#|| PRIVATE | private rp.
badmusejail · 10 months
Over the years, Gaster had witnessed plenty of others that bore the same name. Some he had actually engaged with. Others he simply watched, judging from a distance. Most were of the unsavory type, a few rather pleasant.
Worst, he felt, were those that dwelled fully in the VOID, those fragmented, lost SOULs that had nowhere else to go, fueled only by emptiness and a scathing desire to be whole again.
a fate he had barely escaped.
He was used to them. Dancing just out of sight; on the precipice of reality; stalking and laughing, inching onto his territory, egging a reaction. (because they must because they MUST because they must feed on the emotions of others they must fill that emptiness.)
Gaster had found it best to ignore them.
After they realized he would not engage with them, that there was no amusement to be had, they left of their own accord, to find a new victim that could perceive them, to drive some other poor SOUL to the brink of insanity.
Ignore it. Ignore it. Ignore it.
And he did for a while, regardless of how his instincts screamed at him, how something brushed against the fragments of his being, how something just didn't seem quite right when his back was turned. He ignored it, with grimaces and twitches and noiseless growls directed at nothing.
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"What do you want?"
He did not ask, he demanded, fiery, mouth quirked into a snarl as he whirled to face nothing. But he knew better. He stretched his senses, called to the VOID, sent a message.
I know you're there don't play with me this is my world.
(because he must. because if his attempt at intimidation failed, -- WHAT THEN?)
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iatethepomegranate · 4 months
If I see one more take about Orym being "secretive" in taking the sword, I swear I might start screaming. The dude walked up to Chet in front of everyone, asked for access to the Bag of Holding, took the sword out (in front of everyone) and left with it. Then he came back with the sword strapped to his back... IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. There was ample time for someone to speak up if they wanted to and Orym, quite frankly, didn't have reason to expect it would be an issue. Laudna may have used the lack of discussion as part of her cycle of justifications for her actions, but that doesn't mean it was 1) the main issue she was actually dealing with or 2) an unsolvable problem that required a rash response even if that had been Laudna's primary issue.
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esterpacks · 27 days
𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐡𝐢𝐩 !: click on the source below to be redirected to a payhip page with #222 gifs of claudia doumit in the boys. ( season 4 )  all gifs were made by me from scratch, so please, do not claim as your own, repost or edit. like or reblog if you find this helpful.
tw: blood, flashing lights
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mr-laveau · 30 days
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I spent some time mindlessly making these so here have some small infodumps about outfits and designs of characters-as well as just like design refs.
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casdeanwin · 1 year
HP Year 5 AU Albus takes custody of Harry. Private RP with @regretismyconstantcompanion
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mavens-confessional · 4 months
Private School Confession… this might trigger some, might also make you cum…idk .., it’s a long read so buckle up
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The same year that my step-brother did those things to me (see previous post), I went back school and found that my teacher was one of the nuns who had also taught me in elementary school. I was now 14 and in 9th grade. This nun always took an interest in me and I was teachers pet when she taught me as a child. She seemed delighted to have me in her class and commented about what a pretty young lass I was turning out to be. She was Irish, as most of the nuns were at this school.
One day, a boy in my class took me behind a building at recess and tried to French kiss me. I was so nervous, but I let him kiss me on the lips, but he pulled me closer and tried to put his tongue in my mouth and I literally ran away from him with my heart beating a mile a minute. Well, it was all over school in about 20 minutes. I was so embarrassed and one of the boys called me a tease.
The next day at lunch, Sister Margaret called me and asked me to come to her office. I was a straight A student and never got into any trouble, but I knew it was about the incident the day before.
She had me sitting in front of her desk, and she looked at me and asked “Did you kiss that boy yesterday?” My face was burning with shame. Because we were taught that only “bad girls” did things with boys. I looked down and said “Yes, Sr Margaret - but only a little, and then I ran away”. She came and stood in front of me and said “Now you know Maven, that was sinful. You are a good girl, and God wants you to be pure.” I nodded and felt tears welling up. She grabbed my chin and made me look at her and said “Did you let him touch you?” “What? I., um.. no Sister”
“Well, that’s a good lass, but I think we need to make sure the sin is gone from you”. I was petrified because our school still used corporal punishment. I knew I was going to be spanked and that had never happened in all my years going to this school. I couldn’t help crying. I felt so shamed.
“Stand up” she said. I did as I was told. She sat in the chair I had been in. “Now, I’m doing this for your own good, and I want to teach you how to cleanse your soul, so God will love you, and you’ll continue to be a good girl. If you learn your lesson, you’ll continue to be my favorite student and we will forget about this whole incident. Is that understood?” “Yes Sister”.
“Now, be a good girl and bend over my lap.” I thought this was odd because they usually made the boys bend over the desk and used the paddle. But I thought maybe I’m a girl and she will go easy on me. I laid across her lap. She told me to hold on to the chair legs. I did as told.
Next, she lifted up my plaid skirt. I was wearing just white cotton panties. She put her hands on my little ass and asked:
“Maven - did that boy touch you here?” “ No Sister!” “That’s a good girl,” she said, while she was massaging my right buttock. She suddenly spanked me over the panties. It wasn’t very hard, but I felt very strange because her other hand was grasping my thigh, very high up and close to my groin. I felt myself getting hot all over. She spanked me again and this time it was harder. “Maven, did you like it when that boy kissed you? Tell the truth.” I was crying freely now, because the spanking was so degrading, “um..,I…I did, but I was scared because I know it’s sinful to…to..” I stuttered. “It’s sinful to what?” She asked, while she rubbed her hand around on my buttocks. “It’s sinful to be lustful” My voice cracked. I felt so hot and embarrassed, and….my heart was racing. Her other hand suddenly cupped my crotch - I gasped. “Yes Maven - lust is a sin! Did you let him touch you here in your private parts? Don’t lie - God knows if you are lying!”
“No no, he didn’t Sister - I swear!”
I was panicking. She was still cupping my crotch and I knew how warm it felt because my whole body was burning up. She removed her hand from my buttock and began to stroke my hair, and pet my pussy with her other hand. I was breathing so hard, my head felt like it would explode hanging down over her lap. I was getting aroused and I didn’t know what to do.
“Now Maven, why do you feel so warm down here?” She was stroking me through my panties and I could not help it. I was aroused. “I..I don’t know Sister…please..” I felt so humiliated. She moved my panties and touched my little virgin pussy with my peach fuzz pubic hairs barely growing… I was in complete shock. I felt so helpless and I was mortified that she was looking at and touching my private parts! “Maven - I think you have lustful thoughts. And how to we repent from lustful thoughts?” She was actively stroking my clit now and I was getting hotter and wet, and I was paralyzed with fear? Pleasure? She held my prone body with her sturdy arms and I knew better than to squirm. “We confess Sister,” I said through a stream of tears. “Yes my good lass - we confess. Now tell me the truth - does this feel good” “Yes, Sister,” I stuttered with burning shame. “Do you want to be my good girl? And keep being teachers pet?” “Yes…Yes Sister”. I whimpered, as I succumbed to how good it felt to have someone else touch me. “God willing, I will get this lust out of you - and you will be forgiven. Do you understand?” “Yes Sister!” I cried. I didn’t understand, but I was too freaked out to know what was happening. She pulled my panties down and they fell to my ankles, falling onto my saddle Oxford shoes and my lacy socks. She spread my legs wider and continued to rub my clit. “Do you ever touch yourself like this when you’re alone at night Maven?” “Yes,” I sobbed. She spanked me “and do you bring yourself to orgasm?” I nodded, too ashamed to answer and crying uncontrollably. “You know this is a sin! Bad girl!” She spanked me while rubbing my clit faster. I was so wet and I started to moan and buck my hips onto her lap. I couldn’t help it. She felt the wetness and spanked me again. “That’s a good girl. Come on Maven - God is watching. Show him the lustful little whore you really are and he will forgive you.” I was so confused and so aroused l. No one but my mother had ever seen my vagina. Not even during PE class, not even my best friends. But she kept rubbing my little mound and knew exactly what rhythm was making me wet…and I couldn’t believe Sister Margaret was doing this to me. And my God - she was about to make me cum. She put her finger inside my tight little cunt and continued to rub my clit with her thumb - I bucked and moved my hips like a wild animal. I was feral in my need to climax and make her happy. She was really finger fucking me now - and I felt an inevitable orgasm building. “Oh My God!” I exploded on Sister Margaret’s finger and I writhed with waves of pleasure like I’d never had before. It was the most intense orgasm of my young life and I was still a virgin. I was panting and sweating and crying all at the same time. She pulled her finger from my cunt and turned me over. She held me like a child - and then she put her fingers in my mouth with all my wetness on them. She says “Taste your lustful sin! Clean my fingers and cleanse your dirty whore soul in front of me and God!” I sucked on her fingers and tasted my sweet and tart taste. She smiled and said “Now that’s my good lass Maven. You are now purified under God. You are forgiven.” She gave me a hug and patted my pussy which gave me little convulsions of pleasure. I didn’t want to leave her arms. She wasn’t even pretty but I didn’t care. She did something to me that made me want to please her. She stood me up and told me to put my panties on. I was in a daze, and did as I was told. I stood there in my wet sweaty white panties. My mouth tasting of my pussy. “Now go enjoy recess - and I’ll be watching you. If I see or think that you are being lustful, you will come back here and be cleansed whenever I think it’s necessary - do you understand?” “Yes Sister” “And this is private. This is only between you and God - and I am his intermediary - Do you understand?” “Yes Sister” She took my face in her hands and kissed my forehead and said “You were always my favorite lass. I will make sure you continue to be a very good girl!” And then she steered me out of her office.
I still can’t believe this happened to me, But this was the beginning of a four year education for me.
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harlivycommissions · 12 days
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#   TELL ME LIES (S02)   ⸻   [ #137 ]   ;   click on the source link below to be redirected to our ko-fi page for purchase. all the gifs were meticulously crafted from scratch by our team. we kindly ask you to respect our work by not claiming it as your own, refraining from editing, and not redistributing them. lastly, if you find these gifs helpful or plan to use them in the future, we would greatly appreciate it if you could like and reblog this post.
content warnings include: drinking, kissing, smoking.
commission work: refer to our pinned post to request your own commission.
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cesiscribbles · 4 months
Hi! I know you have a few OCs, and I was wondering if you had a toyhouse to keep basic info about them
No, I don't have any info about my OCs laying around anywhere, except the few snippets you see here on tumblr. Didn't draw or work on them for a long time so nothing is really up to date.
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the-kipsabian · 27 days
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How much honey is too much honey to put into a cup of tea
-someone who may have just put far too much sweetener in their tea
Any Amount Of Honey If You Know What's Good For You!
If You Absolutely Must Add To Your Tea (Even When There Is A Clear Solution Of Simply Getting A Different Tea), I Recommend Milk Or Straight Sugar Cubes. Honey Fusses Up The Flavor, As I Am Sure You Are Currently Very Familiar With.
Not Even To Mention How Sloppily Homey Must Be Added In The First Place!
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razorfst · 4 months
do i add a yacht to andrei's toys basically in his mafia verse? hmmmmmmm
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badmusejail · 1 year
Oh. Gaster started, nearly falling out of his chair and getting tangled in the variety of wires he had stuck to him.
How long had they been standing there...?
He only happened to notice because his mind had drifted while letting the test run.
Ah shit--
He quickly peeled off the stickers, ignoring the warning of the computer and,, ahhh, he didn't want to teleport too much, but they already knew he could do it so what did it matter--
So he appeared beside them, only mildly flustered and flattening out his coat.
Oh, and buttoning his shirt, because he had it entirely undone.
"Good evening," he stated. He didn't actually have any idea what time it is.
"While I don't mind you dropping in without warning, if I'm aware I could make sure the elevators are actually on."
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poswiecenia · 7 months
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( UNPREPARED. SELFISH. LOVING. ) / independent and private multimuse of a mixture of fandom and fandomless sources, featuring muses from honkai star rail, genshin impact, ttrpgs and more ! a study and blending on the selfish, broken and ill unprepared in various roles, how they cope and guide themselves through life. written by miles and established april 2022. it is essential if one read my rules before following and, please note, i do not often follow first ! ( ©, CARRD, art )
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esterpacks · 27 days
𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 ! : #300 gifs of alessandro bedetti in various projects have been privately delivered to their owner. please, click on the source link if you’d like to commission a gif pack from me.
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mars-gifs · 4 months
ENG: In the SOURCE LINK you'll find 400+ gifs (268x150) of Danielle Rose Russell in Legacies Season 1 (episodes 1-2) for sale in payhip. All of these gifs were made from scratch by me for rp purposes, so please do NOT claim them as your own, repost, or add them to your gif hunts. Edit as you wish, but please give me some form of credit or tag me if you post it. LIKE or REBLOG if you’re using!
ESP: En el SOURCE LINK (o fuente) encontrarás 400+ gifs (268x150) de Danielle Rose Russell en Legacies Temporada 1 (episodios 1-2) a la venta en payhip. Todos los gifs fueron hechos desde cero por mí para uso de rp, así que por favor NO los hagas pasas por tuyos, re-subas o los añadas a gif hunts. Edítalos como desees, pero por favor dame algún tipo de crédito o etiquétame si lo subes. ¡Da LIKE y/o REBLOG si los usas!
TW: fire, fighting, knives.
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rytlockdripstone · 3 months
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