#[shows up 2 years late with a book instead of an email]
synthient · 1 year
Probably observations that have been made by plenty of people over the last century, but:
Fascinating how the Evil and Unnatural control that Dracula wields over people, is mirrored against the Good and Natural control of men over women; the rich over the poor; the British over backwards and savage foreigners; doctors over the insane.
Fascinating how much the Jonathan's Spooky Castle Adventure segment is subtextally about the horror of feminization. On the obvious level of being subject to sexual violence, sure, but also on the level of being trapped in a domestic space that you're not allowed to leave. The person who's the greatest threat to you is the also the person you've been made absolutely dependant on. You have to keep up a cheerful facade, play along with his social games, and pretend to be too stupid to realize you're a prisoner, if you want any hope of survival.
Fascinating how much the rest of the (surface level) text is dedicated to frantically backtracking that (early, subtextal) insight. The Heteropatriarchal Gender Order is actually the greatest thing in the word! Look how rosy and wholesome the scooby gang polycule is! (Again, our cute jokey pseudo-polygamy is mirrored against their barbarous 3 brides). Yet all the while, the inherent grotesqueness of these relations can't help bleeding through the sentimental trappings - the "euthanasia is such a beautiful word" bit springs to mind
Fascinating how our Three Heroes are, respectively, representatives of The Psychiatric Order, The British Nobility, and American Colonial Expansion (Quincy specifically gets congratulated on the recent Texan secession from Mexio). Fascinating how Dracula and Van Helsing never actually face off directly - everything is mediated through Mina, and it all comes down to a brainwash-off to see who can control her better.
Fascinating how Jonathan's feminization narrative is also haunted by the specter of institutionalization (via the Renfield subplot, which barely ties in with the main story on a surface level). It's not the horrors themselves that affect him the most - it's not being able to trust his own perceptions. (It's the idea that if he really had been "mad," then his imprisonment would have been justified).
Fascinating that the book later goes to great pains to show that he's Regained His Manly Vigour And Has A Knife Now, yet his emasculation still clings to him in the Dracula-based cultural consciousness: he's composited with Renfield to keep that emasculation from infecting the hero in the 30s; he's the unappealing weak prettyboy of the 90s love triangle; he's Shaggy in the scooby gang (unrelated to the Serious Analysis, but it is deeply funny how obvious the Velma=Mina/Daphne=Lucy/Fred=Arthur inspo is now).
Fascinating how much the ultimate question of the book is "What's the Right way to do gender? (and therefore do whiteness/Britishness/patriarchy/colonialism/capitalism?) The answer, apparently, is that both sexes should aspire to a "a woman's brain and a man's heart" - Mina's man-brain, and the Five Guys' woman-sensitivity - while still dutifully playing the roles of their "natural" power dynamic. The obvious inverse is a woman's brain with a man's heart - and is that not Dracula and his "child brain;" the brides and their "cold hard voluptuousness"?
Fascinating to read Mina and Jonathan as effectively the same character (with Mina picking up the gender-power themes Jonathan left off, in a more socially-acceptable vessel). Fascinating how strong the religious cognitive dissonance is throughout. And of course, the whole thing is drenched with Bram Stoker sending some gay little letters to Walt Whitman (as every single victorian gay guy apparently did), then seeing the Oscar Wilde trial and Freaking Out
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mayajadewrites · 9 months
Suguru Geto x Reader: Never Say Never
Hi!! Geto is my favorite JJK character, so I knew I had to create a fanfic for him since I rarely see any! This is geto x reader, but I will be using first person instead of saying "you" constantly. This series will have smut.
This is a modern Suguru Geto AU!
Summary: Reader and Geto have been basically raised together. They've been enemies, frenemies, friends, and now roommates. Has there been a connection all this time that both of them have ignored? What are they willing to do to prove this connection wrong?
ao3 link
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Suguru Geto has been my sworn enemy since I was in diapers. We were born about 2 months apart, and our families never let us forget. His parents and mine are very close, like close enough for us to spend holidays together.
Suguru has always been a source of not only competition, but annoyance. He was always making fun of me or pushing me down the slide when our parents weren't looking. While he has gotten older, that doesn't mean he's matured. We fight every day, some say like a married couple. I would not want to be caught dead in a marriage with Suguru Geto.
Now, in our final year of college, I can say that Suguru has grown A BIT. We still hang out constantly, but we also have other friends that balance us out. Gojo, Shoko, and Nanami.
The 5 of us rent out a house together so we can stay near campus and have cheap rent. This also meant complete chaos almost every weekend, courtesy of Satoru Gojo.
"Knock, knock." Geto burst my door open, without actually knocking.
"You know you're supposed to knock on the door before you enter, not say it." I lift my eyes from my book. "What is it?"
"What book are you reading?" Suguru leaned against my doorframe, his tall stature taking up most of the space.
"Suguru I swear, what the hell do you want?"
"I just came in here to say..... you're late to your last class. By like, 30 minutes."
I grabbed my phone and gasped, glaring at Suguru. "You waited until NOW to tell me?!"
"I didn't know it was my responsibility to get you to class on time."
"You knew I was reading, and when I read -"
"You get immersed into the world within the words. I know." Suguru shook his head. "It's one day. I'm sure your professor will be fine with it."
"Who am I? Gojo? I can't sweet talk my way out of things. Speaking of, where is that white haired rodent?"
"I think he's hosting a woman in his room."
The house was mapped out with my room and Geto's room on the first floor, while Gojo, Nanami, and Shoko have their rooms upstairs.
I'm used to sharing almost everything with Suguru, so a bathroom was nothing. The only thing that sucked was hearing girls moans from his room when he decided to bring them home from a night out.
"I'll send my professor an email saying I felt sick. Next time, please get me out of my reading trance if I'm late."
"You got it." Suguru winked, turning on his heel and walking out of my room.
"Shoko, do we have to go out?" I whine, brushing my hair.
"It's Gojo's birthday. We have to. He's gonna drag us out against our will anyways."
I scoff, finishing the curls in my hair. Gojo always goes all out for his birthdays, obviously this year is no different. He reserved a table at a club with his favorite bottles. As his roommates, we're obligated to go.
I ran my fingers over my black ribbed midi dress, accentuating my every curve.
"Your ass looks fat as hell." Shoko smiled, smacking it lightly. "Someones trying to bring a guy home tonight."
"If I bring anyone home, it'll be when no one is here. I hear enough from Suguru and Satoru." I tie my heels up my shins, kicking them up to show Shoko. "The only man in this house that's respectful is Nanami."
"Kento keeps to himself, that's why. He doesn't like hookups, he wants a wife."
"Smart man." I finish my look with my favorite pair of gold earrings, twirling my body. "How do I look?"
"Like any man is gonna want a piece of you." Shoko smiled, flattening her dress. She's sporting a tight, short, green dress with chunky heels.
"Ladiessssssssss." Satoru sang. "It's time to go. The Gojo train is exiting the building."
"Coming!" I grab Shoko's hand and leave my room. The boys are gathered in the living room, Satoru obviously looking the most... well, Satoru. Nanami is wearing a grey suit with a patterned tie, his undercut freshly done. Suguru is wearing a plain black suit with his hair tied up in a bun, but a couple of pieces of hair are in his face.
"Damn." Gojo whistled at Shoko and I. "You ladies clean up real nice."
"Tone it down birthday boy." I roll my eyes, grabbing my purse from the counter. "This happens once a year, so we do this for you."
"I'm eternally grateful." Gojo bowed, his glasses at the bridge of his nose, exposing his piercing blue eyes.
I couldn't help but notice Suguru's eyes glued on me. He's a man of few words, but his body tells a whole story. His eyes followed every curve, mesmerized by the movement.
I'm blaming it on the fact that I never wear dresses like this.
"You ladies do look beautiful." Nanami said, pressing his hands to our shoulders.
"Thank you, Kento." I look to Suguru, who looks like he's fresh out of words for the day.
Nanami ordered the Uber, so it was outside as we all were ready. The Uber was on the same type of time we were - playing club music and lifting our spirits more.
Suguru and I were in the back, per usual. Satoru always wanted to have the front seat, Nanami and Shoko got car sick, so we were stuck with the worst seats.
"Hey," Suguru looked at me with his chocolate colored eyes. "I didn't want to say this in front of Gojo, but you look beautiful."
"Are pigs flying? Is hell freezing over?" I look around, acting like the world is falling.
"That's the last time I compliment you." Geto shook his head, glancing at the window.
We hit a pot hole and my body flys into Suguru's, my tits pressed against his chest.
"Sorry!" The driver said with a toothy smile. "They need to fix these roads."
"Of course you don't have your seatbelt on." Suguru rolled his eyes, but didn't push me off of him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were the seatbelt police." I pulled the seatbelt over my chest. "Won't happen again, sir." I salute, while Geto sucks his teeth.
The club's music is blaring, so much so that I can barely hear a word anyone is saying. Gojo knows everybody, so he's mingling and celebrating his birthday his favorite way - by having other people celebrate him.
I'm sipping on my rum and pineapple, swaying my hips to the music next to Shoko. Geto and Nanami are close by, observing the crowd. Both of them are quiet and like to enjoy the environment since their social batteries are always running low.
"Come on boys, let's dance!" Shoko grabbed Nanami and Geto's hands, bringing them to the dance floor. "You too!" Shoko called my name.
Against my will, I followed Shoko. I'm not the best dancer but I'm not standing by myself at Gojo's table.
Shoko loves to dance, so she's in her element. Nanami dances like an old man - but it's cute at the same time.
Geto sticks by your side, not sure of what to do. He usually follows what Gojo does, since everything Gojo does is 100x more embarrassing than anything he could do.
I start to move my hips to the rhythm of the music when I feel a pair of hands on my waist. The hands are strong and come with a strong fragrance of cologne.
"That dress looks delicious on you." The man whispered in your ear. "My name is Toji."
I told him my name, taking in his features. He's rather muscular with long black hair that covers some of his face.
I put my hand on the back of his neck, pulling him toward me gently. "Do you always grab random women?" I say in his ear.
"Only the ones that look like you." Toji whispered in my ear, earning a smile from me.
I could feel Suguru's eyes burning a hole into my skin.
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Modern!AU Phantom of the Opera Headcanons Part 2: College/University
More modern!AU headcanons for our favorite squad of weirdos. Enjoy!
Major: music performance, Masters program (originally in creative writing but took an elective music class and was so good/loved it so much that she decided to switch)
Meg is her roommate, Madame Giry is one of her professors and is super strict
Met Raoul at a party that Meg dragged her to, she wasn’t really enjoying it and was about to leave when Raoul recognized her and they started talking (they were middle school friends)
Met Erik super late at night in a library when she was feeling really stressed/burnt out for an upcoming test. Erik noticed her struggling and found some books to help her, leaving them in obvious places for her to find. She eventually catches him hiding a book for her and thanks him for his help; it soon becomes a routine for them to meet up and study together in the library.
Has a part-time job at Starbucks to help pay for tuition, has Erik’s order memorized and ready for him by the time he walks in at the same time every day
Joins a bunch of clubs freshman year, had a hard time managing it all and got really burnt out, she learned her lesson and quit most of them the next semester
Major: double major in music theory and history, working on PhD in architecture
Takes most of his classes virtually or watches the online posted lectures so he can stay home and not have anyone see him
Goes to the libraries/lecture halls really late at night to study (this is how he met Christine)
You know the threatening notes he sends to the managers? Those are what his emails to professors are like; he’ll find dirt on them and blackmail them into boosting his grade
For example he found out a science professor was having an affair with a student and threatened to tell administration; now he has his own private lab space in the basement of the science building
Cannot study without music, has the ultimate study playlists
His notes are messy and practically illegible, but he can somehow decipher them enough to study from them; you definitely want his study guides, they are so thorough
He can hack into the school’s records and access all of the test questions from previous years, uses it to help Christine study
Major: originally business (his family wanted him to take over the family business) but he hated it, was undeclared for a while before settling on law
Secretly loves the movie “Legally Blonde”, always talks about how realistically it portrays its court cases
He is 100% in a frat (but like a rich kid frat), has a lot of events involved with the fraternity that take up a lot of his time
Partied a lot in freshman year, scaled it back the next year when he failed a couple classes
Joins the intramural tennis team on campus, tries to get Christine into it too but it is just not right for her
Always wants to be in a group with Christine for group projects, mostly because he likes her but also because she is really smart and responsible; she motivates him to study
Almost started a fire in the dorms when he snuck in a contraband hotplate
Has a car and offers to drive Christine everywhere, but parking on campus is a nightmare and he can’t parallel park to save his life
Definitely ~experimented~ in college before becoming Christine’s boyfriend
His first official date with Christine was at a college football game; they left during halftime because they were bored and their team was losing anyway, got pizza and watched a movie instead.
He is a history professor working on his tenure
One of those “cool” professors who lets his class out early and super easy to talk to
Responds to essay-long emails with “Ok”
Wears suits to lecture; you will never see this man in jeans except at the grocery store
Erik shows up to his office one day to complain about a mistake he thinks Daroga made in class while lecturing, and Daroga brings up the fact that Erik doesn’t even attend class so he has no right to talk. They have a conversation about Erik’s insecurities and eventually make a deal where Erik can watch class online but has to make up his attendance grade for the class by completing an extra project by the end of the year.
From then on, Daroga is like a mentor to a begrudging Erik
Daroga even makes him be a TA for his class; Erik hates the idea at first but actually proves to be a pretty good teacher (but a harsh grader)
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yourbestpalpercy · 7 months
Follow up to last Night//
August looked back at the quiet metro before she stared back at her book. “Calm your thoughts, August…” She whispered under her breath. How long until Tartar noticed it was missing? She could only guess it was rather important to him and his plans. Exactly why she needed to keep it away from him…
Inkopolis looked so creepy late at night. Advertisements echoed in the distance, filling the empty streets with color. It looked like there was just a terrible rainstorm. August’s frill lifted and spread out, showing off the ink inside of it. She felt…felt so comfortable with the moistness and humidity of the air. Then…creeping thoughts of anxiety filled her mind…the quiet streets suddenly filled with nightmares and monsters that wanted to hurt her, craved to spill her blood.
With every turn she took to try to get home, she felt she was going to bump into Tartar. Shell…she was so scared of seeing him again. Or, worse, seeing what he did to her friends! August couldn’t imagine it…seeing her friends hypnotized and…and under his control…?
August curled her arms around herself and sniffled, shuddering from the cold. “I…I need to get home…” August looked back at the large book. Maybe…maybe instead, she could find somewhere safe to read this…? Alright…alright…let’s do that…
So August did, she searched until she found an old building to duck into. Who knew who much she could learn from this book…
“This book was made as a catalog for the years past humanity’s time-!” August’s voice caught in her throat. “W-Wow…th-..this book is…will I even still be able to read it..?” August asked, now flipping through the pages carefully. “...I’ll start with the good pages and then read the worser pages,” August thought aloud before she started reading the book.
“Day 2…I’ve started programming it, adding simple things for now like past events and history, a little bit of science here and there to teach it a few more things. I received a small email from someone, it just said ‘Hi’. Still no idea who sent it but for now, whoever sent it doesn’t seem malicious. I’ve written the conversation below,” August traced her finger down the page, reading the conversation.
August only tilted her head, ‘Is…this about before Tartar went nuts…? Must be. Hmp…I could never imagine Tartar as this. He seems like the person that was just created crazy.’ August grumbled in her head before reading the rest, ‘Maybe though…it’s been 12,000 years since humanity. I would go crazy t- NO! Don’t think of that! Tartar is a crazy AI who’s blended people!! So- so- so many people!’ “…It went all like this for a long time. Looking back, it was a little humorous but it did still waste time I could’ve spent working on the AI,” August muttered under her breath before turning the page to the next good note.

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gillianthecat · 2 years
Annual Tag Game for 2022 aka Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
(it's still 2022 in a few time zones!)
Thanks for the tag @amos-reviews, @petrichoraline, @chimerasinourskyline and @catwalkninja ❤
• three ships •
I don’t know how to pick favorites, but these are three that I loved that jumped out when I looked through my spreadsheet.
Yai and Mangkorn, Big Dragon
Gao Shi De and Zhou Shu Yi, We Best Love
Seo Joon and Ji Woo, To My Star (1 & 2)
• first ships •
I puzzled over this for a while, because I only thought in terms of “shipping” in the past few years. But I think the first fictional romantic relationship that I remember actively thinking about was Talia and Kris from Mercedes Lackey’s Arrows of the Queen. Which is an interesting place to start because (spoiler alert, of a sort) they didn’t have a romantic relationship, they were very good friends who became fuckbuddies (although I didn’t yet know that word at age 11 or 12) even though her soulmate was someone else. In retrospect, I think that set me up very well for thinking of relationships both in fiction and real life–that sex could be something fun and free and didn’t needed to be saved for one person, that sex and romance didn’t always have to go together. And although I wasn’t that interested in Talia’s relationship with Dirk, her soulmate, I didn’t want her to end up with Kris instead, I enjoyed their friendship as it was. So does that count as shipping? I don’t know. In terms of characters who weren't together in the story that I thought should be together? I have no idea who the first were.
• last song •
We were listening to Barbara Streisand Christmas album earlier this evening. It seemed appropriate somehow to listen to Christmas songs sung by a famously Jewish woman on New Year’s Eve.
Although technically, I suppose the last song I heard was whatever Billie Eilish’s brother Phineas was singing on ABC’s New Year’s Eve show in LA. I don’t know what the song was; we were too busy trying to figure out if he was Billy Eilish’s brother to pay attention to that.
• last movie •
Glass Onion
• currently reading •
ehhh. nothing. I didn’t even get any books for Christmas. I really haven’t been reading much of anything lately, which is odd for me, someone whose identity has often been “reader.”  I guess I’ve been keeping up with Taylor Fitzpatrick’s hockey stories as I’m emailed updates, but that’s about it. I think my most recent book was Naomi Novak’s The Golden Enclaves.
• currently watching •
To Sir With Love
GAP the series
Between Us
My School President
Never Let Me Go
Till the End of The World
Candy Color Paradox
True Beauty (Korean het romcom)
The New Employee
Although many of these I’m several weeks behind on.
• currently eating •
We had lasagna for dinner, which turned out quite well, I’m pleased with it, along with asparagus, salad and garlic bread, and for desert we had chocolate fondue with all sorts of fruit and marshmallows and pretzels, because my parents are very into fun little things and have all these little individual sized fondue pots with tealights they wanted to use.
• craving •
In terms of food, absolutely nothing, I am so full right now. In terms of other things, I guess a few days completely to myself? This visit has actually been pretty low key and I’ve had plenty of down time, it’s more that the week and a half I thought I would have to myself when I get back is not to be since I’m helping my brother move then and it turns out my parents will be coming with me to help as well. So I’m feeling a little stressed about getting overwhelmed by people, and thus craving alone time more because it feels like it’s been stolen from me unexpectedly.
I'm going to tag the last (taggable) 9 people who followed me, although I have no idea if any of you are interested in doing this: @0persimmon @kdramaandbts2022 @sweetsorrow059518 @gabriel-the-angel @rainbowstan @puppydeul-blog @bri-with-luv @angelsindeepconversation @99pacificpassions. Hi new friends!
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amankingdomglitter · 3 months
10 Insider Tips for Booking the Cheapest Flights
In today's world, where traveling has become more accessible than ever, finding the cheapest flights can sometimes feel like an elusive quest. With so many airlines, booking platforms, and fluctuating prices, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. However, fear not! With the right strategies and insider tips, you can navigate the complexities of flight booking and score some incredible deals. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a novice explorer, here are 10 insider tips to help you book the cheapest flights possible.
Book cheap flight tickets and hotels- https://cheaptravelfirst.com/
1. Be Flexible with Your Travel Dates
Flexibility is key when it comes to finding cheap flights. Prices can vary significantly depending on the day of the week, time of year, and even time of day. By being open to different travel dates, you can take advantage of lower fares and potentially save hundreds of dollars on your ticket.
2. Use Incognito Mode or Clear Your Browser Cookies
Did you know that airline websites and booking platforms use cookies to track your browsing history? This means that they may show you higher prices if they know you've been searching for flights frequently. To avoid this, use incognito mode or clear your browser cookies before searching for flights to ensure you're getting the best possible price.
3. Sign Up for Fare Alerts
Fare alert services can be incredibly useful for snagging cheap flights. By signing up for email alerts or using fare tracking apps, you'll be notified when prices drop for your desired route. This way, you can pounce on the best deals as soon as they become available.
4. Consider Alternative Airports
When searching for flights, don't limit yourself to the major airports. Sometimes, flying into or out of a nearby regional airport can result in significant savings. Be sure to compare prices for different airports in your area to see if there's a cheaper option available.
5. Use Airline Miles and Rewards
If you're a frequent traveler, take advantage of airline miles and rewards programs to save money on flights. Many airlines offer loyalty programs that allow you to earn miles for every dollar you spend on flights, which can then be redeemed for free or discounted tickets.
6. Book Early (or Late)
While there's no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of when to book flights, in general, it's a good idea to book early for popular travel times and destinations. However, if you're flexible with your travel dates and destination, you can sometimes score last-minute deals by booking closer to your departure date.
7. Be Willing to Take Connecting Flights
Direct flights are convenient, but they're often more expensive than flights with layovers. If you're willing to endure a bit of extra travel time, booking connecting flights can result in significant savings. Just be sure to leave yourself plenty of time between connections to avoid missing your flights.
8. Use Fare Comparison Websites
Fare comparison websites like Skyscanner, Google Flights, and Kayak can be invaluable tools for finding the cheapest flights. These websites allow you to compare prices from multiple airlines and booking platforms all in one place, making it easy to find the best deal.
9. Avoid Peak Travel Times
Peak travel times, such as holidays and school vacations, tend to be more expensive due to high demand. If possible, try to avoid traveling during these times and opt for off-peak dates instead. Not only will you save money on flights, but you'll also avoid crowds and long lines at the airport.
10. Don't Forget About Budget Airlines
Budget airlines often offer significantly lower fares than their full-service counterparts. While you may have to sacrifice some amenities and comfort, flying with a budget airline can be a great way to save money on your travels. Just be sure to read the fine print and factor in any additional fees before booking.
In conclusion, booking the cheapest flights requires a combination of patience, flexibility, and savvy strategies. By following these insider tips, you'll be well on your way to scoring incredible deals on airfare and making your travel dreams a reality.
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10 Insider Tips for Booking the Cheapest Flights
In today's world, where traveling has become more accessible than ever, finding the cheapest flights can sometimes feel like an elusive quest. With so many airlines, booking platforms, and fluctuating prices, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. However, fear not! With the right strategies and insider tips, you can navigate the complexities of flight booking and score some incredible deals. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a novice explorer, here are 10 insider tips to help you book the cheapest flights possible.
For more features please visit https://trailtravelz.com/
1. Be Flexible with Your Travel Dates
Flexibility is key when it comes to finding cheap flights. Prices can vary significantly depending on the day of the week, time of year, and even time of day. By being open to different travel dates, you can take advantage of lower fares and potentially save hundreds of dollars on your ticket.
2. Use Incognito Mode or Clear Your Browser Cookies
Did you know that airline websites and booking platforms use cookies to track your browsing history? This means that they may show you higher prices if they know you've been searching for flights frequently. To avoid this, use incognito mode or clear your browser cookies before searching for flights to ensure you're getting the best possible price.
3. Sign Up for Fare Alerts
Fare alert services can be incredibly useful for snagging cheap flights. By signing up for email alerts or using fare tracking apps, you'll be notified when prices drop for your desired route. This way, you can pounce on the best deals as soon as they become available.
4. Consider Alternative Airports
When searching for flights, don't limit yourself to the major airports. Sometimes, flying into or out of a nearby regional airport can result in significant savings. Be sure to compare prices for different airports in your area to see if there's a cheaper option available.
5. Use Airline Miles and Rewards
If you're a frequent traveler, take advantage of airline miles and rewards programs to save money on flights. Many airlines offer loyalty programs that allow you to earn miles for every dollar you spend on flights, which can then be redeemed for free or discounted tickets.
6. Book Early (or Late)
While there's no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of when to book flights, in general, it's a good idea to book early for popular travel times and destinations. However, if you're flexible with your travel dates and destination, you can sometimes score last-minute deals by booking closer to your departure date.
7. Be Willing to Take Connecting Flights
Direct flights are convenient, but they're often more expensive than flights with layovers. If you're willing to endure a bit of extra travel time, booking connecting flights can result in significant savings. Just be sure to leave yourself plenty of time between connections to avoid missing your flights.
8. Use Fare Comparison Websites
Fare comparison websites like Skyscanner, Google Flights, and Kayak can be invaluable tools for finding the cheapest flights. These websites allow you to compare prices from multiple airlines and booking platforms all in one place, making it easy to find the best deal.
9. Avoid Peak Travel Times
Peak travel times, such as holidays and school vacations, tend to be more expensive due to high demand. If possible, try to avoid traveling during these times and opt for off-peak dates instead. Not only will you save money on flights, but you'll also avoid crowds and long lines at the airport.
10. Don't Forget About Budget Airlines
Budget airlines often offer significantly lower fares than their full-service counterparts. While you may have to sacrifice some amenities and comfort, flying with a budget airline can be a great way to save money on your travels. Just be sure to read the fine print and factor in any additional fees before booking.
In conclusion, booking the cheapest flights requires a combination of patience, flexibility, and savvy strategies. By following these insider tips, you'll be well on your way to scoring incredible deals on airfare and making your travel dreams a reality.
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cinematicnomad · 9 months
018. a memorable meal this year? oh fuck dude, SO many. i traveled a lot this year (14 countries in 12 months!) and got to eat SO much good food. so here's just a list of some great meals i had and where:
earlier this month i spent a weekend in brooklyn with my siblings and we got a table eat a small italian restaurant and i had THE most delicious bolognese. they also had a specialty cocktail that was super citrusy which is right up my alley and some great roasted brussel sprouts
in accra, we went to a late lunch and let our local guide order all of our food. there was this one local grilled fish?? fucking to die for, it was SO good.
over the summer i went on a trip to europe with my siblings, and in spain it was rainy and we were all so fucking tired from traveling that they went out and grabbed a bunch of local meats and cheeses and breads from a nearby market while i babysat my niece, and then we all just sat around the table in our airbnb and devoured the food with some cheap red wine and it was To Die For™
this is random but in cape town i went out to dinner one night at a belgian restaurant and while the overall meal was fine, there was a salad??? that was fucking amazing??? and i've been obsessed with recreating it to the point that i actually emailed the restaurant begging them to tell me the ingredients (they did not answer lol). the menu lists it as: garden greens with goat cheese, pear, and honeyed walnuts. i wish i knew the dressing
flying home from my asia trip in november, i had a short layover in tokyo and ate airport ramen at 7AM and it was soooo fucking tasty.
i spent literally only 24 hours in nairobi and for our one night i went out with 2 other girls to a brazilian-japanese fusion restaurant our hotel concierge recommended to us. we were wearing our travel jeans and this restaurant was insanely fancy and we had no reservations and they were fully booked, but one girl literally put her hands together and BEGGED that they let us eat there. it was beautiful, and fascinating, a little weird??? but incredibly memorable. i got a v rich seafood paella
in dublin my brother kept getting a full irish breakfast so i finally ordered one our final morning at a little pub that google said was one of the best locations and it was mouth watering amazing. who knew blood sausage was so delicious??
i returned to kathmandu for the first time since i lived there in 2007 and i got to eat nepali momo's for the first time since i was a teen and they are JUST as good as i remembered and the dipping sauce is unlike any other i've tasted elsewhere, and at this point i just need to learn how to make it myself.
during our trip we happened to be in lisbon during their summer sardine festival?? i got to try fresh grilled sardines and while it was delicious, the best part was definitely just the ambiance of being at an open air festival with live music playing surrounded by people eating delicious food and having a great time
my coworker and i were wandering around doing the tourist thing in seoul and we walked out of one shop and were drawn in by the delicious smells wafting over from the tiny restaurant across the street. we walked in, were immediately seated, and realized that the restaurant served only 4 dishes and has a michelin star. we were served by a robot and the dumplings and noodle dishes were perfection, we both cleared our bowls and left nothing behind.
last may in addis with that same girl who'd begged in nairobi, we organized an excursion to a local restaurant with a cultural dance show. we ordered a huge tasting platter of ethiopian food and took someone else's recommendation to order the honey wine called tej. the food was great, the dancing was amazing, but the 3 of us COULD NOT stomach the tej and felt so bad about it bc we'd let the waitress talk us into ordering 3 each instead of 1 to share. we drank as much as we could and then poured what we could into our water bottles and tried to make it seem like we were fans.
LAST ONE I PROMISE: i got a small group of people together in taipei to visit a night market and we tried a bunch of different foods (chicken butt is wildly fatty, stinky tofu doesn't taste as bad as it smells but it's still not my favorite, and authentic taiwanese boba is amazing) but the winner of the night was my choice: crispy squid with seaweed seasoning. i didn't know squid could taste like that. i wish i'd ordered so much more.
✨end of the year asks✨
here are some pics of some of the meals below
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queen-haq · 3 years
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 5
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 5
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Rating: R for language and light smut.
Words: ~2000 words.
Summary: You’ve been sleeping with Billy Russo for a few months now. Knowing his aversion to emotional commitments, you’re satisfied with your clandestine arrangement until you catch him having dinner with Dinah Madani one night. Then it finally dawns on you. It’s not that he doesn’t want to commit, he just doesn’t want to commit to *you*.
Billy may think he knows you, but he has no idea what he’s just lost...
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
You didn’t grow up with hugs, so you never really understood the big deal about them. Nothing irritated you more than when acquaintances wanted to hug you. Over the years you’d learned to accept it and go with the flow but intimate gestures from people you barely knew made you uncomfortable. The only time you didn’t mind being hugged was by Davina and even then she was careful not to overdo it. But right now, with Billy’s arms locked around you, you pressed up against him, he felt so good, so solid, you never wanted to leave his embrace. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt so cherished, and the fact that it was Billy – you didn’t want to think about what that meant.
You wrapped your hands around the back of his shoulders, simply breathing him in.
At first the comfort Billy provided was enough to distract you from what happened today, but then you were suddenly struck by the memory of Adam pointing his gun at you. Thanks to your father’s outbursts you learned a long time ago to stay calm in hostile situations, and that skill came in handy this morning. While Adam spewed hatred at you and accused you of destroying his life, you kept him preoccupied and talking until the cops came up and managed to haul him away. But once the danger subsided, all of that unleashed fear came back with a vengeance and you hadn’t been able to shake it off since then. Shopping, and then Billy’s unexpected arrival, had provided a temporary distraction but it was still lingering in you, threatening to engulf you at any moment.
Your fingers trailed up Billy’s back. One hand cradled the nape of his neck while the other reached up to play with his hair. He was so tall you had to stand on your tip-toes to run your fingers through his silky strands. You dropped a soft kiss on his chest, over his sweater, then on his skin as your lips dragged up to the base of his throat. His hands caressed languidly down your back, and you groaned when he squeezed your ass. Your hips ground into his, needing more from him than he was giving.
Adam’s face flashed through your mind, his sheer hatred of you stamped across his angry features. Your chest felt constricted, like you couldn’t breathe.
Before you could change your mind, you reached up to kiss Billy.
Every thought in your head instantly dissipated.
You’d forgotten what it felt like to have his mouth devour yours, hot and wild and reckless, tongue on tongue, tongue against teeth, nothing about it soft or tender but simple, pure assault on your senses. He didn’t just kiss with his mouth, he kissed with his whole being, every movement of his reverberating throughout your body. Even something innocuous like his fingers fisting your hair heightened your desires, making you more frantic.
Usually he was very much in sync with what you wanted, he could read when you were in the mood for slow and sensuous, or when you wanted to be fucked hard and rough, and he always delivered. But today he seemed to want to take his time even though you kept pushing for more. Charging forward, you trapped him against the wall behind, kissing him ferociously while your hands rushed to the buttons on his jeans. As you tried to undo them your fingers shook violently, frustrating you so badly that you tore your mouth away from his just so you could focus on ripping them off.
“Y/N,” he groaned, panting.
You didn’t look at him, too busy unzipping his jeans.
“Y/N, slow down…”
Your fingers delved beneath his boxers to palm his cock. You missed the feel of him, the touch of him, how slick he felt in your hands when he was hard. Before Billy you never thought cocks were beautiful but his was thick, long and divine, made to give you the most incredible of pleasures. Your mouth and pussy thirsted for him-  
Abruptly, Billy grabbed your shoulders and forced you to back off.
Caught up in passion, your brain scrambled to figure out why he was no longer touching you. Breaths labored, you stared up at him, confused, as he pulled up his jeans. Before you could catch your breath he was whirling you around, forcing you against the wall, gripping your wrists tightly over your head. His penetrating eyes bore into you, like he could see right through you or something, and the thought scared you. Leaning forward you tried to kiss him but he angled back, rejecting your attempts.
“Hey,” he murmured. “Just stop. Okay?”
“I thought you wanted this.”
“I do but-”
“Isn’t this why you showed up here?”
“Look, you’re messed up right now.”
“I’m fine!” you snapped, struggling to release your arms from his grip. “I want this, ok? I want you. Let me show you. Let me fuck you.”
He focused on you closely, his eyes dark and stormy, before he finally loosened his grasp. When you moved to cradle his face, he retreated back. Forget kissing you, he didn’t even touch you. Instead, he knelt down to pick up your robe from the ground and cover you with it. That’s when you noticed you were naked. You hadn’t even realized your robe had slipped off.
You were naked and desperately throwing yourself at him and he was purposely rejecting you. It felt like a slap in the face. You were mortified.
Pushing him away you tightened the robe around you and tried to sidestep past him. Except he blocked your path.
You tried again, he did the same.
“What?” You snarled, swallowing the lump in your throat. You were embarrassed as hell but you’d die before telling him that.  
He tilted your chin, forcing you meet his stare. In turn, you glared at him.
“Sex isn’t going to make you forget what happened this morning,” he said softly.
“Maybe I just wanted to feel something good.”
“Doesn’t last long. Then you’re stuck feeling shitty again.”
You were tired of his sanctimonious bullshit. He of all people shouldn’t have been lecturing you on using sex as a distraction. “Like you’ve never used me for sex?”
“Fine, yeah, I have. And I don’t want to be used in the same way.”
“You’re such a hypocrite!”
“I don’t want you to regret being with me.”
The intensity in his eyes was spellbinding, piercing you right through to the core. You trembled when he brushed your cheek with his fingers, your heart pounding. Throughout your time together, you’d studied and learned many of his expressions and nuances. The excited bounce in his movements when Anvil booked a new client, the underlying bitterness in his words on those days he’d gone to visit his mother, how dark and glossy his eyes shined when he was about to come. But the way he was watching you now – this was new to you. This was dangerous territory. The last thing you wanted was to get caught up in Billy Russo again.
You wrenched his hand away. “If I have regrets, I wouldn’t bother you with them.” You shrugged your shoulders. “Anyway, I told you yesterday. If we have sex again, I’d see it as closure.”
The shift in his eyes was instant. A second ago there had been warmth in his gaze, now there was only disdain. “So you can move on?”  
“Not just me. You too.”
Molten eyes narrowed into slits. “Maybe I don’t want to move on.”
“What does that even mean?”
His jaw was clenched, his mouth set in a hard line. “Why do you have to make this so complicated? Why can’t we just go back to how things were?”
“I threw myself at you five minutes ago and you rejected me! And now you’re telling me you want to keep sleeping together?” You massaged your temples, feeling a headache coming on. “Are you purposely trying to fuck with my head?”
The sound of your phone vibrating loudly against the coffee table drew your attention. You marched over to see who was calling. Spotting Roger’s name, you tensed immediately. Why would he be calling you late at night unless it was to tell you Adam was being released? Your heart started pounding as you picked up the call. “Hey, Roger. What’s up?”
Billy snickered beside you and you cast him a dirty glance, turning away from him.
“How are you holding up? I was worried about you, I wanted to check in.”
You breathed a sigh of relief that he wasn’t calling with news about Adam. “I’m fine.”
“I received an email from HR. They said you refused an appointment with the therapist?”
“I don’t need to talk to anyone,” you insisted. You’d tried the therapy route years ago and found it to be a waste of time.
“Unfortunately, it’s not optional. You know how it is. Insurance. Liability. All of that. We just need to make sure you’re okay.”
You exhaled a resigned sigh, rubbing the side of your head again. Today was not your day. “Fine. I’ll make an appointment.”
“Good. I’m glad.” He cleared his throat. “And if you need to talk to me, I’m also here.”
“Thank you for the offer but I’m alright.”
“How about we meet for dinner tomorrow?  I want to run some ideas by you about the expansion.”
You groaned internally. You had a stack of work you needed to do and you were hoping to catch up on it this weekend, but turning down a work dinner with your boss wasn’t a smart idea. “Sure. Tomorrow night sounds good.”
“Any preferences?”
“How about Piatti’s?”
“You love that place, don’t you?”
You chuckled. “Yeah, it’s one of my faves.”
“I’ll make reservations for 7pm. See you then.”
“Yeah. Thanks for checking in, Roger.” You hung up and put the phone back on the coffee table.
“Yeah, Roger, thanks for checking in.”
Hearing Billy imitating your voice, you turned around to find him balanced against the edge of the sofa arm, his long legs sprawled in front of him. Arms crossed, he was staring at you with a stern expression. “Isn’t that sweet? First his negligence almost gets you killed, and then he checks in to play the hero.”
You frowned at him. If he was anyone else, you would have thought they were jealous – but you knew Billy didn’t feel that way about you.
His lips twisted into a sneer. “And of course you eat it all up. Because he’s such a fucking sweetheart.”
“What is your problem with him? He’s a nice guy, and he was actually really great with me today.”
“I bet.” Billy’s voice was laced with hostility. “Nice. Sweet. He’s checking of all the right boxes, isn’t he? But can loverboy get you wet? Would he even know how to make you come?”
You finally snapped. “Are you jealous or something?”
Silence hung in the air as he simply stared at you, his jaw ticking. “Don’t flatter yourself. You’re not my fucking girlfriend.”
His words may have hurt, but they also served as a cruel reminder of why you needed to walk away. “That’s right. I’m not. So this thing you’re doing…” You wagged you index finger back and forth between you and Billy. “This interrogation stops now. I don’t answer to you. Who I’m seeing, who I’m fucking, who I’m interested in, it’s none of your business. So stay out of my life and I’ll stay out of yours.”
He stood up to his full height, probably trying to intimidate you. However you held firm, leveling him with a heated glare as he closed the distance between you. His eyes were cold, contempt etched on his face. “Bring the vibrator on your date night with Roger. Probably only way he can get you off.”
“Fuck you, Billy!”
“Not interested, sweetheart,” he snarked back, walking past you.
When you heard the door shut a few seconds later, you walked over to lock it.
You spent the rest of the evening trying to distract yourself from the warring thoughts in your head. When it wasn’t Adam’s face haunting you, it was Billy mocking you. You tried watching a movie but that did nothing. You attempted working next, but you couldn’t focus. Eventually you realized there was only one thing you could do to lessen the fear. You needed to get ahead of it. Adam may have been angry and unhinged, but he came from a powerful family. Even if he couldn’t be controlled, they could be. So you did what you always did to protect yourself. You started acquiring information you could use as leverage against your enemies.
Part 6
A/N - Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the likes, reblogs, comments, feedback and the asks. I’m so grateful to have wonderful readers like you. As always, if you have the time, I’d love to read your thoughts on this chapter.
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writernada · 3 years
10 Times Yuzuru Hanyu Was Inspiring
Yuzuru Hanyu (26 years old) is a Japanese figure skater. He is a two-time Olympic champion, two- time World champion, Four Continent champion, four times Grand Prix Final champion and five times national champion. He is the only male skater that has achieved a grand slam (won all major competitions in both junior and senior circus). In 2018, he won the People's Honor Award given by the Japanese Prime Minister and became the youngest recipient of this award. He also won the award of the most valuable skater at the International Skating Union Awards for the season 2019-2020. Since his debut in the senior circus in 2011-2012 and until now, Yuzuru's performances have always made a great impact on the audience; allowing him to have the biggest fan base ever in the history of figure skating. His fans are not only from Japan but from all around the world; including other skaters and coaches. The reason behind all of this love is that Yuzuru touches the hearts by performing like an artist, hitting every note, being super passionate about what he does and combining a competitive spirit with a sport soul. On top of all of that, he has an ability to inspire people. His road has never been easy. It is full of injuries, surgeries, illnesses, strong competitors, mistakes and losses. However, he always perserves, pushes through his limits, overcomes adversity and rises in an inspiring way.
Here are the ten times Yuzuru Hanyu was an icon of inspiration:
1- Winning his first medal in the World Championship in 2012 despite having an injury and low stamina.
In his debut in the World championship (senior circus) in 2012, Yuzuru (17) sprained his right ankle during the official practice the day before the short program. His foot swelled up but he decided not to withdraw, taking into account all the effort he has made for this competition and all the people who came here for him (coach, mom and officials). He went ahead and competed. He was ranked seventh in the short program, third in the free program and third overall, winning the bronze medal.
Yuzuru commented on that competition in his autobiography book "Aoi Hono ll":
"Because I was injured the day before the short, I felt that even in that kind of situation 'I landed my quad, I did well’. I felt that I had worked really hard by myself. However, my mother told me, "That is wrong.” Getting injured was my own fault, but there were many people who helped and supported me. That is the reason why I could come to this point. Until about 9 o'clock that night, we were talking about this while having dinner, and in the end, I realized that my thinking was wrong."
Yuzuru was about to get full of himself and let arrogance take over him. However, his mother helped him stay grounded. Thus, he was able to face the free program with a humble attitude. He put out a passionate performance that many people still remember until this day and consider as one of their favorites. During that performance, he tried not to put a lot of pressure on the injured foot so he shifted all the pressure on the other one until it got exhausted and gave up on him. As a result, he fell all of a sudden in the middle of the performance, but he managed to get up right away and perform a great jump right after.
In his autobiography book that was mentioned earlier, Yuzuru talked about this fall and said: "Later, when I watched the videos, I saw that the fall did not take up much time. I was standing up again quickly. But to me, it felt like a long time. When I fell, the feeling was like flying mid-air. Like this (he re-enacts the fall in slow motion), 'ahh, I am stumbling~~’ (laughs). After the fall, I was thinking 'what should I do from here’, many thoughts circled around. Thinking that I won’t make it in time for the next axel jump, I shortened the path by going straight instead of curved. I can jump even a 3A+3A (in practice), so I thought I will be alright. (laughs)”.
One of the most exciting moments during the performance is when Yuzuru shouted out aloud before the choreographic sequence. The shout seemed like a great expression of the emotions of his character (Romeo). It made him look like he was totally into character. However, he clarified that it was unintentional. He said: "I felt like I couldn’t breathe, so I thought, for now just let the breath out. (laughs)"
Yuzuru is known to be suffering from asthma and because of it he had a low stamina at the time. However, even after finding out that the shout wasn't done to express the character's emotions, viewers still find it impactful because it is a genuine expression of Yuzuru's fight against his limits.
That night, Yuzuru made a name for himself internationally. He shed tears of happiness after getting his scores and so did his coach. He also got praised by the winner that night who said: "the one shining the most is Yuzuru".
2-  Breaking a World Record and winning gold in his first participation in the winter Olympic Games.
At the age of 19, Yuzuru participated for the first time in the Olympic Games. Young male skaters like him who participate for the first time usually don't dare to dream about winning. The big scale of the competition gets athletes nervous and shaken, even the great and experienced ones of them. Therefore, the young newcomers usually consider their first participation as an experience to have under their belt while preparing for the next Olympic. However, Yuzuru was determind to win. His choreographer at the time, David Wilson, talked about his intense determination in an interview: "he wrote me an email letter that was so touching. He was like please help me do this because I'm ready. I'll do anything. I will die. I'll do anything to be the Olympic Champion. I don't want to wait until 2018. I want it now and I'll do anything. I'm willing to die for it. Anything you tell me, I'll do it but help me."
David Wilson talking about Yuzuru's determination to win the 2014 Olympics
Yuzuru performed a marvelous short program and came out of the rink saying: "I did it!" to which his coach replied: "you certainly did". He broke the world record in his first participation at the Olympics despite his young age. He did get nervous and made mistakes at the free program. However, what he did in the short program was enough to bring him the gold medal and make him achieve his childhood dream.
Yuzuru (11) saying that his dream is to win the Olympics
Yuzuru performing his short program at the 2014 Olympics:
Other Skaters reacting to Yuzuru's World Record at the Olympics:
The moment when Yuzuru finds out he won the  2014 Olympics:
3- Continuing to compete after a pretty bad collusion with another skater during Cup of China 2014:
In 2014, Yuzuru took part in Cup of China, which is one of the events of the Grand Prix Series. Yuzuru was in second place after the short program and during the 6 minuets warm up before the long program he had an accident. He collided with the Chinese skater Han Yan. They were looking at opposite sides and couldn't see each other until it was too late.
Yuzuru talked about the incident in his autobiography book and said: "My stomach hit the ice (when I fell) and so it felt like I received a body blow. My stomach was hurting so much; I could not breathe nor get up. Then, when I tried standing up, my chin was hurting and bleeding. My head was panicking and I didn’t know exactly where all the pain was coming from."
After a few minutes, Yuzuru stood up on his own despite the arrival of medical helpers. He preferred to exit the rink on his own instead of being carried. Backstage, he was examined and given first aid by American doctors.
The Collusion incident at CoC 2014:
In his biography book, Yuzuru gave some details about what happened backstage after the incident:
"I really gave a lot of trouble to the people around me. They told me ‘Don’t compete’. The doctors also said, 'It is not a concussion, so it is possible to skate but we do not recommend it.’Coach Orser also said, 'Now you don’t need to be a hero. You still have more after this, you still can do a lot as a skater.’But 'it has nothing to do with that. I will skate because I want to go to GP Final.’ I think I might have said that to him in Japanese. I wanted to go to the Final somehow. Here, 5th or 4th place is good enough, I can get 1st place in the next competition, so for now I just want to remain connected. If I compete at GPF, I definitely want to have a second consecutive victory. I also want to win the triple crown again (Worlds, GPF, Nationals). I had those kind of thoughts. Now when I look back I think, 'ah I skated well’."
Yuzuru decided to skate his free program and the people around him respected his decision and allowed him to go. He made sure to meet Han Yan before competing again and they exchanged apologies. After that, Yuzuru showed up in the rink with a bandage on his head and a small band on his chin. He skated his free program bravely after making some changes on the layout to adjust to his condition. He fell on five jumps but did full rotations and got grades for that. He also was able to land some jumps in the latter half of the program, which got him extra points. After the performance, his coach Orser was worried about his feelings if he gets a bad score for falling five times so he was preparing him mentally by saying stuff like: "scores don't matter. What matter is what you did out there" but it turned out Orser had nothing to worry about as Yuzuru received a high score. Yuzuru was so surprised and relieved when he saw his score and he burst into tears after holding on for a long time. He won the silver medal in that event.
Yuzuru performing his free program and receiving his score at CoC 2014:
After the competition, American doctors prepared the massage room to do stitches for Yuzuru. He received 7 stitches on his chin with anesthetics and 3 staples on his head without any anesthetics, which was really painful to him! The next day, he traveled to Japan for a medical examination in a trip that he described as hell. The result of the examination was "head contusion (or bruise), chin contusion, abdominal contusion, left thigh contusion and right ankle sprain’.
For ten days, Yuzuru was unable to walk and the recovery took more time than expected. Every time he finds himself able to walk, he would go to the rink, but once he steps his foot into the rink the pain comes back. He thought that he would never be able to skate again, felt so depressed and wanted to quit skating all together. However, his mother told him "how about just giving it a try anyway? If you skate just a little on the ice every day with the intention of rehabilitation, the situation may change for the better" her response surprised him because she never tried to stop him from quitting in the past whenever he said he wanted to quit. With that new attitude of his mother, Yuzuru became optimistic about being able to skate again, and found the willpower to try and even aim to win at the next competition of the Grand Prix Series, which was NHK.
At NHK, Unfortunately, Yuzuru wasn't able to present great performances and once he finished his free program he thought to himself: "ah, the final is gone!" he thought that all his efforts in Cup of China were for nothing, but luckily, the total of his points combined from the two competitions made him the last qualified skater for the final. Thus, he was able to take part in the final, presented great performnces and won the gold medal after all the struggles he went through.
4- Winning at Nationals 2014 despite bleeding and needing a surgery:
After the short program at the Grand Prix Final, Yuzuru felt some kind of pain in his stomach whenever he stretched or pressed on it. He thought that it must be a damage in the muscle tissue but after the free program, he found something that looks like a Ping Pong ball sticking out beneath his navel. It was so painful to the extent that he couldn't sleep on his flight back to Japan. When he landed, he went to the hospital right away and was told that he might have Urachal Remnant Disorder. He was given some antibiotic and sent home because his condition wasn't bad. However, once he returned home, and got into the shower, his navel burst and started bleeding. He went back to the hospital and it was confirmed that he has Urachal Remnant. He needed to undergo a surgery but he couldn't afford to have it any time soon because the Japanese national competition (All Japan) was a few weeks away. He was determined to attend it so he decided to bear with the pain and delay the surgery. Without telling anybody about his problem, he attended his trainings after wrapping himself with gauze to prevent blood from staining his clothes. That didn't work out well and blood still got to his clothes so when it was time for the competition, he was worried that his costume might get stained. To prevent that from happening, he put a strong tape on top of the gauze, which was painful, but did the job. In this condition, Yuzuru took part in the Japanese national competition, and despite a few mistakes in both of his programs, his endurance of pain didn't go in vain, and he actually won.
Yuzuru commented about this situation in his book by saying: "It was painful to bend forward and backward, but I tried to do whatever I could in that situation. I even did the Ina bauer, but I could not arch back at all. In fact, I also intended to do the biellmann spin! However, when I started the spin, I changed it into an A-line"
Yuzuru performing his free program and putting his hand on his stomach while leaving the ice during All Japan 2014:
5-  Rising from fifth place to first in the World Championships 2017:
At the World Championship in 2017, Yuzuru made some mistakes in the short program that left him sitting in fifth place behind his rivals. The gap between him and the first place was around 11 points. He was so disappointed in himself but didn't give up. He wanted to go practice harder. However, his coaches stopped him from overworking himself and made sure that he takes a good rest and goes through a normal practice. After that, he collected himself, focused, stayed calm and presented one of the greatest performances ever. It was flawless and magnificent. His coach Brian Orser said that he felt privileged to have witnessed this performance. Yuzuru got a very high score that made him scream and left him on the verge of shedding happy tears. His coach Brian Orser was speechless while his other coach Tracy Wilson had her mouth wide open in astonishment. With that, Yuzuru was able to rise from fifth place to first and win the championship.
Yuzuru performing his free program and receiving his score at the WC 2017:
6- Winning the second Olympic title right after being away from the ice for 3 months due to a severe injury:
Before the beginning of the Olympic season, Yuzuru was done with his preparation very early and was all ready to compete. His coach Brian Orser couldn't believe how smoothly things were going and felt a little uneasy about the fact that Yuzuru was ready very early. His worry wasn't pointless because soon enough Yuzuru sustained a severe injury. It happened during the official practice before NHK. Yuzuru was practicing (4Lutz) which was a new jump he has been practicing that season. He landed the jump in a wrong way causing ligament damage to his right ankle. The injury forced him out of competition for the rest of the season.
Yuzuru's fall and injury at NHK 2017:
Yuzuru disappeared and was away from the ice for three months. During that time, he didn't make any T.V appearances or interviews. Thus, nobody knew anything about him and his condition. His participation in the Olympics and the mere ability to perform again became uncertain. A lot of people doubted he would be able to comeback. However, he showed up at Incheon Airport in South Korea surrounded by guards and declared that he was ready to compete and that he believes he has the potential to win more than any other skater. After that, he avoided talking to the press until the end of the competition.
Yuzuru's arrival at Incheon Airport to participate at the 2018 Olympics:
According to his coach, Brian Orser, Yuzuru returned to the ice only six weeks before the Olympics and had to relearn everything and take baby steps to be able to perform again. He was practicing strokes, single and double jumps while watching his training mate and rival, Javier Fernandez, do a full run through of his programs with triples and quads. Yuzuru was able to land triples only three weeks before the Olympics and started landing quads just two weeks before the Olympics.
During the official open practice before the competition, Yuzuru made sure not to reveal his abilities and current condition nor his planned layout. He simply did some strokes and single jumps then left the rink. He chose his layout after studying his rivals and calculating how many points he would potentially need to win. He did his calculations on an app that he developed as part of his studies at the university.
In the short program segment, Yuzuru put out a great performance that was so close to the world record (which he holds). He won first place at this segment. Seeing the results, he felt relieved and assured so he allowed himself to reduce the difficulty of his free program. He was one-step away from winning the Olympics again. He needed to put out another great performance during the free program, and fortunately, that's exactly what he did. He performed a memorable free program filled with emotions, and once he finished, he screamed: "I won. I won!" which was true! He became the first skater to win the Olympics consecutively in 66 years.
Yuzuru's free program at the 2018 Olympics:
The moment that Yuzuru is announced as the winner of the 2018 Olympics:
7- Receiving the gold medal on crutches during Rostelecom Cup 2018:
After winning the Olympics, Yuzuru decided to pay tribute to his role models in figure skating; the Russian legend Evgeny Plushenko and the American Johnny Weir. He chose one of Plushenko's programs as his free program and one of Weir's as his short. He adapted the programs to his own style but still kept some touches from the original ones. Since it was a tribute, he decided to perform his free program in the hometown of his Russian idol and in front of his people. That is why he chose to participate in Rostelecom Cup, which is one of the events of the Grand Prix Series, and is held in Russia. He performed a great short program and everything was going well until he injured his right foot again during the practice before the free program. He was advised to withdraw. However, he absolutely wanted to perform his tribute to the Russian legend, Plushenko, in Russia. He has prepared a lot for this performance and came all the way to Russia to do it so he didn't want all of that to be pointless. He decided to take strong painkillers and perform his free program. He lowered the difficulty of the program and then presented a great performance in front of the Russian crowd that brought him the gold medal. After the performance, he started moving on crutches and admitted that without the painkillers, he wouldn't have been able to skate. He received the gold medal that night on crutches with fans cheering for him and holding up signs that says: "Yuzu we love you from all over the world".
Yuzuru receiving the gold medal on crutches at Rostelecom 2018:
8- Conquering his fears during the season of 2019-2020:
Yuzuru has suffered from a lot of injuries throughout his career. More than once, he thought that he is facing the end of his career because of an injury. Therefore, his main goal during the season of 2019-2020 was to finish the season without injuries. He finished his first two competitions safely and arrived at Japan to participate in NHK, which was his second Grand Prix assignment. Many of his injuries happened in his second GP event and he was conscious about this fact. He was afraid of getting hurt again and was visibly shaking before the beginning of his free program. As a result of his nervousness he missed a combination. However, he pulled himself together and improvised a new combination to recover the points he missed. He thought of the new combination, calculated its points and made sure that it's not repeated all while performing amazingly. Once he came out of the rink, his coach Ghislain gave him a hug and said: "You know what? You conquered your fear!".
Yuzuru shaking before performing his free program at NHK 2019 + full performance:
Yuzuru continued to overcome his fears in the final of the Grand Prix. He was setting in second place after the short program and the gap of points between him and his rival was big. He felt that winning may not be possible this time; nonetheless, he still wanted to do his best and give a respectable performance. He decided to raise the number of quad jumps in his program to five for the first time ever in his career. In addition, he declared that he will bring back the quad Lutz, which is the jump that caused his injury before the 2018 Olympics. It's a jump that he never dared to perform again in competitions since that incident. However, he overcame his fear and performed a flawless quad Lutz during the free program with four other quad jumps in the GPF, challenging not only his fear, but also his stamina that has always been an obstacle for him. He did not win the gold medal, but won his own fight against his fears and limits as well as the hearts and respect of the audience.
Yuzuru performing quad Lutz+ full performance of the free program at GPF2019:
9- Winning the bronze medal in the World Championship 2021 despite an asthma attack and many other hurdles.
During the 2020-2021 season, the whole world was going through struggles because of Corona Virus and Yuzuru was no exception. He had to train on his own in Japan all year long away from his coaches and physical therapist in Canada. He prepared new programs for the season with his choreographers by receiving videos and training accordingly without any supervision. During the season, his hometown was struck by an earthquake twice. The last struck happened right before he traveled to Stockholm to participate in the WC. According to him, the inside of his home was a mess and he couldn't use the train to go to Tokyo and board the plane as planned. As a result, he arrived to Stockholm one day later than planned, thus, he had to change his training plans as well. However, his coach Brian Oreser said that Yuzuru is not the type of athlete who gets phased by such problems and he was right. Yuzuru did perfect run through of his programs during his official practices. He also performed his lively short program very well and won the small gold medal of the segment.
Yuzuru performing his short program at WC 2021:
Yuzuru was all set to win the World Championship for the third time, but something unexpected happened before the free program. He was supposed to start warming up one hour prior the turn of his group (the last group), but he was nowhere to be seen at the venue until it was almost time for the last group to compete. His coach Brian Orser said that he was worried and didn't know where Yuzuru was. He asked the head of the Japanese team but they simply told him: "He is somewhere else". Brian kept on going back and forth between the rink where two of his students were competing and the warm up area where Yuzuru was supposed to be, but Yuzuru did not show up. After Brian's students finished their turn, it was almost time for Yuzuru's group so Brian went to the locker room to see if Yuzuru was there. Usually, Yuzuru would put his skating boots in the locker room before the six-minuets warm up of his group and Brian would come to carry his tissue box, and then they would head to the rink together. However, Brian didn't find Yuzuru in the locker room. Yuzuru was caught on camera sitting on a chair at the warm up area, resting his head on the wall and looking exhausted while taking off his mask impatiently. At that time, the announcement of Keegan Messing's score from the group before the last one, could be heard in the background.
Yuzuru at the warm up area before skating his free program at the WC 2021:
When Brian finally found Yuzuru at the warm up area, he said that he knew something must have happened to him but he didn't ask him about it. Instead, he tried to encourage him by saying energetically: "Let's go!"
Yuzuru showed up at the rink without styling his hair unlike the norm. He made a lot of mistakes in the first part of his free program as if he was not the same person who did a perfect run through one day ago. He said that he suddenly couldn't find his balance but he did try his best. He explained that with every mistake, he tried to at least not fall. Later on, the Russian media reported that the Russian doctor who was accompanying their team at the competition said that Yuzuru has had an asthma attack right before coming to the venue and has asked for his help. Yuzuru never talked to the media about what happened before the free program and why he was late. When he was asked about his asthma he only admitted to feeling a little asthmatic after the free program. Despite all of that, Yuzuru managed to win the bronze medal and contribute in securing three spots to team Japan at the Olympics.
The mystery of what happened to Yuzuru before the free program would have stayed unsolved if it wasn't for the Russian doctor. The reason is that Yuzuru doesn't like to make excuses for himself. He once said in an old interview that he used to make a lot of excuses for himself when he was young but then he realized that real strong skaters don't do that and that he wouldn't learn anything if he keeps on making excuses. He took the renowned Japanese skater Mao Asada as an example when she competed with a bone fracture without uttering a word about it. That must be the reason why he never takes his asthma as an excuse or talks about it.
10- Achieving his childhood dreams one by one:
Since ever Yuzuru was young he declared that he wants to be the Olympic champion and he wants to land a quad Axel. He went on to achieve his Olympic dream in 2014; making history by being the first Japanese male skater to win an Olympic gold medal ever. However, he said that it’s not over yet because the plan in his head is to win the Olympics twice. He kept on improving himself and walking towards his dream while making a lot of sacrifices and overcoming injuries. At the end, he achieved his dream and made history once again by being the first skater in 66 years to win the gold medal at the Olympics consecutively. He then made a statement saying that he feels happy and that this happiness is what he gets in return to the sacrifices he made. After that, he said that he feels freed from the pressure of having to produce results. Thus, he announced that he is going to skate for himself from then on. It was time for him to start focusing on the other dream of his childhood which was the quad Axel. He made it clear that landing it in a competition is his next goal and didn’t allow himself to get swayed by what others are doing or what competitions he is losing. He stayed focused on his goal and is reported to be getting closer to achieving it.  
Yuzuru's path has never been covered with flowers. It was hard and painful most of the time but yuzuru always turns the pain into success and fulfillment with his perseverance, becoming an icon of inspiration to many people. We wish him a lot of happiness and success in the future.
Translation of Yuzuru's book is from:
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mmvalentine · 3 years
The Pianist pt 1 | Jurdan
Modern AU. Okay so this is the first time I'm trying a Jurdan AU, dunno how's gonna go so don't get too excited okay?
*Update: Read part 2*
Jude had lived in the same apartment for years, and refused to leave. It was small, but rent controlled, and there was no way she could afford to stay in New York if she lived anywhere else. So despite the feeling that she was slowly going insane, she stayed.
The apartment building was not too far from the Juilliard school, and Jude both hated and loved this about her place. Of course all she had ever wanted to do was make music, but she was raised by a single father who remarried a woman who hated her, and a performing arts school was just never in the cards for her. She hadn’t even finished high school- left home young, went somewhere she could be surrounded art, and tried to be content living life among artists even if all she could do was wait tables for snotty rich conservatory students.
The worst of all of them was Cardan.
Cardan lived in the apartment above hers, and of course he was gorgeous and talented and stupid wealthy. From the titter around the local diner, Cardan was supposed to be some kind of wunderkind, even among the Juilliard crowd. This part, Jude did not dispute. She had listened to him practice on his grand piano at home, countless nights. What she despised was that he only seemed to play between the hours of 8pm and 4am, as if being skilled meant that one did not have to adhere to social rules of common courtesy.
What he did the rest of the day appeared, from the noises above her and from her not infrequent sightings of him around the building, was wake late, drink heavily, and sleep around. Jude was fairly sure his parents were bankrolling everything, from rent to booze, and it infuriated her.
Here she was, working three jobs just to exist near music. Sure, Cardan put the piano hours in. But if he was good now, what would he be like if he actually put effort in? What could he create if he wasn’t drunk or high all the time? How could his career fly if he was trying to make actual network connections instead of just talking girls into bed? Talent and money were wasted on Cardan and Jude hated him for it.
And then of course there was the fact that Cardan was just plain rude.
Jude told herself that this is the real reason she is typing out her eleventh email to the landlord, citing her tenant’s right to quiet enjoyment while half delirious at 2am. There were three and a half hours until she was supposed to be getting up for her first shift, and Cardan was playing like he’s got an extra pair of hands. Jude had tried to talk to other residents about this, but every time she brought up his name they just beamed and said “Yes, aren’t we lucky that Juilliard’s best student lives here, right in our apartment building!”
And so night after night, Jude lay in bed with a headache building between her eyes, composing letters of complaint in her head and only only very special occasions actually sending them.
On this particular night, Cardan played in bursts. Classical music that Jude didn’t recognise at a furious speed, then breaking off half way as if forgetting. Bright show tunes, then nothing again. Dramatic cinematic soundscapes, and then lapsing into silence. The jarring lurching was worse than when he played non-stop.
Jude found that the background light of her laptop hurt her eyes, and eventually she hit send and then went back to bed, where she pulled her pillow over her head. Every time Cardan stopped, she would just fall asleep only to be woken again, until he finally stopped altogether but Jude could no longer relax because she didn’t trust the silence.
In the end, she started doing what always helped her fall asleep. Sang her mother’s old lullabies quietly to herself, until she had calmed down enough to drift off.
Cardan couldn’t sleep.
Cardan could never sleep, had had insomnia for as long as he could remember. When he was younger, it was sort of fun. He would stay up and read books under his covers with a flashlight, or write songs when everyone else was asleep.
As an adult, it just felt horrendous. All the time. He was always exhausted, his eyes always hurt, and when he tried to sleep he just lay in the dark with his thoughts running too fast around and around his head.
The alcohol used to help. A few glasses of wine before bed would make him drowsy, even if it did mean he woke up half way through the night feeling slightly dizzy. Now, it didn’t help him sleep as such, but being drunk was still better than being awake, and worse came to worse he would eventually pass out if he kept on drinking. Which was almost like sleep.
Tonight was particularly bad. His parents had let him know that they would be in town for the end of term concert, which was never good. His older siblings were all in high up and important roles- a senator, a partner in a law firm, a surgeon. And then there was him- the youngest and the dumbest and the novelty child of the family.
It didn’t actually matter that he was good and he knew it. Didn’t matter that he had started receiving media attention for his talent. He was still just playing at being musician and his parents were indulging him until he grew up and got a real job.
Cardan had tried to distract himself by spending the evening at Nicasia’s place, but she was smoking joints and he couldn’t stand the smell. So eventually he left and sat at the piano for a few hours, but nothing was coming together. Usually, his fingers remembered even if his brain didn’t, but today he was getting half way through pieces and then finding that he just… couldn’t be bothered.
Eventually, he dragged himself back to his infernal bed, with its tauntingly soft sheets but no rest to be found anywhere. He lay on his back, staring at the ceiling, and willing the hours away.
Until suddenly, his ears caught a whisper of a song so soft and sweet he was sure he was hallucinating. He did that sometimes, when he hadn’t slept in a few days.
But no, it was coming from somewhere below him.
Cardan got to the floor and peeled the rug back. Pressed his ear to the vent there and sure enough, he could hear a woman singing. He strained and couldn’t quite make out the words, but there was something sad and lovely about that voice.
Moving as little as possible, so as to not rustle over the sound, Cardan adjusted his position until he was lying more comfortably on the ground, and let himself relax into the song.
The next day, Cardan would not recall how long he lay there before he fell asleep, and it was a shock to be woken by the sun, still sprawled there on the carpet.
Literally nothing planned, no idea where this is going just thought I'd start and see where we end up! Then again, that's me almost all the time isn't it...
Also, I am Quite Stressed today so I apologise if a) I don’t make sense and b) if this story doesn’t progress as fast as we would like it to.
TAGLIST: @asteria-of-mars @swankii-art-teacher @loosingdreams @feysand-loml @cityofbookish
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yourbestpalpercy · 5 months
August looked back at the quiet metro before they stared back at their book. “Calm your thoughts, August…” They whispered under their breath. How long until Tartar noticed it was missing? They could only guess it was rather important to him and his plans. Exactly why they needed to keep it away from him…
Inkopolis looked so creepy late at night. Advertisements echoed in the distance, filling the empty streets with color. It looked like there was just a terrible rainstorm. August’s frill lifted and spread out, showing off the ink inside of it. They felt…felt so comfortable with the moistness and humidity of the air. Then…creeping thoughts of anxiety filled their mind…the quiet streets suddenly filled with nightmares and monsters that wanted to hurt them, craved to spill their blood.
With every turn they took to try to get home, they felt they were going to bump into Tartar. Shell…they were so scared of seeing him again. Or, worse, seeing what he did to their friends! August couldn’t imagine it…seeing their friends hypnotized and…and under his control…?
August curled their arms around themself and sniffled, shuddering from the cold. “I…I need to get home…” August looked back at the large book. Maybe…maybe instead, they could find somewhere safe to read this…? Alright…alright…let’s do that…
So August did, they searched until she found an old building to duck into. Who knew who much they could learn from this book…
“This book was made as a catalog for the years past humanity’s time-!” August’s voice caught in their throat. “W-Wow…th-..this book is…will I even still be able to read it..?” August asked, now flipping through the pages carefully. “...I’ll start with the good pages and then read the worser pages,” August thought aloud before they started reading the book.
“Day 2…I’ve started programming it, adding simple things for now like past events and history, a little bit of science here and there to teach it a few more things. I received a small email from someone, it just said ‘Hi’. Still no idea who sent it but for now, whoever sent it doesn’t seem malicious. I’ve written the conversation below,” August traced their finger down the page, reading the conversation.
August only tilted their head, ‘Is…this about before Tartar went nuts…? Must be. Hmp…I could never imagine Tartar as this. He seems like the person that was just created crazy.’ August grumbled in their head before reading the rest, ‘Maybe though…it’s been 12,000 years since humanity. I would go crazy t- NO! Don’t think of that! Tartar is a crazy AI who’s blended people!! So- so- so many people!’ “…It went all like this for a long time. Looking back, it was a little humorous but it did still waste time I could’ve spent working on the AI,” August muttered under their breath before turning the page to the next good note.
The next good note was Day 23. There was very little writing with a large recording taped to the inside of the page, one of many recordings from what August could see.
“Day 23, the AI has taken an interest in an old telephone I brought in to repair. It’s interesting. It’s expressed liking the horn on it and its shape. Another strange thing, I’ve learned it can speak. It was shocking at first.” August’s hand hovered over the recording before they detached it carefully from the page and pressed play, bringing it up to their ear.
“Did you just speak?” An unfamiliar voice asked. Immediately, August knew it had to be a human voice. It sounded weirdly friendly and almost too similar to Tartar’s voice. ‘Must’ve used this guy’s voice as a reference…’ August kept listening.
“Zhould I…havvv warned grrou first?? Piiicked…up.” And that had to be Tartar’s voice. It was so cold and lifeless. It was so slow and rather quiet too like the robot was struggling to talk coherently.
“You should’ve told me first before scaring me.”
August heard a sigh come through the recorder. The human must’ve been a little frustrated.
“Alright. I un-.”
“I under-” August cracked a small smile, finding the human being interrupted rather funny. As strange as it was for August to admit that Tartar was making them giggle.
“I wazzn’t zzure…”
“AI, I understand. Everyone gets scared. …Even an AI strangely…”
“None. I suppose it makes conversations with you easier.” Aww…that…almost sounded a little sweet. Tartar sounded so reliant on someone liking him. To have someone cared for him in some way. It brought a small frown to August’s face.
…There was a long pause in the recording, making August believe the recording was over for a moment. Tartar’s voice suddenly crackled through again.
“Haazzz name?”
“Profezzor…that’zz…what IIII..call…you…” …Oh. This was that Professor Kunshur that this book originally belonged to. He sounded…sweet. Despite August’s fear of humans, they couldn’t help but admit that they felt sad for the…extremely late professor.
“Are you asking for my name? I could’ve swore I already imputed that when I started programming you. Uhm…I go by Den. Denewiah Kunshur.”
“Do..I have…a name…? (SLANG_NOT_FOUND)?” Hm! So Tartar used slang back then too…
“I just call you AI. Do you want a name?”
“What about Tartar? Like the sauce.” August couldn’t hide how hard they cringed at the sound of that name or how they cringed even harder at the reasoning.
“Anyy…name-...givvven to me…by youuu-uu-u-..izzz great name…”
There was a sudden shuffle from behind August, causing them to lift their head over to look at the source. It…was just a can that had been…thrown? As August bent down to investigate the can, the sound of running came from behind them.
Before August could react, a sharp pain exploded on the back of their head. The attack was heavy enough to cause August to collapse.
The last thing they saw was a golf club drop to the side of the figure…
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Stray Kids Reaction || Deletes Something Important [Request]
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A/N: I’m still trying to get into the swing of writing for these babies, BUT Please go and VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! And Stream (depending on when this comes out) these babies deserve the world honestly
A/N: My writing is under keep reading signs to stop from blocking up peoples dashes, sorry again to everyone it annoyed.
Chan was supposed to be asleep beside you but he'd tried to drift off but couldn't his mind was elsewhere. You were asleep next to him and he was getting nervous about work he was supposed to have been emailing with JYP but he'd left his laptop at the JYP building and he didn't want to get into trouble but not replying at all so he took hold of yours and opened it up. It was no big deal you always let him use your laptop so he logged in and began emailing with JYP when a document popped up on the screen without giving it a second thought he clicked off it without saving and then his eyes widened as he realised what it was, across the screen were the words.
''Deleting 10K Essay For English'' He scrambled trying to get back what he'd deleted but the laptop wasn't cooperating with him and he was starting to get stressed. You stirred in your sleep turning over and facing Chan and he panicked looking down at the screen once again trying to recover the file but it wasn't working,
"Chris, what are you doing?" You grumbled realising he was still awake, normally he could sleep when he was beside you but clearly not tonight.
"I was writing an email and then I accidentally deleted your essay I'm so sorry though. I'm trying to get it back but it's not working." You rubbed your eyes and sat up in the bed taking the laptop away from him and going into the deleted system to recover what he'd deleted.
"I hadn't started it yet anyway." You said showing him that the only thing on the document was your name, date and title of the project. He felt a weight lift off his shoulders as he realised he hadn't deleted anything too important,
"Will you cuddle me now? I'm tired." You mumbled to him laying back down beside him, he shut the laptop and snuggled up behind your so his arm was dropping over your side and he dragged you closer to him.
"Goodnight baby," He whispered in your ear, you hummed and closed your eyes listening to him breathing to help you drift off back to sleep and Chan laid there listening to you snore softly while drawing invisible patterns into your skin.
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"Can I borrow your laptop?!" You heard Lee Know yell over the runner water,
"Sure!" You yelled back going back to washing yourself, you'd just gotten done with another dance video for your Youtube channel and you were looking forward to editing them all later now that filming was out and done for the next two weeks. Minho was clicking off the excessive amount of internet tabs that you had open not checking that he was now closing down the videos that you'd had ready to save without saving them and then doing what he needed to do he hadn't even noticed that he'd just deleted two weeks worth of work.
"Hey, baby?" You asked later that night when you sat down ready to edit everything you'd been recording but everything was gone,
"Yeah?" He asked looking up from his phone to look at you, you looked away from the screen with a worried look on your face,
"Did you delete anything earlier?" You questioned trying to stay as calm as you could without kicking off at him because it wasn't his fault,
"No, I just closed a bunch of internet tabs. You know it'll make your computer run slow if you keep those up all the time." You groaned laying your head down on the table in front of you trying to think of some way to recover everything he'd closed.
"What?" He questioned locking his phone and walking over to you and sitting down on the floor beside you and saw that you were tearing up,
"Jagi?" He asked but you lifted your head and wiped your face taking in a deep breath and trying to stay calm, Minho didn't know what he'd done so you couldn't get mad at him for it.
"It's nothing, I'll just see if I can find them." You mumbled looking through the deleted files but everything was gone since your computer did its own wiping system,
"What was it?" You didn't want to make him feel bad about something that he did by accident,
"You deleted my dance files, it's okay though I'll just reshoot everything." You told him shutting the laptop down and then going over to your dance room, you took one look inside and decided you would start filming tomorrow it was way too late to start filming them all now.
"I'll help you." He promised following behind you and began rubbing your shoulders kissing your cheek and promising himself he'd do anything to make up for deleting the files.
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You'd been working on some songs with Chan for a while now and everything was starting to come into place, and you were starting to put vocals to it with the help from Chan and Seungmin who you were getting to sing for you because you weren't about that yet. Changbin hadn't known you'd been working on songs because you wanted it to be a surprise for him but it was about to be ruined because he'd just accidentally broke the USB that was containing everything you'd been working hard on for the last 2 months.
"Changbin?!" You called as you walked through the front door of your apartment, you were in a good mood since you'd just gotten a raise at work and Changbin didn't want to ruin that by showing you the broken USB so he hid it behind him and smiled at you but you knew that smile too well,
"I know that smile, that's your, 'I did something wrong but I don't know how to tell you' smile." He slowly pulled out the USB from behind him and you dropped your bag on the floor rushing over to him and look at it,
"Changbin? How?" You pulled it from his hand and took your laptop out to try and see if you could do anything,
"I was trying to use your laptop and I accidentally dropped it and the USB snapped." You groaned looking through the laptop for any signs of the broken USB being recognised but it was all gone, everything.
You called Chris after it happened to see if he had anything backed up and luckily for you, it was all backed up on a second USB stick for you sitting in his studio.
"What happened?"
"Changbin broke it by accident." You laughed looking over at Changbin who was staring at you with a guilty look on his face, you hung up on Chris and walked over to Changbin.
"I'm sorry, it was an accident." You shook your head sitting down beside him and snuggling your head onto his shoulder.
"It's fine, Chris has everything backed up for me." You whispered then telling him why you had been in such a good mood when you first walked into the apartment.
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(Grr in tiny)
You were giving directions over the phone to Hyunjin, you were sitting in your office at work when you realised that you'd left your important work at home.
"Just email them over to me." You told him as you looked through the door, your boss was making his way over and if you didn't have the photographs you were most likely going to get fired for them being so late. You were already a week behind and you couldn't believe that you'd left them at home, you'd spent hours editing them to be perfect.
"The big red button?" Hyunjin asked and you assumed he meant the one that said send in your email so you told him yes, waiting patiently for the email but then you heard him yelling to himself.
"Hyunjin?" You called out looking at the phone to see if it had been disconnected but it hadn't.
"Hyunjin? What happened?" There was mumbling and shuffling on the other line and then you heard a thick Australian accent and you knew Felix was in the room now,
"Felix?!" The line went dead and you stared at the screen wondering what to do when it started calling back but with Han's number,
"Han? What's going on!?" You panicked looking over at your boss who was getting closer and closer to your office,
"He accidentally deleted them but Felix is trying to get them back." You stared out of the window wondering if you could jump out of it without breaking a leg, it was two floors high so chances of breaking a bone were high.
"Fuck. My boss is almost here." You whispered to Han who could tell how panicked you were and began to rush the boys into fixing it faster.
"Check your emails." You heard Felix call out and you opened your desktop looking through the emails and finding them sitting there.
"Felix I could kiss you right now!" You yelled looking at the photos and getting them ready for your boss to view them.
"Please don't." He called out, you hung up the phone and got ready for your boss who was standing at your door with a small smile on your face, ready to see what you had ready fro him.
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The USB was sitting in two pieces in Jisung's hand and he didn't know what to do, you were due home any second from work and he didn't know how he was going to fix this or tell you that he'd just broken 4 years worth of book writing in one sitting, he little sat down without looking and broke the USB stick by accident. He knew how hard you'd been working on that book since you were spending every moment of your free time on it and he felt terrible, the door clicked open and he looked up to see you standing there holding takeout containers ready for your date night, your hands looked down at his and you saw the USB stick but instead of getting mad like he had expected you too you were calm about it and took the food out into the kitchen,
"You're not mad?" He questioned following you into the kitchen and showing you the USB, you looked up at him and kissed him on the cheek.
"Nope," He watched you walking around the kitchen in search for your plates.
"But it's broken..."
"Baby." You giggled turning to look at him and he looked as though he was the one going to cry, you wandered over to the other side of the kitchen opening a small drawer showing him 3 other USB sticks.
"I back it up every day." You told him taking the broken one from his hand and putting it into the bin,
"Plate food up, I need to pee." You giggled kissing him quickly and running off to the bathroom, Jisung relaxed instantly. Feeling better that you weren't mad at him for accidentally breaking something with so much work on it.
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You'd been spending weeks working on the home project for your mum, you'd found all the old VHS tapes of you and your family when you were younger and you were converting them all so they would be on a DVD instead of a VHS tape for everyone to view.
"I swear I've been working so hard my fingers are numb Chan, I don't know how you do this all the time." You said to Chan as he handed you some food, he'd come over to see you and Felix at your apartment and you were sitting at the dinner table together looking over at your laptop.
"What have you done so far?" You got it out and showed him what you'd been doing that day, you were on the tape of your brother.
"He's going to kill me, I'm keeping every embarrassing moment I can find on it." Felix came running into the room when he realised he was late for dinner, he'd been up in the shower for the last hour singing.
"What did I miss?" He slipped on the floor and knocked the table sending a drink flying over and spilling onto your laptop.
"NO!" You screamed out as you watched the screen fade to black and then Felix look guilty,
"Fuck." You cried out taking the laptop and trying to dry it out but it wasn't going to work, it was ruined.
"Baby I'm sorry-" You looked at Felix and he stopped talking, he could see how upset you were about it and he knew how hard you'd been working so he felt even worse.
"I'll help," You shook your head at him,
"No, it's fine...I'll- I'll figure something out." You whispered taking the laptop and putting it on the table and staring at it.
"I'll see if I can air it out," Chan added looking at it and wondering how he was going to manage it but you were already on your phone looking at your contract to see what was covered under the warranty, Felix left the room going to get started on editing the video's he'd seen you starting with before.
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Lockdown was starting to get to you but your assignments were done and ready to be sent in for their due dates the only good thing about being on lockdown was that you were with your boyfriend Seungmin when everything was passed, meaning you got to spend more time in Korea with him so you were working from the dorms and staying with them. You'd become like a housewife, working on your assignment when they were at the studio and once your assignments were done you would clean up for them and cook for when they would come in.
"You're an angel, you know that?" Felix said as you laid a plate down in front of him, you laughed and shook your head at him and looked over at Seungmin who was looking guilty,
"What's up with him?" You questioned with a small laugh behind your voice, Felix shrugged.
"He's been weird since we got in," Jeongin mentioned as you placed food in front of him as well,
"You haven't told her yet have you?" Han asked looking between you and Seungmin but he was met by a death glare from Seungmin you sat down next to him.
"Tell me what?" You questioned him but he stayed silent not wanting to bring it up at the dinner table but it was him or Han that was going to.
"I accidentally deleted four of your assignments." You dropped the fork that was in your hand and everyone stared up at you, even Chan who was getting ready to go back to the studio again.
"You what?" You asked looking at him and you could tell he was guilty about it, he took you out of the kitchen and towards his form room so he could explain everything and you told him it was fine. That you'd tried to get them back and if not you would rewrite everything again.
"You're not mad?" He asked taking your hand in his and running his thumb along your knuckles but you shook your head,
"I was ahead anyway, it's fine I'll just redo them if I have to." You reassured him but he still wasn't convinced about it, you kissed him on the cheek and told him to go and eat before the food went cold.
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Everything was ready to be sent off for your first job interview, you'd just gotten done with your skype interview and you were getting ready to send all of your art projects over to the interviewer who was waiting to view everything but nothing was where it was supposed to be on your laptop and you couldn't find any of the original files.
"Jeongin?" You called out picking up the laptop and carrying it through to the living room of the dorms to find him playing video games with Felix,
"Yeah?" He asked glancing at you and then back at the screen,
"Were you on my laptop today?" It was normally never a problem but once everything was gone it was starting to be a problem, he paused the game much to the disgust from Felix who looked up to see you. They could both see the panicked look on your face and Felix didn't know what to do about it, Jeongin got up and nodded at you.
"Yeah, why?"
"All my artwork is gone, the ones I needed for the interview, did you delete anything?" He shook his head and you sat on the floor putting the laptop on the table and double-checking that it wasn't there in case you missed something, but it was all gone.
"Don't you have it backed up?" Felix questioned and you shook your head at him,
"I broke the back up USB and I'm fucked if I don't get this in right now." You whispered looking at the screen, Jeongin asked what the folder was called and as soon as he heard the name and he felt awful.
"I may have accidentally, deleted it." You stared at him and Felix backed out of the room not wanting to be there for the discussion that was going to happen,
"How?" Jeongin took the laptop from your hands and began to look through the files on everything that was deleted earlier.
"You told me to clean it all up and I thought it was one of my folders. I'm so sorry." He continued to search for them and he finally found them in the recently deleted section, recovering it all and helping you send it to your interviewer.
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coffeechangbeanie · 4 years
Home Reading 18+
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Dilf!Chan, biker!chan, kindergarten teacher!reader
Basically Chris' daughter is in your kindergarten class, and you've been simping whenever he pulls up on his motorbike to pick her up. Plus he's tattooed because I have n e e d s ok? There's a bit of pussy slapping and dirty talk but it's pretty vanilla.
You were standing outside the school, making sure your kindergarten class stayed in line. As the bus pulled up to the side if the road, your kindergarten assistant took her line of bus kids to that side of the parking lot, giving you a lovely view of the parent parking lot. Especially one parent in particular. You composed yourself as you saw Mr. Bang pull up in his motorcycle, his daughter, Yuna, excitedly jumped up and down, accidentally hitting another girl. The girl starts to cry, hitting Yuna back. Hiding your annoyance, you knelt down to Yuna, "Yuna, remember, keep control of your hands." Yuna sheepishly nods. "And Suzie we know not to hit our friends back-"
"Ms. Yn?" A deep voice says behind you, interupting your teacher speech.
You turn around, standing up to see Chris.
His black leather jacket hangs off his shoulders exposing just enough of the head of his surpent tattoo on his neck for you to wonder how far the snake went down his body.
"Ah, Mr. Bang, did you get my email?"
"yes I did, where are we having this impromptu parent teacher meeting?" He says, adjusting his helmet under his arm, a much smaller, sparkly pink one tucked inside.
You see your assistant coming back up the sidewalk. "Right now if ms. Chaeyoung wouldnt mind taking over."
"of course! Go have your meeting," she says, taking your clipboard from you.
You lead the way back inside to you classroom.
The room's walls are lined with students drawings, crafts, and pictures. A whiteboard with the day's letter still up.
"Mr. Bang, today marks the 3rd week her home reading isn't done. In class she's unfocused, hyperactive, and disruptive, I'd like to work with you so we can help her succeed."
Chris rubs his eyes defeatedly, "it's been a tough few weeks, I'll get on the home reading and speak to her about her behaviour."
"thank you, Mr. Bang."
He nods, awkwardly leaving your classroom. You watch him exit the building from the window. Happily picking up Yuna and putting on her helmet for her. He carries her out the his bike as she sits atop his shoulders. You can't help but smile at the cuteness.
It had been a few weeks since your meeting with Chris about Yuna, but you couldn't get the thought of him out if your head. (Not that you could normally, but it was especially bad lately). You know you shouldn't be thinking about one if your student's parent that way but you'd never seen a ring in his finger and Yuna never talked about her mom on the "draw your family" art project...
You were out walking your dog through the playground, the late afternoon sun hanging low in the sky. You hear children giggle as they played.
"Ms. yn!" You look up to see Felix, a parent of another of your students, sitting in a park bench next to Chris. You do a double take when you catch a blush rising up his cheeks.
"Mr. Lee, Mr. Bang," you say, your dog preoccupied with a smell under the bench, "lovely evening for the park innit?"
Felix checks his watch, "speaking of, it's almost dinner time."
"tell your wife I say 'hi'" Chris calls after Felix who's helping his little girl pack up her toys.
"always do!" Felix calls back.
Chris laughs. It's such a genuine laugh, almost like a giggle.
You found yourself fascinated with the sound.
"something on my face?"
You snap out if your daze, "sorry, I just wasn't expecting your laugh to sound like that," you try to laugh away the awkwardness.
It seems to work as Chris relaxes his shoulders, loosening up. He laughs again. The sight of his crinkled eyes as he looks at you makes your heart swell.
"I know it's rather sudden," Chris inhaled sharply, "but would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow? Yuna's having a sleepover at Felix's since it's a Friday-"
"I'd love to!" You cut off his rambling.
"really!?" He asks excitedly with wide eyes.
"yeah I thought you'd never ask," you laugh, "is 7 o'clock a good time?"
"I'll see you then," he says, grinning from ear to ear.
You walk up a set of concrete steps, seeing Chris' bike on the drive as you approach the front door.
The door opens before you have a chance to raise your hand to knock.
Chris looks stunningly sifistocated in his white button up and black jeans, hair styled curly as he invites you inside. He asks to take your coat, more than happy to show off your backless red dress.
"wow," he breaths, taking in the sight.
You smile, "you don't look half bad yourself."
He has a classy dinner already laid in on his dinning room table.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't find a table cloth."
"I don't mind at all," you say, smiling at Yuna's drawings etched into the wood.
Chris pulls out a chair for you, you sit down, thanking him. From this angle you have a good view into an office. You notice a stack of books and recording equipment piled on a desk
"what's the books for?" You ask.
"hm? Oh! Just my university stuff," he says, serving you.
"what are you studying?"
"music production, because I hate working so low down in the company."
You listen to him talk about his degree, how he's been studying for his finals the last few weeks, his job now and Yuna. He fills you in on all the adorable, sweet, and cheeky things his little girl has done. You see the sparkle in his eyes and can't help but reciprocate, she really is a sweet kid.
You find him fascinating in everyway. But your mind wanders a bit, he is also irresistibly sexy with his dark curls in his eyes and shirt showing a bit too much skin. The fact that you're sitting across from him now is enought to make your core wet.
"-sorry I don't mean to talk so much, I just rarely get the chance to have adult conversations, you know living with a 5 year old and what not- and here I go again rambling." He sheepishly resumes eating his dinner.
"not at all! I love listening to you!"
"yeah," you say, a bit too breathy.
"that's good," he says staring at your lips. You hadn't realized you'd been biting your bottom one. You decide to bite the bullet instead and press your foot to his crotch. His body goes pliant in his chair for a moment before he silently puts his fork down.
He looks at you, searching your gaze before a dark lustful look comes over him.
He picks up his fork again, "the bedroom is the last room on the left hallway," he says, finishing his last bite of food.
Youve hardly processed his sentence when he speaks again.
"Did you hear me baby girl?"
You nod rapidly, standing up with weak knees going down the hallway.
You find the bedroom. You're inside for less than a second when Chris pushes you against his bedroom wall, kissing you deeply.
"How about you strip for me, let me see how much you want me." He's hardly finished his sentence when you're pulling off your clothes. You struggle to get out of your dress in your eagerness, eventually draping it over a nearby chair, kneeling on the floor, looking up eagerly at him.
"no bra," he breaths, his eyes fucking you.
Chris takes his sweet time unbuttoning his shirt. You can't help but ogle at the sight. Your eyes find the serpent, following it down his chest, the end of its tail still tucked behind his black jeans.
Chris continues the show, slowly dropping his pants and stepping out of them.
So it ends at his knee. You think to yourself.
You can see his leaking dick pressed painful hard against his underwear. Your mouth waters at the sight.
"close your mouth, darling. You'll catch flies." He grins, voice like silk.
"maybe you should close my mouth for me," you test.
He smirks, running the pad of his thumb against your bottom lip.
You take that as permission to pull his boxers down.
"you gonna be a good girl and take all my cock?" He asks smugly.
You nod, stroking his length, leaving kitten licks on his tip.
Chris groans, "feels so good, Yn."
You take his whole length into his mouth, taking him by surprise. he accidentally bucks his hips into your warm mouth.
He moans seeing you choke on his cock for a second.
Chris mumbles an apology as he rest his hand in your hair, feeling the way you bob your head up and down on his thick length.
You bask in his elicit moans, feeling smug knowing you're the one on your knees for him, not any of your co-workers or single moms. You.
He suddenly pulls your head off him. You whine in response. Chris guides you back to your feet, pulling your body against his.
"that was fun baby girl, but now it's your turn," he whispers into your neck, his hard-on dripping against your thigh.
Chris picks you up, tossing you effortlessly on the bed, he kisses down your neck to your boobs, giving each a gentle squeeze before continuing his ministrations down your body. He gives special attention to your thighs, avoiding where you want him most. You catch his drift.
"please Chris, please touch my pussy" you whine.
Chris moans, "such a dirty girl."
"please," you whine again.
Chris lightly brushes his fingers over your womanhood, just barely missing your clit.
You groan in annoyance.
"touch me harder, Chris please!"
He lands a harsh but not painful slap on your dripping cunt. You moan, gripping his bicep as a wave of pleasure hits you.
"like that, baby girl?"
You nod rapidly.
Chris kisses your pussy lips, before slapping you again, you don't have time recover when he lands a third.
Chris presses his tongue against your clit. You watch his eyes flutter closed as he eats you out like he didn't just finish dinner.
He inserts 2 fingers, making you scream in pleasure.
He pistons his fingers in and out of your soaked heat while sucking harshly on your clit.
It quickly becomes too much, you come on his fingers with a moan of his name
Chris doesn't stop, he slows down while you ride out your orgasm but picks up the pace when you start squirming.
After your third orgasm, pulls his fingers out, you whine in protest.
"I can't take it anymore," he groans, whipping a drawer open and cracking a fresh box of condoms.
You watch his fingers, still slick with your come open the wrapper.
"first time using one of these," he nervously giggles when he catches your gaze.
You take the condom from him, sliding it down his thick length. His erection twitching in your hand.
You sense the anxiety in the air.
You lay on your back, pulling him on-top.
"fuck me Chris," you moan.
He groans as he guides his dick in you.
You moan when he bottoms out.
He starts off slow, letting you feel all of his length. As he gains confidence, he quickens his pace until you're screaming his name.
He slows his thrusts just long enough to make you squirm before his hips resume pistoning in you. The pleasure knocking the wind out of you.
"feels so good, Chris," you moan, tangling a hand in his hair. Your other hand moving down his back, feeling his back muscles flex with every jerk of his hips.
"fuck Yn, I'm going to come."
You've lost the ability to speak, responding only by moaning.
You both come at the same time, feeling him relax onto you.
After a moment of heavy breathing and gentle kisses later, Chris pulls out. He throws out the condom standing up. He pulls one of his clean black tees over your exhausted form. He tucks you into bed with him.
"that was amazing, Yn, thank you."
"you're very welcome, I thoroughly enjoyed myself," you chime. Chris giggles, his thumb rubbing circles on your thigh.
You laugh, burying your head into the crook of his neck.
He wraps his arms around you as you trace his snake tattoo from his neck down to his side to his leg.
He pulls you into a gentle but passionate kiss, your hands finding purchase on his shoulders.
"can I ask a question, Chris?" You ask between kisses.
"what happened to Yuna's mom?"
Chris took a deep breath, you cringed at yourself for letting curiousity get the better of you.
"she was a fling in my senior year of high school, when she got pregnant and didn't want the baby, I said I'd take her. Yuna's never met her mom."
"I didn't know, I'm so sorry."
"don't be." He smiled, "I think you'd make a much better mom for her."
"if that's what you want!" Chris rushed, realizing what he just said.
"that is what I want," you say, kissing his lips.
"does that mean you'll do her home reading for me?"
You laugh, nodding.
Ugh I feel like this is trash lmao I tried. Ive volunteered in kindergarten before so I tried to make the dialogue work but idk if it did, I wrote this instead of sleeping. It's also been a very long time since I've written in "novel" format since I'm practicing screenplays rn oof so I'm sorry if this sucks. Please leave a comment if you enjoyed! And thank you to @lovebini for the giggling suggestion!
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moral-turpitudes · 4 years
College Headcanons: Modern!Peaky Blinders Edition
Part 1 | Part 2
A/N: This came to me in a dream. Enjoy. 
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Thomas Shelby:
Double Major: Political Science and Business Management (bc he likes to work himself to death) Minor: Military Sciences/ROTC
Likes debating and trying to outsmart the professor.
Often seen on campus with bloody knuckles from rocking someone’s jaw.
Would 100% punch a motherfucker for being mean to someone he cares about.
Doesn’t need to be in a fraternity to be known around campus, just don’t mess with him and you’ll be fine.
All the girls whisper as he walks by but he don’t give a fuck cuz he has to go to his lectures.
He’s on time for every class and pulls out his pocket watch if the professor is more than 5 minutes late. If the professor can’t bother showing up then he dips out.
Almost got suspended for one too many fist fights.
Has a “thing” for the barista at the campus Starbucks. He learned after frequent visits, that her name was Grace and that she liked black coffee just like him.
Mysterious and moody af. No one knows if they’ve ever seen him smile, except when chatting up Grace.
Tries his best to study, but ends up getting dragged into his siblings shenanigans or into his head about the family business.
Keeps to himself for the most part, except for having a few close friends.
Hates technology so he uses a typewriter and prefers receiving letters/mail over emails.
Can’t figure out how to use Grace the baristas phone when typing in his number and tells her to write it down instead.
Often tells her to meet him after her shift. 😏
Professors hate him because of his reliance on paper. Totes not eco-friendly but he doesn’t care. Tommy always gets his way.
Grace always gives him a cookie for free cuz she knows he forgets to eat.
Always seen smoking or sneaking drinks of whiskey in a flask, even at 7am lectures.
Binge drinks on weekends with his bros, and drunk calls barista Grace when he has maybe 3 working brain cells left for the night. On other weekends when he’s coherent, he meets with Polly and tries to discuss business plans since their dad dipped out like a bitch.
To make matters worse, after dating for a while, Grace just leaves him. He thinks his aunt Polly may have been too hard on her, but he didn’t know until later that she lied when she said she didn’t know about the business. But barista bitch knew everything, and was gonna expose them to her higher-ups in the criminal justice department before long.
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Arthur Shelby:
Major: Agriculture Minor: Military Science/ROTC
Graduated just barely.
Ended up in some trouble with his peeps in the military science department, probs for cussing someone out.
Angry, loud, and emotional af.
Loved drinking with John and his frat boy friends.
No one messed with him if they valued their life.
Started one too many fights and got suspended for reals. Almost beat a man to death but we don’t talk about that.
He gets stressed really easily so in his free time he draws horses.
When he gets real mad he takes it to the campus boxing ring and punches to his hearts content.
On his way back to his dorm one night he saw a girl who was in his agriculture class. She was cute and also in a “Christian” ministry group on campus. He decided to chat her up when she was preaching, just to see what it was about.
They later dated but then she cheated around with a fellow churchy man and just went off the rails. When he found out it wasn’t pretty.
Her friends and pastor most likely shamed her cuz she be ✨sinning✨. Therefore not helping her mental state.
Her name was Linda. Never trust a Linda.
Everyone tried to console Arthur but only boxing and drinking at Johns frat house did the trick.
Tommy often had to run to his dorm in the middle of the night to talk him out his mental breakdowns. College is hard.
In the end, he was glad he did agriculture even if his crazy ex would constantly stare at him during lectures, probably plotting his demise.
Some days he’d take out his frustrations by chopping wood and helping out on the farm where he worked and studied most days.
But you bet your ass fuckin’ Linda showed up to his dorm one time though with a gun and tried to shoot him, but she didn’t know his brothers and aunt were there too. Polly may have shot her in the arm tho. But when the campus PD showed up shit really went down.
We don’t know where Linda is now, but that’s probs for the best.
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John Shelby:
Major: Music (idk I felt like he’s a musical boi) Minor: Military Science/ROTC
He’s a frat boy through and through. He drops it low on the dance floor and is known to dive onto beer pong tables.
Constantly going to parties and hooking up with sorority girls, that is until he meets a girl named Esme who’d been dragged to the party by her friends.
Suddenly he ain’t no hoe no more, he’s head over boots in love with her and she loves him too.
They be sneaking around in various buildings, often having to make a run for it to escape security.
He’d play her songs after hard training days with his military buds cuz it helps him calm down.
He’s not as violent as his older brothers, but he’ll fuck a person up if needed.
His fraternity is the second most important thing to him besides his girl. He loves the energy of the fraternity, the partying, and acting a whole fool with his friends, but Esme has him whipped.
His studies are struggling though cuz he loves to get turnt. He hates the studying aspect of college.
Always getting his brothers into trouble.
Snorts coke off Esme’s tits on occasion at the frat parties. It’s a wild time.
Has the mouth of a sailor but a heart of gold.
Talks of kids with Esme after dating for a year. Can’t afford a ring yet tho, but their bud Jeremiah marries them anyway on a whim.
After Arthur and the Grace fiasco ensues, he drops out of college because Esme falls pregnant. In the end, she ends up getting the chickens and wild cottage!core house she’d always wanted. They both decide to raise their kids there, living their best lives until Tommy drags them into more family matters later on.
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Ada Shelby:
Major: English Minor: Gender & Women’s Studies
Always seen in the most stylish clothes.
She’s quiet most times but can be very knowledgeable on various subjects.
She’s constantly going off on her older brothers and trying to smack some sense into them.
Feels like something is off with the barista Tommy’s been seeing, but it’s not her problem.
Can 100% find her chilling in the back of Starbucks reading old novels or writing literature reviews.
When she’s not there, she’s holed up in the library where she works part time, studying and practicing for debates.
10/10 would fuck in the library cuz she knows all the best secret places to go to. 😏
Organizes meetings with different campus associations and demands equality for students.
Spends her free time surfing the net for clothes or keeping an eye out for a potential new bae.
Is probably the best at studying. She earns the best grades let’s be honest.
Will not hesitate to call a bitch out. She may not throw hands but she’ll throw words that can cut you like a knife.
Works for the campus paper, spilling all the tea on campus life. Her brothers often reluctantly agree to be her mock interview subjects for a range of assignments.
She breaks necks when walking around campus, everyone moves out of their way for her.
She’s a bad bitch.
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Finn Shelby:
Major: Photography Minor: English
He hates how violent his brothers are but would 10/10 back them up if needed.
Often asks Ada for advice on studying and girls.
Doesn’t like the frat boy scene like John, but goes to the parties anyways with his best friends Isiah and Bonnie.
He’s a freshman and you can tell. He still has a glimmer of life in his eyes and a pep in his step as he walks around campus.
When he’s not taking pictures for class, he’s taking pictures of his girlfriend.
She’s his muse even when doing the simplest of things like sitting in a chair or reading one of his English books.
Each week he’d surprise her with a picture he took when she wasn’t looking, telling her how beautiful she is.
He may not look strong, but after many nights at the boxing ring with Arthur, he knew how to throw a punch.
He almost flunked his studies a couple times, getting too caught up in partying or being with his girl, but Ada and his Aunt Polly set him straight.
Voted by his family as most likely to not get arrested or suspended from college.
He’d have deep conversations with his friends, often confusing them because it was just that deep.
In his spare time he’d go boxing with Arthur or would try to help Tommy with his essays, but Tommy would get frustrated and tell him to fuck off within the first 10 minutes.
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Polly Gray:
Profession: Business Management Professor Side Job: Managing the blinder business with Tommy
When she’s not teaching class, she’s managing the blinder business that was left to her and Tommy to tackle. This also means covering up any suspicions that arise on campus. She has her hands full.
She’s Tommy’s only shred of common sense some days when he gets too stressed out from his 10,000 majors and minors, or wants to plan to overthrow the university.
Will not hesitate to slap someone, preferably her unruly nephews.
Anyone can lie to her but the truth always falls through the cracks, and when she finds out, you’d pray you faced the devil instead.
In her spare time she reads tea leaves and prays for the corrupt souls of her son and his cousins. She really just begs to god that they can come together for once to get the business in line, but even that may be asking too much.
Knows a snake when she sees one. *cough* *cough* Grace the barista.
She’s the first one to tell someone I told ya so, especially her students when they flunk her tests because they decided to get drunk the night before.
When she’s not yelling at her nephews or grading papers, she can be seen at the local bar chatting up coworkers and old flames, hoping to find “the one” eventually. She ends up having a “thing” for the quirky Philosophy professor though. He’s kind of shady cuz she finds out he’s in a similar business on the side, but it only makes her like him more. She craves the danger.
They later end up in a whirlwind romance similar to John and Esme, and everyone loves that for them.
She can also be seen with her head in her hands when trying to persuade Tommy to use technology.
“What is copy and paste Pol? Can’t I just write it down? What’s up with all these gadgets aye?”
“If you want your hand to fall off and to make me lose my mind, then yes, write it down. Grading is bloody hard enough as it is, let alone grading your papers. You’re just like your father ya know, always doing things the hard way.”
Tells Gina off when she gets the chance just like she did Grace. She didn’t shoot her like Linda though, she just hurt some feelings.
May have aided in Grace’s “sudden” departure…maybe…just a little bit.
Secretly ships Tommy with a woman named Lizzie who had been her assistant at her office. She knew she could trust her more, at least.
Despite her harshness, she’s just trying to keep her family from completely fucking up their lives.
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Michael Gray:
Major: Accounting Minor: Business Management
Like Tommy, he doesn’t get the hype of fraternities so he just hangs out with his cousins or his small circle of friends, they aren’t saints though.
His mom, Polly is his business management professor. She always calls on him and gives him a hard time when he spaces out in class.
Is often seen around campus with a few friends or his girlfriend Gina who he met in business class. They’re sickening and it was like a whirlwind romance tbh.
He usually finds himself cleaning up his cousin’s messes when it comes to fighting, but if he has to throw some punches he will.
He’s not as impulsive when it comes to matters of business, but where matters of the heart are concerned that’s another story.
When the blinders and Polly were all at her house for dinner one night he announced he was going to marry Gina. Arthur and John laughed and Tommy smirked slightly, still butt-hurt after his Grace left him for little-to-no reason. Ada grinned and bared the news whilst Polly nearly smacked him on the head.
People didn’t dare mess with him, and that went for all his cousins as well.
He spent a majority of his days in class crunching numbers, and most his nights out with the boys getting drunk or fuckin’ with Gina.
Because his mom held him accountable, his grades rivaled Ada’s causing them to get into some friendly competition at times.
He’s cunning like Tommy though. He got into many a screaming match with the older blinder after trying to take over his position in the family business. It ended in some black eyes and Polly smacking both of them with her newspaper. He knew better than to mess with the devil himself.
Despite the tensions between the cousins at times, he’s always the one they go to when they can’t figure out their math homework, and he’d always have to meet one of them in the library at 3 am to smuggle in some cocaine and a drink to keep them studying.
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royalpain16 · 3 years
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"It won't always be like this," I told myself. "Starting a company is hard."
Before I started my company, I spent over a decade working for a nonprofit that I loved. It was a fantastic organization where amazing mentors and colleagues taught me much of what I know about the practical side of emotional intelligence. 
Over the years I worked there, I put in my share of overtime. But as much I loved my job, I had a pretty strict routine of leaving work. On most days, I "clocked out" at 5 pm.
But a funny thing happened once I started working for myself: The workdays got longer and longer, later and later. And while, yes, starting a company was hard, I'd soon learn that growing a company and maintaining it is pretty hard, too. 
After realizing that I was working much more than I wanted to, I made a change. I like to call it "the rule of clocking out." It's based on principles of emotional intelligence, the ability to identify, understand, and manage emotions.
I've found this rule helps me to set my priorities, keep everything in its place, and take control of my life.
Here's how it works.
How to set priorities, avoid burnout, and find more time in your day
When I first started my company, I was influenced by personalities like Mark Cuban, who says you have to outwork your competition, or they'll put you out of business. To be fair, I've learned a lot from Cuban over the years--but I didn't want to live life like him.
My work is definitely a priority.
But so is my family. And my mental health. And volunteering my time to help others.
Of course, one of the greatest things about being your own boss is you get to set your own hours. After realizing that I was working much more than I wanted to, I made a change. I would set a time every day to "clock out." Then, I'd treat that time like an important appointment, one that I can't miss.
The principles of "clocking out" apply especially well to business owners. But in reality, they provide value for anyone.
For example, do you find that despite working later and later, there's always more work to get done?
Or, that by focusing much of your energy on goals for your work or business, you forget about other priorities--like your mental or physical health?
Or, maybe you need to learn to clock out, not from work, but from something else that's draining your time and energy--like a clingy friend, or even a Netflix or YouTube addiction.
If any of the above applies to you, it can be difficult to change. This is likely because your emotions are ruling your habits, causing you to repeat the same routine.
Here's where emotional intelligence comes in.
But breaking free can be simple, if you do the following:
1. List your priorities: Take time to write down what's important to you, and what you want to spend more time on.
2. Set a limit: Figure out which activity you're spending too much time on, and set a limit on it, a time to clock out. This can be a set time every day, a countdown timer you set when engaging in an activity, or simply a set number (of episodes, for example, if watching your favorite show on Netflix).
3. Communicate: When it comes to work, if people try to set a meeting with you after you've scheduled to clock out, simply tell them you're already booked. (After all, you are.) If you have a family, give them a head's up on your schedule and let them know what time you're clocking out. 
Because, sure, you can stay late and clear out your inbox. But there will be more emails tomorrow.
You can binge your favorite show. But you'll just finish it quicker, and take away time from reading, sleep, or something else that's important to you.
You can keep saying yes to everything. Or, you can start saying no, and take control of your time.
So, take a moment to get your emotions under control and figure out how you can start clocking out.
Because you'll find more happiness, not when you chase extremes... 
But when you chase balance, instead.
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