#{headcanon tag pending}
Trunks genuinely dislikes the rain, he doesn't find comfort in it in the slightest. He doesn't like walking around in it, he doesn't like the sound of it, and he certainly doesn't like the sensation of it hitting his skin.
Whenever a storm happens, he normally can't rest until it's over. Even when it drizzles, his mood is more sullen and his body is tense. He keeps the reason why to himself, and attempts to brush it off if anyone asks as to not worry anyone.
But he can be convinced to open up and tell others where all these negative reactions to something so simple came from, even if he'd rather not recall that night he lost his mentor and best/only friend.
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hawkinshellraiser · 1 month
idk how many people know that people have figured out the exact make and model of eddie's van but i feel it's my duty to give some very important information about it
eddie drives a 1977 gmc g2500 gaucho. they came in a few different colors, his is dark green with a white stripe
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since the car is almost 10 years old, and the financial conditions of the munsons at the time, it's definitely a secondhand. and again, with how little money they have, it was likely given to him by someone he knows personally or through a 3rd party of someone he knows personally (wayne's coworker, someone else in the trailer park, etc). my personal headcanon for this is that it was his fathers car.
now lets talk about the interior baby.
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the seats are booths. i repeat. THE SEATS ARE BOOTHS. these pics ^ show the front seats as individual seats, but there are others showing the front as a booth as well. and since this is the much sexier option, that's what eddie drives
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theres really not a lot of info about the car, but there are magazine advertisements and the original owners manual available online which might be interesting if you know anything about cars. which i dont. but there is one other important nugget of info i must point out.
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this is a picture of the back of the van with the last row of seats taken out. and, anyone who i've talked to about my headcanons for eddie's car, knows that this is extremely fitting. i have always said he has the last row of seats taken out and has it a miniature man cave. which is fully paying tribute to argyle and eden
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i leave you with some inspo <3 thank you for coming to my ted talk
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unitleada · 3 months
C & I are sharing this headcanon @starwent
The brig always called his daughter either by her full name ( whenever she was in hot water with her parents) or simply Katherine, but never Kate. Her mother on the other hand did call her by her nickname, and sometimes, Katie. She absolutely will hate it if anyone else calls her Katie. On the other hand, since her father's passing, no one has called her Katherine since.
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favorite fruit(s) : strawberries, berries in general and bananas
favorite activity(ies) : reading, cooking and baking
favorite flower(s) : white roses
favorite season(s) : spring
favorite insect(s) : butterflies
favorite animal(s) : cats and dogs
favorite gem(s) : rose quartz and padparadscha sapphire
favorite time of day : sunset
tagged by @bonescribes <333
tagging: @zanpakt @zankokukami @majidog @wild-pineapple-butt @antithcsis @hainekc @poeticphoenix and anyone who wants of course.
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bearstruck · 1 year
Little things about Aleksandr. While he does idolize Makarov and puts the man on a pedestal, he's never had an interaction with him that's last more than a couple sentences. He was recruited by a man named Oleg Orlov. Oleg is almost like a father figure to Aleksandr, he does encourage Aleksandr's foul behavior and antics and has even molded him a bit to be the perfect ruthless solider. Aleksandr takes a lot of pride in this, he doesn't really have an honor system in him, meaning he'll use under handed and down right dirty tactics to get what he wants. He has no problem throwing his comrades under the bus if it means it'll make him look better to both Oleg and Makarov.
Aleksandr's ultimate goal is to be in Makarov's position. If Makarov were to ever fall, Aleksandr would like to be the one to step up and take his place. With that being said, he'd never do anything to get himself there that involves getting rid of Makarov himself. Ideally Aleksandr would like to be Makarov's pupil prior to taking charge.
Aleksandr carries a revolver on him that only contains one bullet. This revolver has never been used in combat and only serves one purpose to end his life. The revolver is an exit option for him if he were ever put in a situation in which he's about to be taken as a hostage. Aleksandr isn't religious or spiritual, but he has a belief that if he shoots it and bullet doesn't come out that chamber it means he's going to get out of that situation alive. This has been "proven" to him once. He was backed up into a corner by a resistance group who were fighting to take down Makarov, he pulled the trigger on the revolver as they were making their way to him from across the room one of them had set off a small IED that Aleksandr had placed. Once he realized that they were trying to pull their shit together, he escaped the room, threw a grenade in there, and disappeared. His whole ride back to base he just laughed.
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eriduimgem2 · 1 year
headcanon for @diamcndlegacy
@diamcndlegacy i’m thinking that after the first pink court eridium is giving steven, he would want to know more about eri, and would secretly follow her on one of her courier jobs, only to see her sneak off after delivering the package and meet up with blue diamond’s pearl in the old underground of homeworld 
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brozumaki-a · 2 years
The more I think about it — when Momoshiki takes control of Boruto’s body to fight, he’s not afraid of breaking the kid’s bones in experimenting how tough an opponent is. He can just heal him. It amuses Momoshiki that Boruto can get hurt but the kid dying on him is not nor is it ever in his plan. He needs Boruto alive.
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violent138 · 5 months
I think Wayne Manor has been totally redesigned from top to bottom for accessibility reasons (e.g. increased doorway width, lower/modifiable countertops, ramps, flooring change, altered door handles, et cetera). It started with making the place better for Babs, then Alfred realized it was more comfortable as he aged, and Bruce realized that it was a massive benefit because family members were injured nonstop.
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homecomingvn · 1 year
traumatized versions of sandy and elijah math aps🤯🤯 ??
eeeee ( 'yan versions' of them here mostly)
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Only child for sure in this au - thus, you're the sole person that all of his attention + dedication goes to! ^^
Moreso of the stalker variety rather than hackin' + slashin' (unlike some notable...others'). If push came to shove he could be moved to more violent measures, but for the time being, Eli views himself as a 'silent protector' of sorts rather than a killer.
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oh...boy. where to begin with Sandy here - for starters, she's a Jack of all trades when it comes to her love for you. Killing, kidnapping, stalking; you name it, she's probably done it.
A big ol' identity crisis when it comes to Sandy in this au - rather than being her authentic self (much like she is in 'normal' hoco), Sandy picks and chooses aspects from those close to you to incorporate into herself - that way, there's no chance of you turning her down!
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
I think the hottest thing to me about Ren is the fact that his Ren persona is so different from [REDACTED]. He’s really doing so much acting just to make himself appealing to MC… I feel so bad for him 🥺 could I request some facts about how [REDACTED] went about crafting this persona?
✦゜ANSWERED: If it makes you feel any better, [REDACTED] genuinely doesn't mind putting in all of this effort for your sake. In his eyes, you're worth every drop of blood, sweat, and tears he puts into curating his personas. He also doesn't mind keeping up the facade for as long as you enjoy it.
Canonically speaking, he's been taught from a young age that it's better for him to be someone he's not, as other people will have a better time accepting him if they find him more relatable. Ren truly believed that, and wanted to be the ideal person who'd cater to your every whim and need.
Before his Haruko/"Ren" persona, he curated a few more based on your other interests. Whether it was another anime character, a newly-rising heartthrob celebrity, or just a certain trait or trope you admire; Ren was willing to put in the time and effort to bring it into existence.
He'd spend months simply absorbing all kinds of media featuring your ideal type; taking countless notes, looking at different fashion types, buying certain brands, and even changing his own mannerisms until it was perfect. Other times, he'd go through the conversations you'd have with Moth and pick out the responses that intrigued him.
It wouldn't be the first time he'd hacked Moth's account just to ask you questions.
Sometimes, these personas don't catch your eye (resulting in you ignoring him), so he'd trash them and start again. He never took offence to this either, and brushed it off as him not putting enough effort into perfecting his personas. If you didn't notice him, it must've been because something was lacking. Maybe you didn't recognise the similarities. Maybe you couldn't make the connection. No matter what it was, it must've been his fault.
His Haruko/"Ren" persona was the first time you finally noticed him -- and it was during a time when he genuinely wasn't expecting it. He fully anticipated to just watch you at the library for a bit, maybe press a few help buttons to see if he could get your clingy coworker to step away from you -- but in a shocking turn of events, you were the one to go and help him.
So now he's trying his best to maintain the Ren facade, all while doing Haruko justice. But parts of the real him slip through the cracks because he genuinely wasn't expecting you to notice him this quickly.
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If Trunks ever inherited Bulma's fortune, there's a good chance that he'd give 99%, if not 100%, of it away. He'd donate it to causes that were helping with homelessness, starvation, etc. without even thinking about spending that fortune on himself, and personally help in any way he could with those efforts.
There'd be some that he'd personally offer to his friends and family, but there's no interest in living a first class life in Trunks's eyes. He's lived most his life in a literally broken home, he's faced starvation repeatedly, he's watched others suffer, he knows what it's like to have nothing- and he'd rather ensure that people have something so that they are doing more than just surviving from one day to the next.
There's also a good chance he'd accidentally ruin the economy with all his donations, but that's on him for not really understanding economics in the first place. Smh apocalypse boy, try to learn something useful smh.
That isn't to say he wouldn't want a house or anything of his own, but considering just how the Brief family is implied to be one of the richest or THE richest family on Earth, he'd have plenty of money to survive off of even if he kept only half a percent.
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hawkinshellraiser · 6 days
Rate your muse's traits 0-10!
Repost and rate your muse's traits, then tag your followers.
Compassion: - 6/10 Bitterness: - 8/10 Happiness: - 6/10 Politeness: - 3/10 Chivalry: - 6/10 Pride: - 7/10 Honesty: - 8/10 Bravery: - 7/10 Recklessness: - 8/10 Ambition: - 6/10 Loyalty: - 9/10 Love: - 8/10 Sense of family: - 3/10 Attractiveness: - 10/10 Agility: - 4/10 Sex drive: - 7/10
Tagged by: Tagging: @havvkinsqueen @theha1r @thesongbiird @chrissyfied
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techniiciian · 6 months
matt , with a gun in his gym shorts and a smoothie in his hand :
a random cop : what do you got there son ?
matt : a smoothie
— taken from a convo on disco w/ @stillsolo
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clairvoyantcubes · 6 months
Send me 🍍 for a random Rucynian headcanon that I have. Or, send me a 🦍 for a random Rikaijin headcanon instead
Most Rikaijins are unable to read (or tap into) the subconscious thoughts of other beings. However, through many years of meditation and intense mental and spiritual training, a Rikaijin is able to elevate their mind/heart reading abilities and even tap into some spiritual-related ones as well.
. . . If they have the potential for it.
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extravagantliar · 24 days
protecting my peace this am and thinking of modern varric and how eventually he would stop writing op-ed pieces and focus on young adult and thriller fiction because someone who must not be named and is also an author kept pissing him off and he kept complaining to people and they told him that he should write a book.
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ghostcond · 2 years
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two more wizards.......... im goobin
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