#{ OOC; boosting to help }
marvelmyriad · 2 months
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So I know I haven't been an active presence on here as much as I'd like to, most of my absence is due to my anxiety, but it's also due to the chronic illnesses that I have. It takes a lot of my energy, and on most days, I'm lucky to be able to get out of bed, let alone form full thoughts quickly.
That being said, my physical condition has also made surviving in general difficult, to the point that right now I'm fighting for my Disability, while my roommate is the sole income of the household. I feel terrible for not being able to work a substantial job, and at the moment we have about $20 to last two weeks between three people.
I have some skill in photo editing and I'm more than willing to create something in exchange for a few dollars, but literally anything that anyone can afford to give will be helpful. Don't feel pressured, I know that the world is on fire for everyone, and you're all fantastic no matter what ❤
Here's my info:
@NyxSiofra \ [email protected]
@oliviabadley429 \ [email protected]
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twinsoftriumph · 11 months
alright my bad for trying to use the wind tunnels
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mclevolence · 2 months
hello , friends ! i genuinely hate to do this but i'm in a bit of a bind at the moment . bills are due , and currently past due , and while i had thought we were fine , that turns out not to be case after all . i recently got a new job but my first paycheck leaves me a little short in catching up with rent -- not including other bills or necessities ( i.e. internet + food ) that need to be paid as well . more than anything , i need to get rent caught up before anything else . at the very least , i need to raise another $60 for rent in the event i can't get the late fee waived by the 25th ! anything more than that will go towards the rest of my bills to get caught up . i can write one shot fics . i don't have any super recent examples of my writing ( beyond the very few responses i've made here on this account ) but i have some older examples on my ao3 TheRevenant | Archive of Our Own if anyone is interested !! not a lot but it's something . if you just want to help out , my pypl is paypal.me / kasmas . any help is super appreciated and i'll do everything i can to pay it forward when i catch up .
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captainseamech · 5 months
//... @ taller muses: High Tide might use your chest as a boost to reach higher places. No this non negotiable. Yes he will feel flustered even after doing this move BDBDKDND
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eternalidealist · 10 months
Gas Money
Hi...I've been struggling a bit with paying for gas due to increased gas prices as a result of the increased summer heat temperature, but if even possible can I ask for a simple $20 or $30 donation? Either of the two is fine or any small amount.
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((Tags for this blog!))
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webbedphantom · 7 months
Sorry for not being around for a while. Had a lot of trouble focusing which has made it difficult to write... anything. But I'm trying something out that seems to be working, so I might be able to actually write again.
Activity will probably be sporadic, but hopefully there will actually BE activity this time.
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((I, truly and legitimately, need reasons against me just deleting this blog and none of that vague, impersonal 'oh people might miss you!' or 'but you're great!' shit either because generalizing things doesn't help and I'm stressing this point not to be mean but because it already feels like I'm wholly ignored and that people don't care enough to actually involve themselves, comment, care, and whatever else directly. This has been the prevailing feeling for months now and while I know it's mostly my anxiety and depression twisting things to be something unrecognizable it's not the only thing or reason (nor is it an entirely baseless feeling) and I'm incredibly worn down by it all.
I can only do so much under my own steam and I've finally reached a threshold that I cannot reconcile so I'm asking for help even if you just like....gush or something. I'll take fuckin anything at this point, so long as you don't hide when you do it and be genuine. Do it for me, if you please. It's not much to ask for and I rarely ask for such things, especially in such a personal and honest manner.))
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mtwiind · 2 years
i need help right now you guys.
i know i’ve asked for help in the past when i went through my accident, but i got a bill in the mail that was for 542 from the xrays that i got done back on the 12th of july and i’m barely keeping up with the bills i have to pay right now.
not to mention my dog has some ear infection going on that i can’t even take care of because i don’t have any money, most i have right now is around $37 in my venmo account.
if anyone can donate, any amount of money, i would be grateful!! if not then please reblog this post to get the word out!
venmo: @bhainzy09 paypal: @hainzy09 {if you need it, the last 4 of my phone number is 1458}
if you need proof of the xray bills, let me know and i’ll send you them via IM. i just need help right now.
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nascentwaves · 9 months
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"Have you ever seen a hotter more terrifying Kafka in your life before?"
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soulrph · 2 years
heyo. could i request some scar themes prompts? like muse a has a lot of scars theyre insecure about and muse b is the first to see them. that type of stuff. thanks.^^ /lh /nm
hi my love! i actually know of a few friends in the rp meme making community who made some prompts for this exact purpose, so i'm gonna drop them below the cut with a heartfelt encouragement to follow the people who made them, bc they're all just really amazingly fantastic people with creativity and talent galore!
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tvrningout-a · 10 months
alright, i think i'm gonna type up a wee headcanon, and then i'm touching base with some of you dorks <3
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Trying to help out a friend. Can y’all signal boost, or maybe give a bit if you can?
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cervidae-demon · 11 months
I have two weeks to find 300€ for my month deposit or else I CAN'T MOVE OUT!
I have unlimited commissions spots and my patreon is STILL open for support! I'm planning on posting more on there, I just need to get out of my situation for it to be a real possibility!
Please help!!
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rosetintedgunman · 2 years
Rule that I have just made up at 3am:
If you, the mun, are sad and need cutes, you have my permission to send an ask requesting for some sorta pickmeup, either IC or OOC. The bar is open to you as well if you need a distraction from the woes!
Just keep in mind that replies will likely not be immediate due to timezones and personal life, but they will be answered!
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cryoexorcist · 1 year
i offer something for good feels during this week.
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