#{that's what i was thinking here heh}
fauxbia · 8 months
I lied actually I’m not normal at all
#GrrhrhHRHRG#something something#the puppet of the iterator is the first thing we think of#when i design my iterators I do the puppet first#we don’t talk to pebbles until we reach his puppet#and isn’t that something#a tiny itty bitty sliver (heh) of a fraction of the iterator’s wider self and here we are focusing on it#which is the intent! That’s what it’s there for. but it’s so… ough#like it’s so easy to see moon’s puppet and think of that as the extent#when she’s in reality miles and miles of decaying metal under the sea#(I’m normal abt submerged superstructure)#and it’s like … thinking abt “godlike in comparison”#if iterators are gods#then puppets are their avatars#avatar. a god’s way of interacting with the world#avatar. our way of interfacing with technology#avatar. an iterator’s face.#all but the tiniest fraction meant to represent the whole#isn’t that so …. Hjhdhdh#and like … the way that some iterators clearly project onto their puppet#calling themselves trapped in a box#and like yeah that makes sense#you’re a monolith of metal and flesh and wires and electricity#and you were given an avatar. a face. why wouldn’t you invest yourself into the representation of yourself#kind of like how we might project on our gaming avatars or online personas… I digress#without that avatar—without that Focal Point—would an iterator get lost in their own enormity?#would it be so much easier to think of themselves as Just a machine?#and the other way — w off the string stuff#an avatar is only meant to Represent the higher being behind it#an avatar can never truly contain it
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whatudottu · 1 year
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Yo imagine instead of being small because Airachnid is vaguely a lady by human standards, what if she was built like a daddy longlegs spider and dwarfed bots after unfolding her copter blades?
They hate to see a girlboss winning 😞😔
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kagamine-rinrin · 1 year
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" Oh man... Maybe a URL change isn't a bad idea, even after this long. "
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lupucs · 1 year
Gosh I love your art!
But uh whats your favorite deltarune ships?
Thank you so much!! Oh gosh, you really caught me off guard with this one hah!
Well, uh I think it should be pretty obvious which ships I like by now...
It's clearly-
It's obviously...
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domoz · 1 year
Girl help i keep Hikaku posting instead of writing the fics I need to.
In this one, Tobirama takes a gamble:
No good sense has brought them here, just Madara's grief and rage.
Hikaku cant begrudge the man that after what's happened to his brother, but in this moment he wishes it had manifested another way. A battle with the Senju is nothing new, but in all of his perfect memory he can never quite remember things being this chaotic.
Hashirama is tearing up the landscape just to match Madara, who in his fury is trying to break past his usual opponent to go after Tobirama.
Tobirama, who without Izuna there to stop him, is currently beating Hikaku to a pulp.
This guy is on another level, he thinks breathlessly. He'd always known that, in theory. Izuna had been one of the best, after all and Tobirama had always matched him (until he surpassed him).
In practice, the only thing keeping Hikaku alive is the sharigan's ability to predict movements and whatever it is that's stopping the Senju from using whatever technique it was that injured Izuna.
He stopped trying to block the water dragons after the first and has gone from disrupting their paths with boulders to trying to shred them apart with pebbles as he's grown more exhausted. It hardly slows them, but it's kept him from being completely swept away so far, and if that keeps him alive than that's what he'll do.
That's what he's just done (ending up soaked, but still on his feet) when Tobirama pauses, landing on a high branch a decent enough distance away that even Hikaku might have a chance to avoid whatever he throws at him.
From his perch, Tobirama tilts his head, looking over Hikaku with a considering gaze.
"You have excellent chakra control." He says after a moment, "Even better than Izuna's."
Hikaku blinks, but he does not un-tense, remembering Izuna's many rants about how Tobirama liked to play games with his opponents -- to let them think they’ve won, until they haven't.
Hikaku does not think himself anywhere close to winning, but every moment they aren't actively fighting is another moment he hasn't died.
"It's hardly worth comparing us." Hikaku frowns, "And pointless. He still lives."
"For how long? Days? If that." Tobirama purses his lips, a tiny thing that Hikaku would have missed from this distance if his sharingan weren't still activated, "No, I don't think there's much time left at all."
Hikaku has no idea how he knows that, but he isn't wrong. The gut wound he'd left Izuna with has been festering. He wouldn't be surprised to return to the compound to find him dead already. What kind of sick taunt is this?
As he talks, Tobirama starts making hand signs -- a long string of them, and not a jutsu Hikaku recognizes. His breath catches and he readies himself, prepared to run from whatever devastation this is going to bring -- but when he finishes the only result he can see is a pale green glow coating the Senju's palm.
Tobirama raises his hand, touches it to a cut on his cheek where a bit of rubble had caught him. When he draws it away, the wound is gone.
A technique that can heal injuries with chakra. When he realizes what he's just been allowed to see -- what he's just been allowed to copy with his sharingan -- Hikaku nearly staggers under the weight of it.
His next thought is 'I'm going to die'. Because surely, surely, there's no way Tobirama Senju is going to allow him to walk away with the knowledge he's just been given.
There's a piercing two toned whistle, a bright white flare high in the sky. Retreat called, on both sides. And contrary to everything, to all rational thought, Tobirama does not leap forward, does not cut his throat or snap his spine, but turns, gives Hikaku a long glance, and follows the rest of the Senju in their retreat.
It takes Hikaku a long moment to unfreeze. To go regroup with his clan, mind whirling.
It must be a trap, but what use is there to lay one for a man already as good as dead? If this was some ploy to give false hope, then why pick him, when he could just keep what had happened to himself?
His clansmen are all silent as they return from the battlefield, Hikaku most of all.
I don't think there's much time left at all. That's what Tobirama had said. But time for what?
Hikaku is not a fool -- he does not try to use what he's learned on Izuna, or even on himself and the many cuts and bruises he's come home with. When everyone else goes off to see their own hurts treated, to see their loved ones, when Madara goes straight from the battlefield to go sit by his brother, Hikaku slips away from them all.
The main house has a koi pond, and though the landscaping leaves much to be desired after years of Madara and Izuna using it for their sibling rivalries, it still holds fish. Hikaku mentally apologizes to the late Lady Uchiha as he grabs a koi by the tail and yanks it out of the water, but he thinks, if this works, he will be forgiven.
He waits for the fish to stop thrashing before he makes a cut down it's side; nothing too deep, nothing it couldn't survive on it's own. He lets his sharingan spin, calls up the memory of the hand signs, the way Tobirama's chakra had been stripped of its element, how it had condensed thicker than he'd ever seen.
It only takes him a few moments to understand why Tobirama had made a comment on his chakra control. It's difficult -- more than any technique he's ever tried. But… Not impossible.
If he had more time, he thinks he'd be able to get it to work. As it is…
Hikaku is not optimistic. But he will try.
He lets the koi back into the pool as, for the first two hours he focuses only on the chakra -- cleaning it, folding it in on itself over and over and over again. He gets his hands to glow green once before he pulls the koi out of the water again.
There's a delicate balance, he learns. He very nearly overloads the fish's chakra coils before he understands what he's meant to be doing. The information the jutsu gives him is nearly incomprehensible, but there's a feeling to it. The cut feels like metal in the back of his mouth -- and it wants to heal, its already trying to, all he has to do is help it along. To hold his chakra on the bits that make his ears ring (and nowhere else, or the chakra will burn healthy flesh) until they've knitted themselves together again.
He thinks he's starting to get the idea when he released the koi back into the water -- cut gone but side covered in chakra burns. The chakra is giving a place for the scar tissue to form sooner than it should, or something like it. Hikaku shakes his head. It's interesting, but the theory will come later when he's got less important things to think about.
A chill has fallen as the sun has gone down, but Hikaku finds himself wiping his brow from the exertion of it all. If he could, he would rest, would at least find another animal to test on, but… Time.
He's not ready for Izuna quite yet, though. Hikaku goes home, throws together the most nourishing food he can in as short a time as he can manage, and tries to heal himself.
It's easier and harder than the fish; humans being the more complicated animal. Hikaku ends up getting a lot more feedback he has no idea what to do with -- but he can tell when he's coming close to hurting himself, too. That probably won't be true, when he tries this on another person. To avoid that he needs more control, and more than anything else, a hell of a lot more practice.
By midnight, Hikaku has managed to heal a bruise that had been starting to bloom on his thigh. Nothing, compared to the wound Izuna has, but he did it.
He feels dizzy when he tries to stand up, to walk over to the main house. Hikaku curses, but it seems like his body has made up its mind for him. Sleep is the best thing for stamina, after all, and he's not certain how much longer his control will hold out without rest. If he's too late, he still knows he's tried his hardest.
He's asleep nearly as fast as his head touches the futon, for all of four hours before anxiety has him rising right before the sun.
Well, he's a shinobi, he's done more on less. He eats old rice, drinks tea that's hardly had time to steep, and walks across the compound in the pre-dawn twilight to try and perform a miracle.
Madara is awake when he steps inside -- hunched over, face in his hands, looking like he's aged about ten years since Hikaku saw him last. For a heart-stopping moment, Hikaku fears that he was too late after all.
"He asked me to take his eyes." Madara says in lieu of a greeting, voice muffled.
Hikaku grimaces. The mangekyo is as horrifying as it is powerful, but if Izuna is asking that, it means…
He's given up. He's conceded that he's going to die. Hikaku has even less time than he'd thought.
"…Is he awake right now?" Hikaku feels breathless, like he's walking on a wire.
"He was when I left him." Replies Madara, voice rough. For him to have left Izuna's side while his brother was still awake, they must have argued. Probably about the eyes.
Hikaku nods, turns to walk to the room where Izuna's sickbed is without asking any more. He won't explain, not yet, won't give false hope. Explanations can come after, right now he's just got to try.
Izuna doesn't react to his entrance -- he's still breathing, but asleep or unconscious. Just as well, Hikaku thinks wryly, pulling the chair he knows Madara has spent hours in to give him better access to the wound on Izuna's side, He'll be less distracting like this.
He's changed this wound before, and when Hikaku pulls the bandages off its still as ugly as it was the day Izuna got it, the blood clotted and dark. It doesn't smell, at least. Hikaku has no idea how this jutsu handles infections.
One bracing breath is all he allows himself before making the handsigns, pulling the chakra to his hands. It's easier after rest, but harder, for the nerves.
Izuna twitches as Hikaku places his hands over the wound, as the back of his throat fills with the taste of copper. His entire attention focuses down to his hands, to the skin and muscle under them, to threading his chakra back and forth and pulling things back to how they should be.
"H'kaku?" He hears after a while. Izuna's voice, but he doesn't look, even as the man goes tense beneath him. He seems to understand that whatever Hikaku is doing, it needs concentration.
It could only have been minutes, or it could have been days by the time Hikaku's chakra starts to waver. He dismisses the technique, not wanting to undo his work. He hasn't done nearly as much as he'd wanted to but he thinks… He thinks he might have stopped the downward spiral, at least.
"Hikaku." Izuna's voice again. When he looks up, Hikaku's vision goes white with spots. He's sweating with exertion, he realizes, and now that he's dropped the jutsu his hands are shaking so badly he doesn't think he'll be able to form the hand signs again.
A heavy hand lands on his shoulder. When his vision finally stops spinning Madara and Izuna are both staring at him with wide eyes.
This is the most lucid he's seen Izuna in over a week.
"Hikaku." Madara is the one who speaks this time, sounding breathless, "What was that?"
 "I think…" Hikaku gasps, "That was Tobirama Senju's way of asking for peace."
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
The fisherman render is the one in infinite wealth where you can check all the characters in the game and it’ll give you like a description about them and a render on the side. Pretty sure its somewhere in the settings
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diggle . ....
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lovelesslittleloser · 2 years
Another Great Idea From Yours Truely
So basically imagine a ghost au of Danganronpa V3 except with the twist that Shuichi can see the ghosts (shocking I know)
So basically it goes like Shuichi became the Ultimate Detective because the ghost of the person who died told him everything they knew and Shuichi (still clever as hell don’t get me wrong) just put the rest of the pieces together and was like ‘hey uh. It was that guy right?’ And everybody lost their bananas
And with the first murder he asks Rantaro like ‘hey who killed you?’ and unfortunately Rantaro was too confused with his sudden death know shit so he has to go the normal route of Sleuthing to figure it out (or maybe Rantaro knew something but not quite enough to change anything due to ✨plot convenience✨)
Kaede is a ghost now (do I see a ghostly figure playing Claire De Lune?) and probably apologizes to Rantaro and he kinda half-forgives her because he understands where she’s coming from but like. Bruh
But then come Chapter 2 (Electric Boogaloo) he meets Ryoma’s ghost (maybe even before they find the body if you’re feeling ~spicy~) and he’s like ‘alright who killed you’ and Ryoma like knows but he would probably be like ‘hah I got what I wanted, I’m not telling you shit’ which would be very annoying
But that would be yet another excuse to keep things on track, so not much changes (because Rantaro and Kaede are probably following Shuichi around so they wouldn’t know more than him) and Kirumi dies and does nOT in fact apologize because that would be a ✨lie✨ (and boy aren’t we fond of those)
Now this is where things may or may not start getting off the road paved for us; Ryoma will probably stay depressed and look for a way to die again (maybe idk? Let me know if I’m getting his character absolutely wrong it’s been a while) but Kirumi could go two ways. Either she could 1) stay in the crazed state she was driven to in the trial or 2) see reason and chill tf out
If 1, she’ll probably go in a similar enough route as Ryoma where she’s trying to get out of the confines of the killing game, possess someone, or die again so she can reincarnate (or something, etc etc, I’m spitballing here) meaning she won’t be useful to Shuichi finding the killers.
Conversely, 2; she will chill out and help Shuichi with stuff he asks of her (staking places out, haunting people in because they’re likely to be murdered or murder, see who leaves their dorms at night, etc, still spitballing) and maybe help find a killer or two!
Either way, Angie dies and she’d probably be a bit miffed that she wasn’t able to meet Atua just yet but she’s chill so she’d probably assume it’s part of Atua’s Plan or smth idk
Although she’d probably know it was Korekiyo who killed her, which would make keeping things on track hard (if you wanna do that I probably shouldn’t assume huh) so Shuichi might know to stop the whole ‘let’s go in a room with the murderer with the lights off’ thing and keep Tenko from dying.
Lmao Korekiyo is all like ‘hey let’s talk to the ghost!’ And then Rantaro is just like ‘ah yes, Shuichi, let’s talk to the ghost’ and Shuichi is somewhere between laughing and crying because HA THATS GOOD THATS A GOOD ONE BUD but also GODDAMMIT AVOCADO MAN SHUT UP YOU’RE DEAD
So now Angie’s dead, Tenko might be alive if you chose that route, but Korekiyo is definitely dead. But how dead?
This might sound stupid because ‘Loveless, you dumbass, you idiot, he’s dead what do you mean’ well shUT UP I HAVE AN EXPLANATION TO MY CONFUSION
So part of Korekiyo’s execution is that he died and turned into a ghost, makes sense, no confusion there— BUT THEN HE GETS SALTED INTO DEATH AGAIN. So like… maybe his ghost is just. Not around. Hell you could even take this as Monokuma’s warning that Shuichi is on the thinnest of fucking ice.
So, currently, we have:
Rantaro: dead and ghost, follows Shuichi
Kaede: dead and ghost, follows Shuichi
Ryoma: dead and ghost, depressed (might have used the salting method to die again? Your choice but hey)
Kirumi: dead and ghost, insane/helpful (if insane maybe used salt?)
Angie: dead and ghost, chillin
Tenko: dead and ghost, follows Himiko OR alive- your choice your problem idk man 🤷
Korekiyo: dead. Very Dead.
And hey if you make Tenko die, you can have Shuichi console Himiko with words taken directly from Tenko’s ghostly mouth :)
(Lmao this is sadder then I thought it would be)
Okay and with this next one things get REALLY REAL (heheheheehhehehehhehe)
So the Neo World Program is like technology. And ghosts are known to screw with technology. Food for thought your choice your problem heheh :)
Anyway since ghosts can’t follow you into VR the ones that follow people would just be waiting like dogs at the door (hey that’s a good expression heck yeah) and so they would notice Miu dying and might try to like. Make Shuichi colder or something so he realizes something’s up and heads out. And since Shuichi’s smart he’ll figure out by maybe the second or third chill down his spine
Anyway Miu’s a petty bitch so she’ll snitch with no hesitation, even before Shuichi asks, which you might think won’t change much BUT WAIT
When Kokichi tells then it was Gonta obviously Shuichi would have a reaction of surprise, but Kokichi is smart so he’ll be able to tell it wasn’t a ‘what?! Gonta?!’ kind of surprise, but instead a ‘wait he’s telling the truth??’ kind of surprise. He may not say anything but he’ll know
Ahem anywho Gonta dies and is super mopey and sad and apologizes profusely to Miu (who doesn’t forgive him even though she was the one planning a murder first) and he might even feel bad enough that he like hides away somewhere to train to become a better gentleman or something.
So uh. Starts off with Kokichi saying he’s the mastermind and Shuichi calling bullshit, of course.
But when they discover the body (body more like bloody ha gotem), Shuichi will make eye contact with Kokichi and Kokichi would probably ✨freak out✨ because this was not part of the plan
So he’ll just like shush Shuichi and maybe explain the whole plan(? I mean I think he would but it’s your choice I guess) and so basically you are now given the option to have Kokichi and Kaito’s plan actually work!! Your choice as to what happens after that but Kaito will still die due to his illness and Tsumugi might die still but uh. You get to keep Kiibo and maybe Tenko so that counts as a win right?
Might write more than this later just give me several hours days months weeks? Yeah that sounds right
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tbcanary · 7 months
thinking about jason and dick. thinking about how when jason was robin, dick was too hurt and angry at bruce to really be there for jason as a mentor and older brother. thinking about how dick is with tim, how he very clearly wants to take him in as a younger brother and show him the ropes, and how he and jason could have gotten there, too, if they had more time to figure it out.
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soft-serve-soymilk · 10 days
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This is from lrb but when I say Dism and Siffrin are similar this is the heart of what I mean ✨
#just pav things#Dism’s misguided hero complex draws from this very principle#He believes masking his personality under layers of false altruism and bravery will win the favour of those around him#Thus (hopefully) succeeding in his quest to abolish loneliness and feel accepted and loved by society ✨#Similarly to Siffrin there’s that idea that exemplifying ‘normality’ IS perfection#And both have the internal self-loathing for their perceived and actual differences from what they deem normal :)#Dism HATES when you bring up his kidnapping for this reason#It’s like an incurable blemish on his personhood. A forever label. He’s a nameless (heh) statistic :3#This is also why he reacts negatively in Arc 1 when he learns that Cynthia and Inigo have no friends outside of each other#Inigo plainly tells him that they’re outcasts and poor Dism#He’s like oh. These are weird people. The ‘zealous geek’ and ‘emo loner’#Am I weird? Am I just the ‘kidnapped’ one? *silent identity crisis ensues*#The falseness of his relationship with Inigo and Cynthia at this point blinds him to the possibility that they’re all he could ever need 😭#Anyways welcome to another episode of Dandelions and the Horrible Things They Think About Others :>#But I also think that inadvertently completes my thought process here#Sure Dism is far from perfect both outwardly and psychologically#He’s awkward and naive and perhaps caught in some warped idealism in the penultimate quest for love#but he’s also compassionate and sensitive and gentle#And over time he coaxes his more honest and positive traits out of him#And look! He has his partner and his whole friend group to show for it <3
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sawtual · 2 months
any fiction recommendations? :3
ANY??? ok sure i can give you a really wide array of shit i like ^_^ im rewatching arcane rn , really obvious popular rec but its so damn good … ummm. queens gambit book+tv show are sooo good. everyone should be required to read and watch these imo. yellowjackets! yay lesbian cannibalism. doki doki literature club… im severely just backrolling through my hyperfixations AKJDFNGKD oh ive been really enjoying frieren beyond journeys end!! its so good x) i love elves so much sorry everyone! i love elf! baldurs gate 3 is such a good game but its also pricey so </3 if you have spare money for it id definitely rec it but dont put yourself out for it. random ass show i love dearly is probably greys anatomy. only the real ones get this one. I JUST THINK THERES SM INTERESTING COMPLEX WOMEN IN IT IDK <3 and their complex relationships with one another.. its crazy i love it a lot. plus meredith grey is just so insanely borderline i love her dearly ^_^ …id recommend breaking bad and better call saul . was actually stunned that despite the love and attention these shows get i didnt find them to be overhyped at all, they literally exceeded my expectations i cant lie. jimmy and kim being the one heterosexual relationship that gets me going “theyre yuri.” its because of the roe and pewterisms!! okay!!!! i liked bojack horseman … diane and sarah lynn <3 .. SAW FRANCHISE!!!!!!!! the first three movies specifically though <3 JAWDROP FORGET EVERYTHING ELSE GO WATCH CRAZY EX GIRLFRIEND. AKJDFNKGDF THAT DAMN ASS SHOW!!!!!!!
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spaciebabie · 1 year
hi irs tumblr uesr taz-drgaones evil twin brothe. taz without the hyphen. yeah im goig to KIL you because i am his evil. brothe
good luck bro!!! ive been killed multiple times already and i ALWAYS COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU CANT KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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misbehaving-pet · 2 years
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Love story in two panels~
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cavehags · 1 year
uhhhh hmmmmm wellllll the power better introduce a trans character soon or so help me
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argiopi · 1 year
welcome to the bell parade
7  6 2 5  4 7 3  2 5 1  4 4 7 4  7 6 4 (when i was a young boy) 6 74 6 7 67 4 53 (my father took me into the city) 6 7 6 54 3 (to see a marching band) 4 5 7 4 764 (he said son when you grow up) 674 6 7 67 4 53 (would you be the savior of the broken) 6 7 6 54 3 (the beaten and the damned)
(notation is only somewhat reflective of timing lolz). the limited palette necessitates a bit of wrongness.. for instance the first B (third note) is supposed to be higher than the other notes but adapting to the lower B sounded better than using the only other higher note - the A7. alas, tis the nature of shits and giggles 🖤
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thenamesblurrito · 2 years
I have a strong feeling that you're implying that the modern cybertonian sizes (And the funtionism) are, in a way, influenced by Unicron (All bots having four fingers, like drones, except some size nulls (Because they're old as frag) and the heroes, and the fact that Censere, Tyrest and Archy's descriptions mention having a "boss" they can't disobey)
ohhhhhhhh anon you have NO idea how happy you've made me :3
don't you wonder where the antagonists got the Unicron virus from in the first place? don't you wonder who mutilated Censere and reduced the Magnificence to just a ball? don't you wonder why Tyrest and Archie have faces that are subtly but notably different from what i specify in my style guide? don't you wonder why clever quick little Wheelie can't just run away? don't you wonder why so much information, so much basic ability and biology seems to be lost in modern times? don't you wonder what could change an entire species over millions of years to be closer to a drone, a simple working machine, and who would do that, and why?
don't you wonder why my villain tag is "domestication"?
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cienie-isengardu · 2 years
My RepCom Musing: Men in kitchen... or lack of thereof
With more than twenty mouths to feed, meals at Kyrimorut had now acquired an industrial scale. The complex was more than a house. It was yaim-part barracks, part hotel, part married quarters, part farmhouse, the archetypal Mandalorian clan home. They were lucky that Laseema, Atin's Twi'lek wife, had worked in a restaurant and so could manage a kitchen. She knew all the complicated stuff about portion sizes and making sure everything was ready at the same time. Ny was happy to take orders from her.
Imperial Commando: 501st
I’m trying very hard to remember that this paragraph shows us the Ny’s POV but even then this does not put men of the RC series in a good light. I’m sorry but oh so genius NULLs who can create a complicated programs presumably based on mathematical algorithms to steal incredible amount of money from banks and who can pilot a hybrid of space and submarine ship just by reading manual couldn’t figure out how to deal with portion sizes or cooking two things at the same time? Even working together, in pairs or ya know, all the six super soldiers putting their big brain to use? I’m sorry, Mandalorian veterans who are soldiers and part of the army all their lives aren’t capable of going into the kitchen to make a proper meal for their family because 20 people to feed is such a horrible and difficult task? Laseema is awesome, sure, but she didn’t married Atin to be tied to kitchen because men apparently are fucking useless in this homestead. Not to mention she worked as waitress and sex-worker dancer, not as cook which is a huge difference between serving food and preparing it.
And yeah, Ny may just assume the Skirata clan is lucky to have Laseema to take care of things because feeding so many people is hard and she is doing so well, but I think it could be much easier if the men actually deign to come to help. Because when it comes to cooking meals, it is Laseema, Besany, Jilka, Ruu Skirata, Ny (on her own choice to help) and even Arla Fett:
In the kitchen, Vau, Uthan, and Gilamar sat at the table watching the holonews, while Besany and Jilka helped Arla serve up the meals. It was the first time Arla had joined them. She looked lost, but then a kitchen was a chaotic, noisy place after years in a padded cell.
Like, SERIOUSLY? I’m so angry I’m willing to quote all the moments when our female characters are mentioned closely tied to kitchen and cooking just to prove this point.
The only two (three) men I’m willing to give some slack are:
Who gutted and most likely scraped the fish scales for Laseema:
Ny was surprised by the rebuke, but Jilka didn't snap back. She went on chopping, eyes fixed on the table. Atin came in carrying a plastoid bowl full of gleaming freshly caught fish.
"Kaminoans eat fish, don't they?" he said, as if he was having second thoughts. "I never asked back in Tipoca. We didn't eat with them."
Laseema picked up a fish by its tail. "Did you gut them properly?"
"Of course I did. And it's going to take me ages to get the smell off my hands."
"You're a darling. Now all I need is some gihaal stock to poach them in."
Corr poked his head around the kitchen door. Ny wondered if Jilka could tell all the clones apart yet.
"Can I hide in here, please, ladies?" He gave them his best cheeky-boy smile and swaggered in. "The atmosphere's a bit intense out there. Aiwha-bait alert."
"Since when does the kitchen have a FEMALES ONLY sign outside?" Jilka asked. "Make yourself useful, soldier."
Corr winked, took the knife from her hand, and began chopping with surprising speed and skill. The more surprising thing was that she let him.
"Who's for more eggs?" Corr yelled over the hubbub. He'd volunteered for kitchen detail with Ny this week, probably to impress Jilka, and Ordo decided it was working. She watched Corr when she thought he wasn't looking. "Make the most of these. The nuna can't keep up with you greedy shab'ikase. It'll be boiled mealgrain until they start laying again."
(and yeah, the first mention of Corr’s help was about him trying to hide in kitchen to avoid a tense atmosphere created by Kal meeting a Kaminoan Jedi survivor of Purge and later, he tried to impress Jilka but he at least was in the kitchen helping ladies)
and honorable mention of WALON VAU:
While Besany wrestled with dough, and Scout and Ruu sliced the haunch of shatual that Mird and Vau had hunted, Ny made igatli from scratch, following a recipe on a datapad propped on the kitchen table.
And yes, Fi, Parja and Corr hunted too and generally all members of the clan clan helped with fishing, but the text at least strongly suggests that Scout and Ruu got not so much as a hunted animal to deal with, but skinned (and gutted?) one so the meat is ready to be portioned for a meal or preserved to eat in the future.
That is. The three men who are apparently reliable. And surprise, surprise none of them is Kal or trained from start Kal’s boys. Geez.
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