#| also there are only two English songs? idk maybe it's bc i'm working on being properly multilingual but non-English hits different
hallasimss · 2 years
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was tagged by @bipancakes to join the On Repeat Spotify trend (ty love btw) and it is all over the f*cking place. i believe the main thread in everything, however, is that we have taste in this house and that is all that matters tyvm
bc i have no friends on the simblr side of things (rip) i'm just going to tag some of the simblrs i've been obsessed with recently and hope they don't hate me for it sksksk: @mapanou, @pralinesims, @tau1tvec, @softerhaze, @simelune, @mokah, and @buglaur, pls do not feel pressured to do any of this sksksk
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whumpshaped · 10 months
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anon i just got around to writing ur ask, and i wanted to give u some more stuff bc i too am insane abt languages. this is MY interpretation of these terms of endearment as just one (1) hungarian w limited personal experience, so take it w a grain of salt :)
angyalom (my angel): i think this one's kind of old timey too, between lovers. can be angyalkám (my little angel) which is like... idk i guess could be between lovers but i associate it with parent to child.
aranyom (my gold): veeery much between lovers, possibly parent to child too. maybe grandparents to grandchildren.
baba/babám (baby/my baby): i feel like this is common even between friends. girlfriends call each other baba a lot i think. oh this one has infinite dimunitives. baba, babus, babci- ok maybe not infinite. kisbabám (my little baby) is def a parent to child term though i think. but yeah the others kinda work in all contexts. two straight guys would Not unironically say it to each other tho lol
bogaram (my bug): iiiii am unsure? i'm not sure it works between lovers? maybe it does? it probably does. i associate it with a parent to child relationship. can be bogárkám (my little bug) or if you're my grandparents arany bogaram (my golden bug) kicsi arany bogárkám (my little golden bug)
cica/nyuszi/maci/csibe/etc. (kitten/bunny/little bear/baby chick): these and all the other cutesy animal names and whatever you can come up with- obviously works between lovers, sometimes parent to child. my mom sometimes called us kiskutyám (my little puppy). it's about as cringey as the english version of calling someone kitten, which is "if it works for you and you think it's cute, awesome, others will just associate it with daddy and his discord kitten"
csillagom/csillagfényem (my star/my starlight): very lovey-dovey, possibly parent to child. ALSO could be csillagvirágom (my starflower)
drágám/drágaságom (my precious, i'd also translate it to my darling in english): this is def one of the go-to cheesy married couple terms. drágám i mean. drágaságom is more... parent to child maybe? it's less married couple-y
édesem (my sweet): a lovers term mostly. it works parent to child too
egyetlenem (my only one): this one is very much a lovers term. no notes. it's sweet...
életem (my life): this one is also pretty romantic, could be parent to child tho
galambom (my dove): DEFINITELY old timey. this is the one you hear in older hungarian romantic folk songs. it's cute though. used between lovers
kedvesem (my dear): not suuuper common, can def come off as cheesy or trying to be old timey lol used between lovers
kicsim/kicsikém/picim (my little one): lovers or parent to child, i think. i don't think it works in any other context.
kincsem (my treasure): this is one i like.... also can be used as kicsi kincsem or kincsecském (my little treasure). can be between lovers, or can be parent to child.
szerelmem (my love): def can come off as cheesy lol it's like 99% of a lovers term, but i feel like sometimes it can be used parent to child. i must mention the phrase/word szívszerelmem (love of my heart) because it's adorable and i like using it. it's not really a term of endearment i guess, it's more used as like. soulmate maybe? whenever i use it i'm using it in a dramatic, exaggerated, and sarcastic way lol
thats all i can think of :) and yes, within all of them we MUST emphasise that the other person is ours <3 mine mine mine
szívem (my heart): common term of endearment used between lovers, married couples, family members etc. sometimes kicsi szívem/kis szívem/szívecském (my little heart). very affectionate
virágom (my flower): old timey, also one from the old romantic folk songs. def romantic
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millenari · 1 month
And for you!
🧵✍️🐾, please?
🧵 fav production!
My two biggest of favs are 1998 and the Vienna Revival. I've listened to the Vienna Revival cast recording so many times that there are moments that, when I listen to English productions, I'll get confused for a moment because I'm expecting them to speak in German. And 98 is of course a classic. 😙👌
✍️ changes to my own production!
alonzo shadow dance
boys participate in Macavity backup dance
more swing/kitten characters (also why are all the swings kittens? older female swings would be nice)
taking a page from the bway revival: longer pas de deux (but not necessarily their pas de deux, just a longer one), platoria in tugger's song, & the new macavity fight (tho I'd love if it were longer)
pekes goes to munk in act 1, no growltiger, i think I'd keep the 'hurry, make ready, remember what I told you!' line of munk's from later London Pekes
smaller theater. I think one of the big things with pac cats is the small, intimate stage that they use. obviously i wouldnt use a catwalk, but something smaller where 'audience interaction' isnt limited to only the audience members in the first few rows (and people all the way up on the balcony can barely tell all 20-30 of the characters apart).
speaking of pac cats, canon tuggoff [insert fire elmo meme here]
m/m and f/f pairs in the mating dance
jenny tap battle
restore bway-style tumble with the fighty personality. london-style pounce and tumble always seem to be the same exact character tbh
dare i say it (i shall) (i shant) (i shall) I might cut Naming Of Cats.
Idk how that would work bc I'd want to keep the 'man who's not heard of a jellicle cat' section. maybe I'd just cut the song down a bunch. I feel like that number sets audiences up to be confused bc it just throws a bunch of information that's technically not relevant at them before they even learn the plot of the show. idk, maybe go straight from 'man who's not heard' to the Introduction, but then I'm not sure where Victoria's solo would go. I'd have to think about it. The fact that Cats 2019 kept it still baffles me, as much as it's a fun song that sets the vibes it does little in terms of storytelling.
TSE: Cats call each other secret names that humans don't know. also TSE: "All the guards and all the porters / And the stationmaster's daughters / Would be searching high and low / Saying "Skimble, where is Skimble?"
🐾 how did I discover Cats!
i cant remember the exact timeline of which came first, but i remember around 2019 i started getting recommendations on youtube for cats videos (i listened to a lot of musical theater songs at the time) and i kind of eyeballed them, but never played them. Then I got (of all songs) Pekes put on one of my playlists, and I just remember minding my own business and drawing (or working or whatever), and I hear what sounds like, 'FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!'. I go 'what the hell', change tabs, and discover that I'm listening to british catpeople say 'bark'. I thought it was the ugliest song I'd ever heard (lol and now i love it) and put on something else, but other Cats songs creeped in after that one, and I eventually sat down and watched the whole thing on youtube.
And either briefly before or right after this, the trailers for Cats 2019 dropped; at the time I hadn't thought it was bad enough to earn all the mockery, but my awareness of Cats was small (I imagine actually this was after I'd heard Pekes but before I'd watched the rest of the show, come to think of it)
And for a few months I was mostly 'whatever, fun songs', about Cats, but then I just got randomly back into it and the hyperfixation stayed. I think it mightve been 2021 by then? But yeah, it was mostly the youtube algorithm that got me.
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I've been rewatching/reading old jungkook interviews, bc why not, and I have a bit of a different theory about the one where he says that he wants to be the only one who can conquer pop and kpop than I had before. I thought it had come across as a bit arrogant and ambitious without substance, but I think it makes a lot more sense and is more aligned with what we know about jungkook's character to consider it in the context of the types of conversations bts must have been having behind the scenes over the past couple years. Clearly jungkook's recent foray into traditional western pop is the 'pop' part while bts is the 'kpop' part, and there's an implied delineation between them. The delineation itself is interesting to me bc bts, and the media that covers bts, have been struggling for years with whether they're 'beyond' kpop and, later on, whether the English trilogy should be considered kpop too. The English trilogy was clearly their push into western pop, and jungkook, at least based on that interview, would consider his album western pop even if it's already being categorized as kpop. But jungkook said that he wanted to be the only artist that can do both pop and kpop, even though he obviously knows that bts' has successfully ventured into pop. Given that we already know that some of the members felt very conflicted about the English trilogy route, I wonder if jungkook's answer here suggests that the group has talked about the direction they want to go, and the direction they don't want to go, and aren't planning on pushing English-trilogy-style songs anymore. And jungkook decided 'okay, that's fine, but I'm going to try it out a little.' To me, that makes jungkook's comment make much more sense and even provides some context for why jungkook has decided to take the route he has with chapter two.
Idk why I wrote a whole ass novel about something that happened months ago, but does this make sense?
Well, although BTS have some English songs, they're still considered kpop, and, more importantly, consider themselves kpop. Jungkook is still kpop despite Seven and 3D not being kpop, because he's still promoting like an idol and because he is still an idol. When Jungkook mentioned being the only artist who can transition from pop to kpop, I was a bit surprised too. "The only one"? Aren't there already more? On the one hand, that may have been a figure of speech that came across weirdly in the translation. I think it's more accurate to say that he wants to be an artist that can switch between kpop and pop. On the other hand, it's also not inaccurate to claim he's the only one if you think about it. BP also make Western friendly music, but they're even more kpop than BTS are as far as people's perceptions of them go. Transitioning from pop to kpop goes beyond making Western friendly music or English music. It's about impact and how audiences see you. Jungkook will always be seen as kpop, but his songs are not kpop and he's having real success in the US and even in Europe - the features with Western artists, working with very famous American producers, Seven breaking Flowers' record as the fastest song to hit 1B streams on Spotify - those are all accomplishments in pop, rather than kpop. Jungkook's establishing himself in the pop world as a pop artist in contrast with BTS who even in their English trilogy era were established as a kpop group. Maybe that's why Jungkook made that claim. No one else has been as successful in pop as BTS, so no one else can even claim to be able to transition from pop to kpop, yet even BTS are labelled kpop. I guess Jungkook wants to be able to claim both labels. I'm not sure he can do it, but he might come closer to it than anyone else.
Maybe my interpretation of Jungkook's words is a bit different from yours. I think you're right that in the long term BTS aren't interested in conquering pop or making a lot of English music, but I also doubt they won't still collab with pop artists and make English songs. What they've done in chapter 2 is a mix of kpop (as in Korean music) and pop (as in popular Western music). BTS have no issue with the kpop label, and neither does Jungkook (who is BTS lmao), but Jungkook also wants to claim the pop label for himself in his solo music - which obviously does not mean he will stop being an idol or that he doesn't want to be kpop; it's more like he also wants to be a pop star making pop music. Obviously, Jungkook's focus on performance, a lot his promotional activities, etc. are clearly kpop, but even the choreos he's been choosing, his styling, etc. are already leaning more toward a pop as opposed to a kpop performance.
Thanks for the ask!
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seekingthestars · 1 year
tagged by @koalammas!! thank youuu 💞
buckle up ladies and gents time for some rambles okay go
1. Are you named after anyone?
nope lol my middle name was going to be Rose after my great-grandma on my mom's side, but my parents didn't want to offend either side of the family by using a name from the other side of the family so they ended up opting for completely random names for me and my brother hahaha
2. When was the last time you cried?
around april 21 (friend's funeral, her brother was speaking during it and i did not keep it together)
3. Do you have kids?
nope! only my cat, who i love and adore with my entire heart, she is my sweet lil angel muffin
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
kinda depends i guess? sometimes?
5. What is the first thing you notice about a person?
ohhh good question hmm i guess if i'm just seeing someone in passing, probably appearance? otherwise how they interact with and treat other people.
6. What’s your eye color?
brown, but leans a little hazel-ey some days.
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
agree that i like satisfying endings that are also hopefully happy! but between these two options, happy endings, i cannot do scary movies or tv shows or anything, i get freaked out and then can't sleep lol
8. Any special talents?
i genuinely don't know L O L i don't know what would constitute a special talent??? i can memorize song lyrics pretty quickly and then they sorta embed themselves into my brain forever, does that count??
9. Where were you born?
southern usa!
10. What are your hobbies?
video games, watching movies/dramas (though i do not always have the attention span for it lol), reading, crafting (i like physically making things with my hands since i just do design on my computer all day for work! i like trying lots of different things, recently been trying a little bit of hand embroidery. also painting little ceramic figures and stuff like that), cosplaying. i've been trying this year to build taking a walk into my daily routine, not sure if i count it as a hobby or not lol
11. Do you have any pets?
my sweet sweet rileycat!!!! i love cats!!!!
12. What sports do you/have you played?
am not a sports girlie LOL i did tap/ballet/jazz for six-ish years when i was younger! in high school i took theatre classes and was in the plays/musicals instead of sports.
13. How tall are you?
5'4" which is like 162.5cm??
14. Favourite subject in school?
oh i love english, i always loved english. and math! i actually really loved math up until i took calculus. my calculus teacher was horrible, he made you feel stupid for asking questions and he intentionally made the tests too long to finish in a class period and made them extra confusing, it left me in tears more than once. cried at school bc i failed a lot of those tests. anyway i got a 5 on my AP exam for calculus (highest score) so i understood the material, my teacher just sucked and made me hate math after i'd loved it my entire life so ✌️
also loved my theatre classes in high school ahhhh
15. Dream job?
i think something working with cats / big cats / red pandas would be really fun. not a vet necessarily, i don't think i could handle it lol, but like a cat rescue or animal sanctuary maybe??? idk honestly
but yeah mostly agree with the "something that won't drain me and actually leaves me with savings and a will to live" answer. i like my current job/workplace/coworkers a lot more than my last job, but i still don't know if i'd want to be in this field until i retire, that's so many more years and clients sometimes make me wanna bash my head into a wall lol
i have a hard time with the ~dream job~ question bc i've just never felt like i had a "calling" or any overwhelming grand idea with what i've wanted to do with my life, i'm just vibing my way through somehow
Bonus: any significance to your blog's name:
NOPE lol when i was making this blog uhhhh 12 years ago everything that i wanted at the time had been taken and this was the only thing i could think of that i liked that was available and it was just something random 😂 i've thought about changing it but idk it's been too long now LOL
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haveumetbi · 7 months
I've been using tumblr for a long time, but only recently I've felt confident enough in my english to actually try to join communities and make friends. 
A little introduction... That is actually kinda really long and I’m not gonna subject y’all to it unless you want to, so here’s the tldr:
I’m an acearo, bi, cis girl (🇺🇸 she/her — 🇧🇷 ela/a).
White latina from Brazil.
I’m disabled and neurodivergent
I love sitcoms, comedy is my fav genre of fiction
and cats
and The Sims
and Turma da Mônica
and hairstyling, braids, make up
and Jane Austen
and Taylor Swift
If you like any of it, follow me!! I’ll definetely follow back. If your curious, read bellow.
I’m a 23 year old college student who is majoring in History. I’m kind of a huge nerd, I love subjects like History (duh), Literature, Politics, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, but also Comedy (i find fascinating to analyze it, even if that kinda defeats the purpose, sue me). I kinda only watch sitcoms, actually, maybe because of how obsessed I am with the genre (more on that later). 
Being Brazilian I may reblog/talk about Brazillian issues/stuff and most definetely will reblog things about Turma da Mônica (brazil’s most beloved comic book series that shaped the childhood’s of at least 3 generations now since the 60s/70s), my longest autistic special interest. Oh, yeah, I’m also neurodivergent, AuDHD and also have persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia gang rise up! or dont, ik its hard and tiresome) and fibromyalgia.
Another special interest I’m unhinged about is The Sims, I use Tumblr mostly bc of it, so I’ll definitely reblog stuff about it, maybe if everythings works out I will even create a side simblr, who knows. I love historic/fantasy gameplay, would be cool to share with people.
Idk if its a SI or just regular cat owner thing, but I’m definitely obsessed with these little guys. Speaking of cat lover, I love Taylor Swift. Like, I’m very casual about most music I consume, but she is the exception, I just... feel SO MUCH with her songs. Idk, idk... She also makes me feel things on a sapphic way, though I’m no g*ylor or hetl*r (rlly dont care about who she dates, just here for the art). But not in a wow I wanna bang this celebrity I have a crush on, cuz I dont wanna bang no one, cuz I’m acearo. Just, dont swing that way (or any way, really /hj cuz i'm actually gray-bi-romantic but its very rare, so i'm usually not swinging at all lmao).
I really like to read, but it has been tough to keep the habit with depression and disabled adult life knocking at my door and kicking my ass... currently I’m finishing reading all Jane Austen’s work (i love her sense of humor and analyses of human psychology) in portuguese, but I plan to eventually read the original stuff in english. I just really love stories and storytelling as an art form, maybe that’s why I love to write. I’m obsessed with fanfictions, actually, been writing since I was 11, never anything in english, but who knows, actually creating and participating in tumblr may be the first step. I mostly write about tv shows I’m obsessed about (though I did write some Turma da Mônica Jovem fanfiction...... thank god I deleted, it was terrible, tho in my defense I was still a preteen) and I mostly watch sitcoms so.... About that...
My favorite sitcom ever is probably How I Met Your Mother (it was literally what i needed when i was going through a really rough patch) and BoJack Horseman (yes, cartoon sitcoms totally count, shut up). I’d say my first sitcom love was The Simpsons, my biodad had a lot of dvds and tapes from the golden seasons and the fondest memories of my childhood were us watching together and laughing like two idiots. My first fandom was iCarly (i was a preteen okay), but I wasnt a big fan of the revival/reboot (yes I was team seddie, no it has nothing to do with it, I gave it a shot, but just didnt vibe with it). I also love The Office, That 70′s Show, Never Have I Ever, Community, Our Flag Means Death, The Sex Lifes of College Girls, One Day at a Time and The Good Place.
I’m pretty sure the only other shows that I got obsessed with that weren’t sitcoms were Once Upon a Time and Lucifer, two shows that were quite humorous with its wacky premises (fairytales in real life???? the devil taking a vacation in LA??? i mean, c’mon!!). I’m loving the Percy Jackson disney adaptation, it was my favorite YA book series and it always bummed me that the movie adaptation was so terrible, I'm glad we finally have a great adaptation and can't wait for more seasons to come!!!
I’m very talkative (you dont say?? 😮 /s) and a total extroverted that really loves to make friends, but my communication difficulties really do shine on long distance conversation... be phone calls, video calls, emails, text messages etc... So, although I’d love if you shoot me a message, bc I love to make friends, I also am not the best texter, so dont expect someone who always immediately answers you right back cuz they are online — please dont take it personal, it has nothing to do with who is messaging me and everything to do with my disability mkay? And yes, I am trying to work this shit out in therapy, but you know... growth aint linear. When shit hits the fan, the first thing that I lose is the ability to answer text messages 😭 idk i just stare at them, they stare at me, i combust and die, the end. 
Dont know how to end this text, so, I’ll just show a pic of my cat, cuz shes everything. Bye!! 
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kidnamedfinger · 3 years
Hi! Me again! So, part of it is how Kpop "vocal soup" is done, and how they're trained! Sms a little bit of an outlier in the sense like all the big 4 they tend to have one or two "special" tones per group-but even then those are kind of interchangable u less you're a fan or have a good ear. I hope it becomes more clear what I mean and I only used groups I'm a fan of so hopefully it comes across as respectful but clinical lol. NCT in general has strong vocalists but the same principle still applies and my biggest !! In that not really mattering is how SM has most of the boys separated when they're recording/how many cuts there are in the BTS videos showing that they're still being coached/guided on camera not really off the cuff bc sm/Kpop, and who gets what lines. I just watched the universe recordings and I think it's a good example. My English also sucks and this is super long lmao!
Kpop runs off "vocal soup". Tara's CEO,brave brothers, and the guy who did shinees earlier work have all used the term at some point (I'm only 23 but Ive been here for a while lol) and I think you can still find proof of it when you go through old blog forums. Vocal soup is the idea of keeping tones generally indistinguishable from each other so you can swap vocalists out/ghost vocal. Like obviously if you know let's say 127 for example you can hear the difference between Jungwoo and Haechan and even Doyoung. But if you weren't a fan and compared Xiumin and Suho from exo it'd be REALLY easy for sm to "vocal soup" them-and I'm almost sure like in every group they have. A good example of that in NCT is probably the rappers and the mid range/high range vocalists like Jaemin/Jeno,Kun/Ten. Exos a good concrete example of that at the top of my head but this is for every group. You can hear that Chen and Kyungsoo have really different tones from each other, but if you put Kyungsoo and Baekhyun together or Xiumin, the difference is in how high they get, or Sehun/Kai-theres a difference in overall range and fans can spot the difference because we're so indindated with songs but the GP/casual listeners aren't. And in the studio it's common to "vocal soup" and mix those voices together-their actual tones aren't all that different. Each singer follows an archetype-Jonghyun/Chen/Taeil/Haechan maybe goes here? , Winter/Taeyeon/Wendy ect. It's why shows like that guess where x singer is behind the door! Out of six ppl with similar voices is even capable of happening-the actual vocal tone is trained (and why in other countries for the most part-its omg who could this voice be*I'm speaking in generalities a little). It's why it's such a big deal when they have singers with *special voices*. Taeil might have the higher pop vocal range sm loves but they can't train out Haechans tone-and to a lesser extent Jungwoo,thats why they're always getting similar sort of parts in song structures. It's why YG has a Bom/Rose archetype in each of his girl groups. I'm positive that the new yggg will follow the same pattern of one very unique voice and singing style-Bom sings everything stacatto which Kpop fans call bad singing lol, And rose is purposely breathy even when she belts. SNSD is also a good example-in the chorus all the girls are supposedly singing-but Jessica barley ever actually had chorus linea-its usually Seohyun because she has the Sm bright voice sound-and whoever else. But they'd make all the girls mime out-and vocal later it to make it sound more full. Like idk if you know who Girls Day is or Secret of 4minute. Take their lead and main vocals, just from group to group-and the tones are virtually indistinguishable. Kpop groups are purposely built that way-and the big thing that differentiates kpop choruses is usually how many vocals they have layered into the chorus-but that sound of how many people you think you can hear-might not actually be happening at all.
Usually-and what I think is also happening to Nct-is that they generally have an idea of who's gonna sing what a couple years into their debut,maybe even as early on as the first 2 or 3 cbs/repeating song structure. Jungwoo/Haechan/Jessica/Sunny/Rose are usually always gonna get the "emphasize" parts of songs-the prechorus/bridge/adlibs usually versus the main verse just because of their tones-same sort of thing for rappers in non heavy rap groups (where it's reversed). But the first couple years a kpop group is placed together they have everyone run through the whole song regardless of vocal ability, or all the rappers try the raps parts (but rappers also sing so they probably get both-and depending on the grouo-the rappers ARE the special voices/"umph"-or just other Archetypes that can be switched out from one a other. Jarmin raps like yangyang raps like Jeno raps like hendery ect) and all the vocalists try the vocal parts. And then the producers cut and paste who does what. As it becomes more clear and with guidance from the CEO/directors usually the producers tend to have a template for who does what-and part of that is also following the direction of we need so and so to have more lines so they get more screentime/build in a dance break for the dancers please/rappers need lines if it's not a rap group ect ect. Everything is super decided-theres no way it's as lazze faire as sm has it in those videos, everything is being cut and pasted and probably reworked AGAIN after whoever it is approves it. And that's not the producers, at Sm it's directly lsm and his board for every come back.
(And it's not just kpop that does this-pop singers get vocal souped a lot, a lot of the famous pop girls and indie pop singers are being either ghost vocaled (jlos whole career lol) or vocal souped by unnamed singers/producers mastering and remixing the demos into their songs so it's a more standard pop voice).
They have the NCT boys separated when they're recording because it takes HOURS to record even simple small parts usually, the videos arent just short, they're SUUUUPER condensed. Its most likely the 3-4th time any of them are ever hearing the song-if sm/whatever company is even showing the group the song before the studio-and just because they're being directed to record it doesn't mean it's going to be released. Mark alluded to having recorded child ages ago-and other songs too. As if it's your last was a 2ne1 song that's on camera being played out of YG years ago-and bp had a recording of it from debut but didn't release it until later. When sm is doing the BTS videos they're leaving out the parts that weren't chosen, like in my guess probably making Haechan and Jungwoo sing the same lines over and over and then having whoever wasn't chosen for x come back and record-or most likely making the boys sing every part they can and then when the producers have decided this person goes here here and here-getting them to come back and either reshoot for sms camera(cynical interpretation) or coming back and redoing lines that they were chosen for/switched, they can easily just play Haechan listening to Jungwoos parts because they probably have Jungwoo singing every feasible part they could think of. (This isn't to you but to loop fans in general, Ive seen people be mean to Aespa lol, All of those BTS videos are still Sm edited, and ultimately fanservice/pr).
A big reason for the vocal soup technique is because if someone's voice stands out-not just in their group but in general-its harder to replace. I like skz but that one dude leaving is a good example as to why-nothing really changed in their sound with him gone. All they had to do was make their vocalists go in their upper range, and they can recreate the tone almost exactly. Even kpop rappers tend to have the same tone. And I'm only saying kpop bc we're talking Abt nçt but the same thing works for western music-theres a very "bright" sort of tone for female sopranos in musicals-and they're taught to sing a certain way with their vowels ect. You don't really WANT a super unique vocal tone because you're onstage acting out a role-and hopefully get other roles-even if youre a technically skilled singer it won't matter if your voice detracts from the production. Most pop singers if they're female are mezzo sopranos-the most common female vocal range, and they're taught to enunciate and sing a certain way by genre. A RnB is her depending on the decade is going to enunciate differently in the 90s to now. A non poo example is probably paramore-Hayley has a soprano voice which is VERY high but she usually sings her lower notes in the chorus bc that's more accessible/more of that early rock sound they were going for-and she purposely enunciates a certain way to get her voice to break because it's rock music. It's not the Os and As like Beyonce/Adele, it's her Cs and Hs where she usually purposely causes a voice break-or on the pop rock end why all those dudes like the Wonder Years/Bowling for Soup even years apart all have the same vocal affect. It's how theyre forming the words and probably on some level trained their voices to mimic those tones.
Tldr: Pop vocal soup!!!!
omg thank you so much for returning and telling me all of this! its kind of breaking my mind haha
i have 2 thoughts mainly coming from this, the first is that i NEVER would have guessed how ... relevant? jungwoo actually is in the production process. i never rly found jungwoos tone remarkable i thought he was just naturally breathy/he reminded me of xiumin in that sense. which i agree i am suho biased but he and xiumin were very similar to me too when i was getting into exo and he just simply isn't top 3 vocalists in exo even though he isnt bad. i wonder if this is connected to how yeri doesn't get a lot of individual lines/is relegated to the rap parts but does a lot of the hidden/grounding vocal parts?
forgot my 2nd thought lol im still a lil high but another thought that comes is that dichotomy between unique and non unique tones. i first noticed this with seulgi (unique) and wendy (non unique), i concede wendy is prob better technically but seulgis voice has more character (and i didnt use to like her voice at first). id never heard of the vocal soup thing but it makes so much sense, especially when sometimes it is a better biz decision to cram a bunch of randoms/mediocre singers in a group as opposed to cutting a lot of ppl
so basically im feeling like this means sm/kpop (sm being the frontier of modern kpop in so many ways) is MORE processed than we all thought it was. i wondered how it could be possible/effective for companies to micromanage comebacks so deeply as they do, when often they will end up getting criticized on the same minute level. i guess sm/etc. see a profit incentive to accept it when some of their decisions are poorly received. there are some things abt the kpop life that we will never know but again its the same with hollywood and the us music industry etc. etc.
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gucciguccigarbage · 2 years
Based on your art: probably played like an obscure danganronpa, definitely some sort of gay (yeah I'm a real psychiatrist on that one, true analyst work), someone close to you had a vocaloid phase, maybe started drawing around 13? Idk the lines give that feel. Still not over some discourse drama you maybe weren't involved in but read and live to prove it wrong? Also you draw a lot of scarves but I'm not sure what to do with that except "necks are annoying and bonus fabric makes it easier to hide things" 😅
THIS IS KIND OF UNCANNY so I did play "an obscure danganronpa" in that my experience with danganronpa was before it got huge (read: before the games got official localizations and you had to read them on the lparchive) . I was actually the most into vocaloid out of my adolescent friendgroup BUT in a weird "I only listen to english language covers of the songs bc I don't have patience to watch subtitled music videos" way that wasn't wholly a vocaloid phase.
I did in fact start art in earnest just before 13. I remember needing to lie about my age to make a deviantart account, but not by that much. Thanks to my symptoms syndromes I will never be able to draw a properly smooth line by my own power but that's ok I'll own it.
I am in fact always doing battle with the two wolves of "do it to spite that rancid discourse you saw one time" and "don't do it because what if the rancid discoursers come for you" and truly had to settle on just throwing that out the window and doing what feels right for the story.
+ I don't actually struggle with necks though. I struggle with feeling like a character is underdesigned and a scarf is a really easy Bonus Layer to add to an outfit 🤭
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and-stir-the-stars · 2 years
tagged by @vaicomcas <3
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
name: just call me Kats. (initially my chosen name was Katsuki bc I was in an anime phase when I chose it, but I shortened it to Kats as a result of 1. wanting to avoid any appropriation, 2. not being in an anime phase anymore, and 3. my adoration of cats).
star sign: Gemini (barely) (also shout out to that one episode of the sarah jane adventures)
height: about the same height as meg masters and rowena macleod (very badass of me if i do say so myself)
time: lord
birthday: may
favourite bands/artists: owl city and coldplay and all time low
last movie: that i watched? Bolt. that i finished? idk
last show: DO WE DOO, DOOO WE DOOOOOO (doctor who)
when did i create this blog: June 2021 (tho i did have a blog before this one from 2018 to 2020) (that blog is dead now for... multiple reasons)
what i post: Cas stuff. Spn angels stuff. Anti dean stuff. Add a splash of whatever I'm obsessing with atm.
last thing i googled: "mia vallens supernatural" "anti romantic english lyrics"
other blogs: doctor who blog at oodlobotomy, continental blog at castielscontinental, and i have two personal blogs which shall remain anonymous.
do i get asks: yes, and they sit in my ask box for months.
following: 64, most of which are inactive now
average hours of sleep: 6-8
instruments: does mayonnaise count? (jk, don't even like mayo)
what im wearing: pjs with owls on it bc owl city
dream job: mythbuster. or author, if i could actually write non-fanfiction content. and being a poet might be nice.
dream trip: to see the redwood forest
nationality: aroace (*gasp* i thought you were american???)(for the vine)
favourite song: a little bit of everything all of the time (not an answer, just a bo burnham reference) (i couldn't pick one song if my life depended on it)
last book i’ve read: read and finished? Frank Thompson: Her Civil War Story. just started rereading A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius tho.
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: Gravity Falls, and... I'm sorry, that's the only one I can think of. The rest are too violent. Maybe spn Heaven post-finale?? oh and whatever crazy universes Adam Young sings about, that'd be nice.
tagging: @angelfishofthelord @heavensmostadorableangel @castiel-kline @eunoiastarz @sunriseat9am @fencejumper @quicksilver-castiel @dadstielkline @birdgirl1772
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kaptain-k-pop · 5 years
[?] Days of K-ristmas: Day 6*
The K-List: #15
*(if you have no idea what I'm talking abt with this "[?] Days of K-ristmas" thing the very longwinded explanation is here lmao)
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She's In The Rain
The Rose
Okay okay, I know this is another title track, probably one of their most famous so everyone who knows about The Rose knows about this song already
But I wanna talk about it anyway bc this is my blog and I can do what I want it's a really important song for me that stuck with me from the first time I heard it and I just wanna gush about it and talk about that
So some of my moots who have followed me since before last April may know this story already because I mentioned it in a post at the time, but last spring I was in a really bad place. I was having a really stressful semester and going through a lot of inner conflict about my future. My roommate had moved out (not because of any conflict! She just wanted to live somewhere cheaper, which is valid!) meaning I was living alone in a two person dorm, which was actually really bad for my health because without anyone else around I wasn't taking good care of myself or my environment. My sleep '''''schedule''''' was non-existent and there were many times when I was pulling all nighters or skipping meals to work on things. My group of college friends had all moved off campus, so even when I did remember/make time to go eat in the student center I ate alone. The fact that I was so worried about school meant I never really made plans with those friends either because I was always beating myself up for not focusing enough on my coursework. I was pretty much completely isolating myself and I spent most of my time alone in my dorm -- which you may recall, I wasn't taking good care of -- and being in that environment only made me feel worse about myself. I felt so depressed and unproductive in such a messy place, but I couldn't make time to get my environment in order because I had coursework I needed to do... but I couldn't efficiently work on my coursework because I felt so depressed and unproductive in the environment I created and around and around (it's also really difficult for me to focus in public places/around other people because I get easily distracted, so I didn't really have a good place to work other than my dorm). My irl best friend (aka my main source of support and physical affection) and my family were 2 hours away and I was completely touch starved. And I rarely went home on the weekend or left my dorm at all because I felt like every moment I wasn't trying to be productive I was being lazy. Both my mental and physical health were absolute trash. And I knew I was in a bad place but I had no idea how to get myself out. I felt like I had no time or energy to take any major steps to improve my situation.
I went home for Easter break. Three days of focusing on family instead of school and acting like I wasn't spending the whole time worrying about all the stressful things I would have to deal with when I got back.
During my 2 hour drive back to school Monday night I was keeping myself company with my Spotify playlists as usual and eventually Spotify began playing me "recommended radio"
And it was at this time that I heard She's in The Rain for the very first time
My first thoughts were that it sounded like an amazing song, but even despite the language barrier I could tell that it was a very emotional song so I was thinking it might not be the best thing to listen to when I was already feeling so down
And then Woosung's voice in perfect English in the last verse:
"You wanna hurt yourself, I'll stay with you
You wanna make yourself go through the pain
It's better to be held than holding on"
completely struck me in the heart and I pulled over into the next gas station and cried.
I'm not in that same situation anymore and I've been taking steps since then to try to get myself to a better place and improve my health. And living at home now with my family (and my best friend living 5 minutes away) and not feeling so isolated anymore has been a huge part of that
Hearing those words that night really struck a chord with me. It is better to confide your troubles in people and to be vulnerable and let yourself be held by someone who cares about you than to be just trying to hold on all by yourself. And the way the last chorus changes from "She's in the rain" to "We're in the rain" is such a beautiful ending as well as a perfect metaphor. When you're struggling your friends can't always do anything to get you out of that situation no matter how much they want to. But they can be there to try to support you and stand in the rain with you so that you don't have to go through hard times all alone
(this post is so long now and it's mostly just been about me and not the song I'm sorry ajdjksla)
But I also just wanna say that this song is so beautiful! It's really a masterpiece imo
The way that it starts out with just the acoustic guitar and Woosung's voice is so simple and pretty (and I thought it was a violin but then I realized maybe it was the bass but I swear I hear violin too idk maybe it's in the backing track or something?? am I crazy? lmk) and then the drums and everything really coming in almost halfway through the song after the first verse??? 😔👌👌👌
One of the things I love about Korean songs in when the singer is able to convey the emotion of a song with their voice and make you feel despite the language barrier. Woosung has one of the best examples of this. His voice is so unique, just hearing it can tug at your heartstrings even if you don't actually know what the words he's saying mean (which also makes it a 1 hit KO when he DOES say something in English ajdjksla) the way his voice literally makes him sound like he's on the verge of tears throughout the whole song really enhances it so much
(Dojoon has such a pretty voice too!! It's been a while since I've head it since he didn't sing on RED and I've been listening to a lot of other groups but yeah after listening to this song again to pick out all the parts to put in this post I'm reminded of how good he sounds in it 😔🙏 bless)
So I'll try to just wrap it up now since I've talked a lot: The Rose is such a good band and this is such a good song and the lyrics are so beautiful (you should look up the full translation if you haven't!)
Okay. That's all. I love this song, and if you've read this far I love you!!!!
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uygmoeb · 3 years
*insert darth vadar screaming no* i knew it dnandjsj if it isn't on the app than it is on computer lol. i cannot get away from asks being lost in space huh? tumblr why i just wanna chit chat with my santa buddy! are you jelly of us!? ok round 2 lol
oohh i actually used to take spanish classes but i kinda forgot like 90 percent of what i kmew (except from what i remember from the sjow dora lol) idk why i stopped taking my classes, maybe i lost interest? i wish i could pick up a new one but i get so lazy about everything dijsndjs thank you!! a bit sad since technically english is my 2nd lamguage so i do struggle with my first one but since i use it much more (and being born in the states cx) it is something i am more comfortable with using and express myself ya know?
right!?! like my mind boggles how they always keep improving and they ARE STILL rookies!? that's just, wow ya know? i cannot wait to see them improve more in the future! but oohh for sure, if you like so manh groups then catching up with content is just impossible! lets not get into the topic if there are comebacks happening at the same time? just chaos then lol but at the end of the day, remember to take content at your own pace! there is no rush afterall and content should be enjoyed afterall
oohhh I'm curious to see what you have made hehe im sure it is fabulous! but yeah i have been doing it for a qhile, i want to say since say 2018ish? i am excited for this year since besides i am in 3 but also i have learned how to do creations much better so I'm excited to show that off! but i do enjoy them yes, i like that with this event you can meet or make some friends with people in a fandom. espeically if you don't really interact within the fandom ya know?
yes your blog name is amazing, it is my new favorite non canon name haha xD but pish posh now, you're much more awesome sauce imo! wait i misspelled your name!? noo djshdhjs that cannot be allowed (i like to be respectful with names c:) ~moa Santa
ok so i dont feel good rn so im gonna answer this pretty quick before i go to sleep bc. yeah. im also not able to put a read more on mobile so oops i dont have it in me to go to my computer rn
i only know and remember what i do from working with a spanish speaking kitchen crew who would talk simple spanish with me and explain things i didnt understand, i miss them so much :( but ok ok can i ask what ur first language is bc im curious hskfhks
honestly.. all the rookie groups lately im like those arent. those cant be rookies? bc they all are just so amazing, and their presence on stage is unreal and matches that of some of the older groups, if they arent even better and not to mention some of the songs they come out with? masterpieces tbh idk what the companies have been feeding them or whats in the water there but damn and idk how they keep getting better and outdoing themselves each time either skfjks
im super shy actually believe it or not and i like.. cant talk to anybody thru asks if its not on anon hskfhks it took me four months of talking to someone, who even knew who i was, for me to come off anon for her 😭
ooooo so how has three been for u? do u feel like it’s a lot?? my first year and i only entered two but i saw another one i wanted in on so bad for another kpop group :( but i felt like two was enough lol but i do appreciate the way it’s let me interact with u and my person so theres that
no u didnt misspell my name hskfhks idk what we were talking about with that one but u got it right, but it’s hurting me to read and the screen feels so so bright so im leaving off my response here :( sorry if it’s shorter than normal my head just hurts a lot :((
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kyunsies · 3 years
I'm FINALLY here!! Thank you for being patient with me 💖
I'm sorry your day was less than spectacular yesterday :( but hopefully this week can be better!!!
I wanted to clarify something about the whole US vs English album thing ! It doesn't bother me that they refer to it that way at all! I could definitely be reading into it way too much (I tend to do that!) but it feels intentional: they might be trying to appeal to a US audience specifically rather than an audience of any English speakers/listeners - of course all the things you said about their team and the label (maybe) being from the US could also be the explanation. I just think it's really interesting that there is a distinction at all! I'm also from the US, so I don't know that I can really say much about it either.
I will definitely consider making posts on my blog about music more seriously hahaha.. I'm slowly but surely working my way through mx's discography, I just want to find time to dedicate to listening. I did listen to Blue Moon! It surprised me a little bit, with the really thin texture under the opening rap (and when the rap returns), but with a little more stuff going on under the melodic lines texturally. Definitely got lofi vibes with the... directionless harmony. Which is not a bad thing! Just a certain style. AND THE LIL AD LIBS AT THE END IN THE BACKGROUND? My sister and I were listening to it in the car last night and when that bit came on we both just like... swooned?? It's so incredibly clear and smooth and lovely and just goes straight to the heart!
cravity is so so cute 😭💖 and honestly took me and my sister by storm. We didn't have time to gradually get into them, we just... were suddenly big fans?? We watched like one video, and it was game over.
Anyway yesterday a friend of mine that I hadn't talked to in a while asked me what I've been up to and I mentioned that I've been getting into kpop lately and she goes "yeah kpop is amazing haha, who do you listen to?" And I've been so shook since she sent me that and I asked if she listens to kpop and she hasn't replied yet!!! Like, this friend and kpop are two completely separate worlds in my brain, and they just collided! I might have another kpop friend and I'm so excited !!! 💖 dkbtho
hi angel !!!!! im so sorry i'm getting to this only now ;_____; i had an exam today and then i went to the gym and i've just been trying to get ahead on assignments lol :') i hope u have been having a good day love <3
about the english album stuff LOL i'm glad u weren't upset about my words ;______; i was just trying to be conscious of the situation bc you really never know someone's true feelings about things, so just trying to explain everything best i could felt like the right thing to do !! and now i know we are both from the US and we probably can share similar perspectives on things <3 so thank YOU for clarifying too !!!!
also sldfkjsdlkfj i know blue moon isn't for everything (esp with the la la's) but to me there is just something so impressive about it idk ;_____; boo's opening rap is incredible he always has such a way of displaying his confidence AGAIN ON A DEBUT ALBUM ,,,,,, god and it's not aggressive too just ,,,,, so strong and powerful and u can tell he means every word just like changkyun too !!!!! not to be me and i know changkyun was just a lil babe but i think he sounds so s*xy in this too LSDFKJLSKJF i'm so cringe i'm sorry :')))))) it's just such a cool song, one of many many cool songs by them !!!! and i'm so excited to hear from you about other songs you love from them as u dig thru their discography :D
and like i said i really don't follow gravity at all but they seem like really sweet kiddos !!!! that ep i saw them on for midnight idol really melted my heart lol i think their chemistry with mx is cute <3 ALSO THAT IS SO INCREDIBLE THAT UR FRIEND LIKES KPOP AND IS INTERESTED IN WHO U LIKE AHHH !!!!! it's the best feeling isn't it?? i remember my sophomore year of uni i was listening to 'thanks' by seventeen in my room with my speakers and my next door neighbor knocked on my door and said "are you playing seventeen?" LKDSFJS and to this day she is one of my besties <3 it's always so fun to share this experience with in real life friends !!!! that's so cool <3 anyways angel thank u again for being patient with me !!!!!!!! :( i know i was late to this :( and as i said before i hope u are doing well this week, it's always nice to hear from you <3
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kiannanyc · 7 years
nvm I'm answering all of these bc I'm hella bored and no one is gonna ask
Get to Know Me 1. What is your middle name? Angelisse!
 2. How old are you? 15 
3. When is your birthday? May 29 
4. What is your zodiac sign? Gemini ! 
5. What is your favorite color? Idk like forest green? 
6. What’s your lucky number? 13 for no particular reason 
7. Do you have any pets? A dog in NYC, but back in Florida I have like a whole farm 
8. Where are you from? NYC? It's where I was born ig 
9. How tall are you? Idk like 5'5? 
10. What shoe size are you? Prob like an 8 
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Like 15 but I wear like 7 
12. What was your last dream about? Yikes 
13. What talents do you have? Dancing, photography? idk I like to think I can sing but I'm wrong 
 14. Are you psychic in any way? Yeah, it's like I have ESPN or something.
 15. Favorite song? Don't have one, never will really 
16. Favorite movie? Heathers or The Parent Trap 
17. Who would be your ideal partner? Yikes 
18. Do you want children? Yesss 
19. Do you want a church wedding? Maybe idk 
20. Are you religious? Yepp 
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Lots of times 
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Nah 
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? A few? Jaden and Will Smith, Ansel Elgort 
24. Baths or showers? Showers ftw 
25. What color socks are you wearing? None 
26. Have you ever been famous? Nope 
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Nope 28. What type of music do you like? Anything that sounds good 
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? 
Nah 30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
 2 31. What position do you usually sleep in? Usually a mix between stomach/side 
32. How big is your house? Small 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Most of the time nothing but on nice days usually waffles 
34. Have you ever fired a gun? Yeah 
35. Have you ever tried archery? Yep 
36. Favorite clean word? Lavender 
37. Favorite swear word? Fuck 
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? Like a day prob 
39. Do you have any scars? Not that I know of 
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? I doubt it 
41. Are you a good liar? Sometimes 
42. Are you a good judge of character? Most of the time 
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? I mean,, speaking Spanish yeah ig 
44. Do you have a strong accent? I don't think so? Unlikely 
45. What is your favorite accent? British probably 
46. What is your personality type? ISFJ 
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Probably some pair of sneakers 
48. Can you curl your tongue? Yeah 
49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie 
50. Left or right handed? Right handed 
51. Are you scared of spiders? Hell yeah 
52. Favorite food? Probably a quesadilla 
53. Favorite foreign food? Again a quesadilla 
54. Are you a clean or messy person? 
Clean? I think 55. Most used phrased? I doubt it 
56. Most used word? Yikes 
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Like half an hour if I try 
58. Do you have much of an ego? I don't think so but by saying you don't you kinda have a lil one 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck ;;))) 
60. Do you talk to yourself? In my head 
61. Do you sing to yourself? All the time 
62. Are you a good singer? Lol 
63. Biggest Fear? Crowds n I'm claustrophobic 
64. Are you a gossip? Nah 
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? The Lovely Bones 
66. Do you like long or short hair? Short hair is easier to manage but long hair is also so pretty idk 
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? Yeah 
68. Favorite school subject? Prob French or English 
69. Extrovert or Introvert? Extreme introvert 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? 
yes 71. What makes you nervous? Public speaking, flying 
72. Are you scared of the dark? Nah three years in a darkroom u start to love it 
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Only if they're significant 
74. Are you ticklish? ... 
75. Have you ever started a rumor? Nah 
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? I think so 
77. Have you ever drank underage? Nope 
78. Have you ever done drugs? Nah 
79. Who was your first real crush? Yikes 
80. How many piercings do you have? Two 
81. Can you roll your Rs?“ Nope and I speak Spanish how lame am I 
82. How fast can you type? Average ig 
83. How fast can you run? Average?? 
84. What color is your hair? Brown although it's getting a lil lighter 
85. What color are your eyes? Brown 
86. What are you allergic to? Nothing 
87. Do you keep a journal? Nah I tried 
88. What do your parents do? Work 
89. Do you like your age? Yeah I'm in no rush 
90. What makes you angry? Ignorant ppl 
91. Do you like your own name? Ig 
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Idk I've always liked jasmine n Angela is my grandmothers name so 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? It doesn't matter 
94. What are you strengths? Good listener 
95. What are your weaknesses? Bad speaker 
96. How did you get your name? From a baby book probably 
97. Were your ancestors royalty? Nope 
98. Do you have any scars? Nah I think this question was asked already 
99. Color of your bedspread? White 
100. Color of your room? Beige
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