#снᴇжнᴀя коᴘолᴇвᴀ гердa
ecofinisher · 3 years
Y'ALL, how can people not lose their minds by seeing the way they look at each other? 😭
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ecofinisher · 3 years
Lady Frost and the Fire King - A familiar partnership - Chap 39
Chapter 39
In the evening several students had arrived at the Françoise Dupont school to attend the prom night organized by the school.
In the meantime, other students, which were invited for the prom were arriving as well at the moment, under them, Rollan was present along with Wayhem and Michael. Wayhem wore a black shirt and pants, which were from Gabriel, and a red tie, which belonged to the same brand. Michael wore dark-brown pants and a green vest with a bow tie.
„You paid 140 euros for that all?“ Asked Rollan shocked as he looked at the dark colors the boy wore.
„I like it. I‘m also planning to use it in the future on other occasions. No one says it‘s a one-time deal,“ Said Wayhem making Rollan nod.
„Unless it‘s a wedding. I hear many people do buy clothes for every different wedding. At least women,“ Commented Michael. „And the dress prices for women compared to our are huge,“
„Have you seen the prices for elegant suits of other brands? Or better for the ones specially used in weddings? They‘re more expensive than you think,“
„Okay, I believe so,“ Admitted Michael and the trio stopped in the middle of the court to see a few students standing around talking, two duos dancing and a few ones at the bankett table eating.
„Are you guys going to eat something?“ Asked Rollan making Wayhem nod and Michael shake his head.
„I‘ll be waiting here for Sofia,“ Responded Michael making the two boys nod.
„I‘m actually interested in trying out those snacks,“ Commented Wayhem, then Rollan nodded.
„I‘m actually a little hungry. I‘m coming as well,“ Mentioned Rollan, which followed Wayhem at the table to check out the various plates with different snacks, which had already a few missing.
„Lots of healthy snacks,“ Commented Rollan picking up a small toothpick with two cherry tomatoes and a mozzarella ball in it and shove a tomato into his mouth. Wayhem had picked up in the meanwhile from an etagere a triangle-cut sandwich with ham and salad and looked at Rollan taking the last two balls from his toothpick.
„Hey over there you got sweet stuff if you‘re interested,“ Commented Wayhem pointing at the end of the table, where Rollan just walked to encounter a plate with macarons only, then looked at the other ones and decided to pick up a half banana, which was covered in dry chocolate cream, which Rollan looked at it with a warily look.
„This looks interesting?“ Asked Rollan taking the stick, where the banana was attached to and took a bite from it, and smiled. „Mmh,“
„While you‘re on that I‘m gonna take this large Linzer cookie,“ Mentioned Wayhem picking up a large cookie, which had a smiley face on it, where you could see the jam filling of it. „Is this strawberry?“
Rollan finished the banana, then looked at Wayhem which was tasting the cookie and Rollan looked at the entrance to see more students enter, but there was no spurt of Gerda yet.
„Did you come on your own or have you a date?“ Asked Rollan making Wayhem shake his head.
„Nope, I‘m all on my own,“ Mumbled the brunette. „I‘m fine for now,“
„Okay,“ Replied Rollan walking around the table to look at the available snacks, then approached a table across the one with the salty snacks and looked at all the glass, that had been filled in with various drinks and Rollan picked up one, which was grape juice then he took a sip of it and frowned a little disappointed at the taste. Rollan watched the baker of the bakery across the school appear with a plate with hot ham croissants and added them into a plate, which had been empty.
„Want to give my croissants a try?“ Asked Mr. Dupain. „They‘re filled with smoked ham and cream cheese Trust me, you‘re going to love it,“
Rollan smiled, then picked up one to try it and blew at it due to its temperature.
„Gracias,“ Answered Rollan, then Tom pondered for a little while and questioned the boy.
„You‘re alone here?“ Asked the adult making Rollan shake his head.
„Wayhem and Michael came with me,“ Answered Rollan. „There‘s also a girl, I‘m waiting for, but she hasn‘t arrived yet,“
„Really?“ Asked Tom making Rollan nod, then Tom approached the raven-haired Spaniard and led him to his side, where three piles of plates were and took one for the boy. „Why don‘t you collect this girl a few little snacks for her to when she arrives?“ Asked Tom watching Rollan look at the plate and shrug his shoulders.
„I guess it‘s a good idea,“ Commented Rollan and looked at the large variation, wondering what he should pick. „Epa, how should I know, what she‘s interested in?“
„You don‘t have to, just take a few things you think she should try. A few salty things, sweet things or healthy things,“ Suggested Tom. „There must be something, that would make her curious to try,“
„Yeah, I think there are a few things she could try,“ Admitted Rollan, then approached the table to look for diversity.
At the entrance, stood Kim together with Max and Nino talking with an African student, which wore headphones and carried under his arm a laptop.
„You‘re telling me, that Yuki and Urioto broke up because of an empty balloon someone left in his dorm?“ Questioned Kim shocked making the boy nod.
„It‘s hella stupid man. Werner only was in his room to ask Urioto‘s roommate for his party box and he had dropped it and eventually left it there. He wasn‘t expecting that there would happen such a big drama,“
„That‘s nuts,“ Commented Kim while Nino nodded.
„I don‘t know how people could mistake that for a contraceptive product, but yeah that really is crazy, that the two boys there fought because of this,“
„It‘s kind of weird this even happened that way,“ Commented Max making Kim nod.
„Hey before you go up at the stage, are you interested in meeting Rollan? The guy I told you about the basketball skills?“ Asked Kim making the older boy shrug his shoulders.
„I‘ve got to see, what exactly I have to plug in and out at the device, maybe I‘ll pass by before I start or after my part is over,“ Answered the dark-skinned boy making Kim nod, which then heard a familiar, squeaky voice and looked down to spot Luka coming along with his sister, the younger girl Rose and the new girl he knows from his class Gerda.
„Hey is that Gerda?“ Asked Kim surprised at seeing Gerda in a short, sleeveless dress with a woven surface over her front and small, white pearls on it. The skirt of the dress reached to her knees and had her shoes replaced with black ballerinas. Her hair she had let it open, passing over her shoulders down at her back. Nino looked along with Max and the DJ at the Quartett, that came upstairs.
„Hey guys!“ Greeted Rose, while Juleka waved at the group and Luka nodded with a smirk.
„Hey,“ Greeted Kim along with the others, while the unfamiliar boy approached Luka to high five.
„Is that your girl?“ Asked the boy curious making Luka shake his head.
„No, this is Gerda. She‘s in my sister‘s class,“ Answered Luka. „She has been invited to the prom by someone else if you‘re wondering,“
„Oh okay. Well, I‘d be surprised if someone like her wouldn‘t have someone. She‘s a natural beauty,“ Commented the boy with a smirk making Gerda feel embarrassed.
„Thanks,“ Answered Gerda, then looked up at the boys. „Has Rollan arrived yet?“ Asked Gerda making Kim shrug his shoulders.
„I know Wayhem did. Maybe he is in there as well and I haven‘t noticed,“ Answered the Vietnamese boy, then Gerda looked at Rose, which smiled and the group followed into the court, looking around at the decorations made for the evening, which were holiday-themed.
„The images up there of the things you see at the beach look realistic,“ Commented Gerda making Rose nod.
„That made our crafting club,“ Mentioned Rose proud. „A big chunk of the things we see all here now at the prom were done by the various after school activity groups,“ „Cool,“ Commented Gerda, then she spotted near the buffet tables Rollan looking around the table for more food for the plate on his hand, then Gerda chuckled and nudged Rose to show her his crush. „He‘s up there,“
„Aww, he‘s just like Nathaniel. Passionate about eating,“ Commented Rose holding her hands together against her chin.
Gerda approached the Spaniard, which was looking at the macarons, then she stepped beside him to look at his plate.
„That looks yummy,“ Commented Gerda, then Rollan looked at the girl and widened his eyes as he saw her now differently as usual.
„Gerda?…..Is that you?“ Asked Rollan surprised making Gerda nod. „I have never seen your hair open…...“
„Is it good?“ Asked Gerda while Rollan admired her hair dazzled, then Gerda moved her hand in front of his face to obtain his attention. „What do you think of it?“
„Your hair?“ Asked Rollan making Gerda nod. „It‘s great. Did your hair always look like this, when you had it open?“
„More or less,“ Commented Gerda. „Juleka cut the edges of my hair, cause it was a little sprouted,“
„You gotta keep your hair like that more often, it makes you look even more beautiful…..You know, you already are but like this you‘re…..uh better,“ Explained Rollan making Gerda laugh.
„That‘s sweet and you look stunning as well,“ Commented Gerda looking at his clothing. „White actually suits you well,“
„Gracias….I actually was going to take a red one, but then Arthur came along with a few of his old ones and I picked up this one here. It‘s slightly a little large, but it works well for me,“
„It really does,“ Admitted Gerda, then Rose gave Gerda a thumb up, which pulled Juleka away leaving the Norwegian back with the taller boy. Gerda watched her friends leave, heading to the other side of the court, then she smiled that the two girls have let her alone with Rollan without any other tries of helping them out.
„Gerda?“ Spoke Rollan getting the girl‘s attention, then he showed her the plate with the various snacks. „I picked up some variations for you….to try it out?“ Offered the Hispanic boy making Gerda smile and pick up a crystalized ginger slice to eat it. „If you want you can take them all. I had specifically picked up them for you,“
„I‘m probably not gonna eat all of this. You can have one or two as well,“ Said Gerda making Rollan nod, then she picked up one macaron and held it in front of Rollan‘s mouth, making him furrow his eyebrows, then he smiled and allowed Gerda to lead it into his mouth for him to eat. Rollan warped his face in disgust making Gerda shut her eyes up in shock.
„You‘re alright?“
„I‘m not very fond of pistachio,“ Commented Rollan making Gerda chuckle.
„Oh alright I‘m sorry,“
„It‘s fine,“ Commented Rollan watching Gerda take a small canapé with salmon on it and Rollan observed her eating with a smile.
At the small stage, which was placed under the stairs appeared the organized DJ, which had fixed his laptop to play on it and picked the microphone up to greet the students.
„Good evening students of the Françoise Dupont!“ Greeted the boy calling the attention of half of the students. „The name‘s Cristiano and I‘m one of the DJs for this prom. For the next 90 minutes you‘ll be listening to my mix, afterward, Principal Damocles will have for us a few words, before we continue with our next DJ, which most of you know, Nino Lahiffe. In the end, there will be a voting for our prom King and prom Queen and we will know who our winners are. So I suggest you all show your best side and show what you‘re worth for the prize!“
The students applauded watching the DJ give them a thumb up, then turn on the first song, which was a house-electronica song meant for partying.
„Oh yeah, our first song coming from the US-Rapper Okla-Homa. Always good for a wild night,“ Commented Cristiano loud watching students beginning to gather together in the middle to dance.
Gerda watched the students begin to dance with each other, then chuckled at the way some were dancing which was unfamiliar to Gerda. Gerda moved her fingers to pick up the last snack, which was a vanilla cookie and at the same time Rollan placed his finger as well meeting Gerda‘s and shrieked, then rolled his eyes at the girl, which beamed at the boy.
„You can take it,“ Offered Rollan shoving it with his index finger at the girl, which accepted it to eat. Rollan placed the plate aside afterward watched Gerda finish the cookie and looked up at Rollan, which smiled and looked at the students, that were dancing, additionally more students were arriving to join the others.
„Can you dance?“ Asked Gerda making Rollan shrug his shoulders.
„I can waltzer and others in company, but this style the others are doing I have never done before,“
„Neither have I,“ Stated Gerda. „Shouldn‘t we at least give it a try together?“
„Hmm I don‘t think it looks that hard….just in my imagination me doing that would be ridiculous,“
„If you want me to be honest I think everyone kind of dances awkwardly. Maybe this is the point of it,“ Commented Gerda making Rollan shrug his shoulders. „What do you think? Are you able to give it a try?“ Questioned the Norwegian girl, then Rollan watched the others dance and returned his eyes at Gerda.
„Let‘s go for it,“ Answered Rollan, then walked along with Gerda at the field, then both stood there waiting for one of the two to start, then Gerda watched Rollan observe the others, then looked back at her grinning a little sheepishly and Gerda began to dance as the others with Rollan watching her, then she approached the Spaniard placing her hands on his arms pushing him nearer to her and moved her shoulders and arms. Rollan grinned at Gerda‘s moves, then tried to copy the girl and looked at the others, which were all dancing on their own or with another person. Rollan looked back at Gerda, which continued dancing as the others were dancing, then Rollan slowly began to copy her moves and watched her nod and do a full spin, making Rollan smile, which stopped and did a quick spin while going on a tip toe and earned a small applause of Gerda.
„Hey that spin was good,“ Commented Gerda making Rollan chuckle, then he began to move his arms and dance, making Gerda glow at his confidence at copying the random movements, therefore she went along with the boy with their odd dance moves while the song was almost over.
„This is kind of funny,“ Commented Gerda making Rollan nod, then looked at the others, which began to jump up in the air, while holding their hands up and the duo did the same, then Gerda laughed excited about it.
„Eso es genial!“ Commented Rollan making Gerda grin, then the song was over and they stopped along with a few duos.
Marinette sat in her bedroom doing her homework and had on the computer a live stream of the prom night, which showed the DJ playing the music and it switched slowly to the dancing students. Marinette sighed, then picked up her smartphone to use the calculator, then shrieked as on her display appeared a phone number calling, which she attended it.
„Hello?“ Greeted Marinette.
„We‘re here,“ Said the voice making Marinette nod and turn the call off. Marinette went upstairs to get to the balcony, then encountered on the roof Su-Han along with a mysterious monk she had never seen before.
„Good evening,“ Greeted Marinette, then Su-Han held out his hand at Marinette to show her the fixed Ladybug miraculous making her smile and embrace the senior, which widened his eyes in shock. „Thank you so much for healing the miraculous for me,“
„There‘s no need to thank me for it. Now please put on your earrings to make sure she‘s good,“ Commented Su-Han watching Marinette put on the miraculous, then they got activated and Tikki showed up in front of Marinette.
„Welcome back, Tikki,“ Greeted Marinette holding out her hands at the kwami, which smiled and hugged them. „I‘m so sorry I have let an akuma take over me and…...you were now gone for a while,“ „What matters is, that we‘re both okay and the akuma was defeated,“ Stated Tikki making Marinette smile and look along with the kwami at the master guardian.
„This is the son of the former guardian of the Scandinavian miraculous box. He was going to step into his feet as the next heir until one faithful night the Snow Queen cursed the entire peninsula with her curse freezing almost every citizen including his father,“
„Oh and what happened next?“ Questioned Marinette looking at the monk.
„I never got the chance to work with that miraculous box, so after the Snow Queen was defeated I studied other legends, under them was the one of the wishing stone and this is where my topic is going to. You have these two new heroes in your group. The fire-themed one and the ice-themed one,“ „Yeah, Cat Noir said he found it in Gabriel Agreste‘s mansion. He has brought them from Norway I think according to his son Adrien Agreste, which we tried to send him undercover into figuring out details,“ Explained Marinette. „I already mentioned you that the other day, Master Su-Han,“
„I know that. This is now a way different topic now. Let him tell you, what he has to,“
„Okay, sorry, go on, Mister,“ Asked Marinette looking at the monk, which nodded.
„Those miraculouses your friends there were, you know the one with the fire and the ice powers. They‘re in potential danger to lose their control and be overtaken by the spirits of the Snow Queen and the Fire Demon. You have to get these miraculouses back, before they get turned into their slaves and lose their control for good,“
„Oh…...uh and how much time do I have to take them back?“
„I‘m not sure. I‘m the one, who experimented with their powers believing nothing would occur, but I have seen in one of the recordings made by surveillance cameras or any other ones, that recorded one of their fights. The fire boy‘s mind was nearly changing before something had interrupted him and prevent him to lose its tempter,“
„Does this mean…..if Fire King loses his tempter in a way he loses his control or….I don‘t understand,“
„I can‘t tell to 100% when exactly this could happen, but you really need to get them back before it happens. The spirits of the Fire Demon and the Snow Queen shouldn‘t be freed. They should return back into the wishing stone and I‘m at the moment the only one, who knows how to do that. I just need your help,“
„Okay, I just will need to know, where they are exactly. I don‘t know their identities to have it easier to find them,“
„Is there a way to gain their attention and get to them? Like a real-life issue? A faked akumatization?“ Questioned the monk making Marinette shrug.
„I haven‘t thought of anything yet, but I can come up quick with a plan,“
„We better leave it to you then and beware, if one or both of them end up losing their souls to these spirits, I‘ll tell you, it will be the hell to be able to defeat them all over again,“ Commented the monk making Marinette drop her mouth in shock at his comment.
„Don‘t break your head about it. I have my full trust in you, you‘re going to get them without a problem,“ Mentioned Su-Han making Marinette nod, then he jumped down off the roof along with the monk and Marinette dropped her back on the deck chair in shock.
„Did you hear that Tikki? What if we fail again?“ Asked Marinette making Tikki shake her head.
„We‘re not gonna fail, Marinette. All we need to do is to find out, who Fire King and Lady Frost are, then tell them what‘s up. Figuring out, who Fire King is won‘t be hard, Cat Noir already knows and we have proof, that something is wrong with Fire King. He will for sure understand and give the miraculous back,“ Stated Tikki making Marinette nod, then look around and back at Tikki.
„Let‘s get charged, we will look for Cat Noir,“ Warned Marinette making the kwami nod.
Later into the evening, Rollan stood at a corner watching a young couple take a picture in front of a wallpaper, which illustrated at the wall a picture of a beach and the ground had actual sand on it with a deck chair, a handmade sandcastle with a lying, red bucket and a shovel next to it. Rollan watched the couple being pictured by the photographer in a few poses at their choice making Rollan smile and cross his arms enjoying the sight.
The photographer gave the couple a thumb up, then looked at Rollan, which was watching the photo session, then approached the Spaniard.
„Hey! I haven‘t seen you here,“ Commented the photographer, then grabbed Rollan on his cheeks. „You‘re not from here aren‘t you?“
„I‘m from Spain,“ Mumbled Rollan, then watched the photographer take his hands down.
„I assumed you were Italian for some reason, but by looking at your built you‘re far too sporty in my opinion,“ Commented the Italian photographer making Rollan furrow his eyebrows confused.
„My friend Wayhem is sporty and Italian,“ Commented Rollan making the photographer grin.
„You‘re probably right, I was referring to the ones I know,“ Commented Vincent. „At least around here…...what do you think? Would you like to participate in a little photo session? I can see inside you hides a boy, that has potential to become a super model“ Complimented Vincent making Rollan shake his head.
„No, I‘m not interested in that kind of thing. I‘m more interested in being able to do something like helping people,“
„Alright and is it okay, if I take a normal picture of you?“ Questioned Vincent.
„Hmm I‘m not really fond of taking pictures,“ Commented Rollan making the photographer nod, then Rollan made his way along the side of the court to get closer to the restrooms, then watched a cook pass by with a plate filled with various cheese sorts shove into one single pike and Rollan took one giving the cook a smile, then took a bite of the first cube, then watched out of the restroom Gerda come out to his direction.
„Did you want a stick?“ Questioned Rollan moving his head at the cook, which was offering one piece at Myléne Hapréle from Gerda‘s class.
„It‘s fine,“ Responded Gerda, followed by Rollan shoving the last cubes into his mouth and looked around for a trash bin, then placed it on a plate, which contained more used sticks near the buffet table.
„What are you planning to do now?“ Questioned Rollan. „Shall we go to the dance floor again?“
„Are they going to play softer songs and not only the energetic ones?“ Questioned Gerda watching Rollan shrug his shoulders,
„Maybe they will play some,“ Answered Rollan. „We probably have to wait a little longer. They exchanged the musician over there, he might give us something else,“
„You‘re right,“ Agreed Gerda looking at the corner to see Juleka and Rose take pictures together, then she nudged Rollan on the shoulder and pointed there. „They‘re taking pictures,“
„That guy there asked me before if I wanted to take pictures,“
„And you didn‘t want?“
„I‘m not very comfortable with taking photos,“ Admitted Rollan, then she grabbed him by the hand and led him to the corner.
„Come, let‘s just take one picture together. As a memory of this night,“ Suggested the blonde. „Come you won‘t look bad I promise,“
„Alright, I‘ll do it,“ Announced Rollan, then the two stopped by the photographer, which took the last picture of the same-gender couple.
„Fantastic!“ Exclaimed Vicent, then looked at Rollan and Gerda that had alined for the photo session.
„I changed my mind,“ Said Rollan making Vincent smile and see Rose and Juleka pass by the man, then Rose picked the man by his arms as the older duo entered into the corner, so she could whisper something into the ear of the Italian.
„Okay, I‘ll do it,“ Said Vincent, then picked up his remote on his pocket to exchange the image behind the two into an image of a Balinese beach showing a beautifully light-blue water, and near the ground was the sand of the beach, which was compatible with the floor of the set. Vincent looked at the two, which stood beside each other normally, then he moved his hands to sign the two to get closer.
Rollan stepped to Gerda closer with an embarrassed face, while Gerda had rolled her eyes down heating up on the face at the boy‘s approach, then they smiled at the camera, which took a snapshot.
„Have something more in mind for this picture?“ Questioned Vincent seeing Rollan and Gerda look at each other, then Rollan grabbed Gerda‘s hand giving Gerda an unsure look. Gerda had a different idea, then shove the arm, which Rollan had grabbed into the gap between his arm and body, then held her other hand up over his upper arm. Rollan got surprised at her touch, then smiled a little seeing the girl look up at him with a smile, then Rollan‘s grew slightly more and together they faced the photographer, which gave them a thumb up to take a picture. At his third try, Gerda leaned her chin on Rollan‘s shoulder making Rollan exchange his facial expression seconds after the picture was taken and he looked down at the girl.
„Perfecto!“ Commented Vincent, then Rollan looked back at the picture and got bewildered about it.
„Didn‘t we had another picture before?“ Asked Rollan making Gerda shrug her shoulders, then they walked out of the corner to the middle of the court. Rollan stopped, followed by Gerda bumping into him and she giggled as she did that, afterward Rollan pointed out at the DJ, which had picked up his microphone to speak into it.
„Ladies and Gentle-dudes! We‘ve been through a wild ride together, but now it‘s time for us to slow it down a little with some light music and easy listening. I tried to search for something, that‘s a little known under some of you, maybe you‘ve heard it in your childhood, who knows. Our first song comes from a known country singer under the girls here,“ Nino said, then he pressed the play button to start the song, which had at the begin of the music a guitar solo.
The court now remained with couples and duos only beginning to dance slowly to the music.
Gerda looked at the pairs dancing, then noticed how close Juleka and Rose were to each other during the dance with the little blonde having her head lied against the chest of the girl friend. Rollan looked around to see the other couples dance together, then he looked at Gerda seeing her smile enchanted at seeing her two best friends happy together, then Rollan pondered about the circumstances and turned around at the girl.
„Gerda?“ Spoke Rollan earning the girl‘s attention, then he bowed down holding out his hand at the girl. „Puedo solicitor este baile?“
„You're asking me what?“ Asked Gerda looking down at his hand, then studied his sentence. „You‘re asking me to dance?“ Questioned Gerda making Rollan nod. „Oh…..so baile means dance?“
„El baile. Si,“
„Si,“ Responded Gerda. „Quiero bailar,“ Answered Gerda taking Rollan‘s hand, then he guided her into the middle to be distanced from all the other couples, then he received the hands of the blonde and he moved one hand after the other, placing one on his shoulder and the right one on his hand. The free arm, Rollan placed behind Gerda‘s back, then both gazed at each other‘s face, Rollan having a dumbfounded expression while Gerda had an enchanting smile, which had begin to bewitch the Spaniard.
Gerda signaled with her eyes the friend to move further, then Rollan shook his head returning to reality, and began to waltz with the girl to the country song.
The singer began to sing, then Gerda focused on the friend during their act with Rollan leading her on the dancefloor keeping her and himself steady on the floor to avoid making a mistake. Rollan made a stop, then allowed Gerda to roll out, while he held his hand up to hold her and she returned back to the Spaniard, that reversed back with her on his arms. A few steps later Rollan let Gerda spin again, then she returned back into his arms slowly locking her eyes up with the ones of the Spaniard, making her wide them from seeing his maroon-colored eyes.
„But you came along and you‘ve changed everything…..“
The two teens waltzed together away from their standing point around the floor along with the other duos, which were focused on themselves leaving the two lovebirds go with the flow in a very identical manner without a failure as if they had been practicing together for a while.
Alya, which had been filming from the side the people dancing had Juleka and Rose pass near her, then noticed Rose point at the side, then Alya saw Rollan along with Gerda have wonderful act together making the alter ego of Rena Rouge smile and aim the camera at the duo, which was slowing down a little to go along with the song.
During the dance, Gerda had twirled around Rollan‘s arms, then he felt the long, blonde hair pass in front of his nose, making him chuckle and he grabbed the edge of Gerda‘s streak to sense it between his thumb and index finger.
„Has your hair always felt so smooth?“ Questioned Rollan making Gerda chuckle and shake her head.
„Juleka borrowed me her hair conditioner. Oh and have you smelt the scent of the shampoo I got from her?“
„Uh no?“ Responded Rollan, then Gerda moved her head down at Rollan‘s hand, then he reached his nose to her hairstreak to pick up the scent. Rollan cackled, thereafter he leaned his face nearer to her head to get the full scent into his nose and took his head back. „It‘s very good. What smell is that?“
„Honey and Almond,“ Responded Gerda. „It‘s a mixture. You like it?“
„To be honest I like that smell on you. It fits you perfectly,“ Admitted the Spaniard, making Gerda beam at his compliment. Rollan smiled glad at seeing his date was having a blast tonight, then adjusted the girl‘s hand back on him to lead the girl along the dancefloor, making her drop her head back smiling brightly as the song returned to the refrain.
„You lift my feet off the ground, spin me around…..“
„Hmm…..Hmm…..“ Gerda hummed to the song, making Rollan smile enamored at the sweet tune of her voice. She took her head up to look at the Spaniard, which had his eyes deeply focused on her, then she went along his lead on the floor and made a rotation, while being assisted by Rollan afterward she returned onto his arms.
„I don‘t want to hide it anymore…..“ Rollan leaned his forehead on Gerda‘s making her smile lovely, enjoying the tender moment between the two, then gazed up at the brown eyes of the Spaniard, which from a happy smile changed to a charmed one and Gerda placed her hands up under Rollan‘s chin to plant her lips on his making him wide his eyes at her move, then he shut them down, wrapping his arms around her slowly, followed by taking the lead and have Gerda move her arms down up on his shoulders, crossing her wrists on the other behind Rollan‘s neck with a slight mumbling noise of delight.
Adrien sat on his chair in front of the desk reading a book as Plagg sat on the desk looking at the live stream of the prom watching the crowd dance slow, which made Plagg yawn.
„Your father did well to not allow you to this. It looks so boring,“ Commented Plagg, then Adrien looked at the stream to see half of the duos, which were mostly lovers to the other have their heads leaned to each other to the calm style of the music.
„If I had the chance there to be with Ladybug or even with Kagami, it would have been pretty,“ Commented Adrien, then looked at the side to see images on the side mostly from Ladybug and two of them were from Kagami.
„You had great chances with Kagami, but you fucked it up by yourself because you couldn‘t leave alone your other crush,“
„I tried to forget her, but I couldn‘t,“ Commented Adrien. „Kagami was my chance to get through it, but I couldn‘t from seeing Ladybug every day,“
„You know the difference here Adrien is, you didn‘t always see Ladybug because it was a superhero case, you saw her because you wanted to. You missed moments, you could work on your relationship with Kagami or even something different, but you didn‘t,“
„Alright, alright, Plagg. Enough. I know I did terrible back there. I would have taken it all back, but I can‘t,“
„Yeah. Fire King probably will learn it from your mistakes or at least I hope he‘s going different,“ Commented Plagg looking at the screen, making Adrien raise his left eyebrow up then noticed on the live stream Fire King‘s alter ego sharing a kiss with Gerda.
„Well at least he seems pretty relaxed for a first kiss,“ Stated Adrien, then he got up and made his way to the windows to look at the schoolhouse, which was lightened by lights. „I think our class is the only class, where a few students didn‘t go to attend the prom. I, Nathaniel, Lila, and Marinette I think too,“ „Weird, why wouldn‘t Lila come?“ Questioned Plagg making Adrien shrug his shoulders.
„I assume her mom didn‘t sign her declaration. The same thing happened when we went to New York and Toronto. Marinette probably stayed back because of the bakery tasks for tonight. Nathaniel must have been because of his grandmother,“ Recounted Adrien then saw in front of his eyes the superheroine Ladybug pass by running above the roofs, heading to the Trocadero.
„Oh look Ladybug is back,“ Stated Adrien with a smile.
„Great to know Tikki is alright,“ Added Plagg, then Adrien looked down at her.
„Shall we do her a little visit? Just to see how she‘s doing?“ Questioned Adrien making Plagg shrug his shoulders.
„I don‘t care to be honest, but it‘s better than watching this boring live stream there,“ Responded Plagg, then Adrien opened the window and announced his transformation phrase.
„Plagg, Claws out!“ Shouted Adrien transforming into Cat Noir, then jumped out of the window to follow the superheroine and whistled loud to call Ladybug‘s attention, which stopped on top of a building before crossing the Seine.
„Cat Noir?“ Asked Ladybug watching Cat Noir arrive by the roof. „Oh great to see you right now,“
„How are you doing? What‘s with Tikki?“ Asked Cat Noir making Ladybug nod.
„She‘s fine now. Thanks for asking. Great that you showed up right now. I need your help, remember what happened last time with Fire King?“
„You mean his transformation issue?“ Questioned the blonde making the heroine nod. „What‘s up with it?“
„Su-Han introduced me to a monk and he told me about a relict they call the wishing stone. Fire King and Lady Frost‘s powers in the miraculous were taken from there….we have to take their miraculouses away or they both will lose their minds to the Snow Queen and the Fire Demon, which will cause destruction to our city. This apparently already happened 100 years or more ago and they were hardly manageable to defeat.“ „Really?“ Asked Cat Noir in shock. „And how are we gonna do that?“ Asked Cat Noir.
„You know, who Fire King is, right?“ Asked the blue-haired heroine making Cat Noir nod. „You‘ll talk to him, what‘s up and retrieve his miraculous, and I will see if I can find Lady Frost anywhere. If you spot there anyone with a wreath, that resembles Lady Frost try to speak to her. Or we‘ll have to wait for her to show up,“
„You could ask Rena Rouge to fake a situation and call her attention?“ Suggested Cat Noir, making Ladybug wide her eyes.
„Hey, that could work. Make your way up to Fire King, if you know where he is. I‘ll see if I can contact Rena Rouge,“ Ordered Ladybug watching Cat Noir salute at her and jump down at the road to head to the school.
At the prom after a couple of songs, Gerda and Rollan had gotten nearer with the other during the evening. Rollan was leading the girl during the current song, which had more pep than the previous one, then smiled as Gerda lied her head next to his face to lean on the shoulder.
„How are you feeling?“ Asked Rollan quiet, then heard the girl sighed enamored and the Spaniard understood, that she had been feeling well. „This is….“Began Rollan, then chuckled softly to watch Gerda move up her head to look at the raven-haired boy. „I have never thought about how both of us would have come this closer. I assumed we would be just friends and now…….this all happened,“
Gerda nodded, then leaned her arms around Rollan‘s head to nudge him with her nose gently.
„Me neither,“ Commented Gerda. „But when I got to know you a little I began to want more than just this,“
Rollan chuckled, then held his arms down aside Gerda‘s waist, allowing her to lean her forehead on his, then he rolled his eyes down to look into her crystal-blue eyes, which kept her focus on the brown iris.
„Remember, when I spoke about that one girl I liked?“ Asked Rollan making Gerda mumble.
„Uh hum,“ „You know I believe….I really never loved that girl. It‘s…..I don‘t know. I saw her every day and thought Damn, she‘s so beautiful, I never understood what was up there if I just found her pretty and was glad, when I was around her. With you….it‘s…..different. I‘m glad to see you and have you as a friend….. We…..we understand each other's lives and could be with each other when no one else could,“
„I have never been in love with someone before. You‘re the first guy I do perceive something and the need to get closer to you just grew more, instantly, that…..now that we‘re here together I‘m…...I couldn‘t be happier now,“
„I‘m sorry I didn‘t realize before how you felt about me,“ Apologized Rollan making Gerda chuckle, then get her head away from the boy to gaze at him.
„It‘s alright. You…..you spoke once about her right?“ Questioned Gerda making Rollan shrug his shoulders.
„I believe so. Her personality from the short time I saw her reminded me of you,“ Commented Rollan.
„Where did you see her in those short moments?“ Questioned Gerda curious, then Rollan pondered about what he should answer.
„Uhm basketball, after school,“ Lied Rollan making Gerda chuckle.
„This took you long to answer?“ Commented Gerda a little bewildered making Rollan nod.
„I had forgotten the word,“ Commented Rollan. „I‘m sorry,“
„It‘s alright,“
„I haven‘t seen that girl in her…...true form you know,“ Stated Rollan. „She wears a…..a long coat and has more makeup on her face, but I‘m not complaining about it. It‘s made well on her, it‘s not overly exaggerated as you‘ve seen on that blonde girl, that you saw bickering with Aurore from my class,“ Commented Rollan making Gerda chuckle.
„That‘s Chloé. Yeah, she‘s a little overdressed and overpainted. There I have to agree. This is why I begged Juleka and Rose to keep my face decent. I wanted you to like me for my real me, not an overly-changed Gerda,“ Stated Gerda watching Rollan cup her cheek, passing his thumb under her eye to uncover a bit of make-up, which had covered the freckles.
„I can‘t believe they covered up your skin points,“ Mentioned Rollan making Gerda a little confused, then figure out what he meant.
„Ah freckles you mean,“ Commented Gerda making Rollan nod, then Gerda took her hands down to grab Rollan‘s to question him something. „Just curious, what do you like about me? Do you have anything specific?“
„Personality-wise or something else?“
„Up to you.“
„Your kindness and confidence you‘ve shown, have caught my eye a lot,“ Commented Rollan, then both shrieked as the DJ had picked up the microphone making it shrill.
„Ops sorry dudes,“ Commented Nino, then showed up a paper on his hands. „Before our last song, I‘d like to announce to you the winners of the voting. As said before, The most voted girl and boy become the King and the Queen of the prom and in second place we get the Prince and the Princess. So open up your ears and listen up,“ Said Nino watching Principal Damocles come up at the stage along with Mrs. Mendeleiev, which were bringing the crowns and the tiaras for the winners. „Those aren‘t real ones, by the way, those were created by the crafting club together with the design club of Mr. Ross and Mr. Nickel,“ Explained Nino watching half of the students applaud.
„Okay dudes, we‘ll start with the second place“ Announced Nino. „Princess of the prom night tonight will be with 21 votes Aurore Boreal from class 12B!“ Announced Nino looking at the light, which searched for the girl, that was near the stage jumping excitedly in front of Wayhem and Luka, which observed the girl get up on the stage to receive the tiara, then the Principal ordered the girl to step forward at the stage to look at the crown, still excited about her win. „Our Prince Charming has gotten silver with 32 votes. Funnily equally voted by both genders. The award goes to Rollan from class 12B as well!“
„What?“ Asked Rollan confused looking at Gerda, which gave him a thumb up. „Why did I win?“ Asked Rollan confused, then Kim Chien Le showed up to clap the friend on his back.
„I voted for you man,“ Commented Kim, then pointed up the stage for Rollan to walk up in which he did and he received a silver-colored crown.
„Actually boys get the crown. Our DJ misunderstood me,“ Said Principal Damocles after setting the crown over Rollan‘s head, then he walked at Aurore, which waved at the Spaniard, which nodded and saw at everyone clapping at him, then swallowed hard tensed about the amount of attention.
Down came Vincent with his camera to take a picture of the two teens, then up the stage appeared the janitor to bring the two a simple rose with a ribbon on it with the number two written on it to hand it out to the silver-winners. After the prize, Rollan returned to Gerda, which stood there with Kim and Max, which were happy about Rollan‘s prize, then Kim held up his hand to have Rollan high-five him.
„What was the prize for?“ Asked Rollan, then watched Max adjust his glasses before explaining him.
„About 145 students had the chance to vote for any girl and anyboy here to become Prom King or Prince. You were elected by 32 students and got second place,“ Explained Max. „According to calculations sportsboys, Chads and anyone good-looking has greater chance to become the most votes, which happened to you,“
„Really?“ Questioned Rollan making Kim nod.
„You‘ve earned our votes. Sadly you didn‘t make it to King thought,“ Mentioned Kim making Max nod.
„I‘m fine with Prince. I would also be fine, if I didn‘t win,“ Mentioned Rollan looking at Gerda, which was looking at the ribbon and the quartett heard the next announcement, afterward Kim began to laugh as he heard Chloé had won the first prize.
„Who voted for her?“ Asked Kim making Rollan shrug his shoulders.
„I had no idea, where to vote,“ Said Rollan, then Gerda pointed at the box under the stage, which had large written Vote on it. „Oh,“
„I would have voted for you, if I knew that,“ Mentioned Rollan making Gerda grin at the comment.
„It‘s fine. I‘m also fine without the prize,“ Commented Gerda, then Kim began to yell as he saw Luka Couffaine get up on stage as he was elected Prom King.
„Almost all my classmates won,“ Commented Rollan making Gerda nod watching Luka and Chloé smile at the camera to get a picture taken, then they moved away and Nino played the next song, which was a pop song, which a soul-like topic.
Rollan placed his hands around Gerda‘s waist again, then watched her place her hands over his shoulders to go on for another dance session together, then she embraced the boy leaning her head by his head and noticed his shirt‘s collar have a notable, failed wrinkle on it, then passed her finger on it.
„Did you iron your shirt?“ Asked Gerda making Rollan nod.
„Yeah, did I miss something?“ Asked the Spaniard making Gerda shake her head.
„No I had noticed one wrinkle on it, which was made by the iron,“
„I was a little trebling with my hands,“ Commented Rollan. „I think I have two more, but under my arms somewhere,“
„Funny I haven‘t noticed anyone yet,“
„You know ironing isn‘t something I do every day, just once a week. Sometimes I do well, sometimes not so well. This one was okay thought,“
„It looks here like you have ironed from your back,“ Commented Gerda. „You know the textile part,“
„I do the arms first, then the body and the collar is the last thing I do,“ Explained Rollan watching Gerda move her head back to listen to his conversation with a charming smile while tapping him on his neck with her index finger. „Maybe the way I learned could help you better,“ Suggested Gerda moving her hand up at the collar lifting it up. „The best thing is to start at the collar and iron it from the inside, afterwards you move it around and go down here at the shoulder part,“ Guided Gerda moving her hand down under his neck, while going up slowly on her tiptoes to peck him on his lips, rousing up the boy, which had lost his attention when following the girl‘s words.
„I will give it a try tomorrow,“ Promised Rollan smiling courteously at the blonde, which replied back with a amused one and placed her head aside his, continuing their last dance under the open skyline over the school ground.
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