees. You fell to the ground sobbing. The boy you had loved all your life was before you, taking care of you, alive and well. A monster who had done horrendous things but he was alive. The realization broke your mind. Obito joined you on the floor, holding you as you cried in his arms. 
“Why did you never come back? All of us, we needed you. I-I needed you.”
“I can’t tell you that Peach. But I’m here now. I won’t leave you.” 
Your hands grabbed at him like he would disappear at any given moment. One arm wrapping around his back, the other cradling his head as you hyperventilate in his arms. 
He nuzzles into the curve of your neck as he professes, “I love you Peach.” 
You wanted to say it back but talking wasn’t an option. You were too overcome with emotion. 
He helped you up to standing and laid you down on the bed. He got in next to you and held you in his arms till your cries quieted. His large palm stroking over your back, comforting you as your mind came to grips with the fact that he was very much alive and very much in love with you the way you were in love with him. 
Occasionally as you cried, he’d kiss your cheek or your temple. Suddenly all the terrifying things you’d witnessed over the past ten days were no longer so terrifying. He stalked you cause he loved you. He murdered all those shinobi to protect you. He kidnapped you cause he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. The alarms that he been blaring in your head all turned quiet.
Your breathing began to return to normal and you pulled away to look at Obito squarely in the face, leaving no room for misinterpretation. You needed him to know your intentions. 
You grabbed both sides of his face and leaned in for a kiss. He quickly pulled you into his body as tightly as he could, squishing you into his chest, nearly breaking your ribs with want. You both inhaled deeply as your lips locked onto each other. You opened your mouth, seeking to deepen the kiss. It was your first one after all, you wanted to make it good. 
You toss your leg over his hip, grinding into him as one of his hands lowered to stroke your thigh and ass cheek. You moan into his mouth, him returning your sounds of affection into your own. The stroking of your leg became rough as his tough hands grip into the flesh of your behind. Your breathing heavy and ragged as your arousal increases. 
Eventually he falls to his back as you straddle him, hunching over to feast on his mouth while you continue to roll your hips against his pants. You were in the most heated and only kiss of your life and you were sure for Obito it was the same. His deep groans as you dry humped his boner concealed inside his sweatpants made your heart flutter with excitement. Everything that had been stolen from you as an adolescent was right beneath you, in your arms and between your legs. 
Obito released your lips to lean his head back with a particularly loud moan echoing out of him causing Deidera to pound against the wall. “Just cause I knew you were going to fuck her doesn’t mean I need to hear it you fucking virgins!”
You laugh centimeters from his face before he flips you onto the bed so he is hovering over your panting silhouette. Lashes fluttering as you salivate from the way his strong presence looms over you. 
“Obito, I…” He kisses you slow and deep, not letting you speak. You break the kiss to finish your sentence. “I love you.”
He latches onto your lips again before speaking into your mouth, “I love you too.”
You wrap both of your legs around him, lifting yourself up to rut into him when he finally leans back on his knees to rip down your pajama pants, letting your legs fall to each side, exposing your soft flesh, ready and waiting to be sullied with unholy deeds. He sinks down, positioning himself between your legs. You prop yourself up on your elbows to watch him with curious interest. 
He kisses and sucks on your inner thighs. He releases the pliable flesh with a pop and smiles at his artwork. Of course he’d leave a mark the first chance he got. You were his after all. 
He worked his way to your center, licking a stripe up your sex before latching over your little bundle of nerves. He began to suck on it as if hoping to separate it from your body. He licked the small nub gently between vicious suckling, driving you wild and causing you to squirm. Your hand shot down to rest in his hair as you furrowed your brows and tilted your hips up into his chin, soaking his face in your secretions. Desperate need consuming your body.
He came up for air and crawled back up over you to get another one of your sweet kisses, before sinking his fingers into your tight virgin cunt. You whimper into his lips. He drags his fingers in and out of you causing you to clench around them. You make small cries as you feel him attempting to stretch you, readying you for his intrusion. 
Your hand reached for him, looking to sink beneath his pants to stroke what you desired. He propped himself up on his elbow next to you while his hand reached between your legs. You slipped between his abdominals and his waistband, fingers gliding around his thick base before closing around it and stroking upwards. Obito shuddered at your touch, hips instinctively thrusting towards you. Your hand firmly set around him, stroking up and down, you twisted towards his face to continue kissing him. The sloppy exchange continuing while you worked between each other’s legs. The heat radiated off of your bodies as your lust filled every pore. You pull back, a trail of spit connecting your mouths as you speak.
“I’m ready.”
Obito withdrew his fingers as he leaned away. He sucked his fingers clean as he stood up next to the bed. He dropped his pants so that they pooled around his ankles. He stepped out of the fabric and crawled back on the bed over you. 
He gently glided his barren length over your folds, lubricating himself in your sopping wet juices. His tip lightly poked at your swollen bud causing your breath to hitch. He gives you a nod signaling he’s going in. He sinks just the tip in and your arms tighten around him in response.
“Are you okay?”
You look up into his eyes and nod. “Mhm”
He begins to push inwards. You gasp at the stretch. It was painful but soon it shifted into a pleasurable sensation.
“Are you still okay?”
You bit your lower lip as you nod in agreement. He reached down. He wanted to be the one biting your lip. Connecting his with yours once more, his tongue swirled with passion as he stroked in and out of you slowly, allowing you to turn into a puddle under him. You cry into his mouth as you feel your walls constrict around him. You had never felt anything quite like it. Every part of you was satisfied in this position. Legs wrapped around his waist, lips connected with his, sharing the air you breathed, and the feeling of him buried in you. It was love in its purest sense. 
His soft slow romantic strokes began to give way as he realized how good the friction felt. Your tight walls wrapped around him so well, squeezing him in a way he could have never even dreamt about. You were perfection itself and it was making him ravenous.
He rolled his hips into you till they slapped against your rear. You make little sounds in response to the connection. It encourages him so he continues to roll. You keep mewling with each stroke. It is an anthem to his heart and he wants to hear it played louder. He begins slamming into you. You want to take it and please him but it’s becoming too much. 
You see his eyes gloss over. He’s consumed with the unfamiliar sensation. He flips you onto your stomach. He straddles you with his knees on either side of your legs, pinning them together. He thrusts up and in as you lay down flat. He slams his palm down on your cheek and you make a small grunt upon impact. You hear him smirk.”tch” He wants to do that again. 
You grunt a second time. He sits back on his heels and pulls your perfect body up off the bed and sits you down on his erection. Back facing him, he snakes his hands around your front and under your shirt. His muscular arms lift you up and down on him as you sing out little sounds of pleasure. 
“That’s it baby. You’re doing such a good job.”
You completely exhale as he whispers praise into your ear. Your heart thundering at a wild pace as one hand grabs on top of his hand that has a bruising grip on your chest and the other reaches back to grab him behind his head. 
He bends forward to lay light kisses along your neck and into the curve of your shoulder. You were his every desire. All the dangerous things he was capable of were only out of love for you. He would murder hordes of shinobi, tame tailed beasts, and level entire cities in your honor. He would do anything to live this moment on repeat for the rest of his life. 
You twist in his arms, politely asking to look upon his face. He sits back as he lifts you off of him. You turn around on your knees and straddle his lap, facing him as he tugs at your hem, gently lifting the fabric over your head and tossing it to a dark corner of the room. 
He hunches down to taste your perky peaks. His tongue dragging along each nub before his lips close around it with a gentle suckle. Your head lulls backwards as you cry out blissfully, allowing the new sensations to overwhelm your mind. Obito rocks your body up and down along his shaft but he doesn’t think he will be able to hold out much longer. 
He gingerly lays you down on your back, propping your legs open with his arms as he leans down, pushing his chest into yours. You feel your flexibility being tested as he sinks into you and your eyes widen at how deep he went. He begins to stroke, craving the warmth of the fast friction generated by his thrusts. He allows his sack to sway into your rear, hitting it with a satisfying clap at each impact. Your face begins to twist with pleasure. Your rhythmic cries calling to him like a siren's song. 
He leans down and presses his lips into yours, allowing your moans to reverberate around the inside of his mouth. He nears his climax as you reach yours. Releasing together in loving harmony. He slowly pumps into you, draining the seed from his length into your loving walls that graciously drink it in. 
Your doting eyes never leave his face. You realize you are hopelessly bound to him. You would never escape your captivity, nor did you want to. Both of you have surrendered to the other. Your head collapses onto the pillow and he licks one last stripe up your neck before falling next to you and kissing your jaw. His strong finger tugs at your chin, turning you to him so he may continue to adorn your lips with kisses. 
Your faces would fold into each other's necks as your bodies tangled together under the covers. The man who kidnapped you, now your most valued treasure. He would possessively hold his delicate little peach every night from henceforth and you would never speak of going home ever again because now that Obito lay with you, you were home. You allow your eyes to close and your heart to go still as you fall into a deep slumber in his arms.
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spacebaby1 · 2 months
Can I ask Rindou's reaction to the fact that his partner is expecting his child?
and for more drama (I'm a dramatic girl and I love drama) you could have Rindou's partner hide the situation from him
drama, angst but happy ending 😝
Hiii! Bestie, I got you! One thing about me is that I live for drama in writing 🎀😌🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 let's start!
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You and Rindou never had an argument because he always listened to you, but that didn't last long. You couldn't even remember what escalated the whole conversation into an argument, which led to Rindou slamming the door behind him as he left you'd house last night. The whole night you couldn't sleep not until the sun was out and your eyes gave up from all the crying; you weren't even sure why you were feeling emotional usually it's hard to make you cry. Anyways, you fell asleep around the early hours of the day after shutting your phone completely.
All the crying tired your body to no end that you ended up sleeping until late afternoon. Around four in the afternoon you woke up with a painful headache and aching in your abdomen and before you could grab your phone you felt your stomach turned and you ran to the bathroom, throwing up for a good half an hour before you sat on the bathroom floor.
The memories of yesterday's argument came rushing to you after you were back in your room sitting on your bed with your head in your hands. You weren't feeling well at all and thought the argument took a toll on you so bad that you were about to get sick. You didn't question the vomiting because it was how you'd react if you had a heated argument; it was natural body response to you. Finally, picking up your phone, you turned it on only for Rindou's texts. Fill your screen, followed by numerous of missed calls:
My love: Baby are you okay?
Look, I'm really sorry for shouting at you. I just lost control. But it wasn't your fault. It was me. Please forgive me?
My love:Darling? Can I call you?
*missed call*
*missed call*
My love: baby please answer me, at least end the ringing so I'll know you can see my calls.
My love: I'm so soo sooo sorry
My love: I can't sleep after I made you upset, I'm an idiot! I wish I can hold you right now...
My love: Are you sleeping, sweetie? Good night, my beautiful baby.
12:23 P.M
My love: baby? Sweetheart? Please text back.
My love: at least tell me you're not hurt I'm fucking going insane!
My love: y/n! Baby, I'm sorry!
3:50 P.M
My love: I'm worried about you angel, text me! It's not your usual self to sleep this much.
My love: Can I come by? I'm sorry baby, please don't give me the silent treatment. I'm so sorry, and i would apologize a thousand times if it means you'll forgive me the thousandth time."
He must've seen you reading the texts, and before you could reply, he called you. You sighed and answered, "Baby? Baby, are you okay?" You heard his tired voice. It wasn't until you answered that you realised how sore your throat was, "hi," it came out almost as a whisper before your cough holding the phone away a bit. Rindou panicked at the sound of your tired voice and coughing, "I'm coming over-"
"No, please not now," you replied in a low voice, "I'm not feeling well, just-just- I nee-" you were crying again, he heard you snuffling. "D-dont cry," now he was crying, You shook your head as if he could see you, "I'm so sorry, I hurt you. "I'm so sorry and i would apologize a thousand times if it means you'll forgive me the thousandth time. Just let me see you."
"Please, Rindou. I need space."
"You're not breaking up with me, are you?" He asked with a shaking voice. "No, Rin, I just need to be alone now." You heard his little sigh, "Okay, baby. Did you just wake up? You sound tired, let me order you some food-"
"No, Rin. I can-"
"No, please. At least let me do what I'm supposed to do as your boyfriend. Let me take care of you?" He sounded defeated, but you loved how he always took care of you No matter where he was. "Okay, I love you." You could almost hear his smile when you said that, "I love you more baby, call me if you need anything." You hung up and rubbed your forehead. The next two days were blurry because of how exhausted and sick you were. Usually, you'd let the fever go away, but it kept getting worse to the point that you couldn't put food down in your stomach.
On the third day you decided to visit the doctors and run some blood test to make sure it isn't anything serious and you wish it wasn't what you heard. "Miss Y/n? The blood test shows that everything is fine, just a slight changes in BP but it's normal at this stage."
"Huh? What do you mean at this stage?" You asked the doctor, and she looked at you confused then back at the chart that she was holding. "The pregnancy, you are three months pregnant, Y/n. Did you not know that?" Your eyes widened, and you could barely hear anything after that. Suddenly, it hit you. You were late, and you've been feeling so much different.
"I'm pregnant? Three mo-month?" You whispered more to yourself than a question to your doctor. The doctor nodded, "it explains that vomiting and the abdominal pain, are you okay?"
You got up, " Can you do an ultrasound? Can i see it?"
The doctor nodded, "Sure, if you'd want to."
You almost cried when you saw the screen of your ultrasound, "This is the baby." She pointed at the screen, and you smiled, forgetting the whole world the moment you saw your baby, "do you want the prints?" You nodded, whipping your happy tears away. It wasn't until you got home and saw the picture of you and Rindou on your phone screen is when your smile dropped; Rindou will not take the news well, you thought to yourself and you thought you were doing a good job at avoiding his texts and calls; it was a bad idea because he only grew more concerned about your relationship.
It was another day of you feeling absolutely horrible and vomiting all morning until your stomach was in knots. You heard the frantic bell ringing, followed by knocking on the front door. Groaning you got up holding your stomach with one hand as to you made your way towards the front door without asking who it was you opend the door slowly only to find Rindou standing there with tired eyes and looking panicked. He immediately gathered you in his arms making you yelp in surprise of how hard he was holding you; one of his hands on the back of your head and the other hilding you by the shoulder, "how could you avoid me for two weeks? I'm going insane thinking about you, baby. Why do you hate me so much? Fuck! I missed you." You gasped for air, "Ri, you are c-cruching me, I'm in pain-" He immediately let go and you almost fell on the ground passing out but he held you to his chest as you caught your breath, "you gonna crush me to death?" You asked in a low voice and groaned in pain holding your stomach. "Did I hurt you? I am so sorry, baby." He picked you up bridle style and headed towards your room, carefully placing you on your bed before sitting beside you and checking your forehead, "baby? You're burning." You shook your head, holding his hand in yours, "it's nothing, just an upset stomach. W-what are you doing here?" You asked, feeling yourself drifting to sleep. He sat on the floor next to the bed, kissed your hand, "you haven't text back for two weeks. I was worried, and you're sick yet you didn't call me?"
You shook your head, "I went to the doctors, it's nothing just a stomachache, it'll go by it's own." Rindou shook his head, "No, let me take care of you, do you wanna eat something?"
"I can't, I'll throw up, and it only hurt my stomach more, I just need to lay down." You said almost in a whisper before eventually falling back asleep, still holding Rindou's hands. "My baby," he kissed your forehead before running to get some cold cloth and place it on your forehead. Since you were sleeping, he decided to tide up your vanity a bit since you couldn't do it, and he noticed your things everywhere.
Rindou picked your make-up and placed them to the side, then your accessories which he put away in the box, and he grabbed your other things and opend the drawer to put them away only to find the ultrasound prints next to the results. His heart started beating fast as he took the picture in hand, eyes wide open he read it again and again making sure what he was looking at was indeed a baby and the test had your name on it. You were pregnant, and he felt his eyes blurred when he saw the date; it was a two and half week old test. He could hold back his sobs as he looked at the ultrasound prints. He was trying not to wake you up with his sobbing and he was shaking so hard that he had to sit down on the floor because he didn't trust his knees to hold him standing; he's gonna be a father? Did you even want the baby? Why didn't you tell him?
He sobbed for an hour before making his way towards you and softly kissing your forehead which made you wake up, and you blinked at him. He caressed your cheek with the back of his hand with tears falling from his eyes which made you immediately sit on your bed, "Rinny? Wh-why are you crying? What's wrong?" You cupped his puffy face in your weak hands as your eyes met with his hand holding the ultrasound prints in his hands as more tears fell from his beautiful eyes, "Why didn't you tell me? I'm I not en-" you hugged him closer feeling yourself about to cry, "Don't say that, please." You whispered and he hugged you.
You both stayed like that for minutes and on until Rindou whipped his tears and sat beside you on the bed, with you covered with the blanket and head resting on his chest while he couldn't stop smiling at the picture of your baby. "I'm sorry I wasn’t there for this." You shook your head cuddling closer, "you seem happy." He looked down at you and wrapped his arms around you, "I'm gonna be a dad, of course I'm happy. I can't believe it. I'm gonna be a dad. There's gonna be a mini version of our love? I hope it's a girl, then she'll look as beautiful as you. Did you check? Is it a girl? Or boy?"
You chuckled at his excitement, "No, I didn't. I was just terrified and happy to see the baby." He hugged you closer, "you don't need to be terrified. We'll be great, Mama and dada. I promise."
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rninies · 10 months
synopsis: Itoshi Rin hates people, but maybe not you.
warnings: fluff, gn!reader, thats it tbh idk what else to add lmao — wc: 645
note: back to my bllk era because i miss him
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Itoshi Rin dislikes hanging out with people. Call him anti-social, introverted, anything you want, really, but he just hates being around people. It annoys and tires him out.
When you first met him, you didn’t think too much about the glare he sent you when you politely introduced yourself to him. You thought that maybe he was just having a bad day, so you continued to approach him, constantly sitting next to him, asking him how he was doing, basically just pestering him — but it’s not like he has the heart to snap at you. You’ve been nothing but kind to him.
That’s why you are a bit shocked when Rin suddenly asks you to come and hang out with him on a Saturday morning. Sure you wanted him to ask you to hang out sometimes, but you didn’t expect him to do that. 
Since this was your first time out with Rin, it took you almost an hour to choose your outfit, constantly changing outfits when one looks weird on you. As soon as you finished getting ready, you rushed out the door, called a taxi, and rushed to the cafe you promised to meet up in.
When you arrive at the cafe, you see Rin sitting at one of the tables, scrolling through his phone with a cup of coffee in front of him. You smiled to yourself, finally sinking in that Itoshi Rin asked you out. “Rin!” 
His head shoots up, almost dropping his phone. “Y/N.”
You held in a laugh, seeing how you scared him. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” you sat down across from him. “Did you wait long?”
“No, just got here,” Rin replies, suddenly feeling awkward. “Can we stay here for a while? I want to finish my coffee.”
“Oh sure! Go ahead. I might order a drink myself.” you say, standing up to go order a drink. “Do you want a snack?”
Rin shakes his head, taking a sip from his coffee. You nod, walking up to the cashier to order yourself a drink and a croissant. Walking back with your drink and croissant in hand, you sat down, taking a bite out of your croissant. “Why do you seem so awkward right now? We talk to each other every day at school.”
“I don’t know.” Rin mumbles, scratching the back of his neck. “It’s weird talking to you outside of school.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Am I only a person you talk to during school? Am I just a school friend to you? Do you dislike me outside of school?” You couldn’t help teasing Rin a bit.
“I don’t like most people, but you’re an exception,” Rin replies. The hand that is holding your croissant stops just below your mouth when Rin finishes speaking.
As soon as you process what he just said, a smile immediately appears on your face. “Aw, I didn’t know you liked me that much!”
“Huh? No, I don’t.” Rin denies it, but you can see his ears turning red. Your smile widens, and Rin knows you’re about to say something cheesy. “Shut up. If you say one word I’m canceling this date- hangout.”
“Huh?” Unfortunately for you, you had quite poor hearing so you didn’t manage to catch on to the word ‘date’ that slipped his lips. “What did you say?”
Rin clears his throat, suddenly looking shy. “Nothing. I didn’t say anything.” He suddenly stands up, going to throw his cup. “You coming?”
“Oh!” you quickly finished your drink, standing up to follow Rin out of the cafe. “What do you have planned for us today?”
“It’s a surprise,” Rin says with a small smile on his face.
You are curious, but you decide to stay silent to not ruin the surprise he has prepared. You just know that it’s going to be a great day today.
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tnt-kokoo · 2 months
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Sheep in a wolf's costume
(Yandere/obsessed!)Rin Itoshi × fem!reader
summary: A princess like you shouldn't wander around unattended while at war. That's what your father thought at least, and that's why, Rin Itoshi was chosen as your own guard.
warning: Stalking, fantasy au, yandere/obsessed, he kinda worships reader (??), death,
"...and with that, I order him to be your guard." Your father, the king, commanded.
In your mind, you were dreading having to be followed by someone you don't really know. As a princess, you already had to overcome the constant nagging of your parents to act whenever and wherever you are ladylike. Not that it was impossible but very draining.
Looking over to your side, you remarked how one of the knights looked more nervous than the ones next to him. You knew from then on, that was your new babysitter.
After a while, you father continued to talk to the other knights. You couldn't handle standing there, listening to your father talk about next possible moves from the enemy and how they could prevent that from happening. You couldn't bare to listen to the gruesome out loud thoughts (that should have stayed in their sick brains instead of being muttered out loud) of the solders.
Your new guard noted how your expression changed from annoyed to a hidden disgust.
'Even with such an evil topic, she tries to remain princess-like. Cute." That's what the dark haired boy thought.
At some point, you just wanted out of the room and the still unnamed knight by your side realized it as well. He then interrupted your father's conference (something undared by many with a lower status).
"Pardon me sir, don't you think that the princess shouldn't have to worry about our conflict and ruin her pure brain?" He questioned. A few wispers from behind and from the side were the only thing keeping the silence away. Your father was surprised, shocked even, to have someone other than him dare to talk for his own daughter. But it's not like he didn't agree with the said statement of 'not wanting to ruin your pure thoughts and brain'.
With a quiet sighs, he agreed a let the guard go for his foolish behavior of interrupted like that.
"Thank you, for getting me out" you thanked him sincerely.
Maybe, he isn't as bad as you thought?
But oh, how wrong that was. He was much more worse than what you could have imagined.
"What's your name?" you wanted to know and walked beside him as he accompanied you to your chambers. He looked over to you quite shocked and muttered a small 'Rin'.
You couldn't help but laugh at what you thought was shyness. The sound of the laugh was like a immense warm comfort, that he deemed to not have earned (just yet at least). He loved it. So much. His heart clenched at the thought of failing your father's wish for your safety and swore to himself to protect you. For now, he didn't think much of his possessiveness. To him, it was just him doing his job.
Because Rin Itoshi is unfamiliar with the term love.
As days follow and the conflict began to get more serious, Rin was able to listen to your worries and how you wanted this war to stop.
With each day spending more time with you, the knight felt himself more aware of how much he actually enjoys your company. Even in such hard times, you were still next to him, listening to him talk about his interests, his likings as well as dislikings and even more shocking to some, about his family. He simply trusted you and you trusted him.
You knew you could definitely trust him after what happened at town. Even with a war going on, your father made you go to the orphanage. You definitely should only visit but you being you, Rin had to watch how his princess was playing and joking with the children.
Soon, thoughts plagued the knight of having a family with you. The dark haired boy quickly threw that thought away and continued to look out for you as you were finally wishing the children to stay healthy.
While walking down the street to where the carriage was supposed to wait. You were met with something else.
You two saw bandits with knives in their hands. They seriously didn't think this through if they thought that Rin Itoshi would let them steal from you- or even worse, harm you.
Quickly Rin drew his sword out of the holder and pointed it to the opponents. Non of them got closer and took a few steps back.
Suddenly, another thief came from behind you and pulled the knife in his hand close to your throat. Without a second of waiting, Rin brought his sword to the one threatening you and made a fast cut for the thief to fell down bleeding without seeming to stop. Quickly stepping away from the corpse, your eyes widen as the chest of your knight stooped you from stepping away any further.
He saved you, but at the cost of one's life...
The boy wrapped his arms around you and bought you closer to the metal of his suit, he tried his best to comfort you as he only could be happy that you were safe. No more bandits wanting to rob you.
At this point, he might have started to feel something more for you. He still couldn't put a finger on what exactly it was called but from what he heard, his feelings were as strong as love.
Right now, his brain accepted a feeling for you. He calls it Love.
The moment Rin Itoshi realized how much his feelings grew over the time of being your knight, was when you got your portrait taken by one of the best artist at the time. He stood next to the portrait and had a very clear view of you. You looked eternal with all the diamonds and the jewelry.
On one hand, he was excited to be able to have such a beautiful view of you. Your beauty infront of him and him having the possibility to memorize all your features highlighted by the pretty diamonds. He was so sure, that he would spend all his money for jewelry for you just because your being is supposed to be lavished by all these expensive stones and gold or silver (whatever you prefere because he'd buy you either).
But on the other hand, apart from his growing love for you, the feeling of jealousy grew as well. His jealousy was directed at the artist and yes, the painting is beautiful, but, he shouldn't be able to look at you with ,what Rin thought to be, lust. Only Rin himself should have the ability to look at you. Others should pay.
And not with any money, oh no... Rin expected them to pay with their eyes who dared to glance over to you. Like thiefs get punished by getting their hands cut off, but what would that be useful for? It were their eyes that weren't allowed to look at a higher being.
While the painting was finished hours later, you began to feel your eyelids grew heavier. Looking out, you saw how the sky was already darkened and the sun long gone. Stars now dancing above the castle and the moon deep asleep.
Looking over to Rin, he seemed to understand your trouble and helped you up. He then proceeded to kneel down and say "Get on my back, I'll carry you to your chamber, princess."
You didn't question it and sat on his makeshift seat of his hands to hold you up. Your arms wrapped around his neck as your head laid on his broad shoulder.
'Shit. She smells so good....' he thought.
As he carried you to your chambers, he laid you down on the comfortable bed and pulled the blankets over your beautiful body. Oh how he loved you, your brain, your body, and your looks. He loved everything about you.
If you were to command him, he would kiss every floors that were lucky enough to be walked upon by you.
If you were to command him, he would go into every fight and come back to you.
If you were to command him, he would do anything you'd ever wish.
Because in the end, it's Rin Itoshi. He would get his hands dirty for you, so you wouldn't have to.
And maybe, just maybe, love was a wrong term for his feelings. He felt his obsession grow more and more.
"Where is the princess???" A servant asked another. Neither knew of anything after the village got attacked. To make it worse, most knights were gone, thinking the enemies were going to attack from somewhere else. But oh how wrong they were.
Now with nearly no one to fight with, the village was doomed. Not even the king was present anymore, he was murdered and you, you disappeared, along with your knight.
If you had a choice in this or not, Rin Itoshi was not disappointed with his deal with the enemies.
A deal that would make him alongside you stay safe, as long as he would be telling them your folks secrets.
Looking back, he was happy you're now safe with him.
Because Rins feeling for you are way stronger than anyone could possibly imagine and now, you're his and his alone.
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tulip-room · 3 months
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Pairing: Suna x Chubby! Fem! Reader
Content: Suna’s little sister loves your sweet treats. That’s definitely why he’s in there so often
Words: 2k
a/n: This is part of my Sweet Treats writing series! So stayed tuned for the other parts. This is the second story in the series you can find the other one and the future ones in the post!! I hope you enjoy me adding to the Suna chubby chaser agenda <3
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 “No, I’m serious Rin. It’s literally the best bakery I have ever been to. They don’t only have baked goods either, they have a deli with regular sandwiches and pretzel buns. It’s mouthwatering.” Suna’s sister exclaims trying to get her brother to agree to take her to the aforementioned bakery. He rolls his eyes with a sigh and starts putting his jacket on.
“Fine, but only if you’ll finally stop talking about it.” The two walk out the door, Suna following behind his sister. She seems excited and as much as he pretends to hate her ramblings it’s endearing and he enjoys making his sister happy. 
“Hello little Suna!” They’re greeted as soon as they walk in. “Who did you bring with you?” Suna looks up and has to take a moment to collect himself. Less than five feet away is the most beautiful woman he thinks he’s ever seen. She has flour on her apron and a bit of chocolate on her cheek, most people wouldn’t think she was his type. Most people were wrong, he lives for chubbier people. More of them to love, as people say. He hasn’t even realized that his sister was talking about him. 
“Yeah, this is my brother. Rinatarou?” She waves a hand in front of his face, she’s abit amused by the blush building on his cheeks and how quickly he froze when he caught a look at her favorite baker. Now she can’t say this wasn’t her plan, she knew her brother would love you. But she was pleasantly surprised to see she was right. 
Suna shakes his head and comes back to where the two of you are laughing slightly. Wow, even your laugh was pretty. “What can I help you with?” And suddenly his mouth is dry and he’s not sure what to say. He clears his thoat and looks at the menu. 
“Uhm…a…ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato sandwich on a pretzel bun. And whatever she wants,” he points at his sister who rattles off her order. He sighs and pulls his card out of his wallet. 
“Alright, I’ll have that right out for you two,” you say, handing his card back to him. Your fingers brush accidentally and Suna takes a quick breath in. His sister can’t help the laugh that escapes her mouth and tries to cover it with a cough. The two make their way over to a table still in view of the counter and the kitchen. Suna is pushed into a chair where he can see you as his sister sits opposite him.
“So,” she smiles at him teasingly. “Y/N huh?”
“Y/N? Is that her name?” He asks, a little distracted as he watches you work. His sister doesn’t need to turn around to see what has his attention. 
“Mhm, she’s single you know.”
“She is?” That got his attention. His head whips to his sister.
“Yup, complains that she needs someone to cook and bake for all the time. If only I knew someone who is hopeless at cooking?” She taps her chin as she looks at him. “Seriously Rin, if you don’t get her to be your girlfriend I will. I need her fresh baked bread.”
“Is that all this is?”
“No, I want both of you to be happy, she’s been very nice to me and you deserve someone as good as her. So man up and ask her out.” She says it a little louder than he likes and it catches the attention of the other patrons. He flicks her forehead with a frown.
“Don’t say it so loud.” He whisper-yells at her. Eventually their order gets called and Suna gets up to collect it. When you smile at him he thinks he died. He just gives you a small smile back. “Thank you.”
“You’re more than welcome, Suna.”
“Rintarou, you can call me Rintarou, it would get a little confusing with my sister anyway.”
“Okay, you’re more than welcome, Rintarou.” Did his name always sound that nice or was it just you who made it sound nice. Regardless he takes the food and sits back down.
“Oh my goodness, can you be anymore whipped?”
“You planned this.” He glares gently at his sister.
“You can’t prove that,” she shrugs with a smile and starts digging into her sandwich.
Day One
You weren’t expecting to see Suna again, at least without the company of his sister. “Hello Rintarou,” you greet him as he walks in and finish checking out a customer. They didn’t request a sandwich so you just had to measure out the cookies. He stood patiently behind the person. Once they leave it’s just you and Suna in the shop again. “What brings you in?”
He hadn’t thought that far. “Uhm..just.” He clears his throat and scracthes the back of his neck in a shy manner. “Just picking something up for my sister.”
“Oh, okay.” You start putting things in the computer. “Anything else? I already put her usual in.” You give him a kind smile and try not to think about how his cheeks turn slightly red at the action.
“Nope, that’s it.” You nod and head to the back to make the sandwich. When you come back you get his payment. “My sister really loves you- er your baked goods and sandwiches.”
“I’m aware, it makes my day to see her. She’s adorable, always going on and on about her brother. If I didn’t know any better I would think she was trying to set us up.” You tease gently and hand him the wrapped sandwich.
“Yeah, that would be silly.”
“Maybe, she did a good job selling you. See you later, Rintarou.” You wave as you turn to help the customer that had just walked in. He leaves the bakery with less money in his wallet and a blush on his cheeks.
Day Two
Once again the brown haired man came into the bakery without the presence of his little sister. “Hello Rintarou,” you greet him. This time he’s the only customer in the bakery so the two of you have time to chat before you make his order. “You know, if you come in everyday I may think you’re not just here for your sister.” You tease him as you ring up the order. Your fingers brush against his again as you take his card from him.
“That would be absurd Y/N. Obviously I’m here to treat my little sister while I’m in town.” He smiles and leans his arm on the counter as he rests his chin in the palm of his hand. 
“Mhm, of course.” You give him a smile of you own and hand him the carefully packaged sandwich. “Tell the little Suna I said hello.”
“What not going to say hello to me? Your favorite Suna?”
“I did say hello to you, when you walked in. And favorite? I don’t know about all that, the jury is still out on it.” You lean against the counter yourself. Suna takes the opportunity to wipe at the chocolate on your cheek that taunts him everyday he comes in. Your face grows warm and it’s your turn to stutter.
“Sure I’m not your favorite?”
You let out a small laugh and push his shoulder gently. “It takes more than some teasing to be my favorite. Goodbye Rintarou.” You wave at him as a group walks into the bakery. 
Day Three
Day three is when you call him out. He had to wait in line and there’s more of a crowd in the bakery than there usually is. Probably something to do with it being a Friday. You still wave at him when he comes in and he patiently waits at the end of the line. Thankfully by the time he gets up to the counter there’s only two more customers after him. He orders and stands to the side to talk to you when you become free again. 
“Sorry about that Rintarou,” you turn to him with a smile. He waves you off as you wipe your hands off on your apron. 
“You own a business, I would hope it’s not always empty.” He plays with the container of straws, spinning one around. Happy to see that everyone was sitting down enjoying their food. You allow yourself to lean on the counter as well. 
“Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays are my busiest.” 
“Makes sense.”
“You know the funniest thing happened yesterday.” He hums looking at you in confusion clearly wanting you to go on. “Your sister came into the shop wanting a sandwich. Consider me shocked when I told her you had already come in earlier to get her one. She looked just as shocked as I was.”
Shit. That was the first thing that came to his mind as he reached a hand up to rub the back of his neck. He looks away as his face grows red. “Did she?” He asks his voice, lifting up near the end of the question. 
“Mhm. Isn’t that funny?”
“Hilarious.” He was going to scream into his pillow when he got home and probably glare at his sister through dinner. “Would you look at the time, I have to get home.” He checks a fake watch on his wrist. 
“I think it’s cute that you’re using it as an excuse to see me. I enjoy seeing you too. Goodbye, Rintarou.” You wave at him as he races out the door covering his face with a hand. He still wasn’t used to how gently you would call his name in greetings or goodbyes.
Day Four
It was the last day of his visit, his sister had come in earlier to tease her brother over the situation from yesterday. You scolded her lightly and told her not to tease him too much or he might not come back.
“Like that would happen, he’s whipped your honor.” The two of you are still laughing when he enters the shop. What was she doing here? He remembers requesting his sister not show up today but he supposes he can’t always get what he wants.
“Hello, Rintarou.” Yeah, he’s done for if you keep saying his name like that. “Here to get something for your sister?” You tease and he shakes his head with a small smile. 
“Seems she got something for herself.” He looks at the drink and sandwich in his sister’s hands. Getting the hint she walks away after waving to you. 
“So, what actually brings you in today.”
“I’m here to order something for myself.”
“And what would that be?” You lean closer to him.
“Your number.” It was a surprise, not an unwelcome one though. 
“Okay, give me your phone. It’ll cost you though.” You hold your hand out for him to place his phone in your hand.
“What will it cost me?” He hands his phone over to you with a smile. 
“A date, a proper one.” You smile as you put your number in and hand the phone back to the dumbfounded man. You hear quiet clapping and see his sister smiling and giving you a thumbs up from behind him. He whips his head around and she pretends like she was eating her sandwich the whole time. 
“Deal. I’ll be back in a few weeks, you can cash your date in then.”
“Okay, see you then Rintarou.”
Suna smiles at his phone in between breaks. Now it wasn’t unusual for him to be on his phone during breaks in practice but it was a surprise that he all but ran to it. “Got a girlfriend, Sunarin?” Komori teases as he tries to look over Suna’s shoulder.
“Not yet, but hopefully.” He smiles as he answers. Komori can’t even tease him more because he’s not quite sure he’s ever seen the boy look so happy. Suna knew he would have to thank his sister some more when he visited again, many hours of listening to her gossip (and not pretending like he didn’t care) it would also result in getting his nails painted while they gossiped. They were chipping anyway.
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taglist: @sanaexus
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slutforitoshi · 1 year
rin itoshi - ink *:・゚✧
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ft. tattoo artist!rin x f!reader, 18+ minors dni
cw: unprotected sex, fingering, oral m!receiving, head pushing, nipple play, choking
synopsis: you intend to get a tattoo on your rib cage, but your tattoo artist is eager to see more skin
wc: 2.3k
A/N: kicking screaming crying at the idea of tattoo artist rin also ty for 500 followers!
you swallow hard as you come face to face with your tattoo artist. rin itoshi was the one of the executive artists at blue lock arts and was usually booked for months in advance. your friend isagi had managed to squeeze you in since he knew him personally. 
“it’s nice to finally meet you,” he extends a hand, and you shake it lightly, hoping your own palm wasn’t clammy from nerves. 
you didn’t know if you wanted to thank isagi or punch him. he warned you rin might be a ‘cold prick’, but what isagi failed to mention was that he was panty-dropping hot. and you were expected to keep still while his hands traversed your body for the next 2 hours. 
rin reaches for his tablet before handing it to you, “so i took a look at your ideas and this is what i came up with, let me know what you think” 
it’s gorgeous. it wasn’t for no reason that he had become so well-known despite only entering the industry a few years back. the strokes were drawn with precision, and it encapsulated your vision so perfectly he might as well have read your mind.
“rin it’s perfect” you look at him in awe, and it sends a wave of heat to his face. 
he turns away to hide the unfamiliar pink color on his cheeks and murmurs a “thanks, it’s my job to.” he was usually nonchalant about his work, but something about your starry gaze made him lose composure.
you’re guided to his tattoo table and ordered to lay down, lifting your shirt to reveal your right rib that you intended to ink up. 
“this your first tat?” he asks, noticing the how bare your skin was. something impure crosses his mind thinking how he’d be the first one to leave a mark. 
“yup first one” you laugh nervously, “unless you count the failed stick and poke i did myself back in high school”  
your anecdote earns an amused scoff from rin, “don’t tell me you used pen ink?”
“yeah and an unsanitized sewing needle, too. the thing got so infected and left a nasty scar,” you replied, lifting your leg to reveal the raised skin on your ankle. 
“don’t worry, i’ll make sure this one stays” he’s approaching you now with the tattoo gun, “you’re in good hands here”
his words fill you with warmth, and you wonder why you were ever nervous in the first place.
you both settle into a comfortable silence, with only the slight buzz of the gun to be heard. the lack of conversation allows you to focus your thoughts to another subject: rin. 
the view of rin tapped into his artistic zone was comparable to the work he was currently imprinting on your body. his eyebrows were slightly furrowed, lips pursed in concentration. piercing teal orbs would switch their gaze between the reference work and your skin, unnerved by any other environmental stimulus. 
another thing that caught your attention was the lack of tattoos he had on him considering his profession. many artists you knew of were covered and had no intention of hiding them, but you couldn’t spot a single spot of ink on rin. 
“is there something on my face?” he asks, still not sparing you a glance. 
“n-no. just didn’t know where else to look…” you stammer, embarrassed from being caught. you could’ve sworn his lips quirked upwards for a second, but he’s back to being expressionless within a blink. 
“well we’re about 75% finished here so let’s take a 10 minute break and then come back to it” he wipes off the excess ink and discards of his gloves. 
before he can retreat to his desk you ask, “so how do you and isagi know each other?”
“that bastard and i used to be rivals in high school soccer. he used to be real annoying you know, always talking about ‘devouring’ his opponents” he rolls his eyes, remembering old matches. 
“honestly not surprising. i remember he threw a fit when he lost our class’s dance dance revolution tournament,” you laugh reminiscing on your own college memories, “i don’t even know why he tried so hard the prize was a fucking $5 gift card to McDonald’s and he hated that place.”
“apparently gives him debilitating shits” you two finish in unison before bursting into laughter. rin’s laughter is rich and deep, and you try to ignore the shiver it sends down your spine. 
“so how are you unfortunately acquaintanced with isagi?” rin settles into a nearby seat, forgoing his intention to leave.
“we actually used to be coworkers at our college part-time job. and we were the only ones willing to do the night shifts so we got pretty close” 
rin chuckles, “you must be pretty patient to be able to spend so many hours alone with him.”
“oh trust me he definitely drove me insane. he’s a good friend though, and i got an appointment with you through him so i’m definitely thankful for that” you give a warm smile. 
“well, i guess i can thank isagi for introducing us too” he reciprocates your smile, which is quickly interrupted by his manager.
“my ears must be failing me because there’s no way rin is conversing with a customer for once.” 
the manager then looks to you and adds, “well i guess it makes sense that he would open up to a pretty thing like you”
the new presence instantly wipes the smile from rin’s face, and he retorts “what do you want otoya?”
“just wanted to let you know that i’m heading out. make sure to lock up when you’re done” he instructs. he’s about to leave before he turns to look at you again, “hey if rin doesn’t end up asking you out i’d be more than happy to-”
otoya’s hands go up in surrender, but he makes sure to shoot you a wink before turning the corner. 
“well he is certainly um interesting” you laugh nervously, surprised at the scowl etched onto rin’s face. 
“if you’re interested in him i should warn you that he’s a serial cheater” he mutters, but it only envokes laughter from you. 
“trust me i can sense a sleaze from a mile away” 
your response softens his gaze a little and he signals for you to lay back down on the tattoo bed to start the final session. you couldn’t help but notice that now that you two were the only ones in the building, the space felt a little more intimate.
as the needle presses into you again, you find the pain to be a hundred times more unbearable as a result of your inflamed skin. 
the sensation has you forming tight fists, pressing crescent indents into your palm. and if that wasn’t enough your vocal cords started to betray you, with small whines escaping your lips. unbeknownst to you, those same noises are eating away at rin’s focus. blood is rushing to his head, and not the large one.
“you’re being so good for me, i’m almost done” he whispers in reassurance, rubbing his thumb lightly against your ribcage. his touch effectively distracts you from the pain, sending heat to your lower abdomen. 
it’s not much longer before he’s sitting back, announcing that the piece is finished, and encouraging you to sit up and look in the mirror. what’s reflected back at you leaves your mouth agape. 
“rin, it’s beautiful” 
“yeah, it really is” he agrees, although his gaze never once shifted away from your face.
after a few photos, he’s wrapping up the new ink and getting ready to send you out. as you’re packing up however, you notice a dark trail at the edge of rin’s sleeve. 
“what’s your tattoo of?” you ask, catching his attention. 
he ponders for a moment before replying, “do you want to see it?” 
you nod eagerly, expecting him to roll up his sleeve. however, he opts to discard of his top completely, revealing what could only be deemed as a masterpiece. between that and his incredibly toned body, you were mesmerized.
before your consciousness could stop your instincts, your hand is reaching out to trace over the ink. rin doesn’t stop you, though his skin is burning up from your light fingertips. 
“i drew it myself back when i was an apprentice. my boss at the time did it for me.” 
his voice snaps you back to reality and you quickly withdraw your hand, cheeks flushed. before you could issue an apology though, his own hands are wrapped around your wrist, pulling you back in towards his chest. 
“the things you do drive me fucking crazy” he mutters before colliding his lips into yours. the built up tension over the past few hours is cut so suddenly it leaves both of you desperate to get a taste. 
your hands wrap around rin’s neck, pressing yourself deeper into his warmth. his fingers are tugging at the underside of your shirt now, itching to feel more of your skin. 
he disconnects contact only for a moment to hoist you back up onto the tattoo bed again, lifting your shirt over your head soon after. 
“you’re perfection” he growls at the sight of you before diving into capture your beaded nipple between his lips. the other one isn’t neglected either, finding solace between his fingers, rolling back and forth. 
“a-ah. it’s sensitive rin” you whine at the sensation, which does nothing to halt his ministrations. 
“take them off.” he whispers against your skin, and you need no clarification to know what he means. you kick off your shorts, leaving only your panties stuck against your soaked core. 
rin peels them back, marveling at the slick gathered between your thighs. he quickly pushes you back until you’re rested against the bed, and aligns his fingers to your entrance, eager to be intruded. 
he doesn’t give you the satisfaction immediately however, circling slowly around where you needed him most.
“rin, please,” you beg, “need you inside”
and how could he deny such an earnest request? two fingers push into you at once with little resistance, but it has you rolling your eyes back, leaning further into the firm leather beneath you.
“looks like you need more” he smirked before a third finger made its entrance. a long drawn out rinnn from your lips has his cock painfully straining against his jeans, but he still remained relentless in his pace. 
his digits pumped with such vigor it was impossible to slow down the coil building in your abdomen. his lips attaching to your still-sensitive nipple is what makes you come undone though, and your back is arching against the bed as he’s muttering a, “that’s right, go ahead and cum for me”
with barely a second to recover, you’re ordered to go on your knees as he unzips his jeans to reveal a length you couldn’t fathom fitting within you. the way your mouth watered overrode any fear though and you lean forward to wrap your lips around his tip. 
his hand goes flying to your hair, coiling it around his fist tight. he guides you deeper, inch by inch until tears are pricking at the corner of your lashes. 
“come on baby, i know you can take more” he encourages, and you relax your throat to take an additional 1-2 inches. the pain was nothing compared to the pleasure that ran through you hearing the gutteral moan that escaped rin’s lips. 
you built a rhythm going in and out, making sure to circle your tongue at his tip to feel the shudder that ran through him every time. your hair was still gripped between his fingers, so tight his knuckles were turning white. he was getting dangerously close to finishing, and as tempting as that was he wasn’t quite finished with you yet.
“that’s enough,” he orders, pulling you to your feet. before you could process the new emptiness, he’s flipped you around, pushing your chest forward into the leather bed. 
his guides his tip between your dripping folds, and then pushing once he felt the catch of your entrance. the stretch has you letting out a sigh, and it isn’t long before he’s pulling strings and strings of moans out of you.
one hand is firmly placed at your waist, pulling you against the snap of his own hips. the other is fondling your breasts again, addicted to the plush spilling against his fingers.
“more rin” you plead, and his fingers travel up to your throat, wrapping them tighter until you’re lightheaded. the feeling was intoxicating, clearing your mind of everything but the pleasure.
“so fucking good for me, taking it all” he groans, and his own mind is going to a haze at the squeezes your walls kept inflicting on him. he wouldn’t last much longer at this pace, and it would be such a shame not to cum to such a pretty face. 
he quickly pulls out of you, turning you over to face his piercing teal eyes. barely a second passes before he’s entering you again, thrusting with intensity that threatened the bed to tip over. 
“want you to fill me up” you moan, sensing that he was close. the request has him releasing any restraint he once held, painting your walls with strips of white. the sight of it leaking past your folds once he pulled out had his cock twitching in pride. 
the contrast between rin’s behavior within a span of but 2 minutes was stark, as he took a towel to gently wipe up the mess he left behind.
he places a kiss on your temple, “wait for me in the front ok?”, and turns to start clearing up his work station.
once you had finished trying to make yourself look like you hadn’t just been fucked silly, you waited for rin in the lobby to pay the cost of your tattoo. he simply shut off the register though, leaving you all the more confused. 
“wait i still need to pay the rest of-”
“the deposit was plenty,” he shrugs off your concern, “and if you want to tip…you can do it in the form of dinner next week.”
little did you know that he had no intention of letting you pay for that either.
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etoiile · 10 months
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starring suna rintaro!
synopsis: when suna pushes your hug off of him, it makes an insecurity grow.
notes: first time writing for hq! def very very ooc for him but wtv im working on it
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your possibly biggest fear ever was being annoyingly clingy.
your main love language was physical touch, and you had a very clear way of showing your love and affection. any one of your friends could easily say, "yep, they're really clingy," because you were. you'd greet them excitedly with a hug, cuddle with them during movies, and sling an arm over their shoulders when sitting next to each other.
you knew that you were clingy, and it didn't bother you much. no one around you seemed to dislike it and you knew yourself how much you'd like it if someone paid that much attention to you. you felt most loved when you felt seen, and having someone shower you in hugs made you feel that way, so you did it to other people, to show them how special they were to you.
one of the things that came with being clingy, however, was fear. fear that even though it was something you knew you'd appreciate, it was something annoying to others. the last thing you ever wanted was for someone to find you annoying to be around. that sounded like an absolute nightmare.
so, when you surprised rin with a backhug and he stood there, not reciprocating your hug, and then gently shoved you off, telling you he wasn't in a good mood, not to bother him, and to please, "stop being like a fucking mosquito clinging onto him all the time," you could feel your body trembling as you quickly retreated, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
when he later apologized to you, telling you he was sorry for lashing out at you, you accepted his apology, but the insecurity still lingered.
suna was in a great mood.
he'd done really well at practice today, they got let out early enough that the sun was still out and shining, and he practically skipped home at the thought of coming home to your arms.
he unlocked the front door and yelled an, "i'm home," as he pulled his shoes off and set his bag down. you came over to greet him and he found his body tingling with excitement, ready to grab onto you and hold you tight.
"welcome home, rin," you smiled warmly at him, but then turned around and went back to your laptop. he stood there, dumbfounded. what just happened?
he followed you suspiciously, wondering what was going on. you always greeted him with a hug. always. why were you being different today? had you simply forgotten? no, it doesnt work like that. you didn't forget, you chose not to. why?
"...is everything ok?" he asked hesitantly. you didn't seem to be in a bad mood, so why were you acting weird?
you looked up at him, confused. "yeah? why, is something wrong?"
"yeah." he replied, plopping down next to you. "with you."
you frowned, your heart beginning to beat faster. first, you had stopped yourself from throwing your arms around him, which you so desperately wanted to do, in order to be less annoying, but there was still something wrong? what did you do? how were you still annoying him?
"...what do you mean?" you asked, trying your best to mask the nervousness in your voice. you really, really, really didn't want to be annoying. you wanted to be someone rin wanted to be around, not someone who pissed him off when he spent time with you. you really did want to work on the things he didn't like, and improve yourself for him. you braced yourself for what he might say next, reminding yourself that you can't cry just because someone brings up an issue about you.
"you didn't give me 'welcome home' hug." he muttered a little sheepishly, rubbing the bag of his neck. he looked up at you, his hazel eyes making your body feel like jelly. "did i do something wrong?"
you could feel your lower lip trembling as you tried to stop it. "..no! no, of course not. i just...thought that after what you...said yesterday, you'd want some space! i know im clingy, so im gonna work on it, ok?" you mustered out, trying to keep a smile on your face.
suna's eyes widened. he'd lashed out at you yesterday, but he'd apologized for it already, so he thought that meant you knew he didn't mean it. plus, you two were people who joked around a lot and spewed random shit all the time. he knew you knew that, so he didn't think it was on your mind and he didn't think you you thought what he said was true, because it wasn't. at all.
though, seeing as how you were struggling to keep it together, and how you hadn't welcomed him home with a hug for the first time since moving in together, he realized his words had cut deeper than he realized.
"hey," he turned to completely face you. "look at me." he gently guided your chin to meet his eyes, as you were apparently very keen on looking everywhere but him, and forced you to look at him.
"what i said last night... i didn't mean it. at all. you know i love your affection, right? i was just in a bad, bad mood yesterday, and 'm real sorry i lashed out at you because of it. i know i might be shit at expressing it right, but i love you and your clingy ass so much, and i'm sorry if it didn't seem that way. i love your touch and affection, really."
and with that, all of the fear came rushing out of you in the form of tears, and you jumped onto rin as you held him tight, your heart soaring in relief when he did the same. embarrassed to be seen, you buried your face in his chest and just sniffled silently.
"...you really mean it?"
"it's not annoying? 'coz i want you to tell me if it is, and i'll work on it. really."
"it's not,"
"...you're sure?"
"i'm sure."
you then wiped your tears and giggled as you peppered his neck with kisses, laughing more when he scrunched up from the ticklish sensation.
"i love you," you said, stopping your flurry of kisses for a minute.
he gave you a boyish grin that made you melt and ran his hand through your hair. "i love you too, doll."
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𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐈𝐈𝐋𝐄 ©𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 please do not copy or repost my work on any other site. interactions appreciated! 🤍
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suashii · 1 year
୨♡୧ TALES OF THE HEART — bllk boys as cliché romance scenes.
featuring. itoshi rin, chigiri hyoma, nagi seishiro, mikage reo.
warnings. fluff. alcohol consumption in reo's.
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rin recognizes your face when you step through the open doors of the bus. you always get on here and you’re usually able to snag a seat of your own. although, the hunk of metal is a little more crowded than normal today which forces you to stand for the duration of your ride.
you recognize rin, too, and you think that’s why your feet carry you back to where he sits, hand reaching up to the support above his head. he only spares you a quick glance before looking back to his phone but he can feel your proximity. every time the bus stops to let on more passengers, the already limited space between the two of you lessens. your hip is practically pressed against rin’s shoulder when the vehicle makes an abrupt turn, sending the bottom half of your body into him.
“sorry!” you nearly shout as you stumble to steady yourself. you bow your head in apology once you’re back on your feet. when you raise it again to meet rin’s eye, you’re met with the fabric of his hoodie wrapped around his torso. you tip your head up to find blue-green eyes staring down at you. he jerks his head to the now empty seat, his hand gently beginning to guide you to his abandoned spot. “sit.”
you want to insist that he can keep his seat, but you’re sure he’d stand firm in his offer and the last thing you want to do is cause trouble for everyone else by arguing about something so trivial. so, you shimmy past him and lower yourself into the seat. you smile at him before mouthing thank you and he nods once before turning his gaze forward.
when the bus arrives at your destination, you push past the sea of people as politely as possible to keep up with rin’s long strides. he can sense you following, hear your shoes scraping against the concrete as you trail behind him. “thanks for that,” you tell him again as you fall into step beside him. rin hums in response. his silence urges you to continue. “can i buy you a coffee as a thank you? and an apology for bumping into you.”
“you don’t have to do that,” rin speaks, and you think it’s the first time he’s said more than a word to you. even though his reply isn’t the one you were looking for, you smile at the small progression.
“i want to, though,” you explain, hoping that it doesn’t come off as too pushy. “please?”
after stealing a glimpse of your hopeful smile and the sparkle in your eye, he sighs. rin tells himself that what he says next is purely to get you off his back but in reality, there’s a part of him that really does want to go out with you. “fine.”
after such a long day, the only thing you want to do before getting back to the comfort of your home is treat yourself to your favorite drink. luckily for you, the café on the way back to your apartment has that very drink on its menu. the ring of a bell announces your arrival as you push past the door, the scent of coffee beans and indiscernible conversation greeting you. there’s no line to wait in and you’re able to place your order right away before the barista informs you that she’ll call for your beverage when it’s ready.
you step off to the side so other customers can order, aimlessly scrolling on your phone to waste time while you wait. you perk up when you hear the holler of your refreshment. you hurry to the counter to grab your drink but another hand that isn’t yours also reaches out to do so.
“sorry.” you pull your hand back, turning to face the other person who reached for the cup. the face before you is a familiar one. you haven’t seen him since the two of you were in high school together. “chigiri?”
he looks to you at the call of his name and there’s a flash of recognition in his magenta eyes. your name tastes sweet on his tongue as he speaks it. for a moment, the two of you just smile at each other without any words, frozen by the surprise of seeing the other again. the twitch of his fingers breaks chigiri’s stare, his eyes flitting to where his hand hovers. he almost forgot that there was a mix-up with the drinks. without a second thought, he slides the cup across the surface and closer to you. “here, this is yours.”
the sound of scuffing finally pulls your eyes away from chigiri’s face and to the source of the noise. the drink you thought to be his sits right in front of you on the counter. it’s what you ordered but you feel bad taking it now that you know he was expecting the same thing. you look back at him, ready to insist that he take the drink. “i can wait for the next—”
“don’t worry about it,” he cuts your sentence short to assure you that it’s fine, “i’m pretty sure you were here before me anyway.”
you hesitantly nod, taking the cup into your hands. you were sure that you’d be leaving as soon as you got what you came here for but your feet are anchored to their place on the floor. it’s been years since you’ve seen chigiri, lost contact with your old friend. maybe your unexpected encounter with him today is the universe’s way of bringing the to two of you back together. there’s only one way to find out.
“are you heading anywhere after this?” you ask, clearing your throat to distract him from the nervous waver in your voice.
he shakes his head, “no, i was actually going to hang out here for a bit. why?”
“mind if i join you?”
nagi’s conflicted—on one hand, he could just pretend he didn’t see you and head home. on the other, heavier, hand, he thinks it would be cordial of him to acknowledge you. after all, he has been watching you patiently wait for the rain to pass under the awning of the shopping center across the street for almost ten minutes now. the steady stream doesn’t look like it’ll be letting up any time soon. he clicks his tongue as he pushes away from the table, snatching the umbrella out from the side of his bag before heading outside. the pitter-patter of the rain accompanies his splashing footsteps as he jogs down the crosswalk to reach you.
you turn your head when you hear him approaching and smile when you realize it’s nagi. you offer him a small wave as he comes to stand next to you. he raises his empty hand in greeting before pointing in the direction he’s going. “heading this way?” when you nod, he jerks his head and says, “i’ll walk with you.”
“really?” you ask to be sure. he bobs his head up and down in confirmation. your lips curl into a smile as you join him under the umbrella. “thanks. you’re smart to keep one on you.”
the only reason he carries one in his bag is because he came to find that peeling wet clothes off of his skin was annoying enough to warrant the rain repellant. he thinks that it was even more of a wise purchase now that he’s able to shelter you from the cold precipitation with it.
he doesn’t show it, but the quiet walk puts nagi’s nerves on edge. he’s usually hidden under the canopy alone but with you huddled beside him, he feels notably warmer. he wants to blame it on the added body heat but he knows just being in your presence is enough to make his cheeks and the tips of his ears burn.
maybe walking in the rain isn’t so bad when he’s got someone to do it with—if that someone is you, nagi notes.
the man is two seconds away from walking straight past his apartment when he abruptly stops. his motion causes you to do the same and you look up to him for an explanation. “this is me,” nagi says, throwing his thumb over his shoulder to point at the building.
“oh!” you nod in understanding. “well, thank you for sharing your umbrella with me this far.”
“i can walk you the rest of the way,” he proposes. as sweet as his offer is, you kindly wave him off. “that’s okay. my place is only a few blocks away.”
before he knows what he’s doing, nagi holds the handle of the umbrella out to you. “you can take this.” your eyes widen in surprise at his suggestion and you wave your hands to ensure him that you’re really fine. “it’s okay, really.”
nagi ignores your words, passing the umbrella off to you. he flips his hood over his head before telling you, “you can give it back the next time you see me.” he gives you no time to argue before he’s darting away to make it inside his building.
it’s late, much later than reo planned on staying out for by the time you and your group of friends step out of the restaurant you’d had dinner and drinks at but since you stayed, so did he. you’re leaning against him for support when your friends bid you both farewell—they know for a fact that reo is capable of getting you home safely on nights like these when you let loose and have a few more drinks than you’re able to handle. “ready to go home?”
“mhm,” you hum, eyelids drooping as you put some distance between the two of you.
“where do you think you’re going?” there’s humor lingering in his voice with his question. he’s not sure why, but drunk you sports an inflated sense of independence—one that’s far from warranted given your inebriated state. reo stretches his arm out to pull you back towards him. “let me carry you.”
“i can walk,” you tell him, holding out your hand so that he can’t come any closer. the unsteady step you take forward is only evidence that you cannot walk on your own, as you stumble into the brick exterior of a nearby building. reo’s knowing chuckle permeates the air, leads you to narrow your eyes in annoyance at the all-too-familiar sound. before you can attempt to redeem yourself, a head of purple hair is crouched down in front of you. reo turns to face you and reaches a hand over his shoulder to pat his back. “hop on, you lush.”
“am not,” you whine, but despite your denial of his claim, you bend down to wrap your arms around his neck. reo hooks his arms beneath your knees before launching himself up into a standing position. a surprised squeal bubbles up in your throat at the sudden boost in height and you tighten your arms around your companion as a result.
reo effortlessly carries you through the streets thinning of pedestrians to the closest bus stop that’ll get you home. he’s sure that driving you back to your apartment would have been more convenient—and he would have if he didn’t have a few drinks himself—but he’d be lying if he said this didn’t have its perks; carrying you, that is.
he feels closer to you this way—physically of course, but in a deeper, more meaningful way too. there’s a certain level of intimacy in the action, in the way your chin is tucked in between his neck and shoulder, one that he doesn’t experience with you as often as reo would like. so, as sporadic as they are, he cherishes moments like these.
the bench and street lights that indicate the bus stop are only a few feet away now. reo tilts his head to let you know that you’ll be home soon but he’s met with closed eyes and parted lips. you fell asleep.
he breathes out a laugh at the inconvenient turn of events. getting the passcode to enter your building and the key to unlock your unit will be troublesome in this state, reo thinks as the bus slows to a stop in front of him.
looks like you’ll be staying the night at his place.
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thanks for reading! consider commenting or reblogging if you enjoyed ❤︎
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dira333 · 6 months
Not needed - Itoshi Rin x Soulmate! Reader
Requested by the lovely anon who sent in many amazing Requests (You know how you are) - tagging @shoulmate because she's been begging me to write something for Rin
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“Oh, is that your soulmark?” Bachira leans in, far too close for comfort. 
Rin pulls his shirt down and takes a step back. “Why do you care?”
“Well, duh?!” Bachira tries to pull the fabric back up, but Rin’s hand’s close around his like a vice. “It’s none of your business.”
“Whatever?” Bachira grins and steps back as far as he can, pulling his hands back as soon as Rin’s grip loosens. “I’m sure I will catch it some other day.”
Rin scowls but Bachira just laughs. Looks like a normal Tuesday after all.
Isagi hasn’t found his soulmate yet. Bachira’s pretty sure his is the cute girl from his neighbourhood. Reo keeps talking about his even though everyone’s tired of it already - his parents found her right after he was born and made sure she got the best education possible, after all, she was going to be his wife one day.
No one seems to care that Rin’s going to kill them any second if they don’t stop bringing up this topic. Who cares about Soulmates? They’re here to play soccer!
“I don’t need one!” He snaps at Chigiri when the guy has the audacity to point out something about his soulmark. “If I ever happen to meet them, I’ll make sure to let her know.”
“Oh no-” Rin hears just seconds before he gets drenched in something ice cold and sticky. Isagi’s sitting across from him, hands pressed against his mouth to keep the laughter in. Bachira has less control over it, his laugh bellowing out and pulling all the attention. Great. Just what he needed on this short break from training.
He turns, ready to rip the head of whoever is responsible - but the words die in his mouth.
You look like you’re ready to cry, wringing a single napkin in your shaking fingers. “I-I- I’m so sorry, I just wanted some… That was my last-”
Somewhere in between your stuttering, he catches on that you’d had a horrible day and this should have been the thing to make it even, a little treat for all the suffering. But said treat is sticking to his skin, turning his previously white shirt an ugly shade of brown.
“Come on,” he barks, moving to pull you away from the guys but stopping at the last second. He can’t just drag a girl around, especially one he doesn’t know. His parents raised him better than that. “Follow me.” 
Somewhere on the short trek to the front, you must have mistaken his grimace for an inviting smile, because you haven’t stopped talking, telling him everything he could have wanted to know about the week you’ve had. 
“Order,” he barks out, softening his tone when your eyes turn wide. “Please.”
Your order is impressively long. He’s only ever ordered black coffee. No wonder his shirt feels this sticky. When it’s time to pay, you turn and blink up at him.
“I spent my last money on that drink,” you point out, nibbling on your lower lip - it’s a little distracting. 
“Fine,” he huffs and pays. 
It’s only when he’s back at his table that he realizes that this went totally wrong. Weren’t you supposed to pay for his drink? As an apology for drenching him in coffee? But he can’t very well get up again, not when Bachira’s pointing out how cute you were and Isagi’s snickering every few minutes. If he’d be here with less perceptive people, he’d dare to turn his head just a little, to look over to the corner of the café where he knows you went. But he isn’t and so he doesn’t.
“Oh God!” The words are muttered, but Rin still hears them, curses his good hearing when the words are followed by a shrill squeak only seconds before you tumble down the stairs - and right into his arms.
If he were anyone else, he’d probably admire you - unable to walk down a flight of stairs yet sticking the landing perfectly, arms flung around his shoulders like you’re from one of the movies his mom loves to watch.
“Hi!” You squeak when he lets you down right away, hands burning from where he’d held you. At least no one saw. 
Rin doesn’t know how it happened or what’s more surprising about it, but he finds himself in a friendship group that contains not only him but you too. He might have gotten it wrong in his head, but he’s pretty sure you knew Chigiri from before Blue Lock. Or was it Kunigami? He’s never too sure with these two.
Maybe he’s being too poetic about it, has been too influenced by his mother's taste in movies, but you remind him of the sun, warm light flooding every room you step into. He dares to tell you once, embarrassment clamping his mouth shut when your response is a shy smile and wide eyes. Never, never will he tell you that he feels like the moon in your orbit - yes, he knows the moon orbits the earth, it’s a metaphor! - only able to light up the night because he’s been in your presence.
You’re too clumsy for your own good, too good-hearted for being friends with rascals like these. You never catch it when Bachira nudges you into helping him out, don’t realize when Nagi uses you as a headrest or a means to get from one place to the other. More than once Rin has to step in, teeth bared when Chigiri grins and asks “Are you her bodyguard or what?”
“Do you have a soulmate?” Isagi asks one day after training when all of them are draped across the tables in the little café down the street, their muscles resembling cooked noodles more than anything.
“Of course!” You smile and wave your straw around, almost taking out Kunigami’s left eye in the process. “Why are you asking? You already saw!”
Rin tenses. He can feel it before it happens, how his spine stiffens and his back turns ram-rod-straight. He forgot. He forgot that those still existed. Isagi throws him a smile that could mean everything and nothing at all. Rin pushes himself up from the table, grumbling something under his breath that could mean “I have to use the toilet,” as well as “I’m going to run the world.” 
He’s en route to the barista when he realizes that he’s left his wallet back at the table. He does the only reasonable thing and walks out of the café.
The cool air lifts some of the tension and the fact that he’s out of sight of his friends - if he can call them that - helps as well. Here, where he can feel like he’s almost alone, he can think.
Not that he wants to think.
Thinking just leads to realizations. Like the fact that you’re not his. That he’d want you to be his. That the stepping stones turned into something he could almost call friends. 
“Rin?” Your voice pulls him out of the moment. You pull the door close behind you, shiver in the cool air. “You forgot your wallet.” 
“Thank you.”
You smile. “It isn’t like you to forget something. Am I finally influencing you?”
“Like you could,” he huffs, but your smile only widens.
“Bachira told me that you’re probably upset because you’re the only one who hasn’t seen my Soulmark yet.”
“I’m not-” He starts but stops when you roll up your sleeve. His mouth’s dry and the words die on his tongue.
There, in the crook of your elbow, is the same mark that sits right above his hip bone. 
Rin can’t help but think of his own words, his own vows. 
He doesn’t need a soulmate. Just like friends, they’re nothing but a hassle, a weight holding him down. Or so he thought.
You blink up at him and he wonders if you know what’s going on inside of his head. 
“Do you wanna get something to eat?” He hears himself ask, his hand reaching out for yours. Your skin is warm under his touch. You take his hand like you’ve never done anything else.
“Are you paying?” You ask, smile doing that little quirk he’s grown to look for.
“What?” He asks back. “Are you offering?”
You giggle, shaking your head. He knows you too well. 
When you pull him forward, he doesn’t hesitate. 
He might not need you, but he sure as hell wants you by his side.
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blueparadis · 2 years
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+. CWs —» sae itoshi x f!reader x rin itoshi, ( domestic ) fluff, angst, hurt & comfort, dating culture, hookups, implicit smut, unrequited feelings,acquaintances to lovers, slowburn; word count — 2.5k
+. PRECIS —» after an accidental encounter rin finds himself drawn to you while all sae wanted was to be apart from you.
+. NOTES —» no clue how i came up with this idea. All i wanted to do was to write on Sae ( lol ) ; hbd to me. i wanted to host an event which I'll but it's on hold for now. I don't want to burden myself and drive out of writing. happy reading fellas ! tap here to read my works.
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“First time ?”Rin asked, eyes fixated on yours as his Adam apple bobbed, suggesting that you were not the only one who was barely able to keep your composure.
“Um-hm”, you hummed in response with a little nod breaking the eye contact that seemed to put a curve of delight along his lips.
“Yep. thought so.”, he supplied, “Well, mine too.”, he added, looking hopelessly at the burnt poached egg that refused to leave the frying pan no matter how much you tried. 
The younger Itoshi skillfully placed himself on the kitchen counter pushing aside the tray of such unevenly chopped vegetables near the sink. You kept the frying pan aside and headed towards the fridge to fetch a bottle of juice. “I told you to watch …
“I’ll watch the poach when you’re next to me?”, Rin blurted out, quite defensively as if he was not at any fault; part of him was astonished at how you expected him to do such a thing when you were roaming in the kitchen wearing shorts and his shirt.
Your lacy lavender bra was a great bother. God! How direly he craved to see you without his shirt!  Would you wear a matching pair? Actually, given your status and background, you seemed like you would do that.
“Yes. so that I learn how to cook and your brother stops yelling at me.”, you bluntly responded. “Ni-chan yells at her? How come? She seems so nice. Why though?”
It is true that Rin has been totally at fault for the burnt poached egg and those half-hearted chopped vegetables since he was never on board with this idea in the first place. He would rather order food and spend the time cuddling with you till the doorbell rings or touching you in ways that you mourn for him when he is not around. But his hands are tied.
After being in several relationships that ended in agony, most of them, you knew that Rin was not just trying to flirt. He wanted to impress you which is why you are here in his home after being followed by him like a lost puppy for half a month.
Not at some fancy restaurant and being the headline of the newspaper the very next day. It has been just two months since this thing between the two of you started; it is hard to describe. It is neither a relationship nor . . . ‘What do people call it again?’, a situationship. Yep, that was not the case either. 
It was a lavish party after a victory match when Rin walked up to you as you stood in the lonely balcony under the moon lit night. The breeze was cool , letting you reel in the feeling of being a little tipsy. 
“Mind a company?”,a bold familiar voice turned up and to that you turned on your heel finding a man in a finely tailored peak lapel suit holding two glasses in one hand and the other shoved inside the pockets. He was neatly dressed for a party like this, even for a man. 
With eyes like that, like emerald stones embedded as the stars across the sky to foretell your future, if you looked a little too long than usual, anyone would be smitten with him. Perhaps, this is what they call love at first sight. 
How could you deny him? Besides, he was one of the guests so you had to accept the drink even if you did not want to. 
“Okay.”, you took one of the glasses from him with a swing yet careful enough not to graze your fingers against his palm and immediately turned around resting your elbows on the railing. You had no intention of being another one in his list; of course, boys like that always had one, always. 
“You should not have drank that much…”, Rin stood beside you, swirling the wine in his glass. “... You could have avoided the party, you know…”, he took a sip, “... is it so hard for you to say no to people?” You rolled your tongue through the insides of your mouth before shifting your gaze on him. 
‘Stop it, you’re not my dad.’ With a chaste smile you muttered, “Thank you for the drink . . .”, tilting your head a little you amended, “. . . and the company.” 
Of course, Rin hated that you worked for his brother. You were not entirely sure if it was actually because of Sae or the fact that Sae took more interest in you than him. He reeked of envy but which one was it? If it were the first you could not help much and if it were the second, you were utterly screwed. Rin would find every opportunity to torment you and Sae would not pay any heed to his childish tantrums pushing his brother being more stubborn than he already is, determined to be a perpetual nuisance to you.
Rin did not know. He was not aware that Sae and you were just casual friends, more like acquaintances. Sure, Sae tried his luck with you many times but it was too friendly to bother about what ifs and buts. 
Besides, Sae knew you could be more useful as a friend than his girlfriend. You have made abundantly clear that you are not some trophy girlfriend that he can show off to people. He had tried all the tricks of old books to rile you up, to make you jealous, to get under your skin but eventually it came down to sharing secrets and beers, truth or dare.
“Can I walk you home?”
You halted on your tipsy steps and let out a sigh of disappointment. You just did not want to talk to him, like not at all, not in this mood. You turned your head and nodded in his direction. Rin swallowed, not sure what he would do next since he thought you would flatly decline. You could say NO but somewhere at the bottom of your heart you just wanted to know, ‘does Rin care like his brother? Would he give a fuck if it was the other way around?’ 
Rin was surprised that your home was not even in a proper walking distance. He thought he had to bear this awful silence while driving you home. The walk was just a floor away. “You didn’t know that you were partying under my roof, offering me a drink that’s quite a staple to me?”, you said followed by a little cackle to ease him. He was way too stiff for a man who has a list of girls in speed dial.
You walked out of the elevator and so did he. “Most of the buildings are owned by my father. I’m sure you’ve heard of him. Mikage corporations? Does that ring a bell?” A raised eyebrow that was all you received from him.A raised eyebrow that did not tell you whether it rang a bell or bounced off. You unbuckled the watch from your left wrist before uttering, “Are you staying for the show or. . . ?”
With that line, Rin could tell how much of a tease you are. Maybe that is why Sae liked having you around. Maybe that is why people feel comfortable around you. He has watched you along with brother plenty of times, sometimes in his apartment, at the airport, at markets but Rin never gave a damn about it until he watched his brother with another girl dancing merrily as you cheered them on, just a few days ago. It was a friendly gathering. He was intrigued; no not about you but what exactly was your relationship with him? 
“Maybe some other day.”Rin closed the gap between the two of you with a single step, his hand around your waist making you gasp a little at his sudden closeness. A blink and then you looked at him with surprise in your eyes before he swayed off his hand and stood as if he was at gunpoint saying, “I thought you were genuinely offering…” 
He backed away, relishing the surprised look on your face. Part of him wanted to take you then and there but another part of him was gentleman enough not to have you under the influence of alcohol. “See you at the next party.” Rin walked towards the elevator hoping for something, anything as a comeback. He was even willing to take one of those feeble low growls of protest but when he turned around you were not there anymore. 
Surprisingly, you did not have to wait till the next party. He was standing outside your office the very next day. With his hands inside his slacks and an umbrella at another hand. He was surfing through his phone as you watched him in awe. You waved at him as he looked at you. Even though the splattering raindrops were hitting the window you could hear him smirk as a curve of delight spread across his cheeks.
[ a message from angry bird itoshi
“Hi. Rin here ”
“I’m waiting till you’re done.” ]
You let out a laugh keeping your phone aside. Of course, he took his brother’s phone, went through his contacts and made sure to message you from his phone. No wonder Sae likes to avoid him.
[ “pick one: hot chocolate or ice-creams” ]
You did not reply for two reasons; one: Sae would not be very happy about this and two: Rin was just the type of guy who gets under the skin very easily, the type you would like to avoid the most.
Eyes as dark as a starless sky that spoke volumes if one were to stare too much yet so agonizingly silent. The kind of face that it hurts to look at yet so pretty, so full of hopes. Rin Itoshi was the kind they would write in poetries, and hide behind the canvas of an abstract painting. Dark-haired, pretty face, luscious lips, morbid eyes. Underneath this boyish façade was something some would not want to see.
Most people call it envy, but you would rather call it an outgrowth of wrath, a mere tantrum. He was just envious of his brother in every way he admired him, so much so that he chased everything that his brother did. 
He waited. He waited for two hours and when you were walking out of the office. It had already started raining.  The umbrella was too short for two people but both of you managed to reach the nearby cafeteria, half-drenched in rain and half -drenched in love.
Rin was patient with you even if you threw lots of tantrums to test him,to get rid of him but he stayed. Within a span of another two months, things became a little intimate, a bit physical and your first time was nothing like you imagined it would be.
Not because of the person, but because of the place. Rin had come to visit you in your office and he was told to wait. He did. He is used to it by now. Every time he waited for you, he felt like he was trying to hold sand in his hands. When he saw you walking towards the exit with bodyguards around, your mind to busy to acknowledge his presence, he didn't feel annoyed. 
But you shouldn't have made him wait so long, not back then and not even now. When you were done with your meeting, when he was finally able to talk to you after days, after a month of being away from you he didn't waste any time. He mourned you too much to be in his control.
And now he has you laying on the work surface, with one of your legs over his shoulder as he slowly thrusts in you. The curtains are not drawn, air conditioner is off and its afternoon, lunch break while Rin is balls deep inside you making you gasp with each of his strong calculative slow thrusts.
It's not okay. You and Rin did everything backward. Casually flirted, went on random dates, and fucked each other senselessly as if you two would not see each other for eons or have been reunited with your love in this life.
And he did all of these just to get to know you and you let him. You let him because you didn't want to be the woman to teach him about broken love. You did it because you couldn't hurt him. You did it because he didn't seem to be what they said about him, not a bit, or was it because he actually likes you.
Unlike him, you didn't have to wait long to have your answer, didn't have to spend sleepless nights thinking, is it really love or just a phase?
Now you are in his apartment wearing one of his shirts since your dress was ruined. Sae would be here in any minute. He gets so cranky if he doesn't get home-cooked meals.
“I’m back.” Sae tosses his bags onto the sofa and rushes towards the bathroom. This wasn't always the case; generally, he'd rest a bit, make sure to avoid his brother at all costs, and then go for a shower. Now that you are here, all he did was behave like a child.
“Ni-san, don't throw your bags like that…”, Rin exclaimed with congested eyebrows. “Ah geez! Stop it.”, he yelled when Sae was about to disorient the whole wardrobe for his favorite towel.
“Check the black bag while I'm in shower”, Sae said before vanishing into the bathroom. Rin knew he brought gifts. It's not like they aren't available here but it's the thought that matters, he remembered. You told him that once.
It's okay. Sae thinks as the hot shower warms his skin. Sae and you never belonged together. You and he always belonged to ‘almost and maybe’; maybe we could be something; she looked almost in love with me; maybe we were almost lovers.
It's okay. Sae has done a lot of things for you not to draw in your attention. He has dated girls, flaunted about it to you and mourned alone. He did it because he could never make you smile like his brother. He did it because you were not made for him; he knew it from the very beginning. He knew it all along that you were made for his brother.
It's okay, Sae thinks as he drags the chair and sits beside his brother shooting a smile at you with a sunburn in his heart, ready to enjoy the meal you have made. You have improved a lot since the last time. That is why he likes you; you heal whatever is broken. That is why he let you go.
Does he regret it? Nope. Since you are loved like you deserved and he got back what he sacrificed you for, his brother, Rin Itoshi.
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tagging y'all cuz i think you might like this one @itoshi-s @orchid3a @swanphantasm @nyaaaaanma @saetoshis @shoyoist @anantaru @lalunanymph @chronic-claire-universe @garoujo @katasstrophy
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