#[a new kind of echidna: shade]
galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
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“What is a ‘homie’, and why would I kiss them goodnight?”
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angelkitty54 · 4 months
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Gasp! What's this? Even more Sonic fankid design even tho I have like half a dozen AUs already!? IDK man, I just like designing characters I guess! :P
Anyways, I learned some facts about hedgehogs recently and apparently during their mating season hedgehogs often take on several mates at a time, and it's not uncommon for a single litter of hoglets to have different fathers. Thus this AU spawned into being! Basically, after an odd out of season heat, Sonic realises his eggo is preggo and has to backtrack to figure who the potential fathers/mothers might be.
Also should mention that Sonadow twins Tempo and Harmony, are also part of this litter too. Look, I drew five kids and ran out of steam. If ya can't tell by the lack of shading, I just wanted this drawing to be done. I'll try to get round to drawing them later, maybe when I don't have four other half-finished pieces to be doing...
Anyways about the kids!
Amber the Echidna: Contrary to what ya might be thinking, Knuckles is not her dad. She came as a surprise to everyone as Sonic knew for a fact he hadn't been with Knuckles at the time, and didn't know of any other echidnas. They would later learn that she was actually brought into existence by the Master Emerald itself. During their last epic battle with Eggman, Sonic used it power up and it seized the opportunity to, well, get him pregnant. This, it turns out, is also what set off his heat, causing this whole mess. No one is really sure why the Master Emerald did this, but there is an awareness that Amber probably has some kind of Magical Destiny ahead of her.
Sparx the Tenrec: The result of a drunken one night stand. Coincidentally, she was conceived on the same night as Cinder, during a victory party hosted by the Restoration. Sonic does not remember much of this night as he may have partied a little bit too hard. He has vague flashes of an angry make-out session with Surge tho, the next clearest thing being he waking up in bed between Silver and Blaze. Surge was very in denial that the whole thing had happened and did not really take the news she'd had a kid with Sonic very well... Sparx is very close with Sonic and has an up and down relationship with her mum.
Cinder the Cat: Silver and Blaze are in a committed relationship, but fully accept Cinder as their kid. He doesn't really find it that weird that his mum and bio dad aren't together, nor finds Silver's presence in his life disagreeable. He gets to have an extra parent after all. It was admittedly a bit weird for the parents at first, but they made it work. Tho Sonic is still a little salty that he can't remember the details of what he thinks must have been a really hot threesome...
Trick the Wolf: Sonic just happen to run into Gadget and, tbh, both were kinda surprised that they ended up in bed together. Sonic had not been aware he was in heat during all this time and this encounter was the first to clue him in that something might have been up. Tho he wouldn't put the pieces together until much later. They were originally called "Trixie" but later changed it to "Trick" to sound more gender neutral after coming out as gender fluid.
Arthur Acorn: Sonic and Sally had a history, so when they happen to meet up and fell into to bed together it wasn't really all that out of the ordinary. Her parents very much do not approve of the fact Sally had a child out of wedlock, and that it's with Sonic of all people, AND that said child has multiple half-siblings to boot! Despite this, they can't help but love Arthur. It's very hard for people not too, he's just got so much rizz, even as a baby.
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gayemeralds · 2 years
not to act like silver on anon but. How do u think sonic would be. 15 years in the future? like one of those future aus—how do u imagine the sonic characters to be?
for my favorite character, amy, i see her being a teacher/mentor! she’s a great leader and leaves huge impacts on ppl (looking at u silver and shadow). that’s my reasoning at least ^^
hm. okay so i do have a future au (my chaos champion timeline) but. sonic is dead by 18 in that future. and that kind of fucks everyone up for a while.
if sonic was alive, i think he wouldn’t be too much different from now. i kind of imagine him still going solo, but he’d probably end up accidentally acquiring a side kick/mentorship. like next generation heroes would tag along and Sonic’s like oh. okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also he would be so op by that point i sort of imagine him as like. one punch man and he'd accidentally get roped into mentoring his own genos
for the chaos champion timeline, the character's futures go like this...
sonic: dead. rip.
tails: REALLY fucked up by sonic's death for a bit. sort of closes himself off from his friends until eggman finally dies. goes on a multi-year long treasure hunting trip with knuckles and amy and eventually settles into his title as a prodigy, studying the mechanics and theories of time travel (and incidentally, becoming the inspiration for silver to time travel) and also developing new technologies. lives a SUPER long time.
amy: probably ends up opening a baking shop with vanilla for a bit before going treasure hunting with knuckles and rouge. the three of them explore the echidna culture left behind across the world and also just want to have some fun adventures.
knuckles: sonic chronicles occurs, and the master emerald (and all chaos emeralds/chaos energy) is destroyed by the end of the chaos champion timeline, so knuckles is free to explore and roam the world as much as he wants. after he sets up a successful echidna colony on angle island (which no longer floats, instead settled on top of the ocean) with shade, he cons rouge into searching for more information on his clan's history, since shade and her people forgot a large chunk due to ix's refusal to acknowledge their messier history. amy joins in after becoming restless with her bakery. they all basically become archeologists.
rouge: joins knuckles and amy on globetrotting adventures. she's learned to trust people a LOT more than where she is now, though she can still be a bit stingy. amy, knuckles, and her grow to be really close friends. rouge doesn't work with g.u.n. anymore and often steals from them just for fun.
the chaotix: not too much different. the agency sticks around for a LONG time. cream eventually joins in, and rounds out their operation with her charm and technical prowess. they get a bazillion offers every year for really big adventures (helping the president, helping soleanna, etc) but always decline. they just want to help the little guy ;)
cream: becomes inspired by tails and sonic and wants to be a real hero. spends some time being tails's apprentice until she grows a bit restless. she joins the chaotix by the time she's a preteen and helps them with hacking. as a cute little girl, she's also super fun to use for disguises. gemerl is often roped into their shenanigans, but spends most of his time with vanilla running a bakery.
omega: probably dead by the time fifteen years roll around. omega hates eggman with a passion, and wants to destroy all of his robots. over time, omega also becomes aware of the fact that there's an animal powering his battery. the flickie gave him the ability to turn away from eggman, so enthralled in hate and malice after being turned into a battery, that omega absorbed part of its rage. after eggman dies and all of his robots have been taken care of, omega eventually deactivates himself to free the flickie inside of him.
shadow: RETIRED. there's not too many world threatening events going on, so he spends most of his days wandering around the world, enjoying the world maria always wanted to visit, and finally coming to terms with the beauty humanity has to offer. occasionally helps out the chaotix, mostly because he can't say no to cream.
eggman: dies not very long after sonic. there's no point in trying to conquer the world when the person who's pushed him to do better, think bigger, go farther, isn't around anymore. it's boring without him. he stages one last grand world takeover which tails, amy, and knuckles defeat as a sort of last hurrah. eggman is taken into custody and executed by g.u.n. is he really gone for good? well, that's another story
metal sonic: was put into stasis before sonic and eggman died, and is accidentally released about three years too late. metal sonic attempts to conquer the world, trying to get sonic to show his face, but when sonic proves to be gone for good, metal sonic becomes so distraught he tries to destroy the world. tails, amy, and knuckles manage to take him down, and metal eventually sacrifices himself to save their lives, annoyed that he only won against sonic by default, and concluded that having a more spectacular end than sonic was the only way for him to win.
blaze: becomes queen of her dimension. tails and her eventually develop a way to stabilize inter-dimensional travel between them, and are working on ways to dive deeper into the multi-verse.
silver: turns out, saving the world and creating a stabilized future erased him from existence. time travel is a bit wonky, however, so silver lives! he enjoys the rest of his days in the future, catching up on all the history he's missed, and taking as many classes as he can. he becomes a physicist.
eggman nega: when it's revealed that sonic destroys the world, and not eggman, nega gives up on being evil and becomes a professor at the university of spagonia. he tries to befriend silver to varying degrees of success.
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carmarriage · 1 year
So what is Shade Like? How would you picture them getting together?
by jove being asked about my sonic shipping opinions is the best thing that has happened to me all year. Yippee!!
some context on the sonic chronicles story: the knuckles clan (tikal's tribe from sa1) was at war with the nocturnus clan, which was another more technologically advanced echidna tribe that wanted to Do A Conquest or something along those lines. i think sonic chronicles implies that's the reason for the flashback events of sa1. so the knuckles clan is wiped out by chaos, and shortly afterward the nocturnus clan is thrown into interdimensional space jail (?) by an interdimensional space god (?) and they use the alien technology there to get even more technologically advanced. they manage to find a way back to mobius, but time in the interdimensional space jail flows differently, so though they were only in there for some nebulous few years, 4,000+ years passed in the regular world. it's stupid and it's awesome. i haven't played this game in many years so i had to skim the wiki page for a refresher lol
shade is part of the nocturnus clan, she's like an assassin type warrior lady that works as the big bad's blindly devoted right hand man for the first half of the game, then gets betrayed and swaps sides to join the good guys. she's pretty much what you would expect for that kind of archetype, but since it's one of my favorites (ESPECIALLY when done with female characters <3 women's wrongs etc etc) i like her a lot even if the rest of the game isn't very good. because of the ken penders lawsuit (apparently this game riffs pretty hard on some concepts from the archie comics, but i haven't read those so iunno) none of this is canon anymore and we will never see shade ever again. sadge. (apparently ken penders thinks he owns her now and is making her into nfts. this is the worst timeline)
SO my reasoning for being #1 tikade crusader: technically shade and tikal were born/alive at the same time and it's very likely that at least shade knew of tikal, since she's the daughter of the chief of the clan they're currently at war with. it's got some real good romeo & juliet spice to it. i think the contrasts between their characters (calculating warrior on the cusp of turning into a living weapon vs peaceful pacifist who just wants to live in harmony) is sauurrrr good. narrative foils and all that. and the inherent tragedy of it too!! knowing that tikal is going to seal herself in the master emerald!! and shade is going to slip away thousands of years into the future!! no matter what it'll always end the same way!!
many many years ago i had this fanfic concept in my head where shade is sent to assassinate/kidnap tikal for political reasons, but tikal manages to talk her out of it and the two of them bond and begin to meet in secret, and their romance blossoms from there. this is pretty much still the definitive "how it would happen" scenario for me. i like to think their relationship would help them work through the uncertainty in both of their lives and situations and give them a new perspective on what they want for themselves and what they want their futures to be like. it'd be cute if their attitudes influenced each other, like shade deciding she wants to abandon her life of violence and run away with tikal, while tikal decides she wants to stay and fight (figuratively anyway) their circumstances so they can be together.
once the whole thing with perfect chaos goes down, i don't think shade would've been present so she wouldn't know what tikal had done and where she is, and only thinks she died along with everyone else, which is SUCH good drama. i like to think the grief of losing the woman she loved would've caused shade to regress and further entrenched her into the person she is during sonic chronicles, unflinchingly loyal to ix and the nocturne clan, and she would've tried to forget about her time with tikal and just focus on her mission. yum
i still really like this concept.... i'm not good at writing fic but maybe i'll try to do a little comic about it someday. this is all like 2 steps removed from canon in my brain and i need everyone to see them the way that i do because there's so much potential here...... but ya that's why i like tikade
(hey so while writing this i read through tikal's wiki page and apparently she's ALIVE now?? at the end of sa1?? which is funny because all this time i thought she straight up died. like after she reunited wwith chaos her spirit was at rest or some shit. but that's kinda awesome because at the end of sonic chronicles shade is also back on mobius so they could have a reunion, LOVE WINS!!!!)
thank you for reading my post :)
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twilightcaged-a · 6 years
i know it wasn’t an ability she had in the game but honestly,, shade can definitely glide with her quills. they’re long and thick enough that if she wasn’t wearing that headband, if she let them drape down, she could easily use them to glide the way knuckles does.
i honestly love the idea of knuckles showing her how tbh. them exchanging knowledge and fighting techniques is just really cool i feel like they could really learn a lot from each other. 
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galaxies-forbidden · 2 years
[ @hybridafterdark​ | I blame you.]
The forbidden ‘Peace of Cake’. These items are rarely spoken of, but it is said, that if you tap the cake, it will lead to world-wide/innermost peace.
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Crossing Ken Penders Name Out Of The Credits.
just found out that Ken Penders is apparently suing again,
and this time it has to do with Paramount’s Second Sonic Movie.
 I have been thinking about crossing his name out of one of the newer fan arts I did but after hearing about this new information, I’m going to put it on my to do list where I will do it around this month.
we all know the whole Archie Sonic The Hedgehog series
and the whole Shade The Echidna/Sonic Chronicles The Dark Brotherhood incident/cases....
well it’s happening again it would seem, but this time it has to do with Paramount’s Movie.
hopefully everything will work out and those who had allowed Ken Penders to win the last cases before, will finally wake up and realize what he is doing now isn’t right, and the last time it happen before, wasn’t right either.
 some fans can still love his characters and the alternate counterparts from the Archie Sonic Timeline, but not him very much...I mean don’t know how many would still be big fans of him.
I don’t believe Ken Penders has a good enough case, and it is possible he is gonna make a lot of fans who had supported him before, really mad.
I might not be able to cross out all the credits I gave to him before in fan work,
but after finding out about him suing Paramount, I believe I made up my mind and I will be editing one of the fan arts and credits by crossing out his name.
it’s okay that not everyone agrees about my deciding to cross out his name from the credits, and he just lost possibly what was left of some respect and admiration some fans had for him.
I no longer see him as a victim...or someone who jump to the wrong conclusions over a misunderstandings.
I know Scott Cawthon went through some bad stuff before, because he trusted some people who weren’t who they said they were, and they end up doing the opposite of what they said they had “stood for” which I think made a lot people mad at him.
if it is all true, that the ones that Scott trusted before were just two-faced shisno who said they were for LGBTQ, but lied and really weren’t.
I think I should try to look up that info again...I hope he’s doing okay.
hopefully he had learned to never trust those liars again, and both him and his family stays safe.
what is happening with Ken Penders, is not a misunderstanding.
even if he seems to think he owns the rights to the Echidnas from Sonic The Hedgehog’s World, he really doesn’t.
I don’t believe he has any right to Scourge, because he didn’t redesign him to be Scourge The Hedgehog, so he shouldn’t be allowed to use the character.
only the fans should be allowed to use Scourge in Fanon work after the whole Super Genesis Wave.
and hopefully IDW will get the rights to Scourge The Hedgehog, which can also mean that he can appear in both IDW Canon & Fanon, as well as appear in a future Sega game.
I hope at least some can agree that what is happening now that has to do with Ken Penders, is really messed up.
even if we all don’t have to agree about the same things, like a show or movie or video game or fan theories.
but I think some can agree that Penders has crossed a line when he went after Paramount’s Sonic Movie 2. 
we the fans are not going to take it, which is why one of the tags for this is “We’re Not Gonna Take It”, that old song is pretty good.
even if some fans could possibly be fully on Penders side, ya can’t force them to see reason and they will have to try to see the truth themselves.
anyway there is another post I am going to do next after this,
but I will wait maybe a hour or so...because I kind of want to do some other stuff before then, like play video games and also check out some stuff on here.
once again, I plan to do some editing that has to do with crossing out Ken Penders   name, I might not be able to do it for all the fan work that has him in the credits, but I’m going to do my best with editing some of them.               
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zippityzap · 3 years
Sonic Tarot Card Project: explanations for character picks
Recently I completed a summer-long project where I created Sonic themed versions of the tarot major acana. I put a lot of research and thought into what characters to assign to which cards, and I wanted to explain my rationale behind each one! (Everything’s under the read more cut because this is a very long post!)
To start off, let me explain why I did this project in the first place. This summer I watched Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure for the first time, and in Part 3, Stardust Crusaders, the majority of the stand abilities are named after the tarot major arcana. Thanks to cultural osmosis I vaguely knew the meanings of a few of the cards and I realised that one of the characters suited his assigned card pretty well. I was curious if this matched anyone else and so once I finished watching that part, I did research on tarot and found that yeah, a lot of them do match! That got me interested in tarot and since I like combining things I’m interested in, I decided to make Sonic versions of the cards.
I do want to note that while Jojo did inspire this project in a lot of ways, I tried not to let my character picks be influenced by Stardust Crusader characters, although there did end up being some picks that did coincidentally happen to match nicely anyway. Also, I’m not gonna lie, ever since picking these card choices I’ve been highly tempted to draw Sonic as Polnareff.
Anyway, on to my explanations for character choices!
0: The Fool (Charmy Bee)
The Fool represents innocence, spontaneity and recklessness. I believe Charmy’s happy and carefree nature, along with the simple fact that he’s essentially just a little kid who likes to have fun makes him a great fit for this card
1: The Magician (Infinite)
The Magician represents creation and strength, but also manipulation and narcissism, a good match for Infinite and the powers of the phantom ruby. (I was also very pleased to notice that the traditional art for the card has an infinity symbol- everything lined up very well!)
The Rider Waite version of the card also depicts a sword, a wand, a cup and a pentacle; the suits of the minor arcana. I have attempted to depict these with various objects from the Sonic series, namely Infinite’s sword from the IDW Forces prequel comic, the sceptre of darkness from '06, a chaos emerald, and a ring respectively.
2: The High Priestess (Princess Elise)
The High Priestess represents secrets, repression, and the unknown, which I believe fits with Elise’s initial desire to control her emotions and her sadness. (Admittedly this is one of the looser character/card connections for this project, but my two other picks for this card I felt were better suited to different cards)
3: The Empress (Vanilla the Rabbit)
The Empress represents nurturing, fertility and childbirth, all traits that I believe make this card a good pick for a kind, caring mother like Vanilla
4: The Emperor (Dr Eggman)
A card fitting for the leader of the Eggman Empire! The Emperor represents authority, power, and tyranny, all traits Dr Robotnik desires, if not possesses in many continuities.
5: The Hierophant (Espio the Chameleon)
The Hierophant represents wisdom and tradition, and in both upright and reversed forms it has large connections to the concept of social conformity. Perhaps I’m drawing more from the various comic versions of Espio, but he comes across to me as someone who is hyper-aware about how he presents himself.
Fun fact: a hierophant is essentially another word for a religious leader, although I’ve never seen it used outside the context of tarot. I assume the religious connection is the reason why in the OST of the Jojo part 3 anime, Kakyoin’s theme is called Noble Pope.
6: The Lovers (Amy Rose)
The Lovers represents love, communication, and passion; and Amy is certainly a character who wears her heart on her sleeve! She’s a good example of a character who I feel fits a number of different cards, however there are no other characters who suited The Lovers quite as much as her.
7: The Chariot (Sonic the Hedgehog)
The Chariot represents journeys, wanderlust as well as the ambition and willpower to achieve your goals, which I believe is the perfect match for Sonic’s adventurous and heroic spirit. This was one of the first cards I decided on and it’s probably the one I’d defend my interpretation of the most.
If you’re wondering why there’s dark and hero chao in the artwork too, it’s because the original card art depicts the titular chariot being pulled by black and white sphinxes, and this is my way of calling back to that.
8: Strength (Maria Robotnik)
This card pick might seem unusual at first if you take the word ‘strength’ at face value, however considering the original card art depicts a maiden peacefully taming a lion, perhaps the Strength card represents inner strength, courage and determination rather than physical strength. These are traits that I believe Maria possesses.
9: The Hermit (Knuckles the Echidna)
The Hermit signifies awareness and independence but when reversed can mean isolation and resignation, traits that parallel well with Knuckles and his duty to be the protector of the Master Emerald
10: The Wheel of Fortune (Big the Cat)
The Wheel of Fortune represents fate, karma and luck! This is admittedly a bit of a cheeky dig at myself since I’m awful at the Big fishing levels in SA1 and mostly got through them through luck. But that’s not to say the card doesn’t apply to Big himself! His frequent cameos do have a bit of a fate/destiny vibe to them and in IDW Big is lucky enough to manage to avoid the metal virus for quite a long time.
11: Justice (Vector the Crocodile)
The meaning of the Justice cards is… pretty much what it says on the tin: fairness and clarity. Of course the Team Chaotix detective agency represents this as a whole, but that trait especially shines through with Vector himself. He may be a little money oriented, but doing what is morally right always takes priority.
12: The Hanged Man (Shadow the Hedgehog)
The thing about Shadow is that he’s a fairly complex character which means there are a number of cards in the Major Arcana that match him well, but I knew early on when tackling this project that I wanted to assign Shadow to The Hanged Man. This card represents change, release and sacrifice, which all align well with the character arc that Shadow goes through during the course of SA2 and beyond.
13: Death (Tikal the Echidna and Chaos)
Despite the morbid name of the card, (and the admittedly macabre scene I’ve depicted) the Death card is not an inherently negative card to draw. Yes, it can mean endings and grief, but it can also mean letting go and new beginnings. The story that Tikal and Chaos go through in SA1, their anguish and how they later find peace, is something that I think pairs well with this particular card.
Fun fact: this is the only card in this project that has two significant characters on it rather than just one. I felt I needed both of them to be on the card in order to fully represent its meaning
14: Temperance (Blaze the Cat)
The Temperance card signifies balance, harmony and patience, which matches Blaze’s very poised and graceful demeanour. Admittedly I had a little bit of trouble deciding on a card for Blaze since the High Priestess and the Hierophant are also good matches for her.
15: The Devil (Rouge the Bat)
The Devil card represents temptation, seduction, and materialism and well… look, Rouge is one of my favourite Sonic characters, I’d be one of the first people to tell you that there’s a lot more to her than what initially appears, she is so much more complex than just sex appeal and a gemstone obsession. However, I felt there was no other character that matched the traits of this specific card better than Rouge, and so my choice was decided by that.
16: The Tower (E-123 Omega)
The Tower card represents a number of things; disruption, disasters, sudden changes etc, however the trait that made me believe that Omega would be the best selection for the card was violence.
17: The Star (Miles ‘Tails’ Prower)
Tails’ character arcs normally centre around him gaining independence and self-confidence and learning to believe in himself. He is also largely characterised by his unyielding faith and trust in Sonic. These traits are the reason why I believe The Star card represents him well, as it symbolises hope and faith.
18: The Moon (Shade the Echidna)
The Moon card symbolises mysteries and the unknown, and when Shade is first introduced in Chronicles, she and the rest of the Nocturnus Clan are certainly presented as mysterious. The Moon can also represent misconception, which fits well with how Shade was initially unaware of the true nature of Ix’s plans.
19: The Sun (Cream the Rabbit)
The Sun, when drawn in an upright position, has a lot of positive meanings! Freedom, fun, happiness, good luck etc. Cream’s cheerful and optimistic disposition makes her a good match for this card
20: Judgement (E-102 Gamma)
The Judgement card symbolises liberation, awakening, redemption and second chances, all of which I believe represent Gamma and his character arc in SA1 well
21: The World (Metal Sonic)
In the upright position, The World card symbolises triumph, completion, strength and happiness while in reversed position can mean failure, anxiety, lack of self-confidence etc. I had both positioning of the card in mind when connecting it to Metal Sonic; he is devoted to the tasks given to him and is self-assured in his belief that he is the true/superior ‘sonic’ yet he repeatedly finds himself at the hands of failure. But he doesn’t let previous failures hold him back, thus starting the cycle anew. (Another connection to the World card as it also symbolises cycles)
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thankskenpenders · 4 years
If Penders and SEGA were to go to court again, my guess is that its going to end up like the time Lady Miss Kier sued SEGA because she claimed that they used her likeness for Ulala even though the creators said that they never even heard of her thus winning the case. I say this because I recently read that the Lead Designer of Sonic Chronicles was contacted and didn’t know who’s Penders. But then I’m hearing that Penders was approached by BioWare. Either that or someone is lying here.
Sorry for the timing on this but it’s really, really funny that you sent this immediately before I posted the submission from the person who found BioWare’s Archie Sonic collection
Either way though, I’m just kind of surprised that people can look at the countless similarities between the new story element in Chronicles and the Archie comics and think it’s just a coincidence, or frame it as Ken being crazy and thinking he “owns the concept of echidnas.” The many similarities between Julie-Su and Shade, the obvious design cues Ix took from Finitevus, the inclusion of Swat-Bots as enemies, even the fact that the technologically advanced Nocturnus Clan was stuck in another dimension where much less time had passed. I’m pretty sure there’s also an interview where someone who worked on the game outright said they were drawing inspiration from the tie-in media, but I can’t find it
Like, regardless of whether you think Ken’s actions are in the right or not, you don’t have to pretend he’s crazy for seeing the similarities between Chronicles and Archie. The question isn’t whether or not they based their story on his--because they absolutely did--but rather whether or not they should have been allowed to do that. BioWare thought they were in the clear, but the copyright fiasco retroactively put them in hot water
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leechblades · 4 years
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shade lives in a studio apartment provided to her by G.U.N. it’s on the outskirts of metropolis & she catches a train to get where she needs to go. her apartment was already furnished for her before she moved in, so she didn’t have to worry about shopping for furniture. on the downside of that, it’s not very personalized for her. there’s little about the apartment that compliments her personality.
shade doesn’t know how to cook. she’s intimidated by the culinary scene in her area so she hasn’t tried learning. as a result, she eats out a lot. usually ordering food to her apartment because she doesn’t like going out.
people stare. it’s unusual to see an echidna these days- practically unheard of. knuckles has always been rumored to be one of if not the last of his kind. so seeing shade is definitely… a little surprising to say in the least. she gets self conscious when people stare
shade has a habit of visiting local tech supply shops to purchase some random junk so she can take it apart and put it back together again. considering where she’s from, she has an advanced understanding of technology. that by no means makes her an engineer or on the same level as people like eggman or tails, but she’s still pretty tech savy!
she has a laptop, whenever something confuses her or she finds out about a new thing she googles it to try to understand better
shade once fell down a rabbit hole where she discovered edgy & techno music. she’s hooked
speaking of; she likes muse, starset, linkin park, and skillet
she owns a purple jacket with a furred hood that she tends to wear over her suit, when out in public she tends to wear her hood up so it conceals her quills better & less people stare
she doesnt have many outfits. she turned down a G.U.N uniform because she doesn’t think it’s functional (also her suit is way more comforting to wear). she does have a couple plain shirts and sweat pants she sometimes wears.
if she’s not home, she’s working. and if she’s not working, she’s probably in the gym at the local G.U.N base training.
she’s definitely a hermit. she rarely talks to people let alone goes out of her way to talk to them. she has sonic, tails, and amy’s phone number. but like, never talks to them askdjhdsg not unless one of them reaches out first (she’s shy)
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seventeendeer · 4 years
Bro give us the deets on the (sadly limited) female characters!! Tbh i can only remember like two that aren't amy, which are Rouge and Cream....i know theres more tho!!
this. this question. this is the ideal question. obviously I love 99% of the major Sonic characters, but the female part of the cast is VERY special to me and I CANNOT thank you enough for giving me an opportunity to talk about them, because they are wildly under-appreciated and seem to go mostly unnoticed outside of the fandom, which is a crime
and yes! it is true that there aren’t many female characters in the central, recurring cast, HOWEVER! there is actually a very decently-sized amount of female characters who are key characters in the plots of various games, and many that only show up for one story and then leave for a variety of reasons (just to torture me, I think, because a lot of them are some of my absolute favorite characters).
so, a warning to anyone reading this: if you’re looking to get into Sonic, please be warned that many of these character descriptions come with major spoilers!
and without further ado, a little presentation on a handful of the many oft-ignored female Sonic characters:
Amy Rose the Hedgehog:one of the series’ central characters. she’s unfortunately often mostly characterized by being obsessed with Sonic, but she’s actually a really fun character outside of that - she’s a fierce fighter, a brave hero, and aggressively idealistic. she believes in people’s ability to be good and is determined to make others live up to their true potential. she has super strength and super speed, and is occasionally shown to have magical powers, mainly clairvoyance.
Cream the Rabbit:Amy’s sister figure and close friend. at only six years old, she’s the baby of the group and quite sensitive. she hates fighting, but still stays by her friends’ sides and has helped them save the world many times. she has the ability to fly and is sometimes cast as a healer character with the ability to magically bring good luck and health to those who need it.
Rouge the Bat:a master thief who was hired as a government agent when the authorities realized there was nothing they could do to stop her criminal behavior. she tends to follow her own agenda and likes to pretend she has no morals, but deep down, she’s a caring person who will do the right thing when push comes to shove. she has super speed while in flight, as well as super strength. she’s also extremely tech-savvy and uses a lot of gadgets in battle.
Blaze the Cat:the princess of a parallel dimension who guards the magical sol emeralds. she was originally born 200 years into the future, but due to time being rewritten, she was separated from her best friend and gained a new past, where she grew up lonely and ostracized despite her status. her aloof attitude hides an emotionally broken person who more than anything needs a friend. she has super speed, as well as power over the element of fire.
Vanilla the Rabbit:Cream’s mother, who unfortunately isn’t seen in the series very often. she’s a kind and devoted single mother, who serves as a surrogate parent for the many orphans in the series. she also currently looks after an ancient war robot that has turned over a new leaf, so she’s presumably got her hands full somewhere off-screen.
Tikal the Echidna:the spirit of a teenage girl who sacrificed her mortal life 4000 years ago in order to magically contain an enraged god of nature and balance. these days, the god’s anger has been quelled and her spirit lives with it in harmony. she was originally the daughter of a chief of a Mayan-like civilization, the same one that Knuckles is descended from. she believes in peace and has a great amount of respect and appreciation for nature.
Shade the Echidna:another echidna who lived around the same time as Tikal. her tribe was stolen away by an unknown force and trapped inside a pocket dimension where time stood still for 4000 years. recently, Shade escaped. despite her young age, she was the most powerful fighter among her people, as well as the highest-ranking member of their military. she’s a ruthless tactician and fighter, but she’s also noble at heart. she’s got super strength, and uses her people’s futuristic technology in battle.
Maria Robotnik:a chronically ill human child who lived on a space station 50 years ago with her scientist grandfather and his research team. because of her illness, she couldn’t survive down on Earth, so she spent her life dreaming of the day when her grandfather would find a cure for her illness so she could be free. when the military raided the space station in order to destroy her grandfather’s work, she sacrificed her life so that her best friend could escape to Earth, even though she dearly wanted to be there with him.
Wave the Swallow:a young genius and engineer, who descended from a civilization of technologically advanced aliens that crash-landed on Earth in ancient times and used their tech to become master thieves. she prides herself on her intelligence and is something of a snob. however, she’s more of a schoolyard bully than a villain, and while she’s happy to rob people blind and cheat to win, there are still lines she won’t cross. she uses her knowledge of her people’s ancient technology to create hoverboards that her gang cruise around on.
Marine the Raccoon:I never played the game Marine was in, but as far as I’m aware, she’s a loud, excitable kid who makes friends with Blaze and plays a key role in the plot. I’m going to have to play her game eventually, but until then, if you’re curious, you can always look her up on the wiki!
Cosmo:a character from a spin-off series that I’m including here anyway because she’s one of my favorite characters in the franchise. she was an eight-year-old kid who was the sole survivor of a race of plant aliens, and watching her family be killed left her heavily traumatized and filled with both survivor’s guilt and determination to get revenge on those who destroyed her childhood. with the help of the main cast, she slowly got better and formed new bonds. in the end, she sacrificed her life in order to save her new friends and destroy her enemies once and for all.
Sticks the Badger:another character from a spin-off, who seems to have been more or less adopted into the main universe. a borderline feral child who grew up in the wild by herself. as a result, she doesn’t fit into society well and tends to be aggressive and paranoid. once she decides she trusts someone, though, she proves to be a sweet and supportive friend, with a happy-go-lucky “we might die tomorrow, so let’s have fun today” kind of attitude. she doesn’t seem to have any powers, but doesn’t let that stop her from being excellent in battle by force of will alone.
and here’s where I’m gonna stop listing characters, because I could keep going on forever. these are the ones that I think are the most central/interesting female characters, though there are definitely more out there (you’ve probably seen me mention Elise, for example, but she’s more fun because of her wonky character writing than her actual story, so I left her out). anyway, thank you for an excellent question!! bless you for giving me an excuse to talk about all these under-appreciated gals
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
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“.... Lord Ix’s stories... Often portrayed non-echidnas as little more than beasts that stole our world from us,- with the powers of Dark Chaos Energy, slowly transforming their minds and bodies into things very much ‘unbecoming’, powerful enough to rival even the strongest echidna warrior... We were raised from our youth to believe such stories as truth, to prepare for taking back our world by force from hopeless savages, turned dark by the powers of Chaos Energy in its worst state.”
She shook her head.
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“... These tales are what grew my people into warriors, but... They were not correct, as I have learned in the past year...” The echidna gestured faintly towards the other’s arm. “.... Your arm reminded me of such stories.... And had you not spoken, I might have feared they held an inkling of truth.”
[ @rxbelling-hxrald​]
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Mario & Sonic: Dimensional Shift - Chapter 1: The Cause Pt. 1
Doctor Eggman barges through the doors of his base, the tips of his mustache singed and a grizzly scowl on his face. He stomps over to his supercomputer and begins to type angrily, muttering insults and swears under his breath.
Orbot rolls over to Eggman and moves to his side. “What’s wrong, boss? Did your plans surprisingly fail again?”
Eggman backhands Orbot away with a grunt. “Quiet you! I don’t need attitude from scrap metal like you!”
Cubot quickly moves to Eggman’s other side. “Aw, don’t worry boss! You’ll get it next time, for sure! One hundred and eight times the charm, right?”
“Grr, I said SHUT IT!” Eggman stands up and kicks Cubot, who reverts into his cube form before hitting the wall. Eggman begins to pace about the room. “I could conquer this world anytime I wanted! If it wasn’t for that… that… blue nuisance!” He kicks some equipment over in anger. “It’s unfair! It’s frustrating! I can’t conquer my own planet, I can’t conquer alien planets, what am I supposed to do to get a win for once!?”
“Too bad you can’t live in a universe where there’s no Sonic,” Orbot says as he lazily lies on his side. “Now that would be a perfect universe. But alas, you seem to be doomed to a life of constant failure. How about some tea to calm down? I suggest chamomile.”
Eggman stops pacing. “Wait, say that again.”
“Chamomile tea? It’s known to have calming properties to soothe people.”
“No, the other thing.”
“Oh, you mean how you are stuck being a constant failure?”
Eggman hits Orbot over the head. “No Dumbot!! The part where you mentioned a universe without Sonic!” His glasses glint for a moment as he rushes over to his computer. “That gives me a wonderful idea!”
“What’re you gonna do, boss? Erase Sonic from the universe?” Cubot asks.
“You think I haven’t tried that? What do you think I’ve been doing all these years? I’ve tried bending reality to defeat him, and every single time he’s found a way to overcome it! No, I have to go farther! Farther than ever before! I must reach into another universe!”
“Dimensional travel?” Orbot tilts his head. “Now this sounds familiar. Hasn’t such a feat been accomplished already before?”
“Indeed, by Sonic’s friend, Blaze,” Eggman articulates, “However, from what I’ve observed, she only has the knowledge of transporting herself and a few others between dimensions. I also have experience with dimensional travel, from when I worked with my counterpart from Blaze’s universe. But this time it’s different. I want to bring an entire army through to an entirely different dimension! I’ll conquer their world, expand my army, and create my Eggman Empire, with no Sonic to stop me! And then, when I’ve become unstoppable, I’ll return and destroy Sonic with my vast new army! It’s foolproof! Ohohoho!”
Cubot breaks the Doctor’s laughter. “But boss, how are you gonna do that? That seems like a lot of power you’re gonna need, and to power that you’re gonna need-”
“The Chaos Emeralds,” Eggman interrupts. “By my calculations, I’ll need at least a few of them for this project.” He begins to stroke his mustache as he thinks for a moment. “Or perhaps, a single large Emerald. Yes… And I know just the sucker to trick for it!”
A new morning sun overlooks a series of grassy hills, with shadows of several large puffy clouds providing shade over the countryside. The grass sways gently from side to side over the beautiful spring hills. The gentle breeze is cut off by a sudden blue wind, zipping over one hill to the next, before coming to a stop upon a wonderful hill that overlooks the landscape.
Sonic looks over the area with a smile as he sits upon the grass, taking out a packed lunch. He lets out a sigh of relaxation as he lays down and rest his eyes, crossing his legs and putting his hands behind his head. “Man, it’s been a while since I’ve taken some time to myself. It’s nice. It’s good to remind myself that I’m able to slow down and take in the world around me.”
As Sonic sinks into relaxation, his empty mind is broken by the sound of his telecommunicator. He pulls it out and presses the button to talk. “You’ve reached Sonic the Hedgehog, please leave a message after the BA-WONK,” he says with a joking tone.
“Sonic, you need to come over to my lab as soon as you can,” Tails says through the telecommunicator. “Something urgent has come up.”
“How urgent can it be? We just stopped Eggman a few weeks ago, right? I think we’re good for now.”
“Sonic, it’s Silver. He’s come back from the future again.”
Sonic’s eyes snap open as the gravity sets in. Silver coming usually meant something was on its way. “Right, I’m on my way.” He jumps up, pops the chili dog he packed quickly into his mouth, and makes haste to the lab.
The door to Tail’s lab slams open as Sonic rushes in, stopping on a dime right before he would make impact with a table. He straightens up and walks over to the other members of the room, consisting of Tails and Silver.
“Hey guys, came as fast as I could,” Sonic says. “So what world-breaking event are we dealing with this time, huh? Can we make a bet? I wanna bet Tails ten rings it has something to do with big purple worms. Oh, I bet they spit acid from their mouths!”
Silver shrugs a little bit. “I wish it was that simple. At least purple worms could be dealt with. This time it’s kind of just… weird. Usually the bad futures I return to are on fire, or are in some sort of eternal darkness. But when I returned to my time it was… uh… odd. There were tall mushrooms planted everywhere, and the only inhabitants there was these odd robot creatures. They were like robots that looked like brown mushrooms and turtles. Here, I drew a picture of what they kind of look like.” He holds up a crudely drawn picture of a brown mushroom robot with feet attached to its body.
“Dude, you suck at drawing.” Sonic says as he snickered behind his hand.
Silver looks a little dejected by this comment. “Okay, I know it’s not the best, but it’s not far off from what it actually looks like. It was weird, these things just wandered around aimlessly, but when they saw me they got aggressive and slowly charged at me. They didn’t pose much threat, but I couldn’t communicate with them at all. Any civilizations I found were just… ruins. I couldn’t find any living person. I didn’t know what to do, so I came back to the past to find the answer.”
“No problem at all!” Sonic wags his finger confidently. “You said they were robots, right? All signs point to Eggman, obviously! It always does. We just gotta go find him again, and kick his butt like we always do!”
“Hang on Sonic,” Tails interjects. “I don’t think we should necessarily jump to that conclusion just yet. First of all, I don’t think mushrooms are really Eggman’s style of choice for decoration. And look at this robot design, it’s so impractical! It doesn’t even have hands. Unless it was a giant fish robot, I know that Eggman wouldn’t create a robot that couldn’t even hold a blaster or have some sort of bladed appendages.”
Sonic rubs the tip of his nose with his finger. “Hm, I guess you’re right about that, Tails. But on the other hand, we don’t have any other leads on who it could possibly be. Do we know anyone who might know a possible villain with an interest for weird mushroom decoration? Where’s Amy at?”
“She’s off doing reconstruction in Jasmine Town right now,” Tails replies.
“Hm, that’s a few days run at least. How about the Chaotix?”
“Last I heard, off solving a case at Casino Park.”
“Shadow or Rouge?”
“You know we can’t find them unless they want us to find them.”
“Well that’s disheartening. And we know that Knuckles is on Angel Island, so it’s not like he would know anything special.”
Just then, a foot kicks open the door to the lab, and a familiar red echidna barges inside. “Guys, I have bad news! Eggman is planning to steal the Chaos Emeralds! We have to stop him!”
Sonic raises an eyebrow. “Well, speak of Black Doom, we were just talking about you, Knuckles. A hello would have been nice, you know. How do you know Eggman is gonna steal the emeralds?”
“I got this letter, it’s a tip that Eggman plans to steal a Chaos Emerald in Chun-Nan soon! We have to hurry! Come on Tails, fire up the Tornado!” Knuckles exclaims.
Tails strokes his chin. “Chun-Nan? That’s halfway across the world. I feel like he would try to find something a little closer, right? Knuckles, let me see that letter.” He takes the letter from Knuckles and reads it over.
“Who gave you this letter, Knuckles?” Silver asks.
“Not sure, I found it on the ground near the temple. I assume it’s from someone who wanted to warn me about Eggman’s next plan. I had a gut feeling I had to take action, and I always trust my gut.”
“So let me get this straight,” Sonic says as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “You got an anonymous letter from someone that somehow got onto your floating island telling you to go halfway across the world? Is that about right?”
“Yeah, that’s the gist of it.”
Sonic, Tails, and Silver all look at each other with disappointment but not surprise.
Tails grabs his keys and opens his hanger bay. “Okay, let’s get into the Tornado. We’re going to Angel Island, everyone.”
Knuckles looks shocked. “Wait, why?! We need to get to Chun-Nan! Why are we going to Angel Island?”
“Because you just got duped, dude,” Sonic says with a small smirk.
“What?! What do you mean?!”
“Eggman totally hoodwinked you. He’s probably got the Master Emerald as we speak.”
“No way! I put the Master Emerald in a secret place whenever I have to leave the island!” Knuckles says, his face now red with embarrassment.
“Is it under the temple?” Sonic says with a raised eyebrow.
“Wait, how did you-”
“Yeah, everyone knows you put it under the temple.”
Knuckles is now fuming with anger. “That- that two timing son of a lizard! I’m gonna tear him to shreds!” He charges out to the hanger bay and climbs into the Tornado. “Come on! Hurry up!”
Silver shrugs to himself as he follows Sonic and Tails out to the plane. “Wow, and I thought I was manipulated easily.”
After a quick trip to the floating Angel Island, Tails lands the Tornado right outside the temple where the Master Emerald resides. Knuckles is quick to jump out and makes a mad dash to the altar. His entrance is followed by a loud “GAH” and a few swears.
The rest of the gang follows inside to find Knuckles on his hands and knees next to an empty alter. Sonic comes next to him and puts a hand on his shoulder. “Sorry, buddy. I know this sucks, but I’m surprised you got manipulated so easily. You’re not as gullible as that usually, what happened?”
“I- I don’t know… I just got a gut feeling and I just had the overwhelming urge to try and stop Eggman. I guess I just wanted to believe that I needed to help for the greater good…”
Silver looks over the scene of the crime. “Well whatever happened, it looks like Eggman was able to grab the Master Emerald thanks to your absence.”
Knuckles stands up all of a sudden and gets real close to Silver’s face. “You think I don’t know that, silver boy?! Don’t think you can talk down to me just because I made a mistake!”
Silver backs up a little bit. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”
“Don’t think that just because you have fancy mind powers and can time travel that you can act like you’re better than me!” Knuckles pokes Silver in the chest lightly, pushing him back into a wall. “I don’t need powers to pulverize you any day!”
Sonic moves in between Silver and Knuckles, pushing Knuckles back to give some space between them. “Knuckles, calm down! He wasn’t trying to insult you, he was just making an observation. Don’t take out your anger on him because of what Eggman did.”
Knuckles crosses his arms in annoyance. “Whatever. How do we even know it was Eggman, anyway? I could name a few treasure thieves off the top of my head, especially a certain batty burglar.”
“I’m not so sure about that,” Tails pipes up. “Come take a look at what I found on the ground.” He holds up a small red card sporting a familiar logo of a smiling mustached head, along with the words “SUCKER!” etched into the back.
“Yup, that’s definitely Eggman’s calling card,” Sonic says, taking the card and observing it. “He’s not the sneakiest thief, that’s for sure.”
Knuckles punches his fists together. “What a smug little-! That’s it! I say we march right over to his base and kick him in his nuts and bolts!”
“I wish we could,” Tails says. “But we have no idea where he’s located right now. He changes bases every few months, so he could be just about anywhere right now.”
A flirtatious voice breaks through the room in response to Tails. “Maybe I could be of assistance with that?”
Everyone looks up to the ceiling to see Rouge the Bat hanging upside down with a grin, as she jumps off and floats down the floor. “Long time no see, boys.”
“Rouge! What are you doing here?” Tails asks with delight. Knuckles looks even  more peeved now.
“I’ve been following Eggman around for a few days. He’s been a pretty busy man lately. Lots of Black Market purchases of illegal materials. I followed him to Angel Island, where big red here fell for a letter that he wrote in 3 minutes. I planted a tracker on his ship as he was stealing the Master Emerald, and when I saw that you all were on your way over, I decided to stick around for a chat.”
“Well that’s convenient,” Sonic remarks.
“Wait, how did you know we were coming?” Tails asks.
“I also might have planted a tracker on the Tornado. Maybe, maybe not.” Rouge winks playfully as Tails furrows his eyebrows.
“So, will you be able to help us at all?” Silver asks. “Please, we’ll need any information you can give!”
“I could, but sadly, my feelings are very hurt because of what the red meanie said about me.” She makes a eyes-crying motion towards Knuckles, who scowls in response. “Don’t you know it’s impolite to talk about a lady behind her back?”
“Tch. Don’t act like you’re so superior. You know you would snatch the Master Emerald without hesitation given the chance. You might be a spy, but at the heart you’re still a petty thief.” Knuckles crosses his arms and turns away from Rouge.
“Oh Knuckles, do you truly think so little of me? I thought we were friends, after everything we’ve been through together. And friends help friends, right?”
Knuckles rolls his eyes. “Ha! I know what that means! You want something from us, right? You would never help us out of the ‘kindness of your heart.’”
“Of course I would! I don’t want anything right now, I just want something the Doctor has acquired as of recently.” Rouge brings up a holographic image from her bracelet, showing an image of a round blue gem with a white star on the center. “We call this beauty the Hyperspace Sapphire. It’s a magical stone that, when harnessed properly, can transport the user across space and dimensions, spanning from continents to distant planets.”
“So you want us to secure this stone when we fight Eggman, and in return you’ll give us the location to his base?” Sonic reiterates.
“Bingo, blue.”
Sonic puts his arm out for a handshake. “Sounds good to me!”
Knuckles stands in front of Sonic before he can shakes Rouge’s hand. “Hold on! Do you really think we can trust her about this? Who knows what she’s planning to do with that gem!”
Sonic pats Knuckles on the shoulder and smiles. “C’mon, Knux, let’s have a little faith here. Where are we without trust, right?” He pushes Knuckles aside gently and he shakes Rouge’s hand.
Rouge smiles. “Thank you Sonic, I’m glad someone trusts me.” She pulls away and brings up an image of a location on a map. “The Doctor is located here, in the middle of a dense jungle. You won’t be able to land your plane anywhere inside, only on a town just outside.” She drops the image and begins to head for the door. “I might meet you there later, who knows?”
Sonic gives a thumbs up to Rouge. “Thanks a lot, Rouge. Glad we can count on you.” He gets an idea before Rouge leaves. “Oh, wait! Would you be able to contact Shadow to meet us there? He could be a big help to us, whatever we’re dealing with.”
“What makes you think he’ll help you guys out here? He’s not much of a team player, you know.”
“I know, I just thought he might want a piece of the action. Plus, I bet I could totally get there faster and take out Eggman before he could have a chance!”
Rouge laughs behind her hand and smiles. “You got it, Blue. I’ll give him a call. Don’t get your hopes up, though.” She says before sauntering out of the room.
Sonic grins as he looks at the other members of his team. “Well guys, are we ready to fry this egg once more?”
“I’m ready!” Tails exclaims with a jump.
Silver clenches his fist in a heroic way. “I’ll make sure that we stop Eggman’s plot and save the future!”
Knuckles crosses his arms and taps his foot. “I need to take some of this anger out on some robots soon, or else I’m gonna go crazy.”
Sonic nods his head with resolve. “All right! I just hope we can quash this issue before it turns into something big. Let’s go, everyone!”
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missfinefeather · 6 years
Conversations with my Screener: Exposition Dump
Okay! I think a few clarifications are in order. Because there's a lot to digest in these two flashes for the End of Act 5.
Okay, go ahead while I finish up!
Alright! So, beginning from the very start.
The 4 Capsules that were being destroyed, were to erase all trace of SBURB Technology and cut ties before starting to rebuild Earth- Which of course couldn't happen.
In the last moment, AR doesn't blow the last one because he knows the Mayor is inside of the Can capsule.
It's that Hesitation that gives Jack the time to off him and then leave.
It's interesting how the technology to go to the Troll Session has been there in plain sight and also showcased with the dials from the beginning.
Oh! So that’s why... he didn’t want to kill WV... not that it matter, he still died in the end. D:
God, it’s amazing that entire plotline was leading to THAT.
Now, Dave and Rose! They likely didn't know the Quest Beds were inside of the Moon, they were just setting up the Bomb. They had to ensure it got there properly.
Ah! Okay, that makes sense!
Jade cannot get to them, because they're travelling through the Furthest Ring- Non-Euclidean Space, they're beyond the Session. Which, lucky for them? It also means they're beyond the Scratch.
Oh! Also makes sense! They are kind of outside known reality...
I wonder if Rose and Dave is going to go with the trolls to the new world!
As the Tumor opens, it reveals two tubes- Red, showing Earth's Universe, and blue, showing Alternia's Universe.
The Red-Blue Duality has been there from a long while, in fact we saw the universe colors for the first time thanks to Sollux's shades.
Oh right! The end of the Act 5 Act 1! It’s been a while!
This is also likely why Snowman has Blue Blood- She's the embodiment of the Universe, so it's all blue.
The White Queen and King, and Jack, all have Red Blood so royalty status likely doesn't mean blue blood.
Is that so? 0.0 Well!
Note that Snowman is the 8-ball. Sinking it ends the game, and the bullet in Scratch's weapon is, in fact, a Cue Ball.
Hehe! That’s been played at before but yeah! The bullet was a cueball in the end! Still wonder if she knew she was going to die or not.
Jade, upon ascension, gets the power to manipulate matter, and shrinks everything...
And so her deal with Echidna is satisfied- She's bringing everything with her.
I didn’t miss that fact! It’s a pretty incredibly way to solve the problem! ^^
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Commonly Fans refer to her God Tier as Dog Tier :p
Now, she can reach John because he's on the Session, but Dave and Rose are beyond her reach. She can only bring the Planets and its inhabitants with her, through the 4th Wall.
I hope she still knows they are alright! John’s probably worried they left someone behind on Derse...
PM puts on the Ring, and chases Jack through the same device he went through, escaping the dying Universe.
I hope she wins... though not sure where she’ll go if she does.
Now that's a thing not many people realize, as I mentioned before...
A Red and a Blue Universe, dying.
Fuelling a bomb.
Scratch doesn't lie. He said the map would lead them to the location of the Green Sun, and that the bomb had enough strength to blow it up
He never said it would.
And as such, he tells Gamzee, who he's talking with, how they're all S u c k e r s
Lies of ommission.
The Tumor detonates. Twice the Mass of the Universe. The explosion doesn't destroy the Green Sun. It creates it.
They travelled to the spot in the Furthest Ring where the Green Sun WOULD be in the future- And then the detonation made it be. RGB, Red-Green-Blue
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It is disheartening they’ve been fooled this whole time! D:
Everything they work towards just to end Jack, and it doesn’t happen...
As such, Rose and Dave ascend on the Quest Slabs- And are seen ascending out of the Green Sun.
Makes me wonder if they have a little bit a boost from the sun, too...
Probably not...
The explosion is bright enough that the Trolls can see it, and so Sollux sets route to it... But he overexerts himself like his Ancestor, and starts dying a little bit.
The meteor is heading to the Green Sun, and Rose, Dave, Aradia and that Sollux are waiting for them.
I realize, Rose is going to meet Kanaya before she gets to meet Jade face to face, or get to talk to John in English! xD
God are the trolls in for a hell of a surprise!
Now, however- The Universe has died. And as such, that's the calling card for Lord English into the Universe.
And we see it happen just like Scratch's Code said it would
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Tick. Tock. The clock ticks and swirls, in the devastated remnants of the Universe in the Green Sun.
Break Heads, Scratch's body happens to be, as he's always said...
An Excellent HOST.
Just like Tavros' Host Plushes.
... *facepalms*
And once the head breaks? Honk, Honk. The prophesized Vast Honk of Gamzee's Religion.
English uses his Cairo Overcoat to travel back in time to when the Universe was still there
Ohh! So Gamzee helped make his religion come true in a sense...
I have a lot to read here xD
And claims the Alternian Universe as his playground
Yeeep X3
I'm done though!
Another little detail that's easy to miss...
The thing Hussie was doing with the 4th walls. The ruler on the ground.
Remember how Karkat said their escape depended on a 'Lawn ring', and what Hussie said about intervening into the story in exactly a small space?
A Yard.
A Yellow Yard.
0.0 okay... That’s a bit of a stretch.
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twilightcaged-a · 6 years
@obedient-silence liked for a starter !! ( 🌠 )
The mission was simple. Retrieve the chaos emerald before it fell into enemy hands. It wasn’t exactly the type of mission she was usually assigned, but no matter. She would prevail, either way. Failure was never an option for Shade.
Although that mission would prove to be rather trickier than she initially expected. Upon receiving a warning from base headquarters about some kind of strange reading in the area and then promptly ignoring the request to remain in position while they decoded the odd readings, Shade found herself in the clearing of a jungle with no sign of the emerald in sight. Her systems were layered heavily with distortion, and she could no longer contact the base. Even her advanced Nocturnus technology appeared to be experiencing issues, and Shade has to transform her helmet back into it’s visor form to properly see. It left her head vulnerable to attacks, but it was pointless if she couldn’t see where she was going.
However, something caught her eye then. A slight flash of red light buried in the ground. Looking directly at it, she realized it was some kind of broken gem shard, but definitely nothing like a chaos emerald. There was something about it that seemed familiar, but she couldn’t place it. At least, that wasn’t until she got close enough to nudge it with her boot. The deep purple lines that zigzagged across the broken piece was a dead give away.
“Phantom Ruby-?” But she doesn’t have time to finish that thought, a huge ripple of red static washed over the clearing and suddenly Shade was falling. She gasps.
The next moment she remembered, she was laying in a grassy clearing. In fact, it was the same one she was just standing in a second ago, or so she thought. Quickly sitting up, Shade looks around with a start. What just... happened ??
Pushing herself up, the echidna notes how her sensors seemed to be working fine again, and doesn’t waste any time in transforming her headpiece back into it’s helmet form. And right away she picks up movement extremely close by. Whirling around, she spots it. A robot, short in stature, but undeniably familiar. Metal Sonic. Was this a new model of the Doctor’s?
And between them lay the piece of the Phantom Ruby, still nestled in the ground. Shade’s stance goes defensive.
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“Step away from the Ruby, Metal.”
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godsofsocialmedia · 7 years
Only Human
So uh... I wrote a thing?
Warning though it’s a little graphic with death stuff but mostly just blood.
               Jesse stared at the red vinyl of the booth across from him. Noise from the diner buzzed around him, but a heavy silence around the table muffled it. A stack of pancakes and a mug of coffee sat in front of him untouched.  His leg bounced under the cover of the table as he drummed his fingers against the fake wood. Nerves were catching up to his impulsive ass now. This was a mistake; he should stand up and run as far away as he could while he still had the chance.
               He wished Kurt was still- Jesse cut off that train of thought before it went any further. Wishing wouldn’t bring his husband back; it wouldn’t bring any of them back. Rachel might still be dragging out her existence somewhere, but Jesse hadn’t kept tabs on her since before Michael bit the dust. As far as he knew or cared, she ran when he did. Abandoned the rest to their fates.
               Sitting in the familiar booth only made his stomach turn more. He shouldn’t have been alone here. There should be more people squished into the semi-circle or pulling chairs up to the open side. Marcella and Jack cuddled in a curved corner while Cody and Ana bickered with hands intertwined just out of sight. Aaron trying his best to balance his wheelchair on the back two wheels while Kat held her arm out for him to grab.
               If Jesse closed his eyes, he could almost see and hear all of them again. It wasn’t perfect, time stealing specific details from his memory. Jamie’s eyes were a muddied mix of colours because Jesse couldn’t remember if they were dark brown or icy blue. Cody’s hair was a shade of red-ish brown that he wasn’t sure any of them had had. Had James been the one who still had a mullet and wore eyeliner or had that been Marty? Jack’s voice wasn’t the right pitch when he talked. Ana hadn’t had a New York accent, had she? Kyle was the other person who dressed in plaid, right?
               “Hermes,” a low, bass voice greeted him.
               Jesse opened his eyes to look at the person who sat across from him. The man had dark hair slicked back. He was dressed in a gray suit with a rich purple tie. His eyes were black, too black for any human. Like the pit of Tartarus. “How considerate that you’ve decided to stop running. Now you won’t be strung up again,” Kronos spoke again, taking Jesse’s untouched coffee and sipping at it. The Titan grimaced, likely due to how much sugar Jesse poured into it. It was an unsatisfying revenger for the jab at his first death, but somehow, he doubted that punching Kronos in the middle of a packed diner would turn out well for him or the civilians inside. “I would criticize your taste in coffee, but it will not matter soon. Though perhaps your next life will be influenced by it.”
               Jesse stayed quiet and allowed Kronos to continue rambling. His fight or flight instinct had kicked into overdrive now. What was he even thinking? He wasn’t actually ready to die. At this point, he really didn’t have a choice in the matter. Kronos was right there, likely with monster surrounding the building in some form or another. Running would do nothing for him now anyways.
               A pressure fell on his shoulder; fingers pressing gently into his skin. Jesse almost sobbed when he looked back to see Jack and Marcella standing behind the booth. Their forms both had a silvery glow to him. The looked different than they had the last time he had seen them. Well, Jack did at least. Marcella’s shoulder and neck were ripped open, her legs and arms showing wounds from where thrones had ripped into flesh, and the front of her floral sundress she wore was soaked in blood. Jack had dark circles under his eyes and a long hole through his chest.
               Before Kronos could tell that Jesse wasn’t paying attention to him, Jesse jerked his eyes back and schooled is features to look as disinterested as he could. “-ourse, a few of Echidna’s children would still love the trill of the hunt.” Gods, what kind of long winded villain speech was he even giving to Jesse at this point?
               Another silvery apparition faded in behind Kronos. This one was dripping water, dressed only in a pair of blue board shorts. Cody’s funeral had been one of the few Jesse had chanced going to. He still wasn’t entirely sure how the notice had found him; he’d only been in Austin for a day when an envelope slipped under the door of his beat-up motel room. No one had been in the all when he opened the door. Inside of the envelope with post mark from Oregon was an obituary and details of where and when the funeral was. Rushing to Oregon was hard with only $100 on him and less than an eighth of gas in his tank, but somehow Jesse had made it there less than two days later.
               He still wasn’t sure why he had hunted down the rest of their obituaries after that. An envelope full of them was tucked away somewhere in New York, trusted to some foolish warlock who promised if she did ever meet some kid claiming to be Hermes, she would pass it on to them.
               One by one, they appeared. Shimmering forms that curled the table and smiled sadly at him. His heart broke over and over again. All of them showing the ways they had died so clearly. A gunshot wound between the eyes of Jamie. An arrow sticking through Caleb’s temples. Ana’s eyes glazed over and blood rushing down her face from gashed along her head. He really had no right to have a less painful death than they had. Poisoning or choking was nothing close to what he deserved for leaving them all to die.
               Kronos had stopped talking while Jesse watched his family appear. He wasn’t staring at Jesse though. His lips were still moving as well, and the sides of his mouth turned into a cruel grin. It unsettled Jesse to no ends; he forced himself not squirm where he sat. One last figure appeared next to Jesse, sitting on the booth just out of his peripheral. “A shame about Eris. Dived off the edge of a building in Paris.” Jesse turned his head to look at Rachel. Her arm and neck were at an angle that just wasn’t quite right and unsettled him. A new spirit that was still not entire sure where they were. She blinked, looking around at the diner and the rest of the Pantheon. Rachel had always been quick on the uptake though; recognition sparked back into her eyes as she fully assessed the situation.
               “We’ll try again next time,” Jamie promised. His voice was too rough, worse than a lifelong chain smoker. Jesse nodded, soothed by the hand on his should and the knowledge he wasn’t going to die alone. The exhaustion he managed to push back for so long flooded forward. He was tired of running. It had been millennium of him running away from this fate. Jesse didn’t remember every time, but the rest of their exhaustion piled on him.
               They would try again. It wouldn’t be him and there was not promise that he would find the rest of the Pantheon again, or Kurt next time. A guessing game, constantly on who and what he would find next time. But he knew at the very least that whoever came after he wouldn’t run. The next Hermes would stay with his family. Not hunted down like a deer.
               “You want to kill me already, Gramps, or are you going to bore me to death instead?” Jesse asked, pulling the plate forward and grabbing a fork and knife. The pancakes were cool at this point and not as good as usual. He couldn’t place his finger on what was wrong with them. They weren’t sour, more like bitter maybe?
               His throat felt too tight, like someone was trying to strangle him. A migraine started a steady beat against his skull. It was hard to think, hard to breath. Tingling raced up and down his feet, then his legs, growing higher and higher. Ana tucked her head against Cody’s neck, showing off the blood matted hair. Tears and snot smeared across Nadie’s face as she wiped it away on a long-sleeved shirt. Caleb closed his eyes and bit his lip; his chest and shoulders twitching.
               Why were they all crying? He didn’t deserve their tears in this life. He hadn’t cried at their deaths. He drowned them all in alcohol as he ran. Let them all for dead the moment he knew they were being threatened.
Something warm and thick creeped up his throat. He coughed in an attempt to clear his throat out. His pancakes were covered in something that looked like it could be syrup if not for the bright red coloring to it. The fluid from his lungs dripped down his chin and out of his nose as he suffocated. What a way to go, he thought bitterly. His head slumped forward as he lost the ability to keep his body upright. Screams of horror faded away, and he swore he could even hear Kronos yelling at the employees to call an ambulance. Jesse heaved a breath and closed his eyes.
Next time.
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