#Наталья Романова
vindemiatrixgrant · 1 year
My heart is broken forever after Scarlett's "I'm done"
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viduificcl · 8 months
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General Information
Legal Name: Natalia Alianovna Romanova (Russian: Наталья Альяновна Романова)
Nicknames: Nat, Natasha, "Tasha", "Talia", Tsarina, Red
Aliases: Black Widow (Russian: черная вдова) / Natalia Shostakova (Russian: Наталья Шостакова) / Natalie Grey / Nadine Roman / Nancy Rushman / Natasha Romanoff
Date of Birth: Unknown, 1928
Age: 28 (physically) / 95 (chronologically)
Place of Birth: Stalingrad, Russia, USSR
Gender: Cis woman (she/her/hers)
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'7
Weight: 131 lbs
Current Location: San Francisco, California / Little Ukraine, New York City, New York
Citizenship: Russian, Soviet (defected)
Education: Degree from Moscow University / various others / school-issued Certificate of Completion of Secondary Education
Affliction: The Avengers / SHIELD / KGB (formerly; 1962-1991) / Red Room Academy (formerly; 1956-1962) / Red Army (enlisted; 1943-1945)
Faceclaim(s): Alina Kovalenko (primary) / Rebecca Ferguson (secondary)
Siblings: Unknown
Parents: Father (deceased) / Mother (deceased) / Ivan Petrovich Bezukhov (adoptive father, deceased)
Children: Rose (daughter, deceased [stillborn])
Extended family: Unknown
Pets: Black cat named Liho
Relationship Information
Relationship Status: Divorced
Spouse(s): Nikolai (deceased) / Alexei Shostakov (divorced)
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romanva · 2 years
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blckwidws-archive · 2 years
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I'm my own woman -- first, last -- and always! 
FULL NAME & ALIAS: natalia alianova “natasha” romanova (  Наталья "Наташа Романоф" Альяновна Романова ) / black widow CURRENT TEAM(S): leads a small group including yelena belova & anya corazon PREVIOUS ALIASES: many AGE: 80-90 ( age unknown ) SPECIES: human mutate; russian super-soldier expertly trained intelligence agent MULTIVERSAL ORIGIN: earth-616
GENDER IDENTITY: cisgendered female SEXUALITY: demiromantic bisexual NATIONALITY: russian ETHNICITY: white
FACE CLAIM: scarlett johansson SPECIAL / RECOGNIZABLE FEATURES: sterilization scar / various from bullets / when her arm was recently chopped off HAIR COLOR: red EYE COLOR: green ACCENT: russian CURRENT COSTUME: this cool hooded number from the last black widow run
CURRENT HOME: new york, new york / san francisco, ca PAST OCCUPATION: red room agent, kgb CURRENT OCCUPATION: independent hero SNAP STATUS: survived in another reality
SIBLING(S): none PARTNER(S): james buchanan barnes ( former bf ) / alexei shostakov ( ex-husband) CHILDREN: stevie ( genetically made ) PARENT(S): unknown
whenever she can’t sleep at night she gets up and dismantles and puts back together some of the various guns she keeps stashed around her room
with russian being her first language, natasha still often thinks in it and even though her accents gone she talks to herself in it and others when she’s upset
claims to not be able to dream
despite the fact that it was given to her from the red room, natasha does genuinely enjoy ballet
she knows she’ll spend the rest of her life trying to make up for her very visible past
she often wears her widow’s bites now just to be safe because you never know when ultron will break through a window
it’s sad the natasha of earth-199999 died, but it’s not natasha’s business and she won’t pretend to be her to make people feel better
unofficially adopted a cat named liho
s.h.i.e.l.d. agent level 10
classified as power level 7
has had romantic relationships with hawkeye, daredevil, winter soldier, red guardian, and iron man
somewhat russian orthodox 
was recently kidnapped and forced into an amnesiac fake life with a son and a husband. later was saved by belova, barnes and barton.
as a result, she’s been unsettled as of late and distraught over what she lost but is working on moving on
is currently leading a team with arana and white widow
james buchanan barnes (616) -- they’ve been a lot of things over the years, but at the end of the day, natasha knows that she can trust him with her life
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romanovdova · 11 days
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𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓    +    𝑃𝑅𝐼𝑉𝐴𝑇𝐸    roleplay   writing   blog   for   Наталья Альяновна Романова < 𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑦𝑎   𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑎   𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑣𝑎 > ,   also   known   as  черная   вдова   <   ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ   𝑊𝜄𝜕𝜎𝜔   >   .   marvel   comic   and   headcanon   interpretation   ,   written   by   𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚉    ⁽    ᵗʷᵉᶰᵗʸ⁵˒    ˢʰᵉ    /    ʰᵉʳ    ⁾
⁰¹ˑ rules ... ⁰²ˑ pins ... ⁰³ˑ guide
⧖ филиалы < affiliates > ... tba.
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genealogyrus · 7 months
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Из глубины веков до наших дней. Краевед рассказала о древнем местном народе водь. Об одном из самых древних народов наших мест под названием водь рассказала краевед Лариса Исаева. Удивительному народу водь, представители которого и по сей день живут в наших местах, она посвятила лекцию о Водской пятине в рамках проекта «Локальная традиция в современных красках», который осуществляется при поддержке президентского гранта. Послушать ее в читальный зал сосновоборской городской публичной библиотеки пришли многие. При подготовке Лариса Исаева опиралась на труды таких известных специалистов в вопросах этнографии, как Пётр Кёппен (в середине 19 века составил этнографический атлас европейской части России), Дмитрий Цветков (уроженец деревни Краколье, составил словарь и написал грамматику водского языка), Ольга Конькова (этнограф и эксперт по прибалтийско-финским народам) и других. А также на деятельность сохраняющих традиции и материальные элементы культуры музеев, на исследования и работы местных мастеров и на рассказы жителей. С 2008 года водь официально считается коренным малочисленным народом России. А первое упоминание в летописи о води относят к 1069 году. Одна из пяти огромных по территории частей древней Новгородской республике называлась Водская пятина — по имени этого народа. В Ленинградской области местами компактного проживания этой народности в настоящее время являются три деревни в Кингисеппском районе: Краколье (Йыгыпэрь), Пиллово (Пилола) и Лужицы (Луудитс). Однако представители этой народности живут и в других поселениях и городах, в том числе и в Сосновом Бору, что неудивительно, ведь в 19 веке одним из мест проживания води было расположенное рядом с нашим городом село Копорье. В 20 веке народность пережила несколько ударов: эвакуация, выселение… В советской переписи 1959 года водь вообще не упоминалась и считалась исчезнувшим народом, но в переписи 2002 года вновь были зарегистрированы его представители. Представители води придерживались православной веры, но при этом сохраняли и элементы язычества — обожествляли природу, считая священными леса, воды, горы, землю, солнце и звезды и проводили обряды под руководством местных колдунов — арбуев. Многое отражено в преданиях и сказках народа водь, которые были записаны и выпущены в виде книг, с хорошими иллюстрациями. Представители води имели и внешние отличия: высокий рост, голубые глаза, очень светлые, с оттенком седины, волосы, а также живой характер и острый ум. Рассказывая о костюмах, Лариса Исаева продемонстрировала реконструкцию уникального женского головного убора — пайкас, и украшение — каатырыд, расшитое монетами и раковинами каури. Рассказала об одетых в национальные костюмы водских традиционных куклах — титти, которых шили для дочерей и внучек мамы и бабушки. Она также показала в презентации полную реконструкцию традиционного костюма замужней водской женщины, которая была сделана трудами нескольких авторов: Наталья Романова, Мария Романова, Лариса Шаповалова, Елена Ростовщикова, Галина Коновалова, Елена Приймак, Михаил Воронцов, Сергей Хрусталев. Поговорили и об особенностях жилища и ведения хозяйства. Слушатели принимали активное участие, задавали вопросы, сообщали об известных им фактах, обсуждали разные подтемы и имели возможность примерить уникальные элементы нарядов. Память о води и их традиции сохраняют в Ленобласти энтузиасты. В Кингисеппском районе работают два музея: музей водской культуры в деревне Лужицы, созданный Мариной Ильиной, и Музей коренных народов Водской пятины в деревне Монастырьки, созданный Валентиной Бабкиной. https://mayaksbor.ru ПРОШЛОЕ - РЯДОМ! 🌳📚🔎 🌳📚🔎 🌳📚🔎 🌳📚🔎 🌳📚🔎 🌳📚🔎 🌳📚🔎 🌳📚🔎 ✅Услуги составления родословной, генеалогического древа. 📖 ЗАКАЗ РОДОСЛОВНОЙ на нашем сайте: www.genealogyrus.ru/zakazat-issledovanie-rodoslovnoj 📖 ЗАКАЗ РОДОСЛОВНОЙ в нашей группе ВК: https://vk.com/app5619682_-66437473 ✉Или напишите нам: [email protected] ⚠Работаем с 2008 года!
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Анастейша запоёт на русском песни Глюкозы, и объявляет, что она Принцесса Анастасия Николаевна Романова, а когда вышла замуж, то стала Анастасия Владимировна Мурзина, только она не такая худая, как Наталья Чистякова-Ионова или Виктория Бекхэм, в её фигуре есть за что подержаться
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fitnessbazacom · 1 year
Засекреченные списки 29 июня 2023
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- Сегодня в 09:00 по МСК 29 июня 2023 Засекреченные списки на канале РЕН-ТВ - Сегодня в 15:00 по МСК 29 июня 2023 Засекреченные списки на канале РЕН-ТВ
О передаче
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Уникальная информация в удобном формате топ-листов. В каждом выпуске раскрываются сведения об известных событиях, явлениях и личностях, а факты представляются в самых неожиданных ракурсах.
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Режиссёры Антон Баженов, Егор Морозов, Кирилл Марфенко, Никита Кулик Продюсеры Юлия Акчурина, Артур Афонсу, Юлия Кувабина, Ольга Посохова, Наталья Романова, Олеся Румянцева, Наталья Тулаева Страна и год Россия Подписывайтесь на последние новости России и мира, политика, шоу-биз, гороскопы, новые серии ток-шоу и прочие трендовые темы в социальных сетях
Засекреченные списки 29 июня 2023 смотреть онлайн
Трансляция начнется - Сегодня в 09:00 по МСК 29 июня 2023 Засекреченные списки на канале РЕН-ТВ - Сегодня в 15:00 по МСК 29 июня 2023 Засекреченные списки на канале РЕН-ТВ Источник Read the full article
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gorky-gorod · 1 year
Тестирование мультимодального маршрута «Нижний Новгород — Пушкинское Болдино» прошло успешно
28 мая 37 туристов и журналистов стали участниками уникального однодневного тура «В Пушкинское Болдино» — в родовое поместье А. С. Пушкина в селе Большое Болдино Нижегородской области. «Огромный опыт организации турпоездов и туристских электричек в города Нижегородской области и Великий Устюг дает возможность сделать популярным еще одно направление — Большое Болдино», — прокомментировала руководитель Ольга ��оманова. В путешествие группа отправилась рано утром с Московского вокзала на комфортабельном поезде специального формирования. На станции Ужовка туристы пересели в новые автобусы, приобретенные для Большеболдинского пассажирского предприятия при поддержке губернатора Нижегородской области Глеба Никитина и регионального Минтранса. Время в пути составило 2 часа 40 минут. Интерактивная программа началась в вагоне поезда. На протяжении всего дня туристов сопровождал Александр Пушкин, в его роли выступил болдинский артист Артур Акульчик. Гостей Пушкинского Болдино встречали хлебом солью, они посетили музей-заповедник поэта, парк, храм Успения Божией Матери, прокатились на бричке. Для них провели экскурсию по поместью и господскому дому, сохранившемуся до наших дней, где поэт бывал трижды и в период так называемой «Болдинской осени» создал большинство лучших своих произведений. Позднее туристы стали зрителями и участниками костюмированного танцевально-театрализованного представления «Бал пушкинской эпохи». Самому маленькому путешественнику к Александру Пушкину было 4 года, самому старшему — далеко за восемьдесят. «Мне 88 лет и давно хотела побывать в Болдино. Я еду с дочерью, с двумя внучками и с четырьмя правнуками, — рассказала жительница Кстовского района Нижегородской области Анастасия Ивановна Зотова. — В Болдино я первый раз была и мне очень понравилось, особенно Пушкин. Все, кто в автобусе ехал, мне помогали». Журналисты, кроме экскурсионной программы, познакомились с планами реконструкции исторической зоны села, которое готовится к 225-летию поэта в 2024 году. «В Болдино впервые и видно, как историческая территория преображается, как стремится к лучшему, как село завоевывает турпоток. С учетом того, что ожидается глобальная реконструкция всех экспозиций, масштабные работы по благоустройству, все самое интересное впереди», — поделился впечатлениями Михаил Бузихин, главный редактор редакции информационных программ ННТВ. За прошлый год турпоток в Болдино увеличился со 110 тыс. до 250 тыс. гостей. 16 июня музей-заповедник закроется на реставрацию и доступ будет возможен только в усадебный парк, историческую зону села ждет масштабное благоустройство. «Надеемся, что после проведения масштабного благоустройства исторической зоны села и реставрации музея-заповедника „Болдино“ этот мультимодальный туристический маршрут вполне может стать регулярным», — подчеркнула глава местного самоуправления Большеболдинского муниципального округа Алла Морозова. По оценкам участников тура, поездка превзошла их ожидания. «Здесь я был много раз и возвращаться сюда очень приятно. Что касается исторических мест, атмосферы, дома, парка — это все было очень круто», — поделился впечатлениями восемнадцатилетний Иван Чистяков. «Понравился Пушкин, который нас сопровождал. Было познавательно, интересно и дети в восторге», — говорит Владимир Баранов из Нижнего Новгорода. «Очень насыщенная программа и сам поселок чистый, ухоженный, производит очень хорошее впечатление», — сказала участник маршрута Наталья. (0+)
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pesukot · 2 years
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Сегодня поздравляем с Днем Рождения: Валерия Даунар ([id162258455|@id162258455]), Анастасия Войтенко ([id315101331|@id315101331]), Елена Рыбакова ([id147972114|@id147972114]), Анечка Анечка ([id400319906|@id400319906]), Мария Фархетдинова ([id55429601|@id55429601]), Альберт Шаяхметов ([id49250493|@id49250493]), Регина Ганиева ([id171326967|@id171326967]), Гульнара Дулмиева ([id546356990|@id546356990]), Лилия Хисамова ([id84150598|@id84150598]), Лиля Гордеева ([id120933503|@id120933503]), Александр Иванов ([id167397910|@id167397910]), Ева Романова ([id710436924|@id710436924]), Маруся Иванова ([id335009656|@id335009656]), Катя Самарханова ([id30115313|@id30115313]), Разина Минемуллина ([id351892068|@id351892068]), Лиана Никитина ([id71587014|@id71587014]), Gulnara Dulmieva ([id394207893|@id394207893]), Zulya Kamalova ([id89303650|@id89303650]), Эльвира Костина ([id73659690|@id73659690]), Ольга Гайсина ([id149011415|@id149011415]), Алина ::::: ([id73579548|@id73579548]), Эльза Малова ([id18745469|@id18745469]), Наталья Орловская ([id4886389|@id4886389]), Ирина Артемьева ([id121893388|@id121893388]), Маришка Кочетова ([id131823057|@id131823057]), Алёна Бородина ([id372931100|@id372931100]), Юлия Бутаева ([id138067583|@id138067583]), Виктория Ларина ([id310556672|@id310556672]), Tanya Koshkina ([id521166857|@id521166857]), Гульнарочка Валиахметова ([id162468630|@id162468630]) Желаем крепкого здоровья, удачи, благополучия, добра, радости, любви, счастья, хорошего настроения, улыбок, ярких впечатлений. Пусть тепло и уют всегда наполняют ваш дом, пусть солнечный свет согревает в любую погоду, а желания исполняются при одной мысли о них
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quietparanoiac · 2 years
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Не оставляй меня одного!
Peter II and his sister Natalya in Елизавета | Elizaveta | Elizabeth (2022)
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romanva · 1 year
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guinevereslancelot · 6 years
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natasha romanov + text posts pt.2
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FanArt - Black Widow
Black Widow (c) Marvel/Disney
Natasha Romanoff is here for answers. Never defy the Black Widow!
This image was drawn in HB pencil and painted in watercolour paints on the 16th March 2021. It was digitally enhanced in GIMP Image Editor on the 16th March 2021. Paper type = 130 gsm  
Please do not repost, modify or sell this image.
(Reblogging is fine, though!)
[Mythical Canary Info]
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marvelsupergirls · 6 years
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gaydelusionaltrash · 3 years
Save me (nat x reader)
TW// Abuse, trauma, injury, memory wiping?, basically just a bucky barnes hydra type situation 
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The lock on the door made a noise and you jumped to attention. Eyes forward, boring into the concrete wall, back straight, arms at your sides. Normally you would've been dressed by now but you had been injured on your last mission and it was slightly more difficult to move.
He came into the room. The whip hung off his belt like it wasn't even worth a glance. You would've loved to study it. To figure out how a little rope hurt that much but you couldn't afford to look away from the wall.
"Good Morning, Child."
"Good Morning, Sir." You replied quietly, but without question. You repeated your ground rules for survival in your head.
Only speak when spoken to.
Do what your told when your told to do it.
No questions or arguments.
Always address Him as Sir.
Don't fail.
Never show weakness, no matter how much it hurts
You weren't the best at the last one. He tucked a finger under your chin. You stayed silent and kept your eyes on the wall in front of you.
"I have a mission for you." He handed you a file. You took it and paused in the air, waiting for further instructions.
"You may read it later." You held it at your side and forced yourself to look past his bald head and greasy mustache. You ignored the scent of cigarettes and beer that followed him everywhere. You didn't want to look at him. Couldn't bear to look into the face of a father who was supposed to love you. Somehow you'd ruined even that. He turned away from you.
"Oh yes, one more thing. This mission is your last change. Defect again and we wipe you."
"Yes Sir." You cursed yourself. Your voice had wavered. He was back in your face in seconds.
"Does that scare you?" He sneered, "You're a spoiled little brat, you know that? You should thank me for letting you live." You continued to stare straight ahead, waiting for him to get bored with his torment. He smacked you across the face with no warning. You scramble backwards into the wall.
"Get. Up." He demanded. You were on your feet in seconds. He slammed you into the wall, his huge hand dug into your jaw. It would definitely bruise.
"I said, You should thank me."
"T-thank you," you managed to say. He grip tightened,
"Thank you what?"
"Th- Thank you si-"
"Look at me!" He demanded, pulling your face towards him. You made eye contact for the smallest second,
"Thank you, Sir." He let go and your feet his the ground. You gained your balance quickly and once again stared straight ahead. He stalked towards the door.
"You have thirty minutes to prepare." He sauntered away. As soon as the lock clicked behind him, you leaned back against the wall, sighing. You rubbed your eye where he'd hit you. You cursed yourself, another shiner, great.
You grabbed your black leather fight suit from the closet and flipped open the file, reading as you changes. You saw a picture in the file. A redheaded lady, probably in her early 20s, and a name stamped above it 'Наталья Романова' or in English, 'Natasha Romanoff'.
The building shuddered and the lock on your door made a noise. You quickly shut the file and pulled a black t-shirt over your head. Hoping it was just a 10 minute warning and you hadn't lost track of time. You moved quickly to attention.
Instead of your muscular father, cigar between his teeth, whip in his belt, there was a younger man. Probably in his late 20s, early 30s, he had blonde hair slicked back in that annoying douche bag way and a white star brazened on his chest.
"At ease." He commanded when he saw you. You relaxed on instinct and looked to him for instructions. He stepped forward and held out his hand. You flinched, then cursed yourself for showing weakness.
"Is He with you?" You whispered, hoping the answer was no so you could avoid another beating, but risking a worse one if it was a yes.
"Who?" The strange man asked. You bit your lip,
"You know, Him." The guy shook his head.
"I don't know who your talking about kid. Unless you mean Johann Shmidt." You nodded vigorously,
"He's not with you?" The man shook his head. You quickly regained your composure in case this was a trap.
"No. Are you with him?"
"With him, Sir?"
"Do you work for him?" You looked at the man, confused,
"I do what he tells me." The man nodded,
"Not by choice though?" The man asked. You found a spot on the wall and stared at it silently.
"Tony," the man said, hand to his ear, "I think she's a hostage...No...Fine, send Natasha...Let me know if...Okay." He removed his hand from his ear. You watched him look at you from the corner of your eye. He turned when the now unlocked door opened, shield raised. Four or Five armed guards walked into the room. He threw his shield at them, fighting them. You turned, forgetting yourself for a moment. He was fighting the guards. Who did he work for? Who's side was he on? You took a deep breath. If this was a test, you'd already failed so fuck it. You joined the fight. releasing a noxious gas from your hands. The black tendrils of smoke surrounded the guards feet and made their way up there faces. A single breath and all their senses went numb. The man had no trouble defeating them after that.
When they were all down he turned to you and nodded. Both of you prepared as the door opened again. There, standing in front of you was the girl from the file. You moved to attention on reflex. She seemed to have a silent conversation with Steve before approaching you. She held out a hand and you flinched back. She pulled it back.
"Hi, I'm Natasha."
"Hello Natasha," you said, trying to keep your voice flat but unable to hide the fear and confusion.
"Can you tell me your name?" You shook your head,
"That's against orders."
"Who's orders?" She asked firm, but kind.
"His as in Johann Shmidt?"
"Yes ma'am." You responded curtly, hoping she wasn't going to punish you for forgetting the formalities earlier in the conversation.
"My friend Steve and I don't work for him. We are a team called The Avengers. We fight people like Johann Shmidt." You looked at her, concerned.
"You can't fight Him. No one can fight Him." She nodded patiently, then turned to Steve.
"She's not lying. Lets get her to the jet. We can figure the rest out later."
She gave you a soft smile and slowly reached a hand towards you. You tried not to flinch back as you watched it approach.
"Would you like to come with us?" You weren't sure why you couldn't say to her, but you found your self nodding.
"Yes ma'am." She took your hand and lead you from the room. You could see the man, Steve, behind you, watching your six just in case.
The first thing that struck you about the jet was the smell. Antiseptic, maybe. Bleach? Either way, it smelled clean. Cleaner than anything you'd ever experienced before. It was shiny too. The walls were some type of metal, they seemed to almost shimmer. The jet itself was fairly organized. You recognized an emergency medical station in the corner. It also seemed to have strap in seats lining the wall. Natasha lead you to the furthest one. She dropped your hand and turned.
You moved to attention, waiting for further instructions. She turned back around.
"Hey, how about you sit?" You dropped into the seat immediately after her instruction. She gave you a smile.
"Good. I'm going to go round up the rest of the team. You stay here, okay?" You nodded curtly,
"Yes Ma'am." The part of you that was trained to comply and the part of you that was terrified were clashing. They were brandishing weapons and charging into war in your head. Fear. That's really all it was. All anything you did ever was. Fear. Fear of the punishments, fear of your father, fear that they would wipe you, fear that these new people were with Him, fear that they would hurt you even worse. But a tiny part of you had lit for the first time since you were a child. Hope. So there you were, waiting for the avengers to take you to their headquarters.
Suddenly people flooded into the jet. No one even looked at you twice until Natasha and Steve filed in at the back. You remained seated, as ordered, and stared at the wall ahead. You weren't sure of the hierarchy of the team so you continued to follow Natasha's orders.  
"Who's the kid?" You heard a man ask. You didn't look at him of course, but you began analyzing him. Your first thought: he has issues with his parents, most likely his father.
"We don't know her name. She was a hostage, she has powers." The man studied you,
"What's your name?" You continued to look ahead,
"That is against orders, Sir." He shook his head,
"You don't need to follow orders you know, it's not like someone's going to punish you." You flinched. Natasha stood.
"Stark, shut up." She came and sat next to you.
"You are safe with us. No one is going to give you orders. You may tell us your name if you would like, or not. It is completely up to you, but if you gave us something to call you, it would make our lives a lot easier." You took a deep breath.
"The guards called my Agent 4, ma'am." Your voice was quiet, but not inaudible. Natasha nodded.
"Do you mind if we just call you Four?"
"No ma'am." She gave you another smile, then turned to the team,
"Guys, this is Agent Four. We will call her Four until she decides to tell us her name."
"Hi, I'm Clint Barton." The man with the bow stepped forward. Natasha's hand shot out to stop him from approaching you. He sat back down, "Nice to meet you."
"You as well, Sir."
"You can just call me Clint, no need for formalities." You nodded,
"My apologies, Mr. Barton." He shrugged, "Better than sir...Anyways, this is the team. Tony Stark," he pointed to Daddy issues. You nodded a greeting. "Steve Rogers." You nodded to the man wearing the flag suit. "Bruce Banner," the shy looking man with glasses gave you an anxious smile. You simply nodded at him. You began analyzing each of the team members.
You already knew Mr. Stark had parental Issues, but while listening to their conversation you realized he was also a narcissist and desperate for love and attention. You noticed Natasha was like you in that she was trained. She sat straighter than everyone else and observed them as you did. You watched her read them like a book. Mr. Barton also seemed to observe everyone around him, but not in a spy-ish way. He was like a bird. He even seemed inclined towards climbing into the vents. Mr. Rogers seemed hurt, like he was missing something or someone, but trying to be strong. He seemed to be the official leader of the team and believed he was in control. Really, it seemed they were more of a team than they realized. Everyone apart from Banner, who stood back and waited for his turn.
"Four," You turned to Natasha, her face was impassive but her voice was caring, "we're almost at the compound. It's a large tower. We'll take the elevator to the eleventh floor, where Bruce will give you a quick medical scan to make sure you aren't seriously injured, I'll give you a tour of the main floors, then you will be given a bedroom." You nodded, eternally grateful for the heads up.
When you got the compound they wanted to do exactly that. You followed Bruce to the lab, but when he realized how uncomfortable you were with the checkup he simply asked you if you were in any pain. When you said no, he let you leave without scanning you.
Natasha met you outside the room and gave you a quick tour. The building was more open than you had expected. No dark corridors or cells to be found. It wasn't lacking privacy though. Each door that wasn't labeled was a bedroom and Friday, the AI system, would guide you wherever you needed to go. You mapped out the building in your head easily. Noting all the exists and the nearest places to find weapons if needed. Finally, Natasha brought you to your room.
You had to stop yourself from gasping. There was a large queen bed in the center of the room, accompanied by a night stand on either side. The walls were a soft, homey grey and the floor was a soft white carpet. There was a connected bathroom with a shower as well. It was more than you were used to.
"Okay," Natasha said with a smile, "I'll let you settle in. Will 10 minutes suffice?" You nodded,
"Yes ma'am." She gave you a soft smile,
"You can just call me Natasha if you would like. I'm going to send Starks assistant to get some clothes for you. Do you have any preferences?" You shook your head,
"No ma- No."
"Okay, i'll be back in about 10min and i'll walk you to dinner, okay?" You gave her a curt nod. When she left the room, closing the door behind her, you began circling the room. There appeared to be no cameras, which you were grateful for. When you tried the door, it opened. You weren't sure how to react to that. You could leave if you wanted. Not that you would since Natasha said she would be back for you in 10 minutes. Still, something about having the ability to leave brought you comfort.
You explored the rest of the room. There was a large closet filled with an assortment of clothes, hand me downs from the team probably. You eyed a large hoodie longingly. You hadn't worn anything that wasn't tight and uncomfortable in years. You didn't dare change though.
You peeked in the bathroom. The walls were an off white and there was a large mirror above the sink. You looked at your reflection. There was a purpleish ring forming around one of your eyes. The other eye was adorned with a dark back, evidence of many sleepless nights. A smear of dirt contoured your left cheek and a slight spatter of blood added to your freckles. You were really a nightmare to look at if you did say so yourself. No wonder they guessed you were a hostage.
You jumped at the slight knock on the bathroom door.
"Sorry," the new woman smiled in the doorway, obviously unsure of her next move. You cocked your head at her, curious. Her orangeish brown hair hung in loose waves around her shoulders and she spoke with the slightest accent, "the door was open, so I just...sorry."
"My apologies, Ma'am. I wasn't aware that the door was supposed to remain shut." You knew Natasha had said that the people here were your equals, that you didn't have to call them sir or ma'am and that they wouldn't give you orders, but you weren't sure how else to interact with people. It seemed wrong.
"No, no. You don't have to close your door, it's my fault really, I got curious." She gave a smile,
"You know, you don't look at bad as you think. Here, let me help." She flicked her wrist and a towel wet itself in the sink, then flew to her hand. She reached out to touch you, but you flinched back. She dropped her hand.
"Oh, um sorry. Here." She handed you the washcloth. You bit your lip, not sure how to react.
"I'm just gonna go." She started to leave, then turned back.
"Oh, I'm Wanda by the way. It's nice to meet you." You jumped, looking at her panicked.
"Okay, well see you around."
You looked down at the rag for a moment before bringing it to your face and wiping away some of the grime. You would need to check with Natasha about the shower restrictions. Once satisfied with the the dent you'd made in the grime on your face and arms, you walked back into the room, stopping at the closet again, considering the clothes. There was a soft knock on the door and Natasha sauntered back in.
"Hey," she greeted softly, "ready for dinner?" You turned away from the closet to look at her. She gave you a smile,
"Would you like to change first?" You watched her, not sure if it was a trap.
"Okay, you change. I'm going to stand outside your door. You come out when you're finished. Does that sound okay?" You nodded,
"Thank you...Natasha." You said quietly, not even sure if she heard you as she walked back out of the room and shut the door quietly.
She had heard you though and her heart leaped. Progress. You trusted her. She wanted more than anything she'd ever wanted before to keep you safe, not only that but to make you feel safe, to make you back into a person again because she had a hunch you were quite an amazing one.
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