blindedguilt · 2 years
"Look! They fit perfectly! And they make my feet all warm! They can't be cold now!" She wanted to make him happy.
"and besides! Here!" She holds out a small box, simple in it's design. And within is a carved Daffodil charm made of minerals that were painted over with such attention and love. A charm that matches the very own in her hair, that had a loop for a chain or rope or in any way that he would be willing to wear it. She smiles so earnestly at him.
"Like this, we are always together... And...and I really wanted to show you how much you mean to me...Happy Birthday."
(from Daffy to Lukhege obv!)
"......" Lukhege's sharp gaze turned off to the side for a moment, not saying a word. Half of him was left wondering, did she really like them? Or was it just needless flattery to bring him back to earth? The other half of Lukhege had simply grown too caught up in his own anger and the remnants of his own resentment towards the eldest to care or acknowledge anything else that deigned to acknowledge him.
'The least that lout could have done was keep his mouth shut,' he thought — yet, a small, small part of him knew that Leonard meant no harm in his comment. Just the opposite; he cared about Daffy's well-being and simply went to express that concern... But still, what right did he think he had to get involved? The very thought made his blood boil. Lukhege's jaw clenched tight.
As the feeling of rage only seemed to rise from his turned back, it seemed at first that he was reluctant to turn his gaze back to Daffy's offering and soft voice.
"Daffodil..." Though his expression remained taut and stern with what was left of his bubbling rage, there was something that softened in his eyes as he studied the little charm. It was just like the flower she wore in her hair; he had laid eye upon it enough times to be certain of that. But... Lukhege quickly averted his now-softened eyes away from the charm, from her gaze.
"You know I don't like—" The boy started to protest for his own sake, not wanting to be moved so, but promptly fell quiet. A pause, and he turned the charm delicately around in his already worn hands again. There was no hiding the faint fondness that grew on his features the more those words ate at him... Where could he put it? Somewhere safe. Somewhere he could easily look at it. Somewhere he could remember, as much as that part of him didn't want to.
Somewhere safe... His mind brought itself back to his bandaged arms, the raid on his village that wounded them — He vividly remembered what it was like just before the torching. He had just finished his work helping one barley farmer move his wares, and was standing atop a small hill in an opening in the forest, not far from their village. He remembered staring off — He hadn't remembered what he was doing there, but he remembered Laum running up to him in a breathless, teary-eyed panic. "We have to find Riversal!"
The rest... Lukhege didn't remember it too well. He could recall the smell of sulfur, blood, and smoke. The sound of fire, the sound of screams from men, women, and children, and swords. Pulling Riversal by the arm. A cry from his little brother as the Empire blade pulled back to strike him — a sudden, unfathomable pain as it ran through his own arm last second in place.
He had been thrown into a burning fire at one point — resulting in what would be a long bout of incapacitation of his other arm. Riversal had lost his cloak. And Laum... He hadn't forgotten how he had to be drag him away from the bloodied body of their mother, the last and longest link to normalcy shared by any of the three.
That Daffy had actually sought him out reminded him of that comfort, that normalcy — Naturally, while their mother would have given him a corrective hit on the head said something like "Pitying yourself won't get you anywhere", Daffy's kindness was far... Softer. He didn't like the feeling of being coddled and yet, he was reminded of those days with his village, his mother, the days Leonard would fret over him before he left. It was as unfamiliar to him as it was nostalgic — in a way, it frightened him.
...But she meant only the best. Lukhege knew that. They all did — it's why they lauded their being together so. Lukhege took a deep breath to calm himself, flipping and feeling the way the edges of the charm poked between his fingers. "I was a pest, wasn't I..." He muttered vaguely, letting brown eyes flick momentarily back up to her face. A thin, yet still already worn hand carefully moved back a thread of stray hair and barely rested the thumb on her cheek. Lukhege turned his gaze the other way — he was sure his own had turned red as he did it.
"Daffodil... I appreciate this." He spoke softly. He wasn't lying when he said he hated celebrating his birthday, but this warmed his heart like nothing before it. "I'll take good care of it— I'll leave this in my pocket in wait of when I can find it's proper place. Thank you. Really."
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thesparklingwriter · 2 years
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a gift from a dragon
"Was I ever going to be told about this, or was I supposed to accidentally discover it myself?"
tags: pet names, fem!reader, established relationship, reader is preganant, dragon!zhongli doing dragon!zhongli things because im a simp, nesting, tooth rottingly fluffy
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hello everyone ^^ this segment of the zhongli flufftober that is now just 31 fluffshots is inspired by this ask! i recommend checking it out so you know what the original context was :) i had so much fun writing this, i was literally kicking my feet and giggling like an imbecile... anyway I've been told by a couple of betas on some other works that i may have a slight over reliance on dialogue so I've been working on setting the scene a bit more through description, please tell me if this slays or not.
i am down so astronomically bad for family man zhongli be still my beating heart and ovaries cause wtaf
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Zhongli's favourite part of the day is easily six pm when he can hurry home from the funeral parlor to see you. But over the few weeks, he's been becoming more on edge as the clock tends to the end of his work day. He's never particularly enjoyed being away from you for long, granted, but he always wants to be at home now.
On his way home, he passes through the market stalls and finds himself drawn to a couple of stands, musing over how the wares would suit your home perfectly. Before he knows it, he's bought a ridiculous amount of goods and is staggering under the weight of it as he returns home to you. He'd only meant to buy the vase, but then he'd been drawn to some woolen blankets and pillowcases with golden threads, and how could he ignore his instincts when they were calling out to him so loudly?
"You're finally home," you smile when he comes through the front door. You dare not ask about the ridiculous amount of things he's been buying recently–when you do, he looks at you with confusion, as if you're supposed to know what he's doing. You don't. At all. When it comes to Zhongli and his instincts, you've learned to ride the wave and accept whatever you're told.
Zhongli lowers his head to kiss you, manoeuvering his pile of goodies out of your way. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm great. How are you?" You shoot back snarkily. You know that's not what he's asking—he's asking about whether the baby's been good today or whether you've done anything particularly exciting with the sudden excess of time you've been granted since taking maternity leave.
"I'm well, thanks," he replies, chuckling at your evasion of his question. You do this almost every day, withholding the details of your day from him until he sits down and gives you his full attention—something he can't do while carrying a whole mound of knitted goods.
"I'll tell you more after you put that away. Where are you stashing all that stuff anyway?" You ask, and Zhognli shrugs.
"Places." he smiles, heading upstairs. The aforementioned place is your room—not that you spend much time in it. In fact, Zhongli's been in your old room more often in the past three months than you have since you moved in. As your pregnancy progresses, you seek him out more than usual, desperate for his comfort. And so, his room has become a shared room. Not that he particularly minds.
When he returns downstairs, he lies down, resting his head in your lap, and you tell him everything you've done today, absent-mindedly braiding his hair as you talk. He likes being close to your stomach, even though you're barely showing, and listens attentively, asking questions about your adventures. Nine times out of ten, you both fall asleep like this, and you awake in the morning in your bed. But today, you wake up before Zhongli does, having napped earlier in the day, and carefully slip away from him, slipping a pillow under his head where you once had been.
The sheer amount of knitted things Zhongli brought today has made you want to revive your old hobby of crocheting in the hopes you might be able to make something for the baby. If you remember correctly, the last time you crocheted anything was when you still used your room for its intended purpose—and not as a walk-in wardrobe. And so, you march yourself to your room, ready to check under the bed for your trunk of supplies.
Or rather, you would be if Zhongli hadn't replaced your bed with what feels like thousands of pillows and blankets.
Oh, Li, you think, wrapping a blanket with golden threads around your shoulders.
Sometimes, it's easy to forget that the man wasn't always human—that even though his body is that of a man's, his mind and soul aren't, and that sometimes old instincts kick in. Was he embarrassed? Was he worried that you'd think he's weird?
You walk towards the large pile of comforters out of curiosity. If he put this much work into it, you might as well test if it's any good, right? You sink into the blankets, curling up with one of the pillows in your hands. It feels like every part of your body is being hugged by him and you can swear the blankets smell like him. Before you know it, you've fallen asleep, a golden pillow clutched close to your chest.
When Zhongli wakes up and finds you replaced by a pillow but the house silent, he's slightly concerned. Have you injured yourself while he's been sleeping? It can't be. He would have woken up. And so he decides to search for you. Just to make sure you're alright. He can't be too careful. But you're not in his bed, and you're not in the bathroom, the study, or the small makeshift library he'd put together for you.
The final place to look is your old room, but you'd had no reason to go in there before, so why would you go now all of a sudden? But of course, that's where he finds you, curled up in the middle of the sorry attempt of a nest he'd put together to try and curb his urges. He wishes he'd had enough time to finalise his preparations, but seeing you sleep so happily makes his heart swell. He sits on the floor beside the bed, carefully taking your hand in his as you stir, resting your hand on your stomach as you sit up.
"Good evening," he smiles, and you stare at him blankly as if you don't understand, a sign you've slept well. "Are you alright?"
You nod, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into bed with you. When you've finally woken up enough to talk, you look up at him and ask: "Was I ever going to be told about this, or was I supposed to accidentally discover it myself?"
"I had intended it to be a gift for you and the baby when you were further along, but I have no objections to you getting an early present." His smile is excited and bright as he pulls you closer to him, suddenly overcome with the feeling that you can never be close enough.
"This is not what I expected when I found out dragons nest." You smile against his chest.
"Well, I can't exactly bring you feathers, can I? You'd slaughter me the minute I step over the threshold, so this will have to do."
"I can think of worse places to sleep," you smile, kissing him lightly. "Thank you. I love it."
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© 2023, thesparklingwriter. please do not copy, edit, repost, or translate.
taglist: @ainescribe @thelonelyarchon
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ghostofskywalker · 11 months
Our Home, Together
Padmé Amidala/Reader
Fictober Day 24 of 31
Words: 728
Summary: You thought that the Senate would be adjourning in a few days time, but your wife surprises you at home a little earlier than that.
Padmé Amidala Masterlist
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The house was completely empty when you woke up, which was to be expected. The Galactic Senate had been in session for the last few weeks, which meant that Padmé had been staying on Coruscant. You’d gone with her in the past, but this time you had decided to remain on Naboo. As a writer you had the luxury of being able to get your work done anywhere in the galaxy before sending it back to your team, but the solitude of the house was sometimes a blessing if you were struggling with a particular piece.
You knew that she would be returning home at some point within the next few days, but that was always dependent on how much the Senate was able to get done. You didn’t often have to worry about your wife, because she knew how to handle things herself, and if there was any kind of trouble (even though you still couldn’t help it), you know that either her or her team would reach out to let you know.
You hummed as you made breakfast, and by the time the caf was ready, the humming had become singing. It was a natural thing you did sometimes, and it helped to keep your mind clear and focused. You could often be found working with some kind of music in the background, and you found that things were just a little easier with it around. Padmé knew about your habit, but had never seen it with her own two eyes, usually because it only happened when no one else was around. Your voice wasn’t the one of a professional by any means, but none of that mattered when it was just you in the room with your favorite song.
You had the music up particularly loud this morning, and your voice carried throughout the house as you went about your day. None of this would be a problem of course, if you were the only one home at the time, which you thought was true.
What you didn’t notice was that your wife had come home a few minutes ago, so you were not the only one in the house.
You heard what sounded like your name when the song ended, and you got up from your desk to see Padmé in the doorway, still in her traveling clothes but without her suitcases. Immediately, you walked over and wrapped her in a hug, relishing in the feeling of her arms around you. “I didn’t know you were coming back already!” you said, leaning in to kiss her.
“I wasn’t supposed to originally, but when I learned that the Senate would be adjourning early I decided to try and surprise you.”
“It definitely worked,” you said with a laugh. “I can’t believe I didn’t hear you, I must have sounded like a wounded gundark.”
Padmé reached down and took your hand. “You absolutely didn’t, and I’m not just saying that because I love you.”
“Come on-”
“Seriously,” she said, and your mouth closed as she continued. “I’ve been living in this house for a long time, and it was always too much for me. I spent most of my time in my Senatorial apartment on Coruscant because it felt more like a home, it wasn’t big and empty and echo-y. But now, ever since you moved in, this house has never once not felt like a home.”
You couldn’t help the way tears started to form in your eyes. “Really?”
“Yes,” she said, leaning in to kiss you lightly. “So coming home today and hearing the music, listening to you sing as you worked before I announced my presence, it made this place feel so much smaller and cozier, and I would never want it any other way.”
You stopped, not sure what to say after such an emotional declaration. “I love you,” was what you eventually settled on, the timeless truth that would always describe the feeling in your heart when you looked at her.
“I love you too,” she said, and you wrapped your arms around her again once more. “Why don’t you let me get changed, and then we can take a nap or something, I’m very tired.”
You smiled even bigger than you already were as you leaned in to kiss her once more. “My love, that sounds like an excellent plan.”
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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prettyhobii · 11 months
"I've missed you so much oh my god," Jennie squealed as she jumped into her older sisters embrace. "So so much."
Nari laughed and hugged her sister back. "I've missed you too Nini."
"We we're so worried when you didn't text us last night, was everything okay?" Rosé asked, coming back with three glasses of strawberry lemonade.
"Yes I'm okay, just had a hard night."
"Did you relapse?" Jennie's eyes widened as she gripped harshly on her sisters arm. Nari shook her head no.
"No nothing like that, please don't worry, trouble at work. I'm going to have to find a new job."
"That's okay, we can help you riri," smiled rosé comfortingly, "a restaurant near me has a now hiring sign outside, maybe you could apply there? I could put a good word in for you, I'm a regular there."
"Perhaps, I have the rest of the money for you guys, one hundred each, is that okay?"
"Riri we don't want your money, it's yours to keep."
"I don't care, you guys are taking it, and that's final."
"We both have jobs with good wages, even Felix is sorted out financially, riri I promise you we're okay," Jennie frowned, "times are tough for you right now, keep this money and get yourself something nice."
"You're taking it, and that's final. I have money don't worry."
Jennie and rosé frowned at each other, but ended up giving up on the conversation, and starting a new one.
"So your soulmates, what's happening?"
"I kissed one of them."
"OH MY GOD" Jennie screamed, rosé burst into fits of laughter at the elder and watched as Jennie threw herself onto her lap. 
"His name is Hoseok, and he helped me out yesterday." Nari smiled thinking of Hobi and their kiss earlier. She felt stupid about it, but she couldn't get her mind off the topic.
"OH MY GOD SHES SMILING. SHE LOVES HIM." Jennie screamed once again, feeling the upmost happiness for her sister.
"I am not in love with him," Nari laughed, turning aside. "Maybe some day, but not just yet."
"So what's a bond like?" Jennie asked, taking a sip of her drink.
"It's hard to say, when I'm with him I feel warm, and safe," Nari mumbled, "remember when mum was alive?"
The two girls nodded.
"It was that feeling of safe, like nobody can hurt you anymore."
"Are you happy?" The blonde asked, eyebrows raised and an emotionless expression.
"With him, yes." Nari smiled to herself, "with the others, not just yet."
The next few hours went too quickly for Nari's liking.
She spent the rest of the night messaging with Hoseok, scrolling through some local news and napping throughout the day.
Anything to distract her from the overwhelming fear of Soomin walking through her doors. She was meant to be in work four hours ago. And now she was terrified of what would happen.
But to Nari's relief nothin happened throughout the night, no threatening text messages, no banging on doors. Absolutely nothing.
After messaging her siblings good night, she decided to message Hoseok one last time before heading off to bed herself.
Hobi.. are you awake?
Are you okay?
I'm sorry
I'm just scared
Which is why I wanted you to stay with me
You're safe, I promise
I won't let anything happen to you remember?
I can't wait to see you tomorrow
I'll be there before you know it
Just try get some sleep for me okay?
Goodnight <3
The next morning, Nari woke up around noon ish, her phone constantly buzzing aloud with numerous messages.
Good morning angel
Are you there?
Are you okay?
Nari please respond
I'm so sorry I just woke up
Oh thank fuck
I'll be coming over in about half an hour if that's okay?
Can't wait
What the fuck have you done
Instead of panicking like she normally did in this situation, she simply ignored his message and got ready to see Hoseok.
The angered bond her and Yoongi created sure seemed to hit her when she woke up. Aching heart, headache, but she could stand it. It wasn't bad.
She put on her only clean outfit, some black leggings and a white tank top, showing off her arms and sculpting her waist.
She figured Hoseok would want something to drink when she got here, so she cut up a few slices of lemon and cucumber before filling up two pints of water.
It wasn't what she wanted to offer him, but it's all she has.
She sat down patiently, combing her hair through with her fingers, her brush broke last week, so she's had to use her fingers to untangle it.
Minutes later there was a knock at the door, and then a notification on her phone.
It's just me <3
Nari opened up the door to see a very handsome looking Hoseok, just wearing a white shirt and a pair of baggy jeans. But boy did it make him even hotter than Nari originally thought he was.
"Morning beautiful," Hoseok smiled.
"Please, come in." Nari wasn't ashamed of her apartment or how she lived, she didn't have a manor like they did, but she knew that Hoseok wouldn't judge her for how she lived.
Hoseok stepped inside, dropping his bag by the small kitchen counter, grabbing Nari by her waist, closing the door shut with his foot, before kissing her deeply.
Nari was shocked by the sudden affection, but didn't mind by any means, and kissed him back just as deeply.
She lead Hoseok over to her couch, where he crawled on top of her, continuing the kiss.
Neither of them wanted to go any further then just kissing for the time being, but they couldn't seem to control themselves, as the kids got more heated, so did they.
Hands in his hair, his hands all over her body, the two made out for quite a while, not even bothering to say a word, just long passionate kisses expressing their soul devotion to one another.
When they finally pulled away, instead of the awkward tension they were expecting, they both burst into giggles.
"You stuck to your promise then?" Nari hummed with a little laugh as she stroked back his hair. Hoseok smiled with a nod.
"It's felt like days since I've seen you, you haven't left my mind even for a second." He leaned down and kissed her nose.
Nari let out a comfortable sigh, her hands clasping behind his neck, pulling him to rest on her chest, their embrace too powerful to let go of.
"I've missed you," Nari hummed, as she stroked back his hair. "I've slept alone for years, but last night was the hardest night of my life, and I don't know why."
"We'll that's because of the bond," Hoseok spoke, his breath falling onto her chest. "Because the other day we slept so close together, immediately losing that touch made us hungry for more."
"I made you a drink," Nari smiled, "I know it's no noma, but it's all I can offer you right now."
"I'll take you there one day, to noma I mean."
"I'll hold you to that," Nari smiled, kissing his head. "You know, I've literally never been like this with anybody." She sighed. "Hobi?"
"I want to show you something, because I trust you and if we're going to continue like this, you'll find out eventually."
She moved Hobi up off her, immediately feeling colder then she did before, that could be because the heating doesn't work, or the bond, who knows.
Hoseok tilted his head as he sat next to his soulmate.
Nari slowly lifted up her shirt, just below he rib cage.
On her skin, there layed her soulmates, all bleached over, yet Hoseok's mark shone through. A small sunshine next to Nari's snowflake, along side a new, but dark coloured clover on the opposite side.
Faded scars scratched each mark, her stomach slightly discoloured from the amount of abuse she got when she was younger.
"I know it's disgusting, but it's-"
"It's not disgusting." Hoseok's eyes narrowed, "it's a part of you, and you're perfect." He gently placed his finger on the sides of her stomach, "but just tell me who did this to you angel."
Nari looked away from him, feeling his finger trace over each mark, "my father.. didn't like that I wasn't completely under his control." She took a breath, "he tried his best to get rid of them, I was meant to be getting married that year, to someone he approved of."
"What happened then?" Hoseok asked, as he traced his finger over his own mark, making it glow lighter, the butterflies affecting both of them.
"When my mother passed away the year before, I made a promise to her that I'd protect Jennie, Rosé and Felix. After all my father wouldn't," she smiled thinking of her siblings and how proud she was of them. How they managed to live a stable and somewhat normal life made her so incredibly happy. "Jennie was turning 16 two  years later, so I knew I had to get them out of there." She paused to regain her shaky breath, "that same year I took them out of the house, stole the money my mother left for us, and bought a train ticket from Jeju to Seoul."
She remembered the train ride like it was yesterday, thirteen year old Felix and Rosé, 14 year old Jennie and sixteen year old Nari. Four terrified runaways. With only one backpack each. God knows how they survived.
"I rented out an apartment for us to live in, until they all wanted to do separate things. Felix wanted to perform, Rosé wanted to find her soulmates, Jennie wanted to model, so I let them go."
Hoseok smiled at his soulmate, "that's selfless of you, I can't imagine how scared you were."
"I wasn't scared for myself, I've been through a lot of shit, I was worried for them." She looked down, "less scared for Felix, as he got casted for some agency pretty quickly, but Rosé and Jennie struggled for a while," she played with her fingers, "that's why I make sure they have money every week, I like knowing that they have something you know?"
Hoseok nodded, "my older sister is my rock, I don't know what I'd do without her. She had some trouble with Namjoon years ago, they didn't meet eye to eye, she can be quite.. protective." He chuckled, "but Jiwoo is lovely, I think you'd both get along."
Nari smiled, "I hope so."
"Hey," hoseok whispered.
Nari turned to look at him, before she knew it he quickly leant in and kissed her lips softly. "You're perfect. Past or not, you're mine and I'll protect you forever okay?"
Nari chuckled, "I'll hold you to that."
"You should let me meet your siblings huh, they seem like great people."
"Maybe I could make a group chat for you guys?"
"I'd like that," Hoseok smiled, "you know the other boys have been asking about you."
"Hmm, that's sweet of them."
Hoseok sighed and pulled Nari onto his lap, "you know what I think?" he rested his hands on her thighs.
"That we're moving too fast?"
Hoseok laughed, moving his left arm around her waist, pulling her closer, "well yes, but I don't care about that," he smiled, "I think you're the most gorgeous person I've ever laid eyes on."
"Not very fair to the others huh?"
"Im one hundred percent positive they agree."
Nari laughed, holding his cheek, leaning in and kissing him softly.
"I like this."
"Being with you, kissing you. You make me feel safe."
Hoseok's smile returned, "I'll keep you safe." He leaned forward to kiss Nari's lips.
"We're like two teenagers in a relationship for the first time." She laughed, "it's insane."
Hoseok kissed her again, "that's exactly what I want."
Hoseok laid down, pulling her further on top of him, "you want to go out for lunch? My treat?"
Nari sighed, "I could make us some noodles? It's cheaper."
"Okay, go get changed, we're off out for the day." He pecked her lips quickly and picked her up off of him.
"Hoseok," Nari's eyes narrowed, "No spending money."
Hoseok grinned, "okay.”
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savethepinecones · 1 year
okay folks story time. back in 2019 i was doing freelance captioning for a company i wont name. i was incredibly depressed and had no insurance so i was a) unmedicated and b) unable to work a fulltime job. i was good at typing so i decided to give this company a try. they didnt have set hours to work so i thought that on the days my depression got really bad i wouldnt get in trouble for taking the day off.
i spent a few months working on captioning during my free time and handing out samples at a grocery store on weekends. neither job paid super well but it was better than nothing. the captioning job was fun but paid based on video length rather than time worked. i cant remember for sure but i think it was something like $0.60 per audio minute.
when i first started i thought that seemed reasonable but i quickly realized that between having to pause the audio frequently to type everything out and then going back through to sync the subtitles to the video it would take like half an hour to do a five minute video. i ended up working pretty much every waking hour just to make enough money to pay my rent at the end of the month.
ive always been a perfectionist so my captions were usually very good but that perfectionism also slowed me down. there was also a policy that if audio cut out at any point in the video you had to report it and you wouldnt get paid for it even if youd already spent time captioning the audio that was there. we were able to look at the videos before claiming them but, especially with longer videos, i would usually just listen to a couple seconds around the beginning middle and end. videos got claimed quickly and if i took the time to watch the whole thing someone else would claim it and id have to find something else. there was one time that i had a fairly long video that i captioned most of, only to find out the audio cut out for a while towards the end. i had to send it back and because i didnt finish it, i didnt get paid for any of the work id done on it. this was a problem because like i mentioned earlier i was working more or less constantly in order to make ends meet and id just wasted hours on something i wouldnt get paid for.
tldr the pay was not great and i sometimes wouldnt get paid at all for work i spent hours on.
a few months in, i got a video that was about two hours long and was professionally recorded and edited. (this was significant because a lot of the videos i got had really poor audio quality, which meant i had to listen to dialogue a couple times before i figured out what exactly people were saying and i would end up taking longer to finish the project.) at this point i was spending more than 15 hours a day captioning, and still just barely making enough money to get by.
i got to work on the video, occasionally looking up names that were mentioned to make sure i got the spelling right. the company had a policy against sharing publicly what videos we were working on so i wont say specifically what it was, but when i was doing my research i learned that this show had a pretty decent fanbase. this made things easier for me because i could look on the wiki for the spelling of character names and locations etc.
the video itself was about two hours, and i had to pause it frequently because even though ive got a really good typing speed, people still speak faster than i can type. it took me probably about five minutes to caption everything, and i was exhausted so i was making a lot of mistakes. i decided that it would be quicker to leave the errors for the time being and correct them when i was syncing the captions to the audio. i had a while until the deadline to finish the project since it was so long, so i decided that once i was done with the initial captioning, i would take a quick nap so that i could focus more during the syncing process, which had to be very precise.
i ended up oversleeping. when i woke up, i guessed it would take about three hours or so to sync the captions, plus the time correcting typing errors or words id misheard the first time around. i was looking at probably about 8 hours worth of work, which was less time than i had left on the deadline. if i didnt submit the project by the deadline, the video would go to someone else and i wouldnt get paid for anything id done on it. it was close to the end of the month and i knew that even if i worked around the clock, without the money from this job i wouldnt be able to pay the next months rent. i knew that i wouldnt be able to corrext all the typos in time, but in my mind missing rent was about equivalent to the end of the world. (i was maybe 20 at the time and thought that if i didnt pay rent on time i would immediately be kicked out of the house or smth. im a very anxious person and especially at the time would tend to jump to the worst case scenario.)
i decided to work on the project as much as i could until time was up, and then submit it as is. i didnt feel good about it but it felt like the best play for me. without the money from this project, i wouldnt be able to make rent even if i started working on something else right away.
i felt especially bad because i knew this was a video that would get a lot of views, which meant my shoddy work would be seen by a lot of people, but i didnt have the time to deliberate. i decided to sync the captions first, then spend the rest of the time i had correcting typos. i managed to sync everything before the deadline but i was far from fixing all the errors when my time ran out. i submitted it anyways. the project was far below my own standards, let alone the company's, but at least i would get paid for the two hours of video. if i kept working every day for the rest of the month, i would be able to just make enough to cover rent.
i only did captioning for a total of six months or so. in december i got so burnt out that i couldnt work at all, and when i finally recovered i decided to start looking for something else. (the job i ended up with still didnt pay great and they kept cutting my hours but at least i wasnt working around the clock. plus it was a homecare position, which in early 2020 meant i could sometimes get free meals as an essential worker. i ate a lot of mcdonalds that spring.)
most of the videos i captioned have been long since forgotten, but there are a couple i remember. one was a lesbian christmas movie that i was so excited to be a part of, in whatever small way. there were also a couple id done for a local tv station a couple states over. but the one that stands out the most in my memory is the one i submitted incomplete.
id been expecting the company that submitted the video to complain, but i never heard anything. i expected they probably wouldnt continue to come to us for captions at the very least. i never did see another of their videos in the queue, but its possible that i just wasnt checking the queue when the videos were posted. theres no way for me to know for sure.
its been several years since then and i still think about that video sometimes. how many people i must have disappointed. the show was one that i could definitely have enjoyed, but my guilt kept me far away from it. i was scared that if i checked out the fandom, it would be full of people criticizing the horrible captioning on that one episode. recently, though, i decided to give it a try. the latest season was coming out and it seemed really interesting. i watched that and enjoyed it (the seasons are nonlinear so i didnt need to watch it from the beginning to understand it) and decided to take a peek at the fandom.
(it didnt escape my notice that the captions were formatted slightly differently than the way the company id worked for used. theyd definitely gone somewhere else for captioning. i suspect theyve hired someone instead of outsourcing. the captions have a personal touch that indicates theyre done by someone familiar with the series.)
to my horror, there were some mentions of the captions from past seasons, mostly commenting on how much theyve improved since then. ive watched the first couple seasons now and i did notice that a lot of names and terminology were misspelled early on but i havent come across the episode i did yet. im hoping someone redid the captions on my episode, although i feel bad that they likely had to pay for the same thing twice. the good news is that im a paying subscriber, so eventually ill have paid them back what i was paid for the botched captions. that eases my conscience a little.
the reason im sharing this is to first of all apologize to the fandom, even though i cant name it specifically. you guys deserved better captions than what i gave you. i also think its an example of how important it is to pay people a living wage. among many other reasons, the quality of work suffers when staff are overwhelmed, whether by financial stress or overworking or both.
i dont think i need to say this, but just to be clear, i dont blame the people who sent the video in. they didnt set my wages. and i know their company has been vocal about paying all employees a living wage. which means whoever is doing the captioning now is certainly getting paid what theyre worth. im glad they dont have to deal with something similar to what i went through.
this post ended up being a lot longer than i expected and im not really sure how to end it. saying something lighthearted seems like it would trivialize the regret im trying to express. i guess ultimately i just want to finally say sorry.
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marinehero-a · 2 years
"Thanks… for looking out for me." { later down the line from marine AU 🥺 -indomiitas }
PROMPTS. — @indomiitas
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ლ.    Even by his own standards, it’d been a long day. The outing should have been simple— it had been simple. His men had done nothing more than overreact when they’d ganged up on him in order to drag his ass to the infirmary once the battle ended. The idiot pirates they’d gone against had gotten a lucky shot, nothing more and nothing less. They must have known he was tired from the restless week that’d come before, but even so, he’d slept far worse damage than a few measly haki-infused bullets to the chest before. Better him than the damn brat who continued to believe in theatrics over efficiency that’d been behind him.
      He let out a sigh at the memory, wearily rubbing his face. He’ll complain and throw in some extra training over it all, but it would be in order to ensure the brat could keep himself alive the next time Garp wasn’t around to protect the idiot. His own injuries weren’t Buggy’s fault but that of his aging body. In his past, no matter how exhausted or how strong the enemy, his haki would have been able to counter any attack with ease. He may still be plenty fit enough to walk off any damage sustained, but the difference between his current self and his prime almost lingered like an unpleasant shadow.
      He’d never been one to care much for the past, not when the present and the future were far louder and far more demanding. It didn’t matter whether it was the distant past of his prime, or the recent past of waking up from his nap within the infirmary  ( more for lack of sleep than any ' injury'  ),  there were still plenty of things left for him to do. Raiding the nearest pantry for some tea and a bag of snacks taking his current priority, for one.
     Once his haul secured in hands, he sought out one of the quieter areas of the base they were resting at; a terrace facing the moonlit ocean with the mountains to his side. Crunching on crackers, he'd figured they’d been in the New World for long enough. Come morning, he’d have his crew get ready to return to headquarters and ensure that they'd take the most pirate-filled route back that they could. If they were going in the direction of Impel Down, might as well make the best of it.
     The sound of footsteps drawing nearer interrupted Garp's thoughts, a quick glance over his shoulder confirming his suspicions and sighing silently in response, returning his attention down to his crackers and tea —  still pleasantly warm to the touch — and waiting for the other to speak whatever it was he wanted to say.
" Thanks… for looking out for me. "
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     His eyes widened in surprise, crackers stopping halfway to his mouth as he turned to look at Buggy with an incredulous expression. He’d been expecting a continuation of their earlier argument — the brat had been one of the loudest ones in insisting he needed a doctor  ( he hadn’t ) — or some other form of scolding. Nearly anything besides gratitude, if he were honest. He might constantly demand for it, but a part of him knew better than to truly expect it.
      Still, the surprise was quick to be replaced with narrowed eyes in suspicion. Teasing retort on the tip of his tongue before something in Buggy’s expression made him reconsider, his expression easing with a huff and shoulders loosening as he went back to stuffing his face with his snacks. He might be dense at times, and he was man enough to admit it, but there was a weight in the brat’s words that gave him a feeling Buggy meant more than the day’s earlier incident.
“ Bah, ”   he snorted, choosing not to mention it and instead bringing his hand down onto the other’s head; awkward and short lived, lacking any of its usual strength, closer to a ruffle than a ‘ fist of love ’,   “ I wasn’t about to let some bastards get their hands on one of my best men. Starting early tomorrow we’re going to be working on your haki again, ”   the promise of training given like a threat, but the grin on his face was sincere.
     An unsaid  ‘ of course ’,  maybe. He wasn’t sure how else to respond. Of course he looked out for the brat, Roger or his own common sense be damned. The bond he’d shared with Roger was still one he didn’t fully understand, but whatever it'd been, it hadn't been the reason he'd picked up the brat. Because for all Roger’s crimes, Buggy had been innocent, the same as Ace. The man in question had paid his due with his head, and Garp continued to see nothing but stupidity in trying to force a dead man’s sins onto the young.
“ He would have been proud of you, ”   the words falling out thoughtlessly, a grimace flickering across his face as he realized what he’d dragged into the open. Roger was a topic he rarely allowed himself to indulge in, even if Buggy was one of the few people he could confide with. His feelings towards the dead man far too complicated for him to want to bother with.
“ You might still be a damn fool and the same damn brat you were with him, but you’ve grown. He would have seen that, ”   he said anyway, voice a shift gentler, unrecognizable change to anyone unfamiliar with him. Although as quickly as it'd appeared, it was gone. Replaced with a snort and followed by laughter,   “ Bwahaha !  If only either of us could've gotten you to stop being a coward ! ”
     Still. For all the hurdles it'd taken them in order to reach this point, and for all the hurdles that awaited them, he had no regrets in taking Buggy under his wing. Roger would have been proud of how far his brat had grown, he knew as much to be true. But Garp was proud of the brat too, even if he'd never admit as much to Buggy's face.
“ Go get some sleep, Buggy, ”   something akin to warmth in his tone, accompanied by another rough pat to the head,   “ Don’t start thinking I’ll take training easy on you, whether you can keep your eyes open or not, you damn brat. ”
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primofate · 3 years
Genshin Modern AU - Stress and Comfort
Summary: Woke up late. Missed a class. Forgot that assignment due. Another one due in two days. People are downplaying the things that you do. It’s raining and you don’t have an umbrella. Sometimes the little things pile up all in one day and it feels like all you want to do is to get it over with... and your boyfriend to make everything better.
Warnings: crying, stress, mood swings, other than that it’s fluff
Characters: Kaeya, Zhongli x gn!reader
Notes: Also a commission <3 Thank you for the love. Once again if you want something written for you I have cheap rates XD and I’ll always accommodate to your wants! Just leave me a message!
“Hey, Y/N, do you know how to write this part of the essay?” It wasn’t as if you were a particularly good student. But somehow, the people in your class liked asking you because you were accommodating. Ready to help with a smile on your face. Always there to turn to and rely on. “Yeah, it’s just like this…” and you spend nearly an hour explaining it.
“Oh gosh, I don’t think I can finish this part of the presentation tonight, something came up at home,” Group projects were sometimes difficult too. You understood. Things happened, but when they happened, you’d be the first one to say, “It’s okay, I’ll take care of it,” Even though the presentation is tomorrow, even though you barely get enough sleep for the next day. A part of you just wants to quickly get it over with.
“You said this would come out on the test… It wasn’t even there…” The worst part of it is not even receiving any thanks. It’s the way that they look at you when you make a mistake, despite all of the good things you’ve done for them, one mistake, and they make you out and guilt you to be a bad person.
“Your analysis is all wrong, Y/N. This part over here…” Sometimes the price of that was paying with your own grade. You try to listen as the lecturer explains a part of your essay. You’re listening, but it just doesn’t register in your mind. Something about misunderstanding the concept. Those concepts that you’ve tried so hard to remember and to understand. In the end they were all mixed up and confused.
Perhaps the lecturer sees the deflated look in your eyes, and ends quite happily. “Just do better in the next one!” pats your back and lets you leave, handing you your essay graded with a C.
Do better in the next one. Easier said than done.
You shove the paper in your bag without giving it a second glance.
The cafeteria. It was slightly late for lunch but you like it that way. There weren’t a lot of people at this time, which meant you didn’t have to fight for seats. Still, as you put in your order and bring your tray of food to the nearest seat that you see, you somehow bump into someone who topples over your chosen lunch, the tray completely doing a flip and landing on your chest, then on the ground with a plop and rattle.
There’s an ugly stain on your shirt. Forget about hiding it, it had to be washed. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry,” and yet they can only stare at the stain. What else could they do? Dabbing it with wet tissue would just make it worse. “It’s…fine,” you wave them away, but you leave the mess on the floor in a hurry and in an embarrassed state.
You sigh once outside again. Deciding that today was enough, you make your way home.
Even then, as you sit at your study table, all washed up and changed, sketching a little something on your tablet, your mother stands at the door, observing.
“…What does that do for you?”
You jump a little in surprise and turn, looking at her blank expression. “What does what do for me?”
“That, your drawing. You’re always on the computer or tablet Y/N. If not that, then your sketchbook. That’s all you ever do,”
You turn around because you don’t want to argue. You don’t want to hear her complaining about how you do nothing but stay in all day after lessons and play games and draw. It was one of the biggest forms of comfort you had for yourself and yet she--
“Maybe try a part time job or join a club or some—”
“Mom, I’m still trying to adjust to uni,”
Why does no one understand how difficult it is to juggle the classes and do all the readings required? Why do I have to do so many things all at the same time? Can’t I do it when I choose to and when I’m ready? Can’t I do things that I enjoy?
“The degree you chose won’t even pay the bills…” You hear her mutter as she walks away. Footsteps receding into the hallways.
You push your tablet away and lay your head face down on the table. You’re trying not to lose it and finally, whatever higher being up there hears your plea to give you a break.
A phone call from Kaeya comes through.
“…Hey,” you answer.
“Hey, hun. You haven’t been replying to my messages,” there’s a lilt of playfulness in his voice. He just thinks you’ve fallen asleep or taken a nap at home or something.
“…Yeah, I—” You try to explain. You try to say that you weren’t feeling well. That you didn’t feel like talking. But would he understand? Everyone today seemed to be against you. “I just, fell asleep,” You lie and there’s a few seconds of silence on the other side.
“…You sure?” Now there’s a hint of unease in his voice. The playfulness is gone. “You ok? Do you want me to come over?” Somehow he senses that it isn’t just “falling asleep”. His simple worry and caring attitude towards you breaks whatever composure you had left. You accidentally let out a sniffle as tears start to pool in your eyes.
“Hey… You don’t have to talk to me, but I’ll come over right now, okay?” The sniffle was enough to tell him that perhaps something had went wrong. You couldn’t help but let out a few more sniffles as tears slowly trickles down your face.
Minutes later your blue-haired boyfriend shows up at your doorstep. Despite your mom being a little hard on you earlier, when she opens the door to see him, she smiles and says. “I think they were having a bad day, I might have been a little harsh on them too,” Kaeya only grins and points a thumb to his chest. “No problem, that’s what I’m here for,” He’s still wearing his volleyball jersey.
He knocks softly on the door, “Y/N?” there’s a plastic bag in his other hand.
When you open the door your eyes were already a little red around the edges, but seeing him made your lips tremble and fresh tears fall out. “Shh… You’re okay.” He wraps you in his arms, plastic bag rustling, his hand smooths your hair down and the other rubs your back as you cry out your frustrations for the day.
The two of you stay there for what seems like a long time. You hiccupping into his chest and trying to calm down. At some point he moves the both of you on the bed and lets you curl up against him. When you finally ease up, he pulls away slightly to look at your face, then brushes away the wetness still lingering on your cheeks. “Feel better?” He whispers, as if being too loud will break you again.
You smile a little and nod at how gentle he was being. He smiles back and leans in to press a kiss on your forehead. “You’re doing great, Y/N. Whatever it is, just talk to me when you’re ready,” and it hits you so hard how much he’s willing to just be there with you, even though he doesn’t know what’s happening. How he wasn’t going to judge you for what you say or what you do and your face crumples and grimaces into a face that tells him you’re trying not to cry. “D-Did I say something wrong?” He’s a little startled, but you laugh a little through small droplets of tears that you wipe away by yourself. “No, you idiot. I’m just happy you’re here,”
He sighs and relaxes, taking his own hand and pinching your cheek, pulling at it a little. “Who’s the idiot? Crying and laughing at the same time?” He was joking, of course. He’d only do so when he knew you could take it. You swat his hand away with a slight glare, and he knows that he’s got a little bit of the normal you back. “Alright, come on, here,” He suddenly sits up and presents the plastic bag that he’s been holding all that time.
“Ice-cream, your favourite flavour,” rummages into it and takes out a tub the size of two fists, a little damp from the melted moisture. He’s got spoons in there too. Slowly, as you eat the tub together, you tell him about what’s been going on in uni. How people just expected you to help when you could. How you got nothing in return. How you try really hard and they somehow still end up piling on negativity into your life.
“…It’s okay to help, Y/N,” he thoughtfully says, mouth muffled cause his spoon was still in his mouth. “But don’t forget to take care of yourself too,” then he scoops another bite. “…But even if you don’t…it’s okay,” he looks up at the ceiling. “If you don’t take care of yourself…Then I’ll do it. That’ll be my job. Forever,”
You lay your head on his shoulder as he says this, still eating from your spoon “I love you,”. He smiles and presses a soft kiss atop your head. “Love you too. I’m always just a phone call away, babe,”
“Is there something on your mind? You’ve been quiet for the past hour,” Nothing slips by Zhongli. He’s observant. He knows you don’t feel like eating by the way you’re picking at your food. Knows that you don’t want to talk because you don’t even meet his eyes.
“…Nothing, really,” You just didn’t have the energy to talk about it.
He feels as if this date has gone awry, and he didn’t even know where he went wrong. Though, if he had to guess, it wasn’t his fault. You were just in a particularly bad mood. Not that the two of you were anywhere fancy, it was just your usual sit-down restaurant at a mall across the university.
To him, the right thing to do was give you the space you needed. So, after walking you to your room that night, he’d wait till the morning to contact you. Imagine his surprise when none of his calls go through. None of his texts were returned. He was beside himself with worry when suddenly, near the afternoon, he finally gets word from you.
“Sorry Li, I feel a little sick today. Don’t worry though, I’ll be fine in no time,”
You’re bad at lying. Or was he just good at reading you? You tend to have the habit of withdrawing when you’re out of energy. To give too much without any regards to your own state, your own feelings. Sometimes you don’t realize that you had to watch over yourself too.
It’s nearly 8 at night when he knocks at your dorm room. Zhongli went through a few steps to make sure your roommate would be out tonight. It was from them that he found out you hadn’t left the room at all today, but that you weren’t sick.
“Oh… Zhongli,” You’re surprised at the amount of things he’s holding. There’s a plastic bag that seems to nearly be popping and in his other hand was a mysterious paper bag. Under his arm he’s tucked his laptop with him. He lived in the dorms too, and if someone saw him now, it would look as if he was moving into your room. “You could’ve just asked me to come over to yours,” his eyes trail away, a certain brown-headed roommate pops up in his mind.
“No, Tartaglia’s in tonight,” You make a sound of understanding. His roommate was rather…special. Too energetic for your tastes, and sometimes nosy. “What do you have there?” You ask and invite him in. He chucks the plastic bag on your bed, lays down the laptop on your table along with the mystery paper bag. He notes that you’re already in your sleepwear, which was perfect. He starts to take out a throw blanket from the plastic bag and a hoodie.
“…This..is?” You’re a little baffled by what he’s trying to convey. “…My throw blanket that you like so much…and you said you like wearing my hoodie,” then he points at the laptop. “Do you want to watch a movie in bed? I have popcorn too,”
Then you realize that he’s trying to make you feel better. He’s figured out that you weren’t really sick, possibly just mentally drained. You smile at him and lean in for a hug, to which he responds to by wrapping his arms around your back and whispering. “…I’m not…really good at these things… Tartaglia said it might make you feel better…” You chuckle in his embrace and could imagine the kind of conversation they had.
“You’re the best Zhongli,” he secretly smiles while rubbing your back up and down. He doesn’t ask questions as to why you’ve been acting the way you do, but you’re the one who offers him the answer. “It’s just school… Too many things have been piling up… My class they… They’re really nice people you know? But just… there are times where I wish they would stop asking me for help, but it feels so selfish of me… I have my own things too, but they never think about that…”
It’s always about them, you want to say, but keep your mouth shut. He runs his hand through your hair gently, internalizing the things that you’ve said. “…I see… Would you like to hear what I think?” He’d ask first, because he knew sometimes that you didn’t really want an answer. You just wanted to be listened to. You nod against his chest, you could feel his heart beating from the closeness. “I think, you’re a very selfless person, Y/N,” he places a kiss on your head. “There’s nothing wrong in wanting to take a break from time to time, you deserve it,” and he guides you over to your bed, wrapping the two of you up in his throw blanket. Laptop on, popcorn in the mystery paper bag as you put his hoodie on. It smells just like him.
His back leans against the wall and you’re in the safety of his arms. You’re practically in his lap, encased in his scent and warmth. He’d managed to prop his laptop up on a pile of books and the two of you watch a random movie on the screen. You were paying attention to it, but you couldn’t help but be more interested in the way his chest rises and falls. You can feel him against you, and the comfort it brings is like no other.
You turn away from the screen and rest your head at the nape of his neck. He looks down, movie still playing and asks “Tired?” You shake your head, eyes closed. “No, I’m just enjoying this…” There’s a small rumble from his chest as he lets out a small “Mm,” his eyes are glued to your face. Movie forgotten.
“…Y/N, I’ll always… be next to you,” Your eyes flutter open a little to look up at him, curious. “…Always?” He nods his head firmly to confirm, and you lean up a little to press a sweet and quick kiss on his lips. “Even when I’m not my best and I’m moody?” He chuckles at that and responds with a remark that might have slightly brought tears to your eyes.
“Especially when you’re not at your best, I’ll be there. Just call,”
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blu-joons · 3 years
When You Get Sleepy ~ The Boyz Reaction
As soon as he felt your head rest against his shoulder, Sangyeon knew that you were on the verge of settling down for a good sleep. “Keep your eyes open,” he whispered across to you, “let’s go to bed if you’re tired.”
You reluctantly opened your eyes as they threatened to close, “what about what you���re doing? You’re not tired just yet, are you?”
“No,” he laughed, “but I can play on my phone whilst tucked up in bed, you can’t fall asleep on my shoulder otherwise you’ll wake up with a huge pain in your neck tomorrow morning.”
“It would be worth it though.”
“Y/N,” Sangyeon laughed, shaking his head at how stubborn you were, “I know that if you woke up with a sore neck or back tomorrow you would still blame it on me despite me telling you not to fall asleep here.”
Your head shook, “I can’t believe you’d accuse me of such a thing Sangyeon.”
“I know you too well,” he replied, poking against your cheek, “it’s bed for you, whether you want to argue or not with me.”
“Fine, I guess going to bed wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all.”
With the movie coming to an end, and the night drawing in, Jacob’s eyes looked down to you in his lap, only to see your eyes closed. “Y/N?” He questioned, gently shaking you awake, “the film is finished if you want to sleep?”
Your head shook as you curled in further towards his lap, “I’m too tired to move, I’m happy just sleeping here, it’s nice and comfortable too.”
“It might be comfortable for you,” he laughed, shaking you again as you tried to close your eyes, “I’ll carry you up to bed if you want, but we’ll both regret staying here for the whole night.”
“Will you really carry me?”
“Of course,” he replied, sliding out from underneath you, “just stay where you are and I’ll have you tucked up in bed in no time,” he added, placing his hands underneath your body, carefully lifting you up in the air.
Your hands instantly landed against his chest, “you’re so strong.”
“I know,” he smugly laughed, making sure you were settled before he started walking, “and I didn’t even disturb you too.”
“You were effortless, and my eyes are still shut too.”
The moment that you curled around Younghoon’s arm; he knew exactly what was happening. “Getting tired?” He quizzed as your footsteps began to slow on the long walk back from the studio to your home.
Your head nodded as Younghoon held onto you for support, “all I want to do is sleep, and there’s still so far ahead of us to go yet.”
“Why don’t you sleep on my back?” He offered, stopping the two of you in the middle of the path, “it’s not that far, I can piggyback you that short distance, and you can have a good rest too.”
“You’re not serious, are you?”
“Why not?” He chuckled, leaning down in front of you so that you could hop on, “it’ll get us home a lot quicker too, I know exactly what you’re like when you’re tired, your feet barely go in front of one another.”
Your eyes looked down at his back, “are you sure this is a good idea?”
“Of course,” he assured, grabbing onto your legs as you hopped onto his back, “just make sure that you hold on really tight.”
“Just be careful, I’m trying to sleep up here now.”
The pout on your face was all that Jaehyun needed to see to know what you wanted, opening his arms out for you to walk into. “If you’re tired, go to bed,” he suggested as you made yourself comfortable against him.
Your head shook as he pressed a kiss against the top of your head, “I want to go to bed with you, not by myself, it’ll be too lonely.”
“I’ll be done soon,” he promised you as he continued to track the download of his work on the screen, “and then I promise that I’ll be yours for the rest of the night to cuddle.”
“How long do you think it’ll take?”
“Fifteen minutes,” he estimated, smiling as your grip around him tightened. “I’ll take that as a sign that you’re happy to wait fifteen minutes?” He questioned, unsurprised when your head nodded back at him.
You smiled gently, “I don’t want to let go of you now too.”
“You might have to let go so I can change into something comfortable,” Jaehyun tried to tell you, but your head shook in reply.
“Find a way to do it so that I don’t have to let go.”
A soft sigh came from you as you found Juyeon sat in the spare bedroom, walking up behind as soon as you could and wrapping your arms around him. “What’s wrong?” He asked, pausing his game to look back at you.
You smiled weakly as you met his eyes, “I was just feeling a little sleepy, so I thought I’d come and see what you were up to.”
“Did you?” He questioned, raising his eyebrows, “so I guess you would be alright if I said that I hoped you had a good nap and then went back to playing my game, without napping with you?”
“You know what I really meant.”
“You want me to come and nap with you?” He asked, although he already knew what the answer was. “You should have just said,” he joked, smiling widely as your eyes widened back at him too in surprise.
Your eyes glared across at him, “I can still learn to hate you, you know?”
“You could never hate me,” he smiled, taking his headphones off, “come on, I guess I can spare half an hour to nap with you?”
“Half an hour? I’m not letting you go that easily.”
His smile instantly grew as Kevin looked down to see your head resting in his lap, your eyes staring up at him. “Yes?” He smiled, knowing straight away that you had a look on your face that wanted something.
You hummed back up at him, “I’m tired,” you whispered, grabbing onto both of his hands, “and I think that you are too.”
“I don’t think I am,” he laughed in reply, “I think I’m wide awake right now, but I also think that someone wants me to be sleepy so that I can go upstairs and nap with them, am I right?”
“Please, I want to cuddle you.”
“And what do I get from it?” He teased, unable to stop himself from laughing as a frustrated pout appeared on your face, “because I’m rather comfortable sat here, and I’m enjoying watching this programme as well.”
You sighed loudly, “I’ll do whatever you want, if you just come and nap with me.”
“Whatever I want?” He questioned, making sure that he’d heard you right, “you might end up regretting that you know?”
“I won’t, for once I will literally do whatever just to get a cuddle.”
The feeling of your head resting against his back as he cooked instantly caught Chanhee’s attention, glancing back at you. “Why don’t you get some sleep before dinner?” He suggested as he noticed your eyes close.
Your arms instead snaked around his waist, “can I just sleep here and follow you around? You won’t know that I’m even here.”
“I’m pretty sure a nap on the sofa would be much more comfortable,” he tried to suggest, but your head shook back at him, “how am I supposed to cook with you holding onto me too?”
“That sounds like something you should figure.”
“It’ll be you that goes hungry,” he continued to tease, purposefully walking you past the pan so that you could smell what was cooking. “It’s one of your favourites too, I’d hate for you to miss out on eating it Y/N.”
Your head shook against him, “have I ever told you how much I hate you teasing?”
“You might have mentioned it once or twice,” he continued to joke, “but it’s just another reason why I find you so adorable.”
“Fine, you win, I guess I’ll nap on the sofa so then I can eat.”
It was game over for Changmin as soon as your head rested against his shoulder as you struggled to fight off the persistent urge to sleep. “Y/N,” he whispered, knowing that you’d heard him as you made yourself comfortable.
As he repeated himself, your head shook, refusing to acknowledge him. “I can’t hear you,” you replied with a gentle laugh.
“Really?” He mused, running his hand along your side, “I’ll soon make you hear me,” he assured you, waiting for just a moment before he began to attack against your side with his hand.
“Ouch! Changmin, I’m trying to sleep.”
“You can’t sleep on me,” he frowned as you sat yourself back upright, “as much as I love cuddling you to sleep, doing it on the sofa is not the way to go, why don’t we head to bed instead, it’ll be more comfortable.”
You sighed softly, “my legs feel like they might fall off if I walk now Changmin.”
“I guess that just means I’ll have to carry you then,” he grinned, standing up from the sofa before scooping you up, “how’s that?”
“Suddenly I don’t feel so sleepy anymore.”
Once the door was shut, your head rested straight into Haknyeon’s shoulder as you drove away from the arena. “I knew you were tired earlier,” he frowned as your eyes closed, curling into his side for extra comfort.
Your head nodded back at him, “I just said that I wasn’t tired so you wouldn’t make me go home, I was enjoying watching you film.”
“You should have come a different day if you were tired,” he scolded in a whisper, “the fact that you came all the way over here to bring food for us all was kind enough, you didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to come and see you.”
“Next time nap first,” he laughed, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, “you’re working hard at work right now and coming straight onto a loud and busy set is doing you no favours, you can’t keep your eyes open now.”
You hummed in reply, “that’s because I’m just so comfortable when I’m with you.”
“Nice save,” he scoffed, pressing a kiss to the side of your head, “as soon as we get home, you’re going to bed, you need rest.”
“I’ll only go if you promise that you’ll come and rest with me.”
As soon as he was greeted when he said your name, Sunwoo knew that he found himself in trouble. “Don’t sleep there,” he frowned as he saw the way in which your body bent to wrap against his side tightly.
After debating for some time, Sunwoo eventually began to shake you away gently. “What?” You murmured as you began to stir.
“Bedtime,” he announced, chuckling at the groan that followed from you. “I know you’re comfortable, but I promise you right now that you won’t be comfortable in the morning.”
“I’ll survive, I don’t want to move.”
“I know,” he sympathised, “but the movie finished, even though I think you slept through most of it, and I don’t think there’s too much point to putting something else on when you’re just going to sleep through it again.”
Your head nodded, “put something else on, then you have to leave me here.”
“That’s not happening,” Sunwoo sighed, “I’m taking you up to bed whether you like it or not, on your feet or in my arms too.”
“In your arms? I wouldn’t complain about that.”
The second he noticed you beginning to sway, Youngjae raced to your side, allowing your body to relax against his side. “You should have said that you were tired,” he sighed across at you, “you could’ve fallen.”
Your head shook as he wrapped his arm around you for support, “I didn’t want to be a distraction whilst you’re trying to work.”
“You’re never a distraction,” he frowned, studying your fluttering eyes closely, “why don’t I take you back to the dressing room for a while and you can nap on the sofa whilst we rehearse.”
“But I don’t want to miss it.”
“You won’t,” he chuckled, slowly walking you away from the stage, “if you nap now then you’ll be wide awake for the show later on tonight. I’d much rather than you awake to see that anyway then the rehearsal.”
Your head nodded, “will you wake me up, so I don’t miss it whilst I’m napping?”
“Absolutely,” he assured you, “although I’m sure the noise of all the boys will wake you up well in advance, they’re never quiet.”
“I know, that’s why sleep on the tour bus last night was a no.”
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The Brothers and Side Characters Go on a Road Trip!
So, Diavolo, Lord of the Devildom, wants to go on a road trip for reasons unknown. You know what? Screw it, the reason is because Dia wants to do a fun human thing because MC brought it up during tea time. No one can defy the king, so TIME FOR A ROAD TRIP!
He was going to turn that car around. That’s it, he was going to leave. Someone else drive.
I hope your MC likes staticky traffic updates because that’s what Lucifer constantly had on the radio.
Obviously, some of the brothers complained, so Lucifer put on Beethoven’s Symphony no. 9. HELL YEAH TURN IT UP DJ!
Lol JK no one can car-dance to classical music. Just go back to the staticky traffic updates…
Lucifer would have preferred it if MC or Barbatos were riding shotgun next to him, but Diavolo ended up getting it. Dia is constantly asking Lucifer to stop so he can take pictures of the most mundane shit.
Lucifer stopped stopping after the first fifteen requests.
“I’m not stopping at McDonalds- hang on. Hi McDonald’s employee, one black coffee please.”
In true father fashion, Lucifer got lost and REFUSED to ask for directions. They were lost for five hours before Diavolo finally asked:
“Lucifer, you can turn on the GPS right?”
“Yes, but I don’t trust it.”
Everyone screamed in frustration and were all fully prepared to abandon Lucifer at the side of the road.
Please… can someone else drive? Anyone else…
Are We There Yeeeet..? (Mammon)
Okay, so, Mammon was one of two ways on that road trip. One: complete ADHD daydream zoned out. Or type Two: AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRREEEEE WEEEEEEEE THEEEEEEEEERRRRRREEEE YEEEEEEET???!
He wanted to stop and go to all the tourist traps, by the end of the road trip Mammon wanted to open his own.
The Avatar of Greed loves driving, problem is, he’s used to driving off into the sunset as a lone bachelor, not with his friends and brothers in the car as well.
He only got to drive once, and it was awful. 0/10 would not recommend. Luke thought MC was driving and called shotgun…
Mammon just turns on the radio for music and hopes something good is on at least ONE channel.
Not all of Mammon’s time driving was bad, the combined powers of Luke and Mammon meant that everyone stopped at a petting zoo at the side of the road. Everyone had a good time, even though when they got back into the car they all smelled like a farm.
Did anyone else hear that oinking in the car-
*Vibes to Music in the Backseat* (Levi)
After being cruelly dragged from his room and placed in this stupid van… he just climbed into the backseat and put on his headphones.
Maybe anime openings could drown out this problem…
Levi only drove for fifteen minutes, it was the most terrifying fifteen minutes of everyone’s lives.
Mario Kart is not a substitute for proper driving school!
Listen- Levi actually saved the entire trip, after stopping at a gas station everyone noticed that Levi never complained about what was on the radio because he was wearing headphones, so everyone bought their own pair and the car trip was so much more pleasant…
No matter how many times Lucifer told Levi to get his feet off the seat, he wouldn’t listen, he was GAMING and they took him away from his gaming chair! HE NEEDED TO SCRUNCH HIMSELF UP LIKE A GOBLIN TO FOCUS DAMMIT!
Whenever the car would stop so everyone could get out and take a picture or look at something, Levi had to be practically dragged out of the car and manually posed for the pictures.
“Is this one of those vans with TVs in them? I brought the first five volumes of TSL on DVD!”
While Satan was driving they stopped at a lake, and Levi burst out of the car and made friends with all the lake fish.
He was still soaking wet when they had to leave.
I’m a Responsible Driver- IS THAT AN OLD BOOKSTORE?! (Satan)
Satan, we believed in you…
Our favourite nerd wanted to stop at any and all historical spots or cool looking bookstores he saw.
When everyone went to buy headphones, he got a pair with cat-ears on them! Because obviously!
Satan’s a responsible driver, and he’s not as prone to road rage as one might think. He has patience, remember in the Jobs event when he worked in customer service? Those kinds of jobs take a godlike amount of self control to do.
Asmo called shotgun and Satan got to have the wonderful experience of having his ear chatted off by his dear brother.
Satan was not about to have fast food for the eighth time in four days, if everyone wanted food, he’d stop at a restaurant.
He was terribly sorry to anyone who needed to use the restroom, but they should have gone at the last rest stop.
When Satan stopped at the lake, he gave everyone a long lecture on the historical significance of the place, then noticed that Levi was being crowned king of the lake and decided he should cut his history lesson short before Levi abandoned his family to chill with the fish forever.
I wanted Satan to be the normal chill one with the radio… I really did… but deep in my subconscious I feel like Satan would put on one of those language learning DVDs so he can learn another language on the go like a total dork.
Road Rage (Asmodeus)
No one saw this coming but- Asmo gets some B A D road rage. Someone cuts him off? “Hi hello dear, WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO SHOVE MY FOOT UP YOUR ASS?!” Someone doesn’t use a turn signal? “YOU BRAIN DEAD MORON! LEARN TO DRIVE!” Someone just pisses him off? “*prolonged horn sound*”
It’s just… the car trip was so taxing on the poor Avatar of Lust… he was crammed into the middle seat for the majority of the trip… he had to give his sleeping mask to Belphie… Beel was getting crumbs all over him and he couldn’t move over… just so tragic…
Solomon called shotgun and it was the greatest couple of hours of his life. He got a front row seat to Lucifer and Barbatos dragging Asmo back into the car because he tried to pick a fight with another driver.
Asmo wasn’t having a good time…
He didn’t want to stop for any gas station food or go through a drive-thru so it was another expensive restaurant trip. Rest In Peace to the gang’s wallets.
When he wasn’t driving, Asmo was loudly talking with MC or talking on the phone. It was a blessing in disguise when they went through an area with bad phone reception and Asmo finally had to shut up.
Oh well… at least he got a few nice pictures for Devilgram.
We all know Beel is massive, right? His head is touching the ceiling and every speed-bump hurt.
He’s the one begging to stop at every gas station or fast food place they pass by.
Beel’s section in the car was covered in empty bags of Doritos by the end of the trip.
When Beel got to drive, Belphie got shotgun! Hell yeah dream team!
Poor Beel, he got distracted and ended up somehow popping a tire. He pulled over next to a farm, changed the tire, then got back in the car and kept driving.
Uh… there was an awful lack of snoring next to Beel- OH FUCK THEY LEFT BELPHIE!
Belphie was found sleeping next to the cows on the farm they had stopped at earlier.
The cows didn’t want to give their sleepy god up so easily…
After that… Beel didn’t want to drive anymore…
“Look, cows.” (Belphie)
I really need to stop with the cow jokes but I CAN’T
Belphie’s crammed between Beel and MC for most of the trip and is probably drooling all over poor MC’s lap or shoulder.
Beware, he jolts up randomly and looks around in a panic before he realizes he’s in a car. This happens every three hours.
Belphie’s not allowed to drive, he’d fall asleep. But when Lucifer takes the wheel and puts on that fucking staticky radio, Belphie forms an idea.
“*ahem* four thousand bottles of beer on the wall, four thousand bottles of beer,”
Mission success, Lucifer wanted to tear his hair out.
Belphie ended up asking to stop when they get to a stretch of road with no streetlights, everyone got out of the and stared at the stars.
…listen, it’s a miracle no one got axe murdered but the stars were gorgeous.
Remember when I said Satan put on those language learning DVDs? Yeah uh…. Belphie woke up from his last nap of the trip almost fully fluent in Spanish. At least one person gained a new skill on this trip…
Oooo, Look at Thaaaaat! (Diavolo)
Even though the side characters were in a different car most of the time, sometimes people would switch to the other car if they met up at a gas station.
By the end of the road trip Dia looked like one of those tourist dads, Hawaiian shirt and all.
Dia can’t drive
He’s absorbing human culture… and human culture involves ordering everything at this random Wendy’s.
Diavolo’s camera roll is so unbelievably full by the end of the trip and he refuses to delete ANY of the pictures.
Most of the pictures are of really weird and boring stuff, like traffic signs and trees, but the picture he ends up printing out and putting in a picture frame is a picture of the whole group at the petting zoo having a grand old time.
He wanted to take home a baby goat but Barbatos said that wasn’t a good idea :(
Help. (Barbatos)
So, it could have been worse for Barbatos, he could have been stuck in the car with the brothers and MC.
Dia always had the seat up front, but when he left the car to go hang out with the dude-squad, Solomon got the passenger seat.
Solomon decided it would be a good idea to pester Barbatos to go faster and take weird shortcuts through (probably not legal) backroads and creepy forest paths.
Good thing Barbatos, Luke, and Simeon had functioning brain cells and knew that’s how horror movies began.
Barbatos stopped for fast food once and only once. It’s not healthy!
He’s the only driver to take suggestions for music, meaning that the side characters’ car was the best one of the two.
He’s just… he’s just trying his best not to vomit…
Simeon thought the car would be a good place to get some writing done while they drove down long stretches of road. Simeon was wrong in that assumption.
With his head down way too much while the car zoomed down the highway, Simeon felt himself getting *very* sick about four hours in.
He was worried he may have accidentally eaten something of Solomon’s… but nope. The angel was carsick.
Luke had the important job of patting Simeon on the back as he leaned over the barf-bag while Solomon dry heaved up front.
Hurry and open the windows before Solomon barfs too!!!!
Other than the car sickness, he had the job of making sure Luke was entertained, there was a good hour of eye-spy until they just got to a stretch of forest.
After that, Simeon realized that he could just give Luke free permission to ramble about whatever he wanted and that would keep the little guy entertained for HOURS.
What do You Mean I Can’t Legally Make This Turn?! (Solomon)
Shifty bastard can drive, problem is, he doesn’t care about the laws of the road.
He ended up getting pulled over after breaking approximately 11 traffic laws in less than ten minutes.
“License and registration.” “Yeah yeah yeah…” “…sir, this license expired in 1989.” “…shit.”
Solomon gunned it and managed to use his magic to hide the car and evade the very confused traffic cop.
Luke was completely aghast at the flagrant law breaking, but Solomon’s excuse was that the 80s were a lawless wasteland and he completely forgot he legally had to update his license.
He’s an equally obnoxious passenger as he is driver, but at least no one in the car is bored.
“You know, back in the day cars didn’t have seatbelts.” “Solomon put your seatbelt back on.”
…Can we keep it? (Luke)
He was against this from the start. A road trip? With those nasty demons? No! Never!
Okay fine… maybe he wanted to see some more of the human world… he agreed to go.
After helping Simeon through his car sickness, he misheard the other car say that MC would be driving, and Luke wanted to hang out with his third parent 🥺
That’s how he ended up riding shotgun next to Mammon. It started out rough, but when the two spotted the petting zoo it was all sunshine and rainbows.
Luke made friends with all the animals! He was like a little Disney Prince. He got especially attached to this one piglet, it was a surprise to Simeon that the goodbye wasn’t tearful.
Luke smuggled that piglet out of the petting zoo and they were all over fifty miles away before anyone noticed.
Of course, everyone was just shocked that Luke had stolen something, but he looked so cute holding the little piggy… awwww…
The bros obviously joked that Luke had gone to the dark side and was totally evil because he had taken the pig, much to the poor kid’s dismay.
Simeon tried to convince Luke that he needed to return the piglet but Luke was adamant that he could totally take good care of it.
Welp, time for Lucifer to fix this.
“Luke, you need to go put the pig back, it’s not yours.”
“No! I’ll take good care of it!”
“That doesn’t matter, you stole it. It’s not your property, do you want to end up a scummy thief like Mammon?”
“No not at all. Let’s go return the pig.”
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shoichee · 4 years
how would atsushi, akashi and aomine react to haizaki threatening/hitting on their s/o?? (cue that one scene where he was literally taking on himuro, kagami, kise, and alex all at once 😡... basically that, but with their s/o)
TW: attempt of physical assault, unwanted advancements… asshole Haizaki? cut under this to keep y’all safe JUST IN CASE
Aomine Daiki
you went out to look for Aomine after noticing how he hasn’t come back to his seat for too long
this was shortly after Kaijō defeated Fukuda Sōgō, and it was currently intermission before the next match rolled in
your face was met with crisp air as your eyes adjusted to the dark, scanning for any sign of your boyfriend
upon seeing no one, you decided to walk around the perimeter, just in case Aomine decided to nap for a quick moment on a whim and forgot to tell you
maybe you shouldn’t have walked out alone and in the dark of night, but you figured that in such a public event in a public area, you didn’t think anyone had the balls to start anything fishy around the stadium
oh how you were so wrong
you unfortunately bumped into Haizaki right when he was slowly strolling with his basketball shoes over his shoulder, and you immediately stopped in place, praying that he would walk past by you or perhaps not even see you
you knew that he wasn’t good news based from what Aomine told you and from watching that unpleasant game… he was bad, bad news
why did you think he wasn’t gonna see you? his senses are as sharp as a falcon, scrutinizing you before he realizes your identity
“Oh? Now what’s a pretty little thing like you doing out here… all alone?”
“I, um, I was looking for someone, but I realized it’s been getting a little too late… I think they returned back to the stadium, so that’s where I’m heading…”
your voice slowly diminishes to a soft whisper by the end, but judging from his widened eyes from glee, you knew he wasn’t going to walk past by you after this
“That so?” he drawls, licking his thumb. “The stadium ya say?”
something about his gaze turned sharp and dangerous, “the stadium” triggering unadulterated rage and frustration from the game and from his encounter with Aomine
“I… I really gotta leave,” you say in a hurry, quickly backing up. “Th-They’re impatient, so—”
“Huh?” he mocks, leaning closer to you. “I’m kinda of an impatient guy myself, yeah?” but upon even closer inspection, he realizes that he’s seen you somewhere very recently
“Hm?” he muses lowly. “Weren’t ya sitting with Daiki that game?” when you don't answer out of fear, his eyes merely shine with excitement… “Ohhhh… is that how it is?”
. . .
Aomine returns back to his seat after settling a score with Haizaki outside the stadium, but immediately becomes confused when he sees your seat empty
Sakurai immediately apologizes and quickly informs him that you went out to look for him, and Aomine immediately dashes back out… after all, who knows if you got lost in the dark or if you kept being persistent in looking for him?
imagine his visible distress when he sees Haizaki putting an arm around your shoulder while still holding his shoes and you looking absolutely fearful because you knew what he was capable of
this was a very rare moment where Aomine was not so calm and collected
but he tries to, especially when he knows that Haizaki probably relishes in the fact of “getting revenge” for that punch earlier (and probably realized the connection between you and Aomine to do so)
“Hey, asshat,” he calls out, grabbing Haizaki’s attention away from you, but Aomine notices him pulling you slightly closer to his body. “The fuck you think you’re doing with (y/n)?”
“Hehh? So (y/n)’s your name?” Haizaki merely pays attention to you, completely ignoring Aomine
“Back off,” he says lowly, almost to a growl. “I won’t be holding myself back to just a punch this time if you do anything else.”
at his hardened glare, Haizaki does a gleeful mock-surprise expression before putting his arm off of you and says: “Whoaaa there, Daiki. Never pegged you as that typa guy.”
he licks his thumb before walking away casually without a care in the world before calling out, “It ain’t fun here anymore, I’m bouncin’ out.”
by the time he leaves Aomine’s field of vision, he finally releases a pent-up sigh before calling out your name:
“... Come’ere… he didn’t do anythin’ to you right? Sheesh, I leave you alone for one second—alright, alright I guess it was more than a second… fine, it was several minutes… look, I’m sorry… okay, okay quit lecturing me… more importantly, promise me you don’t go out alone like that. It’s dangerous out there, y’know.”
when you finally ask about what he meant by his threat to Haizaki, he smugly replies, “Aw, that? I gave him a hard sock earlier. Went down pretty easily.”
Murasakibara Atsushi
it’s quite rare that Murasakibara would agree to going to Tokyo temporarily over break, let alone leave his house, but here you two are, resting on the park benches in Tokyo
shortly after, you went to the nearest arcade hall, begging and tugging him along with you to try the strength test for the jackpot prize (totally using his physique to nab home prizes and merch LOL)
he only agreed because you looked way too excited for him to turn the plan down
he still enjoyed himself, if he was being honest; it’s just you, him, his snacks, and some games you both are playing together
Murasakibara notices that the arcade also has a mini food court to the side, and he immediately pouts at you to let him go tasting galore on a food binge
and you laugh, telling him to “hurry up” to tease him and letting him know that you were staying here to try to earn more points to exchange for rewards at the end
you entered a coin into the slot and hummed before seeing a START screen, but as soon as it went black into a loading screen you saw someone’s reflection on it
Haizaki was right behind you
“Whaddya know? Would ya look at that?” he says, hands in his pockets while sneering. “If it isn’t (y/n).”
you merely pretended that you didn’t hear him, considering that the arcade was pretty crowded and noisy, and went on to playing the game in front of you
you hoped that by the time you were done with the round, he’d be gone, but his reflection was very much still there on the arcade machine screen, depicting his laid-back posture against the back of another arcade machine, watching you with complete amusement
after spending all the available coins on hand and still sensing him behind you, you promptly turned to your left to head for the coin machine and acted completely casual, but before you got too far ahead, Haizaki easily blocks your path with an outstretched arm, the hand against the arcade machine
“Whoaaa,” he drawls. “That’s pretty fucked up for you to ignore me like that.”
“... You’re blocking the way, so can you please kindly let me pass?” you flatly say, not bothering to look at his face
“What’s with the cold shoulder?” He tilts his head with a crazed look in his eyes that spelled unpredictability. “I just came and stopped by to say hello to an old friend from Teiko. Nothin’ wrong with that, hm?”
“Look,” you sigh. “You’re in the way, and I wish to spend my time here left alone. No, I’m not interested in small talk. No, I’m not in the mood for a bite with you. No, I don’t want to give you my number. Did I address everything?” you finally turned your face to look at Haizaki, but his face contorts to one of a dangerous beast
“Good, good…” he slowly says. “You haven’t changed one bit, haven’t ya? I was wonderin’ where that feisty side of yours went.”
perhaps you shouldn’t have spoken up after all; it only riled him up more
before you can formulate any further thoughts, he grabs your chin and directed it towards him, and you immediately froze up
you tried to dart your eyes around you if anyone noticed, but no one seems to pay attention
“What’s the matter?” he asks. “Cat got ya tongue?” when he looks to where your gaze was at, he chuckles before drawing closer to your face. “No one’s gonna help… not when they think we’re a little thing…”
but he instantly feels a heavy hand on his shoulder, and Haizaki turns around, ready to cuss the perpetrator out, but his eyes widen when he sees a furious Murasakibara
a giant with a very, very hostile aura… even nearby crowds dispersed out of fear for their safety
“Hands off of (y/n)-chin, pest.”
“Oho?” Haizaki releases your face and completely turns around to face him. “Well if it isn’t Atsushi… been a while hasn’t it?” he brings up a hand in a shrugging motion. “While I’d love to chat, I’m busy. Scram.”
“Touch (y/n)-chin again, and I’ll break all of your fingers.”
“Huh?” Haizaki licks his right thumb. “What’s up with ya? It’s non’ya business.”
you took this as an opportunity to run to Murasakibara’s side and seek shelter behind his back, which Haizaki raises a defiant brow
“Hmmm?” he smiles a slow smirk. “Was I really such bad company, (y/n)?”
his smile was completely wiped when he sees Murasakibara’s outstretched hand towards his head, and he deftly dodges his grasp before he walks off with a scoff
“I’m gonna crush him—”
“W-Wait! Just leave him be…” you held onto his torso in a full-attempt to stop him from going too far, and after a few moments, he relaxes with body and finally turns to face you
he doesn’t say anything but darts his eyes all over your figure to make sure there weren’t any injuries on you
he gently holds your hand before he tugs you to follow him to the food court
“... You won’t be separated from me if we hold hands, (y/n)-chin.”
“I’m fine, you know.”
he doesn’t say anything more, and when you both settled into your table with your orders, he’s constantly staring at you and giving nonverbal cues that he wants to do PDA with you
becomes very protective and affectionate of you for the rest of the trip
grows very quiet and deep in thought until you reassure him that you were okay because of him stepping in to save you
Akashi Seijuro
it’d be extremely rare for you to ever bump into Haizaki, especially when the only chance you can see him is during the annual Winter Cup
Winter Cup arrives once again with the GoMs being 2nd years this time, and Akashi is still the same Oreshi ever since last Winter Cup
Haizaki definitely had seen you walking with Akashi very closely before the opening ceremony started, and it gave him ideas on how to “get back” against Akashi without directly confronting him
he was gonna mess with you
even after all those years, he still has that grudge against Akashi; the fact that he is one of the few people who has that power over him irritates him to no end
even when Akashi told Haizaki to quit long ago to help him save face, his pride was still heavily bruised
when he was sure Akashi wasn’t with you, he approached you while you were waiting outside the stadium
. . .
Akashi exits out of the locker rooms and carries his duffel bag before he heads to the entrance to greet you, excited in reuniting with you to talk about today’s games and your opinion on Rakuzan’s performance… that is, until what he saw made him beyond furious
“If ya want someone to blame for,” Haizaki sneers. “Ya can thank Akashi for messin’ with me, yeah? Don’t take it too hard babe, but I’m just returnin’ the favor… by proxy.”
Akashi strides over to the two of you with the intensity of death that would even surprise Bokushi himself
at the sound of his eerily calm voice, Haizaki turns over to Akashi, and his glee is immediately wiped off his face and replaced with one of anger… and hidden fear
he suddenly drops you from his chokehold, and as you hit the ground, coughing to intake air, he turns to Akashi with a vengeful look
after a suffocating staredown between the two, Haizaki tuts and turns to leave in unspoken defeat, knowing full well the consequences from defying against Akashi; it’s something he never did in Teiko and certainly not something he would risk doing now
Akashi immediately drops his cold facade and rushes over to your side, rubbing your back and examining the slight bruises on your neck
his HIGHEST priority at that very moment was your safety, and he decided to take you to a doctor and then to your home, opting to cancelling/rescheduling any plans for today despite your objections
all the while, he coos softly at you and touches you with such care and gentleness that you managed to calm your heartbeat from that sudden attempt of assault
as soon as he feels like you’re safe, mentally and physically (and probably in a safe environment with either a GoM or at your own home), he reveals his true emotions on his face regarding the incident for the first time when he’s alone
being super considerate about your current mental state, he didn’t want to potentially scare you even more with his anger and much more negative emotions
for the first time, he allows his darker thoughts to simmer and stir… it’s one of those rare times where he wishes that Bokushi still existed within him
he eventually finds time to pay a visit to Fukuda Sōgō… to make nice… threats conversation
if you somehow figured out that he was going to do that, only when you convinced him is when he’ll decide to back down
but that’s only IF you figured out about how Akashi really felt about this…
1K notes · View notes
broadstbroskis · 3 years
take my hand, wreck my plans | william nylander
a/n: if you’ve been around this blog for a while, you’ve probably seen me talking about “willy fake dating fic” for quite a bit now...well here she is! settle in for a long read (the longest i’ve posted in one go before) and i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it! so so so much love to literally every single person who cheered me on while writing this, but extra special thanks to @denis-scorianov​ and @danglesnipecelly​ for all your love and support
also shoutout to my girl tswift for the title, evermore still slaps
word count: 21.5k
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It’s right in the middle of the busiest hours of the day when Steph’s text comes in, which means Aubrey barely even reads the message. She sees the words dinner and Friday and responds that she’ll be there, and then goes back to trying to fix the clusterfuck of code that one of her coworkers messed up earlier in the morning before her project has to get sent off to a client at the end of the week.
By the time Friday comes around, she’s only just managed to fix the code but the project is finished enough to send off as a first draft, so Aubrey races over to Steph and Mitch’s place after work, knowing she looks frazzled as hell from the look on her best friend’s face the minute she enters their kitchen. “Sweetie.” Steph says, then bites her lip. 
The feeling is mutual to Aubrey, because she’s giving Steph the same once over that Steph’s giving her. She’d arrived from the office, which took casual Friday to the extreme, in her favorite leggings, denim jacket, and converse- still enjoying the last bit of summer before Toronto turned to fall. Meanwhile Steph was dressed up for the evening in jeans and a flowy top. Her hair was done, her makeup looked beautiful; nothing about her screamed casual dinner at home. Certainly not like the messy ponytail Aubrey was rocking, after running over from work.
“Wine?” Mitch offers, breaking the silence, and Aubrey nods immediately, forgetting entirely about...whatever is going on here in favor of the alcohol she’s been needing since she arrived at the office today.
Mitch pours a glass and offers it out, but honestly, fuck that; Aubrey reaches for the bottle instead and takes a sip. “Nope, listen, these motherfuckers-” And then, she cuts herself off abruptly as she catches sight of the single most beautiful man she has ever had the pleasure of even having in her field of vision, leaning against the counter.
“No, go ahead.” Blondie grins, and fuck that, of course, he’s got the most beautiful smile too. “These motherfuckers, what?”
“Fucked up a huge project at work this week.” Aubrey finishes, pretty lamely, compared to how heated she’d started that sentence. 
“Gonna start throwing that at Matts.” Blondie grins again. “Anytime he fucks up a pass to me. This motherfucker.”
“Heh.” She laughs, lifting the wine bottle in a cheers-esque manner, and then, not knowing what else to do, she takes another large sip.
Blondie is still grinning when Aubrey brings her bottle back down and Mitch is doing a very poor job of hiding a laugh, but it’s not hard to see that Steph’s making murder eyes that Aubrey pointedly ignores, so Steph turns her attention away with a sigh. “What’s up, Will?”
“Oh, uh, Matts and Alison nominated me to see if there was anything we could do to help.” Will says smoothly.
“We?” Mitch raises an eyebrow, at the distinct lack of we that arrived with Will.
“Well.” Will shrugs, like that should explain everything, and maybe it does, because Mitch only snorts.
“We’re okay.” Steph jumps in. “We’ll all be out soon.”
Will nods, and leaves Aubrey with one last grin, before he turns and heads out towards their back patio, which must be where dinner is taking place, but as soon as the door shuts behind him, Aubrey turns to round on Steph and Mitch. “What the fuck?”
“Me, what the fuck?” Steph, her best friend since grade school, knows exactly what she’s talking about. “You, what the fuck?”
“This was a setup?”
“You didn’t know?” Mitch cries, turning immediately to his girlfriend and looking incredibly offended.
“Yes she did!” Steph defends. “I literally texted you: Mitch has a single friend we think you’d get along with if you’re interested. Are you free friday for dinner? We were thinking of having you all over. And you said: sounds good I’ll be there.”
“Well, in my defense, work was a dumpster fire this week and I really only skim-read that text.”
“Well now I know why you showed up like that.” 
“Rude, Stephanie.” Aubrey sticks her tongue out at her best friend, grinning immediately afterwards, because Steph’s her best friend and she’s the only one she would let talk to her this way. “Just for that I’m not using a glass the entire night.”
“Not like your first impression could get any worse.” Steph deadpans.
“Meh.” Mitch shrugs. “It’s Willy. He’s done way worse.”
Steph sighs, pinches the bridge of her nose, and then looks over. “Could you use your one free hand then to take a second bottle of wine out then please? For the rest of us who’d like some, to share?”
Aubrey grins. “Gladly.”
That this was meant to be a setup couldn’t be more clear to her as the three of them make their way out to the porch with more drinks and some snacks. Mitch and Steph have dragged some of their comfier patio furniture around the firepit; there’s a couple curled into each other on one of the couches, an empty one with Mitch’s favorite type of beer on the table next to it, and one seat open on the couch that’s occupied by Will. 
Aubrey shoots Steph a look as Steph practically leaps back onto the empty couch, and then she slips herself into the empty seat next to Will. That level of distinct lack of chill is really her thing, thanks Steph.
Steph merely grins back, formally introducing her to everyone around them. And okay, their friends are cool- like Aubrey knows they are; she’s met more than a few of Mitch’s hockey friends before. She’s many-a-time fifth-wheeled dinner with Mitch and Steph and Matt and Syd. She, Mitch, and Steph still had a group chat going with a bunch of Mitch’s old teammates from the Knights. Hell, Strome and McDavid had joined Mitch in playing with her and Steph on their families’ summer softball team last summer.
But she just can’t seem to understand what they see in Will that they think he’d be good for her. Like sure he’s nice enough, and obviously good looking, and like, yeah she has a good time while she’s there, but like, sparks? Nothing. 
Regardless of the lack of sparks between them, it is a fun night, and she curls up in one of the guest rooms in Steph and Mitch’s that night, fully planning on laughing at them the next morning. 
Except, the next morning, Mitch is already gone for practice and Steph’s first question is, “So when are you going to see Will again?”
Aubrey frowns. “Uhh I don’t know. Probably whenever you have us both over for dinner again?”
Steph frowns back. “What?”
“What what?”
“You didn’t, like, give him your number? Make plans? Anything?”
“Why would we?”
“Because he’s perfect for you?”
Aubrey gives her a look. Was Steph even at the same dinner that she was? They, like, barely interacted; Will chatting more with Auston and what’s-her-name or Mitch and Auston, and her with Steph pretty much the entire night. “Perfect for me? Seriously? That’s the guy you think is perfect for me?”
She huffs. If Aubrey didn’t know her best friend better she’d think she was offended, but, well, she does. “Yes!”
“I mean, at least give it a shot!” Steph needles.
Aubrey pulls a face. “Why? So we can break up and make things super awkward at anything you and Mitch throw for the rest of your lives? No thanks.”
“I’m telling you.” Steph says. “Perfect match.” But she drops it after that, suggesting brunch, an offer that Aubrey immediately agrees to.
It’s a quick stop for Aubrey to pop home to change and pick up her roommate, Erin, before the three girls head over to what’s long been a favorite brunch spot, laughing as Aubrey and Erin watch Steph fire off a series of snapchats to Mitch featuring her bottomless mimosas- her favorite way of asking to be picked up on his way home from practice.
Erin laughs so hard she almost snorts mimosa out her nose as Aubrey and Steph recap dinner from the previous night, but once she recovers, she hits Steph with a look. “I am begging you to invite me to this next time, solely so I can watch the two of them interact.”
Aubrey gasps as Steph laughs. “Rude!”
Erin giggles, beginning to recount the date she’d gone on last night-her fourth with this guy from the gym she belongs to-and Aubrey finds herself nodding along with Steph in all the right places, as friends should, happy that Erin’s happy, especially after her shitty last boyfriend, and eager to meet this guy for more than the five minutes he’d shown up at their door. 
Her story is interrupted-for Aubrey, at least-by the vibration of her phone, and she checks the text from an unfamiliar number, rolling her eyes when she sees the message.
hey this is will, followed by an amount of emojis that could only actually be from Mitch. 
hi mitch. She sends back.
lol. Comes the response. sorry.
you don’t have to apologize for mitch. i’m familiar
Will reacts to that with a haha and then it’s a while before she checks her phone again, enjoying brunch with her girls and laughing at the look on Mitch’s face as he comes to pick Steph up and realizes he’ll be driving her and Erin back as well.
he’s really found his place between annoying and relentless. Will’s texted, when she checks again a little later, at home on the couch and pleasantly tipsy, deciding what to Netflix with Erin.
that’s his sweet spot. Aubrey sends, and then points halfheartedly at The Office on the screen, well on her way to a post-brunch nap.
Aubrey knows Mitch and Steph well enough to know that’s not the end of it, and sure enough, the subtle (and not so subtle) hints keep coming. But luckily, training camp is about to begin, and so even if they do keep coming, Mitch, and by extension, Will, are both too busy for Mitch and Steph to push anything too crazy on her and Will.
Until suddenly the season begins, and even though things are still crazy for them, suddenly they’ve got days off or afternoons free and she finds that the subtleness of the hints becomes gradually less subtle.
jesus fuck. Will sends one afternoon and she laughs at it immediately, even as he continues typing. tell steph i’m sorry but mitch had to go.
She laughs loudly, which earns her a look from her nearest coworkers. right there with you.
considering just lying and telling him i already took you out last week to just get him off my back jfc. 
tried that already. knew i was lying right away. Aubrey sends back. She appreciates him trying, but come on. That was like, the first thing she tried.
well, Will sends, and then those annoying three dots appear and disappear about four times, before he finally finishes. let’s just go somewhere then and get them off our backs.
time and fucking place. She replies.
Aubrey meets Will at a bar that’s close to her work, a couple days after that text exchange, just in time for the end of happy hour. He’s got a drink in front of him already, that he quickly finishes when the waiter comes to take her order, so he can order another one while she orders one of her favorite cocktails, before it becomes full price again at the start of the next hour.
“You know, I thought Mitchy would have been more…” Will trails off, looking thoughtful, but then continues after a moment. “Smug, when I told him we were going out tonight. What’d Steph say?”
“Oh don’t get me wrong. They’ll be smug to each other.” Aubrey tells him, confident that the two of them are at home right now boasting about the fact that they were right. “But if they think we’re actually on the same page now and they say anything that I hear, that would be the end. Downward tailspin, cut my hair six inches, new tattoo, you name it.” 
Will laughs. “So it’s like that?”
She nods. “A little lacking in some impulse control.” She holds her thumb and index finger up to him, with about 10cm of space between them, to show him just how poor it is, and Will laughs again. 
“Guess I’ll just have to wait for a nice, big I told you so tomorrow.” He says.
Aubrey snickers. “One a day for the next few weeks more like.”
Will shrugs. “Meh, I’ll figure something out to give him a taste of his own medicine.”
“We should.” Aubrey nods absentmindedly, as a comment she’d made to Steph right after the initial dinner comes back to her. 
“Should what?” Will frowns. 
“Give them a taste of their own medicine.”
“Where are you going with this?” Will asks curiously.
Aubrey grins, as the idea starts to form. “A tragic break up to make things so awkward for the two of them that they’ll regret setting us up in the first place.”
Will pauses for a long moment, but then he grins and leans toward her. “I’m listening.”
Steph is bouncing when Aubrey walks into their weekly Thursday barre class. She’s sure she knows why, but Aubrey gives her a strange look anyway when she slides in next to her. “What?”
“What?” Steph repeats. “Seriously?”
Aubrey laughs. “Use your words, Stephanie.”
“Bitch, you know what I want.” Steph says, which makes the woman in front of them turn and give them a scandalized look.
Aubrey giggles. She’d really just wanted to annoy Steph a little but that was totally worth it all. “Yeah I know. It was good. Like whatever.”
“I hate you so much.”
“I’m going to see him again!”Aubrey protests. “What more do you want from me? I’m not going to like, profess my undying love for him after one date. I’m not Mitch.”
“It was like, our fifth date, and he didn’t profess his undying love for me! He just said he loved me!” Steph huffs as Aubrey snickers. She laughs about it now, they all do, a thing she teases both of her friends about, but she vividly remembers the panic Steph had been in coming home from that date. 
“Well.” She says, grinning. “I guess I’ve got four dates to go then. Or maybe Will does.”
“Will’s too chill to do anything like that.” Steph decides, just as their usual instructor enters. “Ridiculous shit is definitely more your move.”
Aub thinks back to her date with Will the other night, where they’d carefully crafted an entire narrative to start this fake relationship, and fights back a grin, because she’s pretty sure Will can be just as ridiculous. He just does a better job at hiding it. 
Just after noon one day, a few weeks into her arrangement with Will, Aubrey’s phone buzzes and she more than welcomes the interruption from the current project she’s working on.
need a favor. Will’s sent, followed immediately by, please.
sure, what’s up?
His name pops up on her screen next and Aubrey frowns, swiping to accept the call. “Hey.”
“I’m downstairs.” Will says and she frowns, both at the skipped greeting, and at his words.
“Of my office?” She blurts.
“Yeah.” Will says, like it’s the most casual thing in the world, and Aubrey pushes her chair back abruptly.
“Uh ok. I’ll be right down.” She’s already pushing the button for the elevator, waving off the coworker calling after her, asking if everything’s okay. 
Will’s waiting outside, with two cups of coffee in hand, and even though he’d said that he was, Aubrey’s still kind of surprised to see him. He passes her one of the cups in his hand and she takes it, thanking him as she does. “So what’s up?”
“I need a favor.” Will says, starting to walk, and Aubrey follows easily, sipping on the latte he’d brought her. 
She laughs. “You said. What do you need?”
“The team’s got this thing on Friday.” Aubrey gives him a look, because she knows what the thing the team has on Friday is, Steph’s been talking about it for a few weeks now, and it is not as casual as Will is throwing it out to her right now. “And I think I need you to come with me.”
“Do you though?” Aubrey says. “Do you really?”
“I tried for you not to.” Will admits, shooting her a grin, which she appreciates. “But, well, it’s a thing I would have brought any other girlfriend to and then Mitchy opened his mouth too…” He trails off.
“So find a dress.” Aubrey sums up.
Will nods. “Please. I’ll pay for it.” He adds, but she brushes it off. 
“If we’re still stuck in this for Blue and White, you can buy me a dress then.” She grins, and Will returns the grin.
Fixing her curls one last time in the mirror by the door, Aubrey grabs her clutch and runs downstairs to meet her Uber. She’s late, not like super late, but more so than she’d  hoped to be, even after texting Will that she was running behind with work and that she’d have to meet him at the venue probably, if he didn’t want to be late.
She shoots off a text to him when she gets in the car, letting him know she’s on her way, and makes polite chatter for a few minutes with her driver, leg bouncing anxiously until he pulls up to where she needs to be.
Will’s standing outside the door when she pulls up, like he’s waiting for her as if this was an actual date, looking at something on his phone in the meantime, which gives Aubrey a minute to take a peek at his suit. He looks good; she might not have any desire to actually date Will, but she can absolutely admit to both herself and anyone (including Steph) that he’s probably the most objectively attractive human she’s ever met, and the suit only ramps that up. It’s custom made, perfectly fitted, a navy blue that brings out his eyes, and maybe a little more casual than some others she’s seen but in a good way. 
His choice in suits makes her feel better about what she’s wearing. Aubrey’d been trying to work off what Steph was wearing, while making sure that what she'd picked out wasn’t overly fancy for the evening or too similar to what Steph had already chosen, ending up in a knee length dress with a sheer high neckline. 
“Hey!” She smiles, catching his attention, mildly disappointed that he doesn’t even flinch in surprise, only looks up as smooth as can be and returns her smile.
“Hey.” He slips his phone in his pocket, reaching out for her hand.
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” Aubrey says immediately, that terrible feeling of letting anyone down instantly relieved when Will waves her off. 
“You haven’t even missed the entire cocktail hour.” He says and she feels her eyes widen as he nods solemnly. “Yeah, it’s like that.”
“Our first stop better be to get me a glass of wine.”
Will laughs, pressing the button for the elevator. “Wouldn’t dream of it being anywhere else.”
Will refreshes his own drink as well, and selects a red wine for her after Aub hems and haws over the options for a minute, a choice that she almost can’t bring herself to take a sip of once the glass is in her hand, for fear that she’ll never be able to drink another Malbec again, guessing this one is well out of her price range based on name and bottle appearance alone. (She takes a sip anyway, it’s as delicious as she’d expected).
Will’s smiling, as if waiting for her reaction, like there’s not a wine she doesn’t like (well, chardonnay, but like, even that she’ll drink if it’s all that available). “Should we do this?” Aubrey asks him, ready to watch him be roasted by teammates for the evening, and he nods, hand moving to the small of her back, leading her deep into the crowd.
But for all the shit he claims to have taken recently about her, they must be on their best behavior, out in public. Everyone he introduces her to is nothing but friendly; the few people she’s met before this event greet her with smiles and open arms, welcoming her into the fold. 
“Are you sure these are the same teammates you warned me about?” She asks Will, when they have a minute to themselves, just finishing up a long and very nice conversation with Justin Holl, Jake Muzzin and their wives, and thinking of the series of texts he’d sent her this morning about “all these assholes.”
“They’re being nice, just for you.” He insists. His arm is still at her waist; it’s barely left there all night. 
“Ugh, so I grew up with seven siblings and I’m not even going to be able to use the skills I got from that to throw down?” She jokes. “What was the point?”
Will actually stops walking for a second, drawing her into him quickly when she stumbles, not expecting the abrupt stop in walking. “You have seven siblings?”
Aubrey nods, wondering if she should bother getting into her family dynamics right now, and settles for a short version. “On my mom’s side, yeah. My parents divorced when I was a baby, and they both remarried. My brother and I have more siblings from both of them; it’s just like a whole thing with my dad.” She winces.
Will’s grinning again, though, like he didn’t even catch it, and he points to himself. “One of six.”
“Oh my god!” She blurts out excitedly, before she can help herself. There’s not many people she knows with sibling counts even close to hers, step and half siblings including, let alone a family like Will’s. “See, you get it!”
“Get what?” She hadn’t even realized that Mitch and Steph had approached them, until Mitch pokes in nosily.
“That younger siblings are actual monsters.” 
“You talk to your sisters everyday!” Mitch frowns, because he doesn’t get it; he never has.
“Yeah, your point?” Aubrey gives him a look as the others laugh around them. “That’s literally what having younger siblings is, and you just don’t know it because you are one.”
“Shots fired.” Steph nudges him.
“You’re the younger sibling too!” he nudges her back.
“Mmm, traditionally, Aub and I count all our siblings together, soo.” She trails off, laughing at the look on Mitch’s face.
Aubrey’s nodding; their families had grown up so close that it wasn’t uncommon to see Steph and her sister hanging around with Aubrey and her brothers, from the time they were children, all the way until today. “That’s why when Cam starts driving me crazy when she’s here next weekend, I’m just dropping her at your place. Basically the same thing.”
“Ohh, so she’s definitely coming?” Steph asks, eyes wide.
Aubrey nods. “Confirmed it with my mom today, I’m going to meet her halfway.” She pauses for the briefest of seconds. “Want to come?”
“Yes! Coffee on the way?”
“Yeah, Will and I are definitely going to sit this one out.” Mitch nods firmly.
“You weren’t actually invited, but okay.” Steph pats his shoulder mock-comfortingly. “But we should all do dinner when we get back!”
It takes everything in Aubrey not to show the internal panic on her face. She’s insanely close with her sisters, despite the age gap- she’s close with all her siblings, the brothers that she’d grown up probably terrorizing their parents together and the younger ones that terrorize them all now. It was probably unrealistic to think she could make it through “dating” Will without him meeting any of them, especially knowing how close Steph is with them too. “Yeah, that would be fun.”
She feels Will squeeze her side gently, almost comfortingly, but before they can get much further with this conversation, someone’s coming around and asking them to find their seats for dinner, so they split off to their tables, with promises to make plans for the following Friday over the next few days.
Will’s quiet on the drive home after dinner, in his very expensive car, which is fine because Aubrey spends that time marveling over it. Like, she knew he was boujie, but, wow. 
“Is your sister staying all next weekend?” Will asks, abruptly interrupting Aubrey’s caress of the soft leather of the seat beneath her legs.
“Hm? Oh yeah.” She nods. “Cam’s been a super pain since Kayls started high school this year since she’s still back in junior high, but worse since Kayls just got invited to her first high school party and it’s next weekend.” She sees Will’s wince out of the corner of her eye and laughs. “Oh my god, you don’t even know the half of it! When I texted Cam to invite her up next weekend, she was like why would I want to come hang out with a bunch of old people like you anyway?” 
Will’s laughing and Aubrey’s jaw drops until he shares, “When I was home last summer, my youngest sister made me drop her off at a friend’s house three doors away because I wasn’t cool enough to be seen with.”
She actually laughs at that- if Will, an actual professional hockey player, isn’t cool enough to be seen with, then who is?- but the attitude is so familiar.  “They’re super close, Kayls and Cam, and like I kinda get why Cam’s being super annoying about a lot of shit. Like, I know she feels like she’s being left behind. But god, does she have to take it out on the rest of us?” She shakes her head, clearing both the thoughts and a piece of hair out of her face. “It’s just the age, my mom and I talk about it all the time. They’ll be nice again in a few years.”
Will glances over at her briefly with a look of panic on his face, before flicking his eyes back to the road. “That’s not really a comforting statement. As someone with three younger sisters,” He clarifies. “Not someone meeting yours this weekend.” Aubrey giggles. “But actually, I was wondering what your plans were with her on Saturday night? If you wanted tickets to the game for you guys?”
“Oh!” Aubrey blinks in surprise. “That would...that would actually be really nice. She’d like that.”
“Yeah?” She can hear the smile in Will’s voice.
“Well, she’d like the flex on all her friends on Monday.” Aub admits, knowing that her sister could probably care less about actually seeing a Leafs game. “And on the boys, they’d be super jealous.” At his glance, she clarifies. “Cam’s a triplet.”
He mutters something under his breath and she giggles again; she’s pretty sure that was Swedish and she can guess what it was. “But they’re not coming?”
“Not this weekend.” She confirms. She is definitely not hosting all three of Cam, Tyler, and Danny for the entire weekend. No way, no how. “But once they find out you’re offering tickets? I’m sure my phone will be ringing.”
“You know where to find me.” Will shrugs, pulling up in front of her building. “Thanks for coming tonight.”
Aubrey grins at him. “Fooled Steph and Mitch no problems.”
It feels like it takes a second for the comment to register with Will, but when it does, he returns the grin. “Yeah, no problems.”
Steph waits until they are well on the road to meet her mom and both sisters (because in a surprise twist that everyone saw coming, a high schooler got grounded and a party was cancelled) sitting in stop and go traffic, before bringing up what Aubrey knows she’s been dying to ask. “So how’s Will?”
“Fine?” She responds, before she remembers that she’s supposed to know these things and hastens to finish. “It’s been a busy week with like, work and this shit, but like, he’s good.”
Steph makes a noise, like she’s unsatisfied with that answer and Aubrey gives her a look after she’s braked with the masses, waiting for it to pick up again. “But, like, how are the two of you?”
Ah. Ok. So that’s what this is about. “We’re good.” She assures Steph, absolutely certain her best friend is going to see right through her. “Just like, figuring shit out, you know? It’s still new.”
Steph’s nodding. “I mean, it wouldn’t be if you’d just gone out when Mitch and I first brought you to dinner…”
“Stephanie.” Aubrey says warningly, picking up speed, probably with too much hope that the traffic has cleared.
“Fine!” Steph laughs. “I know, I can’t say I told you so to you or you’re going to panic and break up with him and probably dye your hair and get bangs or something, but like. I’m super happy for you guys. You were so cute last week.”
“What?” Aub says blankly, because she really doesn’t have much else to say, but it doesn’t seem to matter, because Steph’s on a roll now.
“Like, Will couldn’t take his eyes off you the entire night.” She continues. “It was super cute; he kept, like reaching for you, you kept finding him.” She taps Aubrey’s leg excitedly. “Ok, I know I said I wouldn’t, but I’m too fucking excited and I knew you’d be perfect for each other, I knew it.”
“Oh, look! There’s a tattoo place right at the next light.” Aub says loudly, even though she has no intention of getting a tattoo right now- all four of her tattoos were impulsive decisions and the three threats she’s made since she’s gotten in the car feel like far too much thought, not to mention the time crunch they’re on to get back for dinner-but it does serve as the threat she intends. Steph clearly has no desire to try and talk her out of getting one today and switches the topic to something she just saw on the Insta of one of their friends, which lasts them until they pull into the parking lot that’s serving as the meeting point.
“Aub!” For all that Cameron pretends she’s too cool for everything, just like every 14 year old Aubrey can remember, she throws herself at Aubrey the second that Aub and Steph get out of the car. 
Aub squeezes her back, wondering when she got so tall. “Hey Cammie.” Cam swats at her as she pulls back. She hates that nickname, the one that Aub and her three older brothers have called her basically her entire life, but they’ve never stopped, no matter how much their youngest sibling had begged. “Where’s Kayls?”
“Here!” Kaylee huffs from next to their mom, who’s chatting with Steph, has been since she hugged her the minute she got out of the car. 
Aubrey’s eyes narrow, taking in the sibling who looks most like her. “Is that my sweater?”
“No.” Kaylee says too quickly to be true. “Are we ready? We have dinner plans, right?”
“Meeting Aubrey's new boyyyyfriend.” Cam sings, and Aubrey shoves her hand in her sister's face. 
“Not if you’re going to act like that, we don’t.”
“Girls.” Their mom pauses, mid-reach for Aubrey, to give her youngest two daughters a full-on mom look. “Be nice.”
Aubrey laughs at the looks on their faces, before clutching at her mom. “Hi momma. Love you.”
“Love you too.” Her mom squeezes. “Thanks for this gift.” She whispers and winks because Aub knows that her mom loves all eight of them dearly, but these two in particular are driving her nuts right now. “See you Sunday, at Luke’s.”
“Bye, I’m sure I’ll call you ten times before tomorrow!” Aubrey waves at her mom as she gets in her car, sliding back into the driver’s seat of her own, where Steph, Kaylee, and Cam are chattering to each other as they buckle their seatbelts. 
It’s just as she’s pulling back onto the road that Kayls gasps. “Aub, I think I forgot to pack toothpaste.”
“Ohh, me too!” Cam realizes.
Aubrey exchanges a look with Steph quickly. It’s not looking promising that she won’t be making a call to her mom, to talk her off the ledge.
“What do you mean, you didn’t bring pants?” Aubrey rubs her temples as she stares at her sister.
Kaylee shrugs. “I forgot to pack them.”
“I forgot shirts.” Cam calls from the bathroom, where she’d just showered. “Can I borrow one?”
“Did you bring anything?” Aubrey asks wearily. “Toothbrush? Underwear?”
“Of course I brought underwear.” Kaylee huffs, sounding legit offended, like she didn’t forget to pack pants on a weekend trip away.
“Well excuse me for thinking you might not have, since you didn’t bring anything else!”
Her phone buzzes on the nightstand again; it’s got to be the third or fourth time, but she’s honestly been so caught up in her sisters that she hasn’t had time to check. “Just, like, grab whatever from the closet. We’re already late.”
Sure enough, it’s Will texting, letting her know he’s downstairs. be down in a few, She responds, not bothering to go into the whole pants story. “Girls! Three minutes!” She grins at their shrieks, packing a couple things into her purse and laughing to herself as she listens to them get ready. “Kayls! Cam!”
“We’re ready!” They rush out together, Kayls dressed in a pair of her favorite jeans and Cam in one of her favorite sweaters-how they always manage to find her favorites is ridiculous-but they don’t have time for her to make them change. 
“Ugh.” Aubrey just says instead, ushering them out and locking it behind her. “Come on, Will’s been waiting.”
“Will’s here?”
“Yes?” She frowns at the two of them. “Where else would he be?” But Kaylee and Cam are already giggling to each other, enough for her to roll her eyes to herself as she leads them out to Will’s car, knowing it’s definitely too much to expect them to just be cool.
“Hey.” Will greets, as she slips into the passenger seat.
“Hi.” She returns, smiling at him.
“Uh, hi?” Cam says impatiently from the backseat. Will laughs, but Aub gives her a look.
“It’s been literally two seconds. Could you, like, chill?”
Aub side-eyes her again, but turns back to Will. “These are my sisters, Cam and Kaylee.” They greet him eagerly, a sentiment he returns, and then spends the entire car ride to the restaurant where they’re meeting Steph and Mitch at answering every question they ask with absurd patience. 
“Oh, I smell garlic.” Kaylee says, once Will has dropped his car off with valet. 
“It smells delicious.” Aub corrects, because it’s definitely heavy on the garlic, but it smells heavenly. 
Will smiles over at both of them, though Aub’s not sure if he means it more for Kaylee or her. “This is one of my favorite restaurants.”
“Really?” She blurts out, before she can stop herself, and he nods, reaching for her hand. 
“Great food.” He confirms. “Come on; Mitch and Steph are already here.”
That certainly serves to get her sisters moving-all her younger siblings have stopped being impressed by Mitch but they still love seeing him just as much as they love seeing Steph- and they push their way into through the doors quickly enough that Aubrey rushes to catch up to them, not trusting them alone, and tugging Will along with her.
Cam and Kaylee have already found Mitch and Steph, already chatting away with the two of them, like they didn’t just see Steph two hours ago in the car, and Aubrey and Will slip into the last two seats at the table. 
“You good?” Will nudges her as they sit. 
Aubrey nods. “Yeah. Pretty good.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Pretty good.”
“Well, Frick and Frack may legitimately drive me crazy this weekend but.” She shrugs. “We’ll see.”
“What happened to dropping them off with Steph if they drove you too crazy?”
She laughs. “God, if only, Will. If only.”
“Will!” Kaylee interrupts, looking up briefly from her menu. “What’s good here?”
“Will! What’s this mean?” Cam adds and Aubrey takes a deep breath, even as Will looks like it’s his absolute pleasure to walk them through the names of some of the different dishes on the menu. 
“Wine, please.” Aubrey requests from the waiter, the second he arrives at the table. “Literally, anything you’ve got.”
But Will waves that off, ordering a bottle of red for the table, in perfect French. “Show off.” She grumbles at him quietly and he grins at her from over the top of Cam’s menu, before he goes back to helping her out.
From her other side, Steph’s hiding her own smile, or rather, doing a very poor job at hiding one. “What?” Aubrey presses.
“Nothing.” Steph says. “Just happy to be having dinner all together.”
“Well that’s bullshit.” Aubrey calls her out, at the very blatant lie; Mitch snorts into his hand to cover his laugh. “But always happy to be having dinner with you too.”
Steph beams, clinking her wine glass with Aubrey’s the second the waiter fills them both. “Again, tomorrow, pregame?”
Aub looks over at her sisters, who have moved away from asking Will menu questions and are, instead, asking him questions about the bun in his hair. “Assuming you aren’t bailing me out of jail instead? Sure.”
Aubrey Dupont: we’re going to do apps with steph pregame but want to say thanks again for tix tonight! want to do dinner again with us after if you’re free? 
Will Nylander: i’m free dinner sounds good 😁 it’ll be late though once I get out
Aubrey Dupont: that’s fine! Id say breakfast but we’ve got to leave pretty early tomorrow to get to my brothers to knock a wall down!
Will Nylander: ….holy shit cam was serious
Aubrey Dupont: 😂😂lollll yeah they’re opening up the dining room and living room! We’re all going out to take the wall down, we’re supposed to meet Steph and Mitch and then head out
Will Nylander: lol does mitch know? he booked us a tee time Sunday 
Aubrey Dupont: stfu he did not😂 lol he probably just doesn’t want to get iced that early
Will Nylander: haha what??
Aubrey Dupont: hahaha the first time steph brought him home to meet our families, it was my parents Christmas Eve party, my brothers iced him like three times in the first hour. He was so trashed he couldn’t even walk back next door to Steph’s house. 
It’s just like a thing we do, all our siblings and he was not prepared for it at all 😂
Will Nylander: sooo if I left one in his locker this week, how much trouble would you be in?
Aubrey Dupont: lol a lot but it’d be worth it, you should 100% do that
Mitch Marner: we’re knocking down a wall tomorrow wtf why didn’t you tell me? I’ll brave a Smirnoff to knock down a fucking wall. What time are you and Will picking us up?
Will Nylander: i fucked up, sorry
“That’s really cute!” Zach Hyman’s wife smiles as she hands Kaylee her phone back. 
“Thank you.” Aubrey mouths to her, as Cam and Kayls flock to the phone to check out the pictures she’s taken of them, and Alannah smiles at her knowingly. Aub’s sure she’s got sisters of her own. 
“I’ll see you soon.” Alannah promises. “We should do dinner soon, the three of us, next time the boys are out of town.” And then she’s pushing her way toward Zach before Aub can respond to anything.
“Not a word.” Aubrey says warningly to her sisters, as Steph snickers, thinking of how picky the two of them are about pictures almost always.
“These are actually really cute though.” Cam says, like she even means it.
“Yeah, she did good.” Kayls adds, sliding her phone back into her purse.
“So happy they meet your standards.” Steph says dryly.
“They are the ones to meet.” Kayls flips her hair and it’s all Aubrey can do to fight back a laugh. She honest to god forgets how funny they are sometimes, when they’re driving her as crazy as they are now. 
“You’re too much.” Aubrey tells her and Kaylee grins, looping her arms around Aub’s shoulders and squeezing tightly. “Okay, now you’re really too much. You’re suffocating me; get off! Look,” She nudges Kaylee away, noticing quickly that Mitch has appeared recently- without Will, but with Auston-and tries to draw her attention there instead. “Mitch is here, bother him instead.”
Kaylee peers over. “Honestly, who even cares about Mitch? I’d rather bother Will instead.”
Mitch’s jaw drops as Steph and Auston laugh, but Aubrey feels the tension immediately in her shoulders. “Jesus Christ, could you just say thank you to Will so he doesn’t think you’re a literal monster like the rest of the world does?”
“Thanks, Will!” Kaylee and Cam chorus, and she glares at them right up until she feels a presence at her side and realizes he’s actually right there. 
“It was great to have you guys here this weekend.” Will smiles at them, sounding absolutely sincere, not a hint of sarcasm. 
“We had so much fun.” Kayls is already gushing before Aub can even turn her death glare to her. 
“What’d you guys do today?” Will asks her and again, it’s the sincerity that gets Aub, like he actually cares to listen to her sisters tell him about the brunch place that she and Steph took them to this morning, the stores they hit afterwards, a few of their favorite spots, before they had to go home and get ready for the game. 
He’s sweet and attentive, asking all the questions that he should and nodding in all the right places. “You guys still want dinner?” He asks, probably as soon as he can find a time to interrupt. He’s got to be absolutely starving after that game.
“Yes.” Aubrey answers for them all; she doesn’t really care what her sisters actually have to say on the matter. If Will’s hungry, they’ll eat right now whether they want to or not.
“Can we go back to that bakery we went to earlier, first?” Cam asks, and Aubrey straight up glares at her, but before she can even say no, Cam’s already whining to her. “Oh my, god, seriously? Stop, Aubrey!”
“Ryan, like, swears you’re fun; I just don’t see it.” Kaylee adds, about their brother, the one just younger than Aub.
And like, Aubrey knows they’re just trying to get under her skin, but like, Jesus Christ. “That’s because Ryan’s an actual adult and whenever you two come up here I have to be your literal mom, because you forget to bring toothbrushes and pants and use manners!”
“Take like four deep breaths.” Will says, in that chill way he is about basically everything, and immediately Aubrey feels her glare swing over toward him. That’s basically being told to calm down and there’s literally nothing fucking worse than that, doesn’t he know that?
Probably not. He’s probably never been told to calm down in his life. Jesus, what was it again that made Steph think he was perfect for her?
Mitch, probably recognizing that Aubrey’s about to lose it, pulls Cam into his side for a one-armed hug, mentioning that he’s starving, which at least cues Kaylee into the fact that Will might be too. “Yeah, dinner does actually sound good.” Her eyes flicker over to Will first, before landing on Aubrey, and only when Aub sees the flicker of remorse in them does she actually take that breath that Will had mentioned. 
“What time are we meeting in the morning?’ Steph asks, and Aub knows she’s looking to smooth over any potential blow up.
“9:22.” She deadpans, laughing at Mitch’s face.
“It’s supposed to be a nice day!” He protests. “I wouldn’t have made a tee time if you two had told me we were knocking down a wall! I had to hear it from Willy! What’s this shit?”
“Kicked out of the group chat again.” Aub shrugs, even though she knows well and truly that he hasn’t been- and won’t be again until sometime early spring, when someone does it symbolically for a day as they do every year.
“I’ll kick you out of the group chat.” Mitch says childishly, as Steph tries to collect him, Auston already ready to leave, and promising Aub that they’ll make plans later that night about the next morning.
“Will, where do you want to take us tonight for food?” Kayls asks, as they part ways in the lot.
Will looks a little startled. “Oh! Uh, what-where do you guys want to go?”
“We want to go where you like to eat.” Cam says. “We’ll eat anything.”
Will looks at her for confirmation and Aubrey nods; none of them are picky eaters. “Sushi?” He suggests and both girls nod excitedly, racing off towards Will’s car. “See?” He nudges her as they walk to catch up. “They’re fine.”
She glares up at him; he bumps her again and then again, repeatedly until she smiles. “They’re not awful.” She agrees, especially now that they’ve reminded her just how nice they can really be, at times.
Will’s grinning, matching her own smile. “I know you love them.”
“Don’t call me out like that, William.” He mimes zipping his lips and she laughs. “Ugh, you dork. Let’s go eat.”
Kayls and Cam are in peak hurricane form, only barely dressed and nowhere near packed and ready to go, when Will texts to announce that he’s arrived to pick them up in the morning, so Aub just responds with her apartment number and tells him to come up.
He arrives at her door a minute or two later, with a guest in tow. “Mitchy invited him.” Will explains sheepishly, as he and Auston make themselves at home at the breakfast bar in her kitchen.
“Sorry to just, like, crash.” Auston adds.
Aubrey blinks at them. She feels like Will, of all people, should know better. “There’s legit eight of us; we adopt strays all the time.” He cracks up at that; they both do actually, and she smiles, just as Kayls shouts something about Cam stealing her leggings, from where they’re still in her room gathering her stuff.
“They’re not even yours!” Cam shouts. “Aubrey, tell her I got them first.”
“Well I was planning on wearing them!”
“Well you didn’t say that!”
“It’s just like being at home.” Auston says, smiling fondly enough that Aub laughs. “Make sure you check the straightener before you leave or they’ll fight about who forgot to turn it off in the car.” And then she straight up cackles; that’s a fight she knows well.
Auston and Will are both laughing as well, even as she hears her sisters shout for her. She ignores it, running her hands over her temples and turns towards the cabinet. “Coffee?” She asks them, and they both laugh as a muffled shout can be heard.
“Please.” Will says and Auston agrees so she pours mugs for them both, making idle chit chat, interrupted occasionally as they wait for her sisters to finally appear and be ready to leave. 
They do, eventually, far later than Aubrey would have liked, and late enough that she’s grinding her teeth about it, loud enough that Will nudges her gently when she passes him to get her coat. He’s right though, it’s not like they’re in a rush to get out to her brother's house, but she’s anxious enough by that point to get moving that she doesn’t even realize what Kayls has taken from her closet to wear until they’re all climbing into Will’s backseat. “Oh my god, what are you wearing?”
“They’re literally yours!” Kayls snaps back and that’s not a lie, but it’s not what Aub’s got issue with either. It’s the absurdly clashing patterns in her leggings and oversized long-sleeve.
“I never wear them together.”
“That’s because your fashion sense is basic a-f.” Kayls pronounces each letter individually and Aub knows, she knows that Will and Auston are laughing at the look of disbelief on her face, even if she can’t see them. “You should take some tips from Will; his is on point.”
“Thanks, Kayls!” Will beams at her through the rearview mirror.
Aubrey ignores him. “Will’s homeless, that’s why he dresses like that.” She deadpans, which he protests immediately even as Auston cracks up.
“You’re not homeless.” Cam says to her, and it’s the fake innocent thing that does it for Aub. “Will could live with you.”
Aub pulls a face even as Auston just laughs even harder and Cam stares at her like she’s waiting for an actual answer. “Walked right into that one.” She mutters to herself, as Will meets her eyes in the mirror. He’s fighting back a grin; she can see the laughter in his eyes. “Will, coffee at the next Tim’s, please?” She’s going to need one to get through this.
Will’s full on grinning now, but he pulls off at the next exit in search of coffee and hands over his credit card before she can even object. The rest of the ride to her brother’s house feels like it passes in a flash, Kayls and Cam tumbling out of the car to greet Luke practically before Will’s even put it in park. 
The only thing that stops Aubrey from having a complete heart attack is the immediate sense of calm she feels from no longer calling herself in charge. Luke’s here; he can deal with this shit now.
She feels Will laughing at her as they exit the car. “I thought you’d be more nervous.” He says, as they walk toward her brother, side by side, with Auston.
She snickers. “For what?” And then leans herself into Luke for a hug. “Hi!”
“Jesus, what’d you give them before you brought them here?” Luke returns the hug. 
“Literally anything that would shut them up.” She says, dead serious, and then introduces Will, and Auston, almost as an afterthought. 
Luke is friendly and welcoming, like she knew he would be. They’ve never had the overprotective sibling relationship she hears about from people. They’re too close in age, only a year apart in school; or too close in general, sharing too much as they grew up shuffled to their dad and stepmom’s every other weekend for their court-mandated time. She’s never doubted that he has her back, but he lets her live her life, no matter how stupid the decisions she might make (though he’s certainly not shy about telling her when he thinks she making one).
“Fitz and Steph and Mitch here yet?” She wonders, as they walk inside, the chatter between her sisters and sister-in-law already evident.
“Running late.” Luke says. “But Ryan’s upstairs sleeping. He stayed last night.”
She grins at him, contemplating running up to wake him, but in the end decides against it, settling for following the sound of her sisters’ voices into the kitchen. Rachel’s standing at the counter, setting out snacks and listening patiently as Kayls and Cam detail their entire weekend to her.
“-Will got us tickets for Saturday’s game-”
“-we ate at this amazing sushi place-”
“Rach!” Aubrey interrupts, tugging her sister-in-law away from Kayls and Cam, who are talking over each other. “Come meet Will.”
Rachel sends her a grateful look and immediately turns her bright smile at Will and Auston, introducing herself to them both and offering them drinks. By the time that she, Luke, and Aub finish getting drinks for everyone, Ryan’s coming downstairs, rubbing a hand over his face sleepily, and the introductions begin all over again.
Then Aubrey and Steph’s parents come in with her two youngest brothers, which cues another round of that, and then finally, Steph, Mitch, and Fitz roll in, which has Aubrey cackling when Auston leans over and whispers. “You didn’t tell us your brother is Little Fred?”
“What the fuck are you on?” She frowns at him, but Will’s got the same look on his face.
Will nods over at Fitz, the stepbrother who’d been in the same grade as her growing up and one of her best friends for about as long as she could remember. Said brother is currently trying to mess up Cam’s hair with one hand, while fighting one of her triplets, Tye, for the last danish. “He’s come out with us a few times, I guess with Mitch? He looks like Fred.” She gives the two of them a look. Literally the only thing her brother and their goalie have in common is red hair. Will shrugs. “Little Fred.”
“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” She declares. “The bar is so low.”
“Must be.” Ryan nudges her side. She hadn’t even heard him come up beside her. “Dating you and all.” 
She flips him off and he grins; Ryan’s actually the sibling closest in age to her, with the way all their birthdays work out, but from Luke to Ryan, all four of them are close and when Steph and her sister were added in there as well…well, the group chat gets chaotic.
“Hey!” Her mom snaps her fingers at them. “I don’t want to see any of that today.” And Aub can feel it in her face, the look she’s giving back to her mom, like certain that she’s not serious, because, honestly, has she met any of them? She peeks over at Ryan; he’s fighting back a laugh and that’s all it takes for her mom to lose it, the seriousness on her face quickly turning into a laugh.
It’s enough to get them all moving though, toward the wall they’re going to be tackling today, where they’re divided into teams by her stepdad and Steph’s dad, the only two who competently know what they’re doing.
“Ohhh!” Cam says immediately drifting towards the power saw. “Can I use this?”
Will pulls it away from her hands before she has the chance to even touch it and Aubrey’s calling out to her stepdad. “Mike! Are we stuck with these people all day?”
“Yes.” Her stepdad calls back; he’s already showing Tye and Danny how to demo their end of the wall.
Aub looks at Will and immediately mouths, “I’m sorry,” but he’s already loudly laughing at her. She kinda hates that he’s laughing at her, but she hates even more how contagious his laughter is.
It’s a little past dinner time and Aubrey’s exhausted, too tired even to take her empty pizza plate to the kitchen trash can from where she’s sitting on the family room floor. 
Around her, the rest of her family is in a similar state. Ryan’s actually asleep on one end of the couch, and on the other end, Auston’s half-heartedly grumbling at Derek Carr and the Raiders, while Steph’s lying across Mitch’s lap on the other side of the room. It’s about as quiet as they’ve all ever been, even Mitch and her sisters, which is how she knows they’re all exhausted.
Next to her, Will’s been quietly munching on a plate of fries since he finished his pizza a while ago. Aubrey reaches over and steals one from him. “Hey!” He protests.
“You’ve had the whole plate!” She thought she ate a lot; she honestly doesn’t know where he puts it all. “I just wanted a couple!”
“A couple?” Will repeats and Aubrey nods with a grin, reaching out and swiping another one from the plate. “Keep this up and we’re going to have to stop for second dinner on the way home.”
“I could probably eat again by then.” She rationalizes, stealing another. 
Will laughs, sliding the plate over a few inches toward her, and Aubrey grins triumphantly. It’s quiet for a minute, or mostly quiet, the only sound for the next minute Auston moaning about a fumble, and Kaylee and Cam asking a question about it and then giggling to each other about it before they even get a full answer to it. 
It’s Auston’s perplexed face that reminds her and she nudges Will as she goes in for another fry. “Hey.” She bumps him again, grabbing his attention. “Thanks.”
Will hums, sounding almost confused, and glances over at her. Every time Aubrey thinks it’s impossible for him to be more good looking, he proves her wrong; and always doing the most innocent things. He’s just looking at her, with this tiny little smile, but the light’s catching his eyes and they look impossibly blue and gentle, so soft like the rest of him does right now, in a way he almost never publicly is. “For what?”
“For putting up with my sisters all weekend and their increasingly ridiculous comments.”
Will laughs and he’s so close that she can feel the vibration. He’s leaning back against the wall again, but his head’s tilted a little, just barely leaning against hers, and Aub leans into it a little as he starts to talk. “My two youngest sisters play this game, every time we go to the airport, yeah? After we’ve said goodbye and everything. It’s like this competition between them, for who gets the last touch. And they’ll like chase me down as far as they can until I get to security, back and forth between the two of them…”
Aubrey’s already giggling, picturing the scene. “Same shit, different day,” She summarizes the weekend.
He flicks his finger across her nose and she giggles again. “Bingo.”
It’s only when they’re back in the car and on the highway back toward Toronto after stopping for sushi for a second dinner that Auston says, sounding entirely too casual to actually be casual, “So, like, what’s really going on here with you two?”
Aub feels her stomach drop and it takes everything in her not to look at Will, who of fucking course, plays it enitrely cool. “What do you mean?”
Auston leans forward, from the middle seat in the back, which he’d generously offered to take so that she could sit up with Will even though she’d insisted he’d want the leg room up front; she’s starting to wonder if there was more to it than that. He gestures between the two of them. “It’s just, like, not how you usually are with girls.”
Will’s head whips back to look at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He demands.
“Will!” Aubrey hisses. “Eyes on the road.”
Auston’s cackling as Will turns his attention back to driving, but continues to eye him up through the rearview mirror. Aubrey twists in her seat; she can still stare him down. “So anyway,” He continues. “There’s that. And then, I mean, I was in the car with him when you literally texted him your apartment number. That was pretty sketch.”
Aub swings her gaze over to Will. “It came over Bluetooth.” He defends. 
She pats his thigh. “Stick with hockey, kay?”
He laughs, and when she looks back at Auston, he’s laughing too, but he’s also got this thoughtful look on his face. “So anyway, what’s going on?” He presses.
“Steph and Mitch.” She says finally, after exchanging another look with Will.
“That’s it?” She frowns at him. “That’s all you have to say?”
“Well, I mean, I’m sure there’s more to it, but like, I have met them before.” Auston grins when she and Will both laugh. “So what’d they do now?”
“Do you have an hour?” Will drawls.
“I have beer upstairs.” Auston offers, since they’re basically pulling up to his apartment, and since Will looks over at her for confirmation, Aub barely even takes a second before agreeing.
“Any wine?”
It’s actually kind of crazy how relieving it is for someone else to know about her and Will, outside of the two of them. Aubrey hadn’t even realized how much it was weighing on her until it’s not, until the three of them had spent three hours laughing about it, recapping the entire thing and then just laughing about nothing.
She notices right away that it's equally relieving to Will, that the two of them will drift over to Auston when the team does something together, or that she’ll get a snapchat from one of them from the road that features Will and Auston off doing something ridiculous.
Steph calls her out on it one day, when the two of them are at a game one night. “I did not introduce you to Will for the two of you to spend time with Auston.”
“You ditched me last night!” Aubrey protests, but really, Steph’s not wrong. That was one time, because Mitch’s brother wanted to introduce his new girlfriend to them, and she’s been out here avoiding invites like it’s her job.
Steph continues like she didn’t hear a thing. “I introduced you to Will so that we could have great couples’ friends and hang out all the time, so why aren’t we?”
“I thought you introduced me to Will because we’d be perfect together?” Aubrey bitches and Steph gives her a look, so Aubrey promises that she and Will will do dinner with her and Mitch again soon.
Dinner soon, to Steph, apparently means that weekend, and Aubrey finds herself in Will’s car again, with a bottle of wine and a plate of dessert, driving out to Etobicoke on Friday night. “I like that I’ve claimed this seat now.”
Will laughs. “What?”
“It’s always set where I want it to be!” She grins. “Perfect leg room!”
Her phone buzzes as Will laughs again, but it only takes a quick glance at the screen to click back out of it. “You okay?” Will asks.
“You just got real quiet, real quick.” He says, turning onto Steph and Mitch’s street. “Everything alright?”
Aubrey huffs out an aggravated breath, trying to decide what, if anything, she wants to say. “My other dad is being...my other dad.”
“Oh?” Will parks in their driveway and she huffs out another annoyed sigh as her phone buzzes in her pocket, knowing it’s just her half-brother again with more shit about their dad. 
“He’s like…” She gathers her stuff and tries to find the words as they walk inside. “I don’t even know. Everybody’s been freaking out since some lady tagged him in a bunch of pictures on Facebook last week but my siblings are at dinner with him right now and they asked him about it and he told them he’s not seeing anyone.”
“Wait, seriously?” It’s the first thing Steph says to her; Aub’s been bitching to her about the whole thing for a week now and she’s more than familiar with her issues with her dad. 
“Yes!” She cries. “My sister asked if he was seeing anyone, he said no. I guess one of the boys asked if he’d taken any trips lately, because of the pictures, and he said no. So he’s just straight up lying and I don’t know why!”
“Maybe,” Will says. “He’s not actually lying.”
Aubrey pats his arms gently. “You’re new here, so I’ll let that terrible thought pass.”
Will looks taken aback but she can barely spare a thought for that as Mitch says, “Maybe he got secret-married again and is just waiting until you’re all there to tell you-OW!” Steph elbows him hard and he grins anyway. “What? I’m just saying!”
“I already went to therapy once this week, Mitchy.” Aub mock-glares at him. “I cried for three hours and only didn’t dye my hair blue because Steph came to pick me up for the game. I don’t need to go again. Keep that shit to yourself and get me some wine.”
Mitch laughs; he’s equally familiar with her post-therapy routine and her feelings for her dad. “Alright fine.” He says, but there must still be something on her face because Will’s hand comes to rest on her shoulder right after that and he rubs it gently for a minute before he comes to sit next to her.
Conversation turns lighter after that- to Mitch’s brother’s new girlfriend, who Steph liked and Mitch thought was only okay and then to Will’s sister’s new boyfriend, who he hates-before they’re all more focused on food and a game later in the evening. 
It’s easy to ignore her phone buzzing when Aubrey and Mitch are dominating Steph and Will at Codenames (or calling cheaters, because Will and Steph most definitely are), but much harder to ignore in the car when she and Will are alone again, and Aub barely even notices when Will doesn’t make the turn for her place, instead just driving straight to his place.
“Oh.” She says quietly when he finally parks and they’re in the garage, instead of just pulling up out front of her building, like he has been recently.
“Didn’t want you to dye your hair blue tonight.” Will deadpans and Aubrey laughs, surprised that it’s kind of watery. 
“Fair, it was definitely a risk.”
Will smiles at her gently. “I’ve been told my guest room is supremely comfortable.”
Aubrey raises her eyebrows; she can siphon out the source of that one. “I hear your brother has pretty shitty taste.” She says and he laughs, that loud one he’s got that she can’t help but smile at because it sounds so ridiculous, but Aubrey’s already getting out of the car, ready to follow him up before he can see.
Will’s condo is pretty much everything she expected- a lot of modern pieces, a lot of white, very Scandanavian- but there’s plenty of Will in it as well. A lot of family pictures. Some hockey stuff-both Leafs and Team Sweden-but not an overwhelming amount. 
She’s still looking at some of the pictures (he looks so much like his mom) when he returns with a couple glasses of wine, and she accepts hers with a gracious smile. “Thank you.”
“We’ve been at this long enough for me to know that wine’s your thing.” He jokes and she laughs.
“I meant for bringing me here.” She shoves at his shoulder; annoyingly enough he doesn’t even move. “I definitely would have done something stupid.”
“What are friends for?” Will smiles and there’s that annoyed feeling again, maybe even more so than just a minute ago, tugging at her stomach, for really no reason. They are friends now, in pretty much every sense of the word. They hang out, they text, they do all kinds of things. It’ll actually probably be hard for her, to not be friends with him, or at least pretend to be, when they have to “break up” for a bit to annoy Steph and Mitch. 
“Yeah.” Aubrey says and it just sounds off so she takes a sip of her wine right away so he can’t see whatever her face is doing. “If you were really my friend, you’d let me borrow some sweats to sleep in. You know. Since you kidnapped me to bring me here.”
“Ohh, I don’t know if we’re that close.” Will says, but he’s laughing as he walks toward his room so she knows he’s kidding.
It’s a pretty quiet night between the two of them once they make themselves comfortable, just chilling on the couch and watching Netflix, and Will’s not stingy with his pours so Aubrey pours herself into his guest room a little tipsy, and maybe that’s why she texts him from bed. You were right, your guest bed is pretty comfortable.
*Supremely* comfortable. Told you so 😜
Aub’s still in Will’s absurdly comfortable guest bed when her daily FaceTime call with her sisters comes in and she answers it without thinking. “Hey.”
“Where are you?” Kaylee asks immediately. “That’s not your room-oh my god, are you at Will’s?” She blurts and Aubrey wants to smack herself.
“That’s Leafs stuff!” Cam exclaims, popping her head into the frame. “You never wear Leafs stuff! Oh my god, do you live there now?”
“Back up, calm the crazy.” She’s cutting off this spiral before they’ve got the story of her and Will eloping spread to her entire family. 
Kayls pouts. “You never let us have any fun.”
“I do not want a call from Grandma this afternoon asking me why I got married to the blond hippie from the Leafs because you two can’t keep your mouths shut and she saw one bad picture.” 
Cam’s jaw drops in outrage. “That’s so rude, we would at least send a good picture out! Like she’d know how hot he really is; there’d be no need to google and accidentally come across a picture of him in a Sugo hat.”
That’s it. She’s up for good now. Aubrey throws the blankets off herself and sits up off the edge of the bed, rubbing her temples in hopes it’ll make her tiny hangover headache go away. Limited success. “You googled him?”
“Of course we googled him!” Kayls says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Aub, oh my god, he’s got-”
“I’m leaving this room right now.” Aubrey warns; she’s already at the door. “Stop talking about him like he’s not here.”
Cam immediately launches into a story about a couple of the girls on her field hockey team and something that had happened at practice after school yesterday, a story that she’s still detailing when Aubrey walks into the kitchen to find Will also looking into his phone with a fond look on his face as a loud jumble of voices shout back to him in what she can only assume is Swedish.
“Coffee’s back there.” He points, greeting her with a smile. “And mugs above it.”
“Thank you.” She’s pretty sure, from the expression on his face, that he knows how much of a lifeline that’s about to be for her.
“Hi Will!” Kayls calls and Aub glares at her, but Will calls back a greeting in return before returning to Swedish, but definitely in an argumentative tone.
It’s a couple more minutes of that-listening to Will speaking in Swedish and going through her usual morning nonsense with her sisters-before Will lets out the smallest groan and then looks at her. “My sisters want to say hi.”
“Oh.” Aubrey says, surprised more than anything.
And before she can really say anything, Cam adds. “Yes! Then we can talk with Will!” Which is how she finds herself sitting next to Will with his dog curled in her lap, both their phones in front of them, speaking with her sisters and two of Will’s sisters.
It’s pretty much maximal chaos, but when they both end their calls a few minutes later, Aubrey’s still smiling as she runs her hand through the dog’s fur and Will’s laughing to himself. “Mmm, good luck to you.” Aub nudges him, easy enough to do since she’s still sitting flush up next to him. “When they’re in town next month. They’ve probably all followed each other on Instagram by now already. Best friends in no time.”
“Gonna be busy with games.” Will says weakly. “Practices, media things. Think it’s gonna be your problem.”
“Like hell.” She laughs, shaking her head when he joins in and doesn’t stop. “Oh my god, that was not that funny!”
“Just thinking of all the ways they’re going to torture us when they’re all together after they’ve spent the last month talking shit about us in a group chat.” Will says, somehow still laughing about that, because he’s literally the most chill person on the planet. Like of course he’s not even bothered by that.
“I don’t have enough food in me to deal with that thought.” Aubrey declares, laughing decidedly less at the thought of actually meeting Will’s family. In person. Where they’ll have to actually see her and see what a farce this is. “Feed me.”
Will shrugs. “Let me change and we’ll grab brunch.”
Aub looks down at the very large sweats she’s borrowed to sleep in. “We’ll stop first, yeah?”
“Depends on how hangry you are.” Will calls back, already walking away.
She pulls a face at his back at that one. She’s actually pretty hungry, but like, she’s not dumb enough to go out to brunch with him in a walk of shame. Not when there’s already a group chat forming about her on Instagram. She doesn’t need Leafs Twitter coming for her too.
It’s easy to settle in a routine from there; meeting Mitch and Steph for dinner a few times, joining Steph for games and then leaving with Will for a second dinner after, and easily splitting off to spend time with her own family and friends or catching up with them when Will is off on road trips. 
It’s so easy to settle into a routine like that, a relationship routine, that she lets herself get lulled into a false sense of security, the message from her dad catching her off guard completely one day.
“What’s wrong?” Will asks, when they’re at dinner after a game. It’s their thing now; pick a restaurant and grab some food right afterwards before he drops her off at home. It’s a nice way to wind down actually; she usually looks forward to it.
Tonight though, Aub has been uncharacteristically quiet since they met up and she was a downright bitch earlier when she and Steph were fighting about something. Like, she knows they’ll forget all about it tomorrow, but still. She owes her best friend coffee at the least. “Hmm?” She looks up at him, barely hearing his question. 
“What’s wrong?” He repeats, giving her a look before she can fight him against answering.
She pushes her food around a little-very uncharacteristic for her, and she can tell even Will’s picked up on that. “My dad wants to meet us all for dinner this week, which means he probably did get secret-married again.”
“Oh.” Will makes a face and Aubrey returns it, laughing when he contorts his even worse. “And that’s-I mean-again?” He finally settles on and she nods, ready to drop this bomb.
“It’ll be wife number six, but secret wedding number three.” She says, delighting in the way his jaw drops. “This is just, like, what he does; he just announces he wants to have dinner with us and then shows up and is like and here’s my new wife, like it’s super casual, and then we all wonder why I need therapy when he’s out here hiding wives and families like it’s a fulltime job.” She finishes, only realizing how heated she is about it when she looks up to find Will staring at her with wide eyes.
“Um.” Will starts.
“Sorry.” Aub hastens, flushing.
“No!” Will says. “No, don’t apologize at all, you can, like, share whatever you want. I just...I got like half of what you just said.” He gives her an apologetic look. “Missing a big chunk of this story.”
“Right.” Aub nods, pretty proud of how calm she sounds. Dr. Seth is going to be so impressed with her next week. “Sorry. We haven’t talked about the two secret families he was hiding when I was growing up. Ok, I’ll back up.”
“He what?” Will cries, but Aub waves him off, diving into the whole history of her dad, her half-siblings, and her step-moms...as well as their various divorces. 
“...and that brings us to now.” She takes a sip of her wine thoughtfully; Will has long since drained his and refilled. She’s pretty sure she didn’t miss anything. “And dinner that’s going to be an absolute disaster.”
“Do you want me to come?” Will offers.
“No!” She says immediately. That’s like-god, that’s the worst idea ever. They do not need to get her greedy father involved in this, who’d take one look at Will and see dollar bills. She’s accepted that she can’t change the way her dad treats her (after many years of therapy); she’s got another dad who loves her and it’s not fine the way her dad doesn’t remember her birthday or what she does for work or pretty much anything important about her, but it is what it is. But like, she’s not going to subject Will to it. “It’ll be-fine.”
He raises an eyebrow. “You think so?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “But thanks anyway.”
Will purses his lips. It’s clear that he doesn’t love that answer, but he doesn’t say anything more on the subject, asking her instead if she wants to split a dessert, as if he doesn’t already know the answer to that question, and Aub, grateful for the change in topic, even agrees to let him pick this time.
It’s a rare gift.
Aubrey knows she had a little too much to drink at dinner with her dad, but she’s not so drunk that she can’t recognize that this is Will’s door she’s standing in front of, knocking loudly and repeatedly. 
She has only a moment to contemplate that-that it’s here she chose to come to after yet another disaster dinner, instead of Steph’s or her brother’s or back home to her own place-before Will’s opening the door, the confusion passing quickly over his face when he realizes it’s her.
“Hey.” He beams and steps back, silently inviting her in, but Aub doesn’t want him to go further away from her. That’s why she came here. “Whoa, hey!” Will says, as Aub steps in the condo and presses herself against him. “Are you-” He lets out a strangled choke as she tiptoes up and loops her arms around the back of his neck. “-okay?”
“Peachy.” She says, pulling him down to kiss her.
It’s not really a great kiss; Will’s kissing her back for a moment, and then pulling back. “Wait-”
“No.” She whines, leaning in for another, and he does it again, caught up for a moment in kissing her, but then it’s like his thoughts catch up to him and he breaks it.
“Aub, we shouldn’t- we aren’t-”
And like why shouldn’t they? They’ve been doing this fake relationship for a while now and not able to hook up with anyone else because of it. He’s objectively the hottest person she’s ever seen. There’s no reason that’s coming to her right now that says she shouldn’t. “We’re friends now!” Aubrey says, running her palms over his shoulders. God, why weren’t they doing this the entire time? “Right?” And Will nods, slowly, but it’s a nod, “It’s fine, friends hook up all the time.” 
“You really want this?” His thumb brushes her cheek as she nods and only then does he pull her back in for a kiss.
If Aubrey thought Will’s guest bed was comfortable, it’s really got nothing on his actual bed. She rolls over, curling into the pillow a little more and opens her eyes to see the sliver of sunlight coming through catch the edge of Will’s face, that one piece of hair that’s sticking up that should be unattractive, but is totally not.
It’s really just unfair.
The sound comes from behind her and Aub jumps when she realizes it’s Will’s alarm going off.  It seems like it barely even fazes him; he just reaches across her and silences it; his arm falling across her when he drags himself back.
“Hi.” She smiles.
“Hi.” Will laughs and it lights up his whole face; she can’t help the hand that comes up to trace over his features. “Come on, that’s not fair.
“What’s not fair?” Aubrey asks innocently, trailing her nails down his chest.
He groans. “I have to go. Skate.”
“You don’t have to go.” She pouts and he groans again.
“You’re making it really hard to have to.”
“Good.” Aubrey giggles, only stopping when Will shuts her up with a kiss.
“Really hard.” He repeats as she rolls her hips into his.
“Fine.” She sighs, flopping onto her back, and she knows the move does exactly as she’d intended when his eyes go right to her chest. “I guess I’ll just have to stay here in bed until you get back.”
“Please do.” He insists, leaning over to kiss her again. “Fastest skate ever.” Will promises.
“You can’t control that.” Aubrey reasons, even as Will’s shaking his head at her while he climbs out of bed.
“Fastest skate ever.” He repeats.
She can’t really confirm or deny that it is; but when he does return, pulling her out of a doze by jumping on top of her, there’s coffee on the table for her too. It’s cold by the time she gets to it.
“You guys are being weird.” Steph comments one night, as Aub’s cheering after Will scores a tie-breaking goal. 
“What?” Aubrey gives her a look. “What do you mean?”
“You and Will.” Steph says, like it should be obvious. “You’re like-” She breaks off, making a noise of frustration.
“You’re in the honeymoon phase.” Alannah supplies helpfully and Steph lights up.
“Yes!” She cries and Aubrey glares over at Alannah but she merely smiles back. “But it’s like, you’re back in it? Like, you weren’t for a while and now...you can’t take your hands off each other again!”
Aubrey doesn’t really know what to say to that. She’s not denying that she and Will have been all over each other ever since that first night they slept together. She can’t even remember the last time she went to her apartment for anything more than to pack clothes and she’s lost track of the number of times she’s reached out for him only to find Will already reaching for her.
But before? She can’t think of any moment where they were ever like they are now. Like there’s too much space between them even when she’s right next to him. Or this pull that brings her toward him no matter where he’s at.
But she doesn’t...she doesn’t know what to say about that. Because it’s not like anything has changed between them. They’re still friends; they still laugh and joke as usual, still gossip about their friends together, are still just waiting to drop a big break up on Mitch and Steph. 
Nothing’s changed, even if maybe, she thinks, something has.
So she shrugs at Steph and says, “We’re just happy. Is that so bad?”
Steph beams and leans her head against Aubrey’s shoulder, and like, Aub knows that’s exactly what she’d been hoping for since she introduced her to Will, but Aubrey still feels like something wasn’t right about what she said.
Aubrey tugs on the Nylander jersey that drapes over her frame as she and Will walk into the hospital conference room. “Are you sure about this?”
“It’s tradition.” He grins. “Stop playing with it.”
“That’s what she said.” She says as dryly as she can, managing to keep the face until he laughs, and then she cracks up with him. 
That’s how the two of them walk into the conference room where the team is meeting; laughing so loudly that everyone stops what they’re doing to turn and look, but she and Will only get a bunch of fond smiles before everyone turns back to their own conversations.
Steph gives her a knowing look when they approach hand in hand, which Aubrey ignores pointedly. “You didn’t warn me we’d have to actually go things wearing this dumb jersey when you plotted to get us together.”
“Oh I didn’t?” Steph says innocently as Mitch and Will sputter in protest. “Must have slipped my mind.”
“Dumb jersey?” Will nudges her.
Aub shrugs, looking up at him with a cheeky grin. “It’s a little big. Might have some trouble getting out of this thing.”
Will grins. ��I’m sure some help can be arranged.”
Mitch feigns gagging. “There are children around.”
Wills hand drags up her side briefly-too briefly- as he grins at Mitch. “Where, Mitchell?” But he backs off and Aub does too, both of them catching up with teammates and wives and girlfriends around them.
Or they back off a little, but Aub still finds herself drawn int0 his orbit, especially once they start splitting off into groups to move through the hospital to go see the kids. His hand will brush against hers as they move between rooms; she’s bumping her shoulder against his arm comfortingly as they talk with parents.
It’s not very subtle, but they don’t need to be. Except…
“What is going on?” Auston hisses at her, in passing, as he’s about to step inside the room Will’s just about leaving.
“Nothing.” Aub says innocently, but Will reaches for her hand when he leaves, opting for a fist bump with Auston instead, and Auston’s eyes widen, but Aubrey tugs Will along before he can say anything. “Come on, let’s grab some water real quick!”
The diversion doesn’t last long; Auston catches up to her only two rooms later while Will’s in talking hockey with a little girl and she’s waiting outside, leaning against the wall. He joins her, looking in as well for a moment, before looking over at her. “This is a terrible idea.” Auston says flatly.
“You were on board with it!” Aubrey hisses, trying to keep a smile on her face.
“That was before I realized you guys were sleeping together. Now it’s going to backfire and go to shit.”
Aubrey frowns. “Why?”
“Why?” Auston repeats, like he can’t even help himself. “Oh my god, you don’t even-” He stops abruptly. 
“Don’t even what?” She prompts, when it’s clear he’s not going to continue.
But he doesn’t continue. He just rubs his temples for a minute and mutters under his breath. “Fuck me, how do I have to be the smart one here?”
“Hey!” Aubrey protests, offended. “I am always the smart one.”
“Not right now.” He says cryptically. “And it’s hard to tell who’s being dumber: you or Willy.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Aubrey frowns, but Auston’s already walking away. “Auston!” He ignores her. “Auston!”
“Hey.” Will’s reaching for her arm gently. “What’s wrong?”
Auston’s out of sight now anyway. “Nothing.” She shakes her head, clearing her thoughts and then looks up at him. “Next room?”
“What are you doing Friday?” Aubrey looks up from scrolling through her family’s group chat; Will’s peering at her from across the island.
“Nothing.” She says, after thinking about it for a minute. “What’s up?”
“We play my brother on Saturday.” He says and the shoe doesn’t drop until he adds, “So my parents and sisters are coming in for a bit. Watch the game. Do early Christmas. Hang out a bit.”
“Oh.” She bites her lip. It shouldn’t-it shouldn't be weird. He survived a whole weekend with her sisters, he’s met her entire family; they’ve gone out a few times with varying numbers of her brothers since then. It just...feels weird now.
Will eyes her carefully for a second but continues. “They come in early Friday morning and I made dinner reservations for that night, if you want to come with us.” 
He says it super casually, the way he is about pretty much everything, but she knows him well enough now. There’s a little hopeful tone at the end of it, almost like a question even though it’s not phrased as one. “Yeah.” She says, and even though she’s already nervous about this dinner that’s literally days away, it’s worth it to see the smile grow across his face. “I’d love to come with you guys.”
“They’ll be excited.” Will says, which really undersells just how excited his sisters actually are when they do roll into town later in the week.
Daniella throws herself at Aubrey the second she walks in the door, chattering excitedly about meeting her, and spending the weekend together, and dinner that night, all before Aubrey can even put her purse down. She doesn’t know what her face is doing but whatever it is is bad enough that Will says something to his sister in Swedish and follows it up with a glare when she giggles something back to him.
It works though; Daniella detaches herself, but she does stay close, almost bouncing along next to Aubrey as she steps further inside. “Come on.” Will nods toward the kitchen. “My parents are in here.”
Fuck, his parents. She takes a deep breath. “Cool.”
He grins. The panic must definitely be showing on her face, but his sister just keeps talking through it- Aubrey can relate- or Daniella just doesn’t notice it in her excitement. But Will does, still grinning at her, and she brushes against him purposefully with her shoulder as she goes to follow Daniella, only for him to grab her hand as she passes.
“You don’t have to be nervous.” He squeezes her hand and the only thing that stops her from frowning is his sister. It’s kind of a harsh reminder of the circumstances that she is meeting his family under, the details behind what’s happening here, and that someday-probably soon even- they’ll go back to...well, she hopes that they’ll at least still be friends. 
Even if they stop hooking up.
Danielle goes right up to Stephanie in the kitchen, the two of them whispering to each other in a way that immediately reminds Aub of Kaylee and Cam, enough that she has to fight back a laugh. But it’s Will’s parents that really draw her attention. Michael and Camilla are exactly how she’d pictured from every story Will’s ever told her, full attention on her as soon as she and Will enter the kitchen.
“This is Aubrey.” Will introduces.
“Hi!” She smiles, hoping it’s bright and warm enough to hide her nerves. 
And it works- or more likely, Will’s parents are as perceptive as he is- because they jump right into chatting easily with her. 
She loves them immediately.
They’re warm and friendly, like they’re welcoming her, even though they’re the ones who spent hours on a plane recently. Will’s mom- Camilla, she insists- draws her into a conversation about her family right away- “William told me you have many siblings as well.” “Mum!” “Mum, they’re the best!”- which keeps them going for a while until Michael reminds them they have a reservation to keep. 
“You can keep talking at the restaurant.” He teases Camilla, who’s glaring at him. “Some of us are hungry!”
She rolls her eyes at him- a look that is so similar to one Aubrey’s seen Will make a thousand times- but it serves to get all of them moving. They do keep talking at the restaurant, Camilla shoving her own son out of the way to pull Aubrey in the seat next to her, and Daniella sliding in the seat on her other side before Will can grab it, only for him to mutter something to her in Swedish, sending her quickly sliding over to the next one.
Dinner seems to fly by but it’s actually a few hours later that they’re returning home, pulling out a bottle of wine for a night cap. Aubrey’s just about preparing to go home to her own place before Will’s mom stands up and kisses the top of her head, right in line with all her own kids, promising to see her in the morning, and then the night wraps up and Will’s pulling her into his room, like it’s any normal night.
“Are you-” She trails off abruptly as Will walks right to the closet, like no strange thing. But, what did she even want to ask? Are you sure you want me to stay? It’s not going to be weird if I do?  
“What’s up?” Will pops his head out of the closet.
“Nothing.” Aubrey shakes her head, moving to brush her teeth. She’s not even sure she knows where that question was going; she can’t explain why tonight feels weirder than any other night that she’s climbed into his bed before.
It does though, and that’s made even more evident by the way she tosses and turns once they climb into bed and turn the lights off, settling in on what’s become her side of the bed, right after she brushes her teeth and runs through her nightly skin routine.
It feels like it shouldn’t be so hard to sleep- it’s been a long day, following a long week, preparing for Will’s family to arrive, but she can’t seem to get comfortable and her thoughts are racing.
She rolls over again, facing Will this time, only to find him looking at her with amusement. “You okay?”
“Can’t sleep.” She admit, biting her lip
Will grins, pulling her close. “I can fix that.”
“I’m not having sex with you while you’re parents are here!” Aubrey hisses.
“No?” Her breath hitches as his fingers dance lower down her stomach and then-
“Will!” She laughs, as he gently pinches a ticklish spot.
“Shh!” He’s grinning, she hates him so much. “My parents are-”
“Don’t say it.” She says, surging up to kiss him so he can’t finish that sentence. God, she hopes his walls are thick.
“Stop.” Aubrey hears Will right outside the door. “Go away.”
She can hear one of his sister’s respond, but the actual words get lost in the chaos of her own sisters’ FaceTime, which she’s wrapping up as she lies in bed. It’s loud enough outside that she knows Will’s family is awake already, bright enough that she probably should get up, but she’s too comfortable to make herself move.
“Daniella!” She hears, followed by something in Swedish just as the door opens and a blonde head pokes in.
“See! She is awake!” And that’s all the warning she gets before Daniella is jumping up right next to her.
“Daniella!” Will snaps again, but Aubrey’s already sliding over to make room for her.
“She’s fine.” She assures him, wrapping her arm around Daniella’s shoulders as she cuddles in close.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Daniella says to her brother, not bothering to pull herself away from Aubrey’s iPhone screen, where she’d barely wasted a minute before jumping into chatting with Kayls and Cam. 
Will’s leaning against the dresser and shaking his head in amusement, watching as Aubrey manages to finish up her call (a task much harder with Daniella in her ear, calling just as much nonsense back as her sisters do), but there’s a soft smile on his face that Aubrey almost can’t bring herself to look at, so she starts twirling her hand through the ends of Daniella’s hair. 
“I can’t believe you two.” Daniella huffs, and she’s so much like Will, just loving her hair played with; Aubrey tries to hide her grin because she knows he’d fight her on it if she had to say it out loud right now. “Not even inviting your sisters here for the weekend.”
“Why would we invite ourselves into that kind of roast?” Will says dryly. “The two of you are bad enough.”
“Like you’re not going to talk about us anyway,” Aubrey adds. “I’ve seen the receipts.” She teases. “I know you talk about us on instagram.” 
“You talk about us on instagram?” Will demands immediately.
“No.” Daniella says, unconvincingly.
“They talk with my sisters every day.” Aubrey whispers to him and laughs when he turns his outraged face toward his sister, who avoids his gaze completely.
“Seriously?” Will cries.
Daniella shrugs. “We have a lot to say.”
“I’ll give you a lot to say.” Will says, mock-threateningly, before throwing himself on the bed on her other side and poking his finger in her side until she’s laughing so hard that she’s begging for him to stop. He does, after one last poke, which Daniella returns with a pout. “Go get dressed.” Will nudges her. “Or Aubrey’s going to go to brunch without you.”
“Aubrey wouldn’t do that.” Daniella says confidently, standing to leave. “She’s nicer than you.” 
Will barks out a laugh. “Is she?”
Both Nylanders turn to look at her, just as she’s swinging her legs out of bed and Aubrey shrugs. “I wouldn’t leave your sister behind.” She says, grinning when Will laughs and Daniella’s got her phone out of her pocket before she even leaves the room.
Will and Alex are close. Aubrey knows this. She knows they talk pretty much everyday whether it’s texting, Facetiming, or even actual phone calls. They’re brothers, sure, but more than that; they’re best friends.
And maybe that’s why it’s hard not to shrink under Alex’s gaze the second they meet. It’s not that he’s not friendly when Will introduces them, returning the smile she gives him.
It’s just that his gaze feels piercing in a way that none of the rest of his family did. It feels like Alex sees through all of her but more than that; he’s studying all of her and doesn’t like what he sees.
God, she doesn’t know what she’s going to do if Alex doesn’t like her.
She tries to be bubbly and bright, more listening than contributing to this conversation that’s mostly just brothers catching up. She knows that dinner later, and at their early Christmas celebration tomorrow, will really be when she gets to make her big impression on him. 
“Willy!” John Tavares calls, looking apologetic about the interruption. 
“Be right back.” Willy pats her arm gently before jogging down the hall and now Alex’s full attention is on her. Now she can’t help but shift her weight from foot to foot, even as Alex smiles at her. “So, Aubrey, huh?”
She fights back the urge to bite her lip. “Yup.”
“It’s exciting to finally meet you.” He grins and Aubrey’s jaw drops a little. “Will talks about you all the time.”
“He-he does?” She asks quietly. It’s about the most unexpected thing Alex could have said to her.
Alex bursts into laughter. “Uh yeah.” He says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, but before she can press anything further, Will’s back, slinging his arm around her shoulders and squeezing her into his side tightly. 
“Ready for second dinner?” Will presses a kiss to her temple.
“Always.” Aubrey leans into him, ignoring the knowing look that Alex is sporting currently and the feeling in her stomach that doesn’t quite feel like butterflies.
Aubrey tries to give it a few days after the Nylander’s leave town, hoping the feeling in her stomach will calm itself, but when it’s been a week and it hasn’t settled, she’s forced to admit that she’s going to need outside help.
Can you let me in? She sends, when she’s sure she’s outside the right door.
Open. Come in. 
She frowns at the response, opening the door. “I don’t love that!” She calls as she walks deeper in the condo. “You should really-” She stops abruptly, as a blonde whips her head around to glare at her and Auston stares at her wide-eyed. “Oh!”
“Oh?” The blonde repeats, kind of mockingly, but also seething, and Aubrey doesn’t really know what to do, so she looks over at Auston, who’s pointedly avoiding both of their eyes. “Unbelievable.” She shakes her head, shoving past Aubrey and only when the front door slams does she hear Auston breathe.
“What the fuck?” She asks him immediately, “You could have just said no, it wasn’t a good time to come over!”
“I wanted her to leave!” He protests. “I tried everything! She even volunteered to come take Felix on a walk with me!”
Aubrey cackles, barely managing to compose herself at Auston’s glare. “Well, go and get his leash. We can walk and talk.”
She gets quickly distracted by Felix’s excitement for a walk, snapping like twenty pictures on her phone, before Auston finally prods her about the reason she even wanted to meet today. “So what’s up?”
She takes a deep breath. “Am I in love with Will?”
“Are you in love with...are you fucking kidding me?” Auston responds immediately, looking at her like he had that day they were at Sick Kids- like she’s completely missing something that everyone else knows.
“I’m gonna take that as a yes.” She says reasonably.
“Oh my fucking god.” He says, sounding distressed. “Don’t you have, like, a therapist for this shit? How did I get drafted for this?”
“I mean, yes, I do, but I haven’t gone into the details of it with Dr. Seth before this and I don’t think an hour would cover it.” She says; she’s thought about that already. Auston rubs his temples. “Stop that.” Aubrey chides. “Your hairline is bad enough.”
“Well you’re not helping!” Auston cries. “Jesus Christ, am I in love with Willy? Where the fuck have you been?”
“Egypt, I guess.” She says and he stares at her flatly until she explains. “Denial?”
“Fuck off, I hate you so much. Oh my god.” He groans. “Willy would have laughed so hard at that, fuck you.”
The worst thing is that she knows he would have. He’d have laughed and laughed and laughed, his eyes crinkling and his smile bright and warm, so loud that she couldn’t help but join in.
“Holy shit.” Auston says quietly, watching the smile on her face. “You’re really in deep.”
“Ugh, yes.” Aubrey groans, covering her face. “I hate it. I hate these feelings. I hate not knowing. I hate-”
Auston cuts her off, choking out a laugh. “Not knowing? Not knowing what?” And then he chokes again, once he looks over at her. “Not knowing if Will-” He stops abruptly looking like he’s got a secret that he shouldn’t be telling. “Come on, you aren’t this dumb.”
“You’re being serious?” She says quietly, looking over at Auston hopefully. 
He avoids her eyes, bending down for a minute to pet his dog, but Felix absolutely betrays him by trying to run towards a new smell on a nearby bush, giving him absolutely nothing to look at instead of her. “I mean, come on.” Auston gives her a look. “Don’t make me say it.”
“Did he say it?”
“No.” Auston shakes his head, tugging gently on Felix’s leash to turn around. “But Aub, really? He brought you to meet his whole family.”
“He met mine too.” She reminds him. “And so did you!”
Auston shakes his head. “You...you just don’t see how he looks at you.”
Aubrey bites her lip, but she can’t resist asking. “How does he look at me?”
Auston doesn’t even have to think before he responds. “Like the rest of us aren’t even in the room.” 
“Oh.” She says quietly, looking down at the ground. Felix is just trotting away happily, like Aubrey’s entire world hasn’t been flipped on its axis. 
Auston, at least, seems to recognize the effect of what he’s said. “Look, even if you’re not ready to talk with him, just, like, look at the guy. You’re not in this alone.”
She’s definitely not ready to say anything, but, well, she could give that a try. Just try and see what Auston sees.What everyone sees apparently. “Alright.” She agrees.
“I won’t say anything.” Auston adds. “You two can figure this mess out on your own.”
“You’re the best.” Aubrey declares, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
“I know.” Auston smirks, pulling Felix’s leash out from under her feet.
“Jerk.” Aubrey laughs, shoving his shoulder gently. “If you didn’t have the second best dog in the world right here, I’d push you harder.” She crouches down to scratch Felix’s ears, only for Auston to pull him out of her reach.
“Second best?” He cries, outraged. “Nuh-uh. You don’t get to pet my dog after that kind of disrespect.”
“I just ranked your dog above Zeus!” She protests. “But Pablo’s my boy.”
Auston releases his hold on the leash a little and Felix trots over toward her arms as he teases, “I thought we just agreed Willy was your boy.”
“Yeah, well,” Aubrey scratches behind Felix’s ears, smiling as his tongue lolls out. “Man’s best friend.”
Will’s acting funny when Aubrey sees him the next day.
She only catches him for a few minutes before the game, when they briefly cross paths at his place when she goes to pick up a jacket she left there, and she doesn’t know how to explain it, but something just seems...off.
It’s like...he barely looks at her when she’s in there digging around what’s become her side of the bed and then he brushes past her, muttering something about how he needs to go and for her to just lock up whenever she’s done, which would be fine, except he usually waits for her if she’s around when he leaves so they can walk out together.
Something’s just off.
“Are you sure you didn’t fight about anything?” Steph frowns at her, later that night. “Even like a small, stupid thing that maybe you brushed off? Because you do that.”
“No!” Aubrey swears. “At first I thought he was just annoyed about the book, because the book I’m reading right now takes place in Sweden, so like every few pages I ask him if it’s real? Or what it’s like?”
“God, you must be the most annoying girlfriend.” Steph giggles.
“Don’t even, I know everything about you and Mitch.” Aubrey pokes her and Steph giggles again, admitting defeat. “But no! He wouldn’t even look at me! Something’s up!”
Steph purses her lips. “That is weird.” She admits. “It’s very...not Will.”
“No!” Aubrey cries. “Will doesn’t sit and let things stew! He doesn’t care enough about what people think about him for that.”
“So why is he acting like this then?” Steph asks and Aubrey blows out a frustrated breath.
“I don’t know!” She says. “And I just want him to tell me what’s going on.”
The rest of the game is fairly uneventful for the two of them, slipping quietly out of their seats after the win and chatting between themselves and a few other friends as they all wait. One by one, the boys all make their way out of the locker room, and Aubrey frowns as even Auston and John walk out, stopping briefly to chat with her, before even they go, until finally, finally, Will steps out, his face flickering when he sees her. 
“Hi?” She says, a little annoyed.
“Hi.” Will says, like nothing’s just happened, like he didn’t just do a double take of the worst kind at her mere presence.
“What’s wrong?” She frowns, reaching out for him and gently sliding her hand on his forearm.
“Nothing.” There’s no other word for it; Will flinches. 
“Will.” Aubrey breathes as he shrugs off her arm.
“It’s nothing.” He repeats. “I’m just tired.” Which is so clearly a lie and she frowns, ready to call him out, but he reaches for her hand and says, “Let’s go eat,” with such finality that she doesn’t really know how she’d bring it up.
All she knows is that his hand feels cold in a way it never has before and the silence they sit in at dinner is like nothing she’s ever felt with him, even before they started sleeping together.
“Merry Christmas!” Cam throws open the front door dramatically before Aubrey, Will, Steph, and Mitch have barely even shut their car doors. “Come on, you’re late!”
“Oh boy.” Aubrey mutters and she hears Steph and Mitch laugh.
Will, however, is as quiet as he’s been all drive up to her parents for their annual Christmas Eve party- as quiet as he’s been all week, as he’s been since whatever happened- and it makes her wonder why he even came. She’d told him he didn’t have to come if he didn’t want to; he’d just given her this tiny smile and asked her what time they had to pick up Mitch and Steph.
“How are we late?” Steph asks, as all four of them start yanking off coats and scarves the second they walk in the door. “None of the neighbors are even here yet!” 
Cam huffs at that bit of logic and turns on her heel, walking away from them as they laugh, which cues Aubrey’s brothers into their arrival. Tye and Danny poke their heads around the corner of the wall, calling for Mitch immediately to show them how to do something on a new video game, but right away they’re thwarted by their mom. “Later.” Mitch whispers to them, as Tye and Danny grin, following the four of them into the kitchen. 
In the kitchen, they find Aubrey and Steph’s moms working in tandem- the way they always have on Christmas Eve- to finish the appetizers and set food out. They stop only briefly to greet their daughters and their daughters’ boyfriends, and to direct them on where to put the desserts they brought, before they’re shooing them all right back out.
“Dads in the basement?” Steph asks, like they all don’t know the answer already, and Danny nods, leading the way down the stairs, where Fitz and Ryan have already started a beer pong game against Mike and Tom.
“Shotty next.” Mitch calls, while he waits for Aubrey and Steph to say hi to their dads.
“You gonna be able to walk back next door?” Fitz snorts out a laugh.
“That was one time!” Mitch protests. “Nobody warned me how much drinking there was on Christmas Eve!”
“It’s like we hadn’t spent the last four months together before that.” Aubrey deadpans, focusing more on watching Will greet her stepdad with the same enthusiasm as he had her mom, and her brothers, and Cam.
But then, he comes back to her side, and when she goes to tangle their fingers together, his hand stays limp, just kind of letting her do what she wants, not returning the gesture at all, instead of pulling her closer like he used to.
“Guess I thought you two were the anomaly.” Mitch teases. “Then I learned I’d have to bring my A game all the time.” 
“Yeah buddy.” Tom says, looking over at his daughter’s boyfriend right after he sinks Fitz and Ryan’s last cup. “Who’s with you?”
By the time Mitch and Will get demolished in beer pong, Aubrey and Steph are fighting back a laugh at their dads’ light buzz already going and the neighbors have started to arrive, which brings a temporary pause to pong play for more introductions.
The neighbors all love Will, which, of course they do. Aubrey’s not surprised at all. He’s funny and charming and personable, just has this air that draws people in, and every one of her mom’s friends finds her at some point after they meet Will to gush about how wonderful he is.
“Yeah.” Aubrey says, almost helplessly to Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Morris, as she watches Will with Kayls and Cam across the room. “He’s pretty great.” They smile knowingly at her, Mrs. Jones winking as she passes, leaving Aubrey to watch them with a fond smile on her face.
It’s Will who notices her staring first, because of course it is. Kayls and Cam are oblivious to everything around them. He catches her eye, still laughing about whatever they’re talking about, and there’s a second where his smile grows when he sees her, a second Aubrey feels a grin growing across her own face.
And then it all stops abruptly as something flashes over Will’s face, and as quick as the grin was there, it’s gone.
Aubrey frowns and watches as Will returns to talking with Kayls and Cam again, but notices the smile on his face seems forced now. She wants...well, she doesn’t know exactly what she wants, but she’s tired of not knowing what’s going on with him.
“Hey.” Fitz nudges her shoulder. “It’s too early for you to be sad about going to your dad’s tomorrow. Come take a shot with me.”
“I-” It’s not that. She starts to say, but stops herself. Today’s not the day to try and tease out whatever’s going on with Will. Whatever it is could wait until after Christmas. “Yeah, sure.”
Fitz grins, leading her over to the makeshift bar, corralling a few friends as they go, but by the time he starts pouring, the crowd around them has gotten bigger. Will’s standing next to her, but the space he’s left between them feels so purposeful, and it only makes Aubrey frown as she listens to Fitz’s Christmas toast, as he cheers to a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, to good friends and great family. “And a way too cool future brother-in-law.” He jokes. “Don’t fuck this up, Aub!”
“Yo!” Mitch protests loudly as Aubrey feels the breath get stuck in her chest. 
She can’t even look at Will, so tense she can hardly bring her shot glass up to her mouth. The alcohol barely even burns and she knows it’s not because she’s too drunk to taste it; the numbness of her brother’s comment still stinging, and it’s well after she’s deposited her shot glass on the counter that she realizes, “Where’s Will?”
Mitch frowns, looking behind them. “He was right here, wasn’t he?”
Aubrey nods slowly, trying to stand on her toes and search for him. “Can you just-” She starts.
Steph’s right on her wavelength. “You look up here; we’ll check downstairs.”
Will is nowhere to be found on the main floor, so she heads upstairs and finally finds him in the room they’d thrown their bags in earlier. “Hey.” She breathes out a sigh of relief. “There you are.”
“Here I am.” Will says quietly. He’s in front of the taller dresser, looking at the bulletin board covered in pictures from high school and college- one of the few relics left in the room from when it was hers before her mom refashioned it into a guest room. 
“I’m sorry about Fitz!” She blurts. “He didn’t mean any-”
“We should be wrapping up soon, right?” Will says abruptly, interrupting her.
“What?” Aubrey frowns, shocked. That is...not at all what she thought he’d say.
“This?” He gestures between the two of them. “Like, Mitch and Steph definitely think we're a thing. Can call this off soon?”
“Um.” Aubrey tries to breathe but something’s definitely restricting that ability. “We…what?”
“We can stop this pretending.” Will says, like it’s obvious, and Aubrey feels her stomach drop. This...this was all pretend to him. “Do that break up that’s going to crush them. The whole reason we did this.”
“Right.” She swallows the lump in her throat. “Uh yeah, we can do that.”
Will shrugs. “Cool.” He says, and then turns and walks away, leaving Aubrey standing there wondering where exactly she went wrong.
“Ok.” Steph snaps her fingers and only then does Aubrey look up from the Leafs vs. Calgary game that her best friend invited her over to watch that she’s paying absolutely no attention to- and hasn’t actually been able to focus on all night. Her best friend is standing in front of her, holding a new bottle of wine, and looking concerned. “I’ve asked for your glass like four times now. What’s going on?”
Aubrey bites her lip and holds her glass out. If she’s going to do this, they’re both going to need refills. “I have to tell you something.”
Steph frowns immediately but fills Aubrey’s glass and then her own. “Uhh, ok? What’s up.”
Aubrey doesn’t know whether she needs a deep breath or a sip of wine to settle her nerves. She goes for both. “Will and I aren’t together.”
And maybe...maybe that was the wrong way to phrase it, because Steph’s face just falls. “I’m so sorry, babe.” She says, reaching out and rubbing Aubrey’s arm. “I really thought-” She shakes her head and Aubrey’s still trying to figure out what she said wrong, what she can say to make her see what she really means. “Are you okay?”
“No.” Aubrey says and Steph looks like she wants to reach for the wine bottle and pull her in for a hug at the same time, until she continues. “No, I mean; Will and I aren’t together now because we were never really together at all and no, I’m not okay either, actually, now that you mention it.”
Now Steph frowns uncertainly, like she doesn’t know what to say. And that look? The one on her face right there? If it didn’t feel like her heart was already breaking, she’d be cherishing that look.
Now she can’t even enjoy it.
“You’re going to have to explain this one to me.” Steph says, her voice carefully neutrally.
So Aubrey does- beginning with the night that Mitch and Steph had had them over and her and Will’s plan to get them to stop nagging, to when they’d started sleeping together, to how it felt like they were together for real and on the same page, right up until they weren’t.
“I wanna be so mad at you right now.” Steph says, after a long silence.
“You should be.” Aubrey admits. “I would be.
“Well, you’re making it really hard looking so sad.” Steph glares. “And being so dumb.” Aubrey’s jaw drops, even if the callout is probably well deserved. “Will looks at you like you are the center of the universe. He looks like his entire day has gotten better every time you walk into the room. For God’s sake, he willingly met your dad on Christmas last week! You cannot honestly tell me you think he doesn’t really want to be with you!”
“He told me he wanted to stop!” Aubrey cries. “He was the one who said we should do the breakup!”
“Well if you don’t want to, then tell him!” Steph dares.
“Stephanie.” Aubrey frowns. 
“I can’t do that!” Aubrey hisses.
“Why not?” Steph pours another glass of wine for herself and then passes the bottle over. Aubrey accepts eagerly. “Did Will tell you why he wanted to stop this...dating thing?”
“...no.” Aubrey sighs. It’s another thing that’s been driving her crazy.
“So ask him.” Steph says plainly. “And tell him you don’t want to stop.”
Aubrey bites her lip nervously. “But what if he says no?”
“Honestly the worst thing that happens here is that you still break up.” Steph says gently. “But this really just sounds like a matter of you two actually needing to talk about where you stand. Will’s not a mind-reader, Aub; he can’t have known you didn’t want to stop things, especially if this was all your idea in the first place.”
Ugh, she’s right. “I hate everything about this.” Aubrey sing-songs. “Including the fact that you even introduced us.”
Now Steph grins. “You do not hate that we introduced you. You just hate feeling vulnerable.”
That’s too accurate to address, so Aubrey flips her off and reaches for the wine again.
Will picks her up for the Leafs annual New Year’s Eve party and it’s unfair because no one should look that good dressed in black pants and a sweater, but there’s Will waiting by the car with a beanie on his head and a pea coat left open, for maximal torture is the only reason Aubrey can think of.
“Hi.” She breathes, running across the street to him as best she can in her heels. 
It takes him a second to respond. “Hi.” He says finally, opening the door for her. “You uh, planning on blinding us all tonight?” He teases, once he slides into the backseat of the uber with her.
Aubrey giggles at the lame joke as she looks down at her glittery skirt. It’s such a lame joke but she’s just so relieved he even made it. That they still have dumb things to laugh over. “Hmm, over-under on how many of us are wearing something sparkly tonight. 10?”
“Over.” Will answers immediately and she giggles again.
The ride doesn’t take long so it’s only a few minutes before they’re pulling up to the club, where they run into Travis Dermott and his girlfriend exiting their uber at the same time. “Nine more.” Will whispers in her ear, as Kat turns to greet them, and they both catch sight of a sparkly tank under her jacket.
“Hush.” Aubrey bites back a laugh, but only barely, before she pulls Kat in for a hug. Inside is about as loud as she’d expected but once they all step upstairs into the VIP section roped off for them, it’s easier to hear, easier to think, and easier to breathe.
Or at least, it is for a moment. She can feel Will’s eyes on her from across the room, where he’s at the bar ordering drinks for the two of them, and she and Kat have gone to say hi to more people.
“So, uh.” Steph says, in lieu of hello. “I don’t think Will’s being weird anymore.”
When Aubrey turns and follows Steph’s eyes, Will’s still looking at her, unashamed in his gaze or getting caught. He winks back at her, grinning when she smiles at him. “No.” She says slowly. “I guess not.” Steph just grins at that, kind of smugly, and Aubrey huffs at that, turning away to greet Morgan and Tessa behind her.
It’s not long before Will returns with drinks, still grinning as he pulls her immediately to the dance floor. He pulls out some of his most ridiculous moves and Aubrey laughs, harder and harder the more she drinks, and then finally falling against him after he and Mitch attempt the Toosie Slide together. 
“Why are you laughing?” Will demands, wrapping an arm around her waist and taking her hand, leading her into some weird kind of slow dance, even as the song changes into something by The Chainsmokers.
“I just like seeing you like this.” She grins.
His brow furrows. “Like what?”
“Just-” She doesn’t know how to explain it. How open he is right now, how loose and easy and warm he looks because he’s just able to be himself, and how happy she feels to be with him, especially when he’s like this. “Just happy, I guess.”
Will grins again and presses a loud kiss to her temple, that she barely has time to giggle at, because he says, “Always happy to be with you,” like it’s the most casual thing in the world. 
And Aubrey gasps in shock, but she doesn’t think Will even notices, because he’s dipping her back over his arm right after that and then she’s too busy laughing again.
Steph flops down on the remaining couch seat and ignores the look that Auston sends her in favor of fanning herself with her hand. “Sure.” He says dryly. “I’ll move over a little.”
“Would you? Thanks.” She snickers and he shakes his head fondly at her.
“How about you?” He looks over at Aubrey. “Gonna squish me in the corner even more?”
Aubrey’s already settled herself on his other side, on the edge of the couch. “Nah, I’m good here.” She bumps her shoulder against his.
“Is it even possible to squish you in the corner?” Steph muses.
“Why are you squished in the corner?” Aubrey asks, confused. “What, you couldn’t find a date for New Year’s?”
“I make it a point to not bring dates to holiday parties.” Auston says and Aubrey’s jaw drops.
Steph’s snickering into her palm though, so it’s clear this particular brand of assholery isn’t unfamiliar. “Holidays and events.” She cackles. “Keep those expectations low.”
“Although now that I know that all it takes to make a girl leave is to just have you walk in my house the next morning…” Auston trails off thoughtfully.
Aubrey shoves at his head, ruffling his hair on purpose, but she can’t help but laugh along with him. “Don’t you fucking dare. I’ve got better things to do than that.”
“Like what?” Steph says, too innocently to be real. “Will?”
“I’m leaving.” Aubrey stands, as Steph and Auston both laugh. “I don’t have to listen to this.”
“Is noon good tomorrow?” She hears Auston call after her, while Steph cackles next to him. “How about 12:30?” She flips him off over her shoulder, without looking back, instead pushing her way around Fred and his new girl, to find Will where she’d left him at the bar with Mitch.
But at the bar, she finds only Mitch, who’s looking a little confused. “Where’s Will?” She asks.
“Um.” Is all Mitch says and Aubrey frowns immediately. 
“Mitch, what happened?” Aubrey says flatly and Mitch caves right away.
“I don’t know!” He says. “We were just ordering drinks, watching you guys, everything seemed fine, and next thing I know, he was walking away!”
��Well where did he go?” She asks impatiently, barely waiting for Mitch to point before she’s shoving her way through the crowd.
It feels like she circles the entire building before she finally finds Will, and it’s more like she happens to run into him than she actually finds him, which just annoys her even more, enough that she grabs his hand and pulls him outside to a spot far enough away that it’s quiet enough to talk.
It’s not quiet- it’s still New Year’s Eve and there’s people all around them going up and down the street- but it’s far enough from the door that they can’t feel the music anymore, at least. 
Will’s staring at their hands, still linked, but he’s not saying anything, and even though she’s the one who dragged them out into the cold, he’s the one who started acting weird in the first place, and she feels her annoyance grow. “I thought we were having a really good time tonight?”
Will sighs. “We were.” He pauses. “I was, at least.”
“Ok, I was too.” Aubrey says slowly. “So, what happened?”
Will sighs again. “Look, it’s fine, like this was never supposed to be a thing with us, yeah? I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at me. I’ll get over it.”
She’s so confused. “Get over what? Why are you mad?”
“I saw you,” Will says. “Coming out of Auston’s one morning. I was driving past, after practice on my way home.” He shrugs, almost casually, but she can see in his face how hurt he is. “And like, we were never supposed to be a thing.” He repeats and she frowns. Why does he keep saying that? “So I’m not mad at you and I can’t even be mad at him. But I saw you and Matts together and I knew I liked you more than you liked me.” He shrugs again, trying to play off his words as light as casual, but Aubrey’s trying to put the pieces together of what he said. “I know you’d rather be here with him tonight, but that’s why I can’t do this anymore.”
“Oh my god.” She breathes. “You’re so dumb.”
“Hey!” Will protests.
“We’re so dumb.” She corrects, because, really, it’s the truth. “I was at Auston’s that day because he was the only one who knew about us at the time and I needed to talk to someone about if I’m in love with you!”
Will doesn’t move for a second, the longest second of Aubrey’s entire life. “Where, uh, where’d you land on that one?” He asks, like he’s kind of nervous for the answer.
And Aubrey can relate; there are butterflies in her stomach, even though she’s positive she knows how this is going to end now. “Pretty strongly in favor for.” She says and Will beams, that bright smile that lights up his entire face. “I didn’t get to tell you earlier, but I’m always happy to be with you, too.”
“That’s good.” Will says mildly, and Aubrey grins, waiting for the rest. “Because I really love seeing you smile like that.”
Her jaw drops a little. She’s not upset about what he said at all; it’s just so not what she expected him to say. And in that moment of silence, Will grins down at her once more, before leaning down to kiss her.
It’s late the next morning by the time Aubrey tumbles out of bed, yanking a t-shirt of Will’s over her head. Will’s been up for at least an hour already, and she kisses his cheek as she passes, giggling as he lightly pats her ass in return.
“Coffee’s still warm.” He says.
“I still love you.” She teases. “That’s not changing just because you kept the pot warm.” Will flips her off and returns back to the game he’s playing on his Switch. “Have you seen my phone?”
“Near the front door.”
Most of her stuff is still by the front door, thrown hastily down when they’d come in late last night. Her phone’s still got a little battery left, filled with messages from late last night and earlier this morning, but one in particular catches her eye.
Steph LaChance: i told you so 😉
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cheri-translates · 3 years
Headcanon - Your son isn’t cute at all
Original title: 儿子一点都不可爱
Original author: 君兮耶君兮 (jun xi ye jun xi)
You’re certain that the strength of Victor’s genes resulted in that little guy at home being an exact replica of him. Even Victor can’t deny that your son resembles him greatly in terms of appearance.
However, this doesn’t mean he acknowledges the resemblance of their personalities. At the very least, he feels that he wasn’t as studious during his childhood years.
Furthermore, Victor has half-jokingly pointed out that your son’s dislike for exercise is exactly the same as his mother’s.
“Victor, your son is bullying me again!” 
Although your opponent is a little brat, you’re still unable to win. In this short round of Go, your white pieces have more or less been “eaten” by your son’s black pieces.
“Dummy. Don’t blame your son if your skills can’t match up to his.” Victor sets down the documents in his hand, walking over to observe.
Is this something he should be saying in front of the kid!? What about your dignity as a mother? 
You turn around with a glare. “You were the one who taught me how to play Go. My teacher didn’t teach me properly!”
In the past, you’d typically respond to Victor’s remarks with a stubborn retort. Nowadays, you simply toss the bucket to someone else.
“If you make that move, you’d be sending yourself straight to a loss,” Victor comments, seeing that you’re once again putting a white piece where it’d definitely be “eaten”.
“Who says that I’m making that move?” You flick your wrist, salvaging the fate of the white piece, along with your pride. With a dignified air, you continue. “A true gentleman keeps silent while watching a game.”
“Mom, putting your piece here isn’t any different from the other spot.” Your son notes expressionlessly. With a thud of his black piece, he is only one move away from “eating” your white piece.
Despite the truth in his words, being ridiculed by your son truly upsets you. “We’ll continue. What happened earlier was a tiny mistake.”
In the following rounds, your white pieces grow sparse on the board while Victor observes the mother-son battle calmly. Or rather, watching as you get obliterated by your son.
Wanting to prolong the competition despite the lack of prospects, you courageously seek Victor’s assistance. “Hubby, help me out!”
Ignoring his son’s awkward expression, Victor rubs your head in a comforting manner. Picking up a piece and placing it onto the board, he instantly rescues several white pieces from a tragic ending. “Next time, give your Mom a chance. You need to give some confidence to opponents who are weaker than you.”
Your son nods in half-understanding.
Victor, don’t think I can’t tell that you’re calling me a noob!
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Just as you wished, you had a son. However, there are times when you really think your son isn’t cute at all!
Your son watches you sternly, hands on his hips.
“Mommy, Dad said that you can’t eat ice-cream these days.”
“Be good. If you don’t say anything, your dad won’t find out. Also, I’m not the only one eating. You can have one too~” You attempt to bribe the little fellow who is utterly loyal to Gavin.
He rejects your suggestion decisively. “No way. Dad will get angry.”
This so-called anger is simply Gavin displaying a cold expression momentarily. Away from his son’s gaze, you’d play coy and Gavin would release a sigh of resignation before gently reminding you not to commit this offence again. To you, this isn’t a deterrence factor at all.
Since your son can’t find out about this little secret, you huff while returning the ice-cream into the fridge. Then, you grab a bag of spicy sticks from the snack basket.
Before your fingers touch the jagged edges of the opening, your son stops you.
“Mom, no spicy sticks either.” 
It truly isn't a good feeling to be ordered around by a child. 
Bored out of your wits, you bury yourself in the sofa, watching as your son stuffs the packet of spicy sticks back into the snack basket. “What other things did your dad prohibit?”
Your son tilts his head as he recalls. “Aside from ice-cream, mala soup, snacks, fried chicken, there’s nothing else.”
And he called that “nothing”!?
With the loss of snacks, you feel like your entire life has turned dim and gloomy. You get up coldly before walking into the bedroom listlessly. “I’ll take a nap. When your dad gets back, tell him to face the corner and stay there.”
Your son obediently agrees.
Close to dinnertime, your honourable husband returns home. Even before he removes his shoes, his son calls out to him. “Mom asked you to stand at the corner.” The little rascal gloats slightly.
Gavin is left dumbfounded, and has no idea what he did to anger you. “Where is she?”
“She’s asleep.”
After standing at the corner for ten minutes, there’s no stirring from the bedroom. Gavin pokes his son, who is sitting at the entrance and reading a book. “Go and check if your mom has woken up.”
“Nope.” Your son refuses instantly.
“Why not?”
“Mom said that if I supervise you until she wakes up herself, she’d buy me the latest model aeroplane.” The little child’s eyes brim with anticipation at the thought of the new toy.
So he abandoned his father for a new model aeroplane?
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“Mom, do you really not know how to do this question? Dad said that this question is very simple.” Your son looks up with a frown, only to see your frustrated expression as you rip up a sheet of rough paper.
“...don’t listen to your dad’s nonsense.”
The way Professor Lucien defines the word “simple” is completely different from ordinary people, all right?!
“Dad won’t lie to me. Mom can’t do it because she’s too stupid!”
Ever since the little fellow followed Lucien to the research centre, his admiration for his father has risen by another degree.
Having your self-esteem trampled upon, you toss the pen aside. “Why don’t you ask your dad then? I’m done with this!” 
Isn’t making cream puffs more enjoyable than solving problems? Why should you continue torturing yourself?
The little rascal pinches the booklet and heads into the study room. “Dad, I think I made Mom angry.”
“What happened?” You rarely lose your temper in front of the child.
His son shows him the question in the booklet. “Mom couldn’t solve it, so I called her stupid.”
“Apologise to your mother!” Lucien thinks that aside from him, nobody else can bully his Little Miss. Not even his son.
“Okay.” Your son responds obediently before going downstairs.
By the time Lucien finishes his work and heads into the kitchen, he spots you stuffing a cream puff into your son’s mouth. “It’s fine, it’s fine. Next time, just ask your dad directly if you have any math questions.”
“All right.” The little rascal’s puffy cheeks resemble a hamster’s. When he sees Lucien arriving, he returns to his room to read books, giving the both of you space.
Amused by the mother-son interaction, Lucien waits till his son leaves before entering the kitchen and reaching out for a cream puff. Before he can even touch one, you whack his hand away.
“Hm? It seems that my wife is angry with me too?” Lucien wraps an arm around your waist and nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck. Even though he’s exerting very little force, you're still unable to free yourself.
“I’m so sorry that I can’t do a question which, according to Professor Lucien, is very simple.” While he continues hugging you, you transfer the cream puffs from the baking tray onto a small plate. 
“That’s okay. Having one adult who can teach him is enough.”
You pout. “Your son called me stupid earlier.”
“Nonsense.” Lucien gives you a tap on the head. “My wife is the smartest. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have taken so long for me to win you over.”
Lucien’s sweet nothings are becoming smoother and smoother. Pushing him away with your elbow, you pick up the small plate. “Go and give the cream puffs to our son.”
Initially thinking that the plate was meant for him, Lucien is stunned momentarily. His son had a cream puff personally fed to him, while he hasn’t even managed to touch a cream puff. “What about mine?”
You release an icy “hmph”.
“Considering Professor Lucien’s high IQ, I’m sure he can make them himself. I want to give these to my son, who is also unable to solve that problem.”
Why does he have to bear the consequences when his son was the one who angered you?
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[ KIRO ]
“I’m back~” 
You’ve just returned from a business trip which swept you overseas for close to a month, and it’s been a long time since you saw the two suns in your home.
“Mommy! Welcome home!”
“Miss Chips! Welcome home!”
The father-son duo exclaim unanimously, rushing over to the door with their similar faces and equally dazzling golden hair.
Your adorable son stumbles over to you, and you respond by squatting down and stretching your hands to give him a full hug. The little fellow tightens his grip around your neck to express his joy and how much he missed you.
Apple Box leaps around beside you to convey his welcome, and you can’t help but reach out to give him a pat on his fluffy head. In the time you weren’t around, he had put on quite a bit of weight.
The small entrance hall brims with a warm atmosphere... aside from Kiro.
At this moment, Kiro feels that his position in the home has deteriorated, and he shoots a killer glare towards your coquettish son and Apple Box, who weren’t sidelined by you.
“Miss Chips, did you not miss me... QAQ”
Despite the passage of time, Kiro, who has even become a father, seems to have become more childish.
You purse your lips. “Who said so? I missed you very much.”
“But you hugged him first and even patted Apple Box. You didn’t give me a hug.” The more he talks about it, the more insignificant he feels.
“Dad, you’re so heavy. Mom won’t be able to carry you.” Your son rubs salt into his wound.
Sure enough, Kiro gets offended by this. With a darkened expression, he pulls his son away from your arms, lifting him into the air. “Say that again!”
The little rascal struggles for a while before escaping from his grasp, then buries himself into your arms again. “Mommy, I drew you a picture!” With this, he sends Kiro a competitive glance.
Amused by the usual competition between father and son, you feed off your son’s excitement. “Really? My darling is incredible!”
“I’m incredible too!” Kiro is deathly afraid of falling behind. “Go away.” He pulls his son away from you once again. His left hand reaches behind your knees, and he bends down to carry you up. When he feels your hands tightening around his neck, he lets out a satisfied “hmph”.
“I can pick your Mom up in a princess carry. Can you?”
“Once I’ve grown up, I can do it too!” Your son gives him a glance of disdain. “Also, you’d be old by the time I grow up. I’d also be more handsome than you. Mommy will definitely like me more~”
“Looks like you need a spanking!” Kiro places you down before reaching for his son.
“Kiro, you’re not allowed to hit our son!” You hurriedly stop him before he can do anything.
“He was challenging my authority as his father.”
You tousle his hair in a comforting manner. “Be good. Actually, our son wasn’t wrong. When you’re old, you’d...”
“Miss Chips!”
“When you’re old, you’d still be handsome!” You chuckle gently, tugging him on the sleeve to make him bend down slightly. A sweet kiss lands on the side of his face. “Superheroes are the most handsome~”
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[ SHAW ]
“Don’t make a mess out of our house!”
The moment you see the unsalvageable mess on the coffee table, the only thought that runs through your mind is sending this troublemaker back to the oven to be re-made.
“Dad said that an overly neat doesn’t have a homely feeling.” Your son tilts his head upwards confidently, continuing with his work on hand.
“So why are you doodling on the wall?”
The originally pure white wall has been morphed beyond recognition. And why does the style of this abstract art look so familiar?
Your son wipes his hands on a damp cloth at the side, then picks up a crayon. “Dad said that aesthetic sense must be picked up since young.”
Seeing the patches of postmodern art on the wall causes your blood to boil. “Can’t you use paper?”
As compared to your frantic state, your son is much more composed. “Dad said that I should strike while the iron’s hot when it comes to being inspired. I didn’t have time to find paper, so I drew on the wall.”
No matter what, you have to find the main culprit.
“Shaw, get over here!” Your twist your head and roar towards the living room.
“Did you allow him to draw on the walls?” You glare at him fiercely, causing his initial “yes” to quickly turn into a “I did not.”
Your son lifts his head in confusion. “Dad, didn’t you say that I should draw wherever I wanted to? You even said a child’s talent shouldn’t be stifled.”
With a grim laugh, you toss him a rag. “Since you allowed him to do it, you’ll be the one to clean up.”
“...son, use paper next time. Don’t draw on the walls.” Shaw finds a smaller rag and hands it to his son. The both of them begin wiping off the colourful traces on the wall pitifully, wishing they could travel back in time to stop this from happening in the first place.
Sitting on your son’s small bed while scrolling through your phone, you occasionally look up to supervise their progress.
Once they’re more or less done, your son suddenly pipes up.
“When can we head out to do graffiti?”
“Graffiti?” Why weren’t you aware of such plans?
Shaw has a bad feeling about this.
“Shaw. Explain.”
“It’s just... nurturing his artistic side...” His voice dies off at the end.
“Okay. Right now, I’ll be nurturing his mathematical side. Stand at the corner of the wall and count from one to a thousand.”
After tidying your son’s bed, you head out to pour yourself a cup of water.
Shaw tosses a sympathetic glance at his son. “Every man for himself.”
“As his father, you’ll keep him company.”
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More translated and original works: here
[ Permission to translate ]
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君兮耶君兮: Can, just state the author and the source
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farfromharry · 3 years
My Rapunzel | Professor!Dad!Tom fic
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Summary: being a college professor means tom’s working from home in these difficult times, spending a lot more time with his angel of a daughter and his beautiful girlfriend, who by the way is definitely his favourite princess.
Word count - 6k
Harrison paused right before he turned the handle on the door, turning to the girl with a sheepish, shy smile.
“Just a heads up, my best friend is probably teaching a class in here,” He warned. He’d told the girl before about how he lived with 3 of his friends, and one of them was a uni professor. So of course he’d be teaching from home in the current situation. “And, his daughter may also be running around somewhere.”
He noted the slightly surprised look that crossed her face. He’d tried to hold off bringing her to the apartment for as long as he could, specifically because he didn't know how she was with kids and he didn’t want to burden her with having to entertain Scarlett while they were meant to be hanging out.
Harrison absolutely adored Scarlett, he had from the day he met her and he never hesitated to help Tom out when he needed his help. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t be a handful at times, especially more recently when Tom hadn’t been able to give her his undivided attention.
He unlocked the door while making quiet conversation with the girl behind him, pushing on the wood and guiding her into the apartment.
Harrison knelt down on the hardwood floor in preparation for the incoming attack, hearing those tiny, sock covered feet padding towards him.
“Harrison!” she squealed, practically launching herself into his arms. He was happy to scoop her up, holding her against his chest with a smile. Her tiny arms wrapped around his neck, giving him a small hug as best she could.
The man noted the eerily quiet flat, worried that the girl had accidentally been left alone by her, at times, slightly irresponsible father.
Of course Harrison thought his best mate was an amazing dad, especially after he just had it dropped on him that he was a single father, but there were occasions where Tom did some pretty questionable and embarrassing things, the stories basically banned from being told within a 10 foot radius of the male.
“Where’s your dad, huh?” He gently pinched her cheek, making her giggle adorably and bury her face in his chest. He heard the quiet mumble, even if it was muffled by the material of his shirt.
Harrison rolled his eyes. “Is Uncle Harry home?”
She shook her head, looking over his shoulder at the pretty girl standing there awkwardly. Scarlett waved her little hand, flashing her a smile.
“Uncle Tuwaine?” He asked. She shook her head once again, finally receiving her wave back from the pretty woman. Harrison thought for a minute, deciding that he’d have to interrupt whatever Tom was doing to discuss this.
“You just take a seat, I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he promised the girl. He carried Scarlett into her dad’s bedroom, a swift knock on the door making Tom’s head shoot up. Thankfully, it didn’t look like Harrison was interrupting a class or anything, meaning that Tom had no way to deny him time to talk.
“Can we talk?” he asked, motioning to the toddler in his arms. Tom nodded, pressing a few keys before halting his movements at his computer as he gave his best friend his full attention.
“Go ahead.”
“I was kind of counting on you not to be teaching today,” he stated. “So, I brought a girl over and now-”
Tom interrupted. “Now you don’t want to watch Scarlett.”
Harrison felt bad. It’s not like it was her fault, Tom was simply just a workaholic who never knew when to stop and that oftentimes meant he had to get his friends or his family to babysit. There were many times where Harrison had wanted to physically hit some sense into Tom so he’d spend more time with his daughter.
Ever since he began working at home it’s gotten even worse for the poor girl. She can see Tom, but she can’t see Tom and sometimes all the girl wants is a cuddle from her dad. There’s been a lot more temper tantrums due to her not being able to get any love from her dad when she wants it.
“Look I’m sorry, but I’ve been watching her everyday this week,” he complained. Scarlett didn’t know where to look, watching them both as they conversed.
Tom didn’t know what to do. He knew he’d only get distracted if he let her stay with him, but he didn’t want to put any more responsibility on Harrison, cause it wasn’t like Lettie was his kid.
Safe to say he was torn.
“Y/N should be here soon, can’t you just watch her until then?” he begged. Tom knew it probably wasn’t Harrison that was the problem, it was his lady friend. His best friend would look after the tiny angel in a heartbeat. She clearly came over to get some private time with the man and he could tell she wasn’t exactly thrilled when she learned she’d have to babysit for a few hours.
“Fine, fine, but don’t expect us to be playing dolls with her or anything.”
Tom grinned widely, placing a sloppy kiss on his daughter’s cheek, playfully hitting Harrison’s arm. The girl giggled, tucking her head in her uncle's neck.
“You’re a lifesaver man,” he said. “I have a class soon but if i’m done early then I’ll take her off your hands.”
The younger male nodded, looking at the child in his arms with a small smile, the same as the one Tom had while watching his little creation simply exist; he was utterly in love with her.
“Are you ready to go and spend time with your uncle Haz, Lettie?”
She cheered, nodding her head rapidly. Tom looked at his best friend with a ‘see’ kind of look and the blonde simply rolled his eyes.
“Let’s go.”
“Okay so, you just need to write that out. I’ll give you around twenty minutes and then we’ll move on. Is that okay?” He received a few nods from some of his different students, flashing them a smile as he checked the clock so he knew when to tell them to stop typing.
“Do any of you mind if I just nip out to grab a drink?” He once again received a few nods from more or less the same people as last time. He smiled, excusing himself and heading out of his bedroom to the kitchen.
On his way he walked past the living room, scoffing at the sight in front of him. Scarlett was falling asleep on the chair while the tv played some disney film she’d seen a hundred times, one that Tom knew she didn’t really like all too much.
But there on the couch was Harrison and the girl engaged in what looked like an intense liplock. Tom had a right to be angry, but he didn’t know if now was the time to say anything. The blonde was more or less already annoyed with his friend and he didn’t need to give him any more reason why he should be.
He cleared his throat, announcing his presence to the three in the room. His bub just looked up at him through her long lashes, rubbing her eyes tiredly. While Harrison and the mystery girl just stared at him.
“Really? While Scarlett’s in the room too.” Harrison didn’t try and defend himself, but the look on the girl sitting next to him’s face, told him everything he needed to know. The sleepy girl in the armchair didn’t even know what was going on, having just seen the angry look on her dad’s face and the sheepish one on her uncles.
“Come on, angel.” He carefully picked her up, her head tucking into his neck while he held her on his hip. She shifted in his arms, whining tiredly at all the sudden movement.
“Daddy.” Tom kissed her cheek, his feet taking him to the kitchen to get what he originally came for. He opened the fridge with his free hand, grabbing a water bottle for himself and placing it on the counter, before grabbing the juice he’d put in there earlier for Scarlett.
“Bub?” he asked. She slowly lifted her head, looking up at her dad with her large brown eyes, the same ones that resembled his. “Can you hold your juice for me?”
She held the sippy cup in both of her tiny hands, letting her dad carry her back to his room. He sighed when he closed the door, realising he’d have to have her with him during the rest of his class. He sat back down and it turned a few heads, the teens furrowing their eyebrows at the sudden sight of a young child in their professor’s camera view.
He placed the water bottle and juice on his desk, adjusting Scarlett on his knee so she was more comfortable.
“Is it okay if my daughter sits in for a bit everyone?” There was a chorus of agreement, some students cooing over the little girl sitting on their professors knee. Scarlett grew shy, tucking her head into her dad’s chest so they all couldn’t see her blushing face.
Tom smiled, hand coming up to hold her head to his chest. He mindlessly played with her curls while he explained how to get started or gave a bit of influence on what to put to some of them that were struggling.
Scarlett was beginning to get fidgety, her hands clutching at her dad’s shirt. Tom knew these were all signs of when she got sleepy, wanting to take a nap.
“You tired bub?” She nodded her head, tiredly rubbing her eyes with her fists. Tom kissed her head, grabbing a loose hairband from off his desk to tie her curls back.
Some of the girls in the class swooned when Tom started to brush the girls hair back with his fingers, tying it into a loose ponytail at the back of her head.
“Take a nap, s’okay.” She nodded, asking her dad to grab her teddy bear for her, the one she always seemed unable to fall asleep without. It was sitting on the end of Tom’s bed, the man easily reaching over the desk to grab it for her.
She happily clutched it to her chest, snuggling further into her dad’s warm chest. He placed a quick kiss on her hair as he watched her eyes flutter shut, a small smile lingering on his lips.
“Ten more minutes everyone.” His hand was still resting against Scarlett’s head, his thumb rubbing the area of her temple gently. People had begun finishing, starting to ask Tom the most random questions about Lettie and more specifically why they’d never met her before. “She’ll have to join us more often then.” He placed a quick kiss on her head before announcing he was going to end the lesson early, let his students go do whatever they wanted for the rest of their afternoon.
“Have fun, goodbye all.” With a wave and a few clicks of his mouse, the call had ended. Tom sighed, watching as people began handing in the essays they’d just been working on, the ones that Tom needed to grade and give improvements on before Friday, today was only Tuesday.
Tom’s phone suddenly pinged with a text notification, making him startle for a second, the man reaching over to grab it to see your contact name lighting up his screen.
Chinese for dinner? Can pick it up later on my way back x
Yes please, you’re a delight love x
He smiled as he set his phone back down, planning on finishing marking the rest of his class’ work before he finished for the day. Now you and Tom didn’t actually live together, yet, but you often stayed over to help with anything, including the toddler you adored.
Scarlett was still pleasantly sleeping in her dad’s lap, for how much longer he didn’t know, but her breathing was steady and even, as she dreamed about whatever three year old’s dreamt about.
She eventually shifted a little while later, letting out an adorable tired sound from the back of her throat as she stretched with a sleepy yawn.
“Hi dove, did you sleep okay?” He brushed some stray hair out of her face, letting her take a minute to wake herself up. She eventually nodded her head, letting out a little sassy huff as she looked up at her dad.
“I don’t like uncle Haz’s friend,” she complained, jutting out her bottom lip into the cutest little sad face. He had to refrain from giggling at her, hiding his smile by faking a pout, but his eyes held so much amusement. “Why not?”
“I wanted to watch Tangled a-and she made us watch chicken little,” she ranted.
She was clearly getting worked up over this, more than she needed to anyway, tears welling up in her eyes at the thought of the movie that had given her nightmares before. Tom fully knew how much she hated that film, he was the one who’d had to hold her when she cried, and he was slightly frustrated that Harrison hadn’t said anything against watching it.
He sighed, wrapping his arms around her small frame, giving her a big squeeze. “I’m sorry, bub, she does sound like a meanie.”
That made her giggle, making Tom’s heart flutter.
He glanced between the ungraded work on his computer screen and the small girl in his arms, deciding that making her happy was more important than marking someone’s work early, he had days before it had to be done anyway.
Scarlett clung to him like a koala when Tom abruptly stood up from his desk chair, “Where are we going?” She asked.
“You’re going to sit here,” He said, emphasising his words by placing her down on his bed. “While daddy gets changed, and then we can watch Tangled together.”
She squealed excitedly, finding it hard to sit still as Tom grabbed some clothes and headed to his bathroom to change.
A few minutes later he was done, heading back into his room to find his angel bouncing in anticipation as she very incorrectly sang the words to her favourite Tangled song.
“Woah, is that Rapunzel singing?” he teased, poking one of her chubby cheeks as she giggled.
Tom set the movie up with a very impatient three year old beside him, constantly rushing him telling him to hurry up.
He seated himself against the pillows after he’d pressed play and let her get comfortable against his chest, making sure she had her Pascal teddy in her arms ready to watch; something she had to do every single time they watched the movie.
Scarlett had sang to every single song that had played so far, even coaxing Tom into singing a few with her when she decided he must be flynn.
Near her favourite scene, which was obviously the boat scene, Tom’s bedroom door was opened and Harry waltzed in with a greeting.
He stood there for a few minutes just watching the movie with them, the same movie he’d seen a countless amount of times and he probably wouldn’t admit it but he did actually love it.
He found it a little strange that they were watching it in Tom’s room, when normally they’d have it at a high volume in the living room for everyone to hear, even the neighbours.
“Why are you in here?” he asked, pointing to the smaller tv than what was in the living room. Tom sighed, trying to whisper so he wouldn’t bother the angel watching the film, because there’s no doubt she would have some kind of sassy remark to shut him up.
“Harrison was with a girl, she terrorised the munchkin with chicken little.”
Harry found that sentence quite amusing, and to be fair to him the girl was scared of a cartoon chicken, letting out a loud laugh that had Scarlett aggressively shushing him. He apologised sheepishly, biting his lip to contain his smile at the bossy child.
“Well if my favourite girl isn’t going to love me, I guess I’ll go then,” he pouted, making grabby hands at her to try and get a hug.
She looked between the film and her uncle Harry like it was the hardest decision in the world, solved by Tom simply pressing pause.
“Thank you, daddy.”
She ran across the bed until she was standing in front of Harry, throwing herself into his arms so he had to catch her. He chuckled, holding her tightly and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“How are you, munchkin?”
She buried her head in his neck. “ ‘m good.”
With a teasing growl Harry pried the girl off of him and dropped her on the bed, listening to the way she giggled loudly, her cheeks hurting from how wide she was grinning at her uncle. Harry would of course argue her favourite uncle, but Sam, Paddy, Tuwaine and Harrison would all have something to say to that.
“Will you watch Rapunzel with us?” she asked. Harry could never say no to those big doe eyes, nodding his head with a small sigh.
“Only if I get to sing Flynn’s parts,” he bargained. Tom scoffed, turning his head towards his younger brother with evil eyes.
“Deal,” Scarlett whispered.
“But I thought I was Flynn?” Tom pouted, pulling his bub into his lap with puppy dog eyes to try and guilt trip her. She rolled her eyes, catching Tom slightly off guard for a second. She giggled at him, poking his cheek like he always did to her.
“He’s not really daddy, don’t be selfish.” Harry snorted, covering it up with a cough when Tom sent a glare in his direction.
“Yeah, don’t be selfish Tom.”
“I’m here and I have food,” you announced, carrying the bag in your left hand while you carried your phone and keys in the other. Harrison was the first one in the kitchen. You thought he was taking the bag from you so you didn’t have to struggle carrying it, but it turns out it was only to start rummaging through the food.
He laid out the different containers on the counter, grabbing his and popping them open like he was a starving man.
“Hello to you too.” He flashed you a smile, eating something from inside one of the boxes before he pressed a friendly kiss to your cheek as his greeting. He scattered away back to his room almost as quickly as he came out of it, taking his food with him with a quick thank you.
A grin grew on your lips as you watched your boyfriend enter the kitchen, unlike Harrison, heading straight to greet you, his lips puckered already.
“Missed you.” He pecked your lips softly, your lips lingering for a little bit longer than they normally would and that pretty much told him all he needed to know.
He pulled back from the kiss, lifting his hand to rest on your cheek, slowly stroking just under your eye where he could clearly see how tired you looked. They fluttered shut with a sigh, allowing yourself to embrace the feeling of Tom’s gentle touch. “You okay?”
You hummed unconvincingly, a frown growing on Tom’s face. His hand slipped into your hair, gently pushing your head forward until your cheek was resting against the soft material of his turtleneck.
“D’you want to talk about it?” He asked, swaying the both of you as you embraced each other. He felt you shake your head, tightening your hold around his torso. The two of you paid no mind to the food for a few minutes as you hugged, deciding that it wasn’t going anywhere.
Only did you pull away when you heard two lots of footsteps heading in your direction. Light ones that were much quicker in their steps, obviously Scarletts, and then heavier ones that were much calmer and slower, probably Harrys. Tom was reluctant to let go of you, kissing your forehead when you were no longer in his arms.
He busied himself with getting everyone’s food dished out onto the correct plates, taking much more time with Scarlett’s than he did anyone else's.
He had to make sure it was on her designated kiddie plate that she always used. The one that was divided into different sections for her different bits of food.
“D’you want some help?” You asked, noting the way Tom was more or less doing everything himself. He shook his head, motioning to the doorway with a grin. You followed his gaze and locked eyes with the three year old who looked completely ecstatic to see you.
“Y/N!” she squealed, wrapping her arms around your legs. You grinned, bending down to her height to wrap your arms around her tiny frame. Her presence was enough to lift your mood, a smile growing on your face as she hugged you back. Tom watched with heart eyes, absolutely adoring the way his daughter loved you so much and vice versa. You stood up back to your full height and lifted her onto your hip, letting her see over the counter that was now decorated with countless items of food for the household.
“I missed you today, love.”
“Really?” she asked.
“Of course,” you kissed her cheek. “You always brighten my day, bubba.”
She hid her head in your neck with blushing cheeks, making your heart flutter with the utmost amount of love. You kept Tom company for a few minutes, just holding Scarlett close to you while she watched you both talk.
She may be only three but she knew her daddy was truly in love, it was obvious with the way he looked at you, even to her.
“Almost done?” you asked him, noting the way he was just finding drinks in the fridge. He nodded his head, flashing you both a quick smile that told you you could go get yourself comfy.
“Why don’t we go pick a movie, Lettie?” She perked up and rapidly nodded her head and you already knew what was going to come out of her mouth before she said it, but Tom interrupted before she could even form the words.
“No, we’ve already watched Tangled today.” You giggled as her bottom lip jutted out, her sad eyes shifting to glare at her dad who playfully glared right back. She eventually gave in under his stare, not wanting to get herself into accidental actual trouble.
“What about Frozen?” you asked, knowing it was also in her top five disney films, even though she would claim most of them were her favourite while you were watching them. She was almost just as excited about your suggestion as she seemed to be about her own, mainly because you had no issue joining her in singing the songs, because God knows Tom could be a lot more stubborn when it came to Frozen songs than he was with Tangled; He wasn’t particular a big fan of this one.
“You two go ahead, I’ll be in in just a minute,” he said. You nodded, helping her carry her drink while you carried yours in your other hand. Once they were both safely placed on the side where you wouldn’t spill them, you began making aeroplane sounds to get her laughing again, finally sitting her down on the floor next to the spot you were planning to sit in. Her adorable toddler laugh never failed to make you feel all warm and giddy inside.
Tom came in no more than five minutes later, bringing yours and Lettie’s food out first so you could get started on eating while the intro of the movie played. He had to make another trip to the kitchen in order to get his, coming back with his plate and phone in hand.
He could’ve cried when he saw the way you and Lettie were laughing and singing along to one of the first songs. You were making her giggle uncontrollably with the way you were doing the different voices, and Tom wasn’t sure he’d ever seen you with a bigger smile.
After the day he’d suspected you had, he was sure you would be more and glad that you had such a lovely distraction.
He pulled up his phone and started recording the two of you, wanting to keep this moment forever so he could always look back and rewatch it. The song finally ended and so did his recording, luckily neither of you noticing he’d recorded that. He was certain you’d be embarrassed if you knew.
He cheered for your performance, taking a seat at the other side of Lettie on the floor.
“That was quite a show,” he teased, shooting you a wink too.
With flushed cheeks you took a bite of your food, trying to busy yourself with anything so you didn’t have to look at your very amused boyfriend. “Shut up.”
After spending the evening watching countless Disney films, all used to cheer you up and take your mind off of whatever day you had, Tom noticed that both you and Scarlett were beginning to drift off together on the couch.
You had moved from the floor to the couch quite earlier on in your second movie, Hercules to be exact, as you deemed it much more comfortable than the hardwood you were sitting on.
She was now curled up into your side, her head managing to dig itself deeper and deeper into your chest as Mulan played in the background. She wasn’t paying attention to the film anymore, letting her eyes flutter closed as she planned on taking a much needed nap in your arms.
However, by the looks of it you were also planning on taking a nap, your head resting on top of the small girls with heavy eyes. Tom awed inside, taking a quick picture of the two of you, sneakily changing it to his lockscreen.
“I think we need to get you two to bed, huh?” He heard you hum, watching as his much smaller bub began making grabby hands at her dad. He smiled, easily scooping her up like she weighed as much as a feather. He placed a kiss on your forehead, telling you not to fall asleep while he got settled Lettie in bed.
The girl was more or less completely limp as he carried her from the living room to her room, carefully setting her in her bed. He made sure she had the teddies she always slept with, tucking her in tightly to keep her nice and warm.
“Can you read me a story?” she asked, voice so quiet and soft that there was no way he could say no, he was just hoping you’d be able to hold out and stay awake.
“Course, which one?”
He spent the next ten minutes reading through a story he’d probably read to her hundreds of times, but somehow she managed to love it even more each time. His voice was low to try and keep the sleepy energy in the room, not wanting her to get too excited, although she would giggle every time he switched his accent to do another character's voice.
“Daddy?” she whispered, drawing his attention away from the next chapter of the book. He hummed quietly, leaning down and placing a kiss on her head to let her know he was listening.
“Are you in love with Y/N?”
He felt himself grow nervous, a stressed chuckle slipping past his lips before he could stop it. He wasn’t sure what to say, he’d yet to actually tell you he loves you, even though he knew it right from your first date. Admittedly, part of him was scared that if he got that vulnerable with you that you would;t love him back and it’d break his heart, even though the more sensible part of him knew you would never do that to him. He just couldn’t find the right time or his guts to tell you.
“What do you know about love, hm?”
“I know that Flynn loves Rapunzel, and you look at Y/N like she’s your Rapunzel.” Tom’s heart melted. He always heard from his friends and family how whipped he looked for you all the time, even when he didn’t realise he’d been looking at you with heart eyes. Hearing this from his own daughter told him basically all he needed to know: He loved you, and he was going to tell you.
“Goodnight baby.” He pressed a kiss to Scarlett’s head, avoiding her question and switching off her light. He closed the door, leaving it slightly open like he did every night just in case she needed him for anything. Tom headed back to the living room, watching the way you were half asleep, your eyes trained on whatever random show had begun playing on the tv.
“Hey, you ready for bed?”
You hummed tiredly. “Don’t want to get up,” you whined.
He chuckled, adoring how cute you got when you were sleepy, often rambling about things that didn’t even make sense. He made his way over to you, shifting your position so he could slip his hands under you and pick you up. You squealed quietly when you were more or less hoisted into the air, a breathy laugh coming from Tom.
You were gently laid on his bed in the blink of an eye, granted your tired eyes were blinking very slowly. Tom left you for a moment, going who knows where to do who knows what.
“Need to take my makeup off,” you moaned to no one but yourself. Tom seemed to have already thought of that, actually he’d already thought of everything as it seemed. Not only was he carrying your makeup remover but some of his clothes for you to change into after your decision not to earlier on.
“Come here, pretty girl.”
The first swipe of the cotton wool against your cheek had you flinching, your sleepy body not expecting the jolt of cold on your skin. Tom chuckled, pressing a kiss to your lips as his form of an apology.
You could feel yourself blushing as he handled your face with such care, soft strokes to your right cheek to remove all the makeup, occasionally meeting your eyes with a small admiring glint in them. The simple act felt so intimate to you and it made your heart grow so much fonder for the curly haired brunette.
“All done.”
You smiled, starting to help him in undressing you to change into his much baggier and comfier clothes. Another wave of exhaustion hit you spontaneously, making you want to just crawl in bed and stay there forever, but here you were just making it more difficult for your boyfriend to slip the shirt over your head.
“No, don’t fall asleep on me yet, angel.” He cooed at you quietly, stroking your cheekbone with his thumb until your eyes fluttered open again. He held up the shirt in his hands.
“We’ll just put this on, yeah? We can forget about the joggers.”
You agreed, assisting him by raising your arms. You were rewarded with a few kisses after he managed to slip the plain shirt on your upper half, bringing a happy grin to your lips as he pulled away from the last kiss. You were over the moon to be slipping under the covers of your boyfriend’s bed, burying your head in his pillow while being engulfed by his calming scent.
He watched you with a smile as you got comfortable, practically purring like a kitten as you finally got comfortable. He slipped the tight, dark turtleneck off from over his head, followed by his dress pants that he put on to feel fancier, despite the fact his class wouldn’t be able to see them.
“Hurry up,” you whined, craving the feel of your boyfriend’s warmth against you. He thankfully didn’t make you wait too much longer, slipping in beside you with a content sigh.
The two of you laid in silence for a while, and although Tom didn’t know whether you’d fallen asleep already or not, he spoke up and asked the question on his mind anyway.
“What happened today?”
You groaned, burying your face deeper into Tom’s chest, trying to avoid the topic altogether. He gave you all the time you needed though, stroking his fingers through your hair while you thought about where to start.
“Everything just went wrong, got yelled at by my boss too,” you explained simply. “Couldn’t wait to come home to you and Lettie.”
He frowned, planting a kiss on your head. He mumbled a quiet apology, apologising of course for the fact you had a bad day.
“I hope we were able to cheer you up.”
You tucked your head into his neck, a dreamy smile making the corner of your lips twitch.
“Of course you did, my two favourite people.”
He thought about your last three words over and over again in his head. Now was the time, it was the perfect time.
“Y/N?” He didn’t get a response this time from you, but he also knew if he didn’t speak up now then he’d probably back out again. “I-I love you, so much.”
From the angle he was laying at he was unable to see the expression that had overtaken your face. Tom, always assuming the worst, guessed that you had heard him but he’d just ruined everything and there was no way he could take that back now.
You could feel his rapid heartbeat in his chest underneath your head, your hand coming up to gently rub the skin with your thumb, hoping to soothe him a little. You placed a kiss beside your thumb onto his chest, lifting your head so you could look him in the eye. “Calm down you goof, I love you too.”
Tom didn’t know what time it was when he heard the noise near his ear. Assuming that it was just a noise he buried his face deeper into the back of your neck, tightening his arm around your body. He heard it again, this time he recognised the voice as belonging to his angel bub. She placed her tiny hands on his arm, trying to roll him over on the bed.
“What’s wrong, dove?”
“Nightmare,” she whispered. Tom frowned, rolling onto his back to scoop her up and let her cuddle into his chest. His other arm was still tucked underneath your head, the male hoping that he hasn’t woken you.
He pressed a kiss to the girl’s head, rubbing his hand across the back of her hair to try and soothe her. He could feel her tiny frame shaking from whatever rattled her in her dream and it broke his heart.
“Lettie,” he whispered. She sniffled quietly, looking up at her dad. As selfish as it sounds, Tom was still extremely sleepy so he didn’t really know what was happening right now, which meant he wasn’t exactly able to talk his bub back to sleep like he normally would. He also didn’t want to accidentally wake you up because you were equally as tired, if not more than him.
“I told Y/N I love her.” She gasped, bolting up to look at her dad to see if he was telling the truth. He grinned, nodding his head. Little did they know that you were currently listening to everything the pair was saying, and your heart was already melting at the reaction coming from Scarlett.
You didn’t know why Tom was telling her this, or why Scarlett seemed so excited about it, but you were curious to know where he was going with this.
“What happened, daddy?” she asked, her big doe eyes watching him closely.
“Let’s just say, she’s definitely my Rapunzel.”
tom holland taglist → @seutarose @lmaotshollandd​ @photoshopart15​ @hopelessly-harry​ @call-me-baby-gir1​ @icyhollands​ @sinisterspidey​ @siriuslyslyslytherin​ @musicalkeys-blog​ @itstaskeen​ @tpwk-grande​ @zspideyy​ @spideyssunshine​ @givebuckyhisplumsnow​ @lowkey-holland​ @hollandcrush​ @wizkiddx​ @sannie-san-shine​ @sonnydoesrandomshit​ @hopeless-romantic-baby​ @thehumanistsdiary​ @dummiesshort​ @itsbieberxholland​ @lillucyandthejets​ @piscesparker​ @bvttercupbby​ @mymilliefrommarketing​ @spideyspeaches​ @kujokura​ @l0velyevans​ @jess-holland23​ @felicityparkers​ @quxxnxfhxll​ @captainamirica​ @tomsirishgirlx​ @lou-la-lou​ @slutforsr​ @tayyx​ @bora-world​ @annathesillyfriend​ @lovableparker​ @whoeveniskendall​ @hollandswife​ @sunwardsss​ @dhtomholland​ @messedupmyfuckinglife​ @bi-lmg​ @londonspidey​ @katexrichardson​ @mrsholland96​ @tomhollandismyhusband1996​ @just-lost-inbetween-worlds​ @magicalxdaydream
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mitch-the-simp · 3 years
The Only Teenage Bitch Worth My Time (Jotaro x Sister!Reader)
(I literally wrote this for my English final exam- But obviously modified and without cursing.)
(Y/n) had always been the star child; not one instance in her life had her intellectual potential been questioned by anyone in her family. Alas, this was one of those moments in which she felt like she didn't deserve to be the gifted child of the Joestar family.
Her brother, Jotaro, was as clever and quick-thinking as her, yet he was treated as intellectually challenged because of his demeanor. He was a rude teenager in his junior year that simply walked around acting like he didn't care about anything. He could walk into a restaurant and if he didn't like the food, he would refuse to pay no matter what. If you were to ask him for his opinion on how you looked, if he didn't like it, he would tell you his opinion straight up. No sugar coating, no nice little words; a simple "You look stupid." would suffice. Not to mention he didn't seem to respect his mother.
(Y/n) tried her best to appease her adoptive mother, Holly. But Jotaro? Oh, he didn't care about respect. He would talk back to her, go out and leave her to worry until he returned hours after his curfew. Yet, for some reason, their mother never scolded him. It was like she didn't even care about all that. She would let anything slide so easily. It baffled her to an impossible extent.
Yet, she knew there was more to him than that. (Y/n) seemed to be the only person he actually cared to talk to. She found it odd at first but eventually stopped asking herself why.
Jotaro would tell her about how annoying it is to walk to school and instantly be swarmed by his annoying fangirls. And with all honesty, (Y/n) felt the same way when she saw all those girls literally push her away from walking with her brother to school.
It wasn't soon until (Y/n) picked up a few delinquent habits from Jotaro, though. They were walking down the pavement as (Y/n) spoke to Jotaro, "Hey, you think I'm gonna do good in that science fair? The top prize is 148000¥!". In her hands, he held her science fair project. A small homemade printer she had been working on for months.
"You're pretty smart, I think you'll give those other nerds something to be scared about," Jotaro mumbled.
"You think you can help me set it up in the gym?" She asked smiling at him softly.
And just before he could respond, the stampede of girls ran towards them. They pushed around to be able to bother Jotaro. And when they did, one of them pushed (Y/n) out of the way, causing her to drop her project.
And that's when it happened. She balled up her fists in anger and punched the girl in the face.
Jotaro looked at her, taken aback by his sister's actions. Then he chuckled, pulled the brim of his black hat down to his face, and mumbled a proud, "Good grief." With that, he continued walking. Leaving (Y/n) alone to be caught and sent to detention, which eventually led to her being suspended for a week.
So that was exactly why she was sitting in the middle of her living room right now.
"Why'd it have to be today of all days..." she thought to herself. The reason being that her father, Sadao, came back from his Jazz tour that same day to go support her in the Science fair.
She looked around, wondering if there was anything she could do while she waited. Eventually, she decided to change out of her school uniform. Making her way to her room and changing her Japanese uniform with something that accommodated more to her Italian fashion desires.
She fixed her (H/c) hair and adjusted her (F/c) dress. Though, just as she was sliding on her boots, she heard a car in the driveway.
"Oh shoot-" she exclaimed, running out into the living room. She knew darn well that her mom had already informed her dad of her suspension. So playing it off was no option.
Her father stepped out of the car and hugged her mom. As soon as he saw him walk towards the house, she knew she was fucked.
"(Y/n), I would like to have a word with you young lady," he announced, not wasting a single second after entering through the front door.
"Yes sir." She gulped. She slowly walked towards him, already regretting what she had done earlier that day.
Her father sat down on the couch and patted the space next to him, signaling her to sit down. Once she did as instructed, her father sighed.
"(Y/n), your mother informed me of what happened in school today. Why did you do that?" he asked calmly.
(Y/n) grew nervous. She was too scared to lie to him, but would he be mad at the truth? She just knew he would, but she honestly had no choice, did she?
"I... I just hate it when all those girls crowd around Jotaro. He doesn't even want all that attention! But you know what just infuriated me?! They are constantly pushing through me to get to him! They made me drop my project! And- and you know what's worse?! I CAN'T EVEN ENJOY A SMALL WALK WITH MY OWN BROTHER! And I just thought, 'Ok, what would Jotaro do if he was as mad as I am?' And well... I don't want to excuse my actions... but it just... happened." She ranted, her voice trailing off at the end.
"I see, you were angry about a situation you constantly find yourself feeling helpless in, so you decided to strike at it as you've seen Jotaro do when he's in a problem." He spoke, attempting to understand what she meant.
"Well... he only reacts like that when someone makes him mad, so yes." She mumbled back.
"See, sweetheart, the past few years, I've seen that Jotaro looked at you as too perfect to even try to be like you. And now I see that in your own way, you see Jotaro as stronger than you. Perhaps more courageous? You have found a hidden nobility inside of him. A resilience that he doesn't even show us. And I know you admire it so much, that you wish you had the capability to be as carefree and careless as he is." Sadao commented.
"I... I guess you're right." (Y/n) admitted.
"Whether you see it or not, you two make a great duo because you're what the other wished they were. I'm not saying it wasn't wrong that you punched that girl in the face, but I'm saying that you should try to channel that newfound courage into... less violent things." He suggested.
"Just go where destiny guides you my cherry blossom," Holly added as she walked by them on her way to the kitchen.
"I'll take this as permission to be mean to people, verbally."
"Take it as you will, just don't get yourself into any more trouble, ok kid?" He clarified.
"Yes sir!" She cheered.
Sadao got up from the couch, he was about to leave the living room, when he stopped in his tracks and turned to see his daughter once again, "Oh and (Y/n)."
"Yes, Papa?"
"You're grounded."
"Awww! What about the science fair?" She asked.
"Well, you have a project to fix." He reassured her, letting her know he was still going to take her.
"Can I at least pick Jotaro up from school?"  You asked.
"Yes, but remember the conversation we had, (Y/n)." He responded as he walked into the kitchen. 
(Y/n) nodded at him, as she walked outside and laid on the grass. As she looked at the clouds. She really wished Jotaro had come to get her out of detention. Or had at least snuck her out of school for one of his smoking sessions before she got caught. Obviously, (Y/n) herself didn't smoke, so she really was just gonna sit there and maybe even snack on something while they both had a sensible conversation. 
That's where she got an idea: Jotaro was probably skipping class to smoke right now, and she had nothing to do, so she thought sneaking out of the house to hang out with him wasn't a bad idea. So she went back into the house and walked into the kitchen where her parents were talking to each other.
"Hey mom, dad, I think I'm gonna go take a nap until Jotaro is out of school." She announced.
"Alright honey, just let me know If you want anything, ok?" Holly smiled as she kissed her cheek.
(Y/n) went into her room and got a small backpack full of snacks. Slowly, she opened the door back up and ran out into the yard and out of the house's territory. Then she ran towards the school.
Once she got there, she looked around for Jotaro. As always, she found him sitting on the bleachers, cigarette in hand and black hat covering his eyes. (Y/n) made her way towards him, climbing up the bleachers and sitting next to him on the top seats.
He slowly turned to her, and chuckled, "Weren't you in detention?" 
"I was suspended you jackass." She responded.
"Oh, well that sounds bad for your permanent record," he spoke softly, taking a puff of his cigarette.
"Yeah... it was worth it though, those bitches have been getting on my nerves for some time now." She shrugged, taking a bag of chips out of her backpack.
"Really? Is it because they always push you around," he asked casually.
"Well, that's part of the issue... but mostly it's because I hate how they just won't leave you alone. It's like every hint you throw at them completely misses them! I mean, you literally call them bitches in their stupid faces!" (Y/n) complained.
"Yeah, it's pretty damn annoying..." he mumbled softly. 
He didn't want to actually thank her for getting him out of that situation; it would ruin the careless delinquent image he'd worked so hard to build. But he saw his sister's sweet gesture as the only reason why she was the only teenage bitch worth his time.
And even though he didn't say it, (Y/n) knew damn well that he was thanking her from the bottom of his heart with that response. 
"So, you want to help me fix my printer before the fair? I promise I'll let you use it." (Y/n) asked.
"Sure, it starts at 10, doesn't it?" 
"Yeah, I'm sure that if you help me we can get it done by 9:30." She spoke.
"But you have to tell me what to do, or else I'll probably fuck it up," he responded.
"Don't worry, I'll tell you, little Joot!" (Y/n) said as she pulled down his hat.
"Don't call me that you bitch." He turned away, hiding the embarrassed blush on his face.
"Come on little bro..." She pouted playfully.
Jotaro sighed, "I'm not your little bro. I was here first, you bitch." he grunted.
"Yeah, but I'm still older than you by one year." 
"Yeah, I'm pretty fucking sure that doesn't count." He rolled his eyes.
"Uh- I'm pretty sure that it does. Age is what determines who's the oldest sibling, dumbass." She said, matter-of-factly. 
"I still refuse to accept it." He grunted in annoyance
"Fine... suit yourself... little Joot.~" (Y/n) chuckled.
She wouldn't change what they had for anything in the world, and she knew Jotaro thought the same thing. Even if he didn't really tell her.
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kpopfanfictrash · 4 years
Raise the Barre (Ch. 11)
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: Jimin / Reader
Rating: 18+ (Eventual Smut)
Genre: Enemies to Lovers / Dance Academy!AU
Warnings: ANGST part 3! But again, with progress attached.
Word Count: 10,246
Summary: You and Park Jimin have been rivals for as long as you’ve known one another; ever since he tripped you in the front row of your first dance convention. When you graduate from high school and enter Russet Ballet Academy, you tell yourself you’re leaving all past quarrels behind. The main problem with this though, is that your past seems determined not to leave you alone.
Worse still, the obstacles you face while out in the real world might prove more challenging than anything your enemy has to offer.  
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When you woke Saturday morning, you felt clearer about things than you’d felt all week. Your nap had lasted longer than intended, so when you woke around ten and groggily looked at your phone, you realized you’d missed your opportunity to talk to Finn.
He’d called around seven, but you seemed to have slept through this, and he’d left you no voicemail. Shooting him a text, you tried to stay up but promptly fell back asleep. When you woke to the sun streaming through your windows the next morning, you realized this was it. You’d reached a breaking point.
Pushing aside your covers, you climbed down from bed and began to get ready. Staring at yourself in the mirror, you fixed yourself up as best as you could before leaving the dorm. It was still early in the morning, the air containing a chill while you walked to the coffee shop. Finn still hadn’t responded to your text from the night prior, so you decided to give him an hour before you went over.
It had been three days since your fight in the library. If he didn’t know what to say to you by now, he could figure out what to say when he saw you in person. Steeling yourself for this possibility, you entered the shop and walked to the counter.
Staring at the holiday specials on the board, you felt nothing but numbness. As you ordered a peppermint latte and left a tip, you made a mental note to pick up Noelle one on your way home. She’d been the best friend to you this week – all weeks, really. Despite not knowing what was wrong, she’d done her best to cheer you up and be there for you.
Sipping your coffee at a table in the corner, you stared blankly at your phone. It was strange, being in a place you’d once been happy with Finn and no longer feeling attached to the memory. It was strange, contemplating the idea of breaking up with a cool sort of detachment, as though it were happening to someone other than you.
You wondered if all relationships reached a point where you simply felt tired. Maybe all humans had an emotional cap; a quota wherein all emotions following simply went unfelt. If this was this case, you imagined you might have hit yours.
Once your drink was finished, you stood and walked to place your mug in the bin. It had officially been an hour, which meant it was time to confront Finn at Redfield. Hiking your bag higher, you were about to leave the shop when you heard a familiar voice coming from behind a potted plant.
“Mom, are you serious?” Sabrina said, sounding upset. “This is a good thing.”
Uncertain, you paused. When you glanced around the fern, you saw Sabrina seated with someone unfamiliar at a table. The other person was a woman – older than you and, judging by the conversation, she seemed to be Sabrina’s mother.
Whoever she was, the woman sighed with the tone of someone who’d had this conversation before. “Tell me what’s good about it, Sabrina,” she demanded. “Vlad Copson is recommending you take additional classes outside of Russet.”
“I know.” Sabrina faltered. “It’s just because I asked about the contemporary dance program, though. I don’t… I don’t have a lot of experience in that area.”
“And whose fault is that?”
“I’m not saying it’s anyone’s fault, I’m just saying I want to–”
“We’ve been over this before, Sabrina. You need to work harder.”
Sabrina stopped talking. “I know.”
“Do you, though?” Pulling out her phone, her mother scrolled through her email. “You’ve had every advantage money could buy. Private lessons, an elite dance academy. How could you possibly be falling behind? It’s barely even the first semester.”
“Everyone’s talented at Russet, mom.”
Realizing you were staring, you side-stepped until you were hidden partway behind the fern. Mind racing, you wondered if this was what Sabrina had wanted to discuss. You’d had no idea she was interested in contemporary dance. She hadn’t seemed comfortable in the master class last week – but then again, maybe that’s what sparked this conversation.
It was strange to hear her sounding so small, so defeated. You were used to Sabrina being larger than life. If nothing else, the Sabrina you knew was confident – as soon as you thought this, a different memory came to mind. Something Jimin had said to you inside Dr. Gonzalez’s office.
He’d compared you to Sabrina and mentioned she was more insecure than you were.
“Why don’t you ask one of your friends for help?” said Sabrina’s mother. “Kelsey… or Alex?”
“Katie and Allison,” Sabrina stiffly corrected. “I asked them but um, they didn’t have time. You know… end of semester and stuff…”
She trailed off, sounding uncomfortable and you frowned. Again, you remembered last week’s master class. Sabrina’s friend Katie had stood beside Jungkook instead of helping her out. You’d thought it was weird at the time, but maybe they weren’t as close as you thought they were.
Or maybe they were similar, in that Katie wasn’t the type of person to help someone else when she had the chance to pull ahead.
Her mother made a noncommittal noise. “We’ll, you’ll just have to figure something out then, won’t you? I told you something like this would happen. That boy was a distraction. You’re better off now that you’ve ended things with him.”
Stiffening, you wondered if the boy they spoke about was Jimin, but then Sabrina scowled.
“Eamon was not a distraction,” she said, sounding sure of herself for the very first time.
Eyes widening, you stared. You’d had no idea Sabrina and Eamon were even a thing. Frantically, you thought back and tried to piece it together. You remembered Eamon leaving the dance floor at the club to head upstairs, which was where Sabrina had been sitting. Ten minutes later, she’d stormed into the downstairs bathroom in tears.
Based on what her mom was saying, it sounded as though Sabrina had broken up with Eamon. Immediately, your heart fell, and you wondered if your fight with Sabrina in the bathroom had been part of this aftermath.
“Still,” her mother said. “The time you spent with him was time you could’ve spent practicing! You’re young, Sabrina and ballerinas only perform until they’re thirty-five – if that. You’ll have plenty of time to date later on.”
“I barely even saw him as it was!”
“Maybe I need to cut the hours on your phone again.”
“You don’t need to do that,” Sabrina said tightly. “I need to go.” She stood from the table, chair scraping beneath her. “I told Katie we’d meet to head to a ballet class uptown. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Alright, then.”
Her mom didn’t seem concerned, waving goodbye like one might an acquaintance. Sabrina hovered a moment before hitching her bag to walk past. You realized you were still standing there, gawping at and swiftly sprang into action.
Pushing your way out the door, the bell jingled above you. You saw Sabrina’s head move but left before you could see if she’d noticed your presence. Hurrying down the sidewalk, you pulled your jacket tighter and kept your head down. That hadn’t seemed like a conversation you were meant to overhear.
Also, you weren’t sure what you’d overheard. As your steps began to slow, Sabrina’s comment from earlier in the year began to make sense. She’d relayed her mother’s advice on success – that only a few women ever made it to the top and as such, if Sabrina helped you to succeed, it’d be detrimental to her.
Having now seen Sabrina’s mom in action, you understood where she got this from. At the time, you’d been mad at Sabrina but now, you felt a strange sense of pity. The possibility of Sabrina falling behind had never crossed your mind and yet, it seemed Mr. Vlad had recommended extra classes. This made you think about what Jimin had said. Everyone at Russet was corrected, at some point of another.
At least you had a support system to fall back on, though; Sabrina had nothing. Her so-called friends had fled at the first sign of conflict and her mother didn’t seem interested beyond her ranking in class. This struck you as indescribably sad.
Unfortunately, you didn’t have time to linger upon Sabrina’s situation – as soon as you entered Redfield’s campus, all thoughts of Russet flew from your mind. Redfield University was such a short walk you’re your campus; if you did break up, it would be so awkward to run into Finn later on.
This was something you would’ve considered in high school, but you hadn’t imagined this to be a factor once you went to college. The realization made your heart sink, realizing how distant you’d become despite living so close together.
As you walked under Redfield’s archway, you exhaled a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. Orange-brown leaves crunched underfoot, seemingly having fallen from trees overnight. As you wound between dorms, you saw only a few people about at this hour. Pulling your bag higher, you hoped Finn would even be at his dorm.
He’d talked about moving off campus a few weeks ago – there wasn’t much space in the city for dorms, so students often moved out after freshman year, or even during their second semester. Maybe Finn would move further away and solve your concerns about running into each other.
Startled, you realized you were thinking about Finn in the past tense. Shaking this thought from mind, you stuffed your hands in your pockets and walked to his dorm. It took longer this time for someone to let you in – it seemed most of Redfield didn’t wake before 10:00 AM – but soon enough, you were climbing the steps to his room.
Your hands trembled as you walked down the hall, the lack of noise oddly suffocating when you stopped at his door. It took you a long moment to knock; several heartbeats you counted out like a watch.
After a second, you heard movement inside.
“Ben?” Finn called out, a bit groggy. “I already told you. I don’t want to get breakfast, I –”
He pulled open the door, revealing the entire room and you froze.
It was difficult to choose what to focus on first. Finn, in his boxers, Madison tugging on jeans, or the unmade bed behind them in the corner. Your gaze darted to each one in turn until, feeling suddenly nauseous, you stumbled backwards.
When he saw it was you, Finn froze in place. As soon as he came to his senses, he stepped into the hall and tried to shut the door, but it was too late. You’d already seen.
Every emotion you’d felt over the past couple of days rose to the surface. All the horror you’d felt, the self-flagellation you’d done – it had all been for nothing.
Suddenly livid, you began to see red.
“No,” you said, pushing past him. Shoving open the door, you glared hard at Madison. “I think I’d rather have this conversation in here. You should leave,” you informed her.
Finn muttered something which sounded like a curse. Madison glanced at him, startled and Finn slowly turned. Wrestling a hand through his hair, he seemed slightly panicked as he nodded at Madison.
“You should probably go, Maddie,” he said.
Hearing him speak, your vision blurred. He’d called Madison ‘Maddie’ in the library, but it suddenly struck you how familiar it was. How casual, how intimate her name sounded on his tongue. Closing your eyes, you forced the image from mind.
It refused to go.
Swallowing hard, you realized you couldn’t do this. You couldn’t have this conversation right now; couldn’t stay any longer.
Opening your eyes, you quickly shook your head. “I have to go,” you said, pushing past him. “Forget it, Finn. We’re done.”
As soon as you left, you bolted for the exit. Heading for the stairs, your blood pounded in your veins and drowned out all thought. You were grateful for this, since if you had time to think rationally, you’d think about Finn and Madison, half-dressed in the dorm.
Slamming open the door to the stairwell, you were halfway across the lobby when the elevator dinged and slid open.
“Y/N, wait!” Finn gasped, running out. He hopped on one foot as he slid on a sneaker. “Please – please, talk to me.”
You continued to walk. “There’s nothing to talk about, Finn.”
“There is,” he insisted, grabbing you by the elbow and turning you to face him.
Roughly, you shrugged him off.
“Please,” he begged, sounding desperate. “Please. I fucked up, Y/N. I fucked up so badly and I’m sorry.”
Freezing in place, you met his gaze.
You honestly couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Finn was asking you to forgive him. He was asking you to forgive him as though he wanted you to stay. He had cheated on you. Finn was an absolute idiot if he thought you’d forgive him after that. If he thought you could trust him after that.
Immediately, your heart sank because you’d cheated on him, as well – maybe not like this, but you’d cheated all the same.
Some of the anger drained from your body.
“What are you sorry about?” you said, turning to face him.
Finn shook his head. “For… that,” he said. “For you having to see that.”
“Are you sorry for sleeping with her?”
He winced. “Yes.”
Releasing a low laugh, you looked away. A strange thought occurred to you, and you remembered Yoongi’s reaction when he’d said the name Madison. It seemed too coincidental for you to have walked in on their first time together.
Still facing away from him, you asked, “How many times?”
Finn paused. He exhaled, sounding pained and you felt your heart stumble.
“Just once,” he whispered. “But… we kissed last weekend. I was really drunk on Halloween and I… apparently, we kissed.”
It hurt more than you thought it would. Like a physical punch to the gut, you imagined Finn with his body on hers, their lips molded together, and his hands tangled her hair.
Swallowing hard, you nodded. “Oh.”
“It was stupid,” Finn insisted, stepping forward. “The kiss on Halloween – I didn’t even remember it until Madison told me on Thursday. She was there when I came back from our fight and asked if I remembered what happened Saturday. I said that I didn’t. She explained what happened, we got to talking and I…”
“I get it,” you said tightly, looking back. “I don’t need a play-by-play.”
“I called you, Finn. Multiple times.”
“I know.” Lifting his palms, he rubbed at his eyes. “I know, but when I got your message… I didn’t want to talk anymore. I thought what I wanted was to break up with you and Madison… she was simple, you know? I was hurt, she was there and it just kind of happened.”
His words sounded so crushingly similar to how you’d felt with Jimin. It was like looking at a warped mirror of yourself and this was when you realized nothing about this was normal. The two of you had hurt each other too many times to ever get back.
“Please say something,” he said. “Y/N, please.”
“What do you want me to say?” you said quietly.
“I – I don’t know.”
After a moment, you said, “Do you still love me?”
“Yes,” Finn murmured.
When you made a dismissive noise, his gaze narrowed.
“It’s true,” Finn insisted, stepping closer. “I do love you. That’s what I realized when I woke up this morning. I rolled over and saw her and I just… I knew, Y/N. I’d made the worst mistake of my life. I woke up this morning and knew I didn’t want to break up after all.”
“Don’t… don’t do that,” you exhaled, looking away.
“Don’t do what?”
“Don’t try and put this back together,” you bit out, eyes flashing. “If it took you sleeping with someone else to make you realize you wanted me, then I don’t know what to tell you.”
Finn was silent for a moment.
“I know,” he said miserably. “I know that you’re right, and I’m sorry.”
The words hung in the air and you couldn’t help it – you ached. The temptation to give in was right there. The temptation to forgive, to forget and let things go back to normal. But when you looked at Finn, you saw her, and you knew this could never be fixed.
“Why?” you said, voicing the first question you thought of.
He blinked. “Why, what?”
“Why her?”
“I…” He looked down. “I don’t know. She was my friend and then… I don’t know. She was there. Maddie listened to me, she paid attention and it felt like you were slipping further away.”
“So… you slept with her because she listened to you?”
Finn groaned and closed his eyes. “I don’t even know why I’m trying to explain. I can’t. I can’t explain this away, it can’t be excused… I’m sorry, Y/N.” Slowly, he shook his head. “So, so sorry.”
After a moment, you looked at the elevator. “Is she still up there?”
Finn opened his eyes and nodded.
“Tell her to go.”
Silently, he pulled out his phone and sent a text. Finn waited for a reply and once he got it, slipped his phone back in his pants.
“She’s taking the stairs down,” he said.
“Then let’s take the elevator.”
While you waited for this to come, you crossed both arms over your chest and stared at the numbers. You weren’t going upstairs because you thought Finn deserved a second chance. If anything, his infidelity made it clear you both wanted out. Your constant hurting each other meant more than the love you’d once shared.
This wasn’t love, anyways.
Hanging onto that ideal would only demolish you further. You were going upstairs because you owed that much to yourself. You deserved more than half-explanations and you weren’t leaving until you got them. You and Finn had been together two years at this point. If you left now and ran away, you’d always wonder what if.
When you entered his room, you came to a stop in the center. Yoongi wasn’t here and you felt a twinge of regret, realizing he’d been trying to tell you something Wednesday. Turning around, you slowly sat on the edge of his futon. This seemed a safer option than his bed.
Finn hovered a few feet away.
“So,” you said, looking up. “You still love me?”
“I do.”
Gently, you closed your eyes. “And you think that’s enough?”
Finn didn’t say anything at first, sensing a trap until at last, you sighed.
“It’s not enough,” you said, opening your eyes. “That’s what I was coming over to tell you. Finn, you haven’t even texted me since our fight on Wednesday. You just ghosted me, and I know – I know I’ve done that to you, too. But that’s the point! We keep hurting one another. Is this really the relationship you want?”
“No,” he said miserably.
“Then, what do you want?”
“What do you expect me to say to that?” he said, sounding frustrated.
“You’re the one who’s saying you love me,” you pointed out. “You’re the one who’s saying this was all a mistake. Do you really want to be together still, Finn?”
“Bullshit!” You gave a bitter laugh. “Don’t just say the word without knowing what it means. Do you want to be in this relationship, Finn? I don’t mean the idyllic version of us. I mean the messy, right-now version. Do you really want that?”
He stared at you, uncertain. “I just… I want us how we used to be.”
“Don’t you see, though?” you whispered. “We can’t be that. I want that too, Finn, but so much has happened. Not just the cheating, but everything else. All the fighting, all the miscommunication. You have a specific idea of what your girlfriend should be, and I’m not it. Not anymore.”
“I don’t need any of that though,” Finn finally said. He sat beside you on the futon. “I mean, yeah. I’d like to see you more. I want to be with you more. But that’s just it. I want you. I –”
“I kissed Jimin.”
Finn immediately stopped. He stared at you a second, as though struggling to make sense of the words. When you turned and met gaze, you felt your heart break again. This wasn’t how you’d planned on telling him. You had wanted to explain, wanted to ease him into it, but it was clear Finn wouldn’t stop until he knew this was over.
His lips parted, and then his gaze narrowed. “When did this happen?”
“So, after…” He paused, as though calculating. “After our fight.”
“Yeah. After you accused me of cheating with him.”
Finn sat back on the futon, a bit dazed. He stared at the wall for a long moment, then looked your way. “Was our fight… was that the reason…?”
“No,” you said sadly. “Or maybe. I don’t know. There were a lot of things. I was confused and upset, so I went to dance and Jimin was there…”
Trailing off, you heard the words said out loud and knew how similar they sounded to his. You had been upset and Jimin had been there. The main difference was, after Finn had cheated he’d realized he wanted to stay and you’d realized you needed to go.
Glancing at him, you waited for Finn to speak, but he didn’t.
“I was crying,” you whispered. “Jimin saw me and he asked what was wrong. He was being so nice and I just… I kissed him. I don’t know why.”
Finn slowly closed his eyes.
Now, you were the one waiting desperately for him to speak. “Say something.”
He shook his head. “I don’t… don’t know what to say. Do you want to be with him? Is that what this is about?”
“No, I – well, I don’t know.”
He opened his eyes in disbelief.  “You don’t know?”
“I wanted to come and talk to you,” you said, a bit frantic. “We haven’t talked since Wednesday and I needed to see what you felt.”
“What I felt?” Finn stared. “I felt like I’d fucked up, but I still loved you and wanted us to be together. Now, you’re telling me you don’t want that.”
“It’s not that I don’t want it. It’s just – how?” you blurted. “Finn, you cheated on me. How am I supposed to trust you after this? How are you supposed to trust me?”
His face crumpled a little. “I don’t know,” he said hoarsely. “And please… don’t say that’s all I seem to be able to say.”
You managed to smile, although this disappeared quickly.
“Guess you know me pretty well,” you said quietly.
Finn sat there and stared at the floor for a moment. “Yeah, I guess I do,” he exhaled. “Which is why I have to say… this thing with Jimin. It’s not just a kiss, is it?”
Slowly, you shook your head.
He closed his eyes. “Right. So… what now?”
“I think you know what now.”
Finn leaned back on the futon. “Were you planning on breaking up with me when you came over this morning?”
“I wanted to talk things out with you, Finn. Things have been so bad lately.”
“So, yes.”
“I honestly didn’t know.” You looked at him helplessly. “But after seeing you with her, it all seemed so clear. Finn, what are we doing? We’ve hurt each other so much and we keep on hurting each other.”
“I know.” Miserably, he looked away. “I just… I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Finn.”
Honestly, you weren’t sure if you loved him anymore but seated on this futon, faced with the prospect of not being together, you couldn’t help but reminisce about the past. All the good times you’d spent, the laughter, the kisses and firsts that you’d shared. Finn had meant so much to you at one point. How your relationship ended didn’t change that.
Slowly, he turned, and you saw his eyes were red. “So, is this…” Choking a little, he swallowed. “Are we…?”
Heart breaking, you leaned in and wrapped your arms around him. Something wet landed on your shoulder and you realized he was crying. Hugging Finn tighter, you buried your face in his chest and felt your eyes start to water.
For a long time, you simply held one another and cried. It felt therapeutic, as though everything had changed but for only this moment, you’d found your way back. For a single moment, you let yourself believe the semester had never happened and none of this pain had ever come between you.
It didn’t work completely.
In the back of your mind, your heart continued to ache. The image of Finn with someone else remained and you couldn’t fully erase it. For a moment though, you let yourself play make-believe.
When you left his dorm hours later, you felt utterly exhausted. Finn had tried to convince you to stay longer, but you’d flatly refused. At some point, you needed to draw the line.
Coming to a stop outside Redfield, you stared at the brick archway and realized you wouldn’t see it again. You were single.
For a word which was supposed to feel freeing, it felt oddly heavy. Turning around, you began to walk in the direction of Russet. It didn’t take long to get there, entering Grace Hall and climbing the steps to your room in a numbed haze.
Noelle took one look at you when you entered and immediately shut her laptop. Dimly, you realized you’d forgotten her coffee. You needed to remember to do that tomorrow. Before you could make it two steps inside though, you felt the tears forming.
“Oh, no babe,” said Noelle, descending her ladder. “Don’t cry!”
As you plopped down on the futon, she joined, rubbing your back while you buried your face in your hands.
“I’m sorry,” you said, choking up a little. “I just – Finn…”
“What happened?”
“We… we broke up.”
“Oh, no, babe.”
“Yeah,” you said, wiping your eyes on your sleeve.
“What happened?”
“I…” You hesitated. “He cheated on me.”
“He what?” Noelle rose from the futon. “That crusty, limp lint ball. I will… I will cut off his balls with a rusty spoon!”
“I also kissed Jimin.”
Startled, she turned. “Oh.” Noelle paused. “Well. I’m still going to cut off Finn’s balls.”
Weakly, you laughed. Taking a deep breath, you found the whole story pouring out of you again. Noelle sat down, listening to you speak and nodding encouragingly. Oddly enough, as you told her everything, the weight on your chest seemed to lighten a little.
You’d thought it would be the opposite. This was one of the main reasons you’d kept things inside you for so long, not bothering to tell anyone what you were going through. The idea of burdening others made you feel guilty but talking to your mom had made you realize some truths about yourself.
It was the same thing with Noelle. Seeing her face when you described walking in on Finn and Madison was enough to reinforce you’d made the right decision. She was so livid when you told her, you needed to tug her back to the futon again.
“Okay, but you only kissed Jimin,” she insisted. “You stopped right away! And you know what Finn did? He avoided you for days, decided you were going to break up and then slept with someone else. He kissed her!” she said, arms flailing. “And thought hm, better go in deeper! God, I hate men.”
It hurt to laugh, but you couldn’t help it. Noelle was right. It was ridiculous when she put it like that. Yes, you’d fucked things up but at least you’d tried to fix it. At least you’d been realistic about what had happened. Finn had messed up and just wanted you to forgive him.
“The worst part was he tried to get me to stay,” you whispered, knees curled into your chest. “That really hurt, you know? It was like he didn’t realize how much he wanted me until he’d had someone else. I couldn’t stop thinking… what about the next time? What if every time things got hard, he ran off and stuck his dick in someone else?”
Although Noelle snorted, she shook her head. “He’s dumb, babe. And immature. Men that age always are.”
“I know,” you said quietly, staring at your knees. “But he was my dumb and immature guy. And now… I just feel kind of empty.”
“Ah, Y/N.”
“I know.” Closing your eyes, you shook your head. “It’s stupid, but I keep thinking about all the small things that’ll be different. Like, Finn loves this one video game and I used to send him memes I found on Twitter all the time. Or we were watching this TV show together and now, I’ll have to watch the next season alone. Or Finn won’t text me good morning, or tell me good night and I just…”
“Hey.” Noelle pulled you closer when you began to cry. “It’s okay, babe. Even if he hurt you, even if it was the right decision to break up – you can still be upset about it. You can still love him. Feelings like that don’t go away overnight.”
Weakly, you nodded. You knew Noelle was right but couldn’t help feeling broken. Everyone said the only thing which healed heartbreak was time. It was the only balm to this kind of pain, but on the first day of your breakup, time seemed like such a cruel concept.
“If it makes you feel better,” Noelle offered. “I’ll watch the TV show with you.”
“You don’t even know what it is.”
“Doesn’t matter.”
Weakly, you smiled. “You might end up regretting that.”
“I might,” she agreed, smiling as you pulled away.
Standing up from the futon, Noelle went to your minifridge and opened the freezer compartment. “Fuck weigh-ins,” she said, retrieving your ice cream and grabbing two spoons.
You both dug in, taking a large bite of fudge ripple. The treat tasted like sawdust on your tongue – somehow, you didn’t seem to have an appetite.
“I think you did the right thing, for what it’s worth,” Noelle offered.
“Yeah?” you said, taking another scoop. “Then, why does it suck so much?”
“Love sucks.”
“He cheated, babe,” she said, a bit gentler.
“Yeah. I think that’s the worst part, though. I can kind of understand why he did.”
“Oh, no.” Noelle clucked her tongue. “Don’t go down that road.”
Weakly, you smiled. “It’s just… Finn was right. I never had time for him. I didn’t really fit in with his Redfield friends. His schedule always took a backseat to mine and I just… I can understand him not feeling like a priority in my life. What kind of girlfriend does that make me?”
“The strong kind.”
When you looked at her, Noelle seemed deadly serious. Lowering her ice cream spoon, she slowly exhaled.
“You’re a woman with ambition, Y/N,” she said quietly. “I won’t lie, that terrifies a lot of men. A lot of guys want their ego stroked and when their self-esteem can’t be fixed by someone else, they’ll blame you. You’re not a bad person for knowing what you want, though. When you find the right guy, he’ll love that about you.”
Immediately, your eyes watered. It was exactly what you’d needed to hear right now. Leaning forward, you hugged her again and silently thanked Russet Academy for pairing you as roommates.
You stayed awake for a while, ordering a pizza which Noelle forced you to eat. As she put on a movie and you settled into the futon, you thought more about Finn and what Noelle had said.
She was right, you knew. Finn didn’t want the kind of woman you’d become. The kind of woman he wanted wasn’t bad – not inherently. He wanted someone who fit into his life, someone who wasn’t defined by their career. Someone who could leave their job at five and spend time with him after.
It was fine to want those things, but it wasn’t okay to place those things on you. Possibly if you’d realized this earlier, none of this would’ve happened. It was pointless to wonder what-if, though. Before you came to Russet, you hadn’t even known this part of yourself existed.
You and Finn had spent two wonderful years together in high school. That wasn’t something you wanted to forget, but things between you were different now. It would be foolish to stay together while trying to ignore the fact that you both walked on different paths.
Somewhere in the middle of the second movie you dozed off and when you woke, you found Noelle turning off the lights and putting things away. Mumbling good night, you climbed into bed and plugged your phone into the wall.
Finn hadn’t texted, for which you were grateful.
Jimin hadn’t either.
Rolling over, you found you couldn’t think about him right now. There was too much to unpack, especially fresh off your breakup with Finn. You’d said things about Jimin you needed to digest, but you couldn’t afford to do that right now.
Right now, all you could do was start to recover.
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By Monday morning, you felt like a zombie. Noelle had done her best to distract you over the weekend, but the looming prospect of Monday drained whatever progress you’d made.
It was the closest you’d ever come to being late to class. The second hand was between 7:59 and 8:00 when you and Noelle entered the room. Setting your things down at the barre, you caught Mr. Vlad’s disapproving gaze before he shut the door.
He began to teach pliés and you found yourself falling into the familiar rhythm. All weekend long, you’d dreaded coming to dance because you knew you’d be distracted. In the past, whenever your personal life had fallen apart, this usually had resulted in mistakes in your professional. Not today.
Today, you let the soothing movement drag you under. The repetitive nature of warm-ups gave a much-needed break to your overworked mind. For the first time in days, your eyes didn’t water for unknown reasons. Overwhelmed with gratitude for the momentary peace, you threw yourself into your exercises at center.
When the time came to find your partner, you spotted Jimin for the first time today. He found you first, winding across the room to stand by your side.
He was silent for a moment, then glanced in your direction. “Hey.”
“Hey,” you said softly.
Jimin’s brow furrowed. He searched your face and seemed about to speak, but then Mr. Vlad began to teach. Falling quiet, Jimin learned the steps alongside you. He didn’t say anything more during adagio, but you caught him occasionally looking from the corner of your eye.
Feebly, you hoped you didn’t look too terrible. This was probably a lost cause, given you’d barely glanced in the mirror before leaving. Not that how you looked was a priority right now. It didn’t even crack the top ten, but you couldn’t help wanting Jimin to see you. Your conversation with Finn had been eye-opening in so many ways.
Not least of all was how you felt about Jimin. Finn had asked if you wanted to date him and you’d replied you didn’t know.
Just a week prior, you would’ve blustered your way through a response. You would’ve said of course, not but you would’ve been lying. Something important existed between you, but along with it came a sinking feeling.
Breaking up with Finn had been the most difficult decision you’d ever made. Everything Noelle had said was right – feelings didn’t disappear overnight, no matter how badly you wanted them to. No matter the pain he’d put you through and no matter the pain you’d caused him.
You had a lot you needed to learn before you began dating someone new. You’d thought you’d known what you wanted before and had been proven wrong. It would be equally foolish to think you knew what you wanted right now.
Besides, you had kissed Jimin while still dating Finn. That was a terrible foundation to a new relationship. Your own words came back to you about trusting Finn. He’d cheated on you with Madison and you knew that if you’d stayed, you would have always wondered if he’d do it again.
Maybe Jimin would always think this about you.
The thought made your chest ache since it could’ve been avoided. If you’d done something differently, if you’d been less stubborn and ended things with Finn earlier, you wouldn’t be feeling this way now.
Such thoughts were pointless though because they weren’t what had happened. It was meaningless to wonder what-if because the point was, you hadn’t. You hadn’t ended things earlier. You hadn’t left when Jimin found you that night. You’d made the choices which made the most sense at the time – or in a moment of weakness – and now, you needed to live with the consequences.
At the end of class, you were packing your things when you felt a shadow fall over your bag. Glancing up, you expected to see Jimin and found Sabrina before you.
Surprised, you sat back. You’d nearly forgotten about the conversation you’d overheard in the cafe but now, it all came rushing back. As you straightened, you caught sight of Jimin as he walked out the door and felt your stomach twist.
You had been hoping to catch Jimin after class to tell him – what, exactly?
You didn’t know what you’d wanted to say. You didn’t know what would be appropriate. Should you say you’d broken up with Finn? You didn’t want to give Jimin any kind of false hope. He should at least know you were sorry, though. You were sorry for kissing him, sorry you’d run away and sorry in general for messing things up so badly.
“Hey, Y/N.” Sabrina adjusted her bag. “Can we talk?”
After a moment, you nodded and zipped your bag shut. “Yeah,” you said as you stood. “Yeah, okay.”
Noelle walked past, hovering when she saw you speaking with Sabrina. Her gaze moved between you. “Are you heading back to the dorm, Y/N?”
“In a second,” you said, managing to smile. “I just need to do something first.”
Noelle nodded, but her gaze lingered before she walked away. You couldn’t blame her for her suspicion. Sabrina had been nothing but rude to you the entire year but now, you had a little more insight as to why.
Somehow, you couldn’t bring yourself to hate her. You kept contrasting your last phone call to your mom with the conversation you’d overheard. If Sabrina received that kind of support in her own home, it kind of made sense for her to be the way she was with ballet.
Sabrina turned, leaving the class as you followed. You walked beside her in silence until you reached a secluded part of the hall. Here, Sabrina turned and hesitated when she saw you. The difference was startling; you were so used to the version of Sabrina who was constantly on the defensive.
“Hey,” she repeated.
She didn’t add on, so you arched a brow. “Hey. Don’t take this the wrong way, Sabrina but – what do you want?”
Her upper lip quirked. Just as quickly, her expression smoothed to normalcy. “I thought I saw you on Saturday,” she said bluntly. “Was that you in the coffee shop near Grace?”
You paused, debating whether to lie but deciding it wasn’t worth it.
“Yeah,” you said. “That was me.”
“Did you hear what me and my mom were saying?”
Again, you hesitated but before you could respond, she rolled her eyes. “What am I saying?” Sabrina muttered. “I know you were close enough to overhear.”
Unwittingly, you almost smiled. It was kind of refreshing to hear her speak like this again. Your last interactions had thrown you, making you rethink who Sabrina was. Her bluntness was oddly comforting in its normalcy.
“Well, if you know I overheard, why are you asking?” you shot back. “Look – you don’t need to worry about me telling anyone. I’ll forget what I heard, and we can go back to hating each other. I don’t care about your personal life, Sabrina.”
A flicker of something unknown passed over her face. She nodded, curt and you turned to leave – but then she exhaled.
“Wait,” she said quietly.
Stopping in your tracks, you looked over your shoulder. “What?”
Sabrina made the oddest expression, halfway between regret and disgust. “I wanted to apologize,” she said at last.
Eyes widening, you froze. Seeming to mistake your silence for anger, Sabrina barreled on.
“That’s why I wanted to talk the other day in class,” she admitted. “It’s been bothering me all week what went down on Halloween. I wasn’t in a good place then and I took that out on you. I – I’m sorry about that.”
Finally, you managed to shake yourself free.
“You’re… apologizing? To me?”
“Yes. Listen, this is awkward enough without me having to repeat myself.”
Again, you suppressed a smile. Folding your arms over your chest, you forced a stern expression. “Yeah, well, forgive me if I’m having trouble comprehending,” you said. “You don’t really seem like the apology type.”
“I’m not.”
“Then, why are you now?”
Sabrina exhaled and looked away. “I’m not going to pretend I regret everything that’s happened between us this year,” she said. “Most of it I stand by. But… it wasn’t your fault I snapped at you on Halloween. I was down and I was feeling jealous.”
Your eyes widened. “Jealous? Of me?”
She nodded, then looked back. “I got crappy feedback during the master class and then you came over, inviting me out on Halloween like some pity invitation. I know,” she said, catching your look. “Maybe that’s not what you intended, but that’s what it felt like. And then I was at that party, looking around and… I just realized no one liked me.”
More than anything else, this startled you. You hadn’t seen Sabrina much at the party but hadn’t heard anything negative, so you’d assumed she had a good time.
“I never really thought you’d be worried about something that,” you said cautiously. “Whether people liked you, or not.”
“Most of the time I don’t.” Sabrina paused. “Well. I don’t know. It’s hard,” she admitted, playing with a thread on her bag. “For the most part, I don’t. But sometimes…”
“Sometimes you do,” you finished.
“Yeah.” She nodded. “I know it’s no one’s fault but mine. I’m the one who pushes people away, who refused to help you when you asked. I was the one who left Jimin on read when he said he just wanted to be friends.”
“He… what?” you said, snagging on this thought.
Sabrina rolled her eyes. “You two really need to work through whatever’s going on between you. But anyways,” she continued. “I was going through a lot and… and I just lashed out. You were the one who happened to be closest.”
 “That sucks, but… I get it,” you said.
You really could. It was what you did, after all. You’d done the same thing to Jimin after you got bad feedback at Russet. You’d eventually moved past this as a habit, but you couldn’t fault Sabrina for having the same journey as you.
“Seriously, though.” You tilted your head. “Why are you telling me this? It seems very… out of character for you.”
“I know.” Sabrina considered. “Honestly? I’m not sure. It’d be easier not to, but… then you overheard my conversation with my mom.”
Awkward, you shifted your weight. “Ah.”
Again, you thought you understood. It was difficult to reveal vulnerable parts of yourself. Sometimes it was easier when someone else did it for you.
“So,” you said and then paused. “Is your mom… always like that?”
“Like what?”
“So… intense?”
She gave a bitter smile. “That was her being chill.”
“Yeah.” Sabrina shrugged. “She means well, I guess. My mom raised me alone after my dad left when I was young. She’s the top lawyer in the city, so she has firsthand experience on how to get there.” Here, Sabrina hesitated. “I just don’t think it’s always been the happiest road for her.”
“Probably not,” you admitted.
“I always thought that’s what I wanted,” Sabrina said softly. “To be like her, but with dance. At the top of my field, not needing anyone but myself. Now… I don’t know.”
Knowing this put a lot of things in perspective. Sabrina had been raised to believe she could only rely upon herself. It was no wonder she’d turned you down so many times.
“Well,” you said slowly. “I don’t think anything is set in stone, if that makes you feel better. It’s only the first semester, after all. There’s still plenty of time to make friends if that’s what you want.”
“Yeah.” She paused. “Maybe.”
You hesitated, and then nodded. “I appreciate the apology.”
“No problem.”
Glancing away, you wondered if this was all. While it helped to understand where Sabrina was coming from, you couldn’t imagine having sleepovers with her anytime soon. It was nice of her to apologize, but that was only a first step. You didn’t have much in common.
Except that wasn’t true, you realized. You had a lot in common, possibly more than you’d given yourself credit for. You understood more than you wanted about where she was coming from.
Turning back, you met her gaze. “So, Eamon?”
Her eyebrows shot upwards. “You heard that?”
“Kind of,” you said, offering a guilty smile. “What happened there?”
For the first time, a touch of sadness entered her gaze. “It’s a long story,” Sabrina said, and then hesitated.
You considered, then said, “I have time. Are you heading back to Grace Hall?”
Although Sabrina seemed surprised, she nodded, and you turned around. As you fell into step alongside her, you thought about how weird this all was. Returning to the dorm with Sabrina, talking and not being at each other’s throats.
Maybe you wouldn’t ever be friends, but you appreciated her attempt at an apology. You hadn’t realized how exhausting it was to have an enemy. To be constantly directing negative energy at something you couldn’t control – you had to give Sabrina credit because apologizing took courage. Taking a step forward was always an act of bravery.
As you walked, you felt your gut twist and an unknown voice whispered in your ear. It’d take an equal amount of courage to make things right with Jimin. Steeling yourself as you left the building, you determined you would do just that.
One step at a time, you’d move yourself forward.
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Sabrina didn’t stay long, just long enough to explain about Eamon. Apparently, they’d been hooking up at the start of the year but had become something serious. Sabrina had broken it off at her mother’s insistence, but they hooked up again shortly before Halloween. When she’d ended things a second time, Eamon had been understandably frustrated.
It seemed clear Sabrina liked him, but you kept that thought to yourself. She’d either realize this on her own, or you’d eventually get to the point where you could give her a reality check. Once she eventually left, you lounged on your bed and scrolled through your phone.
As odd as the encounter with Sabrina had been, it’d taken your mind off Jimin and Finn for a moment. Now, left alone with your thoughts, you had time to overthink all your actions.
On Sunday, Noelle had made you go through your phone and delete all old conversations with Finn, blocking him on social media so he couldn’t reach out. You’d balked at this but eventually given in. Clearly, you were a creature of habit – it made sense to set physical boundaries.
Oddly though, it hadn’t been difficult not to text Finn today. Maybe because you’d been growing apart for so long. There had been multiple weeks since the start of the semester when you and Finn hadn’t even spoken for days.
Rolling over, you opened your photos and released a sigh. Finally, you began the arduous task you’d been dreading. Although you’d blocked Finn on social media, you’d yet to go through your old albums to delete. It had felt somehow wrong, as though you were ridding yourself of memories you one day might want.
Starting at the beginning of the semester, you began to delete. You found one from the night you’d moved into Russet and another from a walk at sunset along the river. There was one of Finn in his dorm room, pulling a stupid face at the camera. You deleted each one with a heavy heart, moving on to the next grouping and pausing.
Your scrolling had brought you to Halloween night. You found several photos of you, Noelle and Irene dressed as the PowerPuff girls. More from the pregame followed, with you playing flip cup and Jasmine cracking up. There were some from the couch and a few from when Hoseok had stolen your phone – when you scrolled to the next one, you froze.
The shot was candid, not taken by you, although you were in it. Paulo had made you laugh, nearly doubling over while you sat on the sofa. Irene and Jasmine were also in the shot, but it was Jimin who made you stop scrolling.
He was in the photo too, also laughing but his gaze remained focused on you. The look he gave you – it made your breath catch. You couldn’t remember the last time someone had looked at you like that; like they simply enjoyed seeing you happy.
Suddenly, you threw aside your covers and descended your bed. As you tossed on a coat, you hastily checked the mirror before deciding fuck it, and hurrying out the door. Your coat flapped as you walked, trying to zip this up with one hand.
It was only a block to the boy’s dorm, but it might as well have been across the entire city. Your teeth were chattering by the time you arrived, hurrying into the warmth of the lobby. You took the steps two at a time to Jimin’s floor, hurrying down the hall before you could second-guess yourself.
When you finally reached his doorway, you paused.
Eyes closed, you willed yourself to breathe. You could do this. Completely unconvinced by your lukewarm pep talk, you opened your eyes and forced yourself to knock.
You heard movement inside, saw the handle turn and then Hoseok flung open the door. When he met your gaze, his eyes widened. This fact made you wince, since it was obvious Hoseok knew about the kiss between you and Jimin. Either that, or you looked like an absolute mess. Possibly both.
Staring at you, Hoseok made a noise which sounded like, “Argh.”
Before you could respond, Jimin called out.
“Is that Alex?” he groaned, sounding closer. “Did he break the showerhead again? Because I swear to god, if he –”
Jimin stepped into the doorframe, stopping once he saw you. He stared at you for a moment and Hoseok awkwardly eased himself backwards.
“Uh, I forgot I need to go to the store,” he said, grabbing his coat. Shoving his feet into sneakers, Hoseok grabbed keys from a chair. “Just um, need to grab a few things. Ice cream. Condoms. You know, the usual. Bye, guys!” he said, edging around you. “Have fun!”
Hoseok fairly ran down the hall, his coat flapping behind him.
After a moment, you returned to Jimin. He still hadn’t moved, continuing to stare at you from inside his room.
“Hey,” you said weakly, giving a wave.
His gaze hardened.
“Wait,” you blurted, throwing out a hand in case he shut the door. “Please, Jimin. Just let me explain.”
“There’s nothing to explain, Y/N,” he said, a bit quiet.
“Yes, there is. Can I come in?”
Jimin hesitated, warring with something but finally, he sighed and stepped aside. You nodded your thanks as you passed, stopping inside his room.
It smelled like him. There were the usual dorm smells of plaster and concrete but beneath that was his cologne, his detergent and something unmistakably Jimin. It made your heart clench as you turned around.
Jimin continued to look at you warily.
Seeing him like this tore something within you. It hurt, seeing such blatant mistrust in his gaze. It hurt to stand here and wonder if he was the reason you were single. Deep down, you knew this wasn’t the case, but all the pain mingled and was hard to separate. Looking at him made you feel hurt, yet hopeful; confused, yet still longing.
Broken, you inhaled as you shut your eyes. “Finn and I broke up.”
“You – what?”
You could hear the shock in Jimin’s voice. Shock, confusion – and maybe something else. Something more, which made you long to move closer.
“Yeah,” you continued. “We broke up on Saturday.”
Jimin was quiet for a moment, long enough for you to open your eyes. His expression had softened a little, but not by much. Instead, he cocked his head.
“That’s why you looked so sad in class today,” he said at last.
Apparently, you’d done a worse job of hiding things than you’d thought.
“Yeah,” you said. “That’s why.”
Jimin swallowed and nodded before looking away. He pushed a hand through his hair, leaving several strands ruffled as he lowered his hand. Multiple emotions fled across his expression until at last, he exhaled and looked back.
“How are you?” he said.
It was such a Jimin response, your eyes immediately filled with tears. Of course, with all this between you, his first instinct would be your well-being.
His eyes widened in response. “No – Y/N, no,” Jimin said, rushing forward. Forcing himself to stop, he held himself still. “I didn’t mean to… shit,” he cursed, hanging his head. “Even when I’m mad at you, I just… I don’t want you to be sad, Y/N.”
The simplicity of his statement settled over you, making your heart ache in all its jagged pieces. Jimin was so good. He was so good to you, and you didn’t deserve him.
“Well,” you said with a hiccup. “I’ve been better, but that’s not why I came here.”
“I came here to apologize.”
He blinked, but didn’t respond, so you took this as a sign to continue.
“I shouldn’t have kissed you,” you said in a rush. “I had a boyfriend and no matter how bad things were between us, I shouldn’t have kissed you like that. At the very least, I should’ve stayed when you asked me to talk. I – I’m so sorry, Jimin. Things have gotten so messed up.”
While you were speaking, his expression began to change. No longer did he seem angry, but something within his gaze had changed to uncertainty.
Swallowing hard, Jimin looked away. “It wasn’t your fault, Y/N.”
“No, I –”
“It wasn’t.” He looked back. “I knew you had a boyfriend. I knew it, but it didn’t stop me from feeling something for you. I was the idiot. Of course, the kiss didn’t mean something to you. It wasn’t fair of me to… to expect that from you and –”
“It did, though,” you said, cutting him off.
Jimin paused. “What?”
“The kiss. It meant something to me”
Breathing hitching, he stared at you in confusion. “What are you saying, Y/N?”
“I’m saying kissing you wasn’t about Finn,” you whispered, wrapping both arms around your waist. “I didn’t kiss you because Finn and I were fighting. I kissed you because I wanted to. Because I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. Because I’d been wondering for weeks what it would be like. That’s why I kissed you, Jimin.”
Staring at you, his expression turned wondering.
“He was cheating on me,” you said, wanting him to know the whole truth. “That’s what I found when I went to see him on Saturday. My boyfriend was cheating on me.”
At this, his face hardened. “He’s… a fucking idiot,” Jimin said, low and intense. “What was he thinking, cheating on you? I swear, I’ll–”
“I cheated on him too, though.”
Jimin stopped talking.
He stared at you for a moment, and something within him seemed to falter. In that moment, you knew he understood. The kiss had been a mistake. You had been in the wrong and still, you couldn’t bring yourself to regret it. Neither of you did.
“That was different,” he said at last.
“Was it?” you said. “I think Finn and I have been drifting apart for a while now. Maybe if I had ended things earlier, things would’ve been better. I don’t know.”
“Maybe,” he allowed. “But you can’t blame yourself for that, Y/N.”
“I think I can a little. I didn’t want to admit we were growing apart. I couldn’t see things were over between us because there wasn’t some big, glaring reason.”
“That’s hard for anyone to do, though.”
“It wasn’t for you,” you pointed out. “You broke up with your ex before college.”
“That was different. We weren’t in love. You loved Finn – or you did at one point.”
Slowly, you nodded. “I did.”
“And now?” The look he gave you was cryptic. “Are you saying things between you are truly over?”
“Yeah,” you said quietly. “Things haven’t worked for a long time. I just didn’t want to see it.”
Jimin stared at you a moment, then his face gradually fell.
“I hate seeing you like this,” he said.
“Like a mess?”
“No. Sad.”
Staring at Jimin, your breath caught in your throat. The way he was looking at you made your heart ache and for a moment, you let yourself imagine a different reality. One where you’d never become enemies and instead, all the passion between you had been put into your friendship. Maybe even more than that.
At some point, Finn had looked at you the way Jimin did now. You just couldn’t remember the last time he had.
Even so, the fact that you’d compared Jimin to Finn in the same sentence was exactly the reason you needed to say what you did next.
“I’m not confessing to you,” you whispered, before you could stop yourself.
His expression flickered. “I didn’t think you were.”
“It’s just…” Trailing off, you shut your eyes. “I’m still hurting, Jimin. I might not be in love with Finn anymore, but I still love him. I don’t want to start a new relationship and have it become a mistake.”
“So. A new relationship would be a mistake?”
“It would be,” you said, opening your eyes. “At least, it would be right now. Finn and I broke up barely two days ago. I’m still hurt and confused and it just… I don’t want to mess anything up by diving into something else.”
Jimin looked at you intently, seeming to understand what you wouldn’t say. You couldn’t be with him until you’d moved on from Finn.
As intense as your feelings for Jimin were, it would be a mistake to start dating right now. The embers of your previous relationship still burned and if you entered something now with Jimin, he would always exist in the shadow of Finn.
If you wanted a chance at happiness – a real chance – you needed to give yourself some time to heal.
“I get it,” Jimin said, however quiet. “You should take your time.”
“Okay,” you said.
You stood there a moment, the silence lengthening between you but not in a bad way. It felt like a new kind of moment – one where you looked at Jimin and for the first time, saw possibilities and not only regrets.
“That’s all I came here to say,” you said softly. “I just wanted to tell you –”
“Y/N?” he said, interrupting.
Blinking, you stopped. “Yeah?”
Meeting your gaze, Jimin kept his own steady. “When you’re ready,” he said quietly. “You’ll tell me. Right?”
Thrown, you stared at him a moment. Finally, you nodded.
“Yeah,” you whispered. “I’ll tell you.”
Jimin smiled. You stood there another moment before realizing there was nothing more to say. You’d apologized and he’d apologized. He knew you were single, but you needed more time. You’d tell him once your heart became available again.
Saying goodbye, you left Jimin’s room and when you entered the hall, you felt completely unburdened for the first time in months. This sadness still lingered, a heaviness in your heart from everything which had happened but for the first time in ages, the future felt open.
As you exited the building, you came to a stop on the sidewalk and took a deep breath. The inky sky above you was full of city light and beyond that, were the stars.
When you inhaled, the air burned your lungs but somehow, this provided the clarity you needed. Winter could be like that. It was painful, withering away dead things, but it also made way for new growth to come.
Smiling faintly to yourself, you began to walk home.
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Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading 😊 WE ARE ALMOST DONE! Only the Epilogue remains! New chapters of Raise the Barre will be posted weekly; dates are listed on the series Master List. Requests for updates will be deleted.
© kpopfanfictrash, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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damiano-mylove · 3 years
Condescending Bitch
Pairing: Thomas Raggi x reader
Wc: 2.5k
Cw(s): swearing, kissing, crying, probably typos (as per usual, tell me if it sucks)
Summary: Reader breaks up with their boyfriend and Thomas consoles them.
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If honesty be a virtue, you'd be virtuous to plainly say you'd fallen out of love with your boyfriend and you had done so a while ago. It wasn't deliberate, it was a gradual fizz wherein you found your heart warming for someone else. You felt horrible about it and that guilt had been eating at you. There was no cheating, but you didn't think you'd be able to avoid it for much longer. Not to mention, it wasn't only the non-existent feelings, Luca was just an asshole when you weren't blinded by love.
There comes a time where one must throw in the towel, and now was that time for you.
You couldn't do it at a restaurant; knowing Luca, he'd cause a scene. You couldn't do it at some meeting place; it would ruin that place forever and ever to both of you. And that shit's just not fair.
In the end, you couldn't make the decision. So you put every single item of Luca's clothing in a bag (and a couple things he'd left around your flat), and drove over to his house while you still had the nerve. You'd gathered and lost the nerve a couple times before, but the plan was already in motion now. Hell, there was no plan, but whatever you were raring to do was up and running.
You drove straight to Luca's mother's house in record time. Time flies when you're laser focused.
"Y/n!" Luca's mother exclaimed joyfully as you entered the kind looking house. How someone like Luca came out of Mrs. Batali was a wonder in and of itself. Once Mrs. Batali spotted the bag in your hand, she frowned. "Has something happened, Bambino?"
Somehow, the hardest part of this breakup would be bidding goodbye to Luca's mother, and not Luca himself. You sighed, "I'm sorry, Signora. Luca and I have been having issues for a while now."
"Oh, don't be sorry, Bambino." The older lady's kind smile returned to her face, which struck a heart string you hadn't even known existed. Mrs. Batali swayed toward you, in all of her vanilla scented goodness. She hugged you around your neck loosely, which you returned around her wide hips. "You're always welcome for dinner and a roof. Don't let the stupid boy stop you from seeing me."
God gave two gifts to this world; one of them was Mrs. Batali.
A smile cracked across your face as your chest continued to tighten and hurt. You loved this family like your own, and you loved Luca at some point. So many memories were made in the throws of this relationship, and it was all going to be thrown out the window by you. But it was too late now.
"Ti amo." Mrs. Batali placed a kiss to your forehead which made your smile even more genuine. She patted your shoulder, finally releasing you from her motherly grasp. Sadly, she raised her arm to the stairs to Luca's bedroom. "I'll be down here, if you need me."
You smiled once more to the older lady and bowed your head in silent thanks. If you uttered a word, the word would lead to tears. It seemed the two of you knew this.
It was the last thing you wanted to do right now, but you had to seal the deal.
Without your consent, your feet began moving toward the stairs then up the stairs. Your heart beat in sickening rhythm with your footsteps, but your heart seemed more heavy than your feet. It was ridiculous. You were ready to throw up, pee, or meltdown - you didn't know which one, if it was one at all.
At long last, after walking down the longest hallway of your life, you stood in front of Luca's closed door. You remembered all the times you'd breeze in, going straight into Luca's arms for a kiss. His breath wasn't always good and he was a bad kisser, but he made you feel infatuation. Now it only seemed a fraction of what you felt for the other person. Yes, God, that was why you had to do this.
You knocked. Your heart was deafening.
"Come in!"
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You pushed open the door, feeling like you were having a heart attack. Luca smiled brightly at you from the light of his computer. Then he laid eyes on the bag. Don't know how, it was dark as fuck in the room. And smelt of cheap body spray and dirty clothes.
"Hey, Babe, I wasn't expecting you," Luca smiled, trying to act off the bag of his clothes and gifts in your hand. You flicked on the light as he stood up to close the door behind you.
This room is fucking disgusting. It was truly noxious.
"Alright, Luca, sit down, we've got to talk," you told him, putting on your bravest and thickest voice. It worked because the air in the room changed. The air grew thick and impossible to breath. It could've been cut with a knife. Luca sat on his bed, hands in his lap. You placed the bag on the ground and sighed, "We're breaking up."
For a second, he was unresponsive. Luca didn't say a word until he looked you in the eye, what felt like a full minute later. His bottom lip quivered. "You're dumping me?"
"You can tell people you dumped me, I don't mind," you quipped, trying to make the situation better. You did not, in fact, make the situation better. You potentially made it about thirteen times worse.
"No, you're not." Luca stood up again. Your breath caught in your throat. "We're not breaking up."
He took a few quick steps to you. You stood your ground, trying to be as brave as possible. Your mask was slipping. The last thing you wanted right now was for Luca to see that you were cracking under his gaze. That would be fucking horrendous.
All of a sudden, Luca barked out a laugh. He looked like a madman. "This is about that Thomas bitch, isn't it?" You didn't answer, and your facial expressions gave nothing away. Then Luca snapped, "Isn't it?!"
"If you want to fucking shout, we can shout," you seethed. Luca blinked angrily at you. "We're adults - act like it."
"You're a condescending bitch."
"And you're an ugly prick, but I've never complained about that. You've called me a condescending bitch about 3 times and a flat-out bitch more than a dozen," you recalled quickly, with venom dripping off each syllable. It shut Luca up. However, he began to cry. You felt nothing but hatred now. "You're one pathetic bitch to be crying over the girl who you treat like a fucking doormat." Luca only cried harder. No sympathy. You spun on your heel and opened the door.
Without a glance back, you left.
Mrs. Batali smiled at you on your way out and gave you a freshly baked bun, which you thanked her profusely for.
It didn't take long for reality to set in, however. The adrenaline faded as you drove back to your flat complex. You began crying at the wheel and completely broke down in the car park. Tears streamed down your face like rivers, snot clogged your nose. Your mouth tasted horrible so you started to eat the bun Mrs. Batali had baked. It was so good that you started crying harder.
How the fuck could you do that? At this point, you were too sad to give a fuck about sobbing in a car park at 6 in the evening. You just threw in the towel of a year long relationship, in the blink of an eye. Like it was nothing and meant nothing to you whatsoever, which wasn't true at all. You felt like a horrible person.
Your chest clogged up with emotions and stale air, your throat grew a lump that you couldn't swallow down. Now you were the pathetic one. Crying in a shitbox car over your ex while eating fucking bread.
A tap on the window scared the Jesus out of you.
When you looked at the source, the other person was looking right back at you, looking worried and confused. Leave it to Thomas to look sad just because you were sad. Thomas looked so fucking good even though a blur of teary eyelashes. He made the hand crank motion, so you rolled down your window.
"Are you okay?" Thomas asked. You just started laughing. What a stupid fucking question. Thomas began chuckling, realizing how stupid it was himself. "Fair enough. Fancy a cup of tea and a chat or shall I leave you to your car bread?"
How the fuck could he make you laugh in times like these?
You smiled then shooed him away from your car door so you could open it. He obliged and moved back, for you to get out, still with bread and keys in hand. Thomas furrowed his eyebrows as you two began walking back to the flat complex you both lived in. "Aren't you going to roll up the window?"
"How the fuck is anyone meant to steal it when all the windows are up?" It was your turn to earn a laugh from Thomas. Thomas' laugh hit your ear like honey. The sort of honey that your mother gave you to cure your sore throat before nursery. It was soothing and just the right thing for the situation.
As you walked up the stairs with Thomas, you realized he was taking you to his flat. To be fair, he was the one who offered you tea. What's he going to do? Offer you your own tea?
Thomas unlocked the ugly blue door of his flat that everyone in the building had a copy of. The second you both walked into the flat, warmth enveloped you, along with sandalwood and spices from Thomas' extensive spice cabinet. He must have been cooking earlier because it smelt Heavenly. Everything was in perfect place with just the right amount of mess and disorganization to make it seem like a home.
"I'll put the kettle on, sit anywhere," Thomas instructed after you both took your shoes off. You were wearing ratty trainers while Thomas was wearing perfectly clean Vans.
You nodded and flung yourself on one of his couches with a sigh. The couch was soft, warm and welcoming and you felt tired from crying and yelling and just the day in general. It was a shit day, that started with your toast burning and ended with this shit. A nap would really do good.
However, Thomas had other plans entirely. He placed a purple mug, full of tea with what looked like your golden ratio of milk and sugar. Thomas was your best friend, of course he knew your golden ration. You knew his. With a smile, you sat up which allowed Thomas to sit beside you and drape his arm over the back of the couch.
"Feel like telling me why you were crying in your car?" Thomas asked. You laughed lightly and sipped the piping hot tea.
"Broke up with Luca about-" you checked a clock. "-30 minutes ago."
As horrible as it sounds, Thomas' face lit up. His facial features remained the same but his beautiful green eyes lit up like candles in a dark room. "Is that so?"
"He called me a condescending bitch."
"So he hasn't gotten a new script," Thomas smiled. You chuckled lightly and sniffed. Your nose was still clogged from all the crying. You just didn't feel like blowing your nose like an elephant in front of Thomas right now. "He'll never get the chance to get a new script for you now."
"Thank God above," you sighed out with a laugh to your words. Thomas smiled. "I'll miss his mum though. Wonderful lady."
Thomas sipped his own tea and you discretely moved closer to him. It wasn't as discrete as you'd thought because Thomas picked up and moved a bit closer to you with a stupid smile on his face. "So how'd it go down?"
Like friends do, you told him everything, down to the detail. All but Luca being right, with Thomas being the other man who'd stolen your heart. That wouldn't be a key detail here because the last thing you needed today was to dump your boyfriend then directly after scare your best friend away from you forever.
But he wasn't scared off by you telling him Luca though you were leaving him for Thomas. Thomas actually smirked at that part, like the thought amused him. You didn't think anything of it actually, except for how cute Thomas was when he was smirking.
Eventually, the conversation faded and you were hip to hip with Thomas. With a sigh, he rested your head in the crook of Thomas' neck. His feather soft hair tickled the side of your face but you wanted nothing else for the moment. The scent of Thomas' cologne was prominent when you were this close to him, but you weren't going to complain about that. His arm fell from the back of the couch to around your shoulders.
Feeling Thomas' head turn to you, you looked up at him. Thomas' hand lightly squeezed you arm. Your breath hitched in your throat as you thought you were imagining Thomas observing your face.
Those gorgeous green eyes that you could stare into all day were scanning your face gently. They landed on your lush lips, then back to your eyes. All it took was a small nod for Thomas to lean in.
It was slow. It was slow, but undeniably sweet. The passion was palpable the minute your lips met his, just as you had been dreaming of for months now. His pillow-like lips were perfectly moisturized, but not over-saturated. The lip balm he used was strawberry flavoured and you'd never admired strawberry flavoured lip balm as you were in this moment.
As suddenly as it began, it ended.
Thomas leaned back for a second, looking guilty. "You need time to get over Luca, this is wrong."
"I've been over Luca for months." You placed a kiss to his lips, which Thomas accepted for a second, then backed out of again. You groaned. "Thomas, Luca was right. I'm in love with you."
In a stunned silence, Thomas' cheeks turned bright red. A broad smile grew on his face and you felt confident in your confession. You meant it, surely, but now you were confident that you did the right thing in telling Thomas.
"I've been in love with you since we went to the Capitoline." Thomas' voice cracked as he made his confession. Your heart bustled with warmth. He'd been pining for you all this time just to watch you run with Luca.
You couldn't take your aching heart. Grabbing Thomas' face gently, you pressed your lips to his again. He gladly returned this kiss with fervour and renewed zeal. Nothing else mattered while your lips were joined with Thomas' lips. Nothing would ever be able to induce the utter happiness and peace you'd felt in this moment.
After the kiss lasting for a while, Thomas pulled you to sit on his lap. He cupped your sweet face gently and smiled into your brilliant eyes. He kissed your nose. "May I tell you something else, Y/n?"
"I don't think you're a condescending bitch."
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