#˚  ☼  .    RED   &   WARDROBE .
lorebled · 2 years
˚  ☼  .    RED   &   MUSINGS . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   ISMS . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   VISAGE . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   PHYSIQUE . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   AESTHETIC . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   MUSIC . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   WARDROBE .
˚  ☼  .    RED   &   INTERACTIONS . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   ABOUT . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   ANSWERED . ˚  ☼  .    RED   &   MISC .
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greypetrel · 10 months
☼for all your kiddos! :]
Hello there! :D Thanks for asking, this has been fun!
Tis the prompt list
☼ - appearance headcanon
Alyra: Appearance is but another type of armour, and she likes pretty things, borderline on being vain. She totally can live without it, but she likes dressing up, fancy dresses and long gowns. Her favourite part about herself is her hair, she likes the colour very much. When she was with the clan, she never let it grow past her shoulders for practical reason, but the moment she settles down in Amaranthine and realizes she has time and the occasion... She'll go for a trim every once in a while and let it grow, and she'll start to sport more and more complex crowns of braids. How much time does she spend on it? Not important, don't worry about it, her morning routine is as methodical as her ruling.
Raina: She has mild gender dismorphia when she wears skirts. Her teen years were miserable because Leandra insisted on her dressing feminine and keeping her hair long. When she was 19 she chopped it all off after a quarrel, and when she discovered that her mother didn't disown her, she never looked back. She's pretty good at cutting hair, actually (she won't pay for an hairdresser). As for clothes, she likes to dress up every once in a while, will love how she looks in your our-world Regency fashion. Her wardrobe has a strict palette of black, white and red. She started to wear kajal on her eyes after she started spending more time with Isabela. She made her up for fun once, Raina liked herself in it and kept the habit, knows how to do a cat eye on herself and others, and quite enjoys lipstick. In a modern world she'll hate foundation with a passion, tho.
Garrett: He pays a lot of mind on his physical appearance. In a modern world, he'll be your local gym guy, who'll wake up at 5 am to get to the gym before work. He never skipped an arm day and it shows. Fenris likes this element. His body is a temple and he'll care very much for it. Elected best Beard in Kirkwall 9:36 (and best beard in Skyhold 9:41, Aisling -the jury- was tipsy when she said it but he'll take it as an official victory and brag about it). He pays considerably less attention on his clothing. He is the kind of person who'll buy the garment he likes 10 times, and get on with his life, so he doesn't have to think about what to wear too much. He would define it as a capsule wardrobe, Raina will define it as having an uniform like Donald Duck.
Aisling: She doesn't understand fashion, Josie tried to explain it to her, but it all entered one ear and ran out from the other. She likes dressing fancily, every once in a while. In the Inquisition she discovered that she likes skirts and dresses, but she will unironically say that shoes are an evil way to oppress people and will fail to comprehend the exact purpose of socks ("Why would you wear shoes if you need a garment to protect your feet from them? WHY?"). She cares much more for practicality than for aesthetic, but will only wear coloured garments if she can choose. She doesn't like black for wearing, and white even less because it will get dirty too quickly. She's very good at braiding hair, loves braiding other people's hair and for other people to braid hers.
Radha: She has a magpie brain and likes shiny things a lot. She loves jewelry, necklaces and earrings in particular. When she wore her hair long, she loved to braid baubles into it. Little trinkets of metal or shells. Nonetheless, she has a love/hate relationship with her hair: it's curly and soft, she'll take great care of it and treat it often with olive oil to keep it nourished and shiny, since curls are dry. She always smells like olive oil, as a consequence. But, she is annoyed by it, she hates when it gets in her eyes, how it gets poofy when it rains, how she can't comb it without soaking it. She loved when she wore it long and she and Aisling made turns to braid each other's hair, but she's really more comfortable with it being short. She won't go out in the morning without make up on. Always a thick line of kajal on her eyes, she perfectioned the cat eye technique, and loves a good rouge on her lips.
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hbxplain · 2 years
Part 1.0: Pride
1,035 words - All the demons are present, but Tu and Miss Lane speak the most
No warnings
this is the full first chapter(/prologue?) of Seven Lovely Sins! it may feel a little overwhelming because of all the characters introduced, but the only characters that matter right now are Tu and Miss Lane, since it's Tu's part of the anthology. the other characters will be brought up again when they become relevant.
“Tu Tela, of Pride,” says Miss Lane. “Are you prepared for your assignment?”
“Yes, I am,” Tu replies. She stands up straight, pulls together a smile, and gets ready to wow everyone here. “And I plan to make this the most flawless Tempting any of the other demons have ever seen.”
“Of course you do,” Miss Lane mumbles, adjusting their fancy dark red dress and pulling their long, dark braids over their shoulder. They’re the leader of this strange little mission, the one all the other demons here—Tu included—will be reporting to. “Pride, and all.”
Tu’s facade drops, a scowl taking its place. “It’s not pride if there’s proof,” she argues. “I’m one of the top demons. I get shit done.”
“Well, you didn’t need to tell me that,” Miss Lane huffs, almost laughing. “That’s why I chose you from the volunteer list. Pride gave me many volunteers, you know.”
“Presumably because they all believed they could do it,” says Vatana, who is an older woman with brown skin and unnaturally white hair. Her eyes glow blue sometimes, but she’s not the type to tell people why. Even so, Tu doesn’t mind her that much; usually, Greed demons are insufferable, always throwing fits about someone getting too close to their hoard. At least Vatana feigns kindness, most of the time.
“That’s pride for you,” says Matariel, but she’s of Envy so she has no room to talk. Today she has her yellow and orange hair in tiny braids put up into a bun that rains down across her back. It’s a shame she’s not in Lust. Tu knows Taylor’s been eyeing her for the position, but Matty insists there’s not enough battle in lust. Hell, if that’s her mindset regarding sex, maybe it’s for the best she stays in Envy.
Then again… Tu thinks, watching the way Taylor flips out the lapels of his leather jacket. Who knows, maybe she’d be perfect for it. Tu’s certainly not one to judge. Not when she almost applied for Lust herself.
She’d be great as a Lust demon. Of course, that’s why she chose Pride.
“Pride just has the better demons,” Tu says, feigning innocence, and all the other demons groan.
“So I’ve heard,” Izzy says smartly, careful not to make any enemies. He’s Sloth (so he probably just doesn’t want to deal with an argument) but he dresses like something else entirely. He’s got a real put-together wardrobe of fancy suits in pretty colors, always topped off with a fedora that, somehow, doesn’t look horrible. Tu really likes him, to be honest. She doesn’t meet many people who’d rather mediate than cause problems… and she doesn’t meet many mediators brave enough to choose a side if morality demands it. That’s why she lets Izzy hang out with her. He fits the bill.
“Please focus,” Miss Lane says, sounding almost tired. No wonder, with the crowd they’re trying to reign in. “These are all temptation cold cases, so-”
“What, afraid of a little fun?” Ileao asks. Ileao is a Wrath demon, the only one Tu’s ever seen—supposedly they’re not all that safe to be around. Ileao seems fine enough though, if a little catty. Ey have spiky hair that hides eir stubby horns (why didn’t Tu get horns? Tu would’ve loved horns, she’d never hide them) and freckles that glow different colors according to eir mood—though they don’t glow red nearly as much as Tu thinks they ought to, given Ileao’s designation. ‘Course, ey dress like an entire circus packed into a single demon, so maybe the freckles figure there’s plenty of color to go around.
“I would be careful with your words,” Miss Lane says coolly, and Tu and the others startle a little at their tone. Huh. Maybe she should take this a little more seriously. “You’re only here because no one else from Wrath was on the volunteer list. Otherwise, unfortunately, I wouldn’t have trusted you with such an assignment.”
Tu and the others wait with bated breath for the fight that will surely come from someone insulting a Wrath demon. Taylor looks thrilled, his hands pressed into excited fists, and Vatana raises an eyebrow.
“Whatever you say,” Ileao says with a shaky smirk. Tu furrows her eyebrows. Vice boos.
“Focus,” Miss Lane says to Vice, who rolls her eyes and seems to mostly ignore them. They sigh and moves on. “Tu. You know the goal?”
“Obviously,” Tu replies, full of confidence. “I convince my mortal to sabotage my promotion for his own benefit, since he’d clearly be so much better at the job.”
“To be fair, he would,” Vice says. Gluttony. And such a rebel, she thinks she’s so cool just because she doesn’t follow the rules. They’re demons! None of them follow the rules!
(She is kinda cool though. If you ask Tu.)
“If I had gone to school to be an eximium scientist, I’d be way better than him,” Tu defends herself.
“But you didn’t,” Vice reminds her, looking a tad smug. Tu wishes Ileao would live up to eir Circle and smack the look right off her face.
“Just get it done,” Miss Lane says sternly, turning their nose up slightly and calling everyone’s attention to them again. “Like I said, these are temptation cold cases—Tigh is notoriously self-deprecating, Eli’s guardians do not allow excess, Push was gay and the old supervisors were dumb enough to send a woman… History implies this will be tough, but with how much you’ve boasted of your former prowess, I expect this to be a quick and easy job. Just remember, you are not allowed to tell him to sabotage you. Because if we interfere too much…”
“It’s entrapment,” the demons all echo.
“Entrapment? Who governs this shit?” Ileao asks incredulously.
Miss Lane rubs their temples. “Shut up. Get out there and make me proud, Tu. You’re the start of this experimental operation, so you’re setting the precedent for everyone behind you. Make it a good one.”
“A bad one, you mean,” Tu says with a fingergun and a smirk. Izzy chuckles. Tu winks, and then feels weird about it. Eugh.
The demons wave goodbye, and Tu disappears.
the beginnings of a tag list!
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ambrosiafm · 5 months
come on, 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒃 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒂, and let the nectar flow! take a load off! — accepted! please familiarize yourself with the guidelines, plot, and lore, we will be sending out invites to the discord when we reach our goal (which may change). welcome to 𝘬𝘦𝘧𝘪, 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘢, ronan henry, scarlett ananada. jonathan bailey, devika hoorne is now taken.
⧼    jonathan bailey,  demi man.  he/his & they/them,  thirty two.    ⧽    you're so vain by carly simon  +  an obnoxious sigh followed by an overexaggerated roll of the eyes; lipstick stains on the collar of a white dress shirt; a loosely tied tie hanging from your neck; the kind of smirk that only spells trouble; lounging on a chaise, a glass of red wine in handanda wardrobe full of designer clothing.  ☼  ronan henry survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re a actor and are known to be charismatic & hedonistic, makes sense given they’re a child of aphrodite. word around town is that they’ve been here for two months and he hasn't been able to land a role since his tv show ended, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their designer sunglasses.    [   maeve, 25, cst, she/her, snake imagery    ]
⧼    davika hoorne,  demi woman,  she/her & they/them,  twenty eight.    ⧽    anti-hero by taylor swift  +  a carefully maintained appearance - nails filed to a point, not a strand of hair out of place, a series of carefully maintained aliases, an index finger held in front of your mouth.  ☼  scarlett ananada survived the second titan war, but just barely! nowadays they’re an international jewel thief and are known to be intelligent & deceitful, makes sense given they’re a child of pluto & legacy of hermes. word around town is that they’ve been here for six months and she's hiding from the law, is it true? it’s probably just gossip. whenever you see them around town they have their black elbow-length silk gloves.    [   maeve, 25, cst, she/her, snake imagery    ]
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ilguna · 4 years
☼ one in the same (Draco Malfoy) ☼
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summary; you meant for it to be harmless fun, you never thought it would dig up one of his darkest secrets.
warnings; swearing, angst, mention of abuse
wc; 1.7k
The wardrobe wobbles, causing your fellow peers around you to gasp. You tilt your head, seeing yourself in the mirror on the closet, behind the crowd of people that stand in front of you. The wood structure is clearly containing something, and from the way it shakes a second time, it’s definitely big. Possibly even dangerous.
“Intriguing, isn’t it?” Professor Lupin’s voice comes from behind you all. A few of you turn to see him coming into the room, calm and collected. There’s a smile on his face, an eyebrow quirked, “Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?”
“That’s a boggart, that is.” Dean says.
“Very good, Mister Thomas.” the wardrobe shutters again, Ron jumps in the air. It’s really not all that startling, you can expect it to shake now, “Now, can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?”
“No one knows.” 
Hermione’s voice scares you, making you whip around at the same time Ron and Harry do. You swear she wasn’t here a second ago.
And it looks like Ron was thinking the same thing, “When did she get here?”
You shrug.
“Boggarts are shapeshifters. They take the shape of whatever a person fears the most. That’s what makes them so…”
“So terrifying, yes, yes, yes.” Lupin moves from where he was leaned up against a table, towards the wardrobe, “Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart.” he stops directly in front of it, only looking when it shakes, “Let’s practice it now. Without wands, please.
“After me. Riddikulus.” he says.
“Riddikulus.” you all repeat.
“Very good.” he says, the wardrobe shutters, everyone takes a step back except for you, Ron nearly steps on your shoes, “A little louder and very clear. Listen: Riddikulus.”
“Riddikulus.” You all repeat.
“This class is ridiculous.” you hear Malfoy mutter. It’s rich, hearing that come from him. He’s got his arm in a sling because he got too cocky with Hagrid’s animal the other day. What a joke.
“Very good.” Lupin praises again, “So much for the easy part. You see, the incantation part alone is not enough . What really finished a boggart is laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Let me explain. Neville, would you join me, please?”
The wardrobe shakes, Neville looks around nervously. Of course, out of everyone Lupin could possibly choose, it would be him.
“Come on, don’t be shy.” Lupin says, “Come on.” 
Neville starts forward, you bet his hands are sweating. 
“Hello. Neville, what frightens you most of all?”
Neville’s voice is quiet, you can’t hear him the first time around. When Professor Lupin asks him to speak up, he says, “Professor Snape.”
A few of you laugh.
“Professor Snape,” Lupin’s got a smile on his face, “Yes, frightens all. And I believe you live with your grandmother?”
“Yes, but I don’t want that boggart to turn into her, either.” Neville says.
Lupin shakes his head, the wardrobe wobbles, “No… it won’t. I want you to picture her clothes. Only her clothes, very clearly, in your mind.”
“She carries a red handbag--”
“We don’t need to hear.” Lupin stops him, “As long as you see it, we’ll see it. Now, when I open that wardrobe, here’s what I want you to do. Excuse me.”
Lupin goes up to Neville, whispering something in his ear.
You lean into Hermione, “Think he’ll take volunteers after Neville?”
“Most likely.” she says, and then looks to you, “Are you going to volunteer?”
“No, of course not.” you point away from you, towards Malfoy with your pinky. She follows the line of sight, widens her eyes, and then looks at you.
“He wouldn’t.”
“Not unless he’s been challenged.” you say.
She grins, “Brilliant.”
“Wand at the ready.” Lupin says, you and her look back to the wardrobe. At the count of three, it unlocks and opens.
Slowly, the door creaks and the light is let into the closet. There stands Professor Snape--or rather, a clone of him you suppose. And slowly, he creeps out of the wooden structure, door slamming shut loudly behind him.
“Think, Neville, think.” Lupin urges.
Just as Snape gets close, “Riddikulus!”
Snape changes into a green outfit, a red handbag on his arm. There’s a chorus of laughter from you all, because there’s nothing better than seeing one of the strictest professors in something so stupid.
“Wonderful, Neville. Wonderful!” Lupin laughs, “Incredible. Okay, to the back. Everyone, form a line!”
Eagerly, everyone shoves into place. You bid Hermione, Ron and Harry goodbye as you slip towards the side. You’re all for having fun until it’s projecting your fears in front of everyone. Especially Malfoy.
Malfoy heards to the back of the line with the rest of his friends. You promise to give your fellow students a few turns before you decide to pressure Malfoy to go up. What’s better than giving him a taste of his own medicine? If he thought getting his teeth kicked in by Buckbeat was bad…
“Form a line!” Professor Lupin is finding a comfortable spot to watch, “I want everyone to picture the thing they fear the very most, and turn it into something funny.” he starts the music.
Ron is up first, of course, “Next! Ron!”
Ron steps forward, looking just as nervous as Neville was.
“Concentrate. Face your fear. Be brave!” Lupin encourages.
The boggart twists, and then becomes nothing but a blur as it goes through the many possibilities. Until it happens, a giant spider appears in front of you all.
He whines, slowly pulling out his wand as the spider inches forward. You can feel every step it takes towards him.
They’re not that terrifying, but the size and the color… it’s making your own heartbeat quicken.
And then it snaps it’s pincers.
“Wand at the ready, Ron. Wand at the ready.” Lupin says.
“Riddikulus!” Ron shouts.
The spider’s got rollerskates on it’s fear after that. Some of you laugh, watching as it struggles to get a hold of itself.
“Yes!” Lupin says, “You see? Very good, very good! Marvelous! Absolutely, very, very, enjoyable! Parvati, next!”
She steps forward, tilting her head as the boggart becomes nothing but a blur again. 
“Show us what you see.” Lupin says.
It stops, a giant snake appearing in front of you all. You shuffle back, crossing your arms. You think you might just encourage Malfoy after this, the snake is a clear sign to do so.
The snake hisses, purposely gaining height.
“Keep your nerve. Steady.”
“Riddikulus!” She shouts, and the snake turns into a wind-up box with a clown swaying back and forth.
“And next!” Lupin says.
“I think we should make Malfoy go.” you say loud enough for the others to hear.
There’s a pause in the line, Harry freezes where he is, not going any further. They all either turn to you, or him. Clearly intrigued by whatever idea you’ve got going through your mind.
“What?” Ron asks.
“Why not?” you look over to Draco, “I mean--he is the fearless slytherin king that he always brags about, right? Let him go.”
He’s sneering, upper lip prepared for a snarl, “Listen--”
“Well, go on Draco!” Professor Lupin urges, “No harm done!”
You have a feeling that he’s trying to keep the peace, the tone lighthearted. And clearly with your suggestion, everything’s beginning to get a little out of place now.
“Show them, Draco.” Crabbe insists.
“Yeah, Draco.” Hermione bats her eyes, “If you’re so good, go ahead then.”
Malfoy sends you a nasty glare, before heading to the front of the line, shoving a few people back as he heads up, “Out of the way, Potter.”
Harry raises his hands, backing up. But he’s sharing a smile with Seamus, and when you move forward to join them at the front, he’s giving you an impressed smile too.
“Focus.” Lupin says, “Think.”
The clown comes forward one more time, and while it’s on it’s way to sway backwards, it turns into a blur again. You adjust, crossing your arms a little tighter as your eyes narrow.
“This whole thing is stupid.” Draco says, the last word is emphasized. There’s a few more seconds of nothing coming out of it, “See--it’s broken.”
You’re about to admit defeat, genuinely surprised that he was right, until it settles. Bouncing into reality is the spitting image of Lucius Malfoy. His own father.
Your chest tightens, Draco takes half a step backwards, clearly not expecting this either.
No one moves. Not even Lupin.
Lucius is moving forward with that awful cane of his, eyes squared in on his own son. It’s like the fear is radiating off of Draco, because it’s settling in your own muscles, making them go rigid. Or maybe it’s just the fact that Lucius has this certain look about him, allowing the uneasiness to come in. 
It doesn’t really matter, does it? You thought something fun would come of this, harmless. You never thought.
Draco’s not even making a reach for his wand. He’s just gaping at his father.
You step forward without thinking about it, shoving Draco out of the way so that the boggart has no choice but to focus on you now. And without a cue, it turns into that blur that you’ve been speaking about.
You have your wand in hand already, prepared to cast the incantation at the moment’s notice. Like you said earlier, it’s not really something you pride yourself on.
And there it is, in front of everyone to see. You picture a bouncy ball, something that would be completely out of the way, “Riddikulus!” you shout, wand pointed at the thing.
Just like you wanted, it transforms into a blue ball. It bounces once, and then twice before it gets smaller and eventually rolls towards Lupin. He catches it with his foot, looking over to you.
“Very good, (L/n).”
“Thanks.” you mutter, looking over to Draco.
He’s holding onto his hurt arm, glaring at the wardrobe. His lips are pressed into a thin line. Then, he looks at you with just as much hatred.
The class has already moved on, Harry is stepping up to finally take his turn.
“I’m sorry, Draco.” you tell him, offering him a smile. 
Surely, if he didn’t hate you before, he does now.
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adahlenan · 3 years
Appearance Meme! ☼✂✗Ұ for Lys, Leo, and Fio
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☼ How does your character usually dress in daily life?
↪ Lys loves to dress nicely, rarely if ever choosing to wear something 'ultra casual'. One of his staple items is a ribbon, either worn in his hair, or used as a decorative necktie, most often purple or red; though his collection is rumored to exceed 20 different colours. Comfortable cardigans or loose sweaters over button-up shirts, blouses with long loose sleeves and lace trimmed cuffs, and even shawls draped over his shoulders are all quintessential staples of his wardrobe, though a short-sleeved top is exceedingly rare to spy, restricted only to the most unbearable heat. Lys prefers to have the focal points on the top half of his outfit, leaving his pants or footwear to be more neutral, usually earth tones or charcoal - not often a stark black - and simple, often lacking any kind of decorative detail work.
✂ How does your character usually style their hair?
↪ He usually wears his hair down, but how he styles it is far from consistent. More often than not he'll simply go for some variation of a ponytail, braid or bun, tie a ribbon into it and call it a day. The only constant with Lys's hair is that it's never simply left down with nothing done to it save for a quick brush or comb. Even on the most rushed of mornings he still finds the time to quickly fasten a ribbon or pin for some form of decoration. However, during particularly agitated episodes, Lys can be spotted with his hair pinned up in a painstakingly crafted updo - more often than not his husband's handiwork work - as a last ditch effort to stop him from taking shears to his hair and cutting it all off.
✗ What (if any) scars does your character have?
↪ Many. Although Lys's scars are foremost burn scars, and not ones acquired through combat. Most of his right side is covered with the web of scarring, ranging from his hip, to his torso, all the way down his arm and finally to his hand. At a young age his village was attacked by the Dravanians, razing the town to the ground and trapping Lys under burning timber until he was able to drag himself free. Though he survived, he bears the scars for life, choosing to keep them covered up out of shame, though if one looked closely enough, they could spy the scars peeking out of a shirt collar or hiding under lace cuffs. His newest scar however is one hardly visible, seeing as it vanishes into his hairline. Cutting across his forehead on the right is a thin, jagged scar he collected from Eureka. While he may jokingly refer to it as a souvenir, it was a wound that nearly cost him his life.
Ұ How short/tall is your character compared to their peers?
↪ Lys is on the taller side of average! Having such a tall husband, he's thankful for the few extra inches he has over some of his friends, making the relationship a far comfier one than it could be, given that most of his friends are on the shorter end of the spectrum, seeing as they're either Hyuran or half Elezen.
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☼ How does your character usually dress in daily life?
↪ Leo adheres to the idea that simple is better, and classic is classic for a reason. Looking at his closet, the selection is decidedly monochrome, with some splashes of red thrown in for good measure. Button-down shirts, jackets with sleek, crisp lines, and on occasion, a simple sweater. Deceptively simple choices, though undeniably expensive and often with touches more befitting of a noble house back in his home of Ishgard. Silver detailing on clasps, or ornate embroidered trim on cuffs hardly visible until you get close enough to see the thread catch the light. Leo's choice is pieces that speak for themselves, and what they say is usually "please leave me alone, I'm goth and wealthy."
✂ How does your character usually style their hair?
↪ Style is a strong word to use. In his youth he put perhaps more effort into his hair, but honestly? He just can't be bothered anymore. Why fuss over something like his hair when simply running his hand through it with a bit of water works just as fine. It's out of his way, it's neat (?), it's easy to fix throughout the day. For how fussy he can come off as, he's somewhat low maintenance.
✗ What (if any) scars does your character have?
↪ Many. From his stint in the temple knights, Leo collected his fair share of scars from field work, as well as the training that proceeded active duty. Being an idealistic young knight with the goal to protect everyone, it's no surprise that reckless actions left their mark on his skin. His most notable however, would be the thin line cutting across his cheek, and the jagged, uneven lines cutting across his neck, with suspiciously similar ones present on the palms of his hands, a story he refuse to share.
Ұ How short/tall is your character compared to their peers?
↪ Leo is on the taller side of things, something he's rather thankful for when trying to cut an intimidating presence - though he won't admit to such. Another bonus would be that he's within a good few inches of his brother-in-arms' height as well, making holding a solid conversation considerably easier when one doesn't have to crane their neck just to chat.
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☼ How does your character usually dress in daily life?
↪ Fio prefers clothing that's easy to move about in, nothing too restrictive, though quite snugly fit to their body. They're an engineer after all, and want as little chances as possible for clothing to get caught in machinery or magitek workings. Fio has no strong colour preferences, liking muted earth tones and bright colours all the same, it just depends on whatever mood they're in that morning... as well as if they're on an active battlefield or not. A somewhat fashion conscious person, they do try to pick colours that won't horrifically clash with their hair. Unfortunately for them, after defecting to the Resistance in Bozja, they wore whatever they got handed to them, outside of whatever they arrived wearing.
✂ How does your character usually style their hair?
↪ Quite simply, but with enough fussing that you can't call it "effortless". Fio's hair is quite soft and with a lot of volume, lending itself easily to the preferred messy 'bedhead' they usually show up wearing, carefully inspected in the mornings to ensure there's no extra unruly pieces hiding in the mix. When working or when the mood strikes, they've been known to accessorize with hairbands and clips or even pulling back their hair with a tie into some semblance of a ponytail provided it's grown long enough.
✗ What (if any) scars does your character have?
↪ Most of Fio's scars are simple engineering mishaps, nicks on sharp metal edges or small burns from too hot tech whenever they got careless. Being an engineer, most of Fio's life has been away from active combat, leaving them mildly scar free, though time in the Bozjan front has afforded them enough opportunities to make up for that. A scar cuts across their lip and cheek, caused by a piece of scrap metal going flying when some experimental tinkering went wrong, and another along the bridge of their nose is embarrassingly enough caused by tripping and falling as a child with a pair of too large goggles on their face at the top speed of an excited child could muster.
Ұ How short/tall is your character compared to their peers?
↪ Fio's quite average as hyur come - although on the shorter side - with a wiry build that only accentuates how small they are. However, they use their size to their advantage, able to climb inside chassis and shells of magitek creations to tinker away or strip parts on the battlefield. Growing up in Garlemald, they were by far shorter than many of their peers, and now find themselves in a similar situation in Bozja yet again.
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mekandawn · 5 years
☼ How does your character usually dress in daily life?
Step two in making himself presentable involved picking out clothes. Luckily, this was a task made simple in two ways; not only did Caythaes maintain a rather limited wardrobe so he wasn’t bogged down with decisions, he also dressed extremely practically. What he wore for the day was generally informed by what he needed to get done.
For days where he’d spend most of the day torso deep in heavy machinery, overalls and a clean t-shirt was enough.
For evenings behind the bar at the Heart of the Raven, he had nice black pants that showed off the shape of his legs without being too tight, a black sleeveless top with a high collar, and a pair of boots. For now, he has a pair of green and purple thigh highs, bought specifically for when Vynix INSISTED on switching to green aprons, but he really prefers his red ones.
If he has no obligations and MUST be out among People(tm), he has a nice red, gold, and black robe that he can throw on and be done with it.
His favorite color is orange, but he mostly wears red because it looks better on him, and it’s easier to get his hands on. It’s close enough.
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