vincentvega0721 · 9 months
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negreabsolut · 1 month
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Ésser alat, per Deftxnxs. [font]
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huariqueje · 3 months
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Views of houses in a town with landscape - Àngel Gimeno i Gil
Catalan , 1911-1959
Oil on canvas ,  58 x 71.5 cm.
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useless-catalanfacts · 5 months
The Catalan authors who were kept out of the Nobel Literature Prize for being Catalan
Did you know that there have been a handful of Catalan writers who were candidates to win the Nobel Literature Prize, but because of Spanish interference they never did?
The Nobel Prize discloses its debate and reasoning process 50 years after each edition. This means that we already know the details of what happened in the earliest editions of this Prize, which was started in 1901.
The name of the Catalan play-writer Àngel Guimerà (author of Marta of the Lowlands, Mar i cel, La filla del mar...), whose works have been translated to many languages and played all around Europe and the Americas, with many film and opera adaptations, sounded often in the Nobel committee. He was presented as a candidate to win the Nobel Prize 17 times in a row, since 1907 until his death in 1924. In the editions of 1917 and 1919, many were convinced he would win. However, the declassified documents show why he didn't: as written by the man who was then president of the Nobel Committee, Haralg Härne, Guimerà wasn't given the prize "to avoid hurting the national pride of the Spanish". In 1919, Härne writes that the objective of the Nobel Prize is to promote peace and thus to award Guimerà and show support for a minority culture would be to encourage internal conflict (🤦). The Academy decided that they couldn't give a prize to Guimerà "before awarding another writer who expresses himself in the most ancient noble language of the country" (weird way to mean "the official language", aka Spanish, because they surely didn't mean Basque). In summary, if a Catalan is to be considered, he must always be second to a Spanish man. Even when the Catalan is, in the words of the Nobel Academy, "the most eminent writer of our times", he can never be considered an equal, always must be behind.
Àngel Guimerà wrote in the Catalan language, which was discriminated against by Spanish and considered an enemy by the Spanish government and much of Spanish society. Guimerà was a firm defender of the right to use the Catalan language and that nobody should be forced to speak the imperial languages instead of their own, and was involved with the political movement for the rights of Catalan people. For this reason, every time the famous Swedish academy was considering Guimerà, the Spanish Royal Academy of Language (RAE) fought it with all its might. Nowadays, Guimerà's theatre plays continue to move thousands of spectators every year.
The same happened again with the poet Josep Carner. In the 1960s, Josep Carner was on exile, because he was a Catalan poet writing in Catalan and who stood against the fascist dictatorship of Spain, which persecuted the Catalan language and identity. Famous writers from around the world, including T. S. Eliot, François Mauriac, Giuseppe Ungaretti and Roger Caillois, supported Josep Carner's candidacy to win the Nobel, but the Spanish Government did everything possible to obstruct it. We don't know if Carner would have won or not, but he was deprived of even trying because of the Spanish government's hatred of Catalan.
Something similar seems to have happened between the 1970s and 1990s to three other Catalan poets: Salvador Espriu, J. V. Foix, and Miquel Martí i Pol, where they did not get any support from the Spanish authorities, so we don't know how it would have ended up.
Another example of what it means to have a state actively working against you because of bigotry against your cultural group.
Sources: book Det litterära Nobelpriset by the president of the Nobel Committee Kjell Espmarck, Pep Antoni Roig (El Nacional), Joan Lluís-Lluís (El Punt Avui), and Jordi Marrugat (Institut Ramon Llull).
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splendidgeryon · 17 days
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“The melody of the light” by Àngel de Guso
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illyrilex · 6 months
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Had this idea on a total whim and had to draw it. Poor King is fearless to a fault...
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pinkpcny · 2 months
open to m/f/nb !
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" did you really think i hadn't noticed you were following me ? you're not as subtle as you think you are. "
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aschenblumen · 1 year
Las palabras cristalinas no aparecen en el discurso. Son las excepcionales, las irrepetibles, están de vez en cuando en una página de prosa o en un poema. Son para mí, ya que solo puedo responder por mí misma, las más extremas. La lengua es la condena. Sin embargo, una última línea: ni una sola palabra, vosotras, palabras.
—Ingeborg Bachmann, «Discurso por la concesión del premio Anton Wildgans» en Literatura como utopía (selección de escritos críticos). Traducción de Mónica Fernández Arizmendi y Àngels Giménez Campos.
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bwobgames · 1 year
I'm kinda glad you guys chose Ángel as his name instead of Victor because then he would be straight up just a criminal version of this guy
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la-scigghiu · 2 years
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Dovresti sapere che non c’è giorno in cui non cerco di pescare nell’acqua dolce del tuo incanto ‘una poesia’ che vale la luminosità dei tuoi occhi e può illuminare come un faro la costa che mi porta direttamente a te.
Àngel Pèrez Escorza
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perqueheplorat · 1 year
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negreabsolut · 1 year
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En Sanguinius, primarca dels Àngels de Sang, un dels capítols dels Marines Espacials.
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huariqueje · 3 months
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Coastal landscape - Àngel Gimeno i Gil
Catalan , 1911-1959
Oil on canvas ,  72 x 59 cm.
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La Santa Espina is the most well-known sardana (Catalan genre of music). It was composed in 1907 by Enric Morera with lyrics by Àngel Guimerà as part of a musical theatre play. After its premiere, the song quickly became an anthem for Catalan people. For this reason, it was banned during the dictatorships of Primo de Rivera (1923-1930) and Francisco Franco (1936-1975) as part of their ban on Catalan culture and language. Its verses “we are and we will be Catalan people / whether they like it or not” are one of the most famous mottos of Catalan resistance.
Because of its significance, this song has been sang by many singers and bands, not just ones that play sardana.
These are the lyrics in Catalan and translated to English:
Déu va passar-hi en primavera, i tot cantava al seu pas. Canta la terra encara entera, i canta que cantaràs.
God passed through during springtime and everything sang when he walked by. The whole land is still singing, and keeps singing and singing.
Canta l'ocell, lo riu, les plantes, canten la lluna i el sol. I tot treballant la dona canta, i canta al peu del bressol.
The birds, the rivers, and the plants sing, the moon and the sun sing. And while she works, the woman sings and she sings at the cradle's foot.
Som i serem gent catalana, tant si es vol com si no es vol. Que no hi ha terra més ufana sota la capa del sol.
We are and we will be Catalan people, whether they want it or not. For there isn’t a more boastful land under the sun.
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ferranhumor · 2 years
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¿La Web del Surrealismo? Angel Planells (1901-1989)
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Àngel Planells i Cruañas (Cadaqués, 2 de diciembre de 1901 - Barcelona, 23 de julio de 1989) fue un pintor español vinculado con la vanguardia catalana y el Surrealismo. Nacido en Cadaqués, donde conocería artistas como Eliseo Meifrén y Juan Roig y Soler, que eran amigos de su padre, y más tarde a Salvador Dalí. En 1918 fue a estudiar pintura, litografía y grabado en Barcelona, pero tuvo que volver a Cadaqués por problemas económicos. En 1928 publicó sus primeros poemas surrealistas, así como críticas de pintura, en la revista Sol Ixent, de Cadaqués, bajo la influencia del poeta Josep Vicenç Foix.
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