#{para;} Everything Under the Sun
mperosx · 1 year
Everything Under the Sun pt.2 || Amaros
Continued from our thread~ since Tumblr is being a pain. For the lovely @amaterasuxmp
    The children join him, one on each side of their father, and wait as the door to their home opens finally. There she is! Eros’ chest swells with pride at the sight of her before he clears his throat and the three of them bend in a proper bow to the goddess.
   “Honor your moth—“ but he’s already being crushed into a hug fragrant with sunshine and the flowers that get a little smashed between them before his wife is bending to collect eager hugs from the kids. Cordelia and Evander bring themselves into her waiting arms and plaster her face with kisses, a burble of excited chatter leaving them. That wasn’t the plan! How could he possibly be upset though as he watches them embrace?
   “Welcome home darling,” he says sweetly before the twins release their hold and run to the table that they’ve prepared. “Your children and I present..”
    He steps fully aside, the expanse of their efforts long the table and the smells of food and incense heavy. “Your feast day.”
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drowninginblox · 5 months
Return to Sender
Inspired by this by @noctnis. Please give them ample love. I didnt know the AU but i do know the cannon vers of these cubitos and I see Fit returning to the island looking exactly like that soooooo... ye
"You have some nerves showing up you know!" Pac yelled over the whistle of the wind. In its chaos, the laundry he was hanging brushed into his face. He couldn't give a care in the world though. The emotional battery has long since drained for Pac, and the reserves have all been spent.
Cucarucho has been checking in on him more and more frequently as of late. His robotic laughter, the incessant and condescending voice box, the inventory clogging books- Deus, se ele tivesse que ver aquele urso mais uma vez, ele mataria todos em um raio de cem quarteirões e depois a si mesmo! But, every time, he thinks of Richarlyson. Ever since he and Mike found their beautiful son it's like the world got more- real for lack of a better word. The sun was warmer, the air crisper, the fruit fresher; the hole that Richas left in all of his father's hearts was larger than the world itself. So seeing him back and healthy- it was as if God blessed them all over again. Like it was their first day. And, of course, there was Ramon. Still lost to the federation and located god knows where in this hell hole. But, there is the hope that information will be coming soon. It has to. If the federation knew Pac as well as they claimed to, then as soon as he knew where that sweet boy was, he'd run as fast as he could to get them back. If not for him, then for Fit.
“Se você está procurando o Richas, ele está seguro e longe de você! Então, faça o que quiser comigo. Me sequestrem de novo, me matem, o que for!” He was too tired for this. The weight of all the revelations he's learned are almost as heavy as his eye bags and- to quote from Fit- 'Today is not the day, and I am not the one.'
"Apenas, seja rápido." He sighs, pinning up another one of Richarlyson's many jerseys in the process. In the uncertain silence, he hums a melody from his childhood; a byproduct of being without his children. Their lullabies supplied a little comfort with the knowledge that they were bedridden for so long. If Pac closed his eyes long enough he could convince himself that he just set the boys down for a nap rather than a coma.
A gust blew a nearby basket away from Pac just as his sight fell to it. Its contents either tumbled on the ground or succumbed to the breeze before colliding with the dewy grass. Whatever curses he had dried alongside his throat when he noticed his company reach for his newly washed hoodie. "No fight huh?" A hollowed horse of a question came from the man. He was everything Pac had waited for but far more spent than he thought he would be when he returned. The bags under his eyes were far darker than anything Pac had seen from anyone else. And he was up there on the "experienced fucked up shit" list.
“Quem é você e o que fez com o meu namorado? Fitch...” Whatever Pac was holding was promptly discarded for the sprint he made to the hardened man before him. With every bound the smile that started to form grew wider to the point where the pair were grinning from ear to ear just before Pac made contact. Fit nearly tumbled back but recovered with a laugh he didn't think he had the strength for. "P-Pac! Pac, Pac I-"
"Fitch I missed you so much, oh my god! Are you okay? Are you you? Did you kill your boss? Is he gonna be a problem anymore? Oh- Jesus Cristo! O que aconteceu com seu braço?! MEU DEUS, ME COLOQUE NO CHÃO! NÓS PRECISAMOS, VOCÊ PRECISA! PRECISO LIGAR PARA O MIKE!" He eventually shouted, shoving Fit away to message Mike immediately. All the while Fit laughed. "I love you too Pac," He said, giving into the darkness encircling him as he leaned Pac's way.
Pac caught him just as the sound of the warp pad caught up with Mike. Mike screamed. The pair scrambled to carry him inside Pac's house where Mike would reassemble Fit's arm and Pac would reassemble his man.
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richard-mars-np · 3 months
Fun While it Lasted || Self Para
Richard stepped up to the door of the infirmary. His hand shook as he pushed the door open,slowly stepping in. Why was he so nervous?
Aaron Trainer stood in the room with his back to Richard, slowly turning around to look at him over his shoulder and Richards knees grew weak at the sight.
On Trainers face was the front of a skull that fit perfectly over his features with canine teeth stretching from his upper lip to just below his jaw, sharp as needles. From the top, two horns curled back towards his ears, plated in gold.
Come home.
His voice echoed as Richard woke in a cold sweat. It was a sunny day, the clouds of smoke were starting to dissipate and the sun was nice on his face.
Richards breath shuddered as he looked away from the sky to Charles who sat at the picnic table next to him. The hotel had one of these every few feet in the back for people to sit at while staying.
Richard opened his mouth-
-and concentrated fire slammed into the hotel from above.
Heat and pressure slammed into him soon after, throwing him back. He landed with a hard thud.
Behind his eyelids was a flash of Trainer in that horrid mask
Richard tried to drag air into his lungs, but he couldn't even suck in the burning air, his lungs didn't work.
He rolled onto his side, still trying to drag oxygen into his body, barely getting enough to stop from succumbing to the darkness in the corners of his vision.
A familiar figure rushed up to him, kneeling next to him and searching his body with nimble hands. Dr. Ryder Hayley's fingers found Richards face and slid a mask into place over his mouth and nose. He had found Richards emergency tank somehow.
The pure oxygen made it slightly easier for him to drag in breaths, but they were painful. His breathing had been painful for years, the silver in his airways never fully leaving.
He coughed, blood splattering the inside of the mask. That wasn't unusual, though he mostly kept that to himself.
"Charles?" He asked weakly, the other man was tilting his head in different directions, his ears seeming to lead the way.
"Dr. Hayley, where is my husband?" He managed, his voice muffled by the oxygen mask.
Suddenly Ryder Hayley scooped Richard up under his arms and started dragging him, struggling to do so but not stopping until another blast of heat and pressure threw them again.
The ground rumbled as this happened over and over around them. It sounded like this was happening all around them and for miles.
Come home. Or else.
Richard sat up in a cold sweat.
He looked around, everything was completely different. It was the night of the new moon so he and Charles hard gone outside to lay on a blanket under the stars.
Richard started to gasp for air, his lungs starting to burn again. The pain never completely went away but right now it was consuming him.
"Charles." He coughed,"Charles I think... We need to go back to the asylum.
When he could finally register Charles, his blood ran cold at the horror on Charles face.
"Charles.... You saw it too?"
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Capítulo 1 El origen de un país y su prehistoria, un paseo por la historia del país del sol naciente. Sean bienvenidos, a una nueva serie, de arqueología prehistórica, en esta ocasión, nos trasladamos al país del sol naciente. ¿Cuándo llegaron por primera vez los homínidos a Japón? ¿De qué vivían? Todo y mucho más lo iremos viendo en los próximos capítulos. Dicho esto, pónganse cómodos que empezamos.
Antes que nada, un poco de geografía: En este apartado analizaremos la geografía nipona de aquellos entonces. La parte norte del país estaba bajo una gran capa de hielo, además, Japón estaba prácticamente unido, fue a finales del pleistoceno, cuando llegó el holoceno (hace unos 12000 años), previamente, tuvieron lugar cuatro glaciaciones(Günz, Mindel, Riss y Würm las cuales tuvieron lugar en el cuaternario).
El holoceno abarca hasta nuestros días, este efecto hace desaparecer a los grandes animales, plantas, etc. ¿Había dinosaurios en el archipiélago antes de la llegada de los humanos?, este punto no nos cunde, pero haré un pequeño resumen, para que se hagan una idea. -
Espero que os esté gustando, en los próximos capítulos hablaremos en profundidad de todo, os deseo un cordial saludo mis queridos fanáticos.
Chapter 1 The origin of a country and its prehistory, a walk through the history of the country of the rising sun. Welcome to a new series of prehistoric archeology, on this occasion, we move to the country of the rising sun. When did hominids first arrive in Japan? What did they live on? We will see everything and much more in the next chapters. That being said, get comfortable and let's get started.
First of all, a little geography: In this section we will analyze the Japanese geography of those times. The northern part of the country was under a large ice sheet, in addition, Japan was practically united, it was at the end of the Pleistocene, when the Holocene arrived (about 12,000 years ago), previously, four glaciations took place (Günz, Mindel, Riss and Würm which took place in the Quaternary).
The Holocene extends to the present day, this effect makes large animals, plants, etc. disappear. Were there dinosaurs in the archipelago before the arrival of humans? This point is not relevant to us, but I will give a brief summary to give you an idea.
I hope you are liking it, in the next chapters we will talk in depth about everything, I wish you a cordial greeting my dear fans.
第一章 国の成り立ちと先史、日出ずる国の歴史を歩く。 先史考古学の新しいシリーズへようこそ。この機会に、私たちは日出ずる国に移ります。 原人が日本に初めて到来したのはいつですか? 彼らは何を食べて生きていたのでしょうか? 次の章ですべてを見ていきます。 そうは言っても、安心して始めましょう。
まず最初に、地理について少し説明します。このセクションでは、当時の日本の地理を分析します。 国の北部は大きな氷床の下にあり、さらに日本は事実上統一されており、完新世が到来した更新世の終わり(約1万2000年前)であり、以前は4回の氷河期が起こっていた(ギュンツ、ギュンツ、第四紀に起こったミンデル、リス、ヴュルム)。 完新世は現在まで続き、この影響により大きな動物や植物などが消滅します。 人類が到来する前、この列島には恐竜がいたのでしょうか? この点は私たちには関係ありませんが、イメージを伝えるために簡単にまとめておきます。
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the-timeless-writes · 8 months
10 Song Tag
I wanted to do it, so I'll say @saintedseraph tagged me
rules: put your WIP playlist on shuffle and share your favorite lyrics/those that best fit your WIP from the first 10 songs.
I'm tagging anyone who would like to do it
These are songs from Project Academy (the playlist is here)
1. Until It Doesn't Hurt — Mother Mother
I wanna get into trouble I wanna tear all my bridges down And pour gas on the rubble I wanna burn them to the ground I wanna scorn my lover I wanna tear our bridges down And pour gas on the rubble
2. The Show Must Go On — Queen
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies Fairy tales of yesterday, grow but never die I can fly, my friends
3. Figa — Tanxugueiras
Marmuras sempre de min-e Marmuras de min e doutros No inferno tes unha cama Para te deitar un pouco
4. GOSSIP — Måneskin ft. Tom Morello
Welcome to the city of lies Where everything's got a price It's gonna be in your favorite place You can be a movie star And get everything you want Just put some plastic on your face
5. THE LONELIEST — Måneskin
And I just keep on thinking how you made me feel better And all the crazy little things that we did together In the end, in the end, it doesn't matter If tonight is gonna be the loneliest
6. Reclaim — Hollywood Undead
I've been living in both lives One of them wants revenge And the other don't know why I won't try 'Cause these feelings, they won't die Been looking for an angel, but the devil's on both sides So I raise my fists and black out Living in the middle of this war
7. Anarchist — YUNGBLUD
Locked me in a room since I was young I've never seen a morning sun come up I'm employee of the month at a Ritalin club Yeah, why do you think I'm so messed up?
8. Don Creíque — Rayden
No me creo al teatro dictado del apuntador Ni esos besos de amor de películas, si los fuerza el guion Me llaman desconfiado Y con razón, y es que no creo en tantas cosas que
¿Cómo iba a creer que tú eras la excepción? Si por creer no me creo ni yo
9. Roots — Imagine Dragons
Don't throw stones at me Don't tell anybody Trouble finds me All the noise of this Has made me lose my belief
10. Burn — 2WEI, Edda Hayes
I could burn this city down I could put you under ground Make the stars fall from the sky Make the clouds and heaven cry I could burn it all
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zyrafowe-sny · 6 months
For the writer snippet ask game, could I request 5, 8, and 25?
From this ask game
5 — with description I'm proud of
Description my beloathed! (Not actually actually beloathed, but it's definitely not a strength. Except when writing drabbles.)
Here's a preview from the next chapter of phantom limb pain:
His arm came off with a soft click, and he shuddered before carefully securing it. Ballister tried to focus on pleasant sensations — the forceful water beating down, the heat easing the pain in his ribs, clean skin emerging from the grime as he scrubbed (one-handedly), the texture of the penny tiles under his feet, the (achingly) familiar scent of lavender — but an undercurrent of anxiety motivated him to keep the shower short. The soft towels still felt like heaven, and as soon as he was sufficiently dry, he popped his arm back in. The relief was instantaneous. (It was mostly relief. His current prosthetic arm was a little lighter than his very first prototype, but there was still room for improvement. He’d optimized for dexterity, strength, and sensitivity — not physical comfort.)
8 — that hurt my own feelings to write
Hrm. While some of my fics seem objectively more angsty, I think it hurt more when I tried getting in Ballister's head between the Antlered Serpent and confronting Nimona in is the cop or am I the one that's really dangerous:
He knows she couldn't possibly have orchestrated the assassination. She would have needed a second shapeshifter to pretend to be the Director to fake that confession — or split herself in two somehow — and either option seems both unlikely and altogether a far too complicated plan for little miss "something something we win". Unless that was all a ruse to throw him off and she's actually a tactical genius. He thinks of her delight in chaos and destruction. He thinks of how many knights she's injured (killed? modern armor is strong but not invulnerable). He thinks of all the innocent bystanders she put in harm's way. And that girl in the monster in the scroll looks uncannily like the girl he grabbed from atop a stolen motorhorse. Could Nimona really be Gloreth's monster? Could she have destroyed their city when it was in its infancy? Did she want to burn it to the ground again? Is she capable of sowing (false) distrust to make the Kingdom harder to defend when she makes her big move? Did she identify him as the weak link in the Institute that would bring it all down? (Maybe he's questioning everything now, but her loneliness seems real. He can believe she wants an ally, someone to talk to, someone to fight with, even if she always just planned on using him.)
25 — that I consider a favorite
I'm fond of the opening of Intervention, a The Owl House fic that just had its ficaversary:
Luz reaches up to touch the sun. It's a familiar ritual — she's done it for years and years. Luz remembers being excited when she and her dad attached the glowing stars to the bottom of the top bunk. The dangling ones seemed like the coolest things ever. She must have been six. Maybe seven? It wasn’t too long after they moved to Gravesfield. Her new room seemed so scary in the dark and she kept having nightmares, so Papá wanted to make sure she’d always have a little light. “Luz para mi Luz,” he used to joke. (And it never failed to inspire a smile and/or a good-natured groan. Until he wasn't there to say it.) Dad loved the night sky so much. He’d take a telescope along every time they went camping and would point out distant planets and constellations. They were supposed to go backpacking somewhere far away from light pollution where they could see even more stars, but first she was too young and then he was too sick. After he was gone, it was nice to have a comforting reminder of him as she drifted off to sleep. But now? Now the centerpiece — a crescent moon overlapping the sun — reminds her of all the terrible things she set in motion by helping Philip meet the Collector. Who started breaking apart the Boiling Isles almost as soon as he was freed. (She refuses to remove the sun — it might be more of an accusation now than a sentimental memory, but her dad still put it there and she won't undo his work.)
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rxbysxllivan · 1 year
self-para  \  the calling. outside the daily dose. approximately midnight.
trigger warnings: knives, blood, murder, corpses, stabbing, death. mentioned: @dilara-kr , @yasmindemirxx , @kyleyangs , @veracalma , lu
back then, i was dauntless, and dawn could never know, and my weakness made me weep less than i would ever show you. i burned so bright it blinded, now i know that light guided me here.
After a long day, Ruby settles in at The Daily Dose. She’s a frequent coffee drinker, but not someone that often hangs around the small cafe—Deadlights is more her style. But they had been so busy with meeting Yasmin and Emine at the movies and doing some last-minute shopping that the cafe was the best place to crash.
Coffee in one hand, they’re scribbling notes with the other, lyrics scrawled under the tip of their pen. Nothing coherent, it doesn’t even rhyme—it’s more like poetry at this point in time—but there’s no way she’s focused enough to edit at this point. She just needs to get it out of her head and down on paper.
Somebody, it must have been a staff member, stops near her table to tell her they’re closing up. She blinks out of her stupor, sending them a nod before sighing. A final sip of her drink and she’ll head out. It’s getting late, anyway, and her weekend isn't exactly shaping up to be a lazy, hang-out-in-bed kind of time.
A blurry figure in the corner of her vision catches her eye, and Ruby turns as they set down their cup, squinting through the dark toward it. Unfortunately, the lifted trunk of their car blocks her full view of the person, and she can’t quite see whatever it is they’re holding. All she can see is their grey hoodie, and the way their armload flops. Almost like a corpse.
A winding feeling works its way through her gut, fear and curiosity grasping at her heart with a cold hand. Coffee and notebook abandoned, she stands, brows furrowed as she moves towards the door. Their steps speed up the closer to out of the store they get, pushing through the glass doors that lead inside as they move away from the cafe.
She definitely shouldn’t be moving closer, but if something’s gone wrong, she needs to know—either to warn others or to help. “Hello?” they call out, almost against their better instincts. Their voice is firm, somewhat angry as they step closer, high heels clicking on the concrete sidewalk. What is going on over there?
They round the corner of the car, but just as they’re about to move closer there’s a sharp pain in between her shoulder blades. It’s everything she can do not to scream as stumbles forward, heel catching on the sidewalk and causing her to crumble to the ground in agony. Their hair flips over their face, effectively blocking any further shot she may have had to catch the murderer in action.
Not that it matters; there’s no way she’s walking out of this. Another ripple of pain shoots through her as the knife is abruptly pulled out. She can feel the warm sensation of blood trickling down their back, staining their t-shirt with a deep red. They can’t take a deep enough breath to counteract the aching wound, only shallow gasps coming out as they reach desperately forward. If they can crawl away from their attacker, maybe they can get free. Somehow.
The intense, sharp feeling returns as the knife bites into her back again. And again, and again, and again, pain lancing throughout their whole body in spasms as the killer relentlessly attacks. Inwardly, she’s cursing herself for not traveling away with Lu, for not sticking up in New York with one of their many failed gigs. But Icarus flew too close to the sun. Her efforts were all for naught, and it ended tonight. 
They blinked, memories flashing before their eyes, too fast to count. 
Dee. Her best friend from high school, and one of the only ones that had stuck. Long nights spent talking about any subject under the sun. The other woman’s eternal optimism. Bonding over fashion. 
Yasmin. Playdates with Emine, or girl days with her mom. Just spending time in the other's presence. Coffee, drinks, parties, you name it. They’d literally just seen the other two earlier that day. Thank god they’d made it to the movies. 
Vera. One of her closest friends. Long wine nights around the tv—hell, they'd had one just a few days ago. (Now, they would never happen again.) The only one she'd consistently trusted with her secrets, aside from Kyle. 
Kyle. God, Kyle. Hadn’t he lost enough? It felt like only a few days ago that she’d apologized, their aggressive words at the gala still echoing within their skull. They still hadn't forgiven themselves though. Sure, they'd fought before, but never like that. And now, she'd never get a chance to fix things.
The world fades to black and Ruby can feel themselves fading with it. It’s time.
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heatherxmp · 1 year
Break the Surface 🌊 Self Para
 hold me, I want to go home
  He’s not there.
    Heather is not there in his classroom. He’s not tucked away in a quiet corner of the library reading, nor is he cozy at home with all his familiar things. He’s not cuddled up with Kaz and their cat at Kaz’s place, nor is he out in the park sunning himself with his noise-canceling headphones seated snug over his ears. Nope.
           Heather is where there is no one but himself right now.
   Out far off in the cool and clear sanctuary  of Mount Phoenix’s surrounding ocean waters Heather is floating calmly on the surface, his body relaxed and truly at peace as he drifts in idle wherever the water deems fit to take him. There he is the safest with his eyes closed and all his senses reconnecting with the tiny molecules of water, the breath of his creation, that glide over his skin. His roots are here.
   A lazy current moves and Heather turns himself over and dives down under the water. Small patches of scales are along his neck, his arms and down his uncovered back, a small testament to the fact that while he looks the part of human, he’s not all the way there. No one here on the island is but it’s kind of beautiful when you think about it. Heather thinks about it.
     The siren lets himself sink down a bit, taking in water to his lungs. Their functionality switches easily, his body adjusting like those of his kind do to the water intake. Peace. Total peace finds him there under the surface. Opening his eyes Heather looks up toward the surface. Light comes in shafts down into the blue around him making shadows and highlights on the life therein. He sinks further down as a small school of new fish swims undeterred by his presence as he is not hunting currently.
     Underwater plants tickle at the soles of his feet as he stays suspended in this limbo. How many times had he broken the surface in his lifetime? He turns his head as another fish swims through his hair and away. How many times had he tried to love those on the land? Heather looks back up at the rays of light that slip further and further up and away from him. He had loved Navi- complex and unstable Navi who left him alone with the shell of his heart. He had loved Izzy- when they were both young and sweet. Before they both knew how to hurt each other. Heather smiles a little remembering how he loved Gemini too— a wild and fleeting thing that blossomed and blow away like petals at the end of spring. He’s in love now again.
   Lifting his hands Heather plays with the ripple of light nearest him before floating himself a little away again, movements easy and slow. He’s in no rush to rise right now. He’s happy below the surface drifting in his memories. Bringing his arms back to himself he wraps them around his body and draws his legs up making himself small here. Here it is safe. Here he doesn’t have to know everything or anything or do or say or be anything more than a part of something greater.
    The water holds him, as it always has, when he needs it’s security. At ease he sinks to the bottom of this part of the shore like a clam shell finding rest and lays unbothered on the sands. For a long time he does nothing and thinks nothing anymore, just is. Heather is happy here as he unfurls himself once again after the pause and slowly floats back up. Limbs loose, hair waving in the water he rises until he’s just beneath the surface, eyes closed and face serene.
        I’m wholly myself, he thinks before his eyes slowly open again. And I’m happy. So much lives in those eyes, battles he’s faced and hurt he’s carried deep inside their dark brown wells but before all that is an optimism that lives on his surface.
   I’m happy.
      I’m happy.
        I’m going to be so happy.
  And he will.
   Heather moves then and breaks the surface with a splash and a laugh. On the shore is the wealth of his friends and he hollers at them, “Come on! The water feels great!”
    It does because home is where our heart is.
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pepaay · 1 year
I was in deep thoughts these past few days and I have been reading entries here talking about their dysfunctional parents and how they are to blame to what they are going through right now.
I am 38 years old, 17 years ago I lost my mom. I grew up in a typical middle class filipino household. Every kid has their own share of chores. We were raised never to question but instead to be grateful of what we have. My mom was a panggalatok/ilokano native who is very "kuripot". Maybe that was the reason why my brothers and I are very cheeky when it comes to money. She was very hard working, she rarely tell jokes, seldom gives us advise but instead she was busy making money to make ends meet.
We went to a private catholic school, everyone assumed we're rich. No we are not. Mayabang lang ang nanay ko pero hindi mayaman. She believes that good education will give us a brighter future.
She was hard on us. We grew up sa palo at kurot. Whenever we do something bad, she will hit us with a walis tambo until we cried our hearts out. We only ate fish and vegetables and pork only pag sweldo ng daddy ko. We feast on the simple meals my mom prepares for us.
My mom was not perfect. She lacks in so many ways but she makes up for it by providing us with whatever she can base on her hard work. She will sell anything/everything under the sun. She lets us eat meat while she eats bagoong and rice to make sure we get enough nutrients. She was a very hardworking lady who puts her kids first.
Growing up, we also had arguments and fights, we have said bad words and even say things we didn't mean because we are angry. My mom was not expressive. She is a woman of few words. She will speak in panggalatok cause that is the only way she can express her dismay and anger. I once said, i hope she was dead so I can be free.
2006 my mom died. It was days after my board exam and 2 mos after I graduated college. I was the eldest, I have younger brothers studying. I am free but I am not happy.
It has been 17 years, I immediately assumed the 2nd mom position after my mom died. My brothers graduated college and are successfully working in the top companies here and abroad. We are all licensed professionals, I know my mom is proud.
Sa tagal ng wala ng mommy ko, narealize ko hindi ko na maalala kung ano ang pakiramdam ng may Nanay. Yung andyan sya, naghihintay sakin na makauwi ng bahay. Yung magtatanong sakin kamusta ang araw ko at kung okay ba ako. I am willing to trade kahit isang araw or kahit isang oras para lang maramdaman ko sya, makasama sya. Gusto ko lang tanungin kung okay ba siya at kung masaya ba sya.
Naawa ako sa sarili ko when I realized wala na akong nanay. It took me 17 years to realize na mahalaga siya. Our moms may not be the best, our parents may be the worst in our eyes but they are still our parents. They are not supposed to be perfect. Masyado lang tayong maraming ineexpect sa kanila so pag hndi nila nagawa, we blame them.
Mahalin at ipakita nyo sa kanila ang importansya habang andyan ba sila.
To my Mom,
I know you are proud of us and I miss you everyday.
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mperosx · 1 year
Everything Under the Sun (The Feast of this Saint) || AmaEros
Because no feast day should ever go uncelebrated!! Thank you for waiting my dear as I did dual feature days, battled being sick and dealt with stress. May this thread more than make up for the delay! @amaterasuxmp
   It had been the children’s idea. He had told them why he had been artfully arranging the massive bouquet of flowers in their mom’s day room and the wealth of their combined imaginations had taken over. The more they rattled off ideas and Eros quickly wrote them down on paper, the more he liked what they had in mind!
   They had only hours to bring about the wellspring of their efforts but Eros and his children were quick when it came to weaving the spell of creativity over any space. They had clearly inherited it from him as Eros carted them off to the stores they chose and gathered both gifts and crafting supplies galore. Their small hands created with more swiftness than they thought they possessed paper cranes on strings, tissue paper roses that they trailed to her special room, and colored drawings of their little family with such care that even Eros stared in surprise as he wrapped gifts.
  When they had finished decorating the house in glorious shades of sunrise and hiding their presents all over, the trio began on making the feast. Can’t have a feast day without a real feast!
   “No dad,” Evander corrects as he squeezes the icing pipe firmly with both of his tiny hands. The red of a thin squiggle flows from the tip of the pipe and onto the brown icing atop the cupcakes that Cordelia had made. Mocha flavored icing to top chocolate and vanilla mini cupcakes complete with thin red icing designs. Evander squeezes until he’s satisfied and then looks at Eros who peers down at it. It’s a horrid little ball of a shape but his youngest looks beside himself with pride.
   “It’s a heart!” The little one declares triumphant. His sister comes over to have herself a look and makes a face. Eros watches her with an expression that reads equal parts fear and indignation should she say anything mean.
  “That’s all wrong,” she says pointing at it. “You didn’t kiss it after! You know the love magic doesn’t work if you don’t add the kiss!”
   Eros’ shoulders visibly relax at this and Evander’s scrunch up close to his ears much like his father’s had been. He brings it to his lips instantly and lays on it a gentle kiss, the design smooshing a bit with the effort. “MAGIC!”
   The children set about kissing each treat they made for Amaterasu and calling their elder half brother Alexios to ask for further advice. Eros steps just slightly back from the table and where he can still see them to text his wife with a little smile. He quickly arranges to collect her for the surprise.
{txt to: Sunny D}: We’ll be there soon! But forgive the kids if they crash later! I believe in their thrill to create a special day for you they may fall asleep sooner than planned tonight!
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harleiquina · 10 months
Not me writing a post just because I saw @wilwheaton 's Spotify Wrapped on Instagram and thought "I can show him some new dark/gothic bands" (Links to the playlists in the band's names. Some of Soda Stereo's songs are translated in my main blog @illegalbilingual #Soda Stereo and #Gustavo Cerati)
So let us begin with my country (Argentina)
Soda Stereo basically our The Police with some The Cure and Bowie mixed in (among others that either I don't recognize or don't remember now). Featuring in this playlist:
-Cae el Sol (Sun's down)-En la ciudad de la furia (In the City of Fury) - Lo que sangra (La cúpula) (What bleeds (The Dome)) - Hombre al agua (Man overboard - I translated it as "Man on water" because I'm dumb) - En el borde (On the Edge)- El ritmo de tus ojos (The Rythm of your eyes)- (En) el Séptimo Día ((On) the Seventh Day)- Tele-ka - Corazón delator (Telltale heart)- De música ligera (Of light music)- Cuando pase el temblor (Once the tremor passes by) - Zoom - Juegos de Seducción (Games of Seduction) - Ella usó mi cabeza como un révolver (She used my head like a revolver)- Entre caníbales (Among canibals).
And if you liked Soda, you should listen to Gustavo Cerati's solo career. Sadly he passed away in 2014 after being in coma for 4 years due to a stroke that wasn't properly diagnosed while on tour. In this list:
Te llevo para que me lleves (I'm taking you so you take me (away))- Rapto (Rapture) - Dejà Vu - Tracción a sangre (Blood traction)- Karaoke - Puente (Bridge) - Crimen (Crime) - Adiós (Goodbye)- La Excepción (The Exception) - Corazón delator (sinfónico) (Telltale heart, simphonic version) - Cosas imposibles (Impossible things)- Paseo inmoral (Immoral walk)
Now... let's go to Russia. Yeah, I know not cool overall but I started to learn the language in 2018 so I'm not quitting now and I try to find artists that oppose everything P*tin stands for so...
Агата Кристи (Agatha Christie). The first time I listened to them I associated them with The Cure and Tears for Fears. Vadim is now a P*tin fan but Gleb (the one that wrote about 80% of their catalogue) is not. In this playlist you'll find:
Как на войне (Like in a war)- Сказочная Тайга (Taiga of fables) - Опиум для никого (Opium for nobody -this song just got banned in Russia) - В интересах революции (In interest of the Revolution) - В такси (In a taxi)- Садо-мазо (Sado-maso)- Абордаж (Boarding) - Гномы каннибали (Canibal gnomes)- Трансильвания (Transylvania)- Декаданс (Decadence)- Пуля (Bullet) - Триллер (Thriller) - Грязь (Dirt) - Кто украл мою звезду (Who stole my star?) - Весёлый мир (Happy world) - Последнее желание (Last wish)‐ Ураган (Hurricane)
Gleb started his own band called The Matrixx (at first known as Глеб Самойлоff + The Matrixx) where he got to do and write whatever he wanted. He experiments a lot. The first few albums are dark -kinda like Marilyn Manson- and very political. The rest are more about stories mixed with lots of techno. In this playlist you'll find:
Сердце и Печень (Heart and liver) - Такой день (That day)- Живые но мёртвые (Alive but dead) - Добрая песня (ft. Линда) (The Kind song -ft. Linda-) - Резня (Massacre) - Любить снова (Love again) - В дверь стучат (Knock on the door)- Москва-река (Moscow river) - Никто не выжил (Nobody survived) - Опасность (Danger)- Мы под огнём (We are under fire)- 13 - Романтика (Romance) - Готика (Gothic) - Звезда (Star) - Умереть за любовь (To die of love)- Синие цветы (Blue flowers) - С.Н (S.N)
Now let me introduce you to Король и Шут (The King and the Jester) a punk-rock band that mixed in some russian folckloric sounds and rock. All the lyrics have some magical/horror twist somewhere. Sadly one of the singers Mihail Gorshenov died in 2013. The other singer Andrey Kniazyev has his own band called Княzz (Prince) but I didn't listen much of it since I feel like something's missing also the last formation of the band renamed themselves Северный флот (Siberian flot after one of the songs) and still play some old songs and new ones. In this list you'll find:
Кукла колдуна (The sorcerer's doll) - Лесник (The Forrest ranger)- Прыгну со скалы (I'll jump off a cliff) - Танец злобного гения (The dance of the evil genie) - Камнем по голове (A stone in the head) - Прокляиый старый дом (The old cursed house)- Хозяин леса (The Forrest's Master)- Ром (Rum) - Ели мясо мужики (The men ate meat)- Мёртвый анархист (The dead anarquist)- Марионетки (Puppets) - Мест Гарри (Harry's revenge) - Джокер (Joker) - Тяни! (Pull!)- Сапоги мертвеца (Dead man's boots) - Валет и Дама (Jack and Queen)- Фокусник (Magician) - Король вечного сна (The King of Eternal Sleep. This reminds me A LOT to Sandman. Translation)- Вестник (Herald)- Дагон (Dagon)- В Париж -домой... (In Paris, home).
Honorable mentions:
Линда - Вороно (Linda - Crow) the videoclip is the weirdest thing ever. I love it.
Super Collection Orchestra - Сильнее (Stronger) from the movie Major Grom: The Plague Doctor -highly recommended-
Лето - Summer
Anzhela Vopit
Толко мной (Just -with- me)
Девочка Roketa (Rocket girl)
Ма��о (A little)
Голова муэссы (Head of Muessy)
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greer-morgan · 1 year
Family Ties | Self-Para
“It's just there's so much of it. The future is real, but... the past, well it's... all made up.”
Time: February
Place: District Ten (the funeral of Prairie Quartz)
Greer flicked open Prairie's knife, which was tucked at the bottom of the pocket of her long black coat. She ran her thumb along the blade and folded it closed again, before starting the process over in a steady rhythm. She'd nicked the pad of her thumb this same way at least a dozen times by now, so often that she knew there would be a scar there when she finally let it heal over.
It was an unseasonably mild day, almost pleasant. Greer was caught somewhere between grateful that Prairie had gotten a nice day and angry at the sun just for having the audacity to shine. But despite the sun, everything was still and stark, and bare. February seemed to be dipping her toe into spring for just a moment, ready to pull it back out again without warning. The threat of cold made all of the red and white flowers pop against the scenery and the new quartz headstone, freshly placed into hard earth.
They'd all stood in small groups for the memorial— a few peacekeepers, The Morgans, Greer by herself, Prairie's father by himself to give a speech— none of them brave enough to cry in front of the others. That vulnerability was a currency too valuable for any of them to be willing to exchange with the others. But it had been a nice service, Greer wished she could think as she walked away.
"Hey! hey, Greer wait up." Greer's brother jogged up behind her.
"What?" She tossed over her shoulder, almost deciding not to stop.
"I've... I've been thinkin'. There's a lot'a talk about what's goin' on in Eleven, and people are gettin' organized in Ten too. I've been thinkin' about helpin' out."
Greer laughed sharply, which cast a shadow of hurt over Cal’s features. "What's funny about that? I wanna make somethin’ happen. I thought you of all people’d be all about it."
"Why would I give a shit?" Greer turned to face him, settling under the low, twisted branches of a bare tree. She was tempted to lean against the trunk, already exhausted by both the day and the impending conversation, but she thought better of giving up whatever physical space she could command.
"'Cause shit's gonna be different. People are talkin' about endin' the Games, G. Don't you want that?" He answered her, a child-like optimism to his voice.
"Yeah, of course I- fuck, Cal... I guess-"
"You guess what?" He cut her off.
"I guess I just don't fuckin' believe you. You're not gonna get involved. You're not gonna risk your career, the money you get from dad. You're gonna what? Start swingin' a gun around? Killin' peacekeepers? There's a fat fuckin' chance of that. You? Who's so afraid of causin' a scene? Who'd never say one bad word against dad? Yeah, you're the real face of a rebellion, Cal."
"Oh, unlike you, who only knows how to cause a scene?"
"What's that mean?"
"You know exactly what it means. You love to yell and complain about everythin'. Oh, look at me. I'm the only one who's ever had a sad fuckin' feelin'. You won the Games and you just went and cut us all off? Why? For the drama of it?"
"I did not! I did not cut you all off!" The words ripped themselves from her throat with such force it was almost sore. Her skin grew hot with the frustration that no matter how loud her voice got, she was never heard. "I cut mom and dad off. I did not cut you off! It's not like any of y'all ever thought to call me either. That shit goes two ways."
"What the fuck happened to us, G? We used to be so close, and then one day you were like a whole different person."
"Sorry, I had some other shit goin' on."
"I'm not talkin' about the Games, and you know it. It was way before that. We used to do everything together, and now you're like this cold bitch I don't even recognize."
"It’s ‘cause I was the only one who ever got in trouble for any of it."
"Oh, yup. There it is," Cal rolled his eyes. "You remember things so much worse than they really were. You make everythin’ out to be the end of the damn world."
"I do not remember them worse. You just never got in trouble for anythin'! I stood in that damn corner starin' at a fuckin' wall for hours-"
"It was not hours."
"It was hours."
"It was maybe thirty minutes."
"It was hours. And it's not just that,” she breathed. “It's all the other shit too— the manipulative shit they’re always doin’. The time they took my bedroom door off the hinges? I still don't know what fuckin' for. Or all the times mom and dad pretended I wasn't even there. You didn't have to beg them to look at you on fuckin' Hearth Day, Cal! That house was a fuckin' prison, but it never affected you, 'cause you're mom and dad's perfect boy."
"It wasn't always easy for me either. Dad didn't hit you the way he hit me. It sucked sometimes, but he made me fuckin' tough, Greer."
"Yeah, real tough. Filin' paperwork and livin' off dad's money. You think he's gonna buy you nice things when you run off to play rebel?" They both knew from the start he was never really going to do it, but this was beyond that now. This was a lifetime of resentment boiling over, and neither was willing to cut the heat.
"Me? Look at you! It's real easy to be high and mighty, cuttin' off dad's money when you're bein' funded by the president. I don't see you strugglin' to make ends meet."
"You think I wanted this? Any of this? I should've died, but instead I played their stupid little game and did exactly what they all fuckin’ wanted from me— start to finish— and I get to live with that every day. Prairie's dead, and I couldn't bring her or anyone else home, and I get to live with that too. I should've died, and mom and dad don't give a single shit as long as it fits into their narrative, and they don't give a shit about your life, or Leighton, or Teeny, or Avery-Kate either. I hate to be the one to say it, but mom and dad don't actually give a shit if you're even alive, Cal. They never have. They never will."
"That's not true," Cal protested, even though a part of him knew it was. "Dad tells us all the time how you leavin' broke his heart."
"Yeah, well..." She shook her head. "Funny how he cares now. Could'a cared any time in the last twenty-four years. But I guess that’s the kinda thing that’s easier to say than do, ‘cause you only gotta say it when it makes you look good. No fuckin' follow through. Sorta like your whole rebel idea, huh?"
All that anger had fizzled into nothing but silence between them now. Silence that lasted too long. Silence that made Greer's chest ache. There was nothing left to say.
"I'll see you at the next one of these," Greer concluded, already walking away, tossing a half-hearted wave over her shoulder at him.
"Yeah," he answered her, more under his breath than out loud. “See ya then, I guess.”
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mreynoldsx · 2 years
On The Inside||Self Para
For months, Michael Reynolds had been working on getting more and more information about the Mexican cartel that had made its way to California, where he had been stationed for a while. Mike had heard word that they were getting drugs and in and out by human trafficking. Pretty common, really. However, finding who they were, how they were trafficking and when was a whole new ballgame.
But after some time, Mike got a hit. The traffickers were going to make another exchange at the local bus station. Mike attempted to alert his team about the exchange and where he was going, however, they were all under at the point, trying to get more information about the cartel in other ways and he couldn't jeopardize them or the opportunity he had. Showing up at the bus, Michael met up with the Ukrainian man that he knew was their mule and he introduced himself as FBI and that he was there to help.
The two chatted in the bathroom for a bit about what was going to happen and the next plan but soon, the man began to vomit profusely, throwing up all the balloons of drugs he had swallowed earlier. At one point, the man, the vomit turned to blood and the man was soon dead on the floor beside Mike before he could do anything to save him. At that point, he knew that there was only thing he could do and that was to take the man's place in the trafficking. He made a quick call to one of his teammates, alerted them that it was going to happen and to keep working on the case. After some tidying up, Mike swallowed down all the bags of drugs the man had chucked up and he exited the bathroom, immediately being greeted by the traffickers.
Which led Michael to where he was now. Locked up in some dingy, dilapidated warehouse with, at least, fifteen other men and women. All terrified. Mike couldn't blame them. He was scared too, to be frank. He had been there for a few days, and he had already been beaten and abused by the traffickers when Mike couldn't produce the tenth bag of drugs from stomach. They were convinced he stole it, however; Mike had only swallowed nine. The tenth was lodged somewhere in the dead man he had left in the bathroom.
From the moment he stepped foot inside that warehouse, he wanted the heat to be taken off those men and women so he did everything in power to keep the heat on him, no matter what it was. He didn't care. He'd fight. He'd scream. He'd try to break out. At one point, yeah, Mike did break out. He found a window that was lazily boarded up and he ushered through some of the younger victims, wanting to get them to safety. However, before they could make it out of the compound, they were caught. Mike took a helluva beating for that.
Men he had never seen before would come to the warehouse just about every day and they all the victims would stand in a line while the new man would walk along, taking in the sights like they were in a fucking dog show or something. It never got easier. If they were chosen, they man would have a chance to test out the merchandise before purchasing and Mike always made sure to make them regret even thinking about the purchase. Which then would lead to his captors having to beat some sense into him. It was a vicious cycle, really.
The sun rose yet again and he and the other trafficked were standing in line, waiting for the next son of a bitch to step in and take their pick. As they walked in, Mike's eyes widened when he saw it was one of his teammates, Paul Cooper. They have found him. They had found all of them. Mike wasn't sure if it was ever going to happen. He thought he was going to die in that fucking warehouse... but hope was standing right before them, wasn't it?
Paul walked along the long, his face still as he perused the line of people. After making his way down the line, he pointed towards Mike, "That one." Paul said simply and one of the traffickers laughed. Immediately Paul quirked his brow, "What?"
"He's been given back several times now." The man said, approaching Mike and pulling on his shirt and shoving him forward towards the door. He roughly guided the two agents down the hall and into one of the 'testing' rooms and he closed the door behind him with a snigger.
Knowing there was a camera hiding in the corner of the room, Mike positioned himself so that they couldn't see their mouths. The last thing he wanted was for his cover to be blown, "Paul. You got the bust, right? We can shut them down?"
Paul grabbed onto Mike's face. It looked like a tough, hard hold, but truly, it was tender, "We need to get you out of here, Mike." He said simply, looking the other over, "You've been under for over two weeks in here."
"That doesn't answer my question. Can we shut them down?" He repeated, his blue eyes searching the others.
Paul was silent for a few moments before he spoke, releasing Mike's face, beginning to spin around him, keeping the act on for the camera, "Not yet."
"Then why are you here, Paul?" Mike practically seethed.
The man sighed, "I told you we need to g-"
"I am not leaving until we get that fucking bust, Paul. I refuse." Mike had seen and experienced too much to leave all those people behind without a hope. He couldn't do it. "Are we any closer?"
"Almost. It's just...taking more time than we thought. They're sneaky. You know this."
Mike released a breath, and he shook his head, "Then you better get back out there."
"Michael." Paul said and he grabbed the others face again, his eyes searching the others, practically pleading with him, "Listen to me. You are not okay in here."
"Neither are they, Paul." He said simply, "You buy Claudia. Number eight. She needs out of here."
"I will not. You're going to die in here."
"Then I fucking die, Paul. But you will do as I say. I am the lead on this fucking bust and you will buy her out of this place." There wasn't a hint of trepidation in his voice. He wanted her out of that building. She deserved to be free. She had been locked up in that warehouse for over three months. Mike could handle another few weeks, "Sorry for this." He mentioned before he spit directly on Paul's face, right in the view of the camera. Within moments, the door opened, and Mike was dragged out of the room and shoved to the floor to insubordination.
Paul did do what Mike asked. He bought Claudia and gave her the life she deserved outside of that warehouse. However, being able to get to the bust took longer than they had expected, and Mike was left inside that warehouse for another two and a half weeks after that. However, Mike and his team were able to take down the traffickers and the cartel simultaneously.
Mike was free.
But at what cost?
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lavenderdameron · 2 years
I'm a few hours late but happy Swiftie Playlist Night!
One of my favorite things to do is create playlists for characters and I have one that contains a lot of Taylor that seems appropriate to share.
Please enjoy my playlist for Rey Skywalker of the Star Wars sequels!
"People keep telling me they know me. I'm afraid no one does."
Adventure of a Lifetime by Coldplay "Everything you want's a dream away/Under this pressure, under this weight/We are diamonds taking shape"
All is Found by Kacey Musgraves (from Frozen 2) "You have to get a little lost on your way to being found"
Birds by Imagine Dragons "Everything is temporary/Everything will slide/Love will never die"
Carry On by fun. "And it's nice to know when I was left for dead/I was found and now I don't roam these streets/I am not the ghost you are to me"
Dark Side by Kelly Clarkson "Everybody's got a dark side/Do you love me?/Can you love mine?"
Darling by Halsey "Never knew the feeling of a stable home/Been a couple years of living on the road/Couldn't really tell you where they'd leave a stone/To visit me when I am dead and gone"
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine "Leave all your love and your longing behind/You can't carry it with you if you want to survive"
everything i wanted by Billie Eilish "They called me weak/Like I'm not just somebody's daughter"
Eyes Open by Taylor Swift "Every lesson forms a new scar/They never thought you'd make it this far"
Graveyard by Halsey "I know when you go down all your darkest roads/I woulda followed all the way to the graveyard"
The Great War by Taylor Swift "And maybe it's the past that's talking/Screaming from the crypt"
Journey to the Past from Anastasia "Home, love, family/There was once a time I must have had them too/Home, love family/I will never be complete until I find you"
Lights Up by Harry Styles "All the lights couldn't put out the dark/Running through my heart/Lights up and they know who you are/Know who you are/Do you know who you are?"
Only The Young by Taylor Swift "Don't say you're too tired to fight/It's just a matter of time/Up there's the finish line"
Paradise by Coldplay "When she was just a girl, she expected the world/But it flew away from her reach, so she ran away in her sleep/And dreamed of para-para-paradise"
Red Desert by 5 Seconds of Summer "It doesn't take too long to heal and replace/The demons we're running from/They are begging to stay"
Resistance by Muse "Love is our resistance/They'll keep us apart and they won't stop breaking us down"
Rey's Theme by John Williams (from The Force Awakens)
right where you left me by Taylor Swift "You left me no choice but to stay here forever"
Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift and The Civil Wars "Just close your eyes, the sun is going down/You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now"
Shake It Out by Florence + The Machine "And I've been a fool and I've been blind/I can never leave the past behind/I can see no way, I can see no way/I'm always dragging that horse around"
Show Yourself from Frozen 2 "I've never felt so certain/All my life I've been torn/But I'm here for a reason/Could it be the reason I was born?"
Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars "At night when the stars light up my room/I sit by myself talking to the moon/Tryna get to you/In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too"
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wvsteria · 1 year
tara carpenter - self para - finding amber @softsliders19
since the sprees started occuring, tara and amber had decided to stay together. just until everything was over. this way they could make sure each other were okay and use a buddy system when they could. it was doing a good job it seemed as they'd made it a while without anything happening to them in this chaos. when it seemed like everyone around them were losing people left and right. it was nice to have a place to home to and feel safe.
after seeing elijah like that, she'd had a hard time sleeping. constantly having nightmares during this week didn't surprise her but it didn't make it any better. tara had even been tempted to take some days off work but then they'd just be sitting at amber's all day with nothing to do but think about the fact that elijah still hadn't waken up. so she was off again to work, even taking a double shift that day. not a great idea with the lack of sleep but it kept her busy all day.
before she left for the apartment she pulled out her phone to call amber and let her know they were on their way home. the phone went to voicemail after several rings. that instantly didn't sit well with them but it's fine. amber might be sleeping. she sent a text instead, letting her know she's on her way home and it should take about 15 minutes to get there.
it took a bit of time, especially with the sun setting. but she was finally home, opening the door to walk inside. "hey, babe. are you sleeping?" she called as she stepped inside and closed the door, locking it behind her. "i didn't bring anything home for dinner, i didn't know if you ate already yet." this time she waited for a response while she walked into the kitchen to see if there was any evidence of someone eating. but there wasn't.
"amber, wake up so i can make something for us to eat." she said finally deciding that she has to go in to wake up amber herself from in the bedroom. she was still in the bed, though tara thought she was sleeping. walking over tara shook her shoulders lightly. "baby, wake up." she said softly at first now waiting for any signs she was starting to wake. but amber didn't move. she was still... almost stiff.
the name was now coming out of tara's mouth with a bit more urgency. feeling that familiar pit in the bottom of her stomach. "amber? wake up, please." she added as she reached for amber's face, a hand on her cheek. nearly yanking her hands back when she feels how cold she is. two fingers now pressing to her neck to check for a pulse. everything in tara freezes. a low whisper under her breath as she shakes her head. "no no no no no no." the more she whispered, the more her eyes began to fill with water.
this can't be happening. this can't happen again. not to amber. this system was supposed to keep them safe. she was supposed to be here to make sure nothing happened. "fuck, fuck! this can't be happening again." only now was tara able to see the strangulation marks around her neck. a small gasp leaving her lips as she leaned her head against amber's.
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tlc-bookmarks · 2 years
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Una reconocida página Latinoamericana sobre reinas de belleza en Facebook, realizó un post asegurando que las candidatas del Miss Grand International 2020, Mariana Varela y Fabiola Valentin "se encuentran en una relación". La cuenta afirmó que la Argentina llegó a Puerto Rico para pasar navidad con su "novia".
Debido a la viralizacion de la publicación que ya cuenta con más de 6.000 likes y esta por llegar a los 10.000 compartidos, las beldades declararon que SON AMIGAS y lamentan arruinar la novela, que se inventen otra 😱
Tras la respuesta, la fan-page se disculpo y dio como excusa que aunque fue publicado un día antes, lo tenían programado para hoy día de los inocentes... Si, como no jajajaja 🥴
¿Qué les parece? Dejen su opinión.
Edited · Dec 28, 2021, 10:58 PM (COT) DEC 28, 2021, 10:06 PM (COT) 🔗
Link mirror ᛎ
A renowned Latin American page on beauty queens on Facebook made a post assuring that the Miss Grand International 2020 candidates, Mariana Varela and Fabiola Valentin "are in a relationship." The account stated that Argentina came to Puerto Rico to spend Christmas with her "girlfriend".
Due to the viralization of the publication that already has more than 6,000 likes and is about to reach 10,000 shares, the beauties declared that they ARE FRIENDS and they regret ruining the novel, that they invent another one 😱
After the response, the fan-page apologized and gave as an excuse that although it was published a day before, they had it scheduled for April Fools' Day... Yes, of course hahahaha 🥴
What do you think? Leave your opinion. (Google Translate)
Post on Monday, December 27, 2021 at 11:30 AM by a Latin American beauty queen page: 🔗 
source: Twitter
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Post on a pageant page about MariFabi being gfs:
"Did you know Miss Grand Argentina and Miss Grand Puerto Rico are a couple? Both fell for each other during the concentration in Thailand where the contest was held. Mariana currently lives in Mexico but traveled to Puerto Rico to spend Christmas with her girlfriend Fabiola, both were top 10 in Miss Grand 2020."
Mari's denial came in the same day:
"How sad to be you who make up information so you can have a couple of likes. We are FRIENDS. The end. I'm sorry for ruining this week's soap opera but it's time for you to make up another one."
Look, if the love of my life is a Puerto Rican and you are scaring him away by saying ridiculous things
Someone sent a DM to Mariana asking about the post:
She liked the supportive comment
🗨️ Wasn't it after that facebook post outing them? It was her way of shutting the rumours down and kind of a comeback at what they said on the post. Now the whole need to deny everything like that instead of just keep quiet doing their own thing makes more sense. They were assholes for outing them like that
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Dec 27 2021
Infamous gossip page day, Fabi posted this story (prob after the page but who knows)
"Under the sun, burning bad energies"
October 31, at 1:30 PM (AST) ¡SE CASARON! 👭 🏳️‍🌈💖
Fabiola Valentín, Miss Grand Puerto Rico 2020 TOP 10 y Mariana Varela, Miss Grand Argentina 2020 TOP 10 por fin hacen pública la relación que tenían en secreto desde Miss Grand International 2020 y anuncian que se casan.
Fabiola Valentín, Miss Grand Puerto Rico 2020 TOP 10 and Mariana Varela, Miss Grand Argentina 2020 TOP 10 finally make public the secret relationship they had since Miss Grand International 2020 and announce that they are getting married.
La Gorden Moon (Sonia Luna) se le salió el chisme de que ellas dos andaban🫢 con otras páginas publicamos pero nadie nos creía aunque era más que obvio 🤭
Psd: Sonia fue nuestra representante en MGI2020 😵‍💫 Translate Tweet 7:11 AM · Oct 31, 2022 🔗
💬 Can someone translate this? Because isn’t Soni_ Lun_ miss Ecuador ? Are they saying she had let the cat out of the bag about marifabi?
💬 That's shitty of _. Uses them for fun gossip times with the girlies and not even a congrats for their marriage. or they might have cut ties with her after they found out she was gossiping
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