#`` and toms just out here like 'who? oh god not this guy. ZAP.'
covenstrays · 2 years
i’m listening to a podcast about the case files of a particular exorcist, and he says one of the questions he asks demons is “who is your enemy in heaven?” and a lot of the times they will name very specific saints.
if that’s not the funniest shit you’ve ever heard, i don’t know what to tell you.
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9worldstales · 3 years
MCU “Thor: Ragnarok” - The elevator scene
So I’ve heard that Tom Hiddleston’s interview “Tom Hiddleston Looks Back at 10 Years of Loki | Entertainment Weekly” has sparked some discussion…
…because, when talking of the elevator scene Tom said Thor had been honest in it, sparking the joy of who enjoyed that scene which is one of the few emotional moments of the movie between the two in which Thor says something ‘nice’ to Loki (I think that scene is actually one of the most well known and popular about the movie) and the disagreement of who remembered that Thor used that moment to place an obedience disk on Loki’s back, an obedience disk that basically tortures who wear it once it’s activated… and Thor later activated it when Loki attempted to betray him, and left it activated, abandoning him in that hangar where the grandmaster, which he knows has no qualms to melt people who disappoint him, could find Loki. The fact that Korg finds Loki first and free him from that torture is mere luck on Loki and on Thor’s part as Loki will then bring Asgard a ship large enough to save all the Asgardians.
Long story short, a part of the fandom felt that Thor said such words to cause Loki to lower his guard so that he could place the obedience disk.
So I wanted to share my two cents about it.
But first let’s look at the full script for it.
Thor: Hey, so listen, we should talk. Loki: I disagree. Open communication was never our family's forte. Thor: You have no idea. I've had quite the revelation since we spoke last. [The door opens, revealing a bunch of guards. Thor and Loki heft up two Sakaarian guns.] Thor: Hello! Loki: Hi! [Thor and Loki BLAST all the guards, moving to another door.] Loki: Odin brought us together, it's almost poetic that his death should split us apart. We might as well be strangers now. "Two sons of the crown" set adrift. [A guard tries to ambush Loki through the door. Thor TAKES OUT the guard.] Thor: Thought you didn't want to talk about it? Loki: Here's the thing.
[ELEVATOR. Thor and Loki are going up.] Loki: I'm probably better off staying here on Sakaar. Thor: That's exactly what I was thinking. Loki: ...Did you just agree with me? Thor: This place is perfect for you. It's savage, chaotic, lawless. Brother, you're going to do GREAT here. Loki: Do you truly think so little of me? [Thor pauses, considers his brother. Then:] Thor: Loki, I thought the world of you. I thought we were gonna fight side by side forever. But, at the end of the day, you're you, I'm me... I don't know, maybe there's still good in you, but let's be honest, our paths diverged a long time ago. [Loki is wounded by Thor's willingness to discard him. Masks his feelings with:] Loki: It's probably for the best that we never see one another again. [Beat. Thor pats Loki affectionately on the shoulder. Hold on Loki. Did Thor just get through to him?] Thor: That's what you always wanted.
Yeah, I included the bit prior to it because it kind of introduced the scene. And as the obedience disk scene is also part of the discussion, let’s look at it as well.
Loki: I know I've betrayed you many times before, but this time it's truly nothing personal. The reward for your capture will set me up nicely. He triggers the alarm. Thor: Never one for sentiment, were you? Loki: Easier to let it burn. [But then Loki sees Thor holding up a fob device. Loki realizes that Thor affixed an Obedience Disk on him in that heart-to-heart moment.] Thor: I agree. [BZZZT! Thor ZAPS Loki and HOLDS DOWN the button. Loki HITS the ground, WRITHING in pain. Thor approaches. Pause.] Thor: Oh brother, you're becoming predictable. I trust you, you betray me. Round and round in circles we go. [Thor continues to "think about it" for a beat while Loki convulses in agony on the floor. Finally, Thor kneels down:] Thor: See, Loki, life is about, it's about growth. It's about change. But you seem to just wanna stay the same. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you'll always be the God of Mischief, but you could be more. I'll just put this over here for you. [Thor places the fob on top of the security panel, so close but so far from Loki's paralyzed reach.] Thor: Anyway, I got places to be so good luck.
Okay, now with these scenes in mind, let’s go and see how Tom comments the elevator scene.
The elevator scene, in “Ragnarok.” The dialogue was… was scattered across these different… places as they were trying to escape and find their way through. Taika said: “Guys, do you know the rest of the scene?” and we both said: “Yeah.” He said: “Maybe we should just do... do one where we just do all of the dialogue here in the elevator and you haven't really had a chance to catch up and maybe you should just talk to each other,” and Thor… is quite honest with him. And I think it really affects Loki, he thinks ‘oh actually maybe… maybe I got this wrong, maybe I did have a place in that family. Maybe… maybe this guy is my brother,’ but it was a really enjoyable scene because it was just a very quiet moment with Chris in a very calm space in a big colourful spectacular film. [“Tom Hiddleston Looks Back at 10 Years of Loki | Entertainment Weekly”]
So… is Thor being sincere? Or just being manipulative?
When one look at Thor’s sentence there’s a thing that hit me:
Thor: Loki, I thought the world of you. I thought we were gonna fight side by side forever. But, at the end of the day, you're you, I'm me... I don't know, maybe there's still good in you, but let's be honest, our paths diverged a long time ago.
At Loki’s question ‘Do you truly think so little of me?’ Thor doesn’t say ‘No, I think the world of you.’ He says he THOUGHT the world of him. As in previously he thought the world of him and we can speculate this previously refers to before he stopped considering him a ‘brother’ something that happened likely in “The Avengers” according to “Thor: The Dark World”, probably when Thor told him they could stop the Chitauri together and Loki stabbed him.
Thor: I don't. Mother did. You should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me and I will kill you.
And I can believe Thor used to love Loki before all that, so he’s sincere in saying that, back then, he thought the world of him.
Now, I know there’s people who think Thor didn’t properly appreciate Loki in “Thor”, especially when he used the pretty unlucky sentence ‘Know your place, Brother’ but also when, in a cut scene, he waved away Loki’s contribute to the victory saying ‘Some do battle, others just do tricks’ but this is exactly the point.
Thor’s ‘sin’ in that moment is his vanity, his arc in the movie centred on him learning humility.
Thor loved Loki, same as Kevin Lomax, in “The Devil’s Advocate” loved Mary Ann. There’s quite a good quote in that movie.
John Milton: I rest my case. Vanity is definitely my favorite sin. Self-love, the all-natural opiate. It's not like you didn't care for Mary Ann, Kevin. You were just a little more involved with someone else: yourself.
Thor also in the first half of the movie was more involved in himself than he was in his brother. Or his friends. Let’s remember Fandral got hurt and it was Loki and Volstagg which helped him, while the Thor is described by the script as busy fighting the Frost Giants, his bloodlust rising, with Loki and Sif both telling Thor they’ve to leave instead.
Loki: Thor, we must go! [Thor, still without his hammer, fights his Jotun foes mercilessly, a man consumed by blood lust. Loki sees the look on his brother's face -- the savage thrill of the heat of battle.] Thor: Then go! Sif: There are too many of them! Thor: I can stop them! [The others hesitate. Jotuns break up through the ice all around them.] Sif: Thor! [But Thor ignores his comrades, continues fighting.]
When they’ll be back to Asgard it’ll be Odin who’ll say Fandral has to be taken to the healing room, not Thor, something that the movie will technically address when it’ll show that Thor, once back to Asgard after he learnt humility on Midgard, will be the one to tell his friends to bring Heimdall to the healing room.
in “Thor”, Thor had to be a bad brother due to his vanity… but this doesn’t mean he was an unloving one, just one who might have thought the world about Loki… but thought the whole universe about himself and thought more about himself than he ever did at Loki… because he was vain.
Sadly although most of the second half of the movie is set up to prove Thor is the opposite of how he was before, they never quite manage to prove he would have an opposite dynamic with Loki. He tries to save him twice, and clearly didn’t want him to let go, he tells his brother not to let go, he’s the one who screams when Loki does anyway, while Odin merely says a quiet no which wasn’t even in the original old script, but, unless we consider the fact he accepted Loki to be the king to exist to be the opposite of ‘Know your place, Brother’, this is maybe the only aspect in which the movie doesn’t prove Thor now has a reverse mentality (I’ve listed all the scenes the movie had or was meant to have that proved how Thor made a 180° turn in another meta if someone is interested).
But whatever, Thor’s ‘Loki, I thought the world of you’ was clearly meant to be the truth, Thor used to think so of Loki, the movie is just skipping on the part he wasn’t so good at showing it because in “Thor” Thor was a vain boy.
And it’s likely also the truth how Thor said ‘I thought we were gonna fight side by side forever.’
In “The Avengers” Thor not only insisted for Loki to come back home but also for them to fight together against the Chitauri.
Thor: Look at this! Look around you! You think this madness will end with your rule? Loki: (tries to look away) It's too late. It's too late to stop it. Thor: No. We can. Together.
And the fact they used to fight together is implied in the already mentioned cut scene of “Thor” as well as again, in “The Avengers”.
Thor: We were raised together, we played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?
So yes, Thor for a while thought they were gonna fight side by side forever, then things in “The Avengers” went downhill and by the time “Thor: The Dark World” comes around he refuses to acknowledge Loki as his brother… even though he still needs him.
There’s no lies in Thor’s words, he said something he thought before Loki’s fall, that he and Loki would always fight together, on the same side and, all considered, he had no reason to think otherwise. He had no idea things would take a turn for worse so of course he would think Loki would continue to fight at his side. The old script and the novel implied the original plan prior to the coronation was for Thor to rule and for Loki to be at his side, offering him counsel.
Odin: Do you think he's ready? Frigga: He thinks he is. He has his father's confidence. Odin: He'll need his father's wisdom. Frigga: And his humility? [Odin reacts.] Frigga: (cont’d) Thor won't be alone. Loki will be at his side to give him counsel. Have faith in your sons. Odin: Yes, but Thor's still a boy. He could be a great King...
So yes, in this too Thor is sincere. He assumed Loki would stay at his side. He had no reason to think otherwise.
The last bit though, ‘But, at the end of the day, you're you, I'm me... I don't know, maybe there's still good in you, but let's be honest, our paths diverged a long time ago’ is just Thor basically letting go of Loki. Loki is not him, maybe there’s good in Loki, maybe he’s just evil but anyway he isn’t going to be a hero like Thor. As he said before, for Thor, place like Saakar, savage, chaotic, lawless, is perfect for someone like Loki.
Is he being manipulative here? He’s rejecting Loki knowing Loki actually needs Thor to tell him he needs him?
Well this is what Hemsworth said Thor was thinking about Loki:
One of the more fascinating parts of the franchise has been the relationship between Thor and Loki… How do you continue that relationship without repeating what you’ve already done before? Hemsworth: Without giving too much away, I didn't want to repeat that relationship either. And Tom felt the same. All of us were like, ‘What can we do again here?’ There’s a bit of reversal as far as... In the first films, a lot of the time you’re seeing Thor going, 'Come back Loki, and da-da-da-da.' [But now] there’s a feeling from Thor that’s just like, 'You know what, kid? Do what you want. You’re a screw up. So whatever. Do your thing.' [Chris Hemsworth ‘Thor Ragnarok’, Embracing the Comedy, the Thor-Loki Relationship and More]
Loki is a ‘screw up’. He’s no more someone he thought the world of. He doesn’t think anymore they would keep on fighting together. He doesn’t care.
And this is what Waititi said.
Hewitt: For Loki, he might actually be the most emotionally independent of the movie, and I love that the big emotional epiphany comes when one brother is essentially electrocuting the other? Ah- Waititi: *chuckles* Hewitt: *chuckling* Yeah. But there’s a speech to Loki that Thor gives about change and about how you should change, that’s the first time I think Loki’s ever really listened. Waititi: Mm-hmm. Hewitt: From what we’ve seen, you know, there are moments in this movie where, you know, the betrayal takes place as you might expect, and then you begin to move it on beyond that and the character actually begins to change. Ah, can you talk about... progressing Loki, I guess, as a character? Waititi: Yeah. Yeah, well I feel like we were- You know, we didn’t want to change him too much because he was so popular and the fans love that version of him. We wanted to keep- we needed to retain who he is, because when you start changing all of the characters and just doing it for the sake of change, you know, people can’t handle that and definitely fans can’t handle that. So you know he was one of the few characters that we, you know, that we changed and so I made sure that- *pause* -that the main changes that were gonna happen there were to do with the brothers, and to do with their relationship, because I think people wanted to see that arc end on a satisfying way and culmination of all these films and all of the events being that Thor and Loki finally found some sort of way of co-existing without Thor always saying, “Loki, stop this madness! Come hooome! Oh, you can do better!” Instead of pleading with him, just, you know, I feel that’s the most mature version of these guys, you know, is to say to him, “Man, it’s cool. You keep doing what you’re doing, I’m- You know, I don’t need to change you. I’ve all the other stuff to concentrate on, that change thing is up to you, I’m not gonna- I’m sick of, like, pleading with you to, you know, to change your ways.” And I feel like giving that decision to Loki and letting him make that decision for himself was actually the most satisfying version of those have been. [“Empire Podcast Spoiler Special Thor Ragnarok with Taika Waititi”]
To be honest most of the discussion more than about the elevator scene is about the electrocution scene and the first part is Hewitt’s interpretation but Waititi does not disagree. Anyway the root of the discussion is that, according to Waititi, Thor isn’t trying to get Loki to change his mind, Thor is just done with Loki, which fits not just with the electrocution scene but also with the elevator scene. It’s not a very loving message.
If I were to question Hiddleston’s interpretation, I wouldn’t disagree on Thor being honest, I would just find weird that Loki had reacted to such words thinking ‘oh actually maybe… maybe I got this wrong, maybe I did have a place in that family. Maybe… maybe this guy is my brother,’ for two good reasons. One is that Thor spoke not in present simple but in past simple, so maybe that guy WAS his brother, now he doesn’t care about him anymore. As he said in “Thor: The Dark World” Thor has again renounced him. The second is… the electrocution scene, which starts with Loki betraying Thor.
Yeah, I know there are fans who interpret it as Loki not wanting Thor to die fighting Hela which I TRULY love because sometimes fans have better interpretations than the authors on why the character do what they do, but, skipping that the idea of handing him to the Grandmaster who could very well melt him wasn’t that bright (but whatever, Loki could still think he’ll manage to persuade the Grandmaster to let him alive and use him to replace the Hulk), this clearly wasn’t Waititi’s intent.
Waititi didn’t correct Hewitt when he talks about the scene and how that’s the first time Loki’s ever really listened. In Waititi’s intent the elevator’s scene is just an addition, something in which Thor and Loki talk to each other because they hadn’t had the chance to catch up before the electrocution scene that would remark how Loki is again betraying Thor but how Thor this time has grown and can predict Loki’s betrayal and be ready to strike back and even give him the speech that will cause Loki’s change of heart. Long story short, the elevator scene was an afterthought, what was meant to be included was the electrocution scene because on that scene was supposed to be rooted the idea Loki would change.
And of course this is a HUGE problem, because if you, up until a moment before, were willing to sell your brother to someone like the Grandmaster for money, the fact that he electrocute you and leave you writhing in pain on the floor, KNOWING if the Grandmaster finds you empty handed he will melt you… well, this normally wouldn’t inspire you to have brotherly feelings, speech about having the potential for being more or not.
Long story short, the idea that Loki would go to save Thor and the Asgardians DESPITE that, merely due to Thor’s pretty speech, doesn’t really feel that logic at all, never mentioning that something that gives you enough pain to cause you to crumble on the floor and be unable to move might not help you to be an attentive listener.
I’m not even sure why there’s this idea that Thor was always ‘come back, brother’ since in “Thor: The Dark World” Thor definitely wasn’t asking him to come back, he was actually giving up on him in an even more drastic way than he did in “Thor: Ragnarok”…
Loki: You must be truly desperate to come to me for help. What makes you think you can trust me? Thor: I don't. Mother did. You should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me and I will kill you. [Loki smiles]
It’s not said solely in the script, this is what Hiddleston said about Loki in “Thor: The Dark World” as well:
…and in a way reverse the arc of the character. Because he’s always defined himself in opposition. Thor has always been offering an olive branch. ‘Come back. We forgive you. Come back.’ And it’s Loki’s kind of arrogant privilege to say ‘No. I still hate you.’ And…in this film I think…nobody’s offering the olive branch. He’s in prison, condemned to be written out of history, forgotten, unseen, unheard, and haunted by his demons. You have to change at that point. So that surprised me. How far further down does he go before he hits rock bottom? Is there one for him? And…could he come back up? [“Nov 2013 Hiddleston Interview: Commentary on the Commentary (and much more)“]
…and yet, in “Thor: The Dark World”, despite his brother saying he previously held back when fighting because he hoped his brother was still there (a clear hint he loved such brother) and that now he no longer believes in such hope, Loki didn’t sell him to the Dark Elves and even stopped the Kurse from killing him, which lead him to be stabbed… and mind you, originally the wound was meant to be fatal… but whatever, this is a discussion for another post.
Anyway basically what Thor told him back then… is more or less the same he told him in the elevator scene so Tom Hiddleston’s explanation about how this would AGAIN affect Loki would make sense if it wasn’t for the electrocution scene that gets in the way.
On another note the Junior novel is apparently based on an older script for “Thor: Ragnarok” and in it things work a lot more better.
There’s no elevator scene or electrocution scene. The two brother had a talk in which Thor bares his soul to Loki and encourages him to change as well.
“You’ll help us free Asgard from Hela’s grip when we arrive? I can count on you?” Thor asked. “Of course. After all, I’m sure you blame me for her resurgence. It’s at least I can do.” Loki appeared contrite. “Although, I am curious, why the sudden change of heart to become Odinson and assume the throne?” “It is what is needed to defeat Hela. Therefore it is my duty,” Thor said plainly. He let out a small sigh, his voice almost apologetic. “In the past I demanded the throne when I hadn’t earned it, and then refused the throne when Asgard needed me most. You stole it. Twice.” “Yet you are always forgiven,” Loki said, trying not to sneer. “My point is that our self-centered conflict over Asgard has ruined our kingdom. We have been so focused on fighting for the top we’ve forgotten there’s a middle and a bottom. If I’m to be king, then I want to be a custodian, not a conqueror.” “Why the sudden baring of your soul to me?” Loki asked. Thor turned to his brother. “Because I want to change. I want to be better. And I think you can, too. Helping us escape has shown you can take strides toward that.” He looked at Loki earnestly. “Make a fresh start, brother. It’s time.” [“Thor: Ragnarok - The Junior Novel”]
While this bit is clearly not perfect (especially since there are some canon mistakes) it contains the same idea that Loki should change and be more that is also in the electrocution speech, but it’s way more love inspiring than having your brother leaving you wriggling in pain on the floor.
Thor doesn’t try to pass himself for a perfect hero but admits his faults as well as the wish to be better. This dialogue continues with the theme of “Thor” in which Thor tries to be worthy and, in opening his heart to Loki and saying they can both improve could have reminded him again they used to be brothers who loved each other and their own country.
But, okay, I’m digressing.
On another note… it’s clear they expected Tom Hiddleston to say something nice about “Thor: Ragnarok”. I know there’s a huge part of the fandom who would just love if it were to respectfully disrespected but, for start, I don’t think that’s Hiddleson’s style and, anyway, he wouldn’t be allowed to do so. Not only “Thor: Ragnarok” was successful but Waititi is now directing “Thor: Love and Thunder”. Marvel clearly counts on it to ride the success of “Thor: Ragnarok” and be successful as well so it’s not like they’ll want us to forget it or allow Hiddleston to speak poorly of it.
Still there are some interesting things to point out.
The first is that Hiddleston spoke about the other movies a lot more than about this one. It’s around 1 minute commenting versus the 1 minute and a half of the other 3 movies and he mentions just that one scene while in the others we see more than 1 (I’m obviously skipping “Avengers: Infinity War” and “Avengers: Endgame” because Loki’s role in the was way too small to discuss it at length).
Long story short, while Hiddleston doesn’t say anything against “Thor: Ragnarok” he clearly didn’t have much he wanted to say. He focused on what to the audience felt a nice moment about Thor and Loki and then moved on.
The second scene is that in the montage of the video they cut part of Thor’s sentence so that all the viewers hear is “I thought we were gonna fight side by side forever. But, at the end of the day, you're you, I'm me... I don't know, maybe there's still good in you, but let's be honest, our paths diverged a long time ago.”
Basically they left out the “Loki, I thought the world of you.”
Maybe it’s a coincidence but still it’s interesting they didn’t realize they were cutting the most emotional line of that bit.
Whatever, it happens.
Anyway, for what’s worth, those are my two cents on the whole thing.
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pinejayy · 5 years
Where Evil Grows ( Dr. Robotnik x F!Assistant Reader )
Author's note: I wanted to write this for me okay because wow I'm thirsty for him okay? Okay :)
Description: What if you were Dr. Robotnik's assistant, the Doctor may seem like harsh man but what do you expect from a guy who wasn't loved as a child, but you know deep down he has a soft spot somewhere. He says he hates everyone in the world or does he?
Word count: +1.6k
L/N = Last Name
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Ever since you started working for Robotnik, life has been more interesting! You don't quite remember how you started working for the Doctor but it was been the most thrilling job you ever had. But you had to admit at first you really disliked the idea working for him, considering all the things you herad about him, and oh his attitude was something special. But as time passed by those feelings started to fade away, and you couldn't help it but fall for him. Yes I know it's wrong to fall for your boss who treats you like total crap but something about him just makes you get butterflies.
Currently Robotnik and you and some other people were heading to the small baseball place they have in this small town. Since last night the whole town power just went out. The government thinks something or someone did this, and they wanted to get to the bottom of this. You don't know why everyone was freaking out over the power being out honestly.
You sighed, you were with your Boss in his semi truck since he said that he wanted you by his side most of the time. As you guys were approaching your destination you looked at him, he was working on something. So gently tapped his shoulder.
"Sir, we are almost at our destination." You said softly.
He jumped slightly not expecting to hear you. He turned to look at you, putting whatever he was working on down. He stood up and he just had a smirk on his face. "Thanks for informing me Agent L/N." He said. He grabbed his sun glasses putting them on. "And Agent L/N make yourself more presentable, we are about to get off."
You quickly looked down, just nodding. You straighten out your clothes, made sure your makeup wasn't a mess and fixed up your hair. As the vehicle came to a stop, the doors opened and the Doctor just stepped out, you quickly followed behind and just walked besides him. He seemed to walking towards a guy that looked in charge, Robotnik took off his glasses and just handed them to you.
"Are you in charge here?" He asked the army guy, as he was about to answer he got interrupted with a loud a NOPE, WRONG AND ME. Man the Doctor wasn't letting the poor guy speak up.
You then held up a small tablet screen, showing something that he was proud of. You soon after put it away. As Robotnik was just going on and just basically letting everyone know he was in charge. Soon after he let his drones go on for a search.
After that both of you went back inside of the black semi truck, as his drones were searching around and when it got something he called you over. A screen was showing a foot print of an animal but what animal?
"Look at that Agent L/N, we've got something. Now we best be heading there."
You just nodded and mumbled a "Yes sir."
As the truck started to drive, you looked at him you couldn't help but just admire him, you honestly felt bad for him. He was really a smart guy, he had a gift actually. And you're not gonna lie he was handsome you shake your head. "No you can't be having those thoughts like for your boss." You thought to yourself.
As the truck came to a stop he stood up, you were about to stand up but he pointed a finger at you. "You stay there, I don't need getting hurt or in my way got it."
It was hard not to roll your eyes but you just nodded. And just stayed put, and soon after he was gone. You sighed heavily, he never said that he wanted you to stay because he didn't want you getting hurt. Your cheeks turned a bright red but sighed you really shouldn't be thinking to much about this.
As time was passing by you were getting bored, you thought he was going to be back quickly. But you herad loud noises it startled you a bit. Oh no what if Robotnik got hurt! You quickly got off but as soon as you got off a car just raced off. You quickly ran into the house seeing Robotnik on the floor you rushed to him and helping him up.
"Oh god, Sir! Are you okay? What happened?" You asked him, as you helped him up. You pointed behind you. "They got away."
He looked at you, giving you a face. "And why didn't you do anything to stop them."
"I just wanted to check if you were alright Sir." You spoke softly looking down. You just herad him scoff at you.
He grabbed your chin gently quite harshly and making you look at him and with his other hand he patted your cheek. "Look at you caring about me, but we have work to do. I found out what made the power go off." He said and letting go of you. "It's something but it seems to have amazing power and I must see what makes it tick." He grabbed his sun glasses from his coat, putting them on and they seemed crooked. He just took them off throwing them to the the side.
"Agent L/N make sure you call the ophthalmologist and tell them I need new glasses. They know what I like. And make sure you bring that quill." As he walked out.
You just nodded, and grabbed the quill and followed him. As you guys went back to his vehicle he just sat down on his chair. Assuming he was gonna start working.
You just looked at him. "Is your cheek okay? Do you want me to get the first aid kit?"
Robotnik just looked at you, and looked away. "No, thank you. Now we must look for this thing."
Time skip
As a day passed by and you guys finally tracked the two criminals. Both of you were in the semi truck as Robotnik was sending one of his robots at them. As both watched as it chase a car. But the blue alien seemed to be fighting back, which just caused him just to ruin Robotnik's robots. You can tell he was getting really upset.
"OH GIVE ME A BIG FAT BREAK!" He yelled out.
But as smaller robots went after them, as you saw them freaking out and pulling their car to the side. As you two just watched one of the small things just explode. Robotnik had a smile up his his face but once he saw the smoke fade away they seemed to be okay, well not entirely.
"Wow look there they are, those two are some real survivors." You said.
Robotnik just made a face, he looked at you. "Can we have a moment." He said walking away. Ah you did it as you followed him. "Pin yourself against the wall."
You blushed slightly and went against the wall. And he just got near you. His face literally inches away from yours.
"You think I will miss the human race or you especially once I destroy it. No I have my machines that never fail me." He said.
Ouch that hurts but you just pushed him back, you just narrowed your eyes. "Never failed you huh? Did you just see what just happened right now! They failed to catch that Tom guy and that blue thing!"
"Did you just talk back to me. Your boss."
"Uh yeah that's how a conversation works Doctor." You just hissed. You were about to walk away but he grabbed you by your arms and he just pinned you against the wall. He just chuckled.
"Something about you Agent L/N has always caught my eye." He said.
You just looked away. "What does that mean? You said you wouldn't care if I was gone."
He just sighed. "It's not true, look I actually quite enjoy your company more or less." He said. You raised your eyebrow. "Look what I'm trying to say is I care about you and just hearing you say those things just does something to me. It makes me upset almost sad. Because God damnit I have these weird feelings towards you."
"Are you saying you like me Sir?"
You cut him off since you placed a small kiss on his cheek. "I also care about you Sir. So much! You're smart and quite handsome." You said with a blush.
His cheeks went a slightly red, and he just looked at you he touched his cheek. He smiled slightly, a real smile.
"This might be unprofessional, but I want you to be mine. Will you be mine." He asked. You smiled and nodded. "But please do give me some time to adjust to this, I've never been loved or don't know how to love someone right." He said looking down and finally backed away.
"There's always a first for everything. Sir." You said, you placed a hand on his cheek and leaned in and gave him a small kiss on the lips. At first he didn't kiss back back soon after he started to kiss back. He just held you close, like he never wanted to let you go. He then pulled away.
You had a shy smirk on your face, and pulled out the blue quill out showing it to him. He quickly grabbed it. "Good job Y/N" he said.
You blushed and nodded, you saw that he was bringing the quill close to his mouth. "Oh Sir, I don't think you should do that."
But he soon after zapped himself, you just made a face but patted his shoulder. "Come on we have an alien to catch." You said.
"Yes we do." He said with a smirk.
Finally those feelings you had inside of you and you didn't have to stress out to much. You could finally teach the poor Doctor to love. Things were going great what else could go wrong right?
@pepper-somerset @bastardtozier @coffeeandslashers @chamille-trash @gumitooth
You guys wanted it there is something I thought about! But feel free to send in some Robotnik request!!
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youremyonlyhope · 5 years
The Timeless Children
Season 12 finale here we go.
“Take my hand.” And again the Doctor leaves her companions to go after the Master. At least this time she kinda chose to go with him. Graham... I don’t like the idea of you guys wearing Cybermen armor.... Master, what exactly is your plan here? Bringing the Cybermen? Graham.... awwww. That was so sweet. Will one of them die? If Graham or Yaz end up converted I will kill someone. “They are mine” nooo shut up Lone Cyberman. “You really think I’m gonna believe anything that comes out of your mouth.” Yes. I will believe him. I trust him to this extent. That was so weird to see a Cyberman move that naturally when Yaz turned to make sure he was gone... So smoothly instead of robotically. Indigenous race... we’re getting to human colonists.... right?... Adopted like Brandon... SHE FELL OFF A CLIFF TOO. WE’VE NEVER SEEN A CHILD REGENERATE BEFORE. THAT’S SO SAD. Oh god, if they end up shooting Yaz or Graham because they’re in Cyberman suits... The season started with him playing basketball... Ryan don’t you die. Hoarder? Of what?! Of people?????? Several regenerations... so was she killing the child over and over again!? Nearly there?? Nearly?????? There’s MORE?
Ok. So the Doctor is the Timeless Child... Ok... Ok. I need the episode to keep going so we can get to really get what this all means.
Also, if this is what the Master found out that caused him to destroy Gallifrey, then awww maybe he loves the Doctor and is mad about what they did to her.
Ok good, they didn’t get shot while dressed as Cybermen. “Oh. Okay.” OKAY. So that’s the Lone Cyberman out of the way. I like that the Lone Cyberman clinked when the Master picked him up. “and all this would be over. I would’ve been ok with that.” No Master. No. Don’t have a death wish PLEASE. It can’t be that bad. “I should have said ‘Someone should have cut you down to size’ and THEN zapped him.” Awww. Ok Master has the Cyberium. That’ll be fun. Back to commercial. But I need to know if my girl the Doctor is ok after that revelation! Tell me she’s ok!
I hate the stupid previews that BBC America plays. I thought the show as back. You’d think after years I’d stop falling for it, but we got through half the episode before the first preview.
“I cannot bear that.” Master, shut up. Ok, so it wasn’t because he loved the Doctor. I knew it wouldn’t be, but a girl can dream. He destroyed Gallifrey because of the insult of having part of the Doctor in him. OH SHE REALLY PUSHED HIM. I blinked and I missed it and then he was on the ground. Brandon?? It’s all erased... What the hell is the Division? OOOOOOOHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. CYBERMEN TIME LORDS. THIS IS WORSE THAN THE DALEK SILENCE. OH BUT I DO LOVE THE DESIGN. He blew a kiss. Kisses. Just like she sent O.
I mean. The Master back in the 1996 movie wanted to know the Doctor’s secrets, and found he was half-human. Maybe that was just a sort of fake-out that was planted to keep others from discovering that she’s the Timeless Child.
OH god I don’t want the fam to get killed on Gallifrey... Yaz no why did you have to go first? Stop being reckless. “This is Gallifrey.” She said the thing. RUTHHHHHHH. My girl. Something “He” said, but the “He” is not the Master? Jack? “Oh! I’m talking to myself again!” I love the Doctor. Awwww all those flashbacks. Oh so “he” was the Lone Cyberman. Ugh. I was hoping for my baby Jack. Is there a TARDIS they can steal to get everyone off the planet please?? Also, oh god the Gallifreyans will be super dead this time around. Which will suck. Oh god the Master wants them to do it... it’s a trap... A TARDIS TO STEAL! YAY! Doctor, stop having a death wish. You always have a death wish. Stop it. Neither you nor the Master are allowed to have death wishes. Yaz don’t you dare volunteer to do it instead... I can see it in your eyes. OOOH Ryan. “I am so much more than you.” Why does that give me deja vu? “You’ll become Death.” Doctor of Death. Wasn’t that a thing before? Oh, Ko Sharmus. Ok at least it’s not Yaz. So he sent the Cyberium! And look at all the people who thought it was Jack or Ruth or something. Overthinking it. Run, Doctor. Just like you tell everyone else to. TARDISes are organic too though... so are they all destroyed? And is the Master dead for good now? I hope not. I love the Master. She ran away from Gallifrey and never stopped. Again.
Ok wait. The title is Timeless Children. Plural. We’re still only talking about the singular Child. Oh god no more Doctor Who until Christmas.
Ha it’s a house! That’s so cute! The Chameleon Circuit’s working! Will they live in their TARDIS? I mean, you got a house right there. You can probably ask it to change the inside to look like a house too. Will the Doctor still just run away and not reunite with her Fam? Just leave them behind? “Good Chameleon Circuit” Wow two working TARDISes. AWWWW LOOK AT OUR TARDIS. I love her. “Don’t get jealous.” Sweet. AGAIN? THE JUDOON!?!?!?
Revolution of the Daleks???
Well that was a cliffhanger. Great.
I haven’t rewatched Matt Smith’s era in a while, is that supposed to be River’s prison?
Anyway. I think I’m satisfied. I wish the Master got out of that in the end, if only because I love the Master. He needed to be stopped of course. But still. Give me more Master. Especially Dhawan!Master.
It’s the Master. They’ll be back eventually. Hopefully still Dhawan.
Ruth Doctor. My girl. Glad to see her come back. Poor Doctor, she has so much to deal with now... It does bring up a bunch of questions. Like how she got more regenerations in the Time of the Doctor... I assume she’s able to just regenerate forever... so why would Gallifrey make a big show of giving her 12 more... I guess because they were like “Hey so, if we don’t come down there and look like we’re listening to Clara and helping the Doctor, he’s gonna find out about his past, so let’s just send a bit of regeneration energy at him to make this specific regeneration extra big and convince him he was given 12 more.... then we can just rinse and repeat again later.”
Also, the Doctor was a black girl first. If only it was still Black History Month. Oh well.
So Ruth’s version of the Doctor reached her 12 regenerations at some point, had her memory erased... and reverted back to a child... but why did they not do that to Eleven? Did they just want to see what the Doctor would do if they knew they were living longer than initially intended this time around? How many cycles have there been? I hope Ruth’s set of 12 was the first one but I doubt it...
At least the Valeyard, the Watcher, and the Curator make a lot more sense now. They can fall just about anywhere now and not mess with the 12 regenerations thing since that does not matter at all anymore for the Doctor.
And I can’t remember if we all freaked out about this back then, but I’ve been thinking about this recently, did we all freak out when we saw the Curator because of the number of regenerations? Because, by the time we watched the 50th Anniversary we were all freaking out and counting regenerations and wondering if the Meta-Crisis counted towards that number, and then wondering if Capaldi is the last Doctor or if it ends up that Smith is actually #13 then how does Capaldi happen? We were wondering all of that, so what did we make of the Curator? I honestly can’t remember. I feel like for the entire month after the 50th we were all just so blinded from the appearance of Tom Baker to wonder where the Curator falls in the 12 regenerations thing. And then by the time we started actually wondering where he fits in, Christmas happened and Eleven got more regenerations and we were like “Oh ok well then I guess the Curator’s at the end of those regenerations.”
But I LIKE the idea that the Curator is even further along than we thought, and that now that Gallifrey is truly gone (which sucks) and can’t enforce the rules of sets of 12 regenerations, the Doctor is just going to keep going on and on forever and ever and eventually starts just picking faces again.
Also, how old is the Doctor? We thought the 4 billion years in the confession dial was bad, but like, maybe it wasnt?
And what about that theory that all the Gallifreyans are the Doctor just at different points in their life, going back in time but living all the lives simultaneously... nah that’s too much.
Anyway. I was sure that this season would lead to us finding out that humans are the ancestors of Gallifreyans, still kinda hoping for that. I’m really clinging to this human thing. First I thought the Doctor was the Hybrid because he’s half human, now I thought we’d get the revelation that Time Lords evolved from humans.
Wait. There’s still one BIG question. If the Doctor isn’t from Gallifrey, then WHAT THE HELL IS SHE!??!?!
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[a/n sad tiem. we’ve got your normal, expected episode three angst + some sonja specific angst! fun stuff. don’t worry, there’s some slight syndisparklez at the end. i’m probably going to start doing the dream scenario chapters next. enjoy! please give me feedback on how you think it could have gone differently!]
Today was supposed to be a good day. 
We started the day off with goals; get iron, make beds, and improve the house.
Tucker had just crafted the first chestplate when he announced he was going back into the mine. We didn’t think anything of it; we all had communicators, and he was only strip mining. Besides, it was Tucker. It wasn’t like it was me or anything. 
Tom brought up the topic of who we thought would die first. “We’ll take it in turns. Firefoxx, who do you think’s gonna-”
“Tom,” I said immediately. I hardly thought about it. I know he’s good at fighting and all that, but he’s not very good at using his brain or paying attention. Tom has the impulse control of a rat on cocaine.  I figured he would hit a zombie pigman without thinking and die on the spot, or get too greedy and fall in lava while mining diamonds. “You’re too ballsy. You’re just gonna jump in like YOLOOO and you’re gonna- you’re gonna… yeah.”
“That’s what I thought too, but then I remembered Tom telling me about another life he lived doing this and that it went okay for him, so,” Jordan countered.
“Okay, okay, fair… What about you, Sparkly Pants?” 
“I don’t know. I think it’ll probably be me,” Jordan admitted. He laughed at himself. 
“Really?” I said incredulously. Sparklez? Dying? Sounds fake but okay. Jordan’s wayyy too careful to risk it all, and he knows his stuff. The only way I could really see him dying is if he got caught in the water by skeletons or something where he just couldn’t fight back. 
“How do you think you’re going to die?” Tom pressed.
“Ummm…” Sparklez mused for a moment. “I mean, I am about to go out and get some sugar cane.”
“Watch me die right now,” he added, laughing. 
Don’t say that, I thought to myself. Jordan hopped into his little boat and sailed away. 
“I mean, the only thing that could really happen is if I found one of those guardian temples and got zapped to death and- god dangit my boat broke.”
“Don’t worry, I have enough to make a new one,” he reassured us.
“Nope, he’s stranded, rip in pieces Jordan,” Tucker said. 
I opened the chest and found stacks upon stacks of cobblestone. I turned to Tom who was demolishing the house and asked him, “Are you rebuilding this? There’s, like, a bunch of cobble in here.” 
Tom continued digging out the sand around that area and scoffed. “I’m not rebuilding it, you are.”
“Oh, so you just destroyed it? That’s what you’re doing. Okay.”
“...... no.” Tom looked kind of guilty for a moment, then sighed. “Sonja, do I look like the destructive type? No.” 
“Yes,” we all disputed at the same time. 
“Alright,” Tom laughed, conceding.
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
“What if none of us die the whole time?” Sparklez proposed from far off in the ocean somewhere.
“Aww, you just jinxed it!” Tom blamed him
“Why would you say it. Why would you say? That was the one thing nobody was going to bring up and you just- way to go Jordan.” Tucker’s communicator crackled. That happens sometimes when the person gets too far underground. 
“Hey Tucker, you brought food, right?” Tom inquired, tapping his comm. 
“Uh yeah, I’m almost out, though.”
“Right, come back up here and get some. I am your mother and I’m telling you to get up here right now. I’m getting your packed lunch ready,” Tom said in a joking tone, but he actually started preparing some porkchops for Tucker to take into the mine with him. 
“Alright, I’ll be up in a sec. I think I’m pretty close to discovering a system down here,” which, knowing Tucker, meant that he’d mine until he almost fainted, and then drag himself back up 2 hours after that. 
“While I’m out here, I might as well look around,” Jordan reasoned. I began planning our new base while Tom went back to check on the crops. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, I found… Nothing.” Jordan announced, sounding disappointed. 
“Actually- No wait! I did find a thing. I found an underwater temple!” 
“Are you joking?”
I could see Tom’s brain begin to actually process what Jordan had just said. “Wait, wai- th-the temple?”
“The underwater temple with the Elder Guardian in it. You know, the only underwater temple there is?” I could hear Jordan rolling his eyes. 
“WH- WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? I-GH-ghah.” Tom facepalmed, rubbing his face in hands. When he looked up at me, he had a clear expression of annoyance on his face. 
“Sonja, ask me who you think is going to die first.”
“Who do you think’s gonna die first?” 
“Well, there’s this guy named, uh, Captain Sparkly Dick-” 
Jordan burst out laughing. Tom started gesturing dramatically. “Who decided to go off in a boat ON HIS OWN, crash it, THEN decided to go adventuring in the water when there’s an insane new mob boss IN THAT WATER.” 
“I’m not going to die! It’s not like I’m going to go on in there and be like ‘hey Elder Guardian, what’s good?’” Jordan mocked. 
“Alright, just- be careful, alright?” Tom intoned seriously. He looked slightly anxious. “Tucker’s in the mine, Jordan’s in a boat in a Guardian temple, and Sonja’s- Oh, Sonja’s fine.” I genuinely couldn’t tell if he meant for me to hear that or not. It was like he was taking roll. Whether the others heard it or not, they didn’t mention it.
“Oo! I just found lava! And redstone. We’re good, guys.” Tucker announced from the mine. 
Tom laughed awkwardly. “Dunno why that’s a thing to celebrate. Unless you’re gonna, like, burn everything down. 
“Hey, Tucker, who do you think is gonna die first?” I asked him. 
He was quiet for a moment. “Pro’lly you,” he confessed.
“Me?” I repeated, offended. I mean, he was probably right, but I was still offended anyway.
“Listen, Sonj, I love you, I’d give my life for you, buuutttt…. You’re not very good at surviving. You’re better at, like, doing stuff around the base.” 
“Not in a sexist way,” he clarified. “Like making it nice and purdy and making sure we can eat and stuff.
I paused in my sapling collecting and thought back to all the times that I relied on Tucker to protect me from stuff. It was a lot. 
“If it weren’t for you, we’d probably be dead,” he added.
“Yeah, exactly!” I concurred, liking his addition better than the original implications.
I came back over to the place the Sand Hut once stood. It was completely flattened. Where there had once been a sandbank with a (not so) lovely base made of sand walls now stood some floating furnaces, chests, and a crude (but functional) bed. We had made a pact not to sleep until all of us could. I was only a couple wool away from having four beds.
“Did you level this whole thing?” I gawked.
“And I’m supposed to rebuild it? I don’t even know where to begin!” 
Jordan cut in. “Wait did you just- completely remove-” 
“Yep,” I answered. Jordan chucked. 
“The poor sand hut!” he lamented. When he said that, there was a slight whine in my comm. He was getting close to the island again.
“It was shite anyway,” Tom asserted. I made a pouty face and sulked back over to the furnaces and leaned them. I built that thing- with his help. Not completely my fault it looked not so good. 
The whine happened again. I could now see Jordan in his boat, wind in his hair and slightly sweaty from rowing. 
Tom laughed. “Look at your cape flapping majestically in the wind! You look like a proper adventurer.” Jordan landed, smiling and slightly red in the face, although I didn’t know if it was from exertion or the compliment. 
“So how big do you want this place? Not very big, I’m assuming?” I pressed Tom. 
He shrugged. “Well, you’re used to not very big, so-” 
Tucker’s mic crackled again as he spoke. “WOOWW. What is this? I’m off getting materials and-” All of a sudden, I heard Tucker shrieking “CREEPER!”, and an explosion so loud it caused my comm to spaz out. I felt all the air leave my lungs. 
We shouted to no avail.
“Maybe- maybe the explosion knocked his mic out, and he’s okay!” Tom said, panicked. He ran in a dead sprint towards the mine. Jordan followed him. I felt frozen in my tracks. Something was crumpling within me. I knew immediately that Tom was wrong. I think that he did, too. I found it in me to follow the boys into the mine. We ran down the stone steps towards where tucker had been. Tom got there before Jordan or I. We both jogged into a small, dark space. We saw Tom, kneeling on the ground, motionless. There was no body (thank god), no remains except for his items dropped on the ground and his hat, which Tom was holding in his hands. I have never seen Tom look more like a zombie than in that moment- cold and dead inside. The only way I was sure that he was still actually alive was the way his chest was rising and falling rapidly. I, on the other hand, couldn’t breathe. The need for oxygen was gone. The three of us stood there for a while, might have been 10 minutes,  staring at the stuff on the ground and the crater in the walls. Abruptly, Jordan scooped everything into his inventory and straightened up.
“I-I can’t take it anymore. I need some air,” he said shortly, and went back up the stairs.
“So do I,” I managed to say. I pulled Tom up by his collar; it was doing no good for him to sit down here and rot. He followed without protest. 
We made it up to the surface. I saw Jordan sitting on the grass. I joined him, plopping down without saying anything. Tom did the same, putting his face in his hands. I finally found it in me to breathe. The sunlight felt nice on my skin. 
“We’re a man down,” croaked Tom. I noticed a lump in his throat. 
“How are we going to defeat all the bosses and stuff now?  We’ve only got three people,” Jordan said quietly.
“We’ve got the Ender Dragon, the Elder Guardian, and the Wither, and-” Tom looked like he was freaking out. 
“I’m like, .5 of a person,” I admitted. Jordan laughed humorlessly. 
“You might as well get on that boat, and- and sail outta here!” Tom snapped. 
“Woah.” I stepped back, kind of hurt. I was really taking some blows today. Jordan put an arm around me protectively and looked at Tom reproachfully.
Tom blinked. “I’m sorry,” he apologized, looking bewildered. “I didn’t mean that. I was just-” 
He pulled on his hair. Tom lashes out when he’s feeling emotional. This was the most vulnerable I had ever seen him. His pitch black eyes were glittering with tears. His voice wobbled when he spoke. He seemed very close to breaking apart.
“We need to do something. To honor him,” Tom propositioned. Jordan and I nodded gravely. 
“Pour one out?” Jordan joked awkwardly. He really didn’t seem to like the atmosphere that had set upon us, so he took it upon himself to lighten the mood. Tom made a weird noise that was like a cross between a laugh and a cry. 
“I’m going to build him a grave.” He stood up, took some cobblestone, and crafted a suitable headstone for our fallen friend. He placed three walls on the ground with a post on top of the middle. He put the hat on top of the post sacredly, like it was an offering to a god. 
And as I was staring at it, I couldn’t help but make the observation.
It looks like a dick.
But I couldn’t say that.
Because there’s no one for me to make dick jokes with anymore. 
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Tom rubbed his hands in his face and sighed. He stared at Tucker’s grave, shaking his head. “What have I been saying? Don’t go in on your own! He kept adventuring on his own!”
“I don’t know that bringing another person would have helped, though. It probably would have just killed both of us,” Jordan brought up. Tom shuddered. 
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Not a lot happened after that. I went back to working on the house with Jordan’s help this time, and Tom went back down into the mine. 
“I just want to check it out some more,” he claimed. While he was down there, he figured he could probably mine a bit. I think that Mianite or Dianite or Ianite or somebody was looking down on us at that moment, because not long after that Tom found twelve diamonds. Twelve. Diamonds. It should have been a happy moment, but it was ruined by the gravity 
Tom emerged from the mines just as I finished placing chests in the new house. I was pretty happy with it. If there were two things I was good at, they were animal breeding and house making. I have a natural eye for symmetry and details that the boys missed somehow. 
“Woah, it looks amazing, guys!” Tom said, impressed. He seemed to be in a slightly better mood. I smiled to myself. 
“Thanks.” I started making beds, and was about to place them down when I noticed that I had made four out of habit. My heart sank all over again. I pushed the fourth bed into the corner. It reminded me of the lonely pig Jordan made fun of Tucker trying to shove into the pit a couple days ago. I put three beds in the center of the room.
“I’m completely shot,” Tom announced, kicking off his shoes and passing out on the bed in the middle. Jordan chuckled and clambered in next to him, maintaining a reasonable distance from Tom. I curled up on the left, near the bed that should have had my boyfriend in it. 
“Let’s all cuddle together,” suggested Tom. I had no clue if he’s serious or not. I think it was one of those “what if… ha ha… unless?” type things. 
“No thanks,” Jordan replied calmly, setting his glasses down on the furnace next to his bed. 
“Aww, come on, Jordy poo, you know you love me.” 
Jordan stayed silent, provoking Tom to wiggle up next to him. Jordan sighed defeatedly, looking up at our stone ceiling. He actually let Tom stay there for the rest of the night. Tom and I were both surprised by this- Jordan’s a fan of his personal space. I guess that he recognized that Tom needed comfort tonight. Maybe he secretly enjoys it (I think he does). Whatever the case was, I ended up getting quite a bit of space to myself. I didn’t really appreciate it, though.
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
I lay awake that night, thinking about what Tom and Tucker had said about my contributions to the team.
I knew that I wasn’t good at fighting, so I stuck with what I was good at; raising animals, tending to crops, cooking the food, and letting the boys do all the dirty work. Don’t get me wrong, I love doing that stuff, but at the same time, I sometimes want a little more. But whenever I tried to help them,  I just got in the way. Was I really just deadweight? I certainly felt like it sometimes. Especially on the old island.  I felt like baggage, or more accurately, the lesser child. Mianite saw Tucker as the straight A son with a sports scholarship, and me as the daughter who really wasn’t good for anything except for occasionally helping Tucker. I didn’t direct that frustration towards my boyfriend- he did nothing wrong except for maybe not share some glory every once and awhile- , but it was still there. And Tom’s snide comments did nothing to help this. 
Speaking of Tom, I could hear him snoring softly. Clearly the trauma of today wasn’t too much to keep Tom from conking out almost immediately. I rolled over and smiled slightly. I was grateful that Tom was directing his total lack of respect for personal space at Jordan and not me. Jordan was lying on his back, hands folded on his stomach and eyes staring at the ceiling. 
“Sparklez?” I whispered.
“Do you… really think I'm useless?” It just sort of came out without me thinking. 
Jordan was silent for a second, then answered, “No, of course not.” 
“Okay. I know I’m not Tucker, but…”
“Sonja, you’re fine. Go to sleep,” Jordan said sleepily. I rolled back over. If there was one thing Jordan isn’t good at, it’s emotions. Specifically dealing with them, whether they belonged to him or someone else. I noticed he hadn’t done much outward processing of Tucker's death yet. He mostly kept quiet unless he was asking me where things should go or one-word replies to whatever Tom said. He didn’t strike me as a guy you could go to with your problems, unless they dealt with redstone or general crafting knowledge. 
 That’s something else I’m good at that no one else on the team is. I’m good at empathy. But what do the empathetics do when they need comfort? 
Turn to an empty bed, I guess.
Well, there’s only one person left who hasn’t written, and it’s Tom. So he’ll probably pick back up in the morning. 
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hauntedatmidnight · 6 years
Summary: He was Tom's best friend from school. She was Tom's new best friend from work. They had to make it work... Right? 
 Warnings: smut 
 Word count: almost 5k
 Harrison Osterfield x reader (y/n) 
 Hey, guys! This is the first imagine I'm putting up here. There's a probability of you finding mistakes, since I finished this at 3am. English is also not my native language (I'm brazilian), so I'm sorry if there's something wrong. Hope you enjoy it!
Y/n met Thomas at work. For whatever reason, they instantly bonded and, just like that, she had a best friend. She was new in town, right out of college and this was the opportunity of a lifetime. Those things didn’t happen where she came from, especially that young. Being away from family, friends, everything she knew… Well, it scared her.
That’s why her friendship with Tom meant so much to her; having him around was comforting. He took her sightseeing in her new town, helped her find and apartment – they were next door neighbors now! – and constantly kept her company. The only problem in this dynamic, was that anywhere Tom went, so did Harrison. They were like a package and even though y/n would like to separate them sometimes, it felt impossible. She even said they were symbiotic, but Tom just shrugged and said he had no idea what symbiotic meant.
So, y/n would put up with the sarcastic little comentary Harrison would throw at her about everything, swallowed hard his tasteless jokes and was her most polite self with the boy, even though he didn’t make it easier. He wasn’t even rude or anything with her, they just didn’t click, you know? She tried so hard for Tom. But the tall, blond, blue eyed boy just didn’t connect with her the same way Thomas did.
It was saturday, meaning Thomas was lying on her couch, complaining about a head ache and zapping through channels in her tv, while she cooked lunch. For three, she didn’t ask anymore. She knew Harrison was on his way, he always was.
“Hey, Tom” she called from the kitchen, while stirring the sauce. “Have you ever asked yourself why am I the one who always cooks on Saturday?”
“Because I’m fucking hungover” he mumbled, giving up on finding something to watch and jigging to the kitchen. “And I make breakfast every morning too”
“What if I wanted to get hungover? You know, got out and stuff…” she asked, handing him a glass of water and an aspirin, while he sat on the counter.
“If you really want to go out, there’s a party at Jacob’s tonight” he told her, with a smirk.
“Are you going?” she asked, setting the table.
“No, I’m flying home tonight, remember?”
“Oh, right! Jesus, Thomas, how am I going to survive 15 days without you?” she made a dramatic gesture and a pout that made him laugh.
“I could always recommend calling Haz, but you two seem to have trouble with one another” he shrugged, thinking. “You’re so cool and my best friend and he’s so cool and my best friend. Why can’t you get along?”
“I don’t exactly dislike him, Tom” she defended herself, bringing pasta and sauce to the table. “But speaking of him… He’s late”
 “Late for what? It’s saturday, y/n”
“Well, back home...”
“This is home now, sweetheart” he smiled and pinched her right cheek. They heard the bell ring and Tom ran to open the door. “What’s up, Haz? Lunch’s ready and y/n’s already complaining”
“Thomas!” she yelled from the kitchen, feeling her cheeks burn with embarrassment. Did he need to do that?
“Sorry, y/n” Harrison groaned, falling in a chair without even looking at her.
“That’s alright” she mumbled back, but she couldn’t tell if he actually listened to her. He was already eating and talking to Tom. And that’s why they didn’t get along. He never really paid attention to her, he never really tried. She always felt out of that equation, when Thomas was with him. She sighed, thinking to herself that maybe she was just jealous. Or maybe he was jealous of her.
“Tom said you want to go out today” it took her a while to realize Harrison was talking to her and Tom was already back at her couch. “There’s Jacob’s party, if you want to”
“Right” she muttered, giving him a small, toothless smile. “You going?”
“Sure” he smiled back at her in what seemed like the first time they held conversation without Tom. “If you want to come with me I can give you a ride”
“It’s ok, Haz… I really…”
“Need to get out of your room” Thomas interrupted her, going for the fridge. “Where’s the beer?”
“This is not your fridge, Tom. And really? I need to get out of my room?” she frowned, looking at his back, who was still looking through her fridge.
“Come on, y/n” he turned back to her, closing the fridge’s door. “Go out. Dance, drink, you know… Stuff”
“Stuff” she repeated, getting up and following him to the living room.
“Yeah” he laughed at her mad face, turning the tv on again. “You know, have fun! Oh, Batman!” he yelped, before turning back to y/n. “What are you afraid of?”
“I’m not afraid” she said, knowing he was just trying to get to her and it was working. He was teasing her. And she was taking the bait. “Haz, what time should I be ready?”
“Nine?” he offered, feeling unsure about the whole thing. He was getting into one of y/n and Tom’s little fights. That never went well.
“Great! 9pm, Thomas. You get on your plane to see family and I go to a party. Are we good?”
Hours later, she really regretted taking Thomas’ bait. She loved Jacob and had no problem going to parties at all. But Jacob had guests to talk to and she didn’t know anyone at that party besides Harrison. And he was gone the second they got there.
She was walking around Jacob’s house, beer on her hand, dragging her boot’s heels and searching for some blonde hair. Maybe he doesn’t want me to find him, she thought.
“Hey, I’m Mike” she heard someone saying behind her and, turning back, found a cute brunette with the brightest smile she ever saw. Before she could answer him, though, she felt a warm hand on her right shoulder.
“She’s with me” Harrison’s voice informed Mike. The man apologized and left.
“Oh, now you show up?” she asked, turning to look Harrison in the eye. “What if I wanted to get to know him?”
“Believe me, you don’t” he nudged her shoulder with his own, dragging her to the balcony with him, where some people were playing beer pong.
“Who said that? You’re some y/n specialist now? Do you even know anything about me besides my address? And I can’t exactly give that to you, because you obviously know that only ‘cause it’s the same as Tom’s” she rambled, feeling annoyed at his manners. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe she was just upset to be left alone. She crossed her arms and looked at him, mouth closed in a line.
“Slow down, y/n” he asked, rolling his pretty blue eyes at her. “I know we’re not best friends, but Tom talks about you all the time. So yeah, I know a few things. I even know your old dog Polly limps her right leg” he sighed, putting a hand back in her shoulder. “And you wouldn’t want to get to know Mike ‘cause he’s a dick. I got you out of a night of bad sex and a lot of head ache the next day”
“Thanks” she whispered, avoiding his gaze.
“Do you wanna play beer pong?” he invited her, pointing at a ping pong table. “I promise you I’m gonna be nice. If you can win, I mean…”
“What if I lose?” she asked, already walking to the table.
“You make breakfast every day until Tom comes back”
“Done!”  she shouted, laughing and arranging the red cups while Harrison gave a smirk and left to get beers in the kitchen.
He came back with Jacob and Zendaya, a friend of Harrison and Tom y/n haven’t met yet. Zendaya was really excited about the whole thing, because she wanted Harrison to get his ass kicked for once. Y/n smiled at that and sang girl power to the pretty girl she just met. Well, maybe Tom was right and she really needed to get out more.
“Ok, you’re good” Harrison admitted. Y/n had a lot more cups on her side of the table.
“I told you. You don’t know me” she smiled at him, waiting for his next move. He got the ball in one of her cups.
“Drink” his commanding voice sent shivers down her spine and his blue eyes met hers. She gave him an annoyed look and didn’t move. “Do you need help, y/n?” he laughed, walking to her side and picking her cup up. “Let me help you” and, saying that, spilled it all in her mouth, making her drink all the beer, eventually spitting a bit at him. He was still laughing, an arm lazily around her, his scent intoxicating her.
“God, you’re an asshole!” she cussed, untangling herself from his arms and tossing the ball in one of his cups “But see, love, there’s three here and just one over there. Be nice”
After a couple of fails from both parts, she finally won. Victory dance and everything, while Harrison just watched her with a silly smile.
“Unbelievable” Jacob whispered, coming back from inside the house just in time. “He never loses”
“Shut it” Zendaya whispered back, pointing with her head to Harrison and y/n, laughing at each other, eyes never leaving one another, y/n hopping from her side of the table to Harrison’s, getting his last cup and trying to spill it in his mouth, like he did to her. Jacob left out a low laugh at that, knowing full well where this was going.
“Drink it, Haz. Come on” y/n teased him, getting on the tip of her toes, trying to get the taller boy to drink. She was all over him, laughing, his hands were on her hips and when he suddenly turned around, fleeing from her, she lost her balance. Her back hit a pillar, but it seemed like nothing and she kept laughing. “You can’t cheat, Harrison! Drink!” she protested, while he got closer and closer.
“Make me” he whispered against her lips, getting even closer, until their bodies were almost glued together. They laughed, before his lips were on hers and her hands were in his hair.
And it was intense. Jacob and Zendaya hurried out of the balcony, while Harrison positioned himself between y/n’s legs and his tongue made its way to her mouth. She didn’t offer any resistance and it just made sense to her, in a way she could never understand. Right there; they clicked. Her hands moving from his hair to his muscular back and toned arms, him biting on her lower lip while she tried to muffle out a moan.
The elevator doors on y/n’s building opened up and the couple got out, lips still attached to each other. She smiled, breaking the kiss and turned around, looking for her keys, while his arms were still around her and his lips moved to her neck. She groaned at that, trying to think, but Harrison made it really hard.
“Haz...” she whispered, but got nothing in return. “Haz, I forgot my jacket at Jacob’s. My keys were in there” he snorted against her neck.
“Good thing I’ve got keys, then”  he took her by her hand, smiling at the confused look she gave him and pulled her until they were in front of Tom’s door.
“What? Here?” he pushed her inside Thomas apartment, ignoring her questions. She’s been there, of course. Every day, actually. But it felt weird to be there with Harrison.
“He wouldn’t mind” he said, pulling her back against his body. “And he doesn’t need to know, too” and, saying that, he lifted her by her waist, dragging her to Thomas’ huge couch.
She woke up, sunday morning, feeling her whole body ache. She wasn’t hungover exactly, but she felt… Sore. And then it hit her. His lips all over her body, his fingertips adding pressure at all the right places, moaning his name countless times… Oh, she felt so embarrassed by that. Especially being naked in her best friend’s bed. Of course Thomas would just high five her and brag about being right. And it would be an awkward moment, because Harrison… Wait. Where was he? She turned around and found nothing.
Y/n got up, got dressed and slowly walked through Thomas’ apartment. Empty. She rolled her eyes. Of fucking course he left her alone. He promised to be nice for one night, not forever. Asshole.
So, she called the manager, got her spare key and sunk into her couch, feeling numb. After a while, she fell back asleep, too tired to think about Harrison or last night at all.
“So, I heard you had fun” Tom sang into her ear, the morning he got back, while she made pancakes.
"Who told you that?” she flinched, just thinking about that night. She didn’t see Harrison again until Tom came back and, you know, they are attached to the hip.
"Jacob and Zendaya”
"Oh” was all she could produce out of that. He knew, then.
"What happened?” he asked, giving her time to think about an answer, while Harrison was sprawled on her couch.
"The usual” she said, putting more pancake mix into the pan.
"The usual?” Tom asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Harrison being Harrison” she smiled weakly at her best friend, moving the stack of pancakes to the table.
"I’m gonna need more if you want my advice” Tom smirked at y/n, grabbing some pancakes and joining Harrison on the couch.
"But I don’t want it” she rolled her eyes at Tom, suddenly feeling like an outcast in her own living room. She sat on the floor, against Tom’s legs and avoiding Haz’s eyes like the plague.
"Ok, I don’t care as long as you party with me this time” he nudged her with his foot, making her laugh.
"Jealous, much?” she heard Harrison muttering, but still avoided his gaze.
It was Saturday. Y/n found herself at Zendaya’s, making her actually happy that she made a new friend. She was proud of herself, even. A girlfriend. Someone she could ask advice about makeup and clothes and not get the usual shrug Thomas always gave her. They were eating pad thai and watching The Bachelor before going out. Y/n was happy. A new friend, going out to parties, cold beer, music and… Oh, Harrison.
The knock on the door was their cue to leave. Tom was there to pick them up and, of course, Harrison tagged along. The drive to Tony’s house was silent, broken from time to time by Zendaya singing out loud, asking everyone questions and trying to break the ice. Poor thing.
"We’re here” Tom sang, hopping out of the car.
“Can you never drive again?” Zendaya asked.
"That’s why Harrison’s always the one to drive. I get it now” y/n teased Tom, getting out of the car and nudging him with her elbow, playfully.
"Oh, shut it” he rolled his eyes. “Go ahead, Z and Haz. We’ll meet you inside”
They agreed and left y/n and Tom alone, she raised her eyebrows at her best friend and crossed her arms in front of her body, suddenly feeling very self-aware. She was kinda sweating in her butt from the nerves and she felt the leather skirt sticking against her legs, the long sleeved black and glittery body also making her sweat. She didn’t know if she was nervous or just hot. She knew Tom. She knew what was coming.
"Ok, what happened?” he asked, leaning against the car.
"He left me. Alone” she rolled her eyes, also leaning against the car, but avoiding Thomas’ gaze.
"Really? Not what he said”
"Well, he’s an asshole” she rolled her eyes one more time and left Tom behind.
Y/n found the alcohol before she found Tony to say hi. Of course she was looking for the beverage and not Tom’s friend she met a couple of times before. She needed to drink or she wouldn’t survive this.
"Hello, beer pong master” y/n turned around to find Tony.
"Oh, so you heard the songs they sing about me and my heroic feats” she smiled, hugging the boy. “Thank you for inviting me over, Tony”
"What? It’s nothing” he winked at her, helping y/n open a beer. “Also, heard in those songs that you might want to talk to some guy we know…”
"Harrison” she didn’t even blink saying his name. What was it with everyone bringing him up?
"Yeah. Up for a beer pong game?” she was glad he changed the subject, but not so glad to find Harrison playing when they got to the back yard.
 A few rounds later, Tony was pretty drunk. Tom had his arms around her, singing in a slurred voice, missing the lyrics and making her laugh. Zendaya was playing against Harrison and y/n kept her eyes on the table, watching the ball kick back and forth.
"What?” Z shouted, throwing the ball back at Harrison. “You won again? Seriously y/n, please come kick his ass again!”
"Yeah, let’s see the legend in action!” Tony chanted, encouraging her.
"Come on, y/n!” Tom also pressured her, releasing her from his embrace and pushing her to the table. She finally glanced at Harrison and his blue eyes met hers. For a while that’s all they did whilst their friends incited them. Then Harrison offered her a small smile and in her near drunk state she smiled back.
"What do I get from this?” y/n asked Harrison, positioning herself at the other side of the table.
"Oh, you already know” he winked at her, gaining some confidence over her teasing. “I’ll be nice”
"You’ll have to be nicer than last time” she arranged the cups in front of her and filled them with cold beer.
"Nicer? From what I remember I was so nice you…” he suddenly realized everyone could listen to them and coughed. “We’ll see about that”
But Harrison got competitive. Each time y/n won he swore he knew what he was doing wrong and challenged her for one more time. Everyone was having fun from their banter, so they kept going. Until Harrison was… Drunk. He felt drunk enough to tease her and intice her with inuendos and... She cut him off.
"Ok, that’s enough” she said, sharply, but still smiling. “You’re drunk enough, Haz”
"I lost” he protested, leaning against the table. “I’m drinking”
"You said you’d be nice, not drunk as fuck”
"Oh, you curse now” he laughed, while Tom came to the rescue, hiding the rest of the cups so Harrison couldn’t drink more.
“I do” she drank from her cup, raising an eyebrow at him.
“You’re a lot more fun than it seems”
“I know” she gave him a low chuckle and helped him to the balcony’s couch, not noticing they were left alone by everyone else. “I came here to work. I’m starting my career and I would love not to ruin everything like I did back home”
“What are you running from?” he asked, sinking onto the couch.
"Not running away, Haz. Just starting over” she explained, smiling. “I promised myself I would be a different person. Different from the girl who almost set her dorm on fire on third year, from the girl who broke her high school boyfriend’s heart over the captain of the football team. And then his heart over someone else. But especially, from the girl who partied and drank all through college, before gaining some conscience in the last year”
"I thought you were a goody” he laughed, turning his head to look at her. “But you kinda owe me the full story on that fire accident thing”
"Valentine’s day bonfire gone wrong. Believe me, I had a lot to burn” she laughed and he did the same thing. And it felt easy. Her stomach was on loops inside of her and her heart… Oh, her heart was so confused. “But what about you? What do you hide?”
"Well… I’m better than this” he pointed at himself.
"You’re… Drunk?” she frowned, confused.
“Maybe” he laughed and then after a while, sighed, turning away from her. “Out of nowhere Tom had a new best friend and we shared everything that was ours with her. I wasn’t exactly a good friend. To Tom. To you”
“I mean, you did get rid of that Mike guy for me” she considered, nudging him with her shoulder.
“Do you wanna dance?”
And for the rest of the night they had fun. Dancing to any song Tony blasted on the speakers – the ones they knew, the ones they didn’t and Harrison didn’t leave the dance floor even when Ariana Grande was on, because y/n squeaked at the sound of Side to Side and he couldn’t stop looking at that. They stole chips from Tony’s kitchen, pranked Tom together and laughed at each other’s jokes. It was pretty late when y/n threw herself on Tony’s couch and Harrison followed her, putting her feet in his lap.
“I can’t believe Ms. Party Girl’s tired” he played with her heels, laughing a bit.
“It’s been a while, so I’m kinda new at this again? I lasted, considering” she offered as a defense, playing with his hair without noticing.
“I’m sorry” he was suddenly sort of dark and not looking at her. Y/n sat straight, holding his hand in hers.
“Yeah? What for?”
“I should have given you a chance, since the beginning, y/n” he glanced at her, breathing uneven, as if it was hard to talk about it. “You’re nice. I like you. But I don’t know what to make out of it since last time”
“What do you mean?” she felt a knot in her stomach. What was he trying to say?
“I mean, it was weird and disappointing coming back and… Nothing. I thought about knocking at your place, but it also felt useless” he squeezed her hand. “But guess that’s on me. My fault”
“What are you talking about? You left me alone!”
“I was only grabbing you some coffee, you dickhead. Even texted Tom to learn what you usually ate in the morning. I was trying to be nice”
And she kissed him. Just like that. Grabbed his face with both her hands, didn’t give him time to understand what was happening or she might lose the courage. And she kissed him. And, again, it made sense. It felt right. As if all the universe wanted when it jogged her to the other side of the country, was for them to find each other. And so she smiled against his lips and he smiled back and whispered “let’s get out of here”.
This time she had her keys. They weren’t drunk, but kind of dizzy and it made them giggle every time they hit something while trying to find her room in the dark. Harrison’s lips were attached to her collar bone and she knew it would leave a mark and she didn’t care. At all.
Finally, her knees hit her mattress and she fell on her bed, Harrison hurrying to be on top of her.
"Bold move on the cab, sweetheart” he whispered in her ear, a hand finding her tight underneath her skirt and the other supporting his weight, settled alongside her head.
"God, who am I? What have you made of me, Harrison Osterfield?” she laughed against his lips, unbuttoning his shirt.
"I don’t know, but I’m glad I did” he bit her earlobe, earning a low moan from her. “I want more of that, love”
"Work harder, then” she teased, finally getting rid of his shirt.
"Oh? Really?” he looked at her with dark eyes and, without a warning; two of his fingers were inside of her. She moaned loud, nails clutching to his back. “God, you’re so wet already”
"Bold move on the cab, sweetheart” she teased him with his own words and he laughed, fingers still inside her, moving at a slow pace. Harrison kissed her, his tongue exploring her mouth and biting on her lower lip every now and then. His thumb found her clit and she moaned again, against his lips, making him shiver on top of her.
Y/n then pushed him to lie on his back and got on top of him herself. With his blue eyes glued to her, she unzipped her skirt and tossed it away. His hands flew to y/n’s ass, making her grind against him. He helped her take off the long sleeved body and sat up, his lips quickly finding her left nipple. Y/n used her hands in his hair to steady herself, while grinding against him.
Harrison turned them around again, and y/n felt her back against the mattress. He kissed her lips, her jawline, her neck, her collar bone and then her breasts, her belly, until he found her panties. He played with the hem of her black laced panties and at the same time she felt it being pulled off, she felt his lips of her and she couldn’t restrain a loud moan of his name.
"You like this, love?” he asked, the vibration of his voice against her pussy sending shivers down her spine.
"Keep going” she pleaded, in a low voice. He didn’t answer with words, but with actions. His tongue made his way to her clit and his fingers were inside her again. He was licking and sucking and biting and his fingers were curling inside of her and y/n could stop moaning his name again, like last time. His name felt so right on her lips when she sort of whispered them between moans. So she kept on calling for him, clutching to his hair, curling her toes until she came undone. A mess of sweat, loud moans and pleasure. Harrison helped her ride her high and made his way back up by tracing her figure with his nose and lips, until he found her lips again. And he kissed her, letting her taste herself in his mouth, glowing with her wetness.
And while she was still trying to get back from this big fucking orgasm, he was already taking off his pants, putting on a condom and sliding inside her, making her moan audibly again. She laughed against his shoulder and whispered “you’ll be the death of me”, to what he smiled and kissed her again.
He was in and out of her at a delicious pace, his forehead resting against hers, blue eyes glued to y/n’s. His mouth was half open, pink and swollen from the kissing and the biting. Y/n’s nails found their home in Harrison’s back and he seemed to enjoy it. One of his hands made its way to her right tight, positioning her to a new, deeper angle, making her moan louder and call his name.
"Harrison” she cried, clutching to his back stronger.
"What, love?” he whispered, moving his mouth to her neck, leaving open mouth kisses and love bites.
"I’m almost…”
"Come for me, y/n” Harrison asked, slamming harder into her, the hand holding her tight grabbing it stronger, sure to leave a mark she wouldn’t care to carry with her. “Y/n” he called her name again and it did it for her. She clenched around him, toes curling and the knot of her abdomen dissolving into delicious waves of pleasure.
"Haz” she moaned one last time, before his trusts became sloppier and he, too, reached his climax inside her, while sucking on her neck and groaning loud against her skin.
He collapsed besides her, breathing uneven, sweating and grinning openly. She turned to face him, her hair sticking to her sweaty face and her entire body still very aware of all the pleasure the boy next to her just provided. But it was more than that, she knew.
After a while, he turned to face her too, pulling her onto him and covering them with her light sheets. Grinning at each other, they fell asleep.
And Harrison was there the next morning. And the next. And the next. Until it was the usual. Until Tom knocked on the door every morning instead of barging in, afraid to find someone naked or having morning sex in the kitchen.
Until their little misunderstanding was nothing but the story of how they got together.
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whenimgoodandready · 5 years
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✨The Realm of Magic!✨ the source of all magic in the universe! The home of The First Born made by Star (Battle for Mewni:“Toffee”), where she first visited and saw all those baby unicorns (“Deep Dive”), where she and Moon had mother/daughter quality time together (“Divide”/“Conquer”). It leads to various dimensions in the world through golden waterfalls going in the opposite direction and a cleansing from dark magic. It’s a utopia! Where all your troubles just wash away and you’re only left with pure happiness and joy! The downside is you forget everything and end up looking like an idiot. So let’s go there again! Yea!:
*Mama Star-So apparently, from what we learned in “Conquer”, there’s upward golden waterfalls that lead to different dimensions without the use of magic and one of ‘em is on Earth. Yes! Earth is a dimension! It has a society and history! Stars trying to signal her “unicorn daughter”, First Born, to come out, by throwing sh*t into the well, and take her and her friends back to Mewni and save it...................again. Since Star created First Born, she’s technically her “daughter” which means her unicorn babies are her “grandchildren!?” Stars a mom and a grandma! Finally, First Born comes out tells Star to stop throwing sh*t in the well and refuses to allow Star and her friends in. First time Star was there, First Born wanted her to stay (“Deep Dive”), second time Star was there, with her mom, First Born wanted them both gone and sent them home (“Conquer”). Hmmm, I wonder why?
Oskar lets Star borrow his car to send themselves into the well (God knows how they fit that in the well, magic?) and Star convinces First Born to lead them to the well that leads to Mewni while they stay safe and sound locked in the car. NO ZAPPING! Last time that happened, Star and her mom got seperated. They all have to be there together! Turns out, there’s no need to touch the magic in the realm to make yourself forget, it’s in the air! So Team Star gets high like Woodstock and crazy sh*t goes down. Tom freaks out that he has a third eye, Marco debates with himself on his feelings and says the magic words! (“I love you, Star!”) (squee). She totally heard that😏. Then they all freak out at seeing First Born and try to turn her into road kill, but she stops ‘em and says that they’re almost to the well to Mewni and-Wait! Where’d she go? Hello! First Born! You-hoo! Here horsey! Horsey! Horsey! HEY!
Hey look! A pool of black goo! That’s where she went! Wait a minute! Black goo!? Wasn’t that the black goo that was washed off when Moon was there? (“Divide”) or when Toffee corrupted the place!? (“Battle for Mewni:”Toffee”). I think it might be the former cuz it’s not as “goopy”. Look at me, I’m analyzing the goo in a magic realm over here! OOOOOOOOOH! No wonder First Born didn’t want Star back in the realm! She left behind that sh*t the last time she was there! Of course! Star’s just one brain cell short of functioning as a regular person!😅. Hey! Don’t judge me! Star admitted herself she’s stupid! So it’s okay! Doesn’t matter how much character development Star had done through, she’s just gonna continue leaving behind a bunch of sh*t. Anyway, Tom blows the roof and converings off the car and is now stuck in his firey demon form. Lol! Hey! What’s that thing in the black goo with First Born? Is that a shark? Wait! Where’d she go again!? Hello! First Born! Here girl! Weesnaw!
Oh well! Team Star (minus Tom) get out of their seatbelts and go out to have the time of their lives! Star and Marco make themselves a family with the unicorn babies, Janna plays with the corrupted unicorn babies and Tom just sits in his place still in his firey demon form. Yup! Just like the first time, and the one after, the amnesia induced suckers fall into its power and goof around looking like idiots. But happy idiots! Like-like uh, Bliss! Yeah! Bliss! That’s the word! It’s all good! Oh look! It’s First Born again! Hey you! Where’ve you been? Swimming? Hey who’s your friend? Your friend that big corrupted unicorn there! That’s-that’s charging right at you and everyone else? Wait, that’s bad isn’t it? FIRST BORN DO SOMETHING! *ZAP!* What happened!? Where’d everyone go!? Star! Marco! Janna! Tom! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!
A few things about this episode. Marco thinks (what the fandom has long thought) that the first Mewman settlers were actually Humans! I mean, they’re not too different! And the name sounds poorly similar too! If Oskars car can fit through that well to the Realm of Magic then why not a boat full of pilgrims! Maybe it does work like magic!? Maybe the first Mewman settlers were Humans that got lost in the pilgrimage and ended up in Mewni!? Could explain why they don’t remember who they were and thought they were Mewmans from the amnesia inducing effects? (“Meteora’s Lesson”). And Humans can gain magical powers! Just look at Marco! (“Deep Dive”) However, we didn’t get to see any development from that cuz we had to keep the current plot rolling. So the black goo was still there from when Moon washed it off herself and it stayed there corrupting the baby unicorns! (hisses through grind teeth) That’s not good, but who was that corrupted big unicorn? I thought there was only First Born? Was that her husband? idk!? But he’s there! And he’s out to destroy! What was sweet about this ep was that Star and Marco had a beautiful and loving moment playing and being happy, even if they were under its amnesia inducing spell! Marco said a beautiful (drug-like) “I love you” to Star and now we just need to hear it from the other party (leans towards Star eagerly). They remembered each other! But they didn’t with Tom. Starco is strong! Yea! You see! No Blood Moon or Severing Stone is powerful enough to break this ship! And we saw them as a family too! A little something for the Starco shippers to let us see them as a wholesome bunch! Awwwwwww. The whole Meet Cute, fall in love and then start a family together in just 5mins! Like a pre-Starco endgame sequence. How nice ღ. We saw another soft side of Janna when she was girlishly in awe at the corrupted baby unicorns. Who could resist!? Tom just continued to sit there in his firey demon form cuz he just “forgot the off switch”. Lol!
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tomiyeee · 7 years
(i’d been thinking about florence and shaun/father a lot, but never really did anything with it, so i figured i might as well try to write something...
also god damn i didn’t realize florence would be so fun to write)
“That’s the last of them,” Preston declared, lowering his laser rifle. Sweat trickled down his forehead, despite being in the cool, air-conditioned Institute facilities. He huffed, looking over the ruined synths, scattered across the pristine floors. “Now what? Babe?”
“Uhh…problem.” Florence stepped back from the entrance to the Advanced Systems Lab. “The door’s locked, we can’t get in. Tom?”
Tinker Tom’s voice rang over the loudspeaker, “I can’t override the lockdown from here. That command has to come from the Director’s terminal. You’ve gotta do that part yourself.”
Florence slumped over and groaned. More work. “Ugh, fine. I’ll go,” she said, heading toward the elevator at the center of the room. “Alone,” she added when Preston made to follow.
He gave her a puzzled look and after a moment, Florence sighed. “I just…want to have some time alone to say goodbye to Shaun, if you don’t mind…Besides,” she pulled him closer and gestured to the group of Railroad agents standing behind them, “they’ll need the help if any more synths show up. You know these Railroad guys. They’d probably get their asses handed to ‘em if it weren’t for you and me.”
“We can hear you, you know,” said a rather offended Railroad agent.
Florence just waved a dismissive hand to them and entered the elevator. Preston watched her with slight worry, as he always did whenever she went anywhere he couldn’t follow. Still, he chuckled and shook his head when he saw her wink at them from inside the elevator, leaning casually against the glass wall.
Once the others were out of sight, Florence’s smirk fell and her shoulders sunk.
It was time to face Shaun. What would she even say to him? What could she say? “I’m sorry you’re dying and now I’m going to destroy everything you’ve worked your whole life for,” just didn’t sound right. What would people normally say in this situation? Anything and everything that came to mind just didn’t seem to fit.
The elevator door slid open sooner than she would’ve liked and for a moment she lingered, hesitant. Maybe she could just quit. Take the elevator back up and tell one of the others to do it. Then she wouldn’t have to deal with all of this.
No, she thought to herself. You’ve come this far, no turning back now.
Plus, she at least owed it to her son to say goodbye to him face to face.
She walked down the corridor that lead to Shaun’s room and opened the door at the end. Slowly, cautiously, as if expecting to be ambushed any second, she stepped through the doorway and looked around the room. Finding it empty, she wandered up the staircase to the right, freezing when she got to the top.
There in the center of the room, lay Shaun on top of some sort of medical bed.
“Hello, Shaun,” Florence said softly as she approached him.
Shaun perked up slightly and turned his head to face her. “Mother,” Florence cringed at his weak yet uncaring tone, “I didn’t expect to see you again.”
“Yeah, well…” Florence shrugged and fiddled with the cuff of her vault suit. “Shaun…I’m really sorry it’s come to this.”
“You’re sorry?” he scoffed. “You can’t be that sorry, if you’re here going through with it.”
Florence hung her head in guilt.
“You’ve ruined humanity’s best hope for the future. And for what?”
“It was…” she paused, trying think of the right words to say. “It was for the greater good, Shaun. The people of the Commonwealth deserve to live freely, without fear. They deserve a chance.”
“Spare me. You’ve spent time up there. You know as well as I that the Commonwealth is doomed.”
“No,” Florence shook her head and the corners of her mouth pulled up in a warm smile. “You’re wrong. I have spent time in the Commonwealth, much more time than you. And I’ve seen the people out there fighting to build a better life for themselves, a better future. There is still hope for it.”
Shaun just shook his head. “The Institute was the Commonwealth’s only true pathway towards a better future. And you’re going to destroy it. I hope one day you’ll realize that.”
Florence huffed, frustrated. The Commonwealth was her second chance at life, it gave her a reason to want to keep living. She would know better than anyone that there was still hope for it.
Why couldn’t he see that? Why couldn’t he see that what they were doing here was wrong?
Her son should have understood.
Her son would have.
In fact, looking down at him now, she realized…he isn’t her son. Maybe he was at some point and maybe he is still Shaun, but he is not her son. She’d lost her son years ago in the vault, the same day she’d lost Nate.
The Shaun that lay before her now was a stranger to her. He’d grown up here in the Institute. She’d missed out on his entire life. And as much as she wished to have her son back, this wasn’t him.
It wasn’t his fault of course, nor was it Florence’s. They were just victims of circumstance. Maybe if she’d had a chance to be there for him and raise him as her own, things would have been different. Maybe then he would see. However, as it was, there was no use in trying to argue with him.
Shaun didn’t choose his path, but it was the path he’d taken nonetheless. He’d dedicated his life to the Institute and seemed determined to go down with it. And if that meant he’d die hating her, then so be it. It wasn’t her problem now.
As she backed away from the side of the bed, Florence stared into Shaun’s cold, harsh glare, her own expression a mix of frustration and sorrow.
“I’m sorry, Shaun,” she muttered, turning towards his terminal to do what she came for.
Shaun scowled. “Just…get out. There’s nothing more to say,” he said, closing his eyes.
“So…come here often?”
Preston turned to stare at the Railroad agent standing next to him, quirking an eyebrow at them.
The agent cleared their throat, nervously. “Oh! Wanderer, you’re back!”
Sure enough, there was Florence stepping out of the elevator to rejoin the rest of the group. A blank expression was plastered across her face and for once Preston couldn’t guess what she was thinking.
“Babe? You alright?” he asked.
She smiled weakly at him. “Yeah. I’m fine.” Her smile wobbled as she spoke and she paused for a second before straightening up. “Come on, let’s finish this.”
Florence hopped out of the Institute’s reactor. The deed was done. The pulse charger was in place and soon the Institute would be no more than a giant crater. Now all that was left was to get the hell out of here.
“Alright, Tom!” Desdemona called. “We’re done down here. Pull us back up!”
There was a loud zap and blueish-white light and when they reopened their eyes, Florence, Preston, Desdemona, and the other Railroad members found themselves in the relay room, alarms blaring and bright orange lights flashing.
Des stepped out first. “Let’s get out of here while we can,” she said to Tom, who was furiously tapping away at a computer terminal.
“I’m with ya, boss, but…this kid showed up. He says he’s Wanderer’s son.”
Florence’s breath hitched.
“Please, mom…Don’t leave me here! I want to go with you!”
It was Shaun. Synth Shaun.
“Why…did you call me 'mom’?” She could’ve sworn the last time she’d seen the synth boy, he had no idea who she was.
“What? You’re my mother. What else would I call you?”
That’s when it hit her. Shaun—Father—must have reprogrammed him. Maybe her son wasn’t lost after all. She’d been given a second chance at life, maybe now she was being given a second chance at having a family.
This synth, this boy was that chance. And she was not about to let him slip through her fingers, just like how Nate and Shaun had. This was her family now and this time she wouldn’t fail them. Things were going to be okay again. She’d make sure of that.
“Alright, you can come with me.” Florence leaned down so that she and Shaun were face to face.
Shaun’s face lit up. “Really? You mean it?”
“Of course. I can’t just leave you here can I?” She smirked and ruffled his hair. “Now,” she said, straightening again. “Let’s get out of here…son.”
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aberorca · 7 years
Cursed Child: Saturday 20th May
A few weeks ago I did something really reckless, as I have a habit of doing every once in a while (it’s my Gryffindor blood, what can I say?): I bought two premium tickets for Saturday 20th May and Sunday 21st May even though I REALLY couldn’t afford it. The 21st I could excuse, but the Saturday too? Naughty. I even, last week, considered canceling the ticket and refunding it because I knew that I basically wouldn’t be eating until payday (and be late paying some bills) to pay for it but I stuck to my guns and I’m so glad I did. All the reckless things I’ve ever done, I’ve been nervous about but gone and done anyway, and I’ve never regretted it. This was a prime example.
Saturday 20th May was the first, only and last show I’ve seen with all the original cast in all their original roles. And it was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. My seat was incredible - the best I’ve sat in. John Tiffany sat in this seat on Sunday, so I wonder if it was in fact “his” seat, (for example, I hear that JKR has Stalls E12). 
Everyone was on their A-game (even Anthony gave it his all, despite being pooly and as a regular you could tell. Poor bb had sounded bad at stage door on Friday night). The cast were going all-out. I didn’t make many mental notes because I wanted to just enjoy the performance, as if it were the first time but I will recall here the things that stood out. 
Platform 9 ¾: Just general loveliness. The Potter-Weasley-Granger family having fun together. Jamie has his arm around Poppy in this scene with his hand on her back and I’ve noticed before but never mentioned that he often strokes his thumb up and down her spine. *pours self a glass of cold water*
Cherelle totally went for “it’s exciting” line and I love it when she does that.
Polyjuice scene: Contrary to popular belief, Anthony doesn’t always do the sea lion barks but he did them this show and I hadn’t heard them in ages so that was everything I was hoping for to conclude Act 1.
The first task: Tom Mackley, Josh Wyatt and Rosemary Annabella went for it. I mean, went for it. No restraint. I feel sorry for anyone who wasn’t watching them because I was in stitches. This was Josh and Tom:
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Mackley ended up on Josh’s shoulders (I can’t even remember how it happened, I was laughing so much, but it was when the dragons appeared and I do remember Mackley just leaping up there like
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 and Rosemary, oh my God. She through all caution to the wind, screaming “I LOVE YOU, CEDRIC!!!” She got told off by a professor and then appeared to try to calm herself down, breathing as if she would into a paper bag but then fainted and took out half of Hufflepuff. Just one of the funniest scenes I’ve ever seen in my life. I was crying with laughter.
Anthony was struggling in the library scene and he forgot the line “I’m still the son of Voldemort without a mother” So, instead, the line went from “Turns out she (Astoria) is (dead) so I’m giving sympathy to the boy who doesn’t give anything back.” General audience seeing the show for the first time wouldn’t have noticed anything and it still made sense but Anthony, poor guy, as a regular you could see he wasn’t on top form. He was still brilliant though, because of course! Love you, Boyo!
The only gaff in this show was that Cedric didn’t inflate in the second task but it wasn’t obvious to a general audience because of the way Cedric’s vest looks anyway. Speaking of the audience - this Saturday audience was one of the worst I’ve been in, in terms of how responsive they were and the way in which they responded. But they did loosen up in Part Two.
Draco in the Voldemort timeline: Three weeks ago, Alex came out from behind his desk in this scene and I loved it. He didn’t do it last week which was disappointing but he did do it this time. To explain - when Draco says to Scorpius “Do you know what I love most about your Mother?…” it’s a very rare, truthful, genuine moment between the two of them. Alex has always said it from behind his desk but recently he has come out from behind the desk, thereby removing all physical barriers between himself and his son in a moment where he is trying to emotionally reach him, and remove relationship barriers. Today, he came out from behind the desk and before he began his line, he looked back at his desk, as if nervous about the lack of a physical barrier between himself and Scorpius, because he’s not used to being open with his son. But then he looks back to Scorpius and starts the line. It’s such a powerful way to play the scene. Major kudos to Alex there.
Snape - hats off to Paul Bentall - he has never been an ideal Snape for me - he could shout a bit which I find out of character but Paul has been toning that down recently and I mentioned a while back that he gave a performance that won me over. Today he was absolutely convincing. He made me cry. He was quiet, intimidating, but genuine, especially where Lily’s name was mentioned. In his final moments as Snape, when the dementors are about to be upon him, he always stretches out his arms toward them in acceptance of his fate, but in this performance he did so as he called out Lily’s name. He continued to call to her, as if he were offering her his final moments as the dementors came down upon him and it floored me.
Harry and Ginny fighting: oh my gosh, were Jamie and Poppy at their very hottest tonight. The chemistry between them was off the charts. Act Three Scene Fifteen, where Ginny blames Harry for Albus going missing again, was just explosive. It’s astonishing how good Jamie and Poppy are, that despite how angry they were, you could feel the love between them, and the fact that they loved each other so much made their frustration all the more greater. I got goosebumps as they fought - everyone was transfixed.
Paul got down on one knee for the marriage renewal lines. He has done this before but he doesn’t always do it. Like Anthony’s sea lion barks, I was hoping for it and I got it. He even made an “oof” noise as he got to the floor and another one as Hermione helped him up. Fantastic.
Alex has been doing this thing recently when Ron says “Scrupious” where he turns to look at Harry and Hermione and points a outstretched arm and fingerr at Ron as if to say, “Mum! Dad! Do something about him!” Hilarious.
The Dumbledore scene - flawless. Just flawless. It really felt like Jamie and Barry were going all out. They didn’t raise their voices higher than usual, they didn’t do anything drastically different but you could feel the emotion pouring out of them. And this was the tipping stone for Jamie - he did not have a dry eye from this scene onwards. He was sobbing and shaking as Alex entered the room. Alex has been doing the “Mwahaha” for a while but recently he has added on this cringe of embarrassment afterward that cracks up the audience. It’s as if, when Draco very genuinely (and unusually) tries to lighten the mood, he then thinks “Oh, my God. I can’t believe I just did that to POTTER.” It’s brilliant from Alex. Comedy is most certainly his strength. That being said, I’ve never seen him break down as he talked about Astoria like he did tonight and it set Jamie off again. I’ll say it again - this scene was flawless. 
Albus and Scorpius did one high five after another over the blanket idea. All the bestie feels.
The Harry/Ginny kiss - I blogged this straight away. It is still the best kiss I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen them do it ten times). Sometimes Harry has already got away in this scene before Ginny says her line and he strides back across to kiss her but this time she grabbed hold of him before he went anywhere and said her piece and Harry stepped into her, pressed his body flush against hers as he pulled her to him, their legs entangled, his hands cradling her face as he kissed her as if life depended on it. Ginny gripped hard to him with one hand and had another in his hair and it felt like the longest kiss I’ve ever seen from them. I almost felt as though I shouldn’t have been watching but couldn’t look away at the same time. The Notebook, eat your heart out. This was fucking phenomenal.
Godric’s Hollow: when Ron said “You get her in here and then, we’ll zap her” Alex spun around with his arms in the air as he normally does but he held his frustration and loss for words for the longest time as he flailed in a manner that Scorpius would have been proud of. Jamie very nearly laughed. I could see him struggling to keep a straight face and I’ve never seen Jamie break character. He held it -  just.
The final scene: bear in mind that I had already been crying for almost the whole of Act Four. Even when I was watching the performance knowing that we had one more to go the next day, somehow, this day had a finality to it that I can’t quite place. Perhaps because it had been such an incredible show. Perhaps because I knew I was going to be with all with my Cursed Child friends tomorrow and that was what Sunday would be about for me, more than anything else. Perhaps it was just because I knew it was the last time I would be there watching the original cast on my own. But something about this show felt final. And, in the final scene, it must have done for Sam too, because he started to break. He started to break as he said “What if that’s my Slytherin side?” Jamie, recently, has taken Sam’s hand in his and then placed them on Sam’s heart as he says “this heart is a good one.” He normally places his other hand on Sam’s shoulder. But as Sam started to cry, Jamie gently cupped his other hand to the back of Sam’s head, in the way that one holds a baby that is too young to hold its own head up. He was cradling Sam in his hand, and as he said “I know, I know this heart is a good one, yeah?” they both were crying. As a regular, you knew in that moment that it wasn’t just Harry talking to Albus, in fact it was barely that at all. It was Jamie talking to Sam. It was Jamie telling Sam that he loved him, that he loved his heart, and that Sam was going to go on and do great things. Sam cried. Jamie cried. I cried. This for me, was one of the greatest moments in the play that I’ve ever seen. It was moving beyond words and I feel privileged to have witnessed it. This moment alone was worth the weekend premium ticket price.
I got out of the theatre and I was shaking, literally shaking with emotion. I went to the stage door and got a hug from some friends. I was still shaking as the cast started to come out. I had the poster of my dog and got it signed by the cast who did appear. Not many of the cast came out (they had a long Sunday ahead of them and I expect they were saving their energy), only the regulars such as Paul, Poppy, Anthony, Sam, Nuno, Chris, Jeremy and Esther. I apologised to Anthony about the previous evening (I had brought my dog, not realising that he is terrified of dogs). I then told him that when I brought my Mum to see the show in March, she had said that he was the stand-out performer for her. Anthony is so lovely, he smiles and really looks you in the eyes as you talk to him. He thanked me and told me to give my Mum his love. He then turned to the two little girls that were next to me with their Mum in the queue, and was so sweet with them, asking them what their favourite magic trick was and things like that.
Esther looked at my poster and then said she would sign next to the nest because she thought that Delphi was the Cursed Child. I agreed with her and said that I had looked at the child close-up in some photos I’d taken and thought the child looked very feminine. Esther is so lovely.
I told Poppy that this was my first stage door straight after seeing the show and joked that I hadn’t thought it through as I was still a mess. She smiled understandinly, and said “Yeah, Act Four is intense, isn’t it?”
I told Chris that the Hagrid scene in Godric’s Hollow makes me bawl more than any other moment in the play. He said “That’s Jack Thorne for you. He’s incredible.” Or something along those lines.
I confessed to Jeremy that it took me a year to work up the courage to do stage door. He said that he also didn’t do it to start with because the idea made him so nervous.
I was absolutely shattered as I went back to where I was staying. I was running a long day and just a few hours sleep and I still couldn’t get to sleep due to the adrenaline from the show and the thought of Sunday. I had to blog a couple of things straight away but then I had to force myself to stop thinking about them because it was setting me off again.
So that was Saturday 20th May, 2017. One of, if not the very best show I’ll ever witness. This is why the play is so important. “There is no perfect answer in this messy, emotional world” but there are perfect moments and those are what we live for. This was one of them.
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evenstevensranked · 8 years
#45: Season 2, Episode 13 - “A Very Scary Story”
Annnnd, we’re back! Let the countdown resume. I know y’all remember this one. How could you not?! It’s THE ICONIC HALLOWEEN EPISODE!!! Lawrence Jr. High is holding free eye examinations on Halloween. But, instead of being legit eye exams, students are getting their eyes BURNED OUT OF THEIR SOCKETS?!
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It opens with Ren seemingly home alone the night before Halloween watching some knock off of “Psycho.” I like this bit. She yells at the TV, “Honey, you’re getting chased by 6 mutants and you’re just deciding to take a shower?!” — Seriously, though. People in horror films make the dumbest decisions. I think the fake movie footage is hilarious.
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Just then, the phone rings. Naturally. And now we get a knock off of “Scream” lol. Whoever’s calling distorts their voice and says “Do you like penguins, Ren? MAHAHAH!” and hangs up. I wonder who that could be. (Sarcasm) Ren is walking around holding a skillet as a weapon which is kinda funny. She looks so uncoordinated with it. Turns out it was just Louis calling from inside the house. Shocking. He comes jumping out at her making what’s supposed to be a “penguin” noise, I guess. I really don’t know. He kinda sounds like Doodlebob, honestly. Obviously, Ren screams and Louis has the audacity to ask “Ren, why are you so jumpy?!?!" I love this line and the way Shia says it. I use it a lot, lol. He claims he just wanted to show her his penguin jockey costume. The costume itself is a true a stroke of genius. But, I’m sure there was a less serial killer way to go about the reveal, lol. This episode definitely gets iconic points for that costume, though. People have gone as penguin jockeys because of Louis: x / x ...Incredible. 
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Ren is seriously a wet blanket here. She refers to Halloween as “childish dress up games.” What da heck?! Lighten up. You’re like, 14. I embarrassingly went as Hannah Montana for Halloween freshman year of high school, 2007. Bad idea. But just because I have tan skin and wore a blonde wig, everyone thought I was supposed to be Beyoncé. I constantly had to correct people. I WAS HANNAH MONTANA, DANG FLABBIT!!! The struggle. 
Ren tells Louis that his costume isn’t going to scare anyone. I never thought it was intended to be scary in the first place??? Either way, Donnie comes walking in and Louis makes some more Doodlebob noises at him and Donnie runs away screaming “AHHH! PENGUIN!” Wow. I’m only mentioning this because I read a little trivia that Donnie originally walks in holding a basketball, but when they cut back to him he’s suddenly holding what looks like an inflatable toucan or something?! What?! How do you forget that Donnie was holding a basketball one second and then hand him an inflatable toucan the next?! I do not understand. 
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“Wait, what was Donnie the Sports Jock just holding?! It was probably a basketball or something because that makes sense. But, I can’t remember. HERE! Take this INFLATABLE TOUCAN!” ?!?! - Probably the actual thought process that resulted in this ridiculousness. 
At school the next day, we see that LJH takes Halloween VERY SERIOUSLY. Stuff like this gave me unrealistic expectations. If you wore a costume to school growing up, you were a weirdo and people judged you. Not here! They have some intense decorations and the entire school is dressed up! Well, everyone except for Ren — who’s in a freaking pencil skirt and blazer, walking around making sure everyone gets an eye exam.
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This school is more ~lit~ than most actual Halloween parties.
We find out that Louis and the gang are planning a prank for the cafeteria: Putting fake eyeballs in the turkey gravy. Yum. Louis shows them the fake eyeballs he bought and says he just got them in overnight from Chico. It’s a small detail but I like that he mentions Chico. The city is also brought up in an earlier episode. I always laugh when Tom tells Louis “I need to get my eyes examined.” Louis says “YOUR EYES EXAMI— Tom, how many fingers am I holding up?!” And Tom has to squint at the fingers RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS FACE in order to give the correct answer. 
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“.......Two.” // “Exactly. Your eyes are fine.”
Okay, long story short: Basically, anyone who goes in for an eye exam comes out acting like a robot. Students are walking around with sunglasses on and are suddenly obsessed with drinking milk and following the rules. Tom is the first victim of Louis’ crew. He says “I suddenly got quite a hankering for the Moo Juice. It’s an excellent source of calcium for overall skeletal health.” I FEEL LIKE THAT LINE IS ENGRAINED INTO MY MIND FOREVER! Tom bails on the cafe prank and says “If something like this were to go on our permanent records, it would follow us for the rest of our lives.” THIS LINE NEVER LEFT MY BRAIN EITHER. I feel like this episode was actually Disney propaganda or something, brainwashing us into drinking milk and being good students. Not even gonna lie, when I was young this episode made me crave milk... and I hated milk. *X-Files theme song plays in the distance.*
Tawny and Twitty both get their eyes checked and start saying the same robotic nonsense Tom did. Louis is having none of it, though. He yells “TAKE OFF THE STUPID GLASSES!” and we get one of the most terrifying moments of our childhood...
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This is still so disturbing. Show producers Sean McNamara and David Brookwell wrote this episode. I seriously want to track them down and make them explain what gave them the bright idea to traumatize children in this way?!
The classic Louis Scream kicks into full gear here. (see first image of the post) I’m laughing because I just noticed that as he runs away, he whips the butt of the penguin like “giddy up!” as if he’s actually racing on it… Oh my god. As he’s running he shouts “NO ONE’S TAKIN’ MY PEEPERS!” which I always kinda liked, haha.
Louis ends up spying on one of the “eye exams” and the process is revealed! Wexler and Tugnut zap the kids’ eyes and do in fact brainwash them with the milk and permanent record mumbo jumbo. Great. 
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Louis is now the only student who hasn’t had an eye exam. Wexler, Tugnut and the whole school are going after him. He calls home in a panic asking for Steve and Eileen to come pick him up before conveniently hiding out in the Penguin bathroom.
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His family shows up within like, 10 seconds. Teleportation is the only explanation for this. Louis goes to get his stuff before leaving... but OH NO! Wexler and Tugnut greet Donnie, Steve and Eileen and make them go in for eye exams. This always made me soooo angry as a kid. I felt Louis’ sheer horror and helplessness here tbh. Just then, Ren pops out of nowhere and Louis explains the whole situation to her. She acts like she has no idea what he’s talking about, but all of the robot students start chasing them so she helps him find a place to hide.
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“Safe?! For how long, Ren? How long before those eyeless, sunglass-wearing, milk-slurping zombies get in here?!” - ALL I CAN THINK OF IS THE WALKING DEAD. “DON’T OPEN. DEAD INSIDE.” 
Ren leaves Louis alone to see if the coast is clear. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?! Does she not see the horde of zombie students through the windows?! Regardless, Wexler and Tugnut appear and take Louis down to the school’s newly renovated torture-chic basement. (Louis: “When did the school get a dungeon?” Wexler: “Actually it’s an evil lair.”) 
Ren was the ringleader this whole time. She comes walking out looking like THIS and Wexler and Tugnut refer to her as “mistress.” Okay, this is a little creepy now...
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Louis looks at the wall and says “R.E.N.....? That’s gotta stand for something.” - I clearly remember laughing at this line when I was little for some reason omg. 
Ren explains that they’re going to turn everyone into “Renplicates” (actual Ren clones) because the world would be a better place if everyone just followed the rules. Okay, maybe that’s true. But, you don’t need to morph everyone into cloNES OF YOURSELF PHYSICALLY!!! Seriously... whaaaa?! lol. Around here Ren says “Tugnut! Turn on the juice!” which Jim Wise recently admitted was an innuendo line that the crew laughed at off camera. Adult jokes on kids shows sort of creep me out though, ngl. 
Anyway, everyone -- including their parents, step into the Renplicator and transform into Ren. 
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Everyone except... Louis.
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HONESTLY WHAT THE HELL?!?! I never liked thisssssss.
That’s where the story ends. THANK GOD! Turns out it was just Louis telling Beans a scary story. “Beans, you wanted to know what happened last Halloween. So, I told you!” To which Beans responds: 
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One of the only Beans lines I like. (x)
And that’s it! There’s a bit at the very end where Beans tries to get away with trick-or-treating at the Stevens house several times by wearing a bunch of different costumes. Donnie answers the door every time and says things like “That’s cute, kid!” and “Haven’t I see you here before already?” IT’S CLEARLY FREAKING BEANS! 
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I never understood this. I know Donnie’s dumb but he knows who Beans is. They should’ve just had a random kid do this scene. Using Beans makes NO SENSE. Also, he already raids their kitchen all the time as it is. He doesn’t need to go “undercover” to get candy from the Stevens house, lol. 
That’s the Halloween episode guys! Strangely, not as funny as I remember. Still a classic, though... obviously. I was originally going to rank it in the #30s, solely for the iconic value.. but, when I was deciding on what to put for #45 I just had to put this one here. It’s a “special” episode. So it’s difficult to rank it any higher than this since it’s just a fun one-off, silly, seasonally appropriate episode. Nothing furthers the overall arc of the series here, lol. That’s not the case for all “special” episodes... But, this one sticks out like a sore thumb in comparison to the other 64.  
Did it scar you for life as a kid?! I have to say that this episode and “Don’t Look Under The Bed” (which Larry Beale/Ty Hodges starred in!!!) literally scared the living crap out of me. Apparently DLUTB has actually been banned?! Whoa. To this day, I’m still afraid of some demon boogyman hand grabbing at my ankle...
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