#{ text: serena }
teabagtoaster · 1 month
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serena warmup sketch that got out of hand lol
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andthatscanon · 5 months
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mamasplat · 7 months
It’s a big day for kalos fans, let me ship post as a treat.
I love that pokemon masters keeps hinting and showing a glimpse past calems stoics, showing that he seems to have a thing for serena, which I cannot blame him- she is the human equivalent of a chantilly cake; a soft fluffy balance between sweet and fresh, elegant and sugary. She’s good at what she does and he respects her a lot for it even if he’s prone to self sabotage trying to get on her level (parental issues being raised by tournament veterans)
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And it’s not just these moments, this dynamic is deeply embedded into their rivalry and shows in every iteration of their existence. The manga, the games, masters, and maybe even the legends Z game counterparts we will see next year-
in the manga Y (Serena’s counterpart) is the only member of their friend group who didn’t give up on X (Calem’s counterpart) when he shut himself away in a depressive episode, she tried to talk to him everyday, brought him food, and even in her frustration never gave up on him; and ultimately it’s her stubborn support that brings him back out of his shell in the end. In the games they’re bond is so dorky and precious- they tease each other, they bicker, they banter, they’re rivals through and through, but ultimately it boils down to one truth; they are both recklessly protective over one another in the face of team flare, and rivalry turns to teamwork, and they couldn’t have done it without each other.
There’s such a heavy emphasis on the mutual respect they hold, both wanting to better themselves for each other even though the other thinks of them so highly. Calem would utterly worship her if he weren’t so spooked by his own vulnerability, they both have struggles, but they both have a patient understanding of balance to work.
They balance each other. Cheerfully angelic and stoic aloofness, yet they understand each other wordlessly, work with muscle memory coordination, feel each other’s feelings. Much like life and death, happiness is found in balance.
If only they weren’t so oblivious to the way they treat each other like a romance novel.
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itsmariejanel · 9 months
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73. roadtrip and shenanigans
previous [.beginning.] next > transcript under the cut
Makoto - ... I actually see myself moving here someday. [ sighs ] Now to figure out a way to drag you here with me- Kiara - [ laughs ] Buy me nice things and you might get a deal!
Makoto - easy peaaaasyyyy Serena - noice broooo Kiara - UGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Mark - FOFUCKSAKE!!!! slide 2 - text messages from Kiara's phone between her and Jace
Mark - GROUP HUG!!!!! Serena - I’m gonna miss you so much baby… Mia - Me too corazón... [ sighs ] one more week and we see each other again, yeah?
slide 5 - text messages from Kiara's phone on the group chat between Jace and Serena
Kiara - NOOO! DON’T GO IN THERE!!!!! Mia - Oh god!!! I can’t watch!!! Lucas - I don’t think the children can handle your movie choice, my love- Benjamin - Nonsense!! We’re just getting started. Pass the popcorn, babe.
slide 7 - text messages from Jace's phone between him and Kiara
L.Faba - There’s no way in hell you pulled that woman I’m- Jace - I KNOW- wait... SHUT UP! Grace - I love you, angel- Evanora - [ chuckles ] But I love you more!
Gemma - So yeah… I’m moving out- Jace - Pumpkin… Are you sure? Gemma - I’m sure! Darrel Darrel expects too much of me, and I can’t take it anymore. Being a spellcaster isn’t everything... Jace - Alright, [ takes a sip ] so what’s the plan? Gemma - Well for now I’m moving in with a girl named Ophelia? I think it was! She’s studying in Britechester, and I’ll apply for next year- Jace - Have you told your mom? Gemma - Nope!! You’ll help right, ghoul? Jace - ...Can I ever say no to you?
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polarisbear · 7 months
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so uh. anyways this is my underrated fav (xy were not actually that good)
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thekenobee · 2 months
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Sharpe + Text Posts (Part 12)
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svulkcreature · 4 months
you know what makes me angry? you know what makes me fucking angry? I can't fucking marry damn Cicero in Skyrim. I marry Onmund in most of my playthroughs and I still love that.....hunk.., but deep down, cicero was the first bbg to me, but I CANT FUCKING MARRY HIM DAMN IT.
Andbefore you say "ohhh they have mods for that you silly little bastard, get your head out of your asshole" they don't do that for console :( he's literally the closest thing I have to a Skyrim femboy😭
cicero will always be baby girl in my heart 😔 (or I could just get skyrim on my PC lol)
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pokeficdaily · 1 year
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pepsi-al · 12 days
This is unhinged.
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Like, seriously. Didn't the guy who wrote this wall of text have anything better to do? Like, is he going around looking for every post that even remotely compares Game Serena with her AniPoké counterpart, thinking that they're saying that Game Serena is better than AniPoké Serena? (I mean, Game Serena is indeed better than AniPoké Serena. But I'm digressing here.) Between this and the recent shipping poll on Ranker, can AniPoké Serena fans just ONCE not make themselves look like no-lifers? Please?!
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wocs · 1 month
yall got me filtering blake lively out now too bc fuck her and that movie!
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fluffalpenguin · 2 years
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Last year I took requests for hypothetical pairings for a ARC-V tag team tournament and... a whole year+ later I finally finished them yahoo (somewhat)
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teabagtoaster · 27 days
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oldish twitter serenas from various bygone art memes. that orange fire emblem guy is there too i guess
a few bonus serena headcanons that you can't see in the first drawing: her hair is bleached/lightened and you can see the dark brown roots (when her hat is off), she eventually modifies her keystone so it's on a ring rather than the original bracelet, and she wears kneepads #SKATERGIRL (also shes a lesbian lol)
(also total unnecessary sidenote but since i can never tell if this is clear or not: sylvain is not implying that they should kill yveltal. rather in this nonsensical hypothetical yveltal would be doing the killing. no one has ever pointed this out or asked about it i'm just pedantic about my own stuff)
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andthatscanon · 6 months
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star3synth · 2 months
drawing pokemon characters in my style/ with my headcanons! ⭐️
xyz anime edition!
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headcanons i incorporated for serena:
- changed her hairstyle slightly from her canon version. i did so on accident but i’m honestly vibing with it
- gave her some accessories (hairclips, necklace) and some earrings! she seems like she would wear earrings to me
- added some bandages because i hc that she would sometimes be a bit accident prone while practicing for showcases
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headcanons for clemont:
- i made his glasses a bit smaller than his canon design because i thought that they would look nicer in my art style that way
- i also changed his hair a bit because his canon hairstyle confuses me and i don’t know how to draw it without it looking weird
- gave him piercings purely because i can. he has piercings now because i say so.
- added freckles + scars that i hc he got from various invention mishaps
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headcanons for ash:
- changed his hairstyle a bit purely because his canon hairstyle confuses me and i can’t figure out how to draw it correctly for the life of me. (noticing a pattern here? 🙃)
- i gave him earrings (this is actually rooted in canon! there’s an episode of pokemon advanced where ash wears earrings so i took that tidbit of information and ran with it lol) and a necklace because i can
- added freckles and scars that i hc ash got from previous incidents on his journeys that have to do with his recklessness and the fact that he doesn’t rank all that high on the self preservation scale
- i headcanon ash as deaf so i gave him hearing aids, i also think that he would be the type of person to forget to wear them frequently (also side note, i didn’t look at a reference when drawing them, so if they look inaccurate my bad)
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headcanons for bonnie:
- changed her hairstyle a bit so that it would look a bit nicer in my art style (i changed the front of her hair to look more like a sideways braid and gave her bangs)
- i gave her a bow in her hair instead of the hair tie thing that she has in it in her canon design and i also gave her hairclips to match with serena!
- she also has freckles like clemont :]
also! if you would like for me to draw any pokemon anime characters and give them random headcanons feel free to request that in the comments/ reblogs of this post or in my ask box! it is open and i am happy to draw something if you would like :)
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itsmariejanel · 8 months
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the gang + text posts 🌵
@pralinesims here you go evan, mwah
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Happy 10 year anniversary Pokemon X and Y!
Pokemon Y was my first Pokemon game, and my first actual video game I ever played! These games changed my life, and they're very dear to my heart because of that.
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