#{{ and s/th w/ that song for m o n t h s
totaldramafan-lauri · 8 months
I-I-I SAW.....I SAW THAT....PART....
AND PART OF ME.....a small part, like.....a TINY TINY part....w-was scared....
M-most of me knew it wasn't gonna happen, don't get me wrong.....N-not him.....but....
A-as long as there was a TINY part of me that doubted, I.....
I-I was TERRIFIED......
I-I'm gonnaa need to reply that last song, cuz I swear, thoughout that whole thing periodically SHOUTING at my screen "WHERE IS HE!? WHERE IS HE!?!?" (True story.....I was doing that OUT LOUD) And "SHOW HIM"
I-I can't even form thoughts correctly-
I-I mean, it makes sense for her to want Adam dead, but- Lemme get this straight, she- She made some kind of deal with his OWN TROOPS-? HOW? Th-that did NOT LOOK like sabotage to me! They were fighting hard! I-I don't- g-get it-
I-I....I can wait....I can wait, I can wait, cuz this ending was good! AND WE AVOIDED THE WORST-
I-I guess that leaves the Vees as the main villains now!? Unless Lute comes back on her own now-
I-I'm looking forward to see more of Vox.....l-losing his mind, pffff....
F-for a while, I was conflicted about how much I wanted more of Adam, cuz I loved his song in the first episode so flipping much, and I STILL DO love it, but....
A-after what he almost did-
G-give me a heart attack, I swear...*grumble grumble*
.....H-how are they gonna learn about Pentious now, and how a sinner ACTUALLY made it to Heaven, if they have no more reason to GO to Heaven now? How- s-so many questions....
.....Y-yeah, I think this might be the best episode of the season....o-or ONE OF them.....i-if that wasn't obvious......
S-sorry these thoughts are so much more....s-scattered than in my last posts, but GOD DANG-
"Back door...."
T-trying to remember what I heard, but I was f-flipping out so much....
"My deal must a have a.....back door...."
S-something like that....I-I need to watch it again....
S-some kind of deal......c-constraining him....h-he doesn't like it....he wants out....
L-looks like, maybe, I was right.....
Th-there's gotta be a way out.....H-he's not submissive to ANYONE.....H-he'll find a way out....
I-if helping the others, was against his will.....
L-let there be a way out....
I-I don't care if that means leaving them.....Freedom means more....
S-season 2, GIVE US THE ANSWERS......
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[Lapita Fithum]
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handle: crystallineSoldier
land: Land of Chains and Gusts (LOCAG)
Specibus: Shotgunkind
classpect: Prince of Blood
Denizen: Medusa
Lusus: N/A
Song: Numb - Marina and the Diamonds
lore under the cut!
He never remembered much from the earlier parts of his life. All he knew was the Traveling Cabaret, a traveling circus hosted by purplebloods and featured people all across the hemospectrum. From a rustblood with eight arms to a fuchsia with scaled wings, it seemed like a glorified freak show. He knew this all too well, as an olive without pupils. Even such a benign mutation prompted the circus to break into Lapita’s hive and paint the walls with his goat lusus’s rich olive blood. He was so young, only half a sweep old, but that memory has never left him. Fear led to hate, hate that he harbored for every member of the circus. He hated the people that called him “dead-eyed” and “a living corpse” and showed him off as a little party trick.
He hated everyone except for his moirail, a jadeblood named Marfen Pozlas, who had two unfortunate blessings. He was born male, and was a descendent of one of the most famous magicians on all of Alternia. Even with all the pressure on Marfen to be as good as the man who came before him, he still managed to smile so genuinely. Lapita idolized him, knew that he couldn’t live without his moirail.
Oh, the irony.
The circus had stopped at Thrashthrust, a dense forest on the outskirts of the city. After the day’s performance, at the crack of dawn, Marfen beckoned Lapita to meet him where nobody would see. The two stood in the middle of the forest’s clearing, the morning breeze ruffling their hair.
“aren’t you tired, lapita?
“aren’t you tired of being nothing *m*ore than just… their puppet…? don’t you *w*ant to break a*w*ay from it all?”
Marfen took Lapita’s hands in his, the morning sun reflecting in his childlike eyes, reignited with a new hope to live.
“*w*e can escape the*m*. right here, right no*w*.
“*w*e can *m*ake a ne*w* life for ourselves! no *m*ore *w*orrying about ho*w* *m*uch blood is going to be spilled today, no *m*o-“
Lapita punched Marfen across the face, his lack of pupils not hiding the sheer desolation in his facial expression.
Marfen was left in the woods outside, dazed and with tears of betrayal in his eyes. Over the horizon, he saw hundreds of trolls surround Lapita, demanding to know where his moirail went. He closed his eyes, waiting for him to point directly towards the forest.
He pointed towards the city.
That final act of protection may have cost a morailegance, but inadvertently saved two solitary lives.
He never saw Marfen again… at least not until he began to play.
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aita-alternia · 1 year
ATIA for playing icp to loud at grubmart?
|(purple blood fem@le) works @t grubm@rt on the spe@kers, so us@ully I’d just pl@y the regul@r stuff but |felt bored @nd quite m|sch|evous tod@y sooo, |pl@yed my f@vour|te |cp songs from @ pl@ylist |h@d on the spe@kers on full volume! Now @t the t|me wh@t |d|dn’t know |s there w@s this one troll in the store who gets re@l @ggress|ve when he he@rs |cp. So Ofc pl@ying my music on full volume got h|m |n l|ke m@x murder mode so wh@t found out is th@t he l|ter@lly k|lled like 5 people. @nyw@y |got f|red @nd h@ve @ court c@se tomorrow =:o|
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cantsaythetword · 10 months
Got tagged by @the-gingerbread-lee to name a song for each letter of my url 😊
C - "check yes juliet" by we the kings
A - "angel with a shotgun" by the cab
N - "not the 1975" by knox
T - "thnks fr th mmrs" by fall out boy
S - "songs I can't listen to" by the neon trees
A - "anemone song" by ena da
Y - "you're gonna go far kid" by the offspring
T - "take on me" by a-ha
H - "how do you love somebody" by why don't we
E - "everybody talks" by the neon trees
T - "the edge of glory" by lady gaga
W - "weightless" by all time low
O - "ophelia" by the lumineers
R - "rasputin" by boney m.
D - "dear maria count me in" by all time low
Thanks for the tag !!!
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babyawacs · 5 months
#shxitballoftheday #palletten #map #targettedindividual #itisgermany # deutungshoheit #utmost #vogelfrei #palletten #how #s #criminalgovernance #accomplices #sgerman #beforesystems #s #thetruth #sfraudwest #sgerman #yoursystem #experiments (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deu tschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stu ttgart #utmosttheycouldtheydiduntiltheycouldnt #securitypolicy #them cl own #necessity #preciseconsequence #precision #intelrule #pornedtoddler #r ussianmethod #makesyouto #aretheyshxit #dumpster #sgerman #andor #usua lly #basics_and_necessities #ommelette #northko_ea #systemcaused #luck #judges #intel #default  #fourhemispheres #itisgermany #fact #yoursyste m #7does11 #judge #judges #breakthrough_point #default #ugh #but_the_hideo us_sssexxx_cola_then #fact #notfacr #sgerman #aeh #ai #witness #selfevi dence #ignore #demand #typical #24_7 #then #lawyerspin_vs_one_two_three # evenmore #itis .@law @law @harvard_law @all @bbc_whys @world .@law @law @harvard_law @bbc_whys @all @world shitball of the day? shitball of the we ek? shitball of themonth? shitball of the year but e a c h youmust su rvive then first //// noone? keeps them? from? i m a g i n i n g ? thing s? during? their? german? crimes. all government caused unpunished rep etition system caused but each? trick? you? hold out? you?must? survive t hen first a f t e r w a r d s th ey a l w a y s twist allthey want and germanconfirm themselves //// jud ges lawyers banks insurances not all wounds are visible but are real and each deed a german crime example: forinstance: experiment drugs. the medi cal pharma term was palletten (german/ germanphonetics) of experiment dr ugs whatever the intent and effort each deed a german crime w i t h i n t e l c o m a i suspect repetitions a n d all k n e w what it is becau se: one of their trickery was: rebabble repeat compromising song lyrics w hich instead rebabbling repeating their themes repeated chicksong ridicu le forinstance all knew what it is and how they had to overtape things th eir drug experiments p l u s i n t e l c o m a avertred immunisation : h ow they reframe t o d a y what they believed or considered is a decoy all k n e w what they did and what it is
#shxitballoftheday #palletten #map #targettedindividual #itisgermany #deutungshoheit #utmost #vogelfrei #paletten #how #s #criminalgovernance #accomplices #sgerman #beforesystem #s #thetruth #sfraudwest #sgerman #yoursystem #experimental (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin…
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strywoven · 1 year
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@causalitylinked has requested a story : “  please, tell me you have a plan.  ” [ for kaen, from rana! maybe she's lowkey panicking about a five year old toddler in her care that has gone missing after she took her eyes off of them for five seconds, cause even in the case where an entitled parent had pretty much hoisted them onto her while they went off by themselves, i could see her feeling a great deal of guilt/responsibility for somehow losing them -- ]
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It is a feeling every babysitter likely DREADS ; the scene of turning your back on a child for barely a minute only to look and find that said child has wandered off !  And now poor Rana faces such a plight , pacing in front of Kaen , looking both guilty and horribly d i s t r e s s e d .  Kaen offers the younger a sympathetic look , following her worried back-and-forth before she turns and speaks , causing them to blink in startled confusion.  T h e m ?  Do THEY happen to have a plan for a MISSING CHILD ?  Kaen’s own anxiety flickers to life like an ever-present fire , burning at the edges of their nerves.  You may as well be asking the w o r l d of them , Rana , dealing with children is certainly NOT their forte ⸺
⸺ But alas , this is their f r i e n d , and they won’t let her suffer alone.
A familiar song and dance for them , performing under pressure ; Kaen takes a breath , and the single breath is all they need to dispel their own anxiety and replace it with an air of authority and remarkable collectedness ( but make no mistake , their mind is working overtime , analyzing several details of the situation all at once ) .  With a neutral expression and calm voice , Kaen reaches out to rest their hand upon Rana’s shoulder , asking her to take pause and look at them.  Their touch is friendly but f i r m , the smile that they offer is – they hope – reassuring.  ❝ Well , firs’ we’re gonna relax a bit so we can think this over , yeah ?  Cannae be makin’ any rash choices right now.  An’ th’ las’ thing we should do is panic , tha’ll only make this worse. ❞
Good news , they’re in a store and not outside , there’s only SO MANY places the kid could have gone.  Bad news , that still doesn’t exactly diminish the dangers of him being lost , there’s still plenty that could happen or go wrong if they don’t manage to find him.  Kaen doesn’t voice this , instead focusing on what c a n be done.  ❝ We wun’ ‘ave much ground ta’ cover an’ Ah doubt th’ ankle-biter coulda’ gotten far wi’out bein’ spotted by SOMEONE , ❞ Reasonable as ever , ❝ Ah think ye should start askin’ ‘round if anyone’s seen ‘im while Ah can start lookin’ in th’ little places he mighta’ snuck inta’.  We can get this done easier an’ faster if we split up. ❞  There’s a pause , Kaen taking a moment to survey the area they’re in ; the store , the customers and the workers , the aisles … It’s possible , certainly.  Their gaze drifts back to Rana , another smile coming to their face as they give her shoulder a s q u e e z e .  ❝ C’mon , dun’ look so upset , Ah’m SURE we’ll find ‘im ! ❞  And if the parents ask , this NEVER HAPPENED .
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strywoven-moved · 2 years
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@theydefy​ asked : ❝ you’ve just seemed … different , is all . ❞ // kylan to kaen !
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          DIFFERENT—  Though the comment may’ve been benign , the godling shows what can only be a look of f e a r , as if Kylan’s held a looking-glass to them and all but offered them to look at their reflection - to truly indulge , to truly SEE FOR THEMSELF what sort of new beast they have become ( & they want terribly to turn away from it , to tell him they see nothing , to tell him nothing has changed— ) .  And it is in that unseen mirror they notice that war has done m u c h to them ; BROKEN & ALTERED them in such a way that transfigures them into someone nearly unrecognizable from themself ( their light remains ; their kindness remains ; but their heart , their mind , their soul have all undergone a transformation / an evolution ) .
          Eyes are quick to depart the younger’s face , eager to break the spell and havoc his words have wreaked ‘pon them.  Their hands … Are not their hands any longer , Kaen notices , the softness in them long hewn away by scarring and battle-ready roughness ; there is now an always-there p u l s e of fire lingering ‘neath their flesh and tinging their touch.  Scarred digits clench tight together , a soft sigh leaving them.  “... In what way ?”  A question they’re not quite sure they w a n t the answer to , but an answer that m u s t be heard regardless.
          Gaze rises , peering through the veil of red lashes , giving the impression of someone YOUNGER & QUIETER than the creature they have been forged into of late.  “... Ah’m —” Voice hitches in a way to suggest e m o t i o n coming caught on their words , “Ah’m sorreh.  Ah know Ah- Ah must’ve CHANGED but Ah…”  But you w h a t , sweet doe ?  Stayed the course despite yourself ?  Discarded and destroyed the pieces of you that would not serve someone who f i g h t s and handles war ?  They shake their head ; they cannot bring themself to say they are STILL THEMSELF , that they are still at all WHOLE as they were when first they’d come to Thra and first spun songs with Kylan— It is now so very u n t r u e .  “Ye will love me jus’ th’ same , wun’ ye , Kylan ?  Even so ?”  A few blinks , a few tears springing free and hitting their lap as shimmering crystals , dancing to the ground in solidified sorrow , toppling away from them in delicate , grieving motion.
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spotconln · 3 years
“I’ve wasted my life, writing at night, driving by day. But now it’s clear, year after year, long as I’m here, it’s safe to say, I’ll never be the son that you wanted. Or even the son you accepted. So that’s gonna be how we left it? You screaming at me? And me walking out. So I’m out.“
“I wanted to cry, when you stood by me and you handed me your keys, ‘Lincoln, take these’. I couldn’t breathe. I never cease to let you down. I’ll never live up to your expectations. So this is the situation. You’re getting upset, and I’m getting out.”
- “I’m Out”, cut In the Heights song by Lin-Manuel Miranda
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soulmatesabroad · 3 years
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Soulmate Prompts:
Since this is a fic fest about soulmates, we are in need of prompt suggestions! Please send in some prompts that have to do with soulmates! You do NOT have to be writing for this fest to send in prompts!
More info can be found at @soulmatesabroad​!
A: The One au. The One is a tv series that's sort of dystopian in that it explores a reality in which you could suddenly apply to this program that will match you to your soulmate and it follows how specific people deal with that.
B: Where you wake up with a tattoo after meeting your soulmate. Larry are vacationing at the same hotel, they meet and then every day for 4 days after they both gain a new tattoo. When they meet again, they realize their tattoos match perfectly. Rope & anchor, compass & ship, heart & arrow, rose & dagger. 
C: Ziall soulmates au where their first words to each other are tattooed somewhere on their body. Both of them have the phrase “fuck you” on their arms. Of course the first time they meet they both say...
D: in uni, prof is giving a lecture, his student is his soulmate, figuring it out over the semester
E: reverse Wellington: Larry meet, drunk Louis shouts "soulmate" at Harry, then they get to know each other and fall in love
F: Larry please- soulmates who meet in dreams and appear the way they see themselves so that irl one doesn’t recognize the other because he sees himself as plain/boring
G: Larry please - One of them either doesn’t want to meet his soulmate and has been doing everything to avoid meeting them. He gets stuck in a time loop (like Groundhog Day) until he meets and acknowledges his soulmate. 
H: One of them is a surfer, the other is a photographer and they meet somewhere warm. They're 26 and kinda gave up on finding their soulmate but then it happens.
i: any pairing: universe in which soulmates recognise each other by having the same song stuck in their head. cue person a hearing person b humming the song under their breath in location x
J: Larry please - fic where each year you get opportunities to meet your soulmate and live life with them but as soon as the clock hits 00:00 on Dec 31st your memory resets in regards to who your soulmate is. There’s no way to go around this...or is there?
K:  A is a hopeless romantic who has always dreamed of meeting their soulmate. Unfortunately their remote location means they see the same few people every day, none of whom is their match. When Character B arrives and A falls in love with them, the question arises: are they soulmates? Or does A just want them to be?
L: Food is love, and supposedly your soulmate's cooking will taste better than anything you've ever eaten before. Too bad Character A is hopeless in the kitchen. Character B is the chef who promises they can teach anyone how to cook-- is that the only reason A finds their food so delicious? Or is there something more at play?
M: Characters A and B are working together on a yacht. They share a room, and as crew they also happen to share most of their working hours and duties as well. Is that the reason they're so drawn to one another? Regardless of their connection, they're both determined to keep it professional. 
N: It's not only humans who have soulmates, apparently. At least if the pet psychic Character A has consulted about their dog's depression is to be believed. The psychic claims the pup met his soulmate at doggie daycare. Now A is trying to see if she's right by seeking out every possible dog from the playgroup. Will helping a dog find it's soulmate lead Character A to the same thing?
O: Hybrids aren't accepted many places, but in a few countries they have full rights and equality, even if prejudice still exists. Character A was raised in an anti-hybrid country and is now studying/working in a hybrid friendly place. Character B is the hybrid neighbor who they feel drawn to in ways they've heard are typical of soulmates. The possibility is as frightening as it is enticing.
P: Nontraditonal ABO: it's generally accepted doctrine that alphas and omegas are made to go together. Character A has always been attracted to people of their own secondary gender, and has therefore run away from the concept of finding a soulmate. When they meet character B, who shares their secondary gender, and find that the two of them share a soulmark-- the sign of a true mate --their world is turned upside down.
Q: (larry) They have been penpals for years now, sharing their little creative thoughts with each other. Will they ever meet? A new job, a different city, some crossed paths and fate might help.
R: Louis is 30 and the CEO of his family business in Toronto and he has hired a new assistant, Harry, 27. A lot of sexual tension, business trips, coincidences and ‘if he my soulmate or I just have a stalker and also a big crush?’
S: Strangers to friends with benefits to lovers larry; Louis and Harry has finished college and they both are doing a tour across Europe visiting different countries. They start from different cities in and meet in the second/third country they’re visiting. They get along quickly and have a one night stand because they think they won’t meet again. But they meet again in the next city or in the trip to the next city. Is their connection due to their sexual attraction or because they’re soulmates?
T: Louis and Harry are both Niall’s friend but they don’t know each other, however they meet in Niall’s wedding (with his soulmate) in Ireland (or another country if the author prefer another place for the wedding)
U: Larry: Soulmates have a special connection, they have visions of their more important events of their life - both sad and happy but they can’t see their faces, bodies or their friends/families faces. Louis and Harry know everything important that happen to them but they haven’t met yet, they live in different countries and they know that but they don’t know the country they live in. How will they meet? What will happen?
V: Larry: Exes to lovers - People have their soulmates mark in their 18 birthday. Harry and Louis were together during high school and break up before Louis 18 birthday because person A was afraid of not being their soulmates. Louis goes to travel aboard so they don’t know about their mark. They meet again some years later when they’re in their 20...
W: Larry enemies to lovers: Both of them work for the same company and has the same job position but they hate each other because the first time they met it wasn’t “meet cute”. All their coworkers think they are similar and would make an amazing couple so they try to get them together. Most people don’t believe in soulmates anymore, they think it was a legend or maybe it’s not a legend and they’re soulmates?
X: Untraditional soulmates !! For example, a pairing (or poly) comprised of people who aren’t soulmates but are in love anyway. Maybe their “true” soulmates died or just didn’t work out for some reason. Maybe their “true” soulmates are platonic and separate from the romantic relationship. But ultimately the theme being something like “i am choosing to love this person” rather than the world telling them who to love :) 
Y: Character A is a writer who pours their heart and soul into everything they write, though their focus on the soulmate trope is underappreciated. They go away on a writer's retreat to give it one last try and meet Character B, a person who seems to have stepped right out of one of their novels. Is this their soulmate or a figment of their imagination, or have they truly had one of their characters come to life?
Z: In a world where you see in color after hearing the sound of your soulmate's voice, Character A doesn't remember seeing in black and white. When they realize they're different, nobody can explain the reason. It isn't until they meet Character B, a stranger with the same affliction, that they begin to put things together. Or: A and B hear one another's cries as babies, changing their vision from black and white to color before they could possibly have realized it.
AA: Characters A & B somehow keep running into each other inexplicably all over the world. Maybe they happen to study abroad together then have a work conference in the same city then vacation in the same city, etc. Eventually they realize they've been seeing each other all over and maybe the universe is trying to tell them something.
BB: Louis gets a call from an unknown number from across the world. When he answers it, he's asked if he is a Mr. Harry Styles' previous employer and to give a recommendation on his performance. Amused, he pretends he is Harry's old boss and gives a glowing recommendation without knowing who he is. The job that this Harry is going for must be quite intense, because a few days later Louis is asked to fly out to interview in person to attest to Harry's character, where he ends up meeting Harry and falling for him.
CC: OT4/5 platonic soulmates with all the main characters being aro, ace, demisexual, etc. A soulmark appears when you meet a soulmate-- whether they're a platonic, romantic, or sexual soulmate(or sooner combo of the 3) is something each person has to discover for themselves. OT4/5 are grateful to find soulmates who are excited to experience beautiful and deep platonic relationships.
DD: Soulmarks are a trait that most humans have lost. Character A is a vampire who was born in a time when they were far more common. Imagine their surprise when they meet Character B, a human, whose soulmark complements their own.
EE: Larry: An AU where magic exists, Louis has always thought he’s a dark wizard and Harry doesn’t know if he’s a wizard or a normal human. Spoiler: he’s a wizard! They meet when they are 18/20 in a trip and they find more than themselves.
FF: Larry: Louis and Harry are friends of Zayn and Liam but they haven’t met yet. Ziam is having a wedding and their bachelor parties in Hawaii, they meet them.
GG: Louis and Harry haven’t met yet but they meet in a reality show that consists of traveling around the world. The rules of the reality show: Choose a person in the first program to travel with them (Louis and Harry travel together) and spend as little money as possible.
HH: Louis and Harry have been working in the same building for years but they haven’t met officially although they’ve seen each other around. They officially meet when their boss decided to do a work trip to Sydney
ii: Louis and Harry go to Orlando to visit the amusement park. They meet when they’re waiting in the queue for one of the rides and they spend a lot of time together because their other friends are tired of visiting different amusement park and they want to chill.
JJ: Famous/Non-famous larry: “Every time that you and your soulmate are in the same city, you’ll have a mark in your wrist. If one of you leave, the mark disappears” Person A is an actor who loves love but is tiring of two things: fake pr-relationships that make the general public believes that he’s not interest in having a soulmate and traveling. Person B wants to find his soulmate but he knows it’s not in his city so he’s traveling around. They have been in the same place several times but they haven’t met. How many countries will they visit until they meet?
KK: larry please: It is well known that the first time soulmates touch they leave a vivid mark on their partner's skin.  Well one morning Louis wakes up with a bright stripe across his cheekbone and no idea what happened.
LL: hl au: harry is a well-known anthropologist from england but he’s requested to join the discovery of an ancient palace in mexico city. louis is a historian that has lived in said city for several years now, so he’s almost a local. the discovery they both take part of includes a blue greeny jewel that holds a legend about soulmates.
MM: Zouiam ot3 matching soulmate tattoos
NN: A and B are childhood friends and have known they're soulmates since they got their marks in their early teen years but they never develop romantic feelings for each other but they Do want to spend the rest of their life together. Bit of conflict / comfort.
OO: Lirry Shrek au. Harry Fiona has always expected their perfect soulmate to break their curse. Liam Shrek is tired of playing the role of the ogre and being rejected by prejuices. They meet.
PP: Zayn is travelling with his van, he picks up some hitchhikers along the way. They stargaze and bond with each other. They find out they are soulmates when some dangerous situation arises.
QQ: ot5 1d era au. A slowly finds out they are soulmates with each of the others while in the bus or travelling/staying abroad together.
RR: Ziam: In a world where magic exists but soulmates are rare, Liam and Ziam met in the same Magical College and have an instant connection. In history of magic, they learn about soulmates and Character A know that they (Ziam) are soulmates but he’s  afraid and tries to avoid Character B all the time.
SS: Larry - Louis needs a break of his job and travels to a place where Harry lives and Harry needs a break of his past relationships. They meet in a pub and after too many drinks, they decide to do a road trip around the country. The author decides how people know who is their soulmates.
TT: Zouis: they discover they’re soulmates in Zayn’s wedding. Louis is the boyfriend of one of the best mates
UU: Larry - A reality show is trying to prove that soulmates still exist and Louis and Harry are participants in it
VV: HL Monday AU with Harry as Mickey and Louis as Chloe (but with a happy and not toxic ending please!)
WW: The voice you hear your thoughts in is your soulmate’s but you don’t know who they are until you hear them speak for the first time
XX: You’ve been sketching your soulmate’s face since you were old enough to pick up a pencil, the drawings become more realistic through the years as the day you meet comes near
YY: Red strings of fate au. Person A cuts their string. Person B is devastated to find their string has been cut but moves on with their life and finds love with, you guessed it, Person A who doesn’t believe in soulmates. When Person B finds out that Person A cut their string they’re so angry because they know how devastated they were to find their cut string. And Person A is confused at first because they thought Person B didn’t believe in soulmates either and didn’t realize that it was because they had no way of finding their soulmate. And then it hits Person A that there might be a slight chance that Person B IS their soulmate. So they nervously show up with their string and ask if Person A wants to see if the ends fuse together or not. Up to writer if the ends fuse or not.
ZZ: Person A reads tarot cards and while reading Person B’s cards, Person A can see that the cards are telling them that the two of them are soul mates
AAA: Soulmates can hear what their soulmate is singing.  Harry grows up with a soulmate who exclusively sings a weird blend of Oasis, Green Day, and the odd Light Killers song.  Louis grows up with a soulmate who mostly sings Fleetwood Mac and Peter Gabriel. They both hate their soulmates taste in music.
BBB: Every person is born with a golden string on their finger attached to their soulmate.  Everyone but them can see it but it is considered highly rude to tell people without prompting (like taking away a coming of age experience).  Or Harry and Louis fight a lot and everyone looks at them knowingly until one of them cracks and asks someone about it.
CCC: Character A runs a clothing boutique of some kind and one day uses a steamer too close to the smoke detector and sets off the fire alarm. Character B is one of the firemen to respond. Character A is very embarrassed that they did this in front of a super hot fireman, but the firemen are super nice about it. It just so happens they have to come back the following week for an annual inspection of the building and Character A jokes around/flirts with B. Soulmate aspect up to writer. (One idea could be matching soul marks?)
DDD: When soulmates touch for the first time, an electric shock goes through each person. They can’t touch each other without a shock...until they fall in love with each other. Too bad Character A & B hate each other and are not thrilled that when they touch by accident they finally feel the electricity they’ve always been waiting for. 
EEE: The color of your eyes act like a mood ring and changes according to your soulmates' mood. The first time you make eye contact with your soulmate, they turn the same color.
FFF: Reluctant soulmates where one or both of them keep their soulmarks covered at all times because they want to fall in love without the person soulmates
GGG: AU where your soulmate smells like HOME only they’re both too dirty and disgusting to smell like anything other than yuck
HHH: Older Larry AU where they’re both in their 40s or older and still haven’t met The One. Embracing this, they each go on a trip alone, but wind up meeting
iii: Fleetwood Mac/ Rumours AU - Larry as Stevie and Lindsey, Ziam as Christine and John. A breakup and a divorce while recording and touring an iconic album. Endgame Larry. Lovers to exes to soulmates.
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ichayalovesyou · 4 years
Vulcan Alphabet Song
This is purely for my own entertainment, or in case y’all have kids you wanna teach the Vulcan alphabet? This is totally how Amanda taught Spock and Michael (Vulcan children may not play, but half Vulcan and human children do!), she is a teacher after all! I’ll put the translation in the notes!
🎶Na’Malat zun M! Na’Tapan zun P! Na’Tafar zun F!
Na’Tan zun T! Na’La zun L! Na’Sa zun S!
Na’Shai zun Sh! Na’Tsek zun Ts! Na’Ko zun K!
Na’Yen zun Y! Na’Nala zun N! Na’Buhf’es zun B!
Na’Vanu zun V! Na’Dif zun D! Na’Rata zun R!
Na’Zun zun Z! Na’Zherka zun Zh! Na’Sochya zun Ch!
Na’Gen zun G! Na’Wak zun W! Na’Tangu zun Ng!
Na’Thes zun Th! Na’Tchol zun Tch! Na’khaf zun Kh!
Na’Dzharel zun Dzh! Na’Ha zun H!🎶
(Tempo change from slower alphabet song to marching orders!)
🎶Na’Itar zun hotorik I! I I’ 👏🏻 Ii 👏🏻👏🏻 Ih Ih’ 👏🏻!
Na’Um zun hotorik U! U U’ 👏🏻 Uu 👏🏻👏🏻 Uh Uh’👏🏻!
Na’Ozhika zun hotorik O! O O’ 👏🏻 Oh Oh’ 👏🏻 Oo 👏🏻👏🏻 Oi Oi’ 👏🏻!
Na’Es zun hotorik E! E E’ 👏🏻 Eh Eh’👏🏻 Ee 👏🏻👏🏻 Ei Ei’ 👏🏻
Na’Asal zun hotorik A! A A’ 👏🏻 Ah Ah’ 👏🏻 Aa 👏🏻👏🏻 Ai Ai’ 👏🏻 Au Au’👏🏻!
Pehkamitaya! Pahk 👏🏻 Dah-Pahk 👏🏻👏🏻 Ek’pahk 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Ek’pehkaya!
Leshek! [say your name]
I’Tum-tor! Ris! Veh! Dehkuh! Rehkuh! Kehkuh! Kaukuh! Shekuh! Stehkuh! Ohkuh! Naukuh!
Pla’Tum-tor! Naukuh! Ohkuh! Stehkuh! Shekuh! Kaukuh! Kehkuh! Rehkuh! Dehkuh! Veh! Ris! 👏🏻👏🏻🎶
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marbresauvage · 7 years
        {{ open // like to be messaged for plotting
He couldn’t help it. It was stuck in his head, the irony not lost on him, one who had died for a rebellion against the monarchy. As such, as he played the piano, he idly tapped out the opening notes, figuring out the subsequent harmonies and melodies as he went. It wasn’t that complicated. Still, when he got to the chorus, it came out under his breath, as, “-- And we’ll never be royals...”
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babyawacs · 5 months
.@law @law @harvard_law @bbc_whys @all @world judges lawyers banks insurances not all wo unds are visible but are real and each deed a german crime example: forinstance: experiment drugs. the medical pharma term was pallette n (german/ germanphonetics) of experiment drugs whatever the intent and effort each deed a g erman crime w i t h i n t e l c o m a i suspe ct repetitions a n d all k n e w what i t is because: one of their trickery was: rebabble repeat compromising song lyrics which i nstead rebabbling repeating their themes repeated chicksong ridicule forinstance all knew wh at it is and how they had to overtape things their drug experiments p l u s i n t e l c o m a avertred immunisation : how they reframe t o d a y what they believed or considered is a decoy all k n e w w hat they did and what it is //// lawyers banks insurances thisis a cri minal controlsystem as charged theyonly play democractic governance in no just system would this be possible 23years court charging whatthey do 2009 on from europe to local actually 200 4on and quelled to do what after theydid what before ontop of what to then quellmore todowh at and the solution is to fraudit forever and find s o m e t h i n g to break the victim quel lit smearit criminalise it psychiatrise it or fucksleaze it andifnot foolspirituals demonise it i must guard my interests and against criminal controlsystems evenmore and that is just th e p r o b l e m itshouldnot be that way they donot aimfor truth they aim for quell andmake a ll guilty to and whichtrickworks twist alltheywant for abit c o n t r o l and theft whatever theywant what is good is secret and doesnot m ake it tothe fools but the shuffled harms use the fools to harm anytime all i earned myself lifesworks islike daytime bullshit whenyoucannot buy food and get molested and brainmelted un til theyre right with the newest shitball or stigma this is mild safe best case else they shuffle prisonor kill trickery then quelleno ugh theyplaythe victim //// all that map german tricks witnessprotect beware donot confirm t hat which they tried to fake as true be precise maps a criminal effort during their german cr imes government caused unpunished repetition because govt caused /// other example: you got t oknow a fraction of what they did dailythe d e c o y and effort forinstance batshit nuts : o nce nutted allthey overtape didnot happen: you would find: theme names of theirsin youre not you batshit nuts trickerythe r a r e s t realdeal is people renounce self to reject pain and simply are someone else like playpretrend for various causes as mechanism: that. is then the alibi to nut the casewith a theme name of theirstodowhatbeforeduringandafterwhich didnt happe n too once batshit nutsbecausenuts is nuts wheeeyall theyovertape didnthappen then: itisonlyo netrickofcountlesstricksinthebooknotforspies whatisahumanbeingare some onlyitis from gravitcal ly midlate 2000s early 2010s published early2010s
.@law @law @harvard_law @bbc_whys @all @world judges lawyers banks insurances not all wounds are visible but are real and each deed a german crime example: forinstance: experiment drugs. the medical pharma term was palletten (german/ germanphonetics) of experiment drugs whatever the intent and effort each deed a german crime w i t h i n t e l c o m a i suspect repetitions a n d all k n e w what…
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strywoven · 2 years
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@hhemeraa has requested a story : ❝ violence changes us. you are not weak to feel its effects. ❞ G!M @ Kaen >:3c
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For at least a moment , there’s nothing to be said ( no clever retort , no witty remark otherwise ) ; all that greets the deity’s words is a t e n s e , lingering silence.  But it shows , in the way the younger god-creature pauses in cleaning blood and ash from their hands , looking up from the basin to cast Abel a wearied look in the mirror ( how dark eyes flicker with realization , with sobered understanding ) ‘fore glancing back down to slowly , and rather mechanically , continue their task ; He has said something that got them thinking.
Water splashes over their face , washes away the memory of their excursion in swathes of crimson and sooty blackness that swirls down the drain.  Plucking the offered towel from Abel’s hand , they dry themself off , taking the time to h o p e they look like themself again without the blemish of all the so-called VIOLENCE that now so readily comes to accent their person.  Smoke sighs through parted lips , their gaze lifting to find Abel’s face ( seeking , always seeking , looking for more than the words he’s offered ) .  
You are not weak , He’d assured them ; violence would change you as it would assuredly change anyone.
Features are fixed in contemplative stupor , lips and jaw set tight with the way Kaen is tempted to bicker the point , with the way they feel the need to a r g u e with their Patriarch.  This violence , this anger , this grief— !  Was this who they were now ?  Have they truly been altered , been transformed and transfigured so fully ?  Where once they may have said they could never hurt another , where once the song in their heart may have disputed their ill intentions despite the sickness in their soul , now they were sure of the o p p o s i t e ; they were capable , and verily they were DANGEROUS .  Perhaps , then , they were a l w a y s that way.  Abel merely gave them the ability to see themself as they are ( however wretched , however damaged , however destructive ) .  
Kaen shakes their head.  ❝ Y’know , if ye tol’ me tha’ when Ah firs’ came ‘ere Ah woulda’ tried ta’ say Ah wasnae violent , an’ Ah woulda’ tried ta’ deny e’rythin’. ❞  They scoff at the thought , smiling a bit.  ❝ Not so much now , ❞ This , amitted with a shrug , ❝ Ah’m not sure Ah’m better or if Ah’m worse fer embracin’ these parts’a m’self lately but … ‘S certainly made me feel more whole , like Ah’m not tryin’ ta’ keep shit hidden ‘r tryin’ ta’ work ‘arder at bein’ someone Ah’m not. ❞  The longer they talk , the more their words carry on with much the same cadence as their unwavering , resolute trudge into battle ; slow , calm , purposeful.  Kaen allows their smile to grow , if only slightly , their dimmed light beginning to b r i g h t e n .  ❝ Ah think Ah’m grateful fer th’ changes , e’en if they’ve been painful.  But sometimes … It does get a little ‘arder ta’ know who Ah am lately ‘cause o’ tha’.  Ah’ve become so DIFFERENT , so ‘s a lot , like Ah gotta’ reintroduce m’self ta’ m’self. ❞
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upamongthestarss · 4 years
When Love Walked In//Bill Denbrough
a/n: please be kind! this is my first time publishing on tumblr, and i’m not the best writer 💘 oh, and warnings! very mild nsfw, brief mention of self harm (blink and you’ll miss it)
Y/n takes a drag and squirms under Richie’s glance, just knowing that he’s going to pick on her, as per usual.
“Hmmm…. Y/n, truth or dare?”
Figures. “Um, truth.” Better to be safe than sorry when it comes to Richie.
“What was the farthest you and Bill have ever gone?”
Her cheeks turn pink as she passes the joint to Bill, her boyfriend since the age of thirteen. “Well-”
“Was this really necessary, Trashmouth?” Ben interrupts. “I’d much rather not know about my sister’s sexual life, thank you.”
“Close your ears if you want to, Benny,” Y/n giggles while he fumes over the nickname. “Probably just hickeys and groping.”
“Really? You’ve been dating for three years and that’s it?” Stanley raises his eyebrows.
“Okay, St-Stan, y-y-you talk to m-me when you’ve lost your vir-virginity.”
“Come on, Big Bill, we all know you’ve been ready to have sex with her since sophomore year.”
Richie knows he messed up right away, especially as everyone stares at him accusingly- everyone but Y/n, who awkwardly looks around the room and sings under her breath like she didn’t hear.
“N-nice, R-R-Richie,” Bill whispers.
“Bill, I am so sorry.”
Y/n still feigns oblivion and scans the room. “Bev, truth or dare?”
“Dare,” she shrugs, continuing the game. Y/n tries to forget about what happened until it’s time to leave the clubhouse. Her ride, conveniently enough, is Bill.
He didn’t want to leave his car on the outskirts of the barrens, so instead he pedals Silver to the clubhouse and back, with Y/n squeezing the living daylights out of him. It’s a quiet ride back, save the strange, existential comments Bill occasionally makes and her singing Can’t Fight This Feeling on repeat. It’s not until he’s almost back to Y/n’s house that she gathers enough courage to say what she wants to.
Because, in all honesty, she’s been ready to have sex too, just way too shy to say so.
“So… when do your parents come back from their cruise?”
She asks it casually, as if to wonder what day their English test is. In fact, it’s so casual that Bill doesn’t even take the hint (although it may not help that he’s utterly stoned at the moment).
“And are you doing anything Saturday night?”
He skids Silver to a stop on the pavement. “No…”
“So what time do you want me to come over?”
Singing happily, Y/n twists the last strand of hair around her curling iron and lets it tumble over her shoulder. She’s struggled with self esteem issues in the past, but she personally thinks she looks beautiful right now. While she puts on her pineapple lip gloss, her brother comes into the bathroom to grab some ibuprofen.
“You look awfully nice to sleep over at Bev’s,” he comments.
She freezes. “Yup….”
“Is there a reason that you’re so dressed up?” he gestures to her lavender party dress.
“We’re, uh, going to see Pippin at the fancy theater,” she fibs smoothly, but her twin sees right through her and smirks.
“Oh, funny, I thought opening night was next week?”
Y/n glares. “Okay, fine, I’m sleeping over at Bill’s, okay? But you can’t tell mom, please?”
“I don’t know, Y/n, this is a pretty big secret to hide.”
“Come on, Ben, I keep all of your secrets!”
He gives a cough that sounds a lot like the beer in my room.
“Hey, that was your own fault for breaking my favourite tape.”
“It was an accident!”
“It wasn’t an accident when you took it without asking,” Y/n puts her hands on her hips.
Ben sighs, not wanting to lose this argument. “How about this- if I get our car for the weekend, I won’t tell mom.”
“But Benny, I need that car to get to Bill’s!”
“You just made things ten times worse for yourself by calling me that. Besides, I’ll drive you there. It’s the car or no deal.”
She knows right then and there that she is out of luck. Her brother cannot bluff for his own life, so she has no choice but to agree.
But she can’t stay annoyed for long because she’s beyond excited for what’s coming. Her knee bounces in anticipation the whole drive, and she even sings along to the radio (which isn’t anything new, except for she’s louder than usual).
When Ben pulls up to Bill’s driveway, Y/n kisses his cheek and hops out instantly. He has to shout for her to come back and grab her duffel bag.
“Be safe!” he tells her. ”Love you!”
“Ben, I LOVE you!” she waves her hand off as he drives into the distance.
Bill’s waiting for her in the doorway, wearing jeans, a flannel, and a smile.
“Hey, Y-Y/n.”
She runs into his open arms and takes in the faint smell of his cologne. She already has butterflies.
“Y-you w-want to order a p-p-pizza, or-?”
“I’m honestly not that hungry,” she admits. “Are you?”
He shakes his head truthfully.
“D-d-do you w-want to go up-upstairs?”
Bill leads the way to his bedroom, though she’s been there several times. He can’t get her out of his head. Her angelic curls, her dress the color of lilacs. She’s more lovely than a flower. He can hear her singing sweetly as they climb to his room.
“Love walked right in and drove the shadows away. Love walked right in and brought my sunniest day.”
He remembers when she sang that song at her recital last year. It was a true song for both of them.
When Y/n first moved to Derry, people made fun of her brother for his weight and herself for her nose and quirky personality. Her self esteem plunged and she refused to talk to anyone about it. Friendless and hopeless, she would cross-hatch her forearms and eventually stop singing altogether. But then her brother met the Losers, and encouraged Y/n to hang out with them some time. She instantly bonded with Bill, who had low self esteem because of his stutter and mainly because he blamed himself for the death of his brother. With the Losers, Y/n began to feel like she belonged again. She had friends that loved her for who she is- personality and nose included. Bill and her developed crushes on each other and in early August, following the Losers’ brief separation. One night during that time period, they spilled all of their issues on each other. The night ended with an innocent peck under the stars in his backyard. Love walked in and saved them both. After Pennywise was defeated, the two encouraged each other to see a therapist. Slowly but surely, they got healthy, and Y/n started singing again. In fact, she never stops singing now. It drives Ben quite mad sometimes.
She sings better than anyone he knows, and anytime she lets that sweet voice go, he melts.
“I m-made a tape. F-f-for… you know. But I’d m-m-much rather y-y-you sing for us.”
She giggles softly at the thought of her singing while he moans. “A tape sounds wonderful.”
He pops it in his stereo and listens to her gasp in excitement.
“I love Unchained Melody!!”
“Y-y-you don’t know h-how long it t-t-took for this s-song to c-come on the radio. I had to r-r-request it ev-eventually.”
“That’s so thoughtful, Bill.”
Y/n cups his face and gives him an open mouthed kiss. He’s instantly hard.
“I’m ready, Bill,” she whispers.
“Muh-muh-me t-t-too.”
His stutter is evidently worse; he’s nervous out of his mind, after all. But he takes control of the situation, scooping Y/n up and placing her on his bed like she’s the most fragile diamond.
She reaches and grabs Bill by his collar, pulling his lips to hers. Underneath their gasping and the music are their uncontrollable heartbeats. It’s almost as if they’re going to beat straight out of their chests!
Bill pulls away to unbutton his shirt, but Y/n is already on it. When it’s completely open, she pulls it off of his shoulders and squeezes his muscles. He’s so toned from all of the sports he does (mainly baseball), but Y/n always finds herself surprised at how muscular he really is.
He glides his hand gently along her chest, as if she’s his piano, before grabbing her spaghetti straps. He slips them down her arms and ever so slowly pulls the dress down her body. Her chest is braless, and by now he’s practically creamed his pants. His mind is hazy, though he’s completely sober.
Okay, Bill. Think, you idiot. You need to stimulate her now so she can finish later.
He places his warm hands on Y/n’s frigid stomach and feels her tense up.
“Is-is-is this o-o-o-okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just ticklish,” she laughs.
He takes his hand down to her panties and shoves it under them.
Y/n is already in heaven.
The pizza man gets quite a shock when Bill opens the door in nothing but his boxers, but he doesn’t give a flying shit. Besides, better him than Y/n, who’s wearing a just flannel with her ass hanging out.
They chuckle about his reaction, devouring the pizza and watching Beverly Hills 90210.
“I never thanked you, you know,” Y/n pipes up during a commercial break.
“For the p-pizza? It was o-only five b-b-bucks.”
“Not for the pizza. For the sex,” she responds bluntly. “That was… incredible. Thank you.”
Bill turns red. “Th-thank you. You w-w-were p-perfect. You a-a-are perfect.”
“I think you’re pretty perfect too,” she grins, giving him a kiss.
Bill smiles at her. He’s never loved someone like this before, spiritually or physically. Sure, he’s jacked off several times (like every other guy in the world), but the pleasure and adoration he received from Y/n just in the past hour was insurmountable. And he can’t wait for the rest of his life with her.
“R-round two?”
Y/n beams, and before she can stop herself, she says the quirkiest thing ever.
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Discord pt 49
[Date: 24/02, 10.34 PM - 24/02, 11.29 GMT]
[Crown joins directly after Viscount leaves.]
[CW: Dehumanization, derealization, zalgo text]
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C R O W N: “:)”
[Everyone starts sending ‘:)’]
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[Crown sends 7, 2 then 6 “:)”]
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Denora: “No thanks”
fetch: “denora :] be nice :]”
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[A random Spark: “Pain”]
fetch: “please Be nice to our guests Spark :]”
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C R O W N: “Don't think I didn't see your little "please" before you deleted it. Begging, are we, Fetch? :)”
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fetch: “I am not your fucking showpet.
there. said it in a language you can understand.”
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[fetch: “i don't see your address on my name tag. so you can't tell me what i am or what im not. I told you in the doc. i. don't. belong. to. anyone.”]
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[fetch: “i... i certainly don't see yours.”]
fetch: “i.
i don't see yours. thats what matters.”
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fetch: “i don't see yours.
its not yours so its none of your business.”
fetch: “what of it.”
[At this point, most people in the discord have stopped sending messages in the channel, unsure what to do.]
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fetch: “what. you gonna take me round the back of the shed? or are you gonna give me the illusion that you care and take me to the vet instead?”
fetch: “well. good thing I'm not your pet. i'm a watchdog.
and I have teeth.”
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fetch: “you really wanna test that theory? only stupid people don't back off when they hear growling.”
C R O W N: “:)”
fetch: “:]”
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fetch: “i'm not afraid of you, squirrel.”
fetch: “thank you ill be here all night :]”
C R O W N: “...I’d like to play you a song, Fetch. One you might know?”
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fetch: “want me to get in the vc, then?”
“sure. I'll play your game.”
[”Puppet” from the Ib OST starts playing on loop.]
“oh I see.”
“very. verry. fuck ing f unny” [Very. Very. Fucking funny]
“you sure y ou aren t the com e dian ?” [You sure you aren’t the comedian?]
“you have v e ry f unny jok es .” [You have very funny jokes.]
“it won't g et me th is t ime !” [It won’t get me this time!]
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C R O W N: “:)
Go to sleep, Fetch.”
fetch: “uh”
“uh ha”
“VERRY FU N N Y” [Very funny]
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C R O W N: “Fetch.”
fetch: “WHAT.”
C R O W N: “Come now. Sleep.”
fetch: “I.
C R O W N: “Fetch~”
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fetch: “NOT TH IS AG AIN” [Not this again]
“MY NO SE” [My nose]
“WHY DO Y OU M AKE MY N OSE BLEE D” [Why do you make my nose bleed]
“WH Y” [Why]
C R O W N: “Go to sleep. It'll stop :)”
fetch: “YYYYYOU” [You]
“FUN Y. F UCIIN. J OKE.” [Funny. Fucking. Joke.]
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C R O W N: “Don't you like this song, Fetch~?”
fetch: “Y OURE RIG HT . I LI KE THIS S ONG. REMIND S ME OF A T OY BOX.” [You’re right. I like this song. Reminds me of a toy box.]
C R O W N: It makes you so sleepy, doesn't it~?
fetch: “I.”
fetch: “DONT WA NT TO LIS TEN TO YOU .” [Don’t want to listen to you.]
C R O W N: “Of course you do. You're my little pup.
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fetch: “NO T YOUR P UP” [Not your pup]
“I AM W ATC H D OG .” [I am watchdog.]
“NOT P U PPY” [Not puppy]
“D OG” [Dog]
“NOT WAT CH PUP PY” [Not watch puppy]
“THA T SOU NDS S T UPID” [That sounds stupid]
C R O W N: “Behave, pup. I know how much you love your little document. Perhaps I should take it from you as punishment?”
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fetch: “I.”
“Y OU W OUL DNT” [You wouldn’t]
“N OT A AG AIN.” [Not again.]
“IT H URT S O MU CH LA S T TIME.” [It hurt so much last time.]
C R O W N: “:)”
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fetch: “L IKE Y OU BR OKE MY R I BS.” [Like you broke my ribs.]
“Y OU W OUL D N T .” [You wouldn’t.]
“P LE ASE.” [Please.]
C R O W N: “Do you wish to test me, pup?”
fetch: “I.”
[Many people start writing in the chat again, telling Fetch to stay awake.]
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fetch: “GU Y S.” [Guys.]
“I M T IR ED.” [I’m tired.]
“I LL D E AL WITH N OSE BL EE D L A T ER.” [I’ll deal with nose bleed later.]
Mothbo: “Keep talking to us, Fetch. Sleep is not an option.”
C R O W N: “That’s right, Fetch. Sleep.”
fetch: “C AN T K E EP MY E YES OP EN A LOT.” [Can’t keep my eyes open a lot.]
“V E RY. TI RED .” [Very. Tired.]
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[Jack the Observer: “Where’s Mona??”]
fetch: “M ONA IS AT S TORE :) WAS GE T T ING D INN ER :) I WILL E AT WHEN I AM DONE. NA PPING .” [Mona is at the store :) Was getting dinner :) I will eat when I am done. Napping]
“I WON T BE G ONE L ONG :)” [I won’t be gone long :)]
C R O W N: “Sweet dreams, Fetch~”
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fetch: “Good night :)”
C R O W N: “:)”
[Chat shortly joins to talk. She says she has a crown, not a circlet, and she and Spark chat about having drawing as hobby.]
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kevin-gausman · 3 years
tag game
thank you @bichettes for the tag :)
A - age: 26
B - birthplace: near Toronto
C - current time: 9:38 pm
D - drink you last had: tea
E - easiest person to talk to: either my sister or a couple of my friends :)
F - favourite song: it changes all the time but I have been listening to a thnks fr th mmrs cover by the Maine a lot recently
G - grossest memory: hmm I honestly can’t think of anything … maybe me yakking up the contents of my stomach a couple of days ago lol
H - horror yes or horror no: yes if I’m watching with other people
I - in love?: no :(
J - jealous of people: sometimes, try not to be, but definitely every now and then
K - (K doesn’t exist as a question but it might be my favourite letter): alright? lol
L - love at first sight or should i walk by again: hmmmm I’d like to believe in love at first sight, but walk by again is much more realistic
M - middle name: rebecca :)
N - number of siblings: one sister
O - one wish: that I wasn’t so shy :(
P - person you called last: my dad
Q - question you are always asked: how tall are you?? (4’11”)
R - reasons to smile: jays are currently winning and im seeing a friend for brunch on Monday that I haven’t seen in 10 months :)
S - song you sang last: I have been humming a song to myself all day and I can’t for the life of me remember what it was!
T - time you woke up: around 8am I think?
U - underwear colour: black and grey cheetah print
V - vacation destination: I was supposed to go to Thailand last year and I’m still thinking about that
W - worst habit: taking forever to finish something when I should be able to finish it quickly
X - x-rays: had one done on my hand once because a basketball bent my fingers back
Y - your favourite food: pasta
Z - zodiac sign: Virgo!
Tagging @introvertedperson16 and @sarah-nursey if you are interested :)
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