#{ Oh wow. }
charmac · 3 months
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slaygentford · 6 months
do you know what's so sick. did you have anything to do with Paul's death no no I'd never hurt your brother Louis never, is, I just realized, such a clear set up for another conversation that is going to happen. with. armand.
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tacharie · 2 months
what a wonderful start!! WOW??
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you-know-i-get-itt · 1 month
SO glad u asked here are kevaaron things i think about often:
aaron is nothing to kevin at first. he's a decent player, he's andrew's brother, so they spend more time together than with others, but aaron doesn't stand out. and he doesn't seem to want to, either. he has a third of andrew's dislike of the sport and half the talent, so kevin just doesn't pay attention to him for a long time.
aaron, on the other hand, would rather do anything than be in a room with kevin day. kevin, who ended up glued to andrew's side months after they met, kevin, who, in aaron's eyes, has brought nothing but trouble to the foxes since he arrive, kevin who doesn't shut up about exy, who's constantly going on and on about the game and training and who's bad as an assistant coach and worse as a teammate. aaron knows kevin's injury destroyed him and he knows he should sympathise but he just can't. seth says "his life is not more important than mine because he's more talented" and silently, aaron agrees
they're both dealing with a lot of internalized homophobia, which makes for some fascinating opportunities but my main idea is that it's a hookup at first, drunk, and maybe neither of them think the other remembers so they'll never say anything and hey maybe it actually didn't happen at all because why would it not him not now not this
and then it happens again
and again
and again
and all of a sudden there's something here and it's not nothing and it can't ever get out because they don't know who andrew will kill, and it's easier to be straight anyway, its easier to pretend this never happened, this was nothing, it doesn't mean anything anyway, because again, why would it? why would aaron mean anything to someone like kevin, why would kevin risk everything just for this why would any of this ever mean anything that's real
couple songs that make me think about them:
this is mostly incomprehensible but if you would like fic recs or anything lmk
okay hold up. hold up. “this is nothing” “they don’t know who andrew would kill” holy shit. and it’s easier that they remain heterosexual. hold on. hold on.
oh the first song. holy shit.
“well it’s love make me hurt i deserve it” HOLY SHIT OKAY. OKAY.
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thematicparallel · 2 months
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lotus-sunn · 3 months
I followed you because you seemed cool and popular
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ermmm what? I dunno how you thought that atleast before I was like..getting into stuff still haha!
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caressthosecheekbones · 4 months
i think i'm gonna try to do something the next time I'm in any kind of (even potentially) stressful situation. checking in with myself. like every thirty minutes or so. so: ding ding? how am i feeling? am I okay? do i need to drink something? eat? use the restroom? be alone for a bit? (........................) can i do that now? no? thats ok but maybe soon then!
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treecakes · 2 years
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heartsoftruth · 1 year
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tilinsfather · 1 year
oh phil's here t
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youcanletgo · 2 years
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tinogiehd · 2 years
ok so the story
a tw for animal violence and also mentions of blood and medical talk and injuries (nothing actually too graphic of an attack but it warrants mention)
basically when I was 6 years old in the first grade the school was holding a spelling bee for each grade and they would pick two kids per class a boy and a girl and I got picked because I'm really good at spelling and the bee was the next day so I went home and I went to my pet dog who was a large american bulldog and tried to ride her like a horse and everytime she did she'd get up and move
I eventually cornered her to my parents' bedroom door at the end of the hallway which prompted her to then bark at me. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was suddenly covered with blood and, understandably, screamed. my parents opened the door to the scene and FREAKED OUT
what I think happened is she didn't bite me, but she got too close barking and grazed her teeth and they were really sharp and my skin was thin where I was bleeding
so while my mom put our dog outside my dad drove me to the ER and had me hold a rag up to my bleeding face. my outfit was undeniably ruined and I was really sad about it even moreso than the fact I was gushing blood from my face
we get there and I'm just sitting in the ER kicking legs and saying hi to people bleeding into a rag
eventually we get in and a doctor helps us. good news is it's not bad enough for stitches. bad news it does need to be superglued
so the doctor haphazardly hovered the superglue packet above my face. the scratches were on my left of my nose bridge and my right temple. he goes for the nose and then... drifts over... and then drops a glob of glue onto my left eye and because I automatically shut my eye it meant my eyelashes and part of my eyelids got superglued together
that was bad enough right. but then he goes over to glue the wound on my right temple. and then... drifts... over... again... and bam a glob of glue to my right eye and now my eyes are stuck in a PERPETUAL SQUINT where everything is too fucking blurry to see and also like 95% of my vision is blocked anyways
according to my dad the doctor said "oh my god are you ok?" and me being a bitch even at age 6 said "I was doing pretty good until you glued my eyes shut"
so he patches me up and now I'm not bleeding but now I'm blind as fuck. they give us a solvent to dissolve the glue but it takes 3 weeks to work all the way so my vision is shot for reading and navigating independently
but then I remembered oh no. the spelling bee is tomorrow. and my stubborn prideful ass was not gonna let the replacement girl take my spot.
my mom asks if I want to go. I say yes
so another problem: they didn't properly clean my wound. so it got infected and swelled up. so basically my face was purple and bruised and I looked like I was in a boxing match. I still insist to go. I walked up on a stage of all my peers and performed.
I managed to make it to 4th place. I was spelling large words for my age Really well but then I heard the word "pretty" and went "pfft this is easy" and then rushed it and spelled it with one t
after I got out my dad asked if I wanted to get ice cream and we got mcdonalds soft serve. for the next few weeks it honestly hurt less to open my eyes so I learned to navigate my house blindly and by touch and I was excused from school for a bit and then for the time where I could open my eyes but it was still blurry I had no assignments and just colored
so yeah that fucking sucked
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joeyclaire · 2 years
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noconqueror · 2 years
the loyal.
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it’s a good thing you’re so patient.  you know what it’s like to feel the full weight of doubt bearing down in you.  for years, it tried to squeeze the life from your lungs.  but nothing’s going to make you bow.  you kept the candle’s flame alive.  you whispered the names at nightfall.  the vigil still lives inside of you.  one day, the waiting will have been worth it.  all your love is going to come home to you.  you’re more important than you know.  you’re still the one true believer.
tagged by:  @yunharlaquin​ :* tagging:  anyone that wants to do this!
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grahamkennedy · 4 months
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