#{ Thank you again for tagging me Serin! }
promiscxous · 2 years
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Goofy but Well Loved Bard.
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You are here for a good time, dude, and the rest of us are right there with you. You are very well liked, whether it be by the masses or just by some odd party of adventurers who met you and immediately decided that you were their favorite person ever. You are very talented at a specific craft and are either willing to forgo more traditional paths to pursue it or desperately want to. I feel like there's a good chance that for the sake of the plot and emotional poignancy, you might get killed off, but just know that it was done because of how much people love you. Don't know how much of comfort that second half might bring, but do with this information what you will. If your storyteller decides that you do get to live a long and happy life (as you deserve), know that the resolution to your story and the knowledge that you get a happy ending is the thought that brings a sense of comfort and definitely a tear or two to the eyes of those who care about you the most.
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Tagged by: @crxstallium​​
Tagging: Just steal it and tag me.
#.♡ ~ [ ' sᴀɪɴᴛ ᴏғ ғᴇʀᴛɪʟɪᴛʏ; ᴄᴜʀsᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ sɪɴ ᴏғ ʟᴜsᴛ. ' ] - ✡ ᴋᴏᴜɪ ʏᴜᴍɪsʜɪ ✡#.♡ ~ [ ' “ɪᴛ’s ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ; ᴏʜ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ ᴛᴏ ғᴇᴇᴅ!” ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴏᴋᴇʀ ᴀᴄᴄᴜʀsᴇᴅ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ғʀᴀɴᴛɪᴄᴀʟʟʏ sᴄʀᴇᴀᴍ. ' ] - ✡ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴs#{ He would get the bard result. }#{ I guess just call him Venti? *shot* }#{ Okay but all jokes aside... this result is pretty fitting. }#{ He is a well loved character in Cipher and he has a tendency to make people wanna follow him when they learn his backstory. }#{ Lots of people get upset knowing the stuff he goes through but at the same time they know it's what made him as strong as he is. }#{ So in the end he gets viewed in a specific light by the masses. }#{ Though I will admit that *spoilers* him and his family do get ridiculed by their own people further in the story at some point- }#{ due to all of the carnage they're causing in search of their mother's killer and it really makes you realize that most people- }#{ only really like you when you're doing things for them or making sure that they're safe and happy. }#{ Only at the end of the story when the cast does some really big stuff that ends up protecting everyone in Mir Ender do the people- }#{ end up coming to love them all again because they pretty much risked everything (and themselves) to hold up their mother's- }#{ actual legacy that they learn about at the end. }#{ I rambled. I'm so sorry but that's the gist. }#{ Anyway... thank you for tagging me Serin! }
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Word Find Tag
Catch up p4, completing May's backlog 😅 Thanks for the tag, @dogmomwrites! <3
Special rules for this one: If you can't find a word, leave a fun fact about your WIP, OCs, or writing process!
My words: harbinger, reserve, viscera, lunge, and note
Your words: denial, death, deserve, distance, and distress
Gently tagging: @k--havok, @poetinprose, @experi-sketches
Wow,, these words were hard! Had to skip back to Shattered Soul to get four out of the five, instead of three lol.
CW for blood, and extremely crude language in viscera, im so sorry 😅
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Yeah, didn't think I'd have this one (in any of my wips, apparently lol). Fun fact time!
I enjoy this book so much that I've considered making Shattered Dreams a prequel and starting with this one.
Reserve Alaia
"Who—what are you?" she whispered. He cocked his head. "I'm Darian Arrio-alvaro Devante, a Guardian class mage. What has happened to you, little fae? Where is your clan?" Her eyes widened as golden scrollwork appeared on his temples, framing his eyes for a moment before fading out again. She bit her lip, unsure how to answer that. Why did they think she was fae? Was that the only reason they weren't slicing her head from her body at this moment, or ripping into her with those fangs? Pain cascaded through her again, even worse this time. Tears pricked her eyes as she leaned forward, a whimper escaping as her shadow pulsed with waves of urgent warning. She felt whatever reserves of magic the Veil had given her gutter and recognized her borrowed time was running out.
Viscera Serin
"She was easy enough to manipulate the first time," Marcus said with a laugh. "She's nothing but a lying whore, but at least she's an enthusiastic whore. I can see why you risked being sent to Menai for a chance to fuck her. I hope her cunt was worth it." Serin shook with rage and a visceral terror as Marcus approached him as well. Serin's body remembered what Marcus had done to it, what he was capable of. The goddess licked her lips. Delicious. He has such fear of you, Marcus. He feels such despair at the thought of you fucking his lover.
Lunge Alaia
Kiral crumpled beneath her, and she fell with him, twisting to avoid falling on his sword. Scrambling up, she lunged across the sand to Darian. Jesam held him in his lap, tears tracking down his dirty face as he held a hand over the wound, trying to staunch the blood that was gushing out. "Get the leathers off!" Alaia shouted as she kneeled beside them, taking Darian's pale ash-streaked face in between her hands. "You will stay with me. I will never forgive you if you told me I'm your mate only to run away from me to die." He tried to speak, his amber eyes pained as they locked onto hers, but nothing emerged from his mouth except blood, and he coughed.
Note Aleix
Aleix scrubbed a hand over his face, thinking he had never been so bored in his entire century of existence. Alaia was incredibly wary of all of them. As a result, she spent most of her time outside in the gardens behind the Hall of Healing. After Aleix had persuaded her to come to the beach with him, no one had been able to keep her out of them. So, he had spent the last four weeks watching as she weeded, pruned, and watered the plants. She resisted any attempts to draw her into conversation and continued to refuse offers to see the city or visit a grove. Which left him with nothing to do but stand there. Kiala said the gardening was good exercise to rebuild her endurance after her ordeal. Alaia had accepted the herbal and the little journal Kiala had offered her, taking the book outside with her and making notes about the various plants when her body made her rest. That had been fairly often to start, but he could tell she was gaining strength. The sun had given her pallid skin a healthy glow, and she was starting to put on some weight. All good signs of physical recovery. He shifted his weight from foot to foot, stifling a sigh. He was not used to being inactive.
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shiningstages · 1 year
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NAME : Kitkatty / Kit / Kat
PRONOUNS : She/her!
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : Discord is the best way, though I only give it out to close friends on here! I respond to Tumblr DMs whenever I go to either of my blogs, so that's usually fine too!
MOST ACTIVE MUSE : *looks at me doing two Atlas replies before remembering I had this to do* ummmmmmmm yes. Atlas OC-Wise is just...So fun to write, but also so easy to just pop off a lil rn? I have really big Seele brainrot rn as well, so for now she'd be high on the list; Vane and Amethyst are usually up their choices as well. Issac, Minori, Tsukasa are also pretty high...Yeah!!
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS : Technically...August 2011. All of my experience is on Tumblr (though i did a bit of twit rp before it gave me anxiety and i yeeted it into the sun), but I first started out on anon and met a few really nice people (i've been...extremely lucky online, i know this; thank you to most of my past and all of the current people i know). Though I have recently joined a discord rp server made by a couple friends, and that also has been a blast; and I've done it on/off with a couple others as well.
BEST EXPERIENCE : ...It's kind of hard to pick a "best" experience, only because I have genuinely had so many amazing times on here. When my friend gbf server was a bunch of muns talking and rping and having fun; and the ptn server after that; and now this hsr rp server has been an absolute joy that I'm so glad to be a part of. There have been a couple months each year when somehow I just laugh so much and get so giddy and have the best time of my life. There's lil jokes and reaction images I still remember making; pinned messages I lovingly can't live down; connections I've made that I cherish so much. Again, I wanna say that I've been so lucky to have mostly been surrounded by such good people, and for making all my places online a joy to be in! Without you all, who knows where we'd all be now, you know!
RP PET PEEVE : I'm like..........Really bad at thinking of these now gfhgfhgfxjfhghf I guess not necessarily a pet peeve, but when I hear from friends of people in the rpc that do?? Harrass / harm people?? Like what is that for???????? It's the thought of "what compels a person to be so mean??" and it makes me a lil anxious and boils me like a lobster, especially when it's stuff directed at people I care about. When it just continues for forever too; when it's just hateful stuff, the block button is there for a reason and I have no problem using it; they should just use it and stop wasting their own time on any of these things.
PLOTS OR MEMES : I'm always willing to do both, but memes are v versatile..........Sending random stuff through asks that pops into my head is also fun too; but I only do that with like Wars / Charlie / Serin. The Besties (tm).
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Honestly I just. Write hjgghfghgcfgkhfg. I'm very much a "I'm only writing if I have the energy for it" woman nowadays, but it can be matched length, a lil longer, or "oops I wrote a novella again~" So...I'm so sorry for everyone that deals with all of it ghgjgfhgfxjchfgjxchf
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES : I feel like at first I definitely picked up muses when I could relate to their struggles on a ground level, but nowadays it's more...That, combined with "do I really like this character? Probably gonna become a muse at some point". I also feel like I'm not like any of my muses, at least not as much anymore? Someone could prove me wrong though.
Tagged by: @shackld ( thank you hun~ )
Tagging: you!!!!!!!!!! reading this!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
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ereardon · 2 years
glad you liked the message, Em <3 I only speak the truth. Ah! But even when he was being a jerk (the Phoenix's house moments), he was a "nice" jerk. I mean, I get he needed time and space, he was not intentionally mean and I can respect that. 
And it's really good to hear you have good news from the doctor's office. I know the waiting can be the scariest part. Also, you talked about traveling... and my mind went "traveling+holydays+Jake+meeting your soulmate at the chaotic airport". That man has been living in my head rent-free. 
I'm good. Working and waiting for Christmas (unfortunately without a super hot, very sexy, a little bit arrogant, unbelievably handsome pilot boyfriend). Maybe next year, I'm gonna make sure to be extra nice and maybe Santa will finally send Jake my way. hahahah
Yes, I actually started reading My Girls, but I first need to talk about "you again". OOOOh. I loved that one. I really liked how she worn jake's dog tag on a chain around her neck. And the "hangbaby" name hahaha so cute. However, I think my favorite was "“Lieutenant and Doctor Seresin. That sounds pretty good to me.”.I would looooove to read something (maybe a drabble or a one-shot) about her being called Doctor Seresin. Maybe Jake got hurt during training (something minor, but he was rushed to the hospital she works at because of... something) and the meds made him silly... and he doesn't recognize her at first and starts to hit on her "are you single, angel?", "what's you name, Angel?" "Doctor Serin? WHAT! We have the same name??" hahahaha. Sorry, I'm rambling - please, feel free to ignore it hahah , I just love that man (and your stories).
Have a nice trip, Em. - T. 
Ahh you're right, Slow Burn Jake isn't even a huge dick when he's being a jerk, he's a very mild version of Jake I feel?
Hoping Santa brings you a hot sexy pilot boyfriend next year 😅 I want that for all of us tbh.
I feel like Jake would absolutely smash his body against you at the airport, especially if you were long distance, like he would just grab your face in his hands and make out with you, not caring that everyone can see. I did two LDR relationships and the airport reunions are the best part, and the goodbyes are just 🥺
Omg I'm so glad you liked You Again! It was my first fic and I think the first part is my most interacted with post of all time. I would TOTALLY write a drabble about the scenario you've outlined that's so funny and sweet and just screams Jake. Might add that to my pipeline for once I'm done with My Girl, A Place Like This and a few other requests I have in my back pocket.
Thank you! Last time I went to NYC in December I missed my train because my office is near Rock Center and it was tree lighting day lol, but thankfully that should be all sorted by the time I get there next week. Hope you're having a great weekend 🥰 xx
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yuichiroswife · 2 years
what crystal are you ?
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Black Tourmaline.
You have a strength to you that has been hard earned. You don't hesitate to cut out the parts of you you despise, you're unafraid to call out others. Your bluntness can off-put people at times, but you're unwilling to compromise your personal code. Once your loyalty has been earned it is not easily shaken. You're a protector and you purge away anything you believe could harm you or those you love. When was the last time you relaxed, though? When was the last time you let down your guard? There is just as much strength in vulnerability.
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Tagged by: @crxstallium​​
Tagging: Whoever sees this and wants to do it, just steal it and tag me.
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chronosbled · 3 years
how do you need to be loved?
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Like a child loves the rain. You need to be loved in happiness and foolishness. A puppy love, a love so purely good, so full of happiness it makes your stomach ache. You need to be loved in a way that reminds you of the childhood you didn’t get to have. You need to be loved as if you’re feeling the rain fall upon your cheeks for the first time. Refreshing, and clean.
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Tagged by: @aethxria​
Tagging: @insxparablxduo​, @cynic-longevity​, and anyone reading this! Just steal it and tag me!
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Hiii! I don't know if your requests are open. But i would still like to request one. I would a knb one where the gom+kagami gfs wore a skirt(which shrunk during washing and had no choice but to wear it) and every time they bent, their patience are tested until they couldn't take it anymore. Their s/o completed obvious to the attention they are getting from others.
GOM Boys + Kagami and Short Skirt Reader (f!reader)
“[Y/N]-chan, lets go in here.” You pause in your walk with Akashi around town, spending the lovely outside, in front of a pose looking clothing store.
“Here? Why?”
“I thought you might like to buy something in here.” He replied with a soft smile.
“Oh...Akashi-kun...I don’t know. It looks awfully expensive.”
“It’s my treat.” He countered. The corners of his soft smile becoming strained. “I’ll get you anything you want.”
“I appreciate it Akashi-kun, but I couldn’t let you do that. Spending money on me like that would make me feel uncomfortable.”
“[Y/N] please.” Now not only were the corners of his mouth strained, but his voice as well. “I’m trying to put this as delicately as possible but, you’re skirt is too short.” You blink at Akashi. Not expecting that, nor did you really think your skirt was that short. Sure you’d had it since middle school but... “It’s incredibly distracting, and not just for me.” His mouth scrunched in an unflattering frown before it softened again. Those beautiful crimson eyes darting to the left, sending a pack of boys running off. “So please, let me buy you a new skirt or outfit. You look beautiful in anything, so you don’t need a short skirt like that to get my attention.”
That hadn’t been your intention in wearing the skirt today and you blush. “Well....ok.” It was always really hard to argue with him.
Akashi bought you a new outfit in the store; you dare not look at the price tags. You continue on your date hand in hand. Your skirt you had thrown in the shopping bag after changing mysteriously vanishing when you got home.
The bell for second period ending chimed, and was soon drowned out by the sound of students shuffling through the halls. You were about to join them to your next class when Ryo asked if you’d seen Aomine. He wasn’t in class, apparently, and he took it upon himself to collect his teammate’s assignments to pass them on to him.
Such a nice guy.
You look towards the window, where the sun was shinning brightly, and sighed. “I’ll give them to him.” You knew exactly where he was.
Climbing the stairs to the roof, you of course find Aomine there. Stretched out like a cat in the warm sun, dozing the day away in the fresh air. 
“Honestly Aomine, you couldn’t even make it to second period?”
The tall, tan basketball star opened his eyes slowly from his cat nap and grinned at you. "What up with your skirt?”
Your cheeks turn red and you tried to futilely pull the front down. “I-I-It shrunk in the wash! The school was supposed to get me a new one but they didn’t have my size!”
“Nah. Keep it. I like this one much better.” His grin grew wider. “Did you wear those blue panties just for me today? Since it’s my favorite color?”
Your blush deepened and your growled at your boyfriend. You swing your arm to swat at his propped up knee but he caught your wrist and pulled you down. Forcing you to fall haphazardly on top of him; just like he planned.
“A-Aomine! Q-Quit it!”
“Nope. No can do.” He replied. His hand on your thigh. “I held out as long as I could. You can’t expect me not to react when you wear your battle panties in front of me.”
Needless to say, neither of you made it to third period.
Another lively afternoon at Serin basketball practice. You were sitting on the bleachers, watching your friends and boyfriend, play 2-on-2 games around the court for training. You would cheer Kagami and some of the others on. Doing your part to motivate the team as your way to show support.
Riko finally blew her whistle to call for a break and the team let out a collective sigh of relief.
“H-H-Here!” You look put at Kagami when he came up to you, cheeks flushed, holding out his warm up jacket. “Put it on!”
“I...uh..thanks Kagami-kun. But I’m not cold.” You assume that why he gave it to you.
“It’s not that! Just put it on! Don’t worry. It’s not dirty or anything.”
“Um...ok. But why?” 
“Don’t worry about it!” He snapped. “Just put it on!”
You frown and grumble a little, before you demand, “no. Not until you tell me why.”
Kagami grumbled himself and looked away. “....your skirt....” He said it so quietly that you have to give a little ‘hn?’ and he repeated, “your skirt. It keeps riding up when you cheer. I can’t practice right.....”
You blink in confusion, then blush. You hadn’t thought about your skirt coming up when you cheered. Now you felt embarrassed.
You took his jacket and put it on. Obviously swimming in it with your boyfriend’s large frame, which was good for once because it fell past your skirt for coverage. “Is this better Kagami-kun?”
The red head’s eyes went a little wide, and his cheeks darked to almost the shade of his hair. “N-N-No!” He exclaimed, taking you by surprise, before he looked away and scratched his head. “Now you look even cuter......”
“It was so nice of manager-san to give me this skirt. I can’t believe I own something from a designer now!”
Kise grumbled beside you as you left his photoshoot. His hand attached to yours squeezing it tighter as you walked. “Kise-kun? Is something wrong?”
The blonde seemed to realize that he was frowning, and quickly bounced back to his jovial self. “What? Oh, no. Nothing’s wrong [Y/N]-cchi. Just tired I guess.” You give a suspicious hum at Kise. Knowing that when he did 180s like this that something really was wrong.
“Kise, you know you can tell me anything. If something wrong, just tell me.”
“It’s....your skirt.” He finally confessed. Looking slightly to the left, away from you. “I’m all for fashion, and it was really nice of manager-san to give it to you, but....it’s too short. And I didn’t want to say anything because I sound like a cranky old man, but it’s true! [Y/N]-cchi’s perfect legs are only for me! I don’t want anyone else to see them!”
You snicker at Kise’s outburst. He could really be so silly sometimes.
“If you didn’t want me to wear it, then why didn’t you say anything.”
“I didn’t want to insult manager-san.” He told you. “He’s helped a lot with my career. And he really was being so nice to you. Plus, green is not my color.” Meaning he was jealous.
You giggle again and lean up to give him a kiss. “Lets head back to my place then and I’ll take it off. I’ll put on something more ‘appropriate’ for you.”
“Or....maybe don’t.” His hand squeezed yours again, only this time his face held on to a bright grin when he looked at you.
“We’ll see.”
You fiddle with the charm on your phone as you head down the street, leaving your apartment to go meet Kuroko.
He was supposed to meet you at your house, but when you didn't see him outside you just assumed that he got mixed up and went to the bookstore you had been planning to go to instead. Boys could be so spacey sometimes.
"Short," you jump a little at the sound behind you, seeing Kuroko there. "Your skirt is short."
"K-Kuroko-kun! Don't scare me like that! Wait....what?" It took you a minute to process what Kuroko was saying, being startled like that. "My skirt is too short?"
"Yes." Kuroko replied in his normal, soft tone, with a little nod. "It's too short."
You grumble a little and stamp your foot. "Who are you to tell me my skirt is too short??"
"No one I guess. But, I'm your boyfriend." He said. As if you needed to be reminded. "And I don't like other people staring at you, [Y/N]-kun." You blink once back at him. You hadn't noticed anyone staring. Nor had you noticed the slight tightening in Kuroko's fist until now. "It's why I've been following behind you for a while now. To keep your butt safe."
You let out a startled squeal and swat Kuroko in the arm as your cheeks turn red. "D-Don't say stuff like that!" You scold while he rubbed his arm. But...maybe he was right. Maybe it was too short. "Fine. Follow me home and I'll go change."
"Right behind you." Kuroko said with a smirk as he came along.
‘Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!’ You repeated over and over in your mind as you sprinted in a mad dash towards school.
You alarm hadn’t gone off, and it was honestly a miracle you had woken up even remotely close to the time with just enough time to make it out the door in a panic. If you some how made it to school on time you would never forget to set your alarm again!!
Cresting the hill, you see the gates to the school coming into view. And, more importantly, Midorima standing there. He was always on time, so he must have been waiting for you. Your heart swelled at the thought of it, and it gave you the extra boost to run fast towards him.
“Don’t shout. In any case why are you so -- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING?!?!”
You come to an abrupt halt in front of your boyfriend. Not expecting that response when you got close to him. “W-What? My uniform?”
“That’s not your uniform! That skirt is too short!”
You look down and turn about as red as Midorima was as you realize the skirt you had pulled out of your closet was your middle school uniform skirt. Not your high school one. They looked close enough in color you hadn’t noticed, and thought the ‘breeze’ was from you running. Could this day get any worse!!
There was movement out of the corner of your eye and you look up from your moping to see a field of green being offered to you. “The Oha Asa is never wrong.”
“M-Midorima-kun.....” You feel like you’re about to cry as you take the scarf and wrap it around your waist. This would do, for now. At least until you could get to your gym locker after first period.
“Let’s go. We’ll be late for class.”
You smile at Midorima and fall in beside him as you head to class. Spirts lifted. Maybe you should listen to the Oha Asa more too.
"What is the process called when an animal reproduces with itself? Is it A) Biomorphic reproduction? B) Symbiotic reproduction? Or C) Asexual reproduction? ....Mura-kun....? Mura-kun? Are you even listening to me?!"
"Ccccccaaaannnn'ttt...." Murasakibara whined from his place across from you at the table. Looking rather comical scrunched up like that.
"Jeez Mura-kun. I offer to help you study. The least you can do is pay attention."
"Ehh.... I can't. [Y/N]-chin is trying to seduce me."
The towering teen smirked before he licked the potato chip salt off his fingers, then tugged at the hem of your skirt. "[Y/N]-chin's legs look like tasty mochi. I can't resist."
Your cheeks turn pink and you bat his hand away before returning to your book. "Y-Your...You're not going to get out of this so easy Murasakibara-kun! You need to study!"
Murasakibara frowned with a low hum of disappointment before retuning to his potato chips. "I'd rather have mochi......"
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lily-drake · 3 years
Marinette was tired!  She had been up all night doing commissions, homework, and working on the Hawkmoth problem.  She needed coffee, and she needed it now.  Curse Tim for infecting her with his insomniac lifestyle.  She could hear the jerk laughing at her from an ocean away.  As she sipped at the concoction she called, “Resurrection” and she could actually see clearly she realized that the laughing was not in her head, nor was it an ocean away, it was a few feet away from her laying casually on her couch.
She stared at her brother while still sipping her coffee waiting for her brain to log back on.
“Going to offer me any?”
He finally asked with a smirk.  The cheeky ahole.
She said blankly.
“Please Bean?”
She placed a finger to her chin and pretended to consider before repeating,
He rolled his eyes and stood up taking quick steps to reach and hug her.  She rolled her eyes and held the coffee over her head.
“I’m not letting you steal it either!”
He grumbled and pulled away.
“Now, where are the others and why are you here.  I have to be somewhere soon.”
“We can’t just visit our baby sister.”
She raised an unamused brow making him sigh and roll his eyes.
“Fine, B took away the WiFi and Babs helped so I can’t hack it.  So….”
“So, you thought you could mooch off mine?  In Paris?”
“Well, since we understand the importance of finishing work I thought you’d understand?”
She paused and blinked at him, taking a slow sip of her coffee before sighing.
“Yea fine, just as long as you don’t do anything stupid and keep your emotions in check.”
“Thanks Bean.”
He said going in for another hug, and she quickly— it was graceful, she did not trip or stumble— ducked away.
“Nope, I know your tricks.”
She said as she hugged her mug to her chest and glared at the pouting man before he trudged back to the couch and laptop.
“Do the others know you're here?”
She asked as she finished off her mug and rinsed it in the sink.
“They shouldn’t.”
Marinette hummed and went upstairs to get ready for her group hangout.
Marinette laughed at the joke Nino made.  She felt so happy being surrounded by her friends, that was until she spotted someone.  Quickly she excused herself and calmly and walked up to the man.
“Whatcha doin’ here Dicky?”
Marinette asked innocently.
“Oh you know, seeing the attractions, eating the food, looking for a sleep deprived Tim.”
She asked, “confused”.
“What’s he doing here?”
“Bruce cut off his internet and I assumed he would come to you.”
Dick asked scanning we face for anything.  But she had been trained by Tim, Jason, and Damian to hide all traces of anything from both her dad and brother.  She learned the puppy eyes from Dick though, and they were very effective.
“I haven’t seen him.  Maybe he was just smart and went somewhere else.”
“Hmm, I guess that could be true.  Well, let’s go meet your friends.”
“Wait what, no-“
It was too late, he was already moving towards them and she knew this was her punishment for lying to her brother.
“Hey Marinette’s friends!”
Marinette rushed towards them and looked around anxiously as a few of her friend’s mouths dropped and some just glanced at him not knowing who he was.
“Oh my gosh, y-you’re-“
Alya turned to look at Marinette with wide eyes.
“You didn’t tell me you knew the Wayne’s!”
“W-well…I- th-they commissioned me!  I didn’t expect them to come all this way though.  See his fitting wasn’t for another few hours.”
Marinette covered. No one knew about who her real family was except her host family who let her take their name so she could go to school in peace.
“Yea, guess I just got excited.  Me and my family are just huge fans of your work.”
Marinette subtly rolled her eyes but brought a blush to her cheeks so she didn’t seem suspicious.
“Oh-well, thank you.  I-um…thanks.”
Her friends snickered and she shot them a non-threatening glare.  How was she supposed to warn Tim without Dick noticing?  He was obviously going to come to the bakery now.
It was late at night when she saw a shadow move on the building she was on.  She had just finished her patrol route and her team would be meeting her for reports soon.
“Dad, Robin.”
She greeted without looking back at them.
As she opened her mouth she heard the sound of her teammates coming to the roof.
“Hey LB, how are-holy….i-it’s Batman!”
Chat whispered in awe.  Immediately after his statement Ryuko, Honey Bee, Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Viperion landed on the roof.  Only Chloe Kagami, and Luka were able to hide their shock and awe, one with indifference, another with stoicism, and the last being his normal serine self.
Ladybug sighed and rubbed her forehead in exhaustion.  It’s a family reunion she guessed, all she needed now was Red Hood and the girls.  Then again the girls were the only tolerable ones, besides Alfred.  It was going to be a long week at least.
“Guys, this is my dad, Batman and brother Robin.”
Everyone, excluding Luka and Ryuko, basically shouted.
“Yes, and they were just leaving.”
She almost growled as she glared at her family.
“No we aren’t.  We are here to-“
“As the older sibling, and as this is my terf, I get the last say.”
Damian glared back at her and opened his mouth but closed it when Batman placed a hand on his shoulder.  His frown deepened and he refused to look at her as she smirked in victory.
“We’ll talk later then.”
“I guess we will.”
Rena shouted getting out of her styler and pranced towards him like an overly eager fox.
“Could I get a picture with you, or maybe even an interview?  I won’t show anybody, but it would be so amazing!”
Her eyes were basically glowing as she asked.  Marinette glared at him and nodded.  If he did something stupid like this he deserved the punishment of her over eager friend and inner fan girl.  He sighed and stoically stood beside her.
“Wait, everyone needs to be in it!”
She said pulling everyone and arranging them into place.  She tried to touch Robin, but quickly thought better of it as he grabbed the hilt of his sword.  Ladybug had to hold back her snort.  It took about ten minutes, but they finally got the picture and her father and little brother finally left.
Reports went by quickly after that, but seemed tedious after the event that had just transpired.  Quickly she swung home and face planted onto her bed.  She could feel eyes on her and looked up to see her dad staring fondly at her.  She rolled her eyes before face planting back into her pillow with her middle finger raised in his direction.  She was too tired to put up with anything right now.
Never thought this would happen, but I have a tag list now, which is really cool. If anyone wants to be part of it please comment and tell me. ThNk you for all the support! @trippingovermyfeet @liquid-luck-00
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baby-dr1ver · 3 years
‘a switch’ ch.2
hey everyone! I’m literally the worst writer here, it’s been so long since I’ve updated but, here it is! The dialogue and stuff won’t be exact, it’s mostly from memory lol. Thank you guys for sticking with me, and paitently waiting! Also, here is a taglist for anything you want to be tagged in!
Paring: alpha!bucky barnes x omega!reader
Rating/Warnings: angst, i think a swear word?
There will be smut in future chapters!
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Waking up, you were confused, disoriented. You rolled your head to the side, seeing white. The white of the med bay bed sheets, which means, you lost the fight. 
You didn’t know how to feel. The way he made you feel, the warmth, safely, security-home. You knew it was wrong, he was a killer, with no remorse. Even when you stared into those cold blue eyes, your omega preened at the thought of some sort of contact with you al- him. You didn’t get to think much more before Steve walked in. 
“Y/N” He said in a sympathetic tone. “Don’t worry Steve, I'm fine. Do we have anything on our ‘Winter Soldier’?” You asked. You weren’t fine, your arm was in a sling, swollen black eye, and red handprint on your cheek. From him. 
“Yeah, I knew him. It’s uh- it’s Bucky, my best friend-” He stopped, choking on emotions. You knew all about Bucky Barnes. Steve told you all about him. How he was always there to fight for Steve. He was there to be his wall of support. Or how much of a womanizer he was. He could get any woman he wanted, slept around, eventually wanted to settle down that was before he- well, you know. 
“Oh Steve, I’m so sorry. The good news is, that means it’s not him right? That there brainwashing him?” You said, trying to put off your soothing omega pheromones, to keep him calm.
“Yeah yeah, it would make sense.”
*Bucky's POV*
I sat in the chair, thinking about the fight. Who was that man? Why did he feel so…. Familiar? And that girl. She just- she was a distraction. Her scent, lavender vanilla and peaches. It was like he could feel every emotion she felt, the arousal, the fear, the hurt. He shouldn’t, he shouldn’t because he was beta, beta’s don’t feel the things bonded pairs do. Alpha, the way she said it, so innocent and serine. It made his mind clear up for just a second, and his heart hammer. The question is, why did she say it?
“Soldier, mission report.” Bucky looked up to the commander.
“That man, on the bridge. Who was he?” The commander sighed
“Mission Report.” Bucky sighed.
“I knew hi-”
“I said, mission report soldier” This time Bucky didn’t answer. Everyone in the room stared at him. Waiting for an answer, The commander just kept asking the same question, over and over, getting angier every time he didn’t answer. He finally stopped and looked at the man in the white lab coat. 
“Prep him. He remembers too much.” That’s when Bucky started to panic. He couldn’t forget everything again. Not her, not- not him, not the man that brought him familiarity, not the woman who felt like home. He can’t lose those emotions he hasn’t felt in, my god, decades. He started to protest, moving his way out of the chair, ready to shout at the man. He tried, he really did but, he was quickly shoved back in the chair by the shoulders. They put the rubber in his mouth, and quickly hooked him up to machines. 
The pain was unbearable. He would scream and shout, although it would be muffled by the static of each machine and rubber in his mouth. 
*y/N’s POV*
You were finally discharged, with the instructions to keep the sling on until further notice. Steve knew this would make you mad, mad because that meant you had to sit out and work on intel. You hated intel. 
“Steve, it's not fair! I’m perfectly fine!” Steve only looked at you and sighed. He put his hands on his hips, and towered over you, using his alpha status to keep you in place. That’s unfair. 
“What happened up there huh? You would have to fight tooth and nail, to get him in. And he left without a scratch. Why?” That’s when you froze. Under no circumstance could Steve find out what happened. He couldn’t know that you called ‘Bucky’ alpha or that he knocked you flat on your ass because you were distracted. 
“Nothing happened. I knew I couldn’t take him.” Steve scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“That’s bullshit Y/N and you know it.” You wished, prayed and hoped that he would just drop it. 
“Language Steve” You said with a smirk. He dropped his head with a smile. He mumbled under his breath, something along the lines of “no one will ever live this down” and “little shit”
You walked away, and ran to your room. Worry was coming off your body in waves, and you were sure that the whole compound could smell it. You knew he was only questioning because he was uncertain, he was feeling out of control.You paced and paced before your body finally tired out, and decided it was time for a nap. Who knows, maybe sleep will wash the stress of the past couple of days away. 
When you woke up, a few hours later, it was from your phone going off. You reached your arm over to your nightstand to pick up the phone ‘Steve’ it read. 
“Steve? What’s wrong?” 
“Y/N listen, Lemurian Star launches in 3 hours. We need everyone one deck for this, are you-”
You cut him off before he could continue, “Yes! Send me the coordinates and I’m on my way” You hung up and frantically started to pull off the sling and get in gear. Your anxiety started to spike, your omega pacing at the thought of seeing her al- the alpha again. 
After receiving the coordinates from Steve, you got on your motorcycle and sped off from the compound. On the way there, your thoughts bounced around in your mind. What would he do when he saw you? Would he remember you, or want to kill you? You had to calm down your omega, if he smelled the worry and fear wafting off you, he would surely take you down quickly. 
When you arrived, the first person you saw was Nick Fury? You thought he was- you know what? No, you weren’t going to even ask questions. 
“Nick” You gave a little head tilt. He cocked an eyebrow
“Oh so she suddenly knows me, huh.” Everyone could sense the annoyance coming off the both of you. 
“Alright, Nick can get us to the ship, Sam will uh use his wings to take down anyone in our way. He’s going to put the first chip in, while you,” He looked to me, “and I will get the second and third chip in.” 
“Where will Natasha be?” It was a simple question but, it came off as ‘is she fucking helping at all?’
“She and Furry will take down everyone from the inside. We can’t let anything stop us. Agent Hill will control everything from the control room and give us direction, is that clear?” He looked around to everyone. 
“Alright, let's do this.”
Jump to the present. Sam is flying below the ship, where the chips lay, avoiding every bullet he can. Cap is, well he’s about to jump off the ship so Sam can catch him. 
Honestly, it was a mess. You were on the other side fighting off men, thankfully with no bullets, and waiting for instruction. 
“Sam, what's your status?” You heard Steve yell in the coms. 
“First alpha in, I’m grounded, sorry Cap.” 
“It’s okay I got this.” Steve said. 
You sighed, “Alright Steve I’m on my way to you.” 
You both got to the bowl of the ship when you saw Steve stopped on the walkway. “A lot of people are gonna die, Buck.” That’s when you froze. Bucky, was in a stance of defense, shoulders squared, jawed clenched, ready to fight. Steve, he was trying to keep him calm, maybe talk him out of this. You knew that wouldn’t happen, he seemed different from the last time you saw him. He was more, alpha, he wasn’t as-soft?- as he was. They stared at one another for a minute before Steve glanced back at me. 
“Please don’t make me do this.” Steve said, choked up with emotions. Silence. Steve took that as his que to start a fight. He threw his shield before Bucky blocked it and threw it back at him. While they fought, you took it as an opportunity to get the chips in the last remaining spots. Steve was pushing Bucky further away so I could slip past. Not, before a few bullets were shot at me, you didn’t take it personally. 
You got to the opening and pulled at the chips you had, and entered them. You heard grunting, metal hitting vibranium, cracks and bullet wounds, behind you. You were distracted enough that you didn’t realize you didn’t have the third chip. 
“Steve!” You yelled to get his attention.
“Steve, I don’t have the third chip!” 
Steve could only nod and do his best. Bucky had gotten him on a narrow path that led to the glass bottom. He tried to throw the chip at you before Bucky knocked it out of his hands, and dropped to the bottom. They both dropped down to retrieve it, Bucky to crush it, Steve to get it to you and stop the murdering of billions of people. You wanted to drop down and help but, you would only be a distraction. You could feel the pull towards Bucky when Steve held him in the air, you when he snapped his arm. You knew that one look from him and you would do anything he said. You heard a body drop, and Steve jumped over the walkway to you. He didn’t get far before there was a gunshot, and Steve dropped to his knees, 
“Steve!” You yelled. He waved you off as he started to get up, and threw you the chip. “30 seconds Cap!” Agent Hill yelled in your earpiece. Then, another gun shot rang out, Steve fell to the ground completely, and you froze. You finally realized why you were there, and pushed the chip in. “Charlie locked.” You breathed out. You ran to Steve to help with his wound. “Alright guys, now get out of there.” 
You sighed and looked at Steve, you both knew what you had to do. “Fire now” You said in the coms. “But-” You cut her off, “Do it!”  The line went dead, and you saw missiles being shot at the main ship. You helped Steve to his feet, just before one hit the bowl. You heard a scream as a metal frame came down. Bucky. You looked to Steve, “We have to go help him.” He nodded, grabbed his shield and jumped down. We got down there, in time to see him slide out from the metal, clutching his metal arm. Another standoff, this time you stood next to Steve. 
“You know me,” Steve said. Again, hoping to talk some sense into Bucky. You made a bold, uncharacteristic move, “Bucky listen, you know him, you don’t want to hurt him.” He looked at you at that moment. Your eyes pleading for him to stop. Begging for him to sense the bond, and listen. His body stiffened, trying to figure you out. He felt the instinct to protect, to nurture, to provide, just like an alpha- no, that’s not possible. He wasn’t-
“No I don’t” That was his last words before he threw a punch at Steve, knocking him down. You tried to intervene but Bucky knocked you into a beam, making you imobile for a minute. Steve was still trying to make him remember. “Your name is James Buchanan Barnes,”
“Shut up!” Bucky yelled, still throwing punches. “I’m not gonna fight you.” Steve said before he dropped his shield, threw the glass. “Your my friend” Bucky only roared, and charged at Steve. “Your my mission.” he started to throw punches, left and right, at Steve’s face. He needed to be stopped. He was gonna kill him. 
“Bucky! Please Stop! You're hurting him!” You yelled out. Bucky turned his head to you. His gaze softened for a second, as if he was going to listen to his omega, before he shook it off and remembered why he was here. He kept shouting, and hitting, making Steve’s face swell and bruise. 
“Then finish it, because I’m with you till the end of the line.” Bucky paused, as if to reminisce. Suddenly, the glass where they stood shattered, making Steve drop through. “No!” you shouted before trying to jump to save him. A hand caught your elbow, and you gasped. Bucky stared straight into your soul. You could see the alpha emotion run across his face. You pulled your hand away, and set it on his cheek. To your surprise, he didn’t pull away. “Alpha” was all you said before you jumped out the opening. 
Luckily for you, you found Steve quickly and brought him to shore. Just after you saw Bucky come down into the water, and pop back up. You were dizzy, overheated, and ready to pass out. You checked Steve’s pulse and made sure he was still actively breathing before you plopped down on the muddy earth. You laid next to Steve’s unmoving body. And Bucky walked over to the two of you. Your eyes started to squint, as if to say ‘let us rest’, you focused on the blue sky and clouds, trying not to think about the alpha coming into your view. 
“Omega” he said in that sweet baritone voice. The voice of an alpha. Your alpha. You didn’t get a chance to return a comment before a comment before once again, everything went black. 
You woke up with a grown. You could feel that you were in a bed, a very uncomfortable one. The sheets and the pillows smelled of your alpha, pine, metal, fruit- that’s what confused you. Where were you? You finally open your eyes to see concrete walls, unfamiliar ones. 
What the hell?
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(These GIFs are made by me)
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No. of words: 8.7k
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This will be my first one-shot smut fanfiction for my bias Seonghwa! I hope you will like it even though it’s a long one-shot.
 Y/N and her friend named Serin are both working as baristas in a cafe' and also, they are roommates. There is one time, Y/N can't wake up easily and Serin decided to go to her room but when she went inside, she heard Y/N is moaning while sleeping and…
“OMG! What is she dreaming about?” Serin thought and she just walked closer to Y/N and…
“Y/N! Wake up! We might be late for work,” Serin said as she tried to shake Y/N’s body but then as soon as Y/N woke up she covered her face and…
“Hey, Y/N! What is happening to you? We should prepare to go to work, Hurry!” Serin said and Y/N just nodded and sighed then her friend left her in the room.
“My gosh! What kind of dream is that? Oh well, I shouldn’t think of it because I might be distracted at work!” Y/N thought and just prepared herself for work. When both of them are now in the cafe’, there were times that Y/N just suddenly stopped working and Serin noticed it then she approached her and…
"Y/N! Hurry up! One of our return customers is waiting for his orders!" Serin said and Y/N just snapped out of her thoughts and she suddenly moved quickly that made the drink spilled on the floor and both of them were shocked…
“Oh shit!” Y/N thought.
“Y/N! What did you do?” Serin asked angrily. But the customer saw that Y/N just accidentally spilled one of his orders and…
"Umm… Miss, it's okay! I will just wait for it and I will just sit at one of the tables here," the customer said in a calming tone. As Y/N approached the customer and looked at him…
“Wow! He is so handsome! His eyes are so beautiful too!” Y/N thought.
“I am so sorry! But don’t worry I will bring your orders to you right away,” Y/N said.
“It’s okay! I can wait for my orders,” the customer said as he smiled at her that made Y/N slightly blushed. But she didn’t know that while they are talking, the customer took a glimpse of her name tag and…
"Oh! Her name is Y/N! She is so beautiful," the customer thought and just sat at one of the tables near the counter and then he saw a customer survey paper then he decided to wrote something and smiled, After he finished answering and writing something in the survey paper, he folded it then he left something in it and put it inside the box and he decided to observe her. While Y/N is focused on making the drinks for the handsome customer, she suddenly felt someone's eyes are on her and as she looked around the cafe' she suddenly caught the man is looking at her and he just smiled at her instead of looking away and Y/N just slightly smiled back at him and blushed.
“My gosh! He is even more handsome when he smiles!” Y/N thought then she saw that the man’s name is “Hwa”(Seonghwa) and she just wrote his name on the cups then she approached him and…
“Here are your orders Mr. Hwa! Thanks for your understanding and patience!” Y/N said as she smiled at him.
“No problem! You can just call me Seonghwa. That’s only my shortcut of my name,” the man said as he smiled back at her.
"Oh! Okay! Nice to meet you Seonghwa! I have to go back to work and thank you for coming here and I hope you will come back!" Y/N said.
“No worries, Y/N! To be honest, I am one of your frequently return customers here in the cafe’,” Seonghwa said as he looked at her then Y/N blushed.
"OMG! He already knows my name. Well, it's because of my name tag," Y/N thought.
“Oh! I see! I am sorry if didn’t remember you,” Y/N said.
“It’s okay! I understand! It’s nice to talk with you but I have to go now. Have a nice day, Y/N!” Seonghwa said.
“Have a nice day too, Seonghwa!” Y/N said as both of them smiled at each other then Seonghwa left the cafe’.
“My gosh! I think I will not be able to make a mistake again today because of him,” Y/N thought but then Serin approached her and…
“Y/N we should have lunch now and I also want to talk to you,” Serin said and Y/N nodded. While they are having lunch…
“Y/N, what is happening to you today? You suddenly messed up someone’s order too,” Serin asked and Y/N just sighed.
“Well, it’s just because I had a dream to someone and it distracts me a lot,” Y/N said.
“Oh! Can you tell me what kind of dream is that?” Serin asked and Y/N slightly blushed.
“It’s just a sweet dream. That’s all. But I can’t remember who is the man in my dream,” Y/N said.
"Okay! To be honest, when I was about to wake you up, earlier, I heard you are moaning," Serin said.
“What? You heard me that I am moaning?” Y/N asked in a panicking tone.
“Yup! Why? Don’t tell me your dream is not just sweet but also a wet dream,” Serin said and Y/N just laughed.
"There's no way I will have a wet dream to someone who is completely a stranger," Y/N said and Serin just chuckled at her statement.
"For your information, having a dream about a stranger can be possible," Serin said and Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Fine! Whatever you say!” Y/N said then it was Serin’s turn to laugh at her.
"You know, you should focus on your job instead of thinking about the dream you had earlier, okay?" Serin said.
“Okay! Fine! I will never do a mistake again for today and also, you didn’t tell me that man earlier is a return customer,” Y/N said and Serin raised one of her eyebrows.
“You really seemed to be distracted today because I told you earlier that he is a return customer but you ended messing up one of his orders and it seems you had a little conversation with him, huh?” Serin said as she slightly made a teasing smile.
“I just thanked him being an understanding and a patient customer. That’s all,” Y/N said.
"Are you sure? But the way you two smile at each other a while ago it's like there is a spark between the two of you," Serin said as she gets giddy.
“I know he is very handsome but I don’t expect that I will have a boyfriend like him who has perfect features, okay? Let’s just go back to work,” Y/N said.
"Fine! We should get going," Serin said then both of them just focused on doing their job.
As for Seonghwa who just arrived from his place, his friend and roommate named San waited for him. But San noticed something and it was…
“Wait! You went again to that cafe’?” San asked.
“Yup! Here is the drink that I ordered for you,” Seonghwa said as he gave the drink and smiled at him.
“Thanks! You know I really noticed that you keep coming back in that cafe’. Are you seeing someone there frequently?” San asked and Seonghwa just chuckled.
“I know that smile. It means that’s a yes?” San asked.
“To be honest, not totally seeing someone instead I am still trying to make a move to someone who is working there,” Seonghwa said as he smiled and San chuckled at his statement.
"Oh! So did you had a chance to talk to her today?" San asked.
“Yup! Her name is Y/N,” Seonghwa said.
“How did the two of you end talking to each other?” San asked.
“Y/N accidentally spilled one of my orders awhile ago but I just waited for her to bring my orders to me then when she brought my orders, I decided to talk to her but not for a long time because since she still has to do her job,” Seonghwa said.
“Okay! So, what will be your next move to her?” San asked.
“I will still think about it,” Seonghwa said.
“But you didn’t think of stalking her, right?” San asked but Seonghwa just laughed.
“No, I am not!” Seonghwa said and San smirked.
"You really better not stalk her because you will be a creep to her," San said then both of them laughed.
Then going back to Y/N and Serin who are now in their place…
“You know Serin, I am kinda embarrassed for Seonghwa,” Y/N said and Serin suddenly raised one of her eyebrows.
“Wait! Seonghwa? Who is he?” Serin asked.
“The frequently return customer awhile ago. I bet you didn’t know his name,” Y/N said as she laughed at her.
"Oh! His name is Seonghwa, not Hwa?" Serin asked.
"Yup! I am kinda embarrassed a while ago because I didn't remember him at all when he told me that he keeps coming back to the cafe' frequently," Y/N said.
"Well, I think we are just too focus on our job and we didn't know we always wrote his name on the cup," Serin said and then both of them laughed.
“You’re right! But he is really handsome too!” Y/N said.
“It means you like him already?” Serin asked as she teased Y/N.
“I am not saying I like him already,” Y/N said and Serin just chuckled.
“You are just denying it!” Serin said as she continued to tease her and Y/N just sighed.
“Whatever you think it is!” Y/N said as she rolled her eyes at Serin and just left her in the living room and just went to sleep.
“It’s so fun to tease Y/N with him,” Serin thought and still slightly laughing.
It was another day for them working in the cafe’, then while Y/N is busy doing something, her manager called her and Y/N went to her office…
"Why do you want to talk to me, Ms. Park? Is this about what happened yesterday? I am really sorry for messing up someone’s order,” Y/N said.
“It’s okay! I understand Y/N! To be honest, I wanted to talk to you because someone left this in our survey/suggestion box and it seems the customer really likes your service,” Ms. Park(her manager) said as she gave a long folded paper then Y/N looked what it is and she was shocked because…
“Ms. Park, are you sure that this is for me? Also, this is a coupon for free 5 days of accommodation with breakfast to a hotel resort," Y/N said.
"Yup! I saw someone wrote that the coupon should be given to you and also, you can see that there is a date that you can only use that coupon. Well, because you are doing great in your job and one of our customers really like your service, I will allow you to take vacation leave for 5 days next week," Ms. Park said and Y/N can’t believe what she’s hearing right now.
“Are you really sure about that Ms. Park?” Y/N asked.
“Yup! It will be useless for the coupon not to be used, right? So, enjoy your vacation next week!” Ms. Park said as she smiled at her.
“Can Serin come with me?” Y/N asked.
"I am sorry but I will not allow her to come with you because some of our baristas can't replace her next week because they filed a leave for few days. But in your case, I able to talk to one of our part-timers who is also a certified barista to do your job next week," Ms. Park said.
"Wow! Thank you very much, Ms. Park!” Y/N said.
“No problem! Also, think that this is the customer’s and my incentive to you. Have fun next week, Y/N!” Ms. Park said as she smiled at her.
“Thank you very much, Ms. Park! I will go back to work now,” Y/N said as she smiled back and Ms. Park just nodded then Y/N left the office and when she went back to work, Serin suddenly approached her and…
“Y/N, why did Ms. Park talk to you?” Serin asked.
“Let’s just talk about it later at the lunch break since many customers are coming as of the moment,” Y/N said.
“Well, You’re right!” Serin said then both of them went back to work. As time goes by, it was already their lunch break and…
“So, tell me now, why did Ms. Park talk to you?” Serin asked.
“I really thought that it was about what happened yesterday but it’s not. It’s because a customer suddenly left a coupon for free 5 days of accommodation in a hotel resort together with the survey paper,” Y/N said.
“What? Really for FREE?” Serin asked.
“Yup! I am surprised that she gave it to me,” Y/N said and Serin was shocked.
“What? That’s unfair! She gave you that coupon,” Serin said as she pouted and Y/N laughed at her.
“To be honest, I am also surprised that someone wrote in the survey paper that the coupon was just for me,” Y/N said.
“Wow! It seems the customer really wants to give you an incentive, huh?” Serin said.
“I know, right? But Ms. Park saw that the coupon has a particular date that should be used and she decided to make me have a vacation leave next week,” Y/N said as she smiled at her.
"Oh! I envy you right now, Y/N! But who do you want to come with you to the hotel resort?" Serin asked.
“To be honest, I am thinking of you to come with me but she told me that you will not be available next week because there will be no barista will replace you. But I think I can just go alone since I want to have time for myself too," Y/N said.
“You’re right! But I hope you will enjoy next week for your 5 days vacation in a hotel resort,” Serin said as she smiled at her.
“Thanks, Serin!” Y/N said as she smiled back. As for Seonghwa who is now cleaning his room, suddenly someone called him and it was…
Seonghwa: Oh! Ms. Park, why did you call me?
Ms. Park: Can you stop calling me Ms. Park and it doesn’t suit you to call me like that.
Seonghwa: Just kidding my beloved sister, Minje! So, why did you call me?
Ms. Park/Minje: Tell me, you are the one who left the coupon in my cafe’s survey box, right?
Seonghwa: Why did you think of that?
Minje: Duh! I know your penmanship, okay? Also, the name of the hotel resort is owned by your great friend Jung Wooyoung and you even thought of giving it to one of my baristas. Why? do you like Y/N?
Seonghwa: Yup! Also, I am planning to see her in the hotel resort and be with her.
Minje: Wow! I am so shocked right now, Seonghwa!
Seonghwa: *laughs over the phone* So, did you already gave the coupon to her?
Minje: Yup! Also, you should thank me that I made her a vacation leave for next week so that, she can use the coupon since the date is only valid until next week. It means you should prepare for next week too my beloved brother.
Seonghwa: Are you serious, Minje?
Minje: I am serious. I will also support you for being with Y/N next week because for the past 3 years of Y/N working in my cafe’ I got to know her more not just only being my employee but also as a friend too and I can say that you two can also be a match.
Seonghwa: Aww! Thank you very much, Minje! I will call Wooyoung to inform him about the coupon.
Minje: Okay! No problem and have a nice vacation next week with Y/N!
Seonghwa: Okay! Thanks, Minje! Bye!
 After Seonghwa had a conversation with his sister, he called Wooyoung.
Wooyoung: Oh! Hey, Seonghwa! Why did you call?
Seonghwa: Remember the coupon that you gave to me?
Wooyoung: Oh! The 5 days free hotel resort accommodation with breakfast?
Seonghwa: Yup!
Wooyoung: Why? Are you going to use it now?
Seonghwa: To be honest, I gave it to the lady that I like and she is also working in my sister’s cafe’
Wooyoung: WHAT? You didn’t talk about her much when we see each other then suddenly you gave the coupon to her?
Seonghwa: To be honest, that is my first move to be with her.
Wooyoung: Oh! Okay! So, what are you planning right now?
Seonghwa: Can you make your hotel resort next week be private just for me and Y/N?
Wooyoung: Okay! I will make the dates next week to be fully booked so that, no one can reserve in the resort.
Seonghwa: That’s great! Thank you very much Wooyoung!
Wooyoung: No problem! I will assign a few staff for next week so no one can disturb the two of you.
Seonghwa: Okay! I should prepare my things for next week’s vacation in your hotel resort. Thanks again, Wooyoung!
Wooyoung: No problem, bro! I hope you two will have fun next week in my resort with Y/N!
Seonghwa: Yup! We will definitely have fun there!
Wooyoung: Okay! I have to arrange some things now! Bye!
Seonghwa: Okay! Bye!
 After he had a conversation with Wooyoung, Seonghwa smiled at himself and exactly that time San arrived at their place, and…
“Hey, Bro! It seems you are very happy. What happen?” San asked.
“I will be able to see Y/N next week,” Seonghwa said.
“Wow! Where and how will you see each other?” San asked as he smiled at him.
“You know our friend Wooyoung owns a hotel resort, right?” Seonghwa asked.
“Yup! Why?” San asked.
“I planned to make Y/N go to Wooyoung’s hotel resort and I even requested the resort to be private for me and Y/N so that no one can disturb us,” Seonghwa said as he smiled brightly and San was shocked at his plan and…
“Wow! That’s crazy but a great plan, bro! But how will you make Y/N go to Wooyoung’s resort?” San asked.
"To be honest, I already made that plan and it already happened a while ago because of my sister's help giving the coupon for free 5 days of accommodation with breakfast to Y/N,” Seonghwa said.
“Wow! I am really speechless right now, bro! I hope you two have fun in the resort being not disturbed by their staff,” San said and Seonghwa laughed.
“It seems I don’t have to worry since Wooyoung will arrange all of it including assigning just a few staff to work next week,” Seonghwa said.
“I am so happy for you, bro! I think you should prepare and pack your things for your vacation with Y/N,” San said as he smiled at him.
“Yup! I will also make unforgettable memories with her next week,” Seonghwa said as he smiled back at San.
As for Y/N who is about to finish packing her things for next week’s vacation, she decided to sleep and as she starting to enter her dreamland, the dream started…
 When Y/N is in a dark room where it has a little light outside the window she saw a man is in front of her who is already shirtless and has a good body built but she can't see his face clearly because the light is only reflecting on his chest and his abs then Y/N suddenly walked backward but the man went closer to her then Y/N's back touched the wall and the man pinned her to the wall and...
“I like you and I love you, Y/N! I want you to give yourself to me and I want you to be mine this night,” the man said as he whispered but when Y/N was about to talk, the man suddenly kissed her lips passionately and she just kissed him back.
"Gosh! I really don't know who is this man but damn! The effect of him to me is too much to the point I am willing to give everything to him and I will let him love me," Y/N's thought in the dream. As they continue to make out, one of the man's hands went inside her shirt and suddenly groped one of her clothed breasts that made Y/N moan into the kiss.
Because of that action of the man in her dream, Y/N’s body suddenly moved that made the dream suddenly ended and Y/N just woke up in the middle of the night and she felt that her body became hot.
"Fuck! Seriously! Who is that man who keeps appearing in my dreams and trying to make love with me! This is making me crazy!" Y/N said to herself but she just went back to sleep but she didn't have a chance to continue her dream with him.
It was already the day where Y/N will go to the resort and will have a 5 days vacation alone. But her friend Serin, suddenly noticed that Y/N is still not waking up and she just decided to wake her up so that, Y/N can prepare to go to the resort and when she went inside the room, she heard again Y/N moaning while she was asleep.
"Seriously! What is she really dreaming about? I noticed that she keeps dreaming something strange or I assume it's really a wet dream!" Serin thought and…
“Y/N! Wake up! This will be the fifth time for this week that I will be waking you up!” Serin said in a loud voice. Then Y/N woke up like she was really tired and her cheeks are flushed.
"Y/N! What happened to you? You know, I am now so sure that you are having a wet dream to someone, aren't you?" Serin asked and Y/N can't answer her and she just blushed then Serin just smirked at her.
"Y/N, just admit it that you are having a wet dream for the past few days and also, your face says it all too," Serin said and Y/N sighed.
“Fine! You are right! I am having a wet dream but I can’t clearly see his face and he didn’t even tell me who he is in my dream but damn! He is so hot!” Y/N said and Serin laughed at her.
"Oh well, we should talk about that next time, because you should take a bath right now and you should double-check the things that you will bring to the resort because the check-in time in a resort is commonly around noon and also, I have to get going because I might be late for work and I hope you will have fun in your vacation for yourself," Serin said as she smiled at her.
“Thanks, Serin! Take care in going to work. I will send you photos of me or message you when I am in the resort.” Y/N said as she smiled back at her and Serin nodded. As soon as Serin left their place, she took a bath but she can’t take off her mind about the dream she had.
“I hope whoever that man is, I will be able to see him and I will be willing to give myself to him. It seems he is a good person and he can love me with all his heart,” Y/N thought as she just continued to take a bath then after that, she doubled check her things to bring if something is missing or not then when she saw that everything is all set, she left her place at exactly 10 am so, that she will be able to go to the resort on time. Then she arrived at the resort five minutes before noon because the resort was kinda far from her place and when she was about to approach the reservations area/ front desk area and was about to check-in she saw only one man who is going to accommodate her and…
“That’s weird! I am expecting that many tourists will be here but I think the resort’s price per night is kinda expensive too that’s why not many tourists go here,” Y/N thought and she just approached the front desk and she saw the man’s name and it was “Wooyoung”
“Oh! Good afternoon! May I help you?” Wooyoung asked.
“Umm… someone just gave me this coupon and here is my reservation,” Y/N said and Wooyoung checked the reservation and…
"Oh! You are Y/N! Nice to meet you! I hope you will have fun and enjoy your stay here," Wooyoung said as he handed the key card to the room and smiled at her.
"Thanks, Mr. Wooyoung! Also, I just noticed no one is checking in right now," Y/N said.
"Oh! About that, many of them just checked out before noon that's why you think there is no one here now as of the moment," Wooyoung said as he continued to smile at her.
“Oh! Okay! Thanks again, Mr. Wooyoung! I have to go to my room now!” Y/N said as she smiled back at him and Wooyoung just nodded. Then Y/N decided to go to her assigned room and as she reached the room she used the key card to open the door then as she went inside the room she was so amazed because it was so spacious and it was like she will live in a big condominium for 5 days and she saw the sight of the sea outside the veranda.
“Wow! I didn’t expect that the customer who gave me the coupon for this resort as an incentive for doing a good job is very generous!” Y/N said to herself and then suddenly…
“I am not only a customer! I am also your lover, Y/N!” Seonghwa said as he went out behind her and Y/N was startled and she looked back and she was shocked at his appearance.
“OMG! It’s Seonghwa! Damn! He is in a sleeveless shirt and he is so hot!” Y/N thought and…
“Wait! What did you say? Also, what are you doing here? This is my room,” Y/N said and Seonghwa smirked at her.
“I said I will also be your lover, Y/N! because I like you and I love you as soon as I saw you working in my sister’s cafe’,” Seonghwa said as he went closer to her then Y/N was surprised and blushed at his statement but she didn’t move an inch at his sudden action.
“Wait! I already heard those words or am I just mistaken? Oh well, I don’t mind!” Y/N thought.
“You are Ms. Park’s brother?” Y/N asked and Seonghwa laughed.
"Yup! Also, I am kinda disappointed in you right now because you didn't say anything about my confession to you right away," Seonghwa said and Y/N blushed.
"I am just so shocked about your sudden confession but I have to admit that I also like you too Seonghwa," Y/N said as she blushed and Seonghwa was so happy that made him kiss her passionately and then Y/N was shocked at his action and she just kissed him back.
“Wait! This feeling is kinda a familiar and it seems Seonghwa is really the man in my dream!” Y/N thought but suddenly they stopped and she just blushed and can’t look at him.
"Y/N, I am serious about my feelings to you, and also, let's get things slow first since I don't want you to be uncomfortable around me. But do you really accept me as your boyfriend starting today?" Seonghwa asked.
“Yes, Seonghwa! I will accept you as my boyfriend starting today,” Y/N said as she smiled at him.
“I am so happy that I will be with you for the next few days. To be honest, the owner of this resort is my friend named Wooyoung and I told him to make this resort private just for the two of us starting today until our last day here so that, no one can disturb us,” Seonghwa said and Y/N was shocked again.
"What? The man at the front desk is the owner and your friend?" Y/N asked shockingly and Seonghwa laughed.
“Yup! He is! Also, I planned this all along with my sister but she didn’t know at first that I was the one who placed the coupon in the survey box and wrote a message that she should give it to you,” Seonghwa said as he smiled at her.
“OMG! He is so handsome and cute!” Y/N thought.
“I am so overwhelmed for your plan to be with me but I am so happy too and also, during our stay here I am willing to give you myself to you,” Y/N said as she blushed at what she said and Seonghwa was surprised but he just smirked.
“It seems your last statement is inferring to something, huh? *he slightly smirked* But I will give you time if you are really want to give yourself during our stay here because I don’t want to rush things too,” Seonghwa said.
“Well, you are right! Let’s just enjoy first our vacation and we will make unforgettable memories here too,” Y/N said as she smiled at him.
"Don't worry I will make this 5 days of stay here unforgettable for us. I love you Y/N!" Seonghwa said.
“I love you too, Seonghwa!” Y/N said as both of them smiled at each other.
“So, what do you want to do right now? Swim in the sea or just in the pool or do other activities?” Seonghwa asked.
”I want to do all the activities here since no one is here just the two of us,” Y/N said and Seonghwa smiled at her.
“Okay! I will ask Wooyoung if we can also do all the available activities here,” Seonghwa said and Y/N nodded and she smiled brightly at him.
“I will just change into my swimwear,” Y/N said and Seonghwa nodded then he left the room and approached Wooyoung in the front desk area and…
“Bro! What brings you here? I thought you will be with Y/N.” Wooyoung asked.
“Yup! We already talked to each other. It’s just that Y/N wants to try all the activities here. Is it okay for us to do all of it?” Seonghwa asked.
“Sure! Don’t worry there will be some staff that will assist you. Also, it means you two are now in a relationship?” Wooyoung asked.
“Yup! I am so happy that we will be able to enjoy the rest of our vacation and also, thanks to you, bro!” Seonghwa said as he smiled at him and Wooyoung just chuckled.
“Congrats, bro! I am so happy for you and I hope your relationship with each other will last forever. Just enjoy and make good memories here in my resort,” Wooyoung said.
"Thank you very much, Wooyoung! I have to go back to the room and check out if Y/N is already finished changing" Seonghwa said.
“Okay! But I want to tell you there are condoms in the drawer that is close to the bed. You know, if in case,” Wooyoung said as he winked at him and Seonghwa just laughed.
“You even prepared condoms in our bedroom? Wow! You are really amazing, Wooyoung! Thanks a lot! I really have to go. Y/N might be waiting for me now,” Seonghwa said as he still slightly laughing and Wooyoung just nodded.
"Good luck, Bro!" Wooyoung said then while Seonghwa is walking back into the room he just made a thumbs-up gesture to him.
While Y/N is finished changing into her swimwear, Seonghwa went inside the room and he suddenly stopped in his tracks and gulped.
“Damn! Y/N is so hot with that red swimwear! Oh well, I should control myself first,” Seonghwa thought.
“So, did you already talk with your friend?” Y/N asked as she smiled at him.
"Yup! He told me that we can try all the activities here and there will be some staff that will assist us. By the way, you are so sexy with that swimwear" Seonghwa said as he smiled at her and Y/N blushed at his compliment.
“Oh! Thank you! To be honest, this will be my first time to wear this swimsuit and I am kinda insecure with my body too,” Y/N said then Seonghwa walked closer to her and held her hand…
“Y/N, No need to be insecure, okay? Your body looks great and also, you are beautiful for me,” Seonghwa said as he looked at her and smiled.
"Thank you very much, Seonghwa! By the way, can you put sunblock on my back?" Y/N asked.
"Sure! But wait for a while," Seonghwa said and Y/N nodded but her eyes suddenly opened widely because Seonghwa removed his sleeveless shirt and…
"Shit! He is really the man in my dream! Those firm chest and abs are really similar to what I saw in my dream!" Y/N thought as her jaw dropped and Seonghwa noticed it and…
“I know I am hot, Y/N!” Seonghwa said as he smirked at her then Y/N suddenly snapped out of her thoughts and looked away.
“Oh well, can you just put the sunblock now on my back? I already finished putting sunblock in my hands and legs,” Y/N said and Seonghwa chuckled at her.
"Okay! You should also help me put sunblock on my back, okay?" Seonghwa said and Y/N nodded. As Seonghwa started to put sunblock on her back…
“Gosh! His hands are so warm in my skin and it’s kinda soothing too,” Y/N thought but Seonghwa noticed that she is having goosebumps and…
“Y/N, are you ticklish? You keep having goosebumps,” Seonghwa said as he whispered at her ears that made Y/N shiver because of his deep voice.
“Ummm… you are right I am kinda ticklish. Haha!” Y/N said as she tried to laugh then Seonghwa laughed too.
“I thought it was because of my touch,” Seonghwa said as he smirked and Y/N blushed at his statement.
“You know, I should just help you to put the sunblock on your back, right now,” Y/N said and Seonghwa just nodded. As Y/N went behind him and started to put sunblock on him…
"You really have broad shoulders, huh?" Y/N said as she continued to put the sunblock on his back that made Seonghwa smirked.
"Well, I guess I am really good at exercising. Also, I like your touch it's like you are massaging me too," Seonghwa said and Y/N gulped at his words and she just laughed at his statement. As Y/N finished putting sunblock on him…
“So, what do you want to do first today?” Seonghwa asked as he smiled at her and looked at her with cute eyes and Y/N can’t handle his cuteness.
“You know, you are too cute! But I want to swim first in the pool for a moment then go beside the sea and do some other water activities if we still have time before sunset,” Y/N said.
“Okay! Let’s go!” Seonghwa said as he put his hands on her waist and Y/N blushed at his action but they just went to the pool and have some fun where they play some games and Y/N keeps losing and…
“Wait! I am kinda tired now, let’s rest first haha!” Y/N said then Seonghwa laughed at her. But while they are in the pool they are also admiring the scenery of the sea but Y/N didn’t know that Seonghwa is staring at her for a minute and…
“This is so relaxing because of the beautiful scenery here,” Y/N said while she is not looking at him.
"Yup! But for me, you are the beautiful scenery in my eyes Y/N," Seonghwa said and Y/N looked at him then she was kinda startled when Seonghwa's face is already close to her face and he just kissed her lips passionately and she just responded to his kisses then while they are still kissing, Seonghwa pulled Y/N close to him that made her moan into the kiss because she also felt his erection. As they continue to make out, one of Seonghwa's hands was about to go to her legs, but suddenly someone coughed behind them then they suddenly stopped at what they are doing and Seonghwa looked who it is.
“Oops! Sorry to disturb your moment guys!” Wooyoung said and Seonghwa glared at him and Y/N blushed.
“Seriously? You ruin the moment, Wooyoung!” Seonghwa said and Wooyoung chuckled.
“I don’t have any intention to disturb you guys for your moment but remember that this is still my resort and you should do those things in the bedroom because it’s more romantic than doing in the swimming pool and you two will make the water dirty too, Okay? I have to go and I am sorry to disturb the two of you,” Wooyoung said as he made a teasing smile at them and left then Y/N just laughed and Seonghwa looked at her.
“Why are you looking at me? Besides your friend is right. Haha!” Y/N said as she smiled at him and Seonghwa just chuckled.
“Fine! Let’s go walk beside the sea,” Seonghwa said and Y/N nodded. While they are both walking near the sea…
“Y/N did you had a boyfriend before?” Seonghwa asked.
“Nope! To be honest, you are my first boyfriend,” Y/N said as she looked and smiled at him that made Seonghwa smiled back brightly at her.
"I am happy that I am your first boyfriend. So, it means you are also Ummm…" Seonghwa can't finish his question and Y/N understood what is he about to ask her and…
"I get it! You wanted to ask me if I am still a virgin? Yup! I am not the type of person who is hooking up with someone," Y/N said and Seonghwa laughed awkwardly.
"To be honest, I am so shy to ask you that question but hearing your answer makes me happy that I might be your first," Seonghwa said as he blushed.
“You know, you are very cute when you are shy and also, I really like your eyes,” Y/N said.
“Thanks, Y/N! For me, I like you very much in all aspects,” Seonghwa said and it was Y/N’s turn to blush at his words.
“You really know how to use sweet words, aren’t you? But I like it though,” Y/N said as she smiled.
"Well, I think so! We've been walking here for a minute. I think we should try now some activities since it's already 3 pm then, we will eat dinner later in our room beside the veranda so that, we can witness the sunset," Seonghwa said.
“Okay! That’s a good idea!” Y/N said. Then both of them tried the water activities before sunset and they had so much fun and also, they took photos of each other. After a while, they went to their room and called the restaurant to order food for their dinner then while they are waiting for their dinner, they watched the sunset and…
"I am very happy that I had a chance to experience this kind of vacation because of you, Seonghwa," Y/N said as she smiled at him.
“No problem, Y/N! I am happy that you really like my plan for us,” Seonghwa said. Then that time their food arrived and while they are having dinner they continued their conversation.
"Of course, I am really happy! Also, this will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me and, to be honest, I thought I will be all alone in my 5 days vacation," Y/N said as she pouted and Seonghwa laughed.
“You are also cute, Y/N when you are like that. Don’t worry I will never make you feel alone. I think I am also thankful for my friend Wooyoung that he decided to give that coupon to me and I just thought of a way for us to meet,” Seonghwa said.
"Oh! That's really sweet!" Y/N said then both of them smiled at each other and when they are finished having dinner, Y/N was about to go somewhere but suddenly Seonghwa pulled her to sit on his lap that made Y/N surprised at his action but when she was about to talk, Seonghwa kissed her again passionately for the third time today and she just responded to the kiss and she decided to sit on his lap properly as she straddles her legs to him then she slightly grinds on his erection that made both of them moan into the kiss. Then while they are still kissing, Seonghwa decided to carry her and Y/N wrapped her legs around his waist and they went inside the room. Seonghwa lay Y/N in the bed and his lips went to her neck as he licks and bites it delicately that made her moan his name then while he is giving attention to her neck and jawline, he grinds his erection into her that made Y/N moan his name more and then he stopped what he is doing then Seonghwa helped Y/N remove her swimwear and when she was already naked, she tried to cover herself but Seonghwa held her hands and…
"Baby girl don't cover it. I told you that you are sexy for me," Seonghwa said as he licks and bites his lips at the sight of her being naked.
“Shit! The way he talked to me is so hot!” Y/N thought then her thoughts were cut-off when it was Seonghwa’s turn to strip and when he already removed his shorts together with his boxers, Y/N was shocked and gulped at the sight of his cock and…
“Oh gosh! How will it fit that to me?” Y/N thought and Seonghwa smirked at her reaction.
"I know what you are thinking, babygirl! This will fit you, no worries!" Seonghwa said in a deep voice that made Y/N shiver down from her spine. Then Seonghwa pushed again Y/N in the bed and his lips suddenly attacked one of her breasts as he sucked harshly and lightly bit her nipple and the other one was groped by one of his hands that made Y/N moan his name and slightly arched her back.
"Fuck! You are so sensitive! I love that!" Seonghwa said as he smirked then after he gave attention to her breast, he kissed every inch of her and Y/N can't stop moaning his name. When Seonghwa already reached between her legs, he decided to insert two fingers to her core and…
"Oh shit! Seonghwa! Ah!" Y/N moaned and Seonghwa just smirked at her then he started to thrust his fingers to her at a fast pace and Y/N moaned his name louder, gripped the bedsheets, and arched her back.
“Fuck! You are so hot seeing you like this, Y/N! I want you to make eye contact with me,” Seonghwa said as he slightly lifted her head and Y/N tried to make eye contact with him.
"Oh Damn! His eyes are so sexy too when he is horny!" Y/N thought but when Seonghwa curled his fingers inside her core, she broke eye contact with him as she just closed her eyes and moaned his name louder and was immersed in pure pleasure.
“Seonghwa! I will cum! Shit!” Y/N moaned.
“Cum for me, right now babygirl!” Seonghwa said then as soon as Y/N heard his words, she cum onto his fingers and he licked his fingers sexily then Y/N saw it.
"Damn! He is the sexiest man I ever met in my life!" Y/N thought then her thoughts were cut-off when Seonghwa kissed her with hunger that made Y/N taste herself in his mouth. Then they suddenly stopped kissing and Seonghwa went to the drawer to get a condom and Y/N looked at him and…
“Gosh! He is really a masterpiece!” Y/N thought. Then that time, Seonghwa went back to her and he put the condom into his cock and hovered above and looked at her…
“Y/N, you told me that you are willing to give yourself to me, right?” Seonghwa asked.
“Yup! It means we can go further,” Y/N said and Seonghwa smiled at her.
“Okay! If you feel the pain you can bite me my neck or squeeze my arms,” Seonghwa said and Y/N nodded.
“So, are you ready for me, Y/N?” Seonghwa asked.
“Yes! I am ready for you! I love you Seonghwa!” Y/N said.
"I love you too so much, Y/N!" Seonghwa said then he inserted his cock into her and Y/N suddenly squeezed his arms and yelped in pain. Seonghwa decided to lean into her and he kissed her neck and lips to distract her from the pain and…
"Don't worry, Y/N! I will give you so much pleasure later," Seonghwa said as he whispered to her and licked her earlobe. But as time goes by, Y/N already adjusted to him, and…
“Seonghwa, you can move now!” Y/N said.
"Are you sure?" Seonghwa asked and Y/N nodded then Seonghwa smirked and he started to thrust his cock to her at a slow pace first but…
"Seonghwa! Just go faster, please!" Y/N said.
“Oh! Someone’s needy, huh? I will give you more than that!” Seonghwa said as he smirked and he started to thrust his cock to her at a fast and hard pace and he decided to attack her breast again as he bit her nipples and Y/N moaned his name louder and gripped his biceps again.
“Fuck! You are so tight, Y/N! I like it so much!” Seonghwa said then that didn’t stop him to be wild and he decided to place one of her legs in his shoulder that made his cock got deeper to her then he continued to thrust at a hard pace.
“Oh shit! Seonghwa! More, please!” Y/N said.
"Fuck! If that's what you want! I will give it to you until you beg me to stop," Seonghwa said as he gritted his teeth and bite his lips as he started to thrust at a rough pace to her. As Y/N felt Seonghwa is getting wilder in each moment, Y/N uncontrollably arched her back and almost screamed his name because of the pure pleasure she felt and Seonghwa smirked at the sight of her being in pure bliss.
“Fuck! You are so sexy seeing you being a mess underneath me,” Seonghwa said as he whispered to her and hugged her body close to him that made Seonghwa’s cock got deeper into her and hit all the right places inside her and Y/N became crazy and moaned loudly in each thrust of his cock but because of that, she became oversensitive and…
“Seonghwa! I will cum! Oh shit!” Y/N said.
"Cum with me, Y/N! Fuck!" Seonghwa said then in a few thrust of his cock, both of them moaned each other's name as they cum and when Seonghwa pulled out his cock to her, Y/N slightly moaned because of her core being emptied by his cock. But Y/N thought it was already finished but after Seonghwa removed the condom and threw it in the trash bin, he went between her legs, Y/N was shocked and she just rests her head back in the pillow and…
“I know you want to rest now, Y/N. But I want to clean you up and taste you for the last time,” Seonghwa said as he smirked then he started to lick and suck her juices off her core that made a slurping sound in the room that made Y/N continued to moan his name and then Seonghwa stopped and looked at her…
“You really have a delicate taste and I like it,” Seonghwa said as he smirked and lick his lips.
“Oh gosh! This man here in front of me is so dangerous and sexy!” Y/N thought. Then Seonghwa laid beside her and…
“So, did you enjoy what we did all for today?” Seonghwa asked as he smiled at her.
“Seriously? How can he change like from a horny and sexy man into a cutie one!” Y/N thought.
“Well, I enjoyed our first day here and for the last time, I really thank you for all of it!” Y/N said as she smiled back.
"Just for you, Y/N! I will make you feel special every day and we will cherish every moment we have. I love you, Y/N!" Seonghwa said as he kissed her lips quickly.
"I love you too so much Seonghwa!" Y/N said as both of them smiled and then they hugged each other as they went to sleep. As for their remaining days of vacation, they enjoyed every moment, and also, they have an enjoyable bonding with San and Wooyoung in the resort.
Thank you for reading my one-shot smut fanfiction for Ateez’s Seonghwa!
Stay tuned for the next member! :)
고마워요 여러분! (Thanks, Everyone!)
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instructions: take this quiz & answer the questions as truthfully as you can. repost, do not reblog!
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Deep Romanticism. Mindlessly shared space, automatic glances, overwhelming warmth: you're deep romanticism. Deep romanticism consists of pure comfort and belonging, the complete intertwining of two souls. It's growing into a shape that fits perfectly in the arms of another, it's asking questions you already know the answer to, just to hear the way they pronounce those words again, it's admiring their face as they sleep pressed against you, admiring the same face you study as they talk about whatever they're fond of that week, yet finding new things to love, even after years of doing so. You're most likely an old and pure soul, and anyone would be so incredibly lucky to have you. Just remember that emotional and romantic depth is not the end goal, enjoy your journey rather than focusing on a certain point of achievement along the way. Love in uncertainty, sit in unfamiliarity. "We'll survive, you and I." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Tagged by: @aethxria​
Tagging: Same thing as before, just steal it and tag me!
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zorkaya-moved · 3 years
TAGGED BY: @spxrosae​ thank you serin~ TAGGING: everyone who wants to do this! 
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route start: ❛❛  Are you here to start a riot with me? Pick up your bags, we’re going on a ride, hon.  ❜❜
route switch:  ❛❛  Hmm, at least speak to me first if you’re going for another chick.  ❜❜
menu interface, poke a:  ❛❛  What is it?  ❜❜
menu interface, poke b:  ❛❛  Haaah. I was working... ❜❜
menu interface, poke (repeatedly):  ❛❛  Someone’s dying for attention. Do you want to sit on my lap now, huh? Come here.  ❜❜
menu interface, poke max ♥:  ❛❛ Ah, hey, sugar. What’s up with that look? Have you missed me so much you cannot wait to get closer to me to call me out? How cute.  ❜❜
completed scene , +♥:  ❛❛  Not bad~ You’re learning so fast. I like spending time with you, you’re melting my apathy... I’m grateful. Don’t make me bored, alright? Don’t want to lose what we’ve got.  ❜❜
completed scene, -♥:  ❛❛ ... Hm? Yes, it could’ve been better. It felt like you were treating me like another girl who likes to be a damsel in distress. Pick that attitude up and toss it out. We can try again.  ❜❜
gift (neutral):  ❛❛  Oh? Thank you. ❜❜
gift (disliked):  ❛❛  It’s useless to me. I’ll pay you back for it, you wasted your money on it. I like practical gifts more, even if they cost less.  ❜❜
gift (liked):  ❛❛  This... Oh my, I love it. What a wonderfully chosen gift. Thank you for this, I really like it. I’ll make sure to properly thank you for you. Allow me to reward you. Come here. *mwah*  ❜❜
gift: (their birthday):  ❛❛  My birthday? You me a twin set? For me and my brother... Pfft, haha... Hahahaha! Thank you. What a wonderful thing for you to remember. I adore this, I truly do. What? This is just for me? You really are begging to be rewarded once more. No, never mind that. Genuinely so, I am happy with this gift. Thank you. I appreciate it. Can you come closer? I want to hug you to thank you again.  ❜❜
birthday:  ❛❛  The day of birth is a wonderful day, is it not? Happy birthday to you. *chuckles* Come on now, don’t look at me with such suspicion. I brought you an actual present. Uh-huh, you told me you really wanted it during one of our little dates. Pfft, don’t  get embarrassed now. It can be a friend date or a play date or a real date. It doesn’t matter. What matter is that you wanted this and I hope you are happy with your gift. Come, we’re going outside. Hm? Of course, it’s not over. You’ve got dinner waiting for you. ❜❜
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Seven Snippets
I was tagged by @verkja and @burntcoffeewhump for this one back in april (yeah, i know, im slow lol), thank you guys! I appreciate you fueling my editing rewards and waiting so patiently.
I'm encouraged that this chapter was easier to edit. I still rewrote a bunch of it, but it wasn't as difficult as the last.
This is Serin's POV, from Ch 22 of Shattered Dreams. It's a little weird doing a seven snippets for a single chapter, but gotta do what i gotta do lol.
Also, for any curious on the nsfw (noncon) front, Buried memories is a oneshot I wrote as a little bonus piece which occurs after this chapter.
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He stayed in the bath for a long time.  Until his fingers and toes wrinkled. Until he no longer felt her touch. Until he locked the parts of himself she’d awakened away.  It made him feel dead inside.
He tried not to hear the soft sounds of her crying while he waited for Warren to come for him. 
Tilting his head, Serin dragged in a too-tight breath, contemplating whether he could beat Marcus into a pulp before Warren came in. 
Tears soaked into the pillow as he buried his face in its downy depths and screamed, the sound reverberating through to vibrate against his arms. The parts of himself that he had managed to piece back together through that time of reprieve were already fracturing apart again. He didn’t know if he was strong enough, but he had promised to try. 
That time was no more. All of Serin’s fascination with sights and sounds he used to be able to experience freely fled. Fatigue and disillusionment settled in, and the night-dark wood blurred as the hours passed. 
Maybe Warren already knew? Maybe he planned to kill him and dump his body in the woods?  Serin’s heart clenched at the thought. What would Alaia think if he didn’t come back? He’d been forced to withdraw so he could handle Warren, but after all they’d shared recently, it struck him as horribly unfair for that to be their last interaction.
“Back before dusk tomorrow,” Warren said, “and you’ll get the rest of your payment. Don’t test me with this one, or I’ll make sure you regret it.”  Oh great. Money and threats were the incentives for a group of men who looked like they ate small babies for breakfast. All Serin could do was pray it would be enough because Warren spun on his heel and walked away.
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Tagging (only if/when you want to!): @burntcoffeewhump - here, have the tag back lol, @yet-another-heathen - i don't know if you do tag games, feel free to ignore if you want!, @clairelsonao3, @sam-glade, and @experi-sketches. Also Open Tag, for anyone wanting to play <3
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mischiefandspirits · 3 years
Titanic Beginnings
Part of the Six for the Age of One AU
Dick was excited when Bruce helped form the Justice League, babbling on about Bruce’s new friends and begging to meet them. Damian also wanted to meet the JL, but to appraise them to see if they were worthy of his father’s time and ensure they were capable of watching Batman’s back.
Not wanting the boys to get involved in the more punishing missions the JL faced, Bruce continually denied their requests.
That was ruined during a meeting a month later when Superman sheepishly admitted that his sons had also been badgering him and his wife to meet the other JL members and asked if he could bring the boys to the next meeting.
Green Arrow, Hawkgirl, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter appeared as resistant as Bruce. However, Wonder Woman adored children and agreed before any of them could speak up. She even offered to bring her young sister to keep them company. Aquaman agreed as well, mentioning that his apprentice could use the land experience. Flash and Black Canary were fine with it, which left the League at an even split.
At a nudge from Canary, Arrow broke the tie by reluctantly agreeing to bring his protégé.
Any ideas Batman had at keeping his boys out of it were dashed when Lantern turned to him and asked if he would also be bringing his kids. Superman sent him a look that clearly stated he would invite the boys if Batman didn’t so the Gotham vigilante nodded after giving Lantern a fierce glare.
Batman, Robin, and Serin were the first ones to the temporary headquarters the Justice League were using while Batman, Arrow, and Lantern finished the work on the space station they were retrofitting.
Before they arrived, Bruce had reminded Dick that, allies or not, only Superman knew the Bats’ identities and it was to remain that way for the time being. He had also negotiated with Damian. The boy wouldn’t challenge anyone to a fight and would abide by sparring rules with anyone who challenged him, no matter what abilities they may have. In return, the boy could assess whoever he wanted. He also allowed the boys to bring their dogs, hoping that would help keep Damian from going too far.
Titus (or Birdhound as Dick insisted despite Damian’s arguments that Great Danes weren’t hounds) had swapped out his red collar for a yellow one that matched Serin’s belt and had a tag with Serin’s logo on it. He also wore a grey ballistic vest with dark coral straps and handle. Haley (or Bitewing, a play on a character from Dick’s favorite story in Bruce’s extraterrestrial files) had a green collar with Robin’s logo hanging from it in place of her usual blue. Her vest was red with canary straps and handle.
Robin and Bitewing immediately went off to explore while Serin and Birdhound stayed at Batman’s side as he got things ready for the meeting. The boy kept an eye on the meeting room’s door, so he was the first one to notice the Supers’ arrival.
Superman was talking to his foster son when they walked in, his younger son flying over them with wide eyes. Superboy (aka nine-year-old Jonathan Kent) nearly looked like the spitting image of his father with his blue-black curls and neon blue eyes that didn’t quite look human, though his nose and lips were shaped a bit more like his mother. Meanwhile Hyper (aka fourteen-year-old Christopher Kent) only shared his foster father’s physique, his skin not having that same natural sun-kissed look while his hair was a dirty blond and his eyes were a bright amber that was just a little too close to yellow to be humanly possible. Superboy was wearing jeans, red high tops, and a Superman costume shirt that had a small red cape attached. Hyper was even more underdressed in just jeans, black tenner shoes, a yellow and blue flannel, and a black shirt. A black band wrapped around his wrist, appearing to all the world like a watch though, having helped create it, Batman knew it was a device to help Earth’s newest kryptonian keep control of the powers he’d developed on arrival.
Robin reappeared suddenly, dropping down onto Superman’s shoulders. “Heya, Kal!”
“Hello, Robin,” the man chuckled.
The twelve-year-old did a backbend so he could hold a hand out to the older boy. “Hi! You’re Hyper right? Kal’s told us about you.”
“Oh, yeah. Or K’Riss. Uh, K’Riss-El, but just K’Riss is fine,” Hyper said, accepting the hand.
“And I’m Jon!” Superboy said, dropping down in front of Batman and Serin. He smiled up at the man before holding his hand out to the other boy. “Dad’s told us about you too. Nice to meet you. I like your dog. Can I pet him?”
The eleven-year-old looked at the hand, then glanced over Superboy’s outfit. “No. What kind of attire is that for fighting crime?”
The half-kryptonian looked down at his clothes and shrugged. “I thought it looked cool.”
“It offers no protection.”
“They’re kryptonians,” Robin pointed out as he stood up on Superman’s shoulders so he could pet Bitewing, who was leaning out of a vent on the ceiling. “Their skin is better armor than the stuff we wear.”
“What if they were to lose their abilities? A shard of kryptonite would easily pass through that flimsy shirt.”
Superboy frowned and glanced back at his dad, which gave Batman time to give his son a reprimanding look and hold out his hand.
Serin scowled and palmed him a small lead case.
The Supers didn’t notice the actions, distracted by unsuccessfully trying to get Bitewing out of the vent.
“Neither of us really dressed for fighting crime,” Hyper said over Robin’s soft cackling, pulling away from the vent. “Jon’s too young for that stuff and I’m still getting my powers under control. Our superhero names are more honorary than anything.”
Clicking his tongue, Serin crossed his arms. “Heroes or not, we are in the base of a team of superheroes. You should be prepared to be attacked at any minute by any of the members’ various enemies.”
Superman aimed an incredulous look at Bruce, who shrugged.
His son wasn’t wrong.
“Hello there!” Wonder Woman called as she walked in with a teenage girl in red and black Amazonian armor.
The girl looked exactly like a fifteen-year-old version of her sister with her curly brown-black hair, warm olive skin, and dark green eyes. She gave a smile that looked a bit more forced than her sister’s, which quickly dropped away when she noticed Superman still near the vent with Robin clinging to his back. “Why is there a dog up there?”
“She likes it in there,” Batman grunted when Wonder Woman looked like she was going to try to help as well.
“She’s Robin’s,” Serin added, which did explain it if you knew Robin.
“Dogs shouldn’t be inside vents,” Wonder Woman said pointedly.
“And children shouldn’t nap in chandeliers,” Batman muttered, earning snorts from Serin and Superman. Accepting that the issue wasn’t going to be dropped, he gave Robin a look.
The boy pouted, then gave a sharp whistle. Instantly the pitbull sprung from the vent, hopping off superman’s chest, then Hyper’s shoulders, before landing on the ground as gracefully as her boy despite her missing limb. Robin dropped to the ground next to her and scratched her neck before grabbing the handle on her vest and going over to greet the Amazons.
Wonder Woman introduced her sister as Troia, who had recently left Themyscira so she could learn more about Man’s World at her sister’s side.
After respectfully greeting the sisters, Serin turned to Superboy. “See, the Amazons wear armor.”
“Well, they aren’t quite as durable as us,” Superboy shot back.
“They also don’t have a well-known weakness to a rock, yet they still understand the necessity to be prepared for battle.”
“So that one is definitely Spooky’s,” Lantern joked as he walked in with Hawkgirl.
Robin did a cartwheel into a backflip, landing in front of the two with Bitewing racing to stay by his side. He gave the heroes a wide grin, leaning cutely against the alert dog. “Hi, I’m Robin! It’s so nice to meet B’s friends! I like your wings, Ms. Hawkgirl! They’re very pretty!”
“Thank you,” she said, bemused.
Lantern gave Batman a smirk as he shook Robin’s hand. “You sure this one’s yours and not Supe’s or Wonder Woman’s?”
Robin’s grin turned sharp, then he pulled away.
A green flash lit the room and Lantern was left in just a black tanktop, Flash sweatpants, and mismatched fuzzy socks. The man yelped and looked down to find his ring missing from his hand. His gaze shot up, but Robin and Bitewing had disappeared with the light. “What the heck!?”
The boy’s laughter echoed around the room, seemingly coming from everywhere and nowhere.
“Okay, maybe he is yours.”
“Why is Lantern in his sleeping clothes?” Martian Manhunter asked as he and Aquaman came in with a young Atlantean.
“Robin stole his ring right off his hand,” Hawkgirl answered with poorly hidden laughter in her voice.
The test pilot scowled and held out his hand. His ring shot out from inside Batman’s cape. As it slid onto Lantern’s finger, returning his suit in a flicker of green, Robin and Bitewing poked their heads out of the fabric. He pointed at the smug boy. “You won’t do that again.”
“Unless I want to.”
“Kid -”
“Hey, my first idea was to come up and throat-punch you so be glad I just stole your ring,” he snickered, slipping back into the shadows. “Can’t talk bad about my family if you can’t breathe.”
“It seems the Bat’s family are as entertaining as he is,” Aquaman joked. He set his hand on the young Atlantean’s shoulder. “Speaking of family, this is my mother’s ward and my apprentice, Aqualad. Lad, this is the Justice League and their young companions.”
The boy appeared to be around fifteen with alabaster skin that was edging towards grey. His eyes were plum-colored and his hair was long and pitch black. With teeth slightly sharper than a human’s, he smiled and gave a small bow. “A pleasure. You may call me Garth.”
Baring the Bats, the group all greeted Aqualad cheerfully. Batman grunted and nodded with Serin copying his actions while Robin’s hand poked out of the cape to wave.
Before anyone could introduce themselves to the newcomers, Arrow and Canary entered with a grumpy thirteen-year-old.
Speedy had fair skin and pale red hair, alongside eyes hidden behind a domino mask like the ones Robin and Serin wore. Batman knew from his day-life that Speedy’s backstory wasn’t too far off from Robin’s. He’d gotten Oliver Queen’s attention during an archery contest so when the boy’s adopted father died, Oliver took him in.
“Are we the last ones here?” Canary asked.
“We’re still waiting on Flash,” Wonder Woman answered.
“As per usual,” Hawkgirl joked.
“Well, in the meantime,” Arrow set a hand on Speedy’s shoulder, “this is Speedy.”
“‘Sup,” he said, giving a sarcastic salute.
Introductions went around. Robin took the distraction as his chance to slip out and greet Aqualad and Speedy properly. As the time for the meeting grew closer, the group got the kids settled in a room near the meeting room. Just as they were about to leave for the meeting, a steak of red shot into the room.
“Sorry I’m late,” Flash said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“You’re actually on time,” Superman said. “Though you’ll have to wait to meet the kids until after the meeting.”
“About that…”
A second streak came into the room, which turned out to be a red-headed teenager. The boy was tan and freckled. When he pulled up his goggles to smile at the group, his eyes proved to be a grassy green. “Hi, there! I’m Kid Flash!”
The group turned to Flash, who was pinching the bridge of his nose. “My nephew became a speedster last week. I’m training him how to use his powers.”
“Then I’m going to be his sidekick!”
Batman held back a snort at the imploring expression Flash gave him and Superman. The kryptonian patted the speedster on the back and led him out of the room with the others following.
Behave, Batman said with a grunt, giving his boys the kind of glare that would have the JL flinching back and the criminals of Gotham fleeing.
Robin batted his eyes innocently and Serin gave a half-hearted nod.
When the meeting was through, the adults returned to find the room worse for wear.
Robin and Kid Flash were sitting cross-legged on a battered table (one of the few remaining pieces of furniture) with Bitewing draped over their laps. They were both fidgeting with the dog’s ears and tail as they happily talked about a fight the Bats had recently had with Penguin.
Serin and Troia were standing off to the side near some cracked flooring, talking about the Amazonian knife she was showing him. Superboy was sitting on the floor next to them, though he appeared more focused on the pets he was giving Birdhound.
The last three boys were standing next to a hole in the wall. The older two were inspecting the hole with guilty frowns while a snickering Speedy patted Hyper on the back, looking more relaxed despite the bruise on his cheek.
“What happened in here?” Arrow asked, all the adults except Superman and Batman looking shocked at the destruction.
“Sparring competition,” Superman answered, proving he’d kept an ear on the kids throughout the meeting.
“We locked a bunch of superpowered and vigilante children in a room together. I’m just pleased the room’s still standing,” Batman added.
Robin and Kid Flash laughed while Speedy bit down his own laughter at a look from Arrow.
Lantern slapped the archer on the back. “Lighten up. As much as I hate to admit it, Spooky’s got a point. We should have known the kids would screw around and set them up somewhere a little less fragile. So, who won?”
“Troia, technically, since Robin was disqualified after the tournament was over,” Kid Flash said.
Batman turned to Robin, who gave a wide grin. “I don’t want to know.”
“I would have won had I had my full arsenal,” Serin said petulantly.
“He was eliminated because Superboy managed to bear hug him right at the start of their go and he couldn’t squirm free before the time ended,” Robin explained.
“You utilized kryptonite in your spar with a kryptonian so I do not see why I couldn’t!”
Superman gave Batman a look and the vigilante sighed, holding out his hand.
Robin skipped forward and dropped a lead case into his palm. “For the record, I brought blue kryptonite.”
“Was that why you were disqualified?”
I will be having a conversation with both of you when we get home, he said with a grunt and put the case in his belt.
“And how did you fare?” Aquaman asked his apprentice, coming over to set his hand on the boy’s shoulder.
“I won my match against Kid Flash, but Robin proved too formidable an opponent.”
“I lost first round to Troia,” Speedy said before Arrow could ask as he and Canary came up to the teen.
“His close combat abilities could use some work, but his skills with a bow are comparable to some of our best archers,” Troia argued. “Had our arena been larger, the fight would have been much closer.”
“Yeah, Arrow’s not too good at close range either,” Canary said, earning a huff from her boyfriend. “Don’t worry, kid. I’ll show you a few tricks.”
If you're wondering why I put Donna in armor instead of one of the suits she wears in the comics, I ask you this: Why the flip would she want to wear some spandex suit when she could wear sick Amazonian armor? This applies to Cassie too.
And yes, Dick's treatment of Hal is a reference to a certain movie and a certain TikToker. Thanks for asking.
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chronosbled · 3 years
What Shape Does Your Pain Take?
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You have chains, keeping you linked to something you'd rather leave behind. Maybe this is a bad family, traumatic event, toxic relationship... But something's keeping you trapped there, and you don't know how to escape it.
You can turn the chain around, to help you instead of trap you... Can't you?
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Tagged by: @etherux​​
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this, just steal it and tag me.
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thesunsetshope · 6 years
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Ahh! So I’ve surpassed 200 followers and I really just cannot thank you all enough. The comments and tags you all leave on my art pieces and writing make my day and I am just overwhelmed. In order to show thanks, I am going to do a little appreciation event! Read below the cut for more information if you want to participate in any way ♥
Blog Compliments
Send me an ask with url(s) of blogs you’d like me to compliment and I will do so along with a compliment for you (if you’re off anon)
You do not have to be following me
And if you’d like, please reblog to spread the word!
I will tag these as ‘serinity does blog compliments’
Art Prompts/Commissions
I will be taking art prompts and commissions.These will be limited depending on how many prompts and commissions I receive.
Art prompts:
I will be accepting prompts based on Shadowhunters.
These will be low on the list and saved as ideas - especially prompts sent on anon. However, I will select a few that inspire me - though they might take some time to complete.
Commissions: I am offering to make art for Shadowhunters, another show, or even for a fanfic. For prices and inquiries, please message me!
Once again, thank you to everyone. I never thought I’d get this far, so it really does mean a lot 🤗  (and if this fails, well, this never happened it was all dream)
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