#and to take them under his wing (heh)
tbcanary · 11 months
thinking about jason and dick. thinking about how when jason was robin, dick was too hurt and angry at bruce to really be there for jason as a mentor and older brother. thinking about how dick is with tim, how he very clearly wants to take him in as a younger brother and show him the ropes, and how he and jason could have gotten there, too, if they had more time to figure it out.
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avatarkv · 1 year
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Synopsis ! Jake had taken you as his own after Tsu'tey's passing, leaving no one to care for you. Things had been good before your relationship with him had blurred along growing of age. You and him fought all the time; argued each other's ear off and tonight was no different-- except words have been said, severing the already damaged bond. Content & warning Jake sully x Daughter!Reader, Sully kids x Sister!Reader Neytiri x Daughter!Reader. (wc; 3104)
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Jake knew a saying; held onto it ever since he had resided amongst Na’vi– every person is born twice. While he believed that it meant that the second time is when you earn your place here in Pandora, Eywa had a clever way of broadening the idea. His very children were proof of it.
He thinks it’s the great mother’s way of compensation, perhaps a second chance for him to do better– to do his very best to keep them alive on behalf of those he lost. 
While Kiri was a special case enough, you too were an odd one. 
You are Tsu’tey's daughter. Turns out, he had someone in secret while he trained to become olo’eyktan– when he was supposed to take Neytiri for himself. It was taboo– absolutely wrong to become unfaithful to one’s mate. But following the carnage of the great war, when Tsu’tey had so selflessly sacrificed his life, only then did Tsi’ewa came forward; told everyone of their love and what could have been. She was a simple songstress along Ninat, but it was her round and bulging belly that caught everyone’s attention.
It caused an uproar and understandably so. After all, Neytiri had only announced her rebellion with Jake not long before, but when the people connected the dots themselves and both stories had become one, they understood that their hearts merely yearned for another and no one should have ever dictated otherwise. Arrangements had been made and condolences were exchanged— everyone can only look back and wish that things could have been different.
Jake was supposed to take you under his wing as a way of honoring him– he owed Tsu’tey his life and perhaps an apology as big as so. But after your mother had unfortunately died during your birth, he knew to himself that he had to take you in; not as a responsibility, but as his own blood and flesh. His first daughter.
You were the loudest baby, he recalled. That day, Jake had rocked your body back and forth in his arms frantically, while Mo’at and Neytiri did everything within their power to help Tsì'ewa. Your cries were ear-splitting, enough to wake the whole clan up. 
“Just what do I do with you,” He muttered under his breath, eyebrows knitted in frustration– just where do he hold you? Is he doing it right? Are you hurt? Why are you crying so loud?
“Jake, the baby!” Neytiri’s shout from inside had cut his train of loud thoughts, snapping back to your bawling. He wasn’t doing such a good job. 
“I’m trying, Neytiri– this thing won’t budge.”
Neytiri had emerged from the hut, stomping her way to Jake with a scowl. "That is not a thing, you skxawng!" she exclaimed before gently scooping you up from his arms, cooing softly to you– though it was more like mocking him instead. “Does Jake here make you cry?” She said, patting your thigh soothingly. “He’s not at all pleasant to look at, but you have to get used to it.” 
Almost in an instant, your cries had died down. You babbled along with her, like you were agreeing with her every word. He slowly pulled himself closer to Neytiri, eyes wide with curiosity as he watched your small hands playing with her long braids. “Heh, she has Tsu’tey’s eyes,” He whispers, unable to look away. 
The flap of the hut swinging open was the only thing that got their attention, momentarily away from yours as they looked at Mo’at with anticipation. With a single shake of her head, sorrow surged their hearts, eyes traveling back to your innocent ones. They mourned for you; an unknowing child should never have to carry such grief. They had to make a choice– A responsibility they weren’t expecting to have so early. 
Jake mindlessly trails his finger down your stomach, gently, like you were the most fragile thing. Your little hand wraps around it and it was like you had binded his scattered thoughts into one big understanding. 
Sully. You’re one of them now.
Jake releases a breathless chuckle as he gazes upon his lover and you with a newfound clarity, a perspective so bright it illuminated in his very eyes. Then came an idea– the desire of having children of their own. Perhaps that’s why Neteyam came after only two years. You were quite the ploy; the push they needed to start a family.
You were truly blessed– the genius of your age was undeniable, your remarkable talent soon earning you the admiration of all who had seen it. By the time you turned six, you had already mastered many of the abilities that a hunter would need– your skills with a bow were unrivaled by most of the children your age, let alone those who were much older than you. They'd marvel at your accuracy each time you took aim with an arrow. You could never miss. You had to make sure you didn’t. 
By the age of 12, you had already accompanied Jake in hunts. You had developed a knack for planning, coming up with routes and back-up plans that were often surprisingly effective. You have proved to be helpful plenty of times. You were quick, silent– full of poise. They often wondered if you were an old, seasoned soul trapped inside a little girl’s body. 
But as quickly as the spotlight had shone down on you, it left almost as soon as it had come.
(“What you did today was reckless, y/n.” Jake settles his bow on the table aggressively, emitting a sharp thud. You were just as frustrated, throwing your satchel down the floor of the hut. 
The mission had gone rather wildly, with things not going along the plan. There was another airship– one that no one was aware of. Your instincts jolted your body, immediately throwing an explosive towards it which had it blowing all over the place– its pieces crashing and causing a wildfire. 
Jake argued that there could’ve been a more safer way. One that didn’t have to risk more of our resources and supplies; one that didn’t have to injure the other warriors. Of course you knew to yourself that you did the right thing. You did what you had to do. 
 ‘You could’ve been hurt and got others killed! Just what were you thinking?” He continued to berate you. You jest that if this went on, there’d be steam visible above his already heated head. 
“I had to take a risk– not everything goes to plan and this is proof of it.” You answered back with a scowl, “If I hadn't, there would’ve been more casualties.” 
“That’s not a call for you to answer to! Jesus Christ,” Jake runs his palms down his face, grunting, before looking back at you– expression suddenly tired and soft. “Come on kid, where’s that sweetheart who always listened to what I said?” 
You had scoffed, a hurt forming on the pits of your stomach. “That sweetheart once had a place in plans before.” You said, eyes unwilling to look at him. It weighed in your heart heavily– why did people assume that you were the only one who changed? You didn’t understand. “Pretty sure the Jake before was a good listener too.” 
The wrinkle in between his eyebrows deepened in confusion, but he never was one for confrontation. With a single dismissive grunt, he turns his back against you. “I’m way past your attitude. You’re grounded. Go.”)
As you grew, the resemblance to your father became ever more apparent. Jake started noticing the many similarities between the two of you; the way you walked– how you sauntered confidently through a crowd. Your braids would move along your heavy steps (and perhaps, that’s where Neteyam got his mannerism of swaying his too.), shoulders wide and proud. You even had his signature snarl, something Tsu’tey was known for that unfortunately seemed to have been passed down to you too. 
However, it was more than how you brought yourself. You were strong-willed– stubborn. 
There was another thing about you too. You didn’t call Jake dad anymore. It hurt him– left a heavy feeling on his chest every time you regarded him so distant. It was unfair that you still called Neytiri mom, why did it have to change with him? He didn’t have the heart to address it. Couldn’t ask you what went wrong. 
Because he knows damn well why. 
Lo’ak was enough of a headache, but you were a different kind of royal pain in the ass, more like a personal problem. It was tiresome. Petty. There was not a day that you and Jake wouldn’t argue and bite each other’s ass off– and yet, there was never a day where you two would talk it out. The fights would blur itselves out and before they knew it, things would be back to normal, only for it to fall out again over something small. It was routine. The only thing normal for you both. 
He missed you– missed his baby. Just when did you grow to become so distant? When did he start to overlook you?
You’ll admit, you might have indulged in the folk’s gossip. They always had a story for everything and they have plenty about your father. Tsu’tey was a fit olo’eyktan. He had proved so in his training and determination. Of course it was a low punch in the gut when the throne had been passed to an outsider– a demon, most of all. It was unfair, he knew it wasn’t right. A washed up marine had taken something he had worked for like it was nothing. Like he was nothing. 
You pitied your father and you feared you’d be like him– like nothing. 
And history might just repeat itself. You weren’t clueless– wasn’t blind to the fact that Jake had trained your brother more. He adored him so much that the very moment he was in the right age to train, you were off to fend for yourself; trained all alone while Jake went over the routine with Neteyam like he did with you. You remembered waiting for him every afternoon because he promised that he’d make time– that time was yours and yours only. But as the light bled and neared eclipse and you were too cold to wait outside, you learned never to wait again. 
They would come home soon after– smiles on their faces and a handful of apologies for you. 
Soon enough, your suspicions proved you right as the people started to talk again; Neteyam– the golden child. He would make a good olo’eyktan. 
Perhaps that would explain the drift between you and Neteyam too. Could they blame you for it? You had lost their attention so early– while you still needed them. You weren’t their kid and you were reminded of it everyday. In times when you didn’t know if you had space in the family hammock while they sat together, telling stories under the starry sky. You pretended to have fallen asleep everytime; back against them as you listened. In times where the family was growing and growing, until the small table wasn’t big enough for everyone anymore– or in this case, for you. 
(“Come on, ma’ite, what are you doing so far from here?” Neytiri had called for you when she noticed how distant you were from everyone. You silently scooted beside her, wooden bowl in your lap. “Look, I prepared your favorite.” 
It wasn’t. You hated it. You hated the tangy taste of it so badly. But you had decided to eat what was left on the table after everyone had gotten their meals and there wasn’t usually enough for you. Neytiri thought nothing of that– didn’t think that you eating only scraps and dried fruit was because there wasn’t anything else for you to have. She simply thought that it was your favorite and had been making it for you ever since.
You didn’t have the heart to tell her. Not when she thought she had been doing well with preparing it. You kissed your teeth, smiling tightly as you lifted the food to your lips, eating silently. “Thank you, it’s good.” You muttered under your breath after.) 
But you were family; they said so themselves. When they tucked you in to sleep, when they patted your head. They were still present now, just not in the way you wanted– not in the way you longed for. It seemed like making them angry was the only way you could have their attention– particularly, your dad. You could never make Neytiri mad. She tries to understand you, she does. Explaining now just seems so.. Petty. So childish, you decided to push her away instead. 
What do you tell her? That you only let dad blow a fuse or two was because you missed him? Because you didn’t know what went wrong? 
So there goes your routine. 
“I just don’t understand why I can’t be olo’eykte.” You had brought up again, lips in a familiar snarl. “You tire me and for what? Kiri is already training to be Tsahik– just what would my place in this clan be?” 
“We are not having this conversation again, y/n. Not tonight.”
Jake had just returned from a particularly bad hunt; went home empty-handed and with a patience as thin as a strand of hair. He continued to sharpen his dagger, movements almost aggressive. Everyone immediately went out of his way, not wanting to be on the end of his temper– not you though. You could never get a hint, it seems.
“Yes, tonight! My ceremony is almost near, sir. I have been waiting.”
It wasn’t like he had a reason anyway. Jake couldn’t tell you because he had no reason as to why. Why couldn’t you be olo’eykte? You had all the skills to be one, even more so. But in the back of his mind, a thought so deep and petty that he couldn’t bear to say, tells him that the name he carried was something to gift his eldest son. Olo’eyktan was a privilege reserved for Neteyam. He never thought to have you so early– he always dreamed of having a son first. 
“Wait more.” 
“This is insane– sa’nok!” You had turned to Neytiri, eyes pleading. She quickly grasps your arm and tries to tug you back towards the exit, speaking in a soft but firm voice as she tries to soothe the tension.
“Ma’ite, why don’t we go out for a walk?” She whispers. To be frank, she was tired of this– never of you, no. But at the way things had been. Parents aren’t parents automatically just because they have had children of their own. It’s a skill they have yet to muster– to truly understand. She didn’t know where the line between you and her had blurry along the years. Didn’t know where this constant need of yours to be seen came from. 
You jerked your arm away from her, almost too harshly. It tugged on her heartstrings, not knowing what was going on with you. “I cannot wait anymore.” You said, taking two steps towards Jake with an unreadable anger– an anger he didn’t know when had stemmed from. 
“Is it because I’m not your daughter?” 
His eyes widened. A flash of vulnerability visible in his gaze, momentarily softening his glare. “You stop this right now, y/n.” He had stood up, tucking the dagger back to his loincloth. Jake’s larger frame towered over you, telling you to drop it– to leave the conversation. But you weren’t backing down. 
“I am your eldest–! You trained me earlier than Neteyam, I have been here long enough–”
“You aren’t ready!” He had shouted with the same fierceness, earning a dirty look from Neytiri.
“Why won’t you see me?” Your voice had softened, borderline begging– just a bit, but enough for his ears to flatten in response. He knew that beneath those few simple words lay many layers of underlying meaning; emotions that have yet to be spoken. 
But he turns his back against you dismissively anyway. “Neytiri, get her out of here.” 
Neytiri grabs you by the arms again, although a bit forceful now, but just enough for her to touch you– to have you in between her arms. She embraced you, like she was trying to keep the words from escalating. She feared one of you would say something out of line; something you both would regret. 
But on the brink of the tension– the severity of the situation, you had muttered. Your voice was muffled, but it was clear. The message was oh so crystal. “You took everything from my father.” 
Jake grunts, “Yeah? Well maybe your father wasn’t enough either.” 
“Jake!” Neytiri hisses and although Jake couldn’t see her, he knew very well he was getting quite the conversation with his mate too. 
It was a low blow. Unnecessary. A straight strike to the gut. It was a pain so bitter, you didn’t want it to linger any longer– you were nauseous. You wanted no more than to vomit everything that spiraled out of your stomach. 
“You want to lead so badly and you can’t even control your temper. No clan wants a hot-head for a leader.” But he kept going– relentless and cruel. “You ought to be someone else’s shadow.” 
“But I’m your daughter,” Your tone had softened, almost cracking as the lump in your throat grew. Tears blurred your vision, threatening to escape as Neytiri held you close. 
“And yet you never listen to me— because I’m not exactly your father, yeah?” With one last glance, he stepped out, passing his children who stayed just outside the door, listening. Jake opens his mouth, desperate to ease the tension– the discomfort written in their faces, but he quickly shuts it and continues to walks out. He had said enough for tonight. There was nothing saving his face from this. It was best if he left instead. 
“Oh, ma’ite.” Neytiri rocks her body along yours, drawing soothing circles on your back but the embarrassment settles in your chest– gnawing at your body. You catch a glance of the pitiful looks from your siblings as they try to enter the hut silently. 
How could you make a mess out of yourself in front of them? Why had you let this blown over?
You retracted slowly from your mother’s hold, wiping your tears before running the opposite way from where Jake had gone to. It was better if you left instead.
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mauve here! finally done writing this after racking my head for weeks. wanted it to be relatable (??) as much as possible, idk why. there is just something therapeutic w writing about your past issues <3 but i hope this one's alright!!! really excited to finally post this heheh
lots of kisses!
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borathae · 10 months
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"You wake up in Jungkook's bed after a passionate night together."
Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x f.Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, domestic Fluff, hinted Smut
Warnings: casual nudity, Kookie shows off his muscles, he is a giggly cutie who just wants to be praised, they talk about last night's sex, she kisses his abs, he is so in love with her :(
Wordcount: 2k
a/n: i wanna give him the world. he is my babyboy :( also, i don't gotta mention by which live this was inspired. y'all KNOW fjadjfa. enjoy besties, i fucking love him 🤍
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Something is tickling your face. Gently. Nicely. Warm. It feels warm. Fingers. You can make out the paths they draw. Over your forehead, tracing your brows, down your temples, along your cheeks and up your nose until the faintest touch feels up your closed eyelids. 
You know where you are. Jungkook’s wing. You stayed with him after the two of you went on a lovely movie date in town, followed by karaoke in his living room till late into the night. 
You had sex too. It was good sex. Amazing sex even. He made you see not only stars, but the entire galaxy. And in return you made him arch his back and whimper your name. It was amazing. It really, really was.
You still feel the afterglow of it. It became stronger again now that you are awake and actively take him in.
His soft scent lingers on the sheets and the warmth of his touch feels heavenly. You can’t stop your lips from curling into a sleepy smile. Quite frankly, you didn’t even try to stop them. Perhaps you even encouraged them to do so. 
“Mhm good morning. That feels amazing”, you mumble. 
“Good morning, my honey”, he answers you and cups your cheek to run his thumb along the tender skin under your eye. Once. Twice. 
Then you open your eyes to look at him. 
His face scrunches up into a giddy smile instantly. It starts off with his eyes before the rest of his face follows. You love the way he smiles. It is so precious and adorable that he always starts off with his eyes before anything else shows his happiness. It fits him so well. 
You retort his smile, feeling it grow when he scoots closer to press a kiss to your forehead. 
“I hope I didn’t wake you. I’ve been awake for a little and I tried not to touch you, but you’re so pretty when you sleep”, he says, making your heart flutter. 
He scoots back again and touches your ear to massage it softly. 
“You didn’t wake me”, you assure him, tingling at the touch. 
“That’s good to hear. I hope you don’t mind that I looked at you”, he says and giggles, “I’m sorry, I just think that you’re so pretty.”
“I don’t mind”, you say and reach out to caress his naked chest, “you’re so cute, my honey.”
“Thank you, yeah”, he says and giggles. He is so cute when he is so happy. You hope that he never stops giggling. He shimmies back just enough that you can look at him comfortably. He gathers a bundle of his blanket and uses it to rest his chin on it. Like this, you have perfect view of his sculpted arms and tattoos. He didn’t bother to put on clothes last night and neither did you. He kept snuggling up to you throughout the night and whenever you noticed it, you felt yourself tingle. His skin felt like paradise against yours. It really did.
His eyes gaze at you with sparkles in them. 
“How did you sleep?” he asks. 
“Really well. Your bed’s so comfy.”
“Yeah? That’s good to hear”, he says and giggles once again. 
“And you?”
“I slept well too, yeah. I dreamed of you.”
“You did?” 
“Mh-hm. I dreamed of last night. It’s because I can’t stop thinking about it”, he giggles again, giving you the prettiest eye smile ever, “I think we had a really amazing date. I loved it a lot.”
“I loved it too”, you answer him and touch his arm to squeeze it lovingly, “you’re so cute.”
“Heh”, he lets out and blushes, “and I think that the sex was amazing”, he sounds shy all of a sudden, “I can’t stop thinking about it.”
You smile and agree with a nod of your head, “I can’t stop thinking about it either.”
“Do your knees still hurt?” he makes sure. You finished him off by riding him and you went at it with such passion that your knees ached afterwards.
“No, they don’t. I told you, they were just tired.”
“You did it so hard”, he says and giggles with his nose scrunching up. He snuggles the blanket, even going so far as to rub his cheek against it, “I couldn’t stop moaning.”
“I couldn’t tell at all”, you joke and snicker.
He snickers as well, nodding his head, “I know, I was so loud. I can’t help it because you’re so, so good.”
“Don’t apologise. I’m the same when you touch me.”
“Yeah, I know”, he says, glancing down at your body just once, “you sounded really sexy. I think.”
“Thank you, baby. You sounded really sexy too.”
“Yeah, I liked it”, he says, “I’ve been able to make love to you without danger for such a long time already, but I still feel so excited by it. So it always feels epic and, and”, he stops himself, glancing at you shyly, “I hope I’m not annoying you with this already.”
“Kookie, come on”, you say sternly and nudge his chest, “don’t you dare say that. I feel as excited as you do, sweets. You deserve to feel this way.”
“Thank you. It means a lot that you share those feelings with me.”
“Of course, baby. I mean it.”
He smiles and reaches out to touch your face. Your cheek, your brow and temple until he ends it with a soft brush over your lips. And as he makes sure that your face is actually as beautiful as he thinks it is, his sparkly eyes race over your features without wanting to stop. They finally land on your lips and the way they look so pretty in the morning lights.
“I uhm”, he begins and lets out a shy giggle, meeting your gaze. You retort the chuckle, caressing the inside of his wrist.
“I think you’re beautiful”, he says, making your heart flutter.
“Thank you so much”, you whisper giddily, “you’re beautiful too.”
“Thank you”, he says and sits up just a little, “hey ___? I was thinking”, he begins.
“What were you thinking?” you ask him, expecting the most profound revelation ever.
“My arms look really strong today. What do you think?” he says, showing off by flexing his arm. His muscles tense and bulge, capturing your attention. 
You stifle a snicker. You did not expect for the conversation to go this way. He is such a wonderful person.
“Look at this”, he points at the most sculpted parts, “can you see the lines there and, and how big it looks there?”
“I can”, you tell him, melting in fondness. He is so adorable when he shows off because you know for a fact that he believes that this is the most impressive thing he could do. Not being loving and gentle, neither being the best listener and sweetest person ever. No, in his eyes showing off his muscles is the most impressive thing about him. Which, don’t misunderstand, is very impressive, but it is still very adorable as well because of how randomly he decided to do it. 
“Can you see how strong I am?” he asks, flexing even harder. 
“I can”, you reach out and touch his arm. It is rockhard, “wow, Kookie your muscles are so hard.”
“Right? It’s because I’m so strong”, he says.
“Mhm, of course you are. You’re such a strong man, this is so impressive”, you praise him, squeezing his arm gently, “wow, so strong.”
“Yeah, right?” he agrees and then sticks his head under the blanket for a second. You watch him with fondness bubbling in your tummy, “and check this out”, he says, reappearing again and tugging the blanket down his torso just enough that the first hint of his pubes gets revealed. He is resting on his back, propped up on his elbow and with his abs flexed. He runs his fingers down the lines of them, “look.”
You roll to your tummy and prop yourself up on your elbows. Like this, you could easily rest your chin on his stomach if you wanted to.
“Wow Kookie, your abs looks so strong”, you gasp.
“Right? It’s because I used them so much last night”, he says, making your chest flutter. He wasn’t lying. He did use them a lot as he was making you see galaxies.
“Mhm of course you did”, you say, “can I touch?”
“Of course.”
You reach out and trace his muscles with your fingertips. Jungkook watches you with his breathing just a little quickened. Goosebumps cover his skin wherever you touch. You finish your explorations by shimmying closer and draping your arm over his lap just so you can lower your lips to his stomach and kiss it.
Jungkook gasps when that happens, shivering like crazy. You nuzzle your nose into his faint happy trail and inhale his scent. He smells like warm nights, good sex and clean skin. It’s addictive, really, and for just a short moment you play with the desire to lick him until he shivers.
You lift your head, meeting his droopy gaze.
“My strong man”, you say, flashing him a loving grin.
Jungkook breaks into a fit of happy giggles, picking you up in his strong arms to hug you against his chest. 
“Thank you ___, I’m your strong man”, he says, wiggling you from side to side. 
“Yes you are”, you tell him, snaking your arm around his waist, “I feel very safe in your arms.”
“Wow really?” he gasps and giggles, “wow, thank you. This means so much to me.”
He lies down with you in his arms, which results in your finding your new resting spot sprawled halfway on top of him and with your face buried in the crook of his neck. You grunt at the impact, before a fond chuckle shakes your shoulders.
“Careful”, you tell him.
“I’m sorry”, he slips his arms from you, “did I hurt you?”
“No, you just surprised me. That’s all”, you say, climbing on top of him and sitting down on his lap. Just below his dick and with your hands feeling up his pecs. Like this, the blanket covers you until your hips while the rest of your body was exposed to the cool air. Goosebumps cover your skin instantly, but Jungkook touches don’t allow your body to feel cold. He runs his hands all over your body, leaving out the most intimate spots for respect reasons and massaging the parts which he thinks are so incredibly soft.
“My strong man, mhm?” you say.
He nods his head vigorously, pressing out a shaky, “yeah.” He is just so excited to be with you and to be your strong man! He is your man! That’s awesome!
You run your hands to his shoulders before placing them in the pillow beside his head. Like this, you can look down at his pretty face while Jungkook feels up your back and the beginning of your buttocks.
“Should we check out this café we passed last night?”
You drove by a café on your way to the cinema yesterday. Back then, it had already closed for the day, but it promised fresh breakfast everyday in the café window. You talked about going there one day and trying out the menu.
“I love this idea”, he says, “I’m really hungry already”, he tells you and adds a quick, “not that kind of hungry though, don’t worry.”
You laugh, “I wasn’t thinking that”, you assure him, pecking his lips. 
Jungkook hums and hooks his arms behind your head. With one expert movement, he has your positions flipped, kissing your lips as happy purrs rumble in his chest.
“Kookie, wait”, you giggle, fighting him off with minimal effort, “the breakfast.”
“You shouldn’t have kissed me then”, he mumbles, chasing your kiss.
“It was a peck, you’re the one deepening it”, you complain with a racing heart.
“Mhm no”, he answers you, making you laugh.
“Come on, baby”, you snicker, turning your head so he is kissing your cheek instead.
“Hmpf fine”, he huffs out air, rubbing his nose against you slowly, “first shower, then breakfast, then I’ll buy you flowers and then I’ll show you what kissing me all naked gets you.”
“Sounds like a deal”, you say, feeling oh so giddy that you could burst.
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Backburner 3
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your boss is easy going until he’s not. 
Characters: Sam Wilson, this reader is known as Dizzie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
The appletini goes right through you. Before you can trade your empty glass for your usual mimosa, you excuse yourself to ladies. You're always the one looking for a bathroom.
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You scurry through the bar, growing racuous as nine o'clock approaches. You dip into the women's room and claim a stall. Ahhhh. They say you shouldn't break the seal but you don't have much of one.
You come out of the bathroom humming to the Madonna hit and nearly slam right into another body. Sam catches you by your shoulders and chuckles as he keeps you from falling out of your platforms. You giggle and take a step back, his hands falling away reluctantly.
"Hey, so how about that appletini? Delicious?" He asks.
"Oh, thank you, sir! That was so nice! You didn't have to buy the whole table a round."
"My pleasure. What's a girls night without a free drink or too, heh? I'm sure you get quite a few," he smirks. "With outfits like that?"
You look down at your fluffy sweater and the skin tight miniskirt. You don't show so much in the office. You only realise then you must look silly.
"Ha, thanks, sir, they sorta clash though."
"Look good," he winks, "so when do you girls start dancing?"
"Hehe, sir," you giggle, "my friends aren't really dancers. We're a bit old for that."
"Mm, really? You don't look that old to me."
"Well, I mean, we're not in college, you know," you tug at your feathery cuff, "anywho, my friends are waiting."
"Yeah, so are mine," his timbre dulls, "guess I'll see you Monday?"
"Monday funday!" You agree and bound past him. How nice to run into him.
You rejoin the girls as they chat about a classic movie drive-in being held down on the park. It sounds pretty cool. You offer to bring a blanket if they want to sit on the grass an watch.
The rest of the night blows by. Fridays always do. Saturday is full of catching up with your parents and your to-do list. Sunday still has laundry and groceries on your roster, with a few hours to chill and play animal crossing.
You arrive at the office feeling refreshed. You message the girls before you get started. All of them want to plan your next outing, hopefully sooner than later. It will be nice to get back into that habit, especially with all the changes that seem to be happening with your friends. Maybe next time you'll have something to report.
"Sam," you call over to him as he steps off the elevator, "I have your gym clothes!"
You hop off your chair and swipe up the bag from under your desk. You were sure to toss it all in with your weekend load. You round the desk and hand it over to him as he makes a face.
"What's wrong?" You ask as he accepts the bag.
"This," he raises the Dunkins cup in his hand and gives a blech, "some idiot I know recommended it. Not very good... more sugar than coffee."
"Oh, no, well, I can make you a coffee or run out to Roasters?"
"Ugh, why are you so good to me, b-- diz?" He groans and hands over the cup.
"It's my job! I'll be back in the flip of a bee's wing!" You promise, "not gonna lie, I need a breakfast smoothie like no one's business."
"Damn, that sounds better. Grab me one of those instead."
"Sure, what kind?"
"Surprise me, Diz. You always know what I want," he winks and swings his gym bag as he struts off.
With a mission, you jump into action. You sway in the elevator impatiently then burst out in a flash of energy. You go down to Roasters and join the queue. It's always busy but you don't mind the wait. You can watch the dog walkers and the birds on the wires through the windows. You order two strawberry kiwi shocks and tip the barista.
Back at the office, heads hang over desks, yawns waft through, and grumbles are aimed at screens. You flit by and breeze into Sam's open office door. As you do, he shoves something back into his gym bag.
"Oh, sorry, I... the door was open," you apologise and present the smoothies.
"Ah ha, yeah," he cringes and wipes the back of his neck, "um, I didn't know it was you but..." he dips his hand back in a pulls put a pair of familiar panties with a little blue bow on the front, "think maybe there was a mix up."
You giggle and set down the tray and quickly retrieve your underwear, "so sorry, sir! Must've been static."
"Happens," he chuckles as he watches you tuck the panties onto your pocket. "You know, I almost did think they were mine but uh... not really my colour."
You laugh at his joke, "stop!"
You touch your cheeks in embarrassment.
His dimples soften as he looks at you. His expression hardens and his dark eyes cling to you. His pokes his tongue out and hums.
"You were wearing those on Friday?" He asks.
You squeak, "sir!"
"Curious," he grabs a smoothie as he steps closer, "a skirt like that, what's the point of panties."
You cough and stammer, "Sam..."
He sucks on the straw as he keeps his gaze on you, a fervent heat radiating off of him. He pops his lips free and licks them, "I'll let you in on a secret, Diz," he comes closer and wiggles the straw at you, "I never wear any." He adjusts his stance as he sets his feet wide and watches you, "I like the freedom."
"Sir..." you gurgle.
"Why don't you do me a little favour? Your good at those, aren't you?" He purrs and slurps from the straw again, "go put those on and at the end of the day, you can leave them in my bag."
You're struck dumb by the suggestion. You're not the best nuance but he's being anything but subtle. Sam is a great boss and a nice guy, but he's being anything but right now.
"I can't--"
"You will," he grins, "just like you do everything I tell you, Diz." He looks down at the cup and turns it in his hand, "mmm, sweet... bet you're sweeter, huh, baby?"
He backs up and stirs the smoothie with the straw. You stare and blink. He's going to laugh and tell you he's playing around like he always does. He sits and stares at you. He's as serious as you've ever seen him.
"Don't forget yours," he motions at the other cup.
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ant1quarian · 8 months
what are your avian boys’ favorite places to be kissed?? i love them so much omfg
Axes’ favourite place to be kissed is probably on his forehead. Every single time you give him a forehead kiss he gets that awed expression and it never fails to coax a content purr from him. It’s likely because the big ol’ crater in his head is scary and you kissing his forehead reminds him that you’re not scared of him.
Dusts’ favourite place to be kissed is definitely on his hands. He’ll blush if you kiss him in the other places, but if you kiss his hands he’ll practically just melt into a fluffy puddle. Usually, his wings will fluff up and he’ll have to choke down a purr. Hand kisses usually get you a smooch in return.
Red loves smooches on his scapula feathers (shoulder feathers). He takes a lot of pride in his wings, and they are very pretty, but they’re also probably the strongest part of him. He sustained a pretty bad injury to them from a while back, so specific parts of his wings are pretty sensitive to intent. Kisses to his scapula feathers are probably like the only way to make him super flustered easily.
Killer is heavily flustered by any kisses to his wings. It’s super intimate to him and will leave him with fluffed feathers– and leave you in his grip for an undetermined amount of time. Giving him wing kisses are a sacrifice– your freedom, for a flustered Killer.
Cross is flustered by literally any kiss. He simply becomes super flustered, but particularly enjoys smooches to the bottom of his jaw. It’ll earn you a quiet purr of happiness and a blush. He will also return the favour.
Milord will simply die if you kiss the scars over his socket. It flusters the ever-flying-SOUL out of him. He’ll definitely find a way to repay you for your kindness, and it’s common for him to be quite clingy for a couple hours afterwards.
Blue likes to be smooched on his cheek. It earns you a quiet “mweh-heh!”, a blush, and a smooch in return. It takes quite a lot of affection-showering before he completely melts with super fluffy wings and an expression of adoration.
Sans practically flat lines if you give him a proper kiss on his teeth. It’ll take a solid minute before he’ll react– scooping you up and snuggling into you, usually playfully peppering your face with kisses, purring all the while. Bonus points if you kiss him under the stars.
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sweetanidreams · 1 year
Oneshot: Vexed | Raihan x Reader
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Rating: Mature | **NSFW**
It was supposed to be just another match with another challenger looking to scrap their way to the top. Raihan was well acquainted with the rigorous pace of the season and was rarely ever fazed in battle, win or lose. Though he did take pride in the prior far outweighing the latter on his battling record.
The dragon type gym leader was reclined against a wall in the locker room leading to the Hammerlocke arena, his long, tan legs sprawled carelessly across the wooden bench. He idly scrolled through Pokegram, 'liking' messages of encouragement under his most recent selfie and responding to every other DM in a friendly, but generic fashion — his publicist says it's always better to stay neutral. All of a sudden, he hears some kind of commotion coming from the front-facing parts of the gym. He recognizes the exclamations of his trainers - someone's gotten through them. "Heh," he thought, straightening out his hoodie as he hopped up onto his feet and started to roll out his shoulders in preparation.
Raihan had approached you as he did all challengers, casting a notably towering shadow over you as he took your hand and shook it, flashing a grin for the crowd and the Rotom cameras buzzing about. He exuded his usual confidence, sneaking a wink at you. Just before he turned to walk towards his side of the battlefield, his hand covered his lapel mic as he made a comment about taking you out for a drink after he won. You could've sworn you felt a vein violently bulging from your temple, but you held your tongue. Fuck this guy.
The battle ensued in classic Hammerlocke form, doubles throughout, sprinkled with some variations of weather manipulation, as was the trademark technique of the highest ranked Galar gym leader. Tensions quickly grew as it waged on, each of you calling out moves to your Pokémon with every ounce of strength you could muster, a visible sheen forming over your skin. You were fueled by not only your natural determination, but also how livid you were he had the balls to say those things to you. Your opponent had definitely noticed. He was amused at first by the scowl painted across your features, figuring it'd be all the more satisfying to take someone on at full force. There was something about the fire that blazed in those eyes of yours though. Even from across the expanse of the arena, he could feel the heat in their depths - and it tugged at something inside him.
Pokémon had been felled on both sides, and it had come down to a final blowout between your Altaria and his Flygon. Once the swirling waves of sand and debris had cleared from the playing field, the two dragon Pokémon came into view, both worn from the exertion of combat. Flygon's bright red orbs slowly shuttered, its sharp red-trimmed wings loosely flapping against its sides before it collapses onto the ground beneath it. Altaria's Ice Beam had landed. In that brief moment of silence, you could feel your blood rushing through your entire body, your heart racing so fast you could hardly process the roar of the crowd or the officiating Rotom's booming, robotic voice proclaiming you the winner.
Raihan recalled Flygon into its Pokéball, offering a soft thank you under his breath for a job well done. His expression was difficult to read as he made his way over to meet you in the middle. Adjusting his thick orange headband with one hand and extending the other to you, this time with... the slightest sense of humility. Your eyes locked and you gripped his hand firmly, your lips drawn into a peculiar smile as you pulled yourself closer, pushing up onto your toes to be within his personal earshot. "Enjoy that drink for me, dragon boy."
Not giving the gym leader a chance to properly react, you grabbed the Rotomphone at his waist and tossed it up for a selfie: you grinning at the camera with a cutesy peace sign up and Raihan with what must have been the absolute, most dumbstruck expression of his life. And at that, you walk off the field, giving a friendly wave at the crowd behind you.
That night, Raihan was plagued. By all of it. He kept replaying the events of the day in his head, over and over and over again. Why was he stressing this? He'd lost battles before. That's why he started taking the selfies in the first place - so he'd never forget the feeling of defeat, so he'd always be motivated to become better. But this, this one was driving him mad. He heaved a sigh, gulping down the last of his whisky before setting the empty glass down on the counter. He just needed to sleep and he'd be fine in the morning, that's it. Stripping down to his boxers, he slipped under his silk sheets, relishing in how smooth and cool they felt against his bare skin. Raihan let his eyes close and sank his weight into the mattress, doing his best to slow his breathing. Despite his efforts, his mind flashed with memories from the battle with you. He remembered how flushed your skin got from the heat of the fight, just the subtlest touches of pink brushing over your cheeks. How your brows furrowed in concentration, causing a small crinkle to form. How the shorts of your uniform began to cling to your frame from the sweat you worked up as you threw almost just as much of yourself into the battle as your Pokémon did. The dragon groaned in frustration, flipping over onto his stomach, his face burying into his pillow.
"Why the hell am I thinking of her right now?," he grumbled, his voice muffled by the bedding. "Who does she think she is, anyway? With that stupid... smug grin." Your voice echoed in his head, and regardless of the taunting manner it was intended to be delivered in, it sounded... he couldn't put his finger on it. But for whatever reason, he wanted to hear you say his name. He wanted to have you pinned up against the wall, his fingers digging into your hips as he held you there. He wanted to leave a trail of bruising kisses down your neck and shoulders, leaving you whimpering his name. Raihan rustled around, his body growing unbearably hot. He could feel himself struggling, pulsing, against the confines of his boxers, and finally reached down to slide the waistband off his hips. His fingers wrapped around his length and began to stroke, his voice rumbling deep in his throat, head strained against the pillow supporting it.
Your body writhed underneath him, needy for his touch. Fingers trailed up the broad muscles of his shoulders, the tips massaging small, tender circles along the way. Your gaze still burned like it did on the battlefield, it was intense and wanting. It begged for release.
Raihan turned onto his back, his hand quickening in pace as his mind went over every curve of your body, imagining your softness, your warmth pressed against him.
He held you flush with one arm at your waist, the other hand cupping the base of your neck. You were straddling his hips, your foreheads resting against each other, only the panted breaths between you. Your bodies moved in tandem, quicker and quicker with each thrust. The soft, yet wildly lewd sounds of him driving deeper inside you made him shiver. And Arceus, you were so fucking wet for him. So hot and tight — it was sinful how good you felt wrapped around his hard cock. "R-Raihan, fuck..." you gasped, losing yourself in the euphoria. You begin grinding harder down on him, barely able to choke your words out against his lips.
"Cum for me."
His body tensed and his breathing grew ragged, his strokes following suit until his orgasm shook through him, waves of pleasure washing over every inch as he rode out his high. After a moment's recovery, he glanced down at his hand and thigh, now covered in milky white cum.
".... Shit."
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captain039 · 1 year
Devil in me
Raphael x reader
Warnings: pure smut, first time, devil things, devil form, sensitive wings, tav instert, oral f and m receiving, light dom/sub, gagging
I just need Raphael smut and I can’t find any. Please send some my way lmao.
Devil in me…. Heh get it? Kill me ty 😂
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Being transported to a feast in a mansion was not what you were expecting. Tav was speaking with Raphael having met him just moments ago on the way across a bridge in the middle of no where. You were confused as were the rest of your companions, he was offering a solution to the tadpoles in your companions minds.
“You however, why are you travelling around with this lovely party of parasite holders, hm?” The devil Raphael gave you his attention making you freeze. He was handsome for a devil, gods what the hell was wrong with you.
“Uh-“ you gulped feeling small under his gaze.
“She’s a friend” Tav suddenly defended with a huff and cross of their arms.
“A friend hm? Does this friend have a name?” Raphael grinned.
“Friend” Tav said gaze going stern as they protected you.
“Oo protective, I enjoy a good mystery” the devil chuckled giving you one last up and down look which made you flush.
After being teleported back to where you were you sighed in relief sitting on a rock nearby.
“Shop around he says” Astarion sassed making you smile lightly.
“Don’t trust him he’s a devil” The vampire scoffed.
“Obviously” Tav sighed at the vampires statements.
“Though he was rather interested in you” Astarion said sitting by you on the rock with a grin.
“Gods sake, Astarion” you huffed making him laugh.
“Just a friend though Tav? You seem rather protective” Astarion piped up.
“We have a lot of history” you said glancing to them and they gave a small smile. It’s true you practically grew up together, they your constant protector against bully’s in the street to bandits. You felt useless at times your magic not strong like others in the group. You never got a chance to tame it, to learn how to use it, after the fire you caused that killed your parents you hid from it, even if it hummed in your veins.
You didn’t see the devil for a while, thinking you were finally rid of him till you hit the shadow cursed lands. At the last light inn there he was playing with Mol a young teifling from the grove. While Tav interacted with them you found yourself wandering the last light inn, it was still standing even with the shadow curse.
“There you are” you jumped a bit turning to the devil who had a smirk on his face.
“Raphael” you greeted a little skeptical as to why he was talking to you.
“You’re a curious thing” he said suddenly circling you.
“How?” You said with a raised eyebrow.
“That potent magic flowing through those veins of yours” you froze at the voice by your ear suddenly and the small chuckle that followed it.
“Come” he said suddenly snapping his fingers. You flinched suddenly in that house again, house of hopes if you remember.
“Take me back!” You snapped as he huffed.
“Always so attached to Tav, honestly” he huffed with an eye roll.
“They don’t know everything though do they?” He grinned as he came into your personal space again.
“Your tragic past, tragic magic flooding your body” he said humming.
“Poetic” he grinned stepping back and you huffed.
“What do you want devil?” You said.
“No, what do you want?” he said turning the question back making you frown.
“To go back to where I was!” You huffed at him.
“The inn? Or that night?” He said and you froze, how did he know about that.
“The inn, I’m not playing your games” you said crossing your arms in defence.
“No games darling, just simple transactions” he said shrugging.
“Then get to the point!” You huffed at him annoyed at his handsome grin.
“You have powerful magic in you, more than you realise, you only need tame it, but you shut it out, I can help” he said.
“What do you want?” You asked knowing none of this would be free.
“A night” he said grinning and you frowned.
“I can’t give you a night what even is a night you want the night, lemme just take natural order” You scoffed.
“Let me rephrase, a night with you and that lovely body” he gestured to you with a finger and you froze body going hot.
“You can control your magic just like that” he snapped his fingers a small flame coming from them and disappearing. You froze feeling something surge through you, you looked to your hands seeing the light glow.
“Let me give you a taste” he whispered suddenly by your ear. The room changed and you were in a battlefield looking area, small flying devils around.
“Go on” he said by your ear his arms raising your hands, his body close to yours.
“Try it” he said breath against your cheeks your body shuddering. You felt magic course through you as you sent out a chain lightening the four flying devils falling instantly in a cry as the disintegrated. You frowned at the control you held as you glanced slightly to the devil behind you, he was in his devil form a grin on his face as he snapped his fingers and more of those flying devils appeared.
“Again” he said as you conjured ice in your hand sending it out in a flurry of ice like blades stabbing each devil multiple times. The power felt amazing and free flowing, you’d be helpful on the quest finally, reality set back in though as you thought back to your parents and shrank a bit. You saw his wings shielding your sides slightly as the devil frowned.
“Take me back to the inn now!” You said hand on your dagger.
“Very well” Raphael said snapping his fingers. You sighed in relief feeling the cold air on the last light inn and no devil behind you.
“Where were you?” Tav called rushing up the stairs as you glanced around seeing Raphael truely gone.
“I was here, just viewing the ever gloomy horizon” you lied and they frowned glancing out the balcony before nodding slowly. You sighed following the group again. Isobel had blessed you before a man named Marcus came, he sought to take Isobel. You held your dagger when you felt magic course through your body. You saw Isobel surrounded, you muttered a spell raining down radiant fire on each creature around her. They cried and turned to ash, she gave you her thanks and you nodded as you felt eyes on you. You glanced to Tav seeing confusion on their face as the continued to fight Marcus. You avoided Tav knowing they’d have questions, you stayed in one of the half ruined rooms, looking to your hands, Raphael hadn’t taken the magic control away. You had fallen asleep on the bed you laid on to clear your mind. You awoke in a different bed though, a much comfortable one. You frowned lifting your top half seeing Raphael staring at the fire with a drink in his hand. The bed was large with red sheets. You thought if you just went back to sleep you’d go back to the inn.
“Ah you’re awake” too slow. Raphael looked to you with a fanged grin.
“Why didn’t you take it away?” You asked feeling the magic.
“Seeing you disintegrate things is rather entertaining” he said taking a sip from his goblet.
“I didn’t agree to the contract!” You said not feeling any effort to move from the comfortable bed.
“Oh I don’t need you too” he smirked placing his goblet down on the bedside table before climbing in the bed. You froze as he climbed over you and you shrank down to your elbows seeing him smirk and his tail swish behind him.
“Not agreeing” you said barely above a whisper feeling your body excite and nerves thrill in your stomach.
“Let me give you another gift then” he said voice low and teasing and you found yourself nodding. He grinned as he pressed a hand to the middle of your chest to push you to lie down. You went down easily head hitting the pillows easily, feeling him shuffle down your body. You covered your eyes with your arms biting the inner of your cheek. He snapped his fingers your pants disappearing suddenly, the warmth of the fire hitting them more. His hands were hot as he lifted your legs, you suddenly realised he snapped your underwear off too. Your hands instantly went to covering yourself and sitting up, his eyes snapped to yours through hooded lids.
“What’s the matter?” He grinned lifting his body up and crawling up your body again. You flushed looking away as hot lips pressed against your jaw. You felt like shrinking into the bed till you disappeared the embarrassment filling you full.
“This is-“ you began to mumbled before cutting off as he stopped nibbling at your jaw. He pulled back and laughed deeply making you shrink.
“Oh my, an unflowered delicacy” he said voice smooth.
“Not even self pleasure?” He asked and you shook your head quickly trying to ignore his grinning face.
“How even more delightful” he whispered and you finally looked to him, a smirk plastered on his face.
“This is much more than I asked for, how exciting, how would you like to indulge yourself with a devil?” He grinned as your heart pounded, you thought back to your group, your quest. Tav had indulged themselves in pleasures with more than one companion, why couldn’t you? Raphael wasn’t exactly a companion, he was a devil, one providing information about Astarions scars for a price, offering a deal with the tadpoles, he seemed exclusive to your group.
“I can assure you, you will be most satisfied” his tone whispered in your ears floating around your head as you nodded again. His lips pressed to yours, a seal being made.
“Excellent” he said going back down your body, lifting your legs up onto his shoulders.
“Move those hands, Darling” he grinned and you did slowly returning them to your face to cover your eyes. You heard him chuckle his warm breath fanning you. You jolted a bit in surprise before a forked tongue licked a hot stripe through your folds. Your back arched and you held your breath pressing your palms to your eyes. You struggled to breathe as his tongue teased along your entrance and clit, you gripped the pillow behind your head other hand fisting on your stomach. You felt your hand slipping to hold his hair only to grab a horn by accident. He growled and you moved your hand away gripping your shirt instead. He continued slowly coyly a smirk on his lips as he only teased with his tongue. You were squirming partly wondering if you should knock him off and run away, partly wondering if he would truely have you. He stood suddenly and your heart sank quickly all the while he smirked snapping his clothes off. Your room changed too to somewhere different, same bed though. He sat down on a chair by the wall smirking as he beckoned with his finger. You found yourself naked fully also and flushed covering yourself grabbing the sheet.
“I don’t like asking twice, dove” he said eyes going stern as you gulped but stood and walked to him trying to hide your body.
“Kneel” he ordered pointing to the spot between his legs. You did as you were told earning a satisfied hum, the devil leant forward holding your chin a little roughly.
“You’re going to suck my cock like a good little dove till I’m satisfied” he ordered and you tensed lightly. His thumb pressed against your bottom lip his claw gently tracing along with it. You felt your mouth open with a soft gasp, his thumb going in your mouth as you gently sucked, the devil smirked removing his hand and leaning back motioning to his hard cock. You took a small breath unsure of what to do entirely, sure books can only help so much. You simply followed a scene in your head from a scene in book you remembered, you held his cock gently before beginning licking the underside of him. Raphael hummed watching you intently head resting in his hand as you slowly licked around the tip.
“Use your whole mouth dove” he said and you nodded slightly sucking the head flattening your tongue against the underside. He groaned approvingly and you felt confidence fill you as you slowly sucked around the head continuing what you were doing.
“For someone who hasn’t even touched themselves you seem rather good at this” he said and you felt yourself eating the praise up as you took more of him in your mouth. His fingers tangled in your hair his claws scraping your scalp lightly as he held you against his cock. You tried not to gag as he pushed your head down more, tears stung your eyes as you let out a small noise.
“Relax your throat” he said and you whined, but tried your best as slowly bobbed your head up and down his cock a small groan leaving his lips again. You glanced to him seeing him looking at you with a smirk you hoped he take some pity on you as tears slowly rolled down your face. It only spurred him on though as his hips slowly thrusted upwards making you gag. He continued though even with your whines of protest his head leaning back slightly as he sighed. He finally took pity as he allowed you to catch your breath. You coughed swallowing harshly at the pain in your throat, going to wipe your eyes till hands caught your wrist. Raphael tugged you into his lap your knees by his hips as he wiped your eyes warm hand going around your throat. You held your breath as he hummed a small warmth filling your throat and the pain was gone. You frowned slightly swallowing again feeling no pain. He wiped your eyes and you found it strangely comforting that he maybe cared in this situation.
“Better?” He asked removing his hand and you nodded feeling embarrassed.
“You’ll learn” he whispered in your ear with a smirk and you flushed feeling yourself tense. His hand went to your hip while he held his head in the other looking at you. His gaze went down your body like he was mapping, you squirmed a bit in his intense stare.
“Are you ready?” He said and you frowned slightly before you realised and found yourself nodding a little too eagerly which made him laugh.
“Eager little dove, lift your hips” he ordered and you did sitting more on your knees. He lined himself up hand still on your hip as he pushed down slightly for you to move. You felt him enter slowly, you had held your breath before you panted feeling the stretch and pain. You whimpered as he guided you with his hands till your ass was on his thighs. You made a small noise resting your head on his forehead. You hadn’t meant to, it was just the closets. Your breath was frantic as you felt his cock fully. His hand snaked up your back, gripping your hair and tugging your head back harshly making you gasp and look to him.
“Ride” he ordered and you made a small pout, pressing your hands to his chest as you slowly lifted your hips. You closed your eyes slowly beginning to set a pace, his hand still holding your head back. His lips went to your neck sending hot kisses along your neck, teeth scraping at your throat as he began to buck into you while you moved. You moaned brokenly bracing against his shoulders as he tugged up into quicker than you could bounce. Your legs burned and you couldn’t move very quick.
“Did I say stop?” He snarled against your throat giving a rather harsh bite.
“Hurts” you whined and he laughed making you whimper softly.
“Always doing everything myself” he tsked, but you were suddenly on the bed, Raphael on top of you setting a hard pace that knocked the air out of your lungs. You gripped his arms as he snarled softly in your ear his tail swishing behind him every now and then. His wings stuttered with his movements and for some reason you found yourself reaching for them. You ran your hand over the leather skin and felt him shudder above you and stop. You froze thinking you did something wrong as he panted in your ear. You raised your eyebrows slightly before you began stroking down the wing and his body shuddered in response, his wings fluttering slightly, it felt good to him. His hips continued their hard pace from before and you moaned arching your back as you continued touching his wings, his harsh pants filling your ears. You suddenly felt an invisible force against your clit though and you let out a strangled moan at the sudden pleasure coursing through you. Your stomach tightened and you gripped the sheets under you as he chuckled in your ear softly.
“Come on pretty dove, come” he snarled softly and you cried out as you did, your body twitched with shocks and pleasure. His hips moved more desperate as he groaned quietly. You reached your hands up again touching his wings again his hips stuttering and stopping as he shuddered and came growling softly. Your hands fell back to the mattress as you panted as he pulled out and moved off you lying on his stomach beside you.
“Quite the show” you screamed at the sudden voice as you saw a figure in the darkness. Raphael growled as you saw another devil with similar looks.
“Fuck off Haarlep! Know when you’re needed!” Raphael snapped nothing like his dignified self, his wing going over you, covering you from the other devils eyes.
“So boring” the devil pouted and disappeared making you stare at the spot he was just at, how long was he there.
“He just arrived he didn’t see anything I made sure of it” he said grumbling. You glanced to the devil, not his usual self almost his wing leaving your body. You rolled over hand hesitating as you reached out to touch his wings again, they fascinated you. His body shuddered as his head snapped to yours and you held your hand back.
“I like them” you said embarrassed as he frowned slightly glancing back to them before smirking.
“I’ll have to keep you my little dove” he said and you frowned.
“This was transactional” you said tugging at the sheets a little, what a way to loose your virginity.
“Who doesn’t mix pleasure and business” he grinned coming to lean over you again.
“Besides-“ he began kissing you with hot lips and you moaned.
“Our journey has only began” he smirked and snapped his fingers. You found yourself back in the run down room, clothes on like nothing had happened, time hadn’t moved, you were in the devils clutches.
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You know what, I assume that people always read my pinned, or notice the pointer "new reader? start here" in every new Fragments' episode. I might be deluding myself. So hi hello lemme TALK ABOUT MY COMIC.
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Before I get too rambly (and I mean RAMBLY), here's a quick intro. Fragments is a comic focused on feels and slice of life, made by a queer guy, aiming to ~character study~ the main cast (Vivi, Raha, Alisaie, Feo Ul) and fill in the gaps in canon (or linger in canon moments that needed more air imo), the tone ranging from angst to fluff to meme. Good punches require a good windup, so please don't expect angst anytime soon :3c
The story's segmented (fragmented, heh) into episodes. Episodes 1-11 take place in ARR, you can enjoy them with no worry about spoilers. Episode 12 onward is ShB, with all the spoilers and lorebending.
My storytelling style assumes you haven't only played through ShB, but know it like the back of your hand, i.e. it's for nerds and thinkers. Of course there's plenty of silly moments that don't require any deep knowledge, but the overarching story does. Often I skip canon events, only hinting that they took place, simply because I don't wanna retell the msq 1:1, I've got plenty of original scenes waiting to be drawn. You're in for a treat if you like obsessing over emotional and moral implications of things. And, yes, this's a story about a morally grey mc. Don't expect to be spoon-fed "and this's why that thing's bad, kids".
Currently I've outlined all the main story beats up until post EW, so it's like, not being winged as I go. Yes I refine things here and there, but I know where I'm going. I'm going ham!!!! With the lorebending post ShB. Initially I didn't plan to, but the more I learned about Vivi and personally grew as a writer, the more courage I got to "divorce" from canon. The general xiv story may still be good wherever it's headed, but it's not suited for an established wolgraha, so I'm making food for myself.
Everyone imagines the lil scenes from their wol's life, I'm taking that a tiiiiiny step further. Fragments tells a cohesive story that's looking to be the longest project at least in our corner. I can and will hyperfixate on this for years.
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I started out just like many others, being hit with ShB like a truck, I wanted to put a catboy under a microscope and rotate him forever. Although I'd already been drawing for decades, I didn't have the comic-making skills yet, or eloquence to write the dialogue, so I spent the first half of 2022 self-studying, just because I needed a mouth to be able to scream about my ship.
Vivi didn't exist prior to my obsession with Exarch. He was made for this, he started out as a reagent (or a foil, now that I know fancy writing terms) for a rich and fun chemistry, and keep myself entertained for years, first and foremost.
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Me, a fool: okay let's make a guy that falls in love with Exarch in this particular moment, what kinda life must he have led to- Me: ....oh no
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The chemistry quickly bubbled up and exploded in my face, involving not only Exarch, but other characters (first as a means to subtly tell about Vivi, then they also demanded their own screentime), and here I am, sitting with a massive script on my hands, drawing my blorbos every day. Thanks for enabling that btw.
I care about characters a lot. I ask a lot of whys and hows. I'm critical-minded and burned on many bad stories that did their characters dirty, and I wanna be an opposing example. What I'm doing is extremely ambitious and risky, yes, but I can only invite you to tag along and see if I stick to my word.
The internet's a cruel and unforgiving place nowadays, and here I am, pitting my passion against what feels like decaying humanity. I'm making this comic to keep myself happy above all else, being sincere and cringe because life's too short to be anything else.
Thanks for reading this, and if you haven't yet, read Fragments here!
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hypnoneghoul · 7 months
Father hyppp i am hungy for more ficlets (of any kind) 😞😞 literally obsessed with your writing style
stawp bro you'll make my raging daddy kink turn and go the other way... (I like it) speaking of which daddy kink is exactly what you get heh
820 words of daddy aether and transmasc baby boy dew comfort cockwarming. fluffy kinda smut? i think it is
Aether was doing… nothing, really, reading yet another book by his desk in the infirmary. It was empty, but there always had to be someone there in case of emergencies. He looked over at the annoyingly ticking clock and sighed. Thirteen minutes left of his shift.
The quintessence ghoul turned the page, then another and another, until he heard the door opening. For a split second he had thought it was Omega coming to switch him a few minutes early, but before he even lifted his eyes, Dewdrop’s scent hit his nose.
Anxiety flared in him, afraid that the reason for the fire ghoul’s trip to the hospital wing was injury on his person, but all that dissipated when Dewdrop sent him a crooked smile. There was something… off about him, but he was fine. Aether guessed he’d just come for a visit.
“Hey, firefly,” he greeted him, putting the book down. “What brings you here?”
Dewdrop shrugged, coming closer with a slight slump to his posture.
“What’s wrong?” He didn’t get a reply, only the fire ghoul falling into his arms the moment he was close enough. He hid his face in the other’s chest, hands coming up to cling to his biceps. “Dewdrop, are you alright, baby?”
A whine left him at that and Aether noticed a certain switch in his scent. He was nearly sure what it was but– “Look at me, love.” With help from one of the quintessence ghoul’s hands, Dewdrop lifted his head and– there it was. His eyes all glassy and his pupils blown.
“Oh, baby,” Aether cooed. “Need me to take care of you, yeah?”
Dewdrop nodded.
The quintessence ghoul looked over at the clock again. Two minutes left. He supposed Omega wouldn’t mind if he cut off a minute off of his shift… He hummed in thought before hooking his arms under the small ghoul’s thighs and picking him up. Dewdrop immediately shoved his face into his neck and kicked up a small purr, clinging to Aether for dear life.
Not minding being seen in the corridors, Aether walked out of the infirmary, whispering softly into his mate’s ear. He didn’t know what brought this particular need of his up this time, but he didn’t care, not now. He’d find out later and possibly murder someone if someone was at fault.
“I’ve got you, baby boy. Daddy will take care of you.”
Aether had no idea which one of them enjoyed that particular dynamic more. He’d guess Dewdrop, but the way heat flooded him every single time that word would fall from the fire ghoul’s lips was implying otherwise. It was safe to say they were both incredibly down bad. Sometimes it was just for sex, sometimes it was a way of sharing comfort, sometimes both. Whatever Dewdrop would need.
Now that they finally got to their bedroom, Aether would find out what it was that his mate needed that day. He crawled onto the bed, still holding him, and sat by the headboard. “What is it, baby? What do you need from me?”
“Want your dick, daddy, but– but just– not...” Dewdrop muttered, but seemingly couldn’t spit out what it was that he wanted. Good thing Aether knew him better than he did himself.
“Want to warm me for a bit?” he asked quietly, as if someone would hear. He got a slight nod in response and rewarded Dewdrop with a kiss to the bridge of his nose. They shuffled around to take off their pants, just enough for Aether to take his half-hard cock out and for Dewdrop’s cunt to be able to take it.
The quintessence ghoul slipped his fingers into his mate, finding him slippery already, and stretched him out for just a minute, not wanting to wait any longer for Dewdrop’s sake, but also not wanting to hurt him. When he started to whine quietly against his neck, Aether took his fingers out and lifted the small ghoul up, lining his cock up with his hole.
With a huff Dewdrop sank down onto it, Aether’s dick fitting inside him perfectly, like they were made for each other. The quintessence ghoul said as much, swallowing the noise Dewdrop made at that as he kissed him deeply. “There we go, baby boy. You’ve got me, daddy’s all yours.”
The fire ghoul hummed appreciatively before nuzzling himself back against Aether’s chest, face tucked safely under his chin, nose in his neck. He wrapped his arms all around him and brought a soft blanket to truly swaddle Dewdrop. A rumbly purr sounded from him and Aether kicked up his own, raspy and loud.
Whether Dewdrop would fall asleep like that, decided he’d want to be fucked for real, or whatever else, Aether was content. He had his mate all soft and warm and close to him, and he didn’t need much else. Whatever he’d want, he’d be granted, but for now…
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bumblebee-is-best-boi · 5 months
hoooo boy! This one is my fav. Originally it was just a Blitzwing story but I made it have Blitzbee for the purpose of this week.
@blitzbee-week Day Five: Scars
title coming up soon vvv
Digits In Between The Wings
Characters: Blitzwing, Bumblebee, Astrotrain
Warning: Cybertronian cursing, mentions of throwing up, too much fluff and angst :)
story under the cut vvv
When Blitzwing used to be a seeker, he liked to polish himself. Not to the extent of Knockout, of course (no one obsessed over their polisher like Knockout), but enough to make his frame glimmer in the slightest bit. He had the perfect frame to show his glimmer off, but that wasn’t the main reason he polished himself. It wasn’t even about the polish at all! 
It was more about the machine he used.
The one he used, while it was a bit smaller than usual polishers, it used to fit perfectly in the space between his wings. It pressed against the joints of his wing bases in a way that wasn’t too much pressure to hurt or damage them, but enough to stimulate some pleasant feelings. 
Blitzwing used to attach his polisher to a long handle and just slip it between his wings once in a while, keeping it there for several minutes before moving on with his polishing. 
But when he was turned into a Triple Changer, that all changed. 
Blitzwing’s polisher had become too small to be nice between his wings, but it didn’t matter, since he wasn’t even comfortable using the polisher anymore. The idea of it gliding across his frame, one that had changed drastically for him, just made him a little bit sick in his tanks. Every time it glided over his scars, it made him wince in uncomfortableness, since his scars revealed his sensitive metal plates. Also, the experiment must have fragged something up between Blitzwing’s wings, because he felt as if something defective there was aching with everything he did, and touching it caused him lots of pain.
That didn’t mean Blitzwing didn’t at least try.
He tried many times, but he just couldn’t handle the feeling. And then after one wonky attempt, he broke his polisher into pieces in a fit of rage (or was it actually distress? He couldn’t really tell anymore).
After becoming a Triple Changer, his frame, which once had a slight glimmer, had become dull and matte. Blitzwing stopped taking care of his frame, sometimes to the point where Astrotrain had to force him to take care of himself for a while to prevent rust and cracked plates. Astrotrain might have been way taller than him, but he was also a bot who was very gentle with his movements (if he wanted to, most of the time he liked to be overly erratic). His fingers were nimble, originally to handle to spin his blasters and shoot out multiple rounds in quick succession, but also to handle the tools needed to keep a mech functioning. But no matter how much Astrotrain tried to take care of Blitzwing to make sure his unwillingness to do self care didn’t make him go offline, his frame glimmer was lost.
“For Primus’s sake Blitzwing, you should take care of yourself more often!” Astrotrain yelled in exasperation as he pushed one of Blitzwing’s arm plates open to scrape off dried energon build up from a damaged energon line, “Be lucky that this energon line wasn't so major, or you would have been bleeding out for hours on end. And also be lucky that I saw the bleeding before it got any worse!”
Astrotrain finally scraped it off, started patching the energon line, then switched faces and chuckled. “Heh, but I know you're not going to listen to me. It's just typical of you to do whatever you want without any thoughts of the consequences! Typical Blitzwing! All cuckoo and carefree!” 
Astrotrain kept snickering as he closed Blitzwing’s arm plate and stood up, “I know for sure that no matter what I say, we’re going to be right back here again, fixing some new problem!” 
Blitzwing switched faces and fumed, “Oh shut your mouth, slagger!”
“Ok ok, I will, for now. But you cannot shut the fact that my words speak the truth.” Astrotrain turned to walk away, his footsteps thundering, “Oh and by the way, Megatron wants us in the meeting room in ten minutes. I suggest you hurry and don't damage any more of yourself on the way, you know how much Megatron wants his Decepticons in top condition!”
Blitzwing opened his mouth to yell at Astrotrain, but he stopped and closed his mouth again, switching faces and standing up. He looked at his arm, where Astrotrain had fixed his energon line. Astrotrain’s words echoed through his processor multiple times, no matter how annoying it got. Blitzwing wanted to just laugh it off, to think of it as a silly joke, but he couldn't. It wasn't a silly joke. It was the truth.
No matter how much Blitzwing wanted to deny it, it was the truth. The cold hard truth.
Refueling wasn't a big problem for Blitzwing… sometimes. Sometimes he got himself enough to last a while, sometimes he had only enough to run on half a tank. It was quite hard to adjust to a frame that demanded more energon to function, but he made it work eventually (He didn’t). And then there was the purging that happened once in a while during the night… but he didnt like to talk about that.
But what was most annoying about his frame upgrade was the pain that came with it. Not even the idea of three faces annoyed him that much (even though the face switching did hurt at one point). His knees were constantly hurting, due to the weird build of his legs, and he kept breaking his knee braces by tearing them up and destroying them whenever he felt like it. For days on end, his tanks constantly felt sore, no matter if his tank was full or empty or whatever in between. And what was the worst thing was the dull ache in the joints of his wings, and the constant prickling pain down his back in between his wings.
He once wanted to paint over his scars, but every time he thought of it, he always got sidetracked to thinking about painting himself in many different colors wilder than any Decepticon had ever seen before. Despite that sounding like a cool idea, Blitzwing always countered those thoughts because he didn’t want to look stupid or get in trouble with Megatron. Instead, he decided to see how others reacted if someone else was painted in wild colors.
This led to him going to the seeker trine’s room with buckets of paint and painting all sorts of crazy things on them (originally he wanted to just paint Starscream, but seeing them in the seeker pile made him all too happy to paint all three of them). Blitzwing then waited till the next day to see what would happen… It was lots of humiliation and getting punished by Megatron pretty badly. This scared Blitzwing to his very spark, to the point where he felt guilty about it (but no way he would ever admit it was his fault).
Only Astrotrain knows what truly happened on that day.
At that point, Blitzwing had completely given up on trying to fix himself, trying to take care of himself, caring for a frame that he once cherished. No use in caring for a frame that had been warped beyond his own recognition and repair.
“Blitzwing.” Astrotrain spoke, trying to get Blitzwing’s attention. 
No response.
“Blitzwing.” Astrotrain hissed, “You glitch, I know you can hear me,” He looked down at the ground, “Stop ignoring me please.”
Blitzwing eventually raised his head, “What is it.”
Astrotrain looked into Blitzwing’s optics, “There’s only one energon cube left for today.”
Blitzwing’s optic twitched, and he switched faces, “That’s what you bothered me for?!”
Astrotrain switched faces, “Oh EXCUSE me for trying to help my DEAR Amica! Oh what an aft am I!”
“Slag off!”
Astrotrain switched faces, “Do you want the fragging energon cube or not?”
Blitzwing switched faces, “You can have it.”
Astrotrain reached for the energon cube, then stopped.
“You refueled yourself at least more than halfway today, right?”
Blitzwing’s optic twitched, then he switched faces, “Ah yes! I had quite the feast today! Oh such a nice servo salad it was! Aha!”
Astrotrain grimaced for a slight moment before grabbing the cube, “the idea of you eating other Cybertronians still unnerves me heavily… but at least it’s better than nothing. ”
Blitzwing switched faces again and looked at the ground as Astrotrain chugged the energon cube. He felt bad for lying, but also not sorry for it at the same time. No matter whatever Astrotrain felt through the Amica bond.
Speaking of the Amica bond, Blitzwing rarely made use of the emotion sensing ability that the bond had. He had too much going on in his head to go poking around in Astrotrain’s emotions.
But this time, Blitzwing used the bond. He used the bond to try and poke into Astrotrain’s emotions, but gave up when he felt the mess of emotions in there. He didn’t care enough to go in there and try to see what is what.
He just didn’t care.
But then he met Bumblebee. That little yellow Autobot who kind of slightly annoyed him to no end and was the love of his life at the same time. The one who treated every single one of Blitzwing’s faces with love and care, even when he was being a bit of a glitch.
Every time that they met up, Bumblebee would bring something to cheer Blitzwing up, whether it was a few cubes of energon, some cans of oil, a servo (Bumblebee never said where he got it from, to Blitzwing’s disappointment, since it was one of the best servos he ever had), or even his own polisher! 
But the best thing was how Bumblebee tried his best to handle Blitzwing’s pain. He couldn’t do anything about Blitzwing’s knee pain, other than at least try to tell Blitzwing to stop destroying his knee braces. Bumblebee would bring his hands over Blitzwing’s numerous scars, massaging them the best he could (he stopped if Blitzwing was in too much pain though). He would even move his fingers over the space between Blitzwing’s wings, putting his digits between the wings and massaging the wing base joints, soothing the discomfort in them.
It was the best thing Blitzwing had felt in centuries.
Holding the energon cube in his hands, Blitzwing looked down at it with a solemn look on his face. Why did his love offer this to him? He gingerly cupped the cube, afraid to spill a drop and disappoint his little sweetspark. 
“Why aren't you drinking your energon Blitz? Worried that it’ll run away?” Bumblebee chugged his cube of energon and tilted his head at Blitzwing.
A sigh came out of Blitzwing’s mouth. He just couldn’t tell Bumblebee the truth… he couldn’t! 
“Why aren’t you drinking your energon, Blitzwing?” Bumblebee’s antennae drooped in sadness.
Oh god, the sight of Bumblebee being sad hurt Blitzwing to the deepest depths of his spark. He needed to find a way to mitigate the situation before it got worse!
The slight ache in his tanks gave him a great idea.
“Ach… I have a slight tank ache. I don't really feel like refueling right now…” Blitzwing spoke, hoping that everything would stop at that moment.
But when Bumblebee immediately turned his head around to look at him, he was greatly surprised. He didn't expect that Bumblebee would become so attentive to him.
“Alright buddy, lie down.” Bumblebee commanded Blitzwing, “I wanna try something”
Blitzwing was confused, but he laid down anyway. Luckily the ground was soft-ish, or else he would have been very uncomfortable. And so he waited for something to happen
He waited…
And he waited…
And he waited some more…
Until suddenly, he felt a weight on his tanks. Blitzwing immediately looked up and saw that Bumblebee had plopped himself on top of his tanks. He kept staring, even when Bumblebee looked up to meet his gaze. 
“Hey, you’re a big mech, I have to change how I do things here!” Bumblebee pouted.
Blitzwing watched Bumblebee, then switched faces and laughed, “Wow, you’re heavier than I thought!”
He received a slight kick to the tank.
“Not funny.” Bumblebee frowned.
Blitzwing winced, switched faces, and sighed, “Apologies.”
“Good. Now let me do this, and I promise that your tank aches and pains will alleviate soon!” Bumblebee positioned himself and reached out with his hand. 
The hand settled low on Blitzwing’s hips before going up and stopping just underneath his chassis. This was repeated 10 times. Then some semi circle motions across his abdomen, also repeated ten times. There then came some soft massages and kneading, which calmed Blitzwing down.
But when Bumblebee did the little vibrations with his hands, this surprised Blitzwing a little bit.
And then Bee was finished.
“Wow,” Blitzwing gasped, “That was… wow.”
Bumblebee smiled, “I get tank aches too, so Ratchet taught me this to alleviate the pain.”
“Could… you teach how to do that?” Blitzwing asked.
Bumblebee smirked mischievously, “Only if you drink the energon cube. You need it.”
Blitzwing sighed, then drank the cube. It actually felt nice…
It seemed that what Bumblebee did worked really really well.
After a while, it seemed as if the treatment Blitzwing got by being Bumblebee’s sweetspark started affecting him in a good way. His frame felt so much more comfortable to him now, his aches between the wings had stopped, his scars were less sensitive, and he purged much less. Face switching was less of a chore to him now, more being more flowy instead of jerky and sudden. He even used what Bumblebee taught him to alleviate tank ache.
Astrotrain, as observant as he was, was bound to notice something.
“Damn Blitzwing, youve having more energon right now than ive seen you have in an entire week!” Astrotrain laughed, slapping Blitzwing on the back.
Blitzwing’s wings twitched from the slap, his face switched, and he scowled. Finishing his energon cube, he turned towards Astrotrain.
“So I guess Swindle sold you some good sense or something?”
“No you dumbaft, Swindle hasn’t even been here in a while. And any transactions I do or will do will be face to face with him, cause I don’t trust him entirely.”
“Ah, ah.” Astrotrain smirked as he kneeled down, “Then tell me what’s gotten you to act so different? It’s definitely not from you following my advice, that’s for sure.” Another laugh from Astrotrain ensued.
Blitzwing fumed for a bit, then switched faces, “it’s… the little Autobot.”
Astrotrain paused for a moment, then switched faces, “What did the Autobot do.”
Blitzwing reminded himself that Astrotrain was not entirely trusting of Bumblebee, so he had to choose his words carefully if he didn’t want to accidentally screw everything up.
“He… gives me energon every time we meet…” Blitzwing switched faces “He treats me like a queen! His beautiful big queen!” 
Astrotrain froze, not expecting to hear that. Switching faces, he brought himself closer to Blitzwing, eyeing him curiously.
“So you���re saying that this… tiny little Autobot… has been helping you with your problems?”
Blitzwing nodded vigorously.
Astrotrain suddenly switched faces, “Well FINALLY! Finally someone got some sense into your processor!” Laughing, he patted Blitzwing on the shoulder, “And, please keep this up. It’s healthier for you, and there’ll be more for your little Autobot to love!”
Blitzwing switched faces, blushing in embarrassment, but nodded anyway.
After a while of snickering, Astrotrain switched faces, “But I must not get sidetracked, since there is something I have to say: Megatron has commanded that we go do an energon raid in about three hours. We actually have to be out of the base in one and a half hours,” Astrotrain said with a bit of bitterness in his voice, before softening his tone, “So have another cube and we can go, okay?”
Blitzwing nodded his head and drank his energon cube, “Alright.”
Even though he knew that his scars would never heal, Blitzwing knew that Bumblebee would be there for him, no matter what.
And that was more than enough for him.
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ghuleh-recs · 7 months
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Cardinal Copia had his own Fic Rec Friday and now it’s Popia’s turn. I've compiled a healthy mix of x reader and x ghoul below. A little something for everyone! I may have gotten a little carried away— there's a lot to see here so make good use of your ao3 bookmarks!
Take my hand. Let’s read about the HBIC together. ♡
recs under the cut.
Papa x Reader
Don't Go - @ramblingoak - papa iv x gn!reader
While trying to convince Papa to cancel the tour you end up confessing how you feel about him.
Rough Day - @writingjourney - papa iv x f!reader
papa takes care of you after a rough day.
Your Star Wrapped in My Cloak - @sherwood-forests - papa iv x f!reader
You find Copia in the library, in hopes of apologizing.
VIII Strength - @anamelessfool - gn!reader
VIII STRENGTH Strength (Physical and Will), courage, persuasion, influence, compassion Copia is a pent up sort of man, he always has been. He enjoys being Papa but on his worst days the title has a near physical weight pressed across his shoulders. He comes home to you, and you can tell when it's been one of those days. Luckily, he has you to guide him.
Forbidden Fruit - @ink-and-dagger - papa iv x f!reader
It's a pleasant surprise to stumble upon the newly ordained Papa Emeritus IV browsing through the library stacks. Even more pleasant that he happens to be halfway up a rolling ladder, and wearing one of his sinfully tight suits. What better opportunity to give Copia's cakes the attention they deserve. Or No snakes needed to convince you to take a bite out of this apple.
Forever Yours - @sweatandwoe - papa iv x gn!reader
Ever since you had entered into a relationship with him, you had learned three strict rules about Copia. One, he did not like to be tickled in any situation. Two, he always had to have a drink after sex. Three, the make-up stayed on. The first two were easy to follow but the third though, was getting harder to try not to bend.
Worship - @copiasjuicebox - papa iv x transmasc!reader
Tumblr Request: trans!copia worshipping your body after your t shots have had time to work. he understands how to worship your body properly bc he’s been through the transition, he gets it.
on leather wings - @ghostchems - papa iv x f!reader
copia surprises you with a spooky weekend getaway, culminating in some winged bedroom time
Papa IV x Ghouls
tumblr ficlet - @st-danger - papa iv x dewdrop
"Papa," Dew murmurs, and Copia feels a tremor move through him; there's a particular voice Dewdrop uses when he wants something. Silky and dark and slow. A drawl. It's what he's using now, and he hasn't the ability to deny him anything. And if Dewdrop is about to angle for a little action, backstage and hurried with Copia in his papal robes- well. It'd be sinful, of course. And it would be wrong to not take advantage of that, right?
What's My Name? - @copiasjuicebox - papa iv x swiss
"Why don't you ask me how I'm doing?" in which, the audience doesn't refer to Papa as "Papa" and it strikes a chord.
And You Know That It Takes Two - @forlorn-crows - papa iv x dewdrop
“Well, I do. Of course I do,” he assures the ghoul. “Quite fond of you all, actually. It was, admittedly, a little rocky when we first met. But.” There’s that heh Dew was expecting just moments before. “Here we are, no?” When Copia starts rubbing his thumb up and down the inside of his knee, Dew’s brain stops working. His gaze zeros in to the fingers splayed across the side of his thigh, so foreign, so bare, so pink against the black of his casual uniform pants. His mind is full of static and all he can hear is his own blood pumping through his head. But there’s a weird something tugging in his ribcage; something new yet old, unnamed but familiar.
tumblr ficlet - @littlemoon-beam - papa iv x dewdrop
He can't look away from his hands, the way the veins flex under his skin as he expertly plays. Copia hears his own shuddering breath, wishing he could feel them on his skin even if only for a moment. He'd worship every fingertip if given half the chance. What really gets him though, what makes his chest tight and his stomach twist, is when he finishes and smiles, head tilted and eyes bright. "Was that ok, Papa?"
Changing of the Seasons - @kissingghouls - papa iv x cirrus
Cirrus and Copia share an umbrella on a rainy day.
𖤐 you know the drill--bookmark, read, and leave kudos/comments!
Did I forget your favorite? You've got a standing invitation from me to add your own rec and reblog ♡
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loaksky · 2 years
— 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳
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the lowdown — the one where you witness a tragedy and the sully's are there for you.
the who — neteyam x fem omatikaya!reader
the word count — 864
the tags & warnings — TW character death(s), angst, hurt / comfort, implied neteyam x reader (but could possibly read platonic as well).
the notes — based off of this request! tsmuke — sister, & i'm sorry for always writing sad things heh. read with caution; content under the cut!
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You should’ve listened to your gut. 
One moment, you’re closing in on the enemy, soaring high in the smoggy sky as a spotter for your mother and father who are at the forefront of the unit. The beat of the ikrans’ wings hum like an omen, hushed whispers of action plans culminating as warriors begin breaking from formation. 
But the next moment, creatures caw and squeal ferociously from being hit.
It’s a silent ambush, you realize, no advanced technologies or oversized vessels. Just humans cast in blue bodies, hiding among the overgrown brush of the lush forest using simple tactics to seal their agenda. 
But you’re good at what you do, eyes keen, sharp and you sight the lumbering blue body taking aim. 
From above, your arm pulls taut and sends the arrow sailing, pinning the solider’s chest to the forest floor. 
Your fingers find the button of the comm on your throat, choking out a quick plea to retreat. The RDA is getting smarter, finding new strategies, and it devastates the people. 
Neteyam trails behind you, watching your peripheral like a hawk when he hears your hoarse voice like static in his ear. 
“Fall back.” It’s his father’s voice, Jake Sully’s. 
He’s near the front of the unit with your father, you can see them like specks in the distance, four blurbs flitting through the trees. 
You press forward and your name on Neteyam’s tongue is a warning. 
You crane your neck over your shoulder, chance a glance at the dream walker’s son, committing his features to memory as you give a silent command to your ikran to swoop down into the canopy of the trees. 
The units are dropping rapidly, but you will you and your creature forward, foliage and tree trunks blurring as you whirl through enemy fire. 
You see them up ahead, your parents and Neteyam’s, the colored ends of their arrows landing blow after blow into the force below. 
You hear it before you see it, the curse that leaves your father’s lips, the shout that pierces the otherwise silencing air.
Four blurbs become three, then two, and your heart is lurching in your chest.
The agonized scream tears your throat until it’s raw. 
“Two down, urgent.” Jake reports raggedly. “Fall back.” 
You don’t, you’d never. 
You’re barreling towards the forest floor like a bullet ready to pierce the earth, your name echoing through the air like a mantra. 
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You can’t stop shaking, eyes unblinking as you watch the roar of the crackling fire in the middle of the tent. It’s quiet save for the solemn murmuring of villagers outside, but all you hear is the sound of rushing water, like you’re caught in a current. 
They’d found Tsu’tey and Beyral before you could, Neteyam swooping down seconds after you to steal you back to safety. 
And Neytiri had tearily barred you from Mo’at’s tent when they arrived because the tsahik needed quiet and concentration. 
The attempts were futile, you’d seen it on Jake’s face when he ducked into your tent and settled before you, five-fingered hand coming down to rest on your head as your shoulders shook. 
“I’m sorry, kid,” he whispered, eyes brimming with tears as he watches you fall apart in front of him. 
You’d grown into a strong young woman, already surpassing your coming of age, but in that moment, your rounded cheeks streaked with tears, you looked every bit of the little girl he’d watched grow up with his oldest son. 
Neteyam’s entrance is silent, hands brushing your shoulders as a silent notice that he’s there. He settles in front of you, gaze soft as he thumbs away a stray tear. 
You crumple all over again, falling forward into his chest as an anguished wail wracks your tired body. You cry and you cry and you cry, Neteyam absorbing each devastated sob as he rubs your back, the other hand cradling the back of your head. 
He feels a disgusting concoction of dread, sadness, guilt. He doesn’t know what he’d do if it were his own, but to know that you’d gone into battle with two loving parents and emerged without makes his heart tug so hard he feels like it’ll shatter. 
Tsu’tey had been good to his family, did well leading the people alongside his father. Beyral had fiercely given power to his mother, to Kiri, to you, to be mighty hunters. Regardless of the lack of blood binds, he feels the hollow in his chest. 
The hide shifts and Kiri enters, followed by Lo’ak and the youngest. Neteyam’s eyes are warning, sharp as they form a circle around you, each of their hands finding purchase on some part of your body as a silent reminder that family isn’t always blood.
“We’re here, tsmuke,” Kiri whispers. 
You feel infinitely warmer with their bodies surrounding you, Neteyam hugging you so tight you feel like your broken pieces could stick together. 
“Always,” Tuk says, voice small as she slips her fingers through yours
You suck in a shuddering breath, hiccuping as you peel away from Neteyam’s chest.
He watches you closely, brushing your sweaty hair from your face as he seals the reminder. 
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taglist: @nao-cchi , @jkiminpark , @philiasoul @amart-e, @s-u-t , @netesbby , @tayswiftlovebot , @dumb-fawkin-bitch , @ewackmn , @fanboyluvr , @neteyamoa , @itssiaaax , @girlpostingsposts
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lexithwrites · 22 days
i am begging you please give us more teacher deku 🙏
ahhh okay imma list everything i can think of here so this may get long heh:
i feel like aizawa was super wary of it at first when izuku came to him about wanting to be a teacher at UA, he doesn't think izuku would be a bad teacher but he doesn't want him to do it out of guilt or obligation after the war
but then izuku is really great with the first years and obviously knows how everything works so he takes him under his wing as a TA for the first year or so after he graduates
when he gets the hang of it, he's allowed to be the homeroom teacher for the hero course and izuku cries when he finds out (obviously)
im also a BIG sucker for teacher izuku and pro hero katsuki so they're dating too
katsuki threw him a celebration party with 1-A to congratulate him and even though he hates parties and was a lil grumpy izuku was super thankful
izuku's first year is kinda hard as a teacher and he gets attached to his students, he hates seeing them lose confidence in training and sparring sessions and he's always trying to use words to motivate them
when they ask what his quirk is he gets quiet, the younger generation don't really recognise who he is since he got older and he gets embarrassed explaining who he was when he was a teenager
katsuki is also v protective of izuku and his past so if any kid steps out of line when they see them together in public he shuts them down (izuku tells him not to yell at children but he doesnt always listen)
izuku has EVERYTHING he needs for classes organised in so many colour coded folders on his desk, its kinda cute but also ridiculous because he has so many notes on his students
he has a notebook for each one on their skills, weaknesses, strengths and his predictions for the future
he has a different bubble tea or coffee order every morning during the week, the students know them by heart too
and he does bring lunch (katsuki is the chef out of the two) but when he forgets suddenly pro-hero dynamight is at his window with a smirk, making izuku blush in front of his class as he gets mildly scolded for forgetting his amazing boyfriends lunch again
isuku secretly forgets just so katsuki comes and visits but he wont tell him that
izuku sometimes visits best jeanists office when katsuki is there too, he just brings him a lemonade or a soda because katsuki hates coffee but it makes him smile
jeanist teases katsuki so much about how soft he gets around izuku
after izuku says goodbye to his third years (its v emotional for him and he cries for days thinking about them all grown up now) he starts with a new group of first years and they're a lot harder
teens are getting stronger and more cocky about their quirks, and he's kinda picked on by them for the fact he doesnt even have one
i said this in a post a couple days ago but i fully believe the second katsuki sees izuku crying because of how his students treat him, he goes into their class and lectures them about respect and manners, and he probably challenges them to a fight their first week to show them how far their cockiness gets them
they respect izuku after that, and are kinda scared of his boyfriend
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tparker48 · 9 months
(Got a lengthy one for ya. This one took a lot longer than expected, but wanted to make it extra special for you all. I hope you all enjoy ^w^)
It's been almost a year since James was freed from the bonds of graduating from his community college. After walking upon the stage with his diploma in hand, he thought that would be the end of his educating adventures. But he couldn't be more wrong, finding himself sidelined by his dream job due to lack of experience. A college degree in arts was one thing he had under his belt, and to get more he needed funds to keep him afloat for the upcoming year in the fall. He scoured the web for scholarships, eyeballing the postal pillars for opportunities to award money. But everywhere he turned there was none in sight, stress beginning to boil within himself. That until he took to his phone.
He scrolled to the top of the screen, pausing when he looked at the title. 'The Big Game' it said, printed in bold red letters. "Come one, come all to the greatest game show of your life.." He read its description. "Participate in our games and win the grand prize!"
A grand prize? This may be the chance he was looking for. If he won those games, he'd be set for the rest of the rest of the fall, maybe even the school year. He scrolled down the screen to the images, a prompt showing itself above. Those who dared to receive riches were offered the chance to choose their side. Become a Giant, and get paid by the forefront of participation, or be a tiny, who's task will be more challenging but will bring higher reward.
He pondered at the thought. Being giant showed promise, being bigger than the competition, they'd be mere stepping stones for his victory to a better education. He hovered over the giant Icon, his finger itching to take his ticket to fortune. But he paused when he looked at the Micro icon, a thought lingering in his mind. Was taking the route the best idea? It would be easier, but he couldn't help but think it'd be pitty change compared to them. He wasn't going to settle for less. No, he was going to go all the way.
He pressed at the Micro Icon, a loading sign encircling around it. A bright flash came from his phone, a small window opening with a prompt. "Thank you for participating. Please follow these coordinates."
His Gps turned on, an address typing in the screen as the location marked zoomed to the corner of the map. The structure looked familiar to him, but couldn't tell how exactly. but if that was his destination, he best get cracking at it. He wasn't gonna be a winner just standing here, he had a competition to get to.
He followed the coordinates to an alleyway downtown, following the sewer lines to the end of the street where cars waited at the stoplight. The night was still young, the moon casting its glow upon the black streets as he opened into a clearing. He eased his way to the end of the block, his gps pointing to the right as he turned the corner.
A university rested ahead, pearly gates surrounding its perimeter as they stretched to the far street. He gazed upon a symbol castingover the gateway, A Sabertooth lunging in place. That symbol, he remembered seeing that all too well. He looked to a football field behind trees in the distance, a mathematics wing hiding behind a restaurant building. It was all the confirmation he needed, before he knew where he was. His old university, in the flesh.
His phone pinged, a text message appearing ahead. "Move forward." It simply said, his gps updating as an arrow hovered above.
He followed the arrow to the science wing, turning to the dormitories resting along the side. All those memories, he recalled them as if it were yesterday. The booming music upstairs, the chatting with his roommates moving through the halls, and the obnoxious laughter of his bully, Rich. He shuttered at all the wedgies he endured, let alone his meatheaded antiques. But that was a year ago, if at all, he'd be off making a living as a dumpster diver. Heh, even a burger maker.
He traversed toward the gym, the arrow transforming as a circle resided in the middle. He looked through the clear glass to the lighting around the lobby, not a person in sight as the lights cast to the far hallway. "Where is everyone? This better not be a wild goose chase." He tapped at his phone.
A bright flash erupted from the ceiling, blinding him as others showered into the mix. A silhouette soon formed, a woman dressed in black as she held a pamphlet in hand. "Greeting participant, we have been expecting you."
"I can see that.." He shielded his eyes. "Am I the only one who's here"
"There are more inside, they are gathered in the lockers. Come," she stepped to the side. "We must not delay, the games begin momentarily."
He wiped the tears leaking from his eyes, following her through the entrance. They moved deeper into the gym, moving through the stretching hallway to paneled doors. He peeked through the windows to dark rooms staring back, but the woman tapped at his shoulder, holding one of the doors. "This way.." She said. James followed her as they entered the lockers, chattering slowly resonating. They came into a larger space, players nearly piling over each other for the chance to let their shoulders breathe.
"Geez, it's like a chicken farm in here, there’s so many of them."
"Yes, many from across the city have heard word of the Giant and tiny competition." She slapped a sticky note upon his chest, its force nearly knocking him over. "Your nametag, you'll find it easier to find your group."
"A little warning next time, why don't ya?" He rubbed at his chest, moving further into the crowd. the participants filled the room like a giant pond, many of varying in size as he maneuvered over them. He ushered behind the broad shoulder of one participant, moving the head of the another's to a seat along the wall, grabbing one of the pamphlets resting on a table. He's been in this gym far too many times than he could count, the gym had limits to how many people they had at a time. This crowd far exceeded that, how do they even think they're going to participate when they're all butting heads.
"Move it..out of my way!" A deeper voice pierced the rowdy crowd, heads tumbling further in the distance. Grunts ensued beyond the participants in front of him, players tumbling sideways like trees being cut down. A hand split between two ahead of him, forced from their feet to the others resting upon the floor before a mass stepped out from the toppled players. "Ah that's much better, all these wimps were starting to make me cramped."
James knew that raspy voice from anywhere, gazing upon the nametag, that jiggled along his pectorals. It was there he read it, the cursed name of the bully that brought nothing but chaos, Rich.
"What's a guy gotta do to get a soda around here.." He scratched at his neck, looking to the crowd swimming past his lower torso. He eyed a bottle hanging from one of the participants' backpack, yanking it from they're chain and between his fingers. "Ah, that's the stuff."
"Hey! That's my drink, you bastard!" they shouted, raising their arms to retrieve their beverage, but were held back by a hand. They fanned at the air as he popped the metal lid with a squeeze, sending the fluid into mouth like a waterfall. He took it all in one gulp, belching before tossing the husk of the bottle toward them.
"Ugh, sugar free. Give me a break." He scoffed at the bland taste. He looked up and toward the bleachers off to the wall, he and James locking eyes before he held his pamphlet over his face. A crooked smile ran on his face, stepping toward him. "Is that who I think it is?"
The player behind him blocked his path. "Hold it! You can't just drink my drink and-"
He shoved a meaty palm into his face, thrusting him to the crowd. "Cram it, guppy, I'm busy." He marched over to the bleachers, his smile growing wider as his shadow toppled the bleachers. "Is that termite I’m gawking at?" He said in a playful tone.
God not now. He raised his pamphlet higher, hoping for it to shield him from his senseless antiques. The crowd sitting next to him scooted away, fingers snatching the paper away to Rich's grinning face. "Ah..Rich."
"Ahah! I thought that was you! I know that scrawny body from anywhere!"
"Likewise..” he got to his feet. “If you don't mind, I was just getting ready-" a palm crashed at his shoulder, thrusting him back to the bleachers.
"Aww don't be off in such a hurry, this a reunion of my favorite cushion afterall. Still keeping those lungs strong? I've been aching to let loose a bomb i got cooking up." He reached a finger for him, but he dodged as they collided against the glass window.
He slip between his thighs, stumbling to the space behind him. "Hell no! I'm not enduring any of your gassing."
"Don't be like that, I promise I-"
"Participants please stand in your designated lanes. We shall begin the process for your roles in the events." a voice came on the intercom.
"Thank god." He sighed. "Unfortunately, Rich, we won't be seeing each other, good luck finding a partner." He stormed off, the brutes banters falling on deaf ears as he vanished into the crowd.
He flocked to the participants towards the two slanters, one going through the left as the others went toward the right. He spotted those to the left of him had the same marking name tag, huddling into the line as he followed them through a slim corridor. The marble floor turned to plastic, shades blocking the window. The gym was known to have a lot of corridors, but never one like this, he thought. He eyed the other contenders, each of them chatting amongst themselves along the lime.
"Wonder what kind of partner I'll get, I bet it'll be someone quick for the event." One said.
"What good is quick when you have class. Brains is where it's at." One tapped at their forehead.
"You're kidding, what good is thinking if you don't have the speed to perform."
"The same way your mouth does at a blubbering speed."
James eyed the two as they bickered further up the line, rolling his eyes to the ceiling. They're talking nonsense when it comes to which is better, but there was one thing that did get his head spinning, who to partner with. He never thought a competition of being on top would come with baggage. If he was going to succeed, he had to receive one like-minded as him. If not more coordinated.
They entered into an open area, the group spreading out to tiled lines. He floated around the player's to a checkered tally mark, looking around for anything going on. Was this where the games were going to be? It's too crowded to do any activities. A speaker screeched through the room, a female voice presenting themselves.
"All players, please hold still while the process is proceeding."
Odd, they hardly started with the events yet, he thought to himself. Maybe they were playing, Simon says. Yeah..yeah that has to be it. Keep to the tiled lines and he’d be good for the next round.
A static hum pierced the room, the ceiling shifting as rods lowered toward them. A spark ran through the tiled floor, his feet locking in place. "This is one weird game of Simon says!" He struggled to free himself.
"What the hell is this?!" A shout came from a player, Jmaes looking towards the front row. They bucked at their legs, his socks dragging to their ankles, but still remained stuck.. The knob above illuminated an orange glow, a bolt striking them as they vanished into a pile of clothes..
James' eyes widened, the other players sharing the same gaze. "What the hell?"
A barrage of bolts erupted from the ceiling, clothes flying in waves as player's vanished from sight. He looked to the players tugging at their shoes, himself doing the same as the bolts grew closer. Scowls and yells filled his ears, orange flashes drawing closer with each blink he'd take. He looked to the ceiling, the knob above glowing brighter before a bright flash engulfed him. Electricity erupted through his body, his limbs shriveling as if gravity itself was squeezing upon him.
The room, the very players around him expanded with the ceiling, clumps of his own tank top toppling over him as he struggled to get free. "What the hell is going on?!” he struggled from the net of his own clothes, floundering in efforts to escape from beneath.
Yells continued from behind him, growing more faint as the flashing bolts above drowned them out. As if on cue, the last bolt struck the back of the room, an eerie quietness filling the air. James managed to find an opening in the fabric shoving it away to gaze at the hills of clothes resting around him, the knobs still simmering as smoke flowed over them..
"What the..why's the room so big?" He asked, looking at the clumps of clothes around him. Movement stirred from the pile before him, grunts and moans resonating.
Players rose from their clothes like zombies coming back to life, their body not even the size of a tac compared to their full size. Commotion stirred around them, wondering what had happened, and why it happened. But they fell short, when an alarm rung from the end of the room, a metal door opening.
"Process complete, please proceed to the other room." The announcer spoke, players still confused as they looked amongst each other. With little choice, they moved through the door to the dark hallway, James included as they moved to another room.
There was another line next to them, the other players who traversed through the other door. Their forms were like titans compared to them, casting shadows over their smaller counterparts. Chatting ensued amongst the groups, but were interrupted when staff moved to the two doors off to the wall.
"You will be assigned based on two capsules, you will be assigned based on the syllables you chose for your name." One of them said.
The floors glew as it flashed toward the doors, the staff escorting the lines inside as they capsules took them individually through the walls. Their partners were chosen by their syllables, he ran through his mind. Easy enough, he just had to pick one. When his turn arrived, the capsule opened before him as a screen lit up along the side. He sat down as the capsule closed, gears turning around him as he looked towards the screen.
Two syllables popped up before him. 'RK' rested along the left side of the screen, flashy with a gold lighting. "That better not be who I think it is.." He groaned, tapping the screen for more info. Not a profile picture to be found, only a description of their hobbies. Football? Wrestling? Definitely sounds like Rich to him. That meathead always did like sports that dominated others. He wasn't going to make that mistake.
He moved over to the syllables on the other side, 'SC'. This one was competitive, does whatever it takes to win. He could use that to his advantage. Having a mind like that would give him just the boost he needs to get that prize. Without haste, he clicked at the syllables, the capsule moving as he rocked in place. After moments of shifting, it opened to two rooms resting along the walls. A staff member waiting for them.
"Welcome contender, your assigned partner will be arriving momentarily." They said.
They haven't came yet?, must've taken longer to choose than he did.
He walked over to one of the benches along the door, waiting with the staff as they watched the door. Moments later, two panels arrived from the walls, the smaller capsule opening first as a tiny stepped out. They shared greetings with one another, before waiting at their assigned doors. The second capsule opened, a slender giant walking out as he made his way to the staff.
"Is this the rooms?" He asked, the staff nodding in confirmation.
This must be his partner. Average build, tall, he fits the description perfectly. "Hello there!” he approached the giant,extending a hand toward him. “It’s such a pleasure to meet you!”
The giant looked below, smiling as he bent a knee. “Hello there, little guy, it's a pleasure to meet you too.” He extended a finger, James shaking it by the finger nail. I take it you’re part in these rooms too?”
“Definitely! And it’s even better now that you're here.”I’m James, and I tell you and I are going to be great partners.” "James huh? I can tell you got some motivation in you." he said. "But I don't think we're partners in these games."
"You're not? But your syllables are 'SC' right?"
He tapped at his nametag, tilting it from his sticker. RC was under the name. "No, I’m Ryan Corcher. RC for short."
His heart sunk into his stomach, knocking into the chair. "No way..If your syllables are that, then that means…"
Another capsule came from the wall, bangs lingering inside as the hinges creaked to support its weight. It hissed open, a meaty foot stepping from the steam before the rest came out. It was Rich, his body glistening as if it was bathed in oil. "Finally out of this stupid thing."
“Ah, you must be Skull Crusher.” the staff member said.
“Might as well be after sitting in your soup can," he replied. “Damn thing’s worse than the lobby.”
James widened his eyes at the sight of his bully "Rich?"
"Hmm?..Well, if it isn't Termite." He stomped over. "This is certainly a surprise."
"Now that the contenders are here, you are free to explore your assigned rooms." The staff said, the doors opening behind them. Bowing, they took their leave to doors beside the walls.
James tugged their cloak. "Switch me! I refuse to be paired with the likes of him!"
"There will be no switches, once partners are selected, they will continue to be. All who do not have a partner, will be eliminated." They yanked their cloak from his grasp, disappearing behind the door.
"But..but.." The ground shook beneath him, toes peering into his peripheral. He turned around the brute’s beaming face, hands wiggling from his waist as he plucked him into the air.
“So you’re my partner? Hah, this must be my lucky day.”
“No!..I didn’t mean.. I-”
"Guess you're seeing me again after all, Termite. In fact, you're going to be a lot of me from now on." He shoved the door open, taking the two of them inside. His hand swung through the air, thrashing James like a ragdoll as he made his way to a bed resting against the wall. "Nice digs, could do without all the flowers though." he stepped along the side of the bed, noticing a smaller one next to the wall. “Oh, and it comes with a bed for little squirts.” He loomed closer to it, flattening the mattress underfoot. ”You won’t be needing that. You’re going to be sleeping with me.”
He tossed James to the pillow, his legs stumbling against its soft form before he tumbled to the rest of the bed. "Easy will ya, I'm not exactly.." The space grew dark as the giant's backside hurtled toward him, jumping to the foot of the bed as he bounced onto one of his thighs. "Squishy.."
Rich chuckled as he got himself comfortable, peeling the flattened mattress off his foot. "Okay Termite, here's how things are going to go. Rule number one, what I say goes, no exceptions. Two, your space is my space. Follow those, and I'll make sure you at least keep a pint of your share. Got it?
And here it goes, taking over the place like he always does. He wanted to high tail and just forget about the prize, but then he'd be back to square one. There's no telling wherelese he could go for the money, let alone a stable income. He had to sit this through, at least until the games were done.
The brute’s sausage fingers snapped together. "Oi! You listenin'!"
He took a breath, standing atop of his thick thigh. "Yes, I heard you."
"Good, now that that's out of the way" he rocked his thigh, sending James between his legs. He scooped his scrotum in one hand, lifting them to the air as the moist bag of skin dropped to the bed. Any inches further and it would've flattened. "Being cooped up in that capsule made me all itchy. Make yourself useful and give my balls a good scratch."
"Oh for the love of-" a palm reached behind him, scooping him into the bulk of the brutes testicles. Its skin was as worse than it looked, slime secreting into his as if the very skin itself was melting. He shuddered at the moist sensation, flailing against Rich's grasp.
"No point in being shy, termite, take in all of it."
"Alright alright!" He pushed himself off, sticky strands of the substance peeling from him. He looked to the greasy genitals that flexed in front of him, holding his breath as he massaged over the clammed skin. He winced as his palm glided over its surface, like watered down dough as it secreted more sweat into his palms.
His moans reverberated through his body, his legs spreading wider as his cock drooled over James. "Yeah that's it, both hands now. I don't want no slack."
"Ugh, why does it have to feel so soggy.."
"Hah, if you think that's soggy just what til I blow my-"
"Not the information I want to hear!"
It had only been a night since he stayed with Rich, and it was already proving to be a living nightmare. The amount of sweat the man brewed and phenomenal, no amount of soap he applied would wash away the ever lingering stench soaking his hands. Throughout, Rich’s demands grew worse. Teeth cleaning, foot massages, It was maddening. It was only when midnight arrived that the brute grew drowsy, James slipping away to the outskirts of the kitchen. The pantry worked for a few hours, but was ineffective when it came to the brute's hungering stomach. his heart nearly skipped a beat as gorilla arms raided the cans stacked inside, almost taking him with it if not for the safety provided by the staff.
He thought he’d have time to make an escape to the other side of the room, but barely hit the carpet of the living room before he was wrapped by a fist, his world blinded by frowsty flesh as the world went dark. The rest of the night was a blur, by the time he knew it was morning, the bells of the speaker ringing through the room..
"Mmm..wha?" He groggily rubbed at his eyes, a stinging sensation lingering in them. He reached off to the side for a blanket, his palm meeting warm damp skin as he yanked it back. He squinted an eye to scan his environment, a valley of flesh spreading to a dimmed lighting above. And behind him, puckered flesh as it winked in place. "Ah…right."
The bell grew louder, its blares now riveling a tornado siren. He stumbled along the flesh bed, struggling to flip himself to crawl himself out. "Of all the places to put me, it just had to be here." He pressed his foot into a meat pocket, its flesh plonking as he kicked against it, snores echoing through the chamber. "Hey! Wake up!"
"Mmm.." A groan replied, the muscle around squeezing into him. His face reached his knees, his back aching as he shoved the tender muscle away. Spreading a gap for himself, bubbling lingered beneath him, the star of muscle quivering in place.
a smaug of gas heated his body, pressurized air dragging him forward before it bursted into the opening of the flesh. "Ah gross!" He cursed, squirming from the fowl smell. Another blast erupted, the walls squeezing him to his belly. He crawled against the damp flesh, climbing to the dimming lighting as he fanned at the bushes of hair shielding it. Gas hissed from below, the hairs absorbing its heat as his nostrils flared..
He punched a patch of the bushed hairs, sticking his head out from as he gasped at the open air. The ceiling welcomed his sight, the hills of hairy muscle climbing to the horizon of Rich’s back.. He scoffed at the sight, the bastard’s still sleeping, typical. He wrestled the strands of hair wrapping his neck, shaking himself around. "Hey! Wake up already! Hello?"
The snores became disgruntled, the mass of flesh moving in a wave. "Wha?..Who turned on the alarm?" Rich rubbed the slobber from his lips, the massive backside tilting to the bed sheets.
"No no, wait don't-!" it crashed on top of him, wedging him back between into the mounds embrace.
"Morning already? I thought the events weren't til later." He questioned, bubbling lingering in his stomach. "Nah, all this gas is getting me irritated. Where the hell did I place that termite?" He squeezed in on himself, the sheets beneath him warming as carbon met his nose. Wiggling soon caught him attention, resonating within his crack before it climbed to his balls. A small lump appeared between his testicles, Jame's small head popping out from beneath its weight. "Oh heh, Right, that's where I put you."
"Would it kill you to lay off the fibers?"
"Fibers is what separates the alphas from the betas." He lowered a hand to one of the orbs, squishing James between them. "You know, you don't look so bad from up here. Like a third testicle."
The bell rung from the speaker, a microphone blaring through it. "Attention contenders, we will begin our games shortly. Our first game will be a foot race. Please head to your doors, your equipment shall be awaiting for you.
"Equipment huh? This should be good." He got from the bed, walking through the living space toward the door.
"Hey-grh! I'm not looking to be tenderized here."
"Quit, your complainin', I’m barely squishing you!" He opened the door to a box sitting along the front, bringing it inside.
James wheezed as the giant stood in place, wiggling between the furry taint as he tumbled to the floor behind him. "Finally.."
"Wonder what's in it." He shook the box, a light shuffle answering inside. Opening the box, he became puzzled. A single string would reside inside, tape resting along with it. "What is this art and crafts? This barely counts as equipment."
"Leave it to you to judge things by their size."
"What you say?" He growled.
The speaker rung once more. "By now you've seen what's inside the box. For today’s challenge, you are tasked with racing with your little partners. You are free to place th wherever, once ready, report to the track."
"A foot race? with a piece of string? What idiot would decide to go along with.." Giggling lingered from above, Rick plucking the string from the box. "Rich?"
"Anywhere we want huh? Oh that's an opportunity I just can't pass up."
"Rich? Don't even think about it."
"You heard the announcer, we gotta get you ready." He ringed the string between his fingers, straightening its thread. "Come here."
"Wait a sec! Can't we talk about-ah! Hey!.Grh!..easy!"
Along the outskirts of the campus, participants waited for the staff to prepare the event for the day. talking amongst themselves, cheering came from the bleachers behind them, Rich marching toward the crowd. "Alright! Let's get this win streak on the road!"
He approached the crowd, marching his way toward the of the line. Swinging between his legs, his balls tossed around, crashing into his thighs with each stride he'd take. And tied to them, would be James, his feet bound to the bulky sack as his hands wrapped around the head of the cock. "This is so embarrassing.."
"Hey, you should be thankful for getting the honor of being this close to me." Rich fondled at the string. "Most wimps would drool at being a cock ornament for yours truly.
James groaned at the response, swaying from one thigh to the other as Rich looked to the groups around him. As he looked at the surrounding competition, James looked to to tines secured to their bodies. He spotted a few wrapped the giant’s arm, wrapped around their necks like a bracelet. He was somewhat jealous of their position, He’d take being a necklace than being strapped to the source of Rich's jewels.
A whistle blew from one of the staff members. Meanwhile, others herded the other players and gathered them to the starting line.. "Welcome contestants to the foot race. You will be tasked to finish one lap around the track. Those who cross the finish line will move onto the next rounds." The announcer said. " However, if you lose your partner along the way, you will be eliminated, and sent home."
The crowd looked amongst each, chatting as some tugged at the restraints of their tiny partners. James looked to Rich, who eyed the other contestants. He could almost sense the fire burning inside from his wide stare, his smile growing wider by the second. No doubt fantasizing how he can decimate his competitors. At the most, at least he had the muscle to carry the two of them. And the sooner he could get away from his cock the better.
The contenders aligned at the starting line, readying themselves for the race ahead. He watched as the thighs bulged up, Rich's toes pressing into the rubbery track.
"Remember, our goal is to reach that finish line with both of us intact." He spoke to Rich.
"Yeah yeah, Termite I got it. This competition is as good as mine."
"That's what I said."
James rolled his eyes, looking to the corner of the track as a staff member held up a white flag. They raised it to the air, the other giant's responding as most took a track star's stance. Whipping the flag, the players were off.
Richrushed with a burst of strength, knocking into the shoulders of other players as he advanced through the crowd. Gravity yanked against the restraints, forcing James to cling against the clammy as the sack thrashed around. It was like riding an aggressive bull, sending the world into a blender as the ground and sky tossed around. The crowd turned around the end of the track, Rich turning with them as they ran to the opposite side.
Tinies tumbled from the side of giant's next to him, rolling like tumbleweeds to the back of the crowd as their partners slowed down. He looked to the cock above, a greasy substance drenching his back. Sweat secreted from Rich’s skin, eroding the thin fabric holding James up. "Rich, you might want to slow down, the string’s starting to slip!"
"Slow down?! Fat chance, this competition is all mine." He increased his speed, bulldozing his way through two racers in front of him. They grinded shoulders, the tinies secured to the arms smothered by their biceps.
"Get your own lane!" The racer to the left of him yelled, shoving into Rich's body.
"Nah, I like this one better." Rich replied.
James couldn't see their faces from the cockhead cushioning his head, their rocks thrashing more aggressive than the very thighs grinding together. The sweat at his back grew thicker, the tangy taste of salt meeting his lips. his left arm came undone, his feet shaken off from his balls as they swayed. With another thrash, he was dropped from the cock, clinging to the string tied to the head of the cock as he flew behind the brute like a flag carried by a plane.
"Rich! A little hand here!" He shouted, twirling in the wind.
He and the other player continued to bicker, palms clutching at the other in efforts to gain the advantage. Rich managed to land a palm to the racer's face, clipping the string of his partner's restraints. "Looks like you got important things to worry about." He shoved his arm away, the tiny smothered between them cast to the wind.
The racer stopped in a panic, bumping into the racers behind. "You bastard!"
"Sucker!" He responded, trucking through the rest of the crowd. He came neck and neck with the one next to him, crossing the finish as he pranced around the props. "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about baby!"
His cock flung forward, James yelping as he splatted against his pecs. "Are you out of your mind?! I could've fell!"
"Oh yeah, forgot you were down there."
"What part of intact did not understand?"
"Oh don't get pissy, you're still tied to me aren't you?"
The speaker rung, the announcer speaking through it. "Congratulations to the winners of the event, those that managed to cross the line, shall move to the next rounds."
James sighed in relief. Thank goodness, he still had a shot in all of this.
"This concludes the first event, please return to your cabins and await for the next rounds." The crowd dispersed into their own separate pathways, taking to the doors entering the east wing of campus. Rich followed them back to his cabin, other players scolding the two of them as he paraded his victory. "That's right, wimps. Hang those tears high and dry."
"Speaking of hang, would you mind putting me down?" James interrupted, clinging to the chest hairs. "Oh..I feel like I'm gonna hurl."
"Ugh, well don't do it on me." He flicked James from his chest, watching the tiny fly through the air before he swung between his legs. "Ah, that's better."
"This is completely worse!"
"More complaining, why don't you swing for a while. Catch some air" he snorted.
The aftermath of the first game dragged on for the two of them, Rich returning to the cabin. A prize waited for them along the table, a dish of ice cream with sweets toppled along the frosted dessert. It was a token for their efforts, but to Rich, it was just his light snack. James watched as he wolfed down the ice cream in the blink of an eye, only receiving tiny droplets of the vanilla that managed to evade his lips. Its sugar dosing over his taste buds was enough to satisfy him, anything to get the sour taste of sweat from his mouth. But it proved short lived, when Rich demanded his tribute from his partner.
The following was more active compared to the first event, the staff ushering the members around the campus like a herd of sheep for the public to catch a glimpse of their wondrous contenders.Throughout most of the week, the staff had them do Q&As with fans, but the games soon commenced once more, as they were gathered a spot on campus.
Find the flag, was Thursday's game. The giants had to stash a tiny flag in a spot where their opponents couldn't find them. The tinies of the group, himself included, were tasked with finding the flag somewhere along the other giant’s body. It was a simpler task than what they prescribed, most of the giants hid them in common spots behind their ear or in their hair. At least that’s what it was for the giant he was assigned to search. He felt sorry for the ones paired with Rich, each of them searching from toe to ear lobe for the flags. But they weren’t finding those, less they want a wrestling match with his asshole. He could still feel the slime on the corners of his fingered, he prayed no one would have to endure that kind of stress. By the time the game was up, 40 contestants were left after the game, he and Rich included as they returned back to the cabin.
Battleship. He winced at the very thought of it as he saw through the campus's swimming pool. Giants were assigned inflatable tubes, tasked with knocking tinies off of their floaties. It was a shark’s game, that much he could tell. Rich was over the moon for it, bulldozing the sides of his own float as the contestants were tossed or flipped over. The brute nearly took him with it if he stayed near the edge. By that time it ended, 20 were left in the pool, soggy and tired as they floated to the stairs. But not Rich, he barely had his fill during the match, and wanted some quality time with his partner. The little guy would never look at cannon balls the same after dodging his attempts to land on him.
The remaining rounds of that week were trivial, guessing games to say the least aside from your basic jeopardy. It was a strong suit that Jqameses held so highly, his education in the arts of science were mere cake walks compared to his fellow contestants. At least to those except Rich. He got an earful of his protests in him taking up the spotlight. Leave it to him to heckle over using your brain rather than muscle.
Before the two of them knew it, the final week was upon them, four contestants including themselves were left to participate. It's been hours since they played the last games, let alone announced anything. What were they planning?
A loud scoff pierced the air, Rich slouching over the couch. "All this sitting around is so lame. Come on, I want to smash some heads!"
"They said to be patient, Rich. They're probably preparing."
"Preparing my boredom more like it. Those pinheads are lucky they weren't stomped on like those losers in the rounds." He tossed his weight along the sides of the arm, his feet lifting off the edge to the counters. "Speaking of, rubs. Now!"
He rolled his eyes at the demand, stumbling toward the massive stompers. He rubbed his hands into the center, its meaty flesh squishing beneath his palms. They flexed eagerly, their weight almost spilling on top of him. "Ooo, that's better. All this running around has got me beat. The big prize better be worth it."
That makes two of us, James thought silently. He continued to massage against the tender feet, adjusting to its weight as he shoved them back to the air. But he stopped when a knock came from the door, drawing their attention.
"Huh, who's that?" Rich moved to his feet off the edge, sweeping James along with it as he stamped him into a foggy footprint on the tiled floor. He answered the door to one of the staff members waiting for them. "About time, I was about to trash this place. What's the next round, wrestling? Tackling?" He rubbed his hands together.
"Not yet, preparations are currently underway. But I bring news of your current arrangement."
"Oh really?" James said from the floor, cracking his back. "And what might that be?"
They pulled a document from their cloak. "For the final game, you two shall face off for the prize. Only one of you can succeed."
There was a moment of silence, James and Rich looking at each other. Not a moment later, a smile creeped along Rich's mouth, cackling out loud at the news. "Wait! Wait!..you want me..t..to compete with him? Like this? Ahah! What is he going to wrestle my pinky or something."
"The details will be discussed when the time comes. For now, you have been assigned for a separate room while we prepare." They ushered a hand toward the hallway.
He snickered before marching behind him. "And here I thought this day couldn't get any better. So long, termite, I enjoyed the pampering while it lasted." he and the staff member vanished into the hallway, leaving James alone at the front door of his room.
He was on his own, just as he was before he joined the event. his heart raced at the thought of it all, facing off Rich in this small form? it was suicide. How do they expect him to even pull it off? He fanned at the air, his body heat rising by the second. he had to head outside, he couldn't think straight in the conditions he was currently in. He ran to the outside crosswalk, Rich's words ringing through his mind. He gasped in the cool air, hyperventilating at the very thought of what It would mean if he'd lost, what it'd mean for his future.
He followed along the crosswalk to a bench resting beneath a tree, sitting on a used cup resting at its leg. He stared at the moon in the night sky, hoping its beauty would wisp him away from this unfortunate predicament. "What am I gonna do now?" he muttered into the air.
"Hey there." a louder voice came from the side, it was Ryan, a water bottle in hand as he sipped at its straw. "What are you doing out here so late?"
He wiped the sweat from his brow, turning to the buildings behind him. "Oh uh..nothing. Just needed some fresh air."
He nodded softly, lowering the straw from his mouth. "I see, so you're in the slumps too."
"Is it that easy to tell?"
"I know that phrase anywhere, it's one I often find using myself." he moved toward the bench. "Mind if I join you?"
he paused at the thought, looking to the cement before looking to the sky. With a light sigh, he nodded softly, Ryan sitting along the bench as the two of them stared into the sky. Silence lingered between the two of them, the giant’s gaze shifting from the sky to the little guy.
"So what's on your mind."
"It's..a long story."
"I'm all ears, we've got plenty of time before we go anywhere. Most of my time is usually with my..: he paused for a moment, tapping at his shoulder. "Partner."
"So you're separated from your partner too. I'm in the same boat." James rolled onto the cup. "MIne left me the second they announced it." he looked to the sky, letting out a deep sigh. "How am I gonna get through the final challenge when I'm barely bigger than his toe? I might as well forget about the funds for my degree."
"Don’t say that" a palm brushed against the side of the cup. "You may not have the muscle compared to giants, But you don't seem to see how strong you are.
He wiggled a finger for James to hop on. Puzzled, he obliged as he moved to the middle of his palm, watching it hover him toward the smooth chest, walking along the crosswalk back to the dorms. "I am?"
Ryan simply smiled. "I think so, just look around you. you managed to get this far without the use of muscle. your wits, your determination, I saw it all when it came to the last few rounds. "
James looked to his palms, reminiscing on the games he participated in. Rich's brute force filled most of his thoughts, but the more he listened to Ryan, he highlighted the moments he shined best. Trivia, find the flag, it was all on him to pull it through. "Yeah but..what if this next round I fail? what will happen then?"
"I don't know, we'll just have to see." he arrived at his dorm room, lowering James to the opposite door. "Afterall, if we're both gonna have a shot at getting into careers, we might as well endure to the end right?" he held a fist to the air, lowering it in front of James.
he was looking for a higher education too, he thought to himself. He looked to his palm, balling his fist as he tapped it against his. "Right."
Ryan nodded, getting back to his feet before he moved to his door. "Good. then whatever lies ahead, just know we'll give it our all." he pumped his arm, heading into his room as the door shut.
James returned to his room, his mind still processing the conversation. Ryan was right, he managed to get this far because of his endurance to persevere. Being Rich's plaything blinded him of that realization. He let him walk all over him in the past, but no more. He was going to win this thing, or go down swinging.
It took hours before the finals were prepared, lights shining from the gym as staff members worked along the pillars. After a night's work, they were finally ready as they fetched the final contenders. James followed the members to the entrance of the stadium, crowds of people lined up for their tickets, cameras flashing from photographers as he moved inside. It reminded him of their old basketball games. The booming music from the speakers, the heckles from people in the background, it was refreshing to the least.
He made his way backstage, peeking from the curtains to the wave of people in the stands.. "There's so many here? "How many people were watching us?"
"Don't be so surprised, these mooks eat up these things for breakfast." the tiny next to him said. "they can watch for all I care, it'll make it all the sweeter when I win the prize."
"I wouldn't get too confident, pal. it's all about endurance."
"Whatever, I’ll dish out whatever those chumps throw out. I didn't come this far just to go home with nothing."
Chattering came from one of the staff member’s earpiece, music beginning to play as they ushered James and the other tiny toward the curtain.. "We've got a special show for you all tonight!” the announcer said. ‘You’ve seen the many hardships of our valiant contenders. Each have given it their all this past week, but now, only four remain. Are you ready to see who shall come out on top?!" Roars came from the crowd, sending a force toward the announcer. “That’s what I like to hear! Then without a further ado, let’s give it for our contenders!”
the curtains drawed, James and the other tiny following the red strip that connected to a boxed dome in the center of the stadium. From the other side, another set of curtains drawed, Ryan walking through them as he waved to the crowd. And the other, Rich, roaring to the surrounding as he basked in their cheers. The way they eat up his praises, it was beyond excruciating with how much they fed his ego. But he wasn't going to let him bask in it for long.They made their way into the ring, the two of them coming to their feet.
"Well well, surprised you haven't chickened out yet.” Rich said. “ I bet those little legs of yours are just shaking to run away."
"Oh they're shaking alright, shaking to leave you in the dust."
"Oh ho, you got some balls thinking you can play with the big boys."
the announcer road toward them, a pamphlet in hand. "Save the banter for the crowd gentlemen, the games are about to start!" he took a lap around the stadium, gathering cheers from the surrounding crowd. making his way to the other side, he rode onto a stage set near the exit doors. "Hold onto your butts folks, we’re venturing into treacherous waters. For our final game, it will be..truth or dare!"
Truth or dare? how is that a competition? the stage dimmed around the four of them, a panel opening from the top of the dome. it's colorful flashes illuminated the area like a disco ball, symbols dancing along its squares as it lowered half way.
"We got a special one for you ,contenders, our fans love watching you face off in the games, that they've come up with a few games of their own." the panels of the box lowered to the four of them, a pocket of letters handed down to them. James looked inside his own, tossing the papers flipping through the paper.. He recognized a few of the writings from his old classmates, this could give him something to use, but most of them were based on truths rather than dares. giggling came from Rich, his face digging into his bag like a kid with a sack of candy.
"What's got you all giddy?" James asked him.
"Oh you'll see."
the announcer took to the console, the light dimming as the spotlight danced around them. "let's kick things off, you are to eliminate the other players. they either have to give up, or not meet the requirements of the chosen tasks. With this, we shall receive a selection from.." the spotlight slowed down landing one of the giant’s. "Ryan!"
He nodded as he dug into his box, pulling a slip from inside. "Okay then. I have a truth for you all. 'Have you ever said something nice without hesitation?"
"Definitely yes."
Rich rolled his eyes at the thought. "Oh please, of course I did."
The lighting turned red, a tally marking on the scoreboard beneath Rich's name. "Ooo, sorry Rich, but it seems that was false." the announcer said.
"What? you're kidding me!"
Not surprised at the slightest, James thought to himself, he wouldn't know a kind word if it bit him in the ass. The lighting swirled once more, flashing overhead. it slowed down its speed, hovering over Rich. He grinned from ear to ear, marching toward his box. He plucked one into his palm, his gaze never leaving James.
"I've got just the dare you, termite. I recognize this handwriting from the boys. I dare you, to be a fart tester!"
damn it, not that one, he and his goons were relentless in the after meals back in the day. He barely had time to before he snapped a fingers, a staff member pushing a tray of balloons into the arena. He looked to Ryan who winced at the sight of them, before moving toward the table.
"A peculiar choice folks. What will the contender do with this, ‘termite’?"
"I’m glad you ask." he grabbed James from the floor, plucking a balloon in the other as he took to one of the chairs.
He wrestled between the meaty fingers, rolled into a ball before he was jammed through the rubbery opening. Rich guided the struggling tiny down the balloon’s neck, watching bounce as he flailed against the rubber walls. He presented his struggles to the crowd, before lowering it beneath him. "I owe my boys a thank you, all that cheese last night was just about to make its exit."
He pulled open his crack, jamming the rubbery end inside as the ring clamped upon it. The crowd grew silent as microphone hovered against his abdomen, bubbles filling the void as his stomach jiggled. the hole busted open, the balloon swelling as they eyed the dark spot beyond its red walls. The camera panned to shadow's dancing along the surfacing, a silhouette of James banging against the wall..
"Ah! it's egregious!" He yelled, coughing on its sulfuric scent.
"Don't let that nose burn out just yet. Dessert was about to say hello." the speaker shook as his stomach roared, widening his stance before pitching at the stem. Its exit sent droplets along the corners of the balloon, its form shaking as the inside became visible. It reverberated through the speakers as the crowd themselves winced at the sound, Ryan included as he looked away. The balloon expanded to its max, exploding as James catapulted to the other side of the dome. Rich arched proudly, tossing the torn balloon to the side. "tsk, can't even handle my own farts. might as well give up while you can."
James pawed at the floor, stumbling onto his knees before standing back up. "I'm not..giving up that easily Rich!" The chime rung through the arena, the tally mark updating as a point aligned beneath his name.
Rich balled his fist. "You're gonna wish you did."
The two were called back to the center of the ring, the light spinning around for the next contenders. This cycle went of for hours, each of them upping the stakes the longer it drawed on. James was managing by a few points, Rich closing behind him as the rounds went on. His arsenal were riddles with dares, all pointed toward him specifically before targeting the others. He looked to the clock as it ticked over the basketball hoop. 20 minutes, 20 minutes to get one of us to cave. It was a number’s game from here on out, he just needed to endure long enough to have the lead. A few minutes passed as another tally mark was added to the board, a shout coming from the other tiny..
"Nah! I can't take anymore of this crap!" The tiny said. "The hell are these fans even sending me? Secret hobbies? Dating life? This isn't a sim!"
"You are to use the fans' truth or dares, nothing more." the announcer said.
"To hell with that, these choices are almost worse than there's"
James placed a hand along his shoulder. “We’re all trying our best with the options we have, but we-” a hand swatted his away, the tiny facing toward him.
“Don’t try and be buddy buddy, you’re already up in the talley. If all else, I should try eliminating you!”
The light flashed as the tallies were updated, skipping over the tiny before landing on the other players circled. This time, it landed on Rich, who grinned at the opportunity. "God I hate it when shrimps bark up the wrong tree. But I’ll be damned if I let a punk like you rob me of the chance to crush him." He plucked a note from his box. “I’m taking a chapter out of the book boys, I’m taking this lint ball to the trenches.."
The trenches?! He won't survive a minute! He wanted to jump in to derail the brute’s path, but he brushed against his heel as he marched toward the tiny, Plucked from the ground, and toward his chest. “No Rich, not that!”
He only smiled. “Oh yes, that.”
He raised his arm as steam escaped from beneath, the bushes of hair ripe with sweat as they glistened like wet grass. With an assured wink, he jammed the tiny inside, slammed his arm back down with a messy squelch. The very sound made James shutter, a sense of remorse drawing for the tiny trapped inside those musky meats Rich called arms.
He grinded his shoulder against his side, muffled yells escaping from beneath as his arm squished on top of him. It was like he was being chewed upon, sweat oozing from the loose gaps like drool as it feasted upon its play. The bell soon rung for the timer, Rich giving the one last clench to feel the struggles before flexing his arm.
The tiny was spat to the floor, green fluid coating them as they gagged at the scent. "Please, you don't know the first thing of worse." Rich stood over them, watching as the little guy stumbled to his feet.
"I'm done." the tiny said. "This game is too crazy for me. You can keep the money, I'm out of here!" he flicked the sweat from their body, taking from the dome. The crowd booed, throwing cups at their small form as they climbed the ramp to the entrance.
"Folks, folks, there's no need to be in outrage, " the announcer rode around the stadium. "We still got plenty of action with three of our contenders. Let's turn those boos into cheers, and let's get on with the show!"
James watched as the tiny disappeared behind the curtain, before salty droplets trickled over him. “One nuisance down, and one more to go.”
The stage lights dimmed down, the lights flickering before to it's next chooser. it paused as it light shined upon the ring, casting its glow upon Ryan. James watched as he took a soft breath, taking to his box. Thanks to Rich's dare, he was at equal points to him. What was he going to choose to topple that brute's? He took his hand out from the box, turning toward Rich.
"I have a dare for you, Rich" he said.
"Oh, and just what might that be?"
"you're so keen on being top dog, let's see how you feel about being the underdog for once. I dare you to follow Jame's command."
James blinked at the thought, looking at Ryan in confusion. He shared a wink towards the little, before looking to Rich who's face twisted in place.
“You’ve gotta be shittin’ me, listen to the beckon call of a termite.”
He clenched his fist. “Not termite! My name is james! And you will follow my command, or say goodbye to your ‘prize’.”
He was caught aback, his fist raising to smash the little guy for his insolence. But he looked to the scoreboard, shaking his fist to his side before taking a knee. "You've got some nerve putting me in this situation."
James rubbed his hands together at the giant's submission. "I beg to differ, I think it's time for a get back for the little guy you forced to quit. Rich, I want you to jam your fingers into your ass."
the giant scoffed at the command, but obliged as he pulled the meaty cheeks apart. "Is that it? I've fingered my own hole before, termite."
"I wasn't finished. you are to shove your finger in your ass, and shove it up your nose."
his eyes widened before squinting. "Oh you've got some-"
"ah-ah, my command."
Rich growled at the response, a fire of rage lighting through his eyes. He removed his fingers from his cheeks, and brought them to his nose. to see his face scrunch at his own scent was a sight to behold, and it only grew better. He shoved his fingers into both nostrils, scoffing at the deed.
"good boy." James mocked the display. "Now give those a little twist."
he grunted in protest, but did as he said. His face scrunched, twisted his fingers deeper into his nostrils. Laughter from the crowd, watching as his legs quaked in place, his body swaying from side to side. interesting, it was like he was sniffing an ether rag, guess he wasn't as used to sniffing his own stink as he thought. The giant became drunk upon his smell, stumbling around the ring in a daze. James crossed his arms as Rich leaned on his back leg, tapping at the foot in the air as he crashed to the ground.
"Aww, I didn't say lie down, not a very good boy after all." he looked at the score as two points added to his name, a minute left along the clock.
"that was an interesting choice, way to handle it" Ryan lowered a fist to James.
He smiled as he tapped his own fist against his. "Wasn't expecting for him to fall over at the smell of himself, but I suppose that's a bonus. and we're tied too, if we play our cards right we can-"
chuckling came from the toppled brute. "So that's how it is, huh? You two are working together." he got up from the ground, his nostrils still flared from his backside. "That's just peachy, then I got just the dare for you Ryan.." the light shined upon him as he made his way toward his box, jamming his fist inside as the machine's arm jolted down. He took out a note, green stains marking it. "I dare you to join me in a good old fashion foot play, against James.”
the round began, the machine moving from between them to the air. James was taken aback by the response, he and Ryan sharing glances at the thought. The floor shook upon Rich's approach, two pairs of feet coming to either side of him.
"Don’t get cold feet now, teddy bear, aren't you going to team up with me in a stompfest?" he smirked toward him.. Ryan's gaze shifted from him to James, before laying his gaze to the floor. He took a step back, the light flashing red as his points depleted and were added to Rich's name. "hah, I knew it! you'd be way too soft to pummel such a defenseless tiny. unfortunately I don't share that sentiment."
his foot peeled from the floor, its skin glistening with sweat and grime as it hovered over James. he shared a glance towards the little guy, bloodlust filling his eyes before the foot came down. James turned the opposite direction, but he didn't get far before he was stamped into the ground. Rich lifted his foot to his heel, the camera panning to his stuck predicament against the pallet of his foot."Still think I'm a good boy now, Termite?"
He groaned as he peeled his face from the skin. "Among..other things."
"Still huh? then how's we go for a little walkie."
He placed his foot back on the ground, adding a little twist before he marched around the dome. stomp after stomp, he left footprints along the floor, Jame's muffled grunts lingering beneath every step. The crowd watched silently as he raised his arms toward them, the camera's lowering to catch a glimpse at the display. But the frames couldn’t pick up the slightest hint of his presence, tucked beneath the toes before they were covered by the floor. After moments of walking, Rich moved back to the chair where the balloons still rested, relaxing upon it as if he were at home.
he tilted his foot sideways to get a glimpse of James, smirking as he leaned on a knee. "How about now?" he wiggled his toes.
"Oh come on, you were so talkative a few minutes ago," he clasped his feet together, rolling him around like jam between his toes. "Come on, show the crowd just how much of a 'good boy' I really am." he listened to his feet rubbing together, focusing on the soft whimpers vibrating between them. After a moments of rubbing, he relented as James tumbled to the space between them, dropping to his knees. "Well?" he learned in closer.
James couldn't muster the words, choking upon them in efforts to balance himself, his head spun as the very crowd became blurred. Taking a step forward, he fell to the ground, the bell ringing around the dome. He looked to the scoreboard, the zeros replacing the time.”No, it can’t..end like this.”
Toes stepped into his vision, a heavy chuckle ringing in his mind. “Aww, and you were so strong. I guess once a loser, always a loser.”
The crowd cheered as the game came to its conclusion, the announcer cheering them on as they circled around the room. “What a game ay folks?! Our valiant contenders gave their all to the bitter end. But now, only one remains. And now, it is time to announce the grand prize!” flashing lights came from the stage set, a panel opening from the floor as a metal box stood from it. “Come on down, champion of the game show!”
“It feels so good to be a winner.” He stepped over James, dandriff flaking upon him as he left the dome. James turned weakly as Rich climbed to the stage, crawling along the floor to follow behind.
A palm reached for him, picking him up from the floor and close to their chest. He looked up to see Ryan’s, concern and anger lingering on his face. “You did your best.” he said.
“Yeag, but enough.” James said, wincing at the thought. “ I guess we both aren’t getting that achievement.”
Music played from the speakers, the lights dimming to the stage as Rich approached the box. His grin grew wider the closer he got toward it, his fingers wiggling with anticipation as he grabbed the box. He pulled the lid apart, a golden glow shining from within. “Oh it’s glorious, it’s phenomenal! It’s..It’s!..” the light dimmed down, the inside of the box coming to view. The camera panned upon it, two slips of paper resting inside. “Paper?!”
James and Ryan stared at each other, before looking back to the screen. All this time, all this work, was for two slips of paper? Were they checks? A money orders?
“Not just any slips," the announcer assured. “These slips are endorsements for your efforts. They’re honorary scholarship tags for-”
“What kind of bull crap is that?! These things aren’t worth to get me a good blowjob! Where’s the mula! The cash!” he started to puff, looking at the box holding the said prize. His muscles tightened before he shoved it to the ground. “Can’t believe I wasted my time with this stupid thing! I'm going somewhere that has real cash.” he stormed off the stage toward the exit, the crowd booing at him from the stands. “Oh boo yourselves!”
“What just happened?” James asked.
“I have no idea.” Ryan said.
The announcer approached the fallen box, wiping his forehead with a tissue. “Well folks, that was an interesting turn.” they laughed, their palms still shaking. “But since first place didn’t accept the award, then it goes to second place. Give it up for…James!” the lights flashed upon the two of them, the two still confused about the whole debacle.
“Well, it looks like you won after all, little bud.”Ryan said, carrying him to the stage. He got to the steps, placing him upon the top. “I uh..I should probably get out of here.”
He made his way off the steps, but James clinged to his finger. “Where do you think you're going?”
“I.. well I-”
“I couldn’t have gotten this far without your encouragement. And I owe ya i bunch for that get back during the game. Come on, let’s get this prize together. winner”
Ryan paused for a moment, smiling as he walked along the steps. He guided the two of them upon the stage, the crowd cheering them as they approached the announcer.
“Let’s give it up for our winners!” the announcer said, holding the slips in hand as cameras flashed from the stands.
That following Monday, The event of the game had ceased as everyone returned back to their normal lives. It was good to finally have his size back again, being ground to earth was starting to get tedious in the long run. But he couldn't help but think of the merits that came along with it. He managed to scavenge enough money for an orientation at a university, to think they'd be a fan of the event, thank goodness he added that into his profile. He heard Ryan found a spot for himself somewhere up south, an academy where he could train for being on night patrol. He’ll have to give him a call to see how things are going sometime. With Rich, well, he wasn't so keen on getting biffed on the grand prize, but he's still prospering at his own job, or at least so he’s been barking about on social media . Nonetheless, the journey he went through was a rocky one, but in the end, it was surely worth it.
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More wholesome/lighthearted/silly Aaravos and Leola PLS 😭 (your copium is the only thing stopping me from crying rn)
Dragon and Stars
Short Story
They walked the trails and roads under the light of the nebula above them, it was late into the evening now and the sun had long since set. With no surprise Aaravos let his daughter stay up, tonight was special after all, it was a meeting of all the arch dragons. 
“Leola, you must keep if you wish to make it to see Luna Tenebris,” Aaravos called to the young girl walking slowly behind him, they had been walking for around an hour now of course she was tired of walking. 
“Heh.. tired already, my little unicorn?” The girl nods to the question and before she knows it she’s being picked up and put on Aaravos’s shoulders.
“Daddy!” The girl laughs and touches the hanging branches above the road. A few carts filled with humans drive by, the people seem mesmerized by the two star-touch elves, at the moment Aaravos and Leola sat at more regular elf height compared to their giant forms. 
“A-afternoon.. Sir,” One of the humans driving the cart stutters, elves alone are rare around these parts, but Star-Touch elves even living in Xedia is unheard of.
It didn't take much longer to get to the dragon’s meeting grounds, most elf races stood near their respected Arch Dragon, Aaravos knew not to bother to find somewhere to stand near the dragons. The moment Leola layed eyes on Tuna Tenebris she gasped.
“Woah! She’s beautiful!” Leola smiles widely as the Queen of the dragon’s begins to speak, she talks about the humans and elves, mostly talking about the allies in human kingdoms and encouraging elves to barter with humans.
Leola could care less about the trading system, she watched as the Queen’s moth-like wings flutter and shine in the heavy moon light, her pink eyes glowed softly and it reminded the young girl of how her father’s eyes looked similar when he used his magic.
“Daddy?” Leola whispers and leans down on Aaravos’s shoulders.
“Yes, my little unicorn?” Aaravos looked up at his daughter, neither of them had been listening to the dragon Queen’s rambling about the harvests and Earth-blood elfs. 
“Is Luna Tenebris one of us?” 
“Why do you think that?”
Leola thinks for a moment before answering confidently, “Because your eyes are the same as hers!” She smiles and Aaravos chuckles quietly. 
“No dear, she is an Arch Dragon, we are not the same” He smiles and a few Sun-Fire elfs shushes them, he shushes back.
Slowly Leola fades, tired from the walk there and she falls asleep in Aaravos’s arms, it wasn’t long before he turned and started the walk back to their house in the fields not far from Elarion. 
The walk wasn’t long and soon the two had reached their home, Aaravos opens the main door, his daughter still asleep in his arms. 
He tucks Leola into her bed, brushing the long white hair away from her face, he kisses her forehead softly before walking out.
“Goodnight, my little unicorn.”
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
Do you mind doing Omega!Sabertooth with a teen alpha!reader who doesn't feel like they're helping enough? (I think I was Night anon?)
Oooooo... I don't mind doing that at all! And glad to hear back from you, Night Anon! Let's try it:
Sabretooth thought of himself as rather lucky.
He'd survived several wars, had survived the experiments ran on him, survived his and the runt's psychotic, drunk pig of a biological father.
He considered himself luckier though due to his kid.
They were a newly presented alpha, one who he'd rescued as a pup, from some mutant traffickers. Kid had fought tooth and nail to protect the others, even though they barely reached up to anyone's hip. How could he not take then under his wing, teaching then everything there was to being strong, formidable, and superior to their enemies?
He just wishes they'd stop running themself ragged.
The kid, a teen now, had a nasty habit. One that at first, had been rather welcome, until Victor had discovered just how far it reached, how much damage they did to themself to deliver. They liked to take care of others, liked to provide things. Y'know, make food, tidy the nests, keep an eye out around their territory. Simple things.
What he didn't appreciate was when they'd spend hours going through the blistering cold to double check, even throuple check, that their current territory was safe. The way they'd spend an entire week baking and cooking from sun up to sun down, making enough food to feed a small army. How they wouldn't stop messing with the nests, fluffing pillows and arranging blankets and rearranging them, going for hours without sleep (which they sorely needed) all in the name of perfection. Of usefulness.
It wasn't any wonder at all, really, that he intervened.
So what if he might have laced a little sedative into their milk? The kid needed rest. Needed HIM to take care of them, NOT the other way around. He WAS an omega, that meant he was protective, caring, doting, going above and beyond to keep his pack safe and warm and with him. It's not much effort (if any) to heft them up in his arms and settle them on top of him, keeping the two of them settled in a large nest scented with lavender and smoke, hints of milk and honey underlying the scent.
"Kid, ya don't have ta work yerself ta death. That's MY job, seeing as I can't die. I know ya want to be a good lil' alpha, an' keep me taken care of an' happy. But as yer omega, it's MY job ta take care of ya. So just relax, kitten, and let Papa take good care of ya," he sighs, snuggling them closer. Their head is laying in the center of his chest, small breaths puffing out in their dazed state. He rubs a little at his chest, letting out a small purr when he feels a bead of milk pearl out.
Heh. Looks like he'll be able to make his pup feel real good.
"Now, let's get ya some milk, kitten..."
(Note: Between mutants in the ABO AUs (who have ten times the instincts and urges of regular human ABO), having younger pack/pups/kits/cubs drink milk from an omega is a normal thing. Their milk happens to have something in it that relaxes them, both in mind and body, and is used as a bonding experience. For new mutants, it likely seems weird, scary, even. For Reader, though, who's been a mutant from a young age and with Sabretooth since then, it's normal for them/accepted).
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