#Áed Find
roehenstart · 1 year
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Legendary Kings of Scotland (by Jacob Jacobsz de Wet II):
61: Etfinus. Áed Find (Áed the White), or Áed mac Echdach (before 736–778), was king of Dál Riata (modern western Scotland and County Antrim, Ireland). Áed was the son of Eochaid mac Echdach, a descendant of Domnall Brecc in the main line of Cenél nGabráin kings. According to later genealogies, Áed was the great-grandfather of Kenneth MacAlpin (Cináed mac Ailpín) who is traditionally counted as the first king of Scots. This descent ran through Áed's son Eochaid mac Áeda Find and Eochaid's son Alpín mac Echdach. The evidence for the existence of Eochaid and Alpín is uncompelling.
62: Eugene VIII (Eógan mac Muiredaig).
63: Fergus III (Fergus mac Echdach; 778-781). He succeeded Áed Find. He is stated to have been a son of Eochaid mac Echdach, and thus a brother of Áed.
64: Solvathius (Selbach mac Ferchair). He (died 730) was king of the Cenél Loairn and of Dál Riata. Selbach's existence is well-attested as he is mentioned repeatedly in Irish annals.
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aodhan-art · 8 months
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Celtober 2023 Days 4, 5 and 6: Murder, Judgement and Mound
Corrgend, the king of the Fir Bolg, caught Áed, son of Eochaid Dagda, in the act of sleeping with Corrgend’s wife, and so he killed Áed in a fit of rage and jealousy. The grieving father sentenced Corrgend to carry Áed’s decomposing body tied to his back until he finds a perfect place for the mound that he should build for his victim. After that, Corrgend was finally executed and buried elsewhere.
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linkedsoul · 1 year
The sky lightens and the stars are fading as she and Áed make their way back to the færie ring. Áed’s hand finds hers. When they near the gate, he tugs her forward and through the gate, onto the rooftop, instead of leading her somewhere else in Qelt. He leans against the railing, reaches out for her other hand. 
For a few seconds, they both remain silent, standing in front of each other, fingers intertwined. Behind Áed, the sky lightens. Once the sun rises, he won’t be there anymore. Not physically. She won’t feel his fingers threaded hers, the warmth of his skin, the comforting solidity of his presence. 
“Why are you looking at me like I’m going to disappear?” he asks, eyes crinkled in amusement. “Dawn will come and I’ll still be there. Just not physically. It won’t prevent me from annoying you, you’re warned.”
“Yeah, well, I can annoy you back,” she grunts. Áed throws his head back to laugh, and everything within her stops the way it always does, drawn and taut towards that simple gesture, the simple sound of his laughter, the sight of his joy. “I just–” she stutters, clears her throat. “I just don’t know when I’ll be able to see you in person again.”
“Well.” He tilts his head to the side. “Nothing prevents you from crossing a færie ring to mine and coming to say hello whenever you feel like it.” 
It doesn’t seem like a big deal for him; but he still clings onto her fingers, still doesn’t let go. And he looks at her with that same endearment, that same fondness that reminds her that no matter what twenty years of existence in her village have taught her, she is not meant to end up alone. Neither is Áed. She hopes he can read that same reminder in her eyes. 
She smiles. “Obviously. I’ll probably come complain in person about things you will have already seen me fail.”
“And gloat about things I will have already seen you succeed in, I hope?”
“Stop overestimating me, it doesn’t sound like you.”
He laughs again. “You just underestimate yourself, little one.” The nickname, now useless, sounds as endeared and fond as the way he looks at her. She wonders if it’s a reflex, for him, to call her that even if he doesn’t need to anymore. Unless he does it on purpose as a reminder of everything that brought them here. Or just a reminder of her shorter size. Hexed Fæ. “You’re fully capable on your own.” 
He takes a step forward, stands just inches away from her. So close - still close. She raises her head and he leans down until their foreheads touch. Time turns slow, liquid. She wishes it would stop. Wishes the only sun would be the one in Áed’s eyes for a little longer. Just until she feels strong enough to go on even if he’s not there to hold her hand in person. Just until she can believe him. 
“I’ll get the Queen to forgive you,” she murmurs. “I promise. And then you can actually come with me and prevent me from causing a disaster.”
“Maybe I will cause one,” he teases. “I’m meant for destruction after all.”
But he’s holding her hands ever so gently, his forehead against hers as if he wanted to share her thoughts, the softness in his eyes more powerful than a wildfire. She whispers his name, his real name. The foreign sound rolls off her tongue as if she’s always known it. Áed shudders, breath hitching in his throat. 
“I think,” Lasair murmurs, “you’re meant for freedom.”
- Stories of Qelt Book 2 Chapter 1
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rottenbrainstuff · 1 year
Dang guys, on the upcoming summer solstice I wanted to reblog that lovely little fae story, it was making the rounds a few years ago, help me out if you remember it, about a girl in a village making friends with a fae who called himself Áed, and she told him to call her Ainsel to avoid giving him her name. It was a lovely little short story. I’ve cut and pasted it into a word doc to save it.
And I’m glad I did, because tumblr’s search function is total shit, and I can’t find the post anymore, not on my own blog and not in the general search. I don’t want to repost it from my word doc without a clue who was the author. Anyone remember this story and can pull up the actual post?
EDIT: amazing, you guys found that fast. Why does the search function on tumblr suck so bad? I had the story saved in a word doc and I could copy and paste things verbatim into the search but no matter what I tried it pulled up nothing.
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baronetcoins · 7 months
1, 13, & 43 for the oc asks?
[oc asks]
1: What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
Kenneth Peters/Cayde Harper- oh boy this one is FUN. Cayde Harper is their real name, and I mostly picked that by sounds. But later another one of the players in that campaign pointed out to me in other dnd settings, the Harpers were a semi-covert group dedicated to preserving knowledge and protecting the innocent—SUPER fitting for an investigative journalist who's 90% secrets by volume, IMO.
Kenneth Peters as an alias, on the other hand, super leaned into the symbolism. I (and they, in character) got to it by taking one possible etymology for Kenneth (quoting from behind the name lmao) "Possibly from Old Irish cin 'respect, esteem, affection' or cinid 'be born, come into being' combined with áed 'fire'" and then adding that to Peters, as being derived in their case from saltpeter. Born in fire and an explosive ingredient for an artificer specializing in bomb design to make a new start for their lives? It works. Also, Kenneth is a common enough first name and Peters a common enough last name that it manages to be kind of generic without being so generic as to sound obviously fake. I like it a lot.
13. What are your character’s sleeping habits? Heavy or light sleeper? Blanket stealer? One that always rolls onto the floor? Pushes their lover onto the floor? Sleep talker or walker?
Canonically, they tend to sleep in their "armor", as they're a paranoid motherfucker and also it's only a trench coat which means it's like... fine-ish to sleep in. Actually just slept in their clothes most of the time, because their apartment got compromised and they didn't really care about taking pajamas when they packed a go bag. Fairly light sleeper, and prone to just passing out wherever is convenient instead of finding a real bed.
43. Does your character have a switch that changes aspects of their personality whether they are around friends, family, etc. Is there someone who gets to see their true self?
Is there someone who gets to see their true self..... I think the only person who had a good claim to that was Riki, who had some pretty close conversations with them about what it was like to come back from the dead and their perceptions of guilt. Besides that.... I mean it's tough to say! I think to an extent the prickly, standoffish version of them is a true self. They're not really putting on an act about being defensive, if that makes sense? And the kind of sarcastic sense of humor stays the same. But in terms of talking about themselves or honesty? Lol. Lmao.
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I've been binge reading some of your #mine posts again and I gotta ask, are you planning to write a fic or something with Áed?! I want to know what he's been doing in the Hinterlands this whole time, how Jack will feel when they inevitably find him, will Sally get to meet him, did he know about the doors before his son, was he aware of the Christmas fiasco, will the citizens welcome him back- *gasps for air* so many questions!
Aaah! I can't believe someone is asking about my TNBC OC! <3 I'm honored you asked this; thank you so much!!
I made small ficlets of him years ago but never did anything major yet with Áed. I was supposed to draw and explore him a lot more this year, but I never came through. :( I fully plan on changing this, though! After my Jack X Sally fic, Our Nightmare, is done, I plan on working on another TNBC story, which can either be another sequel, a Mirror Moon rewrite, or my fanfiction finally introducing Áed Skellington.
The fanfic would be about someone finally discovering Áed in the Hinterlands and bringing him back home to Halloween Town, where he reunites with his son and some old friends. It will also uncover a lot of Jack's past in my Headcanon/AU, which Sally will learn about when she meets the old Pumpkin King..! We will also learn what happened to the previous Pumpkin Queen as well.
I can't wait to write this fic since it's been in my mind forever, and I want to have fun with + explore my TNBC OC! My Jack X Sally fic is almost done now, so it might be coming sooner than I thought. Regardless - I'll definitely start on an art project with him to flesh out his design and palette!
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agnessieart · 4 years
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A3 with the viking trio!
I did one with (Sve), Agnarr (Dan), and Sigurdr /Auðr (Nor)
Also one with Brynhildr (fem Sve), which is based on a lil story thingy I did with @willeke-burggraaf where, STORY TIME, 
Ag fell in love with Sig who was posing as a woman (Sigridr) cause he/they was practicing seidr. Bryn was very much in love with Ag and when Ag found out Sig was a guy, he ended up marrying Bryn, but kept Sig as his side fling. Also Sig got name changed to the unisex name Auðr after coming out to the rest of the village (which yes, is the Auðr of my dtiys lol)
And after doing so Auðr became one of the most powerful magic users. Odin told them he'd be once they were completely comfortable with themselves. That was when he spoke to Odin about please changing his body to female so they could just marry Ag and he wouldn't have to find out the truth...
meanwhile Auðr was also very much in love with Ag's slave Áed (Scot) so it was a big mess
So yea ... I very much wanted to draw them three, then as an afterthought made a male Sve version (who's hair was hell btw) So also thanks @hetaliahistorynerd for requesting DenSuNor. I dunno if this is neccesarily what you were after, but ... I couldn't resist😅
Also fun fact, in a legend there was a Brynhildr who was rescued by a Sigurdr (who was pretending to be Gunnar, her husband). When she found out she accused Sig of taking her virginity, at which the real Gunnar murdered Sig. Which kinda portrays the relationship between Bryn and Sig at the beginning, so that was cool
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hey your link for your google docs isn’t working so i can’t get to your about page and read about your character ://
I'll paste her main bio here:
Gilrin’s biography [Verse dependent]
Full name: Gilrin Arahael
Age: ~1450 years old [looks like she is in her late 20s early 30s]
Height: ~162/64 cm
Specie: Elf [depends on verse]
Gender: female
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Zodiac sign: Leo
Favourite colours: (ocean) blue, gold, (moss, emerald, forest)green, (lavender) purple, (crimson) red
Appearance: long wavy dark brunette hair, emerald green eyes, fair skin [face claim Katie McGrath with pointy ears]
Relationship status: Single [depends on verse and plot]
Personality: polite, entitled, usually kind, cunning, smart, stubborn, ambitious, deceptive, careful/calculating, empathetic, good-natured (especially around people she is comfortable with), emotional
Likes: (green) tea, botany, gardening, drawing, cold, swimming, horse riding, dancing, dragon fruit, reading, being outside, animals, flowers, cherries, strawberries, walking without shoes in the grass, rain, snow, sweet drinks, salty/sour food, ice skating, libraries, art museums
Dislikes: excessive heat, humidity, bitter tea, clingy people, those who don’t know what they want, anti-feminists, lemon cakes, animal cruelty, her mood swings
Strengths: fighting with daggers/throwing knives/swords, strategic, confident, empathetic, has healing skills
Weaknesses: fighting with a bow and arrow, her emotions can get the best of her, slightly spoiled
Family background:
Father: A general in their country, taught Gilrin self-defence and strategies.
Status: Alive
Mother: An ambassador for their country, occasionally takes Gilrin on her travels. She is strict, but kind.
Status: Alive
Siblings: [Depends on verse and plot, but I am fond of the idea of her having an older brother named Áed]
Children: None [Verse and plot dependent]
Cousins: None
Her Country/Realm [Silivernim]
The country is filled with natural hot springs and mountains.
It is a land of never-ending winter, sometimes the weather gets a little warmer but even then it’s like Autumn or early Spring.
One of Gilrin’s favourite places is the winter garden in their castle, (it took her a couple of years to convince her parents to have one built) the exotic plants are well-taken care of and with one of the natural hot springs being led into the closed-off garden it produces enough heat for the flowers, plants to flourish.
Another one of her favourite locations is the library, she could be found at her favourite reading nook at one of the hidden corners of the enormous library (if one is able to find the said nook that is, though she prefers to be left alone when she goes there).
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wilde-writing · 6 years
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The Devil’s Seals ~ Snippet compilation
Chapter 14
Flann hissed. „We’re not finished with these guys. They didn’t chose their enemies wisely.“
„Get in line.“ Hedy was surprised herself about the sarcastic tone in her voice. „As far as we know the sylphs are already after them, the nixies probably too.“
„The nixies“, Flann snorted. He climbed down the wall and sat down in front of Áeds feet. „As if they would do anything. Before they start a chase they’ll sit in their pond for decades and hope that their victim will magically jump right into their arms. No, the fish are not after them. For sure.“
„Does that really matter?“, Ben stepped in quite inpatient. He actually looked annoyed by Flann’s monologue even though he never seemed bothered by the salamander’s endless ranting. „Of course we all want to catch these scumbags and get our revenge and stuff… But shouldn’t this be our secondary goal?“
Hedy immediately understood, what he meant. „Our priority isn’t to find Saga and her henchmen, but to prevent Lucifer’s ritual from happening.“
„Oh yeah, sure. Piece of cake“, Annie grumbled.
„Don’t be rash“, Áed interrupted them. His anger seemed under control by now, so he was able to get into plotting again. „You are thinking about the gnomes.“ Ben rubbed his hands mischievously. „Sure thing.“
For a change Hedy wasn’t repelled by Ben’s thirst for actions. No, she needed it. They couldn’t let Lucifer’s summoning happen and that meant, that they had to warn the gnomes. 
„You don’t know where we can find the gnomes by chance?“, she asked.
Amused Áed huffed.
On the edge of her consciousness Hedy sensed a disturbing rustling. Flann, who had better reflexes, reacted instantly. His orange eyes scanned their surroundings. 
„Don’t panic“, a familiar, smooth voice said. The next moment a body appeared between the trees.
Caught by surprise Hedy stumbled over her own feet. „Lynn?“
The steel-grey hair of the nixie gleamed in between the green of the leaves. He probably just got out of the nearby river, since his bare feet stell left wet traces on the ground. 
Nobody know how to react to his sudden appearance. Not even Flann. 
„I understand, that you are not thrilled to see me“, Lynn said. „Our meetings were not the most ideal…“
Slowly Hedy counted to ten. „What are you doing here?“
The little smile disappeared from Lynn’s face and he became serious. Maybe it was her imagination, but Hedy saw a spark of edginess in him. „After you left I asked myself if my decision to not give you the information was the right one. With every passing day that Euria didn’t return to her family and abandoned us, it became clear, that I was in the wrong. So I hoped you would give me the chance to retaliate…“
The nixie needed a few moments to get the control over his face back. For seconds a variation of emotions wandered across it: Disbelief, wariness, anxiety… But now he put his stoic mask back on. „What are you going to do now?”
„We assume that the gnomes will get attacked next“, Annie answered. „So we’re on our way to them.“
Lost in thought, Lynn stayed silent. 
„Alrighty!“, Flann blurted out. „You heart Áed — the enemies are on their way, so get it together. Let’s go!“ His tail swept around Ben’s ears, who tried to get rid of him like the salamander was an annoying fly.
„Wait.“ Lynn’s silky voice sounded through the air. It was tempting, but Hedy realised, that he wasn’t using the enchantment that Euria tried on them. „Please, let me come with you.“
@unfocused-overwriter, @madmoonink, @blackandwhitesunsets, @lumina-rhiver
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worldofcelts · 6 years
Dangerous Women of Irish Mythology
Article by Sharon Blackie @ DWP
I’ve often heard it declared that Celtic myths and legends are largely heroic in nature, dominated by the exploits of roving adventurers like Fionn Mac Cumhaill, the battles of formidable warriors like Cú Chulainn, and the courtly questings of Gawains, Galahads and Percevals for the Holy Grail. It’s true of course that the old stories have their fair share of male heroism and adventure, but what often goes unrecognised is that the major preoccupation of their heroes is with service to and stewardship of the land. And the Otherworldly (divine) woman who just as consistently appears in these tales happens to be the guardian and protector of the land, the bearer of wisdom, the root of spiritual and moral authority for the tribe.
Old Irish texts contain an abundance of stories of powerful women who were embodiments of the Sovereignty, an allegorical figure who in many senses represented the spirit of the Earth itself, the anima mundi, a deeply ecological force. The power of Sovereignty (in Irish, flaithius) was the power to determine who should rule the land – but if the power she bestowed was abused, then disaster befell the tribe. Whilst a king reigned who was favoured by the goddess, the land was fertile, and the people were prosperous and victorious in war. But if the king didn’t meet her expectations, crops would fail and the tribe would falter.
So it was that the ancient rites of kingship in Ireland included a ceremonial marriage contract, the banais ríghi, between the king and the goddess of the land, and so fundamental was that idea to the Irish way of life that those rites lasted into the sixteenth century. In this sacred marriage, the king swore to uphold and protect the land and his people, and to be true to both; in return Sovereignty granted him the gifts which would help him to keep his oath. These old stories make it clear that, while there is mutual respect between the two partners – between the goddess and the king, between the land and the people, between nature and culture, between feminine and masculine – then all is in harmony and life is filled with abundance. But when the contract is broken, the fertile land becomes the Wasteland.
Sovereignty figures, however, are very different from the usual ‘Earth-Mother’ archetypes who symbolise fertility and prosperity. Like most women in early Irish literature, they are infinitely more ambiguous, unpredictable, and on occasion, decidedly dangerous. Mess with them at your peril. Sovereignty could show herself as a beautiful young woman, fairy mistress or wife; she could appear as a powerful (and by modern standards, promiscuous) sexual figure; she could take the form of a leprous old hag, or a harbinger of war and death.
Let’s take the example of Macha, just one of many fascinating and complex Sovereignty figures in early Irish mythology. Typically, her attributes include tribal/territorial goddess (she is associated with Armagh, Ard Mhacha, in Ulster) and fertility goddess – but she is also a battle goddess. And as is so often the case with these complex divine women, there are three different versions of Macha in the early texts.
In one story, Macha appears as a typical Otherworldly bride, turning up out of the blue at the door of Cruinniuc, an unsuspecting farmer, and bestowing good fortune and prosperity on him. But one day, at a fair, disobeying Macha’s instructions, he boasts to King Conchobar of Ulster that his wife can run faster than any of the king’s horses. In spite of the fact that she is heavily pregnant, Conchobar forces Macha to come and prove herself: to race against his horses. She wins easily, but at the finishing line she collapses and goes into labour; as soon as her twins are born she dies. But before she does, she curses the men of Ulster to experience labour pains at the hour of their greatest need.
In a second story, Macha Mong Ruad (‘red mane’), daughter of Áed Rúad, is the only queen in the List of High Kings of Ireland. She defends her right to her father’s throne against male rivals who deny her because she’s a woman. She marries one of them, defeats the other in battle, and pursues the latter’s sons into the wilderness of Connacht. Surprisingly, since she’s disguised as a leper, the men seem to find her attractive and, one by one, they follow her into the woods to sleep with her. But Macha overcomes each of them and takes them back as slaves to her territory, where she forces them to build her a fortress: the great Emhain Mhacha. This Macha, clearly, is keeping the Sovereignty firmly for herself.
In a third set of references to her, Macha is a woman of the Tuatha Dé Danann, one of three daughters of Ernmas – the others being Morrígu, the dangerous and powerful goddess who appears often as a raven or crow, and Badb. In the Yellow Book of Lecan, she is referred to as ‘one of the three morrígna’, ‘raven women who instigate battle’. In the Second Battle of Mag Tuired, the Morrígan ensures victory for the Tuatha Dé Danann by sleeping with the Dagda, one of their leaders.
Inevitably perhaps, the old goddess of Sovereignty has been treated badly over the centuries, as patriarchal values have increasingly taken hold. She began to lose some of her power when these stories from ancient oral traditions were first committed to paper by Christian monks. Later, she might find herself reinvented as a saint. But if the qualities she embodied in a specific incarnation didn’t fit new images of what a good woman should be, she would be dismissed simply as a ‘fairy woman’, or (for example, in many stories about Medb – or Maeve – of Connaught) remodelled as a promiscuous, pseudo-historical queen. The Morrígan, impossible to whitewash, was simply written out of later versions of the old stories. And by the seventeenth century, when a woman could no longer be accepted in any significant position of influence, all that persisted of the once-powerful goddess of Sovereignty were the dreamlike visions known as aislings in which she appeared as a muse to inspire (male) poets – a weak, melancholy, vaguely Otherworldly maiden, sexless, romanticised and distinctly unreal.
And yet, in the last century Sovereignty, irrepressible, has risen up out of her iconic landscapes and undergone something of a renaissance. We see her, alive and well, in contemporary Irish poetry – from the fertile, female bogs to which Seamus Heaney declared his betrothal, to Nuala Ní Dhomnaill’s Cailleach-ridden Kerry mountains. We see her in a growing interest in the female divine, and the divine female of Irish legend is more interesting than most. It is her complexity, perhaps, that fascinates above all else; these dangerous women for sure don’t lend themselves to easy archetypes, to simple psychological classifications, as has happened with the Greek pantheon in way too many ‘find the goddess within you’ books by a string of Jungian psychologists. Throughout their stories, these women of old Irish literature teach us about the beauty of balance and the dangers of excess. Along with fertility comes promiscuity; the giving of life is balanced by the bringing of death; adherence to the light must be balanced by embracing the dark.
Lebor Gabála Érenn: The Book of Invasions
Annals of the Four Masters
The Second Battle of Mag Tiured
Secondary sources
Bitel, Lisa M. Land of Women: Tales of Sex and Gender from Early Ireland. (Cornell: Cornell University Press, 1996)
Clark, Rosalind. The Great Queens: Irish Goddesses from the Morrígan to Cathleen ní Houlihan. (Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe, 1991)
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roehenstart · 1 year
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Legendary Kings of Scotland:
65: Achaius (Eochaid mac Áeda Find). 
Eochaid mac Áeda Find is a supposed King of Dál Riata found in some rare High Medieval king-lists and in older history books. Supposedly a son of Áed Find (died 778) and successor to Áed's brother Fergus mac Echdach. Also supposed to have concluded a treaty with the Emperor Charlemagne.
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linkedsoul · 1 year
I've revisited your story of Áed and the little one almost every other year since I first read it, I came back to it to find you're writing a book and couldn't be more excited!
Of all the stories Ive read in my life, your one shot of Áed and the little one stayed with me more than any other
!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! <3 <3
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wariskind-news · 7 years
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The Annual Kenmare Pub Crawl is upon us again---and this time, with a twist!
For three decades, Kenmare’s four wizarding pubs have pulled out all the stops to create unique, fascinating, and occasionally undrinkable brews in order to win the title of Best Pub in Ireland. After years of complaints from bars throughout the rest of wizarding Britain, however, the competition has been widened. Bars from Ballycastle to London will be in Kenmare to show off their newest concoctions. This weekend, pubs and breweries will be competing to win the hearts of the Wizarding world for a brand new title: the Best Pub in the United Kingdom.
Per usual, witches and wizards will help decide this year’s champion by sampling all beer, food, and entertainment the Wizarding world has to offer, right out of Kenmare.
Sample appetizers from popular food trolleys (such as Nacho Mama’s Nachos and Greased Grub, to name a few).
Stop by the WWN’s event booth to request songs from the DJ, and for your chance to appear live on air every evening (and the opportunity to win prizes, too!).
The Department of Intoxicating Substances will be hosting a game booth for children (and handing out educational materials about responsible drinking for the adults!).
Medi-wizards will be standing by, for those who need them.
Members of the Anti-Splinching Squad will be waiting in the main tent to apparate anyone who feels they need assistance finding their way home. 
And, of course, taste a variety of beers from a variety of reputable pubs.
Get your admission wristbands by the day, or for the entire weekend, at the main event tent. Don’t forget to stop there to cast your vote on the way out, either!
And now, for our competitors—
Corkbuzz //  One might not expect a wine bar to enter a competition judging beers, but Tinworth’s entry is not to be underestimated. Often dismissed as too classy and traditional to fit in with the rough and tumble crowd traditionally at a pub crawl, but the staff has pulled out all the stops to appeal to a whole new set of customers.
Happens for a Riesling; this traditional sweet wine will be perfect for those who haven’t spent much time drinking wine and want to give it a try, or for those who think sweeter is always better. 
Shiraz as Can Be; for red wine fans, this wine will be the obvious choice, and a square of chocolate will really bring out the hints of cherry and licorice. 
COMPETITOR: Red-y and Waiting Ale; whether you like to relax with a cold beer or sip on a glass of red wine, this ale is sure to be a hit. This beer will remind beer drinkers of a traditional bitter ale and wine drinkers of a well aged cabernet. How Corkbuzz pulled off this balance is something of a mystery. 
The Dragon’s Egg // Although Holyhead’s rowdiest bar entered the competition, one wonders if they decided to put their best foot forward. However, the laid back vibe has always been what made the Dragon’s Egg a popular place for dragonologists, Quidditch players, and criminals to come together to relax, and it’s sure to make this pub stand out from the rest of the competition. 
Welsh Pale Ale; a traditional pale ale, always served cold. Unless you’ve done something to annoy the bartender. 
Dark Stout; the darker side of the pale ale, with all of the full bodied flavor you might expect from a dark beer. 
COMPETITOR: Laggin’ Lager; this beer marks the pub’s first attempt to move away from their two standbys in over two centuries. Hopefully it’s worth the wait.
The Drunken Dragon // Having been dethroned last year after winning the title of Best Pub in Ireland of 1977, rumor has it that the Drunken Dragon is pulling out all the stops this year. At the Drunken Dragon, edgier is synonymous with superior, so brace yourself for a myriad of special effects – both frightening and awe inspiring – before you duck into the underbelly of the Dragon.
Anne Bonny’s Belgian Wit; this wheat ale is sweet and smooth, sure to please anyone and everyone who tries it.
Grace O'Malley’s Irish Ale; like its namesake and the chieftain of the Ó Máille clan of west Ireland, this ale is considered to be exceptionally formidable and competent. Although last year’s entry didn’t win the grand prize, it has become pub favorites. 
COMPETITOR: Maeve of Connacht’s Stout; with a kick as strong as a bull, this beer isn’t for the faint of heart. But for those who survive, they’re sure to go down in legend for their will and determination. 
The Golden Bludger //  At long last, the pride of Puddlemere has arrived in town to prove itself the greatest and grandest in all the land. Located near P.I.M.P., the Golden Bludger has become known for it’s ever changing drinks and unique brews.
Puddlemere Pecan Porter; a creamy Porter with just a hint of nutty flavor that helps to hide the brew’s natural hoppiness, this brew has become a popular staple of fall at the Golden Bludger. 
Wadcock Cinnamon Cider; this cider is a pride of Puddlemere. After tasting the slight twist on the classic cider, more than one patron has commented on being reminded of Firewhiskey. 
COMPETITOR: Bodwin Moor Maple Stout; this barrel-aged stout has just a hint of sweetness from the maple that helps it to go down smooth. You’re sure to be coming back for more of this seasonal treat. 
The Hopping Pot // Named after the famous tale recorded by Beedle the Bard, this pub has become a staple for shoppers in Carkitt Market over the last few centuries, and it as become well known for never being afraid to take a risk or two when it comes to making a new brew. While not as eccentric as some of the other competitors, the Hopping Pot shouldn’t be written up, as they still have some tricks up their sleeve. 
Wizard’s Brew; don’t be put off by this beer’s classic name. One of the Hopping Pot’s original brews, this sweet stout is a comforting brew for many an old wizard. 
Fishy Green Ale; a popular drink with the younger crowd. Just don’t ask how the drink turned green. Or what kind of fish eggs are floating in it. Best just not to ask any questions and all and enjoy this beer. 
COMPETITOR: Strawberry Lime Cider; the tart lime flavors help to cut the sweetness of the strawberry in this fizzy cider. Like other drinks at the Hopping Pot, it promises to be nothing like anything you’ve had before! 
Kings of the Crossroad //  True to its name, Kings of the Crossroad serves drinks fit for a king, with an atmosphere welcoming to royalty and peasants alike. With its famous Áed Findliath line – all brews named for the fair Irish king – Kings is full of surprises year round as it releases its brand new seasonal brews every few months. Whether it be the season of the sun, or the season of roaring fireplaces, Kings of the Crossroad will always be ready with a welcome that’s even warmer.
Áed Findliath’s Dublin Brew; taking their own spin on an Irish tradition, the Dublin Brew was the Kings’ first attempt at their own draft. What they came up with truly lives up to the name of Ireland’s capital, and it’s won them the title of Best Pub in Ireland in many years past.
Áed Findliath’s Irish Red; many claim this is Kenmare’s appeal to the British, with its tea-like taste. Kings boasts that their Irish Red is the richest beer in all of Kenmare, second only to their competing drink this season.
COMPETITOR: Áed Findliath’s Pumpkin Ale; in celebration of the cooler air and changing leaves, Kings has prepared this draft for those who are feeling especially festive. Don’t let the name fool you -- despite having hints of pumpkin flavor that everyone can enjoy, this isn’t your average glass of pumpkin juice.
Kinky Kestral // The Kinky Kestral has been bestowed many titles, from the most eccentric pub in all of Ireland since its establishment over fifty years ago, to the Best Pub in Ireland of 1978. With relics reminiscent of every era the Kinky Kestral has witnessed, this pub has given the word “classic” a definition all their own. Its 1950′s mantra, “You have to be here to get it,” has made quite the comeback throughout the 1970′s.
I’m A Little Tea Pot Short and Stout; last year’s winning beverage -- stout beer, served in a tea pot -- proved that appearances are everything. The marketing marvel is back again this year for a victory lap. You can purchase a pot large enough for your entire table, or one in miniature for yourself.
Malted Milk & Cookie; the pub crawl wouldn’t be complete without this divisive beer. Some find this malt beer appalling, and others find it enthralling. Whatever the opinion, a witch or wizard can usually be persuaded to give this drink a try by the delectable chocolate chip cookie that comes with it.
COMPETITOR: Hip Hoppin’ Pottin’ Porter; the Kinky Kestrel has attempted to keep their moment from last year with an even bigger surprise. Inspired by the famous tale (and perhaps a bit by their competition), this porter is served in a one legged pot that hops around your table. Just be careful to watch for spills. 
Lumos Nox Brewery // The newbie on the block this year, this will be the first time this creative brewery has entered into any competition with their one-of-a-kind brews that’ll have your tastebuds dying to discover the rest of the menu.
House Special; with them being stranger to competition, this seems like the perfect opportunity for everyone to try that classic ale with a twist. The lemon adds a special acidity that’ll keep you ordering it by the pints
Jonesing for a Bonesing; Britain’s favorite drink can now be found here… Tea and beer combined, who would have thought? What you do: choose your favorite tea. The owner’s, for instance, is Earl Grey. That and their basic dark stout gets mixed together, as does a dash of sugar, lemon and honey to level out the bitterness of both. There’s a smoky finish and a whole lot more where that came from
COMPETITOR: Bev’s Brew; milk stout with a blend of cherry happened by accident one day when the owner’s daughter was in. She’d spilled her cherry juice into the usual milk stout and magic was made. The sweetness, creaminess, and that background bitterness of the dark stout is a match you’ll be thankful you tried.
The Tipsy Cow // Casual in both atmosphere and decor, the Tipsy Cow is undoubtedly the wheat beer capital of the Wizarding world. Their brews are guaranteed to knock you off your feet (if they’re not already up on the bar counter, that is.) The Tipsy Cow won Best Pub in Ireland back in 1976, and after two years ranking last, they’re itching to prove themselves to be not only the best in Ireland, but in the whole Wizarding world.
Grandpa’s Classic: Hefeweize; as the first beverage crafted by magical folk in Kenmare, this wheat beer is considered a classic, and enjoyed by witches and wizards of all ages, in spite of its nickname. The only beer made with yeast, this cloudy beverage will mesmerize you as much as any crystal ball.
Dad’s Favorite: Kristallweizen; by far the most popular beer served at the Cow, this is more than just Dad’s favorite. Filtered and fresh tasting, everyone can find this brew enjoyable.
COMPETITOR: Mother’s Choice: Bock; a smooth malty brew sweetened with honey, this bock will be something even those the most hesitant beer drinkers can enjoy.  
OOC Information---
We hope you’re all excited for the return of the Kenmare Pub Crawl! Just as with last year, your characters will help decide this year’s winner. How so? Well, we’ll tell you...
Each character has the opportunity to earn points towards this event, and each character will submit their points to one of the pubs listed above. The pub with the most points by the end of the weekend will win the title of the Best Pub in the United Kingdom for 1979.
Points should be tallied as follows:
10 points for every starter you post between now and Sunday
10 points for every time your character replies to a new starter. (Please note that this is for the initial reply only; you do not receive an additional 10 points for every reply on that thread).
10 points if your character interacts with a character they’ve never spoken to before.
50 points if your starter gets over 50 notes worth of replies.
100 points if your starter gets over 100 notes worth of replies.
20 points for any drabble you post for your character which is over 100 words.
30 points any drabble you post for your before.character which is over 300 words.
Be sure to submit your points to the main page by 11:29 pm EST on Sunday, the 1st. We’ll tally the points and announce the winner by midnight. If you have any questions, just let us know via the main as well, and we’ll get them answered for you.
Happy boozing and cruising---and writing, of course! Here’s to an exciting weekend in Kenmare!
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Can you tell us more about Áed? :o
Sorry I didn’t reply to this sooner, I’m honestly still quite shocked anyone wants to know anything about my OCs. But I’d love to talk more about Áed - I hope to incorporate him into a future TNBC fic I have planned. And draw him a lot more.
here’s some background info on him in case you haven’t already read it.
Also here’s a little dated drawing I made of him, I really should draw a more recent one. But here’s a sketch just to get a slight idea of what he looks like now:
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The story with Áed Skellington is that he was a terrific father to Jack when he was still young - he taught him everything he knew about scaring, raised him to be the future Pumpkin King, and supported him when he showed interests in the arts and sciences. He gave very good lessons about life and scaring that Jack still holds to this day.
He was a very influential figure in his life, and he was the kind of father who encouraged, helped, and supported Jack whenever he needed it. He raised him to be a kind gentleman who valued his people and their holiday, a slight reflection of his own character.
He was also a very excellent King to his people, remaining humble about his position because he never forgot his origins as a pumpkin farmer. He was loved and admired, but never let it get to his head. He continuously reminded that to Jack while he prepared to be King - that he was going to be smothered with attention and admiration, hence why he is able to take it so well.
Áed was also loyal and very loving to his wife - he put his family first before everything, and had plenty of values that made him a good person.
But when Jack’s mother, Caoimhe died, Áed’s communication with him started to…deteriorate. He spent more time mourning over her death than he did with Jack, and even if he still gave great advice, took care of the town, and supported his son, their disconnection got obvious.
Áed felt lonely and lost his passion for scaring because he didn’t feel he had anyone else to share it with, and it showed when his scaring skills started to worsen. He participated less and less in Halloween until he eventually grew tired of it.
So when the day came to crown Jack as the Pumpkin King and retire his position, Áed realized how disconnected he became with his people, his holiday, and even his own son.
Áed didn’t find a reason to stay where he was feeling as discontented as he did, so he passed his title onto Jack, then left Halloween Town for good.
There was a search party for him since he did not tell anyone he was leaving. But when word came back that Áed was nowhere to be found, Jack was devastated. He searched for him for ages until he finally accepted it was just him and Zero now, and went on with his life.
But Áed secretly harbored himself in the Hinterlands for many years, and it’s because of Jack’s discovery of the Holiday Trees that he was eventually found. 
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linkedsoul · 1 year
Hello, thank you so much for your writing, especially that original one-shot with Áed and Lasair. That story is still something I can cling to when I feel nearly as trapped as she was there, some days. Thank you so, so very much.
late reply but thanks so much for your message!! <3 <3 running away and finding your freedom are definitely recurrent themes in my stories, and I'm glad it speaks to people and can give you courage. I hope you're doing okay <3
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linkedsoul · 3 years
“I hope they visit me often, when they can,” she says, softer. “Or that I can go visit them often. I’m going to miss them.”
Whenever she’s sad, it doesn’t just show on her face: it is like the air is wavering, like the world around her is tensing, slightly; stocks and stocks of bottled pain and tears flashing behind her back, built in a tower that sways as it rises. And Áed hates that it’s not just a pinch in his chest anymore, when that happens. It’s a clutch, now, a clawed hand. She hasn’t come back crying ever since last year, and he’s been very glad of it.
“And what about you?” he cuts in, light and casual, slicing into the heaviness of the atmosphere. “Hope you’re not planning on staying in that shithole for the rest of your life. What about spiting me by leaving?”
She jolts and straightens up, comically vexed. Her hands ball into fists. The sadness around her eases, but Áed doesn’t show that he’s felt that. Maybe she knows. Maybe not. “It’s a work in progress, okay?”
“Yeah, well.” He looks at his coffin-shaped nails, falsely disinterested. “You better show me before I start calling you a liar.”
“Thanks. I’m even more motivated, now.”
She looks sulky, and he laughs frankly at her scowl. Her features smoothen. He noticed that she sometimes looks at him with more softness than she pretends to have towards him; and he’s not sure she herself knows about that. He used to not really know what to think, when that happened. He didn’t quite understand what it meant. Mortals, despite everything, still sometimes remain incomprehensible to him. 
But they’re friends, now, and that’s all that look means: appreciation, affection. The reminder that she doesn’t see him as rotten as he thinks himself to be. 
“Say…” Her expression turns pensive. She’s easy to read, maskless around him, and he finds even the tiniest changes on her face fascinating. “When I finally manage to go on the roads, or just away from here…”
The wind rises, blowing her hair in her face. She keeps her hands around her necklace, unbothered. Her hair is loose, today - even when it isn’t, it always ends up like that. He’s always wondered what she would look like if she cut it short. She seems like the kind who’d prefer it that way. She would look a little less like her mother. 
She couldn’t sound any less like her mother already.
“What will you do?”
She likes looking at him in the eyes, he notices once more. Hers are light grey, a shade rather common for people with origins from the Borderlands. He’s found, when the sun hits them the right way, in the late afternoon or at early dawn, the color is not unlike silver.
It gleams that way, today - like her necklace, or the snowflake on her wristband. Silver. Færie metal in the eyes of a human. The special in the ordinary. The wild in a girl’s body. A living contradiction - a summary of her existence.
She is meant to leave this place. Not stay tied down here, like a bird in a cage. He wouldn’t allow it. 
“... I’ll be here,” he eventually answers. He has been there for two centuries. He cannot die. He cannot leave. What else is there to do? “Waiting. Watching over this village. As I always do.”
- Stories of Qelt, Chapter 17 (excerpt)
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