#{ Puzzle Spirit and Pharaoh - Yami Yugi/Atem }
pupmusebox · 23 days
Tag dump 4/?
{ Human Typhoon and Plant - Vash } { Cold Hearted and Bladed Plant - Nai/Knives } { Scuffy Priest and Undertaker - Nicholas D. Wolfwood } { Crimson Cloaked Marksman - Vincent Valentine } { Sleepy Royal Chocobro - Noctis Lucis Caelum } { Geo Archon and Mysterious Consultant - Zhongli } { Cyro Knight and Calvary Captain - Kaeya Alberich } { Anemo Archon and Bard of the Winds - Venti } { Leader and General Mahamatra - Cyno } { Verdant Strider - Tighnari } { The Dark Side of Dawn - Diluc Ragnvindr } { Admonishing Instruction - Alhaitham } { Vigilant Yaksha - Xiao } { Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment - Neuvillette } { Emissary of Solitary Iniquity - Wriothesley } { Kind Hearted Game Loving Duelist - Yugi Moto } { Puzzle Spirit and Pharaoh - Yami Yugi/Atem } { Blue Eyed Calculating CEO - Seto Kaiba } { Luck Duelist with a Heart of Gold - Joey Wheeler } { Friend of Duel Spirits - Jaden Yuki } { Vehicroid Deck - Syrus Truesdale } { Cyber Dragon Duelist - Zane Truesdale } { Red Eyed Dragon User - Atticus Rhodes } { Ruler of the Grimm - Salem } { Shining Outlander - Aether } { Hanamizaka Heroics - Arataki Itto } { Laid-back Ground Type User - Rika } { Dark Type Specialist and Singer-Songwriter - Piers } { Shy and Mysterious Ghost Trainer - Allister } { Enforcer and Trainer - Gladion }
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pupmuseboxmoved · 9 months
Tag dump 4/?
{ Human Typhoon and Plant - Vash } { Cold Hearted and Bladed Plant - Nai/Knives } { Scuffy Priest and Undertaker - Nicholas D. Wolfwood } { Crimson Cloaked Marksman - Vincent Valentine } { Sleepy Royal Chocobro - Noctis Lucis Caelum } { Geo Archon and Mysterious Consultant - Zhongli } { Cyro Knight and Calvary Captain - Kaeya Alberich } { Anemo Archon and Bard of the Winds - Venti } { Leader and General Mahamatra - Cyno } { Verdant Strider - Tighnari } { The Dark Side of Dawn - Diluc Ragnvindr } { Admonishing Instruction - Alhaitham } { Vigilant Yaksha - Xiao } { Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment - Neuvillette } { Emissary of Solitary Iniquity - Wriothesley } { Kind Hearted Game Loving Duelist - Yugi Moto } { Puzzle Spirit and Pharaoh - Yami Yugi/Atem } { Blue Eyed Calculating CEO - Seto Kaiba } { Luck Duelist with a Heart of Gold - Joey Wheeler } { Friend of Duel Spirits - Jaden Yuki } { Vehicroid Deck - Syrus Truesdale } { Cyber Dragon Duelist - Zane Truesdale } { Red Eyed Dragon User - Atticus Rhodes } { Ruler of the Grimm - Salem } { Shining Outlander - Aether } { Hanamizaka Heroics - Arataki Itto } { Laid-back Ground Type User - Rika } { Dark Type Specialist and Singer-Songwriter - Piers } { Shy and Mysterious Ghost Trainer - Allister } { Enforcer and Trainer - Gladion }
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kitsunefaux · 8 months
Hey!! Anon cause I'm shy, but I'm a big fan of your writing! Ive left some guest kudos on your fics and am always waiting patiently for the next update! I was wondering if you had any recommendations for fics since you seem like the type to have good taste... I'd love to read more stuff that reminds me of your work!
Hey! Thank you! I definitely do have some recommendations I’d like to share. These are in no particular order.
Ryou-centric (and/or tendershipping)
Corruption by firetrap
After seeing the pharaoh off to the underworld, Ryou comes home to find that his own spirit hadn’t left like he thought.
The Last Puzzle by tenderwulf
11 years after the Ceremonial Duel, Atem and Bakura inexplicably find themselves back in Domino. When they meet their previous hosts, they realize how much things have changed: Yuugi, the now world-renowned King of Games, is going through a marriage crisis, Ryou is struggling to balance studies, work, and his brittle mental health, and Malik... well, Malik is living his best life—and his own yami is nowhere to be seen.
They soon realize they all have to work together in order to solve the mystery of the yamis' return: some to make sure that they stay, and some to make sure that they don't.
Haunted by Ehtar
Ever since receiving a strange artifact from his father, Ryou Bakura’s life has changed. He gains the friends he’s always wanted, and the bullies are disappearing. At night, though, he dreams of the life of a thief in ancient Egypt. A young boy who was the sole survivor of his village’s slaughter, who must turn to thievery and worse in order to survive on his own.
Ryou knows that something is wrong when his friends begin to fall to the same malady as the bullies, that something is wrong with him. It’s not until he makes some new friends in Domino City, including a boy who has an artifact similar to his own, that he realizes he harbors the soul of that thief within himself – that he’s been possessed for years by the spirit of a killer.
He should rid himself of the evil spirit, save himself and those around him. The only trouble is, now he doesn’t know where one of their souls begins and the other ends. After so long, he’s not even sure he would reject the spirit if he could. After all, no one knows him so well as the spirit that haunts him.
Cornered by YadonushiRyou
Life is different for Private Investigator Ryou after a too close encounter with a maniacal killer. Ryou has to deal with physical and mental scars, navigating through life only to find that he can’t forget Bakura as easily as he would have liked. His partner Malik tries to help him along the way, but things between them are much different than they used to be, causing tension in their close relationship. Meanwhile, time is running out when it seems the killer on the loose has already chosen his next victim.
An Unwhole Half by SheIsHoldingACat
The problem with being one half of a whole is that the other half has to agree. The problem comes when the other half wants it all to itself.
Ryou wishes he had the bond with his spirit that Yugi has. He wishes it was possible.
Philosophy of a Knife by crushedmary
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Ryou learns this the hard way when he becomes the vessel for Zorc's power.
A canon rewrite where Bakura wins.
Other Yugioh
Gratitude by Resuri
Amir is an assassin. His job is easy. Someone give him a target, he kills them, and he gets paid for it. Not to mention he is really good at it. However, never could he had imagined his job would have him to be acknowledged by the most beautiful and horrific creature he ever saw.
But, hey, Ryou just wants to thank him for the meals!
Our Scars remind Us that the Past was Real by Sesshy380
Imagine waking up, and everyone is trying to convince you that the things you 'remember’ never happened, and that those 'memories’ exist only in YOUR head. The Thief King doesn’t have to imagine…because that’s exactly what happened.
The Thief King get’s a second chance at life.
Martyrs by SheIsHoldingACat
the history of the shadow games extends three-thousand years, to Ancient Egypt...
A rewrite of the events of Memory World, with emphasis on moral greyness, political intrigue, and the premise that Thief King Bakura was entirely justified
These are a few of the fics I really like. Thank you for your ask!
@resuri-art @worldendercharles @tenderwulf @crush3dmary @sesshy380 @millenniumringg
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mixelation · 2 years
millennium items: yugioh lore for people who aren't into yugioh
i know some of my readers follow my yugioh fics despite not really being into the fandom, so here's a cheat sheet on the millennium items.
General notes:
There's seven of them.
If you collect them all, you can open the "door to darkness" and destroy the world. Yugi also has to collect them all to get Yami Yugi (Atem) to the afterlife.
They were made by order of Atem's father in Ancient Egypt by murdering Bakura's entire village and melting their bodies into the gold.* LET BAKURA END THE WORLD
Each item has a unique power, but they can all: initiate shadow games; subsequently dole out magical "penalty games" to the losers; do some amount of splitting and sealing and stealing souls, although this ability is poorly defined and only bad guys do it. There's also a scene in the anime where Bakura and Pegasus shoot beams at each other, and this is never explained or brought up again.
The items:
Puzzle - Is supposed to grant a wish when solved. It takes him eight years of work, but Yugi claims his main character status by being the only one in 3000 years to solve it. Yugi's wish is for friends because he is the sweetest boy in the world. He gets the soul of an undead teenaged Pharaoh (Yami Yugi/Atem) with memory problems instead (it's fine they're besties). The puzzle's special ability is a bit of a debate within fandom-- some people think Atem IS the unique ability, but others argue that Atem uses the puzzle's magic to bias games in his favor. Atem has also a few times used an ability called "mind crush" which is very poorly defined and might be putting an opponent into some sort of magical coma? It might just be a lazy penalty game. Who knows!
Ring - The Ring's ability is to find things. Its second ability is that it houses the vengeful spirit of the King of Thieves (Bakura). Bakura mainly uses the Ring to find other Millennium Items, but his host has used it to find his way out of an underground maze. Some fans might argue the Ring was simply guiding him to another Item in the area, but I prefer to interpret this as the Ring being able to find anything.
Eye - Held by first season villain Pegasus J. Crawford/Maximillian Pegasus, AKA inventor and distributor of the Duel Monsters card game. The eye has to physically replace an eyeball in your head to be used. This giant caveat is important because its special ability is mind-reading, which is sort of plot-breaking if anyone after season one tried to use it.
Rod - Easily the item with the funniest name, the Rod gives the user the power of mind-control. Malik uses it to be the season 2 villain, and is shown to not only be able to control minds from a huge distance away, but to also be able to control multiple minds at once, and also re-activate his control over people from far away. If that isn't OP enough, the Rod can be unsheathed (lol) to become a knife. Malik also has a darker alter ego, but it is NOT a spirit within the Rod -- he split his own soul in two as the result of traumatic event in his childhood.
Necklace/Tauk - Worn by Ishizu Ishtar, this item allows the wearer to see the future. The exact distance into the future that Ishizu can see is never made clear, but she's able to see future events-- including events she is not there to witness herself-- in great detail. Ishizu considers the future predetermined and immutable for all her tenure as the Necklace's wielder, right up until Seto Kaiba manages to change his future after declaring he's going to face god and walk backwards into hell defeat god. It is unclear if Kaiba could do this due to his own stubborn personality, or because he has his own innate magic as the reincarnation of a powerful ancient Egyptian priest.
Key/Ankh - This item allows the wearer to enter the "soul rooms" of other people. Soul rooms are sort of like ~mind palaces~, a place inside your soul that appears as a room decorated to suit your personality. Redecorating the room can change your personality. This item is worn by Shadi, who is a mysterious person that mostly just shows up to reveal exposition and cause problems. Shadi is associated with the Tomb Keepers (that's Malik and Ishizu's family), although his exact connection to/role among them is not super clear. Shadi is also shown to have a bunch of random powers in the anime (such as appearing out of a bad warp filter on the ground), which the wiki page attributes to the Key.
Scales - Also wielded by Shadi, the scales allow the user to weigh a person's heart against a feather for ~purity.~ Evil hearts get fed to a crocodile.
*EDIT: to clarify, Atem's father commanded the items be made but did not do the murdering himself, or even know about the murdering. his brother was like "do you know what is definitely a good idea?" and then just didn't mention the magic items are infused with human bodies
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sonicasura · 1 year
Yu-Gi-Oh but there are two entities living in the Millennium Puzzle: Atem and Season 0 Yami Yugi. The Pharaoh serves as a suppressor when it comes to Yami's murderous tendencies. Atem's memories and the bond shared with Yugi is what keeps this dark doppelganger tame.
When the Pharaoh leaves for the after, Yami remains behind as he is just their shared darkness. A restless spirit's grudge made into a belligerent poltergeist thanks to Yugi and co. Does he loathe Atem? Partly because of how he badly hurt their host especially with this one last stunt. Yami now has to pick up the pieces and help the grieving Yugi heal.
Not a full fix it but at least our precious keeper of the Millennium Puzzle can have some proper closure.
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bastetwastaken · 10 months
7 & 11 for the fic writer ask :)
Thank you <3
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
Usually by listing the things each character would experience at a given point and then deciding which set would better suit the overall story.
For example: In Area Of Effect, that's all Yami's POV because of the fact he knows the same guy under different names, so it made sense to keep it all on him and how he interacts with both Horus and Weird Syrup Guy. In A Tale of Two Kingdoms, it's all Yugi because he's hiding something from Atem and it makes much more sense to have the reader in his head to explore that rather than in Atems who is none the wiser.
11. Link your three fave fics right now.
Gladly! ^.^
Board the Red Eye by @puzzl-d Lieutenant of the English Royal Navy, Atem Sennen, is on a secret mission to gather information about or even better capture Yami the Red Eye, one of the most notorious pirates currently sailing the Spanish Main. Though following some rumours he heard around the darkest corners of Tortuga, his mission quickly heads southward.
(It's sweet, it's romantic, it's got PIRATES in it. It's just everything I love and it feels nice and safe to read and it's just wonderful.)
You Are My Lovesong by @vixxxfiction (LLAngel) Atem Sennen is a young game developer going through an incredibly hard time in his life. His girlfriend has left him, his boss is threatening suspension, his landlord is threatening eviction and he is one argument shy of his parents disowning him. His life could not get worse, he surmises from the bottom of a bottle. Then he meets Yugi, a talented and spirited young musician. His music saves his life, but it's his optimistic and bubbly soul that saves him from despair. This story is going to be incredibly sweet and romantic, lots of stupid moments between boys discovering their feelings and stoking flames neither expected to find. Lots of boy love, new relationship stuff and a fair amount of drama. It wouldn't be one of my fics though if there wasn't a good balance between angst and the most stupid, tooth rottingly sweet romance!
(It's so incredibly sweet and lovely and warm. A good time all around honestly.)
Sphinx Yugi AU by @saijspellhart A sudden and mysterious sandstorm separates Pharaoh Atem from his priests and soldiers during a skirmish. After wandering blindly, he takes refuge in an oasis, where he wakes up the next morning quite literally on top of a Sphinx.
This Sphinx wants to be his friend though, and Atem can’t help falling for him.
(What's not to love about an adorable and chaotic Sphinx boy)
---List can be found here if you fancy asking anything ^.^
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x-atlas-x · 1 year
Tagged by the wonderful @sesshy380 - thank you!! <33
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to AO3. If you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
I have... Many, many fics, so this won't be a problem. >:)
1.) From [Perfection Through The Lens]
Just... Focus.
Atem stared at the pendant swinging in front of his eyes, keeping his gaze trained on it the whole time. There was a voice speaking, but he was far too aware of it. It was supposed to be soothing and lure him into a deep trance. Instead, it was doing the exact opposite and making him overly insecure.
2.) From [How (Not) to Fake a Relationship]
For years, soulmates had always been the talk of the world. No matter the topic of conversation, they came up somehow, whether it was related or not. In the past, there had been strict rules about dating soulmates. You weren't allowed to bed with another human that wasn't your soulmate. You couldn't be romantically involved with anybody who didn't share the unique symbol imprinted on your body.
3.) From [Sinful Desires]
The Church was beautiful.
Yugi admired the interior of the building, studying the stained glass windows with images that told a story. They were all representing stories from the Bible, but he never liked getting into the details. He preferred to use his mind to memorize trading cards... Not religious stories. There was no confirmation for what was out there. There could be one God, or multiple Gods. Many books around the world told different stories and gave numerous laws for what was right and what was wrong.
4.) From [Release]
Pleasure. Lust. Yugi.
Those were the only things that Atem could focus on in this moment. He was lost in another world and in said world, his priority was being good for Yugi. He was behaving and, much to his chagrin, patient. Any other time, he'd be whining and throwing a fit over being teased.
5.) From [Illogical]
Atem wasn't entirely sure how he got into his position-literally. Being bent over a bed with hands gripping his hips and his face smushed into the mattress wasn't a familiar experience for him.
6.) From [An Accidental Confession]
Being a goody-two shoes was hard. Everyone around you was always trying to catch you doing something wrong or worse - trying to force you to do something rebellious and unlawful. Well, Ryou was currently caught up in the latter of those two things.
7.) From [Three Numbers Away]
Being a first responder was difficult. Whether you were a firefighter, a paramedic, or a police officer, the jobs were equally tough. There wasn't one that was harder than the other. They all had their own respective skill levels and mastery.
8.) From [Mistakes]
Cheating was wrong. That much was obvious. It was not right to go behind your girlfriend's back and sleep with your coworker. Yet, Yugi found himself doing exactly that with his boss's secretary. He should've known better and he honestly did, but the temptation was too hard to resist.
9.) From [Forever and Always]
When the Pharaoh left this world, Yugi didn't know what to do with himself. He felt lost, grasping at straws to try and figure out what to do with his life. He'd spent eight years of his life constructing the Millennium Puzzle and the following two years running around Domino City, saving the world and helping out the spirit that resided within the ancient Egyptian artifact. Now, his life was normal.
10.) From [A First for Everything]
What happens when you combine a hockey player, a figure skater, and a dancer? That's a great question! Let's take a look, shall we?
This story begins with a couple that loves the ice and prefers the cold weather. Yami and Yugi Muto had been married for a couple years after dating for much longer. Yami was a professional hockey player while Yugi dabbled in the world of figure skating, competing professionally as well. They always ran into each other during their practices. At some point, Yugi worked up the courage to ask Yami on a date, who agreed. Now, they were closer than ever and had an apartment together.
This is making me realize that I have really long intros for my fanfictions... Anyways, the person I'll be tagging is: @puzzl-d (yeah, this can be your fate and your fate alone, my friend because I don't know who else to tag-) If you don't wanna participate, you don't have to. ^^
As for anybody else that does see this and would like to join in, consider me your excuse to do so!!
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angelus-tenebrae · 2 years
(Here's a cleaner version of the headcanon. Since the other post was me unsure at first. But this a great one to keep. So here we go:
After the series (and possibly post movie, I can think on that later.) Atem prayed to the gods for a chance to return. Aaru was nice and Atem was happy to be around his old friends. But he missed Yugi and the others deeply. Ra and the other gods heard these prayers and discussed what to do. One day Ra came to Atem and said he may return with the god's blessing. However what remained of the Leviathan's spirit learned of the Pharaoh's attempt to come back and attacked. This caused the gods to act. They fought the beast and Horus did what he could to seal the power of the Orichalcos with the Millennium Puzzle. The gods had managed to save Atem's soul, but it had been damaged from the attack. He lost a portion of his memories and his personality become more akin to that of his season zero self. Mixed with the Orichalcos. The gods could sense that not all of Atem had vanished and gave Yami the chance to exist. In hopes that one day... They would be proven right about their decision. That Yami would find his friends once more and re-ignite the good inside of his heart. And somewhere deep inside... The Pharaoh they knew still lived.)
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x-heartofthecards-x · 2 years
Atem’s eyes went a little wide as Yugi pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. That he was not expecting…Of course, things had changed. Time had passed and things were different, but Yugi smoking was Atem couldn’t seem to wrap his head around.
The only thing that could have pulled him away from him trying to get used to the idea of Yugi smoking was the bone crushing guilt he felt when Yugi mentioned losing his soul. He nodded. “I know Yugi, I know. Normally I would have come to you first, but…There’s more. When I was sealed in the puzzle in order to keep Zorc from returning, a piece of him was sealed in the puzzle with me.” Atem bit his lip. “That was bad enough but at the end of DOMA after your soul was returned and I fought the final battle against the leviathan? All of that darkness I took in? It only fueled Malice’s strength. He is more powerful than he has ever been. And you’ve seen him before.”
Atem took in a shaky breath. “While I was the first one to appear when you solved the puzzle, Malice was there too. All of the savages things you think I did…they were truly him. I finally got complete control of him when Kaiba was about to throw himself off the castle in Duelist kingdom. I hadn’t heard from him since…until now.”
He sat down next to Yugi. “Now do you understand why I’m afraid. I did everything to fuel his power and he’s coming for YOU, Yugi. He’s made that abundantly clear, because it will hurt me more than anything if he gets to you.”
“I’m sorry, Yugi. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here for you. I shouldn’t have left, but at the time, I thought I didn’t have a choice. It never dawned on me I could ask for something different. I thought it was my duty to move on to the afterlife. I was a fool.” ​
​Yugi puffed away at his smoke while Atem spoke. What the man was saying made sense. Of course it did.
When the puzzle was first assembled there was... Definitely a darkness there. Yugi tried not to think about it much, but there was very real blood on his hands from those days.
Blood, but no bodies. Shadow games were fun like that.
He had always separated his Yami from Pharaoh in his mind. They had felt different, even if all of their minds were a jumble at the time.
So the dark spirit of the puzzle was this Malice and was still a big issue and wanted to kill him. That tracked, honestly.
He flicked the cigarette into the road and said with a sigh, "I understand. I hear you. I get it. And I am sorry that has happened to you. I really am. I am sorry you are scared."
As he said those words, they seemed to break him out of the foggy fugue state that he had settled into. While he had been alone and miserable for some time now, knowing that Atem was scared... It made his stomach twist and he quickly pushed his feelings aside in his selfless fashion that bordered on toxic codependency.
The smaller man looked up at the Pharaoh and asked, "What do you need from me? What can I do to help? We can fight this. I know you don't want me in danger, but you can't ask me to walk away knowing that you are... we are partners... Right?"
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puzzledmemories · 14 days
Yugi Muto
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Age: 16-18+ Birthday: 06/04 Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: panromantic asexual
The chosen vessel of the Nameless Pharaoh. Please don't call him that, he'll insist he's not anyone special. Yugi's just your average high schooler! He didn't have many friends until one day, after putting together the Millennium Puzzle, he wished for friends. Now Yugi's got the best group of friends a guy could ever wish for! Oh, and he keeps running into trouble related to card games and magic.
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Age: 16-18+ Birthday: 06/02 Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: demiromantic asexual
The Nameless Pharaoh. Stuck in the Millennium Puzzle for so long, he lost all his memories and became a vengeful spirit. With the power of shadow games at his disposal, he did everything in his power to protect Yugi. Staying by Yugi's side, he came to learn about friendship. Together, as equals, Yugi helped him search for his lost memories. Oh, and he keeps running into trouble related to card games and magic.
Ryou Bakura
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Age: 16-18+ Birthday: 09/02 Pronouns: he/they Sexuality: panromantic asexual
Once upon a time, Ryou came into possession of the Millennium Ring, though he'd rather not tell you how. In turn, the ring began possessing him. The spirit of the Millennium Ring had its own goals and plans, and it determined Ryou was the perfect host. Eventually, he came to meet Yugi and Yugi's friends. This group of friends continued to extend friendship to Ryou, no matter what the spirit of the ring used Ryou to do. Once rid of the Millennium Ring and its spirit, Ryou has tried to move on and finally live a normal life. When he runs into trouble, it usually involves card games and magic.
Rua (Yugioh 5D's)
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Age: 11-13+ Birthday: 06/20 Pronouns: he/him (wants to know if he can eat those) Sexuality: grayromantic asexual
Rua's very excited to be here! Rua loves to duel! He doesn't have any special powers like his sister, Ruka, and for most of the time that the Crimson Dragon is part of his life, he doesn't know he's a Signer. That doesn't keep him down, though! Rua loves to hang out with his friends, duel, and have fun! Despite his own lack of powers, he's used to magic in his life. Between his sister and his friends having magic powers, he's accepted it as something real and natural.
Yuri (Yugioh Arc V)
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Age: 14 Birthday: 01/22 Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: grayromantic asexual
(Please note: Yuri's birthdate was randomly generated.)
Yuri is but a piece of the duelist formerly known as Zarc, who was forced into four separate people by four certain cards. When Zarc was split in four, the world as we know it was split in four as well, creating four separate dimensions. Yuri lives in the Fusion Dimension and attends Duel Academy. Yuri is a very strong duelist who the school's leader, Leo, entrusts special missions to. At the same time, however, Leo knows the duelist Yuri once was as Zarc, and ultimately, doesn't trust Yuri. Yuri relishes in the chance to instill fear and pain into his enemies.
Yusaku Fujiki (Vrains)
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Age: 16 Birthday: 10/13 Pronouns: he/they Sexuality: biromantic asexual
Ten years ago, six children were kidnapped as part of the Lost Incident. For six months, these children were forced to duel without end, and any losses were punished by torture, until the children were found and freed. Ones of these children was named Yusaku Fujiki. Ten years after the fact, Yusaku still feels trapped in that incident. He feels he needs answers, and his answers lead him to a virtual dueling world called Link Vrains. Yusaku's a loner who isn't out to make friends, but but he can' stop himself from helping out people in need.
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Name: Atem
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh!!!
Continuity: Anime
Age: 16-19 (RP dependant)
Height: 5'0"
Birthday: July 26th 1000 BC
Birthplace: Egypt
Orientation: Pansexual
Species: Human
Occupation: Pharaoh
Father: Aknamkanon (deceased)
Mother: Unnamed (deceased)
Yami Yugi Moto, was once a Pharaoh named Atem. His father had created the millennium items in an attempt to stop a great war from happening, only it cost the lives of thousands of people from a small village stricken with poverty and thieves. The Egyptian Gods themselves: Osiris, Ra and Obelisk had all planned to punish his father until he came to an ancient tomb the Gods choose as sacred ground to beg for them to punish him but leave Atem alone.
Despite being the heir of Egypt, he had a relatively happy childhood. His mother had died in childbirth but his father tried his best to make sure Atem would grow up to be a strong, kind and confident pharaoh one day. He would befriend his bodyguard, Mahad, and a girl named Mana who worked in the palace.
The three of them were best friends, Atem even saving Mahad's life from a venomous snake. A new priest was also appointed by the name of Seto, though neither of them knew they were actually cousins. He didn't even know that his father had a brother in the first place, likely their relationship was strained or kept a secret as to avoid the royal bloodline from being wiped out by assassins.
On the day he was appointed Pharaoh, shortly after his father had passed away from an illness, Bakura the thief king had stepped in to announce he would murder him. It turns out that the king of thieves was the only survivor from the genocide that occurred when making the millennium items. He would challenge him to a dark game, using spirits (or 'ka' as they are called). Though this duel would be cut short, Atem realized that a darkness greater than he could ever imagined was growing.
Zorc was the ultimate evil darkness, slowly processing the thief king Bakura and would soon kill Atem's closest friend, Mahad. His ka would be sealed within a stone tablet where he would now be referred to as the Dark Magician.
As Zorc was wrecking havoc across Egypt and close to destroying the world, along with the mayhem of Thief King Bakura fused with him, Atem would unleash a incredibly powerful spell that would seal Zorc and himself within the Millennium puzzle. This meant that Atem would now struggle against an inner darkness, one he had never known before. While Bakura's soul would be sealed inside the Millennium ring that he had stolen from Mahad.
Yet his plan was to someday become stronger and finally defeat Zorc, only he hadn't expected that his memories would be lost in the process. Though not entirely without a backup, for he had entrusted the Ishtar bloodline to forever relay his plan for generations to come. Though even he wouldn't know how violent that would turn out, for they would carve this plan onto their body.
Atem lay asleep within the Millennium pendent, it was shattered into pieces like a puzzle for someone to solve. Hoping whoever could solve it would be powerful enough to help stop Zorc.
A man named Sugoroku Moto would soon stumble across this puzzle on a archeology trip and would give it to his grandson, Yugi Moto. Upon completing the now millennium puzzle, Atem's darkness-infused soul had now fused with Yugi's. Now making him Yami Yugi.
He was incredibly sadistic at first with a love of games with gruesome endings for the loser. This included someone being burned alive if they cheated, sealed inside a giant egg or killing themselves. Yugi did not know of Yami Yugi's cruel nature, for their souls switching had been unknown to the younger one. Many would start to notice Yugi's voice grew deeper, he grew taller and he had a stronger approach to him.
Yet as time went on, Yami Yugi would finally begin to calm down with every duel. He was learning kindness again and to respect your losing opponent, it was just a baby step in defeating the darkness inside him since he had fused Zorc's evil within him.
Though soon enough, Yugi and Yami Yugi would find out their existence and learn to talk to one another. They would become an incredibly strong team, with the two of them referring to themselves as their other half. Had Yami Yugi had his own body, they might've even been twins to many people despite their difference in age.
Slowly but surely, Yugi would help his other half find out about his past and learn from Ishizu Ishtar that Yami Yugi was meant to save the world all over again from an evil power. Though it seems just who or what this evil was had been lost to time, even to the Tomb Keepers.
Yami Yugi currently remembers very little about his life before being sealed within the puzzle, though he does not remember his true name. Participating in Battle City was a lot for him to process so the two of them are currently taking things slow again as they wait for the stone tablet the Egyptian God cards were based on to be transported back to Egypt so he can face his destiny once and for all.
Although he was once incredibly sadistic and almost evil, the Yami Yugi today is completely different. He's confident, assertive, a believer in justice and kind towards those in need. If someone was being harassed, he is absolutely the type to step in and challenge them to a game that he knows he'll win. Even if it's a game he doesn't know, he's more than willing to learn as a lover of games.
Yet he isn't perfect either. Due to his high confidence, he had a tendency to crumble down and nearly give up if his plans don't go the way he wanted. He also holds a lot of guilt inside of himself when he can't help someone that he knows needed his help, like watching his friends nearly die from dark games. He also doesn't seem to understand when he's challenging someone who could absolutely beat him.
Yami Yugi and Yugi are currently labeled the "King of Games" after winning the Kaibacorp Battle City tournament, and mastering just about any game thrown at him.
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𝓉𝒾𝑒𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒷𝒾𝓃𝒹
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A/N: Will I ever stop writing Yami/Atem x Hikari? Probably not. Do I have another what-if? I sure the heckie do!
It was the smaller feelings. Ones that could be dismissed as nothing more than fleeting moments.
Yet those fleeting moments were starting to become more. Hikari wasn’t sure how or when, couldn’t pinpoint why she felt such a strong connection to the Pharaoh residing in Yugi’s Millennium Puzzle. When he was at the fore, the fleeting glances they shared sent shockwaves of deja vu to her very core. Slight brushes of their fingers against each other ignited her skin in a way that was familiar and yet--at first, she wasn’t sure why.
That was when the dreams began to start.
The ever-shifting sands of Egypt, the palace that overlooked a kingdom, a flash and tourmaline eyes examined herself. She was dressed in the garb of a queen: the white dress, cinched at the waist, the golden bracelets that hung from her wrists and the golden rings that adorned her fingers. An equally bejeweled hand entered her line of sight, reaching for her hand and her eyes flew upward.
Hikari’s heart skipped a beat to see the Pharaoh standing before her, with an expression so loving on his countenance that her breath caught in her throat. He cradled her hand so gently, lifting it to his lips. The barest brush against her fingers ignited her skin just as it did when she was awake.
That name--it called to something deep within her soul. It was a strong pull in this dream, in this moment, as he called to her, drew her close. And Hikari suddenly recognized this moment for what it was.
A memory.
A memory of a time five thousand years ago, of an incarnation she never realized she had. A queen, who stood at the side of her Pharaoh; whose heart beat for him and him alone. The pull Hikari felt toward the Pharaoh, one that seemed to be shared; the strange sense of familiarity; the sensation of moments lost to the sands of time repeated within the modern world.
With each day that passed, with each dream, the memory’s puzzle pieces were fitting together. Her former self from five thousand years ago, Rana was the Pharaoh’s queen. With each pieces that fit, Hikari realized why her feelings for the amnesiac spirit were so strong, why they felt almost...natural. Her past incarnation, that seemed to still thrive within her own soul, loved the Pharaoh every day, week, month, year, centuries. The moment Hikari was born was the moment the queen would reunite with her king.
The Pharaoh had yet to recall his own memory, yet Hikari sensed that the love he bore for his queen drew him to her. Whenever he was at the fore, he never strayed far from her side, even when he himself was uncertain of why. His eyes sought hers, as if searching for some hidden truth. It would make sense, in an almost ironic way.
She was remembering their past together, while he was seeking to remember...
His name was replaced by a buzz, even though her lips shaped the word and her tongue tasted the syllables. The smile that he gave her--that seemed to only be for her--as he drew her close. He was both bathed and illuminated by the sun’s golden rays, his radiance only enhanced and her heart thundered within her chest.
His arms wound around her, keeping her close within the confines of their chamber, his gaze so intensely focused on hers. “What are you thinking about, my queen?” he asked her, his voice ever so gentle and forever curious to know the thoughts that crossed her mind. Be they mundane or profound, he listened to them all.
She lifted a hand to touch his face, watching as he instinctively nuzzled his cheek against her palm. An adoring smile touched her lips as she spoke then. “Truly a vessel of the gods. A man of beauty.”
The faint dusting of red coloring his cheeks caused a giggle to leave her lips. Turning his head enough to press a kiss against his queen’s palm, the Pharaoh’s eyes flickered to hers. “You truly believe that?” he asked softly and heat rose to her cheeks to feel his lips forming the words.
A font of honesty she was, for she answered with every ounce of love in her body. “I do, and so much more.”
It appeared to be enough; before she knew it, her beloved king’s lips were against hers, his hands now cradling her face. The intensity and passion shared within that kiss made her heart race and an inferno ignite to her very marrow. When he pulled away, he took with him her breath...
“...kari? Hikari!” The urgent call of her name reached her ears. There was desperation, a plea for her to wake up, just wake up. The ravenette could feel herself flinch, her eyes struggling for just a moment before they slowly opened.
Her blurred vision slowly cleared, focusing on the frantic Pharaoh gazing down at her. When did he take to the fore? Relief was in his eyes, but still a frantic worry remained etched on his countenance. Hikari slowly became aware of her surroundings--was this Yugi’s room?--and rapidly aware of the Pharaoh’s arms holding her close. “Pharaoh...what happened...?” she asked softly.
“You had been talking with Yugi regarding the Millennium Puzzle before you suddenly fell unconscious. You...don’t remember?” There was a strange emotion in his voice, as though torn between confusion and relief. Hikari gazed up at the Pharaoh, his visage flashing to how he appeared in her dream, before she slowly shook her head. He sighed and--much to Hikari’s surprise--embraced her tightly to him. “Never mind it. As long as you’re all right...” he whispered, his relief evident in his voice now. The embrace was very familiar, now that Hikari understood why their bond was so strong; why she felt bound to him.
When the Pharaoh pulled back, there was a strange look in his eyes now. A flicker passed through those intense irises, fleeting, before his grip tightened. “Let us get you some water,” he murmured, clearly referencing himself and Yugi. It was clear the latter was about to be given the fore of their shared body, as his arms fell from Hikari once she was sitting upright. The ravenette quickly grabbed at his hand, watching as his expression changed to surprise. “Hikari...are you all right?” he asked softly, his fingers curling around her hands instinctively.
Hikari nodded, letting out a breath. “I’m fine, I just...” she trailed off. Should she mention the dream? Her gut told her it was only right and yet...
Releasing the Pharaoh’s hand, the ravenette offered a smile. “I’m okay, really!”
His eyes spoke volumes and told her he wasn’t entirely believing she was well; however, he wasn’t going to push her. It was a shared trait they had when it came to one another. “Wait here, then,” he told her, preparing to get to his feet--but not before unthinkingly caressing his fingers along the curve of her cheek.
Just like he’s done so many times five thousand years ago and now. He just doesn’t remember...
Hikari nodded, watching as the Pharaoh left the room. The ties that kept them together would remain within her heart until it was time.
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artnijna · 3 years
Build a little birdhouse in your soul ~! I haven't drawn Yugioh in a while and so here have some Season 0 Atem. Doing two different color ways for this one <3 these will be up on my Etsy soon.
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braghis · 2 years
YuGiOh, 4Kids Dub. vs Original Manga:
4Kids dub. :
Atem (Yami Yugi) is an ideal hero who could do no wrong;
People who lost a ShadowGame go to the ShadowRealm, a sort of another hell-ish dimension;
Joey, before meeting Yugi, was just an idiot who bullied him with Tristan;
Seto Kaiba is a genius CEO of a mega corporation, and a narcisistic rich asshole who loves himself and who's petty and the funniest of them all;
Ryou Bakura is a sweet angel who unfortunately was possessed by a super evil ancient egyptian spirit;
True duelists believe in and are driven by TheHeartOfTheCards;
(Yami) Marik Ishtar wanted to conquer and dominate the world because he is a Super Evil Villain ™️;
Ishizu Ishtar is a caring sister who's also always optimistic and believes in fate and big goodness;
The seven millenium items are amazing and incredibile and for the good guys;
Gozaburo Kaiba, after losing his position as the president of KC, simply ran away;
Seto and Mokuba went to an orphanage because they are orphans;
Original Manga written by Katzuki Takahashi:
Atem (Yami Yugi) killed (including setting a guy into fire) and he used the powers of the Millennium Puzzle to traumatized 'till madness several people. Even if they were act of punishments towards malevolent individuals, said acts were often excessive in relation to the context. Atem at the beginning was mostly a sociopath, and that's problably because he spent 3000 years alone in the puzzle;
The "ShadowRealm" doesn't exist. People who lost a ShadowGame or died or went to coma, like Jonouchi or Mai (even if is mostly dying than going to coma);
Jonouchi, before meeting Yugi, was a literal gangster who frequently, alongside Honda, hanged out with gangs of bullies, that not only bullied people like Yugi, but were even famous for their strealing. This was do to the fact that Jonouchi's mother kinda abandoned him while his father was a poor alchoholic man.
Seto Kaiba is a genius CEO of a mega corporation and a highly traumatized teenager with PTSD. His step-father Gozaburo used games to teach him life lessons like the "To lose is to die" thing and "motivated" him with corporal punishments, like the (possibly shock) collar Seto was forced to wear. Because of the abuses, he is now emotionally stunted and has enourmous trust issues. His bad behavior is here because he's very fucked in the head and that's why he's not a villain. Kaiba is the most realistic and tragic depiction of a teenager whit deep emotional traumas who grow up without parental figures;
Ryou Bakura is a sweet angel who is also clearly mentally unstable because of childhood traumas and he is constantly amnesiac as a coping mechanism of the fact that he's possessed by an evil ancient egyptian spirit;
The HeartOfTheCards doesn't exists. Duelists use mostly strategy or simply have luck. Just few of them have a real connection with some cards, like Yugi, Atem, Kaiba or Jonouchi;
Marik Ishtar isn't evil. He developed that dark side of his after being tortured, emotionally and phisically, by his father, who didn't saw him as his own person, but just as a "tool" to protect the Pharaoh's tomb and legacy. The Ishtar family gave up their freedom for 3000 years for their mission, and so Yami Marik wanted to kill Atem after making him suffer in the worst ways possibile to take revenge on him. In his dark days, Marik killed several people and, at just the beginning, his own father (even if he deserved it);
Ishizu Ishtar is a caring sister who was read to commit suicide if her brother would have be gone forever;
The Seven Millennium Items were done for good purposes, despite the fact that for creating them an entire village and doziens of innocent people were sacrificed, a crime that Atem's father and uncle covered up. Baruka was the only survivor of that village and that's what made him consumed with anger and immense hatred towards Atem and his allies;
Gozaburo Kaiba, after losing his position as the president of KC, commited suicide to teach even more to Seto the "To lose is to die" lesson, as a final step of the emotional control towards him. That traumatized the hell out of Seto and that's why he was that psycotic sociopath at the beginning of the manga (until Atem mind crushed him). Gozaburo is also the reason Kaiba takes winning games so seriously while, on the other hand, Seto has a genuine passion for Duel Monsters and he uses the game as a trauma coping mechanism and way to communicate to people and that's why he's so obsessed with it;
Seto and Mokuba are orphans, but they went to an orphanage because their other relatives abandoned them;
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
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hiii i am once again thinking about my Deltarune!Yugioh duel monsters AU so have some Darkners >:3c
in this AU the Yamis aren’t ancient ghosts but are instead the Dark World embodiments of the Millennium Puzzle and Ring, vessels given shape and form by their owners’ powerful emotions (Yugi’s loneliness and devotion to his friends, and Ryou’s loneliness and grief over the loss of his sister and mother, respectively). The “Pharaoh” is Yugi and Kaiba’s third party member, and the “Spirit” is Ryou and Joey’s.
Both Yami Yugi and Yami Bakura display unusual behavior for Darkners, both seeming to exist beyond the Darkner compulsion to “serve Lightners” (Atem because of his incredible determination and desire to exist beyond the Dark World and live with his new Lightner friends, and Yami Bakura because of his own aggressive desires and a mysterious outside guidance (Gasterrrr, probablyyy)). I think a large arc of this AU would be Atem eventually breaking free from the Dark World and developing his own Soul, able to finally live in the Light World with Yugi & co, something something power of friendship and all that good stuff <3
Yami Yugi’s design is largely inspired by the wispy shadowy form he takes on a lot in s0 and early duel monsters, and Yami Bakura’s design is inspired by Zorc and white bats. And both take design elements from their respective Millennium Item, naturally~
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himevampirechan · 2 years
WEEK OF REVO. Day 6, 7 and bonus 8
i´m sorry, i know it´s late (two weeks late) but this is what happens when you have so much work than you can´t sleep.
this is for the last days of @week-of-revo
Pharaoh knew he was in a nightmare.
He didn´t know exactly how they had ended up in that situation. Minutes before he had been inside the world of his memories but falling, wounded and exhausted, into a precipice, he had opened his eyes to find himself the spectator of a shadow duel between the spirit of the grave robber and Anzu Mazaki.
He, desperate and confused, had shouted his friend's name but she had only smiled warmly at him; sitting in front of the dueling board: an inverted pyramid (with a setting identical to ancient Egypt), on which a pack of cards, a group of figures resembling the rest of her friends and an endless group of rotting arms holding her tightly by the legs and waist could be seen.
The pharaoh had watched with each turn, as the souls of the shadow realm appeared in greater numbers to pull the loser into the darkness.  He had struggled against the shackles on his legs and hands but it tightened with every movement. Yami had never seen Anzu fight like that before and, suddenly, the idea that the woman in front of him was not his Japanese friend surprised him.
As the fight continued, the words "Spell of Reincarnation" and "Engagement" were mentioned numerous times by Bakura but, to the pharaoh's surprise, Anzu responded to his shenanigans with her head held high and fiercely commanding the monsters within her board.
After a successful attack from the young woman, the shackles that held Yami disappeared leaving him free to run in her direction, however shortly before he reached her side, he felt his mind being flooded with a rapid sequence of memories that filled his eyes with tears:
There, just after falling off the cliff, a young woman had saved him. A woman who looked like Anzu but was not her: with reddish-brown hair and violet eyes, she had cared him and fed him gently unaware of his identity, bandaged his body with linen and healed his wounds with homemade ointments. The priests had found him shortly afterwards and had been brought to the palace. She, after proving to be no risk, had soon been considered a guest. They had fallen in love.
With the war against Zorg upon them, the losses began: with Mahado trapped and the city looted, the young pharaoh had feared losing her.  In a fit of rapture he confessed his feelings and the two had kissed with a mixture of adoration and fear. That same night Isis had tried to marry them but the final battle had taken place and his soul had been sealed inside the millennium puzzle.  
He was just a few steps away from reaching her, when the other part of his soul returned him to the world of memories. When Yugi, Jounnouchi and Honda had come to his side with the knowledge of his name, visibly upset by Anzu's disappearance, the pharaoh knew.
"She has always been my destiny." He thought, his hand firmly clutching the metal cartouche as he spoke aloud his distantly forgotten name.
In the realm of shadows, as the spirit of the millennium ring fell into the darkness, Anzu smiled in relief, her eyes filled with tears. They had won!       
The two had embraced tightly in the real world, and on the way to the temple where the ceremonial duel would take place, Anzu had told them the truth: Like Atem and Kaiba, the memories of her past life had awakened as they entered the world of memories.
Once Atem's soul had been sealed in the puzzle, Isis and Mana had cast a spell to help her to "reincarnate" into someone close to him, and it would end once the nameless pharaoh defeated Zorg and he could return home.
It was confusing for everyone to discover that Anzu's memories and, the supposed life she currently had, was only an illusion. Anzu and Yugi had cried for hours, holding each other, as the memories of their childhood together changed.
Jounnouchi, Honda and Bakura who had known the girl at school, shortly before Yugi put the puzzle together, wept bitterly as they realised the loss of her dream that would not be fulfilled and for which she had worked so hard. Atem watched from the puzzle with a heavy heart.
In silence, the Ishtar siblings and both Kaiba watched the desperate hugs shared in tears by the group of friends; with Mokuba sobbing sadly against his waist, not even Seto Kaiba was able to hide his discomfort at the realisation that the world they all knew had changed.
That same night, Anzu watched the starry sky as the boat sailed calmly on the river. With her eyes heavy from crying and her head confused between memories of the past and ilussions, she almost didn't hear the approaching footsteps.
"Anzu?" called a deep voice, turning she found Atem looking up at her from Yugi's violet eyes. She smiled reassuringly at him, turning her gaze back to the sky and sensing him approaching.
"Have you finished arranging your duel cards for tomorrow?" she asked in a whisper watching out of the corner of her eye as the young man stopped beside her.
"Aibou went to sleep, he's exhausted for crying so much" He said, as if answering a question not asked by her. They stood in silence for a few moments, feeling each other's presence and absorbing into their hearts the reality that, after centuries, they were together again. The young woman sighed sadly. 
"I'm sorry you had to go through all this," the pharaoh spoke slowly, struggling with the doubt of whether it was right to take her hand or to embrace her, "You should never have compromised your soul for me, if only..."
The gentle brush of a finger silenced him as it hovered over his lips. Atem watched her beautiful blue eyes with surprise, they were tear-filled but shone like stars in the night sky.
"I love you, Atem," she said, her voice tight with a smile on her lips.
Atem's heart skipped a beat, replaying the young woman's words in his head; they sounded familiar and strange at the same time. With a small smile, the duelist took Anzu´s hand that was over his mouth and without taking his eyes off her, he tenderly kissed her knuckles.   
"I love you, Tarikh," he whispered in an Egyptian they both understood that the rest of the world would never hear again. Tears spilled from her eyes and a sob escaped her throat.
They held each other tightly, in an attempt to console her loss and his reality. They whispered promises to each other in Japanese, the same promises they had failed to keep in their other life.
They told each other truths in Egyptian, about how relieved they were to finally understand why it had been so easy for both of them to fall in love in this strange new world as well.
They vowed never to be separated again no matter what the outcome of the duel in the morning would be.    
"Thank you for coming for me," he whispered, lifting her face with his thumb; staring at her and finding some comfort in the all too familiar image of her white skin. In this life, she was beautiful too. 
"You have always been my destiny," Anzu whispered, looking at him intently and leaning her head an inch closer to him. They kissed, in a meeting that was new and familiar. The moon shone down on them, just as it had centuries ago.       
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