#Óró Sé do Bheatha ‘Bhaile
stairnaheireann · 7 months
#OTD in 1594 – English expedition sets out from Galway to kill pirate queen, Gráinne Ní Mháille (Grace O’Malley).
England used Galway as a launching pad for capturing the Pirate Queen, Gráinne Ní Mháille — and failed miserably. Gráinne Ní Mháille was chieftain of the Ó Máille clan in the west of Ireland, following in the footsteps of her father Eoghan Dubhdara Ó Máille. Commonly known as Gráinne Mhaol (anglicised as Granuaile) in Irish folklore, she is a well-known historical figure in 16th-century Irish…
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Students at the George Washington University encampment for Palestine singing “Óró Sé Do Bheatha ‘Bhaile”
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Sunday sounds: Welcome home
This very recent piece of news, courtesy of The Guardian, brought today's sounds as a natural choice (yes, Sunday sounds are going to also be a sort of fixture on this page): https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/aug/18/death-masks-recreate-face-of-bonnie-prince-charlie. And I have to say casting got it rather right with Andrew Gower. Mark me, hehe.
Óró, sé do bheatha 'bhaile literally means welcome home and before its incarnation as one of the legendary Irish Civil War songs, it was one of the Jacobite ballads, directly linked to the Third Rising, Culloden and all the rest that keeps us busy and involved in here.
The Dubliners' version is not my favorite (in my book, Derek Warfield hits the right energy), but it is the closest one to the old Jacobite tune the Victorians dutifully rediscovered around 1855, combining it with the now classical Patrick Pearse lyrics. And yes, I have listened very carefully, albeit with absolutely nothing under my belt than my enthusiasm (and certainly no damn Gaelic proficiency).
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heroisagirlsname · 23 days
@laufire tagged me to spell out my URL in song titles. Tysm for the tag!
History of Man -- by Maisie Peter
Exile Vilify -- by The National
River, The Woods(,The) -- by Astronautalis
Óró Sé do Bheatha Bhaile -- by Seo Linn
I Write Sins Not Tragedies -- by Pan!c At The Disco
Sugar We're Going Down -- by Fall Out Boy
Achilles Come Down -- by Gang Of Youths
Gnossiene 1 -- by Erik Satie
I Will Follow You Into The Dark -- by Death Cab For A Cutie
Radioactive -- by Imagine Dragons
Labour -- by Paris Paloma
Sing -- by My Chemical Romance
Nobody Praying For Me -- by Seether
Make Me Wanna Die -- by The Pretty Reckless
Everybody Knows -- by Sigrid
@torchwood-99 @the-mad-woman-in-the-attic @mllecosettefauchelevent @jollyladyshark
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shiorimakibawrites · 6 months
Writing Playlists
I don't generally have specific playlists when I'm writing. I usually just listen to whatever is getting the words flowing that day. But I tried to sort them into some categories which ended up being character or vibes . . . maybe I should try by story.
This is not an exhaustive list and mostly which songs I could remember off the top of my head. Which since I was listening to a Spotify shuffle of Three Days Grace had a lot of theirs . . .
Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.
Matt Murdock
Tell Me Why by Three Days Grace (Season 3)
Right Left Wrong by Three Days Grace (Season 3)
Animal I’ve Become by Three Days Grace
Infra-Red by Three Days Grace
Last To Know by Three Days Grace (Post-Break Up with Elektra)
Delicate by Taylor Swift
Frank Castle
Lifetime by Three Days Grace
Animal I’ve Become by Three Days Grace
Riot by Three Days Grace
Michael Kinsella
Painkiller by Three Days Grace
Blank Space by Taylor Swift
Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
Don’t Blame Me by Taylor Swift
The Rocky Road to Dublin by Kings of Connaught
Óró Sé do Bheatha Bhaile by Seo Linn
Siúil a Rún by Seo Linn
Siúil a Rún by Celtic Women
Romance – Happy / Soft
Breathe by Faith Hill
This Kiss by Faith Hill
From This Moment by Shania Twain
Dov’e L’amore by Cher
The Power by Cher
Romance – Sad / Melancholy
If This Was A Movie by Taylor Swift
Romance – Other
Bejeweled by Taylor Swift
He Gets That From Me by Reba McIntyre
Chalk Outline by Three Days Grace
Getaway Car by Taylor Swift
The Rattlin’ Bog
Danse Macabre
Memory (Cats)
Rhapsody in Blue
Habanera (Carmen)
These give me Owen Sleater images which is really annoying since I haven’t even watched Boardwalk Empire – darn the power of those lovely gif sets of Owen looking so good . . .
The Foggy Dew
The Rocky to Dublin by Kings of Connaught
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melimatters · 1 year
FF14 Write 2023: Off the Hook
(NOTE: For the full effect of what I have in mind for this piece I suggest listening to the following link while reading: Óró 'sé do bheatha 'bhaile - LYRICS + Translation - YouTube it’s a Irish folk song, but the tune is what I am stealing not the lyrics lol)
Altani breathed deeply and took in the warm air blowing across Broken Glass, it was summer in Garlemald, and while not precisely warm it was at least tolerable, especially with the wood fires burning at the center of the encampment where the evening meal was being served. 
She was sitting on the ground next to Allie, taking in the soft sounds of chatter and what sounded like light drumming on some of the Ceruleum barrels. She nuzzled in on Allies shoulder smelling the gentle perfume in her lover’s hair, on the night wind it wafted adding just a touch of home in what was otherwise a blasted landscape. 
“I’ll never get over how people were supposed to survive in this.” Altani said softly, her eyes wandering over the encampment “I can’t believe mom grew up in this nightmare.”
Allie nuzzled her hair closer to Altani “I can’t either being honest, father mentioned the condition of his homeland many times, but we never came back up here.”
The two women drifted back to their own thoughts, lazily watching the rest of the camp members. Altani noted her mother not a few yalms away sitting on the ground much like herself with Y’shtola in tow, the two of them chatting eagerly to one another.
“Have those two set a date yet?” Allie asked amusedly. 
“Not yet, I don’t think Y’shtola is going to let mom get off the hook on this one though, she is determined to make it clear to mom and the universe that she considers them forever, no matter how long that is.”
Allie looked over at the two women and chuckled “I am not sure father is ready to consider me doing something like that, it might kill him.”
“I am pretty sure it would do the same to mom, having her former lover as official family would be something she might never recover from.” Altani giggled. 
The women sat in silence again once more until they heard the soft sound of the strings of an instrument being tuned. 
“I think your sister is about to go on.” Allie said with anticipation “I always love hearing her play and sing.”
Altani’s eyes filled with pride, she had always been the same, even from when they were young she remembered K’yla humming, she always had a tune going, even during the time she barely spoke a single word. 
Suddenly the light drumming from earlier began to roll in earnest, it wasn’t loud or thunderous by any mean, but a steady beat that one could dance by. The two women swayed with the sound, feeling its primal thump, it was such a different sound than what K’yla usually played. They noticed that Melisande’s eyes went very wide and she whispered something to Y’shtola who simply grinned. 
It was at that moment that the music began to rise, Altani had never heard this instrument, it reminded her of the harp in Fortemps manor but sounded like it was struck as opposed to plucked. K’yla began to sing, it was in a language that Altani didn’t recognize but had so much emotion behind it. She turned and saw her mother staring at her younger daughter and with what she thought were tears in her eyes. 
“This..this is a song that mom used to hum to us a lullaby when we were younger!”
Allie turned her head towards to get a better listen to the music and lyrics as K’yla belted them out “It’s…Old Garlean…” she said finally.
“Old Garlean?”
“From before the freeze and migration, father once mentioned it still being used in the villages even up north.” Allie said quietly.
“Can you understand it?” Altani asked excitedly.
“No, I mean, not exactly?” Allie responded with clear frustration in her voice “It’s similar to what I learned from my father, but quite different at the same time.”
The two women’s thoughts were broken at the sight of Melisande standing up and gingerly moving towards the open ground around the fires and begin to dance. There was such a passion in her footwork and movement, like something freed from a long time of lost memory. Altani found tears in her eyes now, she could see them streaming down her mother’s face as she danced, others began to join in, mostly the non pureblood garleans, but some of the purebloods as well. 
“I think…I think mom could remember the tune but not the words, that’s why she used to hum it to us, thinking back I think there were tears in her eyes then too.”
Allie wrapped arm around Altani’s slender waist “She is from the villages isn’t she? This was probably something she heard as a child and danced to back then as well.”
“Yeah, and fury bless, K’yla somehow found out what the song was and the lyrics as well.”
“She never ceases to amaze me.” Allie said, bursting into a broad smile. 
“Me either, but she is a storyteller, she probably found someone here to teach it to her.”
“I just wish I could tell you what it says and means.” Allie said, her frustration growing.
“We shall return to our home, long lost behind the cold, one day to see sunlights warmth and rise again.” a voice said from behind the women. 
They turned to see a tall pure blood garlean standing there, it was Maxima, one of the earliest members of the movement to end the tyranny of the empire. Altani also noticed what she thought was a tiny tear in his eye as well. 
“It’s old, very old, I remember my mother teaching it to me when I was very small, a reminder of where we came from and where we wanted to go back to. I haven’t heard it in a very long time, and certainly not like this.” 
Altani stared up at the garlean man and spoke softly “You never learned it in the original language I take it?”
“No, not at all, the old language was essentially eliminated in the earliest days of the empire, Solus had no need for it apparently, but it persisted in the villages, I think because they could speak about the rest of us without being understood.”
“Sounds about right for people that weren’t exactly considered equals.” Allie mused. 
“I want to change that, we don’t need this hate, this fear anymore, I want a better Garlemald, a better future for all of us.” Maxima said wistfully. 
Altani turned back towards the fire and laughed, she saw her mother draggin Y’shtola up to dance with her, the Mi’qote woman seemed to be quite determined not to move but it was clearly performative. She watched with tenderness as the two women swayed and laughed. It was at that moment she felt a gentle shove on her shoulder and saw Allie stand and reach a hand out.
“May I have this dance?”
Maxima watched as the two women headed out to the fire and began to move in time with the music just as Melisande and Y’shtola were doing. He smiled a broad smile. 
“Perhaps, all it takes is one song to begin the healing.” he thought to himself.
NOTE: I have a VERY extensive background on what I have come up with for old Garlemald that I will get together and publish at some point, its probably way out there, but I based in on the limited info we have and many of the allusions to imperial Rome.
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sycamorre · 9 months
Now for something completely different: Delethil
[send me a character]
Definitely don't mind a challenge!
Favorite thing about them: As much as he drove Oriana insane between his attitude and the "Lavender" debacle, I do find him charming and funny. And he does have a good heart in him, I can't deny that.
Least favorite thing about them: Would it kill him to be at least a little respectful to his girlfriend's new buddies?
Favorite line: My memory sucks so nothing specific, but I do think about the moments where Del got to be soft with Riven or got her to laugh and it warms my ol' heart.
brOTP: I mean, who else but Eravin?
OTP: This isn't even a question. You know it's always been RIven. And yeah, a little Eravin, too.
nOTP: Del and open spaces that he can't sneak around in.
Random Headcanon: Very hard for me to pick something, but a thought I just had was that there could possibly be a moment post-campaign, when Ori is visiting Aerenth on whatever business she has, and maybe say her and Del are in a room together, maybe waiting for Riven to finish something and meet back up with them. Maybe they get to talking. Ori is trying real hard not to let it show that his light-hearted mocking still hurts a bit. And maybe he has a moment where something clicks and he has the slightest change of heart. So he comments on something just so he can say Lathander by name, or at least make a point to ask about the correct pronunciation, even if it's just for show. And maybe that would be the moment that Oriana's opinion of him starts a serious shift.
Unpopular Opinion: To be honest, I think a lot of my opinions of him are not "unpopular" amongst our group and are pretty standard. But the biggest thing is that I still think Del and Riven's decision to execute Vasion was unnecessary, but I could see that leading to a nice arc or story bit of them having to face the consequences of that with the moon elves and maturing as leaders as a result.
Song I associate with them: OK so I bit out there maybe but I'm actually going with an old Irish song: "Óró Sé do Bheatha Bhaile" specifically because it's meant as a rebel song. To give a quick synopsis, it's the rebels singing about Grainne Mhaol, or Grace O'Malley, who was a rebel leader. This version by Seo Linn feels like it has the right vibes for him.
Favorite picture of them: Unfortunately I have no sketches or saved pictures of him. Alas.
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moiraimyths · 2 years
Each of the devs should pick one song they think fits the game and make a playlist
Clotho: An Eala Bhàn
Lachesis: Óró Sé do Bheatha Bhaile
Atropos: This
The Good People (Na Daoine Maithe) is now out on Steam and Itch.io, and has a Kickstarter pre-launch page! Check our pinned post for details!
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striderstable · 1 year
Sinead O'Connor - Óró, sé do bheatha 'bhaile
Óró, sé do bheatha 'bhaile, Óró, sé do bheatha 'bhaile, Óró, sé do bheatha 'bhaile Anois ar theacht an tsamhraidh.
'Sé do bheatha, a bhean ba léanmhar, Do b' é ár gcreach tú bheith i ngéibheann, Do dhúiche bhreá i seilbh méirleach, Is tú díolta leis na Gallaibh.
Tá Gráinne Mhaol ag teacht thar sáile, Óglaigh armtha léi mar gharda, Gaeil iad féin is ní Gaill ná Spáinnigh, Is cuirfidh siad ruaig ar Ghallaibh.
A bhuí le Rí na bhFeart go bhfeiceam, Mura mbeam beo ina dhiaidh ach seachtain, Gráinne Mhaol agus míle gaiscíoch, Ag fógairt fáin ar Ghallaibh.
Oh-ro You're welcome home, Oh-ro You're welcome home, Oh-ro You're welcome home… Now that summer's coming!
Welcome oh woman who was so afflicted, It was our ruin that you were in bondage, Our fine land in the possession of thieves… And you sold to the foreigners!
Gráinne O'Malley is coming over the sea, Armed warriors along with her as her guard, They are Gaels, not invaders(british) nor Spanish… And they will rout the foreigners!
May it please the King of Miracles that we might see, Although we may live for a week once after, Gráinne Mhaol and a thousand warriors… Dispersing the foreigners!
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saintsenara · 2 years
scylla and charybdis | chapter one | estuary
read here | author's notes here
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images clockwise from top left: snettisham beach | rambling roses by annie ho for istock | detail from boy with a basket of fruit by caravaggio [galleria borghese] | brancaster | antique porcelain by ravenatdusk for istock | hands in oil paint by ben lustenhouwer | solnedgangsstemning over havet by carl wentorf [private collection] | bookshelves by eilis garvey for unsplash | nicky crane kicking by nick knight [show studio] | the river dee estuary | detail from freshening breeze by frederick judd waugh [private collection] | express train, kenton, late 1970s by barry lewis for wikimedia commons
quotes clockwise from top left: poem by frank o'hara [full text] | estuary by katrina roberts [full text]
songs: óró sé do bheatha 'bhaile by sibéal | half a person by the smiths | salvatore by lana del rey
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stairnaheireann · 7 months
#OTD in Irish History | 8 March:
International Women’s Day 1574 – Captain William Martin lays siege to Gráinne Ní Mháille in Rockfleet castle. 1594 – English expedition sets out from Galway to kill pirate queen, Gráinne Ní Mháille (Grace O’Malley). Pádraig Pearse rewrote the lyrics to Óró Sé do Bheatha ‘Bhaile as a rallying call to Irish nationalists leading up to the 1916 Easter Rising removing Séarlas Óg (Young Charles),…
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Tag 10 people you'd like to get to know better...
Favorite color: Royal Blue
Song stuck in my head: I am blessedly bereft of ear worms at the moment.
Last song you listened to: Óró 'Sé do Bheatha 'Bhaile as sung by Colm McGuinness
Favorite Foods: pickles, rare steak, garlic and onion heavy foods.
Dream trip: Does it have to be a real world place? Egypt, Japan, Australia.
Anything you want right now:
I want my fucking armor mods to work in Inquisition. Am a super frustrated, sad pancake right now.
Tagged by: @kaaras-adaar
Tagging: @wardenmight , @molioanimatra , @dryadalismagicae , @quiprava, @quiisquiliae
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hollie47 · 1 year
Username Song Game
RULES - pick a song for each letter of your URL and then tag that many people (or a realistic number or none idc)
Thanks @river9noble for the tag!
H - HJB - Emma Heesters O - Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile - Celtic Woman L - Levitating - Dua Lipa L - Let It Go - Idina Menzel I - I Don't Care At All - Vanilla Ninja E - Everytime - Britney Spears 4 - 4 Carats - Kelly Clarkson 7 - 7 Things - Miley Cyrus
Tagging anyone who wants to do this!
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makalaure-kanafinwe · 2 years
spotify wrapped 3, 13, 69, 99!
3 - Best Moments by Torul
13 - Hoist the Colours by Colm R. McGuinness
69 - Óró, sé do bheatha 'bhaile by Celtic Woman
99 - charash karaa by Yat-Kha
Thanks for the ask!
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Seo Linn - Óró Sé do Bheatha Bhaile
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charlestrask · 11 days
the kneecap film has gotten óró sé do bheatha 'bhaile stuck in my head again
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