#| i'm the only one that hasn't walked out yet; musing tag |
r3dblccd · 11 months
character info sheet.
Tagged by: @mxldito
Tagging: @dozenrozez, @frxgmcnts, @formorethananame, @mournus, @luneblush, @temporalobjects
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Seol Yongsun
name meaning.
Eternal, goodness, dragon. Ironically enough, he's anything but that, he's far from having the characteristics of a dragon like being wise, just or serene. In a sense, he is strong for overcoming all the things the things that had hit him like a truck, but he sees himself as more pathetic than anything else. He also considers himself rather selfish, although anyone who knows him well enough knows that's not true despite all his flaws.
alias( ses ).
Leo (used only at his work space), also a certified catboy
two pictures you like of your character.
I cheated, you get 3
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three headcanons you never told anyone.
Every once in a while Yongsun walks down usually abandoned train tracks as the sun sets. For some reason the setting reminds him of something, but he can't quite make out of what exactly. But nevertheless he remembers or not, he still finds the quiet in places like this nice.
He tries to keep his relationships with his clients purely professional, but there were a few instances where he actually dated some of them.
And here's my time to write the big plot twist where he actually's killed someone in his main verse! Jk, jk, he hasn't killed anyone in that verse... Yet, who knows what would happen in the future lol. But on a more serious note, Yongsun still dwells on the past from time to time, about whether or not he actually wants to remember parts of it one day, and whether if anything differently would have changed something (I know, very hypocritical for someone who always to not look back and to not give a single fuck in the world, but we're talking about the king of the hypocrites out of all my muses here).
three things your character likes to do in their free time.
Sleep, eat and repeat, baby! He also enjoys going to parties and leaving them with the first attractive person he finds or whatever.
three people your character loves.
Evan (@frxgmcnts)! Does that even need an explanation?! He's easily one of the first and most prominent people who saw through him and instead of leaving when he started pushing him away out of fear, insecurity and overall feeling overwhelmed, Evan did not budge and brought him back to reality. And Yongsun is well aware that he's quite handful, but he set his mind on making it worth it,
Scarlet, Zander, Fenris, Wolf and Seb (@dozenrozez) (yes, I know that going over the limit of 3 people he loves, I don't care). Obviously I had to add here the megaship with them and Nini's Evan & Sunny. Let's just say that it never gets old in their house lol He's genuinely happy to be there and be a little menace.
Coyote. He's giving a shout out to them and sends the most annoying air kiss possible.
I'm cheating again, can't you tell. Rowan (@formorethananame). That's his baby in his vampire verse and he would not think twice to kill someone if they hurt him. Both of them have been through a lot and have some touchpoints that they could relate to each other. He couldn't have imagined to be able to open up to someone as much as he did to Rowan, but him coming into his life was enough proof that it wasn't impossible and that he could trust him.
Talking about his vampire verse and that I'm already breaking the rules, shout out to Seth (@mournus). Sorry about Yongsun giving him headaches, it will happen again jbvfhfghj
two things your character regrets.
Pushing so many people he cared about away. He says that it's better this way, that it is what it is. But deep down he knows that, no, it isn't 'it is what it is' at all. But his belief that he's not worthy of love (be it platonic or romantic) and that there are much better than him, people who would ruin those people's lives and make them feel miserable (a lie in reality, but a truth in his mind) so those thoughts just keep clashing together.
Often he would say he doesn't regret anything, but including point one, he also regrets biting his tongue one too many times. He come across a lot of people who he couldn't stand at all and would have loved to tell them off, but he didn't during that time to preserve himself. Why did he have to be such a coward?
three phobia's your character has.
fear of abandonment (the hypocrisy alarm is ringing 24/7)
fear of intimacy
fear of the dark
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Tagged by @outtoshatter (thank you, darling!)
Tristan rolled her eyes and then proceeded to yank the reins out of his grasp, only to wrap them around her hand. "Nuh uh, I don't think so. Since I unexpectantly napped and all, I'll finish up here. You, on the other hand," she lightly poked his chest, "look like a dead man walking. So you go inside and get some rest. You've earned it."
"Your concern is touching, but I assure you I'm fine enough to continue." Federico looked to attempt at grabbing the reins back, but seeing her jerk them out of reach with a warning stare made it a fruitless cause. So he shifted gears and went to work on removing the saddle instead. He threw the stirrup over, hands quickly making short work of the cinch and chest strap. "Besides, I think I can handle this one."
Tristan  absently scratched at the gelding's forehead, who decided she was a great runbing post. "I never said you couldn't, Federico. Besides, it's not you or even him I'm worried about," Tristan mused. At his confused stall, she jerked her head towards the light bay mare still in full tackle, casually munching away on some stray grass. "That one tried to take a chunk out of Ezio's ass earlier. And judging by your ol' rat pal's reaction when he brought her out of the stable, I don't think it's a one-off. Pretty evident she does not like men."
"Ah, I see." Federico grunted as he pulled the saddle off, lugging it to the rail and setting it next to Ezio's saddle, proceeding to lean against it. "Perhaps she hasn't met the right one yet," he hummed, brushing off the saddle's pommel.
Unamused, Tristan merely crossed her arms. "Or perhaps she's the strong independent type who needs no man."
I tag @redhairedmuses @musetta3 and @nemo-of-house-hamartia 😘
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in--somnium · 1 year
Who do you ship Cassia with? (canon or oc, active rp's or just wanted connections?)
((Oh gosh. Honestly? I think she's pretty easy to ship with plenty of muses, so, ya know, I'm open to most connections <3 Feel free to toss anyone ya want at her! She'd probably be easy enough to fit into most scenarios :)
That said, it's important to note that, although she hasn't decided on a label herself yet, I'd say she's actually more demisexual than really bisexual, but she's definitely biromantic. (I use bisexual / biromantic instead of "pan" because she was originally made to be written in, like, the 2005-2010 kinda area and the term wasn't so widely used then and she probably hasn't heard it more than in passing)
Okay, so now that that's all said-!
Cassia was actually originally created to be written in a polyship I'm writing with my friend, dhamp.iravidi (I'm not tagging anyone just so I don't annoy 'em ^^;), that takes place in the Cov.enant movie verse. She was made to be written with Caleb, initially, then to end up in a polyship that included Caleb, Pogue, and her oc Jayn! So of course I ship her with all of them- individually as well as all together <3
I've also started kinda plotting out another polyship with loyal.tybroken that includes Cass with Caleb, Pogue, and Reid. Hell, I'd ship her with Tyler, too, if anyone wrote him xD Really, I think she'd get along just fine with any of the 4 boys, so, ya know... <3 (I've also been writing her with fallenc.rowns' Reid and, though idk yet if I'd ship them (or if Reid's mun would ship them either), they're DEFINITELY fun to write together because they're so opposite to one another and she's kinda easily influenced for better or worse xD)
I've also been writing her a bit with souther.n-belle-o.utcast's Nilza which we've only just touched upon at this point... but they're certainly amusing and I would absolutely be open to shipping them if things go that way and they're up for it, too <3 (Again, I'm a sucker for "opposites attract" kinda stuff ^^;)
Then of course there's Doc! I will ship just about any of my muses with any of their muses, including Cass xD So we've been writing a bit of Cass/John.ny Sto.rm and Cass/Dan.ny Ket.ch, both of which have been fun already in very different ways~ We just started something with her and Mil.es Mor.ales hanging out, too, and while I'm not yet sure of which direction that'll go in- Doc, if you see this and you're interested in a polyship with Cass, Miles, and Kim, let me know xD
So I guess those are ships / possible ships / friendships that I'm actively writing (or, semi-actively writing since my writing, in general, is pretty slow going at the moment).
As for other ships? There's no one in particular that I've been, like, searching for with her? Though I'm always open to writing her in different verses with different types of muses of any gender <3 I don't care if they're ocs or canons or whatever, throw 'em her way and we'll see what happens!
That said, though, I'd really like more f/f ships for her (actually, more f/f ships just in general, please. I go by "Sapph" for a reason xD). Also just... off the top of my head... maybe Dic.k Gra.yson because I've just really wanted to write against him for-freaking-ever now because he's my fave ^^;
But, yeah! No specific wanted connections. Though there are some tropes and such that I really love and think she'd be fun for- like fake dating scenarios, or the sunshine/brooder dynamic, childhood best friends who get separated and come back together later on in life, on and off relationships, etc. Cass also gets easily attached and she's kind of a people pleaser, so she's prone to carrying on in bad/toxic relationships even when it's fucking with her metal health and wellbeing and should have walked away a while ago- so writing either the ins and outs of a shitty relationship could be interesting (I'm always up for darker plots so...) or something where someone is trying to help her LEAVE a bad relationship (could be just friends or friends to lovers, whatever) could be fun to write, too.
I don't know. Basically, just, yeah- I'm open to almost anything with Cassia. She's really versatile as a muse, I think, so I can kinda drop her in most verses and figure something out <3
With that said, anon, don't hesitate to message me if there's something specific you wanna write! I'm pretty open to most things!))
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tim-shii · 1 year
a promise of eternity
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a/n: bad title game but here's a little jing yuan fic :blushes: i hope u like it omg
tags: kinda fem!reader, i tried to make it gn but the quotes n references from little women ><, mentions of marriage, elopement (no one is eloping *stares*), just overall fluff, oh yeah and uh shitty chess gameplay forgive me timmy has never touched a chessboard and its pieces in 19 yrs of her life (i steer clear of them)
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"here for a friendly game?" jing yuan mused as he sees you walk through the entrance of the courtyard. the smile on his face dropping slightly as he caught eyes of your tired and annoyed composure. "why the long face?"
"father pestered me about a marriage again. does he never get tired.." he hears you grumble before sitting down on the opposite side of the table. "where's yanqing?" 
"not here. looking for a way out?" his eyes set on the chessboard as he responded.
"a way out of this chess game or a way out of a possible arranged marriage?"
"both." he grins up at you, tone light and playful as he leans on one arm, cross-legged across from you. you scoffed at him before picking up your pawn to move it forward. he hums, observing your movement before picking up his own pawn to move it two tiles forward. 
"i think it's quite obvious i was talking about the marriage, though." he gestures for you to make a move. 
"we both know i'd rather run away, take yanqing with me and live as mother and son on a planet far away." you sigh, still looking at the chessboard, carefully thinking of your next move. "then why haven't you?" jing yuan asks with a short chuckle, further leaning into the table on his hand. he doesn't seem to mind you taking time to make a move. "mainly because i can't just kidnap the boy. god knows i'll be a fugitive if i dare snatch up the youngest lieutenant in luofu." 
jing yuan lets out a laugh, watching as you continue to play. for a moment, he seems to be deep in thought. taking a deep breath, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks at you with a smug look. "i'm a general. i can just command the knights to let you go."
"don't bother. i'll figure it out on my own. i might even elope with the next man who interacts with me out of desperation." he smiles at your exaggeration before leaning in closer, the table in between being the only thing keeping you apart. 
"desperation, hm? do you even love?" 
"general, i care more to be loved than to love. a cowardly move, i know." you scoff, eyes looking at him curiously. why hasn't he made a move yet? if this game was timed, he would've lost already.
"can you even call yourself a knight, then? a coward who can't even stand up to your own father for what you want." the general's tone was cold and stern, somewhat mocking yet a miniscule smirk plays on his lips. years of knowing the gray haired man, you eventually get used to his sudden authoritative voice. 
"why be ashamed of what you want, right? father is a person i never dared to cross ever since. perhaps that fear of ever crossing him never did left me. the world is hard on ambitious girls. they hear of a woman not wanting to marry, best believe i'll be the object of their scrutiny."
jing yuan seems to be considering something. words on the edge of his tongue, waiting to be said. he picks up his queen and in the blink of an eye, your king was checkmate. the corners of his mouth tilted upwards in a small, cruel smile. "marry me. no one will dare talk to you in such a way nor will i let them."
you were speechless. at the game and at his words. it hasn't even been five minutes in and he's already won. you gape at him, eyes flickering up and down from the board to his face. 
jing yuan lets out a soft breath from his nose. he has the urge to just push the table away and be close to you but he doesn't. instead, his gaze softens along with his voice. "you don't have to answer now. just know that my offer will always be on the table." his voice was barely a whisper as he spoke, clearly wanting you to hear the sincerity of his words. 
"i'm afraid you're gonna have to wait a long time. i am a very indecisive person after all." you say after a moment of silence. the general leans more closer, torso hitting the table. "i have time. no matter how long it takes." he holds your hands with utter gentleness. as if one wrong move and you'll break and be gone. 
"and if it takes an eternity?"
"then i guess i'll wait for an eternity, then."
"and if life.. the world ends before you hear an answer from me?" jing yuan smiles softly before raising your hand and kissing the back of it. "i'll wait for you, still."
"you'll wait for me even in our next life?"
"i'll search for you and we can continue playing chess throughout our next life." jing yuan tucks a lose hair behind your ear, cradling your face after. thumb brushing over the apples of your cheek. you held his wrist with your palms, moving his hand to kiss his knuckles just like he did to yours.
"you have to promise me not to steal the pieces by then." he lets out a snicker under his breath. 
"i wouldn't dream of it." what a liar. but you know his promise of waiting is true. 
"shall we wager something? we haven't played chess with a bet at stake."
"i don't gamble, general."
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likes and reblogs are appreciated! masterlist
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ranchiballz · 2 years
I hate that damned movie.
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Vance doesn’t like asking for affection. His ego is WAY too big. so he’s gonna scare it out of you instead.
Pairing: Vance Hopper x GN! Reader
Word Count: 1254
Warnings: Language, 🧿, 🌸
“I can't believe you made me watch that.” You said as you walked hand in hand with Vance.
“I can't believe you've never seen it!” He said with a hint of surprise in his voice. One thing Vance loved was making you scared. Scary movies? Yep. Sneaking up behind you? Check. Calling you in the middle of the night saying he sees you? Definitely. Making you watch Jaws, then taking you to a lake to swim so you will huddle up in his arms because of the “sharks”? Welp, that was his plan this time.
“Seriously, Vance. Last night I was trying to take a bath but I couldn't because I thought a shark was going to eat me. So thank you.” You said with sarcasm lacing your tone. You knew why he did it. You didn't mind clinging to him, but his ego is too big to ask. Instead, he makes you watch a stupid horror movie, the kind that scares the living shit out of you so that you are forced to shove your face in his arm
“You are so fuckin welcome” Vance chuckled out loud. He would have made a witty quip if he wasn't so concerned about where he was. He looked around, trying to find the familiar dirt path in the lush, green, forest. He wasn't was lost, just too distracted by the idea of you shaking in his arms. This was his most genius idea yet, surprised himself when he thought of it. I mean, you were the smart one, you came up with all the good date ideas. All he did was tag along. You pretty much-planned everything. The food, how you would get there, what you were going to do, who was going to be there so Vance wouldn't get in a fight. That last one really only worked 50% of the time. Vance looked around some more trying to find the familiar stone that looked like a V. This place was pretty much sacred to him, it's where his mom used to take him as a kid when they needed to get away from his father. Those were bitter-sweet memories. So this was really big for him. But he was willing to share it with someone who was a big part of his life.
“Oh Hey! That stone looks like a heart!” You mused
“No it looks like a V.” He retorted
“A V is just a thin heart.” You said back. The look you gave him said, “ I'm cute so you have to agree with me”. He had to agree with you, because well… He didn't know why, maybe he was just feeling generous today.
“Your right it's a heart, now come on that's the path”. Vance agreed, pulling you towards the path.
“So where are you taking me anyways?” You questioned. You had never seen this place or even heard him talk about it. The way he made his way through the forest made it seem like he had been here 100 times. ‘I swear to god, Vance Hopper if you lead me to some haunted cabin in the words I'm gonna-’
“We’re here.” He announced. You didn't know where he had taken you but it was beautiful. It was an enchanting view. The Colorado pines were so tall, and they made everything smell like Christmas. The crystal clear, bright blue water shimmered like glass in the sun. It was so clear that you could see the ridged stones bunched up together. Your hand slowly slid out of Vance's as you walked off onto the creaky, old, wooden dock. You marveled at the view, “this is a lot better than a haunted cabin in the woods” you whispered to yourself. You were about to say something to Vance until you heard loud stomping noise behind you.
“WOOHOO!” Vance shouted as he jumped into the water, splashing you when he landed. Laughing, you shook head, ‘what a kid’. Your joy ended up quickly when he didn't come back up.
“Vance?” You called out. No answer.
“Stop messing around and come back up.” You demanded. Still no answer. At this point, you were becoming very distraught. ‘Why hasn't he come up yet?’
“Vance!” You yelled. You were freaking out at this point. You got on your hands and knees, looking down into the water searching for a single glimpse of gold.
“AHHH!” You screamed and fell backwards on your ass.
“VANCE HOPPER! YOU SON OF A BITCH!” You thundered. He fell back into the water, laughing hysterically. Your heart was going 100 miles an hour, it felt like it was going to jump out of your chest. You were so mad at him right now. You knew he was going to do something like this. He was so irritating sometimes.
Your thoughts did a complete 180 when you saw him swimming around and laughing. Laughing loud too. It was very rare that you saw him like this. Usually, you were the one laughing at something, he would just let out his “cool guy” chuckle. As you stared, he continued to move his arms in a circular motion swimming backward. You loved his smile because you knew he was genuinely happy when he was, and that made you happy. Your eyes moved to his wet hair. It was still curly, but dark and flat instead of golden and poofy. His bangs stuck to his forehead, and the ends of his hair flowed in the water. Then your eyes moved a little lower to his-
“You gonna get in or you just gonna sit there and stare?” Vance mocked. You had been caught. He caught you. You noticed that he caught you. He noticed that you noticed. Your face became warmer than the summer sun. ‘How embarrassing, i’m going to go die in a hole now.’ You got up from the dock and walked back to your things. to try to get rid of this feverish feeling you had. You looked at his clothes, carelessly piled up in a bunch on the dirt. ‘wait.’
“Yes, I have shorts on!” He shouted out, basically sensing your panic. You gave a nervous chuckle before taking off your own clothes. You hung up your clothes on a nearby tree branch right before walking back to the edge of the dock.
“I’m not jumping in by the way.” You informed him
“What? Why not just jump in? You’re not scared are you?” Vance said slyly.
“No, I'm not scared! I just don't want to get in right now.” You defended, avoiding his eyes
“I didn't come here to be watched by you like some stalker” He retorted. ‘I hate him’ you thought to yourself ‘that's not true I actually really like him, damn feelings’. You mentally punched yourself as you sighed. You picked yourself up and took a few steps back. You then took a few quick steps forward and jumped far out into the water. ‘Please don’t be cold’. You crashed into the water, immediately tensing up from the contact. ‘Oh great, it’s cold.’ You quickly rushed to the surface, gasping for air. You swam over to where you could touch, just a little closer to the dock than Vance. He gave you a genuine smile, and you smiled back taking in this moment because you knew you weren’t going to have it forever. It was a perfect moment, Just you and him, but you know, he has to ruin everything.
“SHARK!” Vance screamed while pointing out into the open. The amount of fear your felt at that moment was ASTRONOMICAL. You basically leapt onto Vance, looking around the water while subconsciously climbing up him as your attempt to get out. ‘This is a lake Y/N’. Your fear shortly turned into irritation as you slowly turned to face him.
“I hate that damned movie.” You hissed as you glared at him “and I hate you.”
“Yeah whatever, you fuckin liar” He then grabbed your face into his hands. Who leaned in first? He doesn't know, but that doesn’t matter. ‘Mission accomplished’.
A/N- I wrote this at 5 in the morning yesterday while i was sick so some of it might not make sense. but this story kind of goes along with my main Vance hopper x reader story. But i hope you enjoyed. Luv yuh- ♡g
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gliphyartfan · 2 years
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Here we have a very very pretty boy. He is so fun to draw. He could be a model. (don't think he hasn't been approached.) -He is a designer junkie. Ask what he is wearing and it's probs gonna be an Italian name. Gucci, Louis Vuitton, you name it, he has it. Only the finest materials for him.
-Totally has a beauty routine that he has perfected over the years. He knows he is pretty. (while that brought him pain in the past he can't help but want to look good forher. She deserved the best on her arm he strives to match her overwhelming beauty, but falls short no matter what. Caring for himself has become his way of worship. She loved him and wanted him taken care off. LOOK LOOK at how well he is doing. Please praise him. Pleasepleasepleasepleasejustlookathim). But unlike Cia (y/n) loved him for him, what was on the inside. So he is going to the best of the best to make her just LOOK at him. -He likes dressing up, most of his outfits are like this, his 'casual look' is just a pair of designer jeans, (youcouldn'taffordinyourlifetime). -He has caught the fashion bug and has a history of drawing. So you better believe he has sketchbook upon sketchbook of designs he himself has come up with. (one guess on who is the muse. He wants to make you feel so beautiful his goddess.)
Whatcha think? At some point today or tomorrow I'll post some things on my page about Lilah and the boys and how they ended up where they are. Including that first meeting with Time from her POV. Let me know if you are interested and I'll tag you.
Hugs and kisses, Lyric
First off, just seeing your name makes me excited to see what else you have cooking up.
(seriously, the shading is incredible, and the way you drew the details of his face is amazing!)
And Warriors? Wonderful. Just wonderful!
He doesn't have to be a celebrity in order to be treated as one when he walks down the street. (Or when he goes to really fancy restaurants, he just gives off 'VVIP')
I adore the choice in suit color. Simple, yet it gives him an easy going, but noticeable charm when he smiles. (Damn, I just know he would slay in a black suit.) With his scarf, it just brings attention to his face, and the end of the scarf just seems to wanna make people turn their head to keep glancing at him.
With the way the suit is clearly made to his size, it really brings out the muscles in his arms and legs!
Ah, such a confident expression on his face, watch as his darling's beautiful smile causes it to crumble so swiftly as he trails after her.
I like how he takes his appearance, (which HAS caused him heavy grief in the past) and starts to own it. Pushing through his past so he can consider himself worthy the one person who saw him for him.
(Ah, my HC was approved hm~? )
I really can see him simply flooding his sketchbook with pictures of clothes he would love to dress her in. A constant desire to recreate her beauty within his sketches.
My goodness! There really is nothing like inspiring incredible artists like you! I'm honored!
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sea-and-storm · 3 years
BETTER WITH AGE : Ghoa Mankhad
PROMPT : Describe your muse at ages 20, 40, and 60!
Tagged by @afreesworn, so blame her for this rambly bit of quasi-prose because when I saw this meme, it decided to live stubbornly rent-free in my head until I finally sat down and wrote it out. But it's late and I'm rusty, so excuse the inevitable clunky writing and weird stream-of-consciousness rambling. x:
Also I haven't been on tumblr in a hot minute and I'm probably gonna go on a meme spree here soon so I'll spare people from a tagfest since I have no idea who has or hasn't done these. :T
So uh, if you see this and wanna do it, just.. consider yourself tagged!
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-- AGE 20 . . .
At age twenty, Ghoa is only just gaining her first true taste of freedom. It hasn't been long since she left the Steppe behind, fleeing a life of violence and oppression at the mercy of others' cruel whims.
Kugane is still very much a foreign land to her, equal parts terrifying and intoxicating. It is a city whose lifeblood is the trading of koban, unlike the bartering and trading -- and the taking by force -- that is prevalent in the lands she calls -- no, called her home.
Even more awkward to her is the earning of coin; but for that problem, there is an unexpected solution. Her name is Ino, a hyuran native of the land Ghoa now finds herself in. The only things that come more easily to her than her usual cocksure grins are the coins that she seems to have a knack for getting her fingers on. She readily takes the wayward Xaela under her wing, and together they begin to dream of schemes to turn their lives around. Gods know they both deserve it after the difficulties they've both already lived through.
At twenty, Ghoa doesn't yet know that this relationship born of mutual survival will soon grow into something more. Friendship. Companionship. Love. She's even less aware that the same relationship that pulled her up from the darkness of the past will end in yet more tragedy. She's blissfully unaware of the scars that this loss will one day leave behind, an invisible guilt that would linger with her for many, many long years to come no matter how hard she tries to outrun it.
As for the Storm? There have certainly been times in her twenty years that she has felt the itch of electricity arc across her palms, aching to be released. Yet she has kept it pushed deep down, kept tightly under control. Her upbringing has led her to fear the power born to her. Rather than continue to train to control it, she opts instead to push it down, push it away. It rumbles like darkened clouds on a distant horizon, the occasional faint but harmless rumble of thunder carried upon the winds. That rumble begs for her to let it loose, to let the rains and winds and lightning break free around her. Instead, she turns a blind eye, pretending not to hear its pleading as she looks towards what she hopes to be a sunny future.
-- AGE 40 . . .
At age forty, Ghoa has gone through a gamut of changes that she never could have anticipated.
She has loved and lost, and she has blamed herself for it. She's roamed far and wide, half searching for a place that she might call 'home' and half attempting -- without success -- to outrun the ghosts of the past. Her life has turned towards the dark, towards the selling of illicit potions and dangerous poisons and the ever-profitable trade of secrets. She has become a creature of hedonism and selfishness, closing her heart towards those around her and putting her own needs and whims above all else. She has finally learned what it seems her earlier years had perhaps been trying to teach her all along: that the joys of the world belong only to those strong enough and clever enough to climb upon the backs of others to grasp them. And she has vowed never to let another climb upon her in their own pursuit ever again.
It would have been easy for her to continue down this path, to continue down it until nigh impossible to turn back. Yet within these twenty years, chance has once again placed someone in her path that would radically change her life's trajectory. Rather, she met several someones. She calls them friend, lover, kin.. but most of all, at age forty, she calls them family. Blood or not, she has come to share a deep and profound bond with each of them.
Through them and their various trials and tribulations, she has come to see that she was wrong. Joy is not the sole providence of those who seize it by force of will. It belongs to those whose backs have been tred upon, yet still rise up from the darkness -- often with one another's help -- time and again. It belongs to those who refuse to give into despair and anger and bitterness, no matter how tempting. It belongs to those who are strong enough to allow themselves to be vulnerable and feel, rather than closing themselves off to everything and everyone around them.
At age forty, Ghoa can say without hesitancy or reservation that she is surrounded by those she cares for and whom care for her in turn. In coming to love them, she's come to love herself. Most of all, she has learned that her 'home' is not a physical place. It exists at a table full of drinks and raucous laughter. It exists in a conversation first awkward and quickly turned warm from a man who is at once unknown and yet achingly familiar to her. It exists wrapped in strong arms, even as tears well in her eyes and her clutching fingers are reluctant to ever let go.
Home is where she can be with those she loves, and perhaps that yet undiscovered realization is why Ghoa has been so very restless her entire life.
These past twenty years have yielded to her one more life-altering realization: that she can no sooner deny the Storm within her than she can deny her very self. It runs in her blood, electrifies her soul. Suppressing it is suppressing herself and, after all, had Ghoa not long ago vowed never to allow herself to be suppressed again?
Though the reunion has been long in the making, Ghpa's bond with the Storm feels like catching up with a long lost friend. At times, it is awkward and uncomfortable and even explosive. Others, they are in perfect harmony with one another. Regardless, Ghoa no longer winces at the rumbling skies as they approach, but looks instead with eagerness as the wind and rain begin to whip around her. Her breath hitches in excitement with each flash of lightning and roaring peal of thunder. They're discovering each other all over again after so long apart, and it will take time.. But it is a start that Ghoa has eagerly made.
-- AGE 60 . . .
At age sixty, Ghoa has begun to show the ravages of time. Her hair, once the color of breaking waves, has darkened and faded in vibrancy over the years. Lines have begun to form at her eyes and at the edges of her smile; their initial coming, of course, much to her dismay. Yet for what she has traded in youthful beauty, she's gained in poise. There's a certain air she keeps, a wisdom and a knowing sense that has come from a long life full of the lowest lows and the highest highs, from a life lived well and to its fullest.
She looks back now on the past six decades and sees all the past versions of herself with renewed clarity and understanding. The scared young woman just trying to survive the cruel hand dealt to her. The one who at one turn felt hope and love for the first time, and then just as quickly replaced both with guilt and self-loathing. The woman who convinced herself that she was better off putting herself above all others, caring not for who she hurt in the process. And yet, there is also the woman who found herself caring so much for those around her that she would fling herself into the face of danger to protect them at a moment's notice.
Ghoa looks back on these women now and realizes there was no one single point at which she became herself. She is the sum of all the parts of her life, both bitter and sweet. Even the worst moments of her life, she realizes now, eventually lead to change -- growth -- within herself. Though.. perhaps not in a linear fashion, as Ghoa was ever wont to stumble along the way. But with that realization now comes acceptance, peace, and healing. For the first time, she is able to look back at her years without picking out all the parts she wishes she could change.
Now at sixty, Ghoa has likely lost some of those she cares for along the way, gone but never forgotten nor less loved. Yet as always, the Storm within remains her most constant companion. Gone are the days where she fears its power or it roars out of her grasp unbidden. There is a mutual respect and understanding between them, and with that comes a power she never knew.
Once as a girl, Ghoa watched as Elder Unegen called lightning down from the sky upon herself and walked away not only whole, but embraced by arcing jolts of electricity curling protectively around her until she released them back unto the sky. She doubted back then that she could ever be so powerful. Yet now, Ghoa has not only performed the same feat, but she has done so in front of the next generation of Stormcallers. She will fill them with awe at what is possible, and she will guide them with a gentle but firm hand as any Elder Stormcaller aught now that she has come full circle and returned to the very tribe in which her long story began.
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xsixxx · 5 years
Bad Influence, Chapter Eight
Authors note: Hiya guys, it's been a while 🤙🏻 Sorry for the wait, I've had a rough few weeks, so I took a break from a lot of stuff, Tumblr included, but I'm back & I've been working on this chapter piece by piece. It was originally supposed to be longer but I've decided to split it into two separate chapters, which means at least the first part of ch.9 is written!
Thank you all for baring with me, I'm sorry for the wait!
So on with the goddamn show 🤟🏻
Warnings: Language, sexual tension, love triangle awkwardness, Beth being a super slut, loads of angst
Tags: @triplehaitches @freddiessmallnipples @queen-crue @scarecrowmax @lovesick-heart0 @littlesunnymoon @80sheart-strings @cranberribread @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies @deaconsroger @zoenicoles @crazysaladchopshop @ggorehorror @lunamadhatter99 @justtryingtoovercome @chaoticvybe @you-know-im-a-dreamer @eightiesrockbaby @valentines-in-london @xrosegoldwolfx @fupatroopaa @lilypetite88 @this-blog-must-be-the-place @ashleecrue @lauravic @dark-princess99 @unknownoblivion @mgkobsessed @antheasnow
(I've given up trying to find matching GIFs for the chapter so here's one of Erin Moriarty who is legit Beth in my head)
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*Beths POV*
I rolled out of my bed, pulling on a tshirt & yawning as I went. I glanced across at the naked rockstar, asleep in my bed, which had become quite a common occurrence since the KISS tour ended for Mötley.
Vinces blonde hair lay feathered around his sleeping features & I couldn’t help that girlish feeling of excitement & smugness in my stomach as it struck me, as it does every morning that I wake up next to Vince, that this beautiful man that women threw themselves at, wanted to be sharing my bed.
I smirked to myself as I slipped silently out of the room & made my way into the kitchen.
“Coffee?” Came the always chirpy voice of Tommy, who was grinning ear to ear as he stood in just his boxers in the midddle of the kitchen, changing the filter in the coffee machine. I eyed him up & down, trying to muffle my giggle at the sight of his long chicken legs in all their glory.
“Please.” I mused back to him, smiling.
“Good night?” He winked, catching sight of my yawn as I draped myself lazily against the wall.
"Probably about as good as yours from the sounds of it," I sniggered, "I thought we were having a competition at one point!"
Tommy let out a loud, hearty laugh that immediately made me giggle. His happiness was infectious.
He poured out the coffee into two mugs before sliding me a sly smile as he opened up one of the cupboards & produced a bottle of whiskey. "Fancy making it Irish?" He chuckled.
"Tommy, it's like 10am!" I laughed, shaking my head at him.
"So?! It'll get us in the mood for tonight! You're still coming, right?" He asked as he poured way more than a shot into each of the coffee mugs & handed one to me. I rolled my eyes at his offer of corruption, but my smile betrayed my & I took it from him, more than willingly.
"Of course, you really think Vince would let me miss it?!" I snorted, taking a sip of what was, let's face it, 1/3 whiskey with a coffee mixer. I tried my hardest to keep a straight face as the alcohol hit the back of my throat & immediately warmed my chest, chasing away any remnants of lathergy I might've had. "He's desperate to show off for me, it's been so long since I've seen you guys play!"
"He won't be the only one up there showing off for you." Tommy said, smirking behind his mug as he took an impressive gulp without so much as a blink.
I feigned innocence. "What, are you gonna twirl around your little sticks to try & impress me, T-Bone?" I winked, sticking out my tongue cheekily as he playfully nudge my shoulder, his laughter ringing around the kitchen once again.
"You wish girly," he sniggered. "You know who I'm talking about."
I pretended to rub my chin thoughtfully. "I didn't know Mick had a thing for me.."
Tommy let out another infectious laugh that instantly had me giggling along with me.
"So," he started as we both composed ourselves & I took another sip of my drink "Does Vince know what you & Nikki have been up to then then?" Tommy winked.
I nearly choked on my mouthful of whisky as I clamped my hand over Tommys mouth, peering out of the kitchen door to check we weren't in danger of being heard.
I removed my hand from Tommys mouth to reveal a grin behind it. "So it is true!"
"What, n-no!" I stumbled, knowing I wasn't fooling him, not even close. I relented, sighing as I did. "Goddamn it Sixx, can't keep his mouth shut.."
"Oh, Sixx didn't tell me." He smirked, "I see how you guys act, it's not hard to put the pieces together, you hate each other a little too much." He laughed, his grin growing wider. "I'm kinda surprised Vinny hasn't figured it out yet either.."
I scoffed. "If Vince ever noticed anything other than pussy or his fucking hair, then hell must be freezing over."
"Babe, if hell is freezing over, it's only because you've been warming the devil's bed." Tommy winked again, chuckling darkly as I took a swipe at his arm.
"Ok, well A," I started, as my hand caught him just below his shoulder sharply, wiping that grin off if his face. "I am not sleeping with Nikki! We kissed once! And B, how do you know I call him the devil?!" I asked sheepishly, my face flushing red with embarrassment.
Tommys mouth grew wide again as he rubbed his arm where I'd hit him. "Oh Sixx loves that shit, he brags about it all the time to us!" Sniggered T-Bone, before noticing my face & visibly grimacing. "I said too much again, didnt I? Beth, I'm sorry! He doesn't take the piss or anything," he rushed, stumbling over his words, "you just know him, that sorta shit builds up his ego, calling him the Devil is probably the biggest compliment you could give that twisted fucker!"
I groaned aloud as I downed the last of my whiskey with one swift gulp, hoping it might chase away my memory of the last 5 minutes.
"I can't believe you know!" I moaned, hanging my head.
"I can't believe you thought you guys were being subtle!"
"T-Bone, you gotta keep this to yourself ok? I like how things are with me & Vince right now, we're having fun & I kinda wanna keep it that way. And, for the love of God, don't tell Sophia. I can't be dealing with her disapproval on top of my dad's & my sister's right now." I finished, shaking my head. Tommy looked at me with that cute, dopey look that instinctively made me feel warm & trusting.
"I promise, I won't." He smiled affectionately. I could tell he meant it.
*Nikkis POV*
I winked as I approached the gaggle of girls hanging around the door that lead to the backstage of the Whisky.
“Nikki, look for me in the front row.”
“Hey Nikki, cant wait to see the show tonight.”
“What are you doing afterwards Sixx?”
It was always the same. The girls always sounded the same, saying the same things, hoping to be the one to grab my attention that night. They were all starting to look the same too. The same hair, the same tight dresses, the same fake smile plastered on the same forgettable face.
Didn’t matter to me though. I fucking loved it.
I stopped next to them, leaning against the wall & flashing the arrogant smirk that never failed & I watched as they fell to pieces in front of me.
“So, what are you girls hanging around back here for?” I asked, making them giggle.
They babbled away, doing their best to impress me with their answers as I shut off, letting my eyes & my mind wander. I was halfway done mentally undressing them when a soft, flirty voice cut through the noise of the groupies.
“Hey rockstar, what’s a girl gotta do to get backstage?”
I turned my head, my eyes meeting with Beths before they trailed down every goddamn inch of her fine self. She was dressed in an oversized Led Zeppelin tshirt, tucked into a high waisted black denim mini skirt & white sneakers. She definitely wasn't like all the rest.
“Just show up looking like that, angel.” I smirked, not able to stop my eyes tracing her every curve. I strode towards Beth, leaving the wannabe groupies behind me without another word or thought, took her hand & lead her through the door.
“So when’s our next therapy session, Doc?” I mumbled, wrapping my arm around Beths waist, pulling her close as we walked.
Beth let out a forced laugh, wriggling away from me & glancing around quickly, checking we were alone. “Nikki, that night was purely for research purposes, we are not making that sharing circle a regular thing.” She said, her eyes darting around, looking anywhere but at me
“How about we just make the last part of our session a regular thing then?” I mumbled, placing my hands on her hips & pulling her into me once again, leaning my face towards hers, closing the gap between our lips.
Beth took a sharp step back & finally allowed her eyes to meet mine, a look on her face somewhere between panicked & scornful.
“What’s the matter, angel? Worried your boyfriend is going to see us?” I mocked, brashly reaching for her hand, but she snatched it away.
“Yes.” She snapped, before checking herself, blushing pink. “I mean, not that I think Vince is my boyfriend.. Obviously.” She stuttered as I let out an offhand chuckle.
“I should hope not.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?!” Beth retorted, her whole body suddenly stiff & defensive.
“Calm down doll, I only meant that Vinny ain’t the dating kind, I don’t want you getting you hopes up.” I shrugged.
“I’m not one of those girl out there you know,” she gestured towards the door that lead to the faceless groupies. “I don’t crave this bands attention & I don’t need it. Maybe its me that wouldn’t date Vince, ever thought of that?!”
I raised my hands in surrender to her over-sensitive tirade. “That’s all good then, because Vince definitely isn’t gonna date you darlin’, so don’t get used to your sleepovers." I replied, a little too harshly as I let my jealousy seep into my words.
Beths face went dark & her usually soft features looked twisted & angry.
"What's with you tonight, I didn't realise it was possible for you be more of an asshole than normal." She barked.
"And I didn't realise it was possible for you to be more of a stuck up bitch, but I guess people can suprise you." I hurled back, irritated by her defensive attitude.
"Real fucking nice Sixx, thanks. And just when I was starting to think you weren't all bad after the other night.."
"Oh, so you do remember the other night?" I cut in sharply. "Because here's me thinking it must've all been in my head being as you've been doing everything in your power to avoid me since then & pretend like it didn't happen."
"Oh grow up Nikki, I haven't been avoiding you. I've been working & hanging out with Vince, I'm sorry I haven't had much chance to stroke your fucking ego for you."
"I could probably free up some of your time if I went & told Vince that little promise you made me the other night. What was it again? Something about making me kneel before you'?" I laughed smugly as Beth's eyes flashed with fury.
"Christ, you just can't stand the idea of someone turning you down, can you?"
I let out a dumbfounded laugh at her bold pretension. "Remind me Beth, when did you turn me down?. Was that before or after you asked me to kiss you? Or maybe when you were up on the kitchen counter, moaning into my mouth." I asked snidely.
She glowered at me. "What part of me still sleeping with Vince & refusing to kiss you just now makes you think that I'm interested in you?"
I was beginning grow infuriated with her condescension, how could she just pretend like the other night didn't mean shit? "Tell me, is Vince really that good in the sack?"
"And what's that got to do with anything?" Beth fired back, irritated.
"Must be a good fuck if you're willing to get attached to someone who's gonna drop you any day now." I shrugged, pretending I couldn't care less.
“So that's the plan, he gets bored of me & then what Nikki? I move on to you? You get to sleep with me & ‘fufil my dark fantasies’, twist me into someone as fucked up as you so you feel a little less alone?” She spat venomously, her voice cold & sharp, taking me by surprise. My body went rigid as I felt anger descend over me like a mist. Beths face flushed pale as mine turned red, but she remained stubborn, folding her arms across her chest defiantly.
“Fine, fuck off with Vince.” I seethed, my jaw clenched & my mind ablaze with the thought of Vinnys hands on her, touching her like I’d not been able to stop thinking about touching her since that night he first took her home. “He'll get bored of you soon enough, I know I already am.” I finished bluntly, fixing Beth with a stone cold glare before spinning around on my heels & marching towards the backstage door. I leaned through, deciding I’d pick the first one that looked at me.
A tall, slender brunette in a tight red dress with fake tits & that usual fake smile glanced round, her eyes brimming with excitement when she spotted me.
“It’s your lucky day darlin.” I cooed, taking her by the hand & pulling her through the doorway & away from her fake ass friends. Probably for the best, they’d all hate her now anyway.
I turned back to face Beth, smug smile at the ready, trying to think up a shit-eating remark to say as I walked past her, but she'd already disappeared.
"So rockstar, where's your dressing room?" The brunette asked, her fingers finding their way under my shirt to my chest as she draped herself seductively around my arm.
I looked at her with uninterested eyes, my mind still entirely too focused on Beth.
I guess I could use the distraction, I thought, taking the brunettes hand & leading her down the hall & into the dressing room, untying my leather pants as we went.
“And where the fuck is Vince?!” I yelled at Mick & Tom, tapping my foot impatiently as we all waited to the side of the stage.
“Not sure,” Tommy lied, badly, “I’m sure he’ll be here in a sec.”
“Pretty sure he’s in the toilet.” Mick mumbled, without looking up from tuning his guitar. Tommy nudged him nervously, but Mick just grunted, flicking him the middle finger without a glance.
I watched from the sidelines as Beth & Vince emerged from the toilet together, giggling like goddamn school kids. White hot jealousy burned through me, flooding my veins as saw them, hand-in-hand, disheveled hair & satisfied smiles plastered on their smug faces.
"Nice of you to fucking join us." I spat as they strolled over to us at their own pace, still laughing.
"Oh come on Nikki, we ain't due to go in for another 15 minutes, chill out man." Vince shrugged unconcerned, fueling my outrage with his nonchalance.
"You might care more about getting your fucking dick wet than you do this band Vince, but this shit actually matters to the rest of us, so either change your attitude or you can get the fuck out." I seethed, my eyes flitting dangerously to Beth, who had taken a cautious step back from me.
"Sixx man, come on," Tommy said, gripping my shoulder, trying to diffuse the situation. "it's not a big deal, we don't need this shit before the show."
I took a steady breath, trying to regain control over my temper. "Just go & change before you make us any later," I hissed at Vince through gritted teeth.
Beth lingered awkwardly as Vince waltzed off to the dressing room, unsure whether to follow him, stick around or simply leave. I decided to help her along with her decision.
"I think it's best you go." I said to her coldly, my bitter jealousy plainly obvious as I turned around & marched towards the back exit, desperate for a smoke.
"Nikki, wait-" Beth called out, following me outside into the cool night air.
"What do you want Lizzy?" I snapped, sparking up my cigarette & taking a long, deep inhale. "I've got nothing to say to you."
"I'm sorry-", she started, but I immediately interrupted.
"For what?! For fucking Vince & almost derailing my show?!”
Beths eyes narrowed. "I was going to apologise for what I said earlier, but yanno what, fuck you." She fired back, defensively. "Why would I be sorry for doing whatever the fuck I want with Vince, it's not like its any of your damn business."
"My fucking band, my fucking business sweetheart." I seethed, taking another long drag through my gritted teeth.
"No Nikki, just because they're in your goddamn band, doesn't make any of those guys in there your property, you don't get to lord over them like you own them." She replied, feeling brave.
"And what about you, huh? I fucking made you into this over confident little groupie & frankly, you're getting a little bit too comfortable around here."
"Excuse me?!" Beth thundered, her whole demeanor changing, "you didn't make me into anything, you egotistical prick!'
I smirked arrogantly, knowing I'd got to her. "You come to my gigs to see my band, you fuck my front man, snort my drugs, party with my guys. Who were you before you met me? A stuck up little princess who didn't know how to have fun. Face it doll, I fucking made you." I scoffed as I watched Beth's face flush red with anger.
“And what about your new piece of ass, huh? You gonna make her too?” She snarled. “You’re pissed because I fucked Vince but you’re a goddamn hypocrite Nikki, I saw you with that girl, taking her into the dressing room. I'm guessing she didn't go in there to help you with your fucking makeup?"
I paused, caught off guard, not realising my plan to make her jealous had actually gone to fruition. I couldn’t stop the sly smile from creeping on to my face. “What does that have to do with anything?” I asked, my voice changing swiftly from enraged to calm & deadly smooth in an instant, enticed by her hint of jealousy & eager to hear her answer.
Beth squirmed a little, realising the corner she’d backed herself into. She looked deliciously trapped.
“I just-” she tripped over her words as she scrambled for an excuse. “I just don’t get it, why are you so pissed that I fucked Vince?” She asked, diverting the attention for herself.
“Because I want you.” I said plainly, switching gears, my anger melting away as I watched her discomfort double as she tried to stay mad.
“What?” She asked, shaking her head in annoyance.
“Because I want you Beth. I’ve wanted you since that night I caught you doing blow in the bathroom with Tommy, the night that Vinny took you home when it should've been me. I want you & I want to be the only one that gets to have you.” I replied bluntly, smirking as Beths mouth fell open a little.
“But you don’t.. You don’t do the whole exclusive thing.” She mumbled awkwardly, still processing my words.
“You’re right. See princess, I’m selfish like that.” I purred, taking one last drag on my cigerette before flicking it away & taking a step towards her so our bodies were practically touching. “I don’t like exclusivity, but also, I really don’t like to share.” I breathed, our lips practically touching.
Beth scowled, suddenly finding her voice. “Well that hardly seems fair. You expect me to be loyal to you whilst you fuck every woman that shows you some attention?!”
I chuckled darkly, knowing how unreasonable I was being. “Pretty much.”
“You’re such an egotistical asshole!” She yelled, raising her hands to shove me away from her, but I caught them by the wrists in one swift movement & pinned them by her shoulders. Beths delicate features were twisted, her perfectly shaped eyebrows were furrowed in anger & her soft pink lips were pulled into a tight, thin line as she fought against my grip. She glared at me, eyes dark & full of hostility. Yet I saw a lingering passion in them. Her tight lips relaxed for just a moment & I saw her drag her bottom lip through her teeth, those dark eyes darting to my mouth. I smirked.
"You’re right, I am an asshole. But you still want to kiss me, don’t you, angel?" I breathed, tightening my grip on her wrists, grinning wider at her mixture of discomfort & pleasure.
Her lips parted slightly & I could hear her breath quicken as I watched her internally fight with her desires whilst I fought with my own. On the surface, we hated each other. I hated everything she represented, the fact that she didn't like my music & how she was like every other girl, sucked in by Vince's blonde hair & boyish charm. She hated my arrogance, my runaway lifestyle & the fact that I could see right through her good girl act & get under her skin like no-one ever had. And yet somehow, that hatred had paved the way for an attraction neither of us could fathom or understand. It was illogical, unwise & entirely unwelcome. But it was also intense, salacious & completely overpowering. We both knew we'd have to give in to it eventually.
She kissed me, unable to restrain herself any longer. I released my grip on her wrists & buried my fingers in her hair, pulling her closer to me. She tasted so damn sweet.
I pulled Beths hair roughly, tilting her head & exposing her neck as I placed hungry kisses along her skin as she moaned aloud, pushing herself up against me. I placed my hands at the base of her pretty neck, running my thumb across the skin gently as I brought her lips back to mine, dragging her lower lip between my teeth. She groaned into my mouth, rubbing up against me as I squeezed my grip around her throat a little tighter, smirking against her kiss as I did.
She was fucking delectable.
Just then, the backdoor to the Whisky swung open, returning us from our heady escape back to the dingy alley with a crash.
"Nikki, come on man, I thought you-" Vince started to say, before catching sight of us jumping a mile apart in a failed attempt to look innocent.
I coughed, trying to regain composure. "Yeah yeah, I'm coming."
Vince's face was like thunder, a mixture of outrage and betrayal turning up a storm. "Nah, doesn't look like you got that far." He spat
"Vinny, I-" Beth stumbled, walking towards him.
His eyes shot from me to her, disgust adding to the mix of emotions he was displaying. "I haven't got nothing to say to you." He said harshly, cutting her off. "& You, brother," he drawled sarcastically, "get your ass inside, we've got a fucking show to play, remember? Or do you care more about getting your dick wet than this band?" He quoted, bitterly.
"Fuck you, Vinny." I shot, shoulder barging him as I shoved past to get through the door.
"Fuck me? Are you fucking kidding, Sixx?" He screeched, quick on my heels. "You're out there grinding on my fucking girl & you're acting like I'm the fucking problem here?"
"Your girl?" I laughed crudely, "Since when does Vince Neil have a girl?"
"You know damn well what I mean. I haven't been hooking up with her for this long for you to just go & help yourself." Vince snarled.
"Well maybe Beths got her reasons for looking elsewhere." I sneered, getting brave.
"And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"Well Vinny," I started, taking a smug step towards him, getting in his face, "Maybe if you satisfied her, she wouldn't come to me."
"Shut the fuck up Sixx, you know that isn't true!" Beth yelled, pulling on Vinces arm in a feeble attempt to separate us.
"Why else would she come running to me right after you'd finished fucking? Your bathroom fuck clearly wasn't enough for her so she had to come looking for someone that could finish her off." I suggested arrogantly, smirking at my own maliciousness.
"Vince, just walk away." I heard Mick say from somewhere, right before Vinces fist flew at my face.
*Beths POV*
I sat at the bar, drinking away my humiliation as I watched the two guys I'd shamefully kissed in the space of 10 minutes, up on stage playing a visibly tense set. Nikkis angry red cheek was glowing like a beacon for the whole audience to see.
"It's not like you & Vince were anything serious." Sophia said, serving me up another shot of tequila. "I mean, that guy has definitely been screwing around since you guys first hooked up."
"I know & if he'd caught me with anyone else, I don't think it would be a big deal, but it definitely crosses the line to go with one of his band mates & best friends really, doesn't it?" I groaned, burying my face in my hands. "Plus, I'm not exactly a normal groupie, Vinny is my friend, we hang out, he spends the night.." I trailed off, knowing I'd just put a definitive end to that.
"Why were you kissing Nikki?!" Sophia asked, raising her eyebrow knowingly.
"Don't start Soph ok, I don't need it." I replied, necking the shot & gesturing for another. "Let me just bury my shame in peace & fucking tequila."
"I don't get it though, I thought you were liking things with Vince?"
"I was loving things with Vince, I don't know what the fuck I was doing." I sighed. "All I know is that Nikki has a direct line to both my last fucking nerve & my emotional g spot apparently. Who knew they were connected?" I groaned, mentally scolding myself for the millionth time.
"You gotta figure out what you want babe." Sophia said sternly, disapproval written all over her face. "But what you've gotta remember is, neither of these guys are in this for the long run, so are they really worth it?"
I fell silent, sparking up a cigarette & looking back across at the stage.
"I want you, I need you
I want you to be mine tonight.
You need me, you tease me
Use you up, throw you away."
I listened to Vince sing, watched him prancing around, his striking good looks & flamboyant attitude on stage so appealing it made me weak.
Then I looked across at Nikki, dark & brooding, the complete opposite of what I thought my type was. He was conceited & rude, his lifestyle & interests were the furthest thing from my own & he pissed me off like no-one ever had.
If I was being honest with myself, I'd say that, up until tonight, he was right; I'd thought myself above Nikki Sixx.
But tonight had changed everything.
Tonight I'd realised that I wasn't better than anyone else, I was just as bad. Worse, maybe.
I watched Nikki pluck away at the strings on his bass, enjoying the sound for the first time. I let my mind wander back to that night he said he should've taken me home. The same night he promised to drag me down with him.
He'd been right about everything. I wanted excitement in my life, I wanted to have fun. I wanted someone to fulfill my darkest desires. I wanted someone to show me how to enjoy the dark parts of me. And that just wasn't Vince.
I watched Nikki play intently, that spark of desire igniting inside me once again. I wanted him.
My bad influence.
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