#[ventus] awakened light
elizabeth-dicewielder · 7 months
Okay but the fact that Sora and Riku were able to defeat Anti-Aqua was just so ridiculous to me… Aqua survived 12 YEARS in the realm of darkness, was repeatedly shown to be more powerful than Ventus and Terra, defeated HERSELF, just got a darkness-fueled power up, and she is the only keyblade master who genuinely trained her entire life. She should not have lost that battle imo
Okay so AU where Sora and Riku can’t beat Aqua, so they flee to the realm of light, but Aqua follows them out. But even as Anti-Aqua, she’s clearly shown to still be in control. Upon returning to the realm of light, she would briefly pause hunting them down to awaken Ventus, and Ventus would be able to talk enough sense into Aqua so she would focus her efforts on taking down Xehanort and beat the shit out of Mickey later. Cue the Keyblade war, Aqua just rips through all of the members of the organization, until she gets to Terranort and there’s an epic fight and she gets Terra back, and upon seeing Terra and Ventus safe again, she lets the darkness go on her own
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aitsuheart · 6 months
I'm really thinking about a Magical "girl" KH Au fanfic
Girl is in quotations cause the ones who are magical girls are both males and females
The MG are known as Light/Warriors of Light for now I haven't come up with a better name. They are just light
Transformation Part
The keyblades are how they fight/use magic. The outfits are fancy robes probably with zippers, belts, and buttons but with colors that fit them. Riku old outfit was yellow but his new one is silver/grey cause it's like he's in between dark and light
Sora is Red. Xion is purple. Ven is green. Strelitzia is orange. Ienzo is blue. Kairi is pink.
The girls have more dress like look than the males.
Everyone has an item that has to do with the transformation. Everyone has this. Riku is a heartless charm. Kairi's is her charm. Sora's is his necklace. Ven is his Wayfinder. Xion is Seashell. Ienzo is his book/lexicon. Strelitzia is her necklace.
Character files I figured out undercut
Riku part
Riku is the first light and he had the ability since he was very young and he fights the darkness and keeps his precious Sora safe
Oh yeah it's Soriku
But it's too much since he is all alone and is constantly targeted so he gives this object that relates to him being light to Sora (it's the necklace)
He thinks they won't target him anymore and it works...... Kinda?
That all happened when they were younger in junior high
Riku at 15 goes to HS away from Sora, Sora is sad. He is too. He tries to cheer him up with ice cream; mini date.
Finally present day Riku is 16 and has been feeling darkness in his heart. The Bad group has been using him. And turns out he's still Targeted and can transform still except his keyblade is different it's not the kingdom key ever since he gave the necklace to Sora.
He works for the bad group and kinda blackmailed they will hurt Sora.
He can control darkness and some heartless like he uses the heartless to save Sora once
Lauriam's Part
Marluxia/Lauriam is in a similar situation where his sister is being threatened if he doesn't help them.
Lauriam and Riku are friends. Lauriam goes by Marluxia when with bad group, Lauriam is his civilian name. Lauriam and Elrena teases Riku about liking Sora at one point after he places Sora in his dorm while he fights off darkness that tries to hurt him.
Sora Part
Sora is normal and had these dreams where darkness takes over light of the worlds. A voice keeps telling awaken some key all the time. Naminé is the voice.
Now at 15 transfers to a high school to be closer with Riku, Ven (his cousin), Kairi and Xion (Kairi's friend)
He surprises Riku, but Riku is more worried that he's there since everything happening on Riku's end.
When Sora gets the ability he transforms using the Kingdom Key also Riku's old form which questions Riku.
Strelitzia Part
She is Lauriam's sister. But also the only one fighting light at first. She often crosses with Riku and tries to stop him (since he is forced to do things for the bad group). She knows Riku does it and he is aware of her identity. Lauriam doesn't know of her involvement.
Elrena's Part
Same with Marluxia, her civilian name is Elrena and her bad group name is Larxene. She thinks the group is stupid and is with Marluxia a lot. She wants to take it over for herself because that would really make the main villain mad.
All the lights in the order they awaken
¹Riku, ²Strelitzia, ³Sora, ⁴Kairi, ⁵Ienzo, ⁶Ventus, and ⁷Xion
I was originally going to include Vanitas instead of Ienzo but decided to make him on the bad side but similar to some of the others where it's not his choice. His involvement will be similar to the novel/game where he is in constant pain and is promised to feel better if he helps
It would be interesting for someone that likes to research/science to be on the Light Party even though he technically doesn't have an official keyblade.
These are majority of the character files I figured out.
Calling this au Magical Kingdom Key Sora for nos
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It was like waking up from a really deep sleep. He felt himself stir; heard two familiar voices calling his name, filled with light and love that he had not seen or felt in over twelve years. Terra…
Was that his name? An instinctual feeling in the depth of his heart told him that it was. That was strange… How could he forget his own name?    
I’m here, he called out to them. Please… he didn’t know what he was begging for. For them to save him, to help him fight back the darkness? For them to let him die? He didn’t know which one he wanted more. He’d been fighting for so long—he was so tired and just wanted to rest now. But at the same time, something was niggling at him—a promise he’d made long ago to himself. He could barely remember what it was, but he knew that he had to keep it, no matter what it cost him.  
Then he remembered. Aqua, Ven… I promise I’ll make this right.    
He opened his eyes. ‘Terra.’ Aqua’s face smiled tearfully down at him. He felt a hand brush against his forehead. ‘Good, you’re awake.’
Awake? Groaning, he made himself look at her, to find Aqua smiling tearfully down at her. Aqua… Gods, his heart skipped a beat just seeing her face. She looked the same as she had been when he last saw her at the Keyblade Graveyard, eyes grave and concerned, but now he could see an older, more weary heart inside of her—her eyes had a shadow of darkness that had not been there before, her face was paler than it used to be, and there were shadows underneath her eyes and she looked overall exhausted. He found himself wanting to wipe away that grief and exhaustion (and cursed the fact that he was too weak to move).          
He couldn’t see Ven anywhere near her. Where was he? Worry surged through him. ‘Ven,’ he rasped out. ‘Is he—’
‘He’s safe.’ Aqua touched his hand. ‘Don’t worry. He’s gone out to get us some food.’
Tears sprang into his eyes. ‘I thought—’
‘That he’d killed us?’ She smiled gently and squeezed his hand tightly. ‘Terra, you should know by now that Xehanort can’t get rid of us.’
The three of us will always be one. She’d said that, hadn’t she, he thought, looking back into his fragmented memories. It looked like she had been right. Xehanort hadn’t been able to tear the three of them apart, hadn’t been able to destroy their bond like he intended. It comforted him to know that.
‘We’re here,’ she assured him, still holding his hand. ‘We’re here and we’re not going away. Not ever again.’
Good, he thought but was too tired to say aloud. ‘I missed you,’ was what he actually said. Aqua smiled, pleased; she knew he was talking about her and not her and Ventus.
‘I missed you too,’ she responded. ‘You and Ventus. More than I can ever say.’ She swallowed hard, and he could see a shadow of vulnerability in her eyes that he’d never seen before. ‘I… sometimes, I thought that I’d never see you again. Either of you. That I would die down there and no one would ever know.’
‘But you didn’t,’ he reminded her. It was strange—he felt so much older even though he looked the same as he did when Xehanort stole his body. It was something he’d have to get used to, he supposed.
He looked at her, and in that moment, he thought of every regret that he’d harboured during those long twelve years, every dream that he thought he’d never fulfil. Say it, a voice inside of him urged. You might never get another chance after this. Say it before you lose your nerve.    
‘I love you,’ he blurted out. It was a stupid thing to do, but really, he’d spent twelve years languishing in his own body, thinking he would never resurface, and now he badly wanted to make up for lost time. It didn’t matter if Aqua didn’t reciprocate his feelings—he just wanted to say the words and have it out there, finally.
Aqua gaped at him. ‘Terra, I—’ Then her face crumpled. His heart sank as he saw it. He’d always hated to see her cry. ‘I thought I’d lost you,’ she admitted, looking away. ‘Truly. After Xehanort left, and you collapsed, everything was chaos. We managed to get you to Radiant Garden, but we couldn’t tell if you’d make it or not.’    
‘You couldn’t,’ he assured her, squeezing her hand. ‘I’d haunt you before I let that happen.’
‘Good,’ she smiled at him. ‘I’ll hold you to it.’
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Where Kingdom Hearts III Went 'Wrong'
I should probably open this by saying that I love Kingdom Hearts III. I love KH for what it is, and the usual "Omg it's so weird, the plot doesn't make sense, eVeRyOnE iS sOrA" thing doesn't strike me as the best form of criticism for the series.
Instead, I wanted to highlight why things got so convoluted (in my opinion, anyway, it's not like I was in the writer's room or anything). I think the direction KH has gone (and is going) serves as a good lesson for any aspiring writers out there - we can learn from these shortcomings and love a series. Wild, right?
So... where did KH3 go 'wrong'?
The writers wrote themselves into a corner in DDD. That's it. It doesn't seem like a lack of planning that came back to bite them, but rather, that they went about planning in an inefficient way.
Let's look at the conflict of KH3.
(Warning: There will be a few spoilers for KH3 ahead!)
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Xehanort has put together the 'real organisation' so that he can do a keyblade war reenactment, forge the χ-blade and summon Kingdom Hearts. His main goal (as I understand it, which might be very, very incorrect) is to create a new world where darkness and light can be equal, quashing the imbalance of power that is skewed towards light.
It's not a bad conflict to have. KH has very strong motifs of 'light vs dark', and having a villain fight the inequality between these sides is interesting.
The big problem is the setup behind it. The complicated, hard-to-grasp, tedious setup.
Thirteen darknesses have to fight seven lights. Cool, okay, we can see the imbalance between the sides, we have slots for our characters to fill, roles for them to play... Except, there's not enough room in the plot for them all. By sectioning off each side with neat, numerical values, the bloatedness of the cast becomes obvious.
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There are seven lights:
Sora has to be one of them. He's the main character, not to mention the poster child for the light.
Riku's been there since the start, plus he's had the most fleshed-out arc by far, having overcome his own darkness. He's a worthy guardian of light and a true keyblade master.
Kairi is a princess of heart and has been there from the start. This ties a bow on our three main-est characters.
Mickey Mouse. He kind of has to be there, it's a Disney game, right?
Axel/Lea. Roxas and Xion are out of the picture, and he's a fan favourite, so sure, why not?
Aqua. A keyblade master who's suffered for ten years, torn apart from her best friends... Sure, maybe a war isn't great for her right now, but she's a lost master, so she should be.
Ventus. Pure cinnamon roll Ven, newly awakened and ready to beat up some Xehanorts.
Okay, but... what about Donald and Goofy? Oh, okay, they can just... hang out with the seven lights. As moral support, I guess? At that point, why not make it nine lights?
Double but - what about Terra? He's going to be saved at some point, so he can just... join the herd. And Roxas? And Xion? Eh, they can act as sub-ins in case anyone accidentally dies.
Oh, what's that? Kairi's dead? Wow, sucks for her, call in the reserves. Wait... If the 'Guardians of Light' can be swapped out, then what's the point in having a set number of them?
It's almost like it's entirely arbitrary.
Right. So our seven lights are more like ten-ish lights + friends. It happens, maths is hard! How do our darknesses fare?
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The thirteen darknesses are (in no particular order):
Young Xehanort
Terra Xehanort
Riku Replica
Somewhat hilariously, the dark side also has a team of reserves.
The wiki lists 'Replica Xehanorts' as reserves, but I'm not about to unpack that one
Imagine being Vexen, the guy responsible for dealing with replicas, the invention sustaining this organisation, and being benched in favour of teenage angst incarnate Replica Riku. Ouch.
By this point, you might be wondering how this use of arbitrary numbers actually impacted the storytelling. Organisation XIII only had thirteen members for like, a week, so clearly counting isn't a strong suit of Xehanort's.
It all falls apart when the writers say (in DDD):
"KH3 will be about this, where this happens, with this many people, at this specific place, so get your popcorn and buckle in!"
On its own, that's not a problem. But when there's a giant pile of other plot points to worry about (Aqua's in Disney hell, Ventus is napping, Terra is somehow, kinda sorta, three different people whilst also being trapped in heartless thingy (whilst also being a suit of armour, but not quite), Roxas is stuck in Sora's heart, Xion has been wiped off the face of the earth via memory nuke, Naminé is in Kairi's heart, Sora needs to discover the mystical (and vague) 'power of waking' to deal with half these problems, Lea and Kairi need to train, and Riku needs to go to the 'Heartless Barbershop in Disney Hell' (the most relevant plot point of all)).
What we get is a tangle of 'this can happen when this happens, but first we need to do this one thing, and to do that we need this other thing' (i.e. "To find Ven we need to find Aqua, who is evil and needs to be good again, and Sora needs the power of waking to deal with this... probably, let's put a pin in it and hang out with Buzz Lightyear").
The plot is murky. The plot is confusing.
This entire plot raises the question of 'Why don't Sora and co. just... not go?' That's a good question, which should have a simple answer (if they don't, the org will do baaaaad things, wooOOOoooOOO), but instead what we get is "If they don't, Xehanort will use the new seven hearts (because there are new ones now for some reason, but Kairi's still one of them, dw about it) instead, guaranteeing bad things... probably?"
Xehanort's a bad guy who needs to be stopped. That's it, that's all we needed. But that avenue was closed off once they said 'nah, it's more complex because of prophecies, I guess'.
So, what's the moral of this long, drawn-out post?
Sometimes, it might seem like a super cool idea to have a group of characters band together to defeat evil. Sometimes mashing them into a prophecy can seem appealing (the five great owls will do the unholy hoot, defeating the nine-and-a-half orange rats at sundown in Mississippi). But sometimes, this kind of self-restriction won't work for you.
KH3 could have just had 'the bad guys' and 'the good guys', and nobody would have to worry about the arbitrary parameters set by the writers.
Keep your options open and don't overcomplicate things just for the sake of it! It'll only give you and your consumer a headache.
All that being said, KH3 really delivered on the emotional payoffs so like, forget the randomly numbered groups, let's appreciate the joy that (most of) these characters are allowed to feel now.
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izunias-meme-hole · 6 months
KH Animated Series Rough Draft - Axel/Lea
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Holy shit. I LOVE Axel and I like that there was at least an attempt to reform him. However, I will admit that post-KH2 Axel/Lea is weaker than the mans appearances in BBS, CoM, Days, and KH2, and is rife with his own problems. So like I did with Ansem and Master Xehanort, I'm going to be discussing a draft I have for this bastard man for a KH animated series.
Axel makes his debut in Season 2, the Chain of Memories and 358/2 Days sections of the show, and he's a 1-1 translation of how he was in the Chain of Memories game, but his characterization in the Days section of the season he's a mixture between his game and manga characterization, thus granting him an undeniable levity.
His relationship with Saix/Isa is established immediately, and given as much focus as his relationship with Roxas and Xion.
Xion slightly reminds him of how Isa was before both of them became two of the most toxic men in existence.
The Roxas relationship is still related to the friendship he never managed to get with Ventus, so his friendship with the poor guy is still for selfish purposes.
Come season 3, the events of KH2 happen, and Axel still ends up fighting Roxas, however here he actually dies here.
Now season 4, he returns as Lea, and good god the regrets and remnants of selfishness hit hard.
He has his black coat still and relies on outright darkness in order to use the powers he had as a nobody, but it's slowly eating away at him.
His main quest in the earliest part of the season is mainly to try and get Roxas back, and it starts with an attempt to turn Sora into a heartless, but he doesn't go through with it.
He spends a good portion of the season just M.I.A, pondering offscreen, and wandering around worlds, until discovering that the Organization is back because he saw a Replica of Roxas assisting Copy X (Young Xehanort) with an experiment of some sort.
He heads to King Mickey's palace to inform him about the Organization, only to discover that he, Sora, Riku, and Kairi know.
Determined to free "Roxas" from the Org's clutches, Lea begs the King to let him help, to let him "do the right thing," and while Mickey can pick up that there's still some traces of selfishness in this man's heart, he allows him to join up.
Lea can now USE a Keyblade, but at the moment he cannot summon one of his own, so he uses the Star Seeker for now, and is utterly dog shit at using it.
He spends his time learning how to use a Keyblade, but due to his selfishness and own inner darkness, he cannot fully tap into its power.
He ends up meeting the Destiny Trio, alongside a grown up and awakened Ventus, when Mickey introduces them to each other as Guardians of Light, and he's recognized immediately. Ventus is unaware of the bullshit Lea did as a nobody, meanwhile Riku, Sora, and Kairi know in different ways.
They all end up going to the Keyblade Graveyard, to face the new Organization, and Lea is left to tussle with Replica Roxas, the reborn Xion, and Saix, who has an artificial "heart" with a lot of darkness and a LOT of hatred.
Lea is getting his ass beat by all three of them, and is going through a hell that is both deserved and hard to watch, until Sora intervenes to handle Replica Roxas and Xion.
He constantly tells Sora not to hurt those two, which keeps him from focusing on Saix, and as a result he nearly gets both himself and Sora killed, and the Star Seeker is broken.
Lea is barely holding on and looking back at his life, only to come to grips with the fact that he was never in this for real friends, and that he was just out for himself. He was just following an impossible and selfish dream, and fully accepts that he's messed up beyond repair.
Fortunately Ventus saves both Lea and Sora, and uses curaga on Lea. After being saved from certain death and coming to grips with how shitty he was, Lea is able to summon a keyblade of his own now.
When Saix calls out Lea's name, he simply says "The name's Axel, old pal, and I think I see things clearer now. "
While Sora and Ventus handle the Replica Roxas and Xion, Axel and Saix duke it out, with Axel managing to beat his old friend and shatter his artificial heart.
As Saix begins to fade, Axel admits that while Saix was an absolute bag of garbage as a nobody, he wasn't exactly a saint either and both straight up say sorry in their own way. So while they aren't friends anymore, they both get closure here.
As for Roxas and Xion, Axel accepts that they're basically gone and that what Sora and Ventus just defeated were entities that Xehanort was using to further his own goals.
After Sora and Kairi mop the floor with Xehanort, Axel/Lea actually gets to form a friendship with Ventus at the end, and they're doing quite fine.
I like a good portion of what I have here, but I do feel like it's clunkier than what I wrote for MX and Ansem/Xehanort. Still, this is a draft, so I feel like I can make changes for my concepts here. Oh, and he'd be voiced by none other than Zeno Robinson.
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Round 1
Part 1:
Vector to the Heavens - 358/2 Days (1) vs Heart of Mystery - KH3 (167)
Riku - KH2 (5) vs This Is Halloween - KH1 (163)
Master of Masters - Back Cover (9) vs Vim and Vigor - KH2 (159)
Dismiss - Birth by Sleep (13) vs Monster Smash! - KH3 (155)
Organization XIII - KH2 (17) vs Flags of Fury - KH3 (151)
Dearly Beloved - Melody of Memory (21) vs Radiant Garden - Birth by Sleep (147)
Aqua (Mirror Illusion) - Fragmentary Passage (25) vs The Rustling Forest - Birth by Sleep (143)
Traverse in Trance - Dream Drop Distance (29) vs Traverse Town - KH1 (135) vs March Caprice for Piano and Orchestra - Melody of Memory (136)
Disappeared - KH1 (33) vs Makaukau - KH3 (127) vs Waltz of the Damned - KH2 (128)
The 13th Struggle - KH2 (37) vs Another Side - KH1 Final Mix (119) vs The Deep End - KH1 Final Mix (120)
Link to All (Lights of Destiny) - KH3 (41) vs Dearly Beloved Reprise - KH1 (111) vs Final Staff Roll Dearly Beloved - Union X (112)
Destati - KH1 (45) vs Dark Domination - KH3 (103) vs Friendship’s Union - KH3 (104)
Sacred Moon - 358/2 Days (49) vs Fragments of Sorrow - KH2 (95) vs Eternal Moments - Birth by Sleep (96)
Wave of Darkness I - Fragmentary Passage (53) vs Dual Hearts - KH3 (87) vs Kairi III - KH1 (88)
Dawn of Hope - KH3 (57) vs A Pirate’s Freedom - KH3 (79) vs Unbreakable Chains - Birth by Sleep (80)
Forza Finale - KH3 (61) vs Deep Drop - Dream Drop Distance (71) vs Destiny Islands - Chain of Memories (72)
Part 2:
Vector to the Heavens - KH3 (2) vs Shipmeister’s Shanty - KH2 (166)
Lord of the Castle - Chain of Memories (6) vs Monstrous Monstro - KH1 (162)
Cavern of Remembrance - KH2 (10) vs The Promised Beginning - Birth by Sleep (158)
Rage Awakened - KH2 (14) vs Spooks of Halloween Town - KH1 (154)
Aqua - Dark Dive - KH3 (18) vs Secret of Neverland - 358/2 Days (150)
Dearly Beloved - KH3 (22) vs Ventus - Birth by Sleep (146)
March Caprice for Piano and Orchestra - KH1 (26) vs Treasured Memories (141) vs Shrouding Dark Cloud - KH3 (142)
Tension Rising - KH2 (30) vs Heroes’ Gathering - KH3 (133) vs Master Tell Me the Truth - Birth by Sleep (134)
Musique pour la Tristesse de Xion - 358/2 Days (34) vs L’Impeto Oscuro - KH3 (125) vs Destati - KH3 (126)
The 13th Reflection - KH2 (38) vs The Force in You - Chain of Memories (117) vs Beyond the Door - KH1 (118)
Sacred Distance - Dream Drop Distance (42) vs Dearly Beloved - Missing Link (109) vs Dearly Beloved - KHX (110)
Destiny’s Force - KH1 (46) vs The Foretellers - Back Cover (101) vs Fate of the Unknown - KH2 (102)
Aqua - Birth by Sleep (50) vs Enter the Darkness - Birth by Sleep (93) vs Rowdy Rumble - KH2 (94)
L’Oscurita Dell’Ignoto- KH3 (54) vs The Other Promise - Piano Collections (85) vs Another Side - Battle Version - 358/2 Days (86)
Desire for All That is Lost - KH2 (58) vs The Silent Forest - Birth by Sleep (77) vs End of the World - KH1 (78)
Dearly Beloved - Union X (62) vs Missing You - KH2 (69) vs Face My Fears Orchestral - KH3 (70)
Part 3:
The Other Promise - KH2 (3) vs Bustin’ Up on the Beach - KH1 (165)
Edge of Existence - KH3 (7) vs Sunset Horizons - KH2 (161)
Before the Daylight - Union X (11) vs The Underworld - KH2 (157)
Roxas’ Return - KH3 (15) vs A Very Small Wish - KH1 (153)
Hearts as One - KH3 (19) vs Forest of Thorns - Fragmentary Passage (149)
Sacred Moon - KH2 (23) vs  Reviving Hollow Bastion - KH2 (145)
Naminė - Chain of Memories (27) vs Sky of Wonder - KH3 (139) vs Passion - KH2 (140)
Scherzo Di Notte - KH1 (31) vs Chains to Bonds - KH3 (131) vs Guardians of Light - KH3 (132)
Dismiss - KH2 (35) vs L’Impeto Oscuro - Dream Drop Distance (123) vs Memories in Pieces - Chain of Memories (124)
Epilogue - KH3 (39) vs Precious Stars in the Sky - KH1 (115) vs Forze Del Male - KH1 (116)
Anger Unchained - KH3 (43) vs Dearly Beloved - Chain of Memories (107) vs Dearly Beloved - KH1 Final Mix (108)
Tension Rising - Reaper’s Revenge - KH3 (47) vs A Fight to the Death - KH2 (99) vs Fantasia Alla Marcia for Piano, Chorus, and Orchestra - KH2 (100)
Sora - KH2 (51) vs Graceful Assassin - Chain of Memories (91) vs Hand in Hand - KH1 (92)
Kairi II - KH1 (55) vs The 13th Anthology - Drammatica Album (83) vs Lazy Afternoons - Chain of Memories (84)
Night of Fate - KH1 (59) vs Always on My Mind - KH1 (75) vs The Afternoon Streets - KH3 (76)
Fragments of Sorrow - KH1 (63) vs Black Powder - Birth by Sleep (67) vs Sinister Shadows - KH2 (68)
Part 4:
At Dusk I Will Think of You - 358/2 Days (4) vs Monster Smash! (Code 72-16) - KH3 (164)
Nachtflügel - KH3 (8) vs Monstropolis Now (Code 72-16) - KH3 (160)
Hollow Bastion - KH1 (12) vs Winnie the Pooh - KH3 (156)
Rise of the Union - KH3 (16) vs Monstropolis Now - KH3 (152)
Scala Ad Caelum - KH3 (20) vs Dive into the Heart - KH1 (148)
Darkness of the Unknown - KH2 (24) vs Magical Mystery - KH2 (144)
Tears of Light - Birth by Sleep (28) vs Destiny’s Union - Birth by Sleep (137) vs Hikari - KH1 (138)
Dark Impetus - Birth by Sleep (32) vs True Darkness - KH3 (129) vs Replicas - KH3 (130)
Roxas - KH2 (36) vs Majestic Wings - Dream  Drop Distance (121) vs The Eye of Darkness - Dream Drop Distance (122)
Hunter of the Dark - Birth by Sleep (40) vs Passing the Power - Back Cover (113) vs Shrouding Dark Cloud - KH1 (114)
Enter the Void - Birth by Sleep (44) vs Dearly Beloved - 358/2 Days (105) vs Dearly Beloved - Re:Coded (106)
Deep Anxiety - KH2 (48) vs Forgotten Challenge - Chain of Memories (97) vs Organization XIII (Mark of Fate) - KH3 (98)
Sora (Orchestra of Toads) - KH3 (52) vs Lazy Afternoons - KH2 (89) vs L’Eminenza Oscura II - Dream Drop Distance (90)
Terra - Birth by Sleep (56) vs The 13th Dilemma - KH2 (81) vs The 13th Struggle - Saïx - KH3 (82)
Enter the Darkness - KH3 (60) vs Friends in My Heart - KH1 (73) vs Dearly Beloved - KH1 (74)
Guardando nel Buio - KH1 (64) vs Stranded Beyond - KH3 (65) vs Graveyard Labyrinth - KH3 (66)
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coffeegeck · 2 years
Yozora Theory
Yozora states in LCE (LimitCut Episode) that he does not look like what we perceive (as Sora), which leads me to believe that he is, actually, a different person than what is expected.
Yozora is a blatant reference to VS. XIII Noctis, even down to his red eyes. Or, well, eye. This is important, trust me.
Near the end of KH1, Kairi uses her abilities of a Princess of Light to regenerate the Shadow Heartless that is Sora into his normal form again (which allows Roxas to co-exist with his former self, of course).
I believe that this did not bring back Sora, but rather, just his memories of who he is. Sora's heart was never truly restored, and it wandered freely between KH1 and KH2.
At some point in KH2, Sora's heart is moved to Quadratum through Unreality, and I believe this was done by Luxord (because we know that Luxord is from Quadratum thanks to the LCE ending, and he clearly had agendas working behind the Organization's back, much like Luxu, ala Xigbar). This isn't important right now.
Much like how Ventus' heart in BBS asks to take refuge in Sora's, Sora's heart takes refuge in Yozora's. We'll call the Yozora pre-Sora's joining 'Noctis' for ease of speech.
With Sora's body back in 'Reality' devoid of his heart, this explains why he is able to hold the hearts of so many other people (Roxas, Xion, Ventus, Kairi, and even Naminé and Riku, if you want to count them). He was like a replica, and we see their hearts influencing him much more than they should, namely when Ven influences him to blurt out that he'll go save Aqua from the RoD in KH3.
Meanwhile, 'Noctis' and Sora's heart fuse to form Yozora, seen most noticeably via his heterochromia; he has one blue eye from Sora, and one red eye that he kept (which, yes, is much akin to Noctis in VS. XIII). Furthermore, if we assume that this indeed is KH1 Sora's heart, then it hasn't gotten any more powerful since it was separated from him, surely meaning that 'Noctis'' heart is more influential.
Since Sora's heart was saved by Kairi at that point, and her Light removed all of the Darkness in his heart, Sora's heart is a heart of Pure Light (furthermore, this is why Antiform and Rageform have Sora's body shape; they aren't normal Heartless because they were separated purposefully, much like how Ansem has a human form despite being a Heartless; Xehanort willingly split himself apart also).
This Pure Light heart combined with 'Noctis'', who is the antithesis to Sora and therefore has a more powerful Pure Darkness heart, culminates in a power ratio of 13:7 in Darkness and Light, essentially turning Yozora into a sentient X-blade. We know this thanks to the X-blade symbols on his shirt.
Moreover, Yozora says that Sora in LCE "can't be Sora", because he believes that Sora is inside of him, fused with 'Noctis' (this fusion, by the way, is probably akin to Terranort, or Venitus).
I believe that the canon ending was that Yozora wins the LCE fight, and Sora's lingering memories are defeated and therefore return to Sora's heart, much like how Xion's death in Days leads to her memories returning to Sora.
This, in turn, allows Yozora to remove the newly completed Sora from his body at the cost of 'Noctis'' life, much like how Roxas gives up his life so that Sora may awaken in KH2. This also explains how Sora ends up in Quadratum in KH4; he was always on that side of Unreality since his separation from 'Reality', Yozora just needed to pull him out.
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remmammie · 2 years
Hey, Rem! It’s me again.
Could I get a full fic with Ven and General (platonic) Reader who has sleep deprivation? They’ve been friends for many years.
Since he’s a Pure Light, he senses their distress, so he manifests as a glowing light & fully forms in front of them. He reassures that they’ll be alright, gives words of encouragement, sings a lullaby (who doesn’t love lullabies, amirite lol?), aaaand he has a minimal yet perfect understanding that he’s a video-game character.
But at least he assures he’s always be in our hearts <3 Ventus is just a precious boy! (Side note: This is my script idea but I’m not good at writing, so I’d like to see your take on it. Thx)
I wrote this in one sitting because, oh my, I suddenly got so much inspiration for it. There might be spelling mistakes because it's a full fic and I still need to proofread it. I have no idea where these ideas came from so do not ask but I do hope you enjoy this fic, Symmie! @baddestbitchofthedecade
Bridging the Gap - Ventus + Insomniac!Reader
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GIF credit goes to @/rosieberry
“Good night, Aqua!”
“Sleep well, Ven.” the Keyblade Master mused with a soft smile. She stepped back to close the door carefully, leaving Ven alone laid in his bed with nothing but his bedclothes and his night-light. Sleeping, Ven though, had its pros and cons: he got to revive his energy for the next day of fun with his friends, and the night would take him somewhere special that only he knew, but, at the same time, he was left alone to try and fall asleep. Rolling over away from the door as Aqua’s footsteps faded, Ven squeezed his eyes shut, clenched part of his duvet tight in his fist, and waited for the comforting darkness of twilight and sleep to fall over him.
He awoke, as he always did, in a sea full of stars. They shone with fluctuating brightnesses and bobbed at varying speeds, excitedly or lethargically. Each star was their own individual person from another world, someone who knew every intricate detail of his own life as if they had watched him from the sky like real stars. Every night, Ven stepped foot onto the invisible floor patterned with the night sky below and watched it ripple like a puddle under his feet, bare after falling asleep. He usually found a bright star and sat beside it, legs crossed and chin curiously leant on a closed fist, and chatted until the morning came, awakening to sunlight peeking through the windows. They would tell him stories of his life, how much others in his universe which they called a “game” would care for him and try their best to protect him. Ventus remembered the seemingly unending kindness of all of the stars laid out in front of him. Each one had nothing but gentle words to offer him. Ventus had found a safe space among these benevolent stars, but he was just lucky enough to visit them when he fell asleep.
Tonight, Ventus was surprised to see as he looked past the swarm of bouncing stars, a transparent figure laid upon a bed not too dissimilar to his own. Their eyes were closed and incredibly strained, squeezed as if experiencing a nightmare or bracing for an unknown impact. The blond Keyblade wielder waded through the excited stars and gently pushed them aside, leaving their stories for another day.
A blinding light forced your eyes open. Despite your best efforts to fall asleep and brace the fear of what lay in wait behind the darkness of sleep, you couldn’t resist opening your eyes to spot just what had been so rude as to interrupt your hard work. A small part of you, however, was somewhat relieved that there was now some sort of excuse as to why you couldn’t fall asleep.
A familiar innocent look began to form from the blinding light, bright blue eyes impossible to mistake for anyone else. You shot up.
“V-Ven?” Even in the incredible circumstances, the blond boy before you did nothing but smile as if he were completely used to this sort of thing happening.
“Hi! Can…I ask what’s wrong?” For a few moments, you could do nothing but gape and blink. Surely this was some sort of dream? You had fallen asleep after all and that was the only feasible explanation for a video game character to be in front of you, a soft smile gracing his face. After you processed Ven had asked a genuine question, concern and all, you shook your head to clear the lethargy and sat up straight.
“I…just can’t sleep, that’s all.” you admitted. Ven listened intently. He nodded, gave a small hum, and lifted a slim finger.
“Well, that’s okay, we all can’t sleep sometimes!” he spoke happily. Though, when your eyes darkened and fell at his words, so did his. He cocked his head.
“Are you sure that’s all?”
“I didn’t exactly lie, I suppose. But…it’s not just tonight.” you explained. Ven was slow to catch on, seeming to roll your words around in his head for a few seconds. This was only natural, you thought, someone with as pure of a heart as Ven didn’t have to worry about not sleeping, and, of course, video game characters didn’t really need to sleep. They were just programming…right? But that didn’t really make sense when the Ven in front of you looked so real. 
“Hm. Okay, so, maybe you’re worried about something or…it’s something you can’t control? I’ve never heard of someone not being able to sleep…” Ventus had a finger innocently pressed to his cheek, still pondering the real meaning behind what you had confessed to him. Then, his face lit up as bright as the light he had arrived in.
“But, hey! Everything will be o-kay! I have a very strong feeling, right in here,” he pointed excitedly to his chest, “that everything will get better if you just keep thinking positive as best you can. I’ve had lots of sleepless nights, but usually Aqua will read me something from another world or sing me to sleep…” You glanced up from your bed covers and felt your ears practically quirk up at the sound of the word “sing.” Slowly, you glanced up to meet Ventus’ glittering eyes.
“Do…you think we could try that? A song, I mean.” you ask, shy. With Ventus being the bright, shining star he was, nodded.
“Of course! Now, let’s see…”
Ven spent a few minutes in silence, eyes squeezed shut and trying to think of the best lullaby he could think of: the lyrics, the melody, the meaning. Eventually, he pulled his favourite from memory and asked you to lay down, silent and smiling as he started singing from the end of your bed. Ventus’ singing voice was exactly how you had imagined it with a clear air of childish innocence and nasally youth, but delightfully gentle and delicate on your ears as if the melody itself was wrapping around you like a comfortable blanket - the secret key to letting sleep flush away every thought, positive and negative, until only you and Ventus remained, surrounded by gently glowing light and a sea full of stars who had gathered around to listen. Regarding your sleeping form after the song had ended, the figure that was now unfortunately fading away into a slowly floating star of its own, Ven pressed a palm to his chest and spoke lightly and full of sincerity: “I will always be in your heart whenever you need me.”
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h-worksrambles · 1 year
A while back on Reddit, I saw a post that asked ‘list your favourite and least favourite thing about every Kingdom Hearts game. And I thought that seemed like a pretty fun thought experiment. So I wrote down my own answer to that here: The best and worst thing about every Kingdom Hearts game (that I’ve played):
Kingdom Hearts 1 (my personal favourite)
The best thing: I’m tempted to say the story, because I think 1 does an especially good job at telling its otherwise simple story through the gameplay. But instead I’ll go for the general gameplay structure. KH1 is the only game in the series to remind me of a Zelda game. Instead of going all in on action RPG combat through hallway maps, the level design combines combat, exploration, puzzle solving and even platforming. No other game in the series has even attempted this since (KH3 came closest). And it greatly adds to the immersion. I would’t say any KH game has quite made you feel like you’re going through Disney worlds entirely. But KH1 is the closest and kinda reminds me of wandering through Disney theme parks. That immersion also adds to the sense of atmosphere, which is easily at it’s best on this game
The worst thing: The camera/controls. Platforming may be a nice splash of variety, but it’s a lot less less fun when it doesn’t actually control well. Sometimes it just feels like you’re being asked to do things the controls can’t reliably pull off. And the zoomed in camera makes combat visibility much worse. KH1 is already one of the tougher games in the series and this exacerbates that for the wrong reasons.
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
The best thing: The story. Sora and Riku are tested in new ways that showcase new sides to their characters. This was a good introduction for the Organization into the series. Marluxia is chilling as a main threat, and we get my boi Axel and my girl Larxene. They feel like a genuine threat and are mysterious but not exhaustingly vague. Donald and Goofy get proper character stuff for once. Riku’s arc is a standout that begins to subvert the series’ very black and white depiction of Light and Darkness in a way the series frankly hasn’t even attempted since.
The worst thing: The combat. I like customising decks but the actual combat falls apart in execution. Sleights are either godly, or pathetically weak with no inbetween. And every fight feels the same as they generally consist of spamming the same OP sleights in order to win…assuming the RNG gods bless you with the cards to actually pull off those sleights reliably.
Kingdom Hearts 2:
The best thing: The combat. God the gameplay in 2 is so good. You have so many more options than in the first game and practically all of them are viable. And Critical Mode especially practically demands that you know how to use all your tools effectively if you want to make it through. The controls and general flow are on point. It’s sharp, it’s kinetic, it has a low skill floor but a high skill ceiling. Absolutely superb.
The worst thing: The level design. Sadly 2 is where the series got so focused on combat that it turned into a hallway simulator. Instead of bringing back puzzles, platforming and exploration with the better controls, the game just cuts them out instead. This streamline the game sure, but now it lacks a lot of the flavour. And of course, this is largely done because your movement abilities are all tied to Drive forms, making them entirely optional, which I don’t think was a good move at all.
Haven’t played Days so no comment:
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep:
The best thing: The soundtrack. This might be my favourite OST in the series. Aqua’s theme, Rage Awakened, Dismiss, Unbreakable Chains, a fantastic set of overworld themes (with Enchanted Dominion being my favourite). It’s varied, it’s evocative. It’s Yoko Shimomura firing on all cylinders.
The worst thing: The repetition. On a macro level, doing all 3 campaigns is very tedious. Terra, Aqua and Ventus’ stories aren’t distinct enough to make playing them feel varied. They all blur together outside of a few good moments. On a micro level, this version of the Command Deck has all the same problems as Re:COM. It’s shallow. easily broken, too dependent on RNG, and makes every fight feel the same.
Haven’t played Coded.
Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance (my least favourite not counting the mobile games)
The best thing: Symphony of Sorcery. One of, if not the best Disney worlds in the entire series. A fantastic musical gimmick to its sound design that makes the world feel weird and abstract in a way I wish more of DDD’s levels were. Actual platforming and light puzzle solving for the first time since KH1. And some good character stuff, including letting us see a younger Mickey, and the iconic Dearly Beloved scene between Sora and Riku.
The worst thing: The story. If you follow me, you’ve heard me give this rant before. A mess that constantly finds new ways to meander and waste your time, spends half its runtime nostalgically pandering to the previous games instead of doing anything new and butchers most of the characters. People give this game flack for the time travel but there frankly the least of my problems. The dream world premise screams wasted potential too. The only good thing is some very cute interactions between Sora and Riku, but both of them are so flanderised that even that feels hollow.
Dropped Union Cross after 200 or so chapters and just watched the cutscenes. TLDR, New characters are fun but the gacha is disgustingly invasive.
Kingdom Hearts 3:
The best thing: The variety. 3 bucks the trend of the handheld games with their heavy linearity and repetitive encounters with the most varied experience by far. You have more options in combat than ever, which means every encounter can be approached differently. It’s not quite as well balanced as 2, but I love just how much is at your disposal. The level design is FINALLY more open and closer in style to the first game and there’s just enough world gimmicks and minigames to spice things up. Exploring the sea in the Caribbean is easily my favourite of these gimmicks.
The worst thing: The pacing. I won’t say the story itself as my thoughts are very complicated and tbf, I don’t think BBS, DDD or X did a very good job setting up this finale. But 3’s pacing of its story is inexcusable. This game uses the exact same structure as DDD, and much like that game, it wastes your time. Clearing a world gets you a few cutscenes carrying on a couple of disparate plot threads, you get an Organization encounter mid world if you’re lucky, and everything else is crammed together at the very end. This game had FAR too much story to wrap up to afford to waste time like this. A restructuring of the first half alone to decompress the climax and allow for more character moments would do this story wonders, for all its other faults.
Haven’t played Melody of Memory.
And there you have it. The biggest pros and cons of each Kingdom Hearts game I’ve played. Which hopefully doubles as a kind of mini summary if my thoughts on the series as a whole. Feel free to reblog and tell me your favourite and least favourite parts of these games. I’d be interested to hear!
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nadziejastar · 2 years
now that I know Persona is another game close to your heart, what do you think the KH characters would have as a persona. sure it's not plot for KH, and this ask is more like fun "head canon" tomfoolery. But it's still creative. I guess it depends on the circumstances of these characters getting theirs, as 3,4,5 all did it different.
Well, a lot of the characters could have many Persona, since they all undergo a lot of growth. Like, Riku's KH1 would be different from his KH3 Persona.
Sora - Orpheus. He is the Fool, and he also travels to the underworld to revive his dead wife.
Riku - Seth. At least for KH1. Jealous of his brother and kills him.
Kairi - Isis for KH3. It's the Lovers arcana and she revives her dead husband.
Terra - Titan. Earth element and one of the Greek gods.
Aqua - Apsaras. Water elemental. They also carry fallen soldiers to heaven, like the valkyries of Norse lore. And that reminded me of her line in KH0.2, how if anyone else fell into the dark realm, she'd be their wayfiner.
Ventus - Suparna. I like him represented by a bird, since he is wind-based and Roxas mentions how he wants to fly. And when his station of awakening is restored, birds fly out. They represent freedom.
Lea - Prometheus. One of his chakrams in 358/2 Days is actually named this. But his final Persona should be Phoenix.
Isa - Artemis or Selene. Moon goddesses and two of his weapons are named this in 358/2 Days.
Xehanort - Baphomet. This is the goat that is symbolized on Xehanort's Keyblade. Represents balance and perfect social order.
Eraqus - Lucifer. Name means "light bearer", but many cultures consider him a false light. Represented the sin of Pride. That's what I think Eraqus's story is gonna be like in Dark Road. The Master of Masters chose Xehanort as the scapegoat and the vessel for Superbia because Eraqus had become too proud as the "world's defender".
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mezzopurrloin · 2 years
With Aqua freed from the realm of darkness, now she can awaken Ventus once more. The guardians of light gather together and prepare for their fateful battle.
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timelord2024 · 4 years
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Low blow, Ventus, low blow
Just a little comic I drew today since this idea came to me and I couldn’t stop thinking about it XD Hope you guys like it 
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waywardwiind · 5 years
@themightypete continued from here.
"Yeah. Heartless are attracted to strong hearts. That's what I've heard anyway..."
Friends, huh? The sentiment made the boy smile. True, he was far from ready to trust Pete. He had a suspicion or two, but... Maybe he'd judge the guy on his own merit, rather than hunches that Ventus couldn't prove. Still, he knew firsthand how sketchy Pete could be.
"Well... If you're alright now, maybe I should go. They'll probably stop attacking you if I do. They uh..." He thinks for a moment on how to put this, tapping his chin. "Like Keyblades. I don't want to get you into any more trouble, after all! Sorry, by the way."
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bluerosesburnblue · 3 years
I don't suppose you could explain the ending for khux for me?? i've watched it and i've been following the translated storyline for it and this ending just. does not make a ton of sense to me. i can usually figure out kh endings no problem but this time i'm just lost.
Isn't that just the state of the writing for it, where even people familiar with the series are having trouble understanding it. And, of course, the game dies as it lived: screwing over Global so we can't even compare/contrast with an official English version yet to see if it's more clear
Anyway, sure, I'll try to break it down scene by scene (Note: these aren't the actual scene titles, I just needed a way to delineate them so I made titles up)
Scene 1: The Master and Luxu
The update begins with a continuation of the past flashbacks expanding on the Case of Luxu and the Master of Masters' instructions to him. He explains that he knew that Darkness could only truly be defeated in the future, and so he made sure that Keyblade wielders would exist to fight it by recruiting many Keyblade wielders in Daybreak Town (as per the start of KHx) and then using the Dandelions to stall Darkness's takeover and give them time to make sure that the Keyblade legacy would live on. As Luxu turns to leave, though, the Master stops him with one more bit of information that he feels Luxu needs to know
He explains that back when he was younger, the being known as Darkness tried to gain the advantage in their battle by becoming incorporeal and attacking people's hearts instead of their bodies. There were 13 of these original Darkness beings, and because they lack bodies they aim to win by quantity and so created the Heartless as lesser, but more physical versions of themselves. The original 13 still haven't given up their desire to regain a physical form, however, and so they target those with strong hearts to take their bodies for themselves
The Master of Masters, knowing this and knowing that something without a physical body can't be destroyed, came up with a plan. He took in six children, his apprentices, and raised them to be a prison for Darkness. To foster light so strongly within them that Darkness couldn't possibly taint it, and then seal the strongest 7 of the 13 Darknesses within himself and his students, trapping the Darknesses inside their impenetrable hearts of light. Then, he instigated the Keyblade War. This is only my interpretation of the line, but it sounds to me like the purpose was to get the Foretellers killed in the War and the Darkness sealed inside of them along with them. How this relates to them coming back in KH3 is unclear
When Luxu asks if the War and the idea of a traitor were necessary, the Master goes on to say that the purpose of making the Foretellers believe there was a traitor was to instill negative emotions like fear and doubt in them. Darkness feeds on those emotions, and so by making sure that his students would produce them and yet not have their light tainted, he would attract Darkness into their hearts by giving it something to eat, only for it to realize that it was trapped in light that couldn't be consumed. The infighting amongst the Foretellers was bait to lock Darkness in their hearts the entire time
After that, there's only six left and so the Master chose five individuals, the Union Leaders, to be the uncorruptable lights that would house the weaker Darknesses. The final one, he would simply trap in the Data Daybreak Town
At this, Luxu flies into a rage at his master, angrily shouting that he can't possibly accept a plan that sacrifices so many people, but the Master stands up and starts talking over him. He's made it clear that he doesn't see Darkness as human, and he's seen this inhuman thing take countless lives, including people he's cared about. He doesn't believe them to be heroes, and he doesn't care. The entire purpose is just to ensure that in the end, humanity is what survives the war. He knows it's a tragedy, but for one who believes that tragedy can't be fully avoided, this is a solution that will at least save some
Luxu accepts this answer and leaves, but behind his back the Master muses on what Luxu, the traitor, needs to do. Luxu was the traitor from the lost page the entire time, given a role to take him out of the infighting so that his identity as the traitor wouldn't be discovered (or at least, that's how it seems to me considering that he needed the Foretellers to fear and doubt to attract Darkness to them)
Scene 2: Fleeing Daybreak Town
We now cut to the real Daybreak Town in the present, where Lauriam, Elrena, Ventus, and Brain have just emerged from the Data Daybreak Town into the real-world version of the lifeboat room. Daybreak Town is breaking down around them, about to be fully consumed by the aftermath of the Keyblade War which had been temporarily staved off while the Data simulation was running
Brain is attempting to enact his plan to extract all of the Dandelions from Data Daybreak Town and bring them into the real world, but he's worried that there won't be enough time to actually do it before the simulation shuts down and the real Daybreak Town is destroyed. The only thing he has time to do is get their three remaining friends (Ephemer, Skuld, and Player) out to the real world, and the only way that he can think to do this is to send Lauriam, Elrena, and Ven away to the future and to safety and then send the remaining lifeboats back into the datascape so that there's enough for the three trapped in there to use
Brain is willing to stay behind to man this operation, but he wants to ensure that at least one of the true Union Leaders (Lauriam) manages to live on in case things go wrong and save as many of them as he can, so those going to the future must be sent first. Lauriam, etching his mission to finally find Strelitzia (or even just her data) into his heart, departs with Elrena and Ven. Once they're gone, however, Brain notices someone enter the room and turns to find Luxu approaching him
Scene 3: Those Trapped in Data
We now cut to Player, Ephemer, and Skuld in the data version of the lifeboat room, contemplating how the others are doing. Just as they muse about how quiet the end of this world feels, Player turns to find that four of the remaining six Darknesses have entered the room (presumably the other two are the one sealed in Ven and the one that Luxu was fighting in the real world and who helped Maleficent, who seems to be gone by the time Brain and the others end up back in the real world)
The Darknesses, it seems, have come to politely ask the gang to open up a way out of the Data Daybreak Town for them, so that they can spread to other worlds. They don't want to fight, and obviously even if they did they'd win, so just open a gate for them to escape with already. They could always just take over Ephemer's friends and force him to watch as they rip them away until he complies
Ephemer mocks this and moves in to attack, but before he fully commits he whispers his plan to Player: he and Skuld will hold them off to buy time for Player to get into the last pod and run. To his shock, however, Player begins mimicking Darkness's speaking patterns and then goes to attack their friends. It seems that Darkness has done to Player what they did to Ven, taking them over and forcing them to act out. Player is now their bargaining chip; they'll only give Player back if Ephemer opens the gate. And since Darkness can only be defeated if it has a body, their options are to give in or destroy the possessed Player
This initiates the final boss fight against Ephemer and Skuld, Player's dearest friends who have been with them since before the war
And the duo prove no match for the Darkness-possessed Player, who taunts them about not just leaving when they had the chance. Ephemer begs his friend to stop as Player goes in to finish off Skuld, and in his desperation to protect one friend, he opens up the portal to Game Central Station and forces his fallen friend though. As it closes, Ephemer breaks down in tears, muttering apologies to the friend that he was unable to save
Scene 4: Luxu and Brain
We cut back to where we left off in Scene 2, with Luxu confronting Brain in the real lifeboat room. He introduces himself, and Brain is taken aback that one of the missing masters has finally returned. Luxu asks Brain if he's a Union Leader, and when Brain confirms that he is, Luxu then gestures to the missing pods and asks where the others are. Brain tells him that one escaped, and the other two are still trapped in the data. Luxu's confused; there should be five Union Leaders, but Brain only listed four. He asks what happened to the fifth, and Brain confirms that they were struck down
Luxu assumes that Brain is going to make his escape, but Brain denies this. They have a friend who he calls a Dandelion (even though Player did not consider themself one) who is trapped alongside the other two Union Leaders, and he intends to get all three out no matter what. Furthermore, Brain has no intention of using one of the real lifeboats. Rather, he has resigned himself to staying behind in the past and finding some way to survive the end of the world to eventually extract the rest of the Dandelions from the data as well, and wake them from their data sleep
Luxu, however, has some bad news. While normally that would be true, the Data Daybreak Town was designed to lock Darkness away. Once it's locked up, nothing will ever be able to get out of it again. If anything could get out, then Darkness would as well. It was meant to be a grave for an intangible being
Not only that, but Luxu expresses doubt that Brain has properly prepared for his friends who use the lifeboats to awaken in the future. What does Brain plan to use for mediums? Who are the memories going to come from? Brain doesn't have an answer, but he has to do this and he's willing to put his life on the line for it
This seems to earn Luxu's respect
Scene 5: The Two Who Remain
We now resume with Ephemer and Skuld in the data lifeboat room, having just sealed Player away. The two real pods that weren't used yet are digitized and sent to Ephemer and Skuld to use for their escape. Ephemer picks up the weakened Skuld and places her in a lifeboat, then looks forlornly over to the one on the other side of the room. The one meant for Player. Then he reclines back into his own pod and the two leave the Data Daybreak Town
Scene 6: "You're So Gullible"
We now join Player inside of the familiar tunnel that joined the Data Daybreak Town to Game Central Station
The four Darknesses swarm around Player, commending them for goading Ephemer into being desperate enough to open up a gateway for them, implying that Player was at least partially in control by the end of the fight. In a bizarre way, they seem to be trying to help Player as they warn them they must cast off their body if they don't want to be destroyed by the simulation shutting down
Player laughs
They ask if Darkness is always this easy to trick. After all, it can't go anywhere without a Keyblade and without a body it can't use one, either, which is why it needed one of them to open a path for it. Player turns, and locks the end of the pathway that leads to Game Central Station. And since Ephemer sealed the Data Daybreak Town end when he cast Player and the Darknesses through the portal, all five of them are now trapped in this space between worlds on the cusp of shutting down along with Data Daybreak Town. This was Player's plan all along, opening their heart up just enough for the four Darknesses to try and use them as a host and then provoking their friends into sealing them away and taking Darkness with them
Darkness flies into an anger-fueled frenzy but is unable to do anything to escape. Player collapses, and Chirithy appears. Petting them much like they did during the Keyblade War, Player apologizes for forcing Chirithy to be sealed away with them since their hearts are bound. Chirithy shakes their head, signaling that they don't hold it against Player, and the two go in for a final hug and are bathed in light
Scene 7: The Destruction of Daybreak Town
Back in the real lifeboat room again, Ephemer and Skuld emerge and are met with blaring sirens signaling that the world is at its end. The other are gone, including Brain and Luxu, and the two have no idea what happened to them (or that Luxu was involved). They simply hope that they made it out safely, and decide to check outside just to see what's going on
They're met with the destruction of Daybreak Town. Smoke is everywhere, the sky is red, and pieces of debris are being drawn into a swirling dark orb in the sky not unlike the destruction of Destiny Islands from KH1. Ephemer decides that they need to leave, now, and Skuld muses about how it takes a lot of time and effort to build something, but none at all to destroy. The two retreat back into the lifeboat room to make their exit
Scene 8: The Master's Plans
We now cut to our final continuation of the flashback of Master of Masters' talk with Darkness from before he disappeared
Darkness muses that it truly does not understand the Master of Masters at all. The Master asks if it wants to, and Darkness replies with a very clinical, "Yes, understanding your enemy is important." The Master muses if it means all of the Darknesses or just the one who is speaking, and Darkness states that it's speaking for all of them
The Master muses for a bit about how small worlds are easy to control. If this small world simply expands gradually over time, then eventually there will become parts of it that the light can't reach, but Darkness will have free reign over anywhere it pleases (much like real light can only shine so far, and anywhere it doesn't reach is filled with shadow). This skews everything in Darkness's favor when vying for control and is precisely what would happen if the world of the Age of Fairtytales continued to expand
Darkness simply notes that of course it will always be around, that's what "friends" do, but the Master says that sometimes he'd like to be left alone. And so, to get away from Darkness, he plans to flee to a world that Darkness does not know about. One where neither Darkness nor Light can be controlled. Darkness asks what this world is, and the Master says that humanity, even if their lives end, want to believe in a world that exists for them in the future. For him, this is a world of fiction and imagination. This implies that he plans to flee into the world of Quadratum, the fictional world that we learned about in Melody of Memory that exists on the other side of the "real world"
Darkness is clearly lost as it asks if he's talking about the Data World. The Master simply says that even if it started out as fiction, you can make it real. But he won't explain any more. After all, the point is that this is a world that Darkness doesn't know about. It cannot reach it, even if it tried
Of note is that he mimics what the illusory Xehanort remarks about Sora in Melody of Memory by calling this a place where neither your "eyes nor voice" can reach, much like Sora's voice could not reach Kairi in The Final World from Quadratum. His final description of it is as "a world of [symbol]." It's unclear if this is an actual term that is unpronounceable and unspeakable in-universe, or if this is simply done to censor the word for the players
Scene 9: Goodbye
We once again return to the real lifeboat room amidst the destruction of Daybreak Town. As she gets into her pod, Skuld starts sobbing and thanks Ephemer through her tears for staying with her until the end. Ephemer tells her that she can't give up until it's all over. As he goes into his pod, he flashes back to all of the time that he spent with Player, and mutters their name through his tears as their pods close and the room caves in around them
Scene 10: Where Do Dream Eaters Come From?
Player and Chirithy are floating in a white void alongside all of the other Dandelions that were trapped in the Data Daybreak Town and their Chirithies. Some of them are familiar faces, like the "My friends aren't my power" kid and the squad of four kids that Player had befriended and their ex-teammate. As Player awakens, they watch these sleeping Dandelions revert to the forms of hearts that are then eaten by those Chirithies, transforming them into the Spirits seen in Dream Drop Distance
Player's Chirithy explains that because Chirithies are bonded to their Keyblade wielder's heart, they take on a state to match their wielder. If the wielder dies, so do they. And if the wielder falls into a deep sleep, they take on a stronger form to protect it
Contrary to what the fandom is saying, NO, Spirits aren't dead Keykids. Rather, the Chirithies are simply taking their sleeping hearts into their bodies and transforming into a stronger form to keep them safe. This is only my assumption, but I would assume that this is possible since they don't technically have bodies anyway, having been digitized. Therefore, their body-less hearts would otherwise have been sent directly to sleep with no protection, hence the Chirithies moving in
Now, this still doesn't make sense regarding Dream Drop Distance by overriding the lore that all Dream Eaters are simply the form that Darkness takes in Sleeping Worlds, which made sense from a metaphorical perspective of "you sleep at night which is dark, so dreams are darkness and both good and bad dreams are made of the same stuff." And also you can totally craft Spirits and have them explode if they take too much damage, all with zero indication that a keykid heart was involved in the creation process or released on destruction, but whatever, let's just move on
Player asks if this is what will happen to them and their Chirithy, and Chirithy responds that they have a choice. If Player doesn't want to go to sleep, then their heart will be broken down and reconstructed as an entirely new heart to live a new life
Smash cut to an unfamiliar town where a woman in purple with black hair and silver eyes hand over what is obviously a baby Xehanort to a hunched figure in a blue cloak, holding a cane. She sobs. Cut again to the figure in blue holding baby Xehanort standing on Destiny Islands' play island. Cut once more and Xehanort is now his teenage self from Dark Road on the beach of the play island. The figure in blue is standing on the ledge behind him, and as Xehanort stands up to walk to the shoreline, the figure collapses onto the ground. Xehanort does not notice this. Two more cuts, this time to the day that Xehanort found himself in Scala ad Caelum and a chess match with Eraqus
We return to Player, who closes their eyes peacefully and decided to move on to another life. Chirithy is confused, but goes in for a final hug as both of them dissolve into light, Player's heart flying off into the white void
The implication of all of this being that not only did Player reincarnate as Xehanort, introducing reincarnation into a series that it has never been a part of and overcomplicating the lore even worse, but that Xehanort isn't even from Destiny Islands in the first place, invalidating nearly all of his character motivation from the series
This is so bad that it deserves its own post though, so we're moving on
Credits Roll: Scenes From the Game Play Over It
Post Credits: Aftermath
We find our scene in a vast expanse of water, littered with debris. A lone lifeboat floats amongst the rubble. Some houses from Daybreak Town can be seen partially submerged, setting this after its destruction. The lifeboat comes to a stop and opens up, revealing Ephemer's silhouette. He looks around
It's unclear why Ephemer seems to have landed so far back in the past compared to the others, though some people have noted that he also doesn't appear to have lost his body, so it could be that his pod simply didn't activate (note how we only saw it close, not disappear into light like Lauriam and crew's) and that Ephemer didn't time travel at all but simply rode out the destruction of Daybreak Town inside the lifeboat
We see a rendition of the scene from KH2 where Diablo the raven brings Maleficent's cloak to the three fairies and she revives, showing that this scene was, indeed, her coming back from her time travel adventure
Lauriam wakes up in the field of flowers from Dwarf Woodlands, and looks confused and startled as a white butterfly flits about him. The flowers clearly a nod to his element among the Organization
Elrena is shown still unconscious along the cliffs that lead to Maleficent's castle in Enchanted Dominion. Much like Lauriam, her element is represented in the thunderstorm that rages around her
Ventus is shown unconscious in the Keyblade Graveyard, and a silhouette approaches him. Many believe this to be Xehanort finding him, though as of now the figure's identity is unconfirmed
We cut to a scene of Luxu dragging the black box behind him in the Keyblade Graveyard, much like a certain scene from the end of Back Cover. However, this time the scene continues and he removes his hood to reveal Brain's face. The implication here is that after Scene 4 above, Luxu took Brain's body as the first of many that he would steal to prolong his own life. This is why neither of them are seen when Ephemer and Skuld emerge from the datascape; Luxu has already taken Brain's body for his own and made his escape to survive the destruction of the world with the black box
We get a title card, but are treated to one final scene. Brain wakes up (sans hat) in the same town that we saw baby Xehanort being given away in. A hooded figure in strange garb arrives, holding Brain's hat, and asks if he is Brain. At Brain's confirmation, the figure returns the hat and introduces themself as Sigurd (a Norse mythology name much like the other Scala ad Caelum characters so far). They seem to have been waiting for Brain and report that they found him into an earpiece of sorts
Brain is understandably confused, and Sigurd explains that they know of the Brain who escaped Daybreak Town's destruction and that he would appear in this spot on this day. Brain panics, realizing that he doesn't know where any of his seven other friends are and if they made it to safety. Sigurd tells Brain that he's the only one who made it to this spot. Brain, utterly crushed that all of his friends have seemingly perished, listlessly follows Sigurd as Sigurd leads him to their headquarters
On the way there, however, something catches Brain's eye. He sprints to the fountain and looks up at something that's not in the frame in shock. Sigurd explains that this is a statue of this town, Scala ad Caelum’s founder (so Xehanort's actually from Scala...) and the first ever Keyblade Master, Master Ephemer. The camera pans up to show the statue of Ephemer as we know him holding the Master Keeper Keyblade that he got from Brain
Brain is overcome with emotions, and through his tears states that he knows exactly who that is. That's his best friend, and he's so proud of him for rebuilding
This is just my speculation, but what I believe is going on in the final scene with Brain is that when Luxu took his body, he ejected Brain's heart from it. A lifeboat wasn't used up, so Luxu must have either used time travel on his own to send Brain's heart to the future or simply left Brain's heart stranded and waiting in the ruins of Daybreak Town. This would let Luxu have his body, but Brain's stranded heart could make a new one with the proper resources in the future like the other hearts sent via the pods. That's what I think the focus on the hat is about. Luxu is shown without it after he takes Brain's body, and Sigurd has it. So my assumption would be that the hat was the medium used to bring Brain's body back like Maleficent's cloak was for her. It’s possible that Luxu set this up, but I can’t confirm. As for the memories, I couldn't say
I would also speculate that this scene takes place a decent amount of time before Dark Road, since Eraqus has been implied to be a descendant of Brain due to their similar looks. If Brain is in Scala ad Caelum in the past, then he could easily be the grandfather that Eraqus mentioned
My final bit of speculation is that the reason Sigurd and crew know who Brain is is because Ephemer, the founder of Scala ad Caelum and the inheritor of the Book of Prophecies, likely saw when Brain would emerge and set up a system to take care of him, knowing that he wouldn't survive to see him again
Apologies for the length, the ending was 40 minutes long. But, hopefully, I've made it clear which scenes are connected to which and what is actually happening. If it wasn't actually clear, there's two flashback sequences involving the Master of Masters that take place before KHx, the scenes in the data and real lifeboat rooms are running concurrently with each other (Brain and Luxu are having their conversation at the same time as Player is being possessed by the Darknesses, etc.) and everything else is roughly chronological with the exception of the scenes where Maleficent, Lauriam, Elrena, and Ven are revived after time traveling. Lauriam, Elrena, and Ven's scenes all must take place sometime before or around BBS (Lauriam and Elrena for their ages to match up, Ven because he's in BBS). Maleficent's is at the beginning of KH2
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soniclozdplove · 2 years
I wonder what would have happened if, upon awakening in KH3, Ventus started remembering bits and pieces of the Keyblade War. Like, presumably he didn’t remember before due to the trauma/damage to his heart inflicted both due to the events of the KHUx and BBS. Well, he’s spent the past 15 years in a coma for the express purpose of healing his shattered heart, so I don’t see why he can’t start remembering the Keyblade War.
During the battles in the Keyblade Graveyard maybe he did have flashbacks and such while fighting but couldn’t focus on them because he was in the middle of a battle, maybe Marluxia and Larxene appearance and subsequent death brings a sense of familiarity and terrible grief for him as he unknowingly mourns the loss of the only two other known survivors of the Keyblade War (as far as he’d be aware). The Union call that saved them from the Heartless, maybe he somehow knew what that was and how it happened, but couldn’t understand how he knows that or why it was significant. Maybe in the days after he starts having terrible nightmares about what happened to Streletzia or Darkness consuming his home twice over.
Maybe he starts remembering… without ever realizing just what he was remembering until much later when his true past starts slapping everyone in the face and the existence and eventual fate of all the Dandelions becomes relevant, starting with Steletzia and Ventus. A fun idea I have would be if they discovered the Dandelions existed, possibly by searching the ruins of Caelum while searching for clues about Sora’s disappearance… only to stumble upon clues about a previously unknown period of time between the end of the Keyblade War and the end of the Age of Fairytales, where tales of a group of Keyblade Weilders who survived the war attempt to rebuild only for Darkness to find them and consume them once more, leaving them with little choice but to flee once more. This time through time itself, giving them and origin point for Xehanort’s ability to time travel. Maybe they don’t realize at first that Ventus is one of the Lights who traveled through time!
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drazavonia · 3 years
Beyond the Memory
Nobodies, Replicas, Toys and Fictional Characters 
A Nobody is all that's leftover after the person's heart is consumed by it's darkness and transformed into a Heartless. 
A vessel filled with memories. 
Memories & A Mind of Their Own
Memories are the entirety of a person's character. Memories are the concepts of someone's life. You can't touch or necessarily manifest memories without a conduit such as writing, drawing, talking and action. 
However, in certain realms that allow the conceptual to become real, memories only need the vessel as the conduit to be actualized. 
In other words, Nobodies and Replicas who are just vessels with memories that shouldn't exist but somehow do outside the natural harmony of the realm of light are no different than humans except they can actualize their memories into powers and abilities.  
Dreams take form in Sleeping Worlds
Nonexistence takes form in between that which governs the worlds, Light and Darkness. 
Data takes form in the Datascape.
Memories encapsulate all of the above. So the concepts of memories are given form from all over, with the appropriate conduit.
Seeing is Believing
Memories and experiences, or just living ignites the birth or rebirth of hearts in Nobodies. 
In the case of toys, replicas and figments within the dream, acknowledging their existence, grants them existence. The toys move on their own thanks to Andy's imagination, Xion gains a face and heart thanks to Roxas and Axel, as well as the TWEWY characters being made whole by Joshua, Sora and Riku. 
Re:Birth of Another 
Xemnas & Org XIII
Using Kingdom Hearts made of the hearts of those fallen to darkness, to replace the regrown hearts of the Organization members. (Replace them with a piece of Xehanort/Ansem's heart)
M.O.M & The Light of the Past 
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While Time-Traveling, the Master traversed to the Final World to find the hearts of those still holding on (Ephemer and Brain) and rebirth them through the Fictional characters inhabiting Quadratum (Yozora and Magia). 
(Ephemer and Brain might have been the first two of the Seven Crowns?)
The Foretellers, Strelitzia and Ventus were supposed to be a part of those reborn through Fictional characters, but I believe Luxu and Sora intercepted their future rebirth. I think the True Dandelion was Strelitzia's heart Luxu retrieved from the Final World combined with her data from Daybreak Town, sent to the future to take Ava's place in case she actually died unlike the other Foretellers. Luxu most likely did the same thing with the Foretellers (in the final secret report, Luxu states the Lost Masters will awaken).
Sora vs Yozora
The True King/Savior 
The Master wants to save everyone within the Realm of Light and the sacrifices/those lost to the darkness.
Yozora was told to save Sora.
Sora saved the Realm of Light three times and saved all of the guardians of light.
Through his Gazing Eye, the Master saw Sora was going to disappear and possibly end up in Unreality.
The Master had Yozora go to save Sora.
Because of how Yozora "saves" people, this would wind up in a battle between Sora and Yozora. 
The Master of Masters orchestrated the meeting between Sora and Yozora to decide who was going to be his Savior or the VERUM REX (True King).
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By that proxy, this leads me to believe the ending where Sora is victorious is the true ending. Sora will be the Savior who helps the Master save all of those lost to darkness. I think this is backed up in the KH3 opening.
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If the KH3 opening is anything to go off, Sora is somehow going to summon Kingdom Hearts (he did inherit the X-blade). However, he opens it in the Final World. The color is also the same as that of Xemnas' artificial Kingdom Hearts. I think the Master is going to somehow work with Sora to construct an artificial Kingdom Hearts using the hearts of those in the Final World. This is why the Master makes a Kingdom Hearts shape within the moon and also why Sora is shown summoning Kingdom Hearts in the Final World. It will act as both an aggregate for hearts and a gateway for Sora, his friends and The Master to traverse between the two sides of Reality.
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